Organizing Committee Executive Committee (Japan)

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Organizing Committee Executive Committee (Japan) The Second Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Limnology Environmental Education of Limnology for the Next Generation Organizing Committee Organizer: Japanese Society of Limnology (JSL) Korean Society of Limnology (KSL) Co-organizer: Osaka Kyoiku University President: Norio OGURA (President of JSL), M. S. HAN (President of KSL) Vice-President: Tadashi ARAI (Former President of JSL), Takashi INAGAKI (President of Osaka Kyoiku University) B. K. SEOK, S. W. LEE, D. I. JUNG, S. J. HWANG (Vice Presidents of KSL) Executive Committee (Japan) Chairman: Masao KOBAYASHI (Osaka Kyoiku University) Secretary General: Hiroshi HIROTANI (Osaka Kyoiku University) Program affair: Yoshinari KOBUKE (Hyogo Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences) Proceedings affair: Kazumi TANIDA (Osaka Prefecture University), Hiroshi HIROTANI (Osaka Kyoiku University), Shin-ichi NAKANO (Ehime University), Naoshige GOTO (University of Shiga Prefecture) Korean youth invitation affair: Ichiro NAKAI (Osaka Kyoiku University Attached Senior High School),Akira KAWAKAMI (Kizugawa Headstream Research Center), Yu ISOBE (Nara Bunka Women’s College), Youth presentation affair: Junji TACHIBANA (Osaka Prefecture Education Center),Ichiro NAKAI (Osaka Kyoiku University Attached Senior High School) Youth welcome ceremony affair: Masanori ONAKA (Osaka Kyoiku University) Financial, General affair: Junko MIZUNO (NPO) Publication, General affair: Yasuhiro TAKEMON (Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University), Yoshinori YABUKI (Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences Research Center of Osaka Prefecture), Tomoyasu FUJII (Nara University of Education), Naoya FUJIMURA (Senri High School), Masato SUGIYAMA (Kyoto University), Shuichi ENDOH (Shiga University), Osamu MITAMURA (University of Shiga Prefecture), Hiromi HAMADA (Chiba University) , H. D. PARK (Shinshu University), – 1 – The Second Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Limnology Environmental Education of Limnology for the Next Generation Executive Committee (Korea) T. S. AHN (Kangwon National University), B.KIM (Kangwon National University), G. J. JOO (Pusan National University), J. KIM (Daejin University), H. Y. LEE (Chonnam National University) Advisors Goichi KITAOKA (Okayama University of Science) , H. S. PARK (Mie University), Yoshikazu NAGATA (Osaka Kyoiku University), Takaki KONDO (Osaka Kyoiku University) Supporting Organizations Ministry of the Environment; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport, Kinki Regional Development Bureau; Korean Consulate General in Osaka; Osaka Prefecture; Osaka City; Kashiwara City; Osaka Prefectural Board of Education; Osaka City Board of Education; Kashiwara City Board of Education; Japan Society of Civil Engineers; Ecological Society of Japan; Geochemical Society of Japan; Japanese Association of Groundwater Hydrology; Japanese Association of Hydrological Sciences; Japan Society on Water Environment; Japan Society of Environmental Education; Society of Environmental Science; Japan, Ecology and Civil Engineering Society; The Asahi Shimbun; Water Resources Environment Technology Center. Sponsor Organization The Japan Science Society Co-sponsors Osaka-Kashiwara Rotary Club, Kashiwara Lions Club, Kashiwara International Association, Soroptimist International Osaka-Kashiwara, Kashiwara Chamber of Commerce and Industry – 2 – The Second Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Limnology Environmental Education of Limnology for the Next Generation The Second Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Limnology, 2005, Osaka -Environmental Education of Limnology for the Next Generation- Program Date: September 16-18, 2005 Venue: Sept. 16 (Fri.) Osaka Kyoiku University, Kashiwara Campus (4-698-1 Asahigaoka, Kashiwara, Osaka) Sept. 17 (Sat.) International House, Osaka (8-2-6 Uehonmachi, Tennoji-ku, Osaka) Sept. 18 (Sun.) Excursion in Osaka Language: Japanese, English, Korean Secretariat of the 2nd Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Limnology Asahigaoka, Kashiwara, Osaka, 582-8582, Japan Osaka Kyoiku University, Division of Natural Sciences Tel /Fax: +81- 729- 78- 3641 or 78-3645 E-mail: [email protected] – 3 – The Second Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Limnology Environmental Education of Limnology for the Next Generation Map: The International House, Osaka To Higashi Umeda & JR Osaka Sta, Sennichimae To Namba Dori (Street) Uehonmachi 6 To Tsuruhashi Tanimachi Sennichimae Line 9 Chome Sta. ★ EXIT⑩★ ⑤ Uehonmachi Sta. To Namba EXIT (Hi-Hi Town) (Kintetsu Department Store) Kintetsu Line Uehonmachi 7 Ikutama-minami T a n i m T a a Uehonmachi 8 chome c n h i i bus stop. m S International a u c j House i h ( i A L Osaka v i n e e n u e ) ●Tennoji Fire Department Rokumantai ●Tennoji Post Office EXIT② ★ ★ EXIT① Uehonmachi 9 Shitennoji-mae ●Tennoji Ward Office Yuhigaoka Sta. ●Tennoji Police Sta. Gojogu-mae To Tennoji – 4 – The Second Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Limnology Environmental Education of Limnology for the Next Generation Access to the International House, Osaka JR Limited Express ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ① Tennnoji 60 min. t r (Haruka) o p r i A l Taxi ② a 60 min. n o i t a n r Limousine Bus walk e ③ t Uehonmachi 60 min. n I (for Uehonmachi) i a s n Kintetsu walk ④ a Nankai 60 min. K Namba Uehonmachi Limited Express ⑤ Namba walk 50 min. Subway Subway Tanimachi 9-chome . Midosuji LIne Sennnichimae LIne a t S a ⑥ k JR JR Kintetsu walk 50 min. a Osaka Tsuruhashi Uehonmachi a s Osaka Loop k a O - LIne s n i O h Taxi , e ⑦ S 45 min. s u o H l Subway Namba Subway walk a ⑧ Umeda Tanimachi 9-chome n 30 min. o Midosuji LIne Sennnichimae LIne i t a n r walk e Higashi Subway t ⑨ Tanimachi 9-chome n 30 min. Umeda Tanimachi LIne I ⑩ Kintetsu walk 30 min. Osaka JR Tsuruhashi Uehonmachi Osaka Loop LIne ⑪ Osaka Taxi 30 min. walk ⑫ Subway Shitennoji-mae 15 min. Tanimachi LIne Yuhigaoaka City Bus #62 ⑬ 15 min. Tennoji Abenobashi Uehonmachi 8-chome Taxi ⑭ 10 min. – 5 – The Second Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Limnology Environmental Education of Limnology for the Next Generation Schedule Friday, September 16 Venue: Osaka Kyoiku University, Kashiwara Campus ‘Restaurant Sunken Garden’ Welcome Ceremony: 17:00~19:00 Welcome Party for Youth Saturday September 17 Venue: International House, Osaka Registration 9:00~14:00 at Registration Desk Symposium Schedule Morning Session: 9:20~11:50 at MET Hall (2nd floor) Convener: Masao KOBAYASHI (Osaka Kyoiku University) Chair: Yoshinari KOBUKE (Hyogo Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences) 9:20~9:30 Opening Remarks Norio OGURA (President, Japanese Society of Limnology) M. S. HAN (President, Korean Society of Limnology) 9:30~10:00 Keynote Speech (In Japanese) Kazuo AICHI (Former Director-General of the Environment Agency) “The Earth is Angry” – 6 – The Second Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Limnology Environmental Education of Limnology for the Next Generation 10:00~11:50 Invited Speeches (In English or Japanese) 10:00~10:20 Gea-Jae JOO (Professor, Pusan National University) “Current Status of Limnological Education and Missions of Professional Limnologists in South Korea” 10:20~10:40 Mikio ENOKI (Director General, Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences Research Center of Osaka Prefecture) “Contributions of Local Public Research Institute to Environmental Education” 10:40~11:00 Byungok AHN (Deputy Director, Citizens’ Institute for Environmental Studies) “Experiences and Practices of Korean NGO's in the Environmental Education: An Overview” 11:00~11:10 Break 11:10~11:30 Hye-Sook PARK (Professor, Mie University) “Approach Toward Environmental Advanced Region from Yokkaichi Air Pollution Area in Mie Prefecture” 11:30~11:50 Munetsugu KAWASHIMA (Professor, Shiga University) “Practices of Environmental Education on Aquatic Environments” 12:00~13:00 Lunch Time Afternoon Session Presentation for Environmental Activities of Youth at MET Hall Chair: Junji TACHIBANA (Osaka Prefectural Education Center); Ichiro NAKAI (Osaka Kyoiku University Attached Senior High School) Interpreter: Ho-Dong PARK (Shinshu University); Hye-Sook PARK (Mie University) 13:00~13:05 Opening Remarks Introduction of Activities 13:05~13:10 K-1 살아숨쉬는 남강을 위한 도보순례 (고마리 ) 生きて 呼吸 する ナムガン のための 徒歩巡礼 (コマリ ) 정용한 YONG HAN JUNG (진주고 2 학년 ) 이환준 HWAN JUN LEE (대아중 1 학년 ) 임영민 YOUNG MIN LIM (진흥중 3 학년 ) – 7 – The Second Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Limnology Environmental Education of Limnology for the Next Generation 양한별 HAN BYEOL YANG (동운초등학교 6 학년 ) 13:10~13:15 K-2 낙동강보전을 위한 활동 , 낙동강상류지역의 수질오염을 막고 , 중요성을 알리는 활동 (낙동강 수질감시를 위한 탐사팀 ) 洛東江保全 のための 活動 、洛東江上流地域 の水質汚染 を防ぎ、 その 重要性 を知らせる 活動 (洛東江水質監視 のための 探査 チーム ) 신경찬 SHIN KYOUNG CHAN (고등학교 2 년) 손민성 MIN SUNG SON (중학교 3 학년 ) 최은별 EUN BYUL CHOL (중학교 2 학년 ) 13:15~13:20 J-1 大和川 ・木津川水系環境調査 (奈良学園中学校 ・高等学校環境 フ ォーラム ) 야마토강 ・기즈강수역의 환경조사 (나라학원 중학교 ・고등학교 환경포럼 ) 渡内 信太郎 Sintarou Watauti (高 2) 久保 栄子 Eiko Kubo (高 2) 柳田 将志 Masashi Yanagida (高 2) 加田裕太郎 Yutarou Kada (高 2) 13:20~13:25 J-2 大和川 の水質 に関する 研究 (大阪府立柏原東高等学校 ) 야마토강 수질에 관한 연구 ( 오사까부립 카시와라히가시 고등학교 이과클럽 ) 森永聖貴 Masaki MORINAGA (高 2) 門田 貴 Takashi KADOTA (高 2) 請園裕太 Yuuta UKEZONO (高 2) 13:25~13:30 K-3 생명의 물, 우리의 친구 ( 온천천네트워크 초록생명가족 ) 生命 の水,私たちの 友達 (温泉川 ネットワーク みどりの 生命家族 ) 김은영 Kim Eun-young (고등학교 2 학년 ) 엄태웅 Eum Tae-woong (초등학교 5 학년 ) 서은진 Seo Eun-jin (중학교 3 학년 ) 김차수 Kim Cha-soo (중학교 3 학년 ) 13:30~13:35 K-4 낙동강 사랑 어린이 환경기자단 활동 (낙동강 공동체 ) 洛東江愛 の子供環境記者団活動 (洛東江共同体 ) 박경덕 Kyeong Duk Park (초등학교 4 학년 ) 이민령 Min Ryeoung Lee (고등학교 3 년) 박재성 Jae Sung Park (초등학교 5 학년 ) – 8 – The Second Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Limnology Environmental Education of Limnology for the
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