Snakes of New Jersey Brochure

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Snakes of New Jersey Brochure Introduction Throughout history, no other group of animals has undergone and sur- Snakes: Descriptions, Pictures and 4. Corn snake (Elaphe guttata guttata): vived such mass disdain. Today, in spite of the overwhelming common 24”-72”L. The corn snake is a ➣ Wash the bite with soap and water. Snakes have been around for over 100,000,000 years and despite the Range Maps state endangered species found odds, historically, 23 species of snakes existed in New Jersey. However, sense and the biological facts that attest to the snake’s value to our 1. Northern water snake (Nerodia sipedon sipedon): ➣ Immobilize the bitten area and keep it lower than your environment, a good portion of the general public still looks on the in the Pine Barrens of NJ. It heart. most herpetologists believe the non-venomous queen snake is now 22”-53”L. This is one of the most inhabits sandy, forested areas SNAKES OF extirpated (locally extinct) in New Jersey. 22 species of snakes can still snake as something to be feared, destroyed, or at best relegated to common snakes in NJ, inhabit- preferring pine-oak forest with be found in the most densely populated state in the country. Two of our glassed-in cages at zoos. ing freshwater streams, ponds, an understory of low brush. It ➣ lakes, swamps, marshes, and What not to do if bitten by a snake species are venomous, the timber rattlesnake and the northern All snakes can swim, but only the northern water snake and may also be found in hollow queen snake rely heavily on waterbodies. Northern water bogs throughout the state. logs, railroad ties, and founda- venomous snake copperhead, and the remaining twenty species are non-venomous. Commonly observed basking tions of old build- NEW JERSEY snakes are frequently found swimming in waterways and bask- communally on logs and rocks New Jersey’s snake populations have declined during the past 50 ings as well as ing on embankments, and are often mistaken for water moc- ➣ Do not attempt to draw venom from a wound. years for a number of reasons. Habitat destruction in the form of along stream banks, this snake under boards ➣ casins, which do not occur in New Jersey. is often misidentified as NJ’s and logs. This snake is locally called the “red rat snake.” Do not cut the wound or apply ice to the bite. urbanization has been a primary cause, but pollution, changing land ➣ ➣ use, commercial collecting and human persecution have all contributed Snakes do not chase people. Male snakes may defend their northern copperhead. The The ground color is variable, ranging from orange to Do not apply a tight bandage. If medical assistance will take ground color is brown or gray with darker brown, reddish, brown to gray. Orange, red, or brown blotches outlined in longer than 30 minutes to reach you, wrap a bandage 2-4 to the reduction of our snake populations. The copperhead is a state mates during the breeding season by moving towards a preda- tor, including people, while the female escapes by moving in or black bands on the neck and back. The darker pattern black extend the down the length of the back and some inches above the wound to attempt to slow the venom trans- species of special concern and the rattlesnake is listed as endangered. color forms wider bands along the back and slightly nar- individuals may have stripes rather than blotches. They fer through the bloodstream. Be careful not to tie the band- In fact, the timber rattlesnake is listed as endangered or threatened in the opposite direction. Otherwise, snakes will try to move away rower bands on the sides, resembling a “reverse” hour- have weakly keeled scales. Five to 18 eggs are laid in age too tightly, constricting blood flow. You should be able all but one northeastern state. Aside from the listed venomous snakes, from people. glass pattern. Older water snakes are much darker, usual- July or August, hatching in late August–September. ➣ Snakes do not prefer to be around people. To snakes, people are ly brown or black with faint remnants of pattern while juve- to slip a finger beneath the tied bandage. additionally listed state species include the threatened pine snake and niles’ patterns are typically more vivid. They have keeled 5. Northern scarlet snake (Cemophora coccinea copei): predators and should be avoided. 1 the state endangered corn snake. ➣ scales. They give birth to live young in late summer. The 14”-32 /4”L. The northern scarlet All snakes perform an integral ecological role in their control of All snakes can bite if handled . just as all animals can bite if snake is an uncommon snake in Requesting assistance with a handled. Animals bite to protect themselves when they feel water snake often exhibits a highly defensive disposition venomous snake rodents and insects and are food to other animals such as raccoons, and can inflict a painful, non-venomous bite if handled. NJ. It inhabits sandy soils usually opossums, black bears, coyotes, bobcats, other snakes, hawks and threatened. hiding under logs, boards, or ➣ 2. Eastern milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum): debris. It may also be found in or The Division of Fish and Wildlife’s Endangered and Nongame owls. Even mice will nibble on snakes when they are inactive during Rattlesnakes do not travel in pairs. Although rattlesnakes den Species Program (ENSP) has developed the Venomous Snake communally and may share early-season basking areas, they 24”-52”L. The milk snake is a near damp woodlands. It resem- hibernation. common species found in NJ. It bles the poisonous coral snake of Response Team (VSRT) to respond to human/venomous snake Snakes are not slimy or wet as some people think, but are actually spend much of their active season alone. inhabits various habitats includ- the southern U.S., however, the interactions and increase an awareness of our responsibilities for ➣ The Division of Fish and Wildlife did not re-establish rat- dry to the touch. Most have a small head compared with the rest of the ing fields, wooded areas, river- Adult above; Juvenile below northern scarlet snake is not poi- living in venomous snake country. The VSRT is a group of trained body, but the jaws are loosely hinged so that the mouth can be extend- tlesnake populations in New Jersey. Timber rattlesnake popula- banks, and rocky hillsides. It sonous. Its red bands do not volunteers that includes animal control officers, park rangers, local tions have been steadily declining due to wanton killing, illegal may be found in barns or other extend all the way around the ed to swallow objects several times larger than the snake’s own head. buildings that house rodents. It body and are bor- and state police, and other select individuals that are on-call to The non-venomous snakes in New Jersey have a single row of small, collection, and more recently, habitat destruction and encroach- remove venomous snakes from private lands upon request. They ment. Rattlesnakes, copperheads, and many of our non-ven- is often mistaken for NJ’s north- dered by black with even-length teeth which point slightly backward to help hold prey. The ern copperhead or timber rat- white or creamy- also educate landowners about snakes and instruct them on how to venomous rattlesnake and copperhead have two large, hinged, hollow omous snakes can not be relocated as they have a strong affin- tlesnake. The yellow interspaces. live safely in snake country. Snakes are removed from harms way fangs, one on each side of the upper jaw, which may inject venom ity to their home ranges and most likely will not survive in ground color is They have smooth and returned to nearby areas away from human habitation. unfamiliar territory. creamy gray with scales. This snake when they strike. The venom is used to immobilize and kill small prey, red or brown rarely comes above Landowners that encounter timber rattlesnakes or northern cop- mostly rodents. Both of the venomous snakes are members of the pit perheads on their property and wish to have them removed should Controlling snake presence blotches outlined ground except at viper family, which have (an) elliptical pupils and the characteristic in black along the ➣ night. contact ENSP immediately through the DEP Hotline: heat-sensing pit that is located between the eye and the nostril. Keep your lawn mowed short to deter snake presence and so back and sides. you can view potential snake activity at a glance. Commonly, a Y- or V-shaped light patch can be found on 6. Eastern kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula getula): The venomous snakes of New Jersey are feared the most due to mis- 36”-82”L. This snake is only 1-877-WARN DEP (1-877-927-6337) ➣ Keep your property free of mulch and debris piles. Mulch is the nape of the neck. They have smooth scales. Six to 24 information and misunderstanding. Each year many non-venomous eggs are laid in June and hatch in late August. found in the southern region of snakes are misidentified as venomous snakes and are killed needless- composting material that generates heat as it decomposes, cre- NJ and is considered common. It ly, but all snakes in New Jersey are protected under the NJ Endangered ating a warm, inviting basking area for some snakes. Debris 3. Coastal plain milk snake integrade (Lampropeltis t. inhabits borders of swamps and and Nongame Species Conservation Act (N.J.S.A. 23:2A-1-13), which piles attract rodents which attract snakes. triangulum x L.t. elapsoides): streambeds and can often be ➣ In southern NJ, the eastern milk makes it illegal for anyone to kill, collect, or harass our native snake Remove any food that attracts rodents.
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