Su elaboración en formato electrónico, iniciada en julio de 2002, ha supuesto importantes ventajas de cara a ampliar y agilizar su difusión entre los profesionales del sector, permitiendo asimismo la localización de documentación relevante por parte de cualquier ciudadano interesado en el campo de las drogodependencias.

Como en los números anteriores, en el boletín de marzo se recogen las principales novedades bibliográficas que, sobre los distintos aspectos relacionados con las adicciones, han tenido entrada en el Centro de Documentación e Información de la Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas en los tres últimos meses.

El contenido del Boletín está estructurado en tres grandes epígrafes: Novedades bibliográficas (clasificadas por su temática y con indicación de su ruta en el caso de que estén disponibles a texto completo en Internet), Legislación y Sumarios de revistas.

Esperamos que el Boletín, cuya difusión se realiza a través de listas de distribución de correo electrónico y de su presencia permanente en la página web de la Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas, sea de interés y quedamos a la espera de cualquier sugerencia y/o consulta que sobre el mismo queráis formular.

Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas José del Val – E-correo: [email protected] Jefe de Servicio del Centro de Documentación e Información


Aspectos Generales ...... 4

Aspectos Sociales ...... 7

Aspectos Económicos...... 8

Delincuencia y Aspectos Penitenciarios ...... 9

Conducta-Personalidad ...... 9

Diagnóstico ...... 11

Farmacología...... 11

Efectos de las drogas ...... 13

Epidemiología...... 14

Factores de riesgo...... 19

Aspectos Legales ...... 20

Prevención-Familia...... 21

Prevención-Comunidad ...... 22

Prevención-Escolar ...... 22

Prevención-Medios de Comunicación ...... 23

Sida ...... 23

Control de la Oferta ...... 23

Recursos ...... 25

Reinserción...... 25

Alucinógenos...... 26

Cannabis ...... 26

Alcohol...... 26


Hipnosedantes...... 33

Opiáceos ...... 33

Anfetaminas...... 35

Cocaína ...... 36

Tabaco ...... 36

Tratamiento y Rehabilitación ...... 38

Farmacoterapia ...... 42

Psicoterapia...... 45

Políticas de Actuación-Nacional ...... 47

Políticas de Actuación-Internacional...... 48

CDs y DVDs ...... 50


Aspectos generales

Alvarez Vara C.; Información : difusión y documentación. Torres Hernández M.A., Santodomingo Carrasco J., Pascual Pastor F., Freixa Santfeliu F., Alvarez Vara C. Historia de las adicciones en la España contemporánea : guías clínicas SOCIDROGALCOHOL basadas en la evidencia científica.- Barcelona: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2009; p. 191-196. R-6613

Ashcroft R.; Campbell A.V.; Capps B.; Ethical aspects of developments in neuroscience and . Nutt D.,Robins T.W., Stimson G.V., Ince M.,Jackson A. and the future : brain science, addiction and society.- New York: Elsevier. 2007; p. 439-465. R-6235

Barton P.; Powders, potions and tablets : the 'Quinine fraud' in British India, 1890-1939. Mills J.H.; ed. lit., Parton P.; ed. lit. Drugs and empire : essays in modern imperialism and intoxication, c. 1500-c.1930.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007; p. 142-161. R-6358

Berridge V.; Hickman T.; History and the future of psychoactive substances. Nutt D., Robins T.W., Stimson G.V., Ince M., Jackson A. Drugs and the future : brain science, addiction and society.- New York: Elsevier. 2007; p. 467-483. R-6235

Dikötter F.; Laamann L.; Zhou X.; China, British Imperialism and the myth of the 'opium plague'. Mills J.H.; ed. lit., Parton P.; ed. lit. Drugs and empire : essays in modern imperialism and intoxication, c. 1500-c.1930.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007; p. 19-38. R-6358

España. Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo; Glosario de términos de alcohol y drogas. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. 2008 R-6614

Farooqui A.; Opium and the trading world of western India in the early Nineteenth Century. Mills J.H.; ed. lit., Parton P.; ed. lit. Drugs and empire : essays in modern imperialism and intoxication, c. 1500-c.1930.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007; p. 83-100. R-6358

Gilbert M.J.; Empire and excise : drugs and drink revenue and the fate of states in south Asia. Mills J.H.; ed. lit.,Parton P.; ed. lit. Drugs and empire : essays in modern imperialism and intoxication, c. 1500-c.1930.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007; p. 116-141. R-6358

Gray E.K.; Trade-off : chinese opium traders and antebellum reform in the United States, 1815- 1680. Mills J.H.; ed. lit., Parton P.; ed. lit. Drugs and empire : essays in modern imperialism and intoxication, c. 1500-c.1930.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007; p. 220-242. R-6358

Grupo IGIA; Sepúlveda Gáleas M.; Latorre A.; Cultura del uso de drogas : rituales de regulación y consumo controlado de drogas en contextos naturales de ocio festivo. Barcelona: Grupo IGIA. 2008 01-417e


Hurwitz B.; Tapping C.; Vickers N.; Life histories and narratives of addiction. Nutt D., Robins T.W., Stimson G.V., Ince M., Jackson A. Drugs and the future : brain science, addiction and society.- New York: Elsevier. 2007; p. 485-506. R-6235

Inciardi J.A.; McElrath K.; American drug scene an anthology. New York: Oxford University. 2008 R-6583

Korieh C.; Dangerous drinks and the colinial state : 'Illicit' gin prohibition and control in Colonial Nigeria. Mills J.H.; ed. lit., Parton P.; ed. lit. Drugs and empire : essays in modern imperialism and intoxication, c. 1500-c.1930.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007; p. 101-115. R-6358

Li T.K.; Witt E.; Hewitt B.G.; : development patterns of drinking and prevention of alcohol use disorders. Tsuang M.T.; ed. lit., Stone W.S.; ed. lit., Lyons M.J.; ed. lit. Recognition and prevention of major mental and substance use disorders.- Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association. 2007; p. 297-316. R-6224

McAllister W.B.; Wolf by the ears' : the dilemmas of Imperial Opium policymaking in the twentieth century. Mills J.H.; ed. lit., Parton P.; ed. lit. Drugs and empire : essays in modern imperialism and intoxication, c. 1500-c.1930.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007; p. 204-219. R-6358

Mills J.H.; Colonial Africa and the international politics of cannabis : Egypt, South Africa and the origins of global control. Mills J.H.; ed. lit., Parton P.; ed. lit. Drugs and empire : essays in modern imperialism and intoxication, c. 1500-c.1930.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007; p. 165-184. R-6358

Newman R.; Early british encounters with the indian opium eater. Mills J.H.; ed. lit., Parton P.; ed. lit. Drugs and empire : essays in modern imperialism and intoxication, c. 1500-c.1930.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007; p. 57-72. R-6358

Pascual Pastor F.; Antecedentes históricos de las adicciones. Del siglo XIX hasta 1940. Torres Hernández M.A., Santodomingo Carrasco J., Pascual Pastor F., Freixa Santfeliu F., Alvarez Vara C. Historia de las adicciones en la España contemporánea : guías clínicas SOCIDROGALCOHOL basadas en la evidencia científica.- Barcelona: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2009; p. 13-36. R-6613

Preyde M.; Adams G.; Foundations of addictive problems : developmental, social, and neurobiological factors. Essau C.A.; ed. lit. Adolescent addiction : epidemiology, assessment and treatment.- London: Elsevier. 2008; p. 3-16. R-6424

Ragan I.; Drugs futures 2025? Perspective of the . Nutt D., Robins T.W., Stimson G.V., Ince M., Jackson A. Drugs and the future : brain science, addiction and society.- New York: Elsevier. 2007; p. 507-533. R-6235


Richards J.F.; Cannot we induce the people of england to eat opium? The moral economy of opium in Colonial Indian. Mills J.H.; ed. lit.,Parton P.; ed. lit. Drugs and empire : essays in modern imperialism and intoxication, c. 1500-c.1930.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007; p. 73-80. R-6358

Room R.; Governing images in public discourse about problematic drinking. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 33-45. R-4499

Room R.; Social policy and psychoactive substance. Nutt D., Robins T.W., Stimson G.V., Ince M., Jackson A. Drugs and the future : brain science, addiction and society.- New York: Elsevier. 2007; p. 337-358. R-6235

Sánchez Salas B.; Cine del vino. Logroño: Fundación Dinastía Vivanco para la Investigación y Divulgación de la Cultura e Historia del Vino. 2007 R-6578

Santodomingo Carrasco J.; Historia de las adicciones y su abordaje en España : 1950 a 1972. Torres Hernández M.A., Santodomingo Carrasco J., Pascual Pastor F., Freixa Santfeliu F., Alvarez Vara C. Historia de las adicciones en la España contemporánea : guías clínicas SOCIDROGALCOHOL basadas en la evidencia científica.- Barcelona: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2009; p. 37-53. R-6613

Santodomingo Carrasco J.; Historia de las adicciones y su abordaje en España : 1972 a 1985. Torres Hernández M.A., Santodomingo Carrasco J., Pascual Pastor F., Freixa Santfeliu F., Alvarez Vara C. Historia de las adicciones en la España contemporánea : guías clínicas SOCIDROGALCOHOL basadas en la evidencia científica.- Barcelona: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2009; p. 53-66. R-6613

Santodomingo Carrasco J.; Historia de las adicciones y su abordaje en España : 1985 a 2005. Torres Hernández M.A., Santodomingo Carrasco J., Pascual Pastor F., Freixa Santfeliu F., Alvarez Vara C. Historia de las adicciones en la España contemporánea : guías clínicas SOCIDROGALCOHOL basadas en la evidencia científica.- Barcelona: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2009; p. 66-82. R-6613

Souza G.B.; Developing habits : opium and tobacco in the Indonesian Archipelago, c. 1619- c.1794. Mills J.H.; ed. lit.,Parton P.; ed. lit. Drugs and empire : essays in modern imperialism and intoxication, c. 1500-c.1930.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007; p. 39-56. R-6358

Thom B.; A social and political history of alcohol. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 15-32. R-4499


Torres Hernández M.A.; Encuentros con la Historia. Bibliografía entre 1972-2005. Torres Hernández M.A., Santodomingo Carrasco J., Pascual Pastor F., Freixa Santfeliu F., Alvarez Vara C. Historia de las adicciones en la España contemporánea : guías clínicas SOCIDROGALCOHOL basadas en la evidencia científica.- Barcelona: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2009; p. 119-169. R-6613

Torres Hernández M.A.; Historia de Socidrogalcohol, su papel en relación con las adicciones. Torres Hernández M.A., Santodomingo Carrasco J., Pascual Pastor F., Freixa Santfeliu F., Alvarez Vara C. Historia de las adicciones en la España contemporánea : guías clínicas SOCIDROGALCOHOL basadas en la evidencia científica.- Barcelona: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2009; p. 83-117. R-6613

Torres Hernández M.A.; Santodomingo Carrasco J.; Pascual Pastor F.; Freixa Santfeliu F.; Alvarez Vara C.; Historia de las adicciones en la España contemporánea : guías clínicas SOCIDROGALCOHOL basadas en la evidencia científica. Barcelona: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2009 R-6613

Volkow N.D.; Li T.K.; Drugs and alcohol : treating and preventing abuse, addiction and their medical consequences. Tsuang M.T.; ed. lit., Stone W.S.; ed. lit., Lyons M.J.; ed. lit. Recognition and prevention of major mental and substance use disorders.- Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association. 2007; p. 263-296. R-6224

Walker III W.O.; A grave danger to the peace of the 'East' : opium and imperial rivalry in China, 1895-1920. Mills J.H.; ed. lit., Parton P.; ed. lit. Drugs and empire : essays in modern imperialism and intoxication, c. 1500-c.1930.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007; p. 185-203. R-6358

Aspectos sociales

Elzo Imaz J.; Tipología de la población escolar vasca. Instituto Deusto de Drogodependencias, Elzo Imaz J.; dir.,Laespada Martínez M.T.; dir. Drogas y escuela VII : las drogas entre los escolares de Euskadi veinticinco años después.- Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. 2008; p. 147- 202. R-6589

Elzo Imaz J.; Violencia en los y las escolares. Instituto Deusto de Drogodependencias, Elzo Imaz J.; dir., Laespada Martínez M.T.; dir. Drogas y escuela VII : las drogas entre los escolares de Euskadi veinticinco años después.- Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. 2008; p. 203-241. R-6589

García del Moral N.; Sanz Vázquez M.; Familia y amigos, factores básicos de socialización. Instituto Deusto de Drogodependencias,Elzo Imaz J.; dir., Laespada Martínez M.T.; dir. Drogas y escuela VII : las drogas entre los escolares de Euskadi veinticinco años después.- Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. 2008; p. 119-146. R-6589


Laespada Martínez M.T.; Valores y comportamientos de la población escolar vasca. Instituto Deusto de Drogodependencias, Elzo Imaz J.; dir., Laespada Martínez M.T.; dir. Drogas y escuela VII : las drogas entre los escolares de Euskadi veinticinco años después.- Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. 2008; p. 37-118. R-6589

Linkenbach J.W.; Perceptions, policies, and social norms : transforming alcohol cultures over the next 100 years. Jurkiewicz C.L.; ed. lit.,Painter M.J.; ed. lit. Social and economic control of alcohol : the 21 st amendment in the 21 st century.- New York: CRC. 2008; p. 139-157. R-6426

McArdle P.; Social and political implications. Essau C.A.; ed. lit. Adolescent addiction : epidemiology, assessment and treatment.- London: Elsevier. 2008; p. 315-326. R-6424

Weitzman E.R.; Controlling misuse of alcohol by college youth : paradigms and paradoxes for prevention. Jurkiewicz C.L.; ed. lit.,Painter M.J.; ed. lit. Social and economic control of alcohol : the 21 st amendment in the 21 st century.- New York: CRC. 2008; p. 159-173. R-6426

West J.P.; West C.M.; Sociological-cultural influences of drinking. Jurkiewicz C.L.; ed. lit., Painter M.J.; ed. lit. Social and economic control of alcohol : the 21 st amendment in the 21 st century.- New York: CRC. 2008; p. 117-137. R-6426

Aspectos Económicos

Cave J.; Godfrey C.; Economics of addiction and drugs. Nutt D., Robins T.W., Stimson G.V., Ince M., Jackson A. Drugs and the future : brain science, addiction and society.- New York: Elsevier. 2007; p. 389-416. R-6235

Lawson E.T.; Future of the three-tiered system as a control a marketing alcoholic beverages. Jurkiewicz C.L.; ed. lit., Painter M.J.; ed. lit. Social and economic control of alcohol : the 21 st amendment in the 21 st century.- New York: CRC. 2008; p. 31-55. R-6426

Naciones Unidas. Fondo del Programa para la Fiscalización Internacional de Drogas; Informe financiero y estados financieros comprobados correspondientes al bienio terminado el 31 de diciembre de 2007/Informe de la Junta de Auditores. Nueva York: Fondo del Programa para la Fiscalización Internacional de Drogas. 2008 R-6610

Österberg E.; Effects of price and taxation. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 685-698. R-4499

Schwalm D.; Taxation and the economic impacts of alcohol. Jurkiewicz C.L.; ed. lit., Painter M.J.; ed. lit. Social and economic control of alcohol : the 21 st amendment in the 21 st century.- New York: CRC. 2008; p. 19-30. R-6426


Servicio Ejecutivo de Prevención de Blanqueo de Capitales e Infracciones Monetarias (SEPBLAC); Memoria anual 2007. Madrid: SEPBLAC. 2008 05-103e

Delincuencia y Aspectos Penitenciarios

Caputo G.A.; Out in the storm. Drug-addicted women living as shoplifters and sex workers. Boston: Northeastern University. 2008; R-6584

Graham K.; West P.; Alcohol and crime : examining the link. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 439-470. R-4499

Hammersley R.; Drugs and crime : theories and practices. Cambridge: Polity. 2008; R-6582


Becoña Iglesias E.; Epidemiología del juego patológico. Echeburúa Odriozola E.; coord. Nuevas fronteras en el estudio del juego patológico.- Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces. 2006; p. 33-52. R-6467

Bombín Mínguez B.; Análisis y evaluación de las diversas modalidades de tratamiento de la ludopatía. Echeburúa Odriozola E.; coord. Nuevas fronteras en el estudio del juego patológico.- Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces. 2006; p. 161-190. R-6467

Corral P. de; Perfil de la mujer ludópata. Echeburúa Odriozola E.; coord. Nuevas fronteras en el estudio del juego patológico.- Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces. 2006; p. 53-73. R-6467

Echeburúa Odriozola E.; Cómo tratar psicológicamente la ludopatía?. Echeburúa Odriozola E.; coord. Nuevas fronteras en el estudio del juego patológico.- Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces. 2006; p. 75-96. R-6467

Echeburúa Odriozola E.; Introducción : nuevas fronteras en el estudio del juego patológico. Echeburúa Odriozola E.; coord. Nuevas fronteras en el estudio del juego patológico.- Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces. 2006; p. 17-22. R-6467

Gleaves D.H.; Carter J.D.; Eating addiction. Essau C.A.; ed. lit. Adolescent addiction : epidemiology, assessment and treatment.- London: Elsevier. 2008; p. 179-206. R-6424

González Ibáñez A.; Juego patológico : concepto, comorbilidad y tipologías. Echeburúa Odriozola E.; coord. Nuevas fronteras en el estudio del juego patológico.- Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces. 2006; p. 25-32. R-6467


Graham K.; West P.; Alcohol and crime : examining the link. Heather N.; ed. lit., Peter T.J.; ed. lit., Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 439-470. R-4499

Griffiths P.; Internet and video-game addiction. Essau C.A.; ed. lit. Adolescent addiction : epidemiology, assessment and treatment.- London: Elsevier. 2008; p. 231-267. R-6424

Gupta R.; Derevensky J.L.; Gambling practices among youth : etiology, prevention and treatment. Essau C.A.; ed. lit. Adolescent addiction : epidemiology, assessment and treatment.- London: Elsevier. 2008; p. 207-229. R-6424

Kushner M.G.; Krueger R.; Frye B.; Peterson J.; Epidemiological perspectives on co-occurring anxiety disorder and substance use disorder. Stewart S.H.; ed. lit.,Conrod P.J.; ed. lit. Anxiety and substance use disorders : the vicious cycle of comorbidity.- London: Springer. 2008; p. 3- 17. R-6428

Marshall E.J.; Anxiety disorder and substance use disorder co-morbidity : common themes and future directions. Stewart S.H.; ed. lit.,Conrod P.J.; ed. lit. Anxiety and substance use disorders : the vicious cycle of comorbidity.- London: Springer. 2008; p. 239-257. R-6428

Marshall E.J.; Medical management of co-morbid anxiety and substance use disorder. Stewart S.H.; ed. lit.,Conrod P.J.; ed. lit. Anxiety and substance use disorders : the vicious cycle of comorbidity.- London: Springer. 2008; p. 221-236. R-6428

McNaughton N.; Neurobiology of anxiety : potential for co-morbidity of anxiety and substance use disorders. Stewart S.H.; ed. lit.,Conrod P.J.; ed. lit. Anxiety and substance use disorders : the vicious cycle of comorbidity.- London: Springer. 2008; p. 19-33. R-6428

Norton G.R.; Norton P.J.; Cox B.J.; Belik S.L.; Panic spectrum disorders and substance use. Stewart S.H.; ed. lit., Conrod P.J.; ed. lit. Anxiety and substance use disorders : the vicious cycle of comorbidity.- London: Springer. 2008; p. 81-95. R-6428

Tran G.Q.; Smith J.P.; Co-morbidity of social phobia and alcohol use disorders : a review of psychopathology research findings. Stewart S.H.; ed. lit.,Conrod P.J.; ed. lit. Anxiety and substance use disorders : the vicious cycle of comorbidity.- London: Springer. 2008; p. 59-79. R-6428

Watt M.C.; Stewart S.H.; Conrod P.J.; Schmidt N.B.; Personality-based approaches to treatment of co-morbid anxiety and substance use disorder. Stewart S.H.; ed. lit.,Conrod P.J.; ed. lit. Anxiety and substance use disorders : the vicious cycle of comorbidity.- London: Springer. 2008; p. 201-219. R-6428


Yubero B.; Asociación Ekintza-Dasalud : modelo de intervención en ludopatía. Echeburúa Odriozola E.; coord. Nuevas fronteras en el estudio del juego patológico.- Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces. 2006; p. 193-210. R-6467

Yudko E.; Hall H.V.; Midson P.; Empirical evidence of the effects of methamphetamine on aggression. Yudko E., Hall H.V., McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 97-110. R-5141

Zvolensky M.J.; Bernstein A.; Yartz A.R.; McLeish A.C.; Feldner M.T.; Cognitive-behavioral treatment of co-morbid panic psychopathology and tobacco use and dependence. Stewart S.H.; ed. lit.,Conrod P.J.; ed. lit. Anxiety and substance use disorders : the vicious cycle of comorbidity.- London: Springer. 2008; p. 177-200. R-6428


Cowan D.; Osselton D.; Robinson S.; Drug Testing. Nutt D.,Robins T.W.,Stimson G.V.,Ince M.,Jackson A. Drugs and the future : brain science, addiction and society.- New York: Elsevier. 2007; p. 315-336. R-6235

McPherson S.B.; Yudko E.; Effects and diagnosis of methamphetamine use. Yudko E.,Hall H.V.,McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 79-96. R-5141

Ridenour T.A.; Bray B.C.; Scott H.S.; Cottler L.B.; Clasification and assesment of substance use disorders in adolescents. Essau C.A.; ed. lit. Adolescent addiction : epidemiology, assessment and treatment.- London: Elsevier. 2008; p. 17-57. R-6424


Ball D.; Pembrey M.; Stephens D.N.; Genomics. Nutt D.,Robins T.W.,Stimson G.V.,Ince M.,Jackson A. Drugs and the future : brain science, addiction and society.- New York: Elsevier. 2007; p. 89-131. R-6235

Cook C.C.H.; Gurling H.H.D.; Genetic predisposition to alcohol dependence and problems. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 257-279. R-4499

Estruch R.; Nutrition and infectious disease. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 185-204. R-4499


Garavan H.; Lingford-Hughes A.; Jones T.; Morris P.; Rothwell J.; Williams S.; . Nutt D.,Robins T.W.,Stimson G.V.,Ince M.,Jackson A. Drugs and the future : brain science, addiction and society.- New York: Elsevier. 2007; p. 285-314. R-6235

Hasin D.S.; Hatzenbuehler M.L.; Keyes K.; Ogburn E.; Vulnerability to alcohol and drug use disorders. Tsuang M.T.; ed. lit.,Stone W.S.; ed. lit., Lyons M.J.; ed. lit. Recognition and prevention of major mental and substance use disorders.- Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association. 2007; p. 115-155. R-6224

Jones R.; Morris K.; Nutt D.; Cognition enhancers. Nutt D.,Robins T.W.,Stimson G.V.,Ince M.,Jackson A. Drugs and the future : brain science, addiction and society.- New York: Elsevier. 2007; p. 241-281. R-6235

Klatsky A.L.; Cardiovascular system. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 205- 225. R-4499

Knight R.G.; Neurological consequences of alcohol use. Heather N.; ed. lit., Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 129-148. R-4499

Lieber C.S.; Molecular basis and metabolic consequences of ethanol metabolism. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 75-102. R-4499

Lieber C.S.; Neuropharmacology of ethanol and alcohol dependence. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 103-127. R-4499

McPherson S.B.; Yudko E.; MDMA. Yudko E., Hall H.V., McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 65-77. R-5141

McPherson S.B.; Yudko E.; Hall H.V.; Mechanisms of methamphetamine action. Yudko E.,Hall H.V.,McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 51-63. R-5141

Preedy V.R.; Mantle D.; Peters T.J.; Alcoholic muscle, skin and bone disease. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 169-184. R-4499

Robbins T.; Cardinal R.; DiCiano P.; Halligan P.; Hellemans K.; Lee J.; Everitt B.; Neuroscience of drugs and addiction. Nutt D., Robins T.W., Stimson G.V.,Ince M., Jackson A. Drugs and the future : brain science, addiction and society.- New York: Elsevier. 2007; p. 11-87. R-6235


Seitz H.K.; Homann N.; Effect of alcohol on the orogastrointestinal tract, the pancreas and the liver. Heather N.; ed. lit., Peter T.J.; ed. lit., Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 149-167. R-4499

Whitfield J.B.; Diagnostic and monitoring investigations. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 227-250. R-4499

Yudko E.; Hall H.V.; McPherson S.B.; Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009 R-5141

Efectos de las drogas

Alloy L.B.; Abramson L.Y.; Cogswell A.; Hughes M.E.; Lacoviello B.M.; Cognitive vulnerability to depression : implications for prevention. Tsuang M.T.; ed. lit.,Stone W.S.; ed. lit., Lyons M.J.; ed. lit. Recognition and prevention of major mental and substance use disorders.- Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association. 2007; p. 97-113. R-6224

Epstein E.E.; Classification of alcohol-related problems and dependece. Heather N.; ed. lit., Peter T.J.; ed. lit., Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 47-70. R-4499

Essau C.A.; Comorbidity of addictive problems : assessment and treatment implications. Essau C.A.; ed. lit. Adolescent addiction : epidemiology, assessment and treatment.- London: Elsevier. 2008; p. 297-313. R-6424

Glatt S.J.; Faraone S.V.; Tsuang M.T.; Genetic risk factors for mental disorders. Tsuang M.T.; ed. lit., Stone W.S.; ed. lit., Lyons M.J.; ed. lit. Recognition and prevention of major mental and substance use disorders.- Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association. 2007; p. 9-20. R-6224

Greenfield T.K.; Individual risk of alcohol related disease and problems. Heather N.; ed. lit., Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 413-437. R-4499

McPherson S.B.; Yudko E.; Effects and diagnosis of methamphetamine use. Yudko E.,Hall H.V.,McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 79-96. R-5141

Mueser K.T.; Kavanagh D.J.; Treating comorbidity of alcohol problems and psychiatric disorder. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 627-647. R-4499


Murphy J.M.; Social enviroment and psychiatric disorders : a historical review presented on Receipt of the Paul H. Hoch Award. Tsuang M.T.; ed. lit., Stone W.S.; ed. lit., Lyons M.J.; ed. lit. Recognition and prevention of major mental and substance use disorders.- Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association. 2007; p. 53-74. R-6224

New A.S.; Keegan K.A.; Charney D.S.; Psychobiology of resilience to stress : iplications for prevention of anxiety. Tsuang M.T.; ed. lit.,Stone W.S.; ed. lit.,Lyons M.J.; ed. lit. Recognition and prevention of major mental and substance use disorders.- Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association. 2007; p. 77-96. R-6224

Ramström J.; Adverse health consequences of cannabis use : a survey of scientific studies published up to and including the autumn of 2003. Stockholm: National Institute of . 2004 R-6621 =en

Raznahan A.; O'Daly O.G.; Tsapakis E.M.; Murray R.M.; Environmental determinants of . Tsuang M.T.; ed. lit., Stone W.S.; ed. lit., Lyons M.J.; ed. lit. Recognition and prevention of major mental and substance use disorders.- Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association. 2007; p. 21-51. R-6224

Solano Reina S.; Granda Orive J.I. de; García-Tenorio Damasceno A.; Vaquero Lozano P.; Efectos nocivos del tabaco sobre la salud. Utilización de la patología del tabaco como factor de motivación en fumadores enfermos. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 23-52. R-6597

Vázquez J.M.; Román I.; Fos C.; López F.J.; Pérez F.; Utilidad y eficacia de la Duloxetina en el tratamiento de pacientes con trastorno por uso de sustancias y diagnóstico adicional de trastorno depresivo mayor o trastorno de ansiedad generalizada. RET. 2009; (55): 3-5. DGPNSD

Yudko E.; Hall H.V.; Midson P.; Empirical evidence of the effects of methamphetamine on aggression. Yudko E.,Hall H.V.,McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 97-110. R-5141

Yudko E.; McPherson S.B.; Methamphetamine and pregnancy. Yudko E., Hall H.V., McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 113-129. R-5141


Ahlström A.; Gender differences in youth drinking cultures. Järvinen M.; ed. lit., Room R.; ed. lit. Youth drinking cultures : european experiences.- Hampshire: Ashgate. 2007; p. 65-79. R-6360


Andersson B.; Hibel B.; Drunken behavior, expectancies and consequences among european students. Järvinen M.; ed. lit.,Room R.; ed. lit. Youth drinking cultures : european experiences.- Hampshire: Ashgate. 2007; p. 41-64. R-6360

Argentina. Secretaría de Programación para la Prevención de la Drogadicción y la Lucha contra el Narcotráfico (SEDRONAR); Observatorio Argentino de Drogas; Tercera fase del registro continuo de pacientes en tratamiento. Argentina 2007. Buenos Aires: Observatorio Argentino de Drogas, SEDRONAR. 2008 R-6580

Argentina. Secretaría de Programación para la Prevención de la Drogadicción y la Lucha contra el Narcotráfico (SEDRONAR); Observatorio Argentino de Drogas; Uso indebido de drogas y la consulta de emergencia. Tercer estudio nacional 2007. Buenos Aires: Observatorio Argentino de Drogas, SEDRONAR. 2008 R-6579 07.pdf

Arostegi Santamaría E.; Consumo de drogas ilegales. Instituto Deusto de Drogodependencias, Elzo Imaz J.; dir., Laespada Martínez M.T.; dir. Drogas y escuela VII : las drogas entre los escolares de Euskadi veinticinco años después.- Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. 2008; p. 339- 414. R-6589

Asturias (Comunidad Autónoma). Plan sobre Drogas; Observatorio sobre Drogas para Asturias. Informe 2008. Oviedo: Dirección General de Salud Pública y Participación. 2008 03-714e

Cardia N.; Search for neglected linsk : the connections between urbanization and substance use among young people. Obot I.S.; ed. lit., Saxena S.; ed. lit. Substance use among young people in urban environments.- Geneve: World Healht Organization. 2005; p. 9-34. R-6099

Comas Arnau D.; Estado de salud de la juventud. Observatorio de la Juventud en España. Informe juventud en España 2008.- Madrid: Instituto de la Juventud (INJUVE). 2009 R-6615

Donate Suárez I.; Cabo Pérez J.; Roces González A.; Redondo Cornejo M.; Gutiérrez Cienfuegos E.; Cofiño Fernández R.; Estudio de cannabis en estudiantes de enseñanzas secundarias de Asturias. Oviedo: Consejería de Salud y Servicios Sanitarios. 2008 03-715e

Duncan T.E.; Duncan S.C.; Strycker L.A.; Okut H.; Hix-Small H.; Recent methodological and statical advances : a latent variable growth modeling framework. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit.,Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 52-78. R-5943


Eisenstein E.; Aquino M.A.; Caldeira Z.; Freire Z.; Baptista M.; Youth and drugs in Brazil : social, imbalace and health risks. Obot I.S.; ed. lit.,Saxena S.; ed. lit. Substance use among young people in urban environments.- Geneve: World Healht Organization. 2005; p. 121-132. R-6099

Elzo Imaz J.; Tipología de la población escolar vasca. Instituto Deusto de Drogodependencias, Elzo Imaz J.; dir., Laespada Martínez M.T.; dir. Drogas y escuela VII : las drogas entre los escolares de Euskadi veinticinco años después.- Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. 2008; p. 147- 202. R-6589

Elzo Imaz J.; Violencia en los y las escolares. Instituto Deusto de Drogodependencias, Elzo Imaz J.; dir., Laespada Martínez M.T.; dir. Drogas y escuela VII : las drogas entre los escolares de Euskadi veinticinco años después.- Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. 2008; p. 203-241. R-6589

Elzo Imaz J.; dir.; Laespada Martínez M.T.; dir.; Drogas y escuela VII : las drogas entre los escolares de Euskadi veinticinco años después. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. 2008 R-6589

Engels R.C.M.E.; Leeuw R.N.H.; Poelen E.A.P.; Vorst H. van der; Zwaluw C.S. van der; Leeuwe J.F.J. van; Impact of parents on adolescent drinking and friendship selection processes. Järvinen M.; ed. lit., Room R.; ed. lit. Youth drinking cultures : european experiences.- Hampshire: Ashgate. 2007; p. 101-117. R-6360

Essau C.A.; Epidemiological trends and clinical implications of adolescent substance abuse in Europe. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit., Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 130-147. R-5943

Funes M.J.; Cultura, política y sociedad. Observatorio de la Juventud en España. Informe juventud en España 2008.- Madrid: Instituto de la Juventud (INJUVE). 2009 R-6615

García del Moral N.; Sanz Vázquez M.; Familia y amigos, factores básicos de socialización. Instituto Deusto de Drogodependencias, Elzo Imaz J.; dir., Laespada Martínez M.T.; dir. Drogas y escuela VII : las drogas entre los escolares de Euskadi veinticinco años después.- Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. 2008; p. 119-146. R-6589

Instituto Nacional de Toxicología (España); Memoria análisis toxicológico muertes en accidentes de tráfico. Año 2007. Madrid: Instituto Nacional de Toxicología. 2008 03-709e

Järvinen M.; Room R.; Changing drunken component or reducing alcohol -related harm. Järvinen M.; ed. lit., Room R.; ed. lit. Youth drinking cultures : european experiences.- Hampshire: Ashgate. 2007; p. 145-174. R-6360

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Ker K.; Chinnock P.; Interventions in the alcohol server setting for preventing injuries (Review). Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2008; (3): CD005244. 03-707e

Laespada Martínez M.T.; Alcohol en la población adolescente. Instituto Deusto de Drogodependencias,Elzo Imaz J.; dir.,Laespada Martínez M.T.; dir. Drogas y escuela VII : las drogas entre los escolares de Euskadi veinticinco años después.- Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. 2008; p. 273-338. R-6589

Laespada Martínez M.T.; Valores y comportamientos de la población escolar vasca. Instituto Deusto de Drogodependencias, Elzo Imaz J.; dir., Laespada Martínez M.T.; dir. Drogas y escuela VII : las drogas entre los escolares de Euskadi veinticinco años después.- Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. 2008; p. 37-118. R-6589

Lemmens P.H.H.M.; Relationship of alcohol consumption and alcohol problems at the population level. Heather N.; ed. lit., Peter T.J.; ed. lit., Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 395-411. R-4499

López Blasco A.; Jóvenes en una sociedad cambiante : demografía y transiciones a la vida adulta. Observatorio de la Juventud en España. Informe juventud en España 2008.- Madrid: Instituto de la Juventud (INJUVE). 2009 R-6615

Moreno A.; Economía, empleo y salud. Observatorio de la Juventud en España. Informe juventud en España 2008.- Madrid: Instituto de la Juventud (INJUVE). 2009 R-6615

Morojele N.K.; Flisher A.J.; Parry C.D.H.; Urbanization, youth and subtance in South Africa. Obot I.S.; ed. lit., Saxena S.; ed. lit. Substance use among young people in urban environments.- Geneve: World Healht Organization. 2005; p. 103-120. R-6099

Mugeta U.; Tabaco. Instituto Deusto de Drogodependencias,Elzo Imaz J.; dir.,Laespada Martínez M.T.; dir. Drogas y escuela VII : las drogas entre los escolares de Euskadi veinticinco años después.- Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. 2008; p. 245-272. R-6589

Obot I.S.; Substance use among students and out-of school youth in an urban area of Nigeria. Obot I.S.; ed. lit., Saxena S.; ed. lit. Substance use among young people in urban environments.- Geneve: World Healht Organization. 2005; p. 133-145. R-6099

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Plant Martin; Miller M.; Being 'taught to drink'. UK teenagers' experience. Järvinen M.; ed. lit.,Room R.; ed. lit. Youth drinking cultures : european experiences.- Hampshire: Ashgate. 2007; p. 131-143. R-6360

Rahav G.; Urbanization and drug use among israeli juveniles. Obot I.S.; ed. lit., Saxena S.; ed. lit. Substance use among young people in urban environments.- Geneve: World Healht Organization. 2005; p. 59-76. R-6099

Ramos Lira L.; Pérez E.; Romero M.; Being young in a society in transition : the challenges and risk of drug use in Mexico City. Obot I.S.; ed. lit.,Saxena S.; ed. lit. Substance use among young people in urban environments.- Geneve: World Healht Organization. 2005; p. 167-190. R-6099

Richter M.; Leppin A.; Gabhainn S.N.; Hurrelmannn K.; Impact of socio-economic status on adolescent drinking behavior. Järvinen M.; ed. lit.,Room R.; ed. lit. Youth drinking cultures : european experiences.- Hampshire: Ashgate. 2007; p. 81-99. R-6360

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Factores de riesgo

Brook J.S.; Brook D.W.; Pahi K.; Developmental context for adolescent substance abuse intervention. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit., Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 25-51. R-5943

Brook J.S.; Pahl K.; Brook D.W.; Tobacco use, abuse and dependence. Essau C.A.; ed. lit. Adolescent addiction : epidemiology, assessment and treatment.- London: Elsevier. 2008; p. 149-177. R-6424

Drobes D.J.; Saladin M.E.; Tiffany S.T.; Classical conditioning mechanisms in alcohol dependence. Heather N.; ed. lit., Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 281-297. R-4499

Essau C.A.; Hutchinson D.; Alcohol use, abuse and dependence. Essau C.A.; ed. lit. Adolescent addiction : epidemiology, assessment and treatment.- London: Elsevier. 2008; p. 61-115. R-6424


George M.N.; Milligan C.D.; Preventing adolescent substance use by addressing childhood problem behaviours. Obot I.S.; ed. lit., Saxena S.; ed. lit. Substance use among young people in urban environments.- Geneve: World Healht Organization. 2005; p. 35-58. R-6099

Gleaves D.H.; Carter J.D.; Eating addiction. Essau C.A.; ed. lit. Adolescent addiction : epidemiology, assessment and treatment.- London: Elsevier. 2008; p. 179-206. R-6424

Hall W.; Degenhardt L.J.; Patton G.; Cannabis use, abuse and dependence. Essau C.A.; ed. lit. Adolescent addiction : epidemiology, assessment and treatment.- London: Elsevier. 2008; p. 117-148. R-6424

Stockwell T.; Controls on the physical availability of alcohol. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 699-719. R-4499

Tolan P.; Morris K.; Inner-city and risk for substance use among youth in the United States. Obot I.S.; ed. lit., Saxena S.; ed. lit. Substance use among young people in urban environments.- Geneve: World Healht Organization. 2005; p. 77-101. R-6099

Weitzman E.R.; Controlling misuse of alcohol by college youth : paradigms and paradoxes for prevention. Jurkiewicz C.L.; ed. lit., Painter M.J.; ed. lit. Social and economic control of alcohol : the 21 st amendment in the 21 st century.- New York: CRC. 2008; p. 159-173. R-6426

Aspectos Legales

Cagann S.C.; Contents under pressure : regulating the sales and marketing of alcoholic beverages. Jurkiewicz C.L.; ed. lit., Painter M.J.; ed. lit. Social and economic control of alcohol : the 21 st amendment in the 21 st century.- New York: CRC. 2008; p. 57-77. R-6426

Diamond S.; Repeal program. Jurkiewicz C.L.; ed. lit.,Painter M.J.; ed. lit. Social and economic control of alcohol : the 21 st amendment in the 21 st century.- New York: CRC. 2008; p. 97-116. R-6426

Hill L.; Casswell S.; Alcohol advertising and sponsorship : commercial freedom of control in the public interest?. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit., Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 823-846. R-4499

McPherson S.B.; Hall H.V.; Afsarifard S.; Miranda Rights, interrogation, competency to confess, and competency to stand trial. Yudko E., Hall H.V., McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 187-223. R-5141


McPherson S.B.; Hall H.V.; Afsarifard S.; Mitigation in sentencing. Yudko E.,Hall H.V.,McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 187-223. R-5141

Rhodes T.L.; Policy, regulation and legislation. Jurkiewicz C.L.; ed. lit., Painter M.J.; ed. lit. Social and economic control of alcohol : the 21 st amendment in the 21 st century.- New York: CRC. 2008; p. 79-95. R-6426

Yudko E.; McPherson S.B.; Hall H.V.; Besciani P.; Spohn K.; Criminal responsability evaluation in a methamphetamine-murder case. Yudko E., Hall H.V., McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 165-186. R-5141

Yudko E.; McPherson S.B.; Twemlow S.W.; Hall H.V.; Criminal responsibility. Yudko E.,Hall H.V.,McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 143-164. R-5141

Yudko E.; McPherson S.B.; Twemlow S.W.; Hall H.V.; Expert testimony. Yudko E., Hall H.V., McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 131-142. R-5141


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Pueyo Ruiz B. del; Perales Albert A.; Estás preparado para cuando tus hijos o hijas se encuentren con las drogas? El papel de los padres y madres en la prevención del consumo de drogas. Madrid: CEAPA. 2008 R-6577



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Prevención Escolar

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García-Vázquez J.; Arbesú Fernández E.; Rodríguez Vigil L.; Alvarez Iglesias G.; Fernández Rodríguez S.; Mosquera Tenreiro C.; Evaluación de una intervención de promoción de espacios sin humo en el ámbito educativo. Gac Sanit. 2009; 23(1): 23-28. DGPNSD


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Prevención-Medios de comunicación

Boots K.; Midford R.; Mass media marketing and advocacy to reduce alcohol-related harm. Heather N.; ed. lit., Peter T.J.; ed. lit., Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 805-822. R-4499

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Hill L.; Casswell S.; Alcohol advertising and sponsorship : commercial freedom of control in the public interest?. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 823-846. R-4499


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Control de la oferta

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Organizacion Mundial de la Salud; Resumen del informe del panel de expertos externo sobre la evaluación de los estudios científicos de la prescripción médica de narcóticos a los adictos a drogas.. Jornadas Internacionales de heroína (2ª. 2005. Granada). II Jornadas internacionales de heroína : heroína y nuevas tendencias en tratamientos con agonistas opiáceos.- Granada: Dirección General para la Drogodependencias y Adicciones, Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social. 2005; (sine pag.). R-6586

Romero M.; March Cerdá J.C.; Captación de participantes en el programa de prescripción de estupefacientes en Andalucía (PEPSA) : un día de trabajo en primera persona. Jornadas Internacionales de heroína (2ª. 2005. Granada). II Jornadas internacionales de heroína : heroína y nuevas tendencias en tratamientos con agonistas opiáceos.- Granada: Dirección General para la Drogodependencias y Adicciones, Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social. 2005; (sine pág.). R-6586

Romo Avilés N.; Poo Ruiz M.; Experiencia cotidiana de familiares y pacientes deL PEPSA. Mirando desde lo cualitativo. Jornadas Internacionales de heroína (2ª. 2005. Granada). II Jornadas internacionales de heroína : heroína y nuevas tendencias en tratamientos con agonistas opiáceos.- Granada: Dirección General para la Drogodependencias y Adicciones, Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social. 2005; (sine pág.). R-6586


McPherson S.B.; Yudko E.; Effects and diagnosis of methamphetamine use. Yudko E.,Hall H.V.,McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 79-96. R-5141

McPherson S.B.; Yudko E.; MDMA. Yudko E.,Hall H.V.,McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 65-77. R-5141

McPherson S.B.; Yudko E.; Hall H.V.; Mechanisms of methamphetamine action. Yudko E.,Hall H.V.,McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 51-63. R-5141

McPherson S.B.; Yudko E.; Rodríguez P.; Hall H.V.; Afsarifard S.; Global perspective on methamphetamine. Yudko E.,Hall H.V.,McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 23-48. R-5141


Yudko E.; Hall H.V.; McPherson S.B.; Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009 R-5141

Yudko E.; Hall H.V.; Midson P.; Empirical evidence of the effects of methamphetamine on aggression. Yudko E.,Hall H.V.,McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 97-110. R-5141

Yudko E.; McPherson S.B.; Methamphetamine and pregnancy. Yudko E.,Hall H.V.,McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 113-129. R-5141

Yudko E.; McPherson S.B.; Hall H.V.; Besciani P.; Spohn K.; Criminal responsability evaluation in a methamphetamine-murder case. Yudko E.,Hall H.V.,McPherson S.B. Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects.- Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009; p. 165-186. R-5141


García Rodríguez O.; Tratamiento conductual de la adicción a la cocaína. Trastornos Adictivos. 2008; 10(4): 242-251. DGPNSD

Llorente del Pozo J.M.; Iraurgi Castillo I.; Tratamiento cognitivo conductual aplicado a la deshabituación de cocaína. Trastornos Adictivos. 2008; 10(4): 252-274. DGPNSD

Pedrero Pérez E.J.; Tratamiento de la dependencia de la cocaína 'guiado por la personalidad'. Trastornos Adictivos. 2008; 10(4): 226-241. DGPNSD

Pérez de los Cobos Peris J.C.; Adicción a la cocaína, tratamiento psicológico y sanidad pública. Trastornos Adictivos. 2008; 10(4): 221-223. DGPNSD

Sánchez Hervás E.; Secades Villa R.; Zacarés Romaguera F.; García Rodríguez O.; Fernández Hermida J.R.; Santonja Gómez F.J.; Tratamiento psicológico para dependientes a la cocaína en la red sanitaria pública. Trastornos Adictivos. 2008; 10(4): 275-583. DGPNSD


Alvarez Gutiérrez F.J.; Pérez Trullén A.; Cinco minutos para el tabaco en la consulta de atención especializada. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 95-115. R-6597


Alvarez Gutiérrez F.J.; Pérez Trullén A.; Intervención sobre fumadores especialmente vulnerables y fumadores de riesgo. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 117-149. R-6597

Barrueco Ferrero M.; Carreras Castellet J.M.; Aplicación clínica del tratamiento multicomponente del tabaquismo. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 151-177. R-6597

Barrueco Ferrero M.; Hernández Mezquita M.A.; Torrecilla García M.; Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009. Badalona: Euromedice. 2009 R-6597

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García-Vázquez J.; Arbesú Fernández E.; Rodríguez Vigil L.; Alvarez Iglesias G.; Fernández Rodríguez S.; Mosquera Tenreiro C.; Evaluación de una intervención de promoción de espacios sin humo en el ámbito educativo. Gac Sanit. 2009; 23(1): 23-28. DGPNSD

Hernández Mezquita M.A.; Márquez Pérez F.L.; Hildago Sierra V.; Lainez Lazcoz M.T.; Fernández Zapata G.; Estrategias para la prevención de las recaídas. Actitud ante el fracaso terapéutico. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 267-286. R-6597

Jiménez Ruiz C.A.; Fagerstrom K.O.; Amor Besado N.; Mayayo Ulibarri M.; Cicero Guerrero A.; Tratamiento farmacológico : eficacia y seguridad de la terapia sustitutiva con nicotina. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 179-205. R-6597

Mugeta U.; Tabaco. Instituto Deusto de Drogodependencias,Elzo Imaz J.; dir.,Laespada Martínez M.T.; dir. Drogas y escuela VII : las drogas entre los escolares de Euskadi veinticinco años después.- Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. 2008; p. 245-272. R-6589


Nerín de la Puerta I.; Alvarez-Sala Walther J.L.; Marqueta Baile A.; Jiménez-Muro Franco A.; Rodríguez Hermosa J.L.; Aplicación clínica práctica de la entrevista motivacional. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 53-77. R-6597

Solano Reina S.; Granda Orive J.I. de; García-Tenorio Damasceno A.; Vaquero Lozano P.; Efectos nocivos del tabaco sobre la salud. Utilización de la patología del tabaco como factor de motivación en fumadores enfermos. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 23-52. R-6597

Tonstad S.; Tratamiento farmacológico : eficacia y seguridad de vareniclicina. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 243-265. R-6597

Torrecilla García M.; Plaza Martín M.D.; Tabera Hernández M.C.; Cinco minutos para el tabaco en la consulta de atención primaria. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 79-93. R-6597

Tratamiento y Rehabilitación

Alvarez Gutiérrez F.J.; Pérez Trullén A.; Cinco minutos para el tabaco en la consulta de atención especializada. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 95-115. R-6597

Alvarez Gutiérrez F.J.; Pérez Trullén A.; Intervención sobre fumadores especialmente vulnerables y fumadores de riesgo. Barrueco Ferrero M., Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 117-149. R-6597

Barrueco Ferrero M.; Carreras Castellet J.M.; Aplicación clínica del tratamiento multicomponente del tabaquismo. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 151-177. R-6597

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Bombín Mínguez B.; Análisis y evaluación de las diversas modalidades de tratamiento de la ludopatía. Echeburúa Odriozola E.; coord. Nuevas fronteras en el estudio del juego patológico.- Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces. 2006; p. 161-190. R-6467


Bombín Mínguez B.; Recursos terapéutico en el tratamiento de la ludopatía. La experiencia de Aragón (Azajer). Echeburúa Odriozola E.; coord. Nuevas fronteras en el estudio del juego patológico.- Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces. 2006; p. 193-210. R-6467

Boyd-Ball A.J.; Dishion T.J.; Family-centered treatment for American Indian adolescent substance abuse : toward a culturally and historically informed strategy. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit.,Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 423-448. R-5943

Brown J.M.; Effectiveness of treatment. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 497- 508. R-4499

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Flanzer J.P.; Health services with drug-abusing adolescents : the next frontier of research. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit.,Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 204-219. R-5943

Fraft M.K.; Schubert K.; Pond A.; Aguirre Molina M.; Adolescent treatment services : the context of care. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit.,Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 174-188. R-5943

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Jainchill N.; Adolescent therapeutic communities : future directions for practice and research. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit.,Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 313-332. R-5943

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Marshall E.J.; Medical management of co-morbid anxiety and substance use disorder. Stewart S.H.; ed. lit., Conrod P.J.; ed. lit. Anxiety and substance use disorders : the vicious cycle of comorbidity.- London: Springer. 2008; p. 221-236. R-6428

McArdle P.; Gilvarry E.; Principles of service organization and practice in England. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit.,Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 189-203. R-5943

Pascual Pastor F.; Antecedentes históricos de las adicciones. Del siglo XIX hasta 1940. Torres Hernández M.A., Santodomingo Carrasco J., Pascual Pastor F., Freixa Santfeliu F.,Alvarez Vara C. Historia de las adicciones en la España contemporánea : guías clínicas SOCIDROGALCOHOL basadas en la evidencia científica.- Barcelona: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2009; p. 13-36. R-6613

Ramo D.E.; Brown S.A.; Clinical course of youth following treatment for alcohol and drug problems. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit., Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 79-103. R-5943

Randall C.L.; Book S.W.; Carrigan M.H.; Thomas S.E.; Treatment of co-ocurring alcoholism and social anxiety disorder. Stewart S.H.; ed. lit.,Conrod P.J.; ed. lit. Anxiety and substance use disorders : the vicious cycle of comorbidity.- London: Springer. 2008; p. 139-155. R-6428

Riggs P.D.; Foa E.B.; Treatment of co-morbid posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders. Stewart S.H.; ed. lit., Conrod P.J.; ed. lit. Anxiety and substance use disorders : the vicious cycle of comorbidity.- London: Springer. 2008; p. 119-137. R-6428

Rowe C.L.; Liddle H.A.; Treating adolescent substance abuse : state of the science. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit.,Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 1-20. R-5943

Santisteban D.A.; Mena M.P.; Suárez-Morales L.; Using treatment development methods to enhance the family-based treatment of hispanic adolescent. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit.,Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 449-470. R-5943


Santos Casado J.A.; coord.; Manual de intervención en juego patológico. Badajoz: Consejería de Sanidad y Dependencia. 2008 R-6592

Toneatto T.; Rector N.A.; Treating co-morbid panic disorder and substance use disorder. Stewart S.H.; ed. lit.,Conrod P.J.; ed. lit. Anxiety and substance use disorders : the vicious cycle of comorbidity.- London: Springer. 2008; p. 157-175. R-6428

Torrecilla García M.; Plaza Martín M.D.; Tabera Hernández M.C.; Cinco minutos para el tabaco en la consulta de atención primaria. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 79-93. R-6597

Torres Hernández M.A.; Santodomingo Carrasco J.; Pascual Pastor F.; Freixa Santfeliu F.; Alvarez Vara C.; Historia de las adicciones en la España contemporánea : guías clínicas SOCIDROGALCOHOL basadas en la evidencia científica. Barcelona: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2009 R-6613

Wagner E.F.; Macgowan M.J.; School-based group treatment for adolescent substance abuse. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit.,Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 333-356. R-5943

Watt M.C.; Stewart S.H.; Conrod P.J.; Schmidt N.B.; Personality-based approaches to treatment of co-morbid anxiety and substance use disorder. Stewart S.H.; ed. lit.,Conrod P.J.; ed. lit. Anxiety and substance use disorders : the vicious cycle of comorbidity.- London: Springer. 2008; p. 201-219. R-6428

Winters K.C.; Clinical perspectives on the assessment of adolescent drug abuse. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit.,Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 223-240. R-5943

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Zvolensky M.J.; Bernstein A.; Yartz A.R.; McLeish A.C.; Feldner M.T.; Cognitive-behavioral treatment of co-morbid panic psychopathology and tobacco use and dependence. Stewart S.H.; ed. lit.,Conrod P.J.; ed. lit. Anxiety and substance use disorders : the vicious cycle of comorbidity.- London: Springer. 2008; p. 177-200. R-6428



Ensayo holandes de heroína : las conclusiones ignoran la relación entre dosis y la respuesta. Jornadas Internacionales de heroína (2ª. 2005. Granada). II Jornadas internacionales de heroína: heroína y nuevas tendencias en tratamientos con agonistas opiáceos.- Granada: Dirección General para la Drogodependencias y Adicciones, Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social. 2005; (sine pag.). R-6586

Prescripción de heroína en el Reino Unido. Jornadas Internacionales de heroína (2ª. 2005. Granada). II Jornadas internacionales de heroína : heroína y nuevas tendencias en tratamientos con agonistas opiáceos.- Granada: Dirección General para la Drogodependencias y Adicciones, Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social. 2005; (sine pag.). R-6586

Prescripción de heroína en Holanda. Jornadas Internacionales de heroína (2ª. 2005. Granada). II Jornadas internacionales de heroína : heroína y nuevas tendencias en tratamientos con agonistas opiáceos.- Granada: Dirección General para la Drogodependencias y Adicciones, Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social. 2005; (sine pag.). R-6586

Prescripción de heroína en Suiza. Jornadas Internacionales de heroína (2ª. 2005. Granada). II Jornadas internacionales de heroína : heroína y nuevas tendencias en tratamientos con agonistas opiáceos.- Granada: Dirección General para la Drogodependencias y Adicciones, Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social. 2005; (sine pag.). R-6586

Resumen del protocolo del Proyecto Alemán del tratamiento asistido por heroína para pacientes dependientes de opiáceos. Jornadas Internacionales de heroína (2ª. 2005. Granada). II Jornadas internacionales de heroína : heroína y nuevas tendencias en tratamientos con agonistas opiáceos.- Granada: Dirección General para la Drogodependencias y Adicciones, Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social. 2005; (sine pag.). R-6586

Arenas Domínguez F.P.; Pérez T.; Programa de tratamiento con metadona. Jornadas Internacionales de heroína (2ª. 2005. Granada). II Jornadas internacionales de heroína : heroína y nuevas tendencias en tratamientos con agonistas opiáceos.- Granada: Dirección General para la Drogodependencias y Adicciones, Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social. 2005; (sine pág.). R-6586

Bammer G.; Dobler-Mikola A.; Philip M.F.; Strang J.; Uchtenhagen A.; Debate sobre la prescripción de heroína : integrando la ciencia y la política. Jornadas Internacionales de heroína (2ª. 2005. Granada). II Jornadas internacionales de heroína : heroína y nuevas tendencias en tratamientos con agonistas opiáceos.- Granada: Dirección General para la Drogodependencias y Adicciones, Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social. 2005; (sine pag.). R-6586

Bombín Mínguez B.; Terapia farmacológica de la ludopatía. Echeburúa Odriozola E.; coord. Nuevas fronteras en el estudio del juego patológico.- Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces. 2006; p. 129-160. R-6467


Buckstein O.G.; Cornelius J.R.; of adolescents with substance use disorders : using diagnostic-specific treatments. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit.,Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 241-263. R-5943

Chick J.; Pharmacological treatments. Heather N.; ed. lit., Peter T.J.; ed. lit., Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 542- 555. R-4499

Farell M.; May W.; Resumen del editorial 'El ensayo suizo de heroína : probando abordajes alternativos'. Jornadas Internacionales de heroína (2ª. 2005. Granada). II Jornadas internacionales de heroína : heroína y nuevas tendencias en tratamientos con agonistas opiáceos.- Granada: Dirección General para la Drogodependencias y Adicciones, Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social. 2005; (sine pag.). R-6586

Ferri M.; Perucci C.A.; Mantenimiento con heroína para las personas con dependencia crónica de la heroína. Jornadas Internacionales de heroína (2ª. 2005. Granada). II Jornadas internacionales de heroína : heroína y nuevas tendencias en tratamientos con agonistas opiáceos.- Granada: Dirección General para la Drogodependencias y Adicciones, Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social. 2005; (sine pag.). R-6586

Fiore M.C.; Theobald W.E.; Tratamiento farmacológico : eficacia y seguridad de bupropión. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 207-241. R-6597

Heather N.; Brief interventions. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 605- 626. R-4499

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Jiménez Ruiz C.A.; Fagerstrom K.O.; Amor Besado N.; Mayayo Ulibarri M.; Cicero Guerrero A.; Tratamiento farmacológico : eficacia y seguridad de la terapia sustitutiva con nicotina. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 179-205. R-6597

Jornadas Internacionales de heroína (2ª. 2005. Granada); II Jornadas internacionales de heroína: heroína y nuevas tendencias en tratamientos con agonistas opiáceos. Granada: Dirección General para la Drogodependencias y Adicciones, Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social. 2005; R-6586


March Cerdá J.C.; Oviedo Joekes E.; Romero M.; Gómez M.; León M.I.; Rodríguez C.; Rdríguez S.; Captación de participantes en el programa de prescripción de estupefacientes en Andalucía (PEPSA). Gac Sanit. 2004; 18(3): 245-247. R-6586

Organizacion Mundial de la Salud; Resumen del informe del panel de expertos externo sobre la evaluación de los estudios científicos de la prescripción médica de narcóticos a los adictos a drogas.. Jornadas Internacionales de heroína (2ª. 2005. Granada). II Jornadas internacionales de heroína : heroína y nuevas tendencias en tratamientos con agonistas opiáceos.- Granada: Dirección General para la Drogodependencias y Adicciones, Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social. 2005; (sine pag.). R-6586

Raistrick D.; Alcohol withdrawal and detoxification. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 523-539. R-4499

Romero M.; March Cerdá J.C.; Captación de participantes en el programa de prescripción de estupefacientes en Andalucía (PEPSA) : un día de trabajo en primera persona. Jornadas Internacionales de heroína (2ª. 2005. Granada). II Jornadas internacionales de heroína : heroína y nuevas tendencias en tratamientos con agonistas opiáceos.- Granada: Dirección General para la Drogodependencias y Adicciones, Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social. 2005; (sine pág.). R-6586

Romo Avilés N.; Poo Ruiz M.; Experiencia cotidiana de familiares y pacientes deL PEPSA. Mirando desde lo cualitativo. Jornadas Internacionales de heroína (2ª. 2005. Granada). II Jornadas internacionales de heroína : heroína y nuevas tendencias en tratamientos con agonistas opiáceos.- Granada: Dirección General para la Drogodependencias y Adicciones, Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social. 2005; (sine pág.). R-6586

Tonstad S.; Tratamiento farmacológico : eficacia y seguridad de vareniclicina. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 243-265. R-6597

Vázquez J.M.; Román I.; Fos C.; López F.J.; Pérez F.; Utilidad y eficacia de la Duloxetina en el tratamiento de pacientes con trastorno por uso de sustancias y diagnóstico adicional de trastorno depresivo mayor o trastorno de ansiedad generalizada. RET. 2009; (55): 3-5. DGPNSD

Whitmore E.A.; Riggs P.D.; Developmentally informed diagnostic and treatment considerations in comorbid conditions. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit.,Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 264-283. R-5943



Altrows I.F.; Terapia Racional Emotiva y Conductual en delincuentes masculinos adultos. RET. 2009; (55): 6-18. DGPNSD

Curran V.; Drummond C.; Psychological treatments of substance misuse and dependence. Nutt D.,Robins T.W.,Stimson G.V.,Ince M.,Jackson A. Drugs and the future : brain science, addiction and society.- New York: Elsevier. 2007; p. 209-239. R-6235

Duka T.; Sahakian B.; Turner D.; Experimental psychology and research into brain science addiction and drugs. Nutt D.,Robins T.W.,Stimson G.V.,Ince M.,Jackson A. Drugs and the future : brain science, addiction and society.- New York: Elsevier. 2007; p. 135-168. R-6235

Echeburúa Odriozola E.; Cómo tratar psicológicamente la ludopatía?. Echeburúa Odriozola E.; coord. Nuevas fronteras en el estudio del juego patológico.- Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces. 2006; p. 75-96. R-6467

Emrick C.D.; Alcoholics anonymous and other mutual aid groups. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 663-683. R-4499

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Hernández Mezquita M.A.; Márquez Pérez F.L.; Hildago Sierra V.; Lainez Lazcoz M.T.; Fernández Zapata G.; Estrategias para la prevención de las recaídas. Actitud ante el fracaso terapéutico. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 267-286. R-6597

Kaminer Y.; Waldron H.B.; Evidence-based cognitive-behavioral for adolescent substance use disorders : applications and challenges. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit.,Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 396-419. R-5943

Labrador Encinas F.J.; Sesgos cognitivos de los jugadores patológicos : implicaciones terapéuticas. Echeburúa Odriozola E.; coord. Nuevas fronteras en el estudio del juego patológico.- Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces. 2006; p. 97-128. R-6467


Llorente del Pozo J.M.; Iraurgi Castillo I.; Tratamiento cognitivo conductual aplicado a la deshabituación de cocaína. Trastornos Adictivos. 2008; 10(4): 252-274. DGPNSD

Nerín de la Puerta I.; Alvarez-Sala Walther J.L.; Marqueta Baile A.; Jiménez-Muro Franco A.; Rodríguez Hermosa J.L.; Aplicación clínica práctica de la entrevista motivacional. Barrueco Ferrero M.,Hernández Mezquita M.A.,Torrecilla García M. Manual de prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo : 2009.- Badalona: Euromedice. 2009; p. 53-77. R-6597

Parks G.A.; Marlatt G.A.; Anderson B.K.; Cognitive-behavioral alcohol treatment. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 557-573. R-4499

Parks G.A.; Marlatt G.A.; Anderson B.K.; Relapse prevention therapy. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 575-592. R-4499

Parks G.A.; Marlatt G.A.; Anderson B.K.; Rollnick S.; Allison J.; Motivational interviewing. Heather N.; ed. lit.,Peter T.J.; ed. lit.,Stockwell T.; ed. lit. International handbook of alcohol dependence and problems.- New York: Wiley. 2001; p. 593-603. R-4499

Pedrero Pérez E.J.; Tratamiento de la dependencia de la cocaína 'guiado por la personalidad'. Trastornos Adictivos. 2008; 10(4): 226-241. DGPNSD

Pérez de los Cobos Peris J.C.; Adicción a la cocaína, tratamiento psicológico y sanidad pública. Trastornos Adictivos. 2008; 10(4): 221-223. DGPNSD

Roll J.M.; Watson D.; Behavioral management approaches for adolescent substance abuse. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit.,Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 375-395. R-5943

Sánchez Hervás E.; Secades Villa R.; Zacarés Romaguera F.; García Rodríguez O.; Fernández Hermida J.R.; Santonja Gómez F.J.; Tratamiento psicológico para dependientes a la cocaína en la red sanitaria pública. Trastornos Adictivos. 2008; 10(4): 275-583. DGPNSD

Titus J.C.; Dennis M.L.; Cannabis youth treatment intervention : preliminary findings and implications. Rowe C.L.; ed. lit.,Liddle H.A:; ed. lit. Adolescent substance abuse : research and clinical advances.- Camdrige: Cambrige University Press. 2006; p. 104-126. R-5943


Políticas de Actuación-Nacional

Bulgaria. National Drug Council; National report to the EMCDDA : Bulgaria 2007/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Bulgaria 2007. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Sofia: National Drug Council. 2008 20-312e

Cartagena. Comisión Municipal de Drogodependencias; Plan Municipal de Drogodependencias (PMAD) : 2008-2012. Cartagena: Ayuntamiento. 2008; 19-69e DOC_FICHERO/PMAD%20Plan%20municipal%20de%20accion%20sobre%20drogodependenci as%202008-2012.pdf

Castilla y León. Comisionado Regional para la Droga; Memoria del Plan Regional sobre Drogas de Castilla y León 2007. Valladolid: Consejería de Familia e Igualdad de Oportunidades. 2008 18-40e

España. Centro de Inteligencia contra el Crimen Organizado (CICO); Informe de situación : evolución del precio y la pureza de las drogas. Madrid: CICO. 2008 05-97e

España. Centro de Inteligencia contra el Crimen Organizado (CICO); Informe estratégico del tráfico ilícito de drogas. Madrid: CICO. 2008 R-6576

España. Fiscalía General del Estado; Memoria elevada al Gobierno de S.M. presentada al inicio del año judicial por el Fiscal General del Estado Exmo. Sr. D. Cándido Conde-Pumpido Tourón. Madrid: Fiscalía General del Estado. 2008 R-6617

España. Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo; Plan Multisectorial frente a la infección por VIH y el sida : España 2008-2012. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. 2008 R-6612

Instituto Nacional de Toxicología (España); Memoria análisis toxicológico muertes en accidentes de tráfico. Año 2007. Madrid: Instituto Nacional de Toxicología. 2008 03-709e

Polonia. National Bureau for Drug Prevention; National report to the EMCDDA : Poland 2008/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Poland 2008. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Warsaw: National Bureau for Drug Prevention. 2008 20-302e

Taiwan. Gobierno; Anti-drug report 2008. Taipei City: Departament of Health, Executive Yuan, Ministry od Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice. 2008 R-6585


Políticas de Actuación-Internacional

Consejo de la Unión Europea; Plan de Acción de la Unión Europea en materia de lucha contra la droga 2009-2012. Informaciones procedentes de instituciones y órganos de la Unión Europea. Consejo. Luxemburgo: Oficina de Publicaciones Oficiales de las Comunidades Europeas. 2008 21-220e

Naciones Unidas. Fondo del Programa para la Fiscalización Internacional de Drogas; Informe financiero y estados financieros comprobados correspondientes al bienio terminado el 31 de diciembre de 2007/Informe de la Junta de Auditores. Nueva York: Fondo del Programa para la Fiscalización Internacional de Drogas. 2008 R-6610

Naciones Unidas. Junta Internacional de Fiscalización de Estupefacientes; Informe de la Junta Internacional de Fiscalización de Estupefacientes correspondiente a 2008. Nueva York: JIFE. 2009 05-100e

Naciones Unidas. Junta Internacional de Fiscalización de Estupefacientes; Narcotic Drugs 2008 : estimated world requirements for 2009 : Statistics 2007/ Stupefiants 2008 : evaluations des besoins du monde pour 2009 : Statistiques pour 2007/ Estupefacientes 2008 : previsiones de las necesidades mundiales para 2009: Estadísticas de 2007. New York: United Nations. 2009 21-241e

Naciones Unidas. Junta Internacional de Fiscalización de Estupefacientes; Precursores y productos químicos frecuentemente utilizados para la fabricación ilícita de estupefacientes y sustancias sicotrópicas : Informe de la Junta Internacional de Fiscalización de Estupefacientes correspondiente a 2008 sobre la aplicación del artículo 12 de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra el tráfico ilícito de estupefacientes sicotrópicas de 1988. Nueva York: Naciones Unidas, JIFE. 2009 21-233e

Naciones Unidas. Oficina contra la Droga y el Delito; Bi-annual seizure report 2007/2. Summary of individual significant seizures of narcotics drugs and psychotropic substances, as reported by Governments. Nueva York: Office on Drugs and Crime. 2007 21-235e

Naciones Unidas. Oficina contra la Droga y el Delito; Bi-annual seizure report 2008/1. Summary of individual significant seizures of narcotics drugs and psychotropic substances, as reported by Governments. Nueva York: Office on Drugs and Crime. 2008 21-236e

Naciones Unidas. Oficina contra la Droga y el Delito; Organismos nacionales competentes en virtud de los tratados internacionales de fiscalización de drogas : con introducciones en árabe, chino y ruso 2007. New York: Office on Drugs and Crime. 2008 R-6605


Naciones Unidas; Manufacture of narcotic drugs psychotropic substances and their precursors 2007 : list of national manufacturers authorized to manufacture or convert specific narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and of the substances actually manufactured or converted by them during 2006 and manufactures of substances in table i of the United Nations Convention against illiccit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances 1988/ Fabrication de stupefiants de substances psychotropes et de leurs precurseurs 2007 : liste de par pays des entreprises autorisee a fabriquer ou a transformer des stupefiants et des substances psychotropes determines et repertoire des sibstances effectivement fabriquees ou transformees par ces entreprises en 2006 et des fabricants de susbtances de tableau i de la Convention des Nations Unies contre le trafic illicite de stupefiants et de substances psychotropes de 1988/ Fabricacion de estupefacientes de sustancias sicotropicas y de sus precursores 2007 : lista de fabricantes nacionales autorizados a fabricar o transformar determinados estupefacientes y sustancias sicotropicas y de sustancias efectivamente fabricadas o transformadas durante 2006 y de fabricantes de sustancias del cuadro y de la Convención de las las naciones Unidas contra el trafico ilicito de estupefacientes y sustancias sicotrópicas de 1988. Nueva York: Naciones Unidas. 2008 R-6609

Observatorio Europeo de las Drogas y las Toxicomanías; Annual report 2008. The state of the drugs problem in Europe. Luxemburgo: Oficina de Publicaciones Oficiales de las Comunidades Europeas. 2008 21-222e

Observatorio Europeo de las Drogas y las Toxicomanías; Informe anual 2008. El problema de la drogodependencia en Europa. Luxemburgo: Oficina de Publicaciones Oficiales de las Comunidades Europeas. 2008 21-222e

Observatorio Europeo de las Drogas y las Toxicomanías; Rapport annuel 2008. Etat du phénomène de la drogue en Europe. Luxemburgo: Oficina de Publicaciones Oficiales de las Comunidades Europeas. 2008; 21-222e

Programa de las Naciones Unidas para la Fiscalización Internacional de Drogas (Viena); Informe mundial sobre las drogas 2007. Nueva York: Oxford University Press. 2007 R-6600

Programa de las Naciones Unidas para la Fiscalización Internacional de Drogas (Viena); Informe mundial sobre las drogas 2008. RESUMEN. Nueva York: Oxford University Press. 2008 21-229e

Programa de las Naciones Unidas para la Fiscalización Internacional de Drogas (Viena); World Drug Report 2007. Viena: UNODCS. 2007 21-225e



España. Fiscalía General del Estado; Memoria elevada al Gobierno de S.M. presentada al inicio del año judicial por el Fiscal General del Estado Exmo. Sr. D. Cándido Conde-Pumpido Tourón. Madrid: Fiscalía General del Estado. 2008 CD-224

Pueyo Ruiz B. del; Perales Albert A.; Estás preparado para cuando tus hijos o hijas se encuentren con las drogas? El papel de los padres y madres en la prevención del consumo de drogas. Madrid: CEAPA. 2008 CD-221

Sánchez Pardo L.; Galicia. Consejería de Sanidad; Género y drogas. Documento marco, manual y guías. Plan de atención integral a la salud de la mujer de Galicia/Xénero y drogas. Documento marco, manual e guías. Plan de atención integral á saúde da muller de Galicia. A Coruña: Consejería de Sanidad. 2009; CD-225 → Guía Informativa - → Documento marco - → Manual de intervenciones -

Santos Casado J.A.; coord.; Manual de intervención en juego patológico. Badajoz: Consejería de Sanidad y Dependencia. 2008 CD-223


Andalucía (Comunidad Autónoma). Dirección General para las Drogodependencias y Adicciones; Prevención de las drogodependencias y adicciones en el ámbito de las familias. Cádiz: Consejería para la Igualdad y Bienestar Social. 2008 DVD-32

Castilla y León. Comisionado Regional para la Droga; Manual de apoyo a los programas de prevención familiar : Moneo, Dédalo, Alfil. Valladolid: Comisionado Regional para la Droga. 2008 DVD-31


BOE, 01/01/2009 MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN, POLÍTICA SOCIAL Y DEPORTE Dopaje. Resolución de 19 de diciembre de 2008, de la Presidencia del Consejo Superior de Deportes, por la que se aprueba la lista de sustancias y métodos prohibidos en el deporte.

BOE, 06/01/2009 MINISTERIO DE SANIDAD Y CONSUMO Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura. Convenio. Resolución de 5 de diciembre de 2008, de la Secretaría General de Sanidad, por la que se publica el Convenio específico para el año 2008, del Protocolo general de colaboración entre el Ministerio del Interior (Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas) y la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura.

BOE, 06/01/2009 MINISTERIO DE SANIDAD Y CONSUMO Comunidad Autónoma del Principado de Asturias. Convenio. Resolución de 5 de diciembre de 2008, de la Secretaría General de Sanidad, por la que se publica el Convenio de colaboración, entre el Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo y la Consejería de Salud y Servicios Sanitarios de la Comunidad Autónoma del Principado de Asturias, para el impulso de actividades de prevención y control del tabaquismo.

BOE, 08/01/2009 MINISTERIO DE SANIDAD Y CONSUMO Ciudad de Ceuta. Convenio. Resolución de 15 de diciembre de 2008, de la Secretaría General de Sanidad, por la que se publica el Convenio específico para el año 2008, del Protocolo General de Colaboración entre la Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas y la Ciudad de Ceuta.

BOE, 22/01/2009 MINISTERIO DE SANIDAD Y CONSUMO Comunidad Autónoma de Cataluña. Convenio. Resolución de 22 de diciembre de 2008, de la Secretaría General de Sanidad, por la que se publica el Convenio específico para el año 2008, del Protocolo general de colaboración, entre el Ministerio del Interior (Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas) y la Generalitat de Cataluña.

BOE, 22/01/2009 MINISTERIO DE SANIDAD Y CONSUMO Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco. Convenio. Resolución de 22 de diciembre de 2008, de la Secretaría General de Sanidad, por la que se publica el Convenio específico para el año 2008, del Protocolo general de colaboración, entre el Ministerio del Interior (Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas) y la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco.


BOE, 22/01/2009 MINISTERIO DE SANIDAD Y CONSUMO Comunidad de Madrid. Convenio. Resolución de 22 de diciembre de 2008, de la Secretaría General de Sanidad, por la que se publica el Convenio específico para el año 2008, del Protocolo general de colaboración, entre el Ministerio del Interior (Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas) y la Comunidad de Madrid.


Addiction ...... 54

Addictive Behaviors ...... 67

Addictive Disorders & their Treatment ...... 77

Adicciones...... 79

American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, The ...... 80

CDD DDZ ...... 82

Contemporary Drug Problems ...... 86

Drug and Alcohol Dependence ...... 87

Drug and Alcohol Review...... 92

Drugnet Europe...... 94

Drugs: Education, Prevention & Polilcy...... 95

Journal of Addictive Diseases...... 97

Journal of Drug Education ...... 101

Journal of Drug Issues ...... 102

Journal of Psychoactive Drugs ...... 103

Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs...... 105

Proyecto Hombre ...... 109

Psychology of Addictive Behaviors ...... 110

RET...... 112

Revista de Estudios de Juventud ...... 113

Substance use and misuse...... 119

Tobacco Control...... 123

Trastornos Adictivos ...... 125

53 Addiction VOLUME 103 • NUMBER 1 • JANUARY 2008

EDITORIAL What's in a name? Proposed name changes of the US [Commentary] The Clinical Fallacy And Treatment National Institute on Drug Abuse and the US National Outcomes Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Michael Gossop (UK) 89 Lorraine T. Midanik (USA) 1 Rural–urban migration, illicit drug use and hazardous/harmful drinking in the young Thai Regression to the mean: elephant in the living room population or the delusions of a Swedish student 'out bicycling'? Tawanchai Jirapramukpitak, Martin Prince, Trudy Thomas F. Babor (USA) 4 Harpham (Thailand) 91 NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES Syringe possession arrests are associated with receptive syringe sharing in two Mexico–US border The German Society for Addiction Research and cities Addiction Treatment Robin A. Pollini, Kimberly C. Brouwer, Remedios M. Karl Mann, Anil Batra (Germany) 6 Lozada, Rebeca Ramos, Michelle F. Cruz, Carlos Magis- Closing remarks: Addiction societies as valuable assets Rodriguez, Patricia Case, Scott Burris, Minya Pu, Simon Griffith Edwards, Thomas F. Babo (UK) 9 D. W. Frost, Lawrence A. Palinkas, Cari Miller, Steffanie A. Strathdee (USA) 101 JOURNAL INTERVIEW 88 Social cognitive determinants of ecstasy use to target Conversation with Rudolf Moos in evidence-based interventions: a meta-analytical Rudolf Moos (USA) 13 review Gjalt-Jorn Y. Peters, Gerjo Kok, Charles Abraham METHODS AND TECHNIQUES (Netherland) 109 Conditional models accounting for regression to the Attendance at Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics mean in observational multi-wave panel studies on Anonymous meetings, frequency of attendance and alcohol consumption substance use outcomes after residential treatment Samuli Ripatti, Pia Mäkelä (Finland) 24 for drug dependence: a 5-year follow-up study Estimating regression to the mean and true effects of Michael Gossop, Duncan Stewart, John Marsden (UK) an intervention in a four-wave panel study (p 32-41) 119 Gerhard Gmel, Matthias Wicki, Jürgen Rehm, Jean-Luc Unintentional drug overdose death trends in New Heeb (Switzerland) 32 Mexico, USA, 1990–2005: combinations of heroin, Regression to the mean in substance use disorder cocaine, prescription opioids and alcohol treatment research Nina G. Shah, Sarah L. Lathrop, R. Ross Reichard, John W. Finney (USA) 42 Michael G. Landen (USA) 126 [Commentary] REGRESSION TO THE MEAN IN 'Social evils' and harm reduction: the evolving policy ADDICTION RESEARCH (p 53-53) environment for human immunodeficiency virus Robert L. Stout (USA) 53 prevention among injection drug users in China and RESEARCH REPORT Vietnam Theodore M. Hammett, Zunyou Wu, Tran Tien Duc, David Hostility, drinking pattern and mortality Stephens, Sheena Sullivan, Wei Liu, Yi Chen, Doan Ngu, Stephen H. Boyle, Laust Mortensen, Morten Don C. Des Jarlais (USA) 137 Grønbæk, John C. Barefoot (USA) 54 Varenicline in the routine treatment of tobacco Alcohol, nightlife and violence: the relative contributions dependence: a pre–post comparison with nicotine of drinking before and during nights out to negative replacement therapy and an evaluation in those with health and criminal justice outcomes mental illness Karen Hughes, Zara Anderson, Michela Morleo, Mark A. John A. Stapleton, Lucy Watson, Lucy I. Spirling, Robert Bellis (UK) 60 Smith, Andrea Milbrandt, Marina Ratcliffe, Gay Sutherland (UK) 146 Examining multi-level relationships between bars, Value-added education and smoking uptake in hostility and aggression: social selection and social schools: a cohort study influence Wolfgang A. Markham, Paul Aveyard, Sherri L. Bisset, Andrew J. Treno, Paul J. Gruenewald, Lillian G. Remer, Emma R. Lancashire, Christopher Bridle, Sara Deakin Fred Johnson, Elizabeth A. LaScala (USA) 66 (UK) 155 [Commentary] Alcohol And Violence: A Complex Nexus Effects of progression to cigarette smoking on Of Drinking Environment And Drinking Pattern depressed mood in adolescents: evidence from the Harold D. Holder (USA ) 78 National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health

Marcus R. Munafò, Brian Hitsman, Richard Rende, Chris The impact of treatment on 3 years' outcome for Metcalfe, Raymond Niaura (UK) 162 heroin dependence: findings from the Australian

Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS) NEWS AND NOTES 172 Maree Teesson, Katherine Mills, Joanne Ross, Shane Darke, Anna Williamson, Alys Havard (Australia) 80

Addiction VOLUME 103 • NUMBER 2 • FEBRUARY 2008

EDITORIAL About smoke and mirrors: the alcohol industry and the promotion of science Raul Caetano (USA) 175 [Commentary] From The Can To The Coffin: Deaths Further commentary on Li et al. (2007) Among Recently Released Prisoners Shane Darke (Australia) 256 And Substance-Related Gender and non-medical use of prescription opioids: Problems: An Agenda-Setting Debate. A Further results from a national US survey* Commentary On Li Et Al. (2007) Jeanette M. Tetrault, Rani A. Desai, William C. Becker, Griffith Edwards (USA) 179 David A. Fiellin, John Concato, Lynn E. Sullivan (258) RESEARCH REPORTS Drug abuse and responsible fathering: a comparative study of men enrolled in methadone maintenance Changes in volume of drinking after changes in treatment alcohol taxes and travellers' allowances: results Thomas J. McMahon, Justin D. Winkel, Bruce J. from a panel study Rounsaville (USA) 269 Pia Mäkelä, Kim Bloomfield, Nina-Katri Gustafsson, Psychiatric comorbidity in young cocaine users: Petri Huhtanen, Robin Room (Finland) 181 induced versus independent disorders [Commentary] A Hard Natural Experiment To Fathom: M. Jesús Herrero, Antonia Domingo-Salvany, Marta A Testament To The Increasing Difficulty Of Conducting Reliable Surveys? Torrens, M. Teresa Brugal (Spain) 284 Proactive interventions for smoking cessation in Tim Stockwell (Cánada) 192 general medical practice: a quasi-randomized Drinking expectancies and motives: a genetic study of controlled trial to examine the efficacy of computer- young adult women tailored letters and -delivered brief advice Arpana Agrawal, Danielle M. Dick, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Christian Meyer, Sabina Ulbricht, Sebastian E. Baumeister, Pamela A. F. Madden, M. Lynne Cooper, Kenneth J. Sher, Anja Schumann, Jeannette Rüge, Gallus Bischof, Hans- Andrew C. Heath (USA) 194 Jürgen Rumpf, Ulrich John (Germany) 294 Risk, resilience, and natural recovery: a model of [Commentary] Brief Interventions For Tobacco recovery from alcohol abuse for Alaska Natives Cessation Gerald V. Mohatt, Stacy M. Rasmus, Lisa Thomas, James Maxine Stitzer (USA) 305 Allen, Kelly Hazel, G. Alan Marlatt (USA)) 205 Commentary] Smoking Cessation In 10 Seconds—A [Commentary] Different Pathways To Knowledge About 's View Different Pathways To Recovery: A Comment On The Martin Edwards (UK) 307 People Awakening Study Commentary] Supporting Gps In The Provision Of Jalie A. Tucker (USA) 216 Smoking Cessation Intervention—From Research To Web-based self-help for problem drinkers: a pragmatic Daily Routine randomized trial Christian Meyer, Sabina Ulbricht, Sebastian Baumeister, Heleen Riper, Jeannet Kramer, Filip Smit, Barbara Anja Schumann, Jeannette Rüge, Gallus Bischof, Hans- Conijn, Gerard Schippers, Pim Cuijpers (Netherlands) Jürgen Rumpf, Ulrich John (Germany) 309 218 The role of spending money and drinking alcohol in UK Alcohol Treatment Trial: client–treatment matching adolescent smoking effects Bo Zhang, Carrie Cartmill, Roberta Ferrence (Canada) 310 UKATT Researh Team(UK) 228 [Commentary] Evidence Of Things Unseen: Causality [Commentary] matching clients to psychosocial And Confounding In Path Models Of Youth Substance treatments: at the cusp of hope and Evidence? Use John W. Finney (USA) 239 Harold A. Pollack (USA) 320 Randomized controlled trial of the effects of The effect of retail cigarette pack displays on impulse completing the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification purchase Test questionnaire on self-reported hazardous drinking Melanie Wakefield, Daniella Germain, Lisa Henriksen Jim McCambridge, Maria Day (UK) 241 (Australia) 322 [Commentary] Context And Mechanisms Of Reactivity [Commentary] POWERWALLS PREY ON THE To Assessment And Treatment SUSCEPTIBLE Rudolf H. Moos (USA) 249 Nigel Gray (Australia) 329 Acute risk of drug-related death among newly released Associations between the transtheoretical processes of prisoners in England and Wales change, nicotine dependence and adolescent smokers' Michael Farrell, John Marsden (Uk) 251 transition through the stages of change (p 331-338) Marloes Kleinjan, Johannes Brug, Regina J. J. M. van den Eijnden, Ad A. Vermulst, Rinka M. P. van Zundert, Rutger C. M. E. Engels (Netherlands) 331


Addiction VOLUME 103 • NUMBER 3 • MARCH 2008

EDITORIAL Behrendt, Katja Beesdo, Roselind Lieb, Hans-Ulrich Substance misuse among older adults: a neglected Wittchen (Germany) 439 but treatable problem [Commentary] The Natural History Of Cannabis Use By Michael Gossop, Rudolf Moos (UK) 347 Young People And The Implications Of This For Health HORIZONS REVIEW John Macleod 450 [Introduction] Substance use and genetics: findings, Driving under the influence of cannabis: a 10-year future directions and research horizons study of age and gender differences in the David Ball (UK) 349 concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol in blood The genetics of nicotine addiction liability: ethical and Alan W. Jones, Anita Holmgren, Fredrik C. Kugelberg social policy implications (Australia) 452 Wayne D. Hall, Coral E. Gartner, Adrian Carter (Australia) Exposure to opioid maintenance treatment reduces 350 long-term mortality Amy Gibson, Louisa Degenhardt, Richard P. Mattick, ADDICTION AND ITS SCIENCES Robert Ali, Jason White, Susannah O'Brien (Australia) Addiction science and its genetics (p 360-367) 462 David Ball (UK) 360 Testing mechanisms of action for intensive case management REVIEW Jon Morgenstern, Kimberly A. Blanchard, Christopher Systematic review and meta-analyses of strategies Kahler, Kirsten M. Barbosa, Barbara S. McCrady, targeting alcohol problems in emergency Katharine H. McVeigh USA) 469 departments: interventions reduce alcohol-related Happy Ending: a randomized controlled trial of a injuries digital multi-media smoking cessation intervention Alys Havard, Anthony Shakeshaft, Rob Sanson-Fisher Håvar Brendryen, Pål Kraft (Norway) 478 (Australia) 368 [Commentary] The Internet: Just Another Smoking [Commentary] A Meta-Analysis Of Brief Alcohol Cessation Tool? Interventions In Emergency Departments: Few Victor J. Strecher (USA) 485 Answers, Many Questions Explaining the convergence of male and female Jean-Bernard Daeppen (Switzerland) 377 smoking prevalence in Australia Intranasal naloxone for the treatment of suspected Katherine I. Morley, Wayne D. Hall (Australia) 487 heroin overdose Smoking status of step-parents as a risk factor for Debra Kerr, Paul Dietze, Anne-Maree Kelly (Australia) 379 smoking in adolescence Active ingredients of substance use-focused self-help Jennifer A. Fidler, Robert West, Cornelia H. M. van groups Jaarsveld, Martin J. Jarvis, Jane Wardle (UK) 496 Rudolf H. Moos (USA) 387 Socio-economic variations in tobacco consumption, intention to quit and self-efficacy to quit among male METHODS AND TECHNIQUES smokers in Thailand and Malaysia: results from the Assessing the validity of potential alcohol-related International Tobacco Control–South-East Asia (ITC– non-fatal injury indicators SEA) survey John Langley, Kypros Kypri, Colin Cryer, Gabrielle Mohammad Siahpush, Ron Borland, Hua-Hie Yong, Davie (New Zealand) 397 Foong Kin, Buppha Sirirassamee (USA) 502 RESEARCH REPORTS OBITUARY A randomized trial to evaluate a management training Jack Harold Mendelson 1929–2007 (p 509-510) program to prevent illegal alcohol sales Jerome H. Jaffe (USA) 512 Traci L. Toomey, Darin J. Erickson, Kathleen M. Lenk, Gunna R. Kilian, Cheryl L. Perry, Alexander C. Wagenaar LETTER TO THE EDITOR (USA) 405 Nicotine Withdrawal In Subthreshold Smokers [Commentary] Fiddling While Rome Burns? Balancing Joseph R. Difranza (USA) 511 Rigour With The Need For Practical Knowledge Beyond Withdrawal Symptoms: Response To Difranza Kathryn Graham (Canada ) 414 Shu-Hong Zhu, Kim Pulvers ((USA) 512 [Commentary] Why We Do What We Do—Delivery Of The Absence Of Evidence Is Not The Same As Buprenorphine And The Treatment Of Opioid Evidence For Absence! Addiction Jørgen G. Bramness, Svetlana Skurtveit, Ingebjørg Gustavsen, Jørg Mørland (Norway) 513 Walter Ling (USA) 1908 BOOK REVIEWS Increased drinking in a metropolitan city in China: a Psychotropic Drug Prescriber's Survival Guide. study of alcohol consumption patterns and changes Ethical Treatment in the Age of Big Jiafang Zhang, Sally Casswell, Hongmei Cai (China) 416 Pharma Longitudinal analysis of alcohol consumption and Jürgen Rehm (Canada) 515 health of middle-aged women in Australia Marketing Health: Smoking and the Discourse of Jennifer R. Powers, Anne F. Young (Australia) 424 Public Health in Britain, 1945–2000 (p 515-516) Prenatal exposure to the 1944–45 Dutch 'hunger Wayne Hall (Australia) 515 winter' and addiction later in life Clinical Handbook of Co-Existing Mental Health and Ernst J. Franzek, Niels Sprangers, A. Cecile J. W. Drug and Alcohol Problems (p 516-516) Janssens, Cornelia M. Van Duijn, Ben J. M. Van De Dieter Casparir (Germany) 516 Wetering (Netherlands) 433

The natural course of cannabis use, abuse and dependence during the first decades of life NEWS AND NOTES 517 Axel Perkonigg, Renee D. Goodwin, Agnes Fiedler, Silke ERRATA 520 Addiction VOLUME 103 • NUMBER 4 • APRIL 2008

EDITORIAL Outcomes from a randomized controlled trial of a Methamphetamine precursor regulation: are we multi-component alcohol use preventive intervention controlling or diverting the drug problem? for urban youth: Project Northland Chicago Rebecca Mcketin (Australia) 521 Kelli A. Komro, Cheryl L. Perry, Sara Veblen-Mortenson, Kian Farbakhsh, Traci L. Toomey, Melissa H. Stigler, REVIEWS Rhonda Jones-Webb, Kari C. Kugler, Keryn E. Pasch, Meta-analysis of depression and substance Carolyn L. Williams (Australia) 606 use and impairment among intravenous drug Alcohol outlet density and assault: a spatial analysis users (IDUs) Michael Livingston (Australia) 619 Kenneth R. Conner, Martin Pinquart, Paul R. How much can you drink before driving? The Duberstein (USA) 524 influence of riding with impaired adults and Drug abuse in Vietnam: a critical review of the peers on the driving behaviors of urban and rural literature and implications for future research youth Van T. Nguyen, Maria Scannapieco (USA) 535 Bonnie J. Leadbeater, Kathleen Foran, Aidan Grove- [Commentary] National Drug Abuse Situation In White (Canada) 629 Vietnam—How Accurate Are The Projections? Coping skills training and contingency Rajat Ray (India) 544 management treatments for marijuana Sexual orientation and adolescent substance dependence: exploring mechanisms of behavior use: a meta-analysis and methodological review change Michael P. Marshal, Mark S. Friedman, Ron Stall, Mark D. Litt, Ronald M. Kadden, Elise Kabela- Kevin M. King, Jonathan Miles, Melanie A. Gold, Cormier, Nancy M. Petry (USA) 638 Oscar G. Bukstein, Jennifer Q. Morse (USA) 546 [Commentary] Why And How Do Substance Abuse Nicotine patch therapy prior to quitting smoking: Treatments Work? Investigating Mediated a meta-analysis Change Saul Shiffman, Stuart G. Ferguson (USA)) 557 Katie Witkiewitz, G. Alan Marlatt (USA) 649 [Commentary] Breaking Away From A Narrow The shifting pattern of cause-specific mortality in Prescribing Protocol For Medicinal Nicotine a cohort of human immunodeficiency virus- John A. Stapleton (UK) 564 infected and non-infected injecting drug users Self-help smoking cessation interventions in Inmaculada Ferreros, Blanca Lumbreras, Isabel pregnancy: a systematic review and meta- Hurtado, Santiago Pérez-Hoyos, Ildefonso analysis Hernández-Aguado (Spain) 651 Felix Naughton, A. Toby Prevost, Stephen Sutton [Commentary] Antiretroviral Therapy: A Key Part (UK) 566 Of The Public Health Response To Injection Drug The case for the plain packaging of tobacco Use products Evan Wood, Julio S. G. Montaner (Canada) 660 Becky Freeman, Simon Chapman, Matthew Rimmer Long-term effectiveness of computer-generated (UK) 580 tailored patient education on benzodiazepines: a randomized controlled trial METHODS AND TECHNIQUES Geeske Brecht Ten Wolde, Arie Dijkstra, Pepijn van Estimating heroin epidemics with data of patients Empelen, Wilbert van den Hout, Arie Knuistingh in methadone maintenance treatment, collected Neven, Frans Zitman (Netherlands) 662 during a single treatment day Predictors of 4-year outcome of community Carlos Nordt, Rudolf Stohler (Switzerland) 591 residential treatment for patients with substance use disorders Charlene Laffaye, John D. McKellar, Mark A. Ilgen, RESEARCH REPORTS Rudolf H. Moos (USA) 671 Paradoxical increase of positive answers to the Markers for hepatitis A, B and C in methadone Cut-down, Annoyed, Guilt, Eye-opener (CAGE) maintained patients: an unexpectedly high co- questionnaire during a period of decreasing infection with silent hepatitis B alcohol consumption: results from two Gavin Bart, Paola Piccolo, Linqi Zhang, Ira Jacobson, population-based surveys in Île-de-France, 1991 Robert A. Schaefer, Mary Jeanne Kreek (USA) 681 and 2005 Preliminary evidence for gender-specific effects Antoine Messiah, Gaëlle Encrenaz, David Sapinho, of topiramate as a potential aid to smoking Fabien Gilbert, Elodie Carmona, Viviane Kovess- cessation (p 687-694) Masféty (France) 598 Robert M. Anthenelli, Thomas J. Blom, Susan L. [Commentary] Modern-Day Miracles: Declining McElroy, Paul E. Keck Jr (USA) 687 Per Capita Consumption And Increased Awareness Of Alcohol's Damage In A Drinking- LETTER TO THE EDITOR Oriented Society Information Retrieval And Terminology (p 695- Norman Giesbrecht (Canada) 604 695) Christine Goodair, Anne Welsh (UK) 695 NEWS AND NOTES 696

Addiction VOLUME 103 • NUMBER 5 • MAY 2008

EDITORIAL Patrizia Thoma, Irene Daum (Germany) 774 Trends in overdose deaths from drug misuse in Cannabis withdrawal predicts severity of cannabis Europe: what do the data tell us? involvement at 1-year follow-up among treated Oliver Morgan, Julian Vicente, Paul Griffiths, Matthew adolescents Hickman (UK) 699 Tammy Chung, Christopher S. Martin, Jack R. Speciality recognition of addiction in Cornelius, Duncan B. Clark (USA) 787 Australia Longitudinal changes in methamphetamine and James Bell (Australia) 701 cocaine use in untreated rural stimulant users: racial differences and the impact of REVIEWS methamphetamine legislation On treatment mechanisms—what can we learn from Tyrone F. Borders, Brenda M. Booth, Xiaotong Han, the COMBINE study? Patricia Wright, Carl Leukefeld, Russel S. Falck, Robert Anders Bergmark (Sweden) 703 G. Carlson (USA) 800 [Commentary] Joining The Queue Of Dissenters Menstrual phase effects on smoking relapse Jim Orford (UK) 706 Sharon S. Allen, Tracy Bade, Bruce Center, Deborah [Commentary] Drug Treatment—Not As Useless As It Finstad, Dorothy Hatsukami (USA) 809 Seems [Commentary] How When Matters For Quitting And Harold Kalant (Canada) 707 Relapse [Commentary] Combine And Match: The Final Blow Saul Shiffman (USA) 822 For Large-Scale Black Box Randomized Controlled The role of national policies intended to regulate Trials adolescent smoking in explaining the prevalence of Gerhard Bühringer, Tim Pfeiffer-Gerschel (Germany) daily smoking: a study of adolescents from 27 708 European countries [Commentary] Interpretation Of The Outcome Of The Christina W. Schnohr, Svend Kreiner, Mette Combine Study: A Response To The Commentaries Rasmussen, Pernille Due, Candace Currie, Finn Anders Bergmark (Sweden)) 710 Diderichsen (Denmark) 824 [Commentary] The Problems Of Making Policy POLICY CASE STUDIES Nigel Gray (Australia) 832 Introduction to a series The cost-effectiveness of a smoking cessation Peter Miller (Australia) 711 program for out-patients in treatment for depression The contribution of research to the development of a Paul G. Barnett, Wynnie Wong, Sharon Hall (USA) 834 national cannabis policy in Australia A comparison of the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Wayne D. Hall (Australia) 712 Dependence and smoking prevalence across NATIONAL ALCOHOL EXPERIENCES: CLOSING countries REMARKS Karl Fagerström, Helena Furberg (Sweden) 841 The World Of Drinking: National Alcohol Control Parental smoking and smoking experimentation in Experiences In 18 Countries childhood increase the risk of being a smoker Thomas F. Babor, Erin L. Winstanley (USA) 721 20 years later: the Childhood Determinants of Adult Health Study REVIEWS Seana L. Paul, Leigh Blizzard, George C. Patton, Terry Social cognition in alcoholism: a link to prefrontal Dwyer, Alison Venn (Australia) 846 cortex dysfunction? Jennifer Uekermann, Irene Daum (Germany) 726 LETTER TO THE EDITOR [Commentary] Alcohol And Frontal Lobe Impairment: Ethics Of Alcohol Policy In Brazil: Why It Is Possible Fascinating Findings To Be Independent When We Sit At The Same Table Michael D. Kopelman 736 With The Alcohol Industry Arthur Guerra De Andrade (Brazil) 854 RESEARCH REPORTS Workers' drinking patterns: the impact on No One Can Serve Two Masters absenteeism in the Australian work-place Ilana Pinsky, Ronaldo Laranjeira (Brazil) 855 Ann M. Roche, Ken Pidd, Jesia G. Berry, James E. Response To Dr Kari Poikolainen: The Persistent, Alternative Argument To Apparent Cardioprotective Harrison (Australia) 738 The joint association of average volume of alcohol Effects Of Alcohol and binge drinking with hazardous driving Tanya Chikritzhs, Kaye M. Fillmore, Timothy Stockwell behaviour and traffic crashes (Australia) 855 José Lorenzo Valencia-Martín, Iñaki Galán, Fernando BOOK REVIEWS Rodríguez-Artalejo (Spain) 749 Contingency Management In Substance Abuse The incidence and severity of hangover the morning Treatment after moderate alcohol intoxication Wouter Vanderplasschen (Belgium) 857 Jonathan Howland, Damaris J. Rohsenow, Donald Recognition And Prevention Of Major Mental And Allensworth-Davies, Jacey Greece, Alissa Almeida, Sara J. Substance Use Disorders Minsky, J. Todd Arnedt, John Hermos (USA)758 Maree Teesson (Australia) 857 Low identification of alcohol use disorders in general Discovering Addiction practice in England Griffith Edwards (UK) 858 Survjit Cheeta, Colin Drummond, Adenekan Oyefeso, Tom Phillips, Paolo Deluca, Katherine Perryman, Simon Coulton NEW BOOKS (UK) 766 NEWS AND NOTES

Working memory and multi-tasking in paranoid REFEREES schizophrenia with and without comorbid substance use disorder Addiction VOLUME 103 • SUPPLEMENT I • MAY 2008

A developmental approach to alcohol drinking Destiny Matters: Childhood and Adolescent behaviour in adulthoo (p 48-68) Prediction of Adult Alcohol Use and Abuse in Tuuli Pitkänen, Katja Kokko, Anna-Liisa Lyyra, Lea Pulkkinen (Finland) 48 Six Multi-decade Longitudinal Adolescent pathways to adulthood drinking: sport StudiesSupported by a grant from the Society activity involvement is not necessarily risky or for the Study of Addiction protective INTRODUCTION Stephen C. Peck, Mina Vida, Jacquelynne S. Eccles Destiny matters: distal developmental influences on (USA) 69 adult alcohol use and abuse Adolescent risk factors for adult alcohol use and John E. Schulenberg, Jennifer L. Maggs (USA) 1 abuse: stability and change of predictive value across early and middle adulthood (p 84-99) RESEARCH REPORTS Alicia Merline, Justin Jager, John E. Schulenberg (USA) Childhood and adolescent predictors of alcohol use and 84 problems in adolescence and adulthood in the National COMMENTARY Child Development Study Anticipating problem alcohol use developmentally Jennifer L. Maggs, Megan E. Patrick, Leon Feinstein (USA) from childhood into middle adulthood: what have we 7 learned? Childhood and adolescent predictors of heavy drinking Robert A. Zucker (USA) 100 and alcohol use disorders in early adulthood: a longitudinal developmental analysis (p 23-35) LIST OF REVIEWERS Michelle M. Englund, Byron Egeland, Elizabeth M. Oliva, W. Andrew Collins (USA) 23 Childhood and adolescent predictors of early and middle adulthood alcohol use and problem drinking: the Columbia County Longitudinal Study (p 36-47) Eric F. Dubow, Paul Boxer, L. Rowell Huesmann (USA) 36 Addiction VOLUME 103 • NUMBER 6 • JUNE 2008 Nicholas Lintzeris (Australia) 967 EDITORIAL Cannabis use and later life outcomes Thinking about the unthinkable: a de facto David M. Fergusson, Joseph M. Boden (New Zealand) prohibition on smoked tobacco products 969 [Commentary] Adolescent Cannabis Use And Adult Wayne Hall, Robert West (UK) 873 Life Chances FOR DEBATE Wayne Hall (Australia) 977 Asking the right questions in the right way: the need Distinguishing signs of opioid overdose and for a shift in research on psychological treatments indication for naloxone: an evaluation of six for addiction overdose training and naloxone distribution Jim Orford (UK) 875 programs in the United States Traci C. Green, Robert Heimer, Lauretta E. Grau (USA) Commentaries on Orford (this issue) 979 What Works And How? Designing More Effective The association between cannabis abuse and Interventions Needs Answers To Both Questions dependence and childhood physical and sexual abuse: evidence from an offspring of twins design Susan Michie (UK) 886 Can Dr Orford's Patient be Saved? Alexis E. Duncan, Carolyn E. Sartor, Jeffrey F. Scherrer, Julia D. Grant, Andrew C. Heath, Elliot C. Nelson, Keith Humphreys (USA) 887 Theodore Jacob, Kathleen Keenan Bucholz (USA) 990 Improving Research to Evaluate The Effects Of The effect of proactively identifying smokers and Psychological Treatments For Addiction offering smoking cessation support in primary care Marina Davoli (Italy)) 888 populations: a cluster-randomized trial Research As A Patient Rachael L. Murray, Timothy Coleman, Marilyn Antoniak, Harald Klingemann (Switzerland)) 889 Joanne Stocks, Alexia Fergus, John Britton, Sarah A. How to Cook A Good Omelette: Asking The Wrong Lewis (UK) 998 Question In The Wrong Way: Reply To The [Commentary] Reaching Smokers: How Can We Commentaries Encourage More People To Use Effective Jim Orford (UK) 891 Treatment? HORIZONS REVIEW Linda Bauld (UK) 1007 Genes and cigarette smoking (p 893-904) Effects of voucher-based incentives on abstinence Marcus R. Munafò, Elaine C. Johnstone (UK) 893 from cigarette smoking and fetal growth among pregnant women REVIEW Sarah H. Heil, Stephen T. Higgins, Ira M. Bernstein, Critical issues in the treatment of hepatitis C virus Laura J. Solomon, Randall E. Rogers, Colleen S. infection in methadone maintenance patients Thomas, Gary J. Badger, Mary Ellen Lynch (USA) 1009 David M. Novick, Mary Jeanne Kreek (USA) 905 A qualitative analysis of compliance with smoke-free legislation in community bars in Scotland: METHODS AND TECHNIQUES implications for public health What did you drink yesterday? Public health Douglas Eadie, Derek Heim, Susan MacAskill, Alastair relevance of a recent recall method used in the 2004 Ross, Gerard Hastings, John Davies (UK) 1019 Australian National Drug Strategy Household Survey Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor genes and Tim Stockwell, Jinhui Zhao, Tanya Chikritzhs, Tom K. nicotine dependence: evidence for association from a case–control study Greenfield (Canada) 919 Arpana Agrawal, Michele L. Pergadia, Scott F. Saccone, RESEARCH REPORTS Anthony L. Hinrichs, Christina N. Lessov-Schlaggar, Women's gender role orientation predicts their Nancy L. Saccone, Rosalind J. Neuman, Naomi Breslau, drinking patterns: a follow-up study of Czech Eric Johnson, Dorothy Hatsukami, Grant W. women Montgomery, Andrew C. Heath, Nicholas G. Martin, Luděk Kubička, Ladislav Csémy (Czech Republic) 929 Alison M. Goate, John P. Rice, Laura J. Bierut, Pamela [Commentary] How To Model Two-Wave Panel Data? A. F. Madden (USAl) 1027 Thor Norström (Sweden ) 938 Validation of the alcohol, smoking and substance Bringing alcohol on campus to raise money: impact on involvement screening test (ASSIST) student drinking and drinking problems Rachel Humeniuk, Robert Ali, Thomas F. Babor, Robert B. Voas, Mark Johnson, Robert J. Turrisi, Dexter Michael Farrell, Maria L. Formigoni, Jaroon Jittiwutikarn, Taylor, Charles Robert Honts, Lisa Nelsen (USA) 940 Roseli B. de Lacerda, Walter Ling, John Marsden, [Commentary] If You Can't Them Join Them Maristela Monteiro, Sekai Nhiwatiwa, Hemraj Pal, Henry Wechsler (USA) 951 Vladimir Poznyak, Sara Simon (Australia) 1039 Do acamprosate or naltrexone have an effect on CASE REPORT daily drinking by reducing craving for alcohol? Self-treatment of opioid withdrawal using kratom Kylie Richardson, Andrew Baillie, Sophie Reid, Kirsten (Mitragynia speciosa korth) Morley, Maree Teesson, Claudia Sannibale, Martin Edward W. Boyer, Kavita M. Babu, Jessica E. Adkins, Weltman, Paul Haber (Australia) 953 Christopher R. McCurdy, John H. Halpern (USA) 1048 Long-term effects of heroin-assisted treatment in Germany LETTER TO THE EDITOR Uwe Verthein, Karin Bonorden-Kleij, Peter Degkwitz, In Pursuit Of A More Complex Understanding Of Christoph Dilg, Wilfried K. Köhler, Torsten Passie, Non-Medical Use Of Prescription Drugs: Broadening Michael Soyka, Sabine Tanger, Mario Vogel, Christian Perspective By Sharpening Our Tools Haasen (Germany) 960 Sean Esteban Mccabe, James A. Cranford, Carol J. [Commentary] Future Challenges For Heroin And Boyd, Michele Morales (USA) 1051 Other Opioid Substitution Treatment NEWS AND NOTES Addiction VOLUME 103 • NUMBER 7 • JULY 2008 Alcohol consumption patterns and risk factors among EDITORIAL childhood cancer survivors compared to siblings and general population peers The trouble with alcohol abuse: what are we trying E. Anne Lown, Robert Goldsby, Ann C. Mertens, Thomas to measure, diagnose, count and prevent? Greenfield, Jason Bond, John Whitton, Rachael Korcha, Thomas F. Babor, Raul Caetano (UK) 1057 Leslie L. Robison, Lonnie K. Zeltzer (USA) 1139 FOR DEBATE Effects of sample attrition in a longitudinal study of Does alcohol increase the risk of overdose death: the association between alcohol intake and all- the need for a translational approach cause mortality Matt Hickman, Anne Lingford-Hughes, Chris Bailey, Lau C. Thygesen, Christoffer Johansen, Niels Keiding, John Macleod, David Nutt, Graeme Henderson (UK) Edward Giovannucci, Morten Grønbæk (Denmark) 1060 1149 Long-term effects of universal preventive Commentaries on Orford (this issue) interventions on prescription drug misuse Understanding The Health Of Populations And Of Richard Spoth, Linda Trudeau, Chungyeol Shin, Cleve Individuals Redmond (USA) 1160 Sandro Galea (USA) 1063 [Commentary] Is This The Path To Effective Alcohol And The Risk Of Overdose Death From Prevention? Heroin Richard Midford (Australia) 1169 Michael Soyka (Switzerland) 1064 [Commentary] Finding A Path To More Reasonable Translational Research: A Necessary And Difficult Conclusions About Prevention: A Response To Step Forward In The Field Midford Antoni Gual (Spain)) 1065 Richard Spoth, Linda Trudeau, Cleve Redmond, Truth Is Not Always Found In The Laboratory Chungyeol Shin (USA) 1171 Shane Darke (Australia)) 1066 Methamphetamine suppression and route of Understanding Causal Pathways: A Response To administration: precursor regulation impacts on The Commentaries (p 1067-1068) snorting, smoking, swallowing and injecting Matt Hickman, Anne Lingford-Hughes, Chris Bailey, James K. Cunningham, Lon-Mu Liu, Myra Muramoto (USA) 1174 John Macleod, David Nutt, Graeme Henderson (UK) Contingency management reduces drug-related 1067 human immunodeficiency virus risk behaviors in HORIZONS REVIEW cocaine-abusing methadone patients Are there genetic influences on addiction: evidence Tressa Hanson, Sheila M. Alessi, Nancy M. Petry (USA) from family, adoption and twin studies (p 1069-1081) 1187 Arpana Agrawal, Michael T. Lynskey (USA)1069 Impulsivity, age of first alcohol use and substance use disorders among male adolescents: a ADDICTION AND ITS SCIENCES population based case–control study Alcohol measurement methodology in Lisia von Diemen, Diego Garcia Bassani, Sandra Costa epidemiology: recent advances and opportunities Fuchs, Claudia Maciel Szobot, Flavio Pechansky Thomas K. Greenfield, William C. Kerr (USA) 1082 Traci C. Green, Robert Heimer, Lauretta E. Grau (Brazil) 1198 REVIEW Effects of behavioral intervention on substance use Cannabis potency and contamination: a review of among people living with HIV: the Healthy Living the literature Project randomized controlled study Jennifer McLaren, Wendy Swift, Paul Dillon, Steve F. Lennie Wong, Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus, Allsop (Australia) 1100 Marguerita Lightfoot, Willo Pequegnat, W. Scott Tim Stockwell, Jinhui Zhao, Tanya Chikritzhs, Tom K. Comulada, William Cumberland, Lance S. Weinhardt, Greenfield (Canada) 919 Robert H. Remien, Margaret Chesney, Mallory Johnson METHODS AND TECHNIQUES (USA) 1206 Development and psychometric evaluation of a three- Evaluating the validities of different DSM-IV-based conceptual constructs of tobacco dependence dimensional Gambling Motives Questionnaire Peter S. Hendricks, Judith J. Prochaska, Gary L. Sherry H. Stewart, Martin Zack (Canada) 1110 Humfleet, Sharon M. Hall (USA) 1215 [Commentary] What We See Depends Mainly On [Commentary] The Importance Of Reaching A What We Look For (John Lubbock, British Consensual Definition Of Dependence And Of Anthropologist, 1834–1913) Communicating This Knowledge To The Public David C. Hodgins (Canada) 1118 Jean-François Etter (Switzerland) 1224 RESEARCH REPORTS CASE REPORT Socio-economic status and problem alcohol use: A case of heroin overdose reversed by sublingually the positive relationship between income and the administered buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone) DSM-IV alcohol abuse diagnosis Christopher Welsh, Susan G. Sherman, Karin E. Tobin Katherine M. Keyes, Deborah S. Hasin (USA) 1120 (USA) 1226 Alcohol outlet density and university student drinking: OBITUARY a national study (p 1131-1138) Jaroslav Skála (1916–2007): an international figure Kypros Kypri, Melanie L. Bell, Geoff C. Hay, Joanne Baxter and doyen of Czech alcohol dependence treatment (Australia )1131 Luděk Kubička (Czech) 1229

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Whose Smoke and Mirrors? Godfrey Robson, (UKl) 1231 The Alcohol Industry's Smoke and Mirrors Raul Caetano (USA) 1231 NEW BOOKS 1233


Addiction VOLUME 103 • NUMBER 8 • AUGUST 2008 A randomized clinical trial of methadone maintenance for EDITORIAL prisoners: findings at 6 months post-release Michael S. Gordon, Timothy W. Kinlock, Robert P. Schwartz, Peering into dirty waters: the potential and implications of a new approach to monitoring drug Kevin E. O'Grady (USA) 1333 consumption [Commentary] Modern Treatment for Prisoners Norbert Frost, Paul Griffiths, Roberto Fanelli (Portugal) Charles P. O'brien (USA) 1343 Sleep architecture, cocaine and visual learning 1239 Peter T. Morgan, Edward F. Pace-Schott, Zakir H. REVIEW Sahul, Vladimir Coric, Robert Stickgold, Robert T. Adherence to antiretroviral therapy for human Malison (USA) 1344 immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune Methamphetamine-related fatalities in Australia: deficiency syndrome among drug users: a demographics, circumstances, toxicology and major systematic review organ Monica Malta, Steffanie A. Strathdee, Monica M. F. Sharlene Kaye, Shane Darke, Johan Duflou, Rebecca Magnanini, Francisco I. Bastos (Brazil) 1242 McKetin (Australia) 1353 Adolescent cannabis users at 24 years: trajectories METHODS AND TECHNIQUES to regular weekly use and dependence in young Guidelines for research on drugged driving adulthood J. Michael Walsh, Alain G. Verstraete, Marilyn A. Wendy Swift, Carolyn Coffey, John B. Carlin, Louisa Huestis, Jørg Mørland (USA) 1258 Degenhardt, George C. Patton (Australia) 1361 Commentary] Guidelines For Research On Drugged Perceived safety and efficacy of nicotine Driving: A Good First Step (p 1269-1270) replacement therapies among US smokers and ex- Robert B. Voas (USA) 1269 smokers: relationship with use and compliance RESEARCH REPORTS Saul Shiffman, Stuart G. Ferguson, Jeffrey Rohay, Alcohol screening and brief counseling in a primary Joseph G. Gitchell (USA) 1371 care hypertensive population: a quality [Commentary] Improving Nrt Labeling And Correcting improvement intervention Public Misperceptions Heather Liszka Rose, Peter M. Miller, Lynne S. Nemeth, Jonathan Foulds (USA) 1379 Ruth G. Jenkins, Paul J. Nietert, Andrea M. Wessell, Extended cognitive behavior therapy for cigarette Steven Ornstein (USA)1271 smoking cessation [Commentary] Quality Improvement Interventions For Joel D. Killen, Stephen P. Fortmann, Alan F. Screening And Treatment Of At-Risk Drinkers Need Schatzberg, Christina Arredondo, Greer Murphy, Chris To Be Sustained And Positively Reinforced Over Hayward, Maria Celio, DeAnn Cromp, Dalea Fong, Time To Maximize Results Maya Pandurangi (USA) 1381 Javier Ballesteros (Spain) 1281 Genetic and environmental contributions to Stress, social support and problem drinking among nicotine, alcohol and cannabis dependence in male women in poverty twins (p 1391-1398) Nina Mulia, Laura Schmidt, Jason Bond, Laurie Jacobs, Hong Xian, Jeffrey F. Scherrer, Julia D. Grant, Seth A. Rachael Korcha (USA) 1283 Eisen, William R. True, Theodore Jacob, Kathleen K. [Commentary] Addressing Inequalities In Alcohol Bucholz (USA) 1391 Problems: The Marathon Has Only Just Begun CASE REPORT Pia Mäkelä (USA) 1294 Precipitated withdrawal during maintenance opioid Alcohol use trajectories among adults in an urban blockade with extended release naltrexone area after a disaster: evidence from a population- Marc Fishman (USA) 1399 based cohort study LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Magdalena Cerda, David Vlahov, Melissa Tracy, Sandro Comments On The Cochrane Review On Alcoholics Galea (USA) 1296 Anonymous Effectiveness Incentive-elicited striatal activation in adolescent Lee Ann Kaskutas (USAl) 1402 children of alcoholics Identifying The Treatment Effect Signal From The James M. Bjork, Brian Knutson, Daniel W. Hommer Noise (USA) 1308 Marica Ferri, Laura Amato, Marina Davoli (Italy) 1403 Preference-weighted health-related quality of life measures and substance use disorder severity (p Sexual Orientation And Adolescent Substance Use: 1320-1329) Questionable Correlations Jeffrey M. Pyne, Michael French, Kathryn McCollister, Hilde Pape (Norway) 1404 Shanti Tripathi, Richard Rapp, Brenda Booth (USA) Don't Throw The Baby Out With The Bath Water: A 1320 Response To Pape (2008) (p 1405-1405) [Commentary] Preference-Weighted Health-Related Michael P. Marshal, Mark S. Friedman, Ron Stall, Quality Of Life And Addiction—A Critique Tammy Chung, Kevin King (USA) 1405 Robert A. Cummins (Australia) 1330 NEWS AND NOTES 1406 [Commentary] Quality-Adjusted Life Years (Qalys) And Substance Use Disorders Jeffrey M. Pyne, Michael French, Kathryn Mccollister, Shanti Tripathi, Richard Rapp, Brenda Booth (USA )1331

Addiction VOLUME 103 • NUMBER 9 • SEPTEMBER 2008

EDITORIAL [Commentary] MAINTENANCE TREATMENTS ACROSS Advancing the science of behaviour change: a plea COUNTRIES for scientific reporting (p 1409-1410) Michael Gossop (UK) 1493 Susan Michie, Charles Abraham (UK) 1409 Effect of add-on gabapentin on opioid withdrawal [Editorial Note] Providing full manuals and symptoms in opium-dependent patients intervention descriptions: Addiction policy Gholam R. Kheirabadi, Mansour Ranjkesh, Mohamad Robert West (UK) 1411 Injecting drug users with chronic hepatitis C: should R. Maracy, Mehrdad Salehi (Iran) 1495 they be offered antiviral therapy? Drug withdrawal, cocaine and sedative use Graham R. Foster (UK) 1412 disorders increase the need for mechanical ventilation in medical patients HORIZONS REVIEW Marjolein de Wit, Chris Gennings, Marya Zilberberg, Genetic approaches to addiction: genes and alcohol Ellen L. Burnham, Marc Moss, Robert L. Balster (USA) Francesca Ducci, David Goldman (USA) 1414 1500 Relationship between white matter volume and REVIEW cognitive performance during adolescence: effects Treating pregnant women dependent on opioids is of age, sex and risk for drug use not the same as treating pregnancy and opioid Marisa M Silveri, Golfo K. Tzilos, Deborah A. Yurgelun- dependence: a knowledge synthesis for better Todd (USA) 1509 treatment for women and neonates Psychological mediators of bupropion sustained- Bernadette Winklbaur, Nina Kopf, Nina Ebner, Erika release treatment for smoking cessation Jung, Kenneth Thau, Gabriele Fischer (Austria) 1429 Danielle E. McCarthy, Thomas M. Piasecki, Daniel L. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES Lawrence, Douglas E. Jorenby, Saul Shiffman, Timothy Properties of the Cigarette Dependence Scale B. Baker (USA) 1521 and the Fagerström Test of Nicotine Dependence Trajectories of smoking among freshmen college in a representative sample of smokers in Norway students with prior smoking history and risk for future smoking: data from the University Project Knut Stavem, Ole Jørgen Røgeberg, Jan Abel Olsen, Tobacco Etiology Research Network (UpTERN) Jacob Boe (Norway)1441 study Development of the treatment outcomes profile Craig R. Colder, Brian R. Flay, Eisuke Segawa, Donald John Marsden, Michael Farrell, Colin Bradbury, Annette Hedeker (USA) 1534 Dale-Perera, Brian Eastwood, Malcolm Roxburgh, Steve Association of a single nucleotide polymorphism in Taylor (UK) 1450 neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha 5 RESEARCH REPORTS (CHRNA5) with smoking status and with The impact of alcohol use on depressive symptoms 'pleasurable buzz' during early experimentation with in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients smoking Lynn E. Sullivan, Richard Saitz, Debbie M. Cheng, Richard Sherva, Kirk Wilhelmsen, Cynthia S. Howard Libman, David Nunes, Jeffrey H. Samet (USA) Pomerleau, Scott A. Chasse, John P. Rice, Sandy M. 1461 Snedecor, Laura J. Bierut, Rosalind J. Neuman, Ovide Old enough for a beer? Compliance with minimum F. Pomerleau (USA) 1544 legal age for alcohol purchases in monopoly and Assessing smoking status in children, adolescents other off-premise outlets in Finland and Norway and adults: cotinine cut-points revisited Ingeborg Rossow, Thomas Karlsson, Kirsimarja Martin J. Jarvis, Jennifer Fidler, Jennifer Mindell, Colin Raitasalo (Norway) 1468 Feyerabend, Robert West (Uk) 1553 Mitigating risky sexual behaviors among Russian Do graphic health warning labels have an impact on narcology patients: the PREVENT adolescents' smoking-related beliefs and (Partnership to Reduce the Epidemic Via behaviours? Engagement in Narcology Treatment) randomized Victoria White, Bernice Webster, Melanie Wakefield controlled trial (Australia) 1562 Jeffrey H. Samet, Evgeny M. Krupitsky, Debbie M. CASE REPORT Cheng, Anita Raj, Valentina Y. Egorova, Suzette Venlafaxine dependence in a patient with a history Levenson, Seville Meli, Carly Bridden, Elena V. of alcohol and amineptine misuse (p 1572-1574) Verbitskaya, Mary L. Kamb, Edwin E. Zvartau (USA) Gianluca Quaglio, Fabrizio Schifano, Fabio Lugoboni 1474 (Italy) 1572 Key findings from the WHO collaborative study on LETTERS TO THE EDITOR substitution therapy for opioid dependence and Cannabis Use—Do We Have Solutions? A Reply To HIV/AIDS Macleod (p 1575-1575) Peter Lawrinson, Robert Ali, Aumphornpun Buavirat, Axel Perkonigg, Renee D. Goodwin, Silke Behrendt, Sithisat Chiamwongpaet, Sergey Dvoryak, Boguslaw Katja Beesdo, Roselind Lieb, Hans-Ulrich Wittchen Habrat, Shi Jie, Ratna Mardiati, Azarakhsh Mokri, Jacek (Germanyl) 1575 Moskalewicz, David Newcombe, Vladimir Poznyak, Hardening the Methods, A Comment On Fagerström Emilis Subata, Ambrose Uchtenhagen, Diah S. Utami, & Furberg 2008 Robyn Vial, Chengzheng Zhao (Australia) 1484 Jean-François Etter Switzerland) 1576 Will The Smokers Of The Future Be Harder To Deal With? Karl Fagerström, Helena Furberg (Sweden) 1576


Addiction VOLUME 103 • NUMBER 10 • OCTOBER 2008 Treating adolescent drug abuse: a randomized trial EDITORIAL comparing multidimensional family therapy and cognitive behavior therapy Why do alcohol outlets matter anyway? A look into Howard A. Liddle, Gayle A. Dakof, Ralph M. Turner, the future Craig E. Henderson, Paul E. Greenbaum (UK) 1660 Paul Gruenewald (USA) 1585 Ammonia release from heated 'street' cannabis leaf

and its potential toxic effects on cannabis users FOR DEBATE Roger N. Bloor, Tianshu S. Wang, Patrik Spaněl, David No reason for optimism: the expected impact of Smith (UK) 1671 commitments in the European Commission's Marijuana withdrawal and craving: influence of the Alcohol and Health Forum cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1) and fatty acid amide Avalon de Bruijn (UK) 1588 hydrolase (FAAH) genes REVIEW Heather M. Haughey, Erin Marshall, Joseph P. Schacht, The social production of hepatitis C risk among Ashleigh Louis, Kent E. Hutchisonr (USA) 1678 injecting drug users: a qualitative synthesis Prevalence of hepatitis B, tetanus, hepatitis A, Tim Rhodes, Carla Treloar (Austria) 1593 human immunodeficiency virus and feasibility of vaccine delivery among injecting drug users in METHODS AND TECHNIQUES Bangkok, Thailand, 2003–2005 (p 1687-1695) Estimating the size and dynamics of an injecting Sunthorn Sunthornchart, Robert W. Linkins, Voranut drug user population and implications for health Natephisarnwanish, William C. Levine, Kunyarat service coverage: comparison of indirect prevalence Maneesinthu, Rangsima Lolekha, Jordan W. Tappero, estimation methods Nisanart Trirat, Suchada Muktier, Pennapa Jo Kimber, Matthew Hickman, Louisa Degenhardt, Tim Chancharastong, Kimberley Fox, Suwanna Coulson, Ingrid van Beek (UK) 1604 Donchalermpak, Charles Vitek, Somsak Supawitkul (Thailand) 1687 RESEARCH REPORTS Smokers' use of nicotine replacement therapy for Density of alcohol outlets and teenage drinking: reasons other than stopping smoking: findings from living in an alcogenic environment is associated the ITC Four Country Survey (p 1696-1703) with higher consumption in a metropolitan setting David Hammond, Jessica L. Reid, Pete Driezen, K. Taisia Huckle, John Huakau, Paul Sweetsur, Otto Michael Cummings, Ron Borland, Geoffrey T. Fong, Ann Huisman, Sally Casswell (New Zealand) 1614 McNeill (Canada) 1696 Blood pressure reduction during treatment for [Commentary] Significance Of Off-Label Use Of NRT alcohol dependence: results from the Combining John R. Hughes (USA) 1704 Medications and Behavioral Interventions for Mediators of a successful web-based smokeless Alcoholism (COMBINE) study tobacco cessation program Scott H. Stewart, Patricia K. Latham, Peter M. Miller, Brian G. Danaher, Keith Smolkowski, John R. Seeley, Patrick Randall, Raymond F. Anton (USA) 1622 Herbert H. Severson (USA) 1706 Reducing youth alcohol drinking through a parent- Do smoking attitudes predict behaviour? A targeted intervention: the Örebro Prevention longitudinal study on the bi-directional relations Program between adolescents' smoking attitudes and Nikolaus Koutakis, Håkan Stattin, Margaret Kerr (USA) behaviours (Netherlands) 1713 1629 Longitudinal study of parental movie restriction on Risk and speed of transitions to first alcohol teen smoking and drinking in Germany dependence symptoms in adolescents: a 10-year Reiner Hanewinkel, Matthis Morgenstern, Susanne E. longitudinal community study in Germany Tanski, James D. Sargent (Germany) 1722 Silke Behrendt, Hans-Ulrich Wittchen, Michael Höfler, Parental drug use, early adversities, later childhood Roselind Lieb, Nancy Chooi Ping Low, Jürgen Rehm, problems and children's use of tobacco and alcohol Katja Beesdo (Germany) 1638 at age 10: birth cohort study Overdose training and take-home naloxone for opiate John Macleod, Matthew Hickman, Erica Bowen, Rosa users: prospective cohort study of impact on Alati, Kate Tilling, George Davey Smith (USA) 1731 knowledge and attitudes and subsequent management Genetic and environmental contributions to the of overdoses diversity of substances used in adolescent twins: a John Strang, Victoria Manning, Soraya Mayet, David Best, longitudinal study of age and sex effects Emily Titherington, Laura Santana, Elizabeth Offor, Claudia Jaime Derringer, Robert F. Krueger, Matt McGue, Semmler (UK) 1648 William G. Iacono (USA) 1744 [Commentary] Case for Peer Naloxone Further Strengthened LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Simon Lenton (USA) 1658 Science, Pseudoscience and The Need For Practical Knowledge Dennis M. Gorman (USAl) 1752 Balancing Type I and Type Ii Error: Response To Gorman 2008 Kathryn Graham (Canada) 1753 Is Alcohol The Only Cause Of Alcohol-Related Mortality? Alexander Nemtsov (Russua) 1754


Addiction VOLUME 103 • NUMBER 11 • NOVEMBER 2008

EDITORIAL Influence of co-occurring mental and substance use disorders on the prevalence of problem gambling in How you assess quit attempts for smoking makes a Canada (p 1847-1856) big difference to your results Brian R. Rush, Diego G. Bassani, Karen A. Urbanoski, John A. Cunningham, Peter L. Selby (Canada) 1761 Saulo Castel (Canada) 1847

Work-place social capital and smoking cessation: FOR DEBATE the Finnish Public Sector Study The waterpipe: time for action Anne Kouvonen, Tuula Oksanen, Jussi Vahtera, Ari Wasim Maziak (USA) 1763 Väänänen, Roberto De Vogli, Marko Elovainio, Jaana HORIZONS REVIEW Pentti, Stavroula Leka, Thomas Cox, Mika Kivimäki (UK) Will we ever find the genes for addiction? 1857 Paul R. Buckland (Austria) 1768 A Scotland-wide pilot programme of smoking cessation services for young people: process and REVIEW outcome evaluation Economic theory and evidence on smoking Wendy Gnich, Christine Sheehy, Amanda Amos, Mark behavior of adults (p 1777-1785) Bitel, Stephen Platt (UK) 1866 Frank A. Sloan, Yang Wang (USA)1777 Attentional bias training and cue reactivity in cigarette smokers RESEARCH REPORTS Angela S. Attwood, Hayley O'Sullivan, Ute Leonards, The performance of elements of a 'level of response Bundy Mackintosh, Marcus R. Munafò (UK) 1875 to alcohol'-based model of drinking behaviors in 13- Does the reaction of abstaining smokers to the year-olds smell of other people's cigarettes predict relapse? Marc A. Schuckit, Tom L. Smith, Ryan Trim, Jon Heron, Hayden McRobbie, Peter Hajek, Joanne Locker (New Jeremy Horwood, John M. Davis, Joseph R. Hibbeln Zealand) 1883 (USA) 1786 Scottish smoke-free legislation and trends in Counsellor behaviours and patient language during smoking cessation brief motivational interventions: a sequential Freya J. I. Fowkes, Marlene C. W. Stewart, F. Gerald R. analysis of speech Fowkes, Amanda Amos, Jackie F. Price (UK) 1888 Jacques Gaume, Gerhard Gmel, Mohamed Faouzi, Early cannabis use and DSM-IV nicotine Jean-Bernard Daeppen (Switzerland) 1793 dependence: a twin study Persistence with oral naltrexone for alcohol Arpana Agrawal, Michael T. Lynskey, Michele L. treatment: implications for health-care utilization (p Pergadia, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Andrew C. Heath, 1801-1808) Nicholas G. Martin, Pamela A. F. Madden (USA) 1896 Henry R. Kranzler, Judith J. Stephenson, Leslie Montejano, Shaohung Wang, David R. Gastfriend (USA) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 1801 The Magic To Make The 'Preventive Effect' Of Randomized controlled trial of motivational Alcohol Disappear And Reappear interviewing compared with drug information and Kari Poikolainen (Finland) 1905 advice for early intervention among young cannabis The Effects Of Magic In Medical Epidemiology users Kaye M. Fillmore, Tanya Chikritzhs, Tim Stockwell Jim McCambridge, Renee L. Slym, John Strang (UK) (USA) 1905 1809 Salbutamol Inhaler Misuse: A Persisting Problem? [Commentary] It All Depends Billy Boland, Stewart Glaspole, John Anderson, Karen William R. Miller (UK) 1648 Jones, Jonathan Myers, Ann Page, Kieran Smith, Jason The oral health of street-recruited injecting drug users: Warriner (UK) 1907 prevalence and correlates of problems (p 1821-1825) Cannabis, Confounders And Consequences Anne-Marie Laslett, Paul Dietze, Robyn Dwyer (Australia) Iain J. Robbé, Ghyath Alshawaf, Amar Jasem, Harriet 1821 Sharp (UK) 1907 [Commentary] Making The Absent Body Present Missing Data Estimation, Covariate Control And Joanne Neale (UK) 1826 Gender Effects In The Associations Between The impact of methadone or buprenorphine treatment Cannabis Use And Life Outcomes—Response To and ongoing injection on highly active antiretroviral Robbéet Al therapy (HAART) adherence: evidence from the David M. Fergusson, Joseph M. Boden (New Zealand) MANIF2000 cohort study 1908 Perrine Roux, M. Patrizia Carrieri, Virgine Villes, Pierre BOOK REVIEWS Dellamonica, Isabelle Poizot-Martin, Isabelle Ravaux, Bruno Paying The Tab: The Costs And Benefits Of Alcohol Spire (France) 1828 Control Slow-release oral morphine for maintenance treatment of Mark A.R. Kleiman (USA) 1910 opioid addicts intolerant to methadone or with The Narcotic Farm: The Rise and Fall Of America's inadequate withdrawal suppression First Prison For Drug Addicts Andrej Kastelic, Goran Dubajic, Ervin Strbad (Slovenia) 1837 Arnold M. Ludwig (USA) 1911. Gender and the American Temperance Movement of Nineteenth Century Jessica Warner (Canada)


Addiction VOLUME 103 • NUMBER 12 • DECEMBER 2008 [Commentary] Opioids and Cardiogram Abnormalities: EDITORIAL Providing Treatment Based On Understanding The Risks And Benefits Denying autonomy in order to create it: the paradox Elinore F. Mccance-Katz (USA) 1994 of forcing treatment upon addicts (p 1919-1921) The association of persistent pain with out-patient Arthur Caplan (USA) 1919 addiction treatment outcomes and service utilization The use of depot naltrexone under legal coercion: Ryan M. Caldeiro, Carol A. Malte, Donald A. Calsyn, John S. the case for caution Baer, Paul Nichol, Daniel R. Kivlahan, Andrew J. Saxon Wayne Hall, Benjamin Capps, Adrian Carter (Australia) (USA) 1996 1922 [Commentary] Can One Be An Expert In Addiction FOR DEBATE Medicine Without Expertise In ? Youth exposure to alcohol use and brand Jeffrey H. Samet, Alexander Y. Walley (USA) 2006 appearances in popular contemporary movies Long-term effects of the Focus on Families project on Sonya Dal Cin, Keilah A. Worth, Madeline A. Dalton, substance use disorders among children of parents in James D. Sargent (USA) 1925 methadone treatment Kevin P. Haggerty, Martie Skinner, Charles B. Fleming, Commentaries on Dal Cin et al. (2008) Randy R. Gainey, Richard F. Catalano (USA) 2008 Portrayal Of Alcohol Consumption In Films— The effect of a jail methadone maintenance therapy Does It Influence? (MMT) program on inmate recidivism Rajat Ray, Geetanjali Chugh (India) 1933 Garnett P. McMillan, Sandra Lapham, Michael Lackey (USA) Alcohol Portrayals in Movies: Now we know they’re 2017 There, What Next? A randomized trial of short versus Sandra C. Jones (Australia) 1934 sustained-release bupropion for smoking cessation Alcohol Advertising, Movies and Adolescents Gerald Zernig, Reinhild Wallner, Ursula Grohs, Norbert Arvin Bhana (South Africa) 1935 Kriechbaum, Georg Kemmler, Alois Saria (Austria) Exposure To Alcohol Use In Movies: Future 2024 Directions [Commentary] Is This A Breakthrough In Sonya Dal Cin, Keilah A. Worth, Madeline A. Dalton, Psychological Treatment Of Addiction, Or Are James D. Sargent (USA) 1937 Mommy And I One Again? (p 2032-2033) Peter Hajek (UK) 2032 ADDICTION HISTORY [Commentary] Replication And Further Scientific Investigations Will Tell The Truth Visiting America: notes from an alcohol-focused Gerald Zernig (Austria) 2033 study tour made in 1961 Comparing topiramate with naltrexone in the Griffith Edwards (UK) 1939 treatment of alcohol dependence Commentaries on Edwards (2008) Danilo Antonio Baltieri, Fabio Ruiz Daró, Philip Leite Culture-Bound Concepts Of Addiction—Still A Ribeiro, Arthur Guerra de Andrade (Brazil) 2035 Potent Influence Early-onset depressive disorders predict the use of Harold Kalant (Canada) 1948 addictive substances in adolescence: a prospective Stranger in a Strange Land: Insights from a Visit to study of adolescent Finnish twins North America by A British Student Elina Sihvola, Richard J. Rose, Danielle M. Dick, Lea Harold D. Holder (USA) 1949 Pulkkinen, Mauri Marttunen, Jaakko Kaprio (Finland) 'Atlantic Crossings' and Networks In Science And 2045 Medicine Genetics of coffee consumption and its stability Virginia Berridge (UK) 1950 Venla S. Laitala, Jaakko Kaprio, Karri Silventoinen (Finland) 2054 REVIEWS Trade and health: how World Trade Organization CASE REPORT (WTO) law affects alcohol and public health Ciprofloxacin-induced torsades de pointes in a Ben Baumberg, Peter Anderson (UK) 1952 methadone-dependent patient [Commentary] Who's To Blame? Murali K. Nair, Krunal Patel, Perry J. Starer (USA) 2062 Esa Österberg (Finland) 1959 [Commentary] Reassurance—but Not Complacency— LETTERS TO THE EDITOR On Trade Law and Alcohol: A Response To The Use of Sublingual Buprenorphine–Naloxone For Österberg Reversing Heroin Overdose: A High-Risk Strategy Ben Baumberg, Peter Anderson (UK) 1959 That Should Not Be Recommended Suzanne Nielsen, Nicholas Lintzeris (UK) 2065 RESEARCH REPORTS The Use of Buprenorphine To Reverse Opioid Alcohol industry sponsorship and hazardous Overdose Deserves Further Evaluation drinking among sportspeople Christopher Welsh (USA) 2066 Kerry S. O'Brien, Kypros Kypri (New Zealand) 1961 [Commentary] Alcohol and Sponsorship In Sport: BOOK REVIEWS Some Much-Needed Evidence In An Ideological On Speed. The Many Lives Of Amphetamine (p 2068- Discussion 2068) J.. rehm, & F. kanteres (Canada) 1967 Rebecca Mcketin (Australia) 2068 Clinical Topics In Addiction Recollective experience in alcohol dependence: a Martin Guha (UK) 2068 laboratory study Genes, Environment, And Psychopathology: Patrizia Thoma, Katharina Johann, Alfred Wähner, Understanding The Causes Of Psychiatric And Georg Juckel, Irene Daum (Germany) 1969 Substance Use Disorders Alcohol consumption and mortality and hospital Francesca DuccI (UK) 2069 admissions in men from the Midspan Collaborative cohort study NEWS AND NOTES 2071 Carole L. Hart, George Davey Smith (UK) 1979 ERRATA 2075 Electrocardiographic abnormalities in opiate addicts Christina Wallner, Claudia Stöllberger, Anton Hlavin, Josef Finsterer, Isabella Hager, Peter Herman (Austria) 1987 ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS

AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (Incorporating Annual Review of Addictions Research and Treatment)

Contents Vol. 34, No. 1, 2009

Page ORIGINAL ARTICLES 1 Smoking cessation and relapse prevention for postpartum Wolfgang Hannöver women: Results from a randomized controlled trial at 6, 12, Jochen René Thyrian 18 and 24 months Kathrin Röske Julia Grempler Hans-Jürgen Rumpf Ulrich John Ulfert Hapke 9 The association of ecstasy use and academic achievement Silvia S. Martins among adolescents in two U.S. national surveys Pierre K. Alexandre

17 College versus the real world: Student perceptions and implications for understanding heavy drinking among college students

28 Nicotine dependence, psychological distress and personality Fiammetta Cosci traits as possible predictors of smoking cessation. Results of Annalisa Corlando a double-blind study with nicotine patch Edo Fornai Francesco Pistelli Paolo Paoletti Laura Carrozzi 36 Youths' understandings of cigarette advertisements Dan Freeman Merrie Brucks Melanie Wallendorf Wendy Boland 43 Cross-cultural invalidity of alcohol dependence measurement across Adam C. Carle Hispanics and Caucasians in 2001 and 2002

Continued on page I

ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS Vol. 34, No. 1, 2009

Continued from outside back cover

51 Associations between body mass index and substance use Danielle Barry disorders differ by gender: Results from the National Epidemiologic Nancy M. Petry Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions

61 Gender differences among smokers receiving interventions for Ivana T. Croghan tobacco dependence in a medical setting Jon O. Ebbert Richard D. Hurt J Taylor Hays Lowell C. Dale Nathaniel Warner Darrell R. Schroeder 68 Gender differences in high-risk situations for drinking: Are they Cathy Lau-Barraco, mediated by depressive symptoms? Monica C. Skewes, Paul R. Stasiewicz

75 Alcohol industry and government revenue derived from underage Christopher M. Doran drinking by Australian adolescents 2005 Anthony P. Shakeshaft Wayne Hall Dennis Petrie SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 82 Assessing multidimensional cognitions of drinking among alcohol- Toru Sawayama dependent patients: Development and validation of a drinking- Junichi Yoneda related cognitions scale (DRCS) Katsutoshi Tanaka Norihito Shirakawa Enami Sawayama Susumu Higuchi Hitoshi Miyaoka 86 Diagnostic orphans: Comparing self-report lifetime course to groups Orla McBride, with DSM-IV alcohol abuse and dependence Gary Adamson, Brendan Bunting, Siobhan McCann 92 Age at menarche and weight concerns in relation to smoking Maria Jaszyna-Gasior trajectory and dependence among adolescent girls enrolled in a Jennifer R. Schroeder smoking cessation trial Elissa D. Thorner Stephen J. Heishman Charles C. Collins Suzanne Lo Eric T. Moolchan 96 Testing methodologies to recruit adult drug-using couples Gregory G. Homish, Kenneth E. Leonard Continued on page II ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS Vol. 34, No. 1, 2009


100 Longitudinal prediction of early childhood discipline styles among Ellen P. Edwards heavy drinking parents Gregory G. Homish Rina D. Eiden Kerry K. Grohman Kenneth E. Leonard

107 Influence of phase-related variability in premenstrual Sharon S. Allen, symptomatology, mood, smoking withdrawal, and smoking Alicia M. Allen, behavior during ad libitum smoking, on smoking cessation outcome Cynthia S. Pomerleau

112 Gene-environment interplay and the importance of self-control in Michael G. Vaughn predicting polydrug use and substance-related problems Kevin M. Beaver Matt DeLisi Brian E. Perron Lisa Schelbe

117 Relationship between meaning in life and smoking status: Results Barna Konkolÿ Thege, of a national representative survey Yaacov G. Bachner Talma Kushnir Maria S. Kopp

121 The Alcohol Treatment Outcome Measure (ATOM): A new clinical Melanie Simpson tool for standardising outcome measurement for alcohol treatment Peter Lawrinson Jan Copeland Peter Gates

ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (Incorporating Annual Review of Addictions Research and Treatment)

Contents Vol. 34, No. 2, 2009

ORIGINAL ARTICLES 125 Differential item functioning of the English and Chinese versions of Hiroyuki Yamada the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence G. Scott Acton Janice Y. Tsoh 134 Substance use behaviors, mental health problems, and use of James A. Cranford, mental health services in a probability sample of college students Daniel Eisenberg, Alisha M. Serras

146 Alcohol use and serious psychological distress among women of James Tsai, childbearing age R. Louise Floyd, Mary J. O'Connor, Mary M. Velasquez

154 Depressive symptoms and smokers' perceptions of lung cancer risk: Anna H.L. Floyd, Moderating effects of tobacco dependence J. Lee Westmaas, Valerie Targhetta, Anne Moyer 164 Script-guided imagery of social drinking induces both alcohol and Joel Erblich, cigarette craving in a sample of nicotine-dependent smokers Guy H. Montgomery, Dana H. Bovbjerg

171 Self-initiated tobacco cessation and substance use outcomes among Cynthia I. Campbell, adolescents entering substance use treatment in a managed care Felicia Chi, Stacy Sterling, organization Carolynn Kohn, Constance Weisner

Continued on page I

ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS Vol. 34, No. 2, 2009

Continued from outside back over

180 The association between partner and non-partner aggression and Mark A. Ilgen, suicidal ideation in patients seeking substance use disorder Steve T. Chermack, treatment Regan Murray, Maureen A. Walton, Kristen L. Barry, Marcin Wojnar, Frederic C. Blow 187 Cannabis use and delinquent behaviors in high-school students Henri Chabrol Carine Saint-Martin 190 Differential drinking patterns of family history positive and family Joseph W. LaBrie history negative first semester college females Shannon R. Kenney Andrew Lac Savannah F. Migliuri 197 Light versus heavy smoking among African American men and Michael S. Businelle women Darla E. Kendzor Tracy J. Costello Ludmila Cofta-Woerpel Yisheng Li Carlos A. Mazas Jennifer Irvin Vidrine Lorraine R. Reitzel Paul M. Cinciripini Jasjit S. Ahluwalia David W. Wetter 204 Do smokers of specialty and conventional cigarettes differ in their Jimi Huh dependence on nicotine? David S. Timberlake

212 The role of cognitive structure in college student problem drinking Adrienne J. Heinz, Jennifer C. Veilleux, Jon D. Kassel SHORT COMMUNUICATIONS 219 Assessing college students' perceptions of tolerance to alcohol using Kimberly A. Mallett social cues: The Social Tolerance Index Christine M. Lee Rob Turrisi Mary E. Larimer 223 The reliability of self-reported cannabis abuse, dependence and with Catharine E. Mennes drawal symptoms: Multisite study of differences between general popu Arbi Ben Abdallah Linda B. Cottler 227 Might expectations explain early self-reported symptoms of nicotine W.W. Sanouri A. Ursprung dependence? Sharon M. DiFranza Andrew D. Costa Jo seph R. DiFranza Continued on page II

ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS Vol. 34, No. 2, 2009

232 Readiness to change in brief motivational interventions: A requisite Brian Borsari, condition for drinking reductions? James G. Murphy, Kate B. Carey


236 Corrigendum to “Epidemiological trends in drinking by age and Karen K. Chan gender: providing normative feedback to adults” [Addictive Behaviors Clayton Neighbors 32 (2007) 967–976] Michael Gilson Mary E. Larimer G. Alan Marlatt

ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (Incorporating Annual Review of Addictions Research and Treatment)

Contents Vol. 34, No. 3, 2009


237 Alexithymia and alcohol use disorders: A critical review Fred Arne Thorberg Ross McD. Young Karen A. Sullivan Michael Lyvers 246 Dependence on the nicotine gum in former smokers Jean-François Etter

252 Predictors of alcohol problems in college women: The role of Zaje A.T. Harrell depressive symptoms, disordered eating, and family history Jennifer D. Slane of alcoholism Kelly L. Klump

258 Marriage and relationship closeness as predictors of cocaine and Adrienne J. Heinz, heroin use Johnny Wu, Katie Witkiewitz, David H. Epstein, Kenzie L. Preston 264 Situational and respondent-level motives for drinking and alcohol- Ljiljana Mihic, related aggression: A multilevel analysis of drinking events in a Samantha Wells, sample of Canadian University students Kathryn Graham, Paul F. Tremblay, Andrée Demers 270 Using the Prototype/Willingness model to predict smoking behaviour Silje Sommer Hukkelberg among Norwegian adolescents Jennifer L. Dykstra

277 Child abuse and neglect: Relations to adolescent binge drinking in Sunny Hyucksun Shin the national longitudinal study of Adolescent Health (AddHealth) Erika M. Edwards, Study Timothy Heeren

281 Testing Social Cognitive Theory as a theoretical framework to Rinka M.P. Van Zundert predict smoking relapse among daily smoking adolescents Linda M. Nijhof Rutger C.M.E. Engels Continued on page I ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS Vol. 34, No. 3, 2009

Continued from outside back cover

287 Self-esteem and resilience: The connection with risky behavior Zuzana Veselska among adolescents Andrea Madarasova Geckova, Olga Orosova Beata Gajdosova Jitse P. van Dijk Sijmen A. Reijneveld 292 Negative emotions and alcohol dependence symptoms in British Amandip Brar Indian and White college students Giovanni B. Moneta

297 Refining the depression-nicotine dependence link: Patterns of Adam M. Leventhal depressive symptoms in psychiatric outpatients with current, Christopher W. Kahler past, and no history of nicotine dependence Lara A. Ray Mark Zimmerman 304 Brief buprenorphine detoxification for the treatment of prescription Stacey C. Sigmon opioid dependence: A pilot study Kelly E. Dunn Gary J. Badger Sarah H. Heil Stephen T. Higgins SHORT COMMUNICATIONS

312 The gender specific mediational pathways between parenting styles, Julie A. Patock-Peckham neuroticism, pathological reasons for drinking, and alcohol-related Antonio A. Morgan-Lopez problems in emerging adulthood

316 The relation between interpersonal violence and substance use Elizabeth Reed among a sample of university students: Examination of the role of Hortensia Amaro victim and perpetrator substance use Atsushi Matsumoto Debra Kaysen 319 Early-onset drug use and risk for drug dependence problems Chuan-Yu Chen Carla L. Storr James C. Anthony 323 Differences between adult non-drug users versus alcohol, cocaine Sarra L. Hedden and concurrent alcohol and cocaine problem users Robert J. Malcolm William W. Latimer 327 Context effects and false memory for alcohol words in adolescents Martin Zack Justin Sharpley Clyde W. Dent Alan W. Stacy 331 How do sexual assault characteristics vary as a function of Michele R. Parkhill perpetrators' level of intoxication? Antonia Abbey Angela J. Jacques-Tiura 334 Acknowledgement to reviewers 2008

ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (Incorporating Annual Review of Addictions Research and Treatment)

Contents Vol. 34, No. 4, 2009


337 Test–retest reliability of an online measure of past week alcohol Zarnie Khadjesari consumption (the TOT-AL), and comparison with face-to-face Elizabeth Murray interview Eleftheria Kalaitzaki Ian R. White, Jim McCambridge Christine Godfrey Paul Wallace 343 Behavioral and social correlates of methamphetamine use in a Dennis Embry population-based sample of early and later adolescents Martin Hankins Anthony Biglan Shawn Boles 352 Athletic identity, descriptive norms, and drinking among athletes Joel R. Grossbard transitioning to college Irene M. Geisner, Nadine R. Mastroleo, Jason R. Kilmer, Rob Turrisi, Mary E. Larimer 360 Adolescent stigma towards drug addiction: Effects of age and Edward M. Adlaf drug use behaviour Hayley A. Hamilton Fei Wu, Samuel Noh 365 Attempts to quit smoking and relapse: Factors associated with Xiaolei Zhou success or failure from the ATTEMPT cohort study James Nonnemaker Beth Sherrill Alicia W. Gilsenan Florence Coste Robert West Continued on page I ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS Vol. 34, No. 4, 2009

Continued from outside back cover

374 Schizotypy and nicotine, alcohol, and cannabis use in a Michelle L. Esterberg non-psychiatric sample Sandra M. Goulding Erin B. McClure-Tone Michael T. Compton 380 Impulsivity and positive psychotic symptoms influence hostility in Kely Lapworth methamphetamine users Sharon Dawe Penelope Davis David Kavanagh Ross Young John Saunders 386 The effects of alcohol and cue salience on young men's acceptance Nora E. Noel of sexual aggression Stephen A. Maisto James D. Johnson Lee A. Jackson Jr. 395 Trauma-related risk factors for substance abuse among male versus Carla Kmett Danielson female young adults Ananda B. Amstadter Ruth E. Dangelmaier Heidi S. Resnick Benjamin E. Saunders Dean G. Kilpatrick SHORT COMMUNICATIONS

400 Relationship between smoking status and body weight in a military Deborah Sherrill-Mittleman population of young adults Robert C. Klesges Virginia Massey Mark W. Vander Weg Margaret DeBon 403 Psychosocial problems and continued smoking during pregnancy Geertje Goedhart Marcel F. van der Wal Pim Cuijpers Gouke J. Bonsel 407 A new minimum legal drPages Julia A. Martinez, Miguel A. Muñoz García, Kenneth J. Sher

Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment Volume 7 Number 4 December 2008 Contents

Original Articles

179 Nicotine Addiction in Pregnancy: Preliminary Efficacy of a Mental Health Intervention. Ann R. Peden, Mary Kay Rayens, Lynne A. Hall, Ellen Hahn, Carol Riker, Kristin Ashford, Mei Zhang

190 Prevalence and Incidence of Hepatitis C in Drug Users: A Review. Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh, Suzanne Foley

199 Characterization of Substance Abuse Patients Presenting for Treatment at a University in Cairo, Egypt. Afaf Khalil, Tarek Okasha, Mansour Shawky, Amany Haroon, Mahmoud Elhabiby,; Deni Carise, Jeffrey J. Annon,; Albert M. Hasson, Richard A. Rawson


210 Coming to Terms with Reality: Predictors of Self-deception within Substance Abuse Recovery. Joseph R. Ferrari, David R. Groh, Gabriella Rulka,; Leonard A. Jason, Margaret I. Davis

219 Factors Limiting Successful Buprenorphine Treatment With Inner City Heroin Users: A Patient Survey. Robert P. Ferguson, Yiming Gao, Robert Cumming, Lyn Camire

Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment Volume 8 Number 1 March 2009 Contents

Original Articles

1 A Clinical Overview of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Murthy, Poornima; Kudlur, Swamy; George, Sanju; Mathew, Geetha

13 Risk Behaviors and Transmission of Hepatitis C in Injecting Drug Users Foley, Suzanne; Abou-Saleh, Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

22 Evaluating the Utility of Drug Testing in an Outpatient Addiction Program Vakili, Shervin; Currie, Shawn; el-Guebaly, Nady

33 Safety and of Acamprosate in Alcohol-dependent Individuals With Bipolar Disorder: An Open-label Pilot Study Tolliver, Bryan K.; McRae, Aimee L.; Sonne, Susan C.; Brady, Kathleen T. Brady

39 Investigation of the Psychometric Properties of the Drinking Patterns Questionnaire Zweig, Rene D.; McCrady, Barbara S.; Epstein, Elizabeth E.

Case report

52 Memantine Reduces Craving for Alcohol in Alcohol-induced Dementia: A Case Report Thomas, Naveen; Braganza, Deepa; Tharyan, Prathap

Letter to the Editor

55 Protracted Delirium Induced by Fioricet Withdrawal Sagar, Angela N.; Woo, Benjamin K. P.; Sevilla, Conrado C.; Obrocea, Gabriela V.; Tully, Elizabeth M.

Book Reviews

57 Last Call-Alcoholism and Recovery Ruiz, Pedro

59 Rising from the Dead-Stories of Women's Spiritual Journeys to Sobriety Ruiz, Pedro Adicciones 2008 - Vol. 20, n° 4 EDITA: SOCIDROGALCOHOL

Editorial Editorial

Patologia dual: Situación actual y retos de Dual diagnosis futuro Gesbrecht, N M. Torrens Mèlich...... 315 M. Torrens Mèlich...... 315 Responsible gambling: is it an alternative for Juego responsable: ¿una alternativa para la prevention and treatment of pathological prevención y el tratamiento de la ludopatía? gambling? Enrique, E.; de Corral, P...... 321 Enrique, E.; de Corral, P...... 321 Originales Originals Valores sociales y adicción: aplicabilidad y Social values and addiction: applicability and propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario VAL-89 psychometric properties of VAL-89 questionnarie E. J., Pedrero Pérez; G. Rojo Mota; Á. Olivar E. J., Pedrero Pérez; G. Rojo Mota; Á. Olivar 327 Arroyo...... 327 Arroyo...... An analysis of spanish scientific productivity in Análisis de la producción científica española substance abuse according to disciplinary sobre abuso de sustancias en función de la collaboration colaboración entre disciplinas G. González Alcaide; M. Bolaños Pizarro; C. G. González Alcaide; M. Bolaños Pizarro; C. Navarro Molina; J. I. de Granda Orive; R. Navarro Molina; J. I. de Granda Orive; R. Aleixandre Benavent; J. C. Valderrama Zurián Aleixandre Benavent; J. C. Valderrama ...... 337 Zurián...... 337 What happens in a cocaine-dependent sample ¿Qué ocurre a los 24 meses del inicio del after 24 months of treatment? tratamiento en una muestra de personas con A. López; E. Becoña; I. Vieitez; J. Cancelo; J. dependencia de la cocaína? Sobradelo; J. M. García; A. Senra; L. Casete; A. López; E. Becoña; I. Vieitez; J. Cancelo; J. M. T. Lage...... 347 Sobradelo; J. M. García; A. Senra; L. Casete; M. T. Lage...... 347 Reasons for not accepting a sexual liaison in nightlife recreational contexts according to Razones para no aceptar una relación sexual en jóvenes que se divierten en contextos gender and state of drunkenness recreativos nocturnos en función del género y E. Becoña; M. Juan; A. Calafat; M. Ros... .357 la embriaguez Attention and craving. Advances in its E. Becoña; M. Juan; A. Calafat; M. Ros...... 357 conceptualization and its implications for Atención y craving o ganas compulsivas. relapse prevention Avances en su conceptualización y su J. Blasco; J. Martínez-Raga; E., Carrasco; J 365 implicación en la prevención de recaídas Didia-Attas...... J. Blasco; J. Martínez-Raga; E., Carrasco; J Didia-Attas...... 365 Descriptive study of alcohol detoxifications in an Service Estudio descriptivo de las desintoxicaciones V. González Vallés; B. Climent Díaz; D. García de alcohol en un Servicio de Medicina Interna Escrivá; J. Pérez-Silvestre; P. Herrera de V. González Vallés; B. Climent Díaz; D. Pablo; M. J. Guijarro A. Herrera García Escrivá; J. Pérez-Silvestre; P. Herrera Ballester...... 377 de Pablo; M. J. Guijarro A. Herrera Ballester...... 377 Latinoamerican section Sección Latinoamericana Why girls smoke: A structural model of smoking Por qué fuman las adolescentes: Un modelo intention estructural de la intención de fumar N., Calleja; J., Aguila...... 387 N., Calleja; J., Aguilar...... 387

Sección Europea European Section Psicosis etílica y mortalidad por todas las Alcohol psychoses and all-cause mortality in causas en Bielorrusia Belarus ...... 395 Y. E., Razvodovsky . Y. E., Razvodovsky...... 395 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE Volume 34, Number 6, 2008


The Relationship between the Dimensions of Change Instrument and Retention in Therapeutic Community Treatment: The Moderating Influence of Time in Treatment Jeremy N. V. Miles; Suzanne Wenzel; Wallace Mandell...... 667 Inhibition of Period1 Gene Attenuates the Morphine-Induced ERK-CREB Activation in Frontal Cortex, Hippocampus, and Striatum in Mice Su-xia Li; Zheng-rong Wang; Jing Li; Zu-gui Peng; Wei Zhou; Mei Zhou; Lin Lu...... 673 Levetiracetam for the Treatment of Co-Occurring Alcohol Dependence and Anxiety: Case Series and Review John J. Mariani; Frances R. Levin...... 683 Pilot Study of Lorazepam and Tiagabine Effects on Sleep, Motor Learning, and Impulsivity in Cocaine Abstinence Peter T. Morgan; Robert T. Malison...... 692 Alcohol Consumption Primes Automatic Alcohol-Approach Associations Suzan R. Farris; Brian D. Ostafin...... 703 Signal-Averaged Electrocardiogram in Physically Healthy, Chronic 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Users Praveen Kanneganti; Marilyn A. Huestis; Erin A. Kolbrich; Robert Goodwin; Roy C. Ziegelstein; David A. Gorelick...... 712 The Safety, Tolerability, and Subject-Rated Effects of Acute Intranasal Cocaine Administration During Aripiprazole Maintenance II: Increased Aripipirazole Dose and Maintenance Period Joshua A. Lile; William W. Stoops; Lon R. Hays; Craig R. Rush...... 721 Gender and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the Impact of HIV Prevention Programming in Substance Abuse Treatment Dingcai Cao; Jeanne C. Marsh; Hee-Choon Shin...... 730 Readiness to Change as a Predictor of Drug-Related Behaviors in a Sample of Rural Felony Probationers Jamieson L. Duvall; Carrie B. Oser; Carl G. Leukefeld...... 741 Predictors of College Student Support for Alcohol Control Policies and Stricter Enforcement Strategies Andrea M. Lavigne; Caren Francione Witt; Mark D. Wood; Robert Laforge; William DeJong...... 749 Dysfunction of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in Opioid Dependent Subjects: Effects of Acute and Protracted Abstinence Guo-Fu Zhang; Yan-Ping Ren; Li-Xia Sheng; Yong Chi; Wan-Jun Du; Song Guo; Zuo-Ning Jiang; Le Xiao; Xiao-Nian Luo; Yi-Lang Tang; Alicia K. Smith; Zhen-Qi Liu; Hong-Xi Zhang...... 760 Electrophoretic Profile of Serum Proteins in Opium and Heroin Dependents Kouros Divsalar; Manzumeh Shamsi Meymandi; Ramin Saravani; Minoo Mahmoudi Zarandi; Azar Shaikh-al-eslami...... 769 Predictors and Comparisons of Polydrug and Non-Polydrug Cocaine Use in Club Subcultures Brian C. Kelly; Jeffrey T. Parsons...... 774 Does Marijuana Use Serve as a Gateway to Cigarette Use for High-Risk African-American Youth? Michael Vaughn; John Wallace; Brian Perron; Valire Copeland; Matthew Howard...... 782 A Comparative Clinical Study of the Effects of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Jinniu Capsules and Lofexidine on Acute Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms Jie Shi; Guo-zhu Xu; Ting-ting Liu; Xi Wang; Li-yang Shen; Jing Li; Wei Hao; Hong-xian Chen; Su-xia Li; Lin Lu...... 792 Binge Drinking Among California Adults: Results from the 2005 California Health Interview Survey Jim E. Banta; Peter Przekop; Mark G. Haviland; Melissa Pereau...... 801

Risks Surrounding Drug Trade Involvement Among Street-Involved Youth Authors: Daniel Werb; Thomas Kerr; Kathy Li; Julio Montaner; Evan Wood...... 810



REVIEW ARTICLE in the Treatment of Drug Addiction Lin Lu; Yanli Liu; Weili Zhu; Jie Shi; Yu Liu; Walter Ling; Thomas R. Kosten...... 1 ORIGINAL ARTICLES The Impact of Cigarette Smoking on Stimulant Addiction Andrea H. Weinberger; Mehmet Sofuoglu...... 12 Prescription Opiate Misuse Among Rural Stimulant Users in a Multistate Community-Based Study Jennifer R. Havens; William W. Stoops; Carl G. Leukefeld; Thomas F. Garrity; Robert G. Carlson; Russel Falck, Brenda M. Booth...... 18 Substance Abuse Problem Severity Among Rural and Urban Female DUI Offenders J. Matthew Webster; Jody H. Pimentel; Kathi L. H. Harp; David B. Clark; Michele Staton-Tindall...... 24 A Meta-Analysis of Retention in Methadone Maintenance by Dose and Dosing Strategy Yan-ping Bao; Zhi-min Liu; David H. Epstein; Cun Du; Jie Shi; Lin Lu...... 28 Provigil (Modafinil) Plus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Methamphetamine Use in HIV+ Gay Men: A Pilot Study Martin C. McElhiney; Judith G. Rabkin; Richard Rabkin; Edward V. Nunes...... 34 Gender Differences Among In- and Out-of-Treatment Opioid-Addicted Individuals Sharon M. Kelly; Robert P. Schwartz; Kevin E. O'Grady; Shannon Gwin Mitchell; Heather Schacht Reisinger...... 38 Substance Use and HIV-Risk Behaviors Among Young Men Involved in the Criminal Justice System Pamela Valera; Matthew Epperson; Jessie Daniels; Megha Ramaswamy; Nicholas Freudenberg...... 43 Correlates of Stimulant Treatment Outcome Across Treatment Modalities Jessica M. Peirce; Nancy M. Petry; John M. Roll; Ken Kolodner; Joe Krasnansky; Patricia Q. Stabile; Chanda Brown; Maxine L. Stitzer...... 48

CDD DDZ Centro de Documentación de drogodependencias boletín 156 Noviembre 2008



ENTREVISTA • Joan Pallarés: ‘El botellón preocupa porque se ha construido como problema y por la presión que ejerce sobre el espacio público, no tanto por sus consecuencias sanitarias’ ...... 4

INVESTIGACIONES • Las terapias de mantenimiento con heroína: panorama europeo...... 6 • La importancia del estilo educativo familiar en los programas de prevención para adolescentes...... 6 • Arrisku egoeran dauden gazteen prebentzioaren premiatasuna, Europar Batasunaren erronka ...... 6

MESA REDONDA • ¿Es la inserción laboral una de las principales dificultades de las personas que actualmente reciben tratamiento por drogodependencias?...... 10

RECURSOS...... 11


CONVOCATORIAS...... 16 CDD DDZ Centro de Documentación de drogodependencias boletín 157 Diciembre 2008



ENTREVISTA • Elena Rodríguez San Julián: ‘El descenso del consumo de alcohol apuntado en los últimos estudios implica una reducción en los consumos abusivos’...... 4

INVESTIGACIONES • Asturiarnerabeak eta drogen arriskuen neurtzea...... 6 • ¿Cuál es el perfil del usuario de la red gala de reducción de daños?...... 6 • ¿Qué cabe mejorar en los tratamientos por consumo de cocaína?...... 6

MESA REDONDA ¿Hasta que punto la población inmigrada se ha convertido en un grupo de riesgo de consumo de drogas ilegales?...... 10

RECURSOS...... 11


CONVOCATORIAS...... 16 CDD DDZ Centro de Documentación de drogodependencias boletín 158 Enero 2009



ENTREVISTA • José Luis Carballo: ‘Mayor énfasis en el autocambio y en la responsabilidad sobre la propia recuperación podrían mejorar la adherencia al tratamiento...... 4

INVESTIGACIONES • Consumo de drogas y relaciones sexuales entre la juventud de nueve ciudades europeas...... 6 • Buenos resultados de los programas de sustitución de opiáceos en las prisiones europeas...... 6

MESA REDONDA ¿Cuál es el balance de los tres años de vigencia de la Ley del Tabaco?...... 10

RECURSOS...... 11



CDD DDZ Centro de Documentación de drogodependencias boletín 159 Febrero 2009



ENTREVISTA • ‘Cuando la sanción por consumo o tenencia de drogas es baja, muchos prefieren pagarla a participar en el programa educativo’...... 4

INVESTIGACIONES • El problema de las drogas cuesta al ciudadano comunitario medio 60 euros al año...... 6 • Análisis del movimiento social cannábico en España...... 6 • Edarien garestitzeak alkoholari loturiko kalteak urriagotzeko...... 6

MESA REDONDA ¿Convendría integrar las adicciones comportamentales en el marco de las políticas de drogas?...... 10

RECURSOS...... 11


CONVOCATORIAS...... 16 VOL. 35, NO. 1 SPRING 2008



1 Notes on Contributors The 2003 Slovenian Alcohol Policy: Background, Supporters, and Opponents

ALEKSANDRA J. SNWDEN AND WILLIAM A. PRIDEMORE 37 Under-estimation of Alcohol Consumption among Women At-risk for Drinking during Pregnancy JANE WITBRODT, LEE ANN KASKUTAS, RACHAEL KORCHA AND MARY ANNE ARMSTRONG 59 Social Organization in Bars: Implications for Tobacco Control Policy JULIET P. LEE, TAMAR M.J. ANTIN AND ROLAND S. MOORE 99 Adolescents’ Perceptions of Friends during Substance Abuse Treatment: A Qualitative Study

LORA L. PASSETTI, SUSAN H. GODLEY AND MICHELLE K. WHITE 115 Structural and Personal Factors Related to Access to Housing and Housing Stability among Urban Drug Users in Hartford, Connecticut

JULIA DICKSON-GOMEZ, MARK CONVEY, HELENA HILARIO, A. MICHELLE CORBET AND MARGARET WEEKS 153 Teen Drug Sellers-An International Study of Segregated Drug Markets and Related Violence

DIRK J. KORF, SERGE BROHU, ANNEMIEKE BENSCHOP, LANA D. HARRISON AND PATRICIA G. ERICKSON 177 Psychoactive Substance Use among Young People: Core Findings of a Multi-center Study in the Republic ob belarus and the Russian Federation


Volume 99, issue 1-3, 1 January 2009


Review Caffeinated energy drinks—A growing problem C. J. Reissig, E. C. Strain, R. R. Griffiths …...... 1 Full length reports Low prefrontal perfusion linked to depression symptoms in methadone-maintained opiate-dependent patients J. J. Suh, D. D. Langleben, R. N. Ehrman, J. G. Hakun, Z. Wang, Y. Li, S.I. Busch, C. P. O’Brien, A. R Childres...... 11

Validation of the Spanish Addiction Severity Index Multimedia Version (S-ASI-MV) S. F. Butler, J. P. Redondo, K. C. Fernandez, A. Villapiano...... 18

Predictors of outcome for short-term medically supervised opioid withdrawal during a randomized, multicenter trial of buprenorphine–naloxone and clonidine in the NIDA clinical trials network drug and alcohol dependence D. M. Ziedonis, L. Amass, M. Steinberg, G. Woody, J. Krejci, J. J. Annon, A. J. Cohen, N. Waite-O’Brien, S. M. Stine, D. McCarty, M. S. Reid, L. S. Brown Jr., R. Maslansky, T. Winhusen, D. Babcock, G. Brigham, J. Muir, D. Orr, Betty J. Buchan, Terry Horton, et al. …...... 28

The Dynamic Assessment and Referral System for Substance Abuse (DARSSA): Development, functionality, and end-user satisfaction E. D. Boudreaux, K. L. Bedek, D. Gilles, B. M. Baumann, S. Hollenberg, S. A. Lord, G. Grissom …...... 37

Variability in initial nicotine sensitivity due to sex, history of other drug use, and parental smoking K. A. Perkins, S. B. Coddington, J. L. Karelitz, C. Jetton, J. A. Scott, A. S. Wilson, C. Lerman …...... 47

Correlates of extramedical use of OxyContin® versus other analgesic opioids among the US general population S. S. Martins, C. L. Storr, H. Zhu, H. D. Chilcoat …...... 58

Transitions from first substance use to substance use disorders in adolescence: Is early onset associated with a rapid escalation? S. Behrendt, H.-U. Wittchen, M. Höfler, R. Lieb, K. Beesdo …...... 68

Predictors of violence following Emergency Department visit for cocaine-related chest pain M. A. Walton, R. Cunningham, S. T. Chermack, S. Tripathi, J. Weber, R. F. Maio, B. M. Booth...... 79

Factors associated with substance use during pregnancy: Results from a national sample J. R. Havens, L. A. Simmons, L. M. Shannon, W. F. Hansen...... 89 Withdrawal symptoms as a predictor of mortality in patients HIV-infected through drug use and receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) L. Michel, R. Giorgi, V. Villes, I. Poizot-Martin, P. Dellamonica, B. Spire, C. Protopopescu, M. P. Carrieri...... 96

Implementation of a discontinuation letter to reduce long-term benzodiazepine use—A cluster randomized trial C. H.P.A. van de Steeg-van Gompel, M. Wensing, P.A.G.M. De Smet...... 105

Patients’ abstinence status affects the benefits of 12-step self-help group participation on substance use disorder outcomes J. D. McKellar, A. H. Harris, R. H. Moos...... 115

Genetic correlates of morphine withdrawal in 14 inbred mouse strains P. Metten, J. C. Crabbe, J. K. Belknap...... 123 Cost analysis of and office-based treatment of opioid dependence: Results with methadone and buprenorphine in clinically stable patients E. S. Jones, B. A. Moore, J. L. Sindelar, P. G. O’Connor, R. S. Schottenfeld, D. A. Fiellin...... 132

Clinical characteristics of treatment-seeking adolescents with opioid versus cannabis/alcohol use disorders G.eetha A. Subramaniam, Maxine L. Stitzer, George Woody, Marc J. Fishman, Ken Kolodner...... 141

Treated and untreated remission from problem drinking in late life: Post-remission functioning and health-related quality of life K. K. Schutte, P. L. Brennan, R. H. Moos...... 150 Beyond quitting: Predictors of teen smoking cessation, reduction and acceleration following a school-based intervention S. A. Branstetter, K. Horn, G. Dino, J. Zhang...... 160

Nicotine dependence and psychiatric and substance use comorbidities in a sample of American Indian male veterans D.L. Dickerson, S. S. O’Malley, J. Canive, P Thuras, J. Westermeyer...... 169

Incidence and determinants of initiation into cocaine injection and correlates of frequent cocaine injectors E. Lloyd-Smith, E. Wood, K. Li, J. S.G. Montaner, T. Kerr...... 176

Neurobiological substrates of cue-elicited craving and anhedonia in recently abstinent opioid-dependent males F. Zijlstra, D. J. Veltman, J. Booij, W. van den Brink, I. H.A. Franken...... 183

Association of psychiatric and substance use disorder comorbidity with cocaine dependence severity and treatment utilization in cocaine-dependent individuals J. D. Ford, J. Gelernter, J. S. DeVoe, W. Zhang, R. D. Weiss, K. Brady, L. Farrer, H. R. Kranzler...... 193

Mechanisms of adolescent smoking cessation: Roles of readiness to quit, nicotine dependence, and smoking of parents and peers M. Kleinjan, R. C.M.E. Engels, J. van Leeuwe, J. Brug, R. M.P. van Zundert, R. J.J.M. van den Eijnden...... 204

The Hispanic Americans Baseline Alcohol Survey (HABLAS): The association between birthplace, acculturation and alcohol abuse and dependence across Hispanic national groups Raul Caetano, Suhasini Ramisetty-Mikler, Lori A. Rodriguez...... 215

Buprenorphine and methadone maintenance in jail and post-release: A randomized clinical trial S. Magura, J. D. Lee, J. Hershberger, H. Joseph, L. Marsch, C. Shropshire, A Rosenblum...... 222

Mirtazapine treatment after conditioning with methamphetamine alters subsequent expression of place preference A. A. Herrold, F. Shen, M. P. Graham, L. K. Harper, S. E. Specio, C. E. Tedford, T. C. Napier...... 231

Tobacco and cannabis co-occurrence: Does route of administration matter? A. Agrawal, M. T. Lynskey...... 240

Concurrent anxiety and substance use disorders among outpatients with major depression: Clinical features and effect on treatment outcome R. H. Howland, A. J. Rush, S. R. Wisniewski, M. H. Trivedi, D. Warden, M. Fava, L. L. Davis, G.K. Balasubramani, P. J. McGrath, S. R. Berman...... 248

Cocaine effects during d-amphetamine maintenance: A human laboratory analysis of safety, tolerability and efficacy C. R. Rush, W. W. Stoops, L. R. Hays...... 261

Characteristics of DSM-IV alcohol diagnostic orphans: Drinking patterns, physical illness, and negative life events O. McBride, G. Adamson, B. P. Bunting, S. McCann...... 272

Screening, brief interventions, referral to treatment (SBIRT) for illicit drug and alcohol use at multiple healthcare sites: Comparison at intake and 6 months later B. K. Madras, W. M. Compton, D. Avula, T. Stegbauer, J. B. Stein, H.W. Clark...... 280

Linking measures of adolescent nicotine dependence to a common latent continuum D. R. Strong, C. W. Kahler, S. M. Colby, P. C. Griesler, D. Kandel...... 296

Geographical clustering of cannabis use: Results from the New Zealand Mental Health Survey 2003–2004 J. E. Wells, L. Degenhardt, K. M. Bohnert, J. C. Anthony, K. M. Scott and for the New Zealand Mental Health Survey Research Team...... 309

Short communications A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of sertraline with naltrexone for alcohol dependence C. K. Farren, M. Scimeca, R. Wu, S. O. Malley...... 317

Feasibility and validity of computerized ambulatory monitoring in drug-dependent women E. I. Johnson, M. Barrault, L. Nadeau, J. Swendsen...... 322

Prevalence of long QTc interval in methadone maintenance patients F. Fonseca, J. Marti-Almor, A. Pastor, M. Cladellas, M. Farré, R. de la Torre, M. Torrens...... 327

Increased levels of adiponectin and resistin in alcohol dependence—possible link to craving T. Hillemacher, C. Weinland, A. Heberlein, M. Gröschl, A. Schanze, H. Frieling, J. Wilhelm, J. Kornhuber, S. Bleich...333

Benzodiazepine use among opiate-dependent subjects in buprenorphine maintenance treatment: Correlates of use, abuse and dependence E. Lavie, M. Fatséas, C. Denis, M. Auriacombe...... 338

Alcohol and opioid dependence medications: Prescription trends, overall and by physician specialty T. L. Mark, C. A. Kassed, R. Vandivort-Warren, K. R. Levit, H. R. Kranzler...... 345

Delay discounting by the children of smokers and nonsmokers B. Reynolds, K. Leraas, C. Collins, S. Melanko...... 350

Effects of a short-term exposure to alcohol in rats on FAAH enzyme and CB1 receptor in different brain areas M. Rubio, R. de Miguel, J. Fernández-Ruiz, D. Gutiérrez-López, M. A.M. Carai, J. A. Ramos...... 354

Calendar of Forthcoming Events...... 359


Volume 100, issues 1-2, 1 February 2009


Full length reports Perceived peer delinquency and the genetic predisposition for substance dependence vulnerability T. M.M. Button, M. C. Stallings, S. H. Rhee, R. P. Corley, J. D. Boardman, J. K. Hewitt.…...... 1

Prevalences and correlates of non-viral injecting-related injuries and diseases in a convenience sample of Australian injecting drug users R. Dwyer, L. Topp, L. Maher, R. Power, M. Hellard, N. Walsh, M. Jauncey, A. Conroy, J. Lewis, C. Aitken...... 9

Differential activation of the anterior cingulate cortex and caudate nucleus during a gambling simulation in persons with a family history of alcoholism: Studies from the Oklahoma Family Health Patterns Project A. Acheson, J. L. Robinson, D. C. Glahn, W. R. Lovallo, P. T. Fox …...... 17

Factors associated with driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs among an Australian sample of regular ecstasy users A. Matthews, R. Bruno, J. Johnston, E. Black, L. Degenhardt, M. Dunn...... 24

Prevalence and correlates of dual diagnoses in U.S. Latinos W. A. Vega, G. Canino, Z. Cao, M. Alegria …...... 32

Are psychotic experiences among detained juvenile offenders explained by trauma and substance use? O. Colins, R Vermeiren, C. Vreugdenhil, G. Schuyten, E. Broekaert, A. Krabbendam...... 39

Treatment Cost Analysis Tool (TCAT) for estimating costs of outpatient treatment services P. M. Flynn, K. M. Broome, A. Beaston-Blaakman, D. K. Knight, C. M. Horgan, D. S. Shepard...... 47

Bupropion attenuates methamphetamine self-administration in adult male rats C. M. Reichel, J. E. Murray, K. M. Grant, R. A. Bevins...... 54

Physical pain, common psychiatric and substance use disorders, and the non-medical use of prescription analgesics in the United States S. P. Novak, M. Herman-Stahl, B. Flannery, M. Zimmerman...... 63

The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test revisited: Establishing its structure using nonlinear factor analysis and identifying subgroups of respondents using latent class factor analysis F. Rist, A. Glöckner-Rist, R. Demmel...... 71

Induction of brain CYP2E1 changes the effects of ethanol on dopamine release in nucleus accumbens shell L. Hipólito, M. J. Sánchez-Catalán, A. Polache, L. Granero...... 83

Acute effects of alcohol on inhibitory control and information processing in high and low sensation-seekers M. T. Fillmore, E. W. Ostling, C. A. Martin, T. H. Kelly...... 91

Methadone patients in the therapeutic community: A test of equivalency J. L. Sorensen, S. Andrews, K. L. Delucchi, B. Greenberg, J. Guydish, C. L. Masson, M. Shopshire...... 100

Change over time in alcohol consumption in control groups in brief intervention studies: systematic review and meta-regression study R. J. Jenkins, J. McAlaney, J. McCambridge...... 107

Effect of incentives for medication adherence on use and costs in methadone patients with HIV P. G. Barnett, J. L. Sorensen, W. Wong, N. A. Haug, S. M. Hall...... 115

The anabolic steroids testosterone propionate and nandrolone, but not 17α-methyltestosterone, induce conditioned place preference in adult mice J. Parrilla-Carrero, O. Figueroa, A. Lugo, R. García-Sosa, P. Brito-Vargas, B. Cruz, M. Rivera, J. L. Barreto- Estrada...... 122

Social anxiety disorder as a risk factor for alcohol use disorders: A prospective examination of parental and peer influences J. D. Buckner, R. Jay Turner...... 128

Neighborhood smoking norms modify the relation between collective efficacy and smoking behavior J. Ahern, S. Galea, A. Hubbard, S. Leonard Syme...... 138

Smoking and psychiatric disorders in the rural and urban regions of Beijing, China: A community-based survey X. Ma, Y.-T. Xiang, Z.-J. Cai, S.-R. Li, Y.-Q. Xiang, H.-L. Guo, Y.-Z. Hou, Z.-B. Li, Z.-J. Li, Y.-F. Tao, W.-M. Dang, X.-M. Wu, J. Deng, K. Y.C. Lai, G. S. Ungvari...... 146

Protecting against intergenerational problem behavior: Mediational effects of prevented marijuana use on second- generation parent–child relationships and child impulsivity N. R. Riggs, C.-P. Chou, M. A. Pentz...... 153 Short communication Effects of reinforcer magnitude and alternative reinforcer delay on preference for alcohol during a multiple- choice procedure T. A. Benson, C. S. Little, A. M. Henslee, C. J. Correia...... 161

The relationship between recreational gambling and substance abuse/dependence: Data from a nationally representative sample Timothy Liu, Paul K. Maciejewski, Marc N. Potenza...... 164

Effects of smoking abstinence on reaction time variability in smokers with and without ADHD: An ex-Gaussian analysis S. H. Kollins, F. Joseph McClernon, J. N. Epstein...... 169

Alcohol use disorders in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder: The importance of appropriate dual- diagnosis A. F. Gentil, M. Alice de Mathis, R. C. Torresan, J. B. Diniz, P. Alvarenga, M. Conceição do Rosário, A. V. Cordioli, A. R. Torres, E. C. Miguel...... 173

Enduring effects of a computer-assisted training program for cognitive behavioral therapy: A 6-month follow-up of CBT4CBT K. M. Carroll, S. A. Ball, S. Martino, C. Nich, T. A. Babuscio, B. J. Rounsaville...... 178

News and views Studying addiction in the age of neuroimaging...... 182


Volume 100, issues 3, 1 March 2009


Reviews Ethical concerns about non-active conditions in smoking cessation trials and methods to decrease such concerns J.R. Hughes …...... 187

Full length reports

Depressed mood and the effect of two universal first grade preventive interventions on survival to the first tobacco cigarette smoked among urban youth Pages 194-203 Y. Wang, D. C. Browne, H. Petras, E. A. Stuart, F. A. Wagner, S. F. Lambert, S. G. Kellam, N. S. Ialongo...... 194

High dead-space syringes and the risk of HIV and HCV infection among injecting drug users W. A. Zule, G. Bobashev...... 204

Alcohol consumption and quitting smoking in the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey C. W. Kahler, R. Borland, A. Hyland, S. A. McKee, M. E. Thompson, K. M. Cummings.…...... 214

The role of cannabis use within a dimensional approach to cannabis use disorders W. M. Compton, T. D. Saha, K. P. Conway, B. F. Grant...... 221

Impact of a preventive intervention targeting childhood disruptive behavior problems on tobacco and alcohol initiation frPages P. A.C. van Lier, A. Huizink, A. Crijnen …...... 228

Changes in feeding and locomotion induced by amphetamine analogs in rats P. J. Wellman, K. W. Davis, P. Shane Clifford, R. B. Rothman, B. E. Blough...... 234

The association of syringe type and syringe cleaning with HCV infection among IDUs in Budapest, Hungary V. A. Gyarmathy, A. Neaigus, M. M. Mitchell, E. Ujhelyi...... 240

Mediating mechanisms of a military web-based alcohol intervention J. Williams, M. Herman-Stahl, S. L. Calvin, M. Pemberton, M. Bradshaw...... 248

Further evidence of differences in substance use and dependence between Australia and the United States O. McBride, M. Teesson, T. Slade, D. Hasin, L. Degenhardt, A. Baillie...... 258

Acetaldehyde sequestering prevents ethanol-induced stimulation of mesolimbic dopamine transmission P. Enrico, D. Sirca, M. Mereu, A. T. Peana, A. Lintas, A. Golosio, M. Diana...... 265

Self-administration of cocaine-pentobarbital mixtures by rhesus monkeys W.L. Woolverton, Z. Wang...... 272

Prevalence, timing, and predictors of transitions from inhalant use to Inhalant Use Disorders B. E. Perron, M. O. Howard, S. Maitra, M. G. Vaughn...... 277

DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW Volume 27 Number 6 November 2008

EDITORIAL Addiction and addiction journals John B. Saunders 577

COMMENTARY Beyond cheap shots: reforming alcohol taxation in Australia Brian Vandenberg; Michael Livingston; Margaret Hamilton 579

ORIGINAL ARTICLES Why are alcohol-related emergency department presentations under-detected? An exploratory study using triage text Devon Indig; Jan Copeland; Katherine M. Conigrave; Irene Rotenko 584

The impact of a parent-directed intervention on parent-child communication about tobacco and alcohol Shelley E. Beatty; Donna S. Cross; Thrse M. Shaw 591

Process and predictors of drug treatment referral and referral uptake at the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre Jo Kimber; Richard P. Mattick; John Kaldor; Ingrid van Beek; Stuart Gilmour; Jake A. Rance 602

Increasing socio-economic inequalities in drug-induced deaths in Australia: 1981 - 2002 Jake M. Najman; Ghasem Toloo; Gail M. Williams 613

Breaking the habit: a retrospective analysis of desistance factors among formerly problematic heroin users David W. Best; Safeena Ghufran; Ed Day; Rajashree Ray; Jessica Loaring 619

Comparing heroin users and prescription opioid users in a Canadian multi-site population of illicit opioid users Benedikt Fischer; Jayadeep Patra; Michelle Firestone Cruz; Jude Gittins; Jrgen Rehm 625

Patterns of benzylpiperazine/trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine party pill use and adverse effects in a population sample in New Zealand Chris Wilkins; Paul Sweetsur; Melissa Girling 633

The effects of perceived parenting style on the propensity for illicit drug use: the importance of parental warmth and control Catharine Montgomery; John E. Fisk; Laura Craig 640

Treatment approaches for dual diagnosis clients in England Sabrina J. Schulte; Petra S. Meier; John Stirling; Mike Berry 650

Gender equality in university sportspeople's drinking Kerry S. O'Brien; Jackie Hunter; Kypros Kypri; Ajmol Ali 659

Acceptability of hepatitis C virus testing methods among injecting drug users Bethany White; Carolyn Day; Hla Hla Thein; Anna Doab; Anna Bates; Joanne Holden; Ingrid van Beek; Lisa Maher 666

Satisfaction guaranteed? What clients on methadone and buprenorphine think about their treatment Annie Madden; Toby Lea; Nicky Bath; Adam R. Winstock 671

Injecting risk behaviour and related harm among men who use performance- and image-enhancing drugs Briony Larance; Louisa Degenhardt; Jan Copeland; Paul Dillon 679

Adolescent methamphetamine use and sexual risk behaviour in secondary school students in Cape Town, South Africa Andreas PlDdemann; Alan J. Flisher; Catherine Mathews; Tara Carney; Carl Lombard 687

Incarceration experiences in a cohort of active injection drug users M. -J. Milloy; Evan Wood; Will Small; Mark Tyndall; Calvin Lai; Julio Montaner; Thomas Kerr 693

BOOK REVIEWS Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Clinical Practice: Applications Across Disorders and Setting 700; Helping Students Overcome Sbustance Abuse: Effective Practices for Prevention and Intervention 701; How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing 702; Treating Alcohol and Drug Problems in Psychotherapy Practice: Doing What Works 703

Nº 65 – January-March 2009 Drugnet Europe

Newsletter of the European Monitoring Centre for drugs and Addiction

In this issue…

2 HIV among IDUs in Europe: increasing trends in the East

3 Concerns expressed over Spice

4 Feature: Drug use, a growing challenge for EU road safety

5 Legal responses to new psychoactive substances in Europe

6 Reitox Academy for the Andean Community

7 New EMCDDA products and services

8. Management Board adopts 2009 work programme and budget

Drugs: education, prevention and policy

Volume 15 Supplement 1 December 2008

Articles UKCAPP: An Alcohol Education & Research Council Initiative Ray Hodgson; Robin Davidson 1 Partnership working in community alcohol prevention programmes Claudia Mastache; Willm Mistral; Richard Velleman; Lorna Templeton 4 Measures to reduce alcohol related disorder in Glasgow city centre Andrew Millard; Stevie Lydon; Lynn Girdwood; Linda Malcolm 15 Observational and methodological issues in a multi-agency community- based intervention to reduce excessive drinking Simon Moore; Jonathan Shepher 26 From Lose-Lose to Win-Win: Community interventions in the suburban night time economy Angus McCabe; Polly Goodwin; Annette Fleming; Saneal Randeria 38 The challenge of evaluating community partnerships-a little local difficulty or endemic national problem? Willm Mistral; Richard Velleman; Claudia Mastache; Lorna Templeton 50 The discursive constitution of the UK alcohol problem in Safe, Sensible, Social: A discussion of policy implications Chris Hackley; Andrew Bengry-Howell; Christine Griffin; Willm Mistral; Isabelle Szmigin 61 Community-based prevention of alcohol problems: A local government responsibility Sven Andreasson 75

Drugs: education, prevention and policy

Volume 16 Number 1 February 2009

Editorial Devolution and British drug policies: Natural experiments in need of evaluation Jim McCambridge 1

Articles Mental health problems: Are they or are they not a risk factor for dropout from drug treatment? A systematic review of the evidence Petra S. Meier; Christine Barrowclough 7

Sexual assaults facilitated by drugs or alcohol Deborah Olszewski 39

Prediction of alcohol addicted patients' smoking status through hospital tobacco control policy: A multi-level-analysis Carolin Donath; Karin Metz; Andrea Chmitorz; Sabine Gradl; Daniela Piontek; Stephanie Flter; Christoph Krger; Konrad Reschke 53

The number, deployment, activities and attitudes of specialist consultant addiction in England: A national survey Mary A. Durand; Paul Lelliott; Ilana Crome; Nick Coyle 71

Identification of strabismus in children born to mothers misusing substances during pregnancy: A clinical and research challenge Elena Ghetau; Roger Bloor; Alison Y. Firth 88

Book Review 94 Journal of Addictive Diseases Volume 27 Number 3 2008

CONTENTS LETTER Stephen Wyatt 1 EDITORIAL: Why ? 3 William L. White MA Backpack Needle Exchange: Background, Design, and Pilot Testing of a Program in Rhode Island 7 Megan R. Hebert Celeste M. Caviness Sarah E. Bowman Sutopa P. Chowdhury Paul G. Loberti Michael D. Stein Contrasting Trajectories of Heroin, Cocaine, and Methamphetamine Use 13 Yih-Ing Hser David Huang Mary-Lynn Brecht Libo Li Elizabeth Evans Pain and Addiction: Managing Risk Through Comprehensive Care 23 Douglas L. Gourlay Howard A. Heit Electrocardiogram Characteristics of Methadone and Buprenorphine Maintained Subjects 31 Peter Athanasos Aaron L. Farquharson Peggy Compton Peter Psaltis Justin Hay The Impact of Benzodiazepine Use on Methadone Maintenance Treatment Outcomes 37 Bruna Brands Joan Blake MSc David C. Marsh Beth Sproule Renuka Jeyapalan Selina Li Psychotherapeutic Benefits of Opioid Agonist Therapy 49 Peter L. Tenore Fentanyl and Propofol Exposure in the Operating Room: Sensitization Hypotheses and Further Data 67 Lisa J. Merlo Bruce A. Goldberger Dara Kolodner Kimberly Fitzgerald Mark S. Gold Encouraging to Screen for and Intervene in Substance Use Disorders: Obstacles and Strategies for Change 77 Richard A. Yoast Bonnie B. Wilford Susan W. Hayashi Client Matching: A Severity-Treatment Intensity Paradigm 99 George De Leon Gerald Melnick Charles M. Cleland Survey of Alcohol Use in the U.S. Army 115 R. Lande Barbara A. Marin Audrey S. Chang Galen R. Lande Journal of Addictive Diseases Volume 27 Number 4 2008

CONTENTS EDITORIAL: Attributing Fatal Cardiac Effects to Methadone: What's the Evidence? 1 Robert G. Newman Heterogeneous Impact of Methadone on the QTc Interval: What Are the Practical Implications? 5 Mori J. Krantz One-Year and Cumulative Retention as Predictors of Success in Methadone Maintenance Treatment: A Comparison of Two in the United States and Israel 11 Einat Peles Shirley Linzy Mary Kreek Miriam Adelson Alcohol Use Reduction Program in Methadone Maintained Individuals with Hepatitis C Virus Infection 27 Adeline Nyamathi Viviane de Castro Donna McNeese-Smith Kamala Nyamathi Steven Shoptaw Mary Marfisee Farinaz Khalilifard Allan Cohen Use of and Attitudes Toward Club Drugs by Medical Students 35 Alex Horowitz Marc Galanter Helen Dermatis John Franklin Clinical Course of Alcohol Dependence in African Americans 43 Denise M. Scott Carla D. Williams Gloria E. Cain John Kwagyan Nnenna Kalu Cindy L. Ehlers Victor Hesselbrock Robert E. Taylor Recreational Drug Use and Suicidality Among Italian Young Adults 51 Marco Innamorati Maurizio Pompili David Lester Roberto Tatarelli Paolo Girardi Coping Mechanisms Actually and Hypothetically Used by Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Women in Quitting Smoking 61 Monica Ortendahl Association of Family Background with Adolescent Smoking and Regular Use of Illicit Substances Among Underage Psychiatric In-Patients 69 Matti Laukkanen Helin Hakko Kaisa Riala Pirkko Räsänen STUDY-70 Workgroup Self-Reported Psychopathology Among Young, Low-Income, Female Ecstasy Users 81 Z. Helen Wu Jacques G. Baillargeon Abbey B. Berenson Charles E. Holzer BOOK REVIEWS 91 Volume 38, Number 3 - 2008



Individual and Contextual Predictors of Inhalant Use among 8th Graders: A Multilevel Analysis David Collins, Zhenfeng Pan, Knowlton Johnson, Matthew Courser, Steve Shamblen, ...... 193

Protective Behavioral Strategies and Negative Alcohol-Related Consequences in College Students Teresa E. Araas and Troy B. Adams ...... 211

Immediate and Short-Term Effects of the 5th Grade Version of the keepin' it REAL Substance Use Prevention Intervention Michael L. Hecht, Elvira Elek, David A. Wagstaff, Jennifer A. Kam, M. A., Flavio Marsiglia, Patricia Dustman, Leslie Reeves, Mary Harthun...... 225

Role of Family Resources and Paternal History of Substance Use Problems in Psychosocial Adjustment among School-Aged Children Neta Peleg-Oren, Giora Rahav, Meir Teichman, ...... 253

Differences in Drinking Behavior and Access to Alcohol between Native American and White Adolescents Bettina Friese, and Joel Grube,...... 273

The Use of Fry (Embalming Fluid and PCP-Laced Cigarettes or Marijuana Sticks) among Crack Cocaine Smokers Ronald J. Peters, Jr., Mark Williams, Michael W. Ross, John Atkinson, Sherly A. McCurdy.....285

Salvia Divinorum Use among a College Student Sample David N. Khey, Bryan Lee Miller, O. Hayden Griffin...... 297 JOURNAL OF DRUG ISSUES

FALL 2008 Volume 38, Number 3


929 Longitudinal Substance Use Following an Emergency Department Visit for Cocaine- Associated Chest Pain Purushottam B. Thapa, Maureen A. Walton, Rebecca Cunnigham, Ronald F. Maio, Xiaotong Han, Patricia E. Savary, Brenda M. Booth

957 Women’s Early Recovery: Managing the Dilemma of Substance Abuse andIntimate Partner Relationships Stephanie L. Rivaux, Sunju Sohn, Marilyn Peterson Armour, Holly Bell

981 Condom Use Self-Efficacy Among Young Adult Ecstasy Users Kirk W. Elifson, Hugh Klein, Claire E. Sterk

1003 Regulatory Issues Encountered When Conducting Longitudinal Substance Abuse Research Elizabeth Evans, Debra A. Murphy, Christine E. Grella, Michele Mouttapa, Yih-Ing Hser

1027 How Predictors of Prescription Drug Abuse Vary by Age Jeremy Arkes, Martin Y. Iguchi

1045 Nonmedical Use of PrescriptionStimulants and Analgesics: Associations With Social and Academic Behaviors Among College Students Amelia M. Arria, Kevin E. O’Grady, Kimberly M. Caldeira, Kathryn B. Vincent, EricD. Wish

1061 Comparing the Effectiveness of Two Forms of Time-Space Sampling to Identify Club Drug-Using Young Adults Jeffrey T. Parsons, Christian Grov, Brian C. Kelly

1083 The Place of Adoption in the NIDAClinical Trials Network Martha A. Jessup, Joseph Guydish, Sarah Turcotte Manser, Barbara Tajima.

1105 Violent Victimization And The Routine Activities/Lifestyle Of Active Drug Users Dixie J. Koo, Dale D. Chitwood, Jesús Sánchez

1139 Marijuana and Alcohol Use During Early Adolescence: Gender Differences among American Indian/First Nations Youth Melissa L. Walls

1161 Barriers and Facilitators to Undergoing Hepatitis CVirus (HCV) Testing ThroughDrug Treatment Programs Shiela M. Strauss, Corrine Munoz-Plaza, Nelson Jose Tiburcio, Janetta Astone-Twerell, Don C. Des Jarlais, Marya Gwadz, Holly Hagan, Andrew Osborne, Andrew Rosenblum

1187 GettingHuge, GettingRipped: A Qualitative Exploration of Recreational Steroid Use Matthew Petrocelli, Trish Oberweis, Joseph Petrocelli

1207 Persistence in Turning to Faith as a Predictor ofDrug Use and Criminality Among Drug Court Clients Jamieson L. Duvall, Michele Staton-Tindall, Carrie Oser, Carl Leukefeld Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Supplement 5 November 2008 CONTENTS

California Substance Abuse Research Consortium (SARC) Meetings, 2007

Editor’s Introduction: California Substance Abuse Research Consortium 2007 — A Focus on Women — Beth Rutkowski, M.P.H.; Thomas Freese, Ph.D. & Richard Rawson, Ph.D...... 321

Substance Abuse Research Consortium (SARC): Introduction — Renée Zito ...... 325

From Generic to Gender-Responsive Treatment: Changes in Social Policies, Treatment Services, and Outcomes of Women in Substance Abuse Treatment — Christine E. Grella, Ph.D...... 327

Bar Patronage and Motivational Predictors of Drinking in the San Francisco Bay Area: Gender and Sexual Identity Differences — Karen Trocki, Ph.D. & Laurie Drabble, Ph.D...... 345

Tobacco-Related Practices and Policies in Residential Perinatal Drug Treatment Programs — Martha A. Jessup, R.N., Ph.D., C.N.S. & Yeonsu Song, R.N...... 357

Women with Co-Occurring Disorders (COD): Treatment Settings and Service Needs —Vivian B. Brown, Ph.D. & Lisa A. Melchior, Ph.D...... 365

Women and Addiction: A Trauma-Informed Approach — Stephanie S. Covington, Ph.D., L.C.S.W ...... 377

Evaluation of a Trauma-Informed and Gender-Responsive Intervention for Women in Drug Treatment — Stephanie S. Covington, Ph.D., L.C.S.W.; Cynthia Burke, Ph.D.; Sandy Keaton, M.A. & Candice Norcott, Ph.D. (c.)...... 387

Childhood Adverse Events and Methamphetamine Use Among Men and Women — Nena Messina, Ph.D.; Patricia Marinelli-Casey, Ph.D.; Maureen Hillhouse, Ph.D.; Richard Rawson, Ph.D.; Jeremy Hunter & Alfonso Ang, Ph.D...... 399

Substance Abuse Among Native Hawaiian Women in the United States: A Review of Current Literature and Recommendations for Future Research — Van M. Ta, Ph.D., M.P.H. & TeChieh Chen, B.A...... 411

COVER ART —Modified Color Wheel by Judith Kiraly Paxton Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Volume 40 (4), December 2008 HIV and Other Infectious Diseases Among Drug-Involved Offenders

CONTENTS Editors’ Introduction: HIV and Other Infectious Diseases Among Drug-Involved Offenders — James A. Inciardi, Ph.D.; Carl G. Leukefeld, D.S.W.; Steven S. Martin, M.Sc. & Daniel J. O’Connell, Ph.D...... 423

Integrating an HIV/HCV Brief Intervention in Prisoner Reentry: Results of a Multisite Prospective Study — Steven S. Martin, M.Sc., M.A.; Daniel J. O’Connell, Ph.D.; James A. Inciardi, Ph.D.; Hilary L. Surratt, Ph.D. & Kristin M. Maiden, M.A...... 427

The Persistence of HIV Risk Behaviors Among Methamphetamine-Using Offenders — Jerome J. Cartier, M.A.; Lisa Greenwell, Ph.D. & Michael L. Prendergast, Ph.D...... 437

Applying Classification and Regression Tree Analysis to Identify Prisoners with High HIV Risk Behaviors — Linda Frisman, Ph.D.; Michael Prendergast, Ph.D.; Hsiu-Ju Lin, Ph.D.; Eleni Rodis, M.S. & Lisa Greenwell, Ph.D...... 447

Substance Use, Mental Health Problems, and Behavior at Risk for HIV: Evidence from CJDATS —Frank S. Pearson, Ph.D.; Charles M. Cleland, Ph.D.; Michael Chaple, M.A.; Zachary Hamilton, M.A.; Michael L. Prendergast, Ph.D. & Josiah D. Rich, M.D., M.P.H...... 459

Partner Relationships and HIV Risk Behaviors Among Women Offenders — Hannah K. Knudsen, Ph.D.; Carl Leukefeld, D.S.W.; Jennifer R. Havens, Ph.D.; Jamieson L. Duvall, Ph.D.; Carrie B. Oser, Ph.D.; Michele Staton-Tindall, Ph.D.; Jennifer Mooney, M.S.; Jennifer G. Clarke, M.D.; Linda Frisman, Ph.D.; Hilary L. Surratt, Ph.D.; & James A. Inciardi, Ph.D...... 471

Racial Differences in HIV/AIDS Discussion Strategies and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Drug- Abusing Female Criminal Offenders —Carrie B. Oser, Ph.D.; Jennifer R. Havens, Ph.D.; Jennifer L. Mooney, M.S.; Michele Staton-Tindall, Ph.D.; Hannah K. Knudsen, Ph.D.; Jamieson L. Duvall, Ph.D. & Carl G. Leukefeld, D.S.W...... 483

HCV in Incarcerated Populations: An Analysis of Gender and Criminality on Risk — Anne G. Rhodes, M.S.; Faye S. Taxman, Ph.D.; Peter D. Friedmann, M.D., M.P.H. & Karen L. Cropsey, Psy.D...... 493

Predicting HIV/STD Risk Level and Substance Use Disorders Among Incarcerated Adolescents — Cynthia L. Rowe, Ph.D.; Wei Wang, Ph.D.; Paul Greenbaum, Ph.D. & Howard A. Liddle, Ed.D.....503

Arrest Histories of High-Risk Gay and Bisexual Men in Miami: Unexpected Additional Evidence For Theory — Steven P. Kurtz, Ph.D...... 513

INDEX...... 523

COVER ART — Scrambled Jazz by Rori Ranch Productions

Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs



K. L. HENRY, T. P. THORNBERRY, D. H. HUIZINGA A Discrete-Time Survival Analysis of the Relationship Between Truancy and the Onset of Marijuana Use 5

D. NYARONGA, T. K. GREENFIELD, P. A. MCDANIEL Drinking Context and Drinking Problems Among Black, White, and Hispanic Men and Women in the 1984, 1995, and 2005 U.S. National Alcohol Surveys 16

K. J. KARRIKER-JAFFE, S. E. ZEMORE Associations Between Acculturation and Alcohol Consumption of Latino Men in the United States 27

M. L. BURNETTE, R. SCHNEIDER, C. TIMKO, M. A. ILGEN Impact of Substance-Use Disorder Treatment on Women Involved in Prostitution: Substance Use, Mental Health, and Prostitution One Year After Treatment 32

S. E. ULLMAN, C. J. NAJDOWSKI Revictimization as a Moderator of Psychosocial Risk Factors for Problem Drinking in Female Sexual Assault Survivors 41

C. M. CAVINESS, C. A HATGIS, B. J. ANDERSON, C. ROSENGARD, S. M. KIENE, P. D. FRIEDMANN, M. D. STEIN Three Brief Alcohol Screens for Detecting Hazardous Drinking in Incarcerated Women 50

K. A. RAPOZA, J. E. DRAKE Relationships of Hazardous Alcohol Use, Alcohol Expectancies, and Emotional Commitment to Male Sexual Coercion and Aggression in Dating Couples 55

S. LIPPERMAN-KREDA, M. J. PASCHALL, J. W. GRUBE Perceived Local Enforcement, Personal Beliefs,and Underage Drinking: An Assessment of Moderating and Main Effects 64

S. P. SCHINKE, K. C. A. COLE, L. FANG Gender-Specific Intervention to Reduce Underage Drinking Among Early Adolescent Girls: A Test of a Computer-Mediated, Mother-Daughter Program 70

T. K. GREENFIELD, T. C. HARFORD, T. W. TAM Modeling Cognitive Influences on Drinking and Alcohol Problems 78

C. PULIDO, K. G. ANDERSON, A. G. ARMSTEAD, S. A. BROWN, S. F. TAPERT Family History of Alcohol-Use Disorders and Spatial Working Memory: Effects on Adolescent Alcohol Expectancies 87

N. CHAWLA, C. NEIGHBORS, D. LOGAN, M. A. LEWIS, N. FOSSOS Perceived Approval of Friends and Parents as Mediators of the Relationship Between Self-Determination and Drinking 92

D. C. SMITH, J. A. HALL, M. JANG, S. ARNDT Therapist Adherence to a Motivational-Interviewing Intervention Improves Treatment Entry for Substance-Misusing Adolescents With Low Problem Perception 101

E. C. DUNN, C. NEIGHBORS, N. FOSSOS, M. E. LARIMER A Cross-Lagged Evaluation of Symptomatology and Substance-Use Problems 117

M. E. PAGANO, S. E. ZEMORE, C. C. ONDER, R. L. STOUT Predictors of Initial AA-Related Helping: Findings From Project MATCH 126

C. S. CARPENTER, D.L EISENBERG Effects of Sunday Sales Restrictions on Overall and Day-Specific Alcohol Consumption: Evidence From Canada...... 134

G. M. BARNES, J. W. WELTE, J. H. HOFFMAN, M.-C. O. TIDWELL Gambling, Alcohol, and Other Substance Use Among Youth in the United States 143

G. P. MCMILLAN, S. LAPHAM, J. C'DE BACA Validation of a DIS-III-R Rescoring Algorithm for DSM-IV Alcohol-Use Disorders 143

INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS 147 Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs



ARPANA A., J. D. GRANT, A. LITTLEFIELD, M. WALDRON, M. L. PERGADIA, M. T. LYNSKEY, P. A.F. MADDEN, A. TODOROV, T. TRULL, K K. BUCHOLZ, R. D. TODD, K. SHER, A. C. HEATH Developing a Quantitative Measure of Alcohol Consumption for Genomic Studies on Prospective Cohorts 157

J. KNOP, E. C. PENICK, E. J. NICKEL, E. L. MORTENSEN, M. A. SULLIVAN, S. MURTAZA, P. JENSEN, A. M. MANZARDO, W. F. GABRIELLI Childhood ADHD and Conduct Disorder as Independent Predictors of Male Alcohol Dependence at Age 40 169

K. A. MALLETT, R. L. BACHRACH, R. TURRISI Examining the Unique Influence of Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Drinking Perceptions on Alcohol Consumption Among College Students 178

J. S. LOCASTRO, M. YOUNGBLOOD, R. A. CISLER, M. E. MATTSON, A. ZWEBEN, R. F. ANTON, D. M. DONOVAN Alcohol Treatment Effects on Secondary Nondrinking Outcomes and Quality of Life: The COMBINE Study 186

K. A. PARKS, Y.-P. HSIEH, R. L. COLLINS, K. LEVONYAN-RADLOFF, L. P. KING Predictors of Risky Sexual Behavior With New and Regular Partners in a Sample of Women Bar Drinkers 197

D. L. THOMBS, R. O'MARA, V. J. DODD, W. HOU, M. L. MERVES, R. M. WEILER, S. B. POKORNY, B. A. GOLDBERGER, J. REINGLE, C. E. WERCH A Field Study of Bar-Sponsored Drink Specials and Their Associations With Patron Intoxication 206

J. A. PATOCK-PECKHAM, A. A. MORGAN-LOPEZ Mediational Links Among Parenting Styles, Perceptions of Parental Confidence, Self-Esteem, and Depression on Alcohol-Related Problems in Emerging Adulthood 215

M. E. MOREAN, W. R. CORBIN, R. SINHA, S. S. O'MALLEY Parental History of Anxiety and Alcohol-Use Disorders and Alcohol Expectancies as Predictors of Alcohol-Related Problems 227

R. GOPALAKRISHNAN, J. ROSS, C. O'BRIEN, D. OSLIN Course of Late-Life Depression With Alcoholism Following Combination Therapy 237

R. GILBERTSON, N. A. CEBALLOS, R. PRATHER, S. J. NIXON Effects of Acute Alcohol Consumption in Older and Younger Adults: Perceived Impairment Versus Psychomotor Performance 242

L. S. KINDER, C. L. BRYSON, H. SUN, E. C. WILLIAMS, K. A. BRADLEY Alcohol Screening Scores and All-Cause Mortality in Male Veterans Affairs Patients 253

B. A. MILLER, D. FURR-HOLDEN, M. B. JOHNSON, H. HOLDER, R. VOAS, C. KEAGY Biological Markers of Drug Use in the Club Setting 261

N. D. SINTOV, K. S. KENDLER, D. WALSH, D. G. PATTERSON, C. A. PRESCOTT Predictors of Illicit Substance Dependence Among Individuals With Alcohol Dependence 269

C. M. LEE, C. NEIGHBORS, C. S. HENDERSHOT, J. R. GROSSBARD Development and Preliminary Validation of a Comprehensive Marijuana Motives Questionnaire 279 S. L. PEDERSEN, D. M. MCCARTHY An Examination of Subjective Response to Alcohol in African Americans 288

L. B. KOENIG, T. JACOB, J. R. HABER Validity of the Lifetime Drinking History: A Comparison of Retrospective and Prospective Quantity-Frequency Measures. 296

A. I. ALTERMAN, J. S. CACCIOLA, M. A. IVEY, B. HABING, K. G. LYNCH Reliability and Validity of the Alcohol Short Index of Problems and a Newly Constructed Drug Short Index of Problems 304

K. C. MILLS, S. E. SPRUILL, J. M. WALKER, M. LAMSON A Clinical Trial Demonstration of a Web-Based Test for Alcohol and Drug Effects 308 Nº 68 Diciembre 2008 PROYECTO HOMBRE

SUMARIO DOSSIER EDITORIAL...... 2 Evaluación de los programas de cocaína de la Asociación Proyecto Hombre...... 23 TERAPIA Programa Trébol: Apuesta terapéutica Comisión Evaluación APH a la violencia doméstica...... 3 NEUROPSICOLOGÍA Jorge Rubio Bores Adicción e impulsividad desde la perspectiva del funcionamiento del lóbulo PSICOLOGÍA frontal...... 35 Teoría unificada de la cognición y las Laura Moreno López y Antonio Verdejo arquitecturas cognitivas en el estudio García de las conductas adictivas...... 7 SOCIEDAD José Mª Ruíz Sánchez de León El problema de las toxicodependencias

en la sociedad post-neurótica...... 40 PATOLOGÍA DUAL Programa ambulatorio de Patología Dual Francisco Mele en Proyecto Hombre Castilla-La INTERNACIONAL...... 45 Mancha...... 10 PLAN NACIONAL SOBRE DROGAS Carlos Muñoz y Marta Ochayta (PNSD)...... 48

PATOLOGÍA DUAL CITAS Y HECHOS...... 52 Un caso real de patología dual en Seleccionadas por B. Nicolau Proyecto Hombre. Tratamiento de PUBLICACIONES...... 54 comorbilidad en comunidad terapéutica...... 14 AGENDA...... 56 Antonio Jesús Molina Fernández y Manuela Reyes Requena

TERAPIA Consideraciones filosóficas sobre la identidad. Trabajo emocional para un cambio duradero...... 18 Manuel Fuentes Gómez

PRESENTACIÓN La sociedad necesita un proyecto...... 18 Félix Pons


Volume 22, Number 4 December 2008


459 Good self-control as a buffering agent for adolescent substance use: An investigation in early adolescence with time-varying covariates. Wills, Thomas A.; Ainette, Michael G.; Stoolmiller, Mike; Gibbons, Frederick X.; Shinar, Ori 472 Over-the-counter nicotine replacement therapy: Can its impact on smoking cessation be enhanced?. Amodei, Nancy; Lamb, R. J. 486 Do resisted temptations during smoking cessation deplete or augment self-control resources?. O'Connell, Kathleen A.; Schwartz, Joseph E.; Shiffman, Saul 496 Effectiveness of antismoking public service announcements on children's intent to smoke. Nixon, Charisse L.; Mansfield, Phylis M.; Thoms, Peg. 504 Mood variability and cigarette smoking escalation among adolescents... Weinstein, Sally M.; Mermelstein, Robin; Shiffman, Saul; Flay, Brian 514 An ecological perspective on smoking among Asian American college students: The roles of social smoking and smoking motives. Otsuki, Michiko; Tinsley, Barbara J.; Chao, Ruth K.; Unger, Jennifer B. 524 A prospective investigation of suicide ideation, attempts, and use of mental health service among adolescents in substance abuse treatment. Ramchand, Rajeev; Griffin, Beth Ann; Harris, Katherine M.; McCaffrey, Daniel F.; Morral, Andrew R. 533 Distinctions without a difference: Direct comparisons of for alcohol use disorders. Imel, Zac E.; Wampold, Bruce E.; Miller, Scott D.; Fleming, Reg R. 544 Abstinence-contingent reinforcement and engagement in non-drug-related activities among illicit drug abusers.. Rogers, Randall E.; Higgins, Stephen T.; Silverman, Kenneth; Thomas, Colleen S.; Badger, Gary J.; Bigelow, George; Stitzer, Maxine 551 Facial reactions to smoking cues relate to ambivalence about smoking. Griffin, Kasey M.; Sayette, Michael A. 557 Cognition, commitment language, and behavioral change among cocaine-dependent patients. Aharonovich, Efrat; Amrhein, Paul C.; Bisaga, Adam; Nunes, Edward V.; Hasin, Deborah S.. Brief Reports 563 Expectancy change and adolescents' intentions to use marijuana. Skenderian, Jessica J.; Siegel, Jason T.; Crano, William D.; Alvaro, Eusebio E.; Lac, Andrew. 570 Adolescent change language within a brief motivational intervention and substance use outcomes.. Baer, John S.; Beadnell, Blair; Garrett, Sharon B.; Hartzler, Bryan; Wells, Elizabeth A.; Peterson, Peggy L. 576 The relative impact of injunctive norms on college student drinking: The role of reference group. Neighbors, Clayton; O'Connor, Roisin M.; Lewis, Melissa A.; Chawla, Neharika; Lee, Christine M.; Fossos, Nicole. 582 Cue reactivity in young marijuana smokers: A preliminary investigation. Gray, Kevin M.; LaRowe, Steven D.; Upadhyaya, Himanshu P..

587 The validity of the desired effects of drinking scale with a late adolescent sample. Feldstein Ewing, Sarah W.; Hendrickson, Stacey M. L.; Payne, Nanetta S. 592 Does one size fit all African American smokers? The moderating role of acculturation in culturally specific interventions. Webb, Monica S.

Other iv Acknowledgment .of Ad Hoc Reviewers 485 Call for Nominations 503 Call for Nominations Psychology og Violence iii Instructions to Authors 586 New Editors Appointed, 2010- 2015 ii Subscriptions Order Form

RET revista de toxicomanías Nº 55 – Primer trimestre 2009


Pág. 3 Utilidad y eficacia de la Duloxetina en el tratamiento de pacientes con trastorno por uso de sustancias y diagnóstico adicional de trastorno depresivo mayor o trastorno de ansiedad generalizada.

Pág. 6 Terapia Racional Emotiva y Conductual en delincuentes masculinos adultos

Pág. 19 Genética, neurobiología y neurofarmacología del trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS DE JUVENTUD 78 - Septiembre 2007 Cultura s y lenguajes juveniles



1. Tácticas de comunicación juvenil: intervenciones estéticas Antonio Muñoz Carrión...... 11

2. Conductas de riesgo y discurso social: los enemigos de la libertad racional Javier Sainz...... 25

3. Culturas juveniles como aperturas de espacios, tiempos y expresividades. Francisco Bernete...... 45


4. Cncta kn nstrs: los SMS universitarios. Carmen Galán Rodríguez...... 63

5. El lenguaje del cuerpo a través del tatuaje: de la adscripción identitaria a la homogeneizadora democratización de la belleza. José Antonio Alcoceba...... 75

6. El discurso del éxito en las revistas para las adolescentes. Juan F. Plaza...... 91

7. Sexo, drogas y música pop: supuestas trasgresiones, comunicación de masas y consumo en la música pop española. Quim Puig...... 107

8. Hip hop, graffiti, break, rap, jóvenes y cultura urbana. Francisco Reyes Sánchez...... 125

9. Lenguaje coloquial juvenil en la publicidad de radio y televisión. Isabel Hernández y Ana María Vigara...... 141

10. El motor joven de la blogosfera. Isabel Repiso Peña...... 161

11. Lenguaje y comunicación en la juventud: catálogos de moda. Anka Moldovan...... 177

12. Los concursos en la televisión: mama (sin tilde), ¡quiero ser famoso!. Ana Sanz...... 193

MATERIALES...... 189


REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS DE JUVENTUD 79 - Diciembre 2007 Jóvenes y riesgos laborales ÍNDICE Páginas El Tema Introducción...... 7

1. Trabajo y salud en la generación "precaria". Laurent Vogel...... 15

2. Crecer con seguridad: la seguridad y la salud laboral de los trabajadores jóvenes. Sarah Copsey y Elke Schneider...... 35

3. Juventud y prevención de riesgos laborales; algunas consideraciones en relación al primer empleo. Pilar Nova Melle...... 49

4. Antecedentes de la inseguridad laboral y el estrés de rol en los jóvenes españoles. José M. Peiró, Irene Bresó, José García-Montalvo...... 65

5. Factores explicativos de la accidentabilidad en jóvenes: un análisis de la investigación. Amparo Osca y Blanca López...... 75

6. Condiciones de trabajo y estilos de vida de los jóvenes españoles: ¿cómo afrontar los riesgos derivados del trabajo a turnos y en horario nocturno? Sagrario Segado Sánchez-Cabezudo y Antonio López Peláez...... 91

7. Riesgos laborales de los jóvenes desde el modelo de transición profesional: las escuelas taller y casas de oficio. Eva Sotomayor Morales...... 105

8. Juventud, trabajo y emancipación: el préstamo hipotecario como un factor de exclusión social y de riesgo laboral. Francisco Javier García Castilla y Laura Ponde de León Romero...... 123

9. Higiene postural y ergonomía en el ámbito escolar: una perspectiva desde la fisioterapia. Beatriz López Aguilar y Antonio Ignacio Cuesta Vargas...... 147

10. Riesgos laborales y jóvenes: Análisis del tratamiento informativo en la prensa española. Virginia Linares Rodríguez...... 159

MATERIALES...... 177

COLABORACIÓN...... 191 REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS DE JUVENTUD 80 - Marzo 2008 Juventud y Diálogo entre civilizaciones ÍNDICE Páginas El Tema Introducción...... 7

1. Juventud y La Alianza de Civilizaciones. Isaías Barrañeda...... 13

2. La integración de los jóvenes en España: algunas reflexiones desde el análisis sociopolítico. María Luz Morán Calvo-Sotelo...... 31

3. Los jóvenes y el diálogo interreligioso. Juan José Tamayo...... 49

4. El papel de los jóvenes musulmanes en la transformación del Islam. Ndeye Andújar...... 67

5. ¿Cómo educar en competencias interculturales? Una alternativa a la educación formal. Ruth Vilà...... 87

6. Educación para la ciudadanía: propuestas y contenidos para la convivencia intercultural. Ariel James...... 103

7. Generación Uno Punto Cinco. Carles Feixa Pampols...... 123

8. El mercado de trabajo como medio de integración de la juventud inmigrante. Iñaki Iriondo...... 139

9. Juventud y Comunicación: el impacto de los medios de comunicación en la transmisión de valores interculturales. Miquel Rodrigo y Pilar Medina...... 155

10. El papel de las asociaciones juveniles en el dialogo entre civilizaciones. Marta Escribano...... 173

MATERIALES...... 188

COLABORACIÓN...... 200 REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS DE JUVENTUD 81 - Junio 2008 Jóvenes y participación política: investigaciones europeas ÍNDICE Páginas El Tema Introducción...... 7

1. La juventud frente a la política: ¿desenganchada, escéptica, alternativa o las tres cosas a la vez? Jorge Benedicto...... 13

2. Continuidades y rupturas en la experiencia política juvenil. Anne Muxel...... 31

3. Votamos y después sufrimos. Opiniones de la gente joven sobre participación: resultados de una encuesta...... 45 Reingard Spannring.

4. Trayectorias de Participación Política de la juventud europea: ¿Efectos de Cohorte o Efectos de Ciclo Vital? Antonio M. Jaime Castillo...... 67

5. ¿Desafección y uniformidad? Participación política juvenil en el Reino Unido. Martha Wörsching...... 95

6. Significados y formas de la participación política juvenil en Italia. Marco Bontempi...... 113

7. ¿Apatía política? Evolución de la implicación política de la juventud española desde los años 80. Gema García-Albacete...... 133

8. ¿Quién cuenta con Europa? ¿Un análisis empírico de las actitudes de las generaciones jóvenes en Alemania. Wolfang Gaiser; Martina Gille; Johann de Rijke y Sabine Sardei-Biermann...... 161

9. La participación electoral de la juventud europea, el caso de las elecciones al Parlamento Europeode 2004. Araceli Mateos Díaz...... 179

10. Jóvenes de familias inmigrantes y su interpretación de la participación política. Un estudio comparado entre griegos, italianos, turcos y alemanes. Andreu López Blasco...... 197

MATERIALES...... 219

COLABORACIÓN...... 229 REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS DE JUVENTUD 82 - Septiembre 2008 Jóvenes y gestión del riesgo ÍNDICE Páginas El Tema Introducción...... 7

1. Riesgo y sociedad. Revisando las aproximaciones al riego (cuando hablamos de juventud Elena Rodriguez San Julián...... 13

2. Las perversiones de “la amenaza del riesgo” Susana Méndez Gago...... 31

3. El concepto de “normalidad” en el contexto de los riesgos asociados a los y las jóvenes y la gestión de las oportunidades Ignacio Megías Quirós...... 47

4. El riesgo y la gestión de oportunidades desde la perspectiva de género Mar Morollón Pardo...... 67

5. Riesgo, juventud y experiencias de socialización Juan Carlos Ballesteros...... 83

6. ¿Jóvenes en peligro, o peligrosos? Alarmas y tecnologías sociales del “desarrollo” Y gobierno digital Angel J. Gordo López...... 85

7. Jóvenes emprendedores, en busca de la oportunidad Mercedes García Ruiz...... 103

8. Riesgo, Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional. Contrastando visiones desde los dos lados de la cooperación Alejandra Boni Aristizabal y Eva Adam Picazo...... 141

9. El riesgo en el sistema educativo. Acerca de sus lecturas, diagnósticos y protecciones Jaume Carbonell Sebarroja...... 157

10. Juventud y Riesgo. Una mirada hacia el futuro Jesús Garcia Verdugo...... 173

MATERIALES...... 189 Substance Use & Misuse Volume 43 - Number 12-13 – 2008

Contents Editorial Alexandre Laudet...... 1681

Original Articles Recovery as an Ethical Ideal John Kleinig...... 1685

Views and Models about Addiction: Differences between Treatments for Alcohol-Dependent People and for Illicit Drug Consumers in Italy Allaman Allamani ...... 1704

Expanding the Role of Health Services Research as a Tool to Reduce the Public Health Burden of Alcohol Use Disorders Peter J. Delany; Joseph J. Shields; Mark L. Willenbring; Robert B. Huebner ...... 1729

Treatment: Obstacles to Recovery and Immigrant Health Policies and Laws Affecting Mexican-Origin Immigrant Access and Utilization of Substance Abuse Treatment: Obstacles to Recovery and Immigrant Health Eva M. Moya; Michele G. Shedlin ...... 1747

Original Articles Challenges in Providing Drug User Treatment Services in : Providers' Views Natalia Bobrova; Urij Rughnikov; Elena Neifeld; Tim Rhodes; Ron Alcorn; Sergej Kirichenko; Robert Power ...... 1770

Identifying Client-Level Indicators of Recovery Among DUI, Criminal Justice, and Non- Criminal Justice Treatment Referrals Robert Walker; Jennifer Cole; T. K. Logan ...... 1785

Substance Abuse among Adolescents Steve Sussman; Silvana Skara; Susan L. Ames ...... 1802

Family Recovery from Youth Substance Use Related Problems: A Pilot Study of the BEST plus Program John W. Toumbourou; John H. Bamberg...... 1829

Recovery in Pathological Gambling: An Imprecise Concept Lia Nower; Alex Blaszczynski...... 1844

Individual and Social Factors Associated With Participation in Treatment Programs for Drug Users V. Anna Gyarmathy; Carl A. Latkin ...... 1865

12-Step Involvement and Peer Helping in Day Hospital and Residential Programs Sarah E. Zemore; Lee Ann Kaskutas...... 1882

Effectiveness of Dual Focus Mutual Aid for Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders: A Review and Synthesis of the “Double Trouble” in Recovery Evaluation Stephen Magura...... 1904

The Native American Healing Experience Don Coyhis; Richard Simonelli...... 1927

Marisol's Story: Long-Term Recovery Long-Term Recovery from Heroin Use among Female Ex-Offenders: Marisol's Story Nelson Jose Tiburcio...... 1950

Conceptualizing Recovery Capital: Expansion of a Theoretical Construct William Cloud; Robert Granfield...... 1971

Recovery: Old Wine, Flavor of the Month or New Organizing Paradigm? William L. White...... 1987

The Road to Recovery: Where Are We Going and How Do We Get There? Empirically Driven Conclusions and Future Directions for Service Development and Research Alexandre B. Laudet...... 2001

International Abstracts...... 2021 Substance Use & Misuse Volume 43 - Number 14 – 2008

Contents Editorial Cannabis Using Schizophrenia Patients Treated with Atypical Neuroleptics: Do Their Symptoms Differ from Those of Cannabis Abstainers? Michael Schaub; Kyra Fanghaenel; Charlotte Senn; Rudolf Stohler...... 2045

Anabolic Steroids Daily Exercise and Anabolic Steroids Use in Adolescents: A Cross-National European Study Anna Kokkevi; Anastasios Fotiou; Anina Chileva; Alojz Nociar; Patrick Miller...... 2053

Needs Assessment Project towards No Drug Abuse (TND): Needs Assessment of a Social Service Referral Telephone Program for High Risk Youth Steve Sussman; Silvana Skara; Patchareeya Pumpuang ...... 2066

Treatment: ER The Role of Alcohol Use in Emergency Department Episodes Michael T. French; Gulcin Gumus; Heather L. Turner ...... 2074

Drunk-Driving Offenders Cognitive Predictors of Alcohol Involvement and Alcohol Consumption-Related Consequences in a Sample of Drunk-Driving Offenders Lawrence M. Scheier; Sandra C. Lapham; Janet C'de Baca ...... 2089

Measurements Instruments Scales Tests Comparison of the Quick Drinking Screen and the Alcohol Timeline Followback with Outpatient Alcohol Abusers Monica Roy; Mariam Dum; Linda Carter Sobell; Mark B. Sobell; Edward R. Simco; Heather Manor; Ramona Palmerio ...... 2116

Harm Reduction: Needle Exchange Programs Prevalence of , HIV Risk Behaviors and Factors Associated with HIV Infection among Male Injecting Drug Users Attending a Needle/Syringe Exchange Program in Dhaka, Bangladesh Tasnim Azim; Ezazul Islam Chowdhury; Masud Reza; Mohammed Omar Faruque; Giasuddin Ahmed; Repon Khan; Motiur Rahman; Mohammed Moshtaq Pervez; Smarajit Jana; Steffanie A. Strathdee ...... 2124

Harm Reduction Drug Users' Participation in a Free Hepatitis B Vaccination Program: Demographic, Behavioral, and Social-Cognitive Determinants Jessica Baars; Brigitte Boon; John B. De Wit; Merel Schutten; Jim E. Van Steenbergen; Henk F. Garretsen; Dike Van De Mheen ...... 2145

Medicinal Misuse Misuse of Xylometazoline Nasal Drops by Inhalation Jacek Sein Anand; Marek Salamon; Boguslaw Habrat; Anna Scinska; Przemyslaw Bienkowski ...... 2163

Intervention Narratives An Exploration and Invitation: Narrative Healthcare Geraldine Gorman...... 2172 An Ode to “Recovery” Author: S. Einstein...... 2175

Commentary Commentary to Ode to Recovery Geraldine Gorman...... 2179 TOBACCO CONTROL December 2008 / Vol 17 – No 6

Contents Special communications 426 No need for nanny Editorial M Daube, J Stafford, and L Bond 361 The plain truth about tobacco packaging Gerard Hastings, Karine Gallopel-Morvan, and Brief reports Juan Miguel Rey 428 Welcome to Serbia: feel free to smoke M O’Rourke and J Djukic News analysis 368 Malaysia: Tough New Warnings Commentary 363 What should be done about smoking in Research papers movies? 372 Linking data to tobacco control program Simon Chapman action among students aged 13–15 in Association of Southeast Asian Nations PostScript (ASEAN) member states, 2000–2006 432 Smoking policies in before the non- N Sirichotiratana, S Sovann, T Y Aditama, M smoker protection law in Germany Krishnan, N N Kyaing, M Miguel-Baquilod, P T J R Thyrian, A Bandelin, and U Johne Hai, D N Sinha, C W Warren, and N R Jones 432 Smoking tobacco in waterpipes among 379 Cost-effectiveness of the Australian National adolescents in Europe: the case of Latvia and Tobacco Campaign Slovakia S F Hurley and J P Matthews T Baska, I Pudule, N Tilgale, C W Warren, J Lee, V Lea, and N R Jones 385 Does tobacco industry marketing excessively impact lesbian, gay and bisexual communities? Miscellaneous J A Dilley, C Spigner, M J Boysun, C W Dent, 367, 384, 430 The Lighter Side and B A Pizacani

391 "Working to shape what society’s expectations of us should be": Philip Morris’ societal alignment strategy J S Yang and R E Malone

399 Progress in combating cigarette smuggling: controlling the supply chain L Joossens and M Raw

405 Avoidance of smoking: the impact of warning labels in Brazil B E M Nascimento, L Oliveira, A S Vieira, M Joffily, S Gleiser, M G Pereira, T Cavalcante, and E Volchan 410 Sociodemographic differences in triggers to quit smoking: findings from a national survey E Vangeli and R West

416 How does increasingly plainer cigarette packaging influence adult smokers’ perceptions about brand image? An experimental study M A Wakefield, D Germain, and S J Durkin 422 Relative harm of snus and cigarettes: what do Norwegian adolescents say? S Øverland, J Hetland, and L E Aarø

TOBACCO CONTROL February 2009 / Vol 18 – No 1

54 Developing smokeless tobacco products for Contents smokers: an examination of tobacco industry documents Editorial C M Carpenter, G N Connolly, O A Ayo-Yusuf, 1 Transitions at Tobacco Control and G Ferris Wayne Ruth Malone

Perspectives Special communication 2 Doing the unthinkable (and saving millions of 64 Smoker-free workplace policies: developing a lives) model of public health consequences of Richard A Daynard workplace policies barring employment to 3The case against tobacco prohibition smokers Peter Hanauer B Houle and M Siegel 4 A doomed dinosaur Yussuf Saloojee Brief report 4 Tobacco prohibition: doing the unthinkable 60 Smoke-free legislation and charitable gaming Stan Shatenstein in Kentucky 5 Marginalising tobacco control advocates M K Pyles and E J Hahn E Ulysses Dorotheo 5 Theoretically an option, but an enforcement Ad watch nightmare 63 Tobacco advertising on the street in Kunming, Luk Joossens China 5' Our' tobacco industry 'death-lihood' up in L Li and H-H Yong smoke? Don’t dare dream it! Rich Fromdeth* Obituary 63 Remembering Ron Davis News analysis Michael Cummings, Ken Warner, John Pierce, and Simon Chapman Research papers 10 Modelling the health benefits of smoking PostScript cessation in Japan 72 New Zealand: new graphic warnings E Avila-Tang, B J Apelberg, N Yamaguchi, K encourage registrations with the quitline Katanoda, T Sobue, and J M Samet J Li and M Grigg

18 The Framework Convention on Tobacco Miscellaneous Control (FCTC) and the adoption of domestic 17, 21, 59 The Lighter Side tobacco control policies: the Ecuadorian experience S Albuja and R A Daynard 22 British American Tobacco’s failure in Turkey S Lawrence 29 Cigarette fires and burns in a population of New Zealand smokers J Smith, C Bullen, M Laugesen, and M Glover 34 An algorithm for tailoring pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation: results from a Delphi panel of international experts P Bader, P McDonald, and P Selby

43 Explaining the social gradient in smoking cessation: it’s not in the trying, but in the succeeding D Kotz and R West

trastornos adictivos Órgano Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Toxicomanías Volumen 10 • Número 4 • Octubre-Diciembre 2008

SUMARIO Páginas EDITORIAL Adicción a la cocaína, tratamiento psicológico y sanidad pública JC Pérez de los Cobos-Peris...... 221

LA PÁGINA DEL EDITOR Alcohol, consumo de riesgo, impulsividad y desarrollo de dependencia del alcohol FJ Álvarez...... 224

REVISIONES El tratamiento de la dependencia de la cocaína «guiado por la personalidad» F J. Pedrero-Pérez...... 226

Tratamiento conductual de la adicción a la cocaína O García-Rodríguez...... 242

Tratamiento cognitivo conductual aplicado en la deshabituación de cocaína J.M Llorente Del Pozo, I Iraurgi-Castillo...... 252

ORIGINALES Tratamiento psicológico para dependientes a la cocaína en la red sanitaria pública* E Sánchez-Hervás, R Secades-Villa, F Zacarés Romaguera, O García-Rodríguez...... 275