3.1 Development of Science and Technology Policies [PDF:672KB]
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3.1 Development of Science and Technology Policies Part 3 discusses the measures adopted in FY2004 March 2001. In response to the comprehensive for the promotion of science and technology, in line strategy, the Cabinet officially launched the Second with the Second Science and Technology Basic Science and Technology Basic Plan (hereinafter Plan. referred to as the “Basic Plan”) on March 30, 2001 after the consultation of the CSTP. 3.1 Development of Science and The Basic Plan was adopted in consideration of Technology Policies the form science and technology should take in the 21st century, and for the comprehensive promotion The Science and Technology Basic Law was of the government’s science and technology promulgated and put into effect on November 15, policies, while also emphasizing the building of a 1995. Based on a recognition of the important role new relationship between science and technology, that science and technology should play in the and society.In this plan, the basic direction of development of Japan’s economy and society, in Japan’s science and technology policy is to have a the improvement of the welfare of the nation, and in clear vision, with three essential qualities the sustainable development of human society, the comprising the basis for being an advanced science- objective of this law is to achieve higher standards and technology-oriented nation, as “a nation of science and technology through the promotion of contributing to the world by the creation and such measures as the implementation of the Science utilization of scientific knowledge,” “a nation with and Technology Basic Plan, etc., for the compre- international competitiveness and the ability for hensive and systematic promotion of science and sustainable development,” and “a nation securing technology. safety and quality of life.” Toward the realization of Article 9 of the Law stipulates that the govern- this vision, the plan emphasizes the need for ment must draw up a basic plan for science and high-quality basic research, and calls for prioritized technology, for the purpose of the comprehensive and and efficient investment in research and systematic promotion of measures for the promotion development activities covering topics of interest to of science and technology. the state and society in each sector, including the life sciences, information and communications technology, the environment, and nanotechnology 3.1.1 The Science and Technology and materials. Moreover, in order to enhance the Basic Plan level of Japan’s scientific and technological activities, and to better promote the restoration of the results With the launching of the Council for Science of these activities to society, the plan focuses on and Technology Policy (CSTP) in January 2001, expansion of investment, reform of the science and the Prime Minister submitted an inquiry regarding technology systems that cover research and development the general strategy for science and technology, activities, human resources development, and the which called for the adoption of a five-year science interface between science and technology, and society, and technology basic plan to be launched in and on strengthening independent international FY2001. Based on the recommendations contained cooperation activities and information dissemination in the “Basic Plan for Science and Technology” capabilities, as well as internationalization of the submitted by the previous Council for Science and domestic research environment, in order to promote Technology on December 26, 2000, the CSTP the internationalization of scientific and technological examined and discussed the general strategy in activities. The plan calls for continued efforts to view of the comprehensive integration of the promote science and technology with an updated natural sciences with the social sciences and the understanding of future trends in the major humanities, and in strategic consideration of countries of Europe and North America, and for this anticipatory investments in science and technology purpose asserts that a total of about 24 trillion yen1 for the future, and then issued a recommendation in 1 figures are based on the presumption that government research and development investment will be 1% of GDP during the period of the Basic Plan, with a nominal GDP growth rate of 3.5% 196 3.1.1 The Science and Technology Basic Plan for governmental research and development inve- Japan should be striving to expand the funds neces- stment will be required in the five years from sary for the promotion of the policies presented in FY2001 to FY2005 (Figure 3-1-1). the Basic Plan, based on prioritized and efficient In view of the above, while taking into consid- allocation of funds, and in accordance with trends eration future social and economic trends, the nece- in the effects of rationalization and financial resour- ssity for the promotion of science and technology, ce assurance achieved in research system reforms and a fiscal situation that is even more severe than under the Basic Plan. it was during the period of the First Basic Plan, VisionVision forfor establishingestablishing JapanJapan basedbased onon creativitycreativity ofof sciencescience andandtechnology technology CircumstancesCircumstances aroundaround sciencescience andand technologytechnology Perspective on the 21st century Overview of the 20th century S&T as an engine toward sustainable development of society and source to unlock Unprecedented S&T progress the future of mankind ・industrial competitiveness, creation of job opportunity, higher quality of life in aging, information and ・high quality and convenience of life and extended life recycling society ・negative influence on society and environment ・international contribution by challenging global problems, such as world population control, fresh water management, food & energy security, global warming, infective disease prevention, etc. Nation'sNation's picturespictures toto bebe attainedattained "A nation contributing to the world by the creation "A nation with international competitiveness and and utilization of scientific knowledge" "A nation securing safety and quality of life" the ability for sustainable development" -wisdom creation- -sophisticated society by wisdom- (for example 30 Nobel laureates in coming 50 years) -vitality from wisdom- PolicyPolicy withwith comprehensivecomprehensive andand strategicstrategic viewview Comprehensive and panoramic evaluation of S&T positive and Promoting S&T as prior investment toward the future negative influence in relationship with people and society ○ Creation of knowledge and wisdom and human resources development ○ Integration of natural S&T, social sciences and humanities ○ Dynamic circulation among R&D achievement, quick utilization, feed ○ S&T for and in society back to society and next investment BasicBasic principles forfor S&T promotionpromotion principlesprinciples Basic Concept Prioritized allocation of resources Pursuit of mechanism for excellent achievement Inevitable restitution of R&D Internationalization of aiming effective R&D investment and expansion of investment on infrastructure achievement to the public Japan's S&T activities governmentalgovernmental investmentinvestment enlargementenlargement andand resourcesresources allocationallocation in effective and efficient manners in effective and efficient manners ○ 24 trillion yen of governmental R&D investment for 5 years' term (assuming 1% of the GDP and 3.5% nominal GDP growth per year) ○ Annual budgeting under assessment of financial affairs, R&D system reform progress and other conditions ○ Elevation of R&D quality through accomplishing prioritization, efficiency and transparency of S&T investment StrategicStrategic prioritizationprioritization ofof S&TS&T S&TS&T systemsystem reformreform toto createcreate andand utilizeutilize excellentexcellent achievementsachievements ○R&D system reform : ○ Promotion of basic research: ・doubling competitive research funds and introducing 30% of indirect cost upgrading research quality by fair and ・encouraging fixed-term appointment and apply-and-review basis recruit to improve transparent evaluation human resources mobility ・encouraging young researchers to be independent by enlarging special funds and ○ Priority setting of R&D in according with national changing conditions for associate professors and research assistants and social needs: ・reforming evaluation system with fairness, transparency and reflection on resources Life sciences, Information and communications allocation technology, Environment, ○ Strengthening of competitiveness in industrial technology and system reform of Nanotechnology and materials industry-academia-government cooperation ○ Support for emerging fields with foresight ○ and mobility: Improvement of S&T promotion in local areas forming "intellectual clusters" as resent examples; Nanotechnology, Basic Policies Bio-informatics, Systematic biology, Nano- ○ biology S&T education reform and human resources development, through innovating universities to foster excellent scientist and engineers InternationalizationInternationalization ofof S&TS&T ○ S&T study promotion and open channel between people and S&T activitiesactivities ○ Ethics and responsibility on S&T such as bio-ethics and social morals of ○Initiatives in international cooperation scientists and engineers, accountability and risk management ○Enhancement of dissemination of information to the world ○ Arrangement of infrastructure for S&T promotion following a plan