Meeting open to the public

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of meetings held on 19 November and 17 December 2007

3. Police Report and Neighbourhood Watch. Crime statistics from NY Police

4. Planning Decisions of Council a. Alterations and extensions to 3 Cooper Close to form ancillary accommodation, as amended by plan received by HDC on 3 December for Mr & Mrs Harper. Approved, subject to conditions. 07/03399/FUL

5. Planning Applications a. Two storey extension to Potto Grange for Mr & Mrs Rogers 07/03646/FUL plus Application for Listed Building Consent for two storey extension 07/03648/LBC b. Alterations and extensions to Longlands, Gold Gate Lane for Mr K M Fox. 07/03775/FUL

6. Matters arising from last month’s meeting a. Footpaths b. Parish Plan c. Trees d. No Cold Calling zone e. Parish Government Conference, Scarborough 7-9 March f. CE Electric leaflets and posters g. Planning meeting with Mr Cann, Head of Development

7. Reports from County and District Councillors

8. Finance

9. Village Hall

10. Correspondence a. Hambleton District Council – Hambleton LDF draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning document. b. North Moors National Park Authority – LDF Core Strategy and Development Policies document – Submission Version c. YLCA – e mail Launch of Consultation on Historic Pubs d. YLCA – e mail Power to Appoint in the new Local Government Act 2007 e. Ms A Madden – e mail YRCC Village Halls f. CPRE – Fieldwork magazine g. Hambleton Over Fifties Forum – Newsletter h. Clerk & Councils Direct - Magazine AGENDA FOR THE MONTHLY MEETING OF POTTO PARISH COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, 18 FEBRUARY 2008 AT 7.15 PM IN THE VILLAGE HALL

Meeting Open to the Public

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of last month’s meeting

3. Police Report and Neighbourhood Watch. Crime statistics from NY Police

4. Planning Decisions of Hambleton District Council

5. Planning Applications

6. Matters Arising from last month’s meeting

a. Footpaths b. Parish Plan c. Trees d. No Cold Calling zone e. Planning Training 5 February f. National Park Authority – LDF Core Strategy & Development Policies document g. Communities and Local Government – Orders & Regulations relating to the conduct of LA members in

7. Finance. Letter from Audit Commission re appointment of external auditor

8. Reports from County and District Councillors

9. Village Hall

10. Parish Council letterhead

11. Grass cutting

12. Correspondence

a. Hambleton District Council – Complaint to the Standards Board b. The Standards Board for England – Alleged Breach of Code of Conduct c. Hambleton District Council – Parish Councils d. NYCC – Temporary Road closure - Doctors Lane, Hutton Rudby e. Hambleton District Council – Stakeholder Consultation on Car Park Charging f. Hambleton District Council – District/Parish Liaison Meeting 3 March g. NYCC – Winter Service Leaflet 2007-8 h. YLCA – Post Office closures


Meeting open to the Public

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of last month’s meeting

3. Police Report and Neighbourhood Watch. Crime statistics for February from NY Police

4. Planning Decisions of Hambleton District Council

a. Alterations and extensions to Longlands, Gold Gate Lane for Mr K M Fox. Approved, subject to conditions. 07/03775/FUL b. Application for Listed Building Consent for a two storey extension to Potto Grange for Mr & Mrs Rogers. Refused. 07/03648/LBC c. Two storey extension to Potto Grange for Mr & Mrs Rogers. Refused. 07/03646/FUL

5. Planning Applications

a. Alterations and extensions to stables and former agricultural buildings to form a manager’s dwelling, office, 2 holiday units and a club room at existing equestrian centre, Potto Fields Farm, Black Horse Lane for Mr K Mungham 07/03623/FUL

6. Matters arising from last month’s meeting

a. Footpaths b. Parish Plan c. Trees d. No Cold Calling zone e. Grass cutting f. District/Parish Liaison meeting held on 3 March

7. Finance. Bank Mandate. Accounts: Mrs P Fanthorpe – Trough Planting Clerk – ¼ salary + ¼ travel £115.00

8. Reports from County and District Councillors

9. Village Hall. Trustee Voices magazine.

10. Correspondence

a. Hambleton District Council – Notice of Vacancy b. Hambleton District Council – LDF Adoption of Development Policies Development Plan Document c. Hambleton District Council – Changes to the Bus Pass Scheme d. Hambleton District Council – Flavours of Hambleton Awards e. Hambleton District Council – Update f. NYCC – A short Guide to Overview and Scrutiny in North g. NYCC – County Committee for Hambleton Agenda for meeting on 17 March h. NYCC – Winter Maintenance Review – 17 March 2.00 pm Stokesley Town Hall i. YLCA – Agenda for meeting of Hambleton Branch on 19 March j. CE Electric UK - Leaflets on Preparing for Mother Nature k. Hambleton District Council – Area Forums l. Hambleton Citizens Advice Bureau – Thank you letter m. YLCA – Training Session on Section 106 Agreements n. YLCA – Post Office Closures o. YLCA – Information Bulletin p. YLCA – Arts in your Village q. Dalesman – Yorkshire Rural Awards r. YLCA – UK on line free internet training sessions s. YRCC – Country Air magazine t. Clerks & Councils Direct magazine u. Enjoy England – Celebrate St George’s Day v. York & Playing Fields Association Newsletter


Co-option of Councillors

Meeting open to the Public

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of last month’s meeting

3. Police Report and Neighbourhood Watch

4. Planning Decisions of Hambleton District Council a. Alterations and extensions to stables and former agricultural buildings to form a manager’s dwelling, office, two holiday units and a club room at existing equestrian centre at Potto Fields Farm, Black Horse Lane for Mr K Mungham 07/03623/FUL. Application Withdrawn

5. Planning Applications a. Conservatory extension to Verite House, 4 Cooper Lane. 08/00719/FUL b. Retrospective application for the change of use of agricultural building to general storage, installation of external cladding and 3 windows at 10 Cooper Lane for Mr K Davison. 07/03186/FUL c. Alterations and two storey extension to Meadows End, 60 Cooper Lane 07/03783/MAMEND. Minor Amendment. d. Single storey extension to 12 Cooper Close for Mr A Smart 08/00730/FUL

6. Matters arising from last month’s meeting a. Footpaths b. Parish Plan c. Trees d. No Cold Calling Zone e. Grass Cutting f. District/Parish Liaison Meeting g. 106 Agreements – Training

7. Finance. Mazars – Annual Return for year ended 31 March 2007. Allianz Cornhill – Renewal of Premium. Audit Commission – Appointment of External Auditor

Received from Hambleton District Council – Grant for Tree Planting £1,206.28

Accounts: Mrs P Fanthorpe – Trough Planting £9.00 Clerk – ¼ salary + ¼ travel £115.00 YLCA – Membership Invoice £96.00 A Hill & Sons Ltd. – Trees and sundries £1,147.52

8. Reports from County and District Councillors

9. Village Hall

10. Dog and Gun

11. Correspondence a. Rt. Hon William Hague – Black Swan Crossroads b. NYCC – Children and Young People’s Plan 2008-2011 : Consultation c. NYCC – 2008 Local Transport Plan Progress Report : Stakeholder Engagement d. Hambleton District Council – Minutes of District/Parish Liaison Meeting e. Hambleton District Council – Personal and Prejudicial Interests f. Hambleton District Council – Standards Committee : Appointment of Parish Council Representative g. Hambleton District Council – Street Naming and Numbering h. The Standards Board for England – Town and Parish Standard i. YLCA – Assembly Digest Newsletter j. YLCA – – Climate Change k. Amanda Madden, Rural Housing Enabler – Newsletter No. 4 l. Amanda Madden, Rural Housing Enabler – New Home By Products m. CPRE – Fieldwork magazine and Countryside Voice n. Clerks & Councils Direct – Local Councils Update


1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of last year’s meeting

3. Matters arising from the minutes

4. Police and Neighbourhood Watch Report

5. Financial Statement

6. Chairman’s Annual Report

7. Annual Reports by County and District Councillors

8. Village Hall


Election of Officers: Chairman Vice-Chairman Responsible Financial Officer

Representatives on Village Hall Management Committee Representatives to attend Hambleton Branch meetings of Yorkshire Local Councils Association

Dates and time of future meetings

There is one vacancy on the Parish Council.

1. Apologies for absence

2. Police Report and Neighbourhood Watch – Resignation of Neighbourhood Watch Co- ordinator

3. Planning Decisions of Hambleton District Council

a. Retrospective application for the change of use of agricultural building to general storage, installation of external cladding and 3 windows at 10 Cooper Lane for Mr K Davison. 07/03186/FUL. Approved. b. Conservatory extension to Verite House, 4A Cooper Lane for Mr & Mrs Brown. 08/00719/FUL. Approved.

4. Planning Applications

5. Matters arising from last month’s meetings

a. Footpaths b. Parish Plan c. Trees d. No Cold Calling Zone e. Grass Cutting f. Training on 106 Agreements g. Dog & Gun – Extra meeting held on 26 April 2008

6. Finance – Annual Return for year ended 31 March 2007

Accounts: Mrs P Fanthorpe – Trough Planting £9.00 Clerk ¼ salary + ¼ travel (March 2008) £115.00 YLCA – Membership Invoice £96.00 Allianz Cornhill – Renewal of Premium £279.56

Hambleton District Council – ½ precept received £1,053.50 Letter from Barclays Bank – Mandate approved.

7. Reports from County and District Councillors

8. Village Hall

9. Correspondence a. Hambleton District Council – BT’s proposal to re-align payphone provision to meet consumer demand. b. NYCC – New Guidance for use of Household Waste Recycling Centres c. YLCA – Annual Joint Training Conference 26 – 28 September, Scarborough; Councillor Training Programme; White Rose Update; Assembly Digest; The Local Channel d. YRCC – Membership Subscription; Annual Rural Community Buildings Conference 17 May, Sheffield e. CPRE – AGM 16 May, . Annual Report f. North Yorkshire Criminal Justice Board – Newsletter g. Clerks & Councils Direct magazine


Meeting Open to the Public

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of last month’s meeting

3. Police Report and Neighbourhood Watch. Meeting on 20 May. Crime statistics from NY Police

4. Planning Decisions of Hambleton District Council a. Single storey extension to 12 Cooper Close for Mr A Smart. 08/00730/FUL. Approved, subject to conditions. b. Alter and remove existing conservatory from Dog & Gun and replace with new timber decking area, as amended by e mail received by HDC on 16 May, for R & H Properties. 08/00917/FUL. Approved, subject to conditions.

5. Planning Applications. Site Visit by Development Committee on 27 May. Awareness of neighbours to planning applications.

6. Matters arising from last month’s meeting a. Footpaths. Use and maintenance b. Parish Plan c. No Cold Calling Zone d. Grass Cutting e. Water Trough f. Potto Stell g. YLCA Joint Training Conference 26-28 September. Councillor Training Programme h. YLCA Hambleton Branch meeting held on 4 June 10, 2008

7. Finance

8. Reports from County and District Councillors

9. Village Hall. Community involvement

10. Correspondence a. Hambleton District Council – Standards Committee Appointment of Parish Council Representative b. YRCC – Improve your Community Newsletter and Communications Workshop 2 July Hutton Rudby Village Hall 6 – 9 pm c. Stokesley & Villages Community Regeneration Group – AGM 9 July d. Yorkshire & Humber Assembly – Publication of the Yorkshire & Humber Plan e. Yorkshire & Humber Assembly – Regional Executive Board meeting 22 May 2008 f. CPRE – Fieldwork magazine AGENDA FOR THE MONTHLY MEETING OF POTTO PARISH COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, 21 JULY 2008 AT 7.15 PM IN THE VILLAGE HALL

Meeting open to the public

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of last month’s meeting

3. Police Report and Neighbourhood Watch

4. Planning Decisions of Hambleton District Council

5. Planning Applications a. Conservatory extension to Chapel Cottage, 38 Cooper Lane for Mr Walters. 08/01958/FUL

6. Matters arising from last month’s meeting

a. Footpaths. Use and maintenance b. Parish Plan c. No Cold Calling zone d. Grass Cutting e. Water Trough f. YRCC Workshop on improving your community newsletter

7. Finance. Financial Regulations. Letter from Internal Auditor

Accounts: Internal Auditor – Internal Audit year ended 31 March £35.00

8.Reports from County and District Councillors

9. Village Hall. Access road

10. Correspondence

a. Hanson – A19 Road closure b. Hambleton District Council – Free loft and cavity wall insulation c. Hambleton Strategic Partnership – Developing Children’s Play Area -23 July, East Thirsk d. YLCA – Agenda for Joint Annual Conference to be held on 19 July at Upper Poppleton. e. CE Electric – Building links within the community f. NYCC – Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report g. Clerks & Councils Direct magazine h. CPRE – Countryside Side Voice magazine i. Northallerton & District Voluntary Service Association – Wheels 2 Work poster j. YRCC – Country Air magazine k. York & North Yorkshire Playing Fields Association – Newsletter l. NYCC – Footway Slurry Sealing Programme 2008 AGENDA FOR THE MONTHLY MEETING OF POTTO PARISH COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, 18 AUGUST 2008 AT 7.15 PM IN THE VILLAGE HALL

Meeting Open to the Public

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of last month’s meeting

3. Police Report and Neighbourhood Watch. Crime statistics from NY Police

4. Planning Decisions of Hambleton District Council

a. Conservatory extension to Chapel Cottage, 38 Cooper Lane, as amended by plans received by HDC on 16 July 2008, for Mr N Walters. Approved, subject to conditions.

5. Planning Applications. Parish Plan Action 24 – Awareness of neighbours to planning applications

6. Matters arising from last month’s meeting

a. Footpaths - Parish Plan Action 13 – Use and maintenance of footpaths b. Traffic in Back Parsons Lane – Parish Plan Action 11 c. No Cold Calling zone d. Water Trough e. Standing Orders f. Northern Gas network g. Broadband Speed

7. Finance. Financial Regulations.

8. Reports from County and District Councillors

9. Village Hall. Parish Plan Action 18 – Community involvement with Village Hall. Access Road

10. Correspondence

a. Hambleton District Council – Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning document b. NYCC – Library Strategy Consultation c. CPRE – Campaign Update AGENDA FOR THE MONTHLY MEETING OF POTTO PARISH COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER 2008 AT 7.15 PM IN THE VILLAGE HALL

Meeting open to the Public

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of last month’s meeting

3. Police Report and Neighbourhood Watch. Crime statistics and report from NY Police

4. Planning Decisions of Hambleton District Council

5. Planning Applications. Parish Plan Action 24 – Awareness of neighbours to planning applications

a. Single storey extension to Tilery Cottage to form a garage for Mrs L Leng. 08/02520/FUL b. Two storey extension to Goulton Cottage for Mr N Robinson. 08/02608/FUL

6. Matters arising from last month’s meeting a. Footpaths Parish Plan Action 13 – Use and maintenance of footpaths b. Traffic in Back Parsons Lane. Parish Plan Action 11 c. No Cold Calling Zone. Parish Plan Action 29 d. Water Trough

7. Finance Clerk – ¼ salary + ¼ travel £115.00 Clerk & Councils Direct Annual Sub. £9.50

Circular from Barclays Bank re Interest Rates

8. Reports from County and District Councillors

9. Village Hall. Parish Plan Action 18 – Community involvement with Village Hall Parish Plan Action 21 – Use of Village Hall Parish Plan Action 22 – Safety on Access Lane

10. “Pride in Potto” – Parish Plan Action 15

11. Dog Fouling – Parish Plan Action 16

12. Correspondence

a. Hambleton District Council – Street Scene b. County Committee for Hambleton – Agenda for meeting on 15 September 2.00 pm Coxwold Village Hall c. CPRE – Fieldwork magazine and booklet d. YRCC – Country Air magazine; Conference & AGM Empowering Your Rural Community 29 November e. York & North Yorkshire Playing Fields Association – Newsletter f. Clerks & Councils Direct magazine AGENDA FOR THE MONTHLY MEETING OF POTTO PARISH COUNCIL TO BEHELD ON MONDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2008 AT 7.15 PM IN THE VILLAGE HALL

Meeting open to the Public

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of last month’s meeting. E mail from Councillor Woodhouse

3. Police Report and Neighbourhood Watch. Parish Plan Action 27 – Improve effectiveness of Neighbourhood Watch schemes and Police Ringmaster communications. Parish Plan Action 28 – Increase membership of Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.

4. Planning Decisions of Hambleton District Council a. Single storey extension to Tilery Cottage to form a garage for Mrs L Leng. 08/02520/FUL. Approved, subject to conditions. b. Two storey extension to Goulton Cottage for Mr N Robinson. 08/02608/FUL. Application Withdrawn

5. Planning Applications a. Alterations and extensions to stables & former agricultural buildings to form a manager’s dwelling, office, 2 holiday units and a club room at existing equestrian centre, Potto Fields Farm, Black Horse Lane for Mr K Mungham. 08/03395/FUL b. Parish Plan Action 1 – Improve quality of feedback to HDC re planning applications

6. Matters Arising from last month’s meeting a. Footpaths – Survey b. Traffic in Back Parsons Lane. Parish Plan Action 11 c. No Cold Calling Zone. Parish Plan Action 29. Letter from NYCC d. Water Trough e. Pride in Potto. Parish Plan Action 15 f. Dog Fouling Parish Plan Action 16 g. Area Forum in Stokesley on 27 October h. YLCA Hambleton Branch meeting held on 15 October.

7. Finance. 2nd half of precept received from HDC - £1,053.50

8. Reports from County and District Councillors

9. Village Hall. E mail from VHC Secretary re setting up of sub-committee. Letter from Councillor Woodhouse re extension of Village Hall. Parish Plan Action 22 – Improve safety of access lane

10. Renewal of seat next to Church – Councillor Woodhouse

11. Development of Community Website – Parish Plan Action 25

12. Increase publicity of Parish Council activities – Parish Plan Action 26

13. Determine if speeding is a real problem – Parish Plan Action 6

14. Increase number of trees on roadside verges or footpaths – Parish Plan Action 8

15. Parish Plan Action 9 – Establish street light locations

16. Correspondence

a. Hambleton District Council – LDF Draft Sustainable Development Supplementary Planning Document b. Communities and Local Government – Consultation on the Making and Enforcement of Byelaws c. North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service – Corporate Report 2008 – 2011 d. CPRE – Hambleton District Branch AGM – Borrowby Village Hall 7 November e. Standards Board for England – Town and Parish Standard f. Yorkshire & Humber Assembly – Mini Essentials g. Voluntary and Community Sector Database – Form h. Rural Action Yorkshire – Data Check Form AGENDA FOR THE MONTHLY MEETING OF POTTO PARISH COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, 17 NOVEMBER 2008 AT 7.15 PM IN THE VILLAGE HALL

Meeting Open to the Public

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of last month’s meeting

3. Police Report and Neighbourhood Watch. Crime statistics from NY Police

4. Planning Decisions of Hambleton District Council

5. Planning Applications

a. Outline application for the construction of a replacement dwelling at 43 Cooper Lane for Mr S Crosbie 08/04323/OUT

6. Matters Arising from last month’s meeting

a. Footpaths. Bridle path. Draft Survey form b. Traffic in Back Parsons Lane. Parish Plan Action 11 c. No Cold Calling Zone d. Water Trough e. Pride in Potto. Parish Plan Action 15 f. Dog Fouling. Parish Plan Action 16 g. Development of Community Website. Parish Plan Action 25

7. Finance. Budget financial year 2009-10

8. Reports from County and District Councillors

9. Village Hall. Access Lane. Changes to the Register of Charities

10. Correspondence

a. Letter from Highways Agency re opening of new bridge over A19 on 31 October. b. Hambleton District Council – Application for Certificate of Lawfulness – Goulton Cottage c. Communities and Local Government – Communities in Control: Real People, Real Power. Codes of Conduct for Local Authority Members and Employees. A Consultation d. YLCA – New Mandatory Publication Scheme e. YLCA – Guide to Tree Preservation f. YLCA – Planning Inspectorate Publications on Rights of Way g. NYCC – Funding Newsletter h. CPRE – Stop the Drop Campaign. Countryside Voice magazine i. YLCA – White Rose Update j. Citizens Advice Bureau – Request for donation k. WRVS – Request for donation l. Clerks & Councils Direct magazine AGENDA FOR THE MONTHLY MEETING OF POTTO PARISH COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON MONDAY 15 DECEMBER 2008 AT 7.15 PM IN THE VILLAGE HALL

Meeting open to the Public

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of last month’s meeting

3. Police Report and Neighbourhood Watch. Crime statistics from NY Police

4. Planning Decisions of Hambleton District Council

5. Planning Applications

6. Matters arising from last month’s meeting

a. Footpaths. Bridle Path. Draft Survey form b. Traffic in Back Parsons Lane. Parish Plan Action 11 c. No Cold Calling Zone d. Pride in Potto. Parish Plan Action 15 e. Dog Fouling. Parish Plan Action 16 f. Freedom of Information Act. Information Commissioner’s Office

7. Finance. Budget financial year 2009-10. Letter from Hambleton District Council re Revenue Estimates for next financial year. Risk Management. Invoice for trough plants - £27.83. Clerk – ¼ salary + ¼ travel - £127.50

8. Reports from County and District Councillors

9. Telephone Kiosk

10. Maintenance of Potto Stell – Councillor Woodhouse

11. Village Hall. Access Lane. E mail from NYCC, Highways. Quote from L & D Construction

12. Correspondence

a. E mail from YLCA – NALC Conference 21 February 2009 in York b. E mail from Mr G Fielding NYCC – Budget Consultation c. Thank you letter from Citizens Advice Bureau d. CE Electric UK – Preparing for Mother Nature – Information leaflets & posters e. North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority – Summary of Accounts 2007-8 f. Rural Action Yorkshire – Country Air magazine. Annual Report g. York & North Yorkshire Waste Partnership – Performance Matters h. York & North Yorkshire Playing Fields Association – Newsletter i. CPRE – Fieldwork magazine