Fottea, Olomouc, 8(1): 79–86, 2008 79

The cyanobacterial Macrospermum

Jiří Ko m á r e k

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Botany, Dukelská 135, CZ-379 82 Třeboň, and University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Sciences, Branišovská 31, CZ-370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic, e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: This small tropical cyanobacterial group, containing Anabaena volzii Le m m e r m a n n and a few related species (A. fuellebornii Sc h m i d l e , A. unispora Ga r d n e r , A. mysorensis Go n z a l v e s & Ka m a t ), differs substantially phenotypically from all other planktic or benthic Anabaena types, mainly by the subsymmetric structure of the trichomes, type of akinete formation and restricted ecology. The taxonomic uniformity of all other Anabaena- like clusters (typical benthic Anabaena, planktic Anabaena subg. Dolichospermum, Trichormus, Aphanizomenon, Cuspidothrix) was already supported by molecular analyses. All of them also have their typical morphological markers, which are clearly different from the “Anabaena volzii – cluster”. Therefore, this group can not be classified in any of the mentioned revised genera and must be described as a separate generic entity of heterocytous (although they have not been sequenced to date). The new genus Macrospermum is therefore defined in my article with 4 related, morphologically distinguishable species. The generic name is selected according to the unusually large akinetes.

Key words: Cyanobacteria, , Anabaena, Macrospermum, pantropical genus, akinete formation

Introduction morphology, which is different from all other Anabaena species. The filaments are nearly Sc h m i d l e (1902) described a cyanobacterial symmetric, uniserial, unbranched and isopolar, species Anabaena fuellebornii from Africa. This with two heterocytes localized in the subapical metaphytic species was later found from several portions of the trichomes, slightly distant from localities in tropical Africa (Chad, Guinea, the terminal parts. One central, third heterocyte, Tanzania – Co m p è r e 1967, 1974, Bo u r r e l l y localised ± in the centre of a trichome, sometimes 1975), tropical Asia (Burma – Sk u j a 1949) and occurs in fully developed trichomes. Unusually America (Brazil, Cuba – Ko m á r e k 2005, orig. large, solitary, oval or ellipsoid akinetes (very data). In 1904, Le m m e r m a n n described Anabaena exceptionally occurring in pairs) develop after volzii, having a similar trichome structure, from fusion of several vegetative cells joined to the and benthos in Singapore. This species heterocyte on the external side of the heterocyte. was found also in numerous localities over the The filaments have a typical symmetrical or whole tropical region in Asia (S. China, India, subsymmetrical structure (in the second case the Indonesia, Singapore – Ge i t l e r 1932, Ja o 1948, heterocytes are a little shifted from the central Fr i t s c h 1949, Gu p t a 1956, De s i k a c h a r y 1959), or subterminal positions). Exceptions from this Africa (Chad, Guinea, Mozambique, Tanzania trichome structure can occur, but they are very – Bo u r r e l l y 1975, Ri n o 1972) and Central rare (Fig. 1). Of course, the asymmetry appears America, particularly in the Caribbean district after trichome disintegration and in developing (Cuba, Guadeloupe, Venezuela – Bo u r r e l l y & filaments. Ma n g u i n 1952, Ya c u b s o n 1974, Ko m á r e k 1984, The cluster of “Anabaena volzii”-like 2005). The number of similar species was enlarged species contains now four tropical species. The by Anabaena unispora Ga r d n e r 1927 known in only non-confirmed record from the temperate typical form from Puerto Rico and Cuba, and also zone is “A. unispora” from Michigan, recorded by Anabaena mysorensis, described by Go n z a l v e s by Pr e s c o t t (1962), but with several unclear & Ka m a t (1959) from India (Mysore State). features. The species of this cluster differ from All of these species have a unique, very specific one another by the form of the cells (particularly 80 Ko m á r e k : The cyanobacterial genus Macrospermum in the apical parts of trichomes), and the form typical species. All transitions between straight, and colour of akinete epispores. Anabaena volzii waved and coiled filaments occurred in our studied f. recta Ki s e l e v 1931, characterised by straight populations; also, the dimensions in all described trichomes, and A. volzii var. crassa (Ra o ) Fr i t s c h populations only slightly deviated and overlapped 1949 seem to be in the variation range of the with all transient forms (Tab. 1).

Fig. 1. Scheme of the slightly subsymmetric to symmetric trichomes of “Anabaena/Aphanizomenon” (= Macrospermum) volzii (populations from Cuba) and their development: A – variability of cell width in trichomes and position of heterocytes (H) in filaments; B – variability (average limits from 48 filaments) in the position of heterocytes (H) and akinetes (S) in trichomes with two (48 measurements) and three (14 measurements) heterocytes; C – typical filament with two heterocytes and two akinetes at low magnification; D – scheme of a typical filament with fully developed akinetes and average width of vegetative cells, necridic cells (n), akinetes (S), heterocytes (H) and with the number of cells in corresponding segments of trichomes; m = morphological centre of a trichome, s = geometrical centre of a trichome. (After Ko m á r e k 1984, sub Aphanizomenon volzii.) Fottea, Olomouc, 8(1): 79–86, 2008 81

Thus, the Anabaena volzii-type differs from comparison with akinetes of other genera. The the other Anabaena-like species (both planktic epispore is smooth or sculptured; differences or benthic) by the specific trichome structure in surface structure of akinetes is considered as (in all Anabaena-types is strictly metameric), differential feature between morphospecies. from Aphanizomenon and Cuspidothrix by the All described species are distributed morphology of cells, type of life (formation of in tropical regions (with one exception – see mats), position and form of akinetes, and form discussion; Pr e s c o t t 1962). They appear in of colonies. This type also differs from other aquatic habitats, marshes, ponds, the littoral of nostocalean genera by the special subsymmetric lakes and in paddy fields. They form free colonies structure of the trichomes and the position of the (disintegrating fine mats) on water plants, or heterocytes and akinetes (Fig. 2). No species from small floating clusters in the metaphyton. Solitary the whole described Anabaena volzii cluster has trichomes or small groups of filaments can occur been isolated in culture up to now, nor have they less frequently and secondarily also in the plankton. yet been sequenced. However, their morphology Facultatively rare aerotope-like inclusions occur and life form differ substantially from all genera, in cells of Anabaena (Macrospermum) volzii. as shown by generic analyses and confirmed by the corresponding phenotypic markers Formal description of the genus Macrospermum: (Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Cylindrospermum, Cyanobacterial, heterocytous, filamentous genus. Cylindrospermopsis, Cuspidothrix, Trichormus, Filaments are free-living, solitary, in small Anabaenopsis, and others – cf. e.g., Gu gg e r & irregular clusters or in fine macroscopic mats. al. 2002a, b, Ra j a n i e m i et al. 2005, etc). Because Trichomes have symmetric to subsymmetric the generic classification of this characteristic structure with two subapical heterocytes and morphological group into any existing genus is not sometimes with one ± central heterocyte; they possible, the description of a new generic entity are nearly straight or irregularly coiled with fine, is necessary (e.g., for the prepared monographic colourless, diffluent and indistinct slime, uniserial, elaboration of the heterocytous cyanobacteria for unbranched, ± cylindrical, constricted at cross- Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa). walls, sometimes narrowed to the ends and in distinct central parts. Cells cylindrical or slightly Results barrel-shaped, ± isodiametric or rather longer than wide, with blue-green, homogeneous content with The main generic phenotypic diacritical feature scarce granules and facultatively with solitary of the new genus Macrospermum is the structure aerotopes; terminal cells are rounded, conical or of the trichomes: The trichomes are isopolar with narrowed and bluntly pointed. Heterocytes always a nearly symmetric or subsymmetric structure solitary, intercalar, cylindrical, usually wider than (Ko m á r e k 1984). The heterocytes develop in the vegetative cells, usually two in subapical position apical parts of trichomes, slightly distant from in a trichome, or with the third heterocyte ± in the ends. The third heterocyte develops in old the middle of a trichome. Akinetes widely oval, trichomes ± in the centre, or slightly shifted from developing from several neighbouring cells, large, the geometric middle of a trichome. Akinetes solitary, rarely in pairs, always attached to outer develop after fusion of several vegetative cells, heterocytes; in one trichome develop usually attached to a marginal heterocyte, usually on the only two akinetes, outside from heterocytes, side towards the ends of a trichome, exceptionally rarely also at the “inner” side of a heteocyte. at both sides of marginal heterocytes. The akinete Reproduction by fragmentation of trichomes and was never observed at the central heterocyte. by akinetes. Type species: Macrospermum volzii Trichome width in Anabaena (= Macrospermum) (Le m m e r m a n n ) comb. nova (= Anabaena volzii volzii is always a little greater in parts with Le m m e r m a n n 1904). This species was selected as heterocytes, while being slightly narrowed the type-species instead of the older “Anabaena between heterocytes and towards the ends (Fig. fuellebornii” (1902), because it is the best known 1). and most distributed species from the whole new Usually, only two akinetes develop in a genus. trichome, very rarely in pairs. They are formed after fusion of few neighbouring vegetative cells Diagnosis: Macrospermum genus nova – and are extremely large (oval or ellipsoidal) in Genus cyanobacteriis heterocytosis. Filamenta 82 Ko m á r e k : The cyanobacterial genus Macrospermum solitaria, libere natantia vel in strata irregularia, Bot. Jahrb. 32: 61, 1892. macroscopica aggregata, sine vaginis, vel cum Diacritical characters: Cells slightly barrel- muco incolore, tenue, amorpho circumdatae. shaped, 3.8-8.2 x 4.8-7.4 µm; apical cells slightly Trichomata uniseriata, plus minusve recta vel narrowed, rounded; akinetes with granular-dotted, irregulariter flexuosa, not ramosa, symmetrica brownish epispore, 25-45 x (14.3)16.5-19(21.6) vel subsymmetrica, ad dissepimenta constricta, µm. With pantropical distribution. ad apices paucim attenuata vel cylindrica, cum heterocytis duobus subapicalis, raro cum Macrospermum mysorense (Go n z a l v e s et heterocyta tertia centrali. Cellulae cylindricae Ka m a t ) comb. nova (Fig. 5) vel paucim barriliformes, plus minusve Basionym: Anabaena mysorensis Go n z a l v e s et Ka m a t isodiametricae vel longior quam latae, contentu Hydrobiologia 13: 237, 1959. aerugineo, homogeneo, cum granulis sparsis et aerotopis solitariis facultativis; cellula Diacritical characters: Cells cylindrical, up to terminalis cylindrica vel conica, apice rotundata. twice as long as wide, 6.4-12.3 x 5.8-7.5 µm; Heterocytae intercalares, solitariae, cylindricae, apical cells probably cylindrical and rounded plerumque latior quam cellulae vegetativae, in (not described in the original diagnosis); akinetes trichomatibus subapicaliter dispositae, rare plus ellipsoidal to oval, having epispore with pointed, una heterocyta centralis. Akinetes late ovales, up to 3,2-4,5 µm long, spines, 35.8-51,6 x 12.5- intercalares, cum heterocytis conjunctae, valde ad 19.4 µm. Known only from India (Mysore State). eos partes externis dispositae, solitariae, rarissime binae, cum episporio laevi vel ornati, praecipue Macrospermum unisporum (Ga r d n e r ) comb. duas in una trichoma. Reproductio trichomatibus nova (Fig. 6) fragmentatione et akinetis germinatione. - Typus Basionym: Anabaena unispora Ga r d n e r Mem N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 59, 1927. generis: Macrospermum volzii (Le m m e r m a n n ) Syn.: Anabaena volzii var. unispora (Ga r d n e r ) comb. nova (syn.: Anabaena volzii Le m m e r m a n n Bo u r r e l l y Bull. Inst. Franc. Afr. Nord, Ser. A, 19(4): 1904). 1049, 1957.

List of species: Diacritical characters: Cells cylindrical, mostly Macrospermum volzii (Le m m e r m a n n ) comb. nova isodiametric, infrequently up to twice as long than (Fig. 3) wide, 4-10.2 x 4-5.4 µm; apical cells ± cylindrical, Basionym: Anabaena volzii Le m m e r m a n n Abh. Nat. rounded; akinetes with smooth, brown epispore, Ver. Bremen 18(1): 153, 1904. (18)20-40(43) x (8)12.5-20.5 µm. Known from Syn: Anabaena volzii f. recta I. Ki s e l e v Tr. Sr.-Aziat. Gos. Univ. (Tashkent), Ser. XIIa, 9: 74, 1931; incl.; tropical America, particularly from the Caribbean Anabaena unispora var. crassa Ra o Proc. Ind. Acad. district (Cuba, Puerto Rico); the records from Sci. 6(6B): 362, 1937; incl.; Anabaena volzii var. crassa Michigan (Pr e s c o t t 1950) need confirmation. (Ra o ) Fr i t s c h J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 28(3): 155, 1949; incl. Anabaena volzii var. unispora (Ga r d n e r ) Bo u r r e l l y The key to the species identification: sensu Bo u r r e l l y Bull. Inst. France Afr. Nord., ser. 1a Ripe akinetes with smooth epispore ...... 2 A, 19(4): 1049, 1957; incl.; Aphanizomenon volzii 1b Ripe akinetes with sculptured epispore ...... 3 (Le m m e r m a n n ) Ko m á r e k Acta Bot. Cubana 18: 9, 1984. 2a Vegetative cells isodiametric or (usually) longer than wide, apical cells elongated, narrowed, end cell bluntly Diacritical characters: Cells cylindrical, 4.5- pointed ...... M. volzii 14 x 4-5.8 µm; apical cells slightly elongated, 2b Vegetative cells commonly isodiametric or only narrowed and bluntly pointed; akinetes with slightly longer than wide, apical cells cylindrical, not narrowed, end cell cylindrical and rounded ...... smooth, colourless or brownish epispore, (20)32- ...... M. unisporum 48 x (13)15-21 µm. With pantropical distribution and in central Asia (E. Ki s e l e v a 1931, I. Ki s e l e v 3a Surface of akinetes granular-dotted (brownish), cells 1931 from El e n k i n 1938). ± isodiamatric, end cells cylindrical to slightly barrel- shaped, apical cells conical rounded ...... Macrospermum fuellebornii (Sc h m i d l e ) comb...... M. fuellebornii nova (Fig. 4) 3b Surface of akinetes with pointed spines, cells Basionym: Anabaena fuellebornii Sc h m i d l e Engler’s cylindrical, longer as wide (up to twice), apical cells Fottea, Olomouc, 8(1): 79–86, 2008 83

Fig. 2. Scheme of the trichome structure of Macrospermum in comparison with other nostocalean genera with paraheterocytic origin of akinetes; circles indicate the places of heterocyte origin: A = place of akinete development. (Partly from Ko m á r e k & An a g n o s t i d i s 1989.) cylindrical rounded (?) ...... M. mysorense by phylogenetic studies. The groups of genera, Discussion which evidently do not belong to clusters already revised by molecular sequencing and which mor- The modern taxonomy of cyanobacterial genera is phologically evidently belong beyond the range based primarily on molecular sequencing, joined of morphological variation of complexly revised with a combined evaluation of phenotypic, bio- generic entities remain taxonomically problemat- chemical and ecological markers. However, typi- ic. The group of the genus Macrospermum is just cal characteristic phenotype markers were found a typical case of such clusters. The various spe- in all generic units, being defined and supported cies were described as members of the traditional 84 Ko m á r e k : The cyanobacterial genus Macrospermum Anabaena ); Fig. 4. sub 2005, o m á r e k Aphanizomenon volzii (2005), (all sub Anabaena unispora ). 1984, sub ( o m á r e k o m á r e k Macrospermum unisporum : Macrospermum a – original drawing after K populations from Cuba after ); Anabaena Fig. mysorensis 6. – ); b Anabaena volzii from India – Mysore, sub sub 1959 (1904, a m a t K & e m m e r m a n n o n z a l v e s G : a – ends of trichomes; b – variability of heterocytes; c – position of a heterocyte with joined akinete; d – variability of akinetes (from K (after mysorense Macrospermum ); Fig. 5. from Puerto Rico; b-e – variability of trichome ends, vegetative cells, heterocytes and akinetes from the Cuban population, after K cells, heterocytes (1927) from Puerto Rico; b-e – variability of trichome ends, vegetative Macrospermum Macrospermum volzii : a – original drawing after L a r d n e r Macrospermum fuellebornii Macrospermum Fig. 3. fuellebornii G Fottea, Olomouc, 8(1): 79–86, 2008 85 genus Anabaena, but their morphology is sub- stantially different (subsymmetric structure of tri- References chomes) from the updated and revised metameric Anabaena-like clusters. This includes typical ben- Bo u r r e l l y , P. (1961): Quelques algues d’eau douce thic Anabaena species, based on the type-species de la région de Konakry. – Bull. Res. Counc. A. oscillarioides Bo r y ex Bo r n e t et Fl a h a u l t Israel, Botany, 10(D): 9-14. 1888, planktic Anabaena subg. Dolichospermum Bo u r r e l l y , P. (1975): Quelques algues d’eau douce de Guinée. – Bull. Mus. Nat. d’Hist. Natur. 276: with the type-species A. flos-aquae (Ly n gb y e ) 1-71. Br é b i s s o n ex Bo r n e t et Fl a h a u l t 1888, as well Bo u r r e l l y , P. & Ma n g u i n , E. (1952): Algues d’eau as the genus Trichormus with apoheterocytic for- douce de la Guadeloupe. – 281 pp., Paris mation of akinetes with type species T. variabi- Co m p è r e , P. (1967): Algues du Sahara et de la région lis (Kü t z i n g ex Bo r n e t et Fl a h a u l t ) Ko m á r e k et du lac Tchad. – Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg., An a g n o s t i d i s 1989 (sooner “Anabaena variabi- Bruxelles, 37: 109–288. lis” Kü t z i n g ex Bo r n e t et Fl a h a u l t 1886). Co m p è r e , P. (1974): Algues de la région du lac Tchad. Macrospermum, by having a symmetric or II. Cyanophycées. – Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., Sér. subsymmetric structure of trichomes is similar Hydrobiol. 8(3/4): 165–198 mainly to the genera Cylindrospermum, Aphani- De s i k a c h a r y , T.V. (1959): Cyanophyta. - In: ICAR zomenon, Cuspidothrix and Cylindrospermopsis Monographs on Algae, 686 pp., New Delhi. El e n k i n , A.A. (1938): Monographia algarum (cf. Fig. 2). Cylindrospermum and Cylindrosper- cyanophycearum aquidulcium et terrestrium in mopsis differ by the development of heterocytes finibus URSS inventarum. Pars spec., Fasc. 1. – from terminal cells, Aphanizomenon and Cuspi- 984 pp., Izd. AN SSSR, Moskva-Leningrad. dothrix by the type of akinete formation and the Fr i t s c h , F.E. (1949): The genus Anabaena with special life form. However, the phylogenetic position of reference to the species recorded from India Macrospermum seems to be rather near this group and the adjacent Asiatic mainland. – J. Ind. Bot. of genera than to the Anabaena–like clusters, to Soc. 28: 135–161. which all the Macrospermum species were tradi- Ga r d n e r , N.L. (1927): New Myxophyceae from Porto tionally classified. Rico. – Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 1–144. All of the species morphologically congru- Ge i t l e r , L. (1932): Cyanophyceae. – In Rabenhorst‘s Kryptogamenflora von Deutschland, Österreich ent with the genus Macrospermum are described und der Schweiz 14: 1–1196, Akad. Verlagsges., from aquatic biotopes in tropical regions. To this Leipzig. can be added also the rice fields in Tadzhikistan Go l l e r b a c h , M.M., Ko s i n s k a j a , E.K. & Po l j a n s k i j , near Samarkand (central Asia; see Ki s e l e v in V.I. (1953): Sinezelenye vodorosli. [Blue‑green Ho l l e r b a c h & al. 1953 and De s i k a c h a r y 1959). algae]. – In: Opredelitel‘ presnovodnych The only exception is “Anabaena unispora” re- vodoroslej SSSR 2: 1–652, Izd. “Sovetskaja corded by Pr e s c o t t (1962) from Michigan, USA. nauka”, Moskva. However, this specimen has cells up to twice as Go n z a l v e s , E.A. & Ka m a t , N.D. (1959): Two new long than the type and the akinetes develop “near species of Anabaena from Western India. – the middle of the filaments, with the dimensions Hydrobiologia 13(3): 236–238. Gu gg e r , M., Ly r a , C., Su o m i n e n , I., Ts i t k o , I., 20-34 x 11-15 µm”. The identity of these popu- Hu m b e r t , J.-F., Sa l k i n o j a -Sa l o n e n , M. & lations with typical Macrospermum unisporum is Si v o n e n , K. (2002a): Cellular fatty acids therefore problematic and should be confirmed. as chemotaxonomic markers of the genera Thus, the genus Macrospermum is de- Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Microcystis, Nostoc scribed, because the group of “Anabaena volzii” and Planktothrix (Cyanobacteria). – Internat. J. remained out of any generic classification after Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 52: 1007–1015. molecular confirmation of the most related ana- Gu gg e r , M., Ly r a , C., He n r i k s e n , P., Co u t é , A., baenacean genera. Hu m b e r t , J.-F. & Si v o n e n , K. (2002b): Phylogenetic comparison of the cyanobacterial genera Anabaena and Aphanizomenon. – Acknowledgement Internat. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 52: 1–14. This study was supported by the grant GA AS CR Gu p t a , A.B. (1956): A contribution to the algal flora of no. IAA600050704. The author thanks Dr. Jaroslava the Allahabad District. – J. Res. D.A.V. 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© Czech Phycological Society (2008) Received September10, 2007 Accepted December 19, 2007