IICSA Inquiry - CSARS 24 November 2020
IICSA Inquiry - CSARS 24 November 2020 1 Tuesday, 24 November 2020 1 There are three volumes of bundles. Don't worry, 2 (10.30 am) 2 I don't think we are going to be getting every single 3 THE CHAIR: Good morning, everyone and welcome to Day 7 of 3 one of those pages or, in fact, very many of them, up, 4 this public hearing. Ms Scolding? 4 but obviously, as well as referring you to the paper 5 MS SCOLDING: Good morning, chair. Just to indicate for 5 bundle, my colleague, Mr Hyde, can get documents up on 6 everybody who wasn't clear, we have had to rejig the 6 screen, and we shall be getting them up. If you can't 7 witness timetable, so we thank Mr Meyrick and 7 see them, please let me know and we can get them 8 Mr Llewellyn, who have moved from the morning to the 8 enlarged or changed around. 9 afternoon, to accommodate Ms Spielman, who has an urgent 9 Thirdly, if there are any technical difficulties, we 10 meeting with Cabinet at lunchtime about coronavirus. So 10 shall try and sort them out. We are hoping that won't 11 we have slightly had to rejig the timetable, but thank 11 be the case. 12 you very much for accommodating that. 12 Lastly, as there are three of you, I shall try and 13 Ms Smith, may we call Ms Spielman, Ms Humphreys and 13 preface or at least at some point in the question put 14 Mr Kennedy, all of Ofsted, please.
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