49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018 (LPI Contrib. No. 2083) 2559.pdf Grossite and Hibonite Bearing Refractory Inclusions in the CO3.1 Chondrite Miller Range 090019. D. K. Ross1 and J. I. Simon2, 1University of Texas El Paso/Jacobs Technology/NASA-JSC-ARES (2224 Bay Area Blvd. Houston TX 77058, USA (
[email protected]), 2NASA-Johnson Space Center-ARES (
[email protected]). Introduction: We have characterized 142 refract- finer grained particles with substantial porosity. Ongo- ory objects by EDS hyperspectral X-ray mapping in the ing reaction with nebular gases produces down-temper- CO3.1 chondrite MIL 090019-13. These include 127 ature phases partially replacing earlier formed phases Ca-Al rich inclusions (CAIs), 14 amoeboidal olivine ag- and infilling porosity, leading to densified objects. gregates (AOAs) and one Al-rich chondrule. These data Most CAIs are not fully equilibrated, but exhibit miner- are being used to reveal the mineralogy, texture and alogy reflecting a considerable range of temperature, bulk composition of these inclusions, and to identify ob- with relict phases. Hibonite is typically intergrown with, jects that represent endmembers within cogenetic popu- and partially replaced by spinel, violating the predicted lations of primitive inclusions, which will be further in- crystallization order from thermodynamic calcula- vestigated by future isotopic studies. Previous work re- tions[3], in which melilite should precede spinel crystal- lated to these refractory inclusions in this chondrite also lization. appear in [1] and [2]. Twenty six inclusions are hibonite-bearing, 18 are grossite-bearing and one inclusion is corundum-rich. In seven of these inclusions, grossite and hibonite coexist.