Chelsea. ^ ^ J Se a
m l m ! SUBSCRIBE FOR ■ i ::#i;;:.k S-fB: is THE-SIAfiMRD. .' fpERflS.E I r i ' : “ THFSTSSroBBlJl A; t(... tv* • A S-" ~rr if V. N O . 12. ?TT. C H EL SEA . M ICHIGAN. FRIDAY, JU N E 2 . 1 8 9 3 . WHOLE NUMBER, 2 2 0 U g CHfihSKA STANDARD WORLD'S FAIR VETTER. eceptions in her honor(te<infflull-siny. I*"JjJS">fri‘i"y »iwrhtwu*iromriL, $^«liif£orrcB|>oii ilon k*. among us.r *, ' x - 1*1 tliiHi of PLacis prcjnuo fop A’jir, - £ * ' t' r " 1 ?^,SSStBi^«S&2SBSaS* The fourthweei' T S I<>r *itr‘’ .I)lll'in£ tho remaining Mv.eeks>f tJie - I; -i - ■: . T. KQOVH1R,. silloii^ition hasliiis LfiftnIjeeii.ono nJ nic,l .U,JS.... exP°* ,lml llownii the rate of admission for chikh'en lfp„lilll^>UiffiP«t>a!4™''«e-. '.S .--- iajtweeiAspx^vhclntweiA^r^^e.Ti's’lyaH'bgeTr ‘VY’I hi . • •.MWtally. u W t0^ , ~ - -V .; : ■ • -■• ••"•. ' r-.-:. ' ' • v" V ■ ,v. : ■■!£■ . ■ C- 11P w ^ w- r W S S S B ma4& k&°W.n reduced to725 cents . " to-day a W . On Queen V^ictoria’s ^ttjr anniver- Skin. \V e won 111 advise all who tod- lAl'KitATlVE, PiiQSTnETlC AND sary ot her birth, tin> L^Uhiof .\fa_y,1UT II - Ceramic Dentistry JjL_alUthoir _®nieJii<J.s.oiiiiiiK,, even for a few ,fays,' vye haVe marked every Grnpe and-Jacket doWn subjects (and many jyhojyer^,naty, ifelw s. Teeth txaniiiiftl (UuViulviue .fing with them warm undorelott.- x ^ to close-oufcat once. assembled-iii ViclbrJu.iuume, and amid ■-!r.r:rs- Vz.-.
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