LINEN SALE the Cominenoeiiient Exercises of Tlie Tuesday Evenings, June 19Aud 20, Com Adilttllvii
i0ianta VOL. XLVII. MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1905. NO. 24. ;,'!J': GRADUATING EXERCISES Senior Oratoricals, WILL BE RE-ELECTED. The class of 1005, Mason High fl GIFT Will 1)0 Ilolil nt Uiiyiinr Opurit II»UN«! School, will give iheir ora'toricals at Krln II. OikNtnrllii IN WIUIIIIIK: » I'liiuv TliiirNdiiy KVUIIIIIK', JIIIIU S2, the high school room on Monday und uf I'roiuliiuiive ia Iltlcli. (JOIIUKO THAT IS HARD LINEN SALE The cominenoeiiient exercises of tlie Tuesday evenings, June 19aud 20, com Adilttllvii. TO BEAT. classes of 1905,-Mason High school and mencing at eight o'clock. Following Wc want every careful and judicious buj'cr to visit oijr Ingham County Normal school will is the program; From llie Alma Journal. Linen Department duringf this sale. In Table Linens, Towels, i)e held at Rayner opera house Thurs MONDAY reVBNlNCl,.TUNKll),lfl05, Couspiclous among those who have Crashes, Napkins. Lunch Cloths and Pillow Shams, we are day evening, June 22, at 8 o'clock. rnvocftHoii, won a nume for themselves In Alma a K©02\K showing positive bargains in quality, worth and price that you Seven young men and six young ladies Music-"Evening Slnoiber" , college la Erie H. Casterliu, '07, Alma's will graduate from the High school .' UIKII ;-ieboal Orcliealra athletic director iu the Michigan Inter cannot fail to appreciate. Essay—•'Jlodurn OboiiUHlry" „.. FROM and nine young ladies will receive , Allen Donald Uowo collegiate Athletic assoclaliou. Mr. Li your own interests come and secure some of these Linen (liploinas from the normal school. Essay—"Tlie liilliionoe of Lllerauiro'' Casterliu came to Alma from Mason $1.00 TO $35.00 JSlliol V.
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