Sheridan and Cooksville Creeks Restoration Strategies Mississauga, Ontario
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CREDIT VALLEY CONSERVATION Sheridan and Cooksville Creeks Restoration Strategies Mississauga, Ontario Comprehensive restoration of two highly urbanized watersheds will improve the quality of Lake Ontario into the future. Significant Wetland and and schools, road allowances, Provincial Area of Natural residential lands, commercial and Scientific Interest. zones, industrial zones, utility Cooksville Creek’s 13.9 square corridors and snow dumps. mile watershed is largely built- Within each land use and out with a mix of residential, cover, specific restoration commercial, institutional, and categories (e.g., residential low, industrial land uses. medium and high density) n 1992, Credit Valley were then identified. By re- IConservation (CVC) com- In collaboration with CVC viewing field data in the con- pleted a comprehensive Water and the Center for Watershed text of these restoration cat- Management Strategy, which Protection, Biohabitats as- egories, the Biohabitats team included a recommendation sessed and characterized the characterized each restoration to study the watershed’s major restoration potential of these category and developed pol- tributaries. CVC recently two watersheds. The resul- lution prevention and restora- turned its attention to devel- tant watershed restoration tion recommendations. With oped areas in the watershed, strategies set forth pollution the recommended strategies especially those with direct prevention and restoration in place, CVC now has a solid linkages to Lake Ontario. strategies applicable to eight foundation for restoring two different land use and land of the Credit Valley’s highly Sheridan Creek and Cooksville cover categories. urbanized subwatersheds. Creek are tributaries to Lake Ontario. Sheridan Creek The project began with an SERVICES drains 4.2 square miles of ur- extensive field assessment of Inventory & Assessments banized area and discharges to the watershed. Field crews Planning Rattray Marsh, a Provincially evaluated stream and drain- Green Infrastructure age corridors, public lands conservation planning ecological restoration regenerative design Physiographic Province St. Lawrence Lowlands Bioregion GREAT LAKES BIOREGION Great Lakes 800.220.0919 Watershed Credit River.