Eview Society Wo' De'rs Where Patients Will Go
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i ',' .,~ Legislative Library : Parliment Buildings i Victoria, B.C. i ...... , . ..... ~ . ..., ....... .:..~:~.:-;~,',~~ ..... ............ i VSV-1Z4 :' /: [ Camp. '' ; • "",:." I ', ," :,'" ,o • .; :;," ; :q,',.'. • , ,Serving.the :,.:,:,..:: .:::: :..'::!':i .: : 'i • " . .: .... :.~ ";L ~*~i'=,..,..~,:~i:~',,*~ ~ .... ::.:' . Northwest -,:..:" .: .; .: -:.:,: *':, :: : .... ....... .~-:"~"., ~ . :. : : :.i..:i':.:' I . m i ........ = I I I I .Th6rsday, March'15,1984: ,.:.,,,~ ..... :Established I~g "'~/"" ". '*'~", ,"~ i." , "' ' : • ": -. "" . .,. Volume 78 N0.53 • ,:' • , : .i" :.": eview Society wo' de'rs where patients will go .by RALPH RESCHKE "Many of:the extended care patients require L" ' "$o' fal,.:.on thei~Jnformation available, the '" Herald Staff Writer constant monitoring," adds King, "and that's ministry ofhenlth'~ants to keep the nine people TERRACE-. Nine' l~fients currently ]living something the hospitals Just can't provide; Not at. Mills becausa~d(~cost considerations;" " in SkesnuviewLodgn.~e facing the possibility onlythat, but the facilities.the~/.would. ~le~ '. Norms ,Ran~ ~ that a bit confusing. of ha.ring to move~lVlllls Memorial H~pital at have to be completely rebuilt, bcea',~e .~y . "We've got ~:eS .t~nate for having a building- the-and of May because.ll~_ p~~ .....won't be able to handle a whealchair in the,, : stay Open;.with.p~!! ~e facilities nearby,, that Is ment will not provide :~,~0 for ksepinl~,ene ' pb~ent washrooms." •sure to. be' ]0m.]l)Wr,~nt it's going to cost the wing o'f the present facility open/ " T~lero-~ LalS()anpecinl bathtub reqniredfor hospital to be ~no~a~sd," she said. N0rma Randie, secretary tnmsUror for.the people that are invalid and cannot move around ,. Ae&rding,~'~Mll~s Memorial Hospital ad- Terraceview Soc~ety;:~ys..~,5,000 IS the .by themselves; ".These special bathtubs cost ,. ,ministrator~/Robe~¢~ Flnlaysen, the hospital estimate for buildiug .'a. covered~waikway approximately '~,000 and haye Sp~.ial" could h~e the:e~tra nine patients but he betw~ thenewbulldinga~ndthe one' wi~," .they hydraulic jacks that raise and lower them, ngreb's~:thei~e is g~rnblem with the present • would'like to see kept ' O~, ,. .: . :: : .','.'. - -~ - thereby making It easier./or patientato get. in:. facilities.:/";:...~:/: i.~./ : . .' . •/ : ~t :same umoiu~t-'a~. ,includes the...~n- and out; with aseldtan'co from staff. Howev~i::;,he :f~ that with reliovatioas • neefion of sewugea~d!~,.afl!~"pipea to Service .,.. Mills Memorial does/not 'have any of these . being:don~/:the ~pital, .all patients. Would. the older building... :!,/:.-- . ; : .:',. ~... - types of bathtube at the moment, . ..... benefitin:th~.long~un, .. - .~ • ~.... ,'.., .... ~'...:...-,,.... '-,:..~ ~ "':........... ~The other .susgestious :for locations were :He Is con*eemed~h0wever, over the length Of :/"Th~ reaso~:f0~;,~.e:~eyy,.*Want~. "::~!k~P: :: i:..mUmdl=G.en..,e]rai:.Houpltal,"the CraftsShop at' thlsinter~,'m .e~s~ :~. and aiso'how mucb staff. the one bulldingope~, b !~eause the iiew,65 bed. - the back of the proiierty and the one wing of the would ho~'~o provide a reasonable facility, built at.a eo~t0f~,smi!llou, will~t be Skesnavlew Lodge, service.;: !.> :'..; ~:!':", '. ~, • " able to accommodate the 64 people currently The only proposal acceptable to the • At pre~ *~;he~ot know how much it:will staying in Skeeha~iew " . ..~' . " Terraceview Society would be for the govern- cost to iia~elthe.~pital renovated, but the Te~ aceview Society ~ memO, No~n a .... ment~t0 grant :the ~F~,5,o0oto have the walkway . radminis, trator ~!~ay that the job is up for King~. president an~Norma ]]andie,~tary eovei;ed and hook up the sewage and heating. bid.. , ,' .., "*" ~: :~.% ' " treashrer, are w0n'd,~ingwhemthe ministry of '. for I the one Skeenaview building that would Some steps<~have been taken by the health is going to be n~o~g the extr~ patients., remain standing. Terraeevlew Socie~ and other concerned "Four .suggestions for passible Joc~ttons That way, the. patients would not have' to citizens,t0r keep. th~::residents of Sksenaview .. were: given to the: ml~Ury Of. heel~i sald movevery.far/and.they c0uld utilize the n~w " - fr0m~:bei~i~6V.~i ' ". .... : .. .. Rofidie, "but only 0no.of them Is acceptable to facility Just like anyone else. ~ " ......The miniCer ofh~a!.th" has ' been requested: by • ns." ,; . : : " The Kitimat idea has been dropped becanse the societyto appear:in ¢errac~ to deal with the Being consider~ is a •move to. Mills" :' nob0dy ,wants ~to send the patients out o.f town, problem.:. .. :....".. Memorial Hosl)ltni, sometime in the beShinidB ' and as for theSkeenavtewbnilding remaining. rThe hospital.adi/L~, ry board of thereglona] of Juno, beth women consider that option as o.pen, only the government knows what the district has als0 V.o(~. to support.the society's something that shonldn't happen. score is there. • proposal. -...~..:. ,,... ". - .. • . ,,. John Roberts announces hm:' plansiii to run : . : L" -, "~ - - TORONTO (CPI -- Jo.hn Roberts became the from conslderat!on because of time and place." Police said the'defi~0nstrators were questioned third federal Cabinet minister to Climb into the Chretlen, expected to annoence Tuesday that but'no charges wer'~:laid. Liberal leadership ringWednesday, while Jean he will run, joked about his political future :' Roberts, wh~ call.himself a "centre, centre- Chretiee' did a little preparatory.':.shad0w-..: . while .speakl~ to 150 people at a dinner for left" 'candlda'[~, hb]~es ~ appeal to. youth, bo~~!'ai/a party,;fimdral'Sm:.: in/nearby Dang Fisher, member for. Mississanga' North ': ethnics.and women,..:.'.... * ~ ' " :~-'FTsh'er Mild he .~p~ Cltrbtle~t rtais .and, Liberalism" for 500 nuppi)rters In-Ids.Toront0 although he refused. to.provide names, Liberal Club~who called Roberts "tomorrow's . more government funding comes through to oomplete the other proposed ridin 8 of St, Paults and also Called for acam- p~'edicted he would have strong support from man" and urged supporters to reject wings of Terraceylew. ,. " : palgn upending.limit.oft~der L~&0,000'. " .' " ~"Ontario" members. "yesterday'~4erms andYesterday's ideas." - It's '~outrageous for a Liberal party to have a • But a group o| Out~rlo' Liberal caucus campaign In which candidates are expect, to members wl~o;•were expected to come with A]though~Ro~rts prompt. controversy' S have to spend $I million Or, $1½mllli~," said. • Chretian did not attend the fundraiser. recently.o.o.,o.. when *he referred to Turner. as- Pulp e/em"nttte near Roberts, who listed about a dozen party of- Chretien, whose expected candidacy was en- "yesterday's man," he 'told supporters he will ficials aci'oss Canada as backers but/l s darned Wednesday by Alberta Senator Bud not run against other 'candidates but on the • NAI~IAIMO,B.C. (CP) -- The dispute that Negotiators for the Canadian Paper- reported to be ibavlng trouble raising' •money. Olsen, is also ~ported to Joe having trouble Strength Of ~sL b ~ ideas for Canada's future. : has shut down the province's pulp industry workers Union-and the' Pulp, Paper and "No Liberal party should be in the position'of llningup strong support from bin fellow Quebec Meanwhile, in addition to Olsen's declaration since Feb. 2 may be close to a settlement, • Woedworkers of Canada will meet Friday requiring a candidate to be rich or have,rich MPs: - " of "full and complete': Support for Chretien, B.C. Labor Minister Bob McClelland said morning in Vancouver and they have asked friendoin order to be considered," he said in Chretlen said there "will be a lot of gocd some Liberal cabinet ministers are beginning Wednesday. the industry representatives to be ready to apparent reference ,.to the expected .~ld~l~,; .candidates in therace. I dog't know all of them, to endoi'se un.doclared candidates. • Speaking . to the Greater Nanhno go back to the bargninir~ table in the nf- pow.e~ndMacy of former f/nanee minister •but I'm talking to one Of them all the time in the Industry Minister Ed Lumley. and .Roy Cham~r of'commerce, McClelland said he" ternoen. John Turner. mirror and he has not made up.hin mind yet." MaeLaren, minister of state for financ e. said senses ".an ~ttitude for settlement". Talks broke off March 2 when the anions' The Liberal executive is expected to. TALK TO FAMILY Wednesday they support Turner, who is ex- But: if the dispute isn't settled over the said they would only drop their demand for recommend, as early as Saturday, that there The energy minister told reporters he will •pected to annnunce his candidacy Friday. weekend, the minister,mid, 'TIt have to a'two-year . contract if the three-year be voluntary spending limits of at least $1.4 confer with his organi~rs and family during Lumley said he had been torn between have to see the premier about what steps to contract offered by the industry has million in the eampa.ign leading to the June 14- the Weekend. supporting TUrner and Chretien but chose take." provision for cost-of-llvingincreases. 17 convention in Ottawa. Roberts, repeating the theme of recent Turner because "he was the one who got me At a news conference, the minister said, The industry re|ect, that because it said Same Liberals estimat~,a candidate must .speeches, said society is "challenged in an into politics." . - "I don't want to thrust in any threat, l'm that would have given'the pulp unions a spend at least ~1 mlllions~d sbme candidates unprecedented way by the substance and pace About 5,000 delegates and alternates will be confident about the~.new talkn/' better deal than theone negotiated by the in the Progressive Conservative isaderehip ,of technological change. • attending the leadership conyeniion and some Hi sald he hasn't "any deflrdte action in International Wocdworkers of America in contest 10st:year are believed to have spent "Our times call for a new" Liberalism, not may have diffleulty finding a bed in Ottawa.