Eview Society Wo' De'rs Where Patients Will Go
i ',' .,~ Legislative Library : Parliment Buildings i Victoria, B.C. i ...... , . ..... ~ . ..., ....... .:..~:~.:-;~,',~~ ..... ............ i VSV-1Z4 :' /: [ Camp. '' ; • "",:." I ', ," :,'" ,o • .; :;," ; :q,',.'. • , ,Serving.the :,.:,:,..:: .:::: :..'::!':i .: : 'i • " . .: .... :.~ ";L ~*~i'=,..,..~,:~i:~',,*~ ~ .... ::.:' . Northwest -,:..:" .: .; .: -:.:,: *':, :: : .... ....... .~-:"~"., ~ . :. : : :.i..:i':.:' I . m i ........ = I I I I .Th6rsday, March'15,1984: ,.:.,,,~ ..... :Established I~g "'~/"" ". '*'~", ,"~ i." , "' ' : • ": -. "" . .,. Volume 78 N0.53 • ,:' • , : .i" :.": eview Society wo' de'rs where patients will go .by RALPH RESCHKE "Many of:the extended care patients require L" ' "$o' fal,.:.on thei~Jnformation available, the '" Herald Staff Writer constant monitoring," adds King, "and that's ministry ofhenlth'~ants to keep the nine people TERRACE-. Nine' l~fients currently ]living something the hospitals Just can't provide; Not at. Mills becausa~d(~cost considerations;" " in SkesnuviewLodgn.~e facing the possibility onlythat, but the facilities.the~/.would. ~le~ '. Norms ,Ran~ ~ that a bit confusing. of ha.ring to move~lVlllls Memorial H~pital at have to be completely rebuilt, bcea',~e .~y . "We've got ~:eS .t~nate for having a building- the-and of May because.ll~_ p~~ .....won't be able to handle a whealchair in the,, : stay Open;.with.p~!! ~e facilities nearby,, that Is ment will not provide :~,~0 for ksepinl~,ene ' pb~ent washrooms." •sure to. be' ]0m.]l)Wr,~nt it's going to cost the wing o'f the present facility open/ " T~lero-~ LalS()anpecinl bathtub reqniredfor hospital to be ~no~a~sd," she said. N0rma Randie, secretary tnmsUror for.the people that are invalid and cannot move around ,. Ae&rding,~'~Mll~s Memorial Hospital ad- Terraceview Soc~ety;:~ys..~,5,000 IS the .by themselves; ".These special bathtubs cost ,.
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