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FIREFOX was the supersonic thriller of a reckless Western scheme to hijack Soviet Russia's most lethally sophisticated warplane. FIREFOX DOWN is the stunning sequel to that daring undercover operation - a stupendous Mach-5 all-action read that will pin you to your seat with suspense! After a hair-raising landing, the hijacked Firefox lies entombed in a frozen lake 20 miles from the Norwegian frontier. Its pilot, Mitchell Gant, is running for his life from the tracker dogs and helicopter patrols of the KGB border guard. As international tension mounts, East and West wage a desperate behind-the-scenes battle - a frantic race to recover the Firefox!

● Sales Rank: #524935 in Books ● Brand: Bantam Dell Pub Group (Trd) ● Published on: 1983-10 ● Original language: English ● Number of items: 1 ● Binding: Hardcover ● 340 pages


● Great product!

Most helpful customer reviews

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful. The 'Fox shall rise again!!! By Rottenberg's rotten book review Poor Mitchell Gant, the burnt-out Vietnam vet and ex-fighter jock dragooned by "The Company" to sneak into Russia and steal the latest Soviet wonder fighter plane, "Firefox". Having barely survived storms of Russian missiles and a close dogfight with the other Firefox prototype, he discovers (in the first few pages of "Firefox Down") that he's running out of fuel. Mustering all of his flying skills, and after another un-in with other Russian jets, Gant lands on a frozen lake in Finnish Lapland, outside of Russia - but not far enough. Barely getting out of the empty Russian jet before it sinks under a frozen lake, Gant is captured by the Russians. The western spymasters, too late to save Gant, quickly locate the Firefox, but are cut off by a blizzard. Thus starts the race - for the west to break out of the storm before the Russians learn the superplane's location. Few sequels measure up to their original, fewer ofcourse succeed, but "Down" is atleast the match of the first book. Picking up exactly where the last let off, Thomas displays his masterful sense of precisely paced action, riveting aerial scenes and nuanced charachters. Not as personal a novel as "Firefox", which was more centered around pilot/pirate Mitchell Gant, "Down" is more of an ensemble piece with more charachters in the trenches. Still, Gant, seemingly played out in the last book, continues to reveal more scars, unpeeling himself like an onion. This isn't your typical paper-thin technothriller, but you knew that already if you read "Firefox".

7 of 8 people found the following review helpful. Superb Sequel to FIREFOX! By A Customer This novel is an excellent follow up to FIREFOX, and it takes place right where the first book left off. If you are eager to find out what happens to Gant and the Firefox after the first book, or the movie, you must read this book! Warning though, this book is VERY suspenseful, with Gant forced to land in Finland and NATO and Soviet forces rushing to retrieve the incredible superfighter. This book holds onto all the great qualities of the first book, and you will not put it down. For fans of FIREFOX, aircraft, espionage, supense, and military fiction, this is a must read and you will not be disappointed.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Plodding, predictable sequel to a superior book and movie By Elrond Halfelven Author Craig Thomas had high hopes for this novel. Perhaps he had hoped it (like its predecessor "Firefox") would be made into a big budget motion picture. Thomas dedicated "Firefox Down!" to Clint Eastwood "the pilot of the Firefox" perhaps with the intention to butter him up. Needless to say, over thirty years later, "Firefox Down!" has never been made into a motion picture, and the book is, as of this review, not surprisingly out of print. Granted, "Firefox Down!" is a competent sequel. At times, however the plot drags on, seems all together too predictable for over 250 pages, and then the action packed climax, is over and done, with hardly any satisfaction to the reader. Some of the novel is also highly implausible. For example, Mitchell Gant gets captured, sent back to Moscow to a heavily guarded KGB chemical interrogation unit, gets injected with mind altering drugs, and somehow he manages to escape almost as quickly as he is incarcerated, single handedly, in hospital clothes, wielding only a pistol, and scissors! Many of the characters from "Firefox" return in the sequel, and Craig Thomas gives many of them more fleshed out, expanded roles, especially Dmitri Priabin, who becomes a main character in "Firefox Down!" Priabin is torn between killing the escaped Mitchell Gant, and saving the life of his mistress Anna, who is coerced into helping Mitchell Gant escape the Soviet Union. Anna is a new character that is simply disposed of when she becomes no longer useful to the plot. To its credit, I managed to finish "Firefox Down!" but after a month and half, it felt like a ponderous chore. With all honesty, stick to reading Craig Thomas's "Firefox", and see the movie with Clint Eastwood (even WITH its cheesy fighter plane special effects). You can find better books to read than its sequel.

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