Guangxi Laibin Water Environment Project Consolidated Environmental Impact Assessment Report

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Guangxi Laibin Water Environment Project Consolidated Environmental Impact Assessment Report E4057 Public Disclosure Authorized Guangxi Laibin Water Environment Project Consolidated Environmental Impact Assessment Report Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Compiled by: Environmental Protection Research Academy of Guangxi Certificate No.: National Environmental Assessment Public Disclosure Authorized Certificate Class A No. 2902 Date: October 23, 2012 Guangxi Laibin Water Environment Project Consolidated Environmental Impact Assessment Report Contents 1 General Introduction ...................................................................................................................... - 1 - 1.1 Project Background ................................................................................................................ - 1 - 1.2 Overview of Consolidated Environmental Assessment Report ......................................... - 3 - 1.3 Scopes and Periods of Environmental Assessment and Objectives of Environmental Protection ....................................................................................................................................... - 5 - 1.4 Environmental Impact Factors and Assessment Factors ................................................... - 8 - 1.4.1 Identification of Impact Factors .......................................................................................... - 8 - 2 Policy, Law and Administrative Management Framework ......................................................... - 7 - 2.1 Environmental Policies and Regulations ............................................................................. - 7 - 2.2 Environmental Management Agencies and Responsibilities ........................................... - 11 - 3 Project Description and Analysis ............................................................................................... - 13 - 3.1 Project Name and Components ........................................................................................... - 13 - 3.2 Location and Land Acquisition for the Proposed Project (Sites) .................................... - 15 - 3.3 Project Construction Schemes ............................................................................................ - 15 - 3.4 Due Diligence and Linkage Projects ................................................................................... - 24 - 3.5 Investment Estimates ........................................................................................................... - 26 - 3.6 Construction Organization and Design .............................................................................. - 28 - 4 Project Area Environmental and Social Status ......................................................................... - 34 - 4.1 Project Area Natural and Social Environment ................................................................... - 34 - 4.2 Current Status of Flood Control and Drainage .................................................................. - 40 - 4.3 Current Status of Flood Control Dike and Slope Protection ............................................ - 41 - 4.4 Current Status of Water Drainage ....................................................................................... - 41 - 4.5 Main Targets of Environmental Protection ......................................................................... - 43 - 5 Survey and Assessment on Current Status of Environmental Quality .................................. - 45 - 5.1 Survey and Assessment on Current Status of Air Environment Quality ........................ - 45 - 5.2 Survey and Assessment on Current Status of Water Environment Quality ................... - 49 - 5.3 Survey and Assessment on Current Status of Acoustic Environment ........................... - 59 - 5.4 Survey and Assessment on Sediment ................................................................................ - 61 - 5.5 Survey and Assessment on Current Status of Ecological Environment ........................ - 63 - 6 Environment Impact Assessment ............................................................................................... - 64 - 6.1 Environmental Impact Analysis during Construction Period........................................... - 64 - 6.2 Environmental Impact Analysis during Operation Period ................................................ - 81 - 7 Comparison and Analysis of Alternative Schemes .................................................................. - 83 - 7.1 Content and Principles of Comparison and Analysis ....................................................... - 83 - 7.2 Analysis on Non-project Scheme ........................................................................................ - 83 - 7.3 Comparative Analysis on the Site Selection of Flood Control Dike ................................ - 84 - 7.4 Comparison and Selection of Design Plans for Slope Protection and Revetment ........ - 89 - 7.5 Comparison and Selection of Storage Dam ....................................................................... - 92 - 中国·广西环境保护科学研究院 地址:广西南宁市教育路 5 号 电话:0771-5331497 邮编:530022 Environmental Protection Research Academy of GuangXi.P.R.China Add:5JiaoYu Road Nanning GuangXi Tel:0771-5331497 Post:530022 I Guangxi Laibin Water Environment Project Consolidated Environmental Impact Assessment Report 8 Analysis on Benefits and Losses of Environment and Economy ........................................... - 95 - 8.1 Analysis on Development Objective and Overall Impacts of the Project ....................... - 95 - 8.2 Expected Benefits of the Project ......................................................................................... - 95 - 8.3 Environmental Benefits ........................................................................................................ - 97 - 8.4 Social Benefits ...................................................................................................................... - 98 - 8.5 Economic Benefits ................................................................................................................ - 99 - 8.6 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... - 100 - 9 Environmental Impacts of Project Construction and Mitigation Measures ......................... - 102 - 9.1 Mitigation Measures during the Construction Period ..................................................... - 102 - 9.2 Mitigation Measures during Operation Period ................................................................. - 107 - 10 Resettlement and Social Impacts ........................................................................................... - 110 - 10.1 General Situation .............................................................................................................. - 110 - 10.2 Project Impacts ................................................................................................................. - 110 - Table 10.2-1 Summary of the Project Impacts ............................................................................ - 110 - Table10.2-2 Summary of Affected Population ............................................................................ - 111 - Table 10.2-3 Summary of Permanent Acquisition of Collective Land ..................................... - 112 - 10.3 Production and Livelihood Restoration Programs for APs .......................................... - 116 - 1. Direct cash compensation ................................................................................................... - 117 - 3.Resettlement in commercial properties ................................................................................... - 117 - 4.Living subsidy ............................................................................................................................ - 118 - 10.4 Institutional Arrangement ................................................................................................ - 122 - Figure10.4-1 Resettlement Organizational Structure of the Project ........................................ - 122 - 10.5 Resttlement Budget and Financing Sources ................................................................. - 122 - 11 Public Participation and Information Disclosure .................................................................. - 125 - 11.1 Purposes and Scopes ....................................................................................................... - 125 - 11.2 Arrangement and Methods............................................................................................... - 125 - 11.3 Information Disclosure ..................................................................................................... - 126 - 11.4 Public Participation Survey Results and Discussions .................................................. - 128 - 12 Environmental Assessment Conclusions.............................................................................. - 135 - 中国·广西环境保护科学研究院 地址:广西南宁市教育路 5 号 电话:0771-5331497 邮编:530022 Environmental Protection Research Academy of GuangXi.P.R.China Add:5JiaoYu Road Nanning GuangXi Tel:0771-5331497 Post:530022 II Guangxi Laibin Water Environment Project Consolidated Environmental Impact Assessment Report Attached Maps Map 1 Distribution Map of Project Components Map 2 Distribution Map of Sewage Pipeline Network for the Project Map 3 Distribution Map of Surrounding Environmental Sensitive Points Map 4 Distribution Map of Surrounding
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