(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,486,374 B2 Tamarkin Et Al
USOO8486374B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,486,374 B2 Tamarkin et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 16, 2013 (54) HYDROPHILIC, NON-AQUEOUS (56) References Cited PHARMACEUTICAL CARRIERS AND COMPOSITIONS AND USES U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 1,159,250 A 11/1915 Moulton 1,666,684 A 4, 1928 Carstens (75) Inventors: Dov Tamarkin, Maccabim (IL); Meir 1924,972 A 8, 1933 Beckert Eini, Ness Ziona (IL); Doron Friedman, 2,085,733. A T. 1937 Bird Karmei Yosef (IL); Alex Besonov, 2,390,921 A 12, 1945 Clark Rehovot (IL); David Schuz. Moshav 2,524,590 A 10, 1950 Boe Gimzu (IL); Tal Berman, Rishon 2,586.287 A 2/1952 Apperson 2,617,754 A 1 1/1952 Neely LeZiyyon (IL); Jorge Danziger, Rishom 2,767,712 A 10, 1956 Waterman LeZion (IL); Rita Keynan, Rehovot (IL); 2.968,628 A 1/1961 Reed Ella Zlatkis, Rehovot (IL) 3,004,894 A 10/1961 Johnson et al. 3,062,715 A 11/1962 Reese et al. 3,067,784. A 12/1962 Gorman (73) Assignee: Foamix Ltd., Rehovot (IL) 3,092.255. A 6, 1963 Hohman 3,092,555 A 6, 1963 Horn 3,141,821 A 7, 1964 Compeau (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 3,142,420 A 7/1964 Gawthrop patent is extended or adjusted under 35 3,144,386 A 8/1964 Brightenback U.S.C. 154(b) by 1180 days. 3,149,543 A 9, 1964 Naab 3,154,075 A 10, 1964 Weckesser 3,178,352 A 4, 1965 Erickson (21) Appl.
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