The Trojan Origins of European Royalty!
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THE TROJAN ORIGINS OF EUROPEAN ROYALTY! TRIUMPH PROPHETIC MINISTRIES (CHURCH OF GOD) * ALTADENA * CALIFORNIA * According to the British historian Nennius a group of people, under the leadership of BRUTUS, invaded England some 1100 years before Christ and set up a dynasty of British kings. WHO was this Brutus; and WHERE did he come from? The legends and histories of the ancient world trace Brutus and his throng back to Italy and, through his ancestors, BACK TO THE TROY OF HOMER! Read the fascinating story of an Israelite refugee from Egypt who founded the famous city of TROY on the Dardanelles and started several lines of Jewish kings that are still extant in Europe today! John D. Keyser When the wind blows classics amongst us, this is heady The Legends of Troy through the stone walls and bat- stuff! tlements on top of the mound of The legends claim that Hissarlik, the sounds of clashing After the memories of the oldest town in the land of armies echo through the ancient battles fought and the tragic lives Troy (the Troad) was founded by ruins. With a little imagination of the Homeric heroes faded Teucer, who was a son of the the heroes of Troy can be seen from human consciousness, the Scamander (a stream of Crete, walking the streets and defend- story of Troy and the Trojans according to John Tzetzes, the ing the walls against the encir- was deemed to be fable by fol- 12th century Byzantine poet and cling Greek armies on the plain lowing generations. While re- grammarian) and the nymph of the Troad below. taining a core of truth, the Idaea. During the reign of ancient histories became confus- Teucer, DARDANUS -- son of This site of ancient Troy, ing stories of almost nonsensical Zeus and the nymph Electra -- four miles from the Aegean Sea proportions, elevating the heroes drifted from the island of and four miles from the Dardan- of the past to super-human and Samothrace in the Aegean to the elles of western Turkey, is full of godlike statue. These stories, Troad, following a great deluge ghostly figures and mythological spun by the bards and storytell- in the Mediterranean area. After scenes of the ancient world to ers, became part of the bulk of he arrived in the Troad, Darda- those who love the epic poems Greek legend and lore. nus received a grant of land from of Homer. For the readers of the Teucer and married his daughter Batea, shortly thereafter Page 2 After he arrived in the founding the city of DARDA- According to the legends, Troad, Dardanus received a NIA at the foot of MOUNT IDA. the life of this Podarces was grant of land from Teucer On the death of Teucer, Darda- spared at the request of Hesione and married his daughter nus succeeded him as king, and -- on condition that Podarces Batea, shortley thereafter called the whole land first be a slave and then be re- founding the city of DAR- DARDANIA. deemed by Hesione. Hesione DANIA at the foot of gave her veil for him; hence his MOUNT IDA. He sired Erichthonius, name of PRIAM (Greek for "to who begat TROS by Astyoche, buy"). After gaining his freedom, daughter of Simois. Tros named Priam first married Arisbe and the country TROY (after him- then Hecuba, fathering 50 sons self) and the people TROES and 12 daughters! Among these (TROJANS). By Callirrhoe, sons were HECTOR and PARIS, daughter of Scamander, Tros had and among the daughters Polyx- three sons -- Ilus, Assaracus and ena and Cassandra. Ganymede. From two of Tros' sons -- Ilus and Assaracus -- Paris became betrothed to sprang TWO SEPARATE Oenone, and awarded the golden LINES; Ilus, Laomedon, Priam, "apple of strife" to Aphrodite Hector; and Assaracus, Capys, (who promised him the love of Anchises, Aeneas. the fairest of women) and brought upon Troy the resent- According to the Ency- ment of Hera and Athena. clopedia Britannica: Following this Paris, vis- Ilus went to Phrygia, where he iting Sparta, found favor with received, as a wrestling prize from the HELEN, heiress of Tyndareus king of Phrygia, a spotted cow, with an and wife of MENELAUS, SON injunction to found a city where she lay down. The cow lay down on the hill of OF ATREUS, and carried her to the Phrygian Ate; here Ilus founded Il- Troy. To recover Helen, the ion; and Dardania, Troy and Ilion be- ACHAEANS under AGAMEM- came one city. Desiring a sign from NON, brother of Menelaus, be- Zeus, Ilus prayed and found lying be- sieged Troy for ten years. In the fore his tent the Palladium, a wooden statue of Pallas, for which he built a tenth year of the siege Hector temple. By Eurydice, daughter of was killed by Achilles, and he by Adrastus, he had a son, Laomedon, Paris. who married Strymo, a daughter of Scamander (or Placia, daughter of Finally a wooden horse ATREUS or of Leucippus). In his was built, inside of which many reign, Poseidon and Apollo (or Posei- don alone), built the walls of Troy, but Achaeans hid themselves. The Laomedon withheld their reward. In his Greek army and fleet then with- reign also, HERACLES besieged and drew to Tenedos -- pretending to took the city, slaying Laomedon and have ended the siege. The Tro- his children, except one daughter, He- jans, seeing the Greek army was sione, and one son, Podarces. -- 1943 edition. Vol. 22, p. 503. gone, opened the gates and con- veyed the wooden horse into Troy. That night the hidden Greeks stole out of the horse, Page 3 opened the gates of the city to Achilles to forget his anger and aid the The Rediscovery of Troy the returning Greeks, and Troy Greeks, Achilles rebuffs all overtures was finally taken. of reparation. When the Trojans are The city of Troy stood as setting fire to the Greek ships, Achilles allows his friend Patroclus to fight in a bastion overlooking the Helle- Homer's Iliad his stead. Patroclus is killed by Hector, spont for centuries, finally fal- and Achilles decides to rejoin the battle ling into ruin and leaving the The Greek author Homer to avenge the death of his friend. Noth- bleak hill of Hissarlik rising took the legends of his ancestors, ing can stop the hero; he slays Hector above the wind-swept Troad. By and drags his body around the walls of and any other sources available Troy behind his chariot. After several the first century A.D. the mem- to him, and wrote the Iliad -- an days Hector's father Priam, with the aid ory of the correct location of epic poem in twenty-four books of the god Hermes, makes his way to Troy was lost to the ages, and an dealing with the last year of the Achilles' ships and convinces Achilles academic dispute arose in A.D. siege of Troy. The central theme to return the body of Hector to him for 160 with Demetrius of Scepsis of this epic is the wrath of decent burial. Achilles feels compas- claiming the mound of the Greek hero Achilles, If you study the Iliad closely, you Hissarlik to be the site. Prince of the Myrmidons, will discover that the shields of the pro- Most disagreed. and the tragic conse- tagonists at the siege of Troy were quences of his anger. It wasn't until painted with HERALDIC SYMBOLS 1870 that the legendary The Homeric narra- that represented the clans present at the city of the Homeric poems tive begins with a quarrel conflict. was brought to light by the between Achilles and Aga- archaeologists' spade. The memnon, the commander of the sion for the aged king and returns the German archaeologist Heinrich Greek forces: body of Hector, which is then taken to Schliemann began excavations Troy. The Iliad ends with the burial rites in honor of the Trojan hero -- Ibid, which uncovered the actual stone Agamemnon has received as a p. 159. walls and battlements of the an- prize the girl Chryseis, daughter of a cient city. Schliemann's work priest of the god Apollo. When Aga- was continued after his death by memnon refuses to accept a ransom for Most authorities say the the girl from her father, Apollo sends a Iliad was written in the 9th or his assistant, Wilhelm Dorpfeld, plague to devastate the Greek forces. A 8th century B.C., with a minority whose work in 1893 and 1894 soothsayer informs Agamemnon that believing Homer composed his threw new and important light Chryseis must be returned to her father work at a later date. The Iliad is upon Schliemann's discoveries. if the pestilence is to be halted. Aga- Since 1932, new excavations memnon finally agrees to surrender the regarded by literary historians as girl, but demands from Achilles his the first great poetic work in have been carried on at the site prize of war, the girl Briseis. Enraged Greek literature; and it has been by the University of Cincinnati, at this insult, Achilles withdraws his esteemed for generations as one under the direction of the Ameri- troops from combat, and retires to his of the masterpieces of world lit- can Carl William Blegen. ships. -- Funk and Wagnalls New En- erature. "Especially noteworthy cyclopedia, MCMLXXV. Vol. 13, p. Funk and Wagnalls New 158-159. in the Iliad are the brilliant im- agery, the depiction of heroic ac- Encyclopedia notes: Continuing, the encyclo- tion, and the vivid On the mound of Hissarlik the pedia states: characterization and resulting in- sight into human behavior." following successive settlements have been determined: TROY I, an early Without Achilles the Greeks (Ibid, p.