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Vol. 22, No. 9 March 2018 Pages currentthe MARCH 2018 VOL. 22, NO. 9 PAGES 6-7 Inside this Issue News from the Episcopal Office ...................... 1 Announcements & Events ............................... 2 Christian Conversations .................................. 3 Local Church News ��������������������������������������4-5 Mt. Vernon First 200 years ...........................6-7 National / Global News .................................... 8 9 Conference News .......................................9-12 (ABOVE) Wally Carlson and Daryck sonaram make a presentation to Juanita Gardine School Principal during a mission trip. (LEFT) A father-son team works the on rehabilitating buildings devasted by Hurrican Maria. current Photos by Wally Carlson MARCH 2018 Vol. 22 No. 9 The Current (USPS 014-964) is published monthly Send materials to: by the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of The UMC, P.O. Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794-9207 5900 South Second Street, Springfield, IL 62711 or tel. 217.529.2040 or fax 217.529.4155 An individual subscription is $15 per year. The [email protected], website www.igrc.org opinions expressed in viewpoints are those of the Periodical postage paid at Peoria, IL, and writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of additional mailing offices. The Current, The IGRC, or The UMC. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Communications Team The Current, Illinois Great Rivers Conference, P.O. Leader: Paul E. Black Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794-9207 9 Team members: Kim Halusan, Michele Willson UNITED MEDIA UMRC RESOURCE CENTER United Methodist resources available to borrow from the UMRC Books: DVDS: #817134 Bid Our Jarring Conflicts Cease: A Wesleyan Theology and Praxis #102174 Band Meeting: Rediscovering Relational Discipleship in of Church Unity -- book Transformational Community – DVD and book #817101 Fresh Expressions: A New Kind of Methodist Church for People #103143 Class Meeting: Reclaiming a Forgotten (and Essential) Small Not in Church – book Group Experience – DVD and book #818029 Holy Contradictions: What’s Next for the People Called United #106085 Firm Foundation: Hope and Vision for a New Methodist Future – Methodists – book DVD and book #817289 Is It Time? Helping Laity and Clergy Discuss Homosexuality One #106069 Five Marks of a Methodist: The Fruit of a Living Faith – DVD, Question at a Time – book leader's guide, participant guide, and book #815119 Journey with J. W.: John Wesley's Ride through Methodist History #106081 Five Means of Grace: Experience God's Love the Wesleyan Way – for Elementary Children – 6-sessions, reproducible DVD, leader's guide, and book #818003 Rise of Theological Liberalism and the Decline of American #115026 One Faithful Promise: The Wesleyan Covenant for Renewal – DVD, Methodism – book leader's guide, participant guide, and book #817136 Unafraid and Unashamed: Facing the Future of United Methodism #120074 Top 10 United Methodist Beliefs – DVD, leader's guide, and book – book #123100 Wesley Challenge: 21 Days to a More Authentic Faith – DVD, #917009 Unity of the Church and Human Sexuality: Toward a Faithful leader's guide, and book United Methodist Witness – 4-session study guide Go to [www.igrc.org/umrc]www.igrc.org/umrc to access bibliographies and the online catalog. delivery Questions, comments? Contact Jill Stone at [email protected] or 217-529-2744. for you the current the current News from the Episcopal Office Now what? Initial conversations on A Way Forward have been held in 2. Stay on the ship. Now is not the | seven different locations across the IGRC. Nearly 800 people time to abandon the United Meth- MARCH 2018 participated in these vital conversations. Each of these conver- odist Church. The issues of human sations was unique and valuable. The folks that participated sexuality are a global issue that we expressed appreciation for providing a venue for them to come must face head on. I am confident together with other sisters and brothers to have this family that Christ can and will lead us as 1 talk. we covenant to seek God’s direction I want to express my appreciation to each of the churches together. Bishop Frank Beard and to the Illinois State Wesley Foundation for opening their 3. Prioritize the mission and the min- doors and providing us with such gracious hospitality. Each istry of reaching others for Christ. The harvest is STILL location made us feel welcome and each location provided a plentiful. Our task is to engage is reaching people with save space for us to freely share with one another despite our the Good News of the Gospel. Start with the folks that Appointments differences. you already know that are not actively involved in a faith In consultation with the Cabinet of the Illinois Great Rivers community. Reach out with the love of Christ and extend Conference, Bishop Frank J. Beard appoints the following: SO, WHAT’S NEXT? These initial conversations were designed to be a starting to them an invitation to come and worship with you. Jungil Rhee to Carbondale Grace, Cache River District, effective point. The material that was shared was designed to be taken 4. Be open to providing venues for holy conversations July 1. into as many venues as possible to serve as a model of how to around issues of human sexuality. Listen actively to Grant Armstrong to Edwardsville St. John, Mississippi River engage in difficult conversations in a non-threatening format. others, value their opinions, seek clarity, and treat each District, effective July 1. My hope is that we will continue the conversations across person with love and respect. Trust the Holy Spirit to be at work and to foster hope and to provide for us all a way Robert A. Herath to Litchfield St. Timothy, Mississippi River our Annual Conference. Feel free to continue in the discus- to move forward. District, effective July 1. sions about our mission and ministry and how we might work Judy Vidakovich to Flora First, Kaskaskia River District, together to further the cause of Christ despite our varying I am so blessed to be your Bishop! I am thankful every effective July 1. perspectives about human sexuality. day that God brought me to the IGRC. Please continue to lift The Commission o a Way Forward will continue to work me up in prayer as I do my best to provide excellent leadership Michael Hall to Sandoval-Boulder, ½ time, Kaskaskia River on the development of a model that will be presented to the to the congregations, institutions, laity and clergy of the IGRC. District, effective July 1. Council of Bishops (COB). The COB will bring a proposal to It is my intention to serve as a non-anxious presence and to Tom Corum to Charleston Wesley, Embarras River District, a special called session of the General Conference in February create an atmosphere of hospitality and welcome to all. effective July 1. 2019 at St. Louis, Mo. My hope is that folks will experience genuine love as they Jeff Van Dyke to Oblong Evangelical, Embarras River District, In all, 884 delegates from around the world will gather encounter the folks in the IGRC. The Bible states very clearly, effective July 1. to vote on a plan that will be put forth from the COB. There that others will know that we belong to Christ because of our Craig Sweet to Mahomet, Iroquois River District, effective July 1. will be no other agenda items presented to this called session. love for one another. May it be so. All of the remaining legislation that was deferred by action of Robert A. Swickard to Belleville St. Matthew, Mississippi River God Bless, the 2016 General Conference will NOT be considered. Each Bishop Beard District, effective July 1. of those legislative pieces, because they were deferred and not Matthew Stump to Arcola, Iroquois River District, effective tabled, died at the close of the 2016 General Conference. July 1. The Way Forward proposal will encompass and address Bishop Beard’s Preaching Schedule Philip P. Gardner to Wanda-Wood River First, Mississippi River issues pertaining to human sexuality that those 2016 legislative MARCH 2018 District, effective Feb. 18. items sought to address. The 2019 delegates will consider and March 4 – Senior High NOW Experience, Lake Williamson Christian Retreat decide on how we will move forward as a denomination. Center, Carlinville, 9:15 a.m. worship service Danny Cox to Charleston Otterbein, Embarras River District, effective March 1. SO, WHAT’S NEXT? APRIL 2018 1. Continue to pray for our denomination and for the April 8 – New Baden UMC, Mississippi River District, 10 a.m. worship service Sara Isbell to Bloomington Wesley, Vermilion River District, April 15 – Zeigler UMC, Cache River District, 10 a.m. worship service effective July 1. delegates that will be making crucial decisions about April 22 – Kankakee Asbury UMC, Vermilion River District, 8 and 10:30 a.m. our future. worship services Larry Frank, Jr. to Tremont, Illinois River District, effective July 1. James Kevin Little to Danville First-Danville Bowman Ave., Iroquois River District, effective Feb. 1. This is his first appointment in IGRC. Registration open for Bishop's Wesleyan Heritage trip Carl Clifford Johnston to Atlanta-Ebenezer-Hopedale, SPRINGFIELD – Join Bishop Frank Beard and the 2017 motor-coach transportation, guided tours and sightseeing. Vermilion River District, effective July 1. and 2018 Ordination classes from the IGRC for a trip to the Travel with members from your church, small group, clergy D. Allen Sample to Middletown, Sangamon River District, ¼ birthplace of Methodism Oct. 23-31, 2018. You don't want to covenant group, or come on your own. You will not regret this time, effective Dec. 18. This is in addition to his appointment at miss this golden opportunity to experience and enjoy England. experience. The basic tour cost is $3,598. Easton, Sangamon River District. Get a chance to learn and laugh with the Bishop as we explore Churches may want to consider blessing their pastor with this Supply not appointed our historical roots and retrace the life and legacy of the Wesley special opportunity to walk where Wesley walked.
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