Upper Mississippi River Spill Response Plan and Resource Manual Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Iowa Department of Natural Resources Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Missouri Department of Natural Resources Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Coordinated By: Upper Mississippi River Basin Association NOVEMBER 1997 (Updated July 1998) (Updated December 2001) (Updated January 2003) (Updated February 2004) (Updated AUGUST 2006) Restricted Distribution Version DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTED SPECIAL NOTICE This is the Restricted Distribution Version of the Upper Mississippi River Spill Response Plan and Resource Manual. Due to security concerns, distribution is limited to public and private sector personnel responsible for hazardous spills planning and response on the Upper Mississippi River. A public access version of the document, which includes the entire Response Plan but omits certain portions of the Resource Manual, is available for unrestricted distribution at www.umrba.org/hazspills/umrplan.pdf. Questions should be directed to the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association at 651-224-2880 or
[email protected]. August 2006 PREAMBLE Preparation and maintenance of the Upper Mississippi River Spill Response Plan and Resource Manual, originally published in 1991, is a collaborative effort among five states and four federal agencies under the auspices of the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association. The plan is not intended to supplant any other local, state, regional, or national response or contingency plans that may be in effect. Rather, it was designed to address some of the unique circumstances that may arise in coordinating spill response on the Mississippi River.