1.10.1999 EN Official Journal of the European Communities C 279/385

Thursday 6 May 1999

(s) A4-0223/99

Proposal for a Council Regulation on the common organisation of the market in (COM(98)0370 − C4-0497/98 − 98/0126(CNS))

The proposal was approved with the amendments adopted on 11 Febarury 1999 (1) and with the following amendments:


(Amendment 1) TITLE IIIa and Article 38a (new) TITLE IIIa ACTION PROGRAMME ‘VINE PRODUCTS AND HEALTH’ Article 38a 1. The action programme ‘Vine products and health’ shall comprise: − research into the effects of using wine and other vine products in the human diet; − the provision of information to consumers through the dissemination of messages based on scientific data relating to wine; such information shall focus on types and forms of wine consumption which enhance the positive effects thereof; − initiatives which promote moderate consumption and the appreciation of and the search for quality; − structures which provide the various media with a permanent source of accurate technical information concerning the wine sector and which prevent erron- eous messages and the harmful dissemination thereof; 2. Expenditure resulting from the carrying out of the promotion initiatives referred to in paragraph 1 shall be regarded as intervention measures within the meaning of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 729/70. (Replaces Amendments 147, 148 and 149 adopted on 11 February 1999)

(Amendment 2) Annex III(1) 1. Wine-growing zone A comprises: 1. Wine-growing zone A, which cannot be extended to any other Member State, comprises: (a) in Germany: the areas under vines other than those (a) in Germany: the areas under vines other than those included in wine-growing zone B; included in wine-growing zone B; (b) in : the Belgian wine-growing area; (b) in Belgium: the Belgian wine-growing area; (c) in Luxembourg: the -growing region; (c) in Luxembourg: the Luxembourg wine-growing region; (d) in the : the Netherlands wine-growing areas; (d) in the Netherlands: the Netherlands wine-growing areas; (e) in the United Kingdom: the United Kingdom wine- (e) in the United Kingdom: the United Kingdom wine- growing area. growing area.

(1) Minutes of that Sitting, Part II, Item 2. (*) OJ C 271, 31.8.1998, p. 21.