BASIC PRINCIPLES 3 ISAMAA PROTECTS IN 4 1. LESS BUREAUCRACY 5 2. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND JOBS 5 2.1 Common market 7 2.2 Financial policy 7 2.3 Regulaons promong entrepreneurship 8 2.4 Research and development acvies 9 2.5 Digital Europe 9 2.6 Infrastructure and transport connecons 10 3. ENERGY POLICY 11 4. FUTURE OF THE 12 5. EDUCATION AND YOUTH 13 6. DEFENCE POLICY 14 7. EUROPEAN GOVERNANCE 15 8. AGRICULTURE AND FISHERY 15 9. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 17 10. INTERNAL SECURITY AND IMMIGRATION POLICY 17 11. SOCIAL POLICY 20 11.1 Labour market and social protecon 20 11.2 Health care 21 12. FOREIGN POLICY 22 12.1 United States of America 23 12.2 Asia 23 12.3 23 12.4 Partnerships with the neighbours of the European Union and third countries. 24



We see the European Union as the union of states, not as the state union. For Isamaa the European Union is based on the European values, Chrisan tradion and enlightenment ideals that should be preserved. Europe can be successful and sustainable only if it could maintain its and address the challenges it faces. The persistence and cooperaon of the European Union of naon states is also the best guarantor of security and prosperity for .


The European uniqueness lies in rich cultural heritage, shared history and common Chrisan roots combined with different naonal peculiaries and tradions. Radical Islamism, uncontrolled immigraon, risk of terror and authoritarian governance are a threat to the foundaons of the European way of life. European identy, way of life and common tradions should be protected.


By protecng the European values and stable sociees, we should not set limits to the freedom of expression. We stand for the freedom of expression.


If you do not remember your past, you can never build a future – the crimes of Communism and Nazism should be equalized.


… Estonian naonal interests. The Estonian representaves should dare to stand just for the Estonian viewpoints in creang the European common posions. The European praccal cooperaon is necessary in the interests of Estonia, thus Estonia should be influenal and not to fear to represent its interests.

… interests of naon states. We see European Union as the union of sovereign naon states, not as state union. We do not support the changing of the treaes for restricng the competences of the member states. Centralizaon is not a soluon. Soluon is a cooperaon of equal states.

… right to decide independently upon migraon issues. The European borders should prevent illegal migraon.

of the Estonian people to study, travel and work in Europe.

… more effecve European Union. We are opposed to unnecessary bureaucracy. Together with the partners from the European People`s Party we cancel 1000 bureaucrac rules that restrict our entrepreneurship.

… more efficient defence cooperaon between the countries of the European Union For that purpose we support cooperaon with the USA, exclusion of Russia`s aggression with sancons, NATO membership of all countries of the European Union and coordinated and supported development of the member states of the European Union.

… development of fair free market of goods and services. The Estonian entrepreneurs should have an access to the markets of other countries and the income of our people should increase.

… preservaon of the value space to protect the way of life established by the history of naons. For that purpose it is essenal to control immigraon, honour tradions, value European cultural and intelligent heritage and pass it on to the future generaons.

… more efficient cooperaon in the economic interests of the European countries. This is presumed in energy, transport as well as innovaon and roboc sectors and in development of digital technology to make Europe globally more compeve.

… regionally more consistent development of Estonia. We prefer to channel the funds of the European Union foremost outside and to the rural districts to ensure the more even development of Estonia.


The rules of the European Union should be simplified. The simpler rules are easier to understand, improve legal certainty, prevent the misuse of the funds of the European Union and decrease bureaucracy.

Isamaa considers it important...

• to improve and simplify the rules for grants of the European Union to ensure the targeted investment of funds. • to harmonise the rules for the support funds of the European Union to make the applicaon process more consistent and comprehensive. • to create more flexibility to the cohesion policy programmes to combine the financing of the objects of the member states easier with the European Union support measures. • to raonalise the provisions regulang the control of means of the funds of the European Union and project management so that the scope of control in case of lower risk for misuse of means can be decreased at the level of the member state as well as European Commission. • to simplify the mechanisms for the receipt of support amounts and reporng in order to decrease the administrave burden of applicants. • to implement electronic project applicaon through the exisng public registries to decrease the follow-up control of applicaons and save the administrave resource. • to simplify and enhance cooperaon between the member states in implementaon of the cross-border projects. • decrease of bureaucracy related to e-commerce.


The key issue in Estonia as well as Europe is how to create well-paid jobs and ensure beer income. We cannot increase income of the people pursuant to order, but we can create more favourable business environment. Strong and prosperous European economic area is one of the presumpons of security, thus this an important polical aim for us too.

The European Union should have an open and efficient common market without restricons that is created for entrepreneurship. We should favour and protect free compeon and develop the spirit of business which is a precondion for well-paid jobs.

5 Isamaa considers it important…

• decrease of proteconism that is common in the member states of the European Union. The closure of markets is not a soluon for the European economic problems, but impairs the long-term compeveness. To favour trade, it is essenal to eliminate the invisible market barriers between the member states. • full implementaon of the Services Direcve of the European Union. The European Commission should map the problems that currently hinder the provision of cross-border services and provide soluons. • close cooperaon with the Estonian business associaons to ensure the protecon of interests and trust of entrepreneurs in the European Union and other markets. • enforcement of the rules of common market also in online commerce. • reaching of the Estonian companies to the top of internaonal value chain. The economic growth should be based on the new knowledge and skills, thus we support knowledge-based development projects, wish to deal with business, internaonal cooperaon projects, fair compeon and low taxes. • greater financing opportunies for innovave small and medium-sized companies so that they could develop economic models of new generaon. • dealing with eliminaon of differences hindering the acve sale of cross- border goods and provision of services in sale and consumer law, copyright, data protecon rules, company law and tax law. • to connue the development of the EU company law which facilitates the transboundary movement of companies. The single legal area should be created at the level of the European Union which would enable to transfer the company established in one member state to another without involving an obligaon to liquidate the company in the desnaon country of the company and re-establish it in the target country. • as uniform rules and consumer rights as possible established for the sales law, provision of goods and services in the whole European Union to increase consumer confidence. This favours the development of e-commerce and thus expands the possibilies of the entrepreneurs in markeng their goods and services. • take advantage of the opportunies of new business models. The entrepreneurs of the European Union should be able to apply innovave ideas as easy as possible. The new business models should involve digital soluons simplifying the tax collecon. • to set the implementaon of innovave-friendly internal market as an objecve. For that purpose the hindrances of innovaon should be specified and removed from the legal acts of the European Union as well as keep the reasonability principle in mind in their take-over.

6 2.1 Common market

Our aim is the well-operang common market. The laer can be achieved by as free movement of services, goods and labour as possible. The sectors deserving priority aenon involve health, private security services, social services, banking and communicaon services.

Isamaa considers it important…

• expansion of the scope of the Services Direcve to several sectors (e.g. health care services, gambling, provision of security services etc), in case of which the interests of entrepreneurs exist towards the foundaon of the companies in another member state as well as the provision of cross-border services. • loss of unjusfied restricons from the free movement of health care services and detailed noficaon of the paents and the public in the topic of cross- border health care services. To favour the provision of cross-border health care services and movement of paents the transnaonal digital data exchange capability should be improved. • harmonisaon of the European Union e-health system standards and e- authencaon to achieve the interoperability of e-health systems; • removal of the market access barriers. We support the principle that if the entrepreneur is qualified at the specific field of acvity in his/her home country, the acknowledgement automacally expands also to the other EU member states. • to search opportunies in the European Union countries for the fair taxaon and organizaon of agency staff originang from the third countries.

2.2 Financial policy

Isamaa stands for strong euro and conservave budget policy.

Isamaa considers it important…

• to stand for the balanced budgets in Estonia and Europe, as the balance ensures economic growth, preservaon of savings of people and feeling of security for the future. • each member state is responsible for the budgetary policy decisions, but the European Commission should decisively use the intervenon powers given to it during crisis, if the budgetary policy decisions of any member state put the stability of single currency at risk.

7 • compeve banking sector supporng the European and Estonian economy which strength proceeds from the adequate capitalizaon and owners’ liability for their decisions, not from making the taxpayers liable. For that purpose we support the fast implementaon of the decisions of the EU Banking Federaon. • flexible and less bureaucrac European budget which helps to improve the quality of life of the Estonian people and brings new jobs to Estonia. We wish to channel more funds to the acvies that improve the Estonian compeveness without involving addional expenses for Estonia in the future. • to make the implementaon of annual EU general budget more flexible involving the more even distribuon of payments within a year and possibility of redeployment of funds. The use of funds should be simplified and connected foremost with the priories of policy and objecves of the programme. • to support the European Stability Mechanism, Banking Federaon and the development of common deposit guarantee system in the interests of the European stable economic growth, but to be against these iniaves which decrease the movaon of member states and financial instuons to behave responsibly by sharing risks too much.

2.3 Regulaons promong entrepreneurship

Isamaa considers it important…

• that the European tax systems would not restrict free entrepreneurship and encumber companies with bureaucracy and high tax rates. We ensure that the Estonian companies could freely operate in Europe. • that the European Union would not establish central tax system. The member states should have the right to decide independently over their tax system. • connuous simplificaon of the business environment, harmonisaon of the internal market rules and decrease in administrave burden resulng from the EU law. • that the common European Contract Law would efficiently contribute to the smooth funconing of the internal market, thus we consider the creang of support framework of the European Contract Law necessary. This simplifies the cross-border business acvies and trading in the relaons between the entrepreneurs as well as between consumers and entrepreneurs, decreases the transacon costs and increases the legal certainty of both the traders and the consumers.

8 2.4 Research and development acvies

The transion to a knowledge-based economy, reconciliaon of educaon and labour market, investments to research and innovaon improve the compeveness of the European Union and create more well-paid jobs.

Isamaa considers it important…

• the aim of the European Union to channel 3% of the GDP to research and development acvies to improve the European compeveness globally. This means aracng more investments to the research and development acvies. The state investments encourage and involve also addional investments of the private sector (e.g. risk capital). • supporng of innovave start-up companies. For the laer it is important that the companies having applied for the EU structural supports should not spend resources on bureaucracy. • funconing patent system of the European Union that decreases the expenses related to the protecon of intellectual property and would be financially feasible also for small and medium-sized companies. • strengthening of industrial digitalizaon and thus “smart industry” based on the good digital literacy of the entrepreneurs. The beer use of big data and machine learning triggers the compeveness of the European industry and the producon of the goods with higher added value. Thus the European Union measures for favouring the launching of digitalizaon in the companies should be implemented. • that five million people, employed in more than 830 thousand European start- up companies who are the pioneers of the European innovave entrepreneurship in the sectors of arficial intelligence, robocs, biomedicine, big data and other fields of acvies, would feel support of the European Union in execung innovaon.

2.5 Digital Europe

The increasing consumpon of digital informaon presumes changes in the regulaon of these sectors that the companies could introduce their services faster to the smaller markets, the consumers could legally consume the works and the authors can get fee.

Isamaa considers it important...

• that the free movement of the data should be actually rendered as the effecve EU’s fih fundamental freedom, besides free movement of goods,

9 services, capital and people. The digitalized data exchange enables to increase transparency and provide the beer overview about the use of their data to the cizens. • that each physical and legal person would be an owner of the data about itself or created by itself. The persons should have a real control over their data. • cyber security, as this is the key enhancer of the development of informaon society and the related economic benefit, security is also the basis of exercising the fundamental and civil rights through ICT. Therefore the ensuring of the common cyber security in the European Union is an important precondion for the efficient funconing of the internal market. • that Estonia would be a leader of launching the over-European digital idenficaon system. The aim of our policy is to create the EU regulaon in the field of e-authencaon and ensuring the cross-border funconing of digital signatures in pracce. The authencaon and digital signing issues have though been solved in most of the member states, but the over- European interoperability of these systems should be also ensured. • to apply the single asking principle in the dealings with the public sector within the whole EU sector. • decrease of bureaucracy related to e-commerce. • protecon of creaon distributed over internet in such a way that the distribuon possibilies of the creaon of authors would not be damaged and this would not involve the threat of censorship.

2.6 Infrastructure and transport connecons

Isamaa considers it important...

• development of communicaon infrastructure that reaches everywhere and is available for everyone with globally compeve speed and quality. This is one of the precondions of social development, innovaon, compeveness and economic growth. As a result of different market failures (e.g. dispersed housing) no market alone can meet the expectaons set for the communicaon networks. Thus the task of the state is to favour the development of the sector and ensure the access to the ultra-fast internet everywhere in the European Union. • development of communicaon networks which helps to decrease the overload of network and ensure the development proceeding from the network neutrality principle. The laer is essenal to guarantee free and open internet favouring innovaon and providing equal compeon terms to the companies. • to develop comfortable and fast (the aim is 240 km/h) train connecon with Europe and connect this with other modes of travel.

10 • to develop the railway towards Europe with the development of naonal railway network in the direcons of Tartu, Narva, Pärnu, Viljandi and Haapsalu. • The possibility to support air services between the capital of the member state and more important European desnaons at the specific terms in the European Union. The air services are of key importance in the economic growth, aracng investments and thus also at the creang of jobs. The minimum standard of air services of the member states should be clearly specified (e.g. there should be a direct connecon from each capital to the capital of 10 other countries and if not, the state has the right to support travelling on these routes).


Isamaa is in favour of diverse energy supply and greater energy efficiency in the European Union. The connuous establishing of energy connecons is essenal to create the common energy market and ensure the security of energy supply.

Isamaa considers it important...

• as wide use of renewable energy soluons as possible. • cooperaon of the European Union for the purchase of land gas. At the purchase of energy from the third countries one should negoate over the price policy that does not discriminate one or another member state. • energy saving measures of cohesion funds of the European Union for the renovaon of housing stock, incl for the improvement of heat retenon and establishing of passive houses. • integraon of the Balc energy interconnecons with neighbours to decrease the dependence on Russia. For the purpose of energy security it is thereby essenal to decouple the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian power network from the power system of North West Russia and join the Central European power system. • to liquidate the EU energy islands and decrease the dependence rate of power systems on the operaon of the power systems foremost from these third countries that do not apply the principles of the EU internal market. • to apply the third energy market package uncondionally and with possibly few excepons for the development of internal energy market. We support as market-based performance of the electricity market as possible, strong emissions trading system and fact-based calculaon of external costs in energy price in the European Union.

11 • development of the EU rules in a way that would enable the development of oilshale industry under modernizaon in Estonia and would help to ensure our energy security. • preservaon of the objecve of the EU energy saving as non-binding. • to ensure the equal compeon terms with the electricity producers of the third countries in cross-border electricity trading for the electricity producers of the European Union that would minimize uncertainty in invesng to the new electricity generaon capacies.


The European Union should be entled to have a considerably more powerful message than today in the sector that is beneficial for the peoples of Europe. At the same me EU should refrain from interfering there where it is unnecessary.

Isamaa considers it important …

• that EU would remain the union of states, not becoming the state union. The European countries are historically naon states the identy of which remains stronger than the EU identy as a whole regardless of the EU development trend. • closer cooperaon between the EU member states, beer coordinaon and harmonizaon of the rules in such key sectors as foreign policy, integral security and defence policy, common energy policy, development of transport routes connecng Europe, market of services, maintenance of public finance, banking. At the same me Isamaa considers the more powerful and clearer applicaon of subsidiarity principle important. • belonging of the underground natural resources, airspace and marine waters to the member states. • strict following of the subsidiarity principle. As the commission constantly pursues to expand its competence and decrease the competence of member states, the European Court of Jusce should expand the following of the subsidiarity principle. • that the European Court of Jusce would not become the supreme court, the highest court of appeal, but its mandate should only be limited to complaints against the European Union instuons and disputes between member states, also to the debates on competence of the member state and EU.


Youth has a key role today and in the future in solving the problems facing the European Union and its cizens related to social-economy, demography, culture and environment and in making use of opportunies.

The internaonal compeveness of educaonal systems ensures compeveness of Estonia and Europe also in the globalizaon process and in the condions of degressive populaon. For that purpose it is necessary to modernize the educaon organizaon and increase the Europe-wide cooperaon and academic exchange.

Educaon in nave language should be protected in the European Union. The development of the Estonian naonal educaon system should ensure our posion among the world’s most successful countries of educaon.

Isamaa considers it important..

• good preparaon of the youth for the entry into the world of work. For that purpose it is necessary to support the increase in quality of the vocaonal training and branding, parcipaon of the Estonian youth in the European projects of vocaonal training and opportunies of pracce in Estonia and Europe. • development of strengths of universies and high educaon instuons, by considering the competors near the Balc Sea and farther in Europe. The educaon compliant with the labour market expectaons should be ensured for the youth. • to support the access of the Estonian universies and research establishments by the European Union to the research funding bodies and cooperaon networks. • to develop digital competence as general competence. The common understanding of the nature of digital competence should be created in the EU. • to connue the supporng of the sector of creave industries within the frames of the EU structural and investment funds and the programme “Creave Europe”. • to expand the possibilies of Erasmus programme for the youth, especially for the young people involved in vocaonal training. • to expand the possibilies for travelling on Interrail network for the youth.


Isamaa is convinced that the defence and security cooperaon of the European Union is important for Estonia, as the ensuring of the state security presumes the development of diverse security network. The EU partnership diversifies the means that can be applied by Estonia for ensuring security. In addion to NATO collecve defence and mutual cooperaon with the Estonian strategic partners, the implementaon of the common security and defence policy of the European Union is a material part of the security network.

Isamaa considers it important…

• that the understanding of so-called hybrid warfare would improve in the European Union, the steps would be taken to prevent the threat and there is readiness to act in case of hybrid war against the Community or any member state. • to ensure the adequate cyber defence capability for the EU as well as member states in case of crises. We consider the establishing of the European cyber defence brigade to protect the crical infrastructure against cyber aacks necessary. • sharing of capabilies contribung to improve the military capability of the member states and thereby also increasing the EU security. • to support the intenon of the European Commission to start financing CSDP and research and development acvies of the dual-use products, more efficient support for the small and medium-sized companies, acvies related to promoon of security of supply and opening of the EU defence industry market. • visibility of the EU defence cooperaon in Estonia and wider in the Balc Sea region. Estonia parcipates in the Balc and Nordic defence cooperaon and contributes in the European Union bale groups. We support the use of bale groups at the military missions of the European Union. • implementaon and development of the common defence and security policy of the European Union as follows: EU is able to manage and organize common operaons by enabling NATO to focus on the tasks of the collecve defence. • that EU members states carry out defence cooperaon within the framework of common security and defence policy enabling the effecve use of resources and capability development. Estonia supports cooperaon in improving military capabilies, as this enables the EU countries to use the means more efficiently and ensure the interoperability. • that EU improves cyber defence within the framework of the common security and defence policy equally with the cyber acvies in the sectors of internal security, crical infrastructure protecon and the related legal issues

14 and fight against cybercrime. We support the sharing of cyber competence with the EU partners, neighbours and support with the target countries and the integraon of their acvies to the EU programmes. • that the Nordic countries belonging to the European Union would join NATO and the defence expenses of all EU countries make minimum 2% of the GDP. • that all EU member states would belong to NATO. The defence policy created by Europe should support NATO, not to become its alternave. The EU security is best guaranteed in close cooperaon with the USA.


The basis of sustainability of the European Union is the re-establishment and maintenance of the bond between the European cizens and the European Union. To this end one should work for the purpose that the cizens of the European Union would not feel that their issues are not dealt with in Brussels and the European leaders are involved with the concerns that do not maer for the European cizens or insult the values important for them. Thus democrac bond should be strengthened.

Isamaa considers it important...

• to strengthen the role of the naonal parliaments as the iniators of the lawmaking. This enables the European cizens to influence the lawmaking process at the European level through the chosen representaves. • to improve the informaon exchange between the European governance and naonal parliaments so that the member states would have the beer overview and understanding of the planned polical changes. • principle of applicaon of qualified majority in the quesons regarding the foreign policy of the European Union. • development of connuously good and close relaons with Great Britain. • investment to the development of more stable and prosperous neighbourhood of Europe, as the standard of life in Europe is connected with the life of the European neighbours.


Isamaa supports the development of the compeve, sustainable and environment- friendly European food producon and agriculture. The agricultural producon requires development and applicaon of new technologies. It is important to channel

15 both the Estonian as well as EU research funds to the development of knowledge- based and innovave agriculture and producon of local and healthy food.

Isamaa considers it important…

• equalizaon of compeon terms and grants of agricultural sector and greater focus on market. • increase of development and investment grants issued within the frames of the common agricultural policy on account of the direct grants. • research and development acvies and innovaon in improving the compeveness of the agriculture of the European Union. We find that plant variees and breeding require greater aenon and financing. • preservaon and updang of the currently valid market management tools and applicaon of risk management system. We are in the opinion that market management tools should be applied only in case of extraordinary market failures and circumstances for balancing the markets. The market management tools should not have an impact on the producon decisions of the agricultural producers and thus these should be applied equally. • small producon and markeng of Estonian food and Estonian kitchen and regional special food products. • sustainable management of fishery resource as important natural resources. The fisheries policy should be targeted to maximum sustainable level of yield of fishery resource, by considering the long-term objecves and preservaon of fishery resource in the future. Furthermore, the preservaon of the special status of the coastal region and development of producer organizaons are essenal for Estonia. • greater financing of research and development acvies of fishery to develop the compeve and sustainable fish farming sector in the European Union. More resources should be also channelled to the restoraon of the fishery resource and their habitaons to ensure the good condion of the fishery resource. • to improve the access of the companies of the rural district to the capital due to the limited resources. More financial instruments, i.e. loans and securies, should be taken into use. • more aenon should be paid to the crisis management instruments which, inter alia, would insure the income of agricultural producers towards market and producon risks. • compeve fisheries sector operang according to market principles. For the laer one should focus at the mid-term evaluaon of the Marime and Fisheries Fund on the financing based on flexible financial instruments created for decreasing the dependence on the grants and overcoming the market failures.

16 • the decisions regarding the sustainable management of forests should be made at the level of countries proceeding from the specific historical, social, economic and ecological condions.


Related to the climate changes, at the moral consideraons and by considering the future generaons, the European ecological footprint should be decreased and one should be at the forefront of global change to improve the environmental status of the European countries and the whole world.

Isamaa considers it important...

• environment-friendly producon and decrease of environmental load. We support the producon and processing of organic agricultural producon with high market value in pure nature. • waste handling as a resource- decrease of waste generaon, recycling of material included in waste or other recovery ensures resource efficient economy. • the aim of the European Union to ensure the cleaner ambient air. To improve the quality of ambient air the technologies used in energy, industry and transport should be updated. We stand for preserving the balance between the economic development and natural environment. • for the purpose of decreasing the ecological footprint and opmizing the use of resource, the recovery of materials and share of circular economy should be increased. • that the European Union would hold a leader role in global climate policy, would move towards the compeve climate-neutral economy and would favour the research and development acvies required for that purpose. • to invest to the innovave technological soluons, especially digital technological soluons with the aim to decrease the formaon of CO2 in transport, energy producon, agriculture, industry and households.


Security is one of the main priories for the cizens of the European Union. Europe is undergoing constant changes, surrounded by risks and problems that are greatly cross-border. The main risks and threats related to crime facing currently Europe are terrorism, serious and organized crime, trafficking, sexual exploitaon of minors, economic crime and corrupon. No member state is able to face up to these alone.

17 We should stand for the partnerships of the countries at the migaon of incurring risks and increasing security of Europe, as the internal security of the European Union is unachievable as being isolated from the rest of the world. Thus we consider the increase of internal security with the following aims as important:

Isamaa considers it important…

• disrupon of internaonal criminal networks. • to liquidate the financial incenve of criminal networks, the law of the European Union in the sector of confiscaon of proceeds of crime should be strengthened, to foremost allow the confiscaon of the assets of the third persons and also the civil law confiscaon and mutual recognion of the confiscaon orders between the member states. • to prevent the criminal networks to invest to the legal economy with the help of corrupon, the certain polical will to fight against all forms of expression of corrupon is important. • to idenfy the internaonal criminal networks and prevent their acvies, the common operaons involving law enforcement agencies and the judiciary of member states are required. • the use of up-to-date technologies in criminal procedure and cooperaon of enforcement agencies should be increased to enhance cooperaon between the member states. • by considering the mobility of people in EU and nature of serious crimes, it is important that the data required for the conduct of criminal procedure were available for the case handlers, regardless of the locaon of these data. • we allow the disguised police acvies at the internal borders of Europe to idenfy the suspicious vehicles and passengers to increase the feeling of security of the European cizens.

• fight against terrorism. • to protect the cizenship of the European Union, more focus should be placed on the connuous assessment of threats and risks, by considering the development in the sector of security related research work and technology. • to hinder the access of terrorists to the financing and trace their transacons, more aenon should be paid to the applicaon of administrave measures that handle the freezing of assets to avoid terrorism and the related acvies. • to prevent recruitment of terrorists, the member states should have closer cooperaon with the most influenced communies and develop local community-based approaches and prevenon policy.

• security of the European borders.

18 • to beer manage the migraon flows of the European Union and an-crime fight, we should use new border control technologies more efficiently and strengthen cooperaon between member states. • the European Union should immediately establish efficient control over the Schengen borders, contribute to the assistance of refugees in the refugee camps of the crisis sengs and send the illegal economic immigrants out of Europe. • we consider the preservaon of the right of member states to decide independently over the immigraon policy important. According to the Treaty of the European Union internal policy belongs within the competence of each member state. The European Commission has no competence or right to establish the automac distribuon mechanism of immigrants for the member states. The recepon of immigrants (including war refugees) should remain to be decided by each state in the European Union. Isamaa is not supporng the connecng of the financial perspecve procedure of the European Union with the financial sancons for the countries who do not receive refugees. • to secure the external borders of the European Union and their modern development, the means should be found from the budget of the European Union. The European Union should review the financial perspecve for the years 2020-2027 by channelling the budgetary means of the union to securing the external borders of the European Union, incl also for securing and compleng the external border of Estonia. • Estonia should ensure the capability of real border control at the external border of the European Union. For that purpose the primary barrier should be built at the eastern border. Also, Estonia should be ready to perform temporary border control also at the internal borders of the European Union. • the European Union contributes to the selement of conflicts in the countries of the sub-Mediterranean countries and establishes the transit centres in these districts based on the contracts where the war refugees are idenfied from among the other immigrants. If required, the European Union should exert economic pressures for the establishing of transit centres. The ships with migrants captured on the Mediterranean Sea should be sent back to their country of origin to stop the easy money of traffickers and uncontrollable arrival of immigrants to the European Union. • we support the preservaon of Dublin principle that the first host country is obliged to deal with the asylum seekers. Estonia should establish the list of so- called secure countries and districts in its country, the cizens of which do not need to be protected and who are not offered asylum. The similar regulaon should be immediately implemented also at the level of the European Union. The persons applying for or having received asylum and who have commied crimes should be sent out of the European Union.

19 • for that purpose it is necessary to avoid the unwanted immigraon and misuse of residence permits and ensure safety and security of the state.


11.1 Labour market and social protecon

Isamaa proceeds from the principle that the labour market regulaons and the whole social system, incl social grants and retraining programmes should be structured so that each person capable of work could find work at the labour market and in case of unemployment could return to the labour market as fast as possible.

Isamaa considers it important…

• to stand for the equal opportunies of the Estonian people with other Europeans to work everywhere in the European Union and that their rights would be protected. • to oppose the steps that restrict the free movement of labour in the European Union. • to work towards the aim that the social guarantees expanding in other members states to the Estonian people would be fair. • to harmonise the social security systems so that these would not be a hindrance for the free movement of labour, but at the same me would not incur obligaons for Estonia that we cannot bear. • beer childcare facilies. We wish to use the means of the European cohesion funds to improve the availability of flexible childcare services and for creang the kindergarten places in Estonia and also to improve the possibilies to combine family and work life. • to use EU means for providing services to the people requiring care and parenng which enable them to live at home with dignity and cope independently, at the same me decreasing the burden of care of their close ones and enable to work and parcipate in the social life. • creang of common European Union programme which supports the member states to make the physical environment, websites and more common services (e.g. transport, banking, e-commerce) easily accessible for all, regardless of the disability, age, special need or temporary restricons and hindrances of the person.

20 11.2 Health care

Isamaa supports the principle that human health should be protected within the frames of all polical sectors of the European Union. The European Commission should have cooperaon with the EU member states for the improvement of public health and prevenon of diseases and eliminate the sources endangering physical and mental health.

Isamaa considers it important…

• the efforts made by the members states to enhance their health care systems and ensure their capability to provide high-quality health care services for all its cizens now and in the future. • cross-border movement of health services and the related services and knowhow and the supporng infotechnological soluons and agreements so to help to create jobs in Estonia, guarantee the beer sustainability of the Estonian medical system and beer services also for the Estonian people. • transnaonal cooperaon for finding the innovave and sustainable soluons contribung to improve the access of EU cizens to the beer and safer health care services. • to find and apply innovave soluons for the improvement of quality, efficiency and sustainability of health care systems, by emphasizing the importance of human capital and relevance of exchange of good pracces. • joint efforts of Europe in finding the beer and evidence-based methods for the improvement of public health. • connuous monitoring of health risks of commodies and noficaon of consumers. • beer noficaon of the Estonian cizens about their rights in using the health care systems of other member states when they work, study or travel in other member states. • the contribuon of the European cohesion funds in developing the network of Estonian family doctor centres, hospital network and care services of the elderly. • to support the telemedical services in the poorer connected European districts to ensure the medical assistance at the beer level. • trend towards smoke-free Europe and decrease in number of deaths due to tobacco.


Isamaa is creang the European foreign policy proceeding from the principle of connecng the Estonian naonal interests and the European joint interests. Our aim is to ensure the sovereignty of the Estonian state and free development of the living environment and standard through the relaons between the European Union and foreign policy relaons.

The foreign policy of the European Union should work towards the aim that all Europe would follow the fair and clear rules in all dealings. For the laer Europe should apply all its economic force and also be a role model for the countries searching their way towards and beer life.

Isamaa considers it important…

• that the European Union would proceed from the value-based foreign policy, the keywords being democracy and human rights. When human rights are violated, the European Union interferes strongly, i.e. establishes economic sancons and, if required, uses military force. • policy of effecve operaon of the European Union and NATO, protecng the common interests of the member states. The acvies of Estonia should be directed towards the achievement and strengthening of this aim. • to strengthen the cooperaon in all sectors, incl Baltoscandia connecng the Balc and Nordic countries who have the precondions to become the centre of excellence of economy and innovaon. • to draw connuously special aenon to supporng democracy and market economy in so-called transion countries, including within the frames of the expanding process and partnership programmes of the European Union. • to support the further expansion of the European Union, provided the candidate countries meet the criteria of Copenhagen. The Western Balkan is the backyard of the European Union and its stabilizaon and integraon with Europe is solely the task of the Europeans. • to support the neighbouring policy of the European Union to the utmost and especially Eastern Partnership. The eastern partners should be able to join EU, if they want it and meet the requirements. • that the representaon of EU internaonally is integral. Coherent Europe with strong global policy is in the interests of Estonia. • to consistently contribute to the development of the European External Acon Service. Our aim is the more efficient consular cooperaon between the member states so that the EU’s external service would provide consular assistance and protecon in the future to all EU cizens.

22 • the possibility of member states to belong independently to the internaonal organizaons and have diplomac relaons with the third countries. The member states should have the right to conclude bilateral contracts with the third countries in the issues given to the EU exclusive competence. • development of connuously good and close relaons with Great Britain. • to stand against Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline as the project endangering the integrity of Europe.

12.1 United States of America

Isamaa supports the closer cooperaon in the sector of security and trade with the United States of America.

Isamaa considers it important…

• trade agreement of the European Union and the USA which involves half of the total global trade and creates the world standards for decades. Isamaa supports the conclusion of the wide-scale agreement, requiring the harmonizaon of the standards and quality requirements for that purpose. • more efficient cooperaon of the European Union and the USA in terms of development assistance to states and security and defence issues.

12.2 Asia

Isamaa considers it important…

• common Asian strategy of the European Union. • dialogue between the European Union and People’s Republic of in the topic of human rights. The European Union has set the support of China in its declaraon as the objecve in transion to the society based on open rule of law and respecng human rights. • closer economic and trade relaons between Europe and Asia.

12.3 Russia

The European Union should proceed from the value-based policy – human rights, rule of law and sovereignty of the neighbouring countries when communicang with Russia.

Isamaa considers it important…

23 • that the sancons for Russia related to aggression would not be migated without the fulfilment of the obligaons by Russia. • that Russia would not implement its “near abroad” polical doctrine and would not interfere with the governance of independent countries. • that Russia would not interfere with the policy of the Eastern Partnership of the European Union. • that the European Union protects the economic and commercial interests of all member states in the relaons with Russia. The commission assists the member states in commercial disputes with Russia. • that the priority in the contract of EU and Russia is the commercial relaons and common energy policy. • that the progress by visa simplificaon is possible only if the requirements agreed by the European Union and Russia are met. • that the Russia-oriented policy of the European Union would be integral, not fragmented.

12.4 Partnerships with the neighbours of the European Union and third countries.

The developing relaons with all countries of the world, especially with neighbours, are important for the European Union. The most important keywords are the trade promoon, EU security and prevenon of illegal migraon and trafficking.

Isamaa considers it important…

• the promoon of Eastern Partnership also further on. The Estonian support for several Eastern Partnership countries, especially Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, has helped to promote independence, democracy, human rights and security in these countries. • development of economic interests also in Asia, Africa and Lan America, requiring greater acvity also outside the European Union. • to help Africa for restricng migraon to Europe. To stop the discriminaon of the African goods, recover free trade, invest to educaon and prepare so- called African Marshall Plan.