ISAMAA STANDS FOR ESTONIAN INTERESTS ISAMAA PROGRAMME FOR THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ELECTIONS 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS BASIC PRINCIPLES 3 ISAMAA PROTECTS IN EUROPE 4 1. LESS BUREAUCRACY 5 2. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND JOBS 5 2.1 Common market 7 2.2 Financial policy 7 2.3 Regulaons promong entrepreneurship 8 2.4 Research and development acvies 9 2.5 Digital Europe 9 2.6 Infrastructure and transport connecons 10 3. ENERGY POLICY 11 4. FUTURE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION 12 5. EDUCATION AND YOUTH 13 6. DEFENCE POLICY 14 7. EUROPEAN GOVERNANCE 15 8. AGRICULTURE AND FISHERY 15 9. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 17 10. INTERNAL SECURITY AND IMMIGRATION POLICY 17 11. SOCIAL POLICY 20 11.1 Labour market and social protecon 20 11.2 Health care 21 12. FOREIGN POLICY 22 12.1 United States of America 23 12.2 Asia 23 12.3 Russia 23 12.4 Partnerships with the neighbours of the European Union and third countries. 24 !2 BASIC PRINCIPLES ISAMAA PROTECTS EUROPE OF INDEPENDENT COUNTRIES We see the European Union as the union of states, not as the state union. For Isamaa the European Union is based on the European values, Chrisan tradion and enlightenment ideals that should be preserved. Europe can be successful and sustainable only if it could maintain its unity and address the challenges it faces. The persistence and cooperaon of the European Union of naon states is also the best guarantor of security and prosperity for Estonia. ISAMAA PROTECTS THE EUROPEAN WAY OF LIFE AND CULTURAL HERITAGE The European uniqueness lies in rich cultural heritage, shared history and common Chrisan roots combined with different naonal peculiaries and tradions. Radical Islamism, uncontrolled immigraon, risk of terror and authoritarian governance are a threat to the foundaons of the European way of life. European identy, way of life and common tradions should be protected. ISAMAA PROTECTS THE FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION By protecng the European values and stable sociees, we should not set limits to the freedom of expression. We stand for the freedom of expression. ISAMAA PROTECTS AGAINST THE RECURRENCE OF THE PAST If you do not remember your past, you can never build a future – the crimes of Communism and Nazism should be equalized. !3 ISAMAA PROTECTS IN EUROPE … Estonian na9onal interests. The Estonian representaves should dare to stand just for the Estonian viewpoints in creang the European common posions. The European praccal cooperaon is necessary in the interests of Estonia, thus Estonia should be influenal and not to fear to represent its interests. … interests of naNon states. We see European Union as the union of sovereign naNon states, not as state union. We do not support the changing of the treaes for restricng the competences of the member states. Centralizaon is not a soluon. Soluon is a cooperaon of equal states. … right to decide independently upon migraNon issues. The European borders should prevent illegal migraon. … equal rights of the Estonian people to study, travel and work in Europe. … more effecve European Union. We are opposed to unnecessary bureaucracy. Together with the partners from the European People`s Party we cancel 1000 bureaucrac rules that restrict our entrepreneurship. … more efficient defence cooperaNon between the countries of the European Union For that purpose we support cooperaon with the USA, exclusion of Russia`s aggression with sancons, NATO membership of all countries of the European Union and coordinated and supported development of the member states of the European Union. … development of fair free market of goods and services. The Estonian entrepreneurs should have an access to the markets of other countries and the income of our people should increase. … preservaNon of the value space to protect the way of life established by the history of naNons. For that purpose it is essenal to control immigraon, honour tradions, value European cultural and intelligent heritage and pass it on to the future generaons. … more efficient cooperaNon in the economic interests of the European countries. This is presumed in energy, transport as well as innovaon and roboc sectors and in development of digital technology to make Europe globally more compeve. … regionally more consistent development of Estonia. We prefer to channel the funds of the European Union foremost outside Tallinn and to the rural districts to ensure the more even development of Estonia. !4 1. LESS BUREAUCRACY The rules of the European Union should be simplified. The simpler rules are easier to understand, improve legal certainty, prevent the misuse of the funds of the European Union and decrease bureaucracy. Isamaa considers it important... • to improve and simplify the rules for grants of the European Union to ensure the targeted investment of funds. • to harmonise the rules for the support funds of the European Union to make the applicaon process more consistent and comprehensive. • to create more flexibility to the cohesion policy programmes to combine the financing of the objects of the member states easier with the European Union support measures. • to raonalise the provisions regulang the control of means of the funds of the European Union and project management so that the scope of control in case of lower risk for misuse of means can be decreased at the level of the member state as well as European Commission. • to simplify the mechanisms for the receipt of support amounts and reporng in order to decrease the administrave burden of applicants. • to implement electronic project applicaon through the exisng public registries to decrease the follow-up control of applicaons and save the administrave resource. • to simplify and enhance cooperaon between the member states in implementaon of the cross-border projects. • decrease of bureaucracy related to e-commerce. 2. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND JOBS The key issue in Estonia as well as Europe is how to create well-paid jobs and ensure beLer incoMe. We cannot increase incoMe of the people pursuant to order, but we can create more favourable business environment. Strong and prosperous European econoMic area is one of the presump9ons of security, thus this an important polical aim for us too. The European Union should have an open and efficient coMMon market without restricons that is created for entrepreneurship. We should favour and protect free coMpe99on and develop the spirit of business which is a precondion for well-paid jobs. !5 Isamaa considers it important… • decrease of proteconism that is common in the member states of the European Union. The closure of markets is not a soluon for the European economic problems, but impairs the long-term compeveness. To favour trade, it is essenal to eliminate the invisible market barriers between the member states. • full implementaon of the Services Direcve of the European Union. The European Commission should map the problems that currently hinder the provision of cross-border services and provide soluons. • close cooperaon with the Estonian business associaons to ensure the protecon of interests and trust of entrepreneurs in the European Union and other markets. • enforcement of the rules of common market also in online commerce. • reaching of the Estonian companies to the top of internaonal value chain. The economic growth should be based on the new knowledge and skills, thus we support knowledge-based development projects, wish to deal with business, internaonal cooperaon projects, fair compeon and low taxes. • greater financing opportunies for innovave small and medium-sized companies so that they could develop economic models of new generaon. • dealing with eliminaon of differences hindering the acve sale of cross- border goods and provision of services in sale and consumer law, copyright, data protecon rules, company law and tax law. • to connue the development of the EU company law which facilitates the transboundary movement of companies. The single legal area should be created at the level of the European Union which would enable to transfer the company established in one member state to another without involving an obligaon to liquidate the company in the desnaon country of the company and re-establish it in the target country. • as uniform rules and consumer rights as possible established for the sales law, provision of goods and services in the whole European Union to increase consumer confidence. This favours the development of e-commerce and thus expands the possibilies of the entrepreneurs in markeng their goods and services. • take advantage of the opportunies of new business models. The entrepreneurs of the European Union should be able to apply innovave ideas as easy as possible. The new business models should involve digital soluons simplifying the tax collecon. • to set the implementaon of innovave-friendly internal market as an objecve. For that purpose the hindrances of innovaon should be specified and removed from the legal acts of the European Union as well as keep the reasonability principle in mind in their take-over. !6 2.1 CoMMon market Our aim is the well-opera9ng coMMon market. The laLer can be achieved by as free Movement of services, goods and labour as possible. The sectors deserving priority aLen9on involve health, private security services, social services, banking and coMMunica9on services. Isamaa considers it important… • expansion of the scope of the Services Direcve to several sectors (e.g. health care services, gambling, provision of security services etc), in case of which the interests of entrepreneurs exist towards the foundaon of the companies in another member state as well as the provision of cross-border services. • loss of unjusfied restricons from the free movement of health care services and detailed noficaon of the paents and the public in the topic of cross- border health care services. To favour the provision of cross-border health care services and movement of paents the transnaonal digital data exchange capability should be improved.
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