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ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) OPEN ACCESS ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) 26 October 2018 (Online & Print) Vol. 10 | No. 11 | 12443–12618 10.11609/jot.2018.10.11.12443-12618 Building evidence for conservatonJ globally TTJournal of Threatened Taxa YOU DO ... ... BUT I DON’T SEE THE DIFFERENCE. ISSN 0974-7907 (Online); ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) Published by Typeset and printed at Wildlife Informaton Liaison Development Society Zoo Outreach Organizaton No. 12, Thiruvannamalai Nagar, Saravanampat - Kalapat Road, Saravanampat, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641035, India Ph: 0 938 533 9863 Email:, EDITORS Christoph Kuefer, Insttute of Integratve Biology, Zürich, Switzerland Founder & Chief Editor Christoph Schwitzer, University of the West of England, Clifon, Bristol, BS8 3HA Dr. Sanjay Molur, Coimbatore, India Christopher L. Jenkins, The Orianne Society, Athens, Georgia Cleofas Cervancia, Univ. of Philippines Los Baños College Laguna, Philippines Managing Editor Colin Groves, Australian Natonal University, Canberra, Australia Mr. B. Ravichandran, Coimbatore, India Crawford Prentce, Nature Management Services, Jalan, Malaysia C.T. Achuthankuty, Scientst-G (Retd.), CSIR-Natonal Insttute of Oceanography, Goa Associate Editors Dan Challender, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK Dr. B.A. Daniel, Coimbatore, India D.B. Bastawade, Maharashtra, India Dr. Ulrike Streicher, Wildlife Veterinarian, Danang, Vietnam D.J. Bhat, Retd. Professor, Goa University, Goa, India Ms. Priyanka Iyer, Coimbatore, India Dale R. Calder, Royal Ontaro Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Dr. Manju Siliwal, Dehra Dun, India Daniel Brito, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil Dr. Meena Venkataraman, Mumbai, India David Mallon, Manchester Metropolitan University, Derbyshire, UK David Olson, Zoological Society of London, UK Editorial Advisors Davor Zanella, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croata Ms.
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