KwaJalein Hourglass


98th Congress Surpasses TO ISRAELI PARLIAMENT Its Own Expectations THOUSANDS PROTEST SWEARING-IN WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Wlthout flnal approval, 98th Congress, lts term all pendlng buslness -- wlth nearly complete, surpassed the exceptlon of treatles -- OF AMERICAN-BORN MILITANT ltS own expectatlons thlS dles and does not carryover JERUSALEM (UPI) -- Thou­ Israel radlo sald he mut­ Soldlers In green be­ electlon year by enactlng a to the 99th Congress that sands of demonstrators gath­ tered somethlng and wltness­ rets, who guarded the bUlld­ tax lncrease, a 21 drlnklng meets In January ered peacefully today to pro­ es sald lt was psalms "to lng, carrled US-made M-16 age, penslon equlty for wom- But the Senate and House test the swearlng-ln of Rab­ swear In to a hlgher author- n fl es en and even a small pay ralse have agreed on substantlal bl Melr Kahane to the Israe- 1ty" than the 120-member Kahane's supporters sald for lawmakers leglslatlon, much more than 11 Parllament, but the Amer­ Knesset, to WhlCh he was they planned no counterpro­ The Senate and House re- congresslonal leaders expect- lcan-born mllltant apparent­ elected In the lnconcluslve test agalnst the more than cessed Frlday for three weeks ed at the beglnnlng of the ly lmprovlsed hlS own oath July 23 natlonal electlons 10 centrlst and leftlst so members can attend the presldentlal electlon year of offlce The rabbl drove up to the groups composlng the ad-hoc Republlcan Natlonal Conven- Among other thlngs, Con- The apppearance of Kahane, Knesset past rows of demon­ "Comffilttee Agalnst Raclsm " tlon In Dallas Wlth a tar- gress enacted $50 bllllon In founder of the Jewlsh Defense strators At one pOlnt, pro­ The speclal demonstratlon get adJournment date of new taxes that malnly come League who wants to expel all testers pounded on hlS car, commlttee sald Kahane eplt­ Oct 4, members of Congress from closlng tax loopholes Arabs from Israel, overshad­ but he blew klsses at them omlzed the raClsm that has wlll have only 22 worklng and ralslng llquor taxes, owed the convenlnq of the and on leavlng the Parlla­ seen Palestlnlans compared days left to flnlsh thelr and $13 bllllon In spendlng 11 th Knesset ment bUlldlng he gave a to "cockroaches ln a bot­ buslness when they return cuts that lnclude hlgher Kahane, clutchlng a pray­ thumbs-up slgn tle" by former Chlef of Sept 5 out-of-pocket costs for er book wlth plnk carnatlons Actlng speaker Josef Burg Staff Rafael Eltan and "two­ Issues left unresolved In- Medlcare beneflclarles as book marks, lnslsted on called Kahane to order three legged anlmals" by former clude defense spendlng, the Also approved was a recltlng psalm verses and tlmes, but sald he dld not Prlme Mlnlster Menachem MX mlsslle, a debt celllng $150 mllllon approprlat10n swore alleglance to the Old know whether Kahane took the Begln The Knesset recessed 1ncrease and the nomlnatlon to beg1n development of a Testament oath or not after the openlng ceremony of Edwln Meese for attorney permanent, ~anned space sta- general tlon Wal sa Challenges Warsaw Regime To Negotiate With Union GDANSK, Poland (UPI) -- Warnlng of a posslbly "unavold­ able" Coll1s10n between Poles and the communlst reglme, Lech Walesa challenged premler Gen WOJc1ech Jaruzelsk1 to negotlate wlth the outlawed Solldarlty Unlon to solve Po­ land's problems "The general mood of the country 15 not good, there lS dlssatlsfactlon because of our contlnued poor economlC per­ formance WhlCh could easlly erupt lnto demonstratlOns," Wa­ lesa sald In an lntervlew Sunday at hlS home In the Baltlc port Clty of Gdansk Walesa, leader of the banned Solldarlty Unlon, welcomed the communlst government's recent amnesty that has freed hundreds of Solldarlty members from Jall, but he called on authorltles to take further steps toward natlonal reconCl­ llatlOn "If Jaruzelskl was able to declare an amnesty, then he could take another step forward by slttlng at the negotl­ atlng table wlth us and openlng the posslblllty of coopera­ tlon wlthout confllct," he sald The amnesty for 652 polltlcal prlsoners and 35,000 com­ mon crlmlnals was lmplemented to mark the 40th annlversary of communlst rule In Poland But the government has reJected demands from leaders of the outlawed unlon for trade unlon plurallsm and legallza­ tlon of Solldanty, WhlCh the Warsaw reglme says lS "a thlng of the past" JERUSALEM -- M~l~tant Rabb~ Me~r Kahane gestures w~th a closed f~st ~n h~s Kach Move­ In Apparent Suicide, ment off~ces as he speaks w~th a un~formed Israel~ sold~er supporter Kahane won a Parl~a­ ment seat ~n the recent elect~ons and ~s call~ng on the removal of all Arabs from Israel Man Rams Crowded Cable Car -- both Israel proper and the occup~ed West Bank (UPI Photo) SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -- The cable car struck A man sped down one of the three other vehlcles be­ Two Servicemen Ole u.S. Fund-RaiSing Group steepest hllls In San Fran­ hlnd lt as lt sped out of C1SCO and rammed head-on control down the hlll The In F-14 Crash Sunday lnto a cable car pack­ car had Just plcked up a MANILA, Phlllpplnes (UPI) Urges Washington To Arm IRA ed wlth tourlsts, kllllng full load of passengers -­ -- The bodles of two Amerl­ BELFAST, Northern Ire­ west Belfast headquarters the drlver and lnJurlng 30 almost all tourlsts on a can serVlcemen whose F-14 land -- A U S fund-ralslng of Slnn Feln, the POlltl­ people sunny afternoon outlng Jet crashed four days ago group for the Irlsh Republl­ cal wlng of the IRA Pollce and wltnesses sald The ldentlty of the dunng a "famlllanzatlOn can Army today urged Wash­ Pollce charged the crowd lt appeared the man commlt­ drlver of the automoblle fllght" have been recovered lngton to arm the outlawed when Galvln, 34, who had ted sUlclde H1S car was on was not lmmedlately deter­ from dense Jungle south of organlzatlon a day after thE been banned from enterlng the wrong slde of the street, mlned, pollce sald H1S Manlla, U S offlclals sald fund-ralsers' leader set off Northern Ireland, appeared raclng at an estlmated body was prled from the man­ Sunday a clash wlth pollce that on a stage to make a speech 60 mph and maklng no attempt gled car A spokesman at SUblC Bay left one dead and 20 lnJured to the crowd He managed to to stop, pollce sald Thlrty people -- cable Naval Base ldentlfled the Rlchard Lawlor, a spokes­ escape before pollce could The force of the crash car passengers, the conduc­ two crew aboard the F-14 as man for the Northern Ireland reach the stage sent screamlng passengers tor and the brakeman -­ Lt Cmdr Wllllam Hall, the Ald Commlttee, told a news The rally was called to sprawllng onto the street suffered a varlety of most­ pllot, and the radar lnter­ conference that lt was "a mark the 13th annlversary or the floor of the cable ly mlnor lnJurles cept offlcer, Cmdr James M moral duty of every average of lmposltlon of lnternment car, WhlCh bolted back down It was the flrst serlOUS Joyce Both men were from Amerlcan to ensure (the IRA) wlthout trlal for suspected the street for several hun­ accldent lnvolvlng a cable San Dlego, Callf get Amerlcan guns to ensure terron sts dred yards before the brake­ car Slnce the system reopen­ The Jet dlsappeared democracy " In further vlolence to­ man could brlng lt to a ed June 21 after a two-year Wednesday afternoon after "People often say lf day, youths hlJacked and halt renovatlon proJect taklng off from a naval alr they (the IRA) get Sovlet burned four vehlcles In statlon 60 mlles north of arms they must be communlsts Cathollc west Belfast, and Manlla, on a "routlne aerlal If they get arms from Llbya pollce In Londonderry aban­ '~/lY W~TER REPORT famlllarlzatlOn fllght," the they must be anarchlsts " doned thelr headquarters spokesman sald He sald lt followed that the after a hlJacked truck car­ Condltlon Code POOR Wreckage of the plane and Unlted States should arm the rYlng gasollne and belleved Ralnwater Caught o gallons the two bodles were found IRA so that lt would remaln carrylng a bomb was parked Reverse Osmosls Productlon 195,000 gallons about 135 mlles southeast of democratlc outslde Yesterday's Consumptlon 240,000 gallons SUblC Bay In dense Jungle, R10t pollce attemptlng to The chlef constable of Oa lly Target 180,000 gallons Lt Cmdr Alan Ables sald arrest Norald's Amerlcan dl­ the Northern Ireland pollce Percentage Over Target 33% Ables sald authorltles have rector Martln Galvln Sunday force ordered an lnvestlga­ Trend From Precedlng Day DOWN begun a formal lnvestlgatlon flred plastlc bullets lnto tlon of the pollce opera­ lnto the accldent a large crowd outslde the tlon WhlCh left one dead World News PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, MONDAY, AUGUST 13, lq84 News Briefs Egypt Accuses Libya Striking British Coal Miners (UPI) -- Presldent Reagan to­ Of Planting Mines Vote To Stay Out day called the Just-concluded 1984 Summer LONDO~ (UPI) -- Mllltant leaders of Brltaln's Games "a tflumph" whose only losers were the strlklng coal mlners have voted to stay out boycottln9 natlons of the Sovlet bloc Found In Red Sea lndeflnltely and reject what the state-owned "You dld us proud," Reagan told members CAIRO, Egypt -- A U S Navy team has found Natlonal Coal Board sald was ltS flnal offer to of the U S Olymplc team "You're heroes, three mlnes floatlng below the surface of the settle the 22-week-old walkout everyone of you llvlng proof of what happens Red Sea, sources In Calro sald today Lloyd's A speclal deleaate conference In Sheffleld -­ when Amerlca sets ltS slghts hlgh and says, of London also sald mlnes were found In three boycotted by moderate mlners -- also voted 'Let's create a llttle excellence '" locatlons In the southern end of the sea Frlday to toughen up dlsclpllnary measures agalnst * * * The reports came as Presldent Hosnl Mubarak mlners who refused to strlke LOS ANGELES (UPI) -- Dellberatlons In John dlrectly accused Llbya of plantlng mlnes that Natlonal Unlon of Mlners leader Arthur Scar- DeLorean's cocalne consplracy trlal were have damaged 18 ShlPS Slnce July 23, but express­ 0111 sald the strlke was as SOlld as ever -- a brlefly lnterrupted today by a telephoned ed hope the search for mlnes would prove Iran clalm dlsmlssed by NCB chalrman Ian MacGregor, bomb threat from a man who threatened to blow was not lnvolved who contended the number of mlners returnlng up the federal courthouse to protest drug In Washlngton, the Pentagon announced the to work was lncreaslng laws Unlted States was sendlng three hellcopter mlne­ The conference underllned the growlng Spllt U S Dlstrlct Court Judge Robert Takasugl sweepers to Saudl Arabla to sweep for mlnes In between unlon mllltants and moderates, wlth ordered the courthouse evacuated thlS mornlng, the channels lnto the maln Saudl ports of the leaders of the Nottlnghamshlre, Lelcestershlre when pollce began searchlng the 15-story Red Sea, Jeddah and Yanbu and South Derbyshlre coalflelds boycottlng the bUlldlng In the downtown C1V1C Center No ShlPS from the Unlted States, Brltaln and meetlng exploslves were found France already were steamlng toward the Suez The two-hour conference also voted to put * * * Canal to JOln Egyptlan sweeplng operatlons In pressure on other unlons -- lncludlng transport, GDANSK, Poland (UPI) -- Solldarlty leader the Gulf of Suez and the Red Sea dockers' and rall workers' unlons -- to back the Lech Walesa JOlned thousands of flag-wavlng In Calro, sources sald a 15-man team of U S strlklng mlners by refUSlnq to cross Plcket Poles today In serVlces marklng Tuesday's Navy mlne warfare experts that has been ln Egypt llnes fourth annlversary of the Lenln shlpyard for two weeks had found three mlnes -- the flrst strlke that led to the blrth of the outlawed located Slnce the mysterlous mlne exploslons be­ Khadafy's Regime Executes Four unlon gan July 23 * * * A spokesman for the U S Embassy would nel­ MUNICH, West Germany (UPI) -- Flve East ther conflrm nor deny the report In Killing Of Policewoman Europeans have defected to West Germany, In­ LONDON (UPI) -- Col ~10ammar Khadafy's reglme cludlng a Sovlet cltlzen who fled across the Italy Sentences Hijacker has executed four men for the Aprll kllllng of border from Czechoslovakla In the flrst such a Brltlsh pollcewoman that sparked the sleqe of escape lnvolvlng a Russlan In 11 years, po­ the Llbyan Embassy In London and prompted Brltaln llce sald today All of the refugees arrlved To 7 1/2 Years In Prison to break off dlplomatlc relatlons, a newsoaper In the West German state of Bavarla unscathed Ror~E (UPI) -- An Itallan court today sentenced reoorted Saturday * * * a dlssldent member of Iran's ellte revolutlonary The Dally Express, a London tablold, reported BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) -- The Lebanese guard to 7~ years ln prlson for hlJacklng an In a front-page excluslve that the men were ex­ government today accused Israell occupatlon Iranlan Jetllner but found another teen-ager ecuted ln TflPoll fo11owlng a secret tflal "for troops In southern Lebanon of carrylng out lnnocent of the charqes Cflmes agalnst the state," accordlng to an In­ mass arrests and seallng off vlllages to As the tnal was held, the Iranlan Embassy telllgence report avenge a rash of guerrllla attacks that flled a reauest for thelr extradltlon to Tehran, A spokesman for the Brltlsh Forelon Offlce wounded two Israell soldlers saylng the palr wanted to 00 home Itallan sald he could not conflrm the report He sald There was no lmmedlate comment from Israel authorltles dld not lm~edlately resoond Georoe Anderson, the only Brltlsh dlPlomat re­ on the report The court acted In a brlef and unusually malnlnq In TrlPoll who runs the Brltlsh lnter­ * * * prompt trlal that came only flve days after the ests sectlon ln the Itallan Embassy, had not LAS PALMAS, Spaln (UPI) -- A Spanlsh overnlqht hlJacklng ended at Rome's ClamPlno heard about the kllllnqs sardlne trawler wlth 28 crewmen aboard sank mllltary alrport ~lth the safe release of all The spokesman sald, however, that Scotland when ltS carqo shlfted In heavy wlnds 110 303 other passenqers and crew Yard was studYlng the lntelllgence report on the mlles northwest of the Moroccan coast, of­ The panel of Judaes sentenced l8-year-old executlOns flclals sald today There was only one sur- Hoseln Eftekharl to 7t years ln orlson but The pollcewoman was Yvonne Fletcher, 25 vlvor cleared ~ohsen Rahgohzar, 17 The orosecutlon * * * asked for 10-year prlson sentences for each of ROME (UPI) -- Investlgators lndlcted 128 the youths Poland Frees Last alleged members of the Red Brlgades today on Alr plracy carrles a prlson term of seven to charges llnked to the abductlon of U S Brlg 21 years ln Italy The youths also faced a charqe Of Prominent Dissidents Gen James DOZler and other crlmes commltted of compllclty In kldnapPlnq WARSAW, Poland (UPI) -- The aovernment today by the terrorlst gang from 1977 to 1982 freed from Jall Henryk ~JuJec, the last of four * * * Controversy Brews promlnent dlssldents and advlsers In the out­ TOKYO (UPI) -- The Japanese Defense Agency lawed Solldarlty Unlon to be qranted an a~nesty has proposed bUYlng the US-made Patrlot for Polltlcal orlsoners alr defense mlsslle system as part of next In Transplant Surgery VluJec, 43, a phYS1C1St and one of four co­ year's defense procurement efforts, press LONDON (UPI) -- Hollle Poffey, at 24 days the founders of the dlssldent Workers Defense Com­ reports sald today world's youngest heart transplant patlent, re­ mlttee that heloed form Solldarlty, was released The system, part of the $13 6 bllllon the celved encouragement today from Brltaln's long­ from ~arsaw's Rakowlecka Prlson, where he had agency plans to request for the 1985 flscal est survlvlng heart reclplent been lnterned the past 2t years year, would replace Japan's aglng Nlke Her­ Kelth Castle, 57, told Ho11le's parents "never He decllned to make any lnltlal comment, pre­ cules system, the reports sald qlve up falth " ferrlng to be wlth hlS famlly * * * "I am Just hOPlng for the best as far as WUlec lS the fourth and last of the Workers CELIGNY, SWltzerland (UPI) -- A weeplnq Hollle lS concerned It wlll be marvelous lf Defense Comnlttee founders to be freed under the Ellzabeth Taylor pald a short V1Slt at dawn she makes It,'' sald Castle, who aot hlS new POllSh government's amnesty today to the grave of former husband Rlchard heart ln an operatlon flve years ago The four were charged by the authorltles wlth Burton, who was burled In the tlny vlllage But the Natlonal Heart Hospltal sald the baby attemptlng to overthrow the state by force A cemetery last week "remillns In cfltlcal condltlOn and lS stl11 on trlal agalnst them before a mllltary court was The actress drove up to the cemetery at dlalysls " opened last month but adJourned pendlng the am­ 6 am, half an hour before sunrlse, and And controversy contlnued to brew over the nesty spent 15 mlnutes at the graveslde ethlcal and flnanclal lssues related to the All four malntaln they are lnnocent The Welsh actor, who dled at 58, called operatlon her the only woman he ever truly loved Or Chrlstlaan Barnard, the South Afrlcan Financial News * * * surgeon who performed the world's flrst success­ NEW YORK (UPI) -- Penthouse magazlne Frlday ful heart transplant, called Hollle's oneratlon Dollar closlng In Tokyo was flled a $1 mllllon lawsult agalnst two a "seflous mlstake " 243 90 yen prlntlng houses, saylng they used nude photos Brltlsh medlcal exnerts are also wary of the and In Zurlch was of dethroned M1SS Amerlca to make 30,000 operat lOn performed bv Or r~adql Yacoub" A pedl­ 2 4578 SW1SS francs posters atflclan at the Wl11lam Harvey HosPltal, Dr CLOSING METALS The SUlt, flled In U S Dlstrlct Court In Andrew Porter, sal d "I hope thl s 1s not the road Gold Manhattan, accused Beluxe Graphlc Arts and to the future " UP 3 25 at 343 50 Vlsta Go Llthographers of uSlng two sexually Sllver expllclt photos of Vanessa Wllllams pub­ Woman Ditches Plane, off 0 17 at 7 62 llshed In Penthouse to make 30,000 posters * * * DOW JONES CLOSING AVERAGES DETROIT (UPI) -- The Chevrolet Sprlnt, Rescued By Soviet Vessel 30 Industrlals up 1 99 at 1220 08 bUllt by the Japanese automaker SUZUkl for HONOLULU (UPI) -- A Callfornla woman was 20 Trans up 1 72 at 521 26 sale on the U S West Coast, lS showlng up In forced to dltch her small plane lnto the Paclflc 15 Utllltles off 0 09 at 128 28 other states -- to the chaqrln of General Ocean about 500 mlles northeast of Hawall but 65 Stocks up 0 83 at 472 58 Motors Corp, a trade publlcatlon sald today was rescued bv a Sovlet flShlnq vessel after Volume 77,960,000 shares Automotlve News sald the three-cyllnder 8t hours at sea, a Coast Guard spokesman sald SEE LISTINGS IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY subcompacts are belng brought lnto the Unlted Heldl Porch was plcked from her four-person States through countrles such as Guam and llfe raft by the Urlskay Talga at about 11 p m Surf And Sun Puerto R1CO, to avold U S quotas on Japanese Sunday before another vessel reached the scene, AS OF 12 01 A M cars Petty Offlcer Don Jaccard sald today Monday, August 13, 1984 * * * "Vie knew the SOVl et shlD was 1n the area but 'Jeekend ra 1nfa 11 04 LONDON (UPI) -- A Brltlsh adventurer ar­ we dldn't know lt would be taklng part ln the Monthly total 2 44 rested by Vletnamese last year whlle on a rescue effort," sald Jaccard Yearly total 21 13 quest for long-lost plrate treasure wlll be Porch was to be transferred to an Amerlcan TOMORROW ON KWAJALEIN released wlthln the next few days, a Forelqn cargo ShlP and returned to Pearl Harbor, he Sunrlse 6 41 a m Offlce spokesman sald today sald Her condltlon was not lmmedlately known Sunset 7 06 p m Rlchard Knlght, 48, of Sussex, England, Porch, ferrYlnq the small plane from Oakland, Moonrlse 11 02 p m set off from Thalland In June last year In a Callf , to Hllo on Hawall Island, was some 900 Moonset 8 09 a m rented boat to try and flnd the burled trea­ mlles from her destlnatlon shortly before noon Hl Tlde 6 50 a m 5 6' - 6 23 P m 4 9' sure of the notorlOus Engllsh plrate, Captaln ' when she reported her nlane was 10Slno 011 pres 4 Lo Tlde 12 21 p m 8' - * * * Kldd sure A Navy plane was sent to the area and was FOR TOTAL FORECAST CALL 84700 escortlnq the strlcken craft 1984 King Features Syndicate Inc

The Hourglass lS an unoff1C1al publ1cat1on authorlZed under the prOV1S1ons of AR 360-81 It lS publ1shed by Global ASSoc1ates Monday through Fr1day (exclud1ng hol1days) at the d1- rect10n of the command1ng off1cer, U S Army KwaJale1n Mlss1le Range, Marshall Islands, un­ Commandlng Off1cer Col W1ll1am A Spln der contract DASG60-82-C-0063 ThlS lS an offset publ1cat1on, w1th a dally c1rculatlon of Publ1C Affa1rs Off1cer Jlm Wlttmeyer 1,950 The V1ews and op1n1ons expressed hereln are not necessarlly those of the Department Ed1tor Courtney Danko of the Army Commun1cat1ons should be addressed to the Hourglass, Box 23, APO San Franc1sco Feature Wnter Patrlc1a Everett 96555, or call 83539 (AUTOVON 254-3539) Mater1als appear1ng 1n the Hourglass may not be re­ Copy Ed1tor, Clrculatlon Joan Skoglund prlnted w1thout the approval of the command1ng off1cer, U S Army KwaJale1n M1ss11e Range Sports Wn ter Ruth Horne All want ads and not1ces must be submltted on GA Form 8020 R-4 by 12 30 P m the work1ng day pr10r to publlcat10n Local / 'World -New§ PAGE 4, HOURGLASS, MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1984 UH Announces Fall Classes $50 MILLION WORTH By JEAN CULBERSON The KwaJaleln Extenslon of the Unlver­ High-Tech Equipment Slty of Hawall offers an excellent oppor­ tunlty for KMR resldents to acqulre col­ Contributed To Success lege credlts whlle they enJoy thelr stay on lsland Some of the courses satlsfy general educatlon requlrements set forth Of Summer Games by mas t colleges LOS ANGELES (UPI) -- Some $50 mllllon Reglstratlon for the fall semester worth of SOphlstlcated hlgh-tech equlp­ credlt courses wlll be at the Adult Educa­ ment used to keep track of everythlng tlon Center, Room 1, George Seltz School, from the outcome of events to relaYlng durlng the followlng tlmes messages from home to the athletes con­ Saturday, Aug 18, 9 a m to noon, trlbuted to the success of the Summer Olym­ Tuesday, Aug 21, 8 a m - 1 p m and P1CS 3 30 - 6 30 pm, Wednesday, Aug 22, from "We wanted to do some thlngs that have 8 a m to 1 p m never been done before," sald Jlm Murray, A speclal reglstratlon wlll be held at V1ce presldent of technology for the Los ROl-Namur Monday, Aug 20, from 8 30 a m Angeles Olymplc Organ1zlng Commlttee to 1 p m at the Global Admlnlstratlon These "th1ngs" lncluded an electrOnlC Offlce, Termlnal BUlldlng mall system, an Olymplc V01ce messaglng Classes wlll meet one nlght per week system and a computer system that told the beglnnlng Aug 27 and endlng Dec 20 user about everythlng from medal counts to All classes taught thlS term are three athlete blographles and world records semester credlt hours TUltlon for each trlclty, magnet1sm, modern phYS1CS Pre­ But what happens to all that hlgh­ class lS $72 TUltlon must be pald In reqU1slte same as for calculus PhYS1CS pr1ced hardware now that the 16-day Olym­ full, by cash, check, or money order at I lS not a prerequls1te Taught by Dr P1C show lS over? the tlme of reglstratlon Make checks or Gerard Card1llo Meets Tuesdays 6 30 - Some of lt wlll be staYlng ln Los Ange­ money orders payable to the Unlverslty of 9 30 p m les, but most of the dev1ces brought 1n Hawall If you are paYlng by cash, please INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER PROGRAMMING for the Games wlll be returned to stock, have the exact amount ~ETHODS IN FORTRAN (EE 151{F)) Introduc­ recondltloned and/or sold to other custom­ The followlng flve courses wlll be of­ tory computer programm1ng methods for gen­ ers fered thlS semester eral appllcat10ns Course wlll cover plan­ M1les and mlles of spec1al f1ber OptlCS POETRY AND DRAMA (Engllsh 256) Intro­ n1ng, wr1tlng and debugglng of programs cable lnstalled by Amerlcan Telephone & ductlon to genres of poetry and drama Taught by Bob Klngsley Meets Wednesdays, Telegraph Co Technologles as part of the through maJor Amerlcan and European texts 6 30-9 30 pm, on R01-Namur commun1cat1ons network for the Olymplcs -­ Taught by Carole Harrls Meets Tuesdays, Only courses WhlCh meet the mlnlmum en­ w1th act1vlt1es spread out over a 4,500- 6 30-9 30 p m on KwaJale1n rollment set forth by each lnstructor wlll square-mlle area -- wlll stay ln place and Note No more than one of the follow1ng be taught be used by Paclflc Bell to upgrade 1tS ser­ three courses wlll be taught dependlng up­ Textbooks w1ll be avallable for pur­ Vlce to customers ln Southern Callforn1a on enrollment chase after reglstratlon The rest of the maze of AT&T equlpment CALCULUS I (Math 205) BaS1C concepts, The Unlvers1ty of Hawall lS accredlted -- lncludlng 14 computers, 2,000 teletype dlfferentlatlon and lntegratlon wlth ap­ by the Western Assoclatlon of Schools and term1nals, 500 prlnters and 7,000 tele­ pllcatlon Prerequlslte college algebra, Colleges Students may transfer credlts to phones -- lS for sale trlgonometry and analyt1c geometry, or 1n­ Amerlcan or forelgn unlversltles Former "What lS not sold wlll go back 1nto structor's consent Taught by Dr Gerard college students ln good stand1ng and hlgh AT&T for other appl1catlOns," sald Bob Cardlllo Meets Tuesdays 6 30-9 30 p m school graduates w1th no college work are Katzeff, publ1C relatlons manager for AT&T COLLEGE PHYSICS I (PhYS1CS 151) Me­ ellglble to enroll Enrollment at the Technologles ln New York chanlcs, wave motlon, heat Prerequlslte KwaJaleln Extenslon does not constltute "It's all for sale, every blt of It,'' same as calculus Taught by Dr Gerard acceptance at the maln campus he sald Cardlllo Meets Tuesdays 6 30-9 30 p m For further lnformatlon, call Jean Cul­ Some of the telephones, WhlCh carry the COLLEGE PHYSICS II (PhYS1CS 152) Elec- berson at 82800 Olymplc logo, are belng snapped up as sou­ venlrs of the Games, he sald "The Olymplc phones, as they are re­ TRAVEL FEATURE bu MARCUS GEE moved from the venues, are be1ng offered School Board for sale rlght then and there Rlght now, lt'S emlnently successful," Katzeff sald Candidates Sought Birth Of Australia "I don't th1nk there are any lmmed1ate By JIM WITTMEYER, KMR PAO plans to sell to the publlC " Resldents lnterested In runnlng for Celebrated With Toast Motorola, WhlCh supplled more than one of the three posltlons on the KwaJa­ SYDNEY, Australla (UPI) -- The blrth of 10,000 pleces of electronlc equlpment for leln School Board elected by the communlty modern Austral1a was celebrated wlth a the Games, lS pulllng out all of ltS gear at large should submlt a short quallflca­ toast to the klng and a drunken party 1n a "To glVe you an ldea of the SlZe of tlons resume to the school board chalrman thunderstorm thlS, we have 4,500 portable radlos, about not later than Sept 1 On Jan 26, 1788, Brltlsh Governor Ar­ 2,500 Opt1CS pagers and addlt10nal tone­ The electlon 1S scheduled for Sept 21 thur Ph1lllP came ashore at Sydney Cove only pagers," sa1d Motorola spoke:;man Da­ and the three newly elected members wlll w1th hlS red-coated marlnes, ralsed the vld WelSZ be lnstalled In offlce Oct 16 All adult Unlon Jack over the new colony and drank to That does not lnclude all the support KMR resldents may vote the health of Klng George III equlpment and technlcal expertlse needed A maXlmum of elght candldates wlll be Ten days later, the prlson convlcts to make everythlng work selected to run Resumes should be address­ whom Ph1ll1P had brought 15,000 mlles from It wlll all be gone wlth1n days of the ed to the Chalrman, KwaJaleln School Board, England to settle the new land gave thanks end of the last event POBox 755, APO San Franclsco 96555-0008 ln thelr own way "The sys tern wlll come down The pag 1ng Resumes of those selected w1ll be publlSh­ The arrlval of 200 conv1ct women com­ system W1ll not stay," he sa1d "Some of ed ln the Hourglass prlor to the electlon blned wlth the 1ssue of an extra rum ra­ lt lS already selected for posslble use by tlOn led to a "scene of debauchery and other customers It w1ll be resold as re­ not" Soaked by a vlOlent thunderstorm, cond1tloned equlpment " Enter Summer Fun the conv1cts brawled and drank untll they Motorola also 1S cons1derlng donat1ng dropped some of the equlpment to char1t1es, but Fishing Derby Both events took place at a slte flve has not yet declded whether to follow By CINDY PENDER mlnutes walklng d1stance from the heart of through on that 1dea Speclal Serv1ces Summer Fun rnnual f1Sh­ what lS now Sydney, Austral1a's largest Internat10nal BUS1ness Mach1nes Corp, lng derby wlll run from Aug 15 through C1 ty another blg hlgh-tech equlpment suppl1er, Aug 19 Awards wlll be presented for the Author1tles have spent 10 years and wlll be returnlng 1tS Olymplc equ1pment to largest and heavlest flSh caught All Chll­ $100 mlll10n renovatlng the place where stock The IBM llSt 1ncludes 38 mldslze dren ages 7 to 13 are ellglble to partlcl­ PhllllP'S or1glnal settlement lay, a rocky computers, 200 personal computers, 190 pate Brlng your catch to the Small Boat penlnsula that the convlcts chr1stened word processors, plus e1ght speclal Olym­ Marlna durlng operatlng hours to have your "The Rocks " P1C message centers, WhlCh are used to re­ flSh wPlqhed and measured The area's restored V1ctorlan facades, celve v01ce-recorded messages by telephone pleasant brlck walkways, parks and out­ "It comes back to us," sald IBM spokes­ door cafes draw 2 mllllon Vls1tors a year woman Deborah Clpolla "There lS no plan Jeramon Non Kom from the Un1ted States, Japan, Europe and for what's to be done wlth lt " "Jeramon non kom" 1.S the Marshallese Australla Some Olymplc materlals, however, cannot way to say, "Goodbye and good luck, Only the world-famous Sydney Opera be reclalmed by the suppllers fr1.ends " House, Wh1Ch soars Just across Sydney Levl Strauss, for example, donated a Departlng on the MAC fllght Aug 15 Cove, lS more popular 49-plece wardrobe for each of the more are Bob Durough and chlldren Tlna and The Rocks boasts the Clty'S oldest than 700 U S athletes, who get to keep all Glenn Durough, a KMR englneer, wlll be house, ltS oldest cemetery and, the bro­ those blue Jean~, shorts, tennls shoe~, gOlng to Huntsvllle, where he wlll JOln chures cla1m, ltS shortest street T-shlrts and warm-up SUltS Olymplc offl­ hlS wlfe, Faye, and chlldren Bobby and Its shops offer antlques, crafts, sou­ clals, workers and Judges also got spec1al Krlstl, who left KwaJale1n June 1 venlrs and abor1g1nal art Pub llfe lS ac­ clothlng packages Wh1Ch they w1ll be able On 1eaVl ng, the Duroughs say, "We have tlVe and restaurants range from "Ye 01 de to hang on to as mementos of the Games enJoyed our stay on KwaJ and wlll mlSS our Engllsh" style to a 24-hour pancake house ------frlends and acqua1ntances Hope to return and a health food bar The 21-acre slte It's 5 30 P m and you have not rece1.V­ for another tour " can be seen on foot or by hansom cab ed an Hourglass? Call 84190 for del1.very §ports


V~rg~l H~ll of the Un~ted States waves the flag of h~s home state, North Dakota, after he Cand~e Cost~e (left) and Trac~e Ru~z perform aerob~c defeated Edward Neblett danc~ng as part of the~r seven hours of tra~n~ng every day of Barbados ~n a m~ddle­ for the Olymp~cs The Seattle g~rls, represent~ng the Un~ted we~ght f~ght ~n the 1984 States, won the gold medal ~n the event Thursday Olymp~cs

w~th the gold medal w~nn~ng Roman~an team stand~ng ~n the background, the bronze w~nn~ng Ch~nese team, ~n wh~te, congratu­ late the Amer~cans, k~ss~ng them on the cheek for the~r s~lver medal effort ~n gym­ nast~cs Aug 1

At center r~ght, M~tch Gaylord of Van Nuys, Cal~f , scored a perfect 10 on the r~ngs July 31, he1p~ng the U S gymnast~cs team to a gold medal Here, Gaylord ~s shown dur~ng h~s parallel bars rout~ne

Far r~ght, Mex~co's Armado Romero ~s out of s~ght, under h~s horse, ~n the water, af­ ter tak~ng a sp~ll Aug 1 dur~ng the eques­ tr~an compet~t~on Ne~ther horse nor r~der were ~nJured

Below, Edw~n Moses gets across the last hurdle and w~ns the men's 400-meter hurdles ~n 47 79 seconds dur~ng Olymp~c Track and F~eld Tr~als June 18 Moses eas~ly won the event ~n the Olymp~cs at Los Angeles

Amer~can Greg Lougan~s d~ves past a telev~s~on camera on h~s-Way to the water ~n the spr~ngboard d~v~ng prel~m~­ nar~es at the 1984 Olymp~cs ~n Los Angeles Aug 7 Lou­ gan~s' w~n Sunday pushed the Amer~can gold medal tally over the prev~ous record of 80, to 81

Left, New Zealand's Nerol~ Fa~rhall takes part ~n Olymp~c archery compet~t~on from a wheelcha~r Auq 8

Above, Amer~can Carl Lew~s was charged w~th a fault ~n th~s h~s second leap of the day ~n the long Jump at the 1984 Oly~p~cs ~n Los Angeles Aug 6 In h~s f~rst Jump he leaped 28 feet, J ~nch, wh~ch held up for the day, g~v~ng h~m the gold Lew~s won a total of four gold dur~ng the 1984 Games, ty~ng the prev~ous record held by Jesse Owens

R~ght, Shown ~n act~on ~n the 57 kg box~ng event Aug 5 ~n Los Angeles are Franc~sco Camacho of Mex~co (left) and Amer~can Meldr~k Taylor, who won the match

(UPI photos Layout by Courtney Danko) Sports PAGE 6, HOURGLASS, MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1984 Medal Results: Second Week At The Los Angeles Games By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S FIELD HOCKEY CoXED PAIRS (CONTINUED) MEN'S ARCHERY Holland, gold, West Germany, sllver, and Dlmltrle Popescu, Vaslle Tomolaga and Dumltru Darrell Pace, Unlted States, gold, Unlted States, bronze Raducanu, Romanla, sllver, R1Ch McKlnney, Unlted States, sllver, WOMEN'S UNEVEN PARALLEL BARS GYMNASTICS KeVln Stlll, Robert Espeseth and Douglas Her­ Hlroshl Yamamoto, Japan, bronze Jullanne McNamara, Unlted States, and Ma Yan land, Unlted States, bronze WOMEN'S ARCHERY Hong, Chlna, gold, CoXED FOURS ROWING Seo Hyang-Soon, South Korea, gold, Mary Lou Retton, Unlted States, bronze Brltaln, gold, Unlted States, sllver, New Ll LlngJuan, Chlna, sllver, WOMEN'S BALANCE BEAM GYMNASTICS Zealand, bronze Klm Jln-Ho, South Korea, bronze Ecaterlna Szabo and Slmona Pauca, Romanla, MEN'S EIGHTS ROWING MINIFLYWEIGHT gold, Canada, gold, Unlted States, sllver, Austra­ , Unlted States, gold, Kathy Johnson, Unlted States, bronze lla, bronze Salvatore TodlSCO, Italy, sllver, WOMEN'S INDIVIDUAL VAULT GYMNASTICS INDIVIDUAL EQUESTRIAN DRESSAGE Kelth MWlla, Zambla, and Jose Marcellno Boll­ Ecaterlna Szabo, Romanla, gold, Relner Kllmke, West Germany, gold, var, Venezuela, bronze Mary Lou Retton, Unlted States, sllver, Anne-Grethe Jensen, Denmark, sllver, BOXING Lavlnla Agache, Romanla, bronze Otto J Hofer, SWltzerland, bronze Steve McCrory, Unlted States, gold, Redzep GYMNASTIC FLOOR EXERCISES TEAM EQUESTRIAN DRESSAGE Redzepovskl, Yugoslavla, sllver, Ibrahlm Bl­ Ecaterlna Szabo, Romanla, gold, West Germany, gold, SWltzerland, sllver, Swe­ lall, Kenya, and Eyup Can, Turkey, bronze Jullanne McNamara, Unlted States, sllver, den, bronze BANTAMWEIGHT BOXING Mary Lou Retton, Unlted States, bronze INDIVIDUAL SHml JUMPING Maurlzlo Stecca, Italy, gold, ALL-AROUND RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Joe Fargls, Unlted States, gold, Hector Lopez, Mexlco, sllver, Lorl Fung, Canada, gold, Conrad Homfeld, Unlted States, sllver, Pedro J Nolascoff, Domlnlcan Republlc, and DOlna Stalculescu, Romanla, sllver, Helde Robblanl, SWltzerland, bronze Dale Walters, Canada, bronze Reglna Weber, West Germany, bronze TEAM SHOW JUMPING FEATHERWEIGHT BOXING MEN'S HANDBALL Unlted States, gold, Brltaln, sllver, West Meldrlck Taylor, Unlted States, gold, Yugoslavla, gold, West Germany, sllver, Ro­ Germany, bronze Peter Konyegwachl, Nlgerla, sllver, mam a, bronze MEN'S VOLLEYBALL Omar Catarl Peraza, Venezuela, and Turgut Ay­ wOMEN'S ~ANDBALL Unlted States, gold, Brazll, sllver, Italy, kac, Turkey, bronze Yugoslavla, gold, Korea, sllver, Chlna, bronze BoXINr. bronze WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL , Unlted States, gold, HALF-LIGHTWEIGHT JUDO Chlna, gold, Unlted States, sllver, Japan, Dhawee Umponmaha, Thalland, sllver, YOShlyukl Matsuoka, Japan, gold, bronze Mlrcea Fulger, Romanla, and Mlrko PUZOV1C, Hwang Jung-Oh, South Korea, sllver, MID-HEAVYWEIGHT (90 KG) WEIGHTLIFTING Yugoslavla, bronze Marc Alexandre, France, and Josef Relter, N1CU Vlad, Romanla, gold, LIGHTWEIGHT BOXING Austna, bronze Dumltru Petre, Romanla, sllver, Pernell Whltaker, Unlted States, gold, LIGHTWEIGHT JUDO Davld Mercer, Brltaln, bronze LOU1S Ortlz, Puerto R1CO, sllver, Ahn Byeong-Keun, South Korea, gold, 100 KG WEIGHTLIFTING Chun Chll-Sung, South Korea, and Martln Ndon­ EZ10 Gamba, Italy, sllver, Rolf Mllser, West Germany, gold, go Ebanga, Cameroon, bronze LOU1S Onmura, Brazll, and Kerrlth Brown, Vaslle Gropa, Romanla, sllver, LIGHT MIDDLEWEIGHT BOXING Bntaln, bronze Pekka Nleml, Flnland, bronze , Unlted States, gold, LIGHT-MIDDLEWEIGHT JUDO HEAVYWEIGHT (110 KG) WEIGHTLIFTING Shawn O'Sulllvan, Canada, sllver, Frank Wleneke, West Germany, gold, Norberto Oberburger, Italy, gold, Chrlstophe T10ZZO, France, and Manfred Zlelon­ Nell Adams, Brltaln, sllver, Stefan Tasnadl, Romanla, sllver, ka, West Germany, bronze Mlchel Novak, France, and Mlrcea, Fratlca, Guy Carlton, Unlted States, bronze MIDDLEWEIGHT BOXING Romanla, bronze SUPER HEAVYWEIGHT (MORE THAN 110 KG) WEIGHTLIFT Shln Joon-Sup, South Korea, gold, MIDDLEWEIGHT JUDO Dean Lukln, Australla, gold, Vlrgll Hlll, Unlted States, sllver, Peter Selsenbacher, Austrla, gold, MarlO Martlnez, Unlted States, sllver, Mohamed Zaoul, Algerla, and Arlstldes Gon- Robert Berland, Unlted States, sllver, Manfred Nerllnger, West Germany, bronze zalez, Puerto R1CO, bronze Selkl Nose, Japan, and Walter Carmona, Bra- 48 KG WRESTLING LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT BOXING zll, bronze Bobby Weaver, Unlted States, gold, Anton JOSlpOV1C, Yugoslavla, gold, HALF-HEAVYWEIGHT JUDO Takashl Irle, Japan, sllver, Kevln Barry, New Zealand, sllver, Ha Hyoung-Zoo, South Korea, gold, Son Gab-Do, South Korea, bronze Evander Holyfleld, Unlted States, and Mus­ Douglas Vlelra, Brazll, sllver, 52 KG FREESTYLE WRESTLING tapha Moussa, Algerla, bronze BJarnl Frldrlksson, Iceland, and Guenter Neu­ Saban Trstena, Yugoslavla, gold, HEAVYWEIGHT BOXING reuther, West Germany, bronze Klm Jong-Kyu, South Korea, sllver, Henry Tlllman, Unlted States, gold, HEAVYWEIGHT JUDO YUJl Takada, Japan, bronze Wlllle Dewlt, Canada, sllver, Hltoshl Salto, Japan, gold, 57 KG FREESTYLE WRESTLING Angelo Musone, Italy, and Arnold Van Der L1J­ Angelo Parlsl, France, sllver, Hldeakl Tomlyama, Japan, gold, de, Holland, bronze Yong-Chul Cho, Korea, and Mark Berger, Can­ Barry Davls, Unlted States, sllver, SUPER HEAVYWEIGHT BOXING ada, bronze Klm EU1-Kon, South Korea, bronze Tyrell BlggS, Unlted States, gold, 127-KG JUDO 68 KG FREESTYLE WRESTLING Franco Damlanl, Italy, sllver, Yasuhlro Yamahslta, Japan, gold, You In-Tak, South Korea, gold, Sallhu AZ1S, Yugoslavla, and Robert Wells, Mohamed Rashwan, Egypt, sllver, Andy Reln, Unlted States, sllver, Bntaln, bronze Mlhal C10C, Romanla, and Arthur Schnabel, Jukka Rouhala, Flnland, bronze 1,000 METER SINGLES CANADIAN FINAL West Germany, bronze 74 KG FREESTYLE WRESTLING Ulrlch Elcke, West Germany, gold, MEN'S K-l 500-METER KAYAK Dave Schultz, Unlted States, gold, Larry Caln, Canada, sllver, , New Zealand, gold, Martln Knosp, West Germany, sllver, Hennlng Jakobsen, Denmark, bronze Lars-Erlk Moberg, Sweden, sllver, Saban SeJdl, Yugoslavla, bronze MEN'S 1,000 METERS CANADIAN DOUBLES FINAL Bernard Bregeon, France, bronze 82 KG FREESTYLE WRESTLING Ivan Potzalchln and Toma Slmlonov, Romanla, MEN'S K-2 500-METER KAYAK Mark Schultz, Unlted States, gold, gold, Ian Ferguson and Paul MacDonald, New Zealand, Hldeyukl Nagashlma, Japan, sllver, MatJa LJubek and Mlrko N1SOV1C, Yugoslavla, gold, Chrls Rlnke, Canada, bronze s 11 ver, Per-Inge Bengtsson and Lars-Erlk Moberg, Swe­ 90 KG FREESTYLE WRESTLING Dldler Hoyer and Erlc Renaud, France, bronze den, sllver, Ed Banach, Unlted States, gold, MEN'S 3-METER SPRINGBOARD DIVING Hugh Flher and Alwyn Morrls, Canada, bronze Aklra ohta, Japan, sllver, Greg Louganls, Unlted States, gold, MEN'S C-l 5oo-~ETER KAYAK Noel Loban, Brltaln, bronze Tan Llangde, Chlna, sllver, Larry Caln, Canada, gold, 100 KG FREESTYLE WRESTLING Ron Merrlott, Unlted States, bronze Hennlng Jakobsen, Denmark, sllver, Lou Banach, Unlted States, gold, MEN'S 10-METER PLATFORM DIVING Costlca olaru, Romanla, bronze Joseph Atlyeh, Syrla, sllver, Greg Louganls, Unlted States, gold, MEN'S l,ooo-METER SINGLES KAYAK Vaslle Puscasu, Romanla, bronze Bruce Klmball, Unlted States, sllver, , New Zealand, gold, 136 5-POUND FREESTYLE WRESTLING Ll Kongzheng, Chlna, bronze Mllan Janlc, Yugoslavla, sllver, Randy Lewls, Unlted States, gold, WOMEN'S 3-METER SPRINGBOARD DIVING Greg Barton, Unlted States, bronze Kosel Akalshal, Japan, sllver, Sylvle Bernler, Canada, gold, MEN'S 1,000-~ETER KAYAK DOUBLES Lee Jung-Keun, South Korea, bronze Kelly McCormlck, Unlted States, sllver, Canada, gold, France, sllver, Australla, HEAVYWEIGHT FREESTYLE WRESTLING Chrls Seufert, Unlted States, bronze bronze Bruce Baumgartner, Unlted States, gold, WOMEN'S PLATFORM DIVING MEN'S 1,000-METER KAYAK FOURS Bob Molle, Canada, sllver, Zhou Jl Hong, Chlna, gold, New Zealand, gold, Sweden, sllver, France, Sokho Momadou, Senegal, bronze Mlchelle Mltchell, Unlted States, sllver, bronze FLYING DUTCHMAN CLASS YACHTING Wendy Wyland, Unlted States, bronze WOMEN'S K-l 500-METER KAYAK Wllllam Buchan and Jonathan McKee, Unlted SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING PAIRS Agneta Andersson, Sweden, gold, States, gold, Tracle RU1Z and Candy Costle, Unlted States, Barbara Schuttpelz, West Germany, sllver, Terry McLoughlln and Evert Bastet, Canada, gold, Annemlek Derckx, Holland, bronze sllver, Kelly Kryczke and Sharon Hambrook, Canada, WOMEN'S 50o-METER KAYAK FOURS Jonathan Rlchards and Peter Allam, Brltaln, sllver, Romanla, gold, Sweden, sllver, Canada, bronze bronze Saeko Klmura and Mlwako Motoyoshl, Japan, MEN'S SINGLES SCULLS CLASS YACHTING bronze Perttl Karplnnen, Flnland, gold, and Chrlstopher Tlmms, New Zea­ MEN'S INDIVIDUAL EPEE FENCING Peter Kolbe, West Germany, sllver, land, gold, Phllllppe BOlsse, France, gold, Robert Mllls, Canada, bronze Randy Smlth and Jay Glaser, Unlted States, BJorne Vaggo, Sweden, sllver, DOUBLE SCULLS sllver, Phllllppe Rlbaud, France, bronze Bradley Lewls and Paul Enqulst, Unlted Chrls Kalrns and John Anderson, Australla, MEN'S TEAM FOIL FENCING States, gold, bronze Italy, gold, West Germany, sllver, France, Plerre-Marle Deloof and Dlrk Crols, Belglum, STAR CLASS YACHTING bronze sllver, Blll Buchan, Unlted States, gold, TEAM SABRE FENCING Zoran Panclc and Mllorad Stanulov, Yugoslavla, Joachlm Grlese, West Germany, sllver, Italy, gold, France, sllver, Romanla, bronze bronze Glorglo Gorla, Italy, bronze MEN'S TEAM EPEE FENCING MEN'S QUADRUPLE SCULLS 470 CLASS YACHTING West Germany, gold, France, sllver, Italy, West Germany, gold, Australla, sllver, and LU1S Doreste, Spaln, gold, bronze Canada, bronze Stephen BenJamln, Unlted States, sllver, WOMEN'S TEAM FOIL FENCING CoXLESS FOURS ROWING Thlerry Peponnet, France, bronze West Germany, gold, Romanla, sllver, France, New Zealand, gold, Unlted States, sllver, Den­ CLASS YACHTING bronze mark, bronze , New Zealand, gold, MEN'S FIELD HOCKEY CoXED PAIRS ROWING John Bertrand, Unlted States, sllver, Paklstan, gold, West Germany, sllver, Brltaln, Carmlne Abbagnale, Gluseppe Abbagnale and G1U­ Terry Nellson, Canada, bronze bronze seppe Dl Capua, Italy, gold, (Cont.nJeU on Page 7 ) Sports HOURGLASS, MONDAY, AUGUST 13, PAGE 7 Medal Results From Second Week Of Games By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S 800 METERS (Cont~nued from Page 6) DOlna Mellnte, Romanla, gold, SOLING CLASS YACHTING Klm Gallagher, Unlted States, sllver, Robble Halnes, Unlted States, gold, Flta Lovln, Romanla, bronze Torben Grae1, Brazl1, sllver, WOMEN'S 1,500 METERS Hans Fogh, Canada, bronze Gabrlella DOrlo, Italy, gold, 100-KM TEAM TRIAL CYCLING DOlne Mellnte, Romanla, sllver, Italy, gold, SWltzer1and, sllver, Unlted Marlclca PUlca, Romanla, bronze States, bronze WOMEN'S 3,000 METERS WINDGLIDING MarlClca PUlca, Romanla, gold, Stephan Van Den Berg, Holland, gold, Wendy Sly, Brltaln, sllver, Randall Scott Steele, Unlted States, sllver, Lynn Wllllams, Canada, bronze , New Zealand, bronze WOMEN'S MARATHON SOCCER Joan Benolt, Unlted States, gold, France, gold, Brazll, sllver, Yugoslavla, Greta Waltz, Norway, sllver, bronze Rosa Mota, Portugal, bronze WATER POLO WO~EN'S 100-METER HURDLES Yugoslavla, gold, Unlted States, sllver, West Benlta Fltzgera1d-Brown, Unlted States, gold, Gennany, bronze Shlrley Strong, Brltaln, sllver, SOLO SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING Klm Turner, Unlted States, bronze Tracle RU1Z, Unlted States, gold, WOMEN'S 400-METER HURDLES Carolyn Waldo, Canada, sllver, Nawal El Moutawakel, Morocco, gold, Mlwako Motoyoshl, Japan, bronze JUdl Brown, Unlted States, sllver, MEN'S 200 METERS Crlstlna COJocaru, Romanla, bronze Carl Lewls, Unlted States, gold, WOMEN'S HIGH JUMP Klrk Baptlste, Unlted States, sllver, Ulrlke Meyfarth, West Germany, gold, Thomas Jefferson, Unlted States, bronze Sara Slmeonl, Italy, sllver, MEN'S 400 METERS Jonl Huntley, Unlted States, bronze The Athalon Tenn~s Tournament beg~ns today Alonzo Babers, Unlted States, gold, WO~1EN' S LONG JUMP at the Yokwe Yuk Tenn~s Courts, as part of the Gabrlel Tlacoh, Ivory Coast, sllver, Anlsoara Cusmlr-Stanclu, Romanla, gold, 1984 Sports Fest~val See calendar below Antonlo McKay, Unlted States, bronze Vall Ionescu, Romanla, sllver, Above, Dave Harr~s ~n act~on ~n an earl~er MEN'S 800 METERS Sue Hearnshaw, Brltaln, bronze tenn~s match (Hourglass F~le Photo) Joachlm Cruz, Brazll, gold, WOMEN'S JAVELIN Sebastlan Coe, Brltaln, sllver, Tessa Sanderson, Brltaln, gold, Earl Jones, Unlted States, bronze Tllna Llllak, Flnland, sllver, Sports Calendar MEN'S 1,500 METERS Fatlma Wltbread, Brltaln, bronze By DARLENE KOENIG Sebastlan Coe, Brltaln, gold, WOMEN'S 4X100-METER RELAY Sports Fest~val Coord~nator Steve Cram, Brltaln, sllver, Unlted States, gold, Canada, sllver, Brltaln, TODAY Jose Abascal, Spaln, bronze bronze 6 00 Atha10n Tennls Tournament beglns at the MEN'S 5,000 METERS WOMEN'S 4X400-METER RELAY Yokwe Yuk Tennls Courts Sald Aoulta, Morocco, gold, Unlted States, gold, Canada, sllver, West Ger­ WEDNESDAY, Aug 15 Markus Ryffel, SWltzerland, sllver, many, bronze 5 15 Basketball rosters are due for Raw11ngs Antonlo Lelto, Portugal, bronze WOMEN'S DISCUS Basketball Tournament Turn ln at the MEN'S 10,000 METERS Rla Stalman, Holland, gold, Communl ty Center Alberto Cova, Italy, gold, Leslle Denlz, Unlted States, sllver, 7 30 a m -4 30 P m Slgn-ups begln for free Marttl Valnlo, Fln1and, sllver, Florenta Craclunescu, Romanla, bronze tennlS lessons Slgn up at the Specla1 Mlke McLeod, Brltaln, bronze HAMMER Servlces Offlce MEN'S 110-METER HURDLES Juha Tlalnen, Flnland, gold, FRIDAY, Aug 17 Roger Klngdom, Unlted States, gold, Karl-Hans Rlehm, West Germany, sllver, 4 30 Entry dead11ne for Ektelon Racquetball Greg Foster, Unlted States, sllver, Klaus Ploghaus, West Germany, bronze Tournament Slgn up at the Specla1 Ser­ Arto Bryggare, Fln1and, bronze Vlces Offlce MEN'S 400-METER HURDLES SUNDAY, Aug 19 Edwln Moses, Unlted States, gold, Noon-5 Flnals of Atha10n Tennls Tournament at Danny Harrls, Unlted States, sllver, Olympics Briefs the Yokwe Yuk Courts Harald Schmld, West Germany, bronze LONDON (UPI) -- The boos that ralned down 5 00 Slgn up for Tlger 5K at Emon Beach MEN'S SHOT PUT on Brltaln's South Afrlcan-born runner Zola 5 30 Tlger 5K Race beglns at Emon Beach Alessandro Andrel, Italy, gold, Budd after the tangle that sent Amerlcan Mary Mlchael Carter, Unlted States, sllver, Decker crashlng out of the 01ymplC Games ln High Rollers Dave Laut, Unlted States, bronze the controverslal 3,000 meters were "llke MEN'S HIGH JUMP belnq punched In the stomach," Budd sald In Frlday Nlte Flve men's bowllnq league actlon Dletmar Moegenburg, West Germany, gold, an lntervlew wlth the Dally Mall today Hlgh Game Mark Manner, 216 Patrlck SJoeberg, Sweden, sllver, Budd was lnltlally dlsqua1lfled from the Second-Hlgh Game Rolf Sa1hus, 211 Zhu Jlanhua, Chlna, bronze race by an In-track offlcla1 but subsequent­ Hlgh Sarles Mark Manner, 606 MEN'S LONG JUMP ly relnstated by the unanlmous rullng of an Second-Hlgh Serles Rolf Sa1hus, 559 Carl Lewls, Unlted States, gold, elght-man lnternatlonal Jury WhlCh found * * * Gary Honey, Australla, sllver, she was not to blame for the lncldent Budd, Ehukal Mlxed League actlon Sunday nlght Glovannl Evangellstl, Italy, bronze who hung a plcture of her herolne Decker In Men's DlVlslon MEN'S JAVELIN her room In South Afrlca, flnlshed seventh Hlgh Game Bob Nleml, 216 Arto Haerkoenen, Flnland, gold, * * * Second-Hlgh Game Lance Yamaguchl, 203 Davld Ottley, Brltaln, sllver, JOHANNESBURG, South Afrlca (UPI) -- A Hlgh Serles Bob Nleml, 609 Kenth Eldebrlnk, Sweden, bronze buslnessman has offered a $65,000 purse for Second-Hlgh Serles Rolf Salhus, 534 MEN'S POLE VAULT a rematch between U S track star Mary Deck­ Women's Dlvlslon Plerre QUlnon, France, gold, er and fonner sprlngbok athlete Zola Budd, Hlgh Game Mable Plerce, 191 Mlke Tully, Unlted States, sllver, the South Afrlcan Broadcastlng Corporatlon Second-Hlgh Game Teklna Holt, 184 Earl Bell, Unlted States, bronze sald Sunday Hlgh Serles Mable Plerce, 487 DECATHLON Decker's hopes of an Olymplc gold medal Second-Hlgh Serles L1Z Denny, 460 Daley Thompson, Brltaln, gold, were shattered Saturday when she was car­ Juergen Hlngsen, West Gennany, sllver, rled from the track ln agony after collld­ Slegfrled Wentz, West Gennany, bronze lng wlth Budd In the flnal of the women's Dive Trip Scheduled MEN'S DISCUS 3,000-meter event From the KSC Rolf Danneberg, West Gennany, gold, Joe Berardo, a bank and mlnlng company The KMR recreatlonal dlve boat lS gOlng to Mac Wllklns, Unlted States, sllver, dlrector ln Johannesburg, has offered a Shell, East Reef, Saturday, Aug 18 John Powell, Unlted States, bronze $65,000 purse for a rematch Dlvers should be at the tankhouse before MEN'S 3,000-METER STEEPLECHASE * * * 8 a m to Slgn ln Standbys wl11 be taken after JUllUS Korlr, Kenya, gold, LOS ANGELES (UPI) -- It was the great that tlme and no one wlll be added to the manl­ Joseph Mah~oud, France, sllver, 01ymplcs drug bust fest after the truck leaves the tankhouse The Brlan Dlemer, Unlted States, bronze In a hlgh-tech assault on the cheats, the boat wl11 return at 3 30 P m MEN'S 4X100-METER RELAY Los Angeles Games provlded the 01ymP1C antl­ Dlvers are remlnded that everyone 15 needed Unlted States, gold, Jamalca, sllver, Canada, doplng squad wlth ltS blggest-ever haul, to help load and unload tanks and equlpment, bronze runnlng lnto double flgures for the flrst both at the tankhouse and at the dock MEN'S 4X400-METER RELAY tlme Dlvemasters for thlS week are J Troxell Unlted States, gold, Brltaln, sllver, Nlgerla, "Eleven tests have proved posltlVe and and M Troxell bronze there could be two more," Prlnce Alexandre Spearflshlng wl11 not be allowed MEN'S 50KM WALK De Merode, Belqlan head of the OlymP1C Medl­ Only members of KwaJaleln and ROl-Namur Raul Gonzales, Mexlco, gold, cal Commlsslon, sald Sunday Scuba Clubs and quallfled guests may use KSC­ Bo Gustafsson, Sweden, sllver, More than 1,500 athletes went through the supplled alr or tanks Sandro Belluccl, Italy, bronze doplng control system at Los Angeles MEN'S MARATHON The maJorlty of offenders here were found Carlos Lopes, Portugal, gold, gUllty of taklng anabollc sterolds, derlva­ Tennis Courts Reserved John Treacy, Ireland, sllver, tlves of the male hormone testosterone -- a The Yokwe Yuk Tennls Courts wl11 be re­ Charles Speddlng, Brltaln, bronze body mass produclng drug served for the Athalon Slng1es and Doubles WOMEN'S 100 METERS * * * Tennls Tournament, today through Aug 17, 6 to Evelyn Ashford, Unlted States. gold. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -- Forty-seven natlons 10 pm, Aug 18 from 4 to 6 pm, and Aug 19 Allce Brown, Unlted States, sllver, won medals at the 1984 Summer 01ymP1CS, 11 from noon untll 5 pm, accordlng to the KwaJ­ Merlene Ottey-Page, Jamalca, bronze more than managed to do so ln Moscow four aleln Tennls Club and Specla1 Servlces offl­ WOMEN'S 200 METERS years ago and only one off the a11-tlme rec­ cla1s Valerle Brlsco-Hooks, Unlted States, gold, ord In case of a major raln delay, says Bobbl Florence Grlfflth, Unlted States, sllver, Ireland entered the flnal event of the Glbson of the KTC, the conso1atlon matches Merlene Ottey-Page, Jamalca, bronze Games -- the men's marathon -- wlthout any wll1 be scrubbed, and the tnllrnnment wl11 be WOMEN'S 400 METERS medals, but John Treacy captured the sllver slngle e11mlnatlon Valerle Brlsco-Hooks, Unlted States, gold, Morocco won ltS flrst two golds ever, and Saturday and Sunday mornlng hours ~ay be Chandra Cheeseborough, Unlted States, sllver, the Ivory Coast won ltS flrst medal of any used for make-up matches for ralned-out games, Kathy Cook, Brltaln, bronze klnd -- a sllver Glbson added ]Focus PAGE 8. HOURGLASS MONDAY AUGUST 13 1984 --- Sky Divers land In AJfIf Smelly Situation £tlIIders SHERIDAN, Ore (UPI) Two sky d1vers who drlfted away from thelr landlng target qot a smelly sltua­ t10n shortly after touch­ Dear Ann Landers My Everyone needs someone to down last week By ERMA BOMBECK parents (now 1n the1r ear­ unload on I don't have the The parachut1sts told a Ed~tor's note Repr~nted by request ly 70s) worked hard all tlme or money for a thera­ Yamhlll County sherlff's For years I have been trY1ng to convert the1r llves and put the1r P1St, so thanks for llsten- deputy they landed Sunday my husband to "punctuallty " It lS my dreams of ret1rement on lng Lou A , Pueblo, evenlng on the property llfe's work hold Dad lS 1n good health Colo east of the Sherldan Alr­ What I'm deallng w1th 1S an ll-month but Mom has Alzhelmer's Dear Lou I'm glad you port, but before they coulrl baby who has never seen the flrst 10 d1sease She cannot be left wrote Do so aga~n ~f you leave, they were confronted mlnutes of anythlnq He's never seen a cur­ alone even for a short per­ feel l~ke ~t by a man wearlng a olllow­ taln qo up, never heard an overture, never lod of tlme He refuses to Alzhe~mer's ~s one of the case over hlS head who seen a race start, never entered a bus leave her w1th "strangers" cruelest of all d~seases, dumoed "anlmal waste" on that was standl nq stlll, and has never Dad has no tlme for hlm­ and as yet there ~s no cure, them from a 5-aallon can aotten a parklng place close to the door self or any of the thlngs but researchers ~n many Sky dlver Pattlson Es­ Just once I'd llke to get to a buffet he used to enJoy They llve centers are work~ng on ~t mlOl, 52, a Portland doc­ table where there wasn't a gaplng hole 40 mlles from me, ln a Bless you and your won­ tor, had trouble wlth hlS ln the tuna mold or a salad wlth all the small town \~lth no support derful father for your maln parachute and was com­ tomatoes gone groups T am a w('rklnq w1fe, k~ndness and devot~on to lng down en hlS reserve Just once I'd llke to go to a mOVle the mother of three small your mother Those so-called parachute when he landed 1n when the llqhts are on and I can see to chlldren, but I manage to fr~ends are show~ng the~r an aople tree flnd my seat qO see them every weekend true colors Noth~ng exposes The second parachutlst, Be1nq late lS hablt-formlnq I know so Dad can buy grocerles the phon~es l~ke sorrow or Mart1n Scott, 34, a Beaver­ there lS somethlng Freudlan about lt, but My husband lS very under­ s~ckness ton flre preventlon of­ I don't know what My best guess would standlng but I feel gUllty One suggest~on Don't flcer, landed nearby and be that wherever he's gOlng, he doesn't leavlng hlm to care for the leave your husband on week­ left hlS oarachute to helo want to go ln the f1rst place young ones ends Ins~st that he and free Esm10l He sald hlS The th 1ng about people Ilho a re a 1ways It lS heartbreaklng to the k~ds go w~th you parachute was gone when he late lS there lS no way to reach them see Dad wearlng out hlS went back to retr1eve 1t I've tr1ed decept1on, where you lle about health and gettlng no thanks Ann Landers dlscusses The prooerty owner told the t1me you're supposed to be somewhere from Mom (She lS often teen-age drlnk1ng -- ltS authorltles he knew nothlng H1S body reJects the adjustment abuslve and obstlnate ) myths, ltS reallt1es Learn about the lncldent Some Humlllatlon has been tr1ed Llke the When we were growlng uo, the facts by readlng "Booze alrport ne1ghbors have ex­ nlqht we arrlved at a party and we heard my mother "dld" for every­ and You -- For Teen-Agers pressed anlmoslty about un­ a VOl ce say, "Good qn ef, the Bombecks have body She shared everythlng Only " authorlzed landlno by sky arrlved I dldn't know lt was so late we had, even when we had Dlscover how to be date dlvers from the Pac1flC Roy, we've qot to qo " very llttle balt w1thout falllng hook, Parachute Center, based at Entlcement never worked One nlght When I telephone her llne and slnker Ann Land­ the alrport talked hlm lnto aOlna to a football aame frlends and ask them to er's bookl et, "Datlng Do's on t1me When the band struck uo a tune please stop over and glve and Don'ts," wlll help you Bad Aim he sald, "What lS that7" Dad a llttle help, they be more p01sed and sure of "It's the Star-Spangled Banner They say, "It lS too heartbreak­ yourself on dates With Crutch nlay 1t before every s~orts event" lng to see your mother so For e1ther of the above "\oJhat for?" changed Besldes, she booklets, send 50 cents Inlures Officer "Evpryone slngs lt and 1t sets a tone" wouldn't remember we were along w1th a long, stamped, SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) "No one lS slng1ng It,'' he sa1d, "and there anyway " Dad says I self-addressed envelope Larleto P Montoya says for th1S I came wlthout socks" shouldn't beg -- that he'll wlth your request to Ann he almed hlS crutch at a The converSlon of a conf1rmed dawdler manage somehow Landers, POBox 11995, can of beer and h1t a U S lS the dream of a lot of oeople We got I am surprlsed at how Chlcago, III 60611 forest ranger lnstead lucky the other n1ght, en route to a angry I am I guess that's Copynght 1984 ~ontoya aopealed hlS sports event ~ade every trafflC llght, what we need you for, Ann News Group Ch~cago Inc convlctlon of assaultlnq a found a park1nq spot near the entrance, federal offlcer and arqued and encountered no crowds Inslde, we Tuesday that he only In­ made a d1scovery The event wasn't unt1l tended to knock the beer the next nl qht Your Individual from the hand of a Man who As my husband sat down ln the bleachers had taken lt from hlm he sald, "ThlS early enough for you? I Horoscope The offlcer, who had don't know what you see ln be1ng here on been called to the lake to tlme It's bon ng " ======frances Drake====~~2======break up a rowdy drlnklnq FOR TUESDAY AUGUST 14 1984 party last August, reoulred Locker Room Offers three stltches ln hlS head The court declded ln the ARIES You'll finally muster up the courage "Different" Ed ucation (Mar 21 to Apr 19) to get to kno~ an attractIve person case of assault on federal Stew10g over a problem leads to 10 better Take no nsks WIth money at offlcers the suspect could SHEFFIELD LAKE, OhlO (UPI) -- A hlqh ertla Get to the roots of your dilem present not be found gUllty for school gYMnaslum lS belng redeslgned rna AdvIce IS hable to be faulty SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22toDec 21) the un1ntentlOnal lnJury after qlrls comolalned the1r walk through Fmances should tmprove caused by lousy alm the boys' locker room to reach the exer­ TAURUS Fanuly doesn't contrIbute much to (Apr 20to May 20) peace of nund You'll have to fmd a Clse equloment was glvlng them a dlfferent Both pluses and nunuses occur m qwet nook to accomplIsh what you Researcher Notes klnd of phvs1cal educat10n the area of fnendslup A partner acts feel you must Authorltles at the Sheffleld-Sheffleld as a valuable go between Protect CAPRICORN Video Mania Lake School Dlstrlct agreed Thursday to agamst deceptIOn (Dec 22toJan 19) move the unlversal gym equlpment after GEMINI Your feelmgs of self-confIdence Malady (May 21 to June 20) may stIr up feelings of Inadequacy m hearlna the camplalnts Some busmess proposlttons you another You may not get the feed IOI-'A CITY, Iowa (UPI) "It's a dllemma that's bUllt partly hear now are farfetched StIck to ter back you deSIre -- A vldeo game addlct who lnto the bUlldlng," school supenntendent ntory you know Then, you 11 make AQUARIUS developed stlgmata -- Clr­ Dona~d Ch1avetta sa1d headway (Jan 20toFeb 18) One tlung does go rIght on thiS day cular, bleedlng wounds on Students of both sexes at Brookslde CANCER "~ (June 21 to July 22) 1·l\tC when many projects seem stalled her palms -- was the V1C­ Hlgh School, about 20 mlles west of Cleve­ A pleasure tnp IS your goal, but It's Though money comes In, be careful to tlm of exceSSlve play, not land, have sald they are embarrassed by dIffIcult to make all the pieces fIt now hold on to It metaohyslcS, a bemused re­ the locker room setup, especlally when Legal matters aren t especIally PffiCES ~ searcher has sald some of the boys bare thelr prlvates ln favored (Feb 19 to Mar 20) ~ You're better off making plans for "My secretary came to front of the glrls LEO ~ (July23toAug 22) 't!'t, the future than countmg on too much work wlth these bleedlno The unlversal gym eaulpment lS stored You're on safe ground m the real to happen now Busmess reqwres a sores on her hands," Nlls ln the school's varslty locker room To estate area, but other mvestments down t~arth approach Varney sald, of Iowa Clty'S avold passlng through the boys' locker should be aVOided Be wary m making YOU BORN TODAY crave work Veterans Adm1n1strat1on room, glrls must go through the bOller busmess agreements that keeps you on the move or IS m tellectually sttmulatmg You have to Medlcal Center The wounds room outdoors, Chlavetta sa1d VffiGO ~1 (Aug 23toSept 22) ~ overcome a tendency to be expedient resembled the stlamata Chlavetta sa1d, however, the un1versal Those lIttle thmgs In hfe crop up Fmd work that matches your Ideals WhlCh sometlmes appears on qym eaUloment would be moved to "neutral once more to plague you A partner's and you'll nse to the top Try to over devout persons ln a rell­ tern tory" next year untll a new door can lack of directness doesn t help out Be come tmpatIence and cultIvate the glOUS fervor, resembllna be bUllt patient stnct applIcatIOn that IS necessary for success MUSIC painting, sculpture, the wounds of Chrlst Parents were st1ll anqry at the sltua­ LIDRA ~ (Sept 23 to Oct 22) ~vWol engmeerIng, sCIence and brokerage But when Varrey ques­ tlon, WhlCh students sald had eXlsted for ConfUSIOn may reign at the offIce, are some of the fIelds m wluch you'll tloned hlS secretary, he several years but there IS a chance for fmanclal gam fmd fulfillment You are mventtve "They don't need that type of educa­ BIrth date of John Galsworthy, found she was the vlctlm now However you must be deCISive of a new klnd of manla tlOn," one narent sald "That makes me Don t dIlly-{)ally novelIst DaVid Crosby, rock musl Clan, and Russell Baker, Journahst She had been pl aYl nq "SDace mad (Off1c1als) should never have allowed SCORPIO (Oct 23 to Nov 21) © 1984 King Features Syndicate Inc Invaders" for 26 hours 1t to happen"




They'll Do It Every Time

f0'N N\<\NY FCtJNDS HAVE You LDsT we. ~'r DEAL WITH IN '(OlJR NEW EXCERC/5E aA55 ? fbUN[)';, WE. TRY TO CCNCENTRJ\TE oN INOIES I C,.osswo,.d By Eugene Sheffer ACROSS 48 EmphaSIZe 4 Phone 21 Roulette bet - I-Vegas 52 Chomped part 23 Worn out - 4 Va!pplre 53 Pseudonym 5 Fly 24 Past 7 Eagar- 54 -haw 6 Conductor's 25 College deg

_ .._ A_OC SW ....1c1 Poe 55 Dmed concern 26 Seme summer Cl News Orvup Ctllc ... Inc III •• 12 Seabird 56 Poet John 7" -well 28 Certam 13 Vigil 57 DeclIIlal base thatends .. degree BEETLE BAILEY mort walker 14 Tenant's 58 Sailor 8 Garland 30 Blazed the paper DOWN 9 Fall path yOU HEAR ALL THE HA I HAl THAT~ JUST BECAUSE I. 15 Mature 1 Collar at­ behlnd 31 Literary 5CUTTLEI3UTT, JULIUS THE WAY RUMORS MISPLACED 16 Public at­ tachment 10 Cigar monogram WHAT ARE THE MEN GET5TARTEP /'IIY HAT tentlon 2 Debate remnant 32 "The SAYING ABOUT MEt Ye5TERPAY 18 Take to 3 Villamous 11 catch Greatest" court look 17 "-,zwel, " 33 Center 19 -lazull 36 Prepare for 20 Munich takeoff rruster 37 "-Ismg" 22 Weight urut 4() Correct 23 Race end ~Ho'-;ii;:;j 42 Afncan 27 Smgleton capital 29 Trlflmg 43 Actress 31 AtoZ Gillette 34 Wear away 44 Pool filler 35 Crop disease .,..~~ 45 Other 37 Poem II!! 46 Brttlsh gun 38 Bepartlsan ~~~m~~ 48 Possessed 39 Sandy's bark 49 World labor 41 Tie org 45 Leaves 50 card game 47 Literary Frlday's Solutlon 51 Solo, of collectIon "Star Wars" PAGE 10, HOURGLASS, MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1984 • GARDEN ENTHUSIASTS Come JOln us at the OFFICIAL NOTICES RETAIL SERVICES monthly meetlng of the Ho'oulu Garden Club BECAUSE OF THE EXISTING WATER SITUATION, Aug 15, 9 am, Qtrs 444B Decoratlng MP we regret that rugs cannot be accepted for Room wlll be dlscussed Brlng ldeas and a launder1ng unt1l the ra1ns return Know1ng frlend For lnfo, call 82658 that 1t requ1res 350 gallons of water to wash a large rug, you w1ll understand the COME EXERCISE WITH US MONDAY, WEDNESDAY necess1ty for th1S temporary restr1ct1on and Frlday, 7 30-8 30 pm, and Tuesday (The Laundry) and Thursday, 12 30-1 30 p m at the Com­ munlty Center For questlons call Cheryll PET OWNERS REQUIRING PROFESSIONAL VETER- RFWAY Barslc, 84455 See you there 1nary serV1ces are requested to call Ken Schneck at 82633 for an appo1ntment reser­ BOY SCOUT TROOP 314, "The Islanders," wlll vat1on, so that arrangements can be made to hold the1r weekly meetlng Aug 15, 7 pm, br1ng Dr Palumbo to KwaJale1n dur1ng Sep- Scout Hut It wlll cover the Flnqerprlnt- tember (Hosp1tal Veter1nary Serv1ces) food store 1ng Men t Badge THERE HAVE BEEN A FEW INCIDENTS where gro­ NEWCOMERS' COFFEE, sponsored by the Yokwe cer1es from Surfway have been del1vered to Patrons Yuk Women's Club, Tuesday, Aug 14, 401C, the wrong address To help allev1ate th1S 8 30 a m All women new on lsland, please problem, please check your grocery bags to come Dottle Newman, 82345 ensure that they have the correct res1dence SURFWAY NEEDS YOUR SUGGESTIONS number (Global QA) COMMODORE 64 USERS GROUP wlll meet tonlght ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, FROM 2 30 at 7 o'clock, Qtrs 411C FOOD SERVICES TO 5 30 PM, SURFWAY MANAGEMENT PERSON­ NEL WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THE STORE TO CONTROL OF BLEEDING PDR DINNER ENTREES FOR THE WEEK* DISCUSS YOUR PARTICULAR PREFERENCES RE­ Today Roast ch1cken w1th gravy GARDING GROCERY AND MEAT LINES CURRENTLY Pork adobo OFFERED Tuesday Beef chow me1n Roast pork 101n w1th gravy Wednesday Char-bro1led New York steak Thursday Fr1ed ch1cken w1th gravy Spaghett1 w1th meat sauce Fr1day Baked f1llet of cod Sauerbraten w1th natural gravy Saturday SW1SS steak w1th gravy Turkey a la k1ng Sunday Cafeter1a round au JUS Baked ham w1th ra1S1n sauce *Menu 1S subject to change wlthout notlce GOURMET SNACK BAR DAILY SPECIALS Tuesday Beef wlth vegetables CATALOGUES Soup - Oxta1l Wednesday Chlcken w1th lonq rlce Soup - Beef vegetable ALSO. AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME WILL BE Thursday Sweet sour sparerlbs GOURMET FOOD CATALOGS FOR YOU TO BROWSE Soup - Egg drop THROUGH THE FOOD STORE WILL BE PLACING Frlday SW1SS steak A GOURMET ORDER FOR THE UPCOMING HOLIDAY Soup - Vegetable AND YOUR INPUT WILL BE APPRECIATED ....N".ESSURE.'" Ittl fi~ ..... l"IrE" Saturday Pork adobo (bra1sed) "NGi. ~.~ssuu .N .... n" .. l ""ElY , ...... _"~ IhO \'0.1.1 ,h. ho"~."'h.I.", ••I.M r " ... ~" on ,h. ~,.d•• 1 .". r .,. not ,~. ""do I"., ".ho '" ~ I'" .,.,"" ,h. "" ••,1, n" •• , .,n" w II ~.~.,.. II ~ m".~ '",11 ....1 ~I ••d " \'0 v~~. ""'" ~v::'~:h"~"'" n, ",h. 10_ ••• 1.", 'T .,Ih rh, • ., Soup - Chlcken vegetable .... ~ .... ,h. ~, ... v,. ,. ,,' YOKWE YUK CLUB DAILY AND WEEKLY SPECIALS* NOTE THE FOOD STORE WILL NOT Tuesday Mexlcan Flesta BE OPEN FOR RESALE AT THE ABOVE Wednesday Joe's Spec1al STATED TIMES Thursday Spaghettl and Meatballs Fr1day Shrlmp Creole Saturday Lemon Chlcken Sunday Beef Stroganoff Weekly speclal Beef Llver and Onlons *Menu lS subJect to change wlthout notlce HELP WANTED MATURE PERSON TO BABYSIT A 3-year-old glrl and a 9-month-old boy on Sunday evenlngs, FOR SALE 6-8 30 P m Please call Marla at 82527 10-SPEED ~IKE, d1ve gear, new/used llghts, flns, Tabata BC wlth LPI, new tenn1S rack­ SURFWAY IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR IN­ ets, new pollce flashllghts, etc H82362 ventory help Aug 30 Call 83607 or slgn up at Surfway's back offlce Tonight At The MOVies SUNPACK 32 underwater flash, excellent con­ dltlon, only used a few tlmes, $135 Call THE HOURGLASS HAS TYPIST POSITIONS OPEN, Rlchardson - GOdZllla vs Megalon 84391 after 6 p m full- or part-t1me Must be able to type 7 30 ------G at least 50 wpm accurately for long per­ Ivey Hall - Of Unknown Onglns LA MACHINE II FOOD PROCESSOR wlth extra lods of tlme Contact Global Assoclates 6 30, 8 30 ------R bowl and d1SCS, beater, $20, snorkels, f1ns Pprsonnel to apply Yokwe Yuk - Easy Money and masks, adult and ch1ldren's Slzes, al­ 12 40 a m ------R so vests, very reasonable Call W84819, SERVICES OFFERED Tradewlnds - Rear Wlndow H82608 8 00 ------PG ~AFE, DEPENDABLE CHILD CARE, by the hour, PATIO COVER 32'x15', can be seen at Tr 793 day or week Tr 723, 82325 Tonight On TeleVISion Tra1ler avallable for transfer, or cover KwaJalem may be moved No reasonable offer refused COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 4 30 Famlly Feud/Gen Hosp Call W84819, H82608 5 35 Solld Gold THE KWAJALEIN YACHT CLUB WILL MEET at the 6 25 Entertalnment ThlS Week 1 3 CUBIC FOOT MICROWAVE OVEN, $175, SlX­ Yuk Theater 7 30 pm, Wednesday, Aug 22 7 15 NFL Hall Of Fame foot Chrlstmas tree and stand, $10 82262 Nate Jackson wlll speak and show slldes of Inductlon Ceremonles hlS recent trlp Refreshments wlll be serv­ 7 25 Olymplad Hlghllghts TWO 85-HP JOHNSON OUTBOARD ENGINES, power ed 10 10 M1SS Black Amerlca 1984 tllt and controls Excellent condltlon 11 20 Best Of Carson L Campbell, 99124, 82577 EMON LODGE NO 179 F&AM WILL HOLD A speclal 12 10 Donahue (Hlgh School communlcatlon Tuesday evenlng All Master Swefthea rts) AZYBOY SLEEPER SOFA Brand new condlt1on Masons are lnvlted to attend Bus serVlce ROI-Namur Sall 82527 provlded at the usual stops and tlmes In­ 5 25 General Hospltal fo, call K Holt, secretary 6 10 James Mlchener 7 00 Olymplad Hlghllghts GIVEAWAY ANYONE INTERESTED IN FORMING A TI99/A 10 00 "Bnght Vlctory" SMALL CHILD'S TRICYCLE, very rusty but users qroup 1S asked to contact Steve at 11 40 Knots Landlng st1ll works Call 82527 82531 evem ngs