![Kwajalein Hourglass](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
KwaJalein Hourglass VOL XXI, NO 157 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1984 98th Congress Surpasses TO ISRAELI PARLIAMENT Its Own Expectations THOUSANDS PROTEST SWEARING-IN WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Wlthout flnal approval, 98th Congress, lts term all pendlng buslness -- wlth nearly complete, surpassed the exceptlon of treatles -- OF AMERICAN-BORN MILITANT ltS own expectatlons thlS dles and does not carryover JERUSALEM (UPI) -- Thou­ Israel radlo sald he mut­ Soldlers In green be­ electlon year by enactlng a to the 99th Congress that sands of demonstrators gath­ tered somethlng and wltness­ rets, who guarded the bUlld­ tax lncrease, a 21 drlnklng meets In January ered peacefully today to pro­ es sald lt was psalms "to lng, carrled US-made M-16 age, penslon equlty for wom- But the Senate and House test the swearlng-ln of Rab­ swear In to a hlgher author- n fl es en and even a small pay ralse have agreed on substantlal bl Melr Kahane to the Israe- 1ty" than the 120-member Kahane's supporters sald for lawmakers leglslatlon, much more than 11 Parllament, but the Amer­ Knesset, to WhlCh he was they planned no counterpro­ The Senate and House re- congresslonal leaders expect- lcan-born mllltant apparent­ elected In the lnconcluslve test agalnst the more than cessed Frlday for three weeks ed at the beglnnlng of the ly lmprovlsed hlS own oath July 23 natlonal electlons 10 centrlst and leftlst so members can attend the presldentlal electlon year of offlce The rabbl drove up to the groups composlng the ad-hoc Republlcan Natlonal Conven- Among other thlngs, Con- The apppearance of Kahane, Knesset past rows of demon­ "Comffilttee Agalnst Raclsm " tlon In Dallas Wlth a tar- gress enacted $50 bllllon In founder of the Jewlsh Defense strators At one pOlnt, pro­ The speclal demonstratlon get adJournment date of new taxes that malnly come League who wants to expel all testers pounded on hlS car, commlttee sald Kahane eplt­ Oct 4, members of Congress from closlng tax loopholes Arabs from Israel, overshad­ but he blew klsses at them omlzed the raClsm that has wlll have only 22 worklng and ralslng llquor taxes, owed the convenlnq of the and on leavlng the Parlla­ seen Palestlnlans compared days left to flnlsh thelr and $13 bllllon In spendlng 11 th Knesset ment bUlldlng he gave a to "cockroaches ln a bot­ buslness when they return cuts that lnclude hlgher Kahane, clutchlng a pray­ thumbs-up slgn tle" by former Chlef of Sept 5 out-of-pocket costs for er book wlth plnk carnatlons Actlng speaker Josef Burg Staff Rafael Eltan and "two­ Issues left unresolved In- Medlcare beneflclarles as book marks, lnslsted on called Kahane to order three legged anlmals" by former clude defense spendlng, the Also approved was a recltlng psalm verses and tlmes, but sald he dld not Prlme Mlnlster Menachem MX mlsslle, a debt celllng $150 mllllon approprlat10n swore alleglance to the Old know whether Kahane took the Begln The Knesset recessed 1ncrease and the nomlnatlon to beg1n development of a Testament oath or not after the openlng ceremony of Edwln Meese for attorney permanent, ~anned space sta- general tlon Wal sa Challenges Warsaw Regime To Negotiate With Union GDANSK, Poland (UPI) -- Warnlng of a posslbly "unavold­ able" Coll1s10n between Poles and the communlst reglme, Lech Walesa challenged premler Gen WOJc1ech Jaruzelsk1 to negotlate wlth the outlawed Solldarlty Unlon to solve Po­ land's problems "The general mood of the country 15 not good, there lS dlssatlsfactlon because of our contlnued poor economlC per­ formance WhlCh could easlly erupt lnto demonstratlOns," Wa­ lesa sald In an lntervlew Sunday at hlS home In the Baltlc port Clty of Gdansk Walesa, leader of the banned Solldarlty Unlon, welcomed the communlst government's recent amnesty that has freed hundreds of Solldarlty members from Jall, but he called on authorltles to take further steps toward natlonal reconCl­ llatlOn "If Jaruzelskl was able to declare an amnesty, then he could take another step forward by slttlng at the negotl­ atlng table wlth us and openlng the posslblllty of coopera­ tlon wlthout confllct," he sald The amnesty for 652 polltlcal prlsoners and 35,000 com­ mon crlmlnals was lmplemented to mark the 40th annlversary of communlst rule In Poland But the government has reJected demands from leaders of the outlawed unlon for trade unlon plurallsm and legallza­ tlon of Solldanty, WhlCh the Warsaw reglme says lS "a thlng of the past" JERUSALEM -- M~l~tant Rabb~ Me~r Kahane gestures w~th a closed f~st ~n h~s Kach Move­ In Apparent Suicide, ment off~ces as he speaks w~th a un~formed Israel~ sold~er supporter Kahane won a Parl~a­ ment seat ~n the recent elect~ons and ~s call~ng on the removal of all Arabs from Israel Man Rams Crowded Cable Car -- both Israel proper and the occup~ed West Bank (UPI Photo) SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -- The cable car struck A man sped down one of the three other vehlcles be­ Two Servicemen Ole u.S. Fund-RaiSing Group steepest hllls In San Fran­ hlnd lt as lt sped out of C1SCO and rammed head-on control down the hlll The In F-14 Crash Sunday lnto a cable car pack­ car had Just plcked up a MANILA, Phlllpplnes (UPI) Urges Washington To Arm IRA ed wlth tourlsts, kllllng full load of passengers -­ -- The bodles of two Amerl­ BELFAST, Northern Ire­ west Belfast headquarters the drlver and lnJurlng 30 almost all tourlsts on a can serVlcemen whose F-14 land -- A U S fund-ralslng of Slnn Feln, the POlltl­ people sunny afternoon outlng Jet crashed four days ago group for the Irlsh Republl­ cal wlng of the IRA Pollce and wltnesses sald The ldentlty of the dunng a "famlllanzatlOn can Army today urged Wash­ Pollce charged the crowd lt appeared the man commlt­ drlver of the automoblle fllght" have been recovered lngton to arm the outlawed when Galvln, 34, who had ted sUlclde H1S car was on was not lmmedlately deter­ from dense Jungle south of organlzatlon a day after thE been banned from enterlng the wrong slde of the street, mlned, pollce sald H1S Manlla, U S offlclals sald fund-ralsers' leader set off Northern Ireland, appeared raclng at an estlmated body was prled from the man­ Sunday a clash wlth pollce that on a stage to make a speech 60 mph and maklng no attempt gled car A spokesman at SUblC Bay left one dead and 20 lnJured to the crowd He managed to to stop, pollce sald Thlrty people -- cable Naval Base ldentlfled the Rlchard Lawlor, a spokes­ escape before pollce could The force of the crash car passengers, the conduc­ two crew aboard the F-14 as man for the Northern Ireland reach the stage sent screamlng passengers tor and the brakeman -­ Lt Cmdr Wllllam Hall, the Ald Commlttee, told a news The rally was called to sprawllng onto the street suffered a varlety of most­ pllot, and the radar lnter­ conference that lt was "a mark the 13th annlversary or the floor of the cable ly mlnor lnJurles cept offlcer, Cmdr James M moral duty of every average of lmposltlon of lnternment car, WhlCh bolted back down It was the flrst serlOUS Joyce Both men were from Amerlcan to ensure (the IRA) wlthout trlal for suspected the street for several hun­ accldent lnvolvlng a cable San Dlego, Callf get Amerlcan guns to ensure terron sts dred yards before the brake­ car Slnce the system reopen­ The Jet dlsappeared democracy " In further vlolence to­ man could brlng lt to a ed June 21 after a two-year Wednesday afternoon after "People often say lf day, youths hlJacked and halt renovatlon proJect taklng off from a naval alr they (the IRA) get Sovlet burned four vehlcles In statlon 60 mlles north of arms they must be communlsts Cathollc west Belfast, and Manlla, on a "routlne aerlal If they get arms from Llbya pollce In Londonderry aban­ '~/lY W~TER REPORT famlllarlzatlOn fllght," the they must be anarchlsts " doned thelr headquarters spokesman sald He sald lt followed that the after a hlJacked truck car­ Condltlon Code POOR Wreckage of the plane and Unlted States should arm the rYlng gasollne and belleved Ralnwater Caught o gallons the two bodles were found IRA so that lt would remaln carrylng a bomb was parked Reverse Osmosls Productlon 195,000 gallons about 135 mlles southeast of democratlc outslde Yesterday's Consumptlon 240,000 gallons SUblC Bay In dense Jungle, R10t pollce attemptlng to The chlef constable of Oa lly Target 180,000 gallons Lt Cmdr Alan Ables sald arrest Norald's Amerlcan dl­ the Northern Ireland pollce Percentage Over Target 33% Ables sald authorltles have rector Martln Galvln Sunday force ordered an lnvestlga­ Trend From Precedlng Day DOWN begun a formal lnvestlgatlon flred plastlc bullets lnto tlon of the pollce opera­ lnto the accldent a large crowd outslde the tlon WhlCh left one dead World News PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, MONDAY, AUGUST 13, lq84 News Briefs Egypt Accuses Libya Striking British Coal Miners LOS ANGElES (UPI) -- Presldent Reagan to­ Of Planting Mines Vote To Stay Out day called the Just-concluded 1984 Summer LONDO~ (UPI) -- Mllltant leaders of Brltaln's Games "a tflumph" whose only losers were the strlklng coal mlners have voted to stay out boycottln9 natlons of the Sovlet bloc Found In Red Sea lndeflnltely and reject what the state-owned "You dld us proud," Reagan told members CAIRO, Egypt -- A U S Navy team has found Natlonal Coal Board sald was ltS flnal offer to of the U S Olymplc team "You're heroes, three mlnes floatlng below the surface of the settle the 22-week-old walkout everyone of you llvlng proof of what happens Red Sea, sources In Calro sald today Lloyd's A speclal deleaate conference In Sheffleld -­ when Amerlca sets
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