OPEN ACCESS All arfcles publfshed fn the Journal of Threatened Taxa are regfstered under Creafve Commons Atrfbufon 4.0 Interna - fonal Lfcense unless otherwfse menfoned. JoTT allows unrestrfcted use of arfcles fn any medfum, reproducfon and dfstrfbufon by provfdfng adequate credft to the authors and the source of publfcafon. Journal of Threatened Taxa The fnternafonal journal of conservafon and taxonomy ISSN 0974-7907 (Onlfne) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnt) Short Com munfcatfon An update on the dfstrfbutfon pattern and endemfcfty of three lesser-known tree specfes fn the Western Ghats, Indfa K. Sankara Rao , N.V. Page , A.N. Srfngeswara, R. Arun Sfngh & Imran Bafg 26 September 2016 | Vol. 8 | No. 11 | Pp. 9350–9355 10.11609/ jot. 2362 .8.1 1.9350-9355 For Focus, Scope, Afms, Polfcfes and Gufdelfnes vfsft htp:// For Arfcle Submfssfon Gufdelfnes vfsft htp:// For Polfcfes agafnst Scfenffc Mfsconduct vfsft htp:// For reprfnts contact <
[email protected]> Publfsher/Host Partner Threatened Taxa Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 September 2016 | 8(11): 9350–9355 An update on the distribution pattern and endemicity of three lesser-known tree species in the Western Ghats, India ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) 2 3 4 5 Short Communication Short K. Sankara Rao¹, N.V. Page , A.N. Sringeswara , R. Arun Singh & Imran Baig ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) 1,2,4 Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560012, India OPEN ACCESS 3,5 Lead Botanic Garden, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560065, India 1
[email protected] (corresponding author), 2
[email protected], 3
[email protected], 4
[email protected], 5
[email protected] Abstract: The present communication reports an update on the species including Orophea malabarica Sasidh.