Ad Matai -- YidT Der Alter Hazzen (The Old Cantor) – Veizer, YidT Du Zolst Nit Gein -- YidT Chad Gadyah – YidtT Du Dir -- YidT Eibik – S Secunda, text H Leivick, YidT Ematay? -- YidT Farchidene Yiden -- YidT Filbik – S Secunda, text H Leivick, YidT Gott un Zein Mishpet Is Gerecht – D Meyerowitz, arr. A Teres, text L Gilrod, Y, pub. A Teres, NY NY1921 Ha Bayit Mi Shomayim -- YidT Hatzeleecho No – YidT/Eng Helo, Helo! Der Friling Iz Shoin Do -- YidT In der Kuznje -- YidT Lomeer Chavayrim – tune of Miserlou, YidT Lomir Ale in Ejnem in Ejnem – YidT/Yid, pub. Soviet Union 1938 Mayn Yingele – YidT/Eng Mutter Shprach -- YidT Peat Bog Soldiers (Zumpland Brieder) – YidT/Eng Elimeylakh – YidT/Yid/Eng Shlof She Mein Feigele – P Jassinowsky, YidT Sol Zain a Bisele Shtil -- YidT Untitled – song about her hearing he plans to leave her, YidT Yome Yome -- YidT Zog Nit Kyn-mol (Song of the Partisans) -- YidT


Agerus fun dos Alt Neiland – M Weitzman, YidT, pub. USA 1949 As Der Rebbi Elimelech -- YidT Az Mosheeach Vet Kummen -- YidT


Baim Chos’ns Tish -- YidT Bar-Mizva – S Weisser, YidT, pub. Weisser & Singer, NY NY 1932 Beets for Passover – S Golub, YidT, pub. Metro Music, NY NY 1921 A Bisel Liebe in a Bisele Gluck – J M Rumshinsky, text Molly Picon, YidT, pub. Second Avenue Theater, NY NY 1924 A Breevele Der Mamme (A Letter to Mother) – S Schmulewitz, YidT, pub. Metro Music NY NY 1932 A Brivele fun Russland – Solomon Small, YidT, pub. Hebrew Publishing, NY NY 1912 Chanele -- YidT Chayem Itshe (A Tragic Comedy) -- M Broomberg, YidT, P. M Broomberg, NY NY 1933 Chiribim (Chassidic) -- YidT Ch’hob Al Breenen (Yaysh Leegan) – text Chayim Nachman Bialik, YidT Chos’n Kahle Maz-zol Tovv – arr. H Goldberg, YidT A Dudele – W Scher, YidT, pub. S Schenker, NY NY 1922 Eibik – S Secunda, YidT, pub. J J Kammen, NY NY 1922 Eli, Eli, Lomo Asavtoni – arr. A R Zagler, YidT, pub. S Schenker, NY NY 1911 Ergetz Vait (In the Distant Land) – L Weiner, text H Leivick, YidT, pub. Yibneh Edition, NY NY1941 Es Brent Bsriderlach, Es Brent – M Gebirtik, arr. L Weiner, YidT/Eng, pub. Itzchok-Hendele Foundation, USA 1948 Fisher-Lid – I Blatt, YidT Frytik Oif Der Nacht – YidT A Gerus fin der Mame – Otto Motzan, text L Gilrod, YidT/Ger, pub. S Schenker, NY NY1911 Geshmack -- YidT Goldele -- from operetta Die Goldene Kalle, J I Tanzman, YidT, pub. M Mansky, 1923 Die Greene Koseene/Kosine – Abe Schwartz, text Hyman Prizant,YidT, pub. J & J Kammen, NY NY 1922 Hatzlucho No – YidT/HebT Hob’n Mir a Nigend’l -- YidT Haynt Iz Purim Brider! – A Goldfaden, text M Rivesman, YidT In Chejder or In Cheyder – M Milner, YidT In Eretz Yisrael – A W Binder, text A Kaisin, YidT/Eng, pub. Jos P Katz, NY NY 1924 Israel – Joshua Weisser, text Aaron Chait, YidT, pub. Joshua Weisser, 1949 Kaddisch – J Engel, text Reb Leiwi-Izchok Barditzewer, YidT/Rus, pub. Juwal, Berlin, printed by Breitkopf und Hartel, Leipzig, 1923 Kinder Liebe – J M Rumshisky, YidT, pub. A Teres, NY NY1922 Lommeer Ahleh In Aynew – arr. H Goldberg, YidT Lommeer Bahgrees’n -- YidT Mai-ko-mashma-lon – arr. N L Sasslavsky, text A Reisen, YidT/HebT/Eng, pub. Metro Music, NY NY 1927. A Maisele -- YidT Mein Hartz Is in Mizroch (My Heart Is in Zion) – Aaron Rosen, text I I Schwartz, YidT/Yid, pub. Metro Music NY NY 1935 Meirke, Main Zuhn – E S Cohen, YidT A Mensh Zol Men Zein – M Perlmutter & Wohl, text A Schorr, YidT, pub. Daniel H Greenberg, NY NY1908 Dem Milners Trehrem – Warshavsky, arr. J Beimel, YidT/Eng, pub. Metro Music NY NY 1927 Moishele, Main Fraind – M Gebirtig, YidT, pub. Metro Music, NY NY 1961 Moishe Mach Es Noch A Muhl – F Kanapoff & J & J Kammen, YidT, pub. J & J Kammen, NY NY 1924 Mutter Shprach -- YidT Neih! Svet unzer Folk Nit Untergeihn -- YidT Obber Bah Oons Yeedelach -- YidT


Oifn Pripitchok – M Warshawsky, arr. S Goldfarb, YidT with guitar chords Oi Mamme! Bin Ich Farliebt! – A Ellstein, YidT, pub. Kammen Music 1941 Oi Oi Die Weiber: Oi Hob Ich Zei Lieb – Rubin Doctor, arr. R Shapiro, YidT, pub. S Schenker, NY NY 1916 Omar Abaje – L Feingold, arr. M Wolf, text A Greenblatt, YidT, pub. 1939 Oy Dortn Dortn -- YidT Oy, Ihr Klayneh Lichtelech – S Cheifetz, text Morris Rosenfeld, YidT Oy, Ihr Kleine Lichtelech – Leo Low, text Morris Rosenfeld, YidT Papirossen – H Yablokoff, YidT, pub. Kammen Music, NY NY 1932 Das Pintele Yud – Perlmutter & Wohl, text L Gilrod, YidT, pub. Hebrew Pub, NY NY 1909 Rabaynu Shel Olam, Hurrah !!! – arr. B Shkelowsky, Yid, pub. Kipnis, Warsaw Der Rebi Alimelech – arr. A S Ellstein, YidT, pub. Henry Lefkowitch, NY NY 1927 Der Rebi Hot Geheisen Freelach Sein – J Rumshinsky, YidT, J & J Kammen, NY NY 1922 Reizele – M Gebirtig, arr. S Secunda, Yid, pub. Metro Music NY NY 1940 A Retenish -- YidT Rozhinkes mit Mandlen (Raisins and Almonds) – from operetta Shulamis, A Goldfaden, arr. A Lefkowitch, YidT, pub. Metro Music NY NY1933 Rozhinkes mit Mandlen – A Goldfaden, text T Bikel, YidT Rozhinkes mit Mandlen – A Goldfaden, arr. M Rauch, YidT Shabbes-Shabbes -- YidT Shabbes Beim Shalosh Sudos – A W Binder, YidT/HebT, Metro Music, NY NY 1938 Shelomo Chakeren – Michael Gilbert, text Abraham Tversky, Yid Shlof She Mein Feigele – P Jassinowsky, YidT Der Shnaider – P Held, text S An-sky, YidT Sholem Bye-Es (Joys of Home Sweet Home) – arr. A Teres, YidT, pub. A Teres, NY NY 1920 S’hot Dos Yintl Zich Geshtilt (Vieglied) – A Hirshin, arr. J Schaefer, text A Kahan, YidT A Shterendel – Bensman & J Kipnis, YidT Shtill Dee Nacht Iz Oisgeshernt – arr. H Shtark, YidT Shtiller, Shtiller (Vilna Ghetto) – A Wolkowiski, text S Katzherginski, YidT Sissu V’simchu -- YidT S’iz a Zind – YidT Svet Sich Shon Auspresin – J M Rumshinky, text Ludwig Satz, YidT, pub. J M Rumshinsky & Ludwig, NY NY 1919 Tanchum – S Golub, YidT, with violin obbligato, pub. N’Ginah Publishing, NY NY 1921 Dus Tollis’l (The Tollis) – M Perlmutter & Wohl, text S Smulewitz (Yid), text S Lionel (Eng), Yid/Eng, pub. Stanley Lefkowitch, NY NY 1960 Tzipke -- J M Rumshinsky, text Milly Picon, YidT, 1924 Unser Rebinu – J M Rumshinsky, YidT, Kammen, NY, 1921 Under Die Greeninke Boimelech – I & S E Goldfarb, text H N Bialik, YidT Viglid – Yampolski, YidT Yam Lieder – after Y’hudah Halevym Schneyer & Josef Bonime, YidT Yankele -- YidT Dos Yiddishe Lied – S Secunda, YidT, pub. Metro Music, NY NY 1928 A Yiddishe Momme – J Yellen & L Pollack, YidT, pub. Gesylva, Brown & Henderson, NY NY 1927 Die Yidishe Hofnumg – arr. A Goldfaden, YidT, pub. S Schenker, NY NY 1916 Yoog’nt Marsh (March of the Youth) – YidT Yosel – Nellie Casman, text Samuel Sternberg, YidT, pub. J & J Kamman NY NY 1923 Yu-La-La -- Chasidic Song, Z Zilberts, YidT, Metro Music, NY NY 1927 Z’Chor – J M Rumshinsky, YidT/HebT, pub. Metro Music, NY NY 1933 Dem Zeidens Broche – H Lefkowitch, text J Jaffe, YidT A Zemer – Samuel Bugatch text Aaron Zeitlin, YidT, Metro Music, NY NY 1947 Zingt Zhe Alle Yidelach -- YidT


Zol Zein mit Mazl -- from Good Luck, J Jacobs & S Secunda, pub. Mills Music, NY NY 1964


Bin Ich Mir a Shnaider’l – 2 women, Jacob Schaefer, YidT Bin Ich Mir a Shnaider’l – men & women, YidT Drey Zieh Mil’chl – Rauch & I R Meisels, text A Goldfaden, YidT with piano Her Nor Du Shein Meidele -- YidT Meierke, Main Zuhn – Ravel, arr. Shack-Cohen, YidT Nein! Svet Unzer Folk Nit Untergein -- YidT Oh Fraihait -- YidT Roshinkes mit Mandlen -- YidT Vanka Tanka -- YidT



Leebe iz an Umglick – J Schaefer, YidT


Babi Yar – Vladimir Heifetz, text Y Yevtushenko, YidT/Eng/Rus Brider Fun Shtet Un Fun Derfer – M Helfman, YidT A Chassene – Y Gladstone, YidT Dos Lid fun Shmid – J Schaefer, text A Meisel, YidT Gei Ich Mir Mit Giche Trit – YidT/Yid Klingen Vider Naye Lider – M Helfman, YidT/Yid A Libe Iz An Umelik Af Der Velt! – J Schaefer, YidT Lomir di Maames Bagreesn -- YidT Lomir Gein Zu a Chasene – arr. S Vale, YidT Oy, A Nachat a Sheyne – M Helfman, YidT Oy, Ihr Kleyne Lichtelach – L Low, arr. H Goldberg, YidT Rozshinkes mit Mandlen – arr. H Goldberg, YidT S’falt a Shnei – Sheinin, YidT, pub. The Jewish Workers Music Alliance, 1935 Der Shnaider – P Held, YidT Vig Lid – arr. J Schaefer, YidT, pub. Jewish Workers Alliance, USA 1931 Viglied – A Hirshin, text A Kahan, YidT Zigainer Lied – J Schaefer, text Mnaasheh Halperin, YidT, pub. Jewish Musical Workers Alliance, 1926 Zol Zain a Bisele Shtil – arr. M Bronda, YidT Zumer Nacht – C Shwartz, YidT


Bin Ich Mir a Shaider’l – arr. J Schaefer, YidT Bulbe – arr. L Weiner, YidT, pub. Jewish Music Alliance, NY NY 1946 Bulbes – arr. S Alman, YidT, pub. Oxford University Press, 1932 Die Chanuke Licht – Z Zilberts, text M Rosenfeld, YidT, pub. Z Zilberts, NY NY 1928 Dos Zeigerl – J Schaefer, text A Lutzky, YidT, pub. Jewish Music Alliance, NY NY 1942 Kinder Maine – arr. P Demerle, text N Weissman, YidT, pub. Jewish Music Alliance, NY NY 1946 Main Taier Frailand (Sweet Liberty Land) – M Helfman, YidT/Eng Meishe Ganvet Arbes -- Vladimir Heifetz, YidT, pub. Henry Lefkowitch, NY NY, 1934 Nacht in Stepp – Benyomen, YidT Nayn Nayn – YidT Potpourri of Jewish Folk Songs -- arr. M Posner, YidT/Yid, pub. Metro Music, NY NY 1929 Der Rebbe Hot Geheisen Freilich Sain – arr. S Alman, YidT, pub. Oxford Univesity Press, London 1928 Reb Dovid’l – Z Zilberts, text F Fuchs, YidT, pub. Henry Lefkowitch, NY NY 1941 Rhapsodie Chassidic – Leo Low, YidT, Metro Music, NY NY 1929 The Rich and the Poor – Maurice Goldman, YidT, pub. Transcontinental Music, NY NY 1947 Rozshinkes mit Mandlen – A Goldfaden, arr. Z Zilberts, YidT/Yid, pub. Metro Music NY NY 1934 Di Russishe Lach Polke – V Heifetz, text M Elkin, YidT/Yid, pub. Metro Music, NY NY 1937 Viglid -- from The Ballad of Asser Levy, P Held, text Y Sul, YidT Viglid (Lullaby) – R Newman, text Schwarz, YidT, with 2 clarinets, pub. Jewish Music Alliance, NY NY Zog Nit Keinmol (Song of the Partisans) – L Kopf, text H Glik, YidT Zumpland Brieder – H Eisler, arr. H Goldberg, text M Olgin, YidT



Es Brent – M Gebirtig, arr. L Weiner, YidT/Eng with piano, pub. Jewish Education Committee of NY, NY NY 1953 Es Brent – arr. Lazar Weiner & Henri Goldberg, YidT with piano & violin The Machine Song -- Maurice Goldman, Eng text N Crown, YidT/Eng, pub. Transcontinental Music, NY NY 1965 Rozshinkes Mit Mandlen – YidT


The Folk Song of the East European Jews, Vol IX of Thesaurus of Hebrew Oriental Melodies ed. A Z Idelsohn, YidT et al pub. KTAV Publishing House 1973 (first in 1932) Contents at the end of this file in notebook

Four Jewish Wedding Songs YidT Hovoh No-guee-lo -- HebT Lommeer Ahl-leh In Aynem Chos’n-kahloh: Mazzol Tovv Hayvaynoo Sholawm Ahyaychem

Gezangen: Songs for Voice & Piano Michl Gelbart, YidT pub. Metro Music, NY NY 1937 Contents at the end of this file in notebook

Joy of Jewish Memories: Favorite Nostalgic Songs in Modern Settings arr. Sol Zim, Eng with YidT lyrics & chords pub. Tara Pubs, NY NY 1984 Contents at the end of this file in notebook

Let’s Sing: A Collection of Yiddish, English, and Hebrew Songs YidT/Yid/Eng/HebT pub. Jewish Music Alliance, NY NY 1956 Contents at the end of this file in notebook

Nine Jewish Folksongs YidT pub. Yiddisher Fraternal Folks Arden Zitz Ich Mir Afn Benkele Ot Azoy Nait a Shnyder Shlof Mine Kind Shlof Kesayder Ch’hob a Klaynem Yingele Vacht Oyf A Genayve Sha Shtill Macht Nit Kine Geruder Artza Aleenoo – HebT Meer Fyern Dem Oktyaber Yontev


Songs of the American Jewish Experience arr. Neil Levin, YidT & some HebT/Eng pub. Board of Jewish Education of Metropolitan Chicago,1976 Some duets & quartets Contents at the end of this file in notebook

Songs of Workers & Partisans; Ghetto & Childrens Songs; & Hymns ed. Leon Weiner & Natan Barofsky, YidT Yisrolik – N Gerstein, text L Rosenthal A Yiddish Child – text C Chayatin Close Your Eyes – D Biegelman, text Y Shpiegel The Lost Child – Karimsky, text Sh Katshirginsky Breaming Birds – text L Rudnitsky Women – text C Brouda From the Stump Will Grow a Tree – text C Brouda Spring – N Brodno, text Sh Katshirginsky We Drink with Death to Life Bombs – text Dro Buashansky Rivkele, the Sabbath One To the Red Sea – S Greenfeld, text P Binatzral I Have Something Special Sleep, Sleep, Sleep Flowers & Pearls – L Weiner, text R Galin Little Shoes – L Weiner, text K Chaladvska Children – L Weiner, text R Galin A Kitten – L Weiner, text R Galin Purim – L Weiner, text R Galin Our Haman – M Gelbert, text Sh Wollman Three Little Boys Once There Was Liyalinka-Looli Oh Little Potatoes -- text N Leib We Play with Blocks I Take a Pebble – L Weiner, text A Indelman Tzippele, Tzippele The Young Herder – L Weiner, text A Indelman Children Enjoy -- L Weiner, text A Indelman On the Little Fiddle – L Weiner, text P Halter A ____ Game On the Slippery Area All Four Who Brought Me the Esrog? -- Heb My Brother Writes -- Heb Poverty -- Heb Grandmother -- Heb Lag Bomer -- Heb Elijahu Hanavi -- Heb Some, Summer -- Heb My Father, a Cohen Three Little Daughters Potato Soup with ____ Childhood Years


Folks Motif When You Will Repay Zamele Higher, Better Hirsh David My Rabbi Tam -- Heb A Young Man, a ____ My Child’s Mother in Law, Mine

25 Ghetto Songs ed. Malke Gottlieb & Chana Mlotek, Yid/YidT pub. The Educational Department of the Workmen’s Circle, NY NY 1968 Geto Es Brent Yisrolik Rivkele Di Shabesdike Makh Tsu Di Eygelekh Lid Fun Umbakantn Partizan Dremlen Feygl Af Di Tsvaygn Dos Elnte Kind Shtiler, Shtiler, Es Vet Zikh Fun Tsvaygl Tseblien a Boym Far Vos Iz Der Himl Friling Unter Dayne Vayse Shtern Tsi Darf Es Azoy Zayn Varshe Tsu Eyns, Tsvey, Dray Minutn Fun Bitokhn Ani Mamin Shtil Di Nakht Iz Oysgeshternt Es Shlogt Di Sho Itsik Vitnberg Yugnt-Himen Babi Yar Kadish Zog Nit Keyn Mol!

Yiddish Folksong of the Eastern European Jews ed. Ruth Rubin, Lecture & 10 songs, YidT/Eng pub. Nationasl Jewish Music Council, NY NY 1948 Scholf Mayn Kind Shlof Mayn Kind, Shlof Keseyder Oy Dortn, Dortn, Ibern Vasorl Tumbalalayka Bin Ich Mir a Shnayderl Yomi, Yomi Orim Iz Nit Gut A Koydonover Freylechs – melody only Kum Aher, Du Filozof Zhankoye Mayn Yingele


Zog Nit Keynmol

Yiddish Songs Adolph Mann, YidT/Yid Dos Yingl Fun Eizn (The Boy Made of Iron) – text A Sutskever Folks Ton (Folk Song) – text K Friedman Es Hobn Nit Blum’n (There Were No Flowers) – text K Friedman Zoommer Nacht (Summer Night) – text K Friedman Mein Gantzer Farmeg’n (My Fortune) -- text K Friedman Farnacht (Evening) – text K Friedman Es Shvimt Oondzer Shifl (Our Boat Is Afloat) – text K Friedman Tsee’n Zich Machnes (Refugees on the Road) – text K Friedman Amerike (America) – text Z Weinper Ich Deiner, Doo-mein (I’m Yours, You’re Mine) – text Ch Schwartz Tsoo Dee Held’n Foon Ghetto (To the Heroes of the Ghetto) – text K Friedman Gute Tsait’n (Good Times) – text I Fefer Blumen Hob Ich Feel Genumen (I Have Picked Many Flowers) – text K Friedman In Dee Veise Berg (In the White Mountains) – text I Winitsky Gedenkstu Mein Chaver? (Do You Remember, My Friend?) – text K Friedman Efsher Veistu Vos Dos Eez? (Do You Know What It Is?) – text D Teitelbaum Perl Schneer (String of Pearls) – text K Friedman Benkshaft (Loneliness) – text K Friedman A Vig Lid Aza (A Lullaby) – text D Teitelbaum Ghetto Vieg Lid (Ghetto Lullaby) – text K Friedman Churb’n Varshe (Warsaw Lament) – text K Friedman Der Hymn Fun Der Haganah (The Hymn of the Haganah) – text M Berez Freiheit (Freedom) – text K Friedman

Yontefdike Teg: Song Book for the Jewish Holidays eds. Chaine Mlotek & Malke Gottlieb, YidT with chords pub. Workmen’s Circle, NY NY 1985 Contents at the end of this file in notebook

Zing Mit Mir (Sing with Me) Collected by Michael Gelbart, Lyricists: Alexandrov, An-Sky, Barkasn, Bialik, Bialostotzki, Broderzon, Davidowica, Einhorn, Feffer, Gebirtig, Goldfaden, Goychberg, Greenblatt, Halevi, Hirshbein, Kaplan, Karman, Katz, Katznelson, Kling, Kulback, Landau, Leivick, Leyb, Liasin, Lukovski, Maitin, Manger, Papirnekov, Ralnik, Reisin, Rosenblatt, Rosenfeld, Shafir, Shitlovski, Sholem Aleichem, Shvartz, Tsesler, Varshavski, Vaynper, Vladek, and Yud, Yid pub. Arbeiter Ring (Farlag Workmen’s Circle of the Educational Committee of the Workmen’s Circle) NY NY 1945 A Bokher a Hultay A Finf un Tsvantsiger A Geneyve A Hemerl A Kohlem A Nigun on a Sof A Redl A Shayderl Af Bri Akht Kleyne Brider An Alter Daym


Antayshte Libe Avek Di Yunge Yorn Avodim Hoyinu Az Es Gefelt Iz a Khupe Baym Opsheyd Betler Borukh Shulman Dem Milners Trern Dem Rebns Nighun Fun Reysin Dem Tatns Nigun Der Bekher Der Blinder Der Nayer Sher Dray Yingelekh Eyn Nol Tu Ikh Zikh Banayen Eynem Iz Gut Eyns Un Tsvey Fareynikte Felker Feld Arbet Feter Itse Flaker Fayer Fort a Khosidl Freyd Fun Erd Freylikher Kabtsn Hert a Mayse Kinderlakh Hop Tshik Tshok Hulyet Kinderlekh Ikh Vel Laydn In Der Finster In Mayn Gortn Kinder Yorh Khatskele Kinder Veynen Kotsker Nigun Koydanover Nigun Khad-gadyo Leyg Ikh Mir In Bet Arayn Mamenyu-kroy-nikyu Mekhutonim Geyen Melaved-malke Nishto Der Nekhtn Nodele Oy Meydl, Meydl Oyfn Boydem Sholft Der Dakh Oyfn Vaytn Tsofn Oyfn Yam Veyst a Vintele Rikudl Sha Shtil Nit Gezorgt Sheyn Bistu Lyubtshe Shvester Brider Traye Libe


Tsipele Vig-lid Vozhe Vilstu Vu Bistu Geven? Yamen Royshn Yo La La Yosef Ber Yoshke Toshke Zitsn Zitsn Zibn Kinder Zlate Zumpland



Great Songs of the Yiddish Theater ed. Norman H Warembud, YidT Arranged for voice, piano, and guitar pub. Quadrangle/ Book Co., NY NY 1971 Abi Gezunt Ay-Ay-Ay Azoy Iz Geven, Azoy Vet Es Zayn A Bis’l Libe, Un a Bisdele Glik A Brivele Der Mam’n Dayne Der Alter Tzigayner Der Nayer Sher Di Grineh Kuzine Dos Pintele Yid Du Bist Dos Likht Fun Mayne Oyg’n Du Fehlst Mir Eyn Mol In Leb’n Farges Mikh Nit Galitsye Glik Git Mir Op Maz’l Tov A Heymisher Bulgar Hopkele Ikh Bin a Mame Ikh Hob Dikh IkhVel Vart’n Oyf Dir Ikh Vil Es Her’n Nokhamol Ikh Zing In a Kleyn Shtibele Kh’bet Dikh Hob Mikh Lib Libe Mayn Maz’ldiker Tog Mayn Yidishe Meydele Maz’l Meydele A Meydele Vi Du Mit Dir Iz Mir Gut Narishe Tates Oy Mame, Bin Ikh Farlibt Oy S’iz Gut Oyg’n Rozhenkes Mit Mandl’n Rumania, Rumania Sheyn Vi Di L’vone A Sheyner Kholem Shtarker Fun Libe Shver Tzu Zayn a Yid Slutzk Tif Vi Di Nakht Undzer Yidish Folk


Ven Ikh Kuk Oyf Dir Vil Ahin Zol Ikh Geyn? Vos Du Vilst, Dos Vil Ikh Oykh Vos Geven Iz Geven Un Nito Vos Iz Geyor’n Fun Mayn Shtetele? Vu Zaynen Mayne Zib’n Gute Yor? Yukl! Yid’l Mit’n Fid’l Zise Kinder Yor’n Zug Es Mir Nukhamol Zug Farvus?

Jewish Folk Songs for the Young Pianist E Steiner, YidT pub. Mills Music, NY NY 1955 Di Mezinke Oysgegebn (Marriage of the Youngest Child) Yome Dem Milner’s Trern (The Miller’s Lament) Meirke, Mayn Suhn (Meirke, My Son) Amol Is Geven a Mayse (There Once Was a Story) Az Der Rebe Lacht (When the Rabbi Laughs) Bulbe (Potatoes) Chatskele (Play Fiddler) Di Alte Kashe (The Old Question) Zits Ich Mire Oyfn Benkele (Sitting on a Bench) Cer Rebbe Leimelech (The Rabbi Elemelech) Oif’n Pripitchik (On the Hearth) Zingtje Alle Yidelach (Sing All Jews) Yoshke (Joe) Ver Mir Zenen (Who Are We?) Gey Ich Mire Shpatsiren (Going for a Walk)

Jewish Song Hits arr. J M Estella, YidT pub. J & J Kammen Music, NY NY 1956 Bei Mir Bistu Shein – S Secunda, text J Jacobs Yossel Yossel – N Casman, text S Steinberg Wus Geven Is Geven Un Nitu – D Meyerowitz Papirossen – H Yablokoff Vus Du Vilst, Dus Vill Ich Oich – S Secunda, text J Jacobs Siese Kinder Yohren – D Meyerowitz Eli Eli – J J Kammen Hatikvoh – L N Imber Oi Mamme! Bin Ich Farliebt – A Ellstein Glick Du Bist Gekummen Tzu Shpait - A Olshanetsky, text B Mysel Belz, Mein Shtetele Belz – A Olshanetsky, text J Jacobs Der Neier Yid – L Feingold Dus Pintele Yid – A Perlmutter, text H Wohl & L Gilrod Wu Sannen Meine Sieben Gute Yohr? – D Meyerowitz Roshenkes Mit Mandlin – A Goldfaden Ich Fuhr Aheim – D Meyerowitz Hava Nagilah – J Kammen, text I Hora


Ich Vil Zich Shpielen – A King

Jewish Songs: Folk and Modern for Voice & Piano ed. Henry Lefkowitch, YidT with Yid & Heb text pub. Metro Music Co, NY NY 1935 Contents at the end of this file in notebook

Jewish Theater Songs, Vol 1 arr. Jack Kammen, ed. Joseph Kammen, YidT/Yid pub. J & J Kammen Music Co, NY NY 1950 Die Roumanishe Kretchme – J Rumshinsky, text M Rund Zug Far Wus – S Secunda, text J Jacobs Zug Es Mire Noch Ahuhl – A Ellstein, text J Jacobs Die Drei Shwester – P Lavenda, text M Winchevsky Ich Benk Noch Der East Side Fun Amuhl – A Olshanetsky, text J Jacobs Dir a Nickle, Mir a Nickle – J Rumshinsky, text I Lillian Oisgeshpielt – D Meyerowitz Zion Heilege, Bleibst Shoin Eibig Beim Yid – S Small Mein Goldele – J Rumshinsky, text L Gilrod Hot a Yid a Weibele – M Goldstein Die Sun Hot Far Mir Noch Kein Muhl Nit Gesheint – I Lillian Wu Nemt Men Parnusse – D Meyerowitz Hoo Tza Tza – F Kanapoff A Malke Oif Paissach – L Gilrod Dus Raidele Drait Zich – I Lillian Moishe Mach Es Noch a Muhl – J Kammen & F Kanaspoff, text F Kanapoff Meidlach Weiblach (Ich Hob Eich Alle Lieb) – J Rumshinsky Aheim Aheim Briederlach Aheim – D Meyerowitz Shabes Tzu Nacht – S Secunda, text I Lash Die Shaine Yugend – A Schwartz Wen Es Fehlt Uns a Mame’s Gebet – D Meyerowitz Die Oreme Yesoimele – J Kammen, text L Gilrod Zion’s Liedele – D Meyerowitz Gelt Wie Schlecht es Is Ohn Gelt – D Meyerowitz

Judische Volkslieder, Sammlung II, Opub. 12, No. 1-25 arr. Janot S Roskin, YidT pub. Musikverlag, Berlin 1936 Contents at the end of this file in notebook

Judische Lieder, Op 7 J S Roskin, YidT/Yid pub. Musikverlag fur Nationale Volkskunt, Berlain-Halensee 1916 Mein Spielen -- Von Awrohm Reisen Dos Gebet – Von J L Perez

Lider Tzum Zingen (Far Klein Un Grois) H Wolowitz, YidT/Yid pub. Metro Music, NY NY 1936 Kinder Marsh – text Ch Farber Roizn – text M D Giser A Idish Ingele – text A Tabatchnick


Meier’l Main Zun – text N Gross Tashn Hob Ich – text I Kaminski A Fidler – text Sh Tshesler Oif Sphatzir – text D Radin Oif Redlach – text Goichberg A Lid – text I Kaminsky Brndarum Der Velt – text N Gross A Gan Eidn – text I Adler Forois – text N Yud Shteit Oif – text K Heizler Di Shul – text N Yud

Original Yiddish Samd un Stern (Sand and Stars) – A Bernstein, text S S Frug, YidT/E, pub. Jos. P Katz, NY NY 1916 Alein (Alone) – M Gelbart, text H Rosenblatt, YidT, pub. Jos. P Katz, NY NY 1922 Kum zu mir in Chederil (Come My Child) – M Gelbart, text N Priludzky, arr. N L Saslavsky, YidT/Eng, pub. Jos. P Katz, NY NY 1914 Baim Taich (At the River) – Solomon Golub, text Mani Leib, YidT, Metro Music NY NY 1924 The Cup – Solomon Golub, text Simon Frug, YidT, N’ginah Publishing NY NY 1921 Red Beets for Passover -- Solomon Golub, YidT, N’ginah Publishing NY NY 1921 Chanukah -- Solomon Golub, text A Reisin, YidT/Eng, N’ginah Publishing NY NY 1921 Evening Prayer -- Solomon Golub, text H Reisenblatt, YidT, N’ginah Publishing NY NY 1921 Four Gulden for the Sabbath: A Dialog -- Solomon Golub, YidT, N’ginah Publishing NY NY 1921 Kumt der Lieber Shabbos -- Solomon Golub, YidT, Metro Music NY NY 1924 Leig Dein Kop (Lean Your Head) -- Solomon Golub, text H Leivik, YidT/Eng with violin obligato, pub. Jos. P Katz NY NY 1924 Tanchum -- Solomon Golub, YidT, N’ginah Publishing NY NY 1921 Toiben (Doves) -- Solomon Golub, text Weiner, YidT/Eng, pub. Jos. P Katz NY NY 1924 Again the Holy Sabbath is Gone -- Solomon Golub, text Joseph Jaffe, YidT, N’ginah Publishing NY NY 1921 The Veiling of the Bride -- Solomon Golub, text DavidEinhorn, YidT, N’ginah Publishing NY NY 1921 A Din-toire mit Got (Kadish fun reb Levi Itzchok Berditshever) – arr. Leo Low, YidT, pub. Jos. P Katz NY NY 1921 A Malech Veint (An Angel Weepeth) – Peretz Hirshbein, arr. Lazar S Weiner, YidT, Metro Music NY NY 1921 Yamen Roishen (Roading Seas) – Peretz Hirshbein, arr. Lazar S Weiner, YidT, Metro Music NY NY 1921 Ich Bin a Mamma – J Jaffe, arr. A Oleshenetsky, text Jennie Goldstein, YidT, pub. Trio Press, NY NY Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen (Raisins and Almonds) – A Goldfaden, arr. Henry Lefkowitch, YidT, Metro Music NY NY 1933 Beim Rebin in Chaider (In the rabbi’s Hebrew School) – Jacob Lipsman, YidT, pub. Jacob Lipsman, Chicago Ill 1940 Margaritkes – arr. Leo Low, YidT, pub. Jos. P Katz NY NY 1922 A Keend Ohn a Heim – Isidor Lillian, YidT, pub. Daniel H Geenberg, NY NY 1918 Die Jugend (Youth) – Z Malashkin, YidT, pub. Jos. P Katz NY NY 1917 Der ner Tomid (The Eternal Flame) – Jakov Medvedieff, text P Raskin, YidT/Eng, Metro Music NY NY 1918


Siese Kinder Yohren (Sweet Childhood Years) – David Meyerowitz, arr. Jack Kammen, pub. J & J Kammen Music, Brooklyn NY 1926 Wus Genen Isd Geven Un Nitu (Memories of Days Gone By) – David Meyerowitz, YidT, pub. J & J Kammen Music, Brooklyn NY 1926 Vi Nemt Men Parnuse -- David Meyerowitz, arr. Kortchmoroff, YidT, pub. J & J Kammen Music, Brooklyn NY 1934 Tzu Dir (To You) – Aaron Rosen, text Nochum Yud, YidT, pub. Metro Music NY NY 1933 Wus sol ich tine as ich hob ihm lieb – Joseph M Rumshisky, text Molly Picon, YidT, pub. Trio Press NY NY 1925 Yam Lieder (Sea Song) – Sheneyer & Josef Bonime, text H N Bialik, YidT, pub. Jos. P Katz NY NY 1916 A Breevele Der Mamme – Solomon Smulewitz (Small) arr. Albert Teres, YidT, pub. A Teres NY NY 1921 Rochel’s Keiver (Rachael’s Grave) – Zavel Zilberts, text K A Spiro, YidT/Eng, pub. Metro Music NY NY 1921 A Yiddishe Momme – Jack Yellen & Lew Pollack, text Jack Yellen, YidT, pub. Jack Yellen NY NY 1925 Tzipke – J M Rumshisky, text Molly Picon, YidT, pub. S Shapiro NY NY 1924 Hebrew Lullaby, Op. 12, No. 1 from the First Hebrew Song Cycle – Lazare Saminsky, YidT/Eng/French, pub. Carl Fischer Inc NY 1921

Sixteen Jewish Songs chords only, YidT Eili Eili -- arr. W Scher Git Mir Op Mein Hartz Tzurik (Give Me back My Heart) – H Yablokoff, arr. J Kammen Tzena – I Miron & J Grossman, text M Parish & Y Haggiz Die Greene Koseene (My Little Country Cousin) – A Schwartz, arr. J Estella & F Carbone, text H Prizant Papirossen (Cigarettes) – H Yablokoff Der Neier Yid – L Feingold, arr. J Estella & F Carbone Yossel Yossel – N Casman, text S Steinberg Belz Mein Shtetle Belz (My Home Town Belz) – A Olshanetsky, text J Jacobs, arr. J Estella & F Carbone Bei Mir Bistu Shein – S Secunda, text J Jacobs, arr. J Estella & F Carbone Havah Nagilah (Come Let’s Rejoice) – J Kammen, arr. J Estella & F Carbone Dus Pintele Yid – Perlmutter & Wohl, text L Gilrod, arr. J Estella & F Carbone Ich Vill Zich Shpielen – A King, arr. J Estella & F Carbone Hatikvoh (Our Hope) – L N Imber, arr. J Estella & F Carbone, HebT/Eng Misirlou – N Rouban, text F. Wise, M Leeds, S K Russell & J Pina, Eng/Spa A Brivele Der Mamen (A Letter to Mama) – Perlmutter & Wohl Vu Bis Stu Geven? – M Kipnis

Songs by Solomon Golub Solomon Golub, YidT pub. Metro Music, NY NY 1936 Contents at the end of this file in notebook

Twenty Songs of the Ghettos arr. H Kon, YidT/Yid pub. Congress for Jewish Culture, NY NY 1963 Zog Nit Keinmol – text H Glik Es Brent – M Gebirtig


Ani Mamin Vayse Shtern – A Brudno, text A Sutzkever Farvos Is Der Himl – text L Apeskin Varshe – L Wainer, text Sh Katcherginski Yugnt Himan – B Rubin, text Sh Katcherginski Mach Tsu Di Eygelech – D Baiglman Shtil, Di Nacht Iz Oysgeshternt – H Glik Undser Must Is Nit Gebrochn – text I Tzendorf A Shtikl Broyt – C Ledik Oyf Shnorite – E Taitlboim A Yiddish Kind – text C Chaitin Mayn Kleyner Martirer – text Diskant Itzik Vitenberg – text Sh Katcherginski In Kriyuvke (Baheltenish) – H Kon, text E Magid & Gertzman Es Shlogt Di Sho – K Broida Pak Zich – text L Rozental Hei Dunay Kaddish – text Z Segalovitch

Twenty-Five Favorite Jewish Songs, Vol 2 arr. Jack Kammen, ed. Joseph Kammen, YidT/Yid pub. J & J Kammen Music, NY NY 1953 Oi Mamme! Bin Ich Farliebt – A Ellstein Glick-Bist Gekummen Tzu Shpait – A Olshanetsky, text B Mysell Mein Yiddishe Meidele – S Secunda, text A Schorr Warsaw – J Rumshinsky, text N Stuchkoff Wu Zannen Meine Zieben Gute Yohr? – D Meyerowitz Freitig Oit Der Nacht – folk song, arr. B Jaffe Yukel, Wu Iz Mein Yukel – S Secunda, text A Schorr Oif’n Pripetchok – folk song, arr. J Kammen Shwartze Karshelach (Oi Wei Iz Tzu Mir) -- arr. J Kammen, text I Lillian Der Rebe Hot Geheisen Freilach Zein – folk song, arr. B Jaffe Liebes Shmertzen – J Rumshinsky Oigen – A Ellstein, text M Picon Der Morgen Shteren – J Rumshinsky In a Klein Shtiebele – J Rumshinsky, text I Lillian Jeckele Shik Mire Chekele – J Jacobs A Chulem (Deine Shwartze Oigen) – folk song, arr. B Jaffe Dus Chupe Kleid – J Rumshinsky, text S Lowenwirth Samit Und Zeid – H Wohl, text L Gilrod Der Sider’l (Yiddele Briederel) – J Lammen, text L Gilrod A Mamme’s Trehren – D Meyerowitz Dus Ken Ich Nit – M Rund Men Kon Leben Nor Men Lost Nit – G Goldstein Gam’se L’toivoh – D Meyerowitz Shmendrik’s Kalle – J & J Kammen, text L Gilrod Elegie – J Massenet, text W Sheikewitz

Untitled I YidT Es Bet Di Velt – S Golub, text A Almi Ich Zits Hinter Grates – arr. A Davidenko, text A Kurz


Zingendik – P Lamkoff, text Z Veinper Shabos Koidesh -- H Goldberg

Untitled II YidT Zol Nur Du Sheyn Meidele Oy, a Liebe Ladino Ladino B In Der Kuznye Im Eyn Anij Lij Liebe Iz An Umglik – arr. J Schaefer Oy, A Nacht, A Shayne – arr. M Helfman Bin Ich Mir A Shnaider’l – folk tune, arr. J Schaefer Rosehinkes Mit Mandlen Go Down Moses – arr. Kain & Helfman, Eng

Yiddish Folk Songs ed. Sarah Pitkowsky Schack, piano arr. Ethel Silberman Cohen, YidT pub. Bloch Pub Co, NY NY 1947 Contents at the end of this file in notebook



Choral Collection arr. M Helfman, YidT Tzu maine – incomplete, with Piano In di gasn rudert zich – A Davidenko, text M Shorin, with Piano Oktober, Kantate – E Sheinin, text D Hofshtein, with piano Arois mit di faklen – F Rypinski, text Veinper, with piano Kalter loimns, Streikbalade – F L Humasn, text K Klaber & M Helfman Daichland in noit – V Heifetz, text M Nadir Friling un Fraihait – P Held, text I B Beilin Der Shturmvint – F L Human & M Helfman Der Hiter – M Helfman, text I Fefer Koift, koift – M Helfman, text B Chertkoff & S L Frug Dem kretchmer’s tochter – M Koval, text D Seltzer Zai gezunt – M Koval, text D Seltzer Der yunger reiter – M Koval, text D Seltzer A Shnaiderl’s a Vaib – M Helfman, text I L Cahan Drai Ministuren – M Helfman 1. Ba Main Mamen 2. Oy a Nacht a Sheine 3. Forn M’chutonim Di Spenishe Serenade: 1938 – M Helfman, text A M Suhl

Gezang un Kamf ed. J Schaefer, YidT/Yid pub. IMAF, NY 1934 1. Tantz Lid – D Buglay, text A Bezimenski & I Fefer 2. In Farmestung – V Buglay, text V Kirillov & I Fefer 3. Dos Lid Fun Koilnshniten – S Faintuch, text L Zimmi & A Chashtshevatzki 4. Pionerische – E Scheinin 5. Shma Yisroel Hospodi Pomilui – J Schafer, text B Chertkoff 6. Gots Strapches – J Schaefer, text M Vinstshevsky 7. Greit – J Sadovnik, text M Nadir 8. Trog Zich Shnel Mein Ferd – A Davidenko, text L Miller 9. Budionishe Ferdelech – A Davidenko, text I Fefer 10. Dos Lid Fun Daitsh’n Arbeter – N Tshemberdshy, text Wasserman 11. Roite Metrosn – A Davidenko, text B Chertkoff 12. Italienishe Arbeter Lid – text L Miller 13. Ai Hot Men Gevoit Unz Shlog’n – A Davidenko, text I Fefer 14. Hunger Marsh – J Schaefer, text I Rontsh 15. Anti Fashistish Lid – text L Miller 16. Tshuwashishe Humoresk – Baarbet & I Shishov, text L Miller 17. Halt Zich Brav! – J Schaefer, text J Grinshpan 18. Vig Lid – A Gretchaninoff, text P Kapelgorodsky & I Fefer



Songs for Chorus, Book One ed. Lazar Weiner, YidT/Yid pub. Educational Dept. of the Workmen’s Circle, NY NY 1938 Di Bin – S Almasn, text Yehoash Zai Greit – S Bugatch, text A Reizin Krig un Fridn – J Beimel, text H A Kossoy Lid fun Mentsh – M Gelbart, text B J Bialostotzky A Yidele – arr. M Helfman, folks lib Tzum Arbeter – L Weiner, text M Rosenfeld Mit a Nodl, On a Nodl – arr. L Weiner, folks lid Heldn – J Weinberg, text A Reizin A Volechl – H Wolowitz Yidn Geien – V Heifetz, text B J Bialostotzky Tzigainer Du – E Teitelbaum, text C Grade Lid fun Shachtiorn – R Kosakoff, text E Shumiatcher Af a Fuler Voch – M Posner, text H Roisenblat Muter zum Kind – A Posner, text A Reizin Di Naie Tzait – D Frohman, text M Rosenfeld

Songs for Chorus: Book Two ed. L Weiner, YidT/Yid pub. Educational Dept. of the Workman’s Circle 1941 Vig-Lid – J Achron, text Nomberg In Zaltzikn yam – J Achron, text S Sinani Di baleboste – folk song, J Achron In land gekumen – arr. A W Binder A Loib der arbet – M Gelbart, text K Heisler Der Shnaider – P Held, text S Anski Di reid funem Novi – L Weiner, text L Magister Gele Bleter – J Chajes, text Auerbach S’iz Tzebrochn – folk song, arr. E Teitelbaum Main Shifl – P Jassinowsky, text L Hoffman Vort un Klang – L Low, text E Shwartz Mir veln zain – A Ellstein, text Marinoff Mai Lid – M Posner, text Sorerivess Oisgematerte fun shturem – R Kosakoff, text A Liessin Faran aza lid – P Rypinski, text E Einhorn Brider Mir Hobn Geshlosn – arr. N N



Ich Her a Kol: 22 Selected Songs of Jacob Schaefer Jacob Schaefer, YidT, vocal solos, duets, and quartets pub. Jewish Music Alliance, NY NY 1952 Ich Her a Kol Undzer Firer Vacht Oif Nishka Un Du Akerst Un Du Zeist Ovnt Glok Tsum Zig Kirchn Glokn In Der Kuznie A Kamf-Gezang Hoib Oif Daine Oign, O Folk Shnel Loifn Di Reder Brand Un Faier Yoshke Fort Avek Bin Ich Mir a Shnaiderl A Shusterl Ich Tu Dir a Brivele Shraibn A Libe Iz An Umglik Af Der Velt O Erdele Efnt Tirn S’hot Dos Vintl Zich Geshtilt Vig Lid


De Rebe Elimaylekh Yid, YidT