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66C 2 *3 69C 12.88

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Avenge Dally Net Press The W ealhe; ■ ' For The Week Ended May 20, 1067 CHatide of idiowers' this eve­ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1967 ning, mlUer wUh low In 60s; PA G E FO R T Y iMaurljiestw lEwftiing 1imlJ» £w paiftly okn*ty aitd warm twfnor- 15,210 itOyr,. high in 80*. ManeheHer^A City o f Vittiigo P

VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 229 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—-TWO SECTIONS) •MfAlipeiiESTER, CONN., TH U RSDxl, JDNR 19^ O i l (IMfMirAaver&faw «» PRICE SEVEN CENTS J .i .u ij.:.. %?:•$:?’■"* ’ *"’ ’ ...... " ^ w S$?:S •X::*y: Thurso Fri.. Sat. and Mon.. July 3rd w -'V I'V .. H ^ E l ' ' n


HAIE t. ' wm iiieiBtftii More Ohjectip^ City Gates VALUES FOR YOUR LONG WEEKEND! SHOP FOR DOZENS MORE! T& Israeli M& Open After UNITED mVIONS, N.T. 40 Pale^tttio .1 9 Years (AlP) — The Qeneral As- seized the Old seitifHy todajt iM rd a mounting drove the Joi JERUSALEM (AP) — men’s short sleeve chorus ot attegks on Israel for the Old Otbr - OvBMriding bisr-jxiwer pro- 2 men’s Ivy League tie slmexatlon j^:ttie Old City of the bulk al^&e t«miS, Israel turned both boys’ perma-press excellent assortment sport or dress shirts JertMletn. and Mbslem s^iltors of Jerusalem inix> nreign Minister the start of " •'lift (me city under Israel’s flag plaid Bermudas summer dusters Omar Sakkaf pi Baudi Arabia m a dress, sport shirts today, and thousands a t told the enterMMey session of Wednesdliy tilghV I’S' Jewit and Arabs mingled 3 fo r the assemUy m t if the “ Zion- Hussein said Bis 1.77 Ists" fail to srnhdraw from cap- viewed “With utMc^ (ft and„ fraternized in the tuMd Arab tSHtories, “ there r.-'K:' »5 (Beg Page,; gates between the Jewish 1.68 1.77 reg. 1.98 wm come a hd^ War, U not by 3.98 Chrlidians th^jiiy aroused Mbs- se^Pn and the Old City seized spocfol purehasel Excellent viSBbel Rayon, 65% Dacron, 35% cotton ba­ lemc, whose Anger the world .M ff from Jordan were thrown open 9 tiste. Regular or button-down 19 years for all to pass cottons in a handsome Choice of many styles in cool, undeiestimatea.” Collars. Sport shirts In plaids, Roja Afnanu head of the In Vietmgnii^ tbi«Ugti. Permanent press fabric of crisp fabrics including printed solids, paisleys, Tottersolls, assortment of plaids. M alayan del4gdUon to the as- - At first there was a hesitant 65% Dacron, 35% cotton. wide stripes, S, m, I, xl. Dress Bell loop style. Sizes 29 polished cottons and magic aemUy, declaMd that his gov­ blckte. of Israelis into the Old Short sleeve style. Regular shirts In white, blue, maize, crepes. Sizes 10 to 18. linen. Sizes 14V^ to 17. ernment “ categorically rejects ^ ty and Arabs into the New. collar. White and pastels. to 38. But ' when the visitors were niree people, including actress , were» killed when and eondemw ,thls illegal an­ Sizes 6 to 16. this nexation of ^IfMkuiian territo­ gnssted in friendship on both car struck the rear of a trailer truck in New Orierfns last.night. All three vit- ry." Md6s, the flow turned into a tor- tims were seated in front, three of Miss Mansfield’s children, in the rear seat Enrique OAfcla Sayan of the rsftt. were seriously, but not critically injured. (AP Photof&x) Peruvian F o r^ n Ministry said I n Arab on his first visit to / Israel’s actiCawas “ itot accep­ the Jewish section broke open a special purchase! girls’ misses’ usuai 2.98 table to my delegation." He men’s new style SAIGON (AP) crack bottle Of wine and invited pass- closeout! boys’ famous called tor internationalization of tallon of Some jW : hard-eo|e . ers^y to "drink to peace.” Sev- theCWdCNy. . kira) Jews joined him in the knit polos sleeveless shells ___ Communist gudnlU^ swim trunks swim trunks Actress Jayne Mansfield, Fifteen . nodli|;ned nations toast. submitted a ' A young Israeli gave two Ar­ Assembly Wednesday calling on which badly bloOSSM a abs a lift in hla car and was in­ the Ishteli gogShunent to with­ 2 fo r Vie4name^e raili^ . ball vited to their village for coffee. draw its troc^'fRnn all the ter­ 2.50 1.69 199 2 Others Die in Accident and evaded a seAtvIllng totrof' tn both quarters of the city. reg. 2.98 ritory seized M m Egypt, Jor­ »5 She left the night club shorUy more them 2,600 allied troop^ Mops did a thriving business as 2.59 values to 1.98 Save almost $1 our usu­ NEW ORLEANS (AP) dan and Syria In the six-day Associated Pre^^tttrresp^ld- jpArs and Arabs bought food, —^Beautiful Jayne Mans­ after the late performance, war that began June 5. Permanent press fabric—of 65% al pricel Fashioned from gathered up the sleeping chil- ent George Bsper'Ntoorted from . candy and souvenirs. reg. 2.98 Helenco nylon yarn field and two men were Introducing the resolution, / Interior Minister Moshe Sha- Dacron, 35% cotton-poplin blend. Special purehasel Big savings the battle area 4ttttt^tU.S. U,8. otfl'Cetk^l:otfl'Mtil knits. First quality. killed early today when ^ ^ Ami;;i»;d^r Oanilo Lekic of -believe - tUe - -Viet •^^■"-unlt-fe^: pUto issued a proclamation re­ Navy, blue, green, assorted plaids. over original prices. Various on the two-hour trip to New Or­ Tugoelavia said tte Old City Very famous maker. Sav­ White, pink, blue, their cur rammed the rear leans. tered after mote 2t;#aW»:- n t i n g the sectors of the 3,00fl- ings to Vlil Zip front, land Surfer models also in group. styles In prints, solids, cottons. maize, black. Sizes 34 of a truck, slowed by a was threatened With full Inte- ycar-old City of David for the ’Ibe shaken drlyw of the traU- gratton Into I|KsI and called ir- ftie , 'DlRil UiTse .oihers si la s t I top style. Built-in support­ For girls 7 to 14. cloud of mosquito fog first time since Jordan seized S, m, I. to 40. er truck, Richard Rambo, about tor 4he 122-natton Assembly to prevlous days. iDwrtilJwR'Buffw . ers. S, m, I, xl. across the highway. ’The running ilie j^nsii^i nig% All tea t Weere tft)cen the Old City and Israel occupied 40, Of Pensacola, Fla., said the adopt his resolution by Friday, tJ^e New City in the 1948-49 It happened on a U.S. 90 curve car had come darting around But m ean w ^ the Israeli northeast Of Salj ti an jiiijd hiwfticd o jrto hesttaagH: erg after near the Rigolets, the waterway pattern Of htt-i PlUestine war. J the curve and smashed into the government adcomplished the ^ral c

9 ■ “TT r ■ ■ - i ' ; . ^ ' ■■■ w - 'f*" MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1967 PAGE THREE M Aljf^ES'llSS .EVENlllG HB»ALD. MANCHESTE&. CONN.. THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 19fl7 P A G E T W O South Windsor Grand Jury Will Continue S More i^edilla dhdiiwold On Bridge Stone Replies A r e a ;ians Awarded Degrees - To Stu^ Nei^s TIMtONtD EX^KRTS West dealer “THE COLLEGE CLUB” Probe of Kennedy Death BfitNO SLAM IfOME Bo(h lUee vulnerahte \ >f Stole AirpOils NORTH DISCOTHEQUE To Criticism **DedicaUon to Excellence in Education” NEW ORLEANS (AP) — viously because “nobody ashed By AUllED sniitNWOLD 4 1054 HARTFORD (At*)—Five mere O eo^ Btons, ohalrman of Foreman Albert Labiche says nie.” When ioday’s hand Was flash­ (7 K 2 He also said he didn’t tell the members have (>et>n appeihted SPECIAL — 2 BANDS the Demoorptlo town oommlt- Under the dtreotton a t the Orleans Parish grand Jury a"‘i;;;y“ab^ ti'a 12 man coh^tee m ^^y ed on SA electric board durtng O AKJ2 4 Q798 "tHE MAUD" ~ "THE ESQUIRES" tee, replied today to ohargee Edward J. Bleiman, PhJ>. — John J. Bunies, BJSi, M.8. will continue to investigate the Davis "to protect the boy—he’s vonnecticut’s Wfl|-range ; AAed Bie woHd champianshlps a MW Weeks ago, tOO enthudasts were e a s t made by the Democrats for Kennedy assassination oonspir* not involved in this in any way Airport facUities 48^ ^the Q’J 4 Ji762 EVERY TUES. A THURS. NIQHT acy which Dist- Atty. Jim Oar- or form.” ..possible impact .af a ridW jet-> Still vainly hoping (or a North 109745 9 Q4t Better Ckivenunent that he has South Strtat, Covantry, Conn. rison claims was organised A grand Jury indicted An- port in the staW ‘ t ^ Americah victory. This hand 8 P.M. tHI 12 P.M. ' not “attended to the duties of lent thern ehcouragelnent slbce 8754 O Q103 here. , j ' drews for perjury after he had Charles T. ^ fa h ^ ^ K7 4 ro5 at Hm his office as (diairmaii of tlie • Pre-School to 8th Grade' X “No new evidence'has been appeared before it earlier. An-'iutheld, presidem pro t^ ^ r e (he board (Md them that in tlN ROSEMOUNT. BQLTON. CONN. safety committee.” \ ■■ \ first room .Of the liriMeh Giorgio I SOUTH produced to confirm any allega- drews’ attorney, Sam Monk of the Senate, Wednesday ap- 4 AK8 Stone laid’ "it la quite evld^t • Ridividoalized LastradionB tion” by critics of the Garrison Zelden, said the basis for the Pointed Arthur T. Belladofina and WalMr AvareUl Llv* Music and Ralrtthmahta that thla group has not famlUar- had stopped at three notrump, 9 A 1 8 Inquiry, Labiche said Wednes­ perjury charge was that An- IJejtiocratic ch^irnian or New 6 9 6 laed itself with the duties of ^ • Team Teaching: • Small Classes day night after a marathon drews had refused to identify Haven, and H. Meade Aliwm scoring MO points. 4 A 6 4 9 2 FOR THOSE AGE 17 AND OVER the safety commission.” The grand Jury session. Shaw as CTay Bertrand. ir . of SUffleld,. a former! Aa- Opening lead—fouir of dis» commission oonalsta of five y • Ungraded Opportanities diamondd. West Nertk East govtl ’The parade of witnesses in­ Labiche said the grand Jury publican natlonW chalrmdlL 1 O Pam 5 4 Pint 10 Ptopl* Vi Priea! members and a representative cluded attorney Dean Andrews would meet again in tvto weeka Alcorn .has »a^ Involyed in ’The ahdtehce chedred. wheA Bats 4 4 Pan 4 4 of the police department as an Now Taking: Registration For Th4 EaB TermI Jr., who earlier told newsmen and wanted to hear more from 'a battle ^to. p'r^dht. furtflA ex- 'ty>ronto sitports Erie Murra^. Bau 5 4 Fart 4 4 advisor and is concerned pri­ William Ourvlch, the private' paipdon o t BradM Inten^M al land Samtny Kehela lild the ex-; the Clay Bertrand who sought AUPais marily with traffic safety. Phone 742-6986; 633-4882; 649-6528 legal counsel for accused presi­ detective who quit as QarriSon’d ^rp o rt in Windsor Ixickl.' B u- JVavy JVwrsc qellent slam in clubo. (The play­ Noting that "none of the dential assEissin Lee Harvey chlef aide earlier this week. Werl’s city of New Haven has ers werd in a distafi|t room, (ar members of the commission re­ notrump. The “book” bid is one Or Write For A Free Brochure ... Oswald was a F’rench Quarter Ourvlch si>ent some time be- Also been involved in controVer- Miss Doris Anne E. Diehl from our cheers and groan's.) COMFOSTABiy AIK CONPir/ONfD ceive compensation for these MISS DEBORAH DIANNE RJCHARID LEE TROTTEBl MRS. JANET E. HUNT selected club since most authorities rule a S a U O D D. WlAEliACH ANURBW O. DAVIB bar owner, Eugene C. Davis. fore the grand Jury Wednesday ties over expansion of its hiufil- Manchester, has been com- While Benito Garozzo N «w services, "Stone outlined the WEEJ« 516 Gardner St. Barrington, BJL 116 Bratton RdL night. He has repeatedly ssdd in cipal airport in Bast Haven, his opening lead, a panel of ex- cut an opening bid of one no- STANLEy A =2= E Kelly Bd. Garrison contends Clay Ber­ mlseioned an ensign in the U.ft. duties of the commission. 82 Plymmitii la n e , MSuacliesiter Manefaester (formerly of Mancheoter) Manoheoter the past week that Garrison did Alfano also appointed .,i^n, Navy Nurse Cdrps. She will re­ perts explained over the public trump when you hold a worth- Showing 'VerDon trand was an alias used by Clay WARNER 9 I M l I B : Stone said invitations have BbA. to Mathematics In EoonMnica B A . in EdDohOon BbA. in PolUtoBl Soienoe BA. in FoBUoal Soienoe not have a case and Shaw William S. SLsnley, ©-^or- port, for duty Sept. 1 to the address system what was like- less doubleton. But bidding one L. Shaw, New Orleans business­ TIL, 643-7832 FRK PMWNO 6IWCH 81. SS LlttlAIIg.j been extended to the public to lake >Erie OoU(«e Wesleyan Bsrrtogtoo College UOonn. Untvendty of Hartford man indicted for conspiring to should never have been arrest­ widh, an adW^te of gg: m- Ndsmi. Air Station at Pensa- ly to happen. club will leave you without a the public to attend safety cdM- murder President John F. Ken­ ed. (ernational carjl^:^ Jetport'O t’the cota^ STa. “’The best opening lead is a satisfactory rebid if partner “Snow White” at 1:90 - 8:0S - S:10 - 7:15 - 9:20 mission meetings and "neither nedy. Norwich area. daughter of Mr. end Mrs. diamond. Murray wlU take the Mds one of any other suit. A “Beaver VaUey” a t 2:20 - 4:30 - 6:36 - 8:40 AlUn Zagorskl or Clarence Davis appeared before the House ^eakdr Robt^ J. Antliiose “ Diehl of 129 Keeney ^ ace and lose the club finesse rebld of one notrump would be Nicholson (of the' DBG) has grand Jury, too. He wouldn’t Man Divorced, TeMo, D-Bridgopoft. a p ^ h te d St., gw was graduated June 12 to the king. Back vWll come i n underbid, blit a Jump to two Adventure, Laughter and Love! ever attended.” comment afterward but his at­ Re]^. Rubin - Ochen, £)-C6h- ivitil k BB. degree in nursing another diamond. rtCtrump Would be an overbid, Commenting on charges by torney, G. Wray Gill, said Davis Annulled, Wed ehester, and WiUram A. O’lCdill, from , the University of Con- "Murray wil! refuse this II- Many experts favor an opening the DBG that Stone is using His was not Bertrand. ' D-£ast Hampb^i to the com­ neottcut. She is a 1963 grad- ness because he has two other bid of one notrump since that power as Democratic town com­ Shaw, S4, free on $10,000 bond, All in One Day mittee. uate of Manchester High chances to avoid the loss, of a describes the general strength jil^BUtlNsM vb mittee chairman to keep mem­ has denied using the alias. ' Also on the.. Commltiso ;4re School. spade trick. He will take the very accurately and will not bers of the town council from ‘"This breaks the backbone ot DURHAM, N.C. (AP) — gem. Paul Amei^, D-NeW',iht------king of diamonds, draw trumps give you any rebid problems. answering other charges made GarriMn’s case, if it had Wednesday was a big day In ttid and Rep.. .Wilfred Av Ln- and ruff a low diamond. When Sometimes telling a small lie is by the DBG, Stone sold "this IS any backbone,” said Shaw s . „ „ ^ eur, D-TwJafipsqn, . Co- ,.Out of Slate the queen of diamonds falls, the best way to tell the truth. rldiculotu.” defense______. counsel, _F. . ___Irving^ Dy- DurhaA ______o t Boads^^ iotd Murray .eon discaid .his losing Copyright 19«T "1 do not control any mem­ General Features Oorp. RsaaimitaBDlb mond, when asked for comment He dlvorded one wife, annulled; jlr^ges Oommi^^; Sen. ^dgdph Servicemen Get spade oi) dummy’s Jack of dia­ Children ber of the council, board or on Andrews’ statement con- a second marriage and reniar- BuclUey, D-Aflmiiiar and.iHop. monds. Under 12 commission. They are free to cemlng Davis. rled a third woman. Vle^ 'Tudan, O-Wlndiwt^^ c6- Oltker Chances I'ax Exemption TECHNICOLORB act in the best interest of our 9 ohairmen of the State Develop­ "If the queen of diamonds Andrews, a rotund, Jlve-talk- f r e e town and Issue any statement Tolley, 36, serving a two-year tn~car HFATTRS 75c u rn 1M, iii e iai«»- la. eaii ana ei*«iiia Ing lawyer who wears dark ment Committee; end Seh. Hat- HARTFORD (AP)—A federal failed to drop, Murray would they care to medee,” be said. prison sentence for bigamy, was Burke, D-Bast Hartfcm_be^; |r, Is poodent, Aim Lyons, teL 644- He told rai agents sho^y m ,S^T n‘^uth ciw l^^ 'om th^M ^e’s sales and use tax. would ISad h. heart to the ttUW Jam es Bond 8582. after Kennedy was slain in Dal- . q.. jt)ie Rouse remains to be cViosen WfAdeclslon Wednesday, U.B. and return a heart .to try a (t- las, Nov. 22, 1963 that a voice he 'mi u „ V. - % , MinoWty Leader Nicholas A M. Joseph nesse unth the Jack. Tben He MISS SUSAN ELAINE 8TXTBEN O. MfWBlSON MISS DEBORAH D. BTABKEL WHJLIAM BICE JOHN C. LONG JR. ’Then he annulled his mar- .'v ’ D lsl^ Judge "YOu'^ONLY ALLELY 58 Clyde Rd. 714 Bolton Rd. knew as Clay Bertrand’s tele­ Lenge. Blinikenfeld said the collection would discard dummy’s losing 190 Chestnut St. 361 W. Center St. l■.l^mlu ■ lilt'll tiage of May 26, 1962, t« spade on the ace of hearts.’’ , LIVE TWICE" London Subway 41 Charter Bd., EUlngton MioncheKter 'Vernon Manchester Manchester phoned him and asked that he Frances Upley ToUey. of sqles tax from such per­ TUt compsch uiefid lea wagMi t e go to Dallas to represent Os­ sonnel is a violation of the After this profound analysis, plus Mickey Rooney BjA. In Biology > B.A. In History Peter B«it Brlg^uun Ho^tlfal BA. to BkSogy B.A. in English Finally, he was remarried to Solve Begtna College Oberiln College anywhere, roll* anywhere, eerres wald. federal Soldiers and Sailors Garozzo Opened the ten ot "AMBUSH BAY” Strikes Blow WHllmantlc State Ccrilege Cattudlo University eretything—eanly and conrenlently. VlrgriiUa Barton Bennett Tolley Slacks ttllnnefi^ Both In Color Andrews later told the .^^ho he first wed in the spring of CiVliltolief Act..9f 1940. hearts. This gave Murray a free sure to add homey warmth tit say M i i i i d i ^ s Hlerkuling applies to all ser- finesse so that he could cheer­ ..■RKOSi 'iPRiSi.daD l>ri.;Simy At Miniskirts medal oeetdoa. Chooae fiera mem ^ 19“ *W1« w as m arried to vlCDiiien whose legal residences fully give up one trump trick -I. 55 .1 91 ‘i :!b - HARrrORD tH E ETJLfN A U m man 400 Edun Alien pleees la in* Haywood Bem^^^^ , Ms Read Herald Advertisementi LONDON (AP) — Hlnlsklrted fomuL Aa^ued Finc^ e h | ^ Hdr> to see him in the summer of Tolley then was retitflM to In Resl3|iu*jm ara Ift other states but who live and scofe 1,370 points for TEA JFAQON,,. 1963. here by reason of duty orders, slam. It was a gain of 680 girls riding London subways are loom SolH Cherry, gradow SoBd Ma* Oswald consulted him, An- Jail. He said a honeymoon WouM or 12 international match finding new seats unbearable on PSACTICAL, HANDY hogeny, vaoemving eteeagamaUnff come later. OHlCAdO (AB) -M mln- ■ihe case grew out of a pro- points Cnitam Boom Flan utdto and tu » drews testified, about the bad- test' by a Navy officer from points for the North American their bare skin. IsklR mode e n a b ^ A wothkn to “It’s n terrible shock to sit dooal Colonial in ragged Solid Mapis conduct discharge he got from shed her slacKq B^ednesda^ and Nebraska, Lt. Stanley Schuman, team, down oh one of those seats and Bitch. Sea it toair. the Marines after going to the Columbia dine in a iW ^u ran t Where against paying a $21 tax for a Even the Italians, who went Soviet Union after his release slacks and shorn, abe forbidden. boat he uses for pleasure while on to win their tenth world early in the morning,” explained STORE HOURS: one girl. from active duty. The Woman WkI waited for a serving in , championship in the last 11 Monday and Tuesday Open till 6 PAL In interviews Wednesday, An­ Two Injured tatde in a rei it at, p^Hare n w ^enfold said ah individual years, don’t always find the Railway Review, official Open num day mid IVlday Eveaiinga drews, 44, called Davis "a good most challenging opening lead. FLOOR SHOW magazine of the National Union Oloaed Wedneaday ematfoi irt h^'4M).en aeiViebinan who seeks to re- friend and client.” He said As Car Flips eady. Iter, odWfrmoney paid in sales and Daily Question of Railwaymen, says "London Shaw "never was and never Will Hans Frutiger^ fftiB UAj^f©(es must fconiply with th i As dealer, you hMd: Spades, Transport is receiving a nump be Clay Bertrand.” Yvonne 'trevorrow, il, Wearing slaci•W-: ptw ellure outlined in Section A-K-8; Hearts, A-J-8; Dla- ber of oomplalnts” about fiber- ’The attorney, under suspen­ Willimantic was taken to |j3t to,. & feat 12-425 ( 2) of the Connecticut niomls, 9-6; Clubs, A-6-4-3-2. glasB seaits on the Inner Cir­ The ___ ^ , J ham Community Hospital FM.-SIT. MTC cle line. sion as an assistant district at­ Alt slaclia.bnd gcheral statutes. What do you say? BY POPULAR DEMAND torney in neighboring Jefferson the car she was driving turniW buttoJied up tlia .l^ ov^lfobse ft a claim for refund is made Answer: Bid one club or one TTm London subway Is op­ Parish, told the Warren CSom- erated by London ’Transport A over on Rt. 6 in Columbia yea- ' ^as wearibg^That oobvert- within, the three-year time limit .a------RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF mission three years ago he had terday afternoon, state pollod'.^ ||a|. outfit' W9 a rhlnidress spewed in the law, the judge spokesman said: "We shall bear seen the man he knew as Ber- said. -Jr with hem At riiii^ji’ a formal , protest at In mind the 'views of the mln- trand only twice—the last time She was treated for a b40l< ;>p||at weu$ CHIC KENNEDY M.C. isklrted young ladles. Of course, enou|4, the tliijljf^oi-payment is riot required. COMEDY PERSONIFIED after the assassination When injury and discharged, polioe headwalter riiHi ■rhe office of Tax Comniis- we have some people who like Acres ot Free Parking Co..lnc. Bertrand had run from him in a said, and her son, William Trev- siowr John L. Sullivan receives LOUISE NOVA these seats better than the old MISS CHRISTINE SIRS. STEPHANIE MISS NANCY JANE CHATEL ROBERT A. SIMMERS RONALD W. OES8 bar as he tried to telphone the orrow, 12, a passenger was d] Comfortably Bu m p ABtiBLANiito suchEn bloims. U Al|'-(.’ondlt4eufed _ TANTBLIZINfi EXOTIC DANCER ones. The fiber-glaas seatsare KILPA'TBICK CANNON COLE 86 Falknor Dr. 106 Plymouth Lane 26 UtUe St. Manchester 643-0890—Reckville 875-2534 FBI. treated for a bump on the head KENNEBUNkF^RT, .J itiin o • MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY • experimental, and we are wait­ 100 Conoord lUL, Mjancheeber 90 Pitkin St., Manotsertrii- Manchester Manchester Manchester To one questioner, Andrews and discharged, (AP) — Dump art is in jlTKen- ing for the public’s reaction.’’ B.8. In Education B.A. in Fine Arts Hartford Hospital B.S. in Chemical Engineering B.A 20 UNION S'raEET—ROCKVILLE, CONN. said Wednesday he never Identi- ’The woman was charged at hebunkport, and dump oddities Most London dollies wear Eastern Nazarene College University of Hartford University of UOonn u fled Davis as Bertrand pre- 4:30 with following too closely,' will be featured at.an art.^ow 1422' MUSIC BY - 3 BROTHERS LOBSTER SPECIALS body stockings or tights beneath police said. Juljr 6. ’The shmtf Will be part of their minis in autumn, winter estimated at $231,000 — since “ Police said as the woman Kennebunkppyt^s tuh-filled cele- and spring. With the warmer Firebug Strikes April 20. Efforts to trace his applied her brakes, the car in bratlon of NAUdft^ Dump Week, days, they’ve returned to ordi­ telephone calls have failed. front of her stopped. 8he lost crowning of Dumpy will starrin g HATHAWAY INN nary stockings. This leaves a One Day Early control and the car went o t f highlight the fimrlties. Lee Man-th TEL. 267-9352—LAKE RD. EAST HAMPTON, CONN. patch of bare flesh between the side of the road and turned T. The Clark’s m Ernest Borgnlne stocking top and panty bottom. ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) — 22 Holidays in July Test Proves over, police said. ------—rr —— $4 f o r th St. o Tel. 423-9001 Charles Bronson This is the area that’s causing Family Fun Begins in your / WILLIMANTIC |im Brown Firemen say the "Thursday N -V. the trouble. < NiHJW YORK—Around the 8EA MINERALS—TmilRE? JoNh Cassavetes morning firebug” has struck FRANKf OAfI fathom s down In the Richard Jaeckel The Railway review said the world, July is the most festive KINGSTON, R.I. (AP) — Dr. daij|h Pacific oil Alaska, Robert Ryan seats were shaped .to accommo­ again, tills time on Wednesday. month, w ith 22 holidays, rang­ WrinlMGfi 9%e Fondly HdstauroiU Walter R. Hibbard Jr., director tliu’s where they catch the CUnt WafkOr date the body but admitted that Ho telephoned the Fire De­ ing from Independence Day in PORNER 14^,4! PE^fi m of the Federal Bureau of MlneA, grrtit King Crab. We bake Trim Lopez early in the morning they can partment as four cars and a.^ the United States to Fighters’ says it is not a question whether LOBSTtiil $PEcU ^ aiM stuff me giant legs and be cold. The magazine said oth­ Day in Yugoslavia, Fhmlly Day Matlnees Daily 1:30 garage burned a t a loss of $17,- we’re going to use minerals — FoT Iflriidays ■Airto a king-sized portion RVenings 0:(W-0:00 er phssengers find the seats too in South Africa and Martyrs’ from the sea but when. Speak­ at M-85> complete diiiner. Sat. - Son. hard. (X)0. 2 -1 Lb. Nfifite L o b ^ rs Day in Burma. ing at the University of Rhode C L04*D JULY 4 2:15-0:2«-8dk5 "London ’Transport may un­ "I was Just passing through Island, he urged that the United kxhhtordlnartly Fine Patrons wittingly have dealt 0 a blow at town," he told Ray Welssman, a OVERLAPPINO FIRMS States be ready with leglslatioli, I III Mil Miwaaiiii*— — — ■ the miniskirt,’’ it observed. fire dispatcher, “and I thought (AP) — A Boston diplomacy and organization for I would call you and say I’ve investments executive says in­ BACKYARD the time when it must go to tlM. N l e t TOBACCO MEN ELECT got a couple more going." surance companies, investments bottom of the sea for oil o M m i g n o n . $2J5 WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, When he learned that one of firms and sa'vlngs organization natural gas. W.Va. (AP) — Tom R. Towers the cars was rescued, he tele­ are expanding into each other’s of Richmond, Va., has been phoned back to say: "I guess I fields and are training their elected president of the Tobacco muffed that one." sales people to be proficiet at ;ean1 Association of the United States. In a third call, he said: “I just the full range of financial plan­ g \ HARrroui: Towers, ■vice president of Uni­ couldn’t go all the way through ning. Albert A. Brown, execu­ Frealiall IBreads l r e ^ ~ slid ^ d PasDiSefFosgrteS CUIdraii ITnder 18 Free! MofteDblly! ‘ApplF 8:50 — ‘Wild’ 10:30 versal Leaf Tobacco Co., suc­ town with Just one fire.’’ tive 'Vice president of toe B. C. ceeds W. B. Glenn, president of The arsonist is blamed for Morton organization, spoke at a POOL Featuring lAaHy Specials! A Oireat AlIGblor Show rT/i.m.giiiLiiMi'i-UOiiaiiBn: iiuges Carolina Leaf Tobacco Co. of setting fire to 64 cars, 12 ga­ meeting Tuesday of firm man­ A IR conditioned David MtiCallum^ B.N.CX.B. Oreen'vUle, N.C. rages and a restaurant — a loss agers. 30B C6^#7 He gisrosti I 5644 ssi »i I...... !■»¥■ See Marvelous Result^ A IJ IM IE Y ..!t . . Ji in just 2 weeks or Test HEPBURN ik. ■dds m i m / m / ) Costs Nothirig nriivi N A ■ Through the amazing benedts of a substance n«v to cosmetics, ) named Genava, Aging skin can now look younger and younger. StANIfV ...S. B. I. con now oor 649-5203 temporary. Dry-skin wrinWe# really do diminish or disap)p4nr 677-9119 entirely. Declaration OF BOSTON’S Get Visible Result# Of Money Back OTvwiftilayLC/. Use Genava for 2 weeks. II y « iwIl LIU ntic 42$.4ij»8yl are not thrilled with the remarl^ , ableimprovement-ifyoudo not CAPITOL Bone, White, Black Patent and Other Colors, S w iE B S B an k see visible improveinent in dry- skin wrinkles and lines—return Top co-HUj^Lm Vf unused portioii of Genava wh en Qaliy at 2:00 * iiO# Heels and Flats in A Wonderful Selection. you bought it for immediata 235 Main Street cash refund Store! are author gat-. Boa., HbL l:944-gtl8 ised to refund nionegr en — GenaVa, $3.80 for miBtfsiHiianM iii OF M anchester supply, 86.00 fflir.tba .7 ______Vm r MANCN supply. See thii^NunO Manchester, Conn. ^ c m a r ^ f ^ h lUUN o m a M tr MtoNcn provemeat in wiwues y- lacUl|'*MPictiri''l his MokSIrMtMl CCmlarSlriM»,6M>.lsMK U m hm tm PsHwis or the trial cotta nothing. f > MANCHESTER PARKADE \ Mmkwff Mwd DmMkiMWHN cwp. SOUTH WMDSOR OPWaT—8>Svm Avm(S tkopyk t Cmkr GIAUOOIU «4 V OPEN WED, THURS. A FRI. UNriL ktO PJK. < CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED • PLENTY OF FREE^ARKING J| MAIN .OFFICE and Pa AkADE’ OFFICE OPEN SATURDAY MORNINGS! ^ MANCHBMm. Homa of the Wc^rld'e Qreeteet Hemburgar 1145 Tolland Tara^OM Exit 88. Wtlbor CrtMiA n g .

h r 'A.


face veil, and carried a bouquet of United Aircraft Corp., East of yellow shasta poi^pons. Hartford. Mr. Morlarty Is a 1963 Bruce C. ZoUo of Coventry graduate of Manchester High I ! Weddings served as his brother’s best School an4 a 1966 graduate of man. the Culinary Institute of Amer­ A reception for ISO was held ica, New Haven. He attended USDA Choice th The Baby Has Jeske - Giacomini IMjis. Gtacamlni wore an aqua at the home of the bridegroom’s' Manchester Commimlty Col­ silk dress, mabcihinig accessories parents. For a plane trip to lege. He is employed at the Uni­ The marriage of Miss Unda corsage of white roses. , Fla., Mrs. ZoUo wore a versity of Connecticut, Storrs. Ann Giacomini o i Chicago, 111., The briidegTOom’B mother wore pink and white flowered suit, to Terry Lee Jeske of 'Wilmette, a. pdnk ensemUe wtth match- The couple will live at 637 S. Been Named Til acceasoTies and a corsage Main St. 111., was solemnd y ^ ,^,^iite cyttnWdium orchids. Mrs. Zollo is a 1966 graduate Lighted Torch at the Church of the Assump- ^ recefWon for 100 was held Manchester High School and To Be Carried >Dina, Richard Carey, son of Richard Julian and Lynne ition, Manchester. at the Caredbon Pboom of the Is a secretary at the Aetna Chovey Dina,., 276 Vernon 8L He was bom June 26 at Maq- The bride Is a daughter of Hotel Aoneirica, Hairtfoni, After and . Casualty, Hartford. On Long March cherter Memorial Hoep'ltal. His mlatemal grandparents are r n m m m Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Giacomini a miotxM- trip through the North- Zollo Is a graduate of 'Wll- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford IV. Beeman Jr., Fairfield. His pater­ of 58 McKinley St. The bride- «m states, the couple will live braham (Mass.) Academy and SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Dina, Fair- field. groom is a son of Mr. and Mre. at 1020 Ohestmit St., Wilmette, ‘a attentog Northeastern Uni- Peace demonstrators plan to # > « Albert. "V. Jesikc of 15 Sanford verslty, Boston. carry a lighted "torch of peace" USDA CHOICE Goldanider Christopher Todd, son off Robert C. and ZoUo - Sibrinsz on a 35-day march to Washing­ The Rev. Fm est J. Ooppa Moriarty - Brown BcBte Ahlberg Goldsnider, 37 Spruce St. He was bom June performed the doubei-ring cere- Miss Bleine Barbara Sibrinsz ton, D.C. begrlnning Aug. 6. T-BONE OR PORTERHOUSE 24 at Manchester Memorial Hospital, His maternal grandpar­ mony and was celebrant at the and Gregory James Zollo, both Miss Nancy Louis Brown of Rallies are planned In almost ents are Mr. and Mrs. Cart Ahlberg, 39 Spruce St. His pater­ nuptial - Mass. Paul Chetelait of Manchester, were united In New Britain became the bride every city the demonstrators nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldsnider, South will pass through on the jour­ Rd., Bolton. He has a brother, Robert Michael, 7 was organist. Bouquets of marriage Saturday, June 17, In A • « * * white gladioli and pink snap- ® candlelight ceremony, Chester Monday, June 19 at the ney. Men’s Terry Church of the Assumption. The plans were announced Vogt, Laura Jean, daughter off Paul Glenn and Mary dragons were on the altar. Concordia Lutheran Church Bggert Vogt, 113 Edgewood Dr;, South Windsor. She was ASE! The bride was given in mar- The bride la “a aaugnier daughter of The bride is the daughter of Wednesday by Dr. Owen Cham­ SPECU berlain, University of bom June 20 at Rockirllle General Hospital. rtage by her father. She wore J?"’ Arthur G. Brown of Presque Knit Shirts a fuU-aength gown of silk or- Fairfield St. The l>rtde- Isle, Maine, and the late Mrs. physicist who won the Nobel Alice M. Brown. The bride­ Prize, and Deaconess Phyllis WAYBEST Wheeler, Lynn Marie, daughter of Daniel A. and Mary ganrn and lace, designed with ‘f ^ groom is a son of Mrs. 'Vincent Edwards of the Episcopal STEAK Rollins 'Wheeler, 131 West St., Rock'vlUe. She was born .Tune an alenoon lace bodice, short Benedict L. ZoUo of 66 Gard- Church. 18 at Rock'ville General Hosqrftal. Her maternal grandmother ner St. E. Morlarty of 12 Morse Rd. Comp. Vglue sleeves accented^ with • pearls, TT The Rev. Joseph E. Bourret, and the late Vincent Moriarty. "We need to coalesce the peo­ CHICKEN Is Mrs. Anna C. Rollins, Enfield, N. H. Her paternal grand­ pastor of Concordia Church, The Rev. Ernest J. Coppa per- ple's weariness with war across mother is Mrs. Lena B. IVheeler, Enfield, N. H. She has a 5.00 boilfiant veil or silk illusion performed the double-ring cere- formed the double-ring cere- the nation,” Chamberlain said. brother, Mark N., 2%. ■was arranged from a m a ttin g Norman Slade was or- mony and was celebrant at a "I look to the peace torch mara­ PARTS .* • m *■ *1 TS pillbox hat, and she carried a ganlst. Bouquets of yellow and nuptial Mass, thon to draw people together.” Gould, Stephen Douglas, son of John C. and Ellen Vd. cascade bouquet erf wWte roses, carnations were on the Miss Barbara J. Howe of New Tlie torch will be lighted from Saunders Gould, 42 Salem Rd. He was bom June 22 at Man­ C(^p. io.OD «US8 P ^ G t o ^ ^ ^ M a n * - ^itar. Britain was maid of honor. Vln- the flame burning at Hiroshima, chester Memorial Hosqrftal. His maternal grandparents are y- f cheater, sister of the bride, was ij-jjg bride was given Inmar- cent J. Moriarty Jr. of Tolland Japan, and flown here in an ox­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Saunders, Lexington. Mass. His pa­ maid of honor. She wore a full- riage by her father. She wore served as his brother’s best ygen-fed closed container. ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Carlos N. Gould, Wells, 1 length cage-style gown of pink. ^ street-length dress of white man. Maine. He has a brother, David, 3. . ' POLLUTION KILLS FISH « 0^ 2 22 chiffon over crepe, fashioned lace with matching jacket. Her After a reception for the im- with cowl neckline and long shoulder-length veil of Illusion mediate families at Valle's ROANOKE, Va. (AIP)—A Stratton, Jodi-Lynne, daughter of Gerrold and Alyce Anderson Stratton, 42 Pioneer Circle. She was bom June 24 sfleeves. She wore a matching was arranged from a pearl Steak House, Hartford, the cou- state official says about 165,000 lb headipiece of chiffon and tulle, cro'wn, and she carried a cres- pie left for a wedding trip to fish died when the Clinch River at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmoth­ Combed plush cotton terry and carried a cascade of roses cent bouquet of yellow rosea, Cape Cod. They will live at 199 was polluted two weeks ago er is Mrs. Kitty George, 1009 Main St. Her paternal grand­ for comfort and coolness! parents are Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Loughrey, 16 Columbus St. We scooped the maivet on t^iis stunningv swimwear! in shades of pink. stephanotls and llUes-of-the-val- Sigourney St., Hartford. when a coal ash-retaining daip She has a sirter, Tami-Lynne, 3%. Bikinis, 1 piece styles .\. . solids; patterns, cofl^blnations. V and crewneck styles. Mhirk Jeske of Manchester ley. Mrs. Moriarty is a 1965 grad- broke. The dam broke at the * * «> * *1 senved w his brotheir’s best Miss Carol A. Sibrinsz of uate of New Britain Senior High Appalachian Power Co. plant at 34-44 in group: Choose several at^ltiy^low, low^icel Solids or competition stripes. Garbo In Russell County. The Adams, Karen Lynn, daughter of Robert Paul and man. Ush^ns were Jeffrey Lee Manchester, sister of the bride. School and attended Southern Baralbara Sheimawskls Adams, 87 Birch St. She was bom Perfect for the beachl of Bloomifieia, oousin erf the was maid of honor. She wore Connecticut College, New Hav- polluted waters moved dow the Small, medium, large, river to the '^Norris Dam in ICE COLD. RIPE SWEET June 22 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal hridegroom; and John DeQuat- a blue brocade dress, matching en. She Is an engineering aide grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mike Shemawskis, 20 West- extra large. tro of Vecnon. cabbage rose headpiece with at Pratt and Whitney, Division Tennessee, where it dissipated. field St. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mazzula, Middletown, R. I. She has a Sister, Sherry Ann 22 months. WATERMELON lea * * • 41 lb Simmons, Enrunett Scott, son of Robert Emmett and Flucklger Simmons, 333 Main St. He was bom June W. G. GLENNEY 20 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grandparent.s FRESH, TENDER, YELLOW are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Flucklger, Village St., Ellington. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Simmons, 33 Girls’ Dainty Nylon Canterbury St. • • « • • •] KRAFT'S SLICED Chmlelewskl, Alexander, son of John Alexander and Tricot Sleepwear SWEET CORN 5i3» Marlene Hoevet Chmlelewskl, Vernon Gardens, Rock'ville. He was bom June 18 at Rockville General Hospital. His mater­ Comp. Val. 3.00 aeaMniia AMERICAN CHEESE nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. G arri^n B. Hoevet, Ju­ m i neau, Wls. His paternal gfrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. t ax > •• • 5 S RIPE, SWEET, PINK MEAT Alexander Chmlele'wskl, Norwich. 12 O Z . • * • * * jBia CltMl* of 1300 Nationwide PRO Hardware Stores makes Callahan, Timothy Paul, son of Arthur C. Jr. and PKG. Wanda McNamee Callahan, 143 Trout Steam Dr„ Vernon. He was born June 23 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His ma­ 1.97 J < ONE GALLON CANTALOUPES 29: ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold McNamee, FAMILY SIZE Thomaston. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J PHILADELPHIA Arthur C. Callahan Sr., Milford, Mass. He has a brother, Pe­ Gowns PICNIC JUG 24'^ ALUMINUM ter, 6; and two sisters, Diane, 4, and Carolyn, 2. CREAM CHEESE * * * • * P a j a m a s - K E U L E Ryan, Laurie Loulsev daughter of John W. and Louise Baby Dolls Barger Ryan, Wall St., Hebron. She was bom June 22 at Men’s Never-press Men’s Quality FREE! Manchester Memorial Hospital, Her maternal grandparents WHEN YOU BUY A GRILL 8 O Z . are Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Barger, Wethersfield. Her pa­ Walking Shorts Swim Trunks ternal grandmother is Mrs. John F. Ryan, Meriden. She has Comp. Value 6.95 FAMILY SIZE SUMI4ER SPECIAL PKG. a brother, Michael, 2%. Caprolan 15 denier Comp. Value 5.00 0 ^ m m m sheer tricot over l95 Sluztnskl, Laura Ann, daughter of Edward R. and Mil- acetate tricot. Pretty 22" PORTABLE COOLER licent DeFeo Sluzlnafld, 54 Marshall Rd. She was bom June prints, I'uffled and 3.97 2.97 in carton HOODS 22 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her paternal grandpar­ trimmed with lace or K ents are Mr. and Mrs. EMward B. Sluzlnski, Windsor. She Just arrived! Special purchase! Fine quality boxers, beach boys, has a brother, Steven, 6; and a slater, Pamela, 4. satin. Iridescents surfers. Stretch knits and Lastex Summer Top and bottom draft FRUIT PUNCH Terrific selection of Fortrel*-cot- and solids; S. M. L. ton shorts. Belt loop styles. Solids, briefs. Exceptional group. All Special controls and built in wanted colors. Sizes S, M, L, XL. 1 4 “ thermometer a $ $ u r e s or LEMONAUE plaids, checks, sizes 29-42. Rugged enameled controlled cooking. Georgetown Nuns Change^ s te e l construction Grill can be positioned and rust resistant for windbreaker. Heavy Wear Nurses^ Uniform hardware. Seamless gauge all weather alu­ HALF Girls’ Swimwear high im p a c t fiber minum finish, bottom N E W r GAL. WASHINGTON (AP)—Nurs­ move about more easily, cape- Girls’ Cool with expanded bead shelf and heavy duty ing nuns at Georgetow Uni­ cially through narrow space,” Bonanza insulation keeps cooler wide wheels. versity Hospital are the first in said Sister M. Francesca Shorty Shorts the nation to try a switch to Lumpp of the order of Sisters of longer. white nurses uniforms in place St. Joseph. She Is assistant ad­ 1 & 2 pc. styles of the traditional white religious ministrator of nursing services Comp. Value 1.50 Special! Boys’ habit. s r 2 0 ' at the hospital. Ik>tUT And they are finding that Eight of the 13 nursing nuns IP VIP FANCY "with no long skirts dragging at the hospital are participating Swim Trunks WINDOW behind, or sleeves dangling at in the voluntary experiment, e NORTHWEST SLICED her side, a nursing sister can expected to last several months. Each mm selects the style of 2.69 FAN uniform that suits her own STRAWBERRIES taste. All of them, however, Bikinis, tanks, every style you SPECIAL wear a white, shoulder-length Ideal for hot weather ahead! CAR Easy side-zip closure. Choose can imagine. Cottons and veil as a head-covering. , stretch nylons; novelty trims. TOP Permission to wear the e.xper- assorted pastels in easy care IU mut “ 16 O Z . 5 Sizes 3 to 6x, 7 to 14. J J( 14 imental dress was based on a cottons. Sizes 7 to 14. 5-Year Guarantee OSCILLATING CARRIER PKGS. ^ decree of Vatican Council II 1.89 -2.69 Dependable two-speed motor drives this three- SPECIAL which states, in part, that reli­ blade fan fo allow maximum room comfort. UL SPRINKLER gious habits "should meet, the LOW PRICE 999 approved. requirements of health and be 2,300 Sq. ft. Coverage suited to the circumstances of Sizes 8 to 10 Reg. 11.00 BIRDSEYE tinue and place, as well as to the 18" ELECTRIC 300 FRENCH FRIES services required by those who Use for evatythin^ from OR CRINKLE CUT wear them.” vacations to ski racks. ra< ' Fits Sister Francesca, summing LAWN MOWER Dial control for ssileef area aH domestic hardtops, sta­ up the nuns’ experiences since tion wagons and trucks. POTATOES Powerful and quiet G en­ coverage. the experiment began June 5, If he’s off to camp — or the beach, eral Electric motor assures- tu said the sisters have found the easy lawn cara. Exclusive nursing uniforms more practi­ stock up at this great price! All ivLocIi 'N Go handle and 9 OZ. cal than the traditional habit. the wanted styles and fabrics. Las­ height adjuster. iiKinor COMPACT" PKGS. Not only do they allow freer tex, boxer and jams. Wide selection “problem” j movement, she said, but they m TRAVELING SPRINKLER also are cooler and more com­ of colors in solids and plaids. perspiration fortable. SAVE OVER 3.00 1380 "More Important, however," she said, "is the fact that, for Unattended automatic SWEET LIFE solved wn ! certain people, the change has Leather Italian Sandals lawn sprinkling. Two-posi­ for those who perspire heavily ^ removed a barrier — one that J tion control. For traveling LIMWAK ☆ I cccasionally inhibited people for Teens and Women or stationary sprinkling. A new antiperspirant that) from approaching sisters be­ Hose not included. really works 1 Solves underarm ^ cause they did not know what to Boys’ Walking Shorts problems for many who had say or how to act.”. despaired of effective help. 'Mitchum Antl-Perspirant keeps 21 Assemblies Annual Comp. Value Enjoy your home improvements NOW with Glenney’s Easy Revolving Budget Account (R.B.A.). As underarms absolutely dry for Sizes 4 to 7 1.66 - 1.89 little as $10 month buys up to $100.00 10 99 NEW YORK—Within the next 3.95 thousands of grateful users. 2 .9 7 SUNSHINE APPLESAUCE COOKIES ...... 15 oz. pkg. 41c 18 months,, constitutional Positive action coupled with amendments proposed in five QUALITY—THE BEST ECONOMY OF ALL eomplete gentlenfBS to normal states may bring to a majority Quality leather uppers with full foam cush­ Sizes 8 to 18 - tkin and clothing is made pos­ the number of states whose 1.99 2.99 sible by a new type of formula ioning; leather soles. Handcrafted by the WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES leg;islatures hold annual ses­ masters in Italy with a world of style and SHOP produced by a trustworthy 64- sions. At present, 21 hold an­ Permanent press fabrics, to save mother from the year-oI4 laboratory. Satisfac­ nual sessions and five more are comfort! Villager Brown, sizes 5-10. ironing board. Good choice of popular colors in MANCHESTER FRIDAY tion guaranteed. So trade your considering them. Only seven plaids or solids.'^ perspiration worries for luxu­ state assemblies met annually TO rious dryness. Get the positive at the turn of the century. protection of AU t> WA 649-5253 8:30 P.M. ilOHI S POLLUTION STUDY SET BOSTON (AP) — Nev Eng­ SA LE! THURS. thru SA T, i The sign of this FROfes- land governors will study ways SAT. FIRST a n ti-p Er s p ir a n t MANCHESTER -1 1 4 5 TOLLAND TURNPIKE eional deeJer who excels to control air pollution at their OPEN LATE TO NOON in PRCMeseional and ECONOM Liquid or Cream 90-day supply meeting July 6 In Boston. They 3 3 6 capable eervfee, advice STORE OF MANCHESTER P.ach f3.no will consider a report of the EVERY NIGHT and products. Wiwy -^bppiitg 14 fi/ Vb'Mtm Exit 93, Wflbur Cross Parkway NORTH MAIN STREET 646 CENTER STREET PLENTY OF FREE PARKING C v V L - l D O I l New England Conference of State Public Health Officials ELUNGTON GLASTONBURY OPEN WED., THURS.. FRI. TILL 9 P.M. — SAT. TILL 6:30 P.M. recommending establishment MANCHESTER suggesting a committee of con­ BUILDING MATERIALS — LUMBER — FUEL 1145 Tolland Turnpike ference of state air polluUon Exit 93, Wilbur Croea Pky. control officials. Is ' ' ' ' 1 1

V T t T T


District Budget Passed^ Chicago NAACP Chapter Over Objection by Pearl Quits King^s 'Movement w T The majority of the 14 items meeting. “It you were that CHICAGO (AP) —The Chica- Last year, the council invited on the Uganda for the 8th I>Ls- interested,” Hanklnson said go chapter of the NAACP has king’s Southern Christian Lead- Sears trict annual meeltng were ‘’" “ if- quietly wHhdrawn from the Chi- ershlp Conference to spearhead , . _ . to find out." passed by the voters without HauWWgon-a comment cago Freedom Movement a unified civil rights drive in the bMided by Dir. Martin Dutheir city. 'The two groups, coordlnat- txH) much discussion or remark, was greeted by sudden applause King Jr. ing their activities under the But a few v^re opposki quite and shouting of "yeas” from The actio, which local name of the Chicago Freedom strongly. Questions were raised some of the assembled, NAACP leaders said was made Movement, organized open- about the proposed budget and it was shortly after this that necessary by an organizational housing marches into many of the tax rate, but the budget b . D. Pearl attempted to speak overhaul, removed from the the city’s white neighborhoods. 2-BIG to SEARS was passed and the recom- for the third time on the same Chicago Freedom Movement its "This action does not mean mended 2V4 mill tax rate was moUon of the budget. Atty. La- largest member and one of its we have completely shut the also accepted. Belie ruled him out of order, four founders. ’The decision sur- door on CX3CO,” said Sidney WAVS B. D. Pearl spoke twice on but Pearl Insisted he had the prised many civil rights leaders Finley, NAACP regional the budget, opposing it, call- right. LABelle finally opened IN MANCHESTER ONLY! and drew sharp criticism. director. "We may still work Ing it a runaway budget. He tbg matter to a vote by those "Cooperation with the Free- with them on a project-to- had to wait for others to com- present and Pearl’s request for dom movement is not an item project basis." 'ment on it, before moderator speaking again was turned on our agenda, and framkly I Freedom Movement leaders MID-YEAR STOCKROOM SALE Atty. John LaBelie would per- down in the vote. \ don’t see it appearing for quite called the NAACP decision "un- Check these tremendous savings now! We’re mak ing room for new fall merchandise. Out go odd mlt him to speak a second a . voice vote on the budget awhlle," said Edward McClel- fortunate both for the move- tots, cl^rance items, display and demonstrator m odels. Shop early tonight for best selection. At time on the subject. And when was asked. A slow collective Ian, NAACP Chlcago-staff ment and for the NAACP.” Sears in Manchester store only. Plenty of FREE storeside parking. Pearl tried to speak the third voice of "yes” answered the director. ’The NAACP, he said, ’They said it would not hinder SAT. 6 T.M. time, even when saying he was vote "for.” On the vote against, "is a self-determining organize- civil rights action in Chicago, speaking as a representative o f one clear female voice came out tlon.” "Traditionally,” one said, the (Manchester Taxpayers Pro- with a no. McClellan said the action was "the NAACP has displayed a tective Association, he was on the kext item, the matter taken after the Chicago chapter, degree of organizational ruled out of order. of the tax rate, B. D. Pearl with a reported membership of jealousy. ’They don’t seem to Pearls brother, Steve, of spoke again. He urged voters more than 46,000, was divided n't® being a part of a larger 152 HoUister St. said the budg- „ot to approve the 2% mill pro- et was not publicized enough posal. Irttto three Bemd-dnaependent group and their participation in PRICES CUT . . . and that he had no chance to branches — one each for the recent years has been sporad- HUGE SAVINGS Several other voters ques­ Victor Swianson, incumbent President of the 8th Swanson requested the moment of prayer for Vin­ west, north and south sides to, tc." study it. "How can you ask tioned the proposed rate, ask­ people to approve this budg­ Utilities District, leads the electors in a moment of cent Genovesi and Walter Leclerc who died recent­ provide multiple approaches to FURNITURE FOR ing how was it possible that the silent prayer before elections of the 8th District ly. (Hqrald photo by Pinto) problems of jobs, housing, edu­ ON ALL et when you just now present directors said there was no it? ” he asked. offifcers at Bentley School auditorium last nigfht. cation and political participa­ raise in the rate asked when tion. CHARGE YOUR EVERY ROOM Atty. LaiBelle said the budg­ taxes would be higher because APPLIANCES et had appeared in the paper The decision to withdraw, he of revaluation. Directors agreed Vote 31 to 29 a son to Mr. and Mrs. ‘Thomas said, was contained in a letter PRESCRIPTION and Pearl said some notice that more money would be col­ Hospital Notes Sawtelle, 4 Tanner St. should have been given of the sent Feb. 2 to A1 Raby, conve­ lected even though the tax rate DISCHARGED Y D S T E R- nor of the Coordinating Council •4— Serofoam Twin Mattress, Box Springr, leg set. Reg. 59.95 ...... 4 9 . 5 0 district meeting when the would be the same. Patients Today: 276 DAY: Barbara Brocketto, • 1— Kenmore Automatic Washer, 14-lb. cap. Reg. 179.95 ...... 6 1 3 8 budget was discussed. of Community Organizations, The voice vote on the tax ADMITTED YBSTEIRDAY: EtFD 1, Bolton; Eric Christen- COCO, • 2— Serofoam Mattress. Full size. Reg. 49.50 ...... $ 2 8 A t this time Director Wil­ District Opposes a civil rights action • 1 — Kenmore Automatic Washer, 14-lb. cap. Reg. 199.95 ...... 6 1 5 8 9 rate was not clear as to major­ Mrs. Thais Bliss, Ekist Hart­ sen, Ellington Ave., Rockville; Wticom* Her* liam Hankinson and Pearl ex­ group with more than 40 mem­ • 1— Quilt Top InnerSpring Mattress, Box Spring, twin. Reg. 1 1 9 .9 5 ...... 8 7 8 ity and a hand vote was re­ ford; Peter Oasavant, 56 Beel­ Mrs. Mildred Brown, 34 Oak ber organizations. changed some heated words, quested. Atty. LaBelle count­ zebub Rd., Wajpping; David Da­ St., Wapping; Robin Scribner, • 1— Quilt Top Innerspring Mattress, Box Spring, twin. Reg. 139.00 ...... 8 8 8 • 1 — Kenmore Automatic Washer, 14-lb. cap. Reg. 199.95 ...... 6 1 7 9 and Hankinson said Pearl Buying Water Firm Raby was not available for ed and said 51 were in favor vis, Wendell Bd., Tolland; An- Stafford Springs; Sharon Mey­ comment. should kno^v better than com­ • 1 — King Size Innerspring Combination. Reg. 299.95 ...... 8 2 2 9 • 1— 2-Speed, 3-Cycle Washer. Reg. 229.95 ...... 6 1 8 9 and 30 were opposed. On this Voters of the 8th Utilities rates stable. He aadd the Dis- nabelle Dodge, 39 Tuck Rd.; er, East Hartford; Anthony Other council leaders said they PINE PHARMACY plain about not knowing of the the 2^^4 mill rate was passed. Mrs. Pearl Dorey, East Hart- Kendrick, 92 Scott Dr.; Mis. • 1— Quilt-top Foam Combination, twin. Reg. 139.95 ...... 8 9 8 District l£ist night turned down tirdct could cut'down on expens­ had not heard of the letter or of 664 Center St. 649-9814 • 1— Lady Kenmore Automatic Washer. Reg. 289.95 ...... 6 1 9 8 es of operation.^ ^A $28 ^ thousand ford; Malcolm Frost Jr„ 43 Gisela Miller, 348 Oakland St.; the NAACP’s decision. • 6 — Adjustable Bed Frame. Reg. 9.98 ...... 4 . 9 9 a proposal to appropriate funds savtog wuwTbeOlaire Rd., Vemon; Mrs. Eliza- Audrey Dawnorowicz, East • 1 — Kenmore Wringer .Washer. Reg. 109.95 ...... 6 7 8 V e m o n to study condemnation of the (jax exemiptii'on, and aniortiheQ’ $18 'beth Gould, RFD, Oovenhry; Hartford, Ifrs. Clarion Aforan, • 3-pc. Walnut Bedroom Set, Triple Dresser, Manchester Water Co. by the .thousand would be cut out that Mrs. Lucille Grzynkowski, 63 Enfield; Mrs. Bart>ara Moller, Chest, Full Size Bed. Reg. 259.95 ...... 8 1 7 8 • 1— Kenmore Gas Dryer, 14-lb. cap. Reg. 164.95 ...... 6 1 3 8 Is paid yearly as dividends to Carman Rd.; Henry Hanauer, Garden St.; Mrs. Theresa district. The proposal was de­ • 3-pc. Maple Bedroom Set, Triple Dresser, Mirror, • 1— Kenmore Electric Dryer. Reg. 199.95 ...... 6 1 2 8 Gas Station Manager Helps feated b y two votes, with 29 stockholders, he said. Swanson 116 Wells St.; Susan Hart- Oppsll. Branford Also, Mrs. Daisy Chapman, chest, Twin Size Bed. Reg. 379.95 ...... 8 3 2 8 voting for appropriation and 31 saad anotiher $23 thjousaaid srt.ein, 26 Flag Dr.; Paula Hoff- Phone 649-5405 397 Summit St.; Mrs. Alice • 1 — Deluxe 30-in. Kenmore Gas Range. Reg. 199.95 ...... 6 1 4 8 voting against. coul'd be saved in fees, and Chat man, Loomis Rd., Bolton; Wil- • 3-pc. Italian Provincial Bedroom, Triple Dresser. Miiror, Twice in Car Theft Arrests Wright, RFD 4, Coventry; Nor- FOR SUMMER DRESS This was item number 11 on tihe $45 thousand spent by the lis Kilpatrick, 149 Keeney Dr., • 1 — Classic 30-in. Kenmore Gas Range. Reg. 249.95 ...... 6 1 9 9 mian 'LaRose, 48 Bissell St. Chest, Full Size Bed. Reg. 7 1 4 .0 0 ...... 8 5 8 8 Charles BajckOfen, a night Both will appear in East the agenda in the annual elec­ company fer "adimiinjistraltlve Bolton. Mrs. Jeanna Vines, High Manor manager Of the Mile HiU Texa­ Hartford Circuit Court 12 to­ tion meeting of the district held and general expenses could Also, Eugene Lanigan, Hart- • 3-pc. Cherry Continental Bedroom, Triple Dresser, Mirror, CLEARANCE • 1— 30-in. Kenmore Electric Range. Reg. 199.95 ...... 6 1 3 8 co. serVtoe station, has helped Park, Rdckville; Mrs. Ellen morrow morning and a public at Bentley School. The item aJso be nediuced. fOrd; Howard Lappen, 59 Bran- ROY and EARLE’S Vemjon podice two nights in a Hewitt, East Hartford; Mrs. Chest, FulLSize Bed. Reg. 289.95 ...... 8 2 3 8 • 1— 30-in. Classic Electric Range. Reg. 299.95 ...... 6 2 4 8 defender will be appointed. came up for vote at 9:45 p.m. As to getting funds, Swansi;m ford St.; Kathleen Leatliers, 170 row to arrest youths they want- Ellen Fogarty, 12 EJmily Dr., By this time only 60 voter.s smd an odt passed by the leg- eNorthview Dr., South Wdnd- • 2-pc. Colonial Living Room Set, Serofoam Cushion . ed in connection with stolen Yesterday morning Backofen Vemon; Girard JosUn, 9 Lewis • 1 — Coldspot 2-Door Refrigerator. Reg. 299.95 ...... 6 2 6 8 reported spotting Ralph Meyer, were present. i'slature dn 1927 empowered the gor; Mrs. Alyce Lisk, Valley FLOOR COVERING Print Cover. Reg. 219.95 ...... 8 1 7 8 cairs. In all, three youths have DdOtrilct to set up a gym, bath Falls Rd., St„ Rockville; Mrs. Wanda 17, of 9 Robert Rd., driving a About 250 persons had been Vei-non; David Mc­ • 2-pc. Continental Living Room Set, Serofoam Cushions, 3.99 • 1— 16 Cu. Ft. Frostless Refrigerator. Reg. 389.95 ...... 6 2 9 9 been dhaipged. houses and recrealidonal facdld- Callahan and son, 143 Trout there for the election of district Kinney, New Britain; William A t 4:10 thdis momihg, poJijce car police had asked Backofen tlea This made ■ the D'strdet a Stream Dr., Vemon; Mrs. Gail 57 Vi c o o p e r STREET Tweed Cover. Reg. 209.95 ...... 8 1 6 8 to look out for. O'Connell, 109 Summer St.; • 1— 16 Cu. Ft. Frostless Refrigerator. Reg. 399.95 ...... 6 3 4 9 ^ ajrlrested LJbyd R Carter, 16, of officers which started at 7:30. receratiionail agency, he said, Ruddy and son. East Hartford. Regular O O Benediot Riley, 5 Faith Dr., FREE ESTIMATES— ALL WORK GUARANTEED • 2-pc. Traditional Living Room Set, Blue Matalesse 142 Hlairtefl Dr. and Dennis J. The arrest of Meyer was Before the vote, Matthew and therefore poasfitoly elilgSble DISCHARGED TODAY: Dor­ Cover, Kick Pleat Skirt. Reg. 459.00 ...... 8 2 8 9 to $10.98 • 1— 16 Cu. Ft. Frostless Refrigerator. Reg. 429.95, D elu xe...... 6 3 4 9 leronimo, 17, of Hanson, Mass., made with the help of Backof­ Moriarty, vice president of the for federal funds. Vemon; Ma's. Doris Boy, 544 othy Wolfe, Mansfield; WllUam after the two reiwrtedly drove en and,Xester Waite, a delivery Manchester Water Co., spoke S w a n s o n , in conduddng, Buckland Rd., Wapping; Mirs. Kelsey, East Hartford; Claire LINOLEUM FORMICA • 2-pc. Italian Provincial Living Room Set, Wood Trim, • 1— 18 Cu. Ft. Frostless Refrigerator. Reg. 499.95 ...... 6 3 8 8 M o the ajB-ndght service sta­ man for a newspaper. Officer by special permission, stating pointed out to the voters that Norma Salaut, 83 -W. Middle Levesque, 69 Essex .St.; Michael Green Damask Cover. Reg. 410.00 ...... 8 2 6 8 tion for gas and were spotted Ernest Hubert was in charge. why he felt takeover would not they were voting not for actual Tpke.; Mrs. Mary Sciremem- Semggs, East Hartford; Todd FLOORS COUNTERS • Vacuum Cleaner Bags. Reg. 1.00 ea...... g for 6 1 be a good thing and Victor • 1— ^Wlng Back Recliner Chair, Green Vinyl. Reg. 159.95 ...... 8 9 8 J by BaJCkofen. He was alerted by, Meyer appeared in the Staf­ condemnation, but for funds to Willimantic; Arthur Setzler, 31 Wolcott Lane, Rock­ Swanson, who had been re­ • Used Sewing Machine Heads ...... Now 6 2 to 6 4 poUlce canUer to look out for ford Springs Circuit Court 12 study “possible condemnation" ^^ilh. 108 Milford Rd.; Robert ville; Stella Labieniec, East • 5 — Danish Style Chains, Blue/Green. Reg. 1 6 .9 5 ...... 1 1 . 8 8 8.99 the car the youths were report­ yesterday where he was elected district president about only. 'Tucker, RPD4, Coventry; Gdl- Hartford; Francis SulKvan, 134 • 1 — Patch Quilt Rocker. Reg. 69.95 ...... 5 8 . 8 8 an hour before, stated why he CERAMIC KITCHEN Shifts! Skimmers! Cool Tents! • Kenmore Canister Cleaners ...... 6 1 8 ed driving. charged with theft of a motor Ajfter he finished several per- aman White, 115 Olcott St.; Diane Dr.; Ronald Levesque, felt it would be. • 1— Italian Style Recliner, Beige Vinyl. Reg. 139.95 ...... 8 1 1 9 Sgt. Robert Kjdlqullst and vehicle and bond was set at suns in the audience spoke, say- John Williams, High St., Cov­ Broad Brook; Frederick EM- TILE • Misses Sizes • Juniors’ • Half Sizes • Kenmore Power Sweeps. Reg. 24.95 ...... *..... 6 1 8 Atty. John LaBelle, modera­ CARPETS Officer Robert Neal made the $7,500. He failed to post bond ing the request should be de- entry. wards, 107 Spmee S t; William • 5-pc. Dinette Set, 36x48-in. Walnut Table. Reg. 79.95 ...... 5 9 . 8 8 anresta. tor, first had a voice vote on and is in the Tolland Jail. feated and that the astrict B IR 'ras YESTE21DAY; A Burdick, RFD 1, Rockville; • 5-pc. Dinette Set, 30x40-in. Table Reg. 59.95 ...... 8 3 8 • Summer Shifts. Reg. to $6.98 ...... 3«77 • Kenmoi-e Sewing M achines...... ^...... «...... 2 9 - 9 5 Both youths were charged the item, but both the "yes” and shlould st'ick to runn'ing the Sew- son to Mr. and Mrs. John Ma- Mrs. Sylvia Grassette, Mt. Ver­ ROY STRICKLAND EARLE TEDFORD About Backofen, one officer • 7-pc. Dinette Set, 36x48 to 72-in. Walnut Table. Reg. 184.95 ...... 8 9 9 with theft of a motor vehicle, “no" vote seemed about equal. er an'd Fire Department and rino, 40 Maxwell Dr., Vernon; non Apts., Rockville; Mrs. Don- Formerly of Roy & John • Junior Shirts, Roll and Long Sleeve • Sewing Machine Attachments. Reg. 3.00 ...... 1 ^ 0 larceny under $15, v-lUful de- said, "W e’re going to have to He then asked for persons vot­ give him a badge. not try to take on more respon- a son to Mr. and Mrs. Neal na Sibirsky and son, 63 High Reg. 2.99 to 4.99. Excellent Selection . -8 9 f^ 1.66 SbrucUon of private property ing to raise their hand, count­ slbllity. FTescott, 50 Oak Dr., Hebron; View Rd., Wapping. U • Shorts in a wide Style Assortment. Reg 2.99 . 1.77 and possession of buiiglary Meyer was reportedly driv­ ed and announced the number.s. tods. Carter was also charged ing the car owned by ' Frank Atty. LaBelle, after reading DRAPERY and SLIPCOVER INFANTS' AND • Summer Co-ordinates, Junior, Misses . . 2 0 '^'’ GIRLS WEAR with operating a motor vehicle Kashady of Center Rd, Anoth­ the agenda item which request­ CHILDREN'S • Swim Suits, Misses’ Sizes. Reg. 12.98-19.98 .... J Q . 8 8 er car reported missing by Mrs. RADIO and TV BUYS* without a license. ed $2,000 from the district gen­ REMNANT SALE • Swim Caps. Reg. 99c to 4.98 ...... 660 2.77 SAVINGS The oar Backofen spotted is Kathleen Brokowski of 19 eral fund “to cover necessary Franklin St. was found yester­ SUMMER Sleeveless Summer Shirts. Reg. 2.59 . . . 1.77 • 10— Portable Color TV, 15-in. Reg. 299.95 6277 owned iby Robert Tucker of expenditures for the possible Assorted Fabrics 2 ^ ^ Yard day. Police said keys were left TalOottviSle. 'Pucker left it at condemnation of the Manches­ • 3— Table Model Color 'TV, 18-in. In both vehicles. BLOUSES Mlancliester Plymouth for re­ ter Water Co.," explained that FARMOIL AUTO CENTER DRESSES Asst. Styles and Colors Reg. 369.95 ...... 6287 pairs and it was 'Later reported Driver Charged accoitling to the district char­ ROUTE 83 THE MAIN HIGHWAY INTO ROCKVILLE PHONE 875-3379 Assorted Draperies C / I O / missing. Robert Vancura, 24 of Wil- Reg. 2.99 Reg. 3.99 N ter, the district can acquire the Drip Dry and Fiberglas. Up To /O Reg. 6.00 Reg. 7.00 MEN'S WEAR • 3— Color ’TV Consoles, 19-in. Carter and leronimo ap­ sonville Rd., Ellington was ar­ company franchise "toy negoti­ Maple or Walnut. Reg. 469.95 ...... 6358 peared in the Manchester ses­ rested yesterday and charged ation or by condemnation.” • Short Sleeve Sport Shirts. sion of Circuit Court 12 Uiis with making unnecessary noise Now available 4.97 5.97 99c 1.99 • Color 'TV Consoles, 23-in. * He said the Manchester Reg. 2.99-3.99 morning where bond was set SCATTER RUG SALE 1.66 v/ith a motor vehicle. He is Water Co., when approached, Walnut or Maple. Reg. 579.95 ...... 6499 for both at $500. Neither post­ scheduled to appear in Rock­ • Short SleeveBanlon Sport Shirts. A said it wculd not be willing to Sears ^‘Forever Yours” and “Hlg;h Society” • S/S Polo Shirts OOn • Beach Robes ed bond and were sent to Tol­ ville Session of Circuit Court Reg. 5.99 ■ ! • ■ § / Reg;. 2.99 ...... negotiate and thus the other Reg. 1 .1 9 ...... OOw 1.99 • 1— Table Model Color ’TV, 23-in. picture 6398 land County Jail. 12 July 11. for popular cars: 27x45-in. Reg. 7.69 ...... 4.99 alternative was explored. 'The • Bouffant Slips A AA • Duralon and CottonS/S Sport Shirts. M ^ " 9 • Bathing Caps 34x54-in. Reg. 18.99 ...... 14.99 Reg. 1 .3 9 ...... 88c • 4— Portable ’TV, 8-in. Solid State. proposed appropriation of $2,000 Reg. 2.99 ...... £ e £ S Reg. 6.50 ‘ t # T # Reg. 109.95 ...... 677 would be used to study value of 21x36-in. Reg. 4 .1 9 ...... 2 . 9 9 • Bathing Caps the company and the superior • Cotton Panties A /I AA • Assorted Men’s Straw Hats. C A O / Reg. 2.98 ...... 24x36-in. Oval. Reg. 6 .9 9 ...... 4.69 Reg. 3/2.99 ___ 0 / liJRI 1.69 • 1— Portable TV, 8” ...... 663 Israel Overrides Protests^ court would set the purchase MICHELIN X TUBE Reg. 2.99-5.00 3 U / O Odd Lot Floor Tiles. Reg. to 3 5 c ...... 1 0 ^ • Cotton Panties A price on it, Atty. LaBelle said. • Bassinettes A AA Reg. 2 for 1.39 A for88C • 6— Portable TV, 15-in. Reg. 109.95 ...... -687 10x12 Ft. Oval Braid Reversible Rug • Men’s Casual Slacks ^ 8 1 A Jerusalem Under One Flag Moriarty, speaking against with every Reg. 8.99 ...... V i 9 f pair 'the praposal, said assets of the 1 Only. Damaged. Reg. 144.99 ...... 89.95 Many Other Fabulous Buys • 1— Portable TV, 18-in. Reg. 1 1 9 .9 5 ...... 8 9 7 • Diapers A AA Shop Early for company were about $3 million • Men’s Dress Slack (Oontimied from Page One) apply to the total area of united 9x12 Surrey Oval Rug. Reg. 69.95 ...... 49.95 Reg. 2.99 doz...... m w v > Best Selection! • 24-j-Pocket Size Transistor Radios ...... 3 .4 4 Jerusalem, a spokesman said. and that the District could not Michelin Tire Assortment 50% gious leaders in Amman, the The merger of the two sectors qualify for federal appropria­ f Jordanian capital, protested: marked the first territorial gain tions on the pm-chase and • Men’s Suit Assortment V. Yugoslavia and 14 other non- by Israel since the 1948-49 would have trouble in running aligpied members of the United Palestine war. ASSORTED the company. • Sport C o ^ . nations rushed a resodutdon into Disposition of other lands Moriarty said he was town the emergency General Assem­ Reg. 22.00 to 35.00 8mm FILM seized by Is;ael in the recent representative for the Capitol bly calling on the Israelis to pull * KITCHEN war presumably will be negoti­ Region Planning Agency which their troops back from all terri­ • Men’s Perm^ Press Work Pants. ated at peace talks. deals with studies of recreation­ tory wrested from Egypt, Jor­ CLOCKS Reg. 4.99 ■ PROJECTOR In addition to its great reli­ al open sp«ices. He said a letter dan and Syria in the six-day gions -Significance, Old Jem- , war. The sponsors ' called for from a representative of the 1-only sailem is a highly lucrative t.mr- CRPA which said the district action by Friday. ist attraction. Israel has been 50% Off Reg. 125.99 99J5 Israeli Foreign Minister Abba was not eligible for federal BOYS^ WEAR taking in about $60 million in funds unless It was a “recrea­ Eban countered with an an­ foreign exchange from about Slide Trays A Q4 tional agency." Moriarty said if • 24—^Ladlea’ or Men's • Perma P r^ t Walking Shorts. nouncement that Has govern­ 300,000 tourists a year. It is now Reg. 59c A ftor y I the district took over and md(ie Watch Bands 4 7 7 For ment would keep Jerusalem almost certain to attract most Reg. 3.99 2 ^5 * the company land serve as a Reg. 6.95 ...... united and would administer the of the 500,000 tourists who vis­ ALIGNMENT • S /S Velour Shirts, Washable. AG l Flash Guns • AC recreational area wiith contin­ holy places with scrupulous re­ ited Jordan each year. the MICHELIN X • Codtume Jewelry Reg. 5.99 Reg. 4.95 l.«lw spect to all faiths. ued use for the water supply, Asst, Reg. to $2.00 25c 1.97 A spokesman for the munici­ the district would have prob­ with every set of • Assorted S /S Sport Shirts. pal government In ■ New Jems- DODD QUERY lems in .upkeep, since persons Reg. 3.50 Kerosene Lamps O^OIL. 99c w/1 qt. Cltronella Oil Wnfw alem stressed that Israel would STORRS (AP) — Will Gov. from all over Manchester would RADIAL tire’ 4 MICHELIN TIRES! ) Sears Aspirin • Boyfi’ Casual Slacks. ^ 6 1 A 300 Teh...... 59c provide free access to all parts John Dempsey support Sen. use the area for recreation, put­ Reg. 5.00 ^ pair I w of Jemsalem "and In both di- Thomas J. Dodd for re-election ting an undue strain on the dis­ MICHELIN "X" RADIAL Tires are now available in popular I Fluoride Colonial Dipper A AA rections.” Thfis indicated that 1970? trict. He said the area would be car sizes. Now, you too con benefit from MICHELIN'S high Toothpaste A gA- • Unlined Vinyl Raincoat and Hood. 1.19 Planters, reg. 10.99 0 . 0 0 5-oz. tubes A for 5I*IB Israelis can go freely into the The question was asked of the expensive for the District to safety level. Get full grip . . . full traction in oil weather. Reg. 2.99 Old a t y while Arabs can visit governor Wednesday by one of develop, also. 11—Exercise Slant • Selected Group Lightweight O ff 6-Aluminum .Laundry A AA Up to 8 0 % fewer punctures, extra long tread life and Board, reg. 24.95.. $5 Cases, reg. 5.99 A .0 if the New City. the 650 high school delegates to If anyone were to take over Jackets. Up To A police spokesman said the Nutmeg Boys State and Laurel the comipany, Moriarty said, save up to 1 0% on gas costs compared to standard con- 50% Israeli army was turning over Gitls State, the town woilld be in beat posd- ventionals. Ask about MICHELIN "X " RADIAL steel cord control of the Arab sector of the “ I am looking forward to 1970 tion to do ithdls since it could tires for your cor. city to civilian authorities. The Jbst being alive,” l responded qua.iffy for needed federal night curfew imposed when the Dempsey. funda BULK OIL SALE ODD LOT “AS IS” BARGAINS MISCELLANEOUS Old City was captured was lift------“You oculd not operate the guaranteed *for USED LAWNMOWERS ed. FINAL ASSEMBLY TOTALS campany as cheaply as .we can,” • ALUMINUM AW NINGS...... 40% OFF • 20-lb. Bag Charcoal ...... 8 8 0 Shapiro gave New Jerus- HARTFORD (AP)—The 1967 In Your Container, Mtoiiiarty said to the voters, in Rotaries, Riders, Reels. Up To • PATIO COVERS...... 33% OFF • Coffee Mugs. Reg. 39c e a c h ...... 2 4 0 0 alem’s Mayor Teddy Kollek an General Assembly passed ex- concluding. 40,000 miles of tread wear ALIGNMENT RECHEGK 10W-30, Regular 3 ^ qt. 3 1 V adminietratlve order enlarging aotly 1,352 bills, according to a Swanson, in answering, said • CERAMIC TILE ...... 50% OFF • 2-Qt. Casseroles. Reg. 1.39 each . . 2 f o r J , 4 0 the d ty liimite of “Israelii Jeru- «nal count by Legislative Com- the main reason for wanting to • 24-in. Riding Mowers. Reg. 109.99 ...... 688 • lO-Qt. Gan, lOw-30 Oil. • CANVAS AWNINGS...... 25% OFF • 1-Qt. Casseroles, Reg. 99c each . . . . 2 for 1 . 0 0 salem" to inolxide ail of Jeru- mlssioner Arthur M. Lewis. take over was to make water every 10,000 miles Reg. 4.69 3.39 M IC H B L IN X • FOLDING DOORS ...... 30% OFF • 24-in. Motorized Grills. Reg. 31.99 ... .2 4 .8 8 salem. ------;------• 32-in. Riding Mowers. Reg. 369.99 . • - -6329 • Auto FMrst Aid Kits. STORM WINDOWS ...... 5.00 each "Jemsalem was never divid­ with set of Reg. 2.69 • • Reg. 2 for 39c Light Bulbs ...... 10 for 1.00 ed, not even in the days of the • 20-in. Rotary Mowers. Reg. 69.99 . . ..:..657 1.99 • Reg. 286.00 • STORM DOORS ...... 50% OFF 40-60-75-100 Watt. Stock Up! Israelite tribes," Shapiro de­ RA D IA L e t GUHER GUARDS...... clared. P.A.C. Compact size costs less than $ 40 MICHELIN TIRES! • 400— ^Assorted Hammer Handles ...... 100 Motorcycles •235 • • Reg. 2 for 39c Heavy Duty THE ORIGINAL RADIAL STEEL CORD TIRE • Reg. 330.00 Flashlight Batteries ...... 0 for 1 . 0 0 Discussions have begun on • 400— Propane Cylinders. Reg. 1.19 * .....740 how to combine the municipal -if-Guarantee given by MICHELIN TIKE CORPORAT/ON cover* repair, credit or refund. Credit or refund Trail Bikes •299 • Used Chain Saws, as i s ...... 40% Off • Reg. 2.19 Floating Lanterns ...... 1 . 8 8 councils — the Israeli body of 21 based on consumer's original purchase price and proportion of mileage run. • 60— Propane Torch Kits. Reg. 8.99 . . . 5.00 Many Other Cycles To Choose From • Snow Blower Attachments, ae is . . . . 688 • Reg. 14.98 Post and Lantern ...... 9 - 8 8 members elected as representa­ A t Similar Big Savings. Buy N^Vf! • Clear Plastic Rolls. Reg. 3 .2 9 ...... tives of political parties, and the More MilMg* — More Traction — More Safety • 9-in. Radial Arm Saws. Reg. 159.99 ...6129 1.88 • Reg. 16.99 ; 12-meml^r council In the Jor- FREE MOUNTING \ 8-Speed Electric Hand Mixers ...... 1 3 - 8 8 tlanlan sector chosen to repre­ BINGO More Horsepower with • 10-in. Radial Arm Sawe. Reg. 219.99 ...6188 EVERY MONDAY— 8 P.M. i JJO MONEY DOWN • Reg. 39.98 20-in. Portable'Fans ...... - 3 1 . 8 8 sent the various ethnic aqd reli­ Mianchester Shopping Parkade Open Mon. thru Sat. Limited ^Selection Open Stock gious interests. 26 VILLAGE STREET. ROCKVILLE MOST SIZES IN STOCK • Craftsman 84-pc. Socket Sets. On Anything You Buy Reg. 79.48 ...... Sears W est Middle Turnpike— 643-1581 0 :3 0 A.M. to 9 P.M. Small Electric Hand Appliances ...... 5 0 % ” OH All laws now in force or pro­ .49.99 on Credit at Sears! mulgated in the future by the P. A. C. BALLROOM BUDGET TERMS RADIAL PLY TIRES J,a0UUCXAMD00. Jerusalem municipality will

tv P MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1967 RAGE NIKIS' PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THUilSDAY, JUNE 29, 1967 ed the Interstate Commerce an honorary member of the Tolland Congressmen Commission on June 12 of its First Negro Is Appointed Ndtlonal and International Coun­ YOU ALWAYS r ’■ cil of Women. pull India toward the conservative world intention to discontinue the '!1 ■ Seek to Retain trains under prior approval of Mrs. Christian is the Norwich iianrlrplitpr camp. Connecticut SAVE AT THE the federal agency. To State Education Board City Council representative- to 'India's OBI also reports that Commu­ 5-Year School Bus Contract \ RR Mail Stops When the approval was first the board of trustees of the ARTHUR DRUG lEttpmn^ l|praU^ nist countries provided campaign funds HARTFORD (AP)—A mother am certain, • will have construc- Thames Valley Council for Com- Yankee announced more than a year of three children who is em- live contributions to make.” in Iniha, to the parties of the extreme Goes to New London Firm WASHINGTON (AP) — The THOMAS F. FERGUSON ago the Post Office began pre­ ployed as a nuclear project Mrs. Christian is a native of PUBLISHED) BY TOE \ Post Office Department and She serves on the board of HERALD PRINTINO C».. INC. left, even more substantial than our The Board of Education last Roushon Jr., Oliver J. Roy, paring for a replacement serv­ engineer at the Electric Boat Washington,' D.C. She received By k.H .O . the Norwich chapter of the IS Blaaell Street contributions to the parties of the ex­ night awarded the five-year Clarence E. Ruggles, Mrs. IBev- the New Haven Railroad have. ice. Division of General Dynamics a bachelor of science degree In Maacheeter, Conn. American Red Cross, and is a WALTER R. iteROUSON treme right. school bus transportation con- erly W. Schneider, Richard C. been urged by New England The department estimated There were subtle differences In Groton has become the first physics from Howard University member of the West Side Com­ Publlshere The election, it may be remembered, tract to the Floyde Munroe B|^ Shores, Andrew R. Bilvay and that the new service would re­ Pounded October 1, 1881 between the three staitementa members of Ckingress to halt Negro ever appointed to the In 1951. munity Group and the Founders COiNWETGAS Ipmed out as if this alleged American Co. of New London on the basis Mrs. Freda D. Smith, the scheduled elimination of duce Its annual mail payments State Board, of Education. in 1951 and 1962 she worked 568 Center St., Manchestetr Published Every Evening Except Sundays made by the three top Demo­ to the New Haven by about of Norwich. and Holidays. Entered at the Post Office at and Communist campaign spending hod of the lowest bid. The company Also, Mrs. • Irene Sobotka, eight railway post offices op­ Mrs. Virginia D. Christian, a toward her masters degree crats of the State on the Dodd $1.3 million. The road estimated She Is married to William M. RHARGE YOUR Manchester. Oonn., as Second Class Mall had some effect. The political extremes has provided school bus trans- William A. Spellman, H. erated by the railroad. member of the Norwich Ck)m- under a teaching scholarship at Christian Jr. Matter. case. ‘ Imitation for the town for the Szemreylo, Daniel W. Taft Jr., the reduction would total only ^fTew stronger in the February results; William J. Hardlgan, an as­ munity Council and a prominent the University of Connecticut ___ ^ * SUBSCiRiPTION RATES AJU three were ’Isoft” on last' five years. Marshall S. Thompson, Mrs. sistant postmaster general, said about $211,000 a year. ^ GAS - OIL Payable in Advance the governing center grew weaker. FV>r community worker, was appoint- ghe was recently appointed to BANK MERGER PENDING \ , "\ Dodd. \ The only other bidder was the Mab^l Toth, W aynb’Trueb, Mrs. A department official said, One Year ...... J22.00 Wedne|^ay he and officials of ed late Wednesday by Gov. the governor’s Council for Youth NEW HAVEN (AP) — Stock­ Six Months ...... 11.00 a time after the election there was But they exhiUted vary de­ George A. Negro Go. of Bolton. Dorothy D. Ulrich, Mrs. Nan- the New Haven are reviewing however, that even under the anwnen Three Months ...... 5.50 John' Dempsey. Opportunity,, and was a mem­ holders of both banks approved doubt, in fact, whether the government Munroe’s bid would provide nette F. Usher, Robert Wag­ the situation with the hope that estimated reduction the road One Month ...... 1.85 grees, and varying logic, In Her six-year term begins ber of the planning council for of the Union & New Haven Credit of the Congress party and Mrs. Gandhi 16 buses at a rate of $30 per ner, David H. Waldo, Mrs. Judy mutually beneficial adjustments would still continue to receive MEMBER OP their softaesa. Saturday. She will succeed Mrs. the Governor’s Conference on Trust Co. and the Tradesmen’s bus per day, plus a 40 cents a G. Wallnskl, George H. Weber, can be made. annual payments of about $4.5 Cards THE could continue. Senates Abe Ribiooiff, lyho Sylvia K. Bingham of Salem, Human Rights and Op]portunl- National Bank of New Haven. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled mile charged for mileage in ex­ Donald C. White, Ensley B. The rolling offices, on which million. to the use of republicatibn of all news dis­ In net result, then, the way our ex­ supposedly occupied the hottest and declined reappointment, ties. The merger must win the ap­ White and Cole W. Wilde. mail is sorted while in transit, Sens. John O. Pastors CONNf '^Ti' .!l patches credited to it or not otherwise credit­ penditure worked out—assuming we did and most vulnerable spot on the - cess of 60. proval of the Federal Reserve ed in this paper and also the local news pub­ {(pedal trip buses would be Also, Mrs. Edna L. Worm- are being used on 58 passenger aalbom e Pell, D - R.I., and "I am highly pleased to an A member of the National lished here. actually make it—was to make a sort issue, had to put himself on Association for the Advance­ System, the U.S. Department of All ri^ ts of republication of special dis­ provided at a . $16 rate for the stedt, Mrs. Marilyn A. Young, trains which the New Haven Abraham Rlblcoff, D - Conn., nounce this appointment,” of collaboration with the Communist record first. He did so with his Justice and other government patches herein are also reserved. first 26 miles, including a three- Mrs. Marie Zemek, Mrs. Gerda proposes to discontinue on July and several House members Dempsey said. "It brings to the ment of Colored People, she Is W«leom« H«r« Washington explanation of his also a member of the Federated agencies before it can go Into The Herald Printing Company Inc., as­ expenditure—(if the Communists actual­ hour waiting time. Any excess Zelmer and Mrs. Lenora H. 16. from the region attended the State Board of Education an sumes no financial responsibility for typo­ ly made it—^to weaken the political cen­ own vote against censure. Wednesday meeting. outstanding Individual who, I Democratic Women’s Club and effect. graphical errors appea.ring in advertisements mileage would be charged at Zimmerle. The bankrupt railroad Inform­ and other reading matter in The Manchester ter in India. For us, of course, the po­ The Rlblcoff statement did the rate of 40 cents a- mile. The Sooreboaid Evening Herald. litical center in India is a little too far not defend Dodd’s actions, or Negro’s bid would also pro­ The Braves will play the Pull service client of N. E. A. Service. Inc. to the left, just as, for the Communists, argue his Innocence, or, for that vide 16 buses at a $30 a day Yanks tomorrow night at the Publishers Representatives — The Julius Mathews Special Agency — New York. Chi­ it is too far to the right. matter, doubt his guilt. It said rate, with a charge for excess Hicks ballfield. cago. Detroit and Boston. But which one of us, it may be asked, that no matter whet the situa­ mileage over 65 at a 49c a mile tion from such angles, Rlhiooflf Miaiwhenter Evening Herald MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIBCULA- the United States, or the Communist rate. Special trips would be TIONS. could not find It In his own per- charged at a $20 rate including Tollimd oorrespondent BfAte bloc, stands to gain the most from any D lopl^ advertising closing hours: ticular heart and conscience to the three hour waiting period, Quatrale, tel. 875-2846. ^ For Monday — 1 p.m. Friday. weakening of the political center in add to the punishment for Dodd with a 60c additional charge For Tuesday — 1 p.m. Monday. For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. India? Which one of us seems to have and his family. for each mile over 26. For Thursday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. more natural talent for thriving on For Friday — 1 p.m. Thursday. Governor John Dempsey, In Munroe stated he will attempt Two Promoted For Saturday — 1 p.m. Friday. chaos ? Which one of us would most like his statement after the Senate to run a bus ttjrough Willie Cir­ Classified deadline — 5 p.m. day before publication, 5 p.m. Friday for Saturday to see India incapable of governing it­ had voted its censure, seemed to cle in the fall. Residents of the At RPI Center and Monday publication. self? Perhaps, some day, we will put talce a few faint steps in the di­ area submitted a petition con­ rection of some theory that taining 50 signatures to the last A Manchester man la among Hiursday, June 29 our brains where our money is? that case against Dodd was not meeting of the Board, asking two faculty members at the oonolusive. But his references that the bus enter the area. Rensselaer-Hartford Graduate Munroe cited the sharp drop­ Center who have been promot­ A Noble Cause to the “divided Judgment” in !1 The Railroad Tracks “We Own” the Senate, and to those “tradi­ off on one side of the road as ed effecUve July 1. The promo­ Our enthusiasm goes out to the the reason he has previously In the course of his itempeatuously tions of decency and fair ptay” tions were announced today by founders and organizers of a bright avoided entering the circle. Dean Warren C. Stoker. succesafiU r e c i^ of thingis that were by which, he said, the people of new crusade, the “Citizens League School Superintendent Robert Raffaele Belluardo of 360 Fer­ good about America before the annual Cionnecticut had made their Against The Sonic Boom.” i Judment of the case were per­ Briarton said he had been In guson Rd. has been advanced convenlLion of the Junior Chamber of contact with First Selectman At a time when other individuals and haps merely Intended to be mld- to adjunct associate professor Commerce in the other day, organizations are devoting themselves of the road touches, not Carmelo Zanghl about doing electrical science at the President Johnson sailed along beauti­ furiously to incidental questions like something to make the road saf- Graduate Center. He Is also suggestions that the whole Sen­ er. fully with passages like this: peace or war, survival or destruction, chief of the Simulation Lab at ate verdict should have been Milk Contraota "Our ^ucational system, summariz­ United Aircraft Research Lab- law or anarchy, the newest league has different. In other actions the Board ing, is second to none anywhere in the In the net, in the way the oratorieii' the vision and courage to devote itself authorized Briarton to adver­ He received his S.B. In aero­ Governor’s statement turned, world. Our prosperity is second to none to something fundamental, like the tise for bids on contracts for nautical engineering from. MIT anywhere in the world.. Our standard of question of whether life and peace and after such touches which might milk and ice cream and for fuel and has taken graduate courses living is second to nonff^anywhere in the law are going to be bearable if any­ bring cheer to any rose-colored oil for the schools. The bids in mechanical engineering at glasses left in the Dodd camp, world. body succeeds in making them secure. will be opened at the school Lowell InsUtute. He has taught toward a cool Impersonality for "We produce more goods, we trans­ The answer offered by this particular board’s next meeting July 12. electromechanical systems' and its conclusion—“I pray that its Board Chairman David port more goods and we use more goods league is that there wouldn’t be much feedback control engineering at lasting result will be an even Cook’s request for use of one than anyone in the world.’’ real purpose in arranging for the sur­ the center. Stronger dedication to steward- of the school’s to hold the Re­ Promoted to adjunct assoc- Then, after one sentence in which it vival of man under conditions of law ehip by all who ehare the pub­ publican Town Caucus on July igxe professor of applied math- seemed to us that the President may and peace if the existence thus guaran­ lic trust,” it seemed to leave a 14 was approved. Board mem- ematlcs was Dr. Ulrich H. have stumbled momentarily in his logic, teed is going to have to be an existence rather firm impression that the her and Democratic Town (3om- Kurzweg of East Hartford. He he resumed, as follows: under the disturbance, nuisance, health Governor did not care to have mittee chairman Preston Hard- jg a senior theoretical physicist "We own almost two-thirds of the menace, and barbarism of the sonic Tom Dodd as a running mate in ing then requested use o f the at the UAC Research Lab. boom, or what the League calls "a the election of 1970. school for the Democratic c a u ------— world's automobiles, and we don't have cus, which was also granted. world-wide sonic pollution.’’ Where Ribicoff’s statement to wait three years to get a new one, offered no contention that he Enrollment Session The League wants all who "value Area Weather either. . . . We own half the trucks in thought Dodd had been wrongly A voter enrollrnent session peace and quiet’’ to write letters, now, WINDSOR LOCKS (AP)— the world. We own a third of all the or unfairly accused or con­ for registered unaffiliated vot­ electricity that's produced in the world. to everybody, urging that the program ers wishing to enroll in a poli­ The U.S. Weather Bureau says demned, and where the Demp­ that upper cloudiness will be­ We own a fourth of all the steel. Our for putting the United States into the Photographed By Reginald Pinto sey statement offered only fOint tical party will be held tomor­ SST race be halted, and our domestic row from 4-7 p.m. at the town come heavier this morning, and health conditions rank favorably with straws of such a theory, the the sun will be completely those o f other countries in the world. skies left forever free of the super- THOMA^ ROGER BRIGGS, SALUTATORIAN, MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL 1967 statement by Democratic Staten hall. Those enrolling in one of the parties will be eligible for blocked out by this afternoon. "And although we have only about 6 sonlcs. Chairman John Bailey came Temperatures will be corres­ And amohg the very good reasons the close to a complete defense of participation In the upcoming per cent of the population in the world, party caucuses to select candi­ pondingly cooler than yesterday we have half of its wealth.” League offers for its crusade is the fact Dodd. because’of the cloudiness. High Herald Bailey said "I regret the olr- dates. readings w lll^verage between The sentence in the midst of this re­ that the sonic boom even bothers ani­ Vacation Bible School By Rowland Evans Jr. cumstancee that have led to the 75 and 80 degrees. cital which seemed to stumble a bit in mals, "can cause pardc and stampedes Inside Yesterdays FUrty-twD oh fld ^ ere pertic- vote by the United States Sen­ A small low-pressure system its logic was a sentence stating one among the large animals" and "cause IpKtlhg In (the Vacation Bible ate’’ vdthout saying whether it in the southern Great Lakes is mink to kill their offspring.” School oflfered by the United more additional superlative. Robert D . Nofevak 25 Years Ago spreading cloudiness and rain The Citizens League Against the was Dodd’s conduct he regret­ Oongregetional Churdi. “We own," said the -Presideivt, "al­ The Theater Bond Drive is ted, or public disclosure of his eastward. Showers and possibly Sonic Boom is just for people, and for Report The klndeirgartcn desB 1b most a third of the world’s railroad thundershowers will move Into kicked off at the State The­ conduct. Bailey next said that studying “The Bible ks For tracks.’’ animals, with no distinctions in mind, ater as $15,150 worth of bonds he was "sorry that Sen. Dodd’s southern New England later this —Fresh from finally being cleared for nation­ the podium to intitxluce Mr. Me,” under the direcUon of It is rather unsportsmanlike, we sup­ no special interests lurking in the back­ are literally sold "over the many achievements through the afternoon and continue through his first talk with Soviet Pre­ al party coffers in Washington, Johnson. In view of his long, teachere, Mrs. Edward Phelps, pose, to concentrate our attention on ground, no ulterior motives of any kind. aidumis day in the cause of stage” to patrons in the audi­ years now appear to be over­ Mrta Herbert Buhhout, Mrs. tonight. mier Aleksei Kosygin, President That sum entitled almost one- The low will move across just this particular piece of zealous It even dares assert that "aviation peac, s-aid Benny, the President ence. shadowed by criUclsm." This Dennis Hlaaft emd MUss Mary Johnson discovered an electri­ half of the 500 couples who din­ Anderson-Shea Post, Vet­ northern New England late to­ Presidential pride among so many in­ should be the servant of man, not his ed with the President Friday wu.s not obligated to say a sin­ sentence offered a picture of a King. fying change in the political at­ erans of Foreign Wars, col­ night, followed on Friday by stances where the President seemed on .scourge.” And who knows ? If such a mosphere when he arrived here evening to come in free. They gle wold, and theie u-ould be great career being wilfully and The primary oourae “Our n;> complaint if he left the din­ lects $150 of a $200,000 fund unfairly attacked. Bible He4ps," is being taught drier air from the west. sounder ground. But it so happened that league can gain a foothold for its cru­ to address a long-postponed had paid almost two years ago. The rain will end late tonight ner early and sUirted the long being raised by the National Bailey next said It was by Mrs. Jiames St. Amand and the day of the President’s speech was sade for quiet in the skies, perhaps it meeting of the President’s Club With such a large bloc of followed by partly cloudy skies flight back to the ranch. At Department, Veterans of For­ Mias Debbie Fhilps. Ihe Junior also the day in which the Governor of will, some day, dare make a pronounce­ on Friday evenfng. prospective contributors auto­ "heartening" to note that the on Friday. Temperatures tonight that, the thourand-memtoer au­ eign Wars of the U.S., to pur­ dai9» is studying "Light FYcm ment equally daring and revolutionary matically unavailable for tap­ double billing charge was voted will not be as cold as last night’s Connecticut was beseeching him to re­ Only 24 hours earlier, before dience junxped to its feet, .some chase 15 war planes for the My Bible Today,” with teachers Mr. Johnson’s journey to Gla?s- ping, ticket sellers had their down by the Senate. This wo? 60s. Some sunshine on Friday verse the “catastrophic decision" by concerning the automobile. with tcai’S in their eye.s, and U.S. Army Air Force. Miss Susan and Miss Deborah backs against the wall in the a warm, positive word to use, which his Post Office Department was boro, N.J., the mood here could gave the President an uns.fied- Rau. will push the mercury into the weeks leading up to the Fri­ as if Bailey believed that some 80s again during the afternoon. threatening to take $2 mlDion worth of fairly be described as rancid uled two-minute ovation. 10 Years Ago iThe Rev. Donald G. MiUer is among both top-bracket Demo­ day evening dinner-dance. As battle for virtue had been won. business away from the New Haven Dodd Should Resign The South Manchester Fire chaplain of the school; Mrs. cratic party officials and many one of them remarked causti­ M:-. John-on, of course, stay­ All three of these Individuals, CENTENNIAL DAY SET Senator Thomas Dodd has now been District (SMFD) closes up Luther Barnard, (Orector; Mrs. Railroad. "No single action by the Fed­ of the well-heeled Democrats cally, selling memberships in ed. In fact, he made a last- and the party to which they be­ censured by the U.S. Senate on one of minute decision to allow his shop after a 60-year history, Gerald Lojsim, regieitrar; Mins. BOSTON (AP) — Massachu­ eral Government,” the Governor wired who had agreed to shell out $1,- the President’s Club was like long, have inescapable reason the charges that were presented against speech to be piped to the press preparing for the transfer of Donald Adams, babysitter, and setts Gov. John A. Volpe has the President, "is more certain to as­ 000 a couple to dine and dance selling last week’s newspapers. to worry about the results of him. By a vote of 92 to 5 (including ro :m of the Century Plaza Ho­ the District’s assets and lia­ M rs Ernest SUtinvy and Mrs; proclaimed July 1 Canada Cen­ sure the final collapse of the only major with Mr. Johnson. But the instant Mr. Johnson the Dodd case. Dodd’s) the Senate voted censure for tel. so that dozens of reporters, bilities to the town. Donald MHter In charge of re- tennial Day. The State LiCglsla- railroad serving Connecticut and South­ announced his plans for meet­ All are likely to suffer, to ture previously had designated misuse of political funds and then drop­ This rancid atmosphere was tarred from the dinner, could Manchester Memorial Hos­ freshments. ern New England." ing Premier Kosygin the at­ suffer, to some degree, from a *Ihe desses are held daily the day a state holiday with all ped charges (51 to 45) that he collected only partly caused by the Pres­ hear what he had to .say. ! pital’s recently installed self- mosphere changed. On Friday general cloud of discredit which from 9:30 to noon. Parents will public offices to close, If the President, as a result of the from both the government and private ident political problem with the The reason for the .sudden service unit Is the subject of an f war in Vietnam, a problem par­ some 15 holdout Democrats In­ article in "The Modern Hos­ will inevitably seem to shadow be Inivilbed to an ossemblty ait plea from the Governor, turns to his sources for seven airtime trips. change in atmosphere is the ob­ - V «- ticularly acute in California. formed Lew Wassermah, the pital.” the Democratic party in (Con­ 11:16 ajn. tomonrow. ~ ~ ~ own authorities, they are likely to tell Senator Dodd’s usefulness has now vious fact that the President’s » ' . More important, party officials show business mogul who was necticut for some time to come. Jury JJa t him that they can hardly continue come to an end insofar as the state is party, both here and elsewhere, were still grumbling privately chairman of the dinner, that But as for any particular po­ The following local reoldenta patronizing a railroad whose bankruptcy concerned, and he should resign. One has had precious little to cheer Soviet Undon. over Mr. Johnson’s cancella­ they now wanted in. Asked one litical result for them as In­ have been selected for the elig­ NEED A can be sorry for Senator Dodd, but one about the past year. The Ko­ Haird-iheaded podHticianB who V < A. ap*- trustees have consistently viewed ampu­ tion of visits here both in 1965 . anguished Democrat who had dividuals in proportion to their ibility list for call to jury duty tation of services as the only treatment cannot avoid the judgments that must sygin meoWng was a sudden, heard Kewygtin’s hard - line SPECIAL and during the Congressional planned to boycott the affair: unexpected flash of good for­ words on Stinday fear that the varying verdicts on the Dodd In the Superior, Common Pleas for its financial ills. be made. Tom Wicker has written: campaign of 1966. "Is it too late? Can I still get tune that raised party hopes euphoric “spirit of Glaa^boro” t case, running from the Rlblcoff and circuit courts for the 1967- CAR In any case, it .seems to us that, in "Dodd is plainly a broken man. On the In 1965, some $220,000 worth a seat?” Had the Kosygin sum­ position of no defense of Dodd 68 sessions. Senate floor making his final plea, he heu e to their highest pitch since promises far more than Presi­ these circumstances—and other circum­ of President’s Club tickets had mit been held a week earlier, ' but no more punishment for Mrs. Rosa A. Amiot, Fran­ . . ' / ''i looked old, shrunken, hapless; his aim­ the 1964 eleabicm. dent Johnson can deUver. In stances too involving other lines and already been sold for an Oc­ the President;;? Club might have him, either, through Dempsey’s cis S. Borowski, Wilfred H. ■ > /s- ' # less hands were wringing and twisting But behind this flash of hope this state, moreover, the cha­ tober dinner Mr. Johnson had doubled its membership. cool neutrality and Into Bailey’s Bouley, Charles N. Gragon, other sections of the country—the nervously, occasionally flopping out in lies a grave danger that IS al­ otic condition of the Democrat­ promised to attend. When his When the President arrived, ready worrying Mr. Johnson’s ic party, split six ways down almost warm defense, we expect Clarence Campbell Jr., Milford President should consider qualifying his supplication. There was a tone of gall bladder operation forced he got a olaanorous, boiterous ■political agents in (California — the middle, has not been at all almost nothing that can ever E. Charette, Mrs. Margaret L. statement about how "we own almost a amazed petulance in his words, rather him to cancel that trip, the w n - reception that matched his own the danger of disillusionment iff j affected by the Johneon-Koey- be measured. Chessey, Roger D. (Jhlcolne, third of the world’s railroad tracks" to like a chHd’s^ sisten ce that a parent’s FOR A ey was not returned. Instead, euphoric m o o d . ,Ab dinner .the hopes of last week fall to gln f summit meeting. That What happens next In the Mrs. Mary B. Clar, Sherrill S. explain that, on these tracks, we oper­ discipline is simply unfair. As he pled it was put in the bank, where plates were being cleared away, develop into concrete agree- problem will be explored in an­ Dodd o^eer, however, contains Collins, Natallno Colombaro, SPECIAL his poverty, relating how his wife had ate less service, and poorer service per It languished for months before toastmaster Jack Benny took menits between the U.S. and the other colrunn. promises <;rf high drama for the Mrs. Marilyn Cooksey, Mrs. done her own work,* made her own track mile than any other country in party and 'its leadens. It may Beverly F. CJoulombe and OCCASION? clothes, done our cooking, he was near charge Thomas W. Cratty Sr. puts you the world. The President could add. if come soon, IfTjodd resigns, or to sobbing, and as he inquired of the Also, Mrs. Virginia V. Cum­ he were to interrupt his string of jxjsi- delayed, ifthejMjave to deny L (n t a new Comet or tlve claims for this one exception, that Senate how he would ever be able to Fischetti mings, Samuel Einstein, 'Fur- Idm ren om h ^ on, bu b^ w lll MercuiY* Low Rates pay the lawyer’s bills accumulated be­ longe Flynn, Irving N. Fuller, we somehow .strangefly persist in being volve all M them m oreS ltoly Daily . . . Weddy . cause of the censure proceeding there ■niomas !F. Furey, Richard A. This way to summer fun. the only major nation in the world was more of Uriah Heep than of honest have been invblvedl Graf, Arthur E. Howard, Law­ Monthly. whloli still pretends that railroads can outrage in his voice." the D(mR[ case to date. rence E. Kowalshyn, Mrs. The brightest, sun-filled season ever, be run successfully as a private enter­ It was j>athetic, but it also must be Frances C. LeGault, Nelson W. prise, and that. If anybody should ever remembered that Dodd was on trial for Loetscher, Thomas Martin, Mrs. with your Connecticut Charge Card. dare be realistic, time and conditions only those charges most easily sustain­ Carole M<®voy, Mrs. Dorothy have just about run out on our pretense. ed. None of the so-called "stolen docu­ ^A Thought for Today~ McHutchison, Andrew P. Mer­ No botherpome details to take precious CONNECTICUT We have now got, with the New Ha­ ments" were used in evidence, and thus Sponsored by the Manchestei ton and Marilyn J. Metcalf. CHARGE CARD ven Railroad, to a condatdon in which it the Senate did not consider the rightness Oounoil of ChiuchcB Also, Mrs. Mary E. Morey, time away from those happy hours. Is openly admitted, that only the peo­ or wrongness of other more serious Thomas S. Moore, Mrs. Esther RESERVE A CAR THE COMMICTieUT BANK AMD TRUBT COMBAMY C. Murraj(, James E. O'Brien, ple’s money, provided not by their fares questions about Dodd’s conduct. And' "I do not know the man!” William J. Ott Jr., Edmund NOW . . . CALL Shopping is fast when you can charge but by their taxes, can keep the rail­ as the vote was taken. Senators were Thus speaks Peter when asked If he knows Jesus and is one of Quatrale, Francis Raia, Rob­ 4^ road going. It Is about time the people cognizant of this background. They also knew that the question most asked His followers. Peter, first to ert E. Raven, Mrs. Margaret automatically — almost anywhere you go. had something to say about what kind w AUTrioiezeo 9l«NATUftC about the case still is: How many other acknowledge the Christ, now B. Reid, Edward T. Roper, 643-5135 of service they are to get for their senators are equally guilty? denies Him publicly. Yet before Howard V. Roskosky, Louis H. It’s today's way. 123 456 789 C8T money, time, we say, for the people In our view, the answer is very few. we condemn Peter too harshly LEASING really to "own’’ all that trackage, and We do not mean that many Senators let us recall that he alone fol­ Enjoy a 1967 summer. 9000 TNNU 5 68 what travels over it. have not been given funds by self-seek­ lowed even at a distance to see One-Two-Three BAYLE M. JORDAN ers, or that a number of lawyers In the what would happen to Jesus. the OLD Year Leasing Plans Use your Connecticut Charge Card. Senate do not accept (or have their Peter alone was in the place partners accept) cases which they where the real danger was. He A ll Makes and Models Buying’ Chaos? It puts you in charge. should not. There is too much conflict ftRled this time but he was tiy- Weldon The Central Bureau of InteOligenoe of of interest. But we are talking about to Hve up to his commit­ ment. the notion of India has just completed the wholesale diversion of funds, raised M dRIARTY Rev. Jaipes A. Birdsall Drug Co. an Investigation of alleged United States for political purposes, and put to per­ St. Peter’s Elpisooiml .Central Intelligence Agency activity in sonal use. The Senate needs to refine its ( Ill tlu'll Mt'H BROTHERS rules but even without this refinement, Church, Wapplng. the Indian national elections last Feb­ THE CONNECTICUT BANK AND TRUST COMPANY senators have a clear idea what they "Conneotloat’a Oldest ruary. What India's COTtral Bureau of 767 MAIN ST. Member Federel DepotK Ineurence OorpeleBMi should and should not do. The issues in Uncoln-Sierouiy Dealer” Intelligence has now alleged about our IVirkluK 1" •' the Dodd case were clear, one can not T o ^ ’s Birthdays ‘ SOI OENTEB STBEET CIA is that it gave substantial sums of P’lrl* I double bill, one can not spend campaign OPEN EVEN1NOS money to rightAving pai^es and oandi- funds for personal use. — MIDDLE- .Prlhce of the Neth- 'VwA/M A im m H£'j> M££f US m £ m u eiiands is 66 ^ a r s old. Hant dates in the election, thus hoping to TOWN PRESS HALFm'/ ANt> m MlL£i roB£EMT^ writer Frank Loesser Is 87. lAI " 1 I ^



indications o f another one-half en'd A u x U l^ «W lo M l.tln p r e - . t Living Costs of one per cent hike this month. New Englai^d's Leading £Andover puriag food wr M l. to hungry ■■‘■■T i B o lton Tolland County Special Legislative Group BOY SCOUT And because wholesale prices' spectators. . U.S. Admiral Says Bombings have a bearing on retail prices, Notes and Neivs Two-Year Professional. BwtMMbg Progrilfai Sdmeilitiig ‘New Still Climb, prospects are that retail prices The AndeVar Lake Property G>urt Postil To Probe CDiri^tions Field won’t be dropping soon. I Field Day Library Closed in Summer Owner. AMOnkUUon h u made la liec Program: HARTFORD AP —Thrir. oM Ooherml AssemMy advised of One of the biggest rises was in School of Cub Pack 2 two luinounecments in the field M many new program, in the drirelopments in Implementing hospital care prices, up 21.6 per Aid Ground Units’ Attacks Oub Scout Pack 2 of Second Wages Down E Is Drawing of recreation for Andover pttaildia, BGlfet On Saturday Afternoons Are Filled cent over a year ago, tuid over­ field of ooiTectlona that a .pe- the new programs. OangregaiUonal CSiurdi had Its ABOARD THE CX)NSTELLA- Stopping the raids on the antisubmarine warfare carrier, WASHINGTON (AP) — The all medical care rose 9.3 per youni peojne. It rtate. that the ^ Recreattott De- The Bolton Public Ldbrai^ collector will also close their Judge. the Bupertor dal advlMry committee of In other action, the LegUla- annuBll picnic Saturday, June ACCOUNTING BWiminIng program 1$ pro- ^ offices Monday. However, they Court and fSouit of OommOti legislatdra Is needed to help the tive Oouneil approved 17 sub- TTON Off North Vietnam fAPl North would make it “virtually 25 destroyers, cruisers and oth-. government reports the cost of cent. I Many Units grearing well with Hiettiy 100 P**9biM»t hi M in g a fhre erta will not be open on Saturday Court o f n l r . , A, J impossible to clean out the Viet er support ships, and 35,000 17, at Camp Johnson, Bolton. September 1967 admission. will be open as usual Saturday Pleas of Tolland County ib- d®** fid them going, tlw Leg- j« ( ^ for study between now living is still climbing with no ’The Labor Department also children a tt«M liig 6l$*bM. to:.4M|.«uimcr ached. afternoon, during July and The admiral who directs North Vietamese men. Three of the carriers al- David Hayes and Eay Devla reported that the gross average HARTFORD INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTING Th. 80th anniversary Patrud# from 9 a.m. to noon. ceniHy approved Mveral ib- ‘datlv. OouncU derided ahd the I M legislative session. Indications the spiral Is near Its Othfirs who wish to Jtin, and ula, < Navy air attacks on North Viet- regulars” in South Vietnam, he ways are on "Yankee Station," III, on behalf of the pack, pre­ weekly earnings of production •■and Field Day of the Andover August beginning July 8. This PTA Meeting appointments In the county: Wednesday. A m ^ them were: A more 66 Forest St., Hartford— Tel. 247-1115 thaw mem Jbi» be many, can ^ pet$(6ii«i wW hidude nam says the fighting In South said. the area of the Tonkin Gulf off sented two large FloUier’a Day peak. or nonsupervlsory workers AppIicstlonB now being accepted for ^Volunteer Fire Department, to will help make possible the li­ The new and old executive John H. Yeomarts wo. ft- -rhe o o t ^ approviri a p ^ lenient abortion law, toe CTea- Vietnam "would be a lot more ’^hat, of course, in turn. North Vietnam from which the cakes to the f a t h ^ of the boys. In addition, real spendable 'take place on Sunddy, la Uiap- do ikt by ifiKhg to the bea<^ mntam dance boards of toe PTA will meet appointed cleric of the couTM reached a new high record of at Andover Mdie jtbt before brary’s being open Tuesday difficult for our ground forces” would make the task of allowing Navy raids are launched. Akela, portrayied by Fay D a- Income as of May was $77.38 a $100.06, but the buying power \ — ing up to have all the element, and Intennedl- 3 r h t at the home of Allan with Mrs. Shirley Kuril a . a6* 7>D«nbufy, to create 4 l l ^ e n t of a ^ t e hwse de- the starthif Ume of Ctie Mon­ and Aw begltmeia afternoons during the school If the bombing stopped. South Vietnam to create a via- only the .North Vietnamese vis Jr., assistant cubmoSter, week for a family of four, the was only $86.66 in terms of the of an eacoiting ahd colorful H ^ X a n L^m ls Rd. slstant court r i ^ and Mtu. nlne-msmber commltte# to help vslopmsnt day through BVlday oIa$M« and Hoffman, Loomis no. MfetendnetBA clerical O’* riate Department of toe administration of toe $80 "You would be ^vlng North ble econoiiilc 'and political envi- can measure precisely the ef- presented awards to the cubs lowest it has been in three 1957-59 base period. mrent. aM': htt«imcd|ptea The desBeB year. Vietnam the ability to introduce ronment an interminable one,” fectiveness of U.S. bombing, the at a council fire Saturday years. This Is the money left Hourly earnings also were at The parade will rtart "at 1 contacting tha Inrtructof. stHr. Axr boyw'oM gtato aged five With the addition of three Manchester Evening Her­ siatanL I ^ ^ i r t e y WWtehriNd OontoUOh. mlHlon Soldiers, SaUors and A teen-ige dance boy. far greater amounts of material said Mehle in an interview admiral said, but "there are night. after taxes and after adjust­ a record high of $2.64 but the ,p.m. from the Congregatlonid ittt hours on Tuesday afternoon the ald Bolton substitute corres- waa reappointed llor anatlMr RatoMord, ah assistant ma- Marines Fund, and toe need for and ^ rla in the 13 to 19 year and far g^reater numbers of men aboard his flagship, the attack very good indications this is ’Those receiving awards are ment. for changes in prices sin6e benefits were smaller because III.'Ohurch, at Rt. 6 and Long Hill sii'IhiteBreat,^ another llhrary will toe open five after- pondent, Hope Gnmske, tel. 649- tw4-year term as official court Jof*ty toader, cited five major a department of transportaUon. age frbupi, aponsored liy the wtKifihop gdulte th drama reporter. pieesa of legislation enacted by This last item was a plank in Into the South than they can do carrier Constallatibn. very painful to them — that Vincent Perry, wolf badge, the base period of 1957-69. of price hikes and a sharp re­ 85 East Center St. 1 Mill|Itd., proceed east along Rt. $ noons a week. g^lM. ■III AoMclatlont frill be held tomor- vril piso M tPlMduled: Yaomana will be cletk Oie 1967 General AsaemMy toe Democratic state platform now,” said Rear Adm. Roger W. Mehle, a native of Cincinnati, they’re hurting badly.” gold arrow and three silver ar- ’The Labor Department said duction in the average work llll!to Hebnon Rd., travel up He- Dog DeadUnc _____ :------At Summit St. •III bight M (pt the ited . Bam 9 if daHNbwU)______be taught„ ___ by„ of the Bureau of SuDDOct asnlR. which have a bearing on cor- in 1966 and waa recommended Mehle, commander of Navy Ohio, commands five aircraft "I think there appears to be a rows; Steven Pointer, wolf and Wednesday the cost of living week. •III'bron Rd. to 'School Rd.,' aAd >Dog owners are reminded Task Force 77. carriers, 400 warplanes, one tflilleave It to teirnitnate on 8 to l l p.to. p u c k y »|n L Sandra ttrowne,. a senior for the last time that their Different Districts Atty. Robert J. F ? ^ » , pril- recUona: by Gov. Jrim Dempsey in his g^eat log jam of shipping in denner badge; Martin Miller, jumped three-tenths. of one per V •IIH Haiphong,” he said. ’"They don’t bear, and gold and silver ar- cent In May, putting It 2.7 per GOP TO TRAIN YOUTHS WEEKEND CASH and CARRY SPECIAL school grounds. The judge, re- “ 9*: dogs must toe licensed by to­ tdoners representative, and Mm —The act creating toe De- iiikugurri message. But toe pro- dill Kush, clerical asairix^ of th. paltment of Correction, unify- hit a s i ^ during Its de­ seem to be able to unload ships rows; Ricky Sawyer, David cent higher than a year before. WEBSTER SPRINGS, W.Va. RIOviewing stand will be at the I®*" '*^*** **^* • morrow. If not, a penalty will The two candidates for state representative from Manches­ bureau. ing administration of toe prii- velopmeirt and was referred to as quickly as they were able to Hayes, ’Ponvmy Landers, sli­ ’The rise is two-tenths of one per (AP) —A national Republican dill Junction of Hebron Rd. amd tocords. A nominal donation Is ^ ^ s p e o ^ en^^ha^ charged. The town office la Private Capital Report: ter's 18th Assem bly District do Pigeon was also reappointed ons, jails and reformatory; *J|® Leglrtatlve Council for fur- de in the past,” he said. ver arrow on wolf; ’Tim Ma- cent more than the government youth training camp will be held BOi Boston Hill Rd. ^ WU- ^ g ^ ^ „ „ Miniature per • IM NurAMry School l«m HUckey, Steven StrtmpeU ^ " not reside in the same Voting public defender for the supet4dr — establishment of a work “'®*' riudy. ’"They aren’t able to assemble loney, denner and 'gold arrow on predicted for the entire year. at nearby Camp Caesar Aug. 20- OIU After presentation of a w a ^ Niii Mra BBibtfa KaskeU will end Uta ^ ' District, as waa stated in yes­ court and Jarvis N. Clapp olid camp program for irtson in------—----- materials being furnished by bear; Raymond Wallace, den- 26. 'for the parade participantsI 'un$th. — — ------•— ' , , r . Perfect Attendance Israeli Annexation Move The May figures put the con­ • ill take agsht have her nursery Mhool Hi)f cretMf -^iClude the irole terday’s Herald. Mrs. Elmma L. CIU an jury oom- mates; their supporters into convoys ner; Bruce Bayfler, denner and John Shott, chairman of the • III Seven boys and thirteen girls sumer price Index at 11S.6; R O S E S n .7 9 • III' place on the school grounds Ten nritt a. irtie ha. h ^ for ^ Mary W - ^ ^ e Wondenful achieved a perfect attend- and trainloads. ’They aren’t able gold arrow on wolf; Dennis Tell, which means It costs $11.66 to Republican State Executive bunch 'Republican Donald S. Geno­ mi'Ei3loner& —The establishment of pro- • illNdepartments have entered team. sevrifM yeatri M her bdme on off at record at the elementary Soured LBJ, Hussein Talks to run these materials through wolf. buy items worth $10 in 1967-69. Committee, said young Republi­ ■I’l vesi lives in Voting District 1, Atty. Joel H. Reed n Will g^ams In which selected Jail WINDOW SHADES OPEN TO 9 P.M. THURSDAY and FRIDAY | •HI'' to compete in various type, of Wale. Rd. H ^ s ^ a t f ^ are Urtvemmty, Uw g„hool according to Principal and Democrat Thomas F. Con- continue as State’s attorney, and prison inmates wUl be able train lines down to the South. Also, James Sylvester, den- Wholesale prices jumped one- cans from 16 Eastern states III* WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. What prompted the Israelis to -drills. Trophies will be prewnt- n o w being P a r e ^ want- of B lrd^Jl “P e t « ^ ran Jr. lives in Voting IDis- Arthur F. MlcFbli as couMe .yvork and study outride the "There are indications ner and silver arrow on wolf; half of one per cent In May with would attend. WASHABLE officials report privately the disregard Washington’s advice may WoOT’ for Hartflonl Con They are Dana Asplnall, mesenger and Atty. HeitMft walls of toelr institutions; they’ve had to divert very large David Kenshaw, gold arrow on ed to the winners. trict 2. Israeli annexation of the Old is a matter of speculation, offi- Thlrty-Amr fire departments Mrs. KnMtela. Katl'y Moonan, Timothy Stem. Hannabiuy, ToHand County __xhe ho-ball program, aimed INTERSTATE City of Jerusalem soured the cials said. They warned that if "um bels of their manpower to peter Blelok, gold arrow will bs there. In addition to the _ . Kathleen HIGHWAY ALLOCATION TOroner. Donald B. Caldwell wba at ending dlscri.mlnatlmi against tn exploit the repairing damaged military iar- „„ uon and Boy Scout hand- AQUA SHADES atmosphere of President John- those who want to BROAD ST., pieces of apparatus these unltt Maacheste. Bvealng Herald In Lelner, seebnd grade; John WASHINGTON (AP) — Allo- appointed a member of the improvertriied susDeots who son’s first conference with King total victory over the Arabs E^ets.” book; Fay Davla III, Daniel will bring, eight of the uiUts Andover ooAeiTrad#^ la w Ml Off-Broadway yarca, Debra Carron, Laura cation of nearly $23 million to Exandnaitlon Com- can’t post bond; . A Made to Order “All of this,” Mehle said, Beilis, John Maloney, Gary Mul- thMtUr. Hussein of Jordan since that continue to dominate the Israeli will have their auxiliaries reded . Moe, 742-6TOd. . IWwards, third grade; and Wll ▼ 5 «O U w ito Your RoUers "supports the judgment that our Steven Oote, arrow of Manchester - ...... Connecticut was announced » t® «" ^ ^*“’®« —And a psychologically- ort- Arab nation lost Its war with government, Israel might sur­ marching with them. Ten color ‘ ighe has cnoluoted her own jjam Chick and James Oster- object of making the price of graduation certlfioates Wednesday by toe Federal High- J’®®'**' lintated approach to the prob­ Fun Line of Custom Israel. prise the world with other ac­ \ n the parade. schOoi ^ off dohe. In**.* Btoomfield. lund, fourth grkde. their aggression against South Webelos and a gold ar- guards will be in the parade. way Administration. ~ lem of drug addiction aimed at Officials also said they be­ complished facts which It did be In toe line ' l 6 8 C l i e r t O 3 1 8 V , She ^ was Also, ValenOno Flano, Pru- Vietnam as high as we can — T^T'lvr^*'Q Open Doily Five bands will The total of $22,909,607 in- Chileans Drop Out rehabilitating, rather than pun- VENETIAN BLINDS not do after its two previou.s . .. • ^ ciiorvogra|)Rier tot .thp Bloom- ■ _ ...----- ..— lieved the annexation of the Jor­ of march,larch. Ten color guard unit. A dence Clarke, Wayne Post, Cyn eludes a $20,126,000 apportion- iSAiNmAjGO, OhOe—^AlMSwiigh ishlng, drug dependent persona, victories in 1948 and 1956. that objective is being acoutonaster of TomaS' danian sector was timed to coin­ 10 to 10 will be there In full force. A p f l T T I l l C l l t fieW ktodrih Bahiee Ohito, cti^- Pontlcelll, Linda for the first three months CMle is to reached. Troop 133, welcomed the gi-ad- ment conrildereid have a Ratchford said a committee E. A. JOHNSON cide with the meeting Wednes­ The hawks, the speculation SELF-SERVICE DEPT STORE Well-knownell-known musicalmualcal groups _ . , . dire c ^ zewskl, fifth grade; and Ralph of toe upcoming fiscal year progrearive record in eduoo- of lawmakers should be avail- Mehle said it is clear, though, luating scouts into the troop and day. Whether deliberately timed here Is, wanted to act quickly like toe Col. John Chester FUe 'T'ri Town M M laach ^r ^ Strickland, Diane Lelner, Lois plus $2,783,607 In funds which tion, ofdy _ 30 __ per _ certt______of its able to give state agencies ad- or not, it reportedly cast a pall before someone, perhaps the that the North Vietnamese still presented them with a scout PAINT CO. 9 last are able to Infiltrate some men neckerchief, and Drum Corp from Wetoen.- f®**®**^ ^ ni-dntinrr tliitiniwiffili at to^C a- 7^*1® Clscon, Mary been frozen November firgt - graders *^fintah prfimary vice on toe legislative Intent of 72? Main 8t.--Tel. 649-4501 over the Johnson- Hussein talks United States, could stop them field wUl Join the celebraUon. ^ C « ^ Murphy, sixth grade. as an anti-inflation measure. scOioot. toe new laws and to keep toe despite two U.S. warnings dur­ or at least try to talk them out and material into South Viet- presented Ralph Also, helping wlU be toe Hart- end unselfirii help of a local yg.iMBirts pogBrnmiity Center BssebaU Results ing the day against the annexa­ of such action. r'^rn. Lewis, who is resigning as We- Depend on King's for Everything You Need for ford PAL Drum and Bugle taaitoriniao, wtk> prefsra to re- „ . Orockett Agency lost to Cav------—------tion. ’The annexation...... was.. the...... result What does the fact that many with a certificate Corps, toe Manchester Pipe Mwnywous. »miit^ Miid aaaugh’s Oarage l0-« in the About the only public report of a combination of religious same targets are hit over ^ appreciation. Band, the Maiborough Fire Ito- Ofa Jpne M, Oie mms day an paMew m pe League baseball game of the meeting came from and political considerations, John Hayes, cubmaster, pre­ Band, toe Marlborough Fire De- onUpl. ng|iMt!^ In His peraM, W M ^ Rprilro at yesterday evening. Roger Bar- the effectiveness of the air George Chrustian, White House U.S. ' Middle East specialists sented each den mother with an house Fire Department Band. teBkig Rw dUficultlea en- Hriny J y k py Utonday. TVierc pitched and hit a triple. strikes? press secretary, who said the believe. ’The former Jordanian apprecdaitlon certificate and a Interest In toe event U Indi- oounltered by n Nepo wommt «» % *nali dUffjg.. Cavanaugh's Oarage is still in Mehle replied that some tar­ W .G. GLENNEY C X j .^ J V L 9(siadquw dsA^ two leaders reached "no identi­ half of Jerusalem shelters a red rose. Den mothers are Mrs. cated by entries of towns. They teacher in tMiBining 4iA apart- - ... first place with six wins and gets "are not tiny little single ty of views” at their working number of Jewish holy places Leroy OouTtright, Den 1; Mrs. Outdoor Living come from as far away as Day-, ment, toe taaadesmiaR found a 090 PAYg $M9 one loss. points. ’They are extensive In­ luncheon. from which the Israelis were Barbara Oote, Den 4; Mrs. Ber- vine, Westbrook and Somers. wltiaWe atwrtmsnt tor her in If|SW HAVKH ( ^ ) Con- Fatty Enrollment stallations. One has to go back Officials also said they expect barred by the Jordanians. Benavlge, Den 6; Mrs. Norwich, a profesrional fire de- Mracheeter, nedtlcut Mwtloal Bervlce—Blue A party enrollment session to get all things In the com­ neither warning to have much John Hayes and Mrs. WUlUam TTm teaotier, Who aisq prefers Shtold—annritftC.d today that As wlU .be held at toe Community J>DA, '^jiaoDiAA, Sw funsU L plex.” Tremendous Selections at Discount Savings! partment, also joins in the fun effect on Israeli leaders. ’The Neumann, Den 7. and recognition of a volunteer to remain aiiBnymoii., had been payments fot .lMneflts to mem- Hall tomotlrow from 2 to 6 p.m. He mentioned the Nam Dinh annexation, they added, proves umt sharing MvMg QUarteni In MUn- bef. have eXetiMM the $200 mll- Any unaffUiated voter may DeQuattro Aide area, 46 miles southeast of H a­ I ithat hawks dominate Israeli Schools Lack Seats Oeorge Nelson, chief of And* ohiriT tinea' Beptemblr with li# . mark. • register with either party. He political life. noi, which Navy pilots raided % wUl then be eligible to vote at For Genovesi ’Tuesday and Wednesday to hit a L O N D O N — BrffitBln estimates over’s department for a number two other wtopian teaebstu. Fayment to. Dr. C^larles W. The first warning, issued by of years, will ride In a guest The poatribHUy hod existed Ghaae of Mklffietowh, for his toe upcoming Republican or John A. DeQuattro, vice road-rail transshipment point, a that 3,500 to 7,000 teen-agers the White House, urged Israel to are retfuised universlilty seats 135 Sq. Ft. Double Side Room car. The present chief, J. Rus- that rite would leave the loco! treatment of rix-yearKtld Val- Democratic caucuses next d I oIjWU avoid any quick annexation of president and general manager rail siding, a fuel pump station and an electric power plant. eaxlh year beoaiuse of a Short­ sell Thompson, his close neigh- school syutem, wAess rite found erte Halpin tor a lacerated hip, week, the Old City, which it occupied Estate Co. has bor on Long Hill Rd., will be living quartMU of her own. boosted toe figtu'e to toe new Town Office Closing been appointed assistant gen age of room. during the Arab-Israeli w ar ear With jet fighter-bombers busy watching the drills and She now' wUl stay on and has level, CMS said. The Selectmen’s office will eral campaign chairman of th'e UMBRELLA ller this month. flying so fast, “you don’t always performances to be awarded Mie. found a summer job in Hart- Valerie is the daughter of be closed Monday for the holi- Shortly after the annexation, Donald S. Genovesi Campaign put the bomb exactly where you for state representative from many prizes forthcoming for fbnl workiiig in a fedsdsl proj-Mfi and Mnt, ObarlM J. Halpin day weekend, the State Department de­ want it,” Mehle said. TENT good performances. The Wow- edt with OUban cbilikriea, of Middletown. The town clerk and the tax nounced the merger as a “hasty the 18th Assembly District. “We must go back to get the FOR SALE administrative action” and DeQuattro, a g;raduate of desired damage level. We want served notice the United States Manchester High School and to insure that important struc­ 1965 Mustang would not recognize it. Boston University, Is a member tures are out of operation or King’s of the Manchester Kiwanls Club J Both statements referred to destroyed. Low Johnson’s June 19 speech on the Manchester Chamber of Com­ “ North Vietnam places' great Convertible Price Middle East which counseled merce and Manchester Coun­ value on some of these targets Std. tran*., 120 HP., 6-cyl. ’’adequate recognition of the try Club. He was Vernon town and repairs them. ‘If there are Very sharp model. 9 X 15’ base with 7-ft. center height, chairman of the 1966 Heart special interests of the three indications that is the case, we Call 649-6013 5 sq. f t eaves, 3i-ft extension wall ADD BEAUTY ON great religions in the holy Fund Compalign end worked go back and do it over again.” height Heavy 7-oz. tent twin. Can­ places od Jerusalem.” In the OorporaJte Gilfts Division ’This view, officials said, has off the 1965 Manichester United vas and nylon screen door wllUi brass Fund Canupaiign. Reg. 38c been made clear to the Israeli zipper, 3 nylon screen windows, translucent FH^ERCLASS ’The appointment was art- Sq. Ft. government on various occa­ BUILDING PANELS sions. nounced by Dr. Gil D. Bolson- storm flaps. U remember the Hussein, who leaves Friday eau, general campaign chair­ A d d beauty and (o flly sunlit living ipace wl|h 34c FlLON. F o r patio roofs, carports, and awnings. for Jordan, returned to New man for Genovesi. Also ideal fo r fences and room dviders. Install Corns In and York late Wednesday where a RECEIVES GRANT WILLIAMS OIL CO. * with ordinary tools. Shatterproof, wettherproof. statement he issued was read at 20 colors include exclusive THERMOBLOK Heat the United Nations by Jordanian WASHINGTON (AP) — The Department of Housing and U r­ Control Colors. Insist on the FILON label with Foreign Minister Ahmed Touk- WILLIAMS OIL CO. the Ex c l u s iv e F il o n g u a r a n t e e . an. ban Development has approved an open space grant of $370,050 Urging the world to stand FILON Regional Distr/butdr x Section x Sectis. Broosta, Mooty ChiekoH U fS, w iiifs, olid Chi Choice of S colort. SCA| LOP flower beds. Vinyl Cover Ideai for waikt & patiot. Choice of 3 colors. Moduiar tint Bloc Modular size BOAT 2” X 8" X le" 2” XT’ X 12" f f i A' Eska Iwbogiio. *'Aoyol Buffot" Brand ,i.t. CUSHION Top Grade Choice Beef! Each OUTBOARD 95t, lfor< BonolossCi^CMtloroiNiMO > Special MOTORS .97 ^ ^ ^ ‘VI _ck- ■* V ___ —r'- . . aifc USCG approved, kapok filled. White, blue, or red. BimER ...71’ m \ i 5 H P $99 MANCHMTER U.S.O.G. Api^oved ROAST / / " 8 HP Eska Freshly ground, pure beef SiHl'MOORE CORNED BEEF... 49s LIFE VESTS HAMBURG . . I I I 2 ,..$14l OUTBOABD $79 iw.g!gI enmey 6 4 9 -5 2 5 3 chud. 1 9 7 m m 7 HP Eska Lena, Minutes Fresh iliA u t r OUTBOABD $129 GROUND CHUCK AOri CO. Tuberous Begonias ».nt 2»$iJ9 AU Mavora! Special! Youth.’ 2 ^ 7 R ^ . 45c O to c d la n d , GARDENS Rtgidar Size Separate Colors Pi«cUllon air-cool engine for kmger ttCe, BOUND OROUND EXTHA IJDAH lb. tlto aigu of tUe FBOtoe- A d u lf. Speolalt ea. 29c and Hanging Your Complete Garden Center! Let ua help you with your lawn and garden problems! no danger of freezing or corroolODi. Autx>- 2.97 N<^tH STtm aloaua dealer who exoella la jnatlc rewind sUtfter. lAghiwelgUt. BV>r VBAI,-BEUr-FORK ^ 75t JOHN & LEON ZAPADKA ^ Adjtutahle Mfety ittAVS A MlUB SKUDOnON W : VROfeaatoaat Nad capable fldhlng, trolling, hunting nldffis. chert ties. Orooad twice tor a ntot meat lipaf ef SWediab mmt bnllel . lUINGTON ai^ONBUIIY Now 13c 168 WOODLAND STREET ^ oiMi M Mrletn, Short an« Porter- aervlee, ndviee uatd GO TO A GROWER FOR HIS EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE! LAND O’ LA K ES EU TTSlt BPB :

W-' , ; t

13,r m-. ^ V s

i ¥ ' '

PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHfSTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1967 Section Two, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1967 1Eit«nittgr%raU^ TllUBSDAY, 29, 1M7 Paget 13 to 24 member of Uriel Lodge of Ma- In Vietnam sons, Morrow. Dog Licenses Town Man Killed Obituary Ho Is survived by Iavd sons, tEirS WORLD The town clertc’s office Darwin Iftompson and Roder­ wttl be open to 8 tonight for ick Thomipoon, both of Ooven- Red Forces Town Share Mrs. CMrge Sjrivestwr the sale o f 1967-88 dog li­ In Bloomfield Crash *ry- t censes. Mrs. Jeanne AC. Gagnon Syl­ Funeral services will be held vester of West Hartford, moth­ Fade Away The deadline for puiehase Francis George Zemanitac Jr., 24, of 87 Avpndl^ R d. Saturday alt 10 am . at Flrat For United er o f George F. Sylvester Jr., of the tags is tomorrow at was Hilled instantly early tbday in Blcjomfield when his Gbngregational Church. The died yesterday at St. SVancls 5 p.m. 1966 sports car shot off the road at high speed, Bloom­ Rev. WiUiem E. Beldan Jr., In Jungle Owners of dogs without a il|e;^U6ltod T\md o f MxnkihcBber cBooalCkia II Hospital, Hartford. She waa pastor, will officiate. Burial win new license, after Saturday, field police said ait Piraitt and WMbnoy, Division 68i i« $122,17Bi . fit wtw (announced itxidliy Ilf M the wife of George Sylvester. The car flew neariy 300 feet (Oontinued from Page One) will be subject to a penalty o(f Uindted Aiwaraift Oo»p., Blast Survivors also include-itwo be in Eosit Dover (Miaine) Cem­ through the air striking flour Ajjiieel, thdiw iriw m efor tIheciBimpCkpat'i . etery. and to possible arreirt and HSirtlfioitd. (laughters, a brother, a slatgr week. Enemy casualties totaled. trees and many guide posts, as the G reil# Hartford Oommunffy Oheif^] f. fine. * He aittenided Hairtford Public eai-. and seven grandchildren. * _Friends may call at the Pot- 1,905 dead, the U.S. Command turned over when It hit the High Schooa and received his A or vmh net Private funeral services .■will said, compared with 1,801 the 'ground and burst Into flames. high school diploma In the U.S. be held tomorrow at Rose Hill son 'St.. Wiltimantlic, tomorrow U.3. combat plane reported week before. The victim was tttrown from Air Force. He served four ye o « wOt ha Oeft 10 Funeral Home, 680 BJlm St., from 7 to 9 p.m. downed over North Vietnam. Police Information on the battle the oar and was pronounced dn the Air B\>rce In the United itMMih Oct Kant year’s ■fa ■rib Rocky Hill. Burial will be in Hanoi Radio claimed three M. Adam Androlevich norttienirt clf Saigtin wus American planes were shot “ » « « « » « by p r. R M ^ States, Turkey and Hlaiwadl, and gKMt was |84iOCOin. Rose Hill Memorial Park, D. SchmoO, assistant medical IRnbefet A . . BOLTON — Adam Andro- ■4keraitlional 2 town programs.'*' member of Manchester Lodge The operation was touched off around Nam Dlnh, aiMrther fre- nesAa Of the tO bgendiee end nera- fiv e yeeitls. He was employed to 4 and 7 to 9 pjn. m « g ^ of Masons and the Shriner’s “ Instead of my iryin' to understand the ‘younger gen Tuesday when the rangers quent U.S. obJeoUve, 46 miles 'Red Cnoae serving the 11 ootn- Sphinx Temple, Hartford. He thn’—how about them tryin‘ to understand ME, h'or a on bebair o f MittlX’s OaMC* , pushed Into the jungle on a tip southeast of Communist capital, muiittM included in the |B{)|)ieel craltlic mknetty, jShderriWa|ig| i was a (diarter member of the Funerals change?!" from a defector who claimed to puota who raided Thai Nguy- .that -that pariaoBr <|l866,600 Afancheater Lodge of BSks. be the bodyguard of the Com- ga reported hits on the genera- odded state graiEi ta't& Survivors, besldea bis wife, ThiOnas Freebum munlst battalion commander. ^gr and boiler buildings of the July-4th Fireworks aaomutMi ,tbe gjfdttSb Include a daughter, ACrs. Joseph ______The rangers and the Viet power plant and said the area Bells to Ring Funeral services for Thomns etoMa, -sttaiM blriiiaa nMr.*‘ S. Ckmlcy of Bolttm; a riater, (preelbum of 35fJK UlacT Uoi.. St.Q+ were i V C/ t Cong were locked In close Jun- was covered wHh dark smoke, On Julj^ Fourth Mrs. James Dewey of Ithaca, hedd yei^eirday afternoon alt St. gle fightiiig for 10 hours that They also claimed heavy dam- He warns, ‘^ '. ‘lUpritegng’.' N. Y.; and two grandchildren. Mazy’s Elpfiscopel Church. ’The day. After a lull that night, the age to the lrn at ‘Typical New Yorker’ hours Wednesday, sometimes three cars, (Continued fnom Page One) 'WilberraBBnMnt tfegg would , 9 itnr, officiated. Sydney MaCAl- membering them will have to hwva again tieill derignated for Watklns-West Funeral Home, p(ne was organist. Burial was hand to hand and with the Reds Navy pilots said they touched cur in the avMg at n "old days,’’ a thing called ask dad or granddad) and ter­ the ringing at (ha Bells of ««plainikig, "It tp,.. d w fiiig t 142 B. Center Bt, Manchester. in Eaist Cemetery. spewing rocket grenades from off a secondary explosion, dam­ rified any girls they saw on the FreeOoin- that the barih call W %^1iAiey iphdi^ tPs About finances Burial will be in East Cemetery, Bearers wore Henry Sltina- close quarters at U.S. armored aged a radar site and silenced "torpedo" was the source of Great American Myth sidewalks as the car careened Gov. Jrim ibriniwey has set in the budget Manchester. mon, Hugo Carlson, Edward vehicles which had reached the five antiaircraft batteries much glee for mischievous kids. MohiiffieStar; V, .demelilt^lo, righV.-and amistant controller Thomas S. scene. through quiet neighborhoods. the time aslda as a special ob­ He suggests tielk/lhe udrib' / There will be no calling hours. Swain, Frank Mullen, Herbert By HAL BOYLE the out-of-towner can, pockets around Nam Dlnh. It consisted of a pinch of pow­ Moaht. left,; iiyRiifiisi fpcal mattli^ witti Auzaeil fi. Qalipo, Mahehester’s former assistant Planes and artillery raked the The really venturesome kids, servance o f XndepriKimKe Day. tiicipeted atrito Na$ii be ' Metcalf and David Holland. loaded with butter-and-egg mon­ A U. S. spokesman said no der wrapped in flimsy paper csttCrtnlN nlk|: Aosv^<*n|groller lb Bristol. T ht three attended yesterday’s annual meeting Red positions repeatedly, and usuaOly teen-ogera, riaked seri­ Mayor NhCban AgdsUnellt and for the hMBg Of MIm Mary E. Sehnlts Washington Lodge LOL con­ NEW YORK (AP) — One of ey burning to be spent. Communist AIIOs were sighted. about an inch in diameter. Oosqeatoxtt Jobaipter the Municipal Finance OCflceri Association, held at the Wednesday night American ous Injury with a very danger­ Town Mariagef Robert Wotss ment for SnpmveMe(MB ia thii et P ie at. Mias Afary Elizabeth Schultz, ducted a memorial service the great American myths Is The price? It d back Edwin M. agworda, (dioir- improivenients to tha. ttWflHb ness. In U,N,'Over for a nickel. ______...... p uatty in the htoeid Bt Ignatz Berzemkl For two hours this morning for the explosion. The combina­ man at the Jbidependence Day ttoM-TecMnloal I Schdhhi; and AQss Schultz was bom Feb. who hobnobs with celebrities, In New Rioting Imagine trolley tracks—and lo .^onor The funeral of Ignatz Ber- U.S. air and artillery again Israeli Action tion produced a gas which, Ooramtttea, said be would send lilchasd W. Howes,. Mwirinnt Capt. Tails €^ts 8, 1926 In Glastonbury, a daugh­ dwells in a penthouse, reads all trolleys —were still around, when Ignited, sent can hurtling ottt M tera to tholw who may (EEzGeradd rep«M»' MS'igt'- dtoNtor of Ota Dlvlricn of Vo- ter of Frederick and EiUzabeth zenski o f 58 Bissell fit. was held (Continued from Page One) pounded the Viet Cong positions the latest best sellers, eats only before bhe extensive ah- (Oontinued from Page One) Wouldn’t you think of putting straight up. Or, if in a botUe, be ^involved, glMng them to mode charge th«k .‘.‘■fe IRepilh- Eddy Howes cattonai Bduilaittbn. Master’s Degree Fink Schultz of Glastonbury, this morning from the Quish "torpedoes" on the tracks, lilcafi budget (ifor li67-66) wse Funeral Home, 225 Main St., at the fanciest restaurants, more than a dozen autos as scare h-and-destroy attack the arbitrary measures taken glass over a stsrtlngly wide take part Bd^, who 'Win retlfe to Oc-’ formerly of Afanchester. She spaced about a yard apart, so inadei|ueta”rouCTjpjjBuvcu J ~ V —'—V ■ III I. ftfwh I^EtfsflloS' <^pt Ronald H. Taus, son white people tried to cruise Jumped off. It made intermit- by the Israeli authorities to ef- area to the peril of all nearby. Town offitfede request that tohbr, lives at 25 Deepwobd lived most of her life In East with a solemn high Mass of spends his evenings at night when the trolley came along the of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Car­ through the troubled area. tent contacts with small units feet the annexation of the Jor- These loud, exhilatarlng and the U B . flag also be displayed He ccochideis, 'w ttnslive Ob- te^^a^ atocrif. jlH Ooonectlcut Df. Howes kves at 13t.l>emlng Hartford. requiem at St. James’ Church. clubs, gets daily inside tips on "torpedoes” would go off in ro­ penter o f 40 Olcott St, has re­ Spokesmen at Emergency and reported a large haul of danian part of Jerusalem.” dangerous pranks weren't con­ for the day. ^ ’ tti«/8 t«to 'b e p a rtiii^ of> Bdttoa- SL ■ . Survivors besides her par­ The Rev. Msgr. Ekbvard J. what to buy in Wall Street, and tation...scaring the devil out of ceived his master of business Hospital said they had treated equipment and ammunition. But He called these steps "unac­ fined to Fourth of July. They ents, Include two brothers, Wil­ Reardon was celebrant, ­ knows whom to call at City Hall all aboard? nigibt of the adCeflllMi of t6e 25 or more adnVlRistration degree from nine persona with buckshot the main Red force had evident­ ceptable and intolerable” and began about June 30th and, de­ liam Schultz of ALanchester, ed by the Rev. John J. O'Brien, if he wants to get a traffic ticket Other kids got aboard the budget dials led u i to feed thivt y ® * * liervlce' bring flooramento State (College, fixed. wounds. The two officers were ly evaporalteid. said "the whole world should pending on finances of a kid, Tobacco Sales U]i and Frederick Schultz of Pueb­ deacon, and the Rev. Vincent open trolleys (anyone not re­ Davidson €^ts a 30-mau rate WMW halve. boMfMl tomafili (It A fllttori^ alt OeUf. Several other sharp fights stand firm" against them. might run through July 6 or 7. lo, Colo., and several nieces J. Flynn, sub-deacon. Buriql He's a "guy in tl^e know," and treated elsewhere. Numbers of Inweid the town to tolve «ta ! tJmi'OiMfh Cli»y6 m MAnehes- others suffered cuts and were reported Wednesday—no­ The U.S. State Department In . . . o u t — CApt. Taus received his B.S. and nephews. was In St. James' Cemetery. compared to him anybody who Officer Bars pneadtag pnohtema now, raMiir' CSaaiikliaii ttflA'ooo farmers ^Ui . business from the Univer- bruises. tably a pitched battle in coastal a statement also warned Israel The funeral will be held Sat­ Father O’Brien read the com­ dwells west of the Hudson River then puMM* them'#r to a M- . ■tM'.'#anar la aikmiiored by e ^ e i a record $160 ndUloa rity o f Connecticut in 1960, Police (Commissioner Frank Blnh Dlnh Province in which a that its "hasty administrative Rubert C. MVAlaon, son of urday at 8:15 a.m. from the mittal service. is a hinterland hayseed. er date when they j«lBl be mahe^Cb# lt f 66 at,(•^'ObmaeiWBUt - the 1966^ seaaMt''from a commdslon in the Air N. Felicetta refused, as he had 250-man Red force lost 35 dead action cannot be regarded as Americans Smoking More Mr. ahd Mrs. Ofekiles J. David­ phA John F. Tierney Funeral Home Bearers, all grandsons of the Ah, me, if life were only like expenslive." ^,v EmpKayril/ • JUsoptottpn. totes o f fhUN)fired 'toB ^ Force through the ROTX3 pro- Tuesday night, to call the out­ and seven Americans were determining the future of the son o f 78 WaJniit S t, was com- 219 W. Center St. with a AI^sb deceased, were Anthony Ber- that! represeW Hie'edudwtion VM Jfl'evidto fecord eras 910)9 gram. bursts a riot. killed—but nothing to match the Holy places or the status o f Je- mlsstontd on A m y second r J zenskl, Robert Berzenskl, Ed­ After 30 years of dwelling in -at? of requiem at St. Christopher’# Despite Health Warnings ...... n t^ oh , in-MflO, The toarp In- ]fe is married to the former Church, East Hartford at 9. ward Berzenskl, John Longo, O. Henry's fabled Baghdad on "Let's change the word to­ intenslty of the fighting north- rusaletn in relation to theen.” Ueubenant at a|i ROTC pom- Fornioaa SUI|NI night," he said, "and call it a east of Saigon. The nonaligned resolution mririoning ceAhnOniy held os MOK was c(%3J^a*^tb;ga«ara Swan of East Haddam, Burial will be in St. James’ William MeKensie Jr. and the Subway, I've decided that WASHINGTON (AP) — Heavy American pounding of submitted by Yugoslavia was facturers recently have imposed part of the UMventty of Ver- TAfPca—Foniioaa’a eiaiioj ar9; L«tm ncs ttW‘lnterna«mek b « | ^ * i' and the couple has two daugh- Cemetery. George Longo. when it comes to "the typical disturbance, looting and win- Americans are smoking more price hikes of up to three per North Vietnamese targets con- intended as a compromise to Mayor Helps Open the Playground moot's oommeserinent of agricultural prOdMils at Vciia- R ip e sia fl |lrodk|ots. tetti. Friends may call at the fu­ New Yorker" of romantic leg- dow-smashing. eSgorettes toon ever despito rte- cent on cigarettes. Also cited Ernest Forsjrthe end, there probably ain't no Assistant Detective Chief tinued Wednesday wlth^ 189 air supplant a Soviet proposal to L t Davldso»‘ attended sum­ two-tenths of 1 pat cent t I .iMl'ji. ; J ._ ■iiv-.-..- .___ _ i______neral home tomorrow from 7 were Jumps in taxes on ciga­ Big1it-year--olld Sheryl Gustafson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Guedatoon o f 190 Coo­ COI/ENTRY — IFuneral serv­ such animal Floyd J. Edwards, highest rank- strikes, many again concentrat' condemn Israel for aggression ^uTl^^^rr^rai'^r^Tgo^ mer camp at F t Devena^ Mass., year, to about ( ^ 4 6 0 ^ . to 9 p.m. rettes by many states and com­ per St, pins Mayor Nathan Agoetlnelli wi th a name tag, designating him ‘‘Honorary Chief ices for Ernest Forsythe of The "typical New Yorker,” if ‘"8 Negro in the Police Depart- ed on toe rail lines extending and demand withdrawal of its as a c a M to fals junior year, Banana exfwrts ; viran w orn north and south of Hanoi. forces and reparations for Arab munities in recent years. of the West Side Playground." Opening day of West Side PTayground was duplicated where he was given Instruction $57.4 million and snjM eatfUets Vlrgtl N. Thompson Daley Rd. were held yesterday you do happen to meet one, usu- .-JS?"*- called Wednesday nights yesterday at the town’s 11 Other playgn'ounds: Bowers, Buckley, CJharter Oak, Manchester nDamlng at the Hotones Funeral ', j out to be an out-of- outbreak "more intense” than The raids (x>st one Navy property destroyed in the showed today. increase in smoking has to leadership, tnarksmanship, $66.4 million. S h i^ en ts of (COVENTRY — VlrgU N. Green, Nathan Hale, Highland Park, Keeney, Robertson, 'Valley St., Verplanck and Waid- Home,----- .nn 400 Main St„ Manches­ towner here for a lark on a tex- Tuesday's but this feeling was Phantom jet downed. The two fighting. The Agriculture Department not been a bonanza for tobacco physical and Other basic miU- canned mushrooma totaled $2(9 dell. The town’s four swimming pools were opened Saturday. Sheryl made the name tag in Thompson, 47, of 71 Juniper ter. Tlhe Rev. Bairle R. O ister, not shared by street workers crewmen were missing. A The new resolution dropped estimated Americans will have growers, however, the depart- tiary subjects. million. u as-sized expense account. toe playground’s arts and crafts program. Otlier daily programs, all supervised, Include Rd., died this morning at pastor of North Methodist who fanned into toe mile-square spokesnym said two parachutes the provisions for condemnation smoked 546 billion cigarettes in ment said. Windham (Community Hospital, Ohuirch, Alandhester, officiated. "I don't see how you stand toe ^ dispensing advice were seen descending after toe and reparations and asked toe 12-month fiscal year ending jfg report showed that be- games, tournaments, athletic activities, 10-pln bowling, softball and special evenits. (Herald photo by Pinto.) Willlmaiitlc. Burial was in EJaBt Cemetery, pace here,” he says, leaving for Negroes and police. plane was hit. It was toe 690th Security Council to consider, Friday. That’s about 9 billion cause manufacturers now are Mr. Thompson was bom Jan. MjamcheSter. home after a week or two spent ______°______after toe withdrawal of Israeli toan In toe previous fiscal using the stems of tobac(x> trying to paint toe big city a 8, 1920 in Dover, Maine, son of Bearers were Laiwrence Wltt- troops, “ questions pertaining to y®s.r. leaves in their products—a por- Middle Tpke end Alex F. JasUl- V ern o n Cecil and Ruth Thompson, and klolfske, FYedorlbk Ubert, Roy vivid crimson. "It would get me Liberty Seen Identifiable the situation in toe area.” Since 1960, cigarette sales tlon of tobacco not formerly Police Checking Ski of 409 (Mialn St., Bouth lived in Coventry for many Thtompson and Norman Holmes. down.” The United States said it have risen 61 billion. used—over-all use of flue-cured Windsor, were shopping. years. He was employed at Such remarks make a real would oppose toe resolution The estimate came Just a day tobacco has been on toe down- Thefts, Break Car Leaves Road New Yorker want to slit toe out- Santi Regina, Joseph’s father, Afensfield Training School. He Anniversary Mass despite Washington's warning to after toe department announced swing. The flue-cured variety Is called headquarters about two N of-towner’s throat quietly. For Separate toedts of $76 In cash was a Navy veteran o f World An anniversary Mass for Israel on Jerusalem. A source award of contracts totaling $360,- toe type tobacco most often As Steering Fails the real New Yorker, like most Navy Probe Mum from the Keeney St. School, two hours later and stated he had War n, and a member of the Louis Lalne will be celebrated in the U.S. mission said the res- 000 to toe University of Ken- used in cigarettes, found his son's bike abandoned tomorrow at 7 a.m. at St. of his brethren across toe coun­ olution was "totally wrong” in lucky for research into tobacco And Increased cigarette sales boyiv bicycAes -valued at $50, A car driven by Madeline M. Gold Star Post of the VFW, try, has to make do on a pretty and. a converuible bxmeau cover near the Parkade Apartments, WyrUnes, 64, o f West Hart­ Bridget Church. calling for withdrawal without health hazards. have been accompanied by WiUimantic. He was also a tight budget. He doesn’t see as police said. making any approach to a solu- In 1964, the U.S. Public Health drops in sales of cigars, smok- valued at $46 have been report­ ford, went out of control on much of toe high-living side of The theft c f the totmeau cov­ I tion of the basic causes of toe Service issued a report linking ing tobacco and chewing tobac- ed and ore under inveaOgation the Wilbur Cross Highway In the city in a year a fast-buck On Israeli Intent er from an English sports con­ &a Arab-Israell conflict. smoking with chest ailments, co. by poMcc. Vernon about 5:46 yesterday New England Tignettes visitor sees in a few nights. vertible occurred in the park­ (Clontlnued from Page One) He said toe requeet that toe Other federal health agencies But toe appearance on the The ctaoh was stolen in a afternoon when the steering HIBHMunX Manhattan may be a glamo­ said there were five or six such ing lot at King's Department Security Council "consider have reported research they say market of so-called extra-long break into the Momentary mechanism on the car failed, rous playpen for toe wealthy A total of 33 U.S. Navy men attacks in about as many Store about 8:16 yesterday af­ WAUIIMI questions pertaining to toe sit- indicates smoking leads to can- cigarettes could help tobacco a adUacA diacoveired' amid repotted state police said today. Big Weight Gain Upsetting and an International entertain­ and a civilian technician for the minutes and the ship was hit 821 ternoon, police said. uation” was "clearly not cer ami heart disease. sales in the future, the depart- * yeaterday morning by 'Iheodore No injury was reported «nd ment and cultural capital, but to supensexirdt Naitional Security times. enough.” Today’s report noted manu- ment said. Flaiiitbanlas, superintendent at The Incident was reported by no arrest made, state police Ma*flK98 millions who work'here it is Just Agency were killed In toe at- About 20 minutes after the air ■i buildings and grountta. The Joseph Carvallo of 2 Rogers said. To Thin but Happy Inmates a concrete workbench where, attack opened, lookouts aboard school bad reportedly been se­ PI., owner o f the car. The vehicle, heading wester­ f ' BOSTON (AP) - New Eng- cats are in toe middle of a pop- hopefully, nopeiuiiy, theymey can pilepue up toe Liberty sighted three PT cured at- 4 pm . the day before. ly on Rt. 64, veered out o f con­ boats approaching at high speed Id Vignettes. ■ ulation explosion which endan- The Israeli government apolo- Flolice said enrtirance was trol, crossed the road, bounced out of here. That has been the from toe northeast in a wedge Mf NWfeoeHjr The 'Verniont Bohool of Medi­ gers their existence gized and offered to make nVade by amasblng wire redn- off a fence post, continued on big goal ever since the Indians formation. Democrats Hear along the edge o f a field and .liW isfez cine offered eight inmates at "Ctontrol of numbers is toe amends. Israeli military author­ torced glass In a door on the palmed the Island o ff for $24 Since toe PTs appeared to be recrossed the road where the rmon on Windsor Prison $400 each, all only way to maintain or raise ities have announced their own i C h a lc s A t W ju Ma , f e J o jv n , ' buiildiiig’B southwest side. and a keg of whisky and gleeful­ making a torpedo nm, toe re­ Three Speakers toe food they could eat, better their standard of living,” Dr. inquiry into toe attack, which operator was finally able to ly took off to pitch their teepees port said, Cmdr. William L. Mc- Entrance to tbe bustoess ot- living conditions, television — Holzworth said. "Indiscriminate stop It, police said. in greener pastures. occurred three days after the Gonagle of Norfolk, Va., or­ fice -was iby a aimjilar method, state Sen. David Barry, and all toe inmates had to do sentimentality is not true kind­ There has been a steady ejfO- outbreak of the Arab-Israeli dered a sailor to'fepen fire with : CORNED BEEF and a pry box was used to open fitate Rep. Henry Becker and was gain and lose an aggregate ness when dealing with cats.” dus of middle-class white people war. a 60-callber machine gun from a Our Own Cur^.^UJS. Choice! a desk drawer conltaining a key Thomas Coi}ran, Democratic 300 pounds or so In a year. from toe city for several The Defense Department has starboard mOunt. The Liberty to tbe prinoipal's ofCice and an candidate for state representa­ Public Records This was a project to see what TWO RECORDS AT ONCE decades. Now the middle-class said from the outset that toe adjoining conference room, they tive, will be guests o f (Man­ Paul Scholz, 68, of Lakeville. had also fired at the attacking Warrantee Deeds happens to thin, happy men Negroes and Puerto Ricans are Liberty, a converted World War planes, toe Pentagon said, HEAD reported. chester’s Young Democrats at when they suddenly become fat Mass., has been a deer hunter ^ Vincent J. Edgar to Robert merchant ship, was sent to As the PTs closed In, the Pen­ A sledge hammer was then a dinner-Rjeeting tomorrow and sloppy and then set about to 40 years without ever bagging a ^ to^they also th CUT used to smiash through a wall night at 7 at Willie’s Steak E and Barbara J. Johnsoo, *hin onH hnnnv Aff-aln. ‘ ^ atiH . a inntnriRt__ _ 50 vears mcy uic, Cantan axioraaiiu.u lo,lv, iney n.t, also thc area "to assure communlca- tagon said, McOonagle discov­ become thin and happy again. ’vault where the money was Houise. property on Ferguson Rd. ^l^toou^t e v e r h a y ^ are moving their views on the accomplish­ cent and then clit it back to nor­ records at one time — ramming immediately ordered the largest dals, property at 767-778 Main formation concerning toe evacu- ported stolen from in front of ments o f the 1987 State As­ mal. The first phase required deer with his car when toe ' «»® mass of natives flag aboard, 7 by 13 feet, hoisted CUT St. ' the Cnand-Way at the Farkade sembly. Conran will discuss his eating about 8,000 to 7,000 calo­ S a ,r.™ w.oa. ..o„* k.. p a e ^ n a » u Edward 'P. and AJtna spots and toe big expensive and other American citizens." McGonagle, the skipper, said about 5:10 p.m. while their own- plans for election to the Leg­ Route 24. Homfll bo John D. and Doiores ries a day. Broadway musicals running. There have been published when the three PTs MORRELL CANNED HAM 3 lbs. $2419 era, Joseph Regina cf 342 E. islature. It soon became a drag. T. Hamill, pre^rty on Server New York is a work city, rather reports that the Ubarty actually reached a range of about 2,000 St. "M y dispositlcm was very bad than “ FUn City,’ ’ to them. was functioning as a spy ship yards, the center boat 111 the Donald F. and Martha T. when I was gaining," said one About Towii "If we had to depend on them eavesdropping on Egyptian and formation signaled the Liberty, Our 106 th Year PLUMP NATIVE CHICKENS for FRYING or BROILING Harrison to William M. and con'vict. for business,’ ’ one realistic res- Israeli communications, and range, McGonagle add- James Robert Roy, son of WHOLE CHICKEN Barbara L. Murray, property at "I was sleeping'a lot, and 1 taurant owner said, "toere’d be tliat it was operated by the ^ appeared they were flying TIIDCC I CfSfiEn WHOLE CHICKS ) Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Roy of I nilEC LCUaEII PLUSPLUS EXTRA EXTRA LEO! LEO! / lb. 15 Griswold St. hiod a lousy disposition and I 115 Pearl S t, has recently been grass growing in front of every Navy for the national Security an Israeli flag. MORSE COLLEGE WHOLE CHICKEN Ruth N. Sieffert to Robert T. was touchy," said ahother. named to the deans’ list for the night club in town.’ ’ AK®"®y- ^ ^ He said It was not possible to PLUS EXTRA BREAST! e Accounting e Business Administration Petersen, Virginia B. Petersen The men weighed In be­ Your real New Yorker is a The Pentagon says the toree read toe signals from the torpe- DOUBLE BREASTED PLU8*MTB!^BRE^r! H..49C 1SSoolll5r spring semester at the Unlver- • e Secretarial and Emma Bingenheimer, prop­ fore each meal, and that was a guy who labors at an anony­ NSA civilian techiilclans aboard i>oat because of the smoke EXCELLENT FOR HOT WEATHER SALADS / . ' ' i drag, too. especially to the men Maine, Orono. Executive erty at 46 Hillside S t ■•■.•.• i ' mous skyscraper desk and se­ the Liberty were assisting In and flames, but he called to a 0-LB. AVG. Legal George F. and WUhelmlita J, lects his lunch from a drug "technical research and com sailor operating a machine gun NATIVE FOWL 39c Medical M ai municatlons security opera­ DeOormier to Merrill J. 'Whis- *^"lSSie s*^c a 1 e 8 are worse •“ ''e a dinner tomotww at 6:30 counter menu. to hold fire.. Approved lor tions.’’ SELECTED PRODUCE! Add ton, property at 132 Baldwin M e p m : Your real New Yorker Is a He said the sailor manning Veteran’s Training Rd. the official visit at 8 Wall Street stenographer who An officer aboard the 6th one machine guh fired a short Variety gsls. Most of the men gained about ®0“ mg Agreentent For Purrimse Fleet carrier America told ak burst at the PT boats before he Y e Ho w , SwMti Juicy 188 ANN STREET tar Mad 40 pounds each, and then they p m^of Mrs. midved A. Vadne^ pays more .toan she can afford To Your State of Connecticut from Associated Press reporter short­ was able to understand the or­ Hartford, Conn. 06108 J started to take It off. And Joy worthy grand matron and hc'r for a Uny dark walkup apart- HoUday Chevron Oil Co., property on staff of grand officers. Mrs. ment in a Greenwich Village ly after the attack that the Lib­ der. TEL. 622-2261 B W e i g e l — m u c k e ’s . returned. "1 was suddenly very 2 , . , . 3P Menu! Hartford Rd. "3 5 5 8 6 8 1 Joseph Tessiere and Mr. and building that would probably Se erty "was there to spy for us.” Instantly, he added, a second FlRfiT PRIZE happy," Kasper said. Marriage lioensra Another said he waa "calm Mrs. James NioholB are in condemned in Vermont as an Later, Vice Admiral William machine gun on the starboard charge o f refreshimenlts. I. Martin, commander of the 6th Lloyd (Earl Gierke, Bast and patient again.’’ eyesore. side began firing at the center OCEAN FRESH, LIVE Fleet, denied this. ^ Fancy, Sweet, Pink Meat Hartford, and Diane Glee Per­ t O L D C U T S The project director, Dr. Your real New Yorker is a boat. The skipper sent fins. Da- All town Ubroiries will be The summary stated the Joint vld O. Lucas to order the guu- son, East Hartford, July 8 46 Varlettw — Sliced to Order .(Ethan A. H. Sima o f the medl- chorus girl cutle who marries a LOBSTERS closed Saturdays during July Chiefs of Staff, early on the day ner to hold his fire “ until we Community Baptist Church. Not Pre-Packaged - cal school, said the men "made hack musician instead of a mil­ •njoy tha siimmar with and August and Sept. 2. They lionaire stage-door Johnny. of the attack, had ordered Lib- were able to clarify the sltua- s Cantaloupes 'Eric Robert Ottoson, West a 'valuable contribution to med- Better will also be closed Tuesday, Hartford, and Roberta Dorotby . iclne in showing that It is pos- Your real ew Yorker is a ei4y to move further flnom the tlon." Phone poddla 'n soddla July 4, but will be open. Mon­ fiteurer, 2l Clifton St., July 6, CLGiItt Tlfi^AY. JMiT Hi ' slble for lean, healthy men to bus boy who spends his Satur­ cou t, even though such a move Lucas told the court that there Your 4 day, July 3. day eveing sitting on a front would have partially lowered was nobody manning the gun NABISCO t a i r w a y J St. Mary’s Episcopal dhurch. ‘ gain large amounts of weight Order In bamiiida shorts and Harold Richard Griffin Jr., ' temporarily." stoop in Spanish Harlem drink­ her effectlvenesih and that apparently, because of Eoriy! were mis- the heat from a hunting whale OREO COOKIES Ibo 59 High St, and Agnes Merle I "There la already consld- ing beer. "The messagto podol' pushors PMNIS Large Note Rarest But they all share that same routed, delayed,, and not re- boat nearby, the ammunition in Pleci^nis, 137 Campfleld St, IF you LllOl l l l i W TEST ;eraMe Interest throughout this rizM to 14 — **aek the July 15, Cburch of the As­ A NEW YORK—The $100,000 blg dream: to earn enough so celved until after the attack," the gun had gone off. i ■ nation and in other countries In gal who wears them . . sumption. M('Rf ; 000 SlORtS CCA') bill, issued for a brief period they can move away to some- the summary said, He said the unmanned gun REAR 6 ^ l ( ^ f l A l f f this Vermont study," Dr. Slme BntoMng PeraDrito in 1935, then recalled, is the where cleaner and less noisy The summary- of the Navy "was extremely effective and both storea are open thurs. and fri. till 0 seld. t HIGHLAND PARK MARKET: Nutmeg Homes toe., new .rarest typi of U.S. currency. and less expensive. . court’s investigation said the blanketed the area and the cen- main street— 2 stores e. middle tpke. MAIN ST„ BfANCHESTBR niNTf^oi^ mil farkiN# srace dwelling a t 45 Montclair Dr., Only 24 o f the bills, which bear Then' they can (x>me back Oc- Liberty was subjected to criss- JUOT I^R TH OF THE POST O F F IC ^ l OAT EXPLOSION TOO • 3'^ Hl,hk«i4 St.. MonckMM,. Conn. PhoM 643*4278 $20,000. ■ Or. Joan Holzworth, a Boston Woodrow Wilaon.’s picture, caslonally as tourists and enjoy cross rocket and machlnls-gun ' veterinarian, e a y e Ameriean exist. 4 the big city in the way that only strafing by two or more Jets. It Liberty. •T ’r —

I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1967 PAGE FIFTEEN PAGE FOURTEEN MAiffcHESW e v e n in g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1967 salltditsssiBA ' • '■iwftji' f liii‘ M I >.aw.i.■ .uan tw— '-inTur>, , ■#= Events in World Abduction Is Charged day evening about 100 feet froiti UNITED NATIONS. N.Y. the big tomb In Red Square as g BROAD STREET (AP) — A chargre by Guinea few Russians and foreign toiir- that the Ivory Coast was hold­ ists strolled past the Kremlirt ings Its foreign mlnlstef and Four or five bystanders wefV MANCHESTER..# chief U.N. envoy prleoner wrounded by the bomb, whioh brought quick Countercharges had been hidden in an aceoro- •ILM IRVICI MlMr STOm of abduction from the Ivory ian, witnesses said. AmbulandM; OPEN DAILY 10 to 10 Coast. carried away the wounded. Cheik Omar Mbaye, Oulncan Communist sources saUi • Plonty of Froo ond Easy Porliing • charge d'affaires, appealed the suicide had cried out hla. Wednesday to Secretary-Oenei^ protest, before the explosion. BtA A \ al U Thant to obtain the release witnesses close at hand said Complete SStgctions ..i Top QuaMy King'sWiscount Savings!^ of Foreig:n Minister Beavogul they had heard nothing Illid Lansana and Ambassador Ifar- that. Mbaye said the two o^ficUls Terrorism Is Charged had been arrested Tuesday STOCKHOLM (AP) ^ A leait when their plane landed in er <>* the Dominican Republic'l Abidjan, the capital of the Ivory Revolutionary party claims eW ilsM h in g for s Sommer Outdoors! Coast, en route home frdfh the mcnts within the Dominicaa U.N. General AssemUy Session government and army haVi TODAY ^ THURSDAY, JUNE 29 on the Middle East. killed or wounded several' Thant conveyed the p r o t ^ to hundred persons in a terrorUt Ivory Coast Ambassador HUrne- campaign aimed mainly at his on Ake. Later Ake’s foreign party. Golden minister, Assouan Arsens Ush­ Attempts by the party to rein­ Deluxe Double Tubulor Arm Rests er, told a reporter several Ivwy state ex-President Juan Bosdl, Coast citizens had been held by who was ousted in a military Tonga Guinea for as long as two years. group in September, 1B43, led U Usher referred vaguely to civil war in 1965. “ rules of reciprocity.” Jose Pena Gomes, the party,’# secretary-general, said Wedhe#- Torch USSR Announces Tests ‘‘ “ V that President 7 WEB CHAISE MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet Balaguer, who defeated Bo«M Union announced today it had t** t®**. probably had not incitM ended a month's test of carrier the terrorism but couldnbt o<^ th WUEHOUSE rockets fired l^ o a South Pacif- trol extremists within the goY- 0 4 8 ic target zone about 4,000 miles eminent and their supportbrs Ml from the Soviet Union. the army and police. > Adjusts to The brief announcement aald Pena Gomez said he was ^ the tests had been suecessful Sweden to seek support frOn^ QoM aluminum; 0 S Positions and that the target area was European Socialist parttB*; ^ pole; bums 15 hn. on a filling. free again for international against what he called "social- injustice” in the Dominican Rsy. Great for outdoor shipping and aircraft. The zone entertaining. was about 1,000 miles farther public since the 1966 cHsIs. south than the usual target area ...... V.S. to Pay Filipinos 5 for Soviet rocket testa in the Pacific. MANILA (AP) — The Unlt#d When a similar zone was an­ States agreed today to pajr cmucojiL OUTLET STORE nounced for rocket - tests last $31.12 million in full, final settM- November, they were beHeved ment of long-standing salaty to be for the Soyuz spacecraft claims of Filipinos who served- ttOHIlR which crashed april 24, killing with U.S. forces in World Wgr Roomy, sturdy, all- II. weather webe; wonder­ cosmonaut Vladimir M. Komar­ ful comfbrL Heavy ov. The payment will help replen­ aluminum frame foldjs ish the Philippine government’s !8 compactly. Contour at VERNON CIRCLE, VERNON Doubt Cast on Suicide depleted foreign-exchange back. Green, turquoise MOSCXIW (AP) — Non-Oom- serges, urhlch had forced UiO 1116 safe, fast, odor­ or pumpkin with white. mimist witnesses cast doubt to- government to restrict comnier- less way to ignite day on Communist claims that cial banks in their handling St charcoal. Saves A ■ Russian who killed himself with transactions in which Ll.B. dol­ ttme and money fluSd needed. a homemade bomb near XAnm’s lars are spent. ADEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY dBH tomb had cried out in protest The Philippine goVemmeitt against the Middle East cease­ w ill. process Indi-vidual salaly 3 0 9 T . fire. claims and. pay the veterans Folding Aluminum The suicide occurred Wednes- pesos. Cooler vre n 10:00 a m . ■ 10:00 P.M. Chest 6-W EB Events in Capital CHAIR status a t Jerusalem m re£id$Ma ^ LEADERS IN TOYS, SPORTING GOODS, POOLS AND JUVENILE FURNITURE Statistics Rising to them.” —The State Depart­ WASHINGTON (AP) - - plVe ■ - ■ _ ‘ ment, in atmounclng Wedne^ay J years ago the federal govern­ it does not recognise Israal'd ment spent $6 billion on health „ , ■ _ .i,. 1 PRO SHOP Coleco 8'x20" Steel Sidewall TONKA and educaUon programs. How it .Btyrofoatn chest keeps fo(kl tlon of Jerusalem, sblsed frdh$ Folding Alumilium spends $18 billion annually. I' Hot or cd| d for hears. Oohi- MATCHBOX Jordan during the Dfldeast One million people were get­ room y, portable. O Varlleal Steal TRUCKS ting help from Washington for CAPITAL FOOTHOtM iiiiiiijjj .’eiiijA S A N D C H A IR GOLF BALLS Supparta Car Carritr, Dump, Trencher. their medical costs five years The Interior Department h#s Camant MIxtr. Jaap With CARS... Spilding Dote t ago. Now, with medicare, the approved an emergency oil a vinyl Linar Plow. All Steal Conitruotlon figure is eight million. POOL plan for Europe in the wake #1 FIRST FLITE e Enamal Finlih Just two years ago, the feder the Middle East war. Several c Amarloa'a Favorite U al government provided $130 American oil firms will parUct- ;■ 4 Contour back and seat, DhdIop Max-File 00 million in grants for water and . polished aluminum frame $ for “lIHIa” Car sewer____ - projects around the coun' for The Interstate Comme|6e folds for easy carrying, OX-Tourniy, U.S, Royal T5 Modaft try. Now it’s $825 million. Commission has approved $ to storage. Green, turquoise, Reg. These figures were given 10 per cent hikes in tni#k or pumpkin with white. And Many Mora To Choose From Wednesday by Oiarles L. ____ Hi-tenalle aluminum arms and sturdy freight rates for the MiddU frame. Follnch PkBtic YOU CHOICE ~ 1.00 GAMES consolidate some of their pro­ Hebron YOUR CHOICE grams and cooperate when toey 2 f i i i i - Va GoUon PADS are working in the same fields. PATIO TABLE LIFE JACKETS He said the attitude should be Building Permits wHM Pditot Pknlc Jug • BARREL OF C Parker Bros. By Parker Bros. that “ each federal dspartmcnt for (Onlr NOW... is___ not______a fiefdom to itself, sur- Total Sixteert ■ O MONKEYS MONOPLY "W e O N f LOW PRICE 99 rounded by moats and ditches, f A ffr k t a t n 97 Milton Bradlay’s but a part of one government in ^ O r L a S t l f l O n i g | ' t!>eluxe rgibliy steg j w of ;; FanMly^ne jug made of 3 8 America’s i00%^ polyethylene With . POTATO which responsibilities are polyethytone wkH 'Mytv- U.S. Coast Guard TWISTER & Karl Links, zoning agent, foam iiMkulation. .Itosy- ' .etyt'ofoam insulaUtm. HEADS All Time Favorite shared.” clifad, leak-proof. Spigot. Wlde-mouth dripless 77 issued 16 building permlto (Hir­ Marble - pattern Approved ANIMAL TWISTER Light. gnd Sturclyl spout. MYSTIFYING Mike Renews Plea ing the month of May. plastic top; white for cliMwi .Gomes in Sizes reg. to 2.97 • PLAY-DOH Selchow’s Those to receive permits weys tubular metal legsf' reg. to 4.99 ORACLE WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. y . Vlk, utility building « S-M-L Basy to clean. Use 4 PACK SCRABBLE reg 2.39 Mike Mansfield, the Senate Hope Valley Rd.; Caron Brott- imkiors or out. 7 8 BOARD Democratic leader, has renewed gn eight-family apaH- hls plea that the United Nations nient house on Rt. 86; Eugene ' I M n ie h work to end itflie Vietnam war. Tucker of New Britain, a sum- Floral vinyl cov­ "The Security Council can no ^ e r dwelling on Ames Paint er, 100% poly­ Garcia-Mitchell #300 longer avoid assuming its re- Samuel Pescetello of Co- ELECTRIC ethylene %” 6-LEG GYM SET 12’x12' thick foam. Fits 15 x42" POOL sponsibllity in helping to pro- lumbia, dwelling on Rt. <•; DINING CANOPY mote peace in Vietnam,” Mans- Frank Keating of New Havih, all webbed chairs Mow^ and chelae.. 2-taalar Lawn Swing B y Coleco field told the Senate Wednesday, dwelling on Deepwood Dr.; ^d- Aluminum Canter SPINNING REEL The U.N., he said, n^ist act ward Newbauer of Springfidid, Steal Sidawallt. Vertical 2 Swings Talaioeping Pole quickly “ if it is to replace a summer cottage on Ames Point Steal Supports. Vinyl chain cf events which may lead pd. Complete With With Extra Spool Full 6 Fti Aluminuin' t-Ssatsr Sky-Qllds Linar, Enamel FInlih. S8 to di^ster with a chain oS Also. Anthony Sylvestor, Polat, Stakst events whiioh wtiCt dead to dwelling on Baas Lake Road; "Seaside" Series peace.” Sylvester, dwelling on Oaklanil FOLDING BED Rd.; Sylvester, dwelling on Powerful 1.6 H.P. Howard Fires Five North Pond Rd.; Sylvester, two motor, starts' with i v 2"^y h ic k f o a m m a t t r e s s WASHINGTON (AP) — How- dwellings on East St.; Ralph the flip of a switch. $1 ard University, the Negro Rocchettl, .store on Rt. 8$ in SwingoVef handle; & school in Washington, has fired Amston; Joseph Stula, storage cuts 18” Wide from m ' " . five faculty members and die- building on Rt. 6A; Frank Rich, % to, M pi, 24 X 72" Reg. .=->.<’ety-(le§lgned. missed 14 students for "dlsrup- renewal for dwelling on A«|d- Reg. 22.88 tlve” campus activity. over Rd.; Louis Fortier, dwell- Handy extra bed ftor den or porch. Foly- Reg. 99.99 16.99 The faculty members report- ing on Mill Hill Rd. and Wadtet foam mattress — vinyl covered oa mto side Reg. 32.88 edly included Prof. Nathan Frechette of Middletown, aln. Poww Mower 3 Pc. PICNIC SET WAREHOUSE ings a “ persecution of Negro months or older must be * H.e. - f : . t Cycif students and faculty menibers tered before the end of JulH. AND WIN ONE OF THESE VALUABLE PRIZES for exercising responsibility." Fees are $3.60 for male dM jE MNl ifirtAfon Mdfor In addition to the black power spayed female dogs add fl'.TO ^ V jPowenfid, efficient. AeflOii issue, tile campus was the scene for females, . Low L startet-. Adjastable edt- |u.t Clip Out The Ceupen, Fill In Yeur Name And OUTLET STORES Addr... And Drop Inte The Bin. Previd.d At Any this spring of a disturbance dur- I.jike Gnaip Meeting i*rloe F$ ting heights, controls on H m r . 1st Prize . 2 — *100 ing the appearance of Lt. Gen. The Amston Lake Improve- Low Of Our 4 Locitiena. Entry D.idline July 7th. handle. White radewall 88 Rtv.il Retd Rteing Stt. Lewis riersi-t^, t!;e -ifaft rieul .\ssnciation will meet to- tires. Price Drawing Will Be At Our Vernen Lec.tion At 6 NOW 4 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS P.M, On July Sth. W inner Nted Net Be Preaent. dlrector. Hershey had to drop morrow at a p m. in the Uom- 2nd . . Gym Set I plans for a speech because of a munity Club meeting r(Xim. 1—.$60 By D.lux. ! Name demonstration by some Howard Recreation Coimctl Exit 95 (off Rte. 15) at Vernon Circle 1270 Boston Post Road students. Mrs. Richard Aiken, chdlf- Spokesmen for the ousted stu- man of the temporary Rebt;##- SturtUjr MMOructed of genuine Oallfomia Milford, €onn. 3rd . . . 1 ~ ^ 4 0 Umbrella | Address dents kaid they would fight their tioned Council, has e x p re ^ d RcCtiVoM --.'ib ^ t for matiy years. 'Table and Vernon^ Conn. Ttnt By N.tien.l C.nvii I case in court and perhaps with the hope that all Interested pte- . lull length benches. I Town ca n '' '--ations. The pie will ah-nh tnn!,«;hi'- pi.V Jtihll laeai i ■■ mimm fmmti mmmmmmrn Sale Items Available at All 4 Stores Sale Starts June 29, Ends Juy 3 4th... 1>-«40 Garcia “300” I Americ. , ' it t r Red O r Reel Cemb. I Phone ------i asked the university to rci.i>'^ate formation of a permanent 492 Cellar Street I /^M z i \ the teachers and students pend- cil. The meeting will be at t|^ irS KINfit FOR ALL YOUR HOLIDAY, HOME, REACH 283 Middle Tpke., West ing a hearing. town office building at 7:80 ptm. Newington, Conn. CAJi't'Llx. (4LOXE Manchester. Conn. Ntwingten Ster. Only Clei.d Siturd.y. “ The hastv B'’ .;.:r.;_**D»*ve Manchester Evening ■ IJIJ' Optn Sundiy. 10 to 10 action taken (-jday c-tnnol be nn: WebriMi cori'MbiinillWi. RECOUt anlHCHHINEEOS at LOW, LOW KINOPRWESI .STARTER recognize.d as determining the Mrs. Msr.lorie I'orler, ,ei. ■ T future of Uie iiuiy piaees W.thv I'l-'-j. iwiiiiliiei

-----Ut.. I • K. PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1967 MAKCHESTE® ^(SVENIKO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, JUNE, 29, 1967 PAGE SEVENTEEN safety, home, International F e r r to n frlendWp a n d ^ u t of doors. 69.1 Million Project Silver Coins They conductem!,a flag cere­ From Your Neighbor’s Kitchen mony and gave their memories Worth $60,000 Junior Troop «2S of scouting. They also assisted T roshS ^ Dempsey Passes Road BiU; By DOBIS BELDINO Jimlor Troop ^623 heid a Court Mrs. Everett Kelsey, - leader, All trash collections usually Barbecue Chicken ia a fine Taken from Sea of Awards recently at the Oreen with a rededlcatlon ceremony ‘y Originates New D epartm ent dleh to serve on me July Fourth J^ew! ^or School. Mrs. C^iarles Jaworskl, for new members, set for next ’Tuesday, July (HoMday. To add a more COCOA, Fla. (AP) — SUver troop leader, supervised the Scouts advancing from Jim- will be picked up on Wednes­ HARTFORD AP —Gov, John not now eligible for aid under festive air to me menu, Mre. pieces of eight valued at $60,000 Television event. lors to cadettes are Sandra day along with me Wednesday Dempsey has signed into law exSsitiiinig granfMiUHelld iptrogmemB. Henry (Karen) Martin of 86 to $00,000 have been taken from 5:00 ( 3) Movie (22) Highlights The meeting opened with a Bayles, Andrea Burr, Unda —Increase me pay of jurors ( 8-2^ M ike Douglas (40) You Asked for It B E A U T IF U L collection, according to Andrew bills adopting a $69.1 million Spring St., Rockville, serves It me sandy bottom of me Atlantic (10) P e rry M ason 7:30 (24) Pronch Chef flag ceremony conducted by Glenney, Claudia Keuhl; Debra from me present $8 a day to wim Carnival Dessert. (12) Merv Oiiffin (18) X -I- X junior scouts Mary Beth Wll- Lawrence, Sylvia LeFort, Su- P. Trlcarlco, director of Pub­ highway construction program Ocean where they were dumped (18) Highway Patrol ( 8.40) B a(m an (C) lic Works. $10 a day. Barbecued Chicken (20) T i m Is the Life (12) Lucy-De.sl (Jomody Hour llams, Mary Eileen Kelly, Kar- san Leggitt, Nancy PlaU, J«i- and creating me state's first —Establish uniform election more than two centuries ago (30) Rlverboal ' (10-2»-22-,')0) D aniel ISoone (C) en Gates and Kathleen Walsh, et Sisco, Denise Gaboury, Diane Burpee Meeting 1 1-3 pounds broiler-fryer, split when a Spanish'ship sank dur­ (40) Woody Woodpecker , 8:00 (24) Point of View \ Depairtment of Municipal Af­ dates for municipalities In May cup French dressing 6;.30 (20)' N avy F tlnt I (' .7) Brartdcd (C) \ LEG $ m ' m' Mrs. Stanliey WoJcosW, Green Kodovlch, Marcia Strimaitis, ’The Burpee Wopen’s Corps 11 or November every two,years. ing a hurric^e. '(40) Peltcr Jcimlnga. News (C) ( 8-40) F Troop (C) School consultant and organizer Janice Reault and Pamela will meet Wednesday at 6 p.m. fairs. ^ teaspoon garlic salt The coins, about 4,500 of 6:00 ( 30) M cH ale's N avy 8:30 ( 8-40) Bewitched (C) % teaspoon paprika ( 6) Newawlre ( 3-12) My T hree ^ n s (C) Legs disfigured by darKened veins spoke to the group on the four Walch. at the home of Mrs. Ann Casatl When he signed me latter bill mem, were found Monday in a (12) N ew sbent (C) (18) Subscription TV or bruises can look good. While challenges of cadette scouting Skits were presented about a at 27 Earl St. A roast chicken into effect Wednesday, Dempsey 1 tablespoon salad oil cypress chest by divers from ( 3410) News (C) (24) Fourth Eittate 1 four-ounce can mushrooms (18) M erv Griffin (10-20-22-30) S tar Trek (C) , legs can jook suntanned Instantly. and presented cadette cockades three-day trip to Pennsylvania supper will be served at $1.25 called it "one of the most im­ Stocks in Brief •the Real Eight Corp., a group (20) PUm 9:00 (24) Sport of the Week Smooth on Leg Veil, then wear to the Grade 6 group which wUl Dutch country and a snow pp- person. portant and significant pieces of 1 medium onion, sliced mat has combed the coast near (22) Summer Highlights ( 8-40) T hat Girl (C) NEW TORK (AP)—The stock 1 cup canned chicken brom (24) W hat’s New? ( .'i-12) Movie (C) sheerest hose—or none at all! Leg move to the cadette level in bound camping trip In Febru* Members may bring friends legislation ever adopted by a here since 1960 for the treasure (40) N ew s: Bronco 9:30 ( 8-40) Love on Rooftop (C) Veil is used by drum majorettes and the fall. This group Includes ary. A thank you note from the or relatives. Reservations can Connecticut General Assem­ market groped for a trend ear­ 2 teaspoons cornstarch lost by a Spanish fleet In 1715. 6:30 (dO-30) Huntley-Brlnkley (C) (10-20.22-.'i0) D ragnet 1967 (C) bly.’’ 14 cup water The corporation delayed an­ ( 3) (Walter Cronkilc (C) 10:00 (10-20-22-30) M artin-Damonc as theatrical make-up. Covers com­ Joan Briggs, Deborah Daniels, Lutz Junior Museum for falth- be made with Mrs. Casatl by ly Thursday afternoon. Trading (24) HaniHe with C are (R) (C) pletely, evenly, naturally; clings. Will Karan Gates, Sally Goss, Mar- fui service on Sunday after- Sunday. Backed by $45 million in bor­ 2 tablespoons butter nouncement of the find. (20) B ritish Calendar ( 8-40) Sum m er Focus was active. salt and pepper (13) WaMcr CronkJtc 10:30 (18) S>il)9CrIptlon TV not stain clothing; yet comes off g aift Hickey, Nancy Hutt, Anne noons was read by the troop On Dean’s List ( 8) P e te r Jennings, News (C) 11:00 ( ,3-S (D , 10-2(X22-aO-40) rowing and spending, me bill is Gains outnumbered losses but- Real Eight divers also found a easily with loap and water. Legs Jaworskl, Mary Kelly, Cathy scribe. Sharon Oldman, daughter of designed to offer new and ex­ Preheat oven to 375 degrees. chest two years ago that con­ (20) News News, Sports. Weather Place chicken halves, cut side 7:00 ( 3) Daktiari (C) (12) New.sbeat look young again. Legs look natural­ Lescroart, Susan Mosler, Me- Thank yous were extended Mr. and Mrs. Justin V. Gldman panded prog;rams to me state’s not by much. Meanwhile popu­ tained about 325 pounds of me ('30) News. Weather (20) Honey West llssa Powell, Jan Rosenthal and Mary’s for the usp of of 54 Elm Hill Rd.. Talcottvllle, urban areas to meet the prob­ lar averages eased amid selec­ down, on shallow baking dlah. Spanish coins. Lou Ulllan, a (12) Truth or Consequencc.s 11:1.5 (40) Sports Final ly tanned. Product of the trustworthy Shake and measure French (C) (12) New.sireat House of Wristey. Mary Williams. Parish Hall and other ohurch has been named to the dean’s lems of urban renewal, hous­ tive blue-chip weakness. Real Eight member, said mere (20) Huntley-Brinkley (C) 11:20 ( 3) Tlnirsdav Starlight Badges were received by facilities; to the Girls Friend- A list at Barrington (College this ing, community development dressing and let stand luitil oU are about 15 pieces to the ( 8) Twilight Zone 11:30 (10-20-22-30) to n ig h t (C) The approach of me July 4 rises to top. Pour off oil and re­ (10) M cHale’s Navy (12) Late Movie Mary Cele Boland, observer, jy Society Sponsors, who have past semester. and planning, codes and en­ pound, with the coins valued at (24) iWhat’s New? (R) ( 8-40) Joey Bishop Show (C) holiday next Tuesday was one serve; pour remainder of dress­ 90-f/ay supply toy, cook, and sign of the ar- continuously sponsored the She is a freshman and is maj­ forcement, rent receivership reason for evenlng-up opera­ $20 to $300 each, depending upon SEE SATURDAY’S TV WEEK FOR COMPLETE LISTINGS oring In history. She graduat­ and research. ing over chicken. Sprinkle with melr condition. row; Joan Briggs, observer, t^oop since 1©35 and from this tions by traders, brokers said. garlic salt andr paprika. toy, dabbler and sign of the ar- group have come every lead- ed from Rockville High School The head of me new depart­ While auto stocks showed a The state receives one-fourth $ 2 0 0 row; Robin Blevba, observer, er; to Boy Scout Troop 27, last year. Bake chicken, uncovered. In of the revenue from the coins. ment, expected to be LeRoy mildly higher trend due to me 375-degree oven 35 minutes. cook, toy, collector and sign of ^^ich planned the First Aid Counting ballots in the electlMi for president of the Sm UtlMtles District at Bentley audi­ Rockville Hospital Notes Jones, managing director of the surprising report m at there is The treasure was being sent Radio the arrow; Donna Carey, ob- Frederick torium are four of the eight appointed tellers who also passed out and collected the baHots. While chicken Is baking, pour to the king of Spain aboard an Visiting hours are 12:30 to 8 State Development Commission, a ' shortage of automobiles salad oil In small skillet; add (This listing includes only those news broadcasts of 10 or 15 server, cook, toy, and sign of Ruggjeg, nurse, who taught and They are, left to right, Raymond D’Amato, Howard Keeney, Joseph Pero and Clinton p.m. in all areas except mater­ will be advised by an advisory 11-shlp fleet that sailed from rather man swollen Inventories, mushrooms and onions and Vera Cruz, Mexico. Ten of the minute length. Some stations carry other short newscasts.) the arrow...... demonstrated first aid pro- O’Brien. (Herald frtioto by P>into.) ^ nity where mey are 2 to 4 and council of 10 members. the rest of toe market was not Also, Mary Ellen Carilli, oh- cedures; to Mrs. Joan Tale, saute until golden. Add chicken ships were sunk off the 6:30 to 8 p.m. The highway program will Inspired. brom to skillet and cornstarch, WDBC—1360 WTIC—1080 server, toy. cook, collector and g^^,g chairman, who handled Admitted ’Tuesday: Willis Coast in a hurricane. prO’Vide $69,150,000 dn construc­ The strong advance in long­ which has been mixed wim wa­ 5:00 Dick Robinson 5:00 Afternoon Edition sign of the arrow; Diane Doran, ^^g^ ^ „oo boxes of cookies; to Praitt of Pinnacle Rd., Elling­ tion of me state’s secondary 6:00 Joey Reynolds 6:15 A m ericana term Interest rates and me ter imtll It ia smoom. Simmer 9:00 Ken Griffin 7:20 Chot Huntley ODserver, toy, cook, the ODo-Dads, who worked on ton; Joaephine Devlin of Rock­ road network. 1:05 News, Sign Off 7:30 News of the World L E O VEIL of the arrow; Karen Gates, ob- q |j.j breakfast with many statements mat a tax In­ until cleu*. Remove chicken 7:45 Joe G aragiola ville Nursing Home; L3mn Can­ Anomer bill signed Wednes­ from oven and spoon onion- Andover WBCII—910 server toy, Md sign of ^ e ar- ^^^g chairman, ton of 21 Washington St.; Stella crease Is Inevitable again dam­ 6:00 Hartford Highlights 7:50 Sing Along day by Dempsey will require pened general sentiment. mushroom mixture over It. Cov­ 7:00 News 7:55 David Brinkley Reiwrts row; Sally Goss, ^ k bai^e; assisted by Paul Bernard, Uoyd White of 38 Soum Grove St.; liquor stores to close an hour 8:00 (iaslight 8:05 Coast Guard- Band er chicken wim foil and bake Man Is Charged 12:00 Quiet Hours 8:25 Pop Concert ‘ MANCHESTER Angela Geryase, observer, toy, Davidson, Richard Harris and Ronald Wendus of 41 Range earlier than the present 9 p.m. The Dow Jones Industrial av­ 0:10 Nightbeat ^ k and sign of the a^ow; Moorhouse; to Mrs. erage of 60 stocks at noon was 35 minutes In 375-degree oven. W POP—1410 11 New.s Hill Dr.; Adelphene Brigham closing time. This serves two and may be 5:00 Danny Ciayton Show Tracy Heller, toy, cook observ- ^ t h of 33 Elizabem St.; Raymond The bill goes Into effect Oct. off .2 at 324.4 wim industrials In Car Collision 7:00 Lee "Bahi" Simms Show 11:15 Investments. Weather. Siwrt.s ' \ Tolland Increased as needed. 12:00 Gary Girard Show ll:.3i)The Other Side of the Day er. colUotor and ripi of the ar- ^ g^^. Laentocha of 38 Lawrence SL; 1. off .4, rails off .3 and utilities Albert Rupar of 26 Basolo Turnpike, unchanged. Carnival Dessert (Herald photo by Satemla) W INF—12S0 row; Margaret fflckey. cook, g^ ^Ir. James Uccello, local Carol Grenier otf 15 Warner Retail liquor dealers wanted 1-3 cup shortening Dr., Andover, was charged with o:00 Wews observer toy ^ d sign of the company driver, who ac- Dr.; Paul McCrrtton of Grand­ me closing time to be 7 p.m. Pan American World Air­ MRS. MARTIN AND TWINS 5:15 Spcalc Up Hartford '■ ^ Exi-F 93 ways, recovering from recent 114 cups sugar failure to yield the right of 6:00 News arrow; Kim Hyde, toy cook, anied the scouts on all view Rd., ToUand; Maiy Hutch- most nights and 8 p.m. Thurs­ 2 eggs, beaten 6:15 Barry Farber Show COSMETICS * f , Wilbur Cross Pky. observer, and sign of the ar- J ^he past selling, was active and up near­ way to a vehicle not obliged to 6:45 trowell Thomas in of Pinnacle Rd., EUlngton; days and Fridays. The House 214 cups flour ually add sugar and cream un­ minutes. Serve warm with hot row; Nancy Hurt, toy, cook, ob- ^ Shirley Smim of 6 Prospect St, passed a bill to this effect. ly a point. Eastern Air Lines stop after the car he was driv­ 7:00 The World Tonight WE CARRY ALL server, and sign of the arrow. >^ree years. 114 teaspoons ibaklng powder til fluffy. IBlend in beaten eggs cherry sauce. 7:15 Frank Gifford -raE TOP LINES . 'A -1 •- ’ . “ _ Proficiency badges and chai- Births Tuesday: A son to Mr. - But grocery and drug stores, rose about 1. ing cut out in front of a car 7:35 World of Religion A^. Anne Jaworskl, toy »^g„ ,, ^rs. Fractional gains were made 14 teaspoon baking soda and mix. Sift together flour, Cherry Sauce 8:0 0 cws and Mrs. Michael Wrona of 33 which have liquor departments, 14 teaspoon salt baking powder, baking soda V4 cup sugar driven by -Michael Rosen, 18, of 8:10 Speak Up Hartford ARTHUR DRUG ^k. ^b^r^ ^era, rem - ^Isg jgan Ward St.; a son to Mr. and protested, and the Senate by Boeing, General Dynamics, 11:30 Barry Farber Show Rohr Corp. and United Aircraft, 1 cup milk and salt and stir Into creamed dash salt Willlmantic on Route 6 at Rt. 12:00 Com m ent bl^. a ^ ^ ^ the arrow; An- j^elsey to Maureen Bensche, Mrs. ’Thomas Pigglns of 25 Oak amended the bill to make me 1 No. 2 can sour cherries, well mixture, alternately with milk. 2 tablespoons cornstarch 316 yesterday at 8:25 p.m., 12:15 News. Sign Off Read Herald Advertisements i.i gela toy. cook, obeery- home nurse, traveler, emergen- St. closing time 8 p.m. Mondays fleeted by losses of a point or Mix in drained cherries and state police said today. mrough Saturdays. fleeted by losses o fa ix>int or drained, reserve juice % cup cherry juice er, pet. ooU ^r, Md sign of g preparedness, promise and Discharged ’Tuesday: Curino 14 cup chopped nuts, walnuts nuts. Pour Into greased 8x12- 1 cup water me arrow; M i^ Eileen KeUy, gharon Brewer, first aid, Papa of 37 Charter Rd.; Dor­ This amended bill was ap­ so In Du Pont and International Police said the Rosen car was Nickel while American Tele­ or pecans are preferred. inch baking pan. Place in 350- >4 teaspoon almond extract traveling west on Route 6 and home nurse, emergency pre- othy Somers of 370 Beelzebub proved by me House. Cream shortening and grad- degree oven and bake about 50 In saucepan, mix sugar, salt rowtag. ^ v e My gd^ess; Linda Brown, home Rd., Wapplng; Frank Leonek Other bills signed will: phone dropped nearly a point. that the Rupar vehicle came ^ e , and s i ^ of the a n w ; ^ mammal, traveler, world VICTOR SWANSON PATRICK DONLON PAUL CERVINI of RFD 2; Marie Babmer of —Extend state assistance for Prices were mostly higher in and cornstarch, and stir in out of Route 316. Rosen Cathy Lescroart, ^ervw toy. emergency prepared- District President District Director District Director 15 EJUington Ava; Roberta Ad- comprehensive com­ heavy trading on me American cherry juice and water. Boil swerved to avoid hitting the oook, oam^ active Carroll, ceramics zlma of Heamer Rd., EHUngton. munity mental health services Stock Exchange. Coventry until mixture thickens and the Rupar car and the Rosen ve­ ^ sign of me a n w ; Moiy g^njpgr me meeting for me election starchy taste disappears, about hicle rammed a guard rail, po­ District Elects Swanson^ which was held in me auditor­ 10 minutes. 'Stir constantly un­ lice said. There was no con­ hom e^rse. traveler, world tre ium at Bentley School. For me til sauce bolls, then occasion­ tact between the two vehicles, ^ dgnrf me arrow; Su^ emergency prepared voting, slips of paper were A^er. obs^r. toy, cook Crawford, first aid Disagreements Mild ally after it boils. Remove from .police said. Slight damage done GOODYEAR Cervini^ Donlon Unopposed passed out by the tellers and heat and add almond extract. to the Rosen car. lector, waiter fun. musician home nurse, traveler, world tre the electors wrote me name of story teller home, heaim and emergency preparedness, A native of New Bedford, safety, and sign of me arroiv. ^,g^ g^gg„ Harriett Victor Swanson was elected nated, no nominations were their choice on the paper. Mass., Mrs. Martin came to SWEEPING SENTENCE made in opposition. Cer­ For the position of president, Also, Delbra Novlteh, observ- Qro^gg^ Karen Heikkilla, Allison president of me Sm Utilities At Charter Hearing Manchester about three years JOHN DAY, Ore. (AP) — Mu­ vini ran for me position he had the tellers gave out the ballots NICHOLS-MANCHESTER TIRE, Inc. ago from her home town, and er, toy. cook, pat, and sign of Kuehl, RosemAy Viens, first Diatrlot last night in a meeting at 7:54 p.m. Five minutes later Only about 30 citizens turned selectmen for their recommen­ nicipal Court Judge Ernest A. been holding which expired mis says she "misses the seashore Sharp sentences juvenile law me ornow; Susan ^rtobseri^^^ home nurse, traveler and of the district electors held at year. the election was closed and me out last night for me first hear­ dations "as soon as possible." The selectmen, then, will hold ajul my parent’s home in Plym­ violators to sweep the city FIRST LINE TIRES emergency prepar e d n e s s; tellers picked up me ballots. me Bentley School on Hollister Donlon, a newcomer, was ing on Coventry’s proposed new outh, Mass., especially in the streets under supervision of a Paula Haldeman, Jeanne Pos­ S t This is Swanson’s flfm con­ nominated for me spot vacated The count on the votes was com­ a second hearing on the char­ er, cook, dabbler, songster, wa- ^ Hungerford. Susan charter. Many minor changes ter in a few weeks. hot weather.” policeman. secutive term. by Director Raymond Coleman, pleted in nine minutes, and at She and her husband attend­ IVot seconds...Not discontinued...these are brand new polyester cord tires. SAVE! ter fun, sewing, musician and Hurwitz, Robin Islelb, Kristine Philip L. Burgess Sr. opposed whose term expired this year. 8:09 Swanson was declared win­ If Vbu M u fl Have were suggested but mere were If the timetable is adhered "Everybody likes it except dgn ^ th e anw ; Jen Rosen- Keeney. Karen Leemon, Marcia no serious disagreements in the to as closely as it has been ed the same grammar and the defendants,” he says. "I Swanson in me election and re­ Coleman did not run for re- ner. high school in New Bedford. Af­ tthal observer, toy. cook, and McKeough. Laurie Miner, ceived 95 votes to Swanson's election, saying he did not have two-hour discussion. thus far, me final document haven’t had any repeaters.” sign of the arrow: Beibaro ^ynne Snuffer and Deborah *One For Tlie Road Charter Commission Chair­ will appear on the voting ma­ ter high school, he served five Judge Sharp said he "was 133. time to devote to the job. ESCAPEE APPREHENDED years in the Air Force and she SquQdMto, observer, toy and ^aie, first aid, home nurse, Burgess was District presi­ When me Coleman spot came BRIDGEPORT (AP)—Bridge­ man Harold Crane pointed out chines at the regular town elec­ searching for a punishment that oook; Victoria S qua^to, oV traveler, world trefoil, emfer- m at, in many instances, tions this October. attended the New Bedford In­ would hit the kids and not the dent in 1961 and 1962. He did up, Manchester was nominated port police apprehended 20-year- stitute of Beauty Culture, and ^rver, toy, rook, sign of ggn^y preparedness. Susan not run in the 1963 election or after Donlon’s nomination, but old Suzanne Borino at her home Let That One changes have been contemplat­ The charter commission is parents," adding, "It is not in me arrow; Susan Stevens, ob- |ioorhouse. Lynne Rhodes, ed by me commission itself, but made up of Crane, William was a beautician before her the public interest to send high server^ toy. pot. coUector, ^ d gg^^^ home me years following. Manchester asked that his Wednesday after receiving a marriage in 1964. Elected to 3-year terms as name be withdrawn and Don­ report that she had escaped final decisions are pending from Miller, William Smith, David school kids to jail.” of me arrow, Anne Taylor, jjurse, emergency preparedness B e A me town attorney. Roach, Peter Thomas, Mrs. Martin is employed at Pratt o^rver, oook toy. and sign of „^,gg ,g^g Board Directors were Paul lon went unopposed. from the State Farm for Women and Whitney, Division of United Cenrlnl and Patrick Donlan. Warrington’s name was not at Niantic. The lengthiest discussion In­ Alma 'Heckler and Frederick me arrow. Also, Jane Penny and Dale volved filling vacancies on ap­ White. The citizen’s advisory Aircraft Corp., East Hartford. Both ran unopposed, though given in nomination, and he and Police Det. Joseph Krysiak The couple has three children, Also Komy Thompson, o-^ Henderson, home nurse travel- Winslow Manchester and Ar- Manchester, after me election, said he did not know what Miss pointive and elective boards. committee to the commission is Tir«d, Ten$», Dry, or, world trefoil, active ciUzen- The proposed charger stipulates headed by C. Peter 'Van Dine. twins, Debra Anne and Donna me arrow Mary Beth ’Tucker, ,; , ^ mur E. Warrington had been both spoke to the electors, Borino had been imprisoned for, Marie, 2; and a son, Henry Hot — Cool It slated to run for the two seats thanked them and commented but that she was described by that on elective boards, vacan­ oook. observer, toy and sign of prmniBe end laws; Kathy Paul Jr., almost two-months. with Wrisley’s out-ol-sight Lem­ me arrow. Kamieen Walsh. Gail London, first against them. that they had changed their the prison as being possibly cies be filled by a member of 'Advertisement : me same political party as the • Strawberries — Pick your Mrs. Martin is a member of on Twlrt Bath OU. Nothing, but oook, Cbseiwer, toy and sign of Re-elected without opposition minds about running. suicidal and homicidal. 'GEMINI’ the Mother of Twins Club of nothing gives that relaxed; resigpilng board member. me arrow; Mary Bem WaUlams, tro*»l: Qheryi Schaffer first were also Mary Laraia as tax One of the electors comment­ Miss Borino escaped June 20, own. Naubuc Ave., East H art­ sultry tropical feeling —r Call Stephen Loyzim, a citizen who Greater Hartford, a national or­ oook, toy. observer, sewing, and home nurse, traveler, collector, Howard Keeney as ed that they may have changed Krysiak said. ford. ganization. In her spare time it allure, if you’re mad. Cool sign of me arrow; Roberta Wii- sport, emergency preparedness, treasurer and Joseph Volz at their minds after Burgess was also has served on the commis­ it! And, grab 'Wrisley’s special There are 326 million cubic sion’s advisory committee, said which, she stfys, "is very lim­ Idams, observer, toy, cook, and J®net Schaiflfer first aid, home clerk. defeated. DRUG DISTRIBUTION SET ited,” she sews and knits. five cake bath and travel Soap sign of the arrow. Membership nurse, traveler, world trefoil, When Cervini was nomi­ About 250 persons attended miles of water on the earth. he felt that appointive board CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) -Ensemble $3, now only $2. In stars were given to all me gii'ls. horsewoman, emergency pre- vacancies should be filled in the — The State Welfare Depart­ fact, .take two while this wild same way. offer is on and live It up in Susan Stevens and her com- paredness; Diane Wicks, first ment has announced it will dis­ Swiss Watches Slip tangy, tropical allure. At mdttee served refreshments to odd, home nurse, emergency Republican Town Chairman tribute preescriptlon drugs to John Allen asked "Why does GENEVA — Five years ago me scouts and their parents, preparedness. persons over 65 not covered by Sm’Ijss watohrnakeTB had 87 per C L V L , r » O R . Miss Dawn Molumphy and Mrs. 'The graduating ninth grad- there have to be symmetry be­ the regular medical assistance W AS S22.45...NOW tween appointed and elected cent of the world market. Now Donald Williams are assistant era were given a Girl Scout tre- program. The program, fi­ with greaiter competition from MANCHESTER Leadera. foil charm from 'me troop. boards?” Allen said he could nanced by $l.l-mlllion state ap­ 1145 Tolbnd Turnpike 'RussSlo, Japan and the United Exit 98, WUbur Cross Pky. Punch and cookies were served see no reason why independents propriation, is to start July 1. States, they hold 74 pef cent. should not be appointed to fin Girl1 Scouto Troop 10 of, St.o. 'by^ Mrs.____ Chariea^ Covey. •' vacancies. Mary’s Episcopal Church held Democratic Town Chairman a court of honor, Thursday, Iron Fireman^ oil furnace Raymond Bradley Sr., however, June 15, at me church. Bitters Venezuelan said "I am forced to agree with Six Cadette Scouts received dUIDAiD BOLTVAR, Vene- Mr. Loyzim.’’ me first class badge. ’They are zueta. — This city, originally Residency Question Maureen Bensche, Dale Hen- called Angxustura (Spanish for •Another major question was SIZ* S.S0XU whemer certain appointive jobs FIRST LINE* TIRES THAT COlUE bitckwall „ derson, Susan Moorhouse, Jane narrow), gave its name to me ^JUN E BUG tu b c lu k Penny, Lynn Rhodes and Paula aromatic tonic and flavcrer of such as tax collector or even ‘Plus 11.55 PAYS Fad. Ex. Tax. Scott. They also earned badges drinks, Angostjuira bitters, in- the chief administrative of­ ON NEW 1967 CARS... in arts, citizenship, heaim and vented here by a physician. Th« Confldene* W« fice should be required, by the NoTradt-h Maintain in our Prod­ charter, to reside in town. The Nim ImI uct is Raflactod in charter does not require this SALE P W "POWER tho Nation’s Mott as now drawn, and several clt- IMnnIITAillu SrSttniaTilibis risiFi<.ii(.Tst DM Unusual Warranty. zens spoke out that they could Wm Mw WN Nt« NfTiaM i see no reason why someone "BARGAIN BASEMENT" CUSHION "TIRES Heeeee must live in the same town, 6.50x13 $22.45 $17.00 $26.00 $20.55 ILM in which he works. • Buy now and save on these brand new 7.35x14 or 7.35x15 $24.80 $22.30 $28.70 $25.80 Iron Fireman The charter does require m a t •first line Power Cushion tires. Check your 7.75x14 or 7.75x15 $26.25 $23.60 CUSTOM MarkH all" elective offices be held by $30.35 $27.30 D:Si:iL8 duly qualified electors in Cov­ “ ffiB KNOTTY CHERRY p e MM WILLOW size below. If you don’t see your size, come 8.25x14 or 8.15x15 $28.70 $25.80 $33.30 $29.95 Children like Kaopectate oil furnace entry, however. on in or phone — we have it! 8.55x14 or 8.45x15 $31.55 $28.40 $36.50 $32.85 wHh Robert Gantner asked that UUAN CEDAR • Low profile — contour shoulder for better anything requiring legal warn­ 8.85x14 or 8.85x15 $35.75 $32.15 $41.35 $37.20 urssiis (parents trust it) ITSELF VoluMetric ing In a newspaper be required $425 $4JW $4joir steering control 9.00x15 $36.30 $32.65 $42.10 $37.90 tV'etnitN to be warned 10 days before $LS9 $539 • Triple-tempered polyester cord body for Combustion *Th«r* «xliU no Industry wido tysUm of quality sUndirdi or grading of tirat. rather than the charter stipu­ Req. 5.88 durability Tho Powor Cushion tiro moots aoodfyoir’o ovm first lino rigid oUndirdt of quality. I i lation of five days. Gantner Req. 3.33 Req. 10.99 Req. 6.33 Req. 5.88 I I added that he felt five days was not sufficient time for DON'T MISS THESE BASEMENT SALES budget estimates or me recom­ "3-T" Nylon Cord mended town budget to be 1/4 " BA RNBO ARD, 4x8 ...... $7.00 madej available to me public, "All-Weather" Tire Kaopietite' V4 " ENGLISH OAK. 4x8 ...... $7.00 pri

• * '{ n ■V ^ ^ IV*

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1967 PAGE NINETEEN PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1967 ^WasnH Thinking ^ Admitted Eddie Stanky THE Herald Angle Two-Hitter by Senatore Beats Legion, 1-0 By -First Loss for M B V Causey’s Hit Beats Birds PETE ZANARDI Assistant Sports Editor Local Team American Net Stars NEW YORK (AP) — WHITE SOX-ORIOLEEl— Kansas City rallies and scored erteA for the Red Sox. both Athletic runs as Lew Ron Hansen and Don Buford H om e with Mark Heller Delivers wasn't thinking home run,” Krausse, Tony Pierce and Jack TIGERS-INDIANS— Legion’s Strength on Mound opened the Chicago eighth with Now Drawing Cheers admitted Eddie Stanky, Aker combined to shut out the Orlando Pena walked four singles against Baltimore’s Bill Pitching has to be the Manchester Legion’s forte this manager of rampaging Chi­ Yankees. men in the sixth inning, forcing Locks Nine WIMBLEDON, Englland (AP)—-The Americans, who Dillman, who was working on a summer. In Hamilton Victory cago White Sox. , \ Campanleris doubled w l^ one the tie-breaking run across, and shutout. DUlman r^Ured pinch Coach Charlie Gfraff ,would like to believe his mound came’ to Wimbledon as ithe l&ugb'ing stock of -world aro'a- “ I wasn’t thinking home run,’ * out in the third inning and rode then Willie Horton delivered a PETE ZANARDI runnei" Jimmy Stewart at the corps wilj carry Manchester all the way to the Stote tem’ tennis^ have becomje its heroes.'^______muttered Hank Hauer, manager home on Mike Hershberger’s two-run double that helped the F om er Manche^er High standout Mark Heller g ^ ^.g. p,^yers - plate on Tommie Agee’s tap. Tournament and perhaps beyond. His three and Stingy „ - i was the word for Cliff of the (altering Baltimore Ori­ single. HiQ reached second on T lg^ s whip . one hit in four trips last night. The hit came in the Rjehey Marty Riessen ___ ’That left runners at first and and oles. Bill Robinson’s in the Horton’s hit against reliever leading ca'teher are all playing their last year of Legion L ^ o n s eighth inning and gave Hamilton a 4-3 victory over charlle Pasarell — have set the applauded him back to the second with one out and Causey cofnpoUtion. . ■ .. - ______Paul SenStttore laa^ nififnt ax “ I never think home run,” sixth and scored on a pinch sin­ George Culver followed Pena’s Moriairty Bros, in Hartford Twilight League action at tournament ablaze by tdppllng dressing room after he had coming up. On deck was Tom vRay LaGace. a five-year vet- breaktog stuff. Graff was more N ^-^The lanky SOUth- grinned Wayne Causey, whose gle by Ken Harrelson. bases-loaded pass to Don Wert Dillon Stadium. seeded stars when none of the beaten Leschly. McCraw. than aaUafled with the right- 1 * ^ paced his m a ^ to a first circuit clout in two years Krausse, Pierce and Aker al­ which snapped a 3-8 tie. A wild H ie -vllctory, ’HeiminionlB thiird JleAmBon’s >Uases loaded single experts gave them a chance. lifted the White Sox to a 3-2 vic­ A bunt seemed in order but Schardt, ^ayl^ hia second sea- hander’s first Legion action last 1-0 Victory over Manches- “ Nothing that happens here lowed five hits between them pitch brought home Detroit’s in six stoits, endB Morlarty’s knockied in two ■with Jim Mor- Two of them — Richey and tory over Baltimore Wednesday Stanky decided to let Causey, son and Tim Cummings, in his Tuesday against Rockville ^®*^ ** two-hitter, both hits can maker up for our failure with Krausse, who worked the fourth nm of the inning as the undefeated streak at five. The laity’s Sacrliflce tty accounting Riessen — took part in last night. who now has 34 homers in 10 big first make up the mound corps % e « coming in an atoortod Manches­ against Ecuador,” Riessen said. first seven Innings, getting cred­ ’Tigers ended a four-game losing Glas Housers’ league lead over tor the other. iSpanswick end week’s Davis Cup disaster when Causey’s three-run eighth in­ leaguei f^ son s, swing away. whUe Gary Gott is the No. 1 ter rally In the ooventh inning “ Even if I won the Wimbledon it for the victory, streak. Hierb’s is cUt to half a game. MtoynaiHan then allowed only the United States was eliminat­ ning homer wiped out a 2-0 Ori­ "A home run never crosses * • * receiver. B ig H e lp and both of the tofiield 'variety. title it wouldn’t erase the mem­ my mind,” said Causey, who * * * A single by Wa'Uy -Wldholm, three Mlorliarty Mts the rest of ed by little Ecuador. ole lead and gave the first-place ANOEL8SENATORS— Behind his top three are Gary ^ catcher can make the dlf- It was the ftrst loss aifter two ory of that.” had not hit one since 1965. “ I ’TWIMS-RED SOX— a walk to Randy Ralston and the way. Pasarell didn’t even see ac­ White Sox their ninth victory in Kinel, an occasional hurler last f«fence In a ’s perform--wfinB for 'the locals while the A The three Americans were all thought I hit it off the hsmdle.” Dave Boswell pitched a four- Bob Rodgers delivered a two- ■vlsltioirs exipamded their unde- V Dlick Sategaj being Mt, by a (Hamilton got one run in the tion in that competition. His the last 12 games. Baltimore, year, and Steve Banas, who won a**®®- Graff deems himself considered to have a tough draw ’The handle hit dropped neatly hitter and Cesar Tovar drove in run double with two out in the The reated Eitreok to t'wo gomes, MARK H E U Jck pitch, set up Heller’s gome-win- se<'oind. WddhoHm was hit by a form wasn’t considered good the defending world champion, his only start with the high Gott, when this tournament started — into the right field stands and eighth inning that lifted the An­ school. Catholic grad, who gets Miamdheister ts active agato to- nto« blow. The Daotimouth soph­ pitch and came all tlie way enough. has dropped 12 of the last 16. the winning nm with a seventh and nobody seriously expected then iHoyt Wilhelm stood off a inning single as the ’Twins gels past the Senators. Singles down low behind the batter, has niiglhlt at MIt. Netoo, ptoylng- host FEW NEW MANAGERS omore setlt Pete Hala’s second wias booted in center. ReMon's Elsewhere in the Americcm (Jummlngs and Schardt have Richey, the chunky, red- them to go very far. bases-loaded Baltimore threat by Jim Fregosl, John Werhas the needed ability to pace a to WIMcIsot Locks to a resdhed- DER^VER. (A P )—(Half of the offering BlUicdng dnito right field. League, Kansas City used three squeezed past Boston. turned In strong performances. was 'booted to center. The P ix ^ haired 20-year-old from Saft in the ninth to preserve the vic­ and Rick Reichardt had tied the basetoall Now they found themselves pitchers to shut out New York 2- Boswell, who struck out 13, Schardt hurled a no*h'ltter P**®**®*"- Graff points out that uled game, (Moe Mtoyntoan, who relieved forced the extra inning scoring Angelo, Tex., scored the most score before Rodgers’ blow. no-nnier pitchers often have a Thrciigto the______first six frames clulbs have new managers this clear of the big hurdles with an 0, Minnesota shaded Boston 3-2, tory. sacrificed Ted Uhlaender to sec­ against WUlimantic in the open­ Bill Spanawlck in the seventh two tuna wlthoilt a hit to the incredible triumph of his life • • • Prank Howard accounted for tendency to work too fast. Semaltore, wtoo struck out seven, season Warren Spahn at Tul apparently smooth path aheafl. Detroit rapped Cleveland 7-4 ond in the seventh, and Tolvar er and came back last Tuesday was the wrtoner wttille Pete Saia ■sixth. Two walkB anid a Mt bats­ Wednesday over Tony Roche, (AP Photofax) A’8-YANK8— both Washington runs with his Behind Gott are Kent Ough oMowed only three base run- Wayne Terwlllinger at Richey faced Ray Ruffels ot and California rallied to defeat delivered him with his hit. Jerry to win in relief of Cummings auffered Ms first kx*. He won man filled the bases. Another the Australian left-hander who Chicago was caught in the above poses yesterday j 18th homer. and Dave Ware, both from ■neirs, aiW wailkis. Using a fine riawall, Don Gutterldge at In­ LIPPY LEO— Never one to sit still and keep hie Washington 4-2. Bert Campaneris started two Adair and Reggie Smith hom- in Rockville. (Jummings had two previous starts. walk ito Rlalsitoni forced in one was seeded No. 4. After four Australia in the round of 32. Manchester High. Ware, who curve and fast bell, he mixed dianapolis, Bob Skinner at San moutii shut. Manager Leo Durocher of amazing as the Cubs swept a twinbill from Philadelphia. allowed Rockville only three (Morliarty'B Jumped on former run; Satagaj’s saicrifice fly got exhausting hours, Richey won 3- Reissen had to meet John has three years remaining, Im- pl'tdheis well throiighioat. Dle'l^'Chuck Tanner at Seattle Cooper, a 20-year-oId Australi­ hlta In six innings. LaGace is Red Sox’ Spanswiok for all their the other tally, 6 3-6 19-17 14-12 8-3. pressed many with his per­ Baist Hairtlftxrd gxA Senatore and Whttey Lockman at Ta­ ------Willie Mays Passed Up------the only loser, last night against runs to the opening frame. Gene Sponswick waaked four and Riessen, from Evanston, III., an, and brother of Ashley Coop­ formance against Rockville. He tihe only run he needed in the coma. er, the 1958 Wimbledon cham­ Anybody for Recount in Balloting? East Hartford. second. Jdhn Gionifriddo and struck out nine in hlB twileague demolished the Danish left-hand­ has a decided edge defensively delbut. MoyMihan ■walked three er Jan Leschly, seeded No. 7, pion. The bunching up of games due v/ihlle Ough is probably a bet­ Steve Bergren got back-bo-(b«ck and struck out two while Sate, 1-6, 6-3, 3-6, 6-1, 6-4. Pasarell was paired against to rain, wet grounds, etc. put an ter hitter. One way or another, singles. Bob Hansen reached on Familiar Name Omitted Champion Less Than Year showed eight sltrike outs and Frank Tutvin, a Canadian who extra burden on the pitchers. the catching is set for a couple an infield error, but Dennis Pasarell, of Santurce, P.R., Tonight’s game with Windsor IMIaxxArdle, backing up the 'ptay, tive walks. He hit three batters. staged the first sensation is studying at the University of N.L. Electors Embarrassed of years. _ Iowa and lives at Hollywood, Locks will be the third straight Elsewhere, (jjraff will have caught GlonlfMddo at the pliate. DUST—A crowd ^*'® tournament by eliminat­ 9 W. L. Pet. G.B. DIAMOND day Manchester has been active ■With nnvners on first and sec­ ing the reigning champion, Man­ Fla. NEW YORK (AP) __ tlon, Chicago won a doublehead- the opener, his 10th of the sea- , 43 26 .623 From Starting Lineup the likes of Ron Conyers, Ed son, and Ray Culp allowed Just ALllMNl BARBRAIX. and the fourth contest In five ond, Rich Harvey, a former of aftwut 400 watched the Savitt uel Santana of Spain. He fol­ Two other Americana were Anybody for a recount? 4-2 and 3-i, 41 29 .586 Kowal, Steve Banas, Chuckle End for Camera three4Vi««rkA hitsVtlfo In the nlo'Vif/*ar\nightcap. Adol­ A/Irkl. ^ Pitchers were in the spot­ days. Bast Catholic athlete, singled (JCimB defeat the Twi Stars, 4-2 lowed that up Wednesday by left in the last 32. San Smith overcame Cincin- Cincinnati 42 32 .668 NEW YORK (AP)__Wil- Aaron normally are right field- Alston will annoimce his May, Gary Kinel, Hank Wlttke, - Will^ Mays left a couple fo Phillips hit a three-run homer light at the West Side last l i e ■to Bergren. defeating another highly re­ of Los Angeles had to play Aus­ Houston beat 4- San Francisco 38 34 .628 6^ lip Mhva will bp amoTlff the ®*‘®ers and Brock is ®a left*«" fielder so P“cn®rspitchers rFriday naay anaand theuie resirest uiof Johnston with Tim Coughlin, Dale Ostrout in the old timers gjame. One of hundred embarrassed All- in the first game and ignited the LaGace In Trouble garded player. Bob Hewitt of tralia’s John Newcombe, the No. 2 and Philadelphia edged New Atlanta 37 35 .514 Tight Contests and Dennis MacArdle back tor the Savitt Gems was Mlanchpes- Stars in his wake Wednes­ York 6-6. go-ahead rally with a double in ™ missing when the National A„jo„_pjot.b,y «n, ,n « *.n.n ® j ? 'T u T Ray LaGace, in trouble most In Italian Town South Africa, 6-3, 6-8, 6-2, 6-4. 3 seed, and Clark Graebner, Pittsburgh 35 34 .507 another year. ter’s Pet© Nlaktearts . . . Paul day when, a few hours af­ • * * the second. League All-Stars take the Pittsburgh short- the team. Starters, except pitch- “ NaaslMs A check of last year’s show­ of the way, suffered the loss. Riessen, for one, was ^111 Riessen’s Davis Cup doublbs Philadelphia 33 36 .478 10 * • * SEQU'ALS, Italy (A P)— Primo Camera, the tower- Mlartin has taken Moe Mor- ter the announcement that OIANTS-CARDS— ing and a glance around the LaGace struck out seven and feeling sore about the Davis Cup partner from Beachwood, Ohio, Los Angeles 32 39 .451 12 field to oppose the Amen- stopT drew The‘ mort"voUs"‘vrito ers, must play at east the* first hardt*3 spot in the outfield. Mor- Both of Mays' singles came in DODGERSREDS— state this season proves the Margin Notes aMowedLowea threeunree warns. walks. ing Italian known as “The Ambling Alp” idien he won disaster in Ecuador — even faced Edison Mandarlno of Bra- he had been left out of the New York 25 42 .373 17 can League July 11 at Ana- 250, tops in both leagues. A total three Innlnigs. Ptitchers can not R-ion Maher lost a one- hardt is an inatmetor in a camp _ the third inning when the Giants worth of pitching. A summer While on the subject of The Icoaiis made their biggest the world heavyweig-ht boxing ch&mpion^ip m 1933, though the Wimbledon crowds zil. National League’s starting The Dodgers spotted the Reds Houston 27 46 .470 18 heim, because the players, of 286 votes were cast but Pitts- go more t ^ three, except in Johnston and Brian in New Ytork State . ago, Manchester had seven pitchers, Ricky Young, anoth­ nciise to the seventh. LaGace died today in this mountain town where he was bom. Hne-up for the first time five" runs, then came back on Wednesday’s Results managers and coaches fail- burgh had 27. As players were extra innings. Maher registered 11 . games decided by one run and er five-year Legion veteran, singled deep iln the hole aft Hia huge body wasted from since 1954, he hit two horn- ^ commanding lead Jjon^grs by John Roseboro and Chicago 4-3, Pittsburgh 2-1 edpH to nsimpname him tn tbp not permitted to vote for their No less than 16 outfielders got Bafesano had the only Uiree by two runs. Two of the Short. Bd Kowal walked and cirrhiosis of the U-ver, Camera against his old teammates that Jim Lefebvre, a two-run double own teammates. Alley thus re- votes. Following Mays’ fourth- J**" made another right decision. ers and two singles in San Philadelphia 6, New York 5 starting lineup. three decisions this year Involve "WBIttke tofflowed with another left the United States last he had no trouble holding. by Lou Johnson and three nms celved 250 of a ^sslble 258. place total of 77, came Pete Wt Slated to appear in the Hart- Francisco’s 9-1 pounding of Los Angeles 7, Cincinnati 5 Mays, a super performer who one nm. ’ThompsonvUle has lost ’Twilight League, he turned talffelld Mit Heoids up ptoy by riiontih and came home to die. The first homer was delivered on Cincinnati errors. The last Pittsburgh put three men on Rose of anclnnatl 66, Jimmy sc-^red both ruw ^ opverai St. Louis. Houston 4, Atlanta 2 had been a starter for 13 three games by a single tally sfliortsltcp Bolb KowallldMk, how­ He was in a coma tor almost in the sixth inning and the sec­ two broke a 6-5 tie as Ron Hunt the starting eight, pitchers ex- Wynn of Houston 56, R ^ y losers, up with Willlmantic last Tues­ San Francisco 9, St. Louis 1 straight years since he calTie defensive plays for the losers. while South Windsor beat Au­ ever, caugVit Kowal takltoig a a week before deaith came. The peerless Giant slugger ond — No. 655 of his career — and Willie Davis came in when eluded. , Alley’s Staub of Houston, 27, Billy Wll- day and hurled a 3-hlt, 2-1 •win Today’s Games out of the Army in 1954, un­ Nassiff’s . .. .000 200 0—B 1 1 burn, Maine, 1-0 and lost to WU- wide turn alt seoondi. He fired finished fourth in the voting for came in the eighth. Both were Chico Ruiz hobbled a grounder partner at second Hams of Chicago 19, Ciurt Flodd over South Windsor. Unlike La­ Carnera was champion less Philadelphia (Bunning 7-8) at doubtedly will be on the team. Finast ...... 000 000 1— 1 3 2 llmantlc, 2-1. the ball to Mike Masiuk, who outfielders, receiving 39 fewer off reliever A1 Jackson. by A1 Ferrara. base, received 218 votes and of St. Louis 14, Adolfo Phillips of Gace, Young’s career included than a year. He won the heavy­ SCRANTON MOTORS, INC. New York (Fisher 5-8), night votes than Lou Brock of St. Manager Walt Alston of the Los Johnston, Maher (7) and LaGace, who made the Le­ mode the tag to end the gome. weight title on June 29, 19ffi, Houston (Cuellar 8-3) at At­ was an easy winner along with Chicago 4, Tommy Davis Of three different teams, Coven­ Louis. Willie is virtually certain PHIL8MET8— Angeles Dodgers will pick the Maher, Werkhoven (5); Maher gion age limit by a week, has It ■was the lonly time Manches­ when he knocked out Jack Shar­ A8TROSBRAVE8— lanta (Lemaster 7-2), night Alley and Clemente. New York 3, Matty Alou of try, Stafford and now 'Willl­ to be named to the team by Rich Allen’s three-run homer pitchers and the rest of the 25- and Gilha. collected 14 wins and seven de­ ter had a man past second key in the sixth round in New ROCKVILLE, CONN. Pittsburgh (Veale 9-2) at Chi­ Orlando Cepeda, the St. Louis Pittsburgh 3, of mantic . . . George Hay and Manager Walt Alston of the in the seventh followed by Bill Jimmy Wynn came in on a man squad. ALUMNI JUNIORS feats In four previous Zone Four 'boise. York. Max Baer took the title cago (Niekro 2-2 or Hands 3-2) Cardinals who is Pittsburgh 3, John Calllson of Steve Brady were other Man­ Dodgers, but for the first time White’s solo blast won the game wild pitch by Phil Niekro with The 36-year-old outfielder who Philadelphia 2 and Scoring in every Inning but seasons. He has posted 219 chester players putting in five from him on June 14, 1934, with San Francisco (Marichal 10-6) having a fine year, outdistanced STANDINGS AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR CADILLAC - OLDSMOBILE - PONTIAC since 1954 he won’t be a starter. for the Phillies. Ken Boyer’s the bases loaded and two out in is second to Babe Ruth in the first and fifth, the Cubs strikeouts in 176 innings. The years. an 11th round knockout in New the ninth, spurring the Astros to at St. Louis Gibson 9-5), night the opposition with 219 votes, of CincinnaU 2. W . L. Pet. Willie confesses that “ I’m not two-run triple sparked a three- career home runs finished Brock was the only left-hand­ made like their major league 6-6 redhead finds speed his best Joe Kayan of Rockville used York. their victory, which broke an Los Angeles (Drysdale 7-7) at joining outfielder Brock as Cdrd East Hartford 2 0 1.000 having what anyone would call run first inning for the Mets. their Victory, wnicn orose ^ among the outfielders in reuresentatlves ed batter in the starUng line-up. namesakes last night, defeating weapon. a knuckleball and got excellent In between Cternera defeated • « • eight-game losing s reak Jack e Cincinnati (Pappas 7-6 , night ^ representatives Manchester .M7 a fantastic year,” — anyone the voting. Under a change in the GianU, 11-4 at Charter Oak “ Junk" is the best pitch in results on a number of oc­ 2 Brandt followed with a single Friday’s Games Joe Torre, the Atlanta catcher He and Alley were the only new­ WUlimantic 2 MO challengers, Paulino Uzoud- named Willie Maya, that is; he’s CUBS-PIBATE8— the rules, effected last year by who has been out with injuries, comers who had never started. Field. Ed Dubaddo limited the Schardt's assortment. His curve casions against Manchester un, in 16 roimds in Rome, and for the clinching run. Dave Gl- St. Louis at New York, N South Windsor 1 hitting .293 with 13 homers and The amazing Cubs made it Commissioner William Eckert, won by a comfortable margin The three repeaters were Aar­ losers to six hits, striking out could be the best around. With Tuesday night . . . Tlie Le­ Tommy Loughran in 15 rounds J ustl held the Braves to five hits, San Francisco at Philadelphia, BockvlUe 1 37 RBI — but you couldn’t prove nine victories in 10 outings with the first three outfielders are on, Clemente and Torre. Of the 11. the Gettysburg College fresh­ gion s^edule is out in an at­ .888 striking out 10. 2, twi-night with 187 votes to runnerup Tim in Miami. NEW CARS IN STOCK their pair of triumphs over the the starters, regardless of their Mike Pesclk carried the ’Windsor Locks 0 .000 that by the Cards. Cincinnati at Chicago McCarver of St. Louis with 62. 1966 crops, first baseman Willie man last spring, Schardt is tractive format and sponsored Carnera remained a big name In other National League ac- Pirates. Ferguson Jenkins won positions. lumber, collecting a double, ThompsonvUle 0 .000 Atlanta at Pittsburgh, N That gave Atlanta double repre­ McCovey of San Francisco, sec­ working on a 10-game Legion by Walsh’s Elsso . . . Smnmer to the end. His was a life story of Pitts­ sentation with Aaron and Torre. ond baseman of single and home run for the winning streak, showing a per­ activity is at a peak. Five dif­ Los Angeles at Houston, N The first, sixth end seventh of success, shadows and sorrow burgh polled 248 votes. Hank The closest fight was for third Houston, third baseman Ron winners. Rick Barns had a per­ fect 8-0 last summer coupled ferent games were going with­ American League innings were the only times La­ in the ring, a private war CADILLACS Top of Bat Order Checked Aaron of the got base where Richie Alleh of the Santo of Chicago, shortstop Leo fect three-for-three in defeat. with two quick wins this sea­ in sight of one another in W. L. Pet. G.B. Gace didn’t need the stretch. against the Nazis in Italy in Major League 216 and Lou Brock of the St. Philadelphia Phillies was the Cardenas of Cincinnati, who is Cubs ...... 031 20e 3—11 9 2 son. South Windsor Tuesday while a Chicago 42 26 .618 — In 'the fourth he pitched out of World War II and a comeback Detroit 37 32 .536 5 Louis Cardinals drew 116. Mayd’ winner with 148 votes over Tony injured, and Mays did not re­ Giants ...... 010 200 1— 4 6 4 (Jummlngs impressed Graff softball game, a Little League 1967 COUPE DEVILLE 1967 DEVILLE CONVERTIBLE = L e a d e r s = Dubaddo and Pesclk, Adams, a t/wo-on, two-ouit situation the United States as a wres- Bl.KK WITH WIHTK TOH Boston 36 34 .514 7 total was 77. Both Clemente and Perez of Cincinnati who had 76. peat. with the high school and during contest and model airplane fly­ wiltih on inffleJd out. In the tier. Camera had been in fail- AiK CONmTK)NI.’'II.; WlllTK WITH HI.ACK VI.N'Vi. Misplays by Scott Griffin and Ruggles. tryouts earlier this season. He ing surrounded the Legion ROOK ALL CAOILI.AC ACCK.S.SOKI K.S. U American League Minnesota 36 34 .514 7 ifiifill, two atogleB land a walk tog iheolUb for abcujt thiree years REC SOFTBALL too uses an assortment of game in Rockville. Batting (150 at bats) Cleveland 35 35 .500 8 loaded the bases, but (LaGace after concluding a career in California 37 38 .493 8 Oaitehtaig Ifllire In the itMnd to­ 1967 CALAIS 4-DOOR HARDTOP Robinson, Balt., .337; ning, Wyman OR went to the got 'Hansen on stri'kes. 'ivrestUng. 1967 SEDAN DE VILLE New York 33 37 .471 10 ■n'ligHOl.SK ALL C’\I>ILLAC ACCK..S.SOR1 K.S IX- trzemski, Bost., .335. Perez Has No Trouble races lost Might, beating Gun- Senatore received flawless When he and his wife Pina left ■Sir.VKR WITH BLACK VINYL TOP AIR (’0.\- Lead to RSox Loss Baltimore 32 37 .464 10 She’ll Just Have to Wait CLCDLXC AIR COXI'ITU l.N'LXO. Runs — F. Robinson, Balt. veir. 16-4, at ML Nebo. Dean support, KowELlchik turning In their home in Glendale, Calif., nrno.KLN'c. a l l c a d il i.ac a c c k .s .s o r ik .s 64; KaJlne, Det., 51. ____ . . , ,, , Kansas City 34 40 .459 11 ^ 0 severELl fine defensive plays. May 10 for a visit to his Italian MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL (A P)— Anemia at the top Washington 32 41 .438 12 Communicating PaitJteirBon paced ithe 20-Wt ot- Runs batted in — F. Robinson, tack with four bingtes, (dllow- First basemEm Bergren hEmdled homeland, Primo vowed he Balt., 59; Killebrew, Minn., 67. af the bat?ting oMer and some shaky fielding by the Wednesday’s Results 11 chEinces. MEinchester never would return to the land where Kansas City 2, New York 0 ed toy Mai Oairtson with three Hits — F. Robinson, Balt., 85; usually reliable George Scott added up to a second CINCINNATI — (NEA)—The Women Pro Golfers got the baU out ot the Infield. he eind his family became clt- (Chicago 3, Baltimore 2 Four-hit pitching by Ron Lhn- and Ount IFanreU and Mike Carew, Minn., 84. tough loss in three game for the Boston Red Sox on radio from Houston or Miami Oannanaugh with itwo apiece. DIAMOND DUST — ’The Park izens. Minnesota 3, Boston 2 zano and some torrid hitting by N Doubles — Campaneris, K.C., their current road trip. and the mail serve as the only IBUI W103OR and Lainy Goivei- Department did a nice job in Camera and his wife, who Detroit 7, Cleveland 4 Amie Pagani, Kevin Kelley alttl OLDSMOBILES 16; Tovar, Minn., 16. The first five Boston batters to tie it in the fifth on solo communication between Tony i|o had two bingtes each, oc- To Bar Young Star getting Mt. Nebo ready. . . ^g(.g married March 13, 1939, in California 4, Washington 2 Lanzano paced Pagani’s to a Triples — Buford, Chic., 6; had a collective one hit in 19 at homers by Jerry Adair his Perez and his family in Cuba. oemnUng tor ell tout one dt Gary Kinel and Dennis MacAr­ Today’s Games 4-1 win over the Oilers last a little village near the Yugo- GOOD SELECTION — ALL MODELS IN STOCK Monday, K. C., 5; Veralles, bats while Scott made two er- first of the season) and switch- It has been four years since Guniver’s IMta. HOT SPRING, Va. (A P )—Children should be seen dle were the only outfielders to Cleveland (Tiant 6-1) at night at Verplanck Field. Pa­ slav-Italian border, left in the Minn., 5. rors, including a costly one that hitting Reggie Smith (his fourth De- Tony, the third baseman of the Wymen 006 631 x—16 20 4 but not heard and not on the golf course with grown- handle a chance. . .Last sum- troit (McLain 8-9),.night gani had four of Pagani’s hits United States their two children. — DELTA 88’s — DELMONT 88’s — CUTLASS & F-85’s Home runs—Killebrew, Minn., opened the gates for the win- all told and first batting left- , has seen the Gunver 010 000 3—; 4 6 4 up8, the lady pros say, so they’re taking measures to mer Ray LaGace was a l-O win- Mai-ie Alderson, 24, wife of TORONADOS Chicago (O’Toole 4-1) at Bal while Kelley and Lanzano con­ 22; F. Robinson, Balt., 21. nlng redly, as the Minnesota handed). tributed two apiece. family (mother, father, two N .a a k e end Ruthentord; bar their youngest disciple— Beverly Sue Klass, aged 10. an engineer, and Umberto, a 27- Stolen bases — Campeineris, Twins took the rubber game of in the seventh, Scott, who timore Phoebus 6-3), night East Catholic bEisebail Coach The winners advance to a 9-4 brothers, three sisters). The lynch, Podo and Gavelto. Beverly Is so upset she could year-old medical student. The K.C., 30; Agee, Chic., 21. Only games scheduled. the series 3-2 Wednesday night, had fumbled one grounder in record while the Oilers ha'Ve la,st time he went back, in 1963, cry. Her pop Is furious. Her Don Bums had mixed loyalties. boxing champion received Em Pitching (7 decisions) — Hor- Friday’s Games of Thousand Oaks, Calif., The loss dropped the Red Sox the sixth without leading to any split 12 starts. it took him two months to get Wiymon.’S second vtotory, un­ mom is IMd. Her two sisters, He had four former players emotional welcome in Italy, but len. Chic., 9-1, .900; Sparma, back into a third place tie with damage, over-ran Nixon’s roll- New York at California, N building contractor, said it was ;;Tth‘T a srH a rtfo rd ''^ d ' Dave Ferguson, Ed Bomba- out. der the lights, was more dSififl- Sherree, 12, and VEderle, 7, just five his drawn face and the fact that Det., 8-1, .889. the Twins, seven full games be- er and then booted it for his Boston at Kansas City, N a shame. -with Manchester. dier, Jim Stratton and Dan “ But they can follow my ca­ cult, Brniie Noske’s base hDt In look Eind listen. They don’t know he had to lean heavily on a cane PONTIACS Strikeouts — Lonborg, Bost., Washington at Minnesota, N “ This is sheer discrimina­ East Hartford (1) hind the pace of league-leading second error. A sacrifice put a reer,” Tony said. “ I got a let­ seventh gtivtog them a 13-12 win what it’s elU about. Chicago at Detroit, N (Jhamp, all with singles, ac­ tion,’ ’ he fumed. “ Golf is a ab r h po a e rbi shocked msmy of his fans. 115; Boswell, Minn., 106. Chicago, as they took a day off runner in scoring position and ter the other day from my fath- over Lenox 'Pharmacy. All they know is that Beverly, Kowiaichik. as BONNEVILLS — CATALINAS — TEMPEST AND FIREBIRDS Cleveland at Baltimore, 2, twi- counted for the losers’ hit total. game of Eill ages. Why don’t When Camera, 6-foot-6, finally for travel today prior to their Tovar’s two-out single to cen- e i^ ^ e y h^ard a game we play- Lenox toad taken a 12-<10 leod the youngest entrEint ever, is Masiuk. 2t> night Pagani’s 011 020 —4-10-1 they bar 60-year-olds? This girl Alublcicl, rf reached SequEils, he had lost 40 next stop at Kansas City. ter sent the winning tally ed^^gahm Houston. They know In Ithe top lof the seventh but playing this week end in the Na­ Glonfriddo, c National League OUers 000 100 - 1 - 4-2 doesn’t hurt smybody out there of his 260 pounds. ’The combined lack of batting across, I’m having a good season so Wlytnian snapped bock with tional Women’s Open Golf Bergren, ib Batting (150 at bats) — Cle­ $35,000 FOB WINNER Lanzano and Pagani; Mi- She CEUi hit a btill and keep it cf Primo, bom in this tiny town and fielding support wasted an- Every Boston starter struck far and are happy for me.” three runs. Championship. After that, H mente, PHtt., .346; Cepeda, St. (AP) — The chalik and Landry. moving. She WEints to play. It - on Oct. 26, 1906, the son of a other fine pitching effort by out at least once, with leadoff Sammy Ellis, one of the Reds’ Dean iPattterson, Mike Getz- Ruggiano, 3b L., .343. $200,000 Carling golf tourna-' NA’nONAL LEAGUE things look bleak. will break her heart. Sen9»re. p stone cutter, was discovered by hard-luck Lee Stange (2-5). ’The man Mike Andrews whiffing pitchers, says at this point of kiewilcz land Joe LoveU; were' ’’’There’s resdly nothing Runs — Aaron, AU., R. ment at Woodbridge, Sept. 1-4 TW als as 6 . a French fight manager, Leon little right-hander gave up only three times and Joe Foy and Lyle Eastm^m’s arm and bat the season, Perez is the most big guns for the vUctors while agsiinst the girl—she’s terrific KIelss accompEuiied his daugh- 1 20 10 2 0 SPECIALS Allen, Phil., 64. will mean $35,000 to the win­ Moacheiter <•) See, when Camera wels appear­ four hits, but the last one — a Tony Conigllaro going down were the big factors as Man­ valuable player in the National Don iBums and IDave Turking- for her age,’’ said L«’Jnard I®*" ^®*‘® ^® '"®®^ ^® ab r h po a e rbi Runs batted in — Wyim, ner. ing as a weight lifter and GreCo- seventh inning single by Cesar swinging twice each. chester Auto Parts defeated League. ton hiad tAvo hilts apiece tor Wlrtz, tournament director of tomlly Marilyn, the mother, Kinet, It EW TORONADO 1967 NEW GRAND PRIX Houst., 54; Aaron, Atl., 63. Tovar—drove in the unearned Green Manor, 6-5 at Buckley Lenox. .May, 2b Romsm wrestler with a small 1967 NEW TORONADO Hits — Brock, St.L., 95; C31e- Second in RBI TONY FEKEZ the Ladles Professional Golfers ^® sisters. Ware, c circus in southern France. run thajt beat him. Field. Eastman, who tied the Cincinnati is leading the Wyman 112 303 3—13 17 S Assoclaition. "Our players slm- It was papa Klass who hEinded ° Hi'luxi- H.ndt"]' C"U|"‘, Bii'ki'l .Srat,-, K'ln.'olc L"."l''l II if'lt")) C'.iii". iHliick \'inyl R""l ..Viit"- mente, Pitt., 89. CEirnera began boxing in Eu­ with .\i ''■■ ."ini':.. .■\\iti>in"tic, I’n-.viT .Sli'fi'ing .Y Hr.'K' . Minnesota right-hander Dave game with a three-run homer league and hets led most of the the league’s baitiUcg chompion- Lenox I 110 ^ 3—6i2 6 4 ply decided she is too yoimg for the girl a golf stick when she, LaGace p 3010800 l .^I'Tiiny ^'iM Bi'.'k" l'"-.vrr Wmil.iw . Doubles — Cepeda, St.L., 20; Luck Big Part for Athletics EMpi. HlB pentoirtnanoe, at thUrd Kowal, 3b 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 rope in 1928 and went too Ameri­ R;hii'> 'A itli I’.i ir Sih.mU.t , Whil'-w.ill.'. Tiiilr.l IPWO7 R Boswell struck out 12 batters in in the fourth, came on in re­ year. Perez, who endured two NoBke and Gotzkiewloz; Don- the tour. They compete in our wels foiu' and saw her take to it ” R. Allen, Phil., 19; T. Davis, OcNi^n. of 3000000 WimlHulrd. Li.d ITicr .<.')277. .dALK I’KICK.. . g H O IJ the first five frames. At one lief and struck out two batters and fUrst had the Boouts toom ietsun end Turkinjgton. WUtae, lb 3018000 ca the next year tor the first N.Y., 19. long seasons on the bench, is tournaments.” as emy other girl would to a chl- point he fanned six in a r o w - with bases loaded in the sixth! the miajar league teamB ,^end- CHURCH SOFTBALL MaoAidle, rf 1000100 time. Triples — Williams, Chic., 7; In Triumph over Yankees second in the league in RBI Beverly, no taller thtm a golf na doll that says, "m am a.” one shy of the American The winning tally came in tog urgent cables bo the hemb In cuntirdl thinoughoultk the TVitflls 22 ~0 3 31 U 2 0 His most memorable lights R. AUen, Phll.,,7. KANSAS CITY (AP) — “ This ing third on his own. Mike and first in driving in the ty­ bag, created a sensation when Beverly won the Peewee 1967 NEW GRAND PRIX League record — before a the fifth bn four walks. offlbe addlresstog them bo ac- Sovto.'gis iBank downed SeMteBt, East Hartford ...... 010 000 0—1 were the title bouts in ^t^ch the Home runs—Aaron, Atl., 20; one was 90 per cent luck and 10 Hershberger, who said he was ing and winning runs. (During she teed up the ball etirUer this O&lonshlp at Orlemdo, Fla., SB — Harvey. Masluk, Alublcki. H . 'i'l'" P (’"iipi'. Silvir, Aut'ini'iti'-, I'.'.'.ii .-Jl'cnI'.;; "il'l ground out ended the string. Mike Schardt also delivered the first two months, Tony led quiita Penee in a trade. 9-1, at Ohotter Oak (Field. yesir in Em LPGA tournament in by the margin of 65 strokes at Kbiel; lob — Manchester 6. Etest slow-footed, boxer they CEilled Wynn, Houst., 18. per cent aMUty,” saSd. Kamsas "thinking only about the pitch” Turned (Down Offers Oloylt Nlivtii^ilon, who toduded a Hartford 7: bb—Senatore 4. LaGace I'.iMki-.. Ik'di". Wlutcw.'ll. , Tiiil' il Wni'l .hiiM, ({OCQC Rod Carew singled for the a big blow, a two-run single in the club in home runs, with 13, DelUos. Later she played Ett St. the age of six and soon wels Da Preem was matched against Stolen bases—Mrock, St. L., OUty’B Lew Kmusse aifter hlB pulled a slider into left, just be­ Thle Reds tunned 'down all the homer to his three hits, paced 2: so—Senatore 7. LaGace 7: wp— Fully K'liui'i'.'.l. Lit I’M '" >rk':i SALK 1'I :K'K

MotereyelM-^ THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY and SHORTEN Bicycles CLASSIFIED FOR SALE—Vespa motor bike W hEKSAVIHG VE6 l b AN INVITE, MOU B u t WHO alv/ a v s g e t s tvie o ir tv e n d In excellent condition, only CAN'T BEAT WARM,LOVABLE MEOUEFLE OF THE SHUFFLE ' i 1,968 miles, new vehicle war­ ranty stUl good, WIU sell for DINNER AT'WUR HOUSE NE)a FRIPAVT FOR PETES SANE "'GET US OUT o f ’' ADVERTISING half price plus accessories. fW fU , jerrimer; orcaT! it!5 been THAT r r CAN’T STAND THOSE CREEPS.' CaU 643-8888. MUCH TOO LONG, PALf WE’LL REALL"/ CALL'EM BACR--'MAWE UPAN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS LOOR RDRWARP 10 SEEING 'fc)U EXCUSE J YOU'RE GOOD AT , ASSEMBLERS 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. 1966 YAMAHA — 806, Countiy AND 1HE MISBUS.' Sport, exceUent condition, must THATSORTOF THING, HON! be seen. Entering service, For Aircraft Parts C O P Y Cl o s i n g t i m e f o r c l a s s i f i e d a d v t . must sell. 649-6072. Capable of Reading 8 PJtt. DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION Blueprints DendUne for Saturday; and Monday U 8 pju. Friday. 1968 ALSTATE scooter, LATHE OPERATORS new, $228. 649-1717. BRDiGEPORT Y O U R A D OPERATORS Ads" are taken over the phone as a GIRL’S MURRAY bicycle, used 33 Lowest point 47 Variegation ■hould ««ad his ad rite FIRST six months, $20. Call 649-6647. TRAINEES 35 Turns inside 48 Dancer-actotV e r r o r s In time for the Good home service deflivary out KeUy next Insertlom (^e Herald Is responsible for only ONE Incor­ LKboiiaa bene/fi'ts, day shdft 40 Mulct 50 Cain's victim routes are now open, which 43 Mohammedan . ( B ib .) ___ rect or M ^tM tasertton for any advertisement and then only anfly, presently working 50 wim -gflve the right men magistrates 51 Islands (Fr.) to the extent of a make good" Insertion. Errors which do Business Services hour week. CaU 649-0701. good income.. Five day 45 Wooden bung 52 Withered not lessm the v^ue of the advertisement wUI not be corrected for cuks 55----- Fleming by "make g:ood" Insertion. Offered -week, miamy ixrinige bene­ rw:ii E. A. PATTEN CO. fits. A Itoer^cominlsslom 29 Tumult 1“ r - r 1 1 7 W RUSS’ MOWER Service ^ 303 WethenelU St. arrangement rfeakes pos- 32 P tndiilae sharpening and repair. Rotary Manclheater, Conn. sdfUIe hUgh eaiml^s. 34 Go uwurl 12 1 6 4 ^ 2 7 1 1 33 Impending evU' 875-3136 and reel. Hand mowers a spe­ ■Ajpply Personnel Dept- 37 Incidenti IB & 1 (Rockville, Toll Free) cialty. Pick-up and dell ery GRAPHIC DESIGNER, experi- 38 Remunerated service. 742-7607. enced In architectural render­ Monday - Friday 39 Bargain event IB ing or product design requir­ 8:30 AAf. -3 PJd. 41 Drunkard M & M RUBBISH CO. offers 42 Twitching 21 ed. Displaycraft, Inc., Man­ BY J. R WILLIANS 44 Seaa (Fr.) Trouble Reaehing Our Advertiser? commercial, industrial, pro­ chester, 643-9557. SEALTEST FOODS 48 Typical a 2B IT 27 fessional, residential, removal MILK DIVISION '49 Genua of service, containerized service marine inailf 24-Hour Answering Service LATHE HANDS and general 255 HamoSte^Ld A-ve., Hartford ^ y o u KEEPSAyiwe you ALL RIGHT--ALL RIGHV S3WriUng available. 649-9767. Roofing and Schools and Classes 33 Help W onted- machinists, paid hospitaliza­ NEED ALL THE HELPM3U •itX) AAADE VOUR ROIMT implement An Equal Opportunity Free to Heraid Readers SHARPENING Service —Saws, Chimneys 16-A Female 35 tion, holidays and vacation <3ET T O REDUCE, E O N T AND! PIDWTEATA S4 Worthy of acorn plan. Apply Metronics, Inc., Emiployer M o u ? I ca;kj't k e e p y o u f r o m BITE.' BUT NEXT TIM E 56 Pole for a ^Want information on one of onr classified advertisements? knives, axes, shears, skates, ROOFING—REPAIR of roofs. PART-TIME permanent job, 6- MIDNIOHT KAIDO OWTHE RE­ HANSTHOSE TA T AMP . portrait rotary blades. Quick service. HEAVY EQUIPMENT 640 Hilliard St. FRIGERATOR, BUT 1 THOUGHT 57 Quechuan •No answer at the telephone Usted? Simply caU the The best In gutters and con­ 10 p.m., Monday through Fri­ FOOLHARDy*ARTICLES Indian Capitol Equipment Co. 38 Main ductors. Repair of chlnnneys, day, interesting close tolerance CONCRETE mason wanted, full­ IF YOU’D DO A L IT T L E RE/‘ ~ OM T H E REFRIGERATOR 56 Change St., Manchester. Hours daily OPERATORS NEEDED IMG OM THE SUBJECT... COORWHEREELLMO- i T JT Bo li B2 too. Cajl Coughi'n, 643-7707. work, lapping and polishing time, experience preferred or direction EDWARDS 7-5. Thursday 7-9, Saturday 7- will train. Driver’s license re­ ! ! EARN ! ! : ’EM BEFORE I GO 59 Abitract being -Elam wlhlile you learn. E)am quartz crystals, good finger A L L T H A T WORK.' 60 Wai observed &3 4. 643-7958. ROUFINQ — Specializing re­ dexterity necessary. We will quired. Call Charles Pontlcelli, 61.0therwiae ANSWERING SERVICE pairing roois of aU kinds, new to $300 weekly as a pro- $7,000. or More Per Year Bi u STEPS. SIDEWALKS, stone train you. Apply in person. 5-8 649-9644 after 6 p.m. DOWN roofs, gutter work, chimneys fesaixMiaa HEAVY EQUIP- ROUTE SALBSMAJN walls, fireplaces, flagstone ter­ (MIENT OPERATOR. (For p.m., Reeves Hoffman Div., 11 1 Unclothed B2 Bl cleaned and repaired, 30 years’ Bragg St., East Hartford. PROCESS SHEET writer—some 2 Goddess of n 6A94SW 875-2519 races. All concrete repairs. experience. Free estimates. the first time in the USA, job shop exjfi'erience in ma­ APPLY in PERSON dlKord Reasonably priced. 643-0851. CaU Howley 643-5361, 644- AIBlstajte Training Center chining or otherwise. Salary NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN. Md leave your messagfe. You>U hear from our advertiser WOMAN wanted for house In JIgr time without spending all evening at the telephone. ATTICS, CELLARS and yards 8333. Offers quaiiifired men 21 and cleaning, Thursday and Friday open, all benefits, Call Dean FISHER cleaned, trash hauled to the over the opportunity to 649-5334. Moeihiine Products, 649-5265. dump. Reasonable. Call 643- TRAIN LOCALLY in DRY CLEANSERS INC. Automobiles For Solo 4 5810 or 1-684-4524. Heating and Plumbing 17 iSRAlRE TIME on aJU makes SNACK BAR manager —West of equipment, buUdozer, Hartford . experience helpful, AUTO PARTS MEN 325 Broad St., Mandhoster H ERALD 1960 DODGE custom 880, 4-door YOU ARE A-1, truck Is A-1. COMPLETE PLUMBING and sorapeois, -backhoes, etc. not necessary, very good pay sedan, V-8 automatic, power Cellars, attics, yards and small heating installation, repairs Aooreditod prograari. - JOb plus bonus plan and fringe ben- We need experienced men steering, $365. Call 640-4660 trucking done A-1 right. CaU piiacement upon comipletion. eflU. Write to Box M, Man­ and wlU pay them. Ex­ and remodeling. Service calls WE HAVE openings on our sec­ BOX LETTERS after «. Tremano Trucking Service toll gdven immediate attention. Budget plan. 522-4589 any­ chester Herald. panding department with CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER free, 742-9487. time. new car dealer. OaJl for ap- ond shift, shift premium paid. MERCBDBB BENZ — 220S, Call M & M Plumbing & Heat­ F o r Y o u r ing. 649-2817. GENERAL OFFICE work. Ap~ poantment with manager. Apply in person. KlOek Co. 1272 1958, oonupaeitely rebuilt, new SALES AND Service on Ariens, Tolland Tpke. Manchester. McNaufht Sj'ndirate, Inc. ply In person. Rockville Oil, W H A T A Information tares, etc. EScceOtent oondltion. Hahn Eclipse, Jacobsen lawn 18 Vernon A-ve., Rockville. Dillon Sales & Service OaU 8 ajn.-7 pjm. 649-0005. LANE maintenance man, full THE HERALD will not mowers. Also Homelite chain MANCHESTER 643-2145 CHANGE OF HEART MMsHKha saws and International Cub Millihery, GIRL TO LIVE in as mother’s or part-time nights. Will train. BRUTEJ ll^ lU P a p disclose the Identity of 1961 CHEVROLET—6 cylinder, any advertiser using box Cadet Tractors. Rental equip­ Dressmaking 19 A Tractor helper for summer In Glaston­ Call Holiday Lanes, 9 a.m.-4 automaUc, 4-door. Call 649- bury, 2 boys age 3 and 4, own NON FACTORY work, $125. p.m., 643-2125. letters. Readers answer­ 3428. ment and sharpening service S H O R T R IB S B Y F R A N K O ’N E A L ing blind box ads who on all makes. L & M Equip­ EXPERT alterations on all room with T-V, swimming in weekly guarantee to service desire to protect their 1964 BUICK SPECIAL, show ment Corp , Route 83, Vernon. clothes, zipper repairs, etc. Trailer School private club, $20. weekly. CaU sales route. Openings for stu­ MEN—OVER 20 wanted to work ■ identity can follow this 876-7809 Manchester Exchange Reasonable prices. 643-0741. 1- 633-1351 anytime. dents also, full or part-time. part-time in retail store. Pleas­ procedure: room condition. Must sell, take over payments. 643-5404. —Enterprise 1946. Call 644-0202. ant, easy work. Ideal for any­ In Hartfor(d CLERK-TYPIST — exceUent op- one who wishes to add to his Enclose your reply to the 1959 CHEVROLET, 4-door Bel ATTICS, cellars cleaned, rub­ potrunity for a position with an MAN—OVER 21 with driver’s income. Openings available 1 box In an envelope — bish removed from backyard Moving— Trucking— We train full or part-time outstanding automobile insur­ license to work in cleaning addressed to the Classi- Air, V-8 standard, good condi­ days, evenings and Sundays. and lawns maintained. Reason­ Storage 20 students in the Hartford ance company. Must have sev­ plant, start immediately, full­ Apply before 6 p.m. Cumber­ fled Manager, Manchester tion, radio, (heater. Asking $240. area on many makes and eral years office work exper­ Evening Herald, together 649-2192. able, 649-1868. time. Contact Russ CoUins, land Farms Store, 109 Center MANCHESTER Delivery. Light models of equipment. No ience and a good telephone per­ Manchester Belmont Rug, 643- with a memo listing the trucking and package delivery. St. companies you do NOT FORD FALCON—1964, convert­ TREE EXPERT — Trees cut, high school diploma neces­ sonality. Starting salary $97 0012 , 646-0058. want to see your letter. ible. standard 6, radio, heat­ buUding lota cleared, trees top­ Refrigerators, washers and sary. Local and long dis­ per week plus above average ped. Got a tree problem? Well stove moving speciality. Fold­ tance jobs waiting. Guaran­ JOURNEYMAN electrician, im­ WANTED BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE Your letter ^11 he de- | er, whitewalls, power top, bur- emiploye benefits. Call Mr. stroyed if the advertiser ' gxuidy with white roof, excel­ worth phone caU, 742-8262. ing chairs for rent. 649-0752. teed placement assistance Saxby, 522-2379. mediate steady employment. • INSPECTORS z L is one you’ve mentioned, i upon graduation. Ti-ain now Wilson Electrical Co., 649-4817. SURE WISH DAD WOULD HELLO, HELLO...WHERE?... lent condition. 628-7687. LAWN MOWERS sharpened and • (SHEET METAL 8U2‘5 HURRY UP AND CALL. If not it will be handled | —Pay when working. Let'’ WOMAN FOR light housework SW ITZERLAND.^. no,DAt«s repaired. Picked up and de­ and supervise 12 year old boy, (MEOHANIOS OIRRIER in the usual manner. | 1962 FALCON station wagon, ex­ Pointing— Papering 21 American Tractor Trailer DRIVER • MAX3HIN3BTS SHOULD BE NOT HERE VET... GRANDMA, cellent condition, reasonable. livered. Engines timed up. Call teach you this high paying 2- 5 days a week. Transporta­ Boring MMl ARRIVING SOME GUY IN 742-6617. 649-7958. INSIDE • OUTSIDE painting. profession that pays $250. tion and lunch furnished. Call Man to help in store and make deUveries, part or -Bridgeport FROM VIET­ SWnZCRLANP H0\N SOON DO VOU -THINK Lost and Found 1 Special rates for people 65 or per week. School licensed 643-6502 after 6. Lathe NAM ANY 1961 FORD RANCH wagon, 4- LAVOIE BROTHERS—general full-time. <3aJU for inter­ WANTS TO TALK i r u t GO POWN SOME ? over. Call my competitors then by the State of Connecticut • FTRST (3LASS MECHANIC DAY. TO YOU.' CALICO CAT, 3 months, stray­ door V-8, automatic transmis­ work, cleaning and mowing, Department of Motor Vehl view, 649-4541. landscaping, driveways, tree call me. Estimates given. 649- CapiaJbile of Own Setup ed from home on Forest St., sion, good condition, $475. 876- 7883, 875-8401. cle. Help Wanted— Mole 36 m i orange, black and white. 8917. service. Completely insured. MANCHESTER DRUG Hoapltalizatlon, Paid HOUdays THERE'S Call 742-7849, anytime. "nRE SERVICE man, 46-55 Paid Viaoatdon, Monthly Bonus Please call 643-8313. JOSEPH P. Lewis custom WE TRAIN IN hours per week. Must be THE PHONE 1964 CHEVROLET Impala, V-8, painting, Interior and exterior HARTFORD, CONN. JANITORS — Part-time, eve­ NOW,' FOUND -g re y angora kitten, power steering, power brakes, paperhanging, wallpaper re­ steady worker and married. nings, Manchester area. CaU TABCO MFG. CO. white paws, vicinity Popular factory air-conditioned, new DON’T DELAY Paid vacation and other bene­ 643-4453, 3-6 p.m. only. 53 Elm S t, Mlandheater Household Services moved. Wallpaper books on re­ fits. Experience helpful but not Market, East Middle Tpke. 649- tires. Must sell, asking $1,600. quest. Fully insured. Free es­ — ACT NOW — Call 643-8409. ______Offered 13-A essential. Apply in oerson, e »<0 MIA. Ih<. TM U e UA N8- Off. 6596. timates. Call 649-9658. Phone 289-6547 Anytime Nichols-Mancheater Tire, Inc., WALL TO WALL caupetlng. ^-29 “ Stupid me! I told that sharpie Milo Harp I'd take FOUND — PAIR of children’s OLDSMOBILE—1965 F-85 Cut­ EXTERIOR AND interior paint­ 295 Broad St. OhlEAU* 0 i«if bf NLA. I t*« us »•( OW. glasses, vicinity Globe Hollow. lass. 2-door hardtop, bucket Cleaned to factory approved anything of value on that five dollars he owes me!" specifications, minor repairs. ing. Wallpaper books, paper M IC K Y F I N N BY LANK LEONARD 643-6434. seats, excellent condition. D.F. hanging. Ceilings. Floors. Ful­ k, WL Rawlings, 18*^ Lllley St., 628- Call Hlgbie Servlcemaster, Help Wanted— CONTROL DESK operator, eve­ SHE CAME ALL THAT THAT'S RIGHT' SO IT'S THEY WERE 649-3438 ly insured, workmanship gpiar- nings, Holiday Lanes, 643-2125. STENOGRAPHERS LOST—PASSBOOK No 89350 2362. anteed. Leo Pelletier, 649-6326. Female 35 DISTANCE JUST TO LUCKY HE'S PITCHING COMPLETELY THE WILLETS BY WALT WETTERBERG Savings Bank of Manchester. UNCLE PHIL SAID TONIGHT! I JU ST HOPE If no answer 643-9043. SOLD O U T' Application made for payment. SPRING CLEANING problems? RESIDENT charge nurse for LICENSED Jouneyman plumb­ DING DONG'S EX-WIFE HE GOT HER A GOOD SEAT' WEVERMIND THE POOR DAY PERGONALLX I'M Call Suburban Cleaning Serv­ ambulatory patients at Bel Air er, experienced in plumbing DIDN'T WANT A HINDGISHT 1$ Trucks— ^Troctors 5 PAINTING, interior, exterior, CLERK TYPISTS WE HAD -rBSTeffPAY' BLINDNEGG/ IN FAVOR OF LOOKING FOUND—^TERRIER type male, ice at 649-9229 today for free Manor Rest Home. CaU New­ and heating service. H. G. MONF/? 16 (3UBIC YARD Garwood load estimate. Budget terms avail free estimates. Contact Gerald Schulze, 876-9707. TODAY CAN BE ,___r ,( SACK, ON CE IN A black and white. Call Lee A. Stratton, 843-8748, 643-4887. ington, 1-686-5689. DIFFERENT.' ^ WHILE.' Fracchla, Dog Warden, 643- packer, 1950 GMC 470, good able or use your Conn -lharge 8594. condition, under $1,000. Staf­ Card AVON CALLING—AU women F'ULL-TIME real estate sales­ PAINTING—interior and exte­ man with or without sales ex­ ford Springs 1-684-4418. rior, very reasonable, free es­ who are now planning that EARN HIGH WAGES AT FOUND — BLACK and white REWEAVING OF bums, moth family vacation and who are perience. For more details call 1929 MODEL A pick-up truck, holes, zippers repaired. Win­ timates. Call Richard Martin, Mr. Philbrick, Phllbrlck Agen­ male pup. Call /Lee Fracchla, 649-9285. wondering how to pay<)^r it. Dog Warden, 643.^94. closed cab, 80 per cent restor­ dow shades made to measure, Avon can help, CaU todt^, 289- cy, 649-5347. ed, exceUent condition, $950. aim sizes Venetian bUnds. Keys 4922. FOUND—SHEPHERD type fe- 649-6544. made while you wait. Tape re­ EXPERIENCED John Deere male, black, gray and tan. Call corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 Floor Finishing 24 COOK TO work days. Apply backhoe and dozer operator, $3 PRATT & Lee Fracchla, Dog Warden, Main St. 649-6221. Acadia Restaurant, 103 ToUand per hour to start, time and a 0 643-8694. Trailers-— FLOOR SANDING and ^refliilsh- Tpke. Manchester. half, steady year ’round work. WHITNEY Mobile Homes 6-A Ing (specializing In older C an 742-6190 after 8. MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY ______floors), cleaning and waxmg MATURE WOMAN to live in Announcements 2 1966 TROUTWOOD mobUe Building— floors. Painting. Paperhang- and assist with wheel chair fe­ SERVICE WRITER and sales­ AIRCRAFT .g)_m> t, NIA, W. TM' k i. UJ. K .O». home, 12x60, walking distance Contracting 14 Ing. ’^ o job too small. John male patient, room and board man in service department. you M UST .. . I WANT TO GET THE ELECTROLUX vacuum clean­ to Aircraft, Colonial Park. CaU VerfalUe, 643-9112. furnished. CaU 649-2357 before Contact Tony, Paul Dodge Pon­ AAR. BE NAAAE OF HIS FURRIER ers, sales and service, bonded after 4. 668-1476. ALL TYPES of cabinet, work, 2:30. tiac, 373 Main St. IMPRESSED 1 MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLI kitchen remodeling our spe­ ABERNATHV; representative. Alfred Amell. WITH V- 110 Bryan Dr., Manchester. FRAllKLIN 13’ cabover trailer, cialty. 22 years experience. SHOE SALESWOMAN — Full- There are a number of excellent openings for I'M SIAAPLY ROyALiy. Bonds— Stocks stenographers and clerk typists. For considera­ oyiN© rr CAN von T E L L r THiNfcc I d o e r w o n a 644-8141 or 643-4913. exceUent condition. CaU 628- Fair prices. Call Lou Dascanio, tlme woman for our fashion 6211, anytime. 649-6985 anytime. Mortgages 27 shoe department, experienced tion, applicants should have at least a high TO MEET M E WHAT L/FET7A\e SUPPLY OF. FOR EXPO ’67 reservations: KINS ANAM EaiCAN TANGO LEeeONG. preferred but not absolutely school education and preference will be given CaU Montreal, Oamda, Marie- QUAIJTY Carpentry—Rooms, MORTGAGE LOANS - first, necessary. Liberal employe CHADWICK! BOLDIEIZ JN dormers, porclies, basements, second, third, all kinds realty. to those with recent business experience. WORLD WA12.TWO •vlUe Motel, 1-614-589-4662. Meu- Garage— Service- discount and benefits, pleasant i nier Motel, 1-514-346-4401. Mon- refinished, catdnets, bullt-ins, Statewide, credit rating unnec­ working conditions. Apply to WA‘5 UeOALLY 71 Storage 10 formica, aluminum, vinyl, essary. Reasonable, confiden­ You will earn high pay with the level depending CALLED? nolr Motel, 1-514-580-7195. Mr. Rudy at D & L’s, Shoe THREE-CAR garage buUdlng, steel, ceramo siding. William tial, quick arrangements, Al Bept., Manchester Parkade. BLACK TOP on individuab skills and experience. In addition, XU 22x35, approximaiteily 2,100 Robbins Carpentry Service. vin Lundy Agency, 627-7971, the Aircraft’s package of ei^loye benefits adds Personals square feet. WiU renovate. 649- 649-8446. 983 Main St., Hartford evenings SEALER important extra yalue to yoBi- paycheck. 6-29 0OHES4RID6EWAY 233-6879. A RIDE WANTED from (Chamber 1919 after 5 p.m. CARPENTRY —concrete work OFFICE CLERK St. to Federal Bldg., Hartford, anything from cellar' to roof, SECOND MORTGAGE - Un­ Work with interesting people . . . enjoy many P R I S a L L A ’S P O P BY AL VERMEER 8-4:30. CaU 643-8845 after 5. Motorcycles— w ith knowledge of typing At inside and out. no substitute limited funds available for sec­ and an aptitude for figures after-hours recreational activities . . . in an for quality work, satisfaction WANTED — RIDE to Pratt & Bicycles 11 ond mortgages, payments to for accounts payable office. excellent job at the Aircraft. IF ONLY SHE'D OFFEP' WE NEED A HAND OKAY. a l l " ^ guaranteed, competitive prices. suit your budget. Expedient TO HELP! JUST ONCEA dot. Whitney, 7-8:80, vicinity Wood- YAMAHA — new dealership, EJxceUent fri(nge benefits. TO CLEAN UP THE, PODNUH.' IT TAKES No job too small, D&D Car­ service. J. D. Realty, 643-5129. Apiply: OL' CORRAL! IS A bridge and Jensen St!^ caU sales and service at Seymour pentry, days 643-1904, evenings Apply now at the employment office, 400 Main LITTLE 648-8434. Auto, 681 Main St., Manches­ 649-8880. Reg. $6.95. Street, East Hartford. Open Monday through HORSE ter. Open Th\irsday and Fri'day MANCHESTER MODES SENSE CAPTAIN EASY BY LESUE TURNER RIDE WANTED to Aircraft, 7- Business Opportunity 28 Pine St., Manchester Friday—8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Tuesday and II evenings. ADDITIONS, remodeling, ga­ 3:30 riilft, gate 2 or 6 WUlow rages,' reo rooms, bathrooms Wednesday till 8 p.m. Satudays—8 a.m. till YB9. WE HEARD THE REP(3RT OF A C06ALT 11 PLACE you,. ASTORIA. LONS St. from Woodland St., vicin­ AUTO AGENCY, exceUent loca- noon. DISCOVERY BY A PROSPECTOR NAMED h V UP! PIPNT you RUN A PANTS 1965 MOTO-MORINI, 160 cc, ex- tiled, kitchens reniodeled, ce­ W. G. Glenney Co. BA9TS ity of Broad. CaU 640-7067. ceUent condition, $300. 875-1781 tlon good financing. Tor an ap- WANTED —experienced wom- BOGERl BUT CANT FIND HIM TO VERIFY ment work, cellar floors, pat­ 336 N. MAIN ST. HOTEL after 4:30. ios, roofing. CaU Leon Cies- pointment call Paul J. Corren- for 24 year old polio zynski. Builder, 649-4291. U Real Estate, 643-5363, 643- female, mornings, 643-0479. im n m T T Automobiles For Sole 4 1965 VESPA scooter, exceUent 2125. ______^ GRADUATING HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS condition, seU or trade lor NEWTON H. SMITH & SON- NEED CAR? Your credit turn- smaU foreign car. 649-2507. APPLY NOW—START WORK ed down? 'Short on down pay­ Remodeling.. repairing,, addi­ _ S-r* Business Opportunity 28 AFTER GRADUATION ment? Bankrupt? Reposses­ I960 BLACK Suzuki —TIO, tions, rec. rooms, gacagea, sion? Don't despair! See Hon­ cc, very good condition, asking porches ana roofing. No job PACKAGE STORE for sale. For (D m ; t, MIA, he. TJ6. I . , U S. PH, OH. est Douglas. Inquire about low­ $400. CaU 649-4034. too smaU. CaU 649-3144. Information call Philbrick • WANTED • est down, smallest payments Agency, Realtors, 640-5347. ROBIN MALONE BY BOB LUBBERS anywhere. No smaU loan or 1965 LAMBRETTA scooter, 160 finance company plan. Douglas CO, exceUent condition, $300. PRAH & 'GUILTY'?- Paving • Privewqyt 14-A Pfjvote Instructions 32 YOUNG MAN INTERESTED (^A ^E A K THROUGH AT LAST.'SOMEONE COOLO WE Motors, 833 Main CaU 649-9850 after 5. !| GUILTLESS.' AMEjSITB — Quality workman­ SENSITIVE ENOUeH DISCUGS'lOUR HONDA —1966 C.B. 460, 7,000 TUTORING in English and re­ WHITNEY NOW TH£ TO FLIP OVER MY POETRY 1060 AtrSTIN HEALEY-modri ship on driveways, parking IN PHOTOGRAPHY VISIONS VDIO- is ilf 21 3,000, new tires, radio and mUes, exceUent condition, $775. areas, commercial and resi­ lated subjects by private PSYCHEDELIC RIGHT NOW"?- school teacher. CaU 643-7125. To work in new photo engraving plant. FUL FILLED '* heater, $806. 649-0678. Must seU, 649-9426. dential Free estimates, no ob­ AIRCRAFT ligations. Call Eastern Paving LITTI jE S P O R T S B Y R O U S O N 1967 CHEVROLET — 4-door 1966 HONDA—Super 90, good TUTORING m elementary 37'/2-H0UR w e e k • PAID VACATION Division of United Aircraft Corp Co.. 628-3937. school subjects, by experienc­ r hardtop, V-8 automatic. CaU condition, stUl on guarantee, PAID RETIREMENT PLAN 640-4660 after 6. $185. $300. CaU 643-6044. ed teacher. CaU 643-8233. PRIVATE SWIMMING lessons, 1961 FORD Country Squire —9 1967 SUZUKI—260cc TIO, must Roofing-'—Siding '16 APPLY An Equal Opportunity Employer p a sse n g e r, $460. C all 640-8571i sell. No reasonable offer re­ W.S.I., certified. Call after 6 fused. CaU 649-9456. BIDWELL HOME Improve- p.m., 289-7062. after 6 p.m. meiit Co.—Roofing, siding al­ Start YOUR Future Today At P&WA AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite, 1961, 1666 HONDA, 460cc, exceUent terations, additions and re­ very good condition, $760. CaU condition, must seU immedl- modeling of all types. Excel­ 649-288S after 6. ately. Call 649-0620. lent workmanship. 649-6405. Read Herald Ads "•■6 6-29 I. 1 ...... - i

PAGE TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1967 MANCHBSTS5R EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. JUNE 29.1967 PAGE TWBNTY-THREE Household Goods 51 Business Loootlons Houses Side 72 Houses For Sole 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 H o ih m For Sd« 71 SviNiifM 1966 NELCO sewing machine For Rent 64 EXCEPTIONAL 6% room fire- ASHWORTH ST. -custom build- SEVEN ROOM Colonial. 1% MANCHESTER — 2 bedroom W State News er will design and build your baths, conveniently located to Ranch, just right for 2 ot More Host Families Needed with cabinet. 1965'Americana s t o RE FOR RENT, Main St... 8 ROLUNO PARK - B flnUlMtf BOiltOlt -HMMr 6 itom tUdsetl • IcdMoin- Rate- . t . Encyclopedias. Admiral Hi-Fi w baths, enclosed porch, garage, home on one of these nice level bus, school and downtown Man- people, $16,600. H. Mi Fre- dowii, 2 unfinished up, AM- CLASSIFIED Maiichester in State Theatre w l t h ^ k . Rallied, cathedral celling in liv­ ell Ranch, i acree. ^ gacriflo# 649-0941. v%i yctru OI1V1S/9VU wi%ii lots. luis. v/u»Oiir aigiissigns viion pnpremises. T. Chester. Attractive private chette. Realty, 647-9993. place, aluminum elding, beao- ing foom, stone ftreplaee, glass $21,100. H .lt Fredh«^, Real* Avco Vote For AFS Exchange Students » f i l o r p r i call theatre t^ n a r d Agency. J. Crockett. Realtor. 643 1677. BRAND I'NEW 4 - b e d r o o m ^ ; ttful yard with variety of sliding doiora, sundeck, built- ty, B47-00M, GREEN LAWSON couch, 64” , shrubs and trees. Retired. Ken­ ins, basement flreiJlace, one A few additional host fiakn- home of Mrs. Dougtae Rnberfas opens to double bed, new up­ manager at 643-7832. ______MANCHESTER — Jmmaculate j23,900. Call now, lonial, huge kitchen, bullt-lns, ADVERTISING neth Ostrlnsky, Realtor, Btf- car baaement garage. One acre BckiltON LAKS--100* Of wateir:>" Slated on ' llles are needed tot house some a t Bdlton for ttie AFS efudenito oven, range and dishwasher, I holstery. 649-1116. custom built 6 room flreplaced barren E. Howland. Realtor. liMit, modem B room year SUITE of offices presently formal dining room, 2 flre- 1833. lo t ImmedUfte occupancy $22,- of a group of 48 (American s M their hoeibi. H ie day wIB CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Ranch, 1% baths, garage, 543.1108. ’idund Raftoh home, aun, ehada suited tor professional ourpose'* GLENDALE RD. places, fiaanlilly iroom, 2-oar BOB. U ft R Realty Oo., Inc., Field Service (iAlTO) exchange ooftclude wilth a mcnlk: wpper. walking distance to Main St. ______!______prlvaoJA. excellent area, 3-Year Pact 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. MODERN W ALNUT desk, ex­ is now available in the Stato garage, 2-zone heat, excedlent 0«ftiaB2. Robert D. lltirdock, students coming to ManOhes Sunday, the gueew wlU be free and all conveniences, St. MANCHESTER—prestige area, _ _ > Lots For Sdo 71 only $16,bA Hayea Agency, 1 1 cellent condition. 649-5506. Theater B.illding Can be suh- Now under construction — James Parish. Leonard Agen- 6 room Ranch, 1% baths, 2 ecu’ neighborhood, $31,900. Wolver-; M -n m ter soon. The boys will arrive to do as they choose with their divided if necessary For In­ OftMlBBl. - STRATFORD (AP) — COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Ranches, Raised Ranches, cy, Realtors, 646-0469. garage, excellent condition, ton Agency, Realtors, MLS, OMB USVBL wooded acre, 900* by bus late Friday afternoon, hoet famlHeiB. MOVING—8 ROOMS household formation call Theater mana­ vStetoii Union workere wt the Ly­ Jifly 14, and depart Sunday those already etgned up as ;i 6 P^M. DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION Colonials. Choose your priced in mid 20's. Hayes 649-2813. on paved road. Shccellent well. VMIRKON --t Oartbier bollt BH furnishings, antique and mod­ g e r 643-7832. coming Division of Avco hodts are Mr. and Mre. Freder- model. B EAU TIFU L 2-famlly, 4-4 fire­ Agency, 646-0131. — 8maU brook, $3,S00. Aleo 2 roAn, all pMster Rahdi, larga afternoon, July 16. Families in- em. Call 643-8190. . 'i'______MANCHESTER —newly listed Po u r b e d r o o m Corp. wSH decide whether Deadline for Sivturdny and Monday In 5 p.ni. Friday. place In each apartment, new •IS wooded acres, 800* frontage, iTOBded lot, k*ear gdrage, thef- terested In offering their hos­ ick Anmih of 211 Main St, Mr. 35 M AIN ST.—400 square feet, 2-famlly, 6-6 duplex, one block N ew sJ ,,, formica counters, loads of cab- NEW GARRISON Colonial, 3 latittt level KBtli latg* Cain- to accept or reject a tenta­ pitality, especially those ’wRh and Mrs. Jack Goldberg of 22 first floor, adjacent to north Directions: Follow Keeney $2,480. Terms. Owner, f42-S0M. ilioji»ane wlhftMrs, B minutes to Inet space. Each apartment is huge bedrooms, loads of closet from Main St. 130 x 166 treed rtxsn on beouiaBul tot. tive S'^eement on a new teen- age children, may Con­ Waranoke Rd., Mr. and Mm. J. YOUR COOPERATION WILL H I A I LA ^ 9 7 1 1 CLEAN PLEASANT room. Call end redevelopment, suitable St., turn right on Bush Hill fHuinray, fit.lBo. M ayer Agen* equipped with, refrigerator and space, formal dining room, 24’ lot. 'Bel Air Real Estate, 648- BOUrOM— I4T1AR cesAsr, bdou- tact Mre. John Hyde of U Joiieoh Kcrrigrman H. or office. Available July 1. street on right. KITCHEN SET. oval. 4-chairs, separate systems. Has been ehotoe location, seUing for SkiMan edft be tfte astamrer 6 room Wednesday in Washington be­ Betty Furnets er of 124 Broad Bt. iitk e of 996 Tolland l\>ki»., Mr. Call 649-2865. EXCELLENT 6 room Colonial; Continued From Preceding Page handled with loving care built-ins, heated family room, $4,B00. For further ImOnlia- hqnaing aadlka. 640- Mb'! bAck Rmmh, spa* WASHINQ’TON (A P) — B ^ y and Mra. Bruce MacDonald of limed oak, upholstered seats breezeway and garage, sun- tween representatives of the The bus Is one of 76 which throughout the years. On the attached garage, $28,600. Wol- Uon eall R.F. Dtmook 6 o., 0 6 m or Ui1^. Mom. with huge Furness, President JohnsM’s 97 Cambridge St, Mr. and Mrs. and backs. Good condition. STORE — HEATED. 20x70’ , WESLEY R. SMITH porch, hot water oil heat, plas­ company and the United Auto is transporting 3,107 AF8 ctu- Have bought smaller set, $30. fringe of redevelopment. Ex­ verton Agency, Realtors, MLS, M9-B24B. I finmme. la$ib kltohea Workers Union after round-the- special assistant for consu^r Robert H. McKinney Jr. of 40 downtown 840 Main St. Man­ CONSTRUCTION CO. tered wall, 1 % baths, walk-out dents from Iowa to New York cellent for Investment or own­ 649-2818. MilIjH^ fortigit dining affairs, and television execudvB Ttimbull Rd., Mr. and Mrs. J4elp Wanted— Male 36 Articles For Sale 45 18% Lilley St., second floor, af­ chester. Newly reimodelod in­ basement, lot approximately GLASTONBURY. — lOnneohaug B a W clock negotiations. City. The young pe<^le are ter 5. er occupancy, $18,900. Another iseway In Who^s Who Lycoming is sole producer of Leslie Midgeley have announoed Hayden O rts^ld Jr. of 93 side and outside. OalM 522-3114. 643-1567 100x200 well landscaped, good Summit, prestige area, large BJMRBtOWS sfnil WAlElACBCb. from 27 countries and have PAINTER A fe wallpaperer, SCREENED LOAM for best fine offering from the Wolver- $12,600—3 BEDROOM Cape, res m T88 and T65 helicopter engines their engagement. Steep Hollow Lone, Mr. and location. Quick occupancy. wooded lots, one acre or more, MkfwhiMlter PtiMaKlie spent the past school year with experienced in both trades, lawns and gardens. Also sand. , ■ • ■ p mr WAREHOUSE AND storage ton Agency, Realtors, MLS, doirmenis, adr-conditloner, rec­ uses. ISdward 1*. Hachadourian, son and T66 aircraft engines vitally Their wedding is set for Adg. Mrs. Walter HamiVton of 4 reation room. Very clean, Priced at only $26,800. Charles some bordered by waterAed (MancluHtar 646-03M A «97 onit American families. They will good position, $3-$4. Call 643- gravel and fill. George H. Grif- M a c h in e r y a n d T o o ls 5 2 building. 4,800 square feet, CONCORD RD. beautiful 649-2813 o6 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. needed in Vietnam. Witlidemere St. Hutchins Agency, Realtors, Lesperance, M9-7620. forest, assuring privacy. Mar­ gather in New York before eail- •- fins- bic., Andover, 742-7886. - ——— :---- — -----— large yard, for outside storage Ranch, large living for­ k R R M tb 6e., Ino., W No date for the ratification ing home. Also, Mrr and Mm. David ______FERGUSON 30 tractor with MANCHESTER —Just off East 649-6324. jorie McNulty, Broker, 1-6SS* VBRNON—B room R i^h , well Hachadourian of 08 Weaver and parking. Ground level and mal dining room, cabinet kltch. MANCHESTER —newly listed 3 2Mtt. Robert D. Murdock, 643- meeting was set. Heller of 183 Conway Rd., Dr. CARPENTER—experienced in SAVE BIG! Do your own rug plow, Harron snowplow and Center St. Older 9 room Colon- ,, „ 1420. compacted home, basement Rd., has been selected to ap' An average of 6 two- and truck level loading. Call 522- en, 2 bedrooms, recreation bedroom Colonial, established, S4t2. ;■ Some 4,800 production workers and Mrs. Harvey Pastel of 647 remodeling and complete fin- and upholstery cleaning with scoop. 643-7278. ial, top condition. Now fur- ^^N C H -spanking new. 3 paneled rec, lot 125 x ...... t il.'rili'V ' ------— pear- In the 1966-67 edition of three-toy sto^vers are being p^^er sl. Dr. and Mm Frank 3114. room, landscaped yard. Mar­ preferred neighborhood, large Ish work, $3.50-$4.50, fast grow- Blue Lustre. Rent electric nai:es, siding, etc. Six bedroom SM*, acre, near highway, liftta f 77 Who’s Who Among Students « « nrnde t y the b a se s to give the Norton of 63 Princeton St, Mr. lon E. Robertson. Realtor treed lot, garage, sunporch. Bel R M ort P r o o o r t v firomaoedfiraplaeed uvingliving room, $i7,9oo.$i t ,90O. of restraint against striking, Ing company. 643-4536. shampooer, $1. Olcott Variety 470 M AIN ST.—3 room ground of American Universities and students an opportunity to visit and M m Leo Juran of 30 Law------Store. Musical Instruments 53 floor office, plenty of parking. 643-5953 A 0131 Would you believe less thaii Air Real Estate, 643-9332. U i k 7 4 RRa Walsh, Real Fstdte, 64»- w iu i< ^ ^ every Colleges from Boston Univer- under Taft-Hartley law prc4 with some 100,000 Americans Hayes Agency. 646-0131. *20,000? Char Bon Real Estate For ton Rd., Mr. and M m Joseph WINDOW CLEANERS needed, ______------1----- 4448. Mna ttt m M il all ntfoe ransres. cedures, expires at Lycoming SET OF Slingerland Drums, CaJU 643-2426, 9-5. MANCHESTER — Cape, 7 MANCHESTER — 2 Colonials, : Of Wftm. bfi prtoe ranges. slty. .. , enroute to . KoweU of 107 Heladne Rd., Mr. must be ^perienced, top wag- DARK RICH, stone free loam, LARGE — OLDER country 643-0683. , ; PRIVATE RECRSIATION a n * , T new condition, must sell. Come rooms, large family room, dln- very clean. Asking $19,900. H. ers w ia mum ifsiung. Osll Hachadourian, a graduate of Hans Ulrich Krelger of and M m Bernard' Levine of 80 es, paid holidays, vacation, $15. Gravel, fill, stone, sand, home. Needs redecorating '1 8 level Sores, I.CM river ftont- 4 niom K P. Reuther, UAW and see. 643-4611. img room, 3 bedrooms, $19,600. $17,900 PRIVACY, 3 bedroom M. Frechette, Realty, 647-9993. now Paul J, CkHrreMii Rea) Es- Boston University this month, waiter Elboldohausen, Germany, an Green Manor Rd., Mr. and Mrs. hospitalization, plenty of over- patio and pool sand and ma- Houses For Rent 65 large shade trees in front yard, age plus pond, 6 miles from ^ ^ e with attach- president, and James R. Kerr, Philbrick Agency, Realtors, Ranch, fireplace, wall to wall ___------rm — 64SMII. 64B-U2B. Mras a member of the Scarlet AjFH student 'with the $;Tpup Bernard Menschell of 41 Mil­ time work. Apply Rudder Win- nure. 643-9504. 37’ porch. Call John H. Lap- - Manchester, % mUe off Route poroh. extra large lot, a c Avco president, both of whom SIX ROOM HOME for lease, 649-5347. carpet, dishwasher, family M ANCHESTER- - new listing. $14,900. Francis J. Key, Boston University Honor­ will be entertained at the home ford Rd., Mr. and Mm Grover dow Cleaning Co., 157 Charter wnii, in hov W URLITZER studio console pi- pen, Inc. 649-5261. Centrally located 6 room home, 6, $2,600. Terms. Owner, 742- SIBLUNO fb u R home? For took part in the negotiations, an­ Dnlr Avo Hartford, second REFRIG ERATED walk-in box, ___ very clean, references requir­ kitchen, garage, large treed MoCartan, Broker, 84B4S50. ing Activities Orgeuilzation and of Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Bpaeth MlUdiell of 553 E. Center St, Oak Ave., ano, $285. Call 644-0728. NEW 5 ROOM Ranch, under------3 bedrooms, large living room 8090. prompt, ootneOus service that nounced the tentative agree­ 6 x 6’ with compresser and ed. Philbrick Agency, Realtors, lot. Hutchins Agency, 649-5324. a member of the Deta, Honor­ of 36 Marion Dr. The Spaeth’s Mr. and M m C. A. MlUer of 17 floor. construction. Bowers School MANCHESTER —$16,900 — 3 with fireplace, formal dining OOVBNTRif— newer 8 room gets results res (Mil Louis Dlmook ment. blow.ir, ready to erect, $475. 649-5347. large bedrooms, living room, ing Activities Organization of son, Stephen, sailed Juhe 29 Barry Rd., Mr. and M m An­ section, city utilities, 140’ SIX ROOM Ranch, formal din­ room and kitchen, 1 % baths, home, exeelient condUton, fire- RsaKy, BtMftM. 649-6544. dining room, kitchen, near SMbHrbaii Foi* S al* 71 the College of Liberal Arts. for Germany. He will spend l4 thony Sherlock of 166 McKee Antiques 56 frontage, bus line. Call Build­ ing room, living room with laundry room, combination Hausman Comment MANCHESTER — for rent or schools, bus, shopping. Im­ plaoe, garsfe, privacy, S acres, He was president of Alpha weeks at Krelger’a' home as St., Mr. and M m Robert P. er, Leon Cleszynskl, 649-4291. fireplace, 3 oversized bed­ windows, good condition pond. Oan How. Only $10,500. WANTED DON’T M E R E LY brighten your WANTED TO BUY—antiques, sale, 5 room single, 2-car gar­ maculate. Bel Air Real Estate, COVENTRY LAKE — nice 4 Phi Omega, National Service COLUMBIA (A P) — Certain an AFB Exchange Student. Roy of 115 Pearl St., Mr. and carpets . . . Blue Lustre them age, hot water heat, $115 rooms, family size kitchen, throughout. Convenient loca- room year ’round home. A real Hayee Ageitey, 648-0l$l. Profflleiri Park steins, furniture, pewter, lead­ TWO-FAMILY close to Man­ 643-9332. Fraternity receiving the Thomas episode in the 1967 General Hans is the younger brother Mrs. Charlea Spaeth of 39 . . . eliminate rapid resoillng. er lamps, art glass, primitives, monthly. Write L. Thurlow, 98 built-ins, enclosed simporch, Uon. Only $17,800. U & R Real­ good buy at $S,B00. Call Mit­ O’Donovan Award for outstand- Assembly have been compared of Siegmund Krelger, who will First alass mechajiiic, excel­ chester High School, one apart­ o o v t o S S r Marion Dr., Mr. and Mila. M. B. 9 Rent electric shampooer, $1 . 1 % baths, 2-car garage, $26,- ty Co., Inc., 643-2692. Robert *Wed-in* Slated any quanity. 644-8962. South Second Ave., Taftville, ment has 3 rooms, one 5 rooms, ten Agency, Realtors, B4S-66M. Ing service and an award from unfavorably with "the make- be Stephen’s host brother itii B ^k pole of 34 Morse Rd., Mr. lent wages and benefits, Paul’s Paint & Wallpaper Sup- Conn. MANCHESTER 500. Wolverton Agency, Real­ D. Murdock, 643-6472. $600 DOWN (Conttniieft from Page One) BU as the student having done believe story of Alice in Wonder- Germany. paid heiifdays and vaoa- one heating system, 2-car ga­ BOLTON—7 room Colonial, 2% and Mra Harold Wyman of 147 ply. tors, MLS, 649-2813. the most for Boston University, land." A 'special afternoon of oUftr ttons. Excellent working rage, good lot. Excellent in­ RAISED RANCH MANCHESTER—6 room CJape, $66uB7 ntnoiBhby ps(yns matrimony. Chaos threatenecL Ohambere St., and Mr. knd Wanted— ^To Buy 58 baths, 2 fireplaces, aluminum Re wrote for the BU News, Republican State Chairman door sports, conversation and conditions. Call Tom SEARS 18,500 b.t.u. alr-condl- vestment. T. J. Crockett. Real­ MANCHESTER vicinity—clean- 1 % baths, excellent condition, siding, electric best, paneled 6sr ttM leteeii 4 M room, Hat was Mfted and the num­ Mm Robert Franklin of 63 Ar- Suburban For Rent 66 EHght big rcxMTis, 2% baths, was a mwnber of the Student Howard E. Hausman told a HETFr FURlNESe musto has been planned at the vine Fl. Schwartz. tloner, used one season, excel­ HOUSEHOLD LOTS, antiques tor, 643-1677. er than new, 6% room Ranch, one acre treed lot, near school, family room, one acre lot. Ear­ •Ipnliuim etded bouse. ber pared to gine. , double garage, a metlcu- Congress and was student rep- meeting of Columbia Repubileah lent condition, cost $300, sell bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, ROCKVILLE —4 room apart­ large treed lot, excellent value high elevation. 649-4928. ly oocupeuicy, low 80’e. Ap­ iLBige tTOBd tot wUh lake But until Miaal agreed to offi­ THREE BEDROOM Colonial, 'kxus heme, beautifully dec­ resentative for BU from 1965' Women Wednesday night that a 16 in New York according to the $150. 643-7185. glassware. We buy estatesi,Vil­ ment, centrally located, park­ at $17,900. Leonard Agency, pointment, owner. 640-4864. p t M t e g m . Ctose to liiigh- ciate It loMed as though the announcement Wednesday. BOURNE BUICK 2% ceramic baths, closet space orated, includes Royal Blue 66. He 6dso received special bill which would have extended lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 ing, private entrance. Call 875- Realtors, 646-0469. Liegal Notice wtay e i a Aopphig center. would-be oBuj^tCs wtHiid be left Mias Furness, 61, has IjiMn PICNIC Tables—several styles galore, huge kitchen, built-ins, waill to wall carpeting and VERNON — QUIET friendy merit as a member of the stu­ tax relief to inventories to Fire Exam Called OH, 649-4571 Lake St , Bolton, 64'J-G247. 8322. TV> see Mrs. LuMier at standing sMgla at the altar. married twice before. Her flfst from $15.50 up. A ll ibblted ta­ utility room, formal dining Hotpoint built - in appli­ WEST SIDE—6 room Cape, 1% LIQUOB PEBMIT nelghbortiood, new custom 649-0SM «ny tiiiw. Kfttx had o al^ the idea a ‘‘dls- dent government from 1964-66. wholesalers and retailers was room, 2 fireplaces, 2-car at­ ances. Desirable Porter St. iNOTlCB OF APPLICATION marriage ended in dlvorcS aUd bles from $20 up, delivered. WE BUY AND sell antique and ROCKVILLE —4 rooms, newly baths, bus line, near every­ This ks to ffivo notice Uip.t I. built Raised Ranch, built-in gulUng affair.’* H e will enter the University "caught In a web of fantasy in Job Applicants Puzzled W. Zinker, Rockville. 875-0397. used furniture, china, glass, painted, heat, hot water includ- tached garage. Wolverton area. Offered at $38,000. thing, in like new condition in- MRS. CLAIRE M. PEPIN , of RFD stove and oven, ceramic tUe No. 2. Box 186. Route 44A. Bolton. W Wednesday 'night a cocktaU ^ CormecUcut Law School in !r"tu a ^ met Ernst, died In in I'SS’’*1960. "'’ ’ DISHWASHER, 3:30-8:30, no silver, picture frames, old ed, tile bath, adults only, $100. Agency, Realtors, MLS, 649- side and out. Vacant. Must be tUed bath, landscaped wooded lot, the fall. an unfortunate death." party was bald to introduce Midgeley, 62, said they had The 10 Town oif Mlanrtieistev sMorid foe a rewaon fbr the ex- Sunday. Apply in- person. Cen- MILLIONS OP rugs have been coins, guns, pewter, scrap gold, Rowe & Rowe Realty, 875-3167. 2813. seen to be appreciated. 643- lion dated June 16. 1967. with the $22,000. Dimock Realty, 649- BlAjRIROWS and W AlAAOEOo. "The pitty of it,” Haus­ fiSreonen who have epplleil fior ■snlnaltiton p(»t|iionemenib. cleaned with Blue Lustre. It’s L. C. GREENOUGH CO. Liquor Control Commission for a Manch aster PariBMte newamen tp the nlna couples, met a t CBS about three years ter Restaurant, 499 Main St. watches, old jewelry, hobby ____ 2203 for appointment. Rcstaunant Beer,. Permit for the 9828, 61S0245. man said, "is that the bill which the part of deputy flro ctiMt H 6 r«|i9ted that it iwas tor America’s finest. Rent electric Desir able (MWnchaater 646-B806 the couples fa the Judge and the ago. His first wife died in 1966. collections, paintings, attic con- VERNON—-BRAND new 5 room MANCHESTER 647-9921 sale of alcoholic Hquor on the ______buthlessmwt jijponaora, who are was lost in this incredible iiF exptressad aurpmiise, rtingifti aiH tSKMkxd reaaons. shampooer, $1 . The Sherwin- apartment, second floor, heat­ neighborhood, well kept 9- H E N R Y S T .— Colonial 7 room s, preml.ses at Route 44A. Bolton, Con- BOLTON —8 room house with tents or whole estates. Furni­ OOVlBNTKf^-Newar g room ex- S ta y in g averyOiliig from Martial Laiv epitude of the Democratic-domi- dilamiay today over Uie oanceUli- Wo oithm- town otUctol had Help Wanted— Williams Co. ed, electric stove. $150. 875- room English Colonial, 5 bed­ baths, extra larg’e livings business will be o w n ^ by swimming pool, barn and 80 Jackie Kennedy ture "Repair Service, 643-7449. paadaUe (jape. 2-car garage. CMM to hmajfintMna, to every- nated legi^ature was important tiion 06 a wnitten exarnkpittoA m exiitanatlon and, anperenUy. 1584. rooms, 4 baths, 2-car garage, LARGE E^C U TIVE Colonial, dining room, sun room, 3 Mrs. Clalro M. Popln of RFD No. 2.2. acres of land on Brandy Rd. bUNGANSTOWN, Ireland Male or Female 37 POOL TABLE for sale, regula- ——- — ------3 years old, modern family size COK KCif\ Box 186. rvuuiuRouteBohon. ouliviu, C ^ - Will consider rental with op- oftii % to a major segment of the acheduJed tor 7 tonight at tilit .no ottnr town affiidBil had con- modem kitchen. Opportunity bedrooms, garage, nocticut. and wHl be conducted by T. J. Oockett, Realtor, 64$- kitchen, family room, 2 % Brings Calm Connecticut economy, which (A P) — Mrs. John F. Kennedy Mondheatoi- H«gh achnal. torred wilth .Wedlss reigardlng' the OOSMEmC SALESPEOPLE, tion 4%x9, all accessories, new Rooms Without Board 59 knocking, call now. Hayes Philbrick Agency, Realtors, MRS. c l a i r e m . p e p i n , of r f d 1577. ttion to Immediate ocen- Oiu of HBrtCschsr'B assistants. baths, 4 large bedrooms, mud No. 2. Box 186. Route 44A. Bolton, along with its employes will con­ took her two children, Caroline <0X1 Jun« 22, the a|)|)UcBifts riuditcir. falbuilouB oppartunlty. Call or cloth, excellent condition, $550. ------Resort Property Agency, 646-0131. 649-5347. pancy. 0|dy $15,900. Pasek, miffed by the erttlos, declared; room, formal dining room, 2 Connecticut, as permittee. tinue to suffer unequal compe­ and John Jr., on a surprise visit weo^ notdffleid by Ixdter ttwit the The apphooiAs are ddsnuayed 643-8872. ROOM WITH kitchen privileges ct u VERNON — Extraordinary Sac­ Realtors, 289-7479, 742-8248. “Tills will to a lovely, dignified watte Mins. Roth, 103 Steele For Rent 67 ------MRS. J R E M. P E P IN To Rangoon tition from other states which Wednesday to the Kennedy an­ — ------centrally located. Mrs. Dorsey. SEVEN ROOMS of beautiful car garage, $38,500. Philbrick Dated June 20, 1967. rifice. 6 room Ranch; 4 room affair, tlUed with solemnity and examimiMlons would be oontoed- bdboum they were toW Bhat oU Rd., West Hartford, 233-5823. Legal Notice SOUTH WINDSOR—S bedroom do not tax such inventories." cestral home. 14 Arch St. LAK E SUNAPEE. N.H. Modem Cape Cod living, kitchen, liv­ Agency, Realtors, 649-5347. home, over 3 acree land, l5Qx grace. Tboi|$ who have orlU- RANGOON, Burma. (AP) — ^ fay ft** 3 ^ Pettaxmel D*- phaaeis a t the examination, SINGLE HORSE trailer, good Split Laval, flnlriied famUy After a last minute legislative The trip was kept a secret. 2-bedroom furnished apart­ ing room, fireplace, dining TOWN OF MANCHESTER vs. 200, zoned for business. FOr Oikitd know Of our plans. Burma’s capital was calm but - written and oral, would be ban- condition, $300. Call 649-3854. THE THOMPSON House, Cot­ THE W. G. GLEWinEY COMPANY. roont,'-fireplace, waft to wall tangle, Hausman said, the They spent 90 minutes at the Old MANCHESTER ment, near lake. Reasonable room, 3 bedrooms, family Legal Notice ET AL; SUPERIOR COURT HART- complete details call Paul J PsBce Will )M oii hand to keep tense today under martial law ^ ^ by the mote Peroonnrt De- tage Street, centrally located, room, interior completely re­ i-ORD COUNTY. June 26. 1967. c$rpeting, wooded fot, garage, Democratic - controlled House Kennedy farm. rvotilffl^by the State Peiw m M W and yet wora called SET OF THE Encyclopedia rates. 643-5402. NOTICE OorrenU, 648-6368, B48-212B, thi$ crowds $ ^ y . " proclaimed after three days of large, pleasantly furnished finished from top to bottom, t o w n o f Ma n c h e s t e r $91,900. M ^ e r AgeMy, 649- voted for tax relief for whole­ Each of the children was giv­ Departhtent, also by le«it4|r> o ff at W ets’ request DRIVE-IN THEATRE .. NOTICE OF TAKING But (Jlaiftiii DerifpSi 82, Who anti-Chinese riots and a fatal Britannica, 11th edition, leath­ rooms, parking. Call 649-2358 PUBLIC HEARING ANtX>VER —tverlooUng 0609. salers and retailers over a 10- en a two-month-old kitten ;fcy theeMsndnaitaons Nad b «| | i ■ Ihe post of deputy fire chief, er bound, India paper. Excel­ This is the one. Wolverton MjpHlKVoR^'oURT h1 5 t -' wtft marry gillney Welnheimer, stabbing in the Chinese Embas- for ovem'ght and permanent Agency Realtors, 649-2813. 1-ORU COUNTY. Juno 26. 1967. TO THE SHERIFF OF THE COUN­ ADDITIONAL 4 room home, excellent condi­ year period, the Democratic- Mary Ryan, third cousin of the portponad, ait AS annoui|Med, was to fah the TY OF Ha JWI'ORD. h is DEPUTY Jl, Was iiM worrying about the sy. J Sbaflf opOnlngis, oajsihlers, lent condition. Call 649-6647 or guest rates. APPROPRIA'nONS SCJUTH W1NDS0R--6 room late President. Mrs. Kennedy COTTAGES FOR RENT STATEM ENT OK COMPENSATION OR E lT IlE K OONS'I’ABLE OF THE tion, treed lot, artesian well. pftiBlbUity of crowds. Rampaging mobs. Infuriated controlled Senate voted in fa­ vacancy to be created by Sat- oounter aittendain'ts. Call 649-6027. MANCHES’TER - 3 bedroom »*aiE.ur..^i ur ^ 'uown o f Ma n c h e s t e r , w it h - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Split, reo room, garage, large was presented with a 12-pountl o f NEWLY DECORATED large Call now, only $10,600. Hayea Her face brithtened when a by militant Chinese students vor of tax relief spread over a OMctf W. CX MldSKNi, r^tdrement An. Mir. W^liilson, tonight 7-10 Ranch, oversized garage, nice Tho Town of Manchester, acting IN SAID COUNTY, GREET- TOWN OF MANCHES’TER, lot, swimming port. Leonard trout. was Iki New Hampshire aUshd- furnished room, private en­ hercin by and through its Rcdevel- ING; Agency, 646-0131. Pftfks Department ^kesman demonstrating in support of longer period, and both houses pjm., 649-6000 or 12-5 caill location, nearly 2 acres of land. CONNECTICUT Agency, ing a fins chlefb’ o a u m tU a O Ernest Sheiri trance, parking. Call 649-7702. Gardner Lake. Modem, oiinn-m Agency, repicsents: —u , ■ .. • , tOM the adsembly that if the M a o Tse-tung, wrecked compromise by voting for no- 649-2596. Boats and Accessories 46 A country home in town, re­ 1 . That the Town of Manchester Thi> followmg notice ts hereby di- OOVENTOY — 2 bedroom ma­ relief at all. Lee Radziwell when the tiwo noerson appearing of Notice is hereby given that wiM-ln were roined out It would hundreds of Chinese restau­ 1965 RUNABOUT with 40 h.p. duced to $21,900. Mitten Agen­ its toiritorial limit.s within the record as an owner oi property sonry, oil heat, fireplace, ce­ VERNOiN rants, temples and other busi- NEW YORK (A P) — iwnoess ^e«rt(ved, etiid today thai «4»I^c*»to for the Job. an pictures. Arrowhead Grove, County of Hartfoiti and State of boumletl and described as follows; the Board of Directors, ’Totvn be feBchedOlbd Sunday. Evinrude, electric start, trail­ cy, Realtors, 643-6930. ramic bath, artesian well, near Strike Ruling O ff Lee RadzlwlU, sister of Hrs. nothing of Wetes- actfeoh. « *»rtvom to remain un- Apartments— Flats— Route 354, Colchester, Coimecticut. , , . , . . r e .T“o^r!5Tm S ' of Manchester, Connecticut, will lake. Reduced for quick sale. POR THE PARTICULAR ****’ *>rtdesinald plans to wear ness establishments. Unofficial Wetss Is on vanaittofi and; Is nMned, state that they will ask er, good condition. Call 643- 2 The govcniing body of aaid lajui situated a paper dtage, she explained. estimates placed the number of John F. Kennedy, will make her Situations Wanted— MANCHESTER—8 room Cold- Town of ^Iancheste^ is the Board Chester. County of Hartford and bold a Public Hearing in the $8,600. Owner, 1-688-5032. WATERBURY (AP) —A Su­ not due -book at Mis desit udtU Bn explanation when Wetsn 7689. Tenements 63 Conn. State of Connecllcul, bounded and . , , « BMuaited hi the hrvsly hills "U it rains, It’U disintegrate.” Chinese establishments de­ television debut next season in nial, 1 % baths, dishwasher, of Directors, ■ as loiiows Mumclpal Building Hearing perior Court Judge who is being Wednesdiay. HUS oififfliee atartf rotunie. Th ey state, also, that tt Female 38 3. The Rfdevelopmem Agency of described as follows; of Vernon stts thte spexdous stroyed at more than 1 ,000. the Truman Capote adaptatibn NICE 2-bedroom duplex, heat, carpeting, family room, recrea­ the Town of Manone.ster is a Rede- FIRST fPARCEL: A * Room, 41 Center Street, Man- BOLTON — Owner transferred, asked to take a role in the hears Irtxn (hten by phone at to unftUr to them to be ke^A In U 12’ BOAT AND trailer. 3 h.p. tion room, double qarage, cen velopment Agency duly created by NORTHERLY By North Main St; „ 7 TDcan .flpUt L e r ^ Just a More than 100 Chinese casual­ labor-management dispute at of "The Voice of the Turtle.” RELIABLE MOTHER will ba- motor, $195. Call after 6, 643- appliances provided, full base­ the Board of Directors of the T owti EASTEIILY : By land now or for- Chcst6r, Connecticut, ^Vcdncs- this 7 room Ranch has large NOTICE noon each day. Today, ’Hie the derit, concerning Wedsa’ ac- 242-9278 848-7178 tral, $22.J00. Hutchins Agency few of Us m em feeitures ties were reported. Unlroyal’s Naugatuck plant in- The wife of Prince StanislaW byslt for working parents or 0339. ment and parking, $150. per of Manchester, pursuant to Chapter merly of Jackmat Corporation g 19 0 7 a t g:00 p:m. family room, fireplace and A pubUc hearing will be held, RadzlwlU—she uses her maiden HereM requested that he be tio a . „ people going on vacation, ex­ month. Call Paul W. Dougan, Realtors. 649-5324. 13U of the General Statutes of the and Larsen .s Hardware. Inc.. J' ^ paneled wall in U'ving room, are 1 ^ baths, w ^ to wtall Gen. Ne Win s government dica/ted Wednesday he would State of Connecticut. 1958 Rifvision. in part by each; on proposed additional appro- oarpeUng end gtainage. $21,- by the Ptamidng end Zoning proclaimed martial law in four name Lee Bouvier on the stage cellent references. 643-8867. 14’ PLYWOOD boat, fiberglas Realtor, 649-4535. 4. A redevelopment plan for the S O U T H E ^ Y ; By land of the New nidations as tollow s" 1 % baths, landscaped wooded prefer to see the strike settled. MANCHESTER bedroom wiUiin which the following de- York, New Haven & Hartford p n a u o n s as rotiot™ . OOnunisaioo of Manchester, —made her bow as an actress bottom, 25 h.p. Evinrude mo------—— MISQUAMICUT — i'A rooms, lot in pleasant nelghboihood, 500. J. Ooinkxi, 649-6306. areas at midnight Wednesday Judge Leo V. Gaffney gave were Ranch, ideal family home In scribetl premises are included has ^R^lroad l i ^ d Conrjm^^Company; and To: General Fund Budget 1967/ Oehnectlcut- on Monday eve­ after two Burmese climbed over recently in a revival of "The Jayne Manstiad, tor, electric starter, tr a ile r LU'^KING FOR anything n real available July 29-August 2, . . _ A l l beenoeeii preparedprepui eu andaiiu appraveduopiovuo byuy the mv wE£>TEHLY; ., ^jw^ERLY; B>Ry land ncnow or for- $19,500. Louis Dbnock Realty, Uniroyal and Local 46 of the choice CenitrStl locution. Sou- ft, iKa vn_ r»f Hrm'nrH I. Philadelphia Story" in Chickgo. Situations Wanted— included, $300. 646-0033. e tate rentals — apartments, $95 weekly. Call 643-0491. ^pa- Agency m accordance with the re- merly of Howard L. SmiUi, in 68, Board of Education 649-9823. W ning July 10, 1667 cut 8 psn. in the 10-foot wall around the United Rubber Workers Union clous livin g room with w a ll to duin-ment-s of .said Chapter 130. part, arid In ,>arl by _Uie Sec- ...... $26,431.69 qi6 Hearing’Room a t the Mh- Chinese Embassy and stabbed a The two-hour color adaptation TwoCompaniofU M ala. 39 homes, multiple dwellings, no ® 5. 'P.h The r. RrxnrH Board nf of Directors hjihas q ap- ^ ond Parcel hereinafter de­ BAiRROlWB and WAUiAOEOo. until next Wednesday to file COTTAGE AT Chalker Beach, wall carpet and fireplace. ployed the acquisition of real prop- scribed, in relation to allotmeait under idcipal BuOdbig, on 4he follow­ Chinese aid official and a diplo­ o i the John Van Druten |rtay ran downhill and she appeared fees. Call J. D. Real Estate. TOLJAND — 6 room Ranch, Mlsnaheater Fiariauto legal briefs on the question of Die in Accident, PAINTER WANTS work, brush, Saybrook, 4 rooms, first two Landscaped tree shaded lot, erty w-ithin said redevelopment area SECOND PABCEL: Title II of Public Lajw 89-10, ing appliekto^ for zone matic courier. The aid official will be aired on ABC-TV. _ , •) In such exploitationexpIolUtlon vehicles as Diamonds— Watches— 643-512b. by the Agency by eminent domain. An undividi-d onc-holf interest in plus rec room, fireplace, knot­ MlaiKheater 649-6606 whether the footwear factory N roll or spray, all equipment. weeks in August. Call 643-4773. $19,700 Louis Dimock, Realty, ’ 6. The properly to bo taken pur- and to the following parcel of land, to be financed from funds re­ ty pine kitchen and dining died. should be prevented by an in Miss Bouvier wUl recreate the (OoMtoued from Page One) “Promises, Promises!" for Jewelry 48 IVE HAVE customers waiting stiaru to this Statement of Compen- N O R TH E R LY; By land now or tor- 20 years experfence. Reason­ 649-9823. ceived from Federal Govern­ room, 8 large bedrooms, 2-car Embassy personnel captured Junction from producing sample role of Sally MidAeton, • Wrtl- fractured. AU posed In the nude, for the rental of your apart­ salion consists of those certain merly of Howard L. Smith, SOUTH WINDSOR-Woodland « * « « « to able. Quinn, 526-1690. WA’TCH a n d JEW ELRY n - pieces or parcels of land situated One Hundred Seventy-four and ment under Title II o f Public garage, aluminum storms and Business Zone U, all or part one of the assassins and turned shoes during the strike. brought-up American tkOfnah three were battered and b t^ e ^ Continued to star in gossip ment or home. J. D. Real Es­ V/onted To Rent 58 o n e a s t c e n t e r street ... j,tin the Town of Manchester. County 37-100 (174.37) feet; Dr.—Garirison Colonial, mod­ pairing. Prompt service Up to EASTERLY; By the First Parcel Law 89-10 $26,431.69. screens, almost 3 acres, $20,- of an arm flow in Rural Resi­ him over to Burmese author­ Postponing his own decision who manages to remato putt M reported in fair coMft- columns with her tempestuous STUDENT desires summer tate, 643-6129. ------— ------real nice older three bedroom <>( Hm tfuni and .State of Connectl- ern kitchen with buUt-lns, for­ $20 on your old watch in trade. WANTED TO rent—Family of cut. bouiMtcd ami dosenbed a.s fol of land hereln-ebove de- 900. Rowe ft Rowe Realty, 876- mal dining room, 8 large -bed­ dence Zone, described es fol- ities. The other escaped. on the union’s injunction re- despite two brief levs at- Hons. Zoltan, Just recently r*^ made appearances work, painting, lawn work, colonial. ’Three rooms down lows: scribed; To; General Fund Budget 1967/ The Red Chinese government fairs. Closed Mondays, F. E. Bray, 4% ROOMS, $130. 3'/2 rooms, 4 adults seek 3-bedroom house FIRST PABCEL SOUTHERLY: By land of the New 3167. rooms, IH baths, finished fam­ Iowb; atMrtng at a point on quest, Gaffney said, "The best covered from a mauling by • clubs and at rtiopplng window washing, etc., $1.80 plus a sun room. ’Two car gar­ 68, Board of Ekhicatlon issued an official protest. Ja­ 737 Main St. State Theatre $120. Garden Apartments, or flat vicinity $125. Phone NO RTH ERLY: By North Main York. New Haven & Hartford ily room, garage, large wood­ the souBvsrty side of Taylor decision of all would come from lion, A i^rently escaped serhMM' hour. 649-8692. age Deep lot. T.J. Oockett, Street; Railroad Company. One Hun­ ...... $5,273.78 pan’s Kyodo News Service re­ Gen, Eisenhoveet Building. parking, 15 Forest St. off Main 536-7589 collect. Realtor, 643-1577. E A S TE R L Y : By land now or for­ dred Seventy-eight (178) feel; in relation to non-public ed lot, $24,900. Phflbflck Agen­ ftt. and Vefhon Town Cincinnati” — where negotiating injury. Her most recent films was merly of Jackmat Corporation and ported from Peking that demon­ NEW YORK (AP) — Foriper St. N o pets. 646-0090,643-5675. school allotment under ’Title cy. RealtoTO, 649-8M7. Line, tfa# Mne niftB westerly in toe nation-wide dispute has ,----- , , Miss Mansfield’s v(o)«yt “FAnlc Button." WORKING ADULT couple de­ and Larsen's Hardw’arc Inc., WICSTERLY: By land now or for­ Subtle Charm strators marched to the Bur­ Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 MANCHESTER beautiful 6 in |>art by each: merly of The W. G. Glenney n of Public Law 89-10, to be $51’, nsr# or MBs; thence been going on. President Dwight D. EUrti- bloody death ended a flaaby • troubles had in- Garden-L.Farm— ONE BEDROOM modern apart­ sires single house for rent. room modified Ranch, breeze- s o u t h e r l y : By land of the New Company ai«i C. R. Burr & ' ‘iOuithMmiBMy 331^, more Or mese Hhnbassy in the Chinese " I ’d like to see that decision hower Is a candid critic of- Ms career as a buxom HoUywoed ^ recent montha Her , York, New Haven & Hartford Company. Incorporated. Thlr- financed from Federal Gov­ capital early today, shouting, AKC BLACK miniature poodles, Dairy Products 50 ment, available July 1st, $120. Call after 5, 649-7071. way, garage, rec room, large Railroad ComiMuiy: and ly-diree (33) feet, more first,” said Gaffney. own paintings. «ex syttabol, replete with person-' BoUkn was severely mauled ernment under ’Title I I of Th« Flower PHlow has; tliilfWto oaafterly 436', "Down with reactionary Bur­ puppy shots, wormed. $75. F i­ per month, including heat. Call c-AiorTT v ri'm x ^ lot. Mitten Agency, Realtors, w e s t e r l y ; By itmd now or for- less. Viewing a collection of his al trotibfes and husbands, {dns ^ hki mother STRAWBERRIES — pick your w rtmio-or, R onltnr 6AQ. FAM ILY OF 5 deslre 3 bedroom ^ C iiy of Howard L, Smith,^ In and to each person appearing of Public Liaw 89-10 $5,273.78. wore or lifM! ihotice north- mese" and, "Down with Ne nancing. Call 875-0337. Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- 643-6930. 1X111. and in part by the Sec- record a.s a holder of any mortgage. _ . 1 0 0 7 / Bribe Testimony canvasses Wednesday at (fie five children. Po)at of beginning. Troops sealed off the zones of N o w 2-fam ily w ith excellen t An undivided one-half Interest in tlon 8-129 of the 1968 Revision of salesman, accepted $100 to get a make a mistake, let’s don’t call Jayne-Marie Mansfield, 16, iU M ftkughter, Jayne Marie, 16, Discerning Pet Owners hot water, electricity, central inpotoe nr pnsilv pnnvprtpd to and to the following parcel of land: the General Statutes of the State of for Vocational Educ».tion ' AppUCdol: Edward Tkares. Rangoon under martial law, income or easily COTvertea to j,o r t h ERLY: By land now or for- ConnecUcut. my stuff art.” Antonio Clmber, 1, were not in turned herself into West Los PICK OWN berries, 28 Hillsdale location, no children or pets. Business Property Program under Fhiblic Law MAUlBOll (ftp. To rtiange to including the area around the suspended driver’s license re­ USE beautiful Colonial. Outbuilding merly of Howard L. Smith. l. The Redevelopment Agency of instated, a witness testified at “ I ’ll tell you," he added, the death car. ■" Angeles prtice, saying a com- Rd., Wapping. Call 643-2814. After 3:30 p.m. For Sole 70 ponqistinc o f 2-par ga ra ge Oue Hundred Seventy-four and the Town of Manchester, acting on 88-210 (Vo<»tional Elducation ftusklesS Bone Hi, all or part Chinese and U.S. EmbdAsies ^consisting 01 2 c a r ga ra ge, (174.37) feet- bchnif of Uie Town of Manchester, the first day of Saidel’s trial. "there’s half a dozen right now Brody had been Miss Mans- panlon of Miss Mansfield had call 643-5060. workshop, full second story, e a s t e r l y : By the First Parcel of ha-s filed with the cnerk of the Su- A ct of 1963), to be financed of on aroa now, in Residence and other diplomatic missions, RED HOUSE KENNELS BOLTON — six family apart­ “ I gave him $100 to get it I ’d like to bum." field’s companion and lawyer. beaten her. She was taken to a T jirgp lot pxppllpnt location Ituid hercinalxive de.scribed; I^rior Court for Hartford CTounly, a by periodic reimbursements Bone B described as foUows: the populous , the Household Goods 51 ment unit. Excellent condition , rge tot, excellen t location. SOUTHERLY; Bv lan.t of the New Statement of Compeasatlon, a copy stmaightened out," Mrs. Mar­ The pictures are part of an His wife had accused him in a police protective facility for For IFIVE ROOMS, first floor, no Large assumable 5% per cent from the Oonneotlcut State Starting at a point on Hie Burmese army headquarters throughout. All three room _ York. Ni'W Haven & Hartford of which Is attached hereto. garet McDuffy of New Haven exhibition entitled ‘^The Memo­ divorce action recently of eom- children. CLEAN, USED refrigerators, pets, adiilts only. Call 643- mortgage. $23,500. • Mitten Railload Comixiny, One Hun- 2. Not less than twelve (12) days, Department of Education. east side a t MDadiiSon' St. emd and the government headquar­ ★ Oomfortized boarding units, all rented. Close to four dred Si'venty-eight (178) feet; nor more than ninety (90) days af- told toe Superior Court jury rable Elsenhower Years," being mltting adultery with MIsa ranges, automatic washers, 5838. Agency, Realtors, 643-6930 l(kl’ south at ESaat Center St., ters. ★ Groomtag aU breeds acres of land. Choice location and ter sendee or mailing _ and first - . - - To: General Fund Budget 1967/ Wednesday. shown to benefit EisetihdWer Mansfield, who was separated W ESTERLY: Bv land now or for- Hcolion of this Notice, as required V the line fdhs southerly 115’, Armored cars were stationed ★ Small animal cemetery R“ n^t?H.q''Ln^mnPPr«4n‘ ^IX ROOMS 3 bedrooms Heat ^ith unlimited possibilities. T. ^aWiiri merly of The W. G. Glenney by said Section 8-129, said Agency 68, Board of Education This was in 1963, Mrs. Mc­ College in Seneca Falls, N.T- from her third husban^,' -Matt B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649' Oomiionv and C. R. Burr & sfiail file with such Clerk a return , more IsM; thehce easterly at major entrances to the areas 12(h Circuit and hot water, nice backyard J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. kitchen, built-in vacuum sys­ ...... $4,914.00 Duffy said. When her license Cimber, a stage director. IR sa ’Two LocaJtixMis Main St. Call 643-2171. Company. Incorporated. Thlr- setting forth the notice given, f’130*, moie or lees; thence as blockades. Some relaxation Children welcome, $135. month­ tem, garage, 119x165 lot. gar­ ty-three (33) feel more* or 3. upon receipt of such return, for payment of one-half the was again threatened with sus­ Richard Rodgers ManafiAld and (Timber had A ly. 875-7362. h*ss. such Clerk shall issue a Certificate cost of equipment for the Vo* aiortherii’Tftft'i otbre or lees, in toe blockade was permitted child, Antonio, 1. Somers and WiiMlington, Oomn. SEWING MACHINE -Singer den, trees, $21,900. Hutchins 7. The ttame.s and addresses of of Taking for recording in the Of- early today so housewives could pension in 1965, she-: said, ^ e NiEW YORK (A P )—It was Court Cases Land For Sale 71 all persons having a record Intei'est flee of the Town Clerk of Manchea,- oatlortal Education Progfmm, $6 preejat ftne ot Business turned again to Spaidel for help a real nice clambake for com­ Miss Mansfield waA'‘ borti 749-4531 429-1496 automatic zig-zag Iv cabinet, LOVELY 4 room apartment, Agency, Realtors, 649-5324. go to market. Diplomatic per­ therein are as follows; ter. to be financed by periodic Bone HI; thenct westerly —and her license was reinstated poser Richard Rodgers as he April l9, 1933 1 n Bryn Mawr, button holes, embroiders, hems first floor, heat on heat stove, INDUSTRIAL LAND for sale on a. The W. G. Glenney Company, 4. Upon the recording of said Cer^ sonnel also were allowed to go MANCiHESTEB SESSION SIX ROOM Split level, dish­ a Coimecticut corporation with tiflcate. title to said premises reimbursements from the along prosent BiMness Zone again. celebrated his 65th birthday. Pa., and grew up in Phillips- 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Daily etc. Like new condition. Orig­ parking, available July 1, no Packer St. 649-3391, ask for to and from their embassies. A Manchester cafe owner washer, stove, 2-zone heat, wall its principal place of business bounded and described as follows: Oonneotlout State Depart: m , to pMnt of beginning. Saidel is being tried on a His day began Wednekday burg, N.J. Her real name was Sundays Included inally over $300, balance n(J^, pets, adults only. Call 649-1928 Danny. at North Main Street. .Man- those cerlah% pieces or parcels of The government said it was and operator pleaded not guil­ to wall, ^autiful finished fam­ cheater. Connecticut land situated in the Town of Mon- ment of Educatiem. ’this is . an extension of Vera Jayne Palmer. Later she $58. Take civer payments of taking the drastic measures to charge of perjury in connection with a two-hour salute on toe ty this morning to pool selling before 7 p.m. ily roonT with bar, 100x200 b. C. R. Burr & Compoaiy, Incor- Chester. County of Haitford and Business Bohe H i. Applicant; moved to Texas and graifuated $10. monthly. 522-0476. porated, a Connecticut corpora- State of Connecticut, bounded and John 1. Garside Jr. protect foreign missions and toe with what he told a one-man NBC television "Today” show and poUcy selling. He elected treed and fenced In yard, new­ tlon with Its principal! place of described as follows: Vaientinb -Fiano. from Hlghlancl Park High GROOMING A L L breeds. H a r - ---- NEW 3 ROOM apartment with Houses For Sole 72 Secretory lives and property of all foreign­ grand Jury that investigated al­ and continued through tributes a Jury trial in East Hartford ly painted. ’This is a truly clean business at ^ 6 Nortn Main _____ PARCEL: ^T^LAND iTPKE. (Interior Schoel in Dall&s and attended mony Hills. H.C. Chase, He- M AH O G ANY twin beds;■ maple appliances, $100 per month. Street, Manchester, Conneoti- NORTHERLY; By North Main Board of DirectoirB ers. leged license-fixing last year. by almost everybody impolttot July 18. step table; maple dining ta­ MANCHESTER—7 room home, and well kept home. Wolverton cut Street: "- P a rc el) T o ';change to Busi- toe University of Texas and the brbn Rd., Bolton, 643-5427. J.D. Real Estate, 643-5129. Manchester, Conn. AcCorinding to toe record of shbw business. The accused, Sebastian F. ble; tape recorder. Call 649- nice location and condition, ' Agency, Realtors, MLS. 649- c. The Federal Land Bank of EASTE R LY: By laJid now or for­ . hesB all or part of University of California at Los Springfield, a United States merly of Jackmat Corporation Dated a t Manchester, Can- Zottii M in Saidel’s testimony before the At a luncheon given by toe Scata, 51, of Hailford, owner ADORABLE puppies—Pedigree 0098. $14,500. Mitten Agency, Real­ 2813. , corpoiatlon having its principal and Larsen's Hardware, Inc., neotlcut, this twenty-second ftroa mUy iA Rural Resldesce investigator, Saldel denied re- American Society of Compokers, AngeleA, iq t EEC Trade Tops U.S. of Frank’s Cafe on Main SI., or mixed. Wild Cargo Pot FIVE ROOM duplex, adults pre­ tors, 643-6930. place of business” at 310 St^e in I^ri by each: ^ ^' ceiving any money but did say Authors and Publishers, Iptch Her ascent to fame came ac- Street, Springfield. Massachu- SOUTHERLY: By land of the New June 1967< ; 'Bone dlKit^bCd (M fbllowa: of Frank’s CAfe with the gam­ Shop, 643-6108. ferred, 643-4857. ai-tta York. New Haven & Hartford ' )|$oiithcm by the (ftniUi Wind- GENEVA — The European he spoke to an assistant clerk Miller lead a group of aluiiini of cideiitolly when a press agent JOIN THE prosperous Investors jtANCHEIS’rB R , Southern New England Produc- Railroad Company: and bling offenses Jun 12 after an TWO REFRIGERATORS, one ’e»r ToiM line, 130', more or Economic Community sold $29.4 in toe State Senate on behalf Rodgers shows in singing "Hap- managed to get her on a putdict- WANTED—GOOD home for 1 vdth this sound 3-family, $2,- tlon Credit Ajssoctatlon, a Undl- W E S TE R LY: By land now or tor investigation by state and lo- electric stove. 643-4884. ed States corporation having merly of Howard L. Smith, in part teas; Basteirfy by the Vernon billion worth of goo^ to other of Mrs. McDuffy. py Birthday." ty Junket to Florida for a Jane little kittens. 649-6480 after Furnished 760 income per year. Priced at its principal office at 69 Lata- and in part by the Second cni police. FIVE BEDROOMS Town lin e , 1246', m ore o r countries last year, slightly Five men, inclding Saidel, The singers included Diahaim Russell movie. She hapidly 6 ;30, anytime weekends. 53 PIECES Mary Chilton sterl­ only $17,900. Call Paul W. Dou­ yette Street. Hartford. Connec­ Parcel hereinafter described. Judge John Daly susprtided. ing flatware, engraved S. Ex- Apartments 63-A ticut SECOND PABCEL less; Sotitherly by land of more than the $29.2 blUion sold were arrested as a result of toe RarroU of "No Strings A lfre d posed for photographers In a gan, Realtor, 649-4535. Two fuW baths, ideail foir c. The Four Belles Company, a An undivided one-half interest in probe by Superior Court Judge skimpy red bikini and stole the imposition of any sentence In" AKC registered poodle puppies, 'cellent. Retail $518 selling for 3,^^ ROOMS, furnished or unfur- Coimecticut corporation with and to the foUowrlng parcel of land: jam e«a A. McCarthy and the by toe United States. The EEC’s Drake of “OklalKxna’’ and large famSly, only 13 yearns - ■ ------” " land now o or for- show from Miss Russell and ^ MriDonough, 2 males and 2 females, tem­ $250. 649-3114. CHENEY ESTATE 14 rooms, 4 lt.s prinolpal place of bu.tlncss NOR’I'H E R L Y : By TaicoUviHe Company, partly imports totaled $30.7 billion; toe Alva P. Loiselle, acting as a Edith Meiser of "Garrick Gaie­ nished; oil heat, adults, park­ old in exceMenit condiitlon. at 276 North Main Street. Man- merlyy of ' Howard ' L. Smlth. one-man grand Jury. other glamour girls on toe trip. plead- porary shots, wormed, $70. 32 baths, 2 car garage, approx Chester. Oonnecilcu't. One 1Hundred Seventy-four and TALLWOOD on eatftj ftSO’, mOte or less; United. States’ were about $25 ties," the first Rodgers-Hart hit ing, shady. New Bolton Rd. Conventtont souitJh end loca­ This brought her a contract' At 'b> Intoxication. Crestwood Rd., Coventry. imately 3 acres of Iqnd. By ap­ f. The Equitable Life Aasuraiice iir'iuu37 400 (174.37) leei;feet; ^ ^ ______.. • .. Barterty ;fiy iMtd The Tal- blUlon. on Broadway. reasonable, '643-6389. tion. Offered at $21,500. Society of the United States, a E ASTE R LY: By the First Parcel of IS a U lU q U e C O m m U n itV O I URBAN GRANTS Warner Bros. youths FOUR ROOMS of furniture for pointment. Philbrick Agency, New York corporationporation author-auinor- . landlaiiu hereinaboveIiereuiaoove described:ut?9i:rri,R^: m. , __ •. •. a , Two graceful ideata distin­ Srightm the or chair 40 feet, WASHINGTON (AP) — The After a lew small roles, shS yj*** transfewed to Juvenile sale. Call 644-0008. ROCKVILLE —3 and 4 room Kealtors, 649-6347. l2t‘d to do business In the State SOUTHERLY: By land of the New l i n e llO m eS i n a p n v a t e guish this charming and well- of Connecticut, York. New Haven & Hartford , , ... m . with either (or ftdth) of these -’iiMofe d^lW i flou$|M>ly by the Department of Housing and struck It rich in a Broadway d l^ lU o n . Thomas FR E E —kittens to g(x>d homes. completely furnished, central­ g. ’The Savings Bank of Manches­ Railroad Company. One Hun- W O O ued S e t t in v , T w O ItlO d cI potsed design made especially ■niil ‘l)Bloottyine Oom- INVITATION 1966 FRIGIDAIRE washer, used MANCHE S T B R — executive dred Seventy-eight (178) feet; v , , . Crocheted tlw er puiows! Hie Urban Development announced Math Teacher show, "Wm Success Spoil Rock ^ Ihin|>hy, 17, of 667 North Inquire 193 Maple St. ly located, parking, private L. C. GREENOUGH ter. a Connecticut corporation for toe fuller figure. Add a soft one month, best offer. Call 649- home, Porter St. area, 8% having an office and principal and . nomes for your unhurried Cotora Am gay; the stitchea |iaay, M'; more or lees; West­ Wednesday approved of these Hunter?” tn which she made A Main St., was charged with place of bu lne.s.s a-s 923 Main W ESTERLY: By land now or for- . t , (jdng belt for a trim accent at 1605. entrance. Call 875-8322. 3 easy: and when completed, erly by Alexander Jarvts, T O BID Awarded CAS startling impression attired breach of peace and Soott rooms, 2 baths, 2 lavs, 4 large 647-9921 „ Street, Manchesler, Connectl- merly of The W. G. Glenney in S P e C tlO n . J u s t O ff S o u t h toe natural waist. funds to help finance projects TH REE CUTE black and white bedrooms, Florida room, 27’ cut. Company and C. R. Burr & „ . v v. x they’ re dellghtfud to use. 450', more or less; Northerty Sealed bids 'will be received in Omnecticut; solely tn a towel. After the run Oreene, 17, of WilUmaqtlc was RUGS; KITCHEN set; de^; THREE ROOM apartment, fur­ h. The Manche.ster Water Com- Company, Incorporated. Thlr- M a i n b t r s e t , 5 m ln u tS S No. 8146 with Pstt-orama is female kittens, free. 643-5651. kitchen with built-l'ns, inter- Pattern No. 6190 has com­ by Alexander Jarvis, 135', at the office of the General Connecticut Department of Frank B. Hounsell of 11 Lyn­ of toe play, 20th Century-Fox charged with breaking and en- bureaus and beds, good condi­ nished, private bath and en­ pany, a Connecticut corpora- tynthrie (33) feet, more or „ , „ for sizes 36 to 62, bust 88 to com, completely air-condition- MANCHESTER — 3% acres of tion having Its office and prin- le a s ,, f r o R i M a n c h e s t e r C e n t e r o n plete crochet directions. more or hue; Westerty by Manager , 41 Center Street, Agriculture and Natural Re­ wood Dr., Bolton, was award­ hired her for toe film verslcm, in tering.with criminal intent. P E T LOVERS—please help, 3 tion. 643-8698. trance, utilities, no pets. 224 chml place of buslneas at 346 shall vest in the Town of Manebes- 54. Size 38, 40 bust, SH yards ed a Sixth Year Certificate of Charter Oak St. 643-8368. ed. 2-car garage, beautifully land surround this nice 3 bed- North Main Street. Mancheater. ter. the right to Just compens^lon t o w n li n e To Older, send SOc in coins Alexander Jervis, 667', more Manchester, Conn., until Jifly sources—$27,700 grant for pur­ which she gave an ImperMna- Rosaris Lantleri, 18, of East kittens need good homes. Call Ctoniiectlcut shall vest in the persona entlUed “ j, uuw u lu ic . of 46-inch. Advanced Study at Wesleyan PORTABLE TV, excellent con­ landscaped lot.. For further in- room Ranch for the enjoyment plus Klc l o t flrst-MoM mail- or lem; NorHWventeriy toy lO, 1967 at l*l:00 am. for ONE chase of 130 Acres In Middle- " lion of toe studio’s reigning Hartford pleaded guilty to a 649-4714. 8. The Agency has determined thereito and the said Agency may O p e n 1 -9 . To order, send SOc in (xiins University’s 136th Oommehce dition, $90. Blond step table, formation call R. F. Dimock of privacy, gardening or that the amount of compensation to enter upon said property and take ^ __ __ plus 10c for first-class mailing CSaftot, Manches- W «m r 4$ridla Pofltway, SIO*. U ) % TON PICKUP 'muCK, field, Including Lake Beseck, ' Mkittyn Monroe. substitute charge of speeding Business Locations Co., 649-5245. new pony for the kids. Call be paid to the persons entitled whatever action may be proposed Rerald, 1160 AVE.fi,.store Ap^cant: Tal- OMIB (T) BIXCYLillNDERPAB- ment. Her personal life also, proyld- ahd was fined $36. He was $8. Call after 4, 742-8261. Uieroto for such property with rerard thereto by the project m B B K I - ter Evenfr*- for development of a recreation ------:------now, $20,500. P auI W. Dougan FREE—PARAKPET with cage, For Rent 64 to be Sixty Thouaand ($60.- area redevelopment Plan. 1 O f S D C C R i n i l O L J t > r \ Sue Burnett, Manchester Bve- ~ NEW TORlL ’> Oorpo- SES4GBR CAR. area. Hounsell, a graduate ogKWPe ed grirt for toe coluimUsts. ttic originally charged with rertt- FOUR BEDROOM Ranch con- Realtor. 649-4535. OUO.OO) Dollars, and has filed 5. Such Notice shall Und L . U . U K B E i w U U u n G U * Sththm. , ' . ! ' Bid fbitna, plans and epecifl- Teajchers College, holds ah’MH. was married at i6 to a public I®*® driving and evading re-, finger trained. Call 649-9982. veniently located near East ______^ ^ _____ simultaneously herewith its de- peisoii named herein and the widow ntng Herald, 1166 A V B . O F Sprague—$3,850 grant for pur­ GAS HEATER, will heat 6 LARGE CORNER store, down­ posit and bond as ptwiided In or whlower. Weirs. representaUves I AMERICAS. NEW FOBK> N.V. ^ Nome, A d (^ with J J l int^fiEted (tBraOhs may At- cations Are available at the chase of 19 acres for recreation- degree from Temple UnlveraUy. relattotta man, Paul Mansfield, RxmslbUlty in connection with rooms. Call 647-1015. town Manchester 45x70' Par­ Hartford. Large living room FIV E ROOM Cape, furnace 7 Section 8-130 of the 1968 RevI- and credHora df each person named I He earned, the CA.S. at WCs- and WA8 Rvoroed early in her An accident involving a pedes- .Sion nf the General Statutes of herein, who now or hereafter may ■ Zip Code And fitylB rhtmber. i A d this Eeilrtiig. Piurcfaasing Office, 41 Center development. Llv* Stock 42 tially finished ba.sement. Call with fireplace, 2 ceramic baths, years old, oil Jiot water, new leyan’s Graduate BuoUner careCr. A romance with musele- trian. EXTENSION maple table; re­ the Stale of Connecticut. be dead. ____ Print Name, Address with Zip a copy of ; . ftlaimhig and Street, Mancheater, Oonneotl- Windsor—$16,800 grant for 522-3114. unusual 14 x 20 family room. gutters and down spots, ex­ MANCHF.STER MANCHESTER_____ School for teachers. He f i a meh Mickey Haigttay was wide- Nolle was entered in the VERY WELL broke buckskin production Hitchcock chair; 2-car garage. Excellent value, tremely fine neighborhood and RED EVELO PM ENT AGENCY REDEVELOPtVBENT AGENCTY Code, Style Number and Use. the new’6T S prln g-«t^er Al- :'ftpatng OommlnMAtt cut. purchase of 12 acres for park By: GARBITY. WAI.SH * DIANA By; GARRITY,. WALSH & DIANA. ' B. Lamenne, Town of Mjanchorter, evelopment. mathematics instructor .. at ly publicized at a time When hie ®A*e o f Robert L. McOoin, 16, gelding. Bay gelding, sound, six recaned Victorian dining WAREHOUSE for rent, approx- .10 per cent down, 30 year mort- heavily treed lot, $14,800. Wol­ Its Atlonievs Its Attorneys Keep pace with the latest fash- V.,: Wert Hartford—$34,698 for Manchester Community Col- was appearing In Mae Wert’s o i 1*4 Spruce St. charged With gentle plee^re horse. Call chairs; antique Boston rocker. Imately 800 square feet, near gage available Wesley R. verton Agency, Realtors, MLS, A lnii> cony ...... A true copy _ _ , . ions by B e rin g the 1967 im ing m n PAlWfiw In droohet, knit, GtoairBAan Oonnectiout “ Atte.st; * ------Clarence E. Poley. Deputy Attest; Clarence. E. Foley. Deputy IMB Robert B. Weias, development of 17-acre park lege. He la married an<( haa night-club act. MUs Wert huttlly Using a motor vehicle without and Summer Basis Fashlen- 60c eWtrtoldefy, quitthift and stw-* w. wmi, 742-7035. 643-6826. Main St. Call 643-1378. Smith, Realtor, ,643-1567. 649-2813. Sheriff, Hartford County Sheriff. Hartford County two children. fired Harfitay bCcatMC' of the permission. A copy. General Manager site.

'A'-.- 'v; ..Xf- THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1967 PAGE TWENTY-POUR iManrlwatfr Ettwing l|mU> Average Dally Net Preee Run V ' For Tbo tVeek Yhided The WeaAer, . Mh.y 20, 1967 About Town Many Items Face Directors Cloudy, gradual clearing to­ night, low near eo; fair and ■^^Three ^bmchester area resi­ For^ Discussion Next Week 1 5 ,2 1 0 wanner tomorrow, high In 80s. dents ai« delegate to a Gen­ Mtmiche$ter— A. City of Village Charm eral Synod o f the United 'The long agenda facing the to reduce or eliminate water Church o f Christ this week In iBoard of Directors Wednesday pollution. VOL. LX X X V I, NO., 230 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) Cincinnati, Ohio. Tliey are the includes apprdVal of a work­ Public hearings will be held MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1967 (Classified Adv^lslng on Page 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Rev. Felix M. Davis, pastor of ing agreement with Local 991, and action may- be taken on Second Congregational Church; American Federation of State, four appropriations to the Mrs. Carl Chinderson o f 116 Ol- County and Municipal E5m- Board of Education, totaling cott Dr.; and the Rev. George ployes; the consideration of $59,969. All are washout items, k. Svans, pastor Of Columbia Rema to be included In a pro­ to be financed by equal state Cfcngregatlonai Church. posed Capital Improvements and federal grants. Bond Issue for school and mu­ Other items on the agenda John D. Mlnnlck, son of Mr. nicipal projects; the allocation are: on Admits U.S.'Bombs and Mrs. Wllltem J. Mlnnlck of of funds for preparation of 1. The appointment o f Di­ 250 WethereU St., Is parUcipat- plans for an Oakland-Parker rector of Public Works Wil­ Ihg in a U.S. Air Force Reserve Sts. connector; the allocation liam O’Neill to the Adminis­ Officers Training Corps field of funds for improvements at tration Council for lEconontlc training encampment at Lock- the Olcott St. Disposal Area; Opportunity, to replace Walter bourne AFB, Ohio. and the allocation of funds for S. Fuss, designed. topographical maps for the 2. Consideration of two pro­ May Have Hit Soviet Ship P vt Daniel W. TiofekJt, son of Northeast Sewer Interceptor posed amendments to the Pen­ Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Tofeldt Project. sion Ordinance, concerning dis­ of 70 Mather St, has recently The board meeting will be at ability benefits. completed a field radio repair 8 p.m. In the Municipal Build­ 3. Consideration of the In­ course at the Army South­ ing Hearing Ro-,%n. stallation o f sanitary sewers l/.]V . Nearing eastern Signal School, F t Gor­ The agreement with Local on Hillside and Buckingham G>ncession don, Ga. 991 must be settled on the Sts. and the assessment o f costs against benefiting property Show dow n basis of an across-the-board Is S e c o n d Miss Mauy Louise Blake of raise for 1967-68. The Local owners. 46 Elsie Dr. and Miss Jane L. had asked for a 30-cents per 4. The allocation of $1,100 On Mideast Wagner of 131 Bolton St have hour raise buf, after negotia­ for the cost of an oversize During June water pipe in Dartmouth Rd. recently been named bo the tions with Town Manager Rob­ tXNITED NA'nONS, N.Y. dean’s list foiivthe ^ rin g se­ ert Weiss, had settled for 20 5. The acceptance of a g;lft (AP) — The U.N. General As­ WASHINGTON (AP) — from St. Bridget Church of a mester at Albertus-Magnus Col­ cents. The board, when it sembly approached a showdown parcel of land abutting N. The Pentagon, in the sec­ lege, New Haven. adopted the 1967-68 General today on whether any call for ond such admission this Fund budget, allowed for a 15- School St., at Union Pond. Israeli troops to leave captured 6. Consideration of the Solu­ month, conceded today cent raise. Arab lands should depend on the tion of a drainage problem on American hiombers might The Capital Improvement Arabs finally declaring peace Personal Notices items to be considered Include School St. , with Israel. have hit a Soviet ship as 7. Approval of a new salary $879,000 for renovation of old­ Kflypt. Jordan, Syria and Le­ iftiey attacked I^phong range for the position o f town er schools, plus ^100,000 addi­ banon have held that, despite hai^bOr oil installations. engineer. The .proposed range In Memoriam tional for the Lincoln School, their armistice agreements with TTie new incident took. place Is $8,840—611,610. plus sums for air conditioning South Vietnamese Chief of State Nguyen Van Thieu, left, and Prime Minister Israel in 1949, the year the Jew­ Thursday. The previous one was 1>. loving memory of Oeorge N. 7. The allocation of $21,- RiK-eeti who passed away one year Mary Cheney Library and pos­ Nguyen Oao Ky, shown together in Saigon last year, have joined forces to run ish nation was formed by war, June 2, but the American ad­ 900 for improvements to East ago. sibly the Municipal Building on the same ticket in September’s presidential electiDn. they remain in a state of war mission that it might have oe- Cemetery. Th,.ugh hJs smile is gone forever, and Police Station, plus Items with her. Egypt has used this to curred was delayed until June Aik Ms hand we cannot touch. 8. The allocation of $5,890 for 20 wl)ile investigation went on. Wt will never lose sweet memories. for improving the heating sys­ justify keeping Israeli shipping Oi the one we loved so much. Ferguson Rd. sidewalks. out of the Suez Canal. The statement from the De­ tems In the last two buildings. 9. Consideration of rescind­ A $20,500 allocation will be The stttowdown llnvotvies two fense Department followed ■nie Rudeen Family ing an Oct. 18, 1966 vote which considered for preparation of rival resolitUons. One intro­ Circus Recreates Scene of Long Ago quickly on the heels of an an­ approved a 10-foot-wlde ease­ Ky Bows, Drops Bid nouncement from Moscow that plans for an Oakland-iParker duced by 15 nonaligned nations ment to the Hartford Gas Co., Recreating a scene familiar to generations past, workmen and t^m s of horses Sts. connector, for opening the calls for an immediate Israeli a "resolute protest” had been running for 1,898 feet from ■load parade wagons from the Circus World Museum at Barahoo, Wis., aboard FOR area for industrial use. withdrawal from Egypt, Jordan lodged over such an incident. Keeney St., over Globe Hollow and Syria, and asks that only double-length flat railroad cars for trip to Milwaukee. The $1.5 million collec­ The U.S. statement: A $20,000 allocation will be land. An explanation of the tion of circus wagons will appear in the Fburth of July parade highligliting "During an attack on the Hai­ considered for constructing a after withdrawal should the Se­ Cosmetics proposed rescinding action will curity CouncU consider "ques­ Old Milwaukee Days. A steam locomotive pulled the train. phong petroleum storage facil­ dike and access road along Hop be given at the meeting. For Viet Presidency tions pertaining to the situation ities located in the dock area in Brook and for other Improve- Haiphong two U.S. aircraft as­ ITS menls to the Disposal Area, all in the area.” ries. Now there is no posslbUity makes him virtually unbeata­ signed to protect the bombing designed to add two or three Offshore Oil Gains SAIGON (AP) — Pies^ Latin-American and Western of a split in the armed forces.” ble. delegations intended to submit a Third Night of Trouble planes from ground air defenses years to its vise. LONG BEACH, Calif.—Some sure from military col­ Camel What? Liggeffs The premier was reported to The ’Thleu-Ky combination resolution today to have the as­ attacked an air defense site ap­ A $25,000 allocation will be 20 oovmtries around the world leagues forced Premier Nguyen Cao Ky to with­ have told his staff later: "We also eliminates the possibility sembly call for the withdrawal KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) proximately 6(X) yards from the At The Paricade considered for topographical are producing oil by offshore have made some mistakes in that their competition would of troops and the renunciation of location of the ship which the mappings in the Northwest drilling. ’The production equals draw today as a candidate — "Two camel what?” ask­ our relations with Gen. Thieu, split the military, a fear the Arab belligerency, provide for a 30 Hurt, 100 Arrested ed the police dispatOher. Soidets state was damaged. MANCHESTER Sewer Interceptor Area, a joint 4 million barrels a day. By the for president of South but now let’s start working to­ United States has been express­ U.N. representative or mediator “ Although pilots are under project of the town and the mid-1980s It may exceed on­ Vietnam. He will run in­ gether.’’ ing since Ky and Thieu both "Two camel saddles," re­ instructions to avoid Soviet to help with a settlement and plied the caller. 8th Utilities District, designed shore output. stead for the vice presi­ Obviously Ky, the extrovert, decided to run for president. ask the Security CouncU to work In Buffalo Race Biots shipping. It Is ixissible that cer­ any of you good neighbors Exiplained Margaret King, M feel the same Sure of speedy, easy shopping. Our shin­ dency on a ticket headed by had lost a great deal of power ’The Thleu-Ky ticket was ex­ on further problems. tain of the ordnance directed at BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — Police estimated that about 1,- who reported the theft of the

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