(Iowa City, Iowa), 1951-04-24
The Weather Reading on M.oIU, e... .,. and mild , Good Page 2 todaJ' with a few sutter ~ ed sh.wers over DOI1h ~ Slon I. M. Robel;U, AP Forelrn Aftaln AIIaIYII.. interprets the British Labor erl west half of state. Wed [The 1o", *: Mlchla'an rovernor appoints newlman neld.a, cloudy wUb ooca IIODal .b.we.... wninr tn bUd~ te Vandenberr's senate post; Mr•. MacAr. eomlllit~ thllr told !he reDeraJ of Truman's order; cooler over west portion. laif hOUt! Edltorlall: war map. 'Iurn to pace 2 for Low toda" 45-50; bllh, ilness Ie$, rood readin&,. at owan. 65-7', Lo", MODUY, 27; hllh H. &.to 1868·- AP Leaaed Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - Five CeDta Iowa City, Iowa, Tuesday, April 2., 1951 - Vol. 85, No. 169 Lons o!?ld of Argumeont ~efore ~::~n!!~~-~re-:--R-e-=-d-Offensive Smashes South, Davehs Death: Brother-m-Law Rain Predicted All· R t · tAil 'AI L- III MARVIN BRAVERMAN Coralville. Under examination by , A brother-in-law to James Lons local Atty. D. C. Nolan, special (Picture OD Paqe 6) les e rea ong I ne testified in Johnson county district prosecutor, Loghry said Lons told B1 Tb. "'<told P,o.. court Monday that Lons told him him In February or March ot River towns along the Iowa-D- he bad an argument with Andrew 1950 he was thinking about fir- Unois state line were throwing Davelis about a week before ing Davelis and was going to give up barricades Monday to keep thc Davells'death and that Lons said him 30 days notice.
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