Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1968-06-27
House Approves, Forecast After a Fashion, ail Iowan Serving the University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City $17 Billion Bill Established in 1868 10 centa a copy Iowa City, [owa S22e-Tbunday, JWIe !'T, lSI&I Was th, WASHINGTON t.1'! - The House voted a normany . battered $17 billion appropriation for a Day,~ group of socia l. medical and educational single.. agencies Wednesday night after slashing poverty lunds $100 million - and then re WOlllen's lin ~ versing the vote and restoring the money. Congressional Reaction The final amount approved for the Office of Economic Opportuity, which administers the poverty program, was $307 million be low President Johnson's budget rerom mendation due to previous cuts by Ibe House Appropriations Committee. To High Court Bid Mixed After seesaw votes on a number of edu cational items, the total allowed the Of· WASHINGTON III - Opposition to two a president appointing a chief justice in lions, dedined comment But the nexl fice of Education fell $414.5 million below his ranlI:in, Democrat, Sen. L. McClell Johnson's recommendations. presidential appointmEnts to the Supreme the waning months of term, indicat John Key votes came under the eyes of a Court was voiced Wednesday nithl by at ed, how~ver, that he and others may fi· an of Arkansas, said be doell not expect delegation of the Poor People's Campaign least one congre man, who said he had lilmster agamst conftrmotJons. tile nomination of a new chief justice in the House gallery. But the group of considerable support in the Senate and If the Dominal:on are broutht up, he "will uil tb:rouIh" the Senate_ about 45 left quietly before final passage raised the possibility of filibusters aeainsl teClellan said ill view ollhe many con which came on a voice vote.
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