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The George-Anne Student Media Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 4-23-1964 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (1964). The George-Anne. 2534. This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Nominations THE For Congress Anne Monday Published by the Students of Georgia Southern College Volume 37 STATESBORO,■ GEORGIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1964. NUMBER 24 Congress Nominates New Officers ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ fDialogue On Morals' Will Keynote REW UNC Professors Hartley, Stephens Head Slate; Debate Questions Student Nominations Set Monday In May Program Ten candidates were nominat- Blanchard, a transfer from By HALLEY FENNELL ed by the Student Congress last Augusta College, has served as News Editor week to run in the annual spring president of Delta Pi Alpha, lo- elections, and students will have cal service fraternity, and vice- Dr. Maynard Adams and Dr. their opportunity to add to that president of the Young Demo- Arnold Nash, both professors at list at an open meeting of the crats. Stokes, a transfer from the University of North Carolina, Congress Monday night. Manatee College in Florida, is will present a “Dialogue on Mor- John Williford, Congress Presi- Social Committee Chairman of als” to GSC students on Thurs- dent, said the open meeting will Delta Sigma Pi, professional day, May 7 in connection with be held in room 115 of the Frank business administration fratern- Religious Emphasis Week, ac- I. Williams Center Monday at ity, and served as chairman of cording to Norman Wells, in- 6:30 p.m., and expressed hope Homecoming activities this structor in mathematics and that there would be additions year; he is also on the men’s publicity chairman for the Re- made by the ' student body to Off-campus House Council. ligious Activities Committee. the list of candidates nominated Nominees for second vice In the morning session, which by the Congress. The official president were Pat Blanchard, a begins at 10 a.m., Dr. Adams elections will be held on May 4. business administration major will present “The Ground of L. W. Hartley, a business ad- from Harlem, and Holt Johnson, Moral Judgments” which will be Dr. Maynard Adams Dr. Arnold Nash ministration major from Savan- Continued on Page 12 followed by a critical attack by UNC Professors Will Speak Here May 7 nah, and Robert Stephens, a Dr. Nash. Students may question math major from Vidalia, were Dr. Adams following his speech. nominated by the Congress to Dr. Nash will also speak on run for President. 3-Story Academic Sociology and Religion at 3 p.m. Hartley is currently president and will be followed with a crit- of the Brannen Hall House Coun- icism by Dr. Adams. Ten Class Periods cil, vice president of Phi Beta facility continues The members of the Religious Lambda and sergeant-at-arms of Activities Committee feel that Alpha Phi Omega. Stephens is building growth the program, which was pro- currently state president of the posed by Dr. Samuel T. Habel, Student National Education As- With ground breaking cere- chairman, would be most help- Effective In Fall sociation. Both will be seniors monies completed Tuesday, the ful to our student body since next fall. new three-quarter million dollar there seems to be at this time Beginning in September, a new class schedule will go into Nominated for first vice presi- classroom building will be under a great interest in the question effect adding a tenth period to the college day, according to Dr. dent were Jim Blanchard, a po- construction around the first of of moral behavior and ethics. Zach S. Henderson, GSC president. litical science major from Ev- May, according to Dr. Zach S. Dr. Adams is presently chair- Ruled on by the President’s growth in enrollment,” Dr. ans, and Don Stokes, a business Henderson, president of Georgia man of the department of phil- Advisory Committee, the new Averitt concluded. administration major from Brad- Southern. enton, Fla. osophy at UNC, and is also au- schedule will operate on the Anderson and Davis Construc- thor of several books on philoso- half-hour basis. The first period tion Company, of Albany con- phy. He holds A. B. and M. A. class will begin at 7:30 a.m. and tracted to do the building after degrees from the University of the tenth period class, or final making an underbid over ten Richmond, a B. D. degree from period, will end at 5:20 p.m. other companies. The low bid the Colgate-Rochester Divinity Nine ‘Belles’ Compete For made by the Albany contractors School, and a M. A. and Ph. D. The action was taken in order to adequately handle inspected was $609,424. from Harvard University. The new classroom facility will He is a member of several increase in enrollment in Sep- tember, Dr. Henderson said. ‘Miss Spring Blossom’ Title house the social science, busi- Continued on Page 12 ness, and language divisions. He also stated that there was By JANICE McNORRILL The queen, a senior business Some physical education classes no other alternative but to add administration major from La- will also be housed there. the extra class period, and that Staff Writer Fayette, was escorted by Betty On the main floor — the first HonorsDayPlans the measure was being taken “Miss Spring Blossom of 1964” Jo Akins and was sponsored by floor — the divisions of lan- because of the lack of adequate Kappa Phi Kappa. Magnolia will classroom space. will make her debut in McCroan guages and social science will be Auditorium tonight at 8:00 p.m. return to crown the 1964 winner housed. Some 14 classroom Near Completion The ten-period schedule will in the sixth annual “Blossoms ad to repeat her performance spaces along with 14 offices will go into effect in September. It of Spring” Reverse Beauty Re- from last year. be located on this floor. A fully Three groups, of students will is only a temporary change and vue. Miss Azalea (Wayne) Ellis, equipped psychology laboratory be given recognition during the will probably be abolished upon Nine Southern “belles” have “Miss Spring Blossom of 1962” will also be housed here. annual Honors Day Convocation the completion of the new class- entered the competition, accord- will also repeat the talent which Also planned for the first floor scheduled for McCroan Auditor- room building in the Fall of 1965, ing to Kay Osburn, who was in won “her” the coveted title. are special speech classrooms ium on May 11, as plans for the Dr. Henderson pointed out. charge of entries. The contes- Nine contestants, representing and language laboratories. occasion near completion, ac- tants will be judged on poise, various organizations and dormi- The third floor will provide cording to Miss Jane Barrow, The last time a change was beauty, and talent. tories on campus, have enter- made in the class period sche- facilities for the business divis- chairman of the Honors Commit- Admission is .25 cents and a ed the “Blossoms of Spring Con- ion.. Approximately 16 offices tee. dule was in 1961-62, when the door prize will be given away. test. The contestants, their spon- 4 p.m. class was added, extend- and 16 classrooms will be placed Clifford M. Clarke from the Wesley Fundation sponsors the sors and their escorts are as fol- on this floor. Associate Industries of Georgia ing the number of periods to Reverse Beauty Revue and will lows: will be the guest speaker for the nine. give the proceeds to the Meth- Forget-me-not (Chris) Fuse, Special classrooms will be pro- occasion. odist Student Movement. Lamar Hendricks Hall; Pansy (Dick) vided for business machines, Commenting on the new shorthand and typing. The first group to be honored period, Dr. Jack N. Averitt, Harris will seve as Master of Broderson, Lewis Hall, “Tiny” will be those who have main- Ceremonies. Harrell; Daisy (Blimp) Davis, On the ground floor, or base- chairman of the division of ment level, six classrooms and tained a 3.8 grade point ratio or social sciences and member of Miss Magnolia (Burl) Patter- Music Division, Jamie Waters; better for five consecutive quar- son was chosen queen of the Sunflower (Herbert) Shippey, seven offices will be provided. the President’s Advisory Com- Also on this floor, will be located ters. mitte, stated that “The addi- 1963 pageant. McCroan Auditor- BSU, Veronica Stokes; Seniors who, in the opinion of ium was filled to capacity, and Also: Magnolia (John) May- a special mechanization room. tion of the tenth period is nec- The contemporary styled struc- the faculty, have given out- essary because of the increase the audience cheered as Mag- berry, S.G.E.A., Rose Arnold; standing leadership and unself- nolia, dressed in a silver grey Rose (Roff) Rawl, Home Eco- ture is scheduled for completion in enrollment resulting in ad- by the Fall quarter of 1965. ish service to the college will be ditional staff members.” formal and a fox stole, did a nomics Club, Sarah Ray; Poin- honored in the second group. pantomine of “A Good Man Is settia (Gilbert) Peel, Alpha Dr. Henderson stated that The third group will be those “This is a part of the growth Hard To Find” for “her” talent.
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