Connecticut Daily Campus Strtrinf $Torr$ SHK* 1196
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Connecticut Daily Campus Strtrinf $torr$ SHK* 1196 VOL. LXVIII, NO. ii2 STORRS. CONNECTICUT TUESDAY. APRIL 28. 1964 ISO Convenes Tonight Mortar Board Taps For Election Of Officers Fred Wallace Candidacy Expected 21 Junior Women Twenty-one of the most out- Board, dressed in caps and gowns Chairman for dormitory. Gamma Fred Wallace, former Associated standing junior women at the Uni- and singing the traditional song, Sigma. Kappa Delta Pi National Student Government Vice-President versity of Connecticut were tapped "We. Mortar Board, receive you ..." Honorary Society, and Resident Ad- and President of the ISO political this morning at dawn for member- visor for South Hall. She is a resi- party, may re-enter the political Each of the twenty-one girls ship in the Laurels Chapter of Mor- was presented a rose, and invita- dent of Fairfield. Connecticut, and scene on campus tonight after nearly tar Board, the national senior wo- tions to Kappa Alpha Theta for is in the Colleg of Arts & Sciences. a year's absence. This was the men's honorary society. The twenty- breakfast this morning and the Anne Merit Bernard. Kappa Al- statement released yesterday after- one girls were chosen on a basis of commons for the initiation cere- pha Theta. Goodwill Committee. noon by outgoing ISO President scholarship leadership and service to mony and banquet this evening. Dr. Organization Editor for Nutmeg. the University. Richard Morgen. David Phillips of the Speech Depart- Sophomore Class Council. Dorm So- Throughout the day, those tapped ment will be the guest speaker at cial Committee. Kappa Alpha Theta Wallace is expected to make a this morning will attend classes in the banquet. Efficiency Chairman and Scholar- bid for the ISO presidency tonight the traditional caps and gowns of Other guests at the banquet in- ship Chairman. Pledge Class Presi- at an opening meeting of the ISO Mortar Board. Present senior mem- dent, and member of Alpha Phi Party in HUB 103 at 7 p.m. The clude Dr. & Mrs: Arwooa Northby. bes will wear the Mortar Board and the Mortar Board Advisers. Dr. Gamma National Journalistic Hon- election of officers will be the main outfit, black sweater and skirt and & Mrs. Gene R. Powers. Miss orary. She is a resident of Kennett order of business. Twenty-four posi- white blazer. Each of those selected Elizabeth T. Noftske, Miss Frances Square. Pennsylvania and is in the tions are to be filled in the structure for this highest general honor given M. Tappen, Dr. Gardiner Londbn. College of Arts and Sciences. of the party. to a woman at the University will Miss Joan Marino, past president of Arlene If, Bryant, Hollister A. wear the pin of a present Mortar Three people are expected to be Mortar Board will also be attenrl- Vice Pesident of Young Democrats. Board member until she eceives ing. Independent Students Organization. in the running for the Presidency. her own. Those women tapped this morning Newman Club. Intramurals.- Alpha They are Fred Wallace, past presi- The women were awakened be- are the following: Phi Gamma National Journalistic dent of the ISO, Pete Loin, past FRED WALLACE tween 3 and 5 this morningg by Barbara Bachrach, South Hall Honorary, Connecticut Daily Cam- pus: Asistant News Editor. Board publicity chairman of the ISO, and the present members of Mortar House Council, Student Counselor, Allan Gregory, who is now an ISO who were disappointed in campus of Directors Memebe and News politics to do something about it Editor. She lives in Jewett City. Sophomore Senator. by becoming actively involved. He Connecticut, and is in the College of All positions will be filled by ISO Arts and Sciences. urgeed all ISO members to attend Raphael Green To Show members attending the convention, Karen Irene Byers. French A. and they will be elected by the the meeting and continue the ISO House Secretaary. House Council, members attending their convention tradition of leadership. Movie On Russia Tonight Student Counselor Honor Court. in accordance with the ISO consti- Student Union Committee. Dining tution. Mr. Raphael Green, one of the Room Supervisor, and Angel Flight. few American cameramen per- She resides in Ramsey, New Jersey, OPPORTUNITY GIVE mitted free range behind the Iron and is in the College of Arts and President Morgen said that this Curtain, will focus the spotlight Sciences. convention was a perfect opportun- on "Russia and It's People" tonight Dorothy Chapovitcb. Stowe C, in the HUB Ballroom at 8:00 p.m. ity for anyone interested in campus TO THE Dormitory or Floor Representative. House Council, Student Counseling politics to get a start. With twenty- The color motioa picture doc- umentary and lecture are being Chaiman, American Pharmacy As- four positions open, it is possible for sociation. Secretary and Treasurer WHUS-CCC MARATHON presented by the Student Union anyone at the convention to be elect- Board of Governors and is the of Lambda Sigma. Vice Pesideift ed. He said also that he felt this was third in a series of lecture-films of Tassels. Head Reporter for a perfect opportunity for those scheduled by the Board this year. Pharmacy Newspaper, and Newman Club. She is a resident of Branford. Connecticut, and is in the School of Combined Float Winners: Pharmacy. MORTAR BOARD GAL: 2 Katberin Clemens, South Hall, present secretary and future co-di- rector of the Hartford Tutorial Project since its inception at th» Univesity. She is a resident of Dar- ien. Connecticut and is in the Col- lege of Arts and Sciences. Cbarlene D'Andrea. Spencer A. Kappa Alpha Theta Pledge. Stu- RAPHAEL GREENE dent Senate: Sophomore Senator. Junior Senator. Executive Secretary, Traveling thousands of Miles Vice President. Student University alone throughout that vast coun- Relations Committee. Tassels, Kap- try, Mr. Green photographed the pa Delta Pi National Fducation Russians at work, at play, on the Hononary. She is a resident of collective farms and in the city Stamford. Connecticut, and is in the markets. School of Education. His photographic expedition Dorothy Dunn. Kappa Alpha through the Soviet Union came Theta. while at Elmira College in after two and one-half years of New York: Freshman Secretary. planning and waiting for a Rus- House Chairman's Council. Dean's sian visa. He concentrates on the List. Spanish Club, hockey and bas- Russian people and their activ- ketball teams. Secretary House ities, combining human interest Council. Since her arrival at the with a firsthand pictorial report. University of Connecticut: Hartford Rugged Past Tutorial Project. Women's Students Mr. Green's adventurous nature Government Council. Junior Class MI-in-, from his rugged Maine Secretary. Angel Flight, Kappa Del- background. After several years as ta Pi National Education Honorary. a Maine high school teacher and Sigma Delta Pi. Spanish Club. Per- three years in the service, Green shing Rifle Sponsor. Coordinator turned to the fields of travel and Class Council. Military Ball Court, photography. Finalist Delta Chi Academic Queen. While on the White House staff, House Council and Standards he went to the Far East with Am- Chairman for Kappa Alpha Theta. bassador Pauley. head of the Unit- She is a resident of Harrington ed States Reparations Mission. Mr. Park, New Jersey, and is in the Col- lege of fine Ats and Sciences- SILVER FOR THE CCC was turned into victory for Lambda Chi Green was one of eleven men Anne McKlnnon. South Hall. Alpha and Kappa Alpha Theta, winners of the combined float contest. Sec- sent to North Korea on a repara- Student Senate: President, Chairman ond place went to Chi Phi and Phi Sigma Sigma and 3rd place was cap- tions survey. He has also traveled tured by Alpha Sigma Phi and Kappa Kappa Gamma. Men's singles was in Manchuria. China. Japan, of Housing Committee, sophomore won by Delta Chi and Women's singles by Hollister A. But the real crowd and many thousands of miles in and junior Senator, and she has pleaser was the shakes float. (Photo By Photopoo!) Russia. Continued to Page 3, Col. 1 p AOB TWO CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS TUESDAY, APfclL 2o, 1964 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Campus Poem conditions which are giving rise to may come early at UConn, and may Connecticut these increasingly disruptive actions. be mistaken for maturity; but there I walked by Unfortunately the dominant group are times when pleas for moderation the student union it has shown itself to be unable to re- are far less responsible than is is across from the field house spond to anything other than dis- civil obedience. But the latter is and then comes the ruption, real or threatened. If we not respectable, and that, appar- Daily Campus book were to wait for the "good-will" of ently, is the highest value .... store your "average white man" — a ma- I. David ( olfax over by pharmacy jority of whom indicated in a recent Department of Sociology and in between oh gosh poll that they felt that the Negro Editors Note: Lacking maturity, TUESDAY, APRIL 28. 1964 a cement sidewalk had already achieved all he deserved I have only two questions Mr. mind stunned — it is pretty likely that another Colfax. Does the Negro's poten- senses reeling incoherently blinded empty hundred years would pass, tial for disruptive action go all I thought immediately and Yahoos would laud the peace. the way to fighting in the streets of love death birth purity soul Counsel for moderation is under- and right on up the scale to all god country mother girl-friend standable when it comes from old out nuclear war? And might not and fainted dead away men and aristocrats; it is unbecom- the dominant group's response be Spring Migration by the potted plants in ing to college students.