Docuse22 Rum .152 254, 78
4. 01, DOCUSE22 RUM .152 254, IR ods 649 AUTHOR Clark, Richard E. * TITLE Children's Television:, The Best of ERIC.') IBSTITATION Syracuse Univ.; N.Y.,ERIC Cleartbghouse on J InfOrnatiod-24sourcef. ., . ,'SPURSAGENCY National,Inst. of Education (DUO..Washin§ton,. D.C: PUB DATE, 78 GRANT NIA-R-76-0027 . NOTE - 76p. - - . 16. , AVAILABLE FROM Syracuielaiveesity Printing Services,125 CollIge Place, Syracuse, 1..i. 13210 ($3.50)* w f 4 f EDBS PRICE MF-S0.83 HC-$4.67 Plus Posta04 ._ DESCRIPTORS *Annotated Bibliographies; *Childrens Television; Federal-Government; *LeWrnin91'Literatuie Reviews; I *Media Research; PolicyForaUion:Piagraninglw (Broadcast); Resear6h Design;*Research Methodology; ' Stereotypes; Television C5smercialsv *Television' .., Viewing . ABSTRACT This is the most a series "of' retrospective bibliographies on telliisian and children.It includes an annotated, listing of research reviews, poiitionpapers, and planning documents entered in the ERIC system in the years 1974-1977.Over 100 doCuments are,listed in 14 categories: helping children 4o learnfrom television, new experimental programs, the effects of televitionon- the lea'rning of social behaviors, cognitive effects oftelevision on children, effects of televisecr.coNiercials, currentissues in research design and methodology, useful reviews.of researchand bibliographies, using television in Ale clasaroos, currenttelevision treataent of minorities and women, televitior in,belpingchildren' learn=to read, consumer action gloup actjvities, current/. federal policies, children's television outside the United-States,and television and the handicapped or gifted child..Cross references are provided at the end of.eath ,section.. (VT) -'I ********************1************************************************** Reproductions supplied by tD4S are.the best thatcan be made *- * , from the' original dncusent. ****************************************************************44***** U S DEPARTMENT OfNEALTN.
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