(*>■. , . \ - Avenge Dally Net Press Run The W ealhe; ■ ' For The Week Ended May 20, 1067 CHatide of idiowers' this eve­ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1967 ning, mlUer wUh low In 60s; PA G E FO R T Y iMaurljiestw lEwftiing 1imlJ» £w paiftly okn*ty aitd warm twfnor- 15,210 itOyr,. high in 80*. ManeheHer^A City o f Vittiigo P VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 229 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—-TWO SECTIONS) •MfAlipeiiESTER, CONN., TH U RSDxl, JDNR 19^ O i l (IMfMirAaver&faw «» PRICE SEVEN CENTS J .i .u ij.:.. %?:•$:?’■"* ’ *"’ ’ ............ " ^ w S$?:S •X::*y: Thurso Fri.. Sat. and Mon.. July 3rd w -'V I'V .. H ^ E l ' ' n « HAIE t. ' wm iiieiBtftii More Ohjectip^ City Gates VALUES FOR YOUR LONG WEEKEND! SHOP FOR DOZENS MORE! T& Israeli M& Open After UNITED mVIONS, N.T. 40 Pale^tttio .1 9 Years (AlP) — The Qeneral As- seized the Old seitifHy todajt iM rd a mounting drove the Joi JERUSALEM (AP) — men’s short sleeve chorus ot attegks on Israel for the Old Otbr - OvBMriding bisr-jxiwer pro- 2 men’s Ivy League tie slmexatlon j^:ttie Old City of the bulk al^&e t«miS, Israel turned both boys’ perma-press excellent assortment sport or dress shirts JertMletn. and Mbslem s^iltors of Jerusalem inix> nreign Minister the start of " •'lift (me city under Israel’s flag plaid Bermudas summer dusters Omar Sakkaf pi Baudi Arabia m a dress, sport shirts today, and thousands a t told the enterMMey session of Wednesdliy tilghV I’S' Jewit and Arabs mingled 3 fo r the assemUy m t if the “ Zion- Hussein said Bis 1.77 Ists" fail to srnhdraw from cap- viewed “With utMc^ (ft and„ fraternized in the tuMd Arab tSHtories, “ there r.-'K:' »5 (Beg Page,; gates between the Jewish 1.68 1.77 reg. 1.98 wm come a hd^ War, U not by 3.98 Chrlidians th^jiiy aroused Mbs- se^Pn and the Old City seized spocfol purehasel Excellent viSBbel Rayon, 65% Dacron, 35% cotton ba­ lemc, whose Anger the world .M ff from Jordan were thrown open 9 tiste. Regular or button-down 19 years for all to pass cottons in a handsome Choice of many styles in cool, undeiestimatea.” Collars. Sport shirts In plaids, Roja Afnanu head of the In Vietmgnii^ tbi«Ugti. Permanent press fabric of crisp fabrics including printed solids, paisleys, Tottersolls, assortment of plaids. M alayan del4gdUon to the as- - At first there was a hesitant 65% Dacron, 35% cotton. wide stripes, S, m, I, xl. Dress Bell loop style. Sizes 29 polished cottons and magic aemUy, declaMd that his gov­ blckte. of Israelis into the Old Short sleeve style. Regular shirts In white, blue, maize, crepes. Sizes 10 to 18. linen. Sizes 14V^ to 17. ernment “ categorically rejects ^ ty and Arabs into the New. collar. White and pastels. to 38. But ' when the visitors were niree people, including actress Jayne Mansfield, were» killed when and eondemw ,thls illegal an­ Sizes 6 to 16. this nexation of ^IfMkuiian territo­ gnssted in friendship on both car struck the rear of a trailer truck in New Orierfns last.night. All three vit- ry." Md6s, the flow turned into a tor- tims were seated in front, three of Miss Mansfield’s children, in the rear seat Enrique OAfcla Sayan of the rsftt. were seriously, but not critically injured. (AP Photof&x) Peruvian F o r^ n Ministry said I n Arab on his first visit to / Israel’s actiCawas “ itot accep­ the Jewish section broke open a special purchase! girls’ misses’ usuai 2.98 table to my delegation." He men’s new style SAIGON (AP) crack bottle Of wine and invited pass- closeout! boys’ famous called tor internationalization of tallon of Some jW : hard-eo|e . ers^y to "drink to peace.” Sev- theCWdCNy. kira) Jews joined him in the knit polos sleeveless shells ___ Communist gudnlU^ swim trunks swim trunks Actress Jayne Mansfield, Fifteen . nodli|;ned nations toast. submitted a ' A young Israeli gave two Ar­ Assembly Wednesday calling on which it badly bloOSSM a abs a lift in hla car and was in­ the Ishteli gogShunent to with­ 2 fo r Vie4name^e raili^ . ball vited to their village for coffee. draw its troc^'fRnn all the ter­ 2.50 1.69 199 2 Others Die in Accident and evaded a seAtvIllng totrof' tn both quarters of the city. reg. 2.98 ritory seized M m Egypt, Jor­ »5 She left the night club shorUy more them 2,600 allied troop^ Mops did a thriving business as 2.59 values to 1.98 Save almost $1 our usu­ NEW ORLEANS (AP) dan and Syria In the six-day Associated Pre^^tttrresp^ld- jpArs and Arabs bought food, —^Beautiful Jayne Mans­ after the late performance, war that began June 5. Permanent press fabric—of 65% al pricel Fashioned from gathered up the sleeping chil- ent George Bsper'Ntoorted from . candy and souvenirs. reg. 2.98 Helenco nylon yarn field and two men were Introducing the resolution, / Interior Minister Moshe Sha- Dacron, 35% cotton-poplin blend. Special purehasel Big savings the battle area 4ttttt^tU.S. U,8. otfl'Cetk^l:otfl'Mtil knits. First quality. killed early today when ^ ^ Ami;;i»;d^r Oanilo Lekic of -believe - tUe- -Viet •^^■"-unlt-fe^: pUto issued a proclamation re­ Navy, blue, green, assorted plaids. over original prices. Various on the two-hour trip to New Or­ Tugoelavia said tte Old City Very famous maker. Sav­ White, pink, blue, their cur rammed the rear leans. tered after mote 2t;#aW»:- n t i n g the sectors of the 3,00fl- ings to Vlil Zip front, land Surfer models also in group. styles In prints, solids, cottons. maize, black. Sizes 34 of a truck, slowed by a was threatened With full Inte- ycar-old City of David for the ’Ibe shaken drlyw of the traU- gratton Into I|KsI and called ir- ftie , 'DlRil UiTse .oihers si la s t I top style. Built-in support­ For girls 7 to 14. cloud of mosquito fog first time since Jordan seized S, m, I. to 40. er truck, Richard Rambo, about tor 4he 122-natton Assembly to prevlous days. iDwrtilJwR'Buffw . ers. S, m, I, xl. across the highway. ’The running ilie j^nsii^i nig% All tea t Weere tft)cen the Old City and Israel occupied 40, Of Pensacola, Fla., said the adopt his resolution by Friday, tJ^e New City in the 1948-49 It happened on a U.S. 90 curve car had come darting around But m ean w ^ the Israeli northeast Of Salj ti an jiiijd hiwfticd o jrto hesttaagH: erg after near the Rigolets, the waterway pattern Of htt-i PlUestine war. J the curve and smashed into the government adcomplished the ^ral c<Vs werd (AP PhotofaPKotofax) * connection between Lake Promising to protect the holy trailer’s rear with tremendous integration with a proclamation ments that have iSfiC U.S. Pontchartraln and the Gulf of 4 « iw-’- places, of Moslems and Chris­ Impart, peeling back the top of enlarging the elty llmlte of “ Is- allies up sharply lA refiont Mexico, In New Orleans: It was The weakly ci tians, iftiaplro said: “ Let us see Famous Make the sedan. raeH Jerusaleni’*’^ to include the 1 ' # sale! women’s pinafores, men’s regular ^ first quality microfilm about 2:25 a.m. leased t(w y saldL.Y A m ^d to'’it that peace and mutual un- Killed with the voluptuous 'Rninbo, uithurt, flegged dawn Old City and SSlIlC adjacent ter- were killed dim’ 1,258 "Wi dCMtandlng shall prevail among dress-up leans skirts, blouses Hollywood actress, 34, were Sa­ the mosquito fogging truck and ritory seized from Jordan, wounded. lai^. wen all theL.clty’s residents.’’ A-lines, tents dress sheers muel S. Brody, who was her sent , the driver, James T. Me- Anot)ier resMuthm was re- toll was almiM d iMb that ' Israel acted In the face of lawyer and companion, and the Clellan, to telephone police. ’The ported in prepi^Uon express- the week before. Warnings from the United chauffeur, Ronnie Harrison, 20, area is about 30 miles from Ing concern ovw steps the Is- ’The Ainerican dead were aj^ :am in States, the Soviet Union, Brit­ of Mississippi City. downtown New Orleans. Though raells have taken regqirding the more than double,^the B<nUi ain, Frtmce and the Vatican and U Police said three ot Miss within city limits, it is swampy Old City, declaring these inval- Vietnamese figure Jg 119 for the de^Hte mounting pressure in 2 p r s . and sparsely populated. id, and calling.,0n Israel to do BUFFALO,f.N.Y. (AP) — A ^blsorder also broke biit in the United Nations. 2.99 3.99 Mansfield’s children, asleep in ^ .second night pf rtfdal rioting in n«igkboring Niagara FaiK, but 3.39 ’The children, extricated from nothing furthef' to prejudice the (See Page ^i%«Ive) The State Department said .usually 3.98 the back seat of the big, gray -‘'^(his city of 1 ^ a million pop- 5(> holmeted pblicemCn dis- car, were injured. Physicians the crushed car, were taken to future atatus the Old City. the United States does not rec- Choice of hopsacking or a reg. 79c pr. JAYNE MANBFIEU) Jordan, Pakistan, Turkey, Spain ^ ulattoB required Dacron slim sheath skirts, print said they were in fair condition. big Charity Hospital in New Or­ yj ‘t'l*** “ ** T ®K«lze Israel’s asserUon of ad- tight twill weave. Belt loop and Peru werS.
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