Front Window" Which Appears Eich of Edl«R Ttrect
% • V • • 'iW' " I' I MALCOLM AND MABEL MOUSE FOLLOW DONOHUE'S SPORTS ATCH THE PASSING SHOW W COMMENT IN'OR SO IT SEEMS' THE EDITORIAL PAGE ()N EVERY WEEK ON SPORT PAGE XVH, No. 7 WOODBKIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1935 PRICE THREE GEN&'tf ROM OUR STATE BOARDS WAR The 1935 Graduating Class At Woodbridge High School TWO MORE PROBES IMPERILS U.S. FID OF RELIEF RACKETS' FRONT FORR.R. CROSSINGS LOOM IN TOWNSHIP WINDOW Utility, Highway Agencies Grand Jury Investigation,'' Clash On Authority ,,,,- pderion, hurrying to Inquiry By A Local from Uc'in 1 umday Over $6,000,000 ii-anhcd into one of the Commission Seen ylvnnia Railroad s«te» McELROY WIRES EATON ,jrnioli«hcd it—the gate, WOULD SUBPOENA LIST (I,,, ,-nilrond. But before done towards ro- [Township Hopes Bacharach North Head7~Staff Of 7 thc damage, someone J Will Sway Wallace l.< l,lnining the railroad for Examining Complaints At Washington Of ERA Clients ,,,,,, ,,f the large class, the :ilM,.;,te pormon for the Disagreement over the Developments in the Town- ,',j'mr Was* nt Womlbridge distributing agency for the ship emergency relief situa- , ,,l will ho preached this $6,000,000 allotted bv the ; ll0th l m 1 tion up to this morning in- ~'f ;: :u/ ?Z ih« St Federal works' fund to New ,„„. reason for an nuditor- Jersey may seriously ham- elude: f per Woodbridge Township'? Agitnlion for a sei ,,.io memWs of the Town chances of obtaining early inquiry by the Middlesex ! rniltre nrc certainly .becom- elimination of its seven dan- County Grand Jury into ' ,,l,.trcperoui, to »aV the gerous grade" crossings.
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