- t'' ■j MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1981 "^T^ACkfOURTBEN The Woailitr :^ancl|(Bt(C lEtt^ning Averof* Daily Net Preaa Ran FM«aal a< V. R. WaatlMr mmmrn Fee the Week Ending November 34 OaM wavo taM fbt. Ctenr*. a - Hia Hartford County Fodcra- imea drive netted 113,775, which mhilibInK tsrinda. LMreM 9 M *9 ii* Uoa of Damocratlc Woman will Rotary Speaker Polio Meeting was the fourth highest in per tihea by mofulnc' 18 to 18. W**- About Town tour the Hartford County Jail at Yiile Lighting capita contributions .among Hart­ 10,431 10 a. m. Wadnaaday, tha tour ford County cities and towns. noadsir fair. Marlborough, Avon and Hartford r of the AwUt Vnlt diaeuMlon j|iwp« of the being arrangad by County Com- Set Tuesday •t CIreadnttoae Mancheiter—‘A City of Village Charm XMgue of Women voters of Man- miaainner Mary Kenny Brachlln On Saturday and West Hartford ranked ahead sheatar will ba held tomorrow aver with Sheriff' Don Patten. All mem­ of Manchester, whose contribu­ tins at 8 o'clock at the home of bers are urged to attend, and Will Start Organizing tions figured to 37.7 cents per (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS Mrs. Louis Heard. 14 Milford road, thoea wiahing tranaportation may Start Work on Annual capita. ^ (Claaalfled AdvwtUIng on Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1951 and Wadnaoday cveninK at 8 contact either Mra. Katherine Main Street Decora* 1952 March of Dimes Manchester’s record Is a good VOL. L X X l. NO. 49 s'clock at the home of Mrs. H. F. Bourn, 129 Parker street, or Mrs. one since the local population is Kimball. 48 Hartford road. The Helen FItapatrick, 408 Oakland tions; Costing $3,000 Drive; Pick Chairman much larger than that of Marl­ subject for discussion will be "Bet- street borough or Avon. The Hartford- <ar Government Begins at Home." With Christmas lights and With Manrhester’a March of kVeat Hartford per capita was 38 Rescued from Snowbound Mountain C^bin and interasted persona are Invited Manchester Lodge No. 73, A.F. wreaths being strung across Main Dimes campaign a little more rents, only three-tenths of a cent Soviet Bloc CO attend e\-en If they are not and A.M., will hold a stated com­ street, from School street north to than a month away, an organlza- higher than Manchester’s. League members. munication at the Maaontc Temple tha Centar, and a Nativity -scana tlnnal meeting for the drive will tomorrow evening at 7:30. An In­ be held tomorrow night at 8 Negotiators to ba aracted in the North End. D elay s on A daughter. Deborah Anne, was tereating speaking program has Manchaatar will anon be dressed o’clock, at the Municipal Building, oom at the Hartford HoapiUl on bean arranged to follow the hual- in its aeason finery. »nd all former Dimes workers aa Nov. 19 to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick neea meeting, afler which there Work on tha Main atraet decor­ well aa other interested persons your FREE W. Islelb of 20 Madison street. w’ill be a aoclal hour and refreah- are Invited to attend. Eiilfy lUonks Arms Talks They have a son. Freddie. ations was started last Wednesday ments. by Louis Pasquarlello, a New Attorney .John Mrosek, last ,n thf Haven electrical contractor who year’s Dimes chairman, will pre­ The regular dinner meeting of lije Merry-Weda of the Second haa already decorated New Haven. side at the meeting at which a ■ Paris. Nov. 27—<A>)—The the Omar Shrine Club of Manches­ Congregational Chrirch are re­ Waterbury and Bristol, and the new chairman will be chosen. The United Nations steering com­ On Controls ot Truce ter will be held at the Country minded of the supper meeting to official turning on p f the lights is drive raises ftinds to combat and mittee voted unanimoudly to­ ciub Thursday evening starting at be held at the church Wednesday aid victims of Infantile paralysis. scheduled for Saturday. day for a full General As­ «;30. From 8:30 to 7:.W a social at 8:.30 p. m. An exceptionally in- Ths merchants nnd professional The 1951 Manchester March of hour will be enjoyed, with dinner tcreating surprise entertainment la sembly airing of Soviet in store for the members after the men of Main atreet contributed seized at 7:30. The guest speaker 83,000 for tha installation of the Douglas M. Fellosva charges that the United at the dinner willl be Bev. Fred R. ■upper and businesa meeting.. States mutual security act UN W a n ts Edgar, minister of the South decorations which consist of green Hit^ Strikes and white lights and green Douglas Merritt Fellows, of constituted aj^greasion Slansky Arrested Methodist Church, and following St. .lude Thaddeua Mothers Cir­ THE PERFECT GIFT the dinner there will be ainging cle will meet at the home of Mra. wreaths studded with red lights. Amslnn. businesa manager of the SERVICES against the U.S.S.R. and entertainment. All master Ma­ Thotant Mozier. Jr.. 48 Creitwood These will ha strung across the Hartford School of Music, will ad­ More Than 6,000 Prues As Curb on Two Points atreet from every atreet pole from That Interpret The Wishes sons are cordially invited at attend drive, Wednesday evening at 8 dress Rntsrians at their meeting i.vt r $2,000,000 for you FOR KNITTERS Paris, Nov. 27—(/P)—The this dinner meeting, reservations o’clock. School street north to the center, In Czech Shakeup for which may be made by con­ and along Center atreet, parallel tomorrow nlgflt on the rather un­ Of The Family cind yuuf churches or favorilt* Soviet bloc remained silent tacting either Stanley Baldwin of Mr. and Mra. George Manley to tha curb, from the Municipal usual subject of ‘How Not to Make r *•( oy fi I 2 fci clion 11 ' today — possibly awaiting U.S. Output F o r C h eck 38 Chester drive or Harold Barns­ Johnson of 4.1 Bigelow atreet, ac' Building east ta the First Nation­ a Speech” The meeting will be YARN -APART Moscow’s decision— on pro­ 1,onrlori, Nov. 27—(/T)— I ley of 208 Porter street before companied by Mr. Johnson’s al store on East Center atrert. hold al 6:.'10 at the Manchester posed secret disamament The wrektha will be In series of JOHN B. BURKE FOR ARGYLE AND PAHERN KNIHING Mosco\v<-traine<l Utidolf Slan- New ESA B o m Mun.ian, Korea, Nov. 27— Tuesday. brother-in-law and alster. Mr. and Country Club. discussions while the West Ban Jose, Calif., stand beside their snowbound Washington, Nov. 27-^/P) aky, one-time hatchet man of i Mrs. Louis Albaai of 47 Bigelow threes, with two 24-inrh wreaths Mr. Fellows, who is a.ssociated Four member* of the Ralpli Hilton family from — Economic Mobilizer —Truce negotiatora signed a flanking on a 30-inch wreath, and FUNERAL HOME BRU N N ER’S em Big Three appeared high Sierra mounlatn cahln. - They had bees o.»- Czechoslovak Communism, The Willing Workers of the street, left by plane Saturday with the Hartford Coiirant and aiitn near Jackson. Calif., after being rescued from aen found. Left to right are: Mr*. Ralph Hilton; ceaae-fire line agreement to­ morning for Miami Beach, Florida, the lights will burn green, white, Station WDRC as garden editor agreed that such talks would lect of a week-long search and were half-starv^_ w Charles E. Wilson said today has been fired as vice pre­ South Methodist WSCS will meet 87 East Center St. Tel. 8888 .1.58 EAST CENTER ST, Hlllitn. The family waa tryiqg to reach Reno. day nnd immediately devel- at the church at 10 a. m. tomor­ where they will spend a two and red across the street. and garden consultant, respective­ BOX OF 5 be useful in easing interna­ daughter. Betty. 18; grandson. Ronald, I, and Ralph "a series of strikes in the last mier and arrested for “ac­ Plans for the North Knd’s n.49 opwl two vital differences on row for a day of sewing. Members weeks’ vacation. They will return ly, has had many occupations AMBULANCE SERVICE OPEN TONIGHT T IL 9 tional tensions. Nev. (AP Wirephoto), four months” has retarded by plane on Dec. 8. Christmas decorations have been ranging from mechanic’s assistant TaiiKle free yarn at last— Spools hold plenty of .vam— tivities against the stale,” how to nupervise an armiitice are reminded to bring food for a The United RUte* w*x expect­ defense production. the Prague Radio announced potiuck luncheon, undertaken by the Manchester Im­ and farming to photo retoucher No soiled, frayed or stretch ^ yarn— Fast, 'simple wind­ ed to preiii for ■ time limit on Nevertheless, Wilson said'. "W* in Korea. Manchester Chapter of Hadaa- provement Association which is and literary editor. ing— Release yarn smoothly. ^ any »ecret disarmament discus- have Inst less man hours snd less to<la\’. United Nation* delegates In­ Memorial Temple. Pythian Sis­ aah will hold Its annual donor dea ■waiting delivery of a 1,1-piece During the war he was active in ■Inns which might result from 10 Men B attle Taft’s Costs production" than when the no- The arrest was orrlcrccl hy Com­ aisted nn: ters. will meet tomorrow evening aert party tomorrow evening at 8 Nativity scene that it hopes to civilian activities, being a member Yarn Dept. th* proposal of the ’ Arab-Asian Caudle Airs strlke pledge was in effect dur­ munist President Klcment Ooll- 1.
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