STP635-EB/NOV. 1977 Aeromanas, 24 Coliform Confusion, 61
STP635-EB/NOV. 1977 Index Disease in animals, 140 Disease in man, 140 Aeromanas, 24 Enumeration, 144 Coliform confusion, 61 Sources in water, 142 Aggregation Survival in water, 142, 143 Viruses, 203 Viability, 142 American Society of Civil Engineers Water isolations, 141 Environmental Quality Committee, 197 Chlorine residual test, 20 Anaerobic lactobacilli, 136 Drinking water, 20 B Clostridium perfringens Application indicator, 66 Bacterial indicators As indicator, 65 Sewage, 260 British MPN, 77 Streptococci use, 262 Definition, 66 Bacterial survival, 3, 23, 27 Enumeration, 77 Fecal Streptococci, 247 Epidemiology, 70 Salmonella, 3, 7 Importance, 68 Sand column, 7 Relationship to E. coli, 72 Sewage effluent, 293 Sewage, 68 Shigella, 9 Sources, 70 Shigella fiexneri, 3, 9 Closure hnes, 344 Vibrio cholerae, 9 Coliform index, 200 Bacterial species, 37, 38 Coliforms Definition, 38 Atypical forms, 60 In water, 43 Biotype change after chlorination, 5 Principles, 38 Citrobacter freundii, 26 Bacterial predators, 295 Definition, 44, 48, 60, 61 Bacteriophage, 228 Die-off, 51 Bathers, 227 Drug resistant, 169,179 Bifidobacteria Gas formation, 24 Definition, 133 Incubation, 24 Identification, 133 Index organisms, 63 Survival, 133 Lactose negative, 24 Bottled drinking water Multiplication in water, 61 Clostridia, 163 R factors, 169,178,179 P. aeruginosa, 92, 163 Coliphage, 3.199 Standards, 162 Chlorination effect, 10 Britain Enterovirus relationship, 3,13 Water technology, 291 Sewage effluent, 200 British chlorination practice, 294 Test evaluation, 10 Test for E. coli, 3,10 Virus indicator, 199,228 Candida albicans Committee on bathing places Definition, 139 Recommendations, 239 351 Copyright 1977 by ASTM International 352 BACTERIAL INDICATORS Conference on recombinant molecules, 206,207 Ear infections Cyanophage, 198 P.
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