1868- Michael III assassinated. Milan IV (1855-1901). Prince Milan came to the throne by his right of succession as the closest living relative of Michael III. Prince Michael, in fact, had an illegimate son, Velimir Theodorovich, who was excluded from the succession by his father. This was not done because of any lack of love (Prince Michael loved his son dearly) but because he felt that the stability of the and state should be maintained through the "pure" line of succession. This only son was borne by the daughter of a Slovenian physician who fell in love with the young prince while he was in exile. Milan IV became King Milan I of 1882-1889; then Count of Takova 1889-1901, while in semi-exile. He married Natalie, daughter of Moldavian Boyar, a Roumanian;*l Milan I divorced Queen Natalie in 1888.,2 1877- Serbia reenters the war against the Turks on the Russian side. 1878- makes Serbia completely independent. Milan IV was a very intelligent man and a keen politician. It was believed that he made a secret treaty with Emperor Franz Joseph in 1881 giving Austria full rights as a protector of Serbia. This was not true. The accusation was brought at one time by the opposition party leaders, but could never be proved. Milan was indubitably an Austrophile and his political and military polarization were toward Austria rather than Russia--much to the protests of his Russian wife, Natalie. The Russians at this time were trying to dominate the Balkan States but Milan felt safer with Austria as his ally--and, at the time he was, yet, he was neither a traitor to his people or so inconsiderate a ruler as to give such "protective rights" to any foreign country. If any such secret agreement ever existed the Austrians would not have wasted a moment in publishing it during their conflicts with Serbia in 1908 and 1914. 1882- With help from Austria Milan proclaims himself King Milan I. 1883- Serious revolt against the government in November by the newly formed radical party led by Nicholos Pashich, leader of the Radical Party. *3

1885- 13th November--War with Bulgaria after the union of . The Serbs are completely defeated at Slivmitzia on November 17, but saved by invasion by the intervention of Austria. 1888- Milan divorces his estranged wife Natalie, who leaves the country. In the government there is a growing split between the Austrian Party and the pro-Russian nationalists factions. On December 16, the radicals win a victory in the elections. 1889- Many disputes between King Milan and the assembly. Liberals force a vote, which passes, for revision of the Constitution. Milan abdicates the throne on March 6. Alexander, son of Milan, is only thirteen years of age; because of this a regency is named.*4 1893- Coup d’etat by Alexander on April 14. Regency is abolished. 1894- May 21. Restoration of the Constitution of 1869. 1899- Alexander I marries Draga Mashin, a lady of questionable social position on August 5. This marriage and his ruthless persecution

*I Also, Moldavian Kecheko, who was a Russian officer. *2 This divorce was not proclaimed null and void until after the ascent of King Alexander I to the throne. *3 Although named ’radical’ the aim of this party was nationalistic. *4 The regency was composed of three members; Ristich was President.

I0 of radicals leads to increased opposition against him. 1901- Death of Milan on February ii. Ex-KingMilan for the past ten y~ars had much influence on King Alexander I and the rule of his house from behind the throne. 1903- June i0. Alexander I, Queen Draga and many members of the Royal Household are murdered by conspiritors. On June 15, the assembly elects Peter Karageorgevich to the throne and restores the Constitution of 1889. 1904- First term of Nicholas Pasich as prime minister December 22-- May 22, 1905. Serbian foreign policy becomes pro-nationalist and anti -Austrian. 1905-1907 "Pig War" with Austria. A tariff conflict does much to embitter relations. Pasich serves second term as prime minister-- May i, 1906--July 6, 1908. 1908-1910 Bosnian annexation crisis. Acute danger of war between Austria and Serbia. Serbia backs down on demands and threats but this crisis lays the foundation for the Legacy of Hate Foundation Socities.* 1 1912- Treaty of Alliance with Bulgaria on March 13. Outbreak of First Balkan War between Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece against Turkey on October 18. Serbian victory at Kumanova on October 24-26. 1913- April i0. Blockade of the Montenegrin coast by the Central powers. Scutari is occupied, but retaken by the Montenegrins on April 22. Austria threats force evacuation on May 5. 1914- June 28. Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, the Duchess of Hohenberg, assassinated at Sarajevo, Bosnia. A Bosnian student, Gavrilo Princip,. the assassin, is captured with others and imprisoned. Austria suspects Serbia of the conspiracy to murder the royal couple. July 6. Austria is given a free hand in the Serbian affair and promises of aid by Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany. July 23. Austria delivers a 48-hour ultimatum to Serbia. July 25. All of Austria’s demands conceded by Serbia except direct interference with the judiciary actions and proceedings. The Austrian ambassador states that the Serbian reply is "unsatisfactory" and leaves . July 26. Czar Nicholas declares that Bussia will mobilize on the Austrian frontier if Austria dares to cross any Serbian frontier. July 28. Austro-Hungarian Empire declares war on Serbia. World War I commences. England tries to invite Germmay and Austro- Hungary to meet in conference but they refuse. December 15. Serbian army occupies Belgrade. 1915- October 7. Austro-German invasion of Serbia begins. October i0. Bulgarians invade Serbia. 1916- January 9. After the Gallipoli disaster the British and French forces were combined with other Allied forces (including the rehabilitated Serbian Army) under the command of French General Sarrial. General Sarrial was attempting to relieve Serbia, which had been overrum by Austro-German and Bulgarian armies. 1917- January i0. Statement of the Allied War Aims: the restoration of , Serbia and Montenegro. 1918- November I. Serbians re-enter Belgrade.

*i The Black Hand Society, organized in 1911, which was responsible for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and Sofie, had the motto: "Union or Death". ii 1918- November Ii. At 5 A.M. an armistice is signed at Senlis; hostilities to cease at II A.M. December i. Prince Alexander of Serbia accepts the regency of the New State. December 4. The Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes formally proclaimed. *i 1919- February. Dispute between Italy and the Kingdom of ~he Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Allocation of Flume*2 (in Serbian ’Rieka’) a city on the Dalmation coast. June 13. Dispute between The Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and Roumania. Settled at a peace conference (Banat of Temesuar) . 1920- August 14. Treaty of Alliance with Czechoslovakia. This laid the foundation for the Little Entente. October I0. Plebiscite of Klagenfurt. Dispute between The Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and Austria. November 12. Treaty of Rapallo with Italy; partial settlement of the Flume question. November 28. Elections held for a Constituent Assembly. 1921- January i. A new Constitution provides for a centralized form of government. June 27. Treaty with Roumania. Second link in the Little Entente. August 16. Death of King Peter I.~ August 17. Alexander I, proclaimed King of Yugoslavia. The Croats do not recognize Alexander I as "their" king. 1923- March 18. When elections are held, the Croats organize many splinter groups and boycott the assembly. 1924- June 27. Treaty of Friendship with Italy. Final settlement of the Flume question. December 24. The Croat Peasant Party is outlawed and Radich is imprisoned. 1925- July 18. Radich released from prison. "Accepts" the Constitution. Becomes Minister of Education. August 17. Treaty with Greece, creating a "free zone" at Salonika. September 15. Treaty of Friendship with Poland. December I0. Radich assumes full leadership of the Peasant Party. 1926- April I. Resiguationof Radich and all Croatians from the cabinet. 1927- Treaty of Friendship with . 1928- June 20. Radich and his followers are fired upon in the Assembly by a Radical deputy (Radich dies on August 8). Yhe Croats again leave the Assembly. 1929- January 5. King Alexander I proclaims a dictatorship and names General Zhiukovich as Premier. January 21. The Croat parties and all others are dissolved. February 17. A Legislative Council replaces the Assembly. March 27. Treaty of Friendship with Greece. May 22. Arrest of Dr. Vladko Machenk, a powerful Croatian leader. *I Also known as S.HoS. Kingdom (Kraljevina Srba Hrvata i Slovenaca). *2 Independent state 1920-24; Italian city from 1924.