Love Letters from Jesus Christ

Messages 2019 - 2021

Version January 15, 2021

Content Message 674: Jesus explains... Another Assassination Attempt on President Trump & Slaughter of Christians ...... 5 Message 675: Jesus says... My young People, come!... I want to hold & love you & Show you the Way out ...... 7 Message 676: Jesus says... Be like a Child & Obey Me... Do, what I ask of you & Leave the Rest up to Me ...... 8 Message 677: Jesus says... More dramatic Measures are needed, when People are so enraptured with the World ...... 11 Message 678: Jesus says... These next 2 Weeks are super-critical for President Trump & America ...... 12 Message 679: Jesus says... Donald, you & I are doing this together... Walk with Me in Humility ...... 14 Message 680: Jesus speaks about... The cardinal Sin of Pride, Self-Righteousness, GITMO, Treason & Miracles ...... 17 Message 681: Jesus says... Many are hungry for Truth & You have the Truth...... 18 Message 684: Warning from Jesus... Sodom & Gomorrah... God's Judgment to fall on Pro-Abortion Adherents ...... 20 Message 685: Jesus speaks about MARRIAGE & DIVORCE... What was the Motive for your Marriage? ...... 21 Message 686: Jesus says... Do you have a lost Dream?... Seek Me & Ignore the Naysayers ...... 23 Message 688: Intel Update... PRAY against arming biological Weapons with Dead Man's Switch ...... 27 Message 689: Jesus says... A pure Soul has so much Influence & Power before My Father in Heaven ...... 28


Message 690: Jesus speaks about... Suffering, Abuse of innocent Children & Release of Graces ...... 30 Message 691: Jesus says... Only God can prevent these deadly Weapons from being set off ...... 31 Message 692: Serious Warning from Jesus... To some Heartdwellers, to the Ignorant, the Scoffers & Pro-Abortion Adherents ...... 33 Message 693: Jesus speaks about the Danger of Abortions, the Chipping for Mindcontrol, Vaccinations & Diseases ...... 35 Message 694: Jesus explains... Rapture & Judgment... A Decision has been made & The Preparations are completed ...... 37 Message 695: Jesus says... Many of you are still concerned about the Rapture Timing & A Warning ...... 40 Message 696: Jesus says... Let My Mother Mary counsel you in the Ways of Holiness ...... 41 Message 697: Jesus explains... We are still in Work Mode, My Brides & Your personal Jesus ...... 43 Message 698: Did you see the Destruction of Notre Dame & Perceive the Message? ...... 45 Message 699: Jesus says... These are final Exams to see, if you are ready for the Rapture ...... 46 Message 700: Jesus says... Donald Trump in Danger... Prayer is the decisive Factor that he survives ...... 50 Message 701: Mother Mary says... Those, who are willing to lose their Life for the Kingdom, will find it ...... 53 Message 702: Jesus says... I grant you 5 more Years to touch Others for Me...... 55 Message 703: What is Purgatory & How can I avoid the Fires of Purification? ...... 59 Message 704: Jesus says... Many are called, Few are chosen and even Fewer respond ...... 62 Message 705: The Fires of Purification! You choose... Here on Earth or in the Beyond ...... 64 Message 706: Jesus says... The Church is being stripped down naked, so that the true Apostles may rise up ...... 67 Message 707: Jesus says... The Time of the Comfort zone Church is ending... My Church becomes dynamic ...... 68 Message 708: Jesus says... Silence is your Friend & Mine... There you will hear Me speaking ...... 69 Message 709: Jesus says... This is a War with the Bulls of Bashan!... Break the Curses & Bless ...... 71 Message 710: Jesus speaks about... Opposition, Assistance, false Sense of Security, Call & Destiny ...... 73 Message 711: Jesus says... The World must choose NOW! President Trump is still MY Choice...... 74 Message 712: Jesus sagt... Prayer comes first... Seek Me in any given Situation & Don't let anything stress you...... 77 Message 713: Ezekiel's Experiences with Jesus in the Kingdom of Child Hearts ...... 79 Message 714: Jesus says... The Community Life is complex & The Enemy will try to sow Jealousy ...... 82 Message 715: More Assassination Attempts against President Trump... Please pray! ...... 84 Message 716: Jesus says... Let go!... Come & Follow your Heart, even when Opposition arises...... 85 Message 717: Jesus says... Cherish My little Tokens of Love & Come to Me daily in Dwelling Prayer ...... 87 Message 718: Jesus says... Delight in My Presence every Morning... That's what I call a good Start ...... 88 Message 719: Jesus says... Recognize Satan's Arrows & Be an Example for Respect & Brotherly Love ...... 89 Message 720: Jesus asks... Are you willing to put down your Flesh & the Ways of the World? ...... 93 Message 721: Jesus elucidates... When Ministry becomes an Idol & Satan's Ploys to separate you from Me ...... 94 Message 722: Jesus says... I am still a Man & I long for your Affection, My Brides...... 96 Message 723: Jesus says... I want you to become Brides again... I so long for you! ...... 98 Message 724: Is your Armor only on the Outside? Vision of 2 Warriors ...... 100 Message 725: Jesus says... Your greatest Protection is Poverty, Chastity & Obedience ...... 103 Message 726: Jesus explains... Pride, important Lessons & A Word to My Enemies ...... 105 Message 727: I am grieved over the Shallowness & Ignorance of My people ...... 107 Message 728: Jesus says... The dividing Line between My Faithful & The Lost becomes sharper & clearer ...... 108 Message 729: The Lord says... Parting with your own Opinions is the most difficult Thing to do ...... 110 Message 730: Jesus says... I wish for you to prepare for your Death!... Pray against the planned Events ...... 111


Message 731: Jesus explains... False Guilt Feelings... The Demons' Tactic to paralyze you ...... 112 Message 732: Jesus says... I want to speak to Those, who are considering Abortion ...... 114 Message 733: Jesus says... Always seek Me on where to live & Pray against Tragedies ...... 115 Message 734: Jesus speaks about the proving Ground for God's Army Community, Training & Holiness ...... 117 Message 735: Jesus says... I am for you & well able to breathe new Life into your Dreams ...... 119 Message 736: Jesus says... Embrace the whole Truth, so that I don't have to say on that Day, I never knew you ...... 120 Message 737: Jesus explains... This is the true Meaning of My Birth & Christmas ...... 122 Message 738: Jesus says... Remove the Traditions of Men from your Heart & Seek My Truth ...... 125 Message 739: Jesus says... I search for Souls, who are very little in their own Eyes ...... 127 Message 740: Jesus says... My Bride... Let Me captivate your Heart, I wait for you! ...... 128 Message 741: Jesus says... I am very pleased with the Video Series 'THE CHOSEN' ...... 130 Message 742: Jesus says... You go your own Way & Then you wonder... Why did I fail? ...... 131 Message 743: Jesus says... To be drafted into the Service of Almighty God is no little Thing ...... 134 Message 744: Jesus says... Use your Voice & Prayers to change this dishonorable Practice ...... 136 Message 745: Jesus says... Entanglements hinder your Life Goals... Come, be free & fly ...... 137 Message 746: Jesus explains... Depression, deceived Christians & Donald Trump's Role...... 139 Message 747: Jesus explains... Obedience & Self-Will... A good Leader is one, who can follow Me ...... 142 Message 748: Jesus says... My Plan is an Explosion of Graces to spread all over the World ...... 144 Message 749: Father God explains... My Child, you are now looking at the Pinnacle of Sanctity ...... 146 Message 750: Jesus says... Your selfless Attitude will defeat the Enemy's most common Weapon ...... 148 Message 751: Jesus says... Stop compromising with the World, for you have no Idea, what is planned against you ...... 149 Message 752: Jesus says... Satan has taken many of you to the very edge of Destruction ...... 151 Message 753: Jesus says... False Guilt, Shame & Condemnation have haunted My Body ...... 152 Message 754: Jesus says... When this Plague is in full force, many will want to repent ...... 153 Message 755: Jesus says... The Corona virus is much more serious than what is being reported...... 155 Message 756: Jesus says... You are My Martyrs for Righteousness, planted amidst Witchcraft Central ...... 157 Message 757: Jesus says... This Bio Weapon, called Coronavirus, will spread like Wildfire...... 158 Message 758: Jesus says... China, lift up your Eyes... Salvation is knocking at your Gates ...... 160 Message 759: Jesus says... Lose your Self-Importance & Embrace My Poverty and Humility ...... 161 Message 760: Jesus explains... Coronavirus... Your greatest Protection is Repentance & pleasing Me ...... 163 Message 761: Warning from Jesus... WAKE UP & PRAY... It's much worse, than you think - Drop to your Knees ...... 164 Message 762: Jesus says... Let Me address the sinful and dangerous Habits in your Lives ...... 166 Message 763: Jesus says... This is about Life & Death... So set aside your Opinions and pray! ...... 168 Message 764: Jesus says... The Dangers in this Hour are very serious... So please pray & repent ...... 170 Message 765: Jesus says... I have deliberately allowed this Quarantine & Who is a Pharisee among you? ...... 171 Message 766-1: Jesus says... You must be clean for our Wedding, a Bride, fit for the King ...... 173 Message 766-2: Jesus calls... My Brides... I NEED YOU, NOW... PLEASE! ...... 174 Message 767: Jesus explains… Many will ask... 'Why was I not raptured?' Here are My Answers...... 175 Message 768: Jesus says... Donald & America, listen to Me! The Coronavirus & The Pandemic are not the Problem ...... 178 Message 769: Jesus says... Do not despair, your now resembles Me more and more ...... 179 Message 770: Jesus explains... My Formula for a quick Healing of the 'I' Disease Pride ...... 181


Message 771: Jesus says... Come & Let Me give you the Key to My Heart ...... 183 Message 772: Take My Warning seriously... Do not take Vaccines, trust in Me alone! ...... 184 Message 773: I am so tired of Institutions, Politics, Riches & Corruption ...... 185 Message 774: What has just happened... Was the Rapture real? Love, Hope & Instructions for Those left behind ...... 187 Message 775: Death & Destruction is coming... Be not afraid of the Fire that falls from Heaven! ...... 190 Message 776: Tragedy looms at the White House... Only your Prayers can prevent Donald's Death ...... 192 Message 777: Ezekiel 9... Judgment of God... The Execution ...... 193 Message 778: Fire from Heaven... What is being allowed is a must to wake them up ...... 194 Message 779: The Our Father is the perfect Prayer... Understand its Content ...... 196 Message 780: This is NOT Science Fiction... Keep praying, Heartdwellers ...... 197 Message 781: WAKE UP, MY CHILDREN! If you do not change your Course now, then...... 197 Message 782: Rest On My Heart & Let Me take you to Heaven with Me ...... 200 Message 783: Persecution, Hate, Conversions & Revival in Penasco (New Mexico) ...... 202 Message 784: My Sandbox Children, Babylon's fiery Furnace is coming, choose now!...... 205 Message 785: Don't give up, My weary Brides... I am coming very soon! ...... 207 Message 786: I've given you free Will... You choose to follow My Counsel or not ...... 211 Message 787: Do you expect to be raptured with this Attitude? ...... 213 Message 788: Am I your God or are your Parents your God... Whom do you serve? ...... 213 Message 789: Do you still waste Time or do you seek Me? Is your House in Order? ...... 215 Message 790: Requirements to get your Prayers answered & Why a Soul serves Satan ...... 216 Message 791: Don't be afraid of admitting an Error, if your Discernment failed ...... 219 Message 792: I am cleaning House and separating the Sheep from the Goats ...... 221 Message 793: Difficult Times, Hitler, Persecution of Christians & How you recognize My Voice ...... 223 Message 794: Graces delivered to White House, Mainstream Media Lies & Voter Fraud... Pray! ...... 225 Message 795: The unforgiving Servant & Your Transformation into little Christs ...... 228 Message 796: Jesus says... I wait for your Decision to let go & ...... 229 Message 797: We are on the Brink of War with China... I need you, now! ...... 230 Message 798: Devastation is coming from the North, it's at your Gates, America! ...... 232 Message 799: Fear God, NOT Men... A serious Warning from Jesus to all Christians on Earth ...... 235 Message 800: Jesus speaks about... Pharmaceutical Companies, Diseases, Mind control & Abortions ...... 238 Message 801: Rapture & Tribulation, Donald Trump, Antichrist & Mark of the Beast ...... 239 Message 802: Halloween... Invitation from Jesus for Satanists & Witches... Come, let Me set you free ...... 241 Message 803: These are turbulent Times... It's Time to wake up to the Truth ...... 243 Message 804: I allow certain Events to get your Attention ...... 244 Message 805: The Fate of President Trump & America is hanging in the Balance... Please My People, pray! ...... 245 Message 806: I am restoring your Faith... These are My Words ...... 247 Message 807: Jesus explains... Passing Judgment is very bitter and leads to Death ...... 249 Message 808: You're on the Precipice... Your World has never been in a more precarious Place ...... 250 Message 809: Your Lives are hanging in the Balance at this Hour & Prayer Song ...... 252 Message 810: Uphold, what is right and take a Stand for the Truth ...... 253 Message 811: This is a critical Hour... But Donald Trump will win once again ...... 254


Message 812: PRAY! For nothing in your Life will matter, if you lose this Battle ...... 255 Message 813: Donald, I defend you and will bring to pass the Victory ...... 256 Message 814: Send a Tsunami of Prayers & We'll have a Tsunami Victory ...... 257 Message 815: I need a Place where I can rest My weary Head and find Solace...... 258 Message 816: I long to see My Body united & Supplies for 6 Months ...... 259 Message 817: Brother Leo's Testimony... The Call of The Beloved & Persecution by My Church ...... 260 Message 818: Your President won this Election, now it's just a Matter of proving it ...... 263 Message 819: This is not a Rapture Drill... This is the real Thing, be prepared! ...... 266 Message 820: We are on the Brink... Keep watch, pray and be ready! ...... 268 Message 822: If you want to follow Me, you must deny yourself and take up your Cross ...... 268 Message 823: Enemy Troops poised to attack America from Canada ...... 270 Message 824: The Hour is near... Write Love Letters & Warn them about the Mark ...... 271 Message 825: Bitterness & Self-hatred run so deep... But there is Hope! ...... 272 Message 826: It's been a long Time coming... New York City is the main Target ...... 273 Message 827: Leave behind many Proofs of Love for your Relatives & Mankind ...... 274 Message 828: Drama in America... I have still complete Control ...... 275

Message 674: Jesus explains... Another Assassination Attempt on President Trump & Slaughter of Christians

January 4, 2019 - Words from Jesus & Sister Clare

Clare began... Thank You, Lord, for giving us hope, that we may actually overcome this monster. Please help us to pray with complete faith and trust that You're truly going to answer our prayers.

Well, Dear Ones - arm up. We are headed for a confrontation of monumental proportions. What I wanted to tell you, that I'd heard about, is that there is a large force of enemy soldiers headed for our border, from the south. A VERY large force. And the Lord has asked me to keep you up to speed and tell you what‘s been going on. The Lord is taking all the suffering He can get from us to protect our President. Basically, He said there would be an assassination attempt almost every day on our President.

I had a dream about the Chinese occupying America. And I believe in the southern U.S. The Chinese had landed and killed all our soldiers and were taking over the city. It was obvious that all of us with homes would be sentenced to death or forced to move elsewhere. No one was expecting this, it was a total shock. I have had many dreams about Russian, Korean, and Chinese occupation in our country. They already own many of our National Monuments, at least that's what I have heard. And then there are high, fenced areas walled off with the United Nations signs in areas near national parks that are now restricted to tourists.

And every day brings a new assassination attempt...

"President Trump was rushed to the underground bunker Wednesday night (January 2/3, 2019) as the marines guarding the White House had been infiltrated by the clay feet, and gunfire broke out as he was going down in the elevator to the bunker. The Secret Service shot and killed one rogue

5 marine. All the rest were arrested for questioning. It seems that the Russians gave our people intel that there would be an attempt on the President‘s life from our own Marines guarding him in the White House. Please pray for President Trump‘s safety."

Before I got the confirmation on this from our military source, Ezekiel was told by the Lord that it was true.

I don‘t think any of us know the great peril we are on the brink of right now. And the information I got within the last hour confirms that. All that needs to happen is that Trump is taken out. Russia won‘t waste any time on moving on America, and neither will China or the North Koreans. The bottom line is that we will be in chaos with a rogue government hell-bent on destroying our liberties of the past.

I sense we are surrounded by enemy vessels even now. And of course, all kinds of things inside the country that are being covered up. Supplies, equipment and people, who are actually hostile. Their plants - for a time when war breaks out, they're in place. As well as terror cells who are just waiting for the signal to move.

I am just not secure in thinking we have a lot of time until the Rapture. And what is Jesus saying? Basically, we are outnumbered by praying, fasting, sacrificing Satanists. That there is no guarantee of one more year - let alone 2 or 3 more years. Lord, we hunger for Your words...

Jesus began... "I have just told you, Clare, that I have put My words in your mouth, and the attempt on his life was real. And you can expect that there will be more, almost daily. The situation is so desperate.

"My Darling Clare, I know how turbulent and confusing these times have been for you. However, your President‘s safety is at the head of the list, with trafficked children running closely behind.

"World War III is being held back by a hair‘s breadth, and I need all your prayers and sufferings like never before.

"This was not a joyous Christmas, not like last year. It couldn‘t be, because no one in a responsible position in the government or otherwise could sit back. Everyone was actively holding back the holocaust that is sure to ensue when the dark players gain access.

"Wednesday night was a CLOSE CALL, and the attempts on President's life are getting more and more brazen. They are trying things that would boggle your mind to consider.

"Let‘s just say that the amount of protection, and the variations on protection, are monumental - because the efforts are monumental. So much depends on the prosecution and taking out of power those who are subverting your nation."

"The Satanists are joyfully anticipating the blood bath and slaughter of Christians who have for so long limited their activities through prayer. But not so fast, Dark ones. I am still the Lord over this nation and I reward My praying people."

"That is to say to you, Clare, there is hope. I can see it bouncing off of you, and I know the supreme trial you are going through right now. But I will not let you down.

"Yes, this message is important. Rally your people to prayer and perseverance. Know that the battle is fierce, the struggles come and go. But there is a faithful remnant standing in the gap for the unsure. And I reward those who are faithful to Me, no matter what the risks. I know you are heartsick, but I promise you, everything will turn out well."

"Trust Me, My diamond. Listen to the whisperings of My heart in yours. Stand strong and trust. You will see the glory of the Lord. Don‘t despair. Please trust Me. There are so many dynamics at work that you still do not understand."

(Clare) The Lord bless you and keep you. Let us stand together for our President... Amen.


Message 675: Jesus says... My young People, come!... I want to hold & love you & Show you the Way out

January 7, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began... My precious young people, youth is a very difficult time to balance, because hormones are taking over in your body and causing you to be unstable emotionally, and not able to think clearly. When everyone seems to be against you, remember: God is FOR you. Your first reaction is to fly off the handle and start complaining and pointing the finger, saying just how unjust so and so is. But God has a better way.

Jesus began... "May I say, you are in the flesh? I have covered you. I will infuse you with knowledge and wisdom beyond your years if you will get ahold of yourselves, calm down, and then seek My Face. Seek My wisdom. I have given you a Bible full of wisdom. I have given you a Bible Promises filled with wisdom. Yet still you prefer to get worked up, flex your muscles and get upset, angry, insecure—even desperate.

"No, My precious ones. You mustn‘t act this way! When you are troubled and threatened, number one, cry out to Me, ‗Jesus! Save Me!‘ And then sit and wait quietly, pray from your heart, pour out your fears and hurts. I am here to listen to all. I knew this sucker punch was coming, way before it hit you in the head. Now I want to guide you out of your confusion, anxiety, and thoughtless reactions.

"I have the remedy, and it is in My Word if you will actively seek it. Do you think it is a coincidence when I open a Bible to a certain page for you to read? Do you think My arm is so short I cannot descend from Heaven and make your fingers move to the right page? How silly of you to have so little trust in Me.

"The first thing I want to do when you are hurt is say, ‗Come here, Son. Come, Daughter. Let Me hold you.‘ The second thing is to make you feel My Peace and My extreme love for you. The third thing I want to do is show you the way out. My Word is a light onto your feet and a torch unto your path. I will illuminate and guide you, but first you must become still and quiet. Let Me help you sort it out.

"Don‘t you know, I have plenty of experience with unexpected sucker punches? When the synagogue leaders tried to throw Me over the brow of my own town of Nazareth. When the Pharisees accused and questioned Me in the Temple. When I stood before Pilate. When I received 40 lashes. When I climbed Calvary... Don‘t you know that in those moments I, too, was facing the explosive anger of My enemies? And I, too, was being taunted and reviled?

"But I did not react. I sought the heart of My Father, and spoke what He wanted Me to speak— not what My flesh may have wanted to do or say.

"So, if I can navigate those things, surely I can help you navigate your challenges and tests of faith. So please, My young adults, please. When you are deeply hurt, stop and listen for My voice. Reach out for My arms. I will quiet your soul and speak to your heart, even through the Scriptures.

"When they revile you, they revile Me. When they throw stones at you, they hit Me. I stand beside you and bleed when you are being injured. I partake of your suffering, and I guide you in the way you should go. A way in which, someday, all will be ratified before the Tribunal of God, and you will be glorified with the glory My Father gave Me.

"You are My sons and daughters. Therefore, you must reflect Me. Stop. Come to Me. Let me hold and guide you. Then you can wipe the blood and spittle off My face, even as I have wiped it from yours.


"I love you so very deeply. It grieves Me to see injustice. And once more, those who cast stones unfortunately should be the ones upon which the stones are heaped, because their sins are not invisible to Me. I know each one, and they that condemn are those who should be condemned.

"Yet I did not come into the world to condemn it, but to save it. Forgive and release all bitterness. Then take My hand and walk with Me."

Message 676: Jesus says... Be like a Child & Obey Me... Do, what I ask of you & Leave the Rest up to Me

January 8, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... ―The danger is grave and there is more than one situation brewing, Clare. You have very limited information, because I do not want you focusing on this. The fact that all are praying for the safety of the President and against war is making a significant difference.

―My precious Bride, how I long to hold you tenderly and tell you not to fear! That all will be okay. But I need your prayers and trust right now, and I cannot release you from the heavy yoke of intercession. But I can tell you, that IF you continue to respond with serious prayer for your nation, there is MUCH hope; very much hope. But we cannot for a moment afford to let our guard down.

―Clare, I have heard your laments about not being able to work on music, and I want you to know I hear and understand your intention. And I also know the burden of opposition and unbelief you have faced from several sources.

―I have not misinformed you. You are not circulating unsubstantiated rumors. You are not deceived. In fact, you are right at the very edge of what is truly going on, yet you are limited in scope, because I do not want you entrenched in this drama."

"I have given the Heartdwellers just enough information to know it is serious and I need serious prayer. I don‘t want to go any further than that. I have also given other groups information so they could pray, and all of you who are obedient are overlapping and covering situations that could cause WWIII.

"Your President is a very gutsy guy who has deliberately done what is right and provoked these world powers. He was correct in doing that. It forced to the surface things that were lurking. It called the question... lots of talk and posturing, but let‘s get down to brass tacks. And now he is hated even more by those who have been corrupt and dishonest in their dealings with America.

"I have watched this corruption on levels you will never fathom, for decades. And before we can build, we must dismantle the oppression that has gained power over your country.

"This is risky, because without the prayer backup, the whole thing could come tumbling down. But because of the obedience of key officials, who have risked their lives for this country, and because of your prayers, we are seeing good progress. But what can I say? There is SO much darkness. SO much.

"And for this reason, I must keep you all pushing into new territory in prayer. It is so easy to fall asleep once you are comfortable. So easy. So, I must continually motivate you and other Heartdwellers to be acutely aware that they are in a war that could go either way at any moment.

"So far, prayer and obedience has thwarted the plans of the enemy. But we cannot afford to let up. We must, still, press in.


"I cannot guarantee you anything. I can only say this is possible with much prayer and vigilance. I want to say it will all work out and set back the Clay Feet, but certain key situations must come to pass before that is secure. People all over the world are longing for peace and I hear their cries every day. But you all know what must come to pass in the book of Revelation. And your prayers are pushing the timetable back a year or two, because we still have many souls to touch.

"My dearest Clare. I know how you and others feel about the promises and threats, constantly teetering back and forth—and that is a legitimate suffering, by the way. I know how discouraging this is. But I have told you. When I come, I want you to be busy about My work. I want to see you recording songs, writing books, praying with others and carrying on like the world will never end.

"But at the same time, you must be aware of the tides and currents in the world, and how it could all end tomorrow - and before you finish your work. I did not tell you that you must finish; I told you that you must work and pray.

"There are millions around the world who are doing their little part in bringing the Gospel to the nations. They are not necessarily aware of the shortness of time, because I have not burdened them. But to those who are My Bride, I share My most intimate secrets. And I ask them to walk with Me every day, knowing full well it could end at any time.

"I will say it again... truly this is a suffering that is counted as a fast offering. It has merit. So please, don't grow discouraged.

"You will not be judged on what you finished, but on how obedient you were. I know it is difficult for you to resolve this dichotomy in your minds... ‗I‘m working...but will I finish? Will it be too late? Will I reach those who need it the most?‘ These questions burn in your mind and set themselves apart from what I have told you to do. They are in direct opposition to obedience. They are rooted in pride and human reasoning, not blind faith and trust in Me. They are deliberate attempts to undermine your actions and cause you to hesitate, put off, and wobble in doing what I asked.

"I would rather you have the attitude that, ‗If Jesus said it, I need to do it and leave all the results and timing up to Him.‘

"For instance, Clare, if only you had finished Exodus, you could have presented it on your Channel and it would have been a wonderful and encouraging album. But you couldn‘t see how it could ever get out to anyone or be used — so you gave up. I really wanted you to finish that and had many uses for it. That is why I introduced you to Moses that day in Heaven."

(Clare) 'Do you want me to finish it now?' I asked the Lord. 'Forgive me, Lord. There is such a charge around that subject, I‘m not sure I can hear You clearly.'

(Jesus) "What are you hearing, Beloved?"

(Clare) I‘m seeing a battle in my mind. I think You said ―Yes‖, but I don‘t trust myself to hear correctly on something this emotional.

(Jesus) "And what else are you seeing?"

(Clare) I‘m feeling like a battle is going on. Sharp arrows of Unbelief. Ideas like ―Oh, what good would that do? No one is interested in it. It will take a lot of time. It doesn‘t fit anywhere. The time is past for it.‖ Etc., etc.

(Jesus) "All those arrows of Unbelief are from the enemy. First off, you should recognize that. What if things continued on in good stead in this country for the next 20 years? What if there truly was a Renaissance? What if prayer continued to constrain the monster from moving forward and the world was in relative peace? What would you feel at the end of your life?"

(Clare) I would feel like I was deceived. And I am sure so many more feel the very same way. I would feel like I wasted so much time questioning. Fearing. Hesitating...that I had nothing left for creating.


And the ground would lie fallow with no harvest, after 20 years of teeter-tottering back and forth over this crisis and that. Wars and rumors of wars...

(Jesus) "And you would be justified in thinking that. But if you ignore that, and just plainly obey, without an eye on what‘s going to happen when. Where would you be at?"

(Clare) Wow! My little tract of land would be bursting with fruit and I would feel so fulfilled.

(Jesus) "That‘s right, that‘s exactly right. So why don‘t you just obey and stop second-guessing Me and prognosticating?"

(Clare) Lord, because You, Yourself, tell me how critical things are and that prayer is desperately needed.

(Jesus) "Clare, unless you become like a little child... Don‘t you see? A little child doesn‘t get consumed in what will happen; they are living from moment to moment. They would finish their prayers and whatever was urgent, and then declare, ‗Wow! Let‘s get started on the crossing of the Red Sea.‘ Their sense of excitement and enthusiasm over what I was doing in the now would overpower their reasoning, much of which is from the enemy to distract them away from that work.

"You are far too adult in your approach to your day, because you have a mountain of ‗what ifs‘ hovering over you—with all kinds off distracting lies and misinformation to pull you away from the purity of your work.

"Yes, there is a conflict brewing. Yes, there are enemy forces headed your way and even established in this country. But you can‘t do anything but pray against them. Then leave it at the foot of the Cross and move on with your day. It is all these ‗what ifs‘ that are causing a loss of motivation, and hope and energy.

"Heartdwellers, I am asking a great deal from you. I am asking you to cooperate with Me in Hope. I am asking you to obey from moment to moment without having to reason it all out or follow through in the news, looking for confirmation—which you're not going to find! Because much of the information that you've been given is not public yet.

"I am asking you to act on the moment. When it is time for prayer, pray. Then pray throughout the day, of course, as well. When it is time for family, enjoy family. When it is time to work, enjoy work. Do everything for My glory out of obedience and leave the consequences to Me.

"You see, your insecurities cause you to doubt, question, and hesitate. But I am Lord of the Storm and all you need to do is obey what I place before you, and not second-guess Me or question My motives. Let Me take responsibility for your actions done in obedience to Me, and see if the fruit in your life doesn‘t all of a sudden increase into a much bigger harvest.

"Work while you have the Light with you, and never grow weary of well-doing. Dwell in My presence until you are inebriated with My Love and provision. Lay down all your reasoning so you can pray and work. If there is need for a change in your circumstances, or where you live, or where you work—I will lead you. But until then, be content with your job and know that you are protected by Me.

"There are a zillion threats, thousands of prophetic dreams, all with a different message. Most are from Me; some are not. But rather than carefully weighing the message in each one, calculating with human reasoning what will happen when, I am asking you to shift your focus to childlike obedience. Obey and do what I ask you to do, when I ask, and do not give Me excuses that you are confused.

"You are confused, because you listen to too many different sources. Some are from Me and some are not. But the ones that are from Me are meant for those people in that group. The ones you hear from Me are meant for you in the Heartdwellers group. When you start mixing their messages with Mine to Clare, you fall into mental disarray and confusion. Thus, the enemy hamstrings you and you do nothing but reason through all your confusions. 'Round and 'round, chasing your tail.


"I would have you act in faith on what I feed you through this vessel, and leave everything. Consequences, timing, life circumstances. Leave it all to Me, for in the end, I get the credit for it all.

"So now, go in peace. Stop your human reasoning that is hamstringing you. Push through in obedience and stay alert and watchful on your own station, in this childlike simplicity and obedience. I will be glorified, and you will have constant peace of mind instead of constant turmoil and questioning."

Message 677: Jesus says... More dramatic Measures are needed, when People are so enraptured with the World

January 13, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began... I believe the Lord is warning us, Heartdwellers, that we may very well have a catastrophic tsunami in this country in a big city.

Today one of our prayer warriors told me of her dream about a tsunami which is coming. We‘ve all known for quite some time this was going to happen and the two locations we‘ve been shown are San Francisco and New York City.

Dear ones, the Lord has always promised us, that if we would pray, He would lessen the tragedies. And here I want to present the prayer that Jesus taught Faustina. Jesus told her... "If you say this prayer, with a contrite heart and with faith, on behalf of some sinner - I will give that soul the grace of conversion."

And this is the prayer... "O Blood and water that gushed forth from the heart of Jesus, as a fount of mercy for us sinners, I trust in You."

Please, remember this prayer dear ones. We may have to pray this over thousands of souls...

Jesus began... "My faithful Brides, how proud I am that you have pierced the heavens with your cries and entreaties. Only when you are with Me will you see the fruit of your labors, your obedience, your willingness and love. It is true that chastisements will be allowed for a season, but it will be for the punishment of the wicked and those caught in the grips of it who are not wicked, such as innocent children. I promise them a swift ride into Heaven and eternal delights.

"But for you who are left, there will be much work for you to do. There will be revival and a turning back to Me, and in this way I hope to prepare My Bride so that soon we will be together. Getting the attention of My Brides to be has been a serious effort with little fruit except in countries who have experienced terrorism, displacement and tragedy.

"Sometimes that is what it takes to separate a soul from the world and seriously consider that I am real, alive and calling to them.

"Souls that respond to Me without having to go through this are precious few and far between, and My heart longs to lavish love and consolation on those who are yet to experience Me.

"But they are naked and blind in this world, and their very reality must be shaken. There is little time left and they are lagging behind. That is why more serious measures are needed to get their attention.

"However, I am never without pity or mercy, and I hate to experience their suffering and to feel what they feel. So, I try with all possible measure to draw them to Me by life‘s ups and downs.


"But when a people is so enraptured with the world, more dramatic and harsher methods are needed.

"I am asking you all to stand on the wall of intercession...looking out over the world and giving your heart to those who suffer and are victims of tragedy. I am asking you to respond to that still small voice within you that calls you to prayer.

"I am asking you also to know that your loved ones are in the hands of a loving and just God, and nothing happens without His consent. Trust Him. Trust His faithfulness and give Me great cause to trust you with the most precious thing in My world... a human soul.

"Trust that I know what I am doing and allowing, and in the end, there will be a glorious re- uniting with your loved ones. Trust and offer your sorrows to Me, and I will bring great joy at the appointed hour."

Message 678: Jesus says... These next 2 Weeks are super-critical for President Trump & America

January 19, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... "The plans being made now to take President Trump down are more vicious than anything he has encountered in his administration.

"Do not tell me about this prophet and that prophet that talked about his second term. Those prophecies were given on the basis of a praying America. An America that falls to its knees and cries out to Me for justice. When complacency sets in and people drop out of serious prayer, because they think it‘s all covered - that is the death knell for America."

(Clare) Forgive me, Lord, but I thought there were huge prayer meetings and movements all over the nation to protect him?

(Jesus) "What is needed is the prayer of the Ninevites. And you are nowhere near that."

(Clare) But I thought we had another two years from the Father?

(Jesus) "Two years of crushing defeat and survival of the fittest? Or two years of glorious moving forward?

"Clare, you will shake some people up by this message. But I tell you the truth. Unless it is fully embraced and put into motion, there is little hope for Donald. He is without sufficient protection for this next move of the enemy. He is wide open, and only a huge movement of travailing prayer will save your nation.

"Why do you think I keep playing 'In the Storm‘ for you?"

(Clare) For those of you who don't know, 'In the Storm' is about an attack on American city and World War III. Go to Song

"Every morning, sometimes two or three times. I have been trying to get your attention. Why do you think you have been with Me in your wedding dress, dancing? We are so very close. And if things continue the way they have been, there is no hope of turning it around.

"Have you ever wondered why I tell some prophets about the glorious plans I have for this nation. And others like yourself are called upon to get into the trenches and fight?"


(Clare) Yes, Jesus. All the time I wonder. But then I remember what You told me that each group has a different calling, and You are depending on the diligent prayers of the faithful to fulfill the good prophecies.

(Jesus) "I am projecting what is possible if diligence is maintained. But when people are drawn out of the trenches into civilian affairs and leave their post wide open to the enemy, My words cannot be fulfilled. If Nineveh had not repented, it would have been destroyed as it was later.

"What is needed here is major repentance and a turning to Me, with pet projects and dreams in second place to serious intercession. The kind that wipes you out. I am not calling for this indefinitely, but I am calling for it NOW. If all of you take this to heart and act in obedience, there will be a time when the tables are turned. But right now, you are in the midst of grave danger."

"Your piano, your songs, your messages are all a waste of time unless you‘ve gotten into substantial travailing prayer, first. That is how serious this is. Don‘t waste your time doing anything for Me if you have not beaten down the gates of Heaven with tears, fasting, and supplication for your nation."

(Clare) Lord, some of us cannot fast.

(Jesus) "I know that, and I have spoken into the conscience of all to do what is best suited for them. As a general rule, sweet and pleasant foods should be avoided and offered up. But it is better if you don‘t make it obvious to others. Stay humble and hide it, unless you are all together on self-denial.

"The hour you spend on video games, which are not healthy for you, you should give up and mow an elderly person‘s yard for them. Give up gourmet food for plain food. For instance, pizza—for a simple meal of meat and potatoes, or cereal. Quinoa, is a very good fast for you, Clare.

"Abstain from meat on Fridays and Wednesdays. Wednesday corresponds to the key events in My life that paved the way for My arrest Thursday night. But Friday is sufficient.

"Tell Me, My people, what are you willing to give up to save your nation?

"Remember, this is critical in timing. I will not ask this of you every day, unless you wanted to offer it to Me. And there is nothing you can give Me that I will not return to your hearts, a thousand-fold, My great love for you in a sensible way.

"Clare, can you go without cinnamon in your coffee in the morning?"

(Clare) Little things?

(Jesus) "Yes, very little things count for much. Do not fast so severely that you are too weak to pray. Do not fast if you are sick or pregnant or have undergone surgery. But you can deny yourselves treat foods.

"Do not deny your body water. Meat is a good offering, but not if it makes you so weak you cannot pray. Offer Me every little irritation, delay, opposition, accident, trial, inconvenience. Offer these things in a spirit of meekness and thanksgiving that you have something to offer.

"Do not announce that you are fasting. Do not attempt outrageous fasts, which come from Pride. To take great pleasure in fasting when others don‘t; to see yourself as a spiritual person because you are fasting and they are not, is very detrimental to your soul. You are opening the door to pride and the invasion of the enemy, which will cost you much - as well as making your sacrifice of no account.

"Go out of your way for others. Deny yourself and do for others.

"I am asking this of you right now, during this time. This will not last long. But it is going to be a very hard two weeks. You will not always have access to, or know, what is going on. That is another suffering. Just know that no gift of yours falls to the ground without first bearing much fruit.


"Please embrace this prayer, fasting and self-denial as if you were trying to prevent My crucifixion. Because I tell you truly, the pain I will suffer if we lose this battle will be like My crucifixion all over again.

"Will you stand... for Me? Will you deny yourself... for Me? Remember... This will not go on forever. But the next two weeks are critical.

"I would also ask you to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary, if possible. I never force anything on anyone. But My mother‘s tender heart is standing with all of us in this assault against your government. If you are not willing, please pray... 'Lord I am willing to be made willing.‘ And I will make your sacrifices sweeter than you could have ever imagined.

"Plead the Blood and protection over his staff, that no traitor would be given access to him. Pray for supernatural sensitivity for all of them. Pray Psalm 91 over them. And trust that no word of Mine will return void, but it will accomplish what I have sent it for. If enough of you do these things, embracing them with your whole heart, We will have a victory.‖

Message 679: Jesus says... Donald, you & I are doing this together... Walk with Me in Humility

January 26, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare & Brother Donald

Clare began... Thank You, Lord Jesus, for sharing with us the results of our prayers to encourage us to keep praying. Lord, please grant us the gift of travail and self-denial for the good of our nation and the world.

But Donald needs a heart for the poor of our nation. The Lord has given us the poor so that we could prove our love for Him through them. Yes, the poor are God‘s gift to us to cherish and nurture. They are our opportunity to show our great love for Jesus, because Jesus lives in them.

"Blessed is he who cares for the poor; the LORD will deliver him in the day of trouble. The LORD will protect and preserve him; He will bless him in the land and will not surrender him to the will of his foes." (Psalm 41:1-2)

President Trump is so very much in need of this kind of continuing favor with God. Please, Heartdwellers, pray for humility and tenderness towards those who cannot be shining examples of health, wealth and success. I don‘t think he realizes that God‘s choice for him was prosperity. But God‘s choice for others may be poverty. This is an agreed upon thing before you are sent into the world.

As it is written in Jeremiah 1:5... "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..."

I've been told by the Lord that the soul has agreed upon the circumstances of their birth, before they come into the world. Which begs the question... 'Why would anyone choose to be poor?' I believe that in those moments, understanding is imparted to the soul to understand ALL the HIDDEN dangers of being rich.

The Lord promises to deliver those who care for the poor. He promises to not surrender him to the will of his foes. Please pray that Donald will receive this correction from Christians around him. If his attitude does not change, I fear for him. Because God is the One who is protecting him, and I don‘t want to see him like King Nebuchadnezzar or turned over to the will of his enemies.


So, my dear ones, you can see the stakes are high. The Lord has given us a choice, to live or to die. Let‘s persevere until the Lord releases us from prayer. He did say clearly... 'two weeks', starting on January 19, 2019. The Timing is critical. Lord, what do You have to say?

(Jesus) "Clare, so much hinges on prayer. I know you are having struggles with abstinence and I want you to set it aside right now. Your health is such that you cannot live under the stress of giving up some foods. When you can, I honor it. But when you cannot, I do not condemn you, as the devils have been tormenting, you to the point where you cannot draw close to Me in Prayer.

"I know your frame so much better than you do. I know the pain and the pressure you live with and although it is a great gift to Me when you intentionally deprive yourself, you are not Anna in the temple in Jerusalem, 1 A.D. you are Clare in a decaying society, serving Me with all your strength, not knowing when it will all come to an end.

"I give you more strength for your work. But it is better for you that I do not give you the grace for extravagant feats of fasting and self-denial. I know you wish you were like that, but it can lead to a worsening case of pride than what you are already dealing with."

(Clare) Yup... I got a bad case of Pride.

(Jesus) "And on that note, there is nothing more noxious to Me than judgment of others and a harsh spirit. That will most certainly lead to a state of not being able to see Me. So, thank you, My Darling, for seeing yourself and your sin so clearly. Now I ask you... May we begin again? Please, come to Me expecting to see and hear Me clearly, Little One."

"So the prayer and whatever abstinences you can offer Me, I accept most thankfully. Dear ones, if you fail at your targeted fast or abstinence, repent. Ask for more grace, pick yourself up again, and keep going. And do check your heart to see if there is some unrecognized sin that is opening the door for a fall.

"Don't be too anxious. There is nothing the devils would like better than to see you give up prayer and fasting altogether, because you failed. And then they would try to send you into a downward spiral of hiding and withdrawing from Me. Don't let this happen. If you have failed, get back up. Repent. Ask for new strength and realize you are no spiritual giant.

"Many a Christian has fallen from grace because they tried to be too big for their britches, and didn't want to settle for a second-best offering, even though I honor every single effort you make on My behalf. I cherish it! I love each of you so tenderly and savor the sweet fragrance of sacrifice made willingly from your hearts. Clare. Did you have something to say?"

(Clare) Thank You, Lord. I have to say if we cannot offer the fasts we want to, be mindful that the Lord allows inconveniences and snafus that cause extreme tension to work through. And this is an acceptable fast offering when offered in a spirit of meekness and submission to whatever He allows.

For instance, I had a terrible mess to clean up on Sound Cloud because of certain errors I made. And my most important songs had not even been posted yet. It gave me a vice-grip headache for the entire day and into the night. And what's worse, it took up all the time I could have used on music that day.

When I realized that was allowed as a fast offering, I got calm and laid down with it. And the only tension left was sorting out songs and getting them in their right places. In the end, it was my fault, because I had not prepared the lists properly.

(Jesus) "My people, when you accept adverse circumstances that are out of your control in a spirit of meekness and submission to My will, you glorify Me by your love and patience. Humility has many layers. And as you grow in My Spirit, you will find that I exercise you in countless trials to bring out the very best in you.

"So, don't grow weary when things seem impossibly complicated. Rather step back, take a deep breath, and ask Me... 'Lord, what are You doing here? And how can I cooperate with You?' The world

15 will question your sanity in such moments, but eventually come to the conclusion that you are different, because I live in you. They will know you are Christians by your love."

"Now, about the changes in your government. So little is being shown to you - and SO MUCH is going on. This is deliberate, because most could not handle the truth. But for you that follow behind Me closely, and for those who have been given the task of informing you, there is much truth to be disclosed if you listen very carefully. Your President has done what no other president or world leader has ever done. Not because he is brilliant. But because you are praying.

"There is much concern over his temperament, because great rulers fall through pride. Easily. Traps are laid at the feet of those who are about to have a stunning victory. This is why you are praying.

"I am with Donald and I love him dearly. I totally understand where he is coming from, but he does not understand where I am coming from. He does not understand why I put the poor on this Earth. He does not understand that his privileged birth was a gift from Me. He does not understand truly, why people fail. The ideal training for him would be to accompany Sherry through the streets of NYC. And sit and learn and live with the homeless. And listen to their stories. And to be able to see how they have been gutted from within. Immobilized by depression. And have nothing left, not even an ounce of motivation.

"Now, with barely a thought in My mind I could cause him to become immobilized by depression. Then he would get a glimpse into what so many suffer in this world. But as it is now, he does not understand. And has zero tolerance for losers."

(Clare) Then the Lord did something different. He began to speak to the President. I have no idea if he's going to get this or not. But this is what He had to say.

(Jesus to Donald) "Donald, do not force Me to take My Hand off of you. Study My life. Imitate My meekness. Make the beatitudes your daily creed. Observe how I stood before rulers.

"You are accustomed to applaud and honor the great ones for their accomplishments. That is in direct contrast to Me, who applauded the simplicity of life and littleness of the poor and sickly. They had time for Me, and they had a heart for Me, which the rich did not.

"I experienced their suffering and entered into their hearts, living there with them. I saw their upbringing and the constant wounding of spirit they suffered from circumstances totally out of their control. I lived with the lepers and dried their tears. I knew the desolation of the prostitute and her longing for love and respect.

"I made Myself in the form of human weakness, so that I could experience firsthand the trials they suffered. I am not making excuses for the lazy. I am opening hearts to you so you can understand. The poor you shall always have with you. And they do serve a very important function in your lives. Life is hard, and you have it within your means to remove some of the most pressing burdens of the poor.

"Donald. Whatever you do to them, you have done to Me. You are perilously close to losing all you have gained through presumption. All that you have and have accomplished has been permitted by Me. Nothing you have—not your intellect. Your drive or wisdom. Not even your health, is yours. All is a gift from Me that you have done well with.

"But pride proceeds a fall, and in your moment of greatest victory, you are the most vulnerable. Allow Me to open your Bible randomly and read what I put before you - between the lines. It will apply to you in some way. Be alert and expecting Me to speak to you personally. The life of Moses and his ending are very good material for you.

"My word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. (Psalm 119:105-112)

"Through this you will discover Me, how I feel and think. You will learn compassion and meekness. You will take appropriate care of the poor and down-trodden. And I will in turn sustain and protect you."


"Blessed is he who cares for the poor; the LORD will deliver him in the day of trouble. The LORD will protect and preserve him; He will bless him in the land and will not surrender him to the will of his foes...." (Psalm 41:1-2)

"And finally. Do not take the credit for your victories. It belongs with Me - and Me alone. There are millions around the world praying for you, Donald. That is why you have had supernatural victories. It is not your skill alone that has accomplished so much.

"You have been an outstanding manager of what I have endowed you with, accounting for thirty percent of your success. The other seventy percent belongs to the army of believers, some of them disabled and poor, inspired by Me to pray for you.

"You and I are doing this together. I want you to acknowledge that in your heart, knowing that you would not have survived to be inaugurated without My supernatural protection. I am with you. Walk with Me in Humility. The humility of Moses. And do contemplate his end."

Message 680: Jesus speaks about... The cardinal Sin of Pride, Self- Righteousness, GITMO, Treason & Miracles

January 29, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Thank You, sweet Jesus, for Your encouragement and direction, you have sweetened the waters of suffering with your kind words.

Well, Heartdwellers, we are now in an important season. In part, it is a time of balancing what we hear and see on the outside with what we are on the inside. Dear ones, as more and more corruption comes to light in our government, we must balance that with the corruption in our own lives, so we do not fall into Pride or Self-righteousness.

What I mean is, we must recognize the corruption in our own lives. For if it weren't for the Lord's Grace, we could easily be those people that are being brought to justice right now.

I believe this is why we are getting tried on many different levels. It always seems that when the Lord calls us to uphold a heavy burden, He shows us our own sins. Which causes suffering, not just from having to look at them, but from their consequences, as well. For as long as I have understood Simon‘s Cross, I have realized that the Lord saves the hard instruction for times when we are offering up a suffering. So, it works out to 50% suffering for others, and 50% suffering for our own sins.

Pride is a cardinal sin, a hinge on which other sins depend. When you take down Pride, the others fall, as well. Right now, the Lord is working with many of us on our pride - and we are seeing tremendous gains from our intercession. As well as growing in holiness.

Lord, what do You have for us?

Jesus began... "Right now, in this moment, I am longing to step out from your computers and cell phones and hug you, with tears in My eyes. Because I am so proud of how courageously you are offering contradictions and sufferings for the world and your President.

"These who come to GITMO, having committed treason, are going to die. This is our last chance to turn them around and save them. Your prayers are accomplishing wonders on Earth and in Heaven.


"Don‘t stop, My faithful ones. Don‘t stop. I know at times the recognition of your faults and sins seems overwhelming, but please do not forget: I AM the Good Shepherd. When a shepherd finds a sheep with wire wrapped around its leg, he removes it gently. When he finds one who has fallen into a pit, he retrieves it and tends to its wounds. When he sees one that obstinately stomps its foot in defiance, he gently reasons with them, and offers a bit of sweet feed to lure it back.

"These are times when much ugliness is being exposed. This is like a noxious weed that poisons the sheep‘s liver and eventually kills it. So, please do not graze at length on these sites. Touch it lightly, be encouraged that things ARE happening, and move on to the good, fresh, green grass and living waters of My words.

"All of you are ensnared in the wires of pride. Some are disfigured to the point where they cannot even make one step in freedom; the grips of pride and defensiveness make it ever so complicated and laborious. Add to that the poison-tipped arrows of Division and Self-righteousness, and you have a herd of very sick sheep.

"But I do not allow you all to see how great is your sin; you couldn‘t handle it. Just rest assured you are more sinful than others, and you will be safe as I untangle your lives so we can run and play together and scale the heights effortlessly.

"Where humility is great, freedom is great. Please, defer to one another out of love. Pray for one another. Protect one another. Remember that you are secure from the traps Satan lays at your feet if you have defeated your pride and self-interest.

"Be alert to the workings of Satan to set you off. The very instant you feel animosity towards another, is when you have stepped into his snare, meant to immobilize and suspend you helplessly as the demons close in and begin taking bites out of you. I have come to cut you loose from the grips of such things, but it is far better if you avoid them before you‘re dangling upside down.

"But I want to end this message as I began it. I love you. I love you SO very much! And how pleased I am with your sacrifices!! Do not condemn yourself if you cannot live up to your goals in self-denial. This may very well be allowed by Me to humble you, which is of far more value in the long run."

"Come to Me, My Beloved Ones. Let Me hold you and kiss your foreheads and tell you what wonderful things await you in Heaven. In this moment, there is no way for Me to show you My appreciation for your sacrifices, as I would like to. But the day is coming when you will be overwhelmed by My appreciation."

Message 681: Jesus says... Many are hungry for Truth & You have the Truth

February 5, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began... Thank You, Lord Jesus, for coming to us with Your Wisdom and gratitude. What a blessed people we are! Well, my dear family, these have certainly been weeks of uncertainty, but it seems that we are rounding a bend in the road.

Several times during worship I found myself dancing with the Lord, my head on His shoulder, and He has been very present to me in such a sweet, sweet way. But then there are those moments of distance, as well. It almost feels like I must pull Him close to me, but maybe that‘s just because my mind is wandering.


But the Lord‘s supper readings for today were about repentance, so much about repentance in the last few weeks. I have been in a spiritual doldrum for the entire week, really having to press in to stay connected to the Lord‘s presence, prayer, and repentance.

I have to admit, I didn‘t do so well. He brings me into this very strange place of malaise, where my mind feels numb, my body feels like lead weights, and my emotions are totally disconnected and floating, so to speak. It‘s a form of intercession that I've experienced, oh, for at least 30 years. And I know it's always tied to intercession. It's like I can‘t press in with intention in any direction; I‘m just floating on a cloud, my mind very peaceful and sleepy. I'm thinking about what I want to pray about, and sometimes I'm getting the words out, but there's just no passion there.

This is really a peculiar kind of intercession, but He has done this with me for so many years, I understand what it is. It is a sacrifice, and very frustrating not to be able to concentrate on anything and feel completely exhausted. It feels so good when I can press in to pray with emotion - but lately it has been really bland. I wonder if my prayers are worth anything when they are like that. Have you ever asked yourself that?

Jesus began... "Stop putting yourself down. There are times when your intellect seems suspended and so does your body, yet those are highly productive times when I take you to other places to minister. Don‘t worry, Clare. You do have a tender heart, and truly, being devoid of emotion is at times a suffering you must bear."

(Clare) And I want to say, with the Scripture readings about repentance, my tendency is to immediately take it personally.

(Jesus) "It is good to keep repentance in mind, is it not?"

(Clare) Yes, it is. But my knee-jerk reaction is to duck my head and hide.

(Jesus) "We‘ve settled those things that displease Me, Clare. I want you now to enter into My peace and allow Me to heal you from the damage you've done by your sins. I want you to rest in Me and find joy in working with Me. I‘ve missed that, you know."

(Clare) Me, too. I‘ve really missed that.

(Jesus) "Good... Then we are agreed."

(Clare) And I just can't wait to get to my keyboard. And my vocal exercises.

(Jesus) "There is still a ways to go to get this country in order. Your President has had to pick his way carefully through many deadly traps in order to do what he is now accomplishing. Much has been done in the shadows and will be released to the public when they are ready for it. He is doing a marvelous job, and your prayers are working.

"I want you all to shift gears at this point, and work on your ministries, as well as pray for the United States and President Trump. I want you all to be engaged in ministry, busy about My business, feeling productive as together we create, inspire, and draw all men to Me. There will be calls to intercession. For instance, today, to prepare for the State of the Union address. And they never give up trying to kill him, so pray protection for him and his family, always. Keep them covered.

"At the same time, I want you looking more deeply into what your role will be until I come for you. I want you productive, but not so busy you cannot spend intimate time with Me.

"Dear ones, nothing replaces My special time with you. Nothing. I need to be connected to you. And you need to be connected to Me; we need each other. This work that is being done is a group effort, because so many souls all over the world, from many different nations, are being impacted. Therefore, I need your commitment to pray when I nudge you, to spend time with Me when I touch your heart, to help others when you feel called upon to be there for them. These are the things that make up the habits of your daily life that lead to true holiness. You are both there for intimate moments, and dedicated intercession.


"Many of you have been tossed to and fro by the crosscurrents of uncertainty. Yet with each of you, I have been working to stabilize your heart in the midst of threats to the nation and the world. You have learned well, My Brides, to anticipate the Rapture without tension or having to have details and timing. You have been seasoned to the point where you can work with the gifts I‘ve imparted to you, while being aware that the Rapture truly could happen at any time.

"Yet, I have given you a framework of two years to work within, and you will get much done if you trust Me and apply yourself. Your prayers have done more for the world than I could ever possibly communicate to you. The littlest prayer - because of who you are to Me, because you have dedicated your lives to Me and are obedient—the littlest prayer carries much weight, though you very often have serious doubts that you are making a difference.

"In Ezekiel‘s vision, when the Heavens broke open, and Mercy descended and met with the massive amount of prayers for the repentant, dying. And there was nothing but darkness all around. When that broke open, he did not see great offerings, but multitudes of little offerings and prayers, like a cloud.

"You will never conceive of how appreciative I am of your prayers and offerings. It is beyond you to understand the impact your littleness makes in a world full of indifference. Or to measure the effect you have on My heart by your littlest gifts, given voluntarily.

"So, I want to encourage you. When you cannot make offerings, great offerings, little things matter greatly. And the more little things you offer to Me with a heart of love, the greater your capacity to give becomes.

"I want you all to move forward now, full of confidence that your prayers and offerings have accomplished what I needed them for. And truly, you have set the stage now; a solid foundation that you can build upon for the salvation of souls. Cherish, cultivate, and apply your gifts each day and lean on Me heavily to accomplish your goals. For without Me, you can do nothing.

"We are turning a corner, dear ones, and there is new life in store for you as you reach out to Me to supply, uphold, and protect you. There are so many who are hungry for the Truth. You have the Truth. Work with Me to bring them into a life they never dreamed possible.

"And I am with you wherever you go. Lean on Me in all circumstances and allow Me to show you how to reach souls."

Message 684: Warning from Jesus... Sodom & Gomorrah... God's Judgment to fall on Pro-Abortion Adherents

February 14, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank you, Lord, for the warning. Let us draw close to comfort You and pray for lawmakers. My Family, the Lord has asked me to call you to His side to comfort Him. He is so broken over these murderous laws the states are passing. Sweet Jesus, please show us how to best bring You comfort.

Jesus began... "My people, the laws you are signing into existence are tragedy beyond your reckoning. This is forcing the Father‘s hand, Sodom and Gomorrah. For those of you who care, please come to My side and hold Me, stroke My hair and comfort Me. Weep with Me, My people. Weep also for yourselves, for great is the calamity My Father will allow for this heinous crime.

"Everyone involved in this practice, from the doctors, to the hospital, to those who make arrangements for disposal of these children - everyone who touches this is guilty of first-degree

20 murder. If you work in a hospital where this is going on, leave and find other work. The judgment of the Father is hanging heavily over those who permit this in their hospitals.

"You are turning this nation into a nation of vampires, where soon anyone will be able to purchase blood - the blood of newborns. It is already a fact on the black market. It started out with the Elites but has spread throughout your government as Satan harvests the blood of innocents in retaliation for shutting down child trafficking rings and building a wall to prevent smuggling victims across the borders.

"I cannot even begin to tell you the consequences of these crimes. Pray that your President acts immediately to stop this butchery. Pray that he exhausts every possible course of action to shut this down, or these places will be no more.

"You lawmakers who have signed this into existence, wail and mourn - for your time is coming and there is no escape from it. Your place in Hell is secure unless you repent of this evil and work to overturn these laws.

"The life you look forward to for your children is in jeopardy for your criminal slaughter of My children, whom I brought into this world to bless. You will find the Asian, the Arab, the African, and Native and Hispanic population will change the face of this nation as their families increase and mature. They will come to maturity and govern with Godly values. And those of you who care nothing for life will be in the minority and under their rule in America.

"I will bless those who honor the sanctity of life. I will cover them and their families with extraordinary protection, and they will multiply and flourish.

"But for you who murder My children from the womb, God‘s judgment is upon you and your future generations. Those who honor the sanctity of life, I shall bless and protect. I am warning you, that unless you repent and change these laws, judgment will indeed fall upon your house and beyond to your future generations.

"My People, pray for your President. Pray for your lawmakers. Pray for a complete reversal of this crime against humanity. Pray the whole world outlaw abortion. And as you stand for them, I will stand for you, and your children I will save."

God bless you, dear Heartdweller Family. Thank you for your support and thank you for your prayers... Amen.

Message 685: Jesus speaks about MARRIAGE & DIVORCE... What was the Motive for your Marriage?

February 20, 2019 - Words from Jesus & Experience from Sister Clare

Thank you, Lord, that Your mercies are new every morning. Heal the wounds in our hearts from foolish decisions and marrying outside Your will. Oh, please protect us from our flesh and lying spirits! God, keep us pure until You present the one meant to be our spouse. And it truly is a marriage God made. Amen.

Well, my precious ones, I've had it on my mind to share this little story with you. It's an important message for those of you who walk around feeling guilty because you are remarried, or because you had to leave your abusive spouse while you were still alive.


Just recently, my first husband of 35 years ago - the one I had my four children with—came to visit our children in Taos. He was, at that time, looking for work, and I needed help with correspondence. So, I asked him if he wanted to join us. He was very happy and immediately started to work here.

He is a good man, good at communicating and correspondence. He has years of experience at call centers. He is very polite and very much of a gentleman. So, he began answering correspondence for us. I was happy with his work and treated him as a good friend. My husband, Ezekiel, also liked him and we worked together well. For the first time he got to spend substantial time with his son who is here in Taos.

Everything seemed to be going well, until one day, I mentioned... 'Guys, if you work here, you have to be prepared to understand that we get spiritual attacks against our equipment. Sometimes with sickness, sometimes with issues that spring out of Hell from nowhere. But we do get attacked, regularly.'

Well, as it turns out, my wording was provocative for him, and I didn't realize that. I was just stating what all our kids know: we get attacks. And that day we had had serious ones against our Internet. I didn‘t mean anything by it. I wasn‘t trying to force the issue - I was just warning everyone in the room.

Well, that set him off. And a day or two later he told me... 'I quit.' The reason, he said, was that... 'No one tells me what to believe.' And I tried to say at that point... 'Well, I wasn't telling you what to believe, necessarily - that you HAD to believe it. But that this is what happens here! At least, it's something to talk about.'

Well, I don't blame him. You should never tell someone what to believe. You should just offer it to them, and if they want to, fine. And if they don't, fine. But I was trying to give him a head's up on things that go on here.

So, I sat there rather stunned and said... 'Nothing has changed from when you first left us. You still don‘t believe! Nothing is any different. So, go ahead and go.'

And that was how I felt. It was like, these were the same issues that separated us from the beginning. And I'm not saying that my discernment was perfect. You know? There's a reason why the Lord waited 50 years to get me into ministry. I had problems with discernment. I made mistakes. I made some big mistakes!

But you don't give up on discernment because you were foolish and made mistakes. You just go deeper. And allow God to perfect you, which is also very humbling. And you can't be hurt by being made more humble. That's for sure!

So, you know, I'm looking back on this. And here, Ezekiel and I have been married almost 30 years now. And I'm saying, 'Wow! You know, I could STILL be stuck in this marriage if he hadn't left me.' And I wouldn't have been able to do anything for the Lord. I'd be living in a very hostile environment.

You see, I made a huge mistake when I married him. I had a warning that it was wrong, but I ignored it, because it was embarrassing. And I was 32 years old and wondering if I'd ever be asked to get married, 'cause I hadn't yet. And I didn‘t know what else to do, because I had already had my first child with him. I didn‘t trust in my intuition. I wasn‘t a Christian yet, and I really messed up. In the past, we have both acknowledged that we made a big mistake.

Dear ones, if I had stuck it out in that marriage, I would not be serving the Lord today. There was an undercurrent of hostility, although he said he loved the Lord. Something about me - maybe my arrogance, pride, or belief in things you cannot see - really made him furious. And I felt it. I felt the same thing the day he confronted me. In fact, I'd been feeling it for a few days beforehand, that there was a severe irritation there. And it was the very, very same situation and reason why he left us in the beginning.

So, I am sharing this with you, because many of you are yoked to the wrong spouse. God did not put you together. Your flesh, your fears, your poverty, your desperation put you together... But NOT God.


―Let no man separate what God has joined.‖ That‘s what Scripture says. So, if God brought you together with your spouse, like Ezekiel and I, you should not divorce. Ezekiel and I had a test of that in our 8th year of our marriage and almost separated for good. But God healed both of us, and our problems and we reunited without problems. I could not imagine being without him, I love him so much. We are so united as one. But at the time, the friction between us on the mountain at that time was horrendous, and we almost lost each other.

So, I am telling you all this, because I want you to examine your conscience. Were there lies or misinformation involved? Were you forced to marry by an outside source? Did you marry out of necessity, out of fear? Or because you became pregnant? Out of poverty? Out of fear that no one would ever ask you to marry them?

The bottom line is... the only reason you marry is because both of you know for sure it is God‘s perfect will for you, and He has brought you together to raise holy children and serve Him. That is an equal yoke; that is a marriage God has joined.

Because we had children that were a mix of like-mindedness and opposite mindedness, we had contradiction in the family. Some of the children are Christians - and some aren't. A Christian marriage would not have produced that much contradiction, because it was made by God, and your children would be more prone to being holy. Because both parents were leaning towards holiness.

Jesus began... "I know the torment some of you are enduring over this issue. Although I hate divorce, I also hate a carnal marriage which can bring forth nothing but corruption. I have spoken to you many times that you are in an illicit marriage, but out of fear of repercussions, you stay married and the situation only gets worse.

"My mercies are new every morning. I know you made a mistake, and My heart is to help you correct it. But as long as you stay yoked to your flesh, I can do nothing.

"On the other hand, if you have a good marriage - even though it is not the one I had for you - I will bring good out of it. But I never intended for you to live in repression and torment because you were young and foolish. The choice is yours to make, dear ones. Did I bring you together? Or did your flesh bring you together?

"I am for you, not against you. And understand, that if your flesh brought you together, your partner will never be fulfilled in this marriage, either.

"So, go deep, My people. Go very, very deep and examine your motives at marriage. If it was not My doing, the marriage is illicit and should be dissolved - unless you are both happy and willing to stick it out.

"That is your choice. Choose wisely. Remember. My mercies are new every morning. And when you do the right thing, I will be with you. I will not leave you without comfort."

Message 686: Jesus says... Do you have a lost Dream?... Seek Me & Ignore the Naysayers

February 25, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Jesus, for this blessed invitation into Your world of the Spirit. I long to be with You, Lord, and to savor Your presence. Take me by the hand, Jesus, and bring me into Your delightful places... Amen.


Jesus began... "It is so good to have you back in My arms, with your whole heart, Beloved. So good. Do not imagine for a moment that I have left you. But your life has been so turbulent that we haven‘t been able to connect. Too many worries, Clare. Far too many worries and concerns.

"All I want to do is hold you in My arms and infuse you with My love. And when I need you to be here to comfort Me, you will easily recognize it. But do not compare yourself to others. I know the temptation is so very high to judge things against Carol‘s experiences. But you are not Carol, nor are your missions identical. You have plagued yourself with guilt that you are not experiencing Me as she does.

"Nothing could be further from the truth. I don't want a clone; I want a Bride. I want you as you are and for who you are. I do not want you measuring yourself against anyone. This gives the enemy license to foment discontent and jealousy, doubt and failure. None of this is needed. I want you close to Me in your own way.

"Do not go out and try to imitate what they are doing or are called to do. Remain interiorly riveted to Me and My agenda for you. Not My agenda for Carol or Ezekiel."

(Clare) Oh, boy. Well, there's a reason why He said this, obviously. I've been so burdened with so many different things that I lost my connection with the Lord. And that was really hard.

(Jesus) "Each has an important part to play in this war, and the over-comers are the ones who cleave to Me with all their hearts and souls. They do not stoop to be like others, nor climb up higher to be like others. Your way is My special devotion, a special kind of intimacy, many times far removed from what is going on in the world. It‘s deeper, much deeper, because I have chosen you to lead My Bride into My chamber.

"This is why the newsy stuff is so detrimental; it is outside the scope of your charism - although with a very little here and there, I will see to it that you know what you need to know - for calls to prayer. I want you to return to that deeper relationship with Me. More Bridal talk. Leave the news to the newsy people."

(Clare) Actually, Lord, that‘s wonderful to hear. I want to go back to where we were. May we? He didn‘t answer me, but I felt in my heart that if I did go back to where we left off, He would take my hand and keep going. And that‘s just what happened. This message, I began four days ago. Actually, on Valentine's Day, I began this message. And didn't finish it until now. So that's why I asked permission to go back to that place.

Jesus and I were exploring a stream in the woods. It had many rocks on the sides, revealing that it ran much wider than the little area the water was in. It reminded me so much of a place in Arkansas where we used to take our children on an outing and to go fishing. Birds were chirping and flying back and forth, making nests. Their voices echoed off the walls of this canyon river bed. It was springtime, and delicate green leaves were coming forth; everything was alive with fresh life. Even the fragrance caught my attention... fresh, green and so sweet.

Jesus was sitting on a rock about 20 feet away and was wearing long khaki shorts and a shirt. My heart skipped a beat. We‘re exploring again! I love exploring with Him. The water tricked and gurgled as it slowly began to flow downstream. He stood up, came over to me smiling and said...

(Jesus) "Let‘s go downstream. I have a surprise for you."

(Clare) He took my hand and helped me up. The rocks were large - the size of a loaf of bread. Several loaves of bread, but not easy to walk on. So, He guided me to a path as we followed the water going downstream.

It seemed like the headwaters of a small insignificant flow of water. It reminded me of the origins of the Mississippi river that I once had an assignment to photograph - just a tiny gurgling flow of water coming from beneath the limestone rocks.


As we made our way around a bend, there were towering layers of red rock, be-speckled with bright green willows that had emerged from their slender, red-willow branches lining the stream—and even growing up higher along another tributary that was just cascading down into the stream bed we were following. The sun was gleaming from around the bend, and brilliantly accented the many shades of pink sandstone, as though someone very skillfully took a brush and painted them. Some were extremely tall. The Lord caught my attention then, and He said...

(Jesus) "I did that for you, My Love."

(Clare) 'Humm?' I kept looking down so I wouldn‘t lose my balance on the trail.

(Jesus) "Yes, I did that for you, My Love. Knowing how much you love layers of sand stone, I split the rock from way above (it had to be at least 40-80 feet. It varied, actually.) And then I washed and sanded it for many, many years until it would appear just perfect in the morning light when I knew I would be bringing you here."

(Clare) I smiled but was truly flung backwards out of my thoughts by the very concept of the walls splitting to make the canyon and the hundreds of years it took to accomplish this task with such perfection. He smiled, obviously delighted in my response. Then He leaned close to me, cupped His hand over His mouth as if to tell a secret and said...

(Jesus) "But it didn‘t take Me hundreds of years - only thirty. But, if it had taken Me that long, I would have done it for you just the same... that‘s how much I love you. Just to see that smile and delight shining from your face was worth it all. I know these slot canyons are your favorites, so I brought you here to explore."

(Clare) Yes, that‘s true, I've always loved slot canyons. There's a lot of them in the Southwest. I've never been in one, but I've always wanted to go there. They're very, very deep and narrow caverns, with sandstone layers. Waves and waves of sandstone markings on the sides from water flowing and cutting through the sandstone. They are so beautiful. I replied... 'That's true. I love slot canyons with their swirling designs etched into sandstone, ranging from purple & pink, orange & beige, in so many wonderful symmetrical layers.'

We were descending now, and it was becoming cooler. Obviously, we were entering that kind of deep canyon with the sunlight shining round the bend and accented by a few green sprigs. The water had coursed into another canyon whose course ran parallel to ours. I love the sandy bottom and the colors produced by reflections from the walls where the sunlight entered from above, casting tall shadows, creating geometric patterns across the sandstone layers. What an exquisite place!

(Jesus) "I have brought you here to get you away from the things that have accumulated like armor around your head and body. You should see yourself - you are quite a sight!"

(Clare) Just then, I got a flash image of some kind of giant, Tonka-toy alien in layers of armor. Oh, my goodness! I had no idea I looked like that!

(Jesus) ―No, you were too busy working to realize the accumulation of things covering over My Sweet and Beautiful Bride ‘til she could hardly walk.‖

(Clare) Oh, Lord I love this. I love being out in nature with You. It is so dramatically beautiful, yet so pure and serene. I wish I had a camera.

(Jesus) "Oh, no you don‘t! This is a vacation and play time! No work for you, no way. Clare... you do not have to be doing something for Me 24/7.

"I enjoy your company, especially when you stare into the eyes of the painting we did together, and you feel the sweetness coming forth from My heart. I just want to engulf you in My joy. The joy shining through My eyes is penetrating your spirit, which is so very deep and refreshing to a weary soul in a dry place. And you need this. Every day you need this. You cannot give what you do not have. And My gaze into your eyes connects you to My Spirit, where you can feel the very essence of joy I feel in your company.


"You and so many others are burned to a frazzle after the intense prayer time and warfare you have been going through. All of you, My Brides, need to absorb Me into your hearts and minds, which then floods out into your bodies. Yes, it is beautiful to see how My Spirit indeed can be received from a painting. But it can.

"And for this reason, I have anointed artists that are responsible for inspiring and motivating those in the world. I have so much to say, to so many. And paintings penetrate to a very deep place, where they are held in remembrance and rekindled in your hearts. Artists are essential to My plans. They have a mystical part to play, in the sense that their work goes beyond its medium to communicate deep unto deep.

"Now you know why musicians and painters are persecuted and belittled in your culture. Or they are made into some kind of idol by the adoring public. But that was not My intention from the beginning of time for artists. It was always to worship and lift souls higher and higher into hope and holiness.

"Yet, these days... dark themes, hopelessness, alienation, and isolation are depicted because of the spiritual state of the world. But for you who love me and have been given this gift, I need you to lead My people into hope, mercy, love, and the world beyond Earth."

(Clare) When He said that, I immediately thought of Yongsung Kim, whose art conveys so many aspects of our Lord as a shepherd. And Radiant Light, Elizabeth Wang, who is with the Lord now. But with simple strokes of the brush and vibrant colors, she creates the atmosphere of worship in her canvasses. My dear ones, you too can paint things like this. If you look at her work, it does not take an enormous amount of talent.

Or Jon McNaughton, who depicts social corruption, political corruption - which moves us to pray for our country.

What do you feel when you are in worship? Do colors and shapes come to mind? Have you always wanted to be an artist, but were convinced you had no talent? That was me when the Lord began painting through me. The power of obedience and a profound love for Jesus, and wanting others to experience Him, is highly motivating in the arts. If the Lord has been tapping you on the shoulder to try a new skill, don‘t be afraid. Dive in!!

And I just want to say here, the reason the Lord gives us this skill is, because especially very spiritually-minded intercessors, prayer warriors and so on. When they are in the spirit, they see all kinds of things. And the Lord wants this conveyed in art work to the world. So that they understand what the spirit world is all about. So, that's part of the aspect of this. If you're really spiritually inclined, and you tend to see visions and understand things in a new way, He may be calling you to some creative skill that can convey that to others.

(Jesus) ―I am glad you said that, Beloved. Really glad. You have scores of people on this channel that wanted to be artists but were talked out of it by their parents and peers. Right now, I am speaking to you who know your heart‘s desire from a young age was to paint or play music. Clare started painting at 35, and music at 48—and is still expanding, because I have anointed her to bring joy to you, My dear ones.

―This is not about ego, it is about the salvation of souls. Touching and healing hearts that have a twisted image of Me in their minds. An image of distance... cold, harsh, strict, and demanding. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am here, right now with you, searching your soul to bring the hidden gems up from your hearts. The gifts implanted and written into your genetic code that have yet to be awakened.

―I tell you truly, it is time to wake up and get busy, and watch Me accelerate you into a longed-for skill, something you've never imagined could come to pass. You will know this by what you are feeling right now. Are you feeling a quickening in your spirit, like something is yearning to come to fruition? If you are, don't be afraid. I am with you.


―Or perhaps you‘ve been told you have no talent - yet you long to paint, or write music. Ignore the nay-sayers and jump into it. You may find yourself in shock like Clare did when she was house-sitting and sat down to the keyboard and made some awesome sounds. Ezekiel, a seasoned musician, heard them and came running into the room, saying... 'Honey! That‘s amazing."

―I want to tell you, dear ones, I am anything but boring. And when you come into My presence to dwell with Me, expect to see Me. In fact, use your imagination to see Me standing and smiling at you only inches away. See Me as I am, take My hand and let Me guide you to our trysting place. Make note of your surroundings: the flowers, trees, a brook. And let Me take you on a journey into My world.

―You are beautiful beyond comparison to Me. Each of you is so unique that I never tire of you. I want you to be fulfilled. I want you to see and hear Me clearly. So, make some time for us to be together and get inspired. Then come back and share with the Channel what happened. You will be amazed at how many others are also experiencing Me in this way for the first time. All it takes is faith and effort- the rest I will do.

"I am bringing you into a new season. I am about to birth new gifts and ministries among My devoted ones who have been battling the enemy and are road weary and exhausted. Yes, I want you to come into a new kind of rest where you and I can be united and do wonderful, fun things together.‖

(Clare) Well, when He said that, I thought of Julie True, who got her start in music in the morning in a barn with her keyboard. She loved the Lord and she played her heart out. Now she is responsible, through the power of the Holy Spirit, for thousands and thousands of souls being led into the wedding chamber with Jesus. One little woman, one little start, and now she ministers to multitudes.

(Jesus) ―Are you excited yet? Well, get your dancing shoes on and get excited! What is your lost dream? Seek Me, and if it is My will you cannot fail.‖

"But as you can see, intimacy IS everything. Yes, everything - because out of your bellies will flow rivers of living waters. You have only to believe and commit, and I shall do the rest. Don‘t be afraid to see Me in your mind‘s eye. I gave you a sanctified imagination, from which I will launch you into the realm of the Spirit together with Me.

"Use your Bible Promises or the Rhema page on the website to confirm if an idea is from Me. That is exactly how Clare knew that she was called to make music. And through her obedience, she conquered her fears, took My hand - and I did the rest. And am still doing it to this day.

―Remember, My loved ones. You have been through a war. And now I want to reward you with a new Spring in your lives through dwelling prayer and our spiritual encounters. Come away with Me and immerse yourself in My Joy."

Message 688: Intel Update... PRAY against arming biological Weapons with Dead Man's Switch

March 4, 2019

Clare began... Lord, we know that You control all things and we Trust in You. Please help us to pray faithfully, fast as You lead us, and give offerings willingly to cooperate in disabling this latest threat to our country. Our whole world. Amen.

Well, Heartdwellers, our Intel source has sent an alert to us, and we are issuing a call to prayer, offering, and fasting. This is a potentially most serious situation. When I read the title, speaking of a Dead Man's Switch, I didn‘t know what that was - so I did just a little research on it.


One source stated that... "A dead man's switch is a switch that is designed to be activated if the human operator becomes incapacitated, such as through death, loss of consciousness, or being bodily removed from control."

On a simple level, for instance, if you passed out or had a heart attack while you were running your riding lawn mower, it would stop—instead of plowing on in spite of you.

The article added that... "Though originally applied to switches on a vehicle or machine, it has since come to be used to describe other intangible uses, like in computer software."

Our Source explained in their letter to us... "In the world of computers and the devices they are programmed to operate, the concept of a dead man's switch is that it is activated by inaction."

"For example, if a password is entered daily, the switch remains off. But if no one enters the password, the switch is then activated - and whatever the device or weapon the program is holding back - is then released.

They continued... "There are three such Dead Man's switches here in the US that are monitoring bio- weapons. These weapons have been placed near the Washington, D.C.-Baltimore, MD area, Sacramento, CA, and Seattle, WA.

"These bio-weapons, once released, would cause China to launch nukes on these areas and then blame Russia (who has nothing to do with this) so the clay feet can begin World War 3 and avoid their arrest. All of this will play out in the next 6-7 weeks."

Interestingly, I looked it up. Easter is at the end of 7 weeks from now.

Our Source finished the letter... "We should pray against this every single day and ask God to reveal the locations of these devices, along with the ability and the wisdom to disarm them. And of course, that they will not go off.

"If one of these switches goes off, millions of people will die. President Trump is trying to take out the clay feet without these bio-weapons going off. And our prayers will help make a great difference."

So, let us all rise up for the Kingdom again, dear Heartdwellers, and join our petitions to the Father‘s will. As Jesus has asked us to ask Him: More Time. More Grace. More Mercy, Father - until the very last moment You are able to give us to help gather in Your Children... Amen.

Message 689: Jesus says... A pure Soul has so much Influence & Power before My Father in Heaven

March 6, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began... Thank You, Lord, for touching me, an untouchable because of my sins, my leprosy. Thank You, Lord, for not tossing me out into the wilderness to go about crying... 'Unclean! Unclean!' Rather, You take me to Your bosom and I‘m cleansed from head to toe. Yet knowing there lurks inside of me, still, the seeds of uncleanness. Yet each day You take me to Yourself, and again I am cleansed and revived, given back hope for a life well lived. Thank You, precious Jesus. Thank You.

Well, that introduction kind of gives you an idea of what I've been going through. I've been on a journey into the areas of my life that need reformation, and they are indeed large and deep-seated.


Just in time for Lent, a season set apart and sanctioned for purification and giving - which is the antidote for Avarice.

Lent is a time to get rid of the old leaven, even as Paul wrote... Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us... Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. (1 Corinthians 5:7-8)

And I can see, by examining my own life right now, that He takes Lent very seriously. So, I pass that onto you to encourage you to deny yourself during this season and do works of charity for others. And abstain from desserts and pleasing foods as well as meat and poultry on Fridays (and Wednesdays, if you want to add that to it.) Fish and dairy are good substitutes.

That said, here is a little more information on Lent. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday and climaxes during the Easter Week. Christians remember the time when Jesus went into the desert to fast and pray. But also, the focus is on giving, sacrificing for the poor while denying ourselves. 'If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself, pick up his cross and follow Me.'

The thing to remember, dear ones, is that this is a time of emptying so that we can be refilled by the Spirit of God, with holy things. The more we draw away from feeding the fancies of the flesh, the deader it becomes, the less influence it exerts over us, and the more we grow in sensitivity to spiritual things. So, we can expect that at the end of a well-observed Lent, there will be spiritual breakthroughs, and maybe even the grace to live a far more spiritual life than what we were living.

Lord, what do You have for us?

Jesus began..."What an influence and power a pure soul has before My Father in Heaven. Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see Me.

"Dear Children, this season is most necessary for you, because you accumulate the toxins of the world. They cling to you like barnacles on a ship. The longer you‘ve been in the world, the greater the build-up of attractions and distractions of the world. And the more impurity you build up.

"As you can see from the Gospels, even I felt the necessity of cleansing Myself from 30 years of living in the world, yet not being of the world.

"And My mother is not of this world. Rather, she is a most heavenly woman, completely caught up in the agenda of Heaven and leading others to holiness.

"She had quite a reputation for being very innocent and pure. As a young one, she practiced the abstinences of the Temple as she was growing. Because of her tender age, she was not required to do what the priests did. However, zeal for Heaven was so great in her young soul that she hungered to dwell in the Heavenlies and was given many Heavenly visions that only served to make her more dedicated as she grew up.

"Her home had not a hint of the world—not in speech, nor in dress, nor in necessary things. All was very plain and did not attract you to itself. Whereas in a palace, everything from the floor to the curtains and the furniture, lamp stands, etc. is lavish and decorated in such a way that you could not walk through the palace without stopping to admire the workmanship of so many beautiful objects.

"You see, this beauty on Earth begets a hunger for more beauty on Earth—and one begins to long after fine carvings, gemstones, marble floors, silk curtains and elaborate clothing. The most elaborate thing she ever did was My one-piece tunic.

"But herein lies the entire secret of her holy life. She surrounded herself with nothing other than the plainest pots and bowls, mats and utensils. She had no longing for these things, because she starved it out of her soul. Anne and Joachim, her parents, also lived an austere life, because their hearts were very much turned Heavenward. They had lived and seen so much of the world, it had no appeal to them at all.


"And this is why I came to Earth in poverty. There was nothing in My appearing that would appeal to the carnal man. It would be the shepherds, fishermen, and carpenters that were attracted to Me, because their hearts were empty of the desires and glories of man on Earth.

"Substance is everything. The outer appearance means nothing if the inside is not Godly.

"And so I began My ministry by depriving My flesh, so it would let go of the accumulated sights and sounds of the past, wanting only to be free of all Earthly entanglements. This cleansing subdued My flesh, so I could be more deeply united with My Father.

"Truly the flesh is a briar patch, and you cannot walk through this world without attracting thorns and thistles to yourself. And this time, completely apart from human and worldly consolations, broadened the space of My flesh to receive more and more of the Spirit."

(Clare) In other words, I think He's meaning here that His flesh was under the control of His Spirit more and more.

(Jesus) "That is why this spring cleansing has so much spiritual significance. My dear ones. I wish to fill you more and more. I wish to direct your lives out of this world and into the world soon to come, just as I led the Israelites out of the abundance of exotic foods into the desert with only Manna to eat. It was to be a cleansing from the accumulated toxins of the Egyptian culture with all its idols.

"There I tested and tried the people to see if they were worthy to enter the Promised Land. Your Promised Land is the Realm of Heaven and I am preparing you for the journey Homeward.

"Yet, there is work to be done on Earth, and each of you need a new vision in understanding, equipping, and opportunities to leave the very best of yourselves behind to nourish those yet to enter the Kingdom. So, I am coming to you to entreat you to observe the Lenten fasts to the best of your ability, while steadily looking forward to the new infillings and equippings I will infuse into your souls as you make more and more room for Me.

"For some of you, this will be very difficult. Clare, My darling, I know you fear these challenges. Yet I will help you, all of you. Call out to Me when you struggle and I will gently lead you out of your trial.

"For all of you, Heartdwellers, I exhort you to do your best, knowing that for each pleasing morsel you give up, I have spiritual gifts and mantles accumulating for you, which I have longed to lavish on you, My Beautiful Brides."

Message 690: Jesus speaks about... Suffering, Abuse of innocent Children & Release of Graces

March 9, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Jesus, I receive your invitation once again to share in the sufferings of these little ones. Lord, give us strength... Amen.

My dearest family, the Lord is under unbelievable sufferings for the little children being brutally abused until they die. He has chosen certain souls to stand in the gap for these children, and even to experience some of their suffering in order that they may be set free from it.

Jesus began... "My Bride. My dearly beloved Bride. How happy I am with the comfort you have offered to Me in My sufferings. For indeed My suffering is very great as I behold the heinous acts

30 committed against innocent and tender children, whom I brought into this world with many wonderful gifts to impart to your civilization.

―You see, this generation is VERY special and unique and gifted, very gifted. I gave them to you to bring you up higher in My Kingdom, and to open your eyes. Satan, in a blind rage, has declared war on these specially endowed children and fanned the flames of blood lust in expanding covens to cause them to throw all caution to the wind and do that which is unspeakable to these kidnapped children.

―These are the children that will lay hands on the cornerstones of hospitals and everyone will be healed. These are the children that will look the demons in the eye and tell them to flee in My Mighty Name, which they will be more aware of than any generation before them. And this precisely is the reason this butchery is going on at an unprecedented rate. It is not only for the harvesting of the adrenaline.

―I will release their giftings on the Earth at the time of their death, and though they be in Heaven with Me, they have left a mantle of anointings with those on Earth who are prepared to receive them. I ask you to pray for these children, who are so desperately suffering beyond anything you've ever witnessed. I am asking you to receive their sufferings, whatever they may be, for the sake of these little ones. You cannot at this time understand what relief this will bring to My Divine Being.

―Just come to Me in your hour of trial and whisper, ‗For our children, Lord.‘ Bear up under circumstances cheerfully, knowing that you are doing a great work. I am not saying that you cannot pray for relief or for healing... that will always be your prerogative. Rather, I am asking you to shoulder this cross for these souls, so that I may stop this heinous practice.

―My Loved ones, there are so many mysteries tied up in the blood covenant that man has yet to understand. One of these is the exchange of pain and suffering for grace. The Scripture that supports this is Colossians 1:24 Now I rejoice in my sufferings for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is lacking in regard to Christ‘s afflictions for the sake of His body, which is the church.

―My afflictions released powerful graces to you and opened the gates of Heaven. When I entreated you to imitate Me, be like Me, deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Me... When I said those words, I was giving you the invitation that I have made once again today. Suffer with Me for others, that I might release greater graces into their hearts, in order that they receive Me and keep Me as a permanent resident, sitting on the thrones of their hearts. Yes, I paid the price to redeem you from death and the grave, tearing asunder the veil that separated Us.

―But someone must continue laboring with Me for the sanctification of souls, yourselves included. And this work requires self-denial and suffering. This, too, is what Lent is all about. Denying your flesh, even your intellect to make room for ever-deepening revelations of the Divine Life. Forever climbing into the heights of My Kingdom, revealing the truths so long hidden from you, but are now at hand as you cast out the old leaven.

"The more you deny the impulses of your flesh and embrace My invitation to offer yourselves as a living sacrifice for the love of mankind, just as I did for you, the more you will resemble Me, My Precious Brides.

"Will you do this for Me? And in doing this, I promise you deeper and deeper communion in the depths of your heart with Mine, for your humility and charity draw Me irresistibly closer to you.‖

Message 691: Jesus says... Only God can prevent these deadly Weapons from being set off


March 13, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began... Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this word of hope and encouragement. Please, Lord, infuse us with perseverance and faith that we may accomplish all that has been set forth for us to do before You come for us... Amen.

Well, all during prayer, I kept seeing the Lord wearing His Crown that was dripping human baby blood, copiously, into a puddle on the floor. It seems that there've been non-stop abortions since that law was passed. We've all been interceding for them, and some of us have felt their effects in our bodies.

Carol had told me that she saw Him this way, as well, with the Crown of Thorns. I hadn‘t yet at that time and I wondered. Am I hard-hearted? Or is the contemplation of such evil too devastating to look upon... I fear that my heart has taken to distractions to avoid viewing this heinous crime no decent person would commit. To kill an infant baby that just survived an abortion. I can‘t fathom this; I just can‘t.

And then I contemplated what the evil ones are threatening the President with, which could begin World War 3... several weapons of mass destruction, planted in certain cities, filled with a deadly virus. They are timed to go off unless there is human intervention. So the people who have the code, and punch it in before the time is set for detonation, cannot be arrested or put to death. They have to be alive and free to enter the code. If they don‘t, this deadly virus is spread throughout the city, killing every individual who breathes.

And I thought to myself... We cannot do this alone. God, you must be with us. If we can stop these weapons from being used, then we are free to arrest and prosecute, even execute the criminals. But how to find and stop them??

Then I thought about the missile that was fired from the Gaza strip, headed straight for a large Jewish apartment complex in Jerusalem. Multi-story building. The Lord turned that missile around and sent it straight out to sea.

LORD, YOU CAN DO THIS! But will this make it possible to arrest these other traitors? Tell me, Lord, isn‘t this where the rubber meets the road?

Jesus began... "Very much so. Yet I am able to do the impossible and disarm whatever weapons the President is threatened with. What is lacking and needed here is FAITH. The Faith of all involved. This is not something that can be done on their own; it must be done through faith. There are many systems that have been set up to deploy if so-and-so is arrested. There are several possible scenarios.

"Prayer is the only way to stop this, Clare. Deep, gut-wrenching prayer for all who truly want to stop this. More prayer is needed. And I am glad you are broadcasting this. My People, in this hour things are so critical there is very little room for slack concerning the arrest of the guilty. It is only an act of God that can prevent every one of these deadly consequences from being set off. And God answers prayer. This is your weapon of choice. It is so very simple.

"If the evil persons are not stopped, they will in one way or another incite a war, and continue to taunt My Father with their butcheries. Oh, how He grieves! Yes, you have avoided going there, and I understand. Still, He needs many to comfort Him. The grief is so profound.

―You see, He is looking at the endowments of these little children and how very badly their parents need them. Each bundle of joy is constructed especially for each person, so that their lives will grow and improve in marvelous ways. And also, these children are sent into the world to defeat the forces of darkness in the coming years. As I told you before, the Devil may kill the children, but their mantles will be passed on to the living, those who are prepared to receive them.

―Oh, comfort My Father, dear ones. Comfort Him. Comfort Him with your prayers, your songs, your time spent at His feet. Comfort Him with your obedience and work to spread the Kingdom of God

32 while the day still shines. He does not want to call it quits for Earth; He wants revival and re dedication to His agendas.

"And to date, this is the most vicious thing Satan has done to injure His most pure heart. These little ones were a shining part of Him, cherished and sent as gifts to the world. In them, with their gifts, was the power to turn the Earth around. But now that they have been rejected by the millions, hope grows dim and Judgement hangs in the air.

―Do all that you can, My Love, to get this word out, to stir up the conscience of Christians everywhere to combat this pernicious evil. Do all you can to declare the Truth and protect life. Do all you can to keep this President in office until the work is done.

―I know how tired some of you are, but there is new life for you when the tide finally turns. Either new life in Heaven with Me, or new life on Earth to bring forth revival. But rejuvenation will be given to those who desire to serve Me with all their hearts. Their lives are not over yet, not by a long shot. Do you believe this Clare?‖

(Clare) Oh, Lord - as tired as I am in this moment, I still have to say... 'YES!!' Yes, I believe it and am waiting with great expectation.

(Jesus) ―Very well, then. Persevere and trust in Me, totally. Yes, blessed is she who believed all that the Lord foretold to her, for it shall be accomplished. Amen.‖


Message 692: Serious Warning from Jesus... To some Heartdwellers, to the Ignorant, the Scoffers & Pro-Abortion Adherents

March 18, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) My dear ones, today I received a serious warning for those of us who have slacked off and ignored the Lord‘s call to prayer and keeping Him company.

Today, Ezekiel had another intercessory episode, and this time, it was over the Bride and her lack of readiness. The Lord was expressing His sorrow over the state of the Church and how so many had chosen to ignore Him to follow their worldly fancies. He spoke many times about the lack of holiness and dedication of some Brides and expressed His yearning for her comfort and abandoning the ways of the world. He warned, serious warnings, that many would not be taken in the Rapture, because they were not committed to doing His will, nor were they answering His call to serious intercession and comforting Him over the aborted babies. Carol said that Father God and Jesus were both weeping during her prayer time in the morning, over the murder of innocent souls. Ezekiel saw scores and scores of babies being caught up to Heaven.

While Ezekiel was going through it, I could not withstand the pressure of the pain he was feeling and was very concerned about what was being said—I hoped I was not part of His sorrow. I got to the point where it hit me so hard, I had to lay down and pray. Later, Jesus was quick to tell me I was not part of His sorrows.

Jesus began... ―Oh, Clare, you are so full of fears and suspicions. Do you not know I am a God of gentleness? How did you handle that broken soul who came to you?‖

(Clare) Oh, Lord, with the utmost tenderness and concern. Never condemning, only illustrating.


(Jesus) ―Well said, My Clare, My Darling wife. Well said. And where did you learn the art of counsel?‖

(Clare) From You?

(Jesus) ―So, would I condemn you for buying two very little things that were for prayer and music? I may not want you to go in that direction. That‘s why I always ask you to ask Me, so the devils cannot use this against you later.‖

(Clare) And I avoid asking on little things, Lord, ‗cause I think you will say ‗no‘. (See how bad I am, guys? I am bad...)

(Jesus) ―You are right. I will, if it is not right for you. One thing concerns Me... that panther is still alive and could spring into action at any time. But I am protecting you and making you vigilant. You know how dangerous Amazon is. That‘s why I prefer Ben to order things for you, so you are not exposed to temptation. But when you miss the mark, do I ride rough-shod over you and make you feel miserable?‖

(Clare) No, Lord, You gently convict me.

(Jesus) ―So, what was said was not about you, it was about My Body. And there are Heartdwellers that will be left behind - and it is your job to warn them, now, before it is too late. I have told you before. If you want to be raptured, you must live for Me and not for yourself.

"Many are still having fun with shopping trips to the Mall, getting the latest fashions, and following right along with the World. When their hearts should have been circumcised by our teachings all these years. And these I do want you to address with this warning."

(Clare) And the Lord gave Ezekiel the Scriptures in Hosea, regarding this topic. You can read them in Chapter 1, Verse 2 all the way through to Chapter 2, Verse 5.

(Jesus) ―My chosen People; My Brides. I have made the invitation to you to come and comfort Me, to wait on Me in prayer, to sincerely pray for others. Many have responded - and because of that, you are still alive and here. Even the most lukewarm of you have put in prayer time, heartfelt prayer time, for this nation. And because of that, My Father has withheld His hand, and you still have a chance to reform your ways and live for Me, so that you may be taken in the Rapture.

"In the world, you are expected to do many things that eat up your time. Eager to please, eager to be praised, and eager to be raised to higher status, you have complied. But you have used the time I gave you for Me on these agendas. The result is a certain coldness and hardness in your hearts as you avoid looking at what you know you are doing wrong.

"You know I have called you into prayer. You know I have been tapping, and even knocking on your door. But in the rush to please others by fulfilling the World‘s agenda, your soul is slowly slipping away from Me and dying.

"And on that fateful day, you will remain here to learn the deeper lessens. That is not My choice; that is your choice. I have called and called to you. I have called with a loving voice, longing for your presence — and you have put Me off.

"Many of you have said to yourselves the very words of Satan himself... ―She is crying wolf. You don‘t need to pray that hard; this will pass like all the other close calls. Or perhaps you‘ve been lied to by the Enemy and told... 'Enough of this drama, none of this is true! It‘s all misinformation and her imagination.'

"Whatever your excuse is, it will not stand before My Father, Who has chosen the pure Brides, totally dedicated to Me and not a split agenda... 'This much for me and my world - and if I still have time, this much for God.' You used to be one of those people, Clare, even in your grey habit. But I gave you a solemn warning and many more heavy warnings, and you have listened.


"I am not addressing the Brides that are doing everything in their power to obey and follow the desires of My Heart.

"I am addressing you who have been sitting on the fence, watching to see if the next tragedy forecast will happen - or not. Thinking to yourselves, ‗Oh, they‘re just crying wolf again. Nothing happened, after all.‘ And you who are cynical and unbelieving, making fun of My prophets? On that Day you will know where you stand with Me, and you will have your answer to your scornful remarks, ‗She‘s just crying wolf again.‘

―For you who are sincere, please continue in your faithfulness to what I have entrusted to you. Please keep doing the right thing, for I am very pleased and approving of you. And you shall wear the Bridal Crown on that Day, and you shall partake of the delights of My banquet. You are doing all you can to carry the world along and bring them to Me. Well done. Continue on this course.

―But please add to these warnings - for those who are ignoring Me in order to eat themselves full of the follies of this world - I love them, too. I will grieve over them being left behind. So, I ask you to warn them, and I will anoint your words in their hearts, and they will hear My entreaty over and over again when they are about to choose their own will.

―The atrocities of abortion and infanticide have torn My Father‘s heart asunder, to the point that He sees the reprobate coercing the innocent and ignorant and turning their hearts to case-hardened steel - so that they will, in the future, have no scruples or qualms about doing this atrocity again.

―How long should He tolerate this? Truly, you who support these laws are more reprobate than the worst of Sodom and Gomorrah, and you have made your bed in Hell unless you repent. For some, there will be no repentance, because judgment will fall upon you so swiftly, you‘ll not know what to do. And in that sense, your fate is sealed. So, the time for repentance is at hand - before it is too late.

―Though your deeds are detestable and your hearts are dead, yet I would have drawn you to Myself and have you with Me in Heaven. For this reason, I am calling out to you: stop your murdering. Repent, and come to Me. I will awaken your heart and put new life in you, and no more shall you duck your head when My Name is mentioned. Rather, you will run to Me with tears in your eyes and a heart fully restored.

―Please take this opportunity, now, while you are still alive. For another day is not guaranteed you. My Brides, prayer will turn the tide in the abortion issue. Prayer will rescue the dying hearts who have murdered these little ones and signed their own death warrants. Prayer will release that still small voice in the midnight hours, convicting them of sin. They will feel as though a hot poker has lanced their hearts when My Father answers your prayers. Please pray for them.‖

Message 693: Jesus speaks about the Danger of Abortions, the Chipping for Mindcontrol, Vaccinations & Diseases

March 21, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began... Dear Lord, may Your words now strike at the deepest places of our hearts and draw us even more deeply into Yours... Amen.

Precious family, Ezekiel and I have been keeping Jesus and Father God comforted. The tears, groaning and expressions of grief between them is staggering. Jesus is bloody with the crown of thorns, Daddy is broken-hearted. This has been a huge attack against God; the enemy has hurt Him deeply.


During our prayers, we saw scores of babies being caught up into Heaven. These children carried with them gifts of healing, joy, and fresh life. But they were rejected and left to die, sold for body parts, and freedom these women thought they were gaining by destroying the life of their child. What they have done is tragic.

Do you not know that the child you rejected was your salvation? Do you not know that this child was fitted with just the right attributes to mature you and bring you lasting happiness? You say... 'I don‘t have the money to raise a child.' But do you not know that if God gives you a child all the resources you now need to raise that child will follow?

And you who are professionals. You think your career will bring you all the happiness you are seeking in life. Yet the true happiness God offered you was the salvation from this deception: a child from your own body, to bring you joy and build you into a truly wonderful and expansive person...not just to live as a work-a-holic with a 6-figure bank account and lonely nights and weekends.

I was blinded by the same ambition and guilty of sacrificing the child God had given to me. It would have turned my life around in a much better direction than I was headed. I was a New Ager, and because I believed in reincarnation, I told the child... 'I‘m sorry, come back in a couple of years. I‘m just not ready for you yet.'

(Jackie) Here's a quick break from our side to prevent any confusion among those following the Lord's Revelations on our Channel... We asked the Lord, if we should add something here, since it is obvious, that He has not yet revealed to Sister Clare, that reincarnation in its pure form - not as New Agers, Buddhists etc. believe - is one possible step in the Divine Plan for the Salvation of souls. And we asked Him for a rhema to share with you, so we pushed the button, and wonder of wonders, we received the one message, He gave to Timothy, in which He indicates the possibility of reincarnation, without using the word reincarnation. The message's name is 'My Predestination... I do with My Children, as I please'. There it says in the last paragraph... "Therefore, before he (Timothy) was formed in his mother‘s womb, he was with Me… A light, a boy to become a man, My servant, a prophet. And if during gestation he was lost, he would have returned to Me, to stay or to return as he was at the first, a boy who would become a man, a living soul, unique… And so it is with all My sons and daughters. I am The Lord." Here the Link to this message and here to the Third Testament, wherein the Lord speaks about reincarnation as one possibility for the development of the spirit in almost every chapter. Now, moving on with Clare's experience...

(Clare) After the abortion, I knew I had done something terrible. My whole being was flooded with remorse. Before, I didn‘t have an inkling that it was wrong, although if it had been against the law, I never would have done it. To this very day, my heart is sad for my loss. And the damage I did to God.

Dear little ones, if you are considering an abortion, my advice to you, is: DON‘T!! That child is packed with joy and gifts you never even considered. That child will turn you into an adult and make your life a little paradise. Later on in life, I did have four children, but I‘ve always been deeply remorseful, and regretted what I lost. And I will be so glad to see that child again in Heaven.

Jesus, what do You have for us?

Jesus began... "My Beloved Bride, some of you are hurting right now, because of what you did to the gift that I sent you. Please come to Me and allow Me to hold and comfort you. I have forgiven you. Now I ask you to pray for those who are considering an abortion. If you can demonstrate or write a letter; print it up—leave it at bus stops, laundromats, the post office? Leave them everywhere and pray that a heart will be touched not to abort their baby.

"Share with them what you went through, and how you felt afterwards. Help them to make a better decision, even by sympathizing with their fears. But convincing them that life is a gift from God, and He will provide everything they need to continue to live and flourish with their little one.

"Abortions are dangerous. Clare almost went into cardiac arrest during hers. You do not know what they are injecting into your system, but suffice it to know that at every opportunity they are chipping the public. They tell you it‘s a shot for such and such, but it really is an electronic device that will program your mind to forget about Me, and turn you off to anything having to do with Me.


"Not only that, but vaccines that are supposed to help you are loaded with timed diseases that will take a toll on your life as you grow older. Do not allow them to vaccinate you or your child. Some die of these vaccinations. You cannot trust all doctors; they have been groomed to work with the government‘s agenda. One shot could render you childless for the rest of your life.

"But more importantly, your morals have been so twisted from birth that you literally do not know right from wrong. The schools have programmed you to believe that what is wrong in My sight, is good and right. And what is right before Me, is degrading and wrong. How twisted these times are, My children.

"But I speak to you in your heart and My lambs know My voice. The voice of the tempter they will not follow. All I ask of you is please, do not turn off the voice in your conscience to compromise for any reason at all. Reason after reason will be offered you to cause an exception to the rule.

"The heinous thing done by the evil one was to prolong now, the time a child could be murdered during a pregnancy. That means that the enemy can cause a deep depression and send others to talk a soul out of keeping that child during the entire nine months. How many times have you had a bad week that would convince you abortion is the best thing?

"You see, the enemy has bought time to work on you and he will do all in his power to persuade you to murder this child.

"I am pleading with you now. Do not buckle under his suggestions. Do not for one moment think you are doing your life a favor by this action. No, you are not. You are destroying the very person who could have brought you the most joy, both now and in your later years.

"You are opening your body to a corrupt government working with greedy and evil pharmaceutical companies. You have no idea what is in those syringes. But many of the diseases that are now rampant were engineered in those same labs 40 years ago, full knowing the devastating effect they would have on the population in the near future. And including computing to the very dollar, how much profit they would make in treating those diseases.

"You are My children. Beautiful and precious in every way. Created in My image.

"I beg of you, do not destroy life! Rather, protect it. And pray for, and witness to the poor misguided souls who think killing their child is the only solution."

Message 694: Jesus explains... Rapture & Judgment... A Decision has been made & The Preparations are completed

March 23, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began... Lord, forgive us. And send forth Your Spirit to turn Your Bride from her evil ways before it is too late... Amen.

Dear Family, Ezekiel has been suffering some terrible torments. Last night, Ezekiel's surgical site began to tear apart after 18 years. A surgical site, from his body, the healthy skin. It was so painful he nearly passed out. The Lord has been saying that the unfaithful Bride is tearing apart from the Faithful Bride. The Church is tearing apart from the Church. His Body is tearing apart from itself. And the nation is doing the same. All because of the grave, embedded, centuries-old sin of Pride.


I sensed this sick pall over even Heaven itself, so great is the stench and disease. After receiving Jesus in the Host, I saw Him emerging from the tomb, victoriously. Three times He showed me this vision, and I wasn't sure exactly what it meant. But finally, it was like a no-brainer. The RAPTURE!?

I wondered if He meant the Rapture, because we have been getting Bible readings and Rhema cards about it daily. Even multiple times. And I can feel it, because of the murder of newborns. This was the last straw.

The bloodstained earth in America has become a stench in God‘s nostrils, screaming for justice to the highest heavens.

I feel it in my being. A very great sickness, almost as though I was standing in the midst of a field of rotting corpses. It is not black; it is gray and unholy.

Oh, what My Jesus must feel now! I know His Heart is torn in two. Ezekiel has seen it. Because the Bride of Jesus separates from the Bride of Satan and the World.

Ezekiel has been told... "A decision has been made." The Lord continues to ask him to look upward, eyes on the heavens, and prepare for the Wedding Feast. I tremble at those words, because I don‘t have all my songs done.

So, after the Lord‘s supper, we talked about repentance. And as usual, I was concerned I had done something—so I came aside to be with Him, and He began to speak...

(Jesus) ―My heart is sick unto death, Beloved. So great is the iniquity of My people, that I do not wish to see it for even one more day. And yet there are exceptions to this. There are those who love Me with every fiber of their being. And yes, you are one of those. Do not fear. You have loved Me with great purity of heart, despite the distractions, the condemnations hurled at you by the enemy. Even the invitations to worldly gain. Despite your failures, Clare, you have cleaved to Me with all your heart, and I see your misdemeanors as petty and unworthy of notice.

―I know you are very careful, almost scrupulous. But this is not about you. The sickness Ezekiel is feeling has nothing to do with you. It is about the decaying, rotten corpse of My Church. And yet, you are of the part that is healthy and strong in love and devotion.

―How I pine away for My apostate Bride! How I suffer with her diseased soul. This is why I must retire into your sweet devotion to Me, so that I be reminded there are many who have not gone that way. They are for Me, not against Me. They want the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth with all their hearts.

―But those poor, misguided, uncircumcised souls whose consciences are sealed shut—for them, I mourn. And the stench of their corpse reaches to Heaven, so foul is it.

―Listen, My people. You have gone the way of Death. You have leagued yourself with Hell. You have allied yourselves with those who have an empty, chalk-faced piety—but, in fact, are children of Satan. You have not sought My Heart nor My Will, but have chosen the ways of the World.

―Shall I then take you Homeward, as if Heaven were your Home? That is My heart—but you are NOT ready. Not by a long shot. You will better understand this after the Rapture, when you see what the cost of belonging to Me truly is, and you're willing to pay it.

―Those decisions you found so very hard, during this time, will not even enter into the picture anymore. Rather, it will be a life-and-death existence. Many of you will be murdered. Some tortured. Thousands executed for their faith, because they finally woke up to Who they belong to. They finally saw they belonged to Me and never, ever, want to be separated from Me - even if it means their death. I would like to spare you this kind of existence, but you have not been faithful to Me.

"The Rapture is for those who are faithful; have lived and sacrificed for Me. Have not thought of what they wanted, but have done only what was given them from Me to do. They have borne the persecution and calumny of the ages for My sake and remained faithful in doctrine and duties. They have not bent the knee to any man made god. Rather, they've turned their backs on those invitations,

38 even when it meant their sustenance. They did not pass by the beggar on the corner, but gave even out of their own need.

―You, on the other hand, have compromised for the sake of convenience and gain. You did not stand for My choices to govern your country - and to this day, you approve those with evil hearts. Yet you call yourselves by My Name!

―But I tell you. I do not know you. Time is running out for you. If you do not repent and change course—quickly! You will be left behind with those who never knew Me. And in the midst of travail you will be given a choice to return to Me, though the cost may be your life.

―And for you, My Bride that has remained faithful. I will delay no longer. A decision has been made; preparations for the Wedding Feast are completed. All that is lacking is your presence. I am coming to get you.

"Continue on this course, My precious ones. I long with all My Heart to relieve you of the burdens of this world and take you to Myself. Keep your eyes Heaven-ward. I am coming very soon."

(Clare) Well, after I finished this message, I just had a check in my spirit that I've left something out. I tried to reason it out and wrote it down for you. I'll share it with you.

As I try to reconcile all this with the hope He has given us within the framework of 2 years, I am struggling. I do believe the definitive judgment was made because of the slaying of newborns by the Establishment. The Clay Feet have prepared well for this generation of apostates. And now other states are following suit.

From kindergarten to university, their conscience has been formed by Satan and his establishment. From schools to music, and films and stories, and what is rewarded in society and what is punished— he has formed the vast majority rising in power to accept that evil is good and good is evil.

Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, they know not their left hand from their right. Did you know that the tenets of Secular Humanist‘s are precisely the same as the Church of Satan? Point for point. Of course, they hide their vileness and deny any participation in ritual sacrifice and murder. But what they believe and profess, line by line, is the same as our corrupt government and secular humanism.

But the older generation in power is so corrupted and compromised, for them it is as if there were no such thing as right and wrong. And so they have opened the door for Satan to offend God in the most unbelievable way.

How can it be that a child born into this world is put to death - because its mother doesn‘t want it? Why is it that these children are not given up for adoption? So many childless couples are waiting to adopt a baby!

Is it the depopulation agenda? Is it just because the Satanists need the blood of newborns that they are put to death, frozen, and shipped in boxes to some unknown location where they will be harvested for organs?

I look at the landscape, and all I can see are irrational people voting for these criminals and opposing our President at every turn. Tremendous opposition.They somehow have managed to be some kind of majority that is totally lacking in any scruples—to the point that they cry out against the man who can deliver them, and applaud those who will later euthanize them because they are no longer wanted.

Forgive me, Lord, if my opinion is contrary to Your thinking, because Your ways are so much higher than ours! But I cannot see Revival in this atmosphere. Although, I can certainly see Judgment, like fire falling on this nation.

Jesus began speaking again... "You are right in your thinking, Clare. Iniquity has overflowed and covered the Earth. There is a rising tide of those who are fighting for the Truth. But they are coming

39 up against a generation convinced that My way is outdated, and those who follow Me are enemies of the State.

"This blow to the heart of My Father has ushered in Judgment where mercy was planned. Keep your heart intertwined with Mine and do what I set before you. Please do not fall captive to Time. I am Timeless. And as you dwell in My heart, you too will live without regard of Time. And you will have My peace."

Message 695: Jesus says... Many of you are still concerned about the Rapture Timing & A Warning

April 4 & 8, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... "So many of you are still concerned and caught up in the Rapture and its timing, but as I have counseled you many times, each day do your best to live for Me. Repent for your sins of omission and commission."

(Clare) In other words, things you shouldn't have done that you did. And things that you didn't do that you should have done.

(Jesus) "Be at peace with those around you, and especially your families. What I want to see, more than anything else when I come for you, is unselfish living. I want to see you busy about Your Heavenly Father's business, doing it with great love.

"For some of you, that means working and providing for your families, and raising them to be Holy. For others, it means volunteering and being there for people when they bring you a need. Of course, always discern the need, and be sure it is My will for you to help them. There are so many around you, My dear ones, who are suffering acutely from loneliness, sickness, and abandonment.

"There are many lessons to learn at the end of your days. And some of them have to do with your faithfulness to help others and visit the elderly and homeless, when you were strong and healthy. You reap what you sow. And if you find them unpleasant, your gift of time to them is even greater. For some of those, I walk very closely with them, and they are aware of Me, because I am their only possession. No matter what their failures in life, the poor you will always have with you, and the grace to minister to them will be with you as well.

"Getting caught up in a flurry of political causes often leaves you insensitive to those who are hurting around you. In fact, being caught up in anything can have the very same effect. Clare knows this well. She tends to be very intensely focused, or not focused at all. And she finds herself having to wait to spend time with people."

(Clare) Lord, that's so true. I feel badly when I can't take care of others right on the spot. But You have taught me that there will ALWAYS be those needs, and if I don't protect the time given me for music or messages, it will get frittered away. And I end the day feeling like a failure.

(Jesus) "My Love, there are times to minister, and there are times to withdraw from ministry. The enemy knows well how to send feelings of Guilt and Failure that will stick and harm your motivation."

(Clare) Yeah - and throw me off course, too.

(Jesus) "Well, you simply cannot do it all."

And here a Warning from Sister Clare from April 8, 2019


Heart Dwellers, our Prayer team is getting a warning that the Judgment of God is about to strike certain cities, we believe both here in America and around the world. We continue to see fire associated with this. Some places in the same city will be hit, others will be safe. This is going to be a major wakeup call before the war that will bring on the Rapture.

The Lord has not given me any further information, and I think for our own good, He has withheld the seriousness of it.

I seriously wonder if it could be the disturbance of the asteroid belt associated with Nibiru‘s movements, or planet X. You may also have noticed that earthquakes have dramatically and steadily increased in the last few weeks. That also is an indicator of Nibiru moving closer to Earth.

I want to instruct you on where to find us, if Vimeo is no longer available. Vimeo is in New York City and this is one of the areas the Lord is pinpointing. Please pray for New York and the World, we may experience an incredible revival after these events. Please pray for Protection (Divine Mercy Prayer, Rosary, Psalm 91...)

(Jackie) The Link to Clare's PDF with all different Contactdetails in english, you find below this Video. You also find PDF and EBOOKS in english, german, french, spanish, italian, russian, turkish, finnish, chinese, polish, romanian etc. on our website

Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Message 696: Jesus says... Let My Mother Mary counsel you in the Ways of Holiness

April 8, 2019 - Word from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began... Thank You, Lord Jesus, for sharing the immense treasure of Your Mother with us. May we always listen for her counsel and appeal to her for intercession... Amen.

Dear Family, we have looked at the Scriptural basis for Our Lady‘s many roles, and her entire life has become a model of holiness for us. She, in fact, was the very first believer. And even more than that, an Apostle. One who is sent, to come into the world and prepare a place in her womb for the Messiah, whom God sent forth from her womb . All throughout her life, events happened that parallel the events of our own lives, the many trials we have in following and sharing Jesus with the world. She was first to believe. To prophecy His role to the nations. To announce to men. To comfort and nurture Him, even as we Brides are called to do. To understand the greatness of His role to mankind.

For when she served at the Temple, she learned all the Scriptures about the Messiah and eagerly awaited His coming. Her trip to her cousin Elizabeth was not just out of curiosity. She wanted to be present when this great prodigy was born. For a woman sterile for 50 years had suddenly been blessed with a child, the harbinger of the Messiah whom she carried in her womb.

(Jackie) The story of Mary's visit to Elizabeth you can read in Chapter 6 of the Childhood & Youth of Jesus.

(Clare) Mary knew she would be suspected of adultery and possibly stoned. But she put her trust in God, knowing that nothing could happen to her or the Messiah in her womb. She bore the insults and calumny hurled at her when she returned to Nazareth, and even at the foot of the Cross when the

41 soldiers mocked her for being a poor mother. She witnessed the miracles scattered all through His young life.

It is said that the Blessed Mother bathed baby Jesus and gave the water from his bath to the mother of a child that was leprous, living in the cave. When she bathed her child in the water, the leprosy completely disappeared. Later, at the foot of the Cross, that same baby who had grown into a man, was being crucified beside Jesus. And he was the good thief, to whom Jesus said... 'Truly I tell you. Today you shall be with Me in Paradise.'

The life of Jesus was studded with these kinds of miracles that were never recorded, but in Heaven there will be a playback - and I can‘t wait!

But seriously, dear family. Even as it is written... "There are many more things that Jesus did. If all of them were written down, I suppose that not even the world itself would have space for the books that would be written." (John 21:25)

Yet, I believe there is no need for all those things to be written. The need is for salvation and faithfulness to our Lord. Personal holiness. And for that, what is written is more than enough.

(Jackie) Just as an info for those, who do not yet know the Great Gospel of John, which Jesus revealed thru Jakob Lorber... The Lord Himself dictated 10 Volumes full of His Works and Miracles as Jesus on Earth... Click here to get to the 10 Volumes...

(Clare) The night before He suffered, He washed the Apostle‘s feet as a lesson to them that they, too, must go and do likewise; washing the feet of others. He continually used metaphors and examples to illustrate a truth.

When He spoke to John from the Cross, I believe that His words had a deeper meaning than what they appeared to be on the surface... "When Jesus saw His mother and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother... 'Woman, here is your son.' Then He said to the disciple... 'Here is your mother.' So from that hour, this disciple took her into his home....'. (John 19:26-27)

(Jackie) The Lord explains the deeper spiritual meaning of this verse in the Scripture Explanations Chapter 32 'The Legacy from Jesus Christ'.

Jesus began... ―My Dove, you have connected the dots and found the great treasure hidden from the arrogant and learned. This poor, third-world village girl has proven to all that there is no other requirement for holiness than obedience to their state in life. She was a queen when sent to Earth, but under the guise of a little nobody.

"Yet the priests recognized in her a soul predestined by God to some very important mission. It was not her brilliance that earned her this recognition, but her extreme littleness and fidelity to her duties in the Temple and the home. She was nothing to look at, Clare, unless your spiritual eyes were open. And then her beauty was stunningly evident.

"Because of her immaculate conception, she didn't fight the same temptations that easily ensnare an unbaptized soul. But do not suppose for one moment that she was not tried in virtue.

"Her life was a continual offering, dying to herself. Though her desires did not deviate from Mine, the evil ones tempted her mercilessly. Yet her unbroken communion with the Father upheld her in all trials. She knew her life was a mission to Earth for all generations and all peoples. And it meant everything to her, to the point that personal preference did not play a role in her day-to-day life. It was always what the Father intended for her that she would set about to do, with all her heart.

"Now she is your example, My people. And you can surmise from her example that in Heaven you will be given a greater mission to fulfill on Earth, if you are faithful with what I have assigned to you now. I want you to venerate her. I want you to imitate her. I want you to live as though your spirit is eternally connected to the Father‘s, because indeed it is. It provides for your endless supply of grace for each and every moment of the day.


"And so, My dear ones who for the first time are encountering My true mother. I wish for you to put away all the foolish lies fed to various men to become doctrine in churches that are not My very own. Put away these lies and welcome her into your home. For truly, she is your mother as well, and she will guide and counsel you in the ways of holiness if you listen very closely for her voice. Just as in the days of My birth, she has been sent to bring you closer to Me. Because this truly is a familial relationship, and she truly is the Mother of the Bride.

"My dear ones, I stooped to enter the womb of this precious one, chosen by the Father. You should have no shame in stooping to pass through her doorway to come to Me. In this way you will demonstrate My humility in coming to her."

Message 697: Jesus explains... We are still in Work Mode, My Brides & Your personal Jesus

April 12, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Dear ones, there‘s lots of scuttlebutt about the three days of darkness, the rapture, inner vision, etc., etc. And the Lord is addressing this, as well as the immense amount of fatigue we‘ve all been feeling. Thank you, Lord, for addressing it. I was beginning to wonder... 'Am I getting OLD?'

Jesus began... "My People, you are so very caught up on getting off the Earth, and on the punishment of the unjust. I know that you ache and weep for these devastating abortions that turn men into sanctioned killers of the innocent. I know you pray for them and weep for the ignorance of the mothers. And I deeply appreciate that.

"As well as the times you come and lay My head over your heart to comfort Me. There are no words to express how profoundly that affects Me. All of this is good, dear ones, so very good. Enlarging your hearts, making you aware and compassionate of the plight of others. And this is part of your transformation into becoming like Me.

"But our work is not over yet. And most of you have your assignments, whether it is raising holy children, working at a job in the world, or leaving the world to serve Me when I call you. And we are still in work mode. Much of what you are doing now will be gifts to those under severe trial with no one to turn to.

"We aren‘t transitioning yet. I have told you before there are those who pretend to be Shepherds but are wolves in sheep‘s clothing. And they begin misinformation campaigns to destabilize you and put your attention on the safety of your immediate circle of friends and relatives.

"This is why I told Clare to tell you there is still time. I didn‘t want her to separate you from what you and I are doing together for others. It is what you have done for others when you were on Earth that will determine much for you in Heaven.

"There have been massive attacks and assignments of laziness on My Body. Fatigue and Laziness. Not only do you feel drained under this, you tend to take your ease and back off from prayers and serving. Then the enemy disables you with condemnation for giving in to your flesh, and you are even more reluctant to ‗come back‘ to Me.

"This has happened with many Heartdwellers, including the staff, and especially Clare. She has a physical condition that is very debilitating at times, and walks on the edge of despair, knowing she has so much more to do."

(Clare) Yeah, when it really gets me down, that's about right. I walk on the edge of despair, because I just feel like I can't do it. But then... Jesus rises up in me, and I do it.


(Jesus) "So, I come and rescue her. I hold her tenderly in My arms, and I tell her... ‗My dear one. I understand how you are feeling. I forgive you for the lapses. Let us go on now.‘ The sooner you come to Me, Heartdwellers, the sooner I can forgive and repair the damage. And I will tell you something you should keep in mind, always. Satan doesn‘t want you to feel forgiven. He wants you under a constant barrage of guilt. ‗I didn‘t do this. I didn‘t do that. I indulged in this, I indulged in that...‘ And so on and so forth. He has anemic little demons that chatter this constantly to your mind. He doesn‘t want you forgiven, so he will keep it up until you decide, ‗I just can‘t do this anymore! I‘m not good enough.‘ Clare, please share what‘s happened with you."

(Clare) Well, dear family, I confess I have been lazy. My mind has been like overcooked spaghetti, and my motivation zilch. I can‘t tell you how many times the Lord has played that song... 'Empty Fears', for me in worship time. He played it for me again, today. Twice. And that was my music set on shuffle. Here is the text of that song...

(Song) Lord, I have no courage, I'm growing weak, My heart is faint. Secret fears invade my soul, they say its just too late. Your life is over, it's passed you by. Summer's leaves fall beneath the autumn sky. I've lost my joy, I've lost my hope, I've turned my heart away from You. Restore my joy, restore my hope, turn my heart around to You, O God.

My child, put those empty fears far behind you now. Come, and rest your tender cheek beneath My watchful brow. We'll rise again in Springtime bloom. Life comes forth, anew, from empty tombs. For I know, yes, I know, all the good I've planned for you. Gifts of faith, Gifts of hope, Love and joy restored to you, My child. So, trust the plans I have, in Me our future shines. I'll guide you through the fires, we'll stand the tests of time. I am yours, and you are Mine... 'Till we pass at last through Heaven's door. For I know, yes, I know, all the good I've planned for you, Gifts of faith, Gifts of hope, love and joy restored to you, My child.

(Clare) It was funny, because I realized that I wanted to hear that song a second time, and that I wasn't supposed to be listening to my voice. I was supposed to be listening to the lyrics...Hello! And I thought, 'You know - I wish that song would play again.' And I could have reached over and sent it backwards so it would play again. But lo and behold, the Lord heard my tiny little plea, and He put it on again for me. So, this time I didn't miss the meaning.

And Jesus knows that really ministers to me. He knows that song helps me. And it helped me out of a pit today. A pit that I‘ve been in for a couple of weeks. Part of it was physical pain from constant storms hitting Taos. And Fibro doesn't like storms. And part of it was knowing the Lord needed suffering and just feeling very, very tired. Oh, I‘ve been a walking mess with no hope but Jesus. And how did He handle me? With unbelievable compassion.

(Jesus) "Clare, you could go on and fill books with stories of My very personal love for you and each of My Brides. But I want to remind those who might have jealous feelings—they are totally unfounded. You see, Father took you from within His substance, and it left a place that only you could fit. No other soul on Earth could satisfy the spot in His being you came from. And when I seek out My Bride, that very special soul from within the Father, only she can satisfy Our Heart.

―What I want you to know, dear ones, is that I am your counterpart. And only you can fulfill Me and fill the void in My Father‘s heart. That means, in the deepest sense of the word, this is a monogamous relationship. There is only one for Me; for this Jesus. There is only one for you, Your Jesus. And so on. Because the Godhead is being made complete by the return of a soul to that intimate place in His heart. Yes, the Heart of the Father, through the Love of the Son.

"Drink deeply from this well, My beautiful ones, and know that there can be no other to fulfill the place you were taken from. And when I seek you out, it is because you are the ONLY one who can fulfill Me. I bless you, My Lovely Brides. Have no fear to come near Me. I wait for you. No matter how you're feeling, or what you believe. Have no fear to come near Me. I wait for you."


Message 698: Did you see the Destruction of Notre Dame & Perceive the Message?

April 18, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Lord, for the strong confirmation on the state of your Church. For those who are appointed to carry on, please give us the grace to live and teach Your Gospels to reach all nations, free of personal interest and corruption. Amen.

Jesus began... "Rome and Alexandria, etc., etc. have adopted some of the courtly ways of the rich and powerful. This is not to My liking. Sincerity and simplicity the poor can absorb is what I want for My priests. Rome is falling, and so will all other bodies of Believers fall if they introduce riches, power, and esteem of men through their liturgies.

"They were warned from the beginning by the Apostles but chose instead their own will and fame to gain power, position, and respect by the corrupted wealthy.

"There will come a time, when I am on the Earth, that liturgy will be reformed. But you, a man, merely mortal, cannot improve on the Last Supper I celebrated with My Apostles. If you wish to be pleasing to Me alone and not to men, you will put down these foolish impulses to imitate the World.

"Cleave to My Heart with all your strength and go back to the way I did it. Although you can include the simple prayers of repentance and supplications for others. This will most edify Me, along with bringing copious fruit free of worldly contamination.

"My Dearest, I feel that I am speaking to brass walls when all My entreaties are ignored, and men's ways are preferred. You are fighting against a monster of immense proportions that Satan has erected in the churches over the centuries. This is why your pleas feel as though they fall on deaf ears.

"For the sake of the Faith, I will not chastise or make an issue out of it at this time. But rotten fruit will spring up everywhere the ministers are cleaving to worldly ways.

"To be truthful with all of you, I would prefer My Supper to be celebrated in a grass hut with banana leaves and simple clay dishes. Because of the corruption of liturgies and consecrated altar objects, in their excessive wealth, the poor are starving and cry out to Heaven for justice. And have done so through all generations.

"But this will become clear to you when I come. For now, the desire of My Heart is simplicity and even poverty, done with great respect for My Body and Blood. But who will hear Me? Who has ears to listen?

"Have you not seen the destruction of Notre Dame? Do you not perceive a message in this? The message is simple... now the time has come to destroy compromise in My Church, and its acrid fruit.

"When you are standing before the guillotine, you will know the significance of My Faith. Not when you are standing before a great work of art and architectural wonder.

"The signs are upon you, My people. I am cleaning house and separating the sheep from the goats. Those who cleave to this world will be turned over to the goatherds of Satan. Those who are of My flock will be taken up.

"Those left behind will be sorting out their priorities and choosing whom they will serve. The goats will rank high; the sheep led to the slaughter. You have had many years to decide. That has led you to find comfort on the fence, engaging freely in both worlds. The fence is coming down, and you will be forced to make a final choice.


"The ones I am ordaining and appointing now will have no concern over worldly matters. Rather, they will live every moment of their lives, as best they can, exclusively for Me.

"That means marriages will come to an end. Children and relatives will be lost. Comfortable living will also go by the wayside.

"For My sheep will also be My warriors, who will live on the Earth as soldiers for God, under the roughest circumstances, without turning their heads at all the wealth in the world passing them by. Their only concern will be the salvation of souls and their entrance into Heaven.

"United to My Heart, they will be little but powerful with My power. They will be ugly to the world, but glorious to the angels that accompany them on their assignments. Indeed, I will pour out the riches of My Heart on these simple ones. And the world will marvel. They will come from the poverty of the manger, yet be able to feed thousands, just as I did.

"They will be My people, and I will be their God. Choose wisely."

Message 699: Jesus says... These are final Exams to see, if you are ready for the Rapture

April 30, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord bless you all, precious Heartdwellers. This is an interesting time right now. And I want to thank the Lord for giving us an advance warning that the time for the Final Exams has come. You are even grading the papers to see who will qualify for the Rapture. I pray this message will not fall upon deaf ears, but that Your reluctant Bride will rally to Your side and pass her finals... Amen.

Well, as you all know, we've had some interesting challenges. More than our fair share. And a lot of us have gotten very weary, and very tired. The Lord addresses that here. So, I said... 'Jesus. Please tell me what's going on?'

Jesus answered... "I‘m here Beloved. Hold Me close. Your Lord's Supper readings should give you insight."

(Clare) The readings have alarmed me, Lord. They've caused me to be very concerned. Are the Heartdwellers ignoring you?

(Jesus) "Many are preoccupied with the world, Clare. Much in the same way you are when you devote time to a project. It is hard to get your attention back on Me. But you have been faithful, and I am not faulting you."

(Clare) Lord, Ezekiel says that Heartdwellers are tired and distracted and not responsive. Please tell me. Is this true?

(Jesus) "Let‘s say half and half."

(Clare) Well, why the rebellious reading, Lord, that I received from Ezekiel?

(Jesus) "Because many go on... 'Church as usual.' And the Church is crumbling before their very eyes. Many of them are unaware of what is going on right in front of them. The Church will not remain 'church' for much longer. Either persecution or scandal will continue to bring it down. Once the Rapture happens, there will no longer be 'church as usual'. It will be gone. Those who were on fire will

46 be taken Home, leaving My uncommitted children to cope and ask some very hard questions... 'Why? Why wasn‘t I taken?'

"Well, I am here to tell you why. This message to you is of utmost importance.

"When was the last time you gave time and money to feed the poor families and people on the streets?

"When was the last time you spent all night in prayer? When was the last time you spent 2 hours in prayer for several days a week?

"When is the last time you looked at your conscience and found gossip and slander that you had spread?

"When was the last time you recognized selfishness in yourself? Are you even looking for these things? When was the last time you defended an innocent victim of slander? When was the last time you had scorn and contempt for someone you considered below you? When was the last time you went out of your way because someone needed attention and you were busy with a project?

"When was the last time you took a careful look at your soul with Holy Spirit, and repented for so many things you should have done but didn‘t do. And so many things you did that you shouldn‘t have done?

"All your questions about 'Why was I left behind?' will be answered for you in a very brief amount of time, if you seriously sit down and take a real look at the state of your soul. Are you doing things to be noticed, for acclaim?

"Or are you doing things for Me that I asked of you that might be a little more lack-luster and go unnoticed? I guarantee you, the little things add up in Heaven. I see what man does not see. And I especially see the little things that caused you inconvenience, but that you shook off your own concern to take care of it, because there was a real need. Sacrifice.

"Are you selfishly headed off to finish a project, barring the door? Or do you relent to tend to the injured? Clare knows exactly what I mean, because I have been drilling her in charity and patience. Many times she is at a critical point with a message, with the painting, with a song, with a personal concern of hers - and I inspire Ezekiel to call for help. Yes, My Love. I have been doing this deliberately.

"I watch your attitude before you pick up the phone, after you pick it up, when you deliver the help, and when you come back. And most times, you do very well. Knowing that what you just did was to care for Me in My needs. Not angry or irritated for the interruptions, but resolute to be sweet and charitable. Those are My tests to see if you are ready for the Rapture.

"I do the same with all of you, dear ones. I am continually testing My Bride to see if she will come to My side when I need her comfort. Either as I am now, or in the distressing disguise of another. I want to see My Bride about My Business. And if there is a soul in distress, I am right there with them. I want to see all of you responding with charity, hospitality, and cheerfully from the heart. That is what brings Me the greatest comfort.

"Yes, I am happy with each one of you who are doing what needs to be done, per assignment from Me. But I also check to see where your heart and priorities are. Will you drop a pet project, even from Me, to serve a glass of cool water to a thirsty child?

"Yes, you could say these are finals. Term papers. Tests to see if you learned the lessons taught in the University of Brotherly Love on Planet Earth. That is precisely what I am doing with you. Will you forego your very focused work to help another who is floundering? To be present at a wedding or a funeral? And how deep are your prayers going?"

(Clare) Oh, Lord, I am abysmal at that right now.


(Jesus) "Well, at least you recognize it and want to change."

(Clare) Oh, dear ones. I am in the final stages of the God the Father portrait, and I can‘t tell you how tedious it has gotten. Because I made a mistake, I had to erase down to the foundation and start over again. And when my computer blew up, it brought with it a long train of... I wouldn't say a long train. I'd say a never-ending train of inconveniences to just be able to send an email. Let alone booting up my recording program - which is still shaking its head trying to figure out what I did to that song.

(Jesus) "These are finals, Clare. Everyone is experiencing an extraordinary amount of distraction and trouble, because I am finding out who knows My heart and acts on it - and who doesn‘t know My heart. The ones who know My heart and act on it will be raptured. The others, still buried in frustrations with their projects and carrying a train of guilt over the people and situations they decided to snub or forego...

"Well. There is little time left for you, dear ones. Repent and reform. Carry out the desires of My heart before your own.

"This lesson is linked to Pride. Yes, Pride says... 'What I am doing has been commissioned by God, and I am not leaving off with that to handle YOUR situation that YOU are responsible for in your own life!' In other words, 'What God wants is more important than your plight and distress.'

"No, I say to you. What I want is NOT what matters in moments like these. There is a time to ignore distractions, and there is a time to respond with all your heart. Charity and the whispering of My Spirit will help you to discern."

(Clare) Oh, Lord. I am afraid I am guilty of this!

(Jesus) "You stop to help more often than not, because you know what it feels like not to have anyone else to turn to. I am talking about those among you who have made a habit of ignoring the needs of others to satisfy yourselves. I‘m talking about the desperate needy who have sought you out. I brought them to you as a test. I want to see My Love for you in action, poured out on others.

"Because you do not set aside hours to be filled by Me, your heart is cold and unresponsive. You cannot give what you do not have, so you pass them by. Or pass them on to others. My children. The standards of Heaven are much different than yours. You must learn to love until it hurts."

(Clare) At this point, I had to take a break to reboot. I was falling asleep at the keyboard. I also made a visit to the rest room, where I felt quickened to open "Love Letters To My Bride I", and I opened to a quote from 1 Corinthians 13:1-13...

"If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I am only as a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and know all secrets and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all possessions to feed the poor and give over my body to hardship, but do not have love, it does not profit me at all.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not puffed up. It does not behave indecently, it does not seek its own, it is not provoked, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not rejoice over the unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth. It covers all, believes all, expects all and endures all.

"Love never fails. And whether prophecies, they shall be inactive, or tongues, they shall cease, or knowledge, it shall be inactive. For we know in part und we prophecy in part. But when that, which is perfect has come, then that, which is in part, shall be inactive. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child, I reasoned as a child. But when I became a man, I did away with childish matters. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know, as I also have been known. And now belief, hope and love remain - these three. But the greatest of these is Love."

(Jesus) "If you are preparing for the Rapture by sparring with other Christians over doctrinal interpretations, seeking positions of leadership and teaching, facilitating conferences and speaking at

48 them - while harshly judging the little ones that aren‘t so capable - you will be sorely disappointed on that Day. Those who were nothing in the sight of the world will ascend. And you will be left behind to learn love, compassion, mercy, and honoring the lowliest soul - because they were purchased with My Blood and I dwell in them."

(Clare) Dear ones, if I as a speaker filled a conference room, but retained scorn and contempt for the lame and poor, even passing them by in their need on the way to preach... What kind of reward awaits me on that day? Didn‘t the Lord say that tax collectors and sinners would precede the self- righteous Pharisees into Heaven?

On the other hand, a poor one on the way to the conference saw the distress of a man on the street and stopped to buy him a burger and drink - knowing he wouldn't get a good seat at the conference for stopping but caring more for the poor soul. What will his reward be?

We really have it upside down. And the Lord is beginning to turn Church buildings upside down and empty them, because He wants a pure and intimate relationship with each of us. Not just for us to listen to a finely-tuned sermon and think we‘ve satisfied the law of the Sabbath.

These are the readings Ezekiel and I have been getting for weeks, and just yesterday again.

And He said to me... "Son of man, stand on your feet, and I will speak to you." Then the Spirit entered me when He spoke to me, and set me on my feet; and I heard Him who spoke to me. And He said to me... "Son of man, I am sending you to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against Me; they and their fathers have transgressed against Me to this very day. For they are impudent and stubborn children. I am sending you to them, and you shall say to them... 'Thus says the Lord God.' (Ezekiel 2:1-4)

"The poor and faithful are focused on the Lord‘s face, on His needs, on what He is doing, while the rich are full of scorn and contempt."

(Clare) And I have to ask. How many are still truly waiting for that day? How many are so busy with the world that they exclaim... 'I have a house to buy, a marriage to attend, and a new car to pick up. I don‘t have time for this prophetic nonsense. Nothing ever comes of it, anyway!' How many of us respond to their attitude with a silent prayer?

Or do we think in our hearts... 'Well, he‘s right; nothing‘s happened yet.' And the final Lord‘s Supper reading was the washing of the disciple‘s feet, as an example that we, too, should be stooping to serve others. In short, all the readings were consistent with what the Lord spoke to me. And at that point I turned to the Lord and I asked Him if He had something to add. And He said...

(Jesus) "Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master, and as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God.

"Truly this is what I want from you all. I want your eyes on Me and what I am doing from moment to moment. Right now, there is not enough prayer going out to prevent catastrophes. I need more prayer from you, My dear ones. I need deeper and more focused prayer. And of course, every sacrifice you can offer Me carries a load of graces to be showered from Heaven - not only for your needs, but the needs of others.

"Times are winding down. We are still in the danger zone, and many of you are exhausted from fasting and praying. But I say to you, nothing you‘ve sacrificed for Me has been in vain. When you become exhausted, do not continue to push it. Rather, rest and recuperate. Then I will raise you up again, especially through communion, that you may resume all your efforts.

"But do not make the mistake of thinking you are immortal and invincible. You, too, need to rest. During that time of rest, seek Me. Seek Rhemas from the Scriptures or the website (All Links below the Video). Keep your attention focused on Me. Do not fall prey to wasting time with entertainments, although a few innocent breaks will help you regain your perspective.


"And most of all pray, with all your heart, that the impending events will be circumvented and people‘s hearts will turn to Me. This is My complaint. Even My Brides have become insensitive to My tears and distress. They have taken their eyes off the hand of their Master at a time when He has great need of them.

"Please, Beloved ones. I need your attention, your prayers, and your love. Whether you show your love to the little ones who have needs, or through declining to indulge your appetites - whatever you do for Me, I take as a wedding present, a sign of love for your Groom. And I am deeply appreciative.

"So, I ask you, dear ones. Humble yourselves. Examine your habits and attitudes. Repent of any wrong-doing in the sight of the angels. Go out of your way for others. And most of all, soften your hearts as you keep your gaze steadily on My hands, so that you can fulfill My needs.

"Then you will be taken in the Rapture, because you have made your minute-to-minute priority to be one and the same with Mine. This makes you My dearly beloved ones, and I prepare the place for you at My Wedding Feast. Do these things and you will hear... 'Well done, My good and faithful Servant. Enter into your Master‘s joy.'"

Message 700: Jesus says... Donald Trump in Danger... Prayer is the decisive Factor that he survives

May 2, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Lord Jesus, thank You for Your warnings and giving us new chances to prove our love for You. Dear Lord, I have not loved You with all my mind, because it has wandered. Help us to keep our gaze on Your hand, Lord, and to move when you say move. Amen.

Heartdwellers, we are at that point again. I do hope you‘ve recovered a bit, because we really need to drench President Trump in prayer. He is going to England on Friday (May 3, 2019) to meet the Queen (It is a secretive trip, which is not known to the public). Dear ones, please pray and fast. If the attempts on his life are successful, WW3 will happen very soon afterwards. And of course, the Rapture will occur in the midst of the chaos.

Please, families. All over the world. This is not a national danger. This means the end of peace on Earth, and millions will be killed in every country. So, please consider this something we must pray against. No matter what nation we were born into, we are still citizens of Heaven. So, all that occurs on Earth belongs to us, as well.

I am coming to the conclusion, there is time for music, and there is time for art - and there is time for prayer. And prayer always comes first. Especially in national emergencies. After all, what good would a song or painting do if the world blew up tomorrow? How many could it possibly touch?

So, I am asking those who are in love with their Jesus, to cover our President during this time when he is at a very high risk. Dear Ones, our President is alive right now because WE prayed. He is in office right now, because WE prayed. And will continue to destroy the stronghold of evil on our nation, because WE prayed.

Lord, what do You have to say?

(Jesus) ―Clare, it is imperative that everyone pray. I will tell you this much: the scheme is extremely elaborate and multifaceted. And if one thing doesn‘t work, he will be shuffled into another attempt— and another and another. They are not going to let him leave alive if it is at all possible.


―But they are men, and I am God. And if enough prayers and fastings go up, he will make it through alive. There will be numerous attempts while he is in the air, as well. They are not taking any chances on him living even one more day.

―Pray for supernatural coverage. Pray for the Secret Service agents to receive direction from Holy Spirit. Pray they will be sensitive, and especially prepared for a round of attempts causing chaos and throwing them off guard. They are highly trained - but this trip will tax their abilities to survive.

―Prayer will be the decisive factor in his survival.‖

(Clare) Lord, may I add something?

(Jesus) ―Yes, you may, dear one.‖

(Clare) Let‘s also pray and ask Mother Mary to wrap him in her cloak that no harm can come to him. Or to his wife, if she is there.

(Jesus) ―My Love, there is nothing superstitious about asking My mother to pray with you. In fact, it is the Marian multiplier. When she is praying with you, your petitions are presented to My Father with enormous blessing attached. For those who understand the Scriptures and are humble enough to ask for her intercession. For them, great favor is added to their prayer.

―Someday soon now, people around the world will come to know the power of her intercession and cease from reviling her.‖

(Clare) Lord, I remember Kim Clement‘s prophecy. I looked it up, as I really wanted to share it here...

(Prophecy thru Kim Clement) ―There is a president that will come. He will have absolutely no fear. He will be decisive. In the middle of the restoration of America. As the beginning of the Restoration begins, there shall be a woman that will rise up, a woman that shall be strong in faith. Virtuous. Beautiful in eyes. Her eyes shall be round and big. ‗I have crowned her‘, says the Lord, ‗as I crowned Esther.'‖

"And the people shall receive her, for she shall have the oil of gladness for the pain and the mourning that has taken place. And she shall pour out the oil. She shall pour out the oil on this nation."

"And God says, Healing shall begin, and then shall flow rapidly. Schools will be free from potential damage and danger: shootings, murders, drug addiction. Cartels shall be afraid of a woman—a woman anointed by God, a woman set aside‘.‖ And God says, 'They will say... We hated her, but now we love her.'‖

"For she shall take the oil of healing, and she shall pour it upon the scars of those left, and those right, and of the new party that has come forth. Therefore, the healing that is necessary for this nation shall come at a time in the middle of the presidency. There shall be a woman that shall come, and God said there shall be oil that shall be poured upon the nation and they shall suddenly feel the healing.

"And they shall say, 'It is well with my soul', for the soul of America has been corrupted; the soul of this nation has been corrupted with bitterness and anger. And God said, 'She shall say... No more bitterness, no more anger, no more division.' And she‘ll pour the oil that shall come from the Spirit of the Lord Himself." (End of Prophecy)

(Clare) Lord, would you like to comment on this?

(Jesus) ―Who have I crowned Clare?‖

(Clare) Our Lady.

(Jesus) ―Who has been hated by the Evangelical community?‖

(Clare) Our Lady, Your Mother.


(Jesus) ―And who has touched you with joy and gladness in moments of extreme pain?‖

(Clare) You have, Lord. But also, she has, as well.

(Jesus) ―And there you have your answer. But do not stop praying, for there are things to transpire before that day. A shake-up and wake-up call. And I wish for no man to perish, but those who have refused to reconcile with Me are in grave danger.‖

―What I love about this Channel is that you are all so responsive. Even though you have been tired out, still you rise to pray and intercede, because I called to you and you answered Me, 'Speak Lord. Your servant is listening.'

―And there are those among you who are truly saints on this Earth. And your prayers capture the hearts of the Cloud of Witnesses and the angels in Heaven. Never doubt it: your prayers have turned many a battle around and saved those, who before, seemed unredeemable.

―Be encouraged, Heartdwellers. I love you deeply and count on you for so very many things. Prayer and comfort. Dearly I love you. Rise to this occasion. Sleepers rise. I give you another chance to break the flasks of your heart to save your nation and be counted with the elect.‖


May 3, 2019 - New Update... President Trump is in England

Clare began... I want to give you an update on what is happening. And this is from our source.

It has been reported to me by our source that President Trump left the United States sometime between 9:00 pm and 4 am for London.

All of you were praying. It is reported that he had a secret meeting with the Queen of England. And that he is shutting the door on the Federal Reserve and will soon be exchanging the dollar for United States Treasury Notes.

Dear ones, DO NOT STOP PRAYING. According to the Lord, there will be several attempts on his life. Stay vigilant and pray.

I was also told that a great many people have been arrested. Much more. Many more than what we know about. And soon the ones that are more visible will also be arrested. Let us remember to pray for their souls.

Some of them have been involved in satanic ritual abuse and will be given the death sentence.

Keep up the good work, prayer warriors. And I wanted to put this out, because someone had mentioned to me that there was a scheduled meeting with the Queen on June the 3rd.

And they were thinking that maybe I'd made a mistake, or our source made a mistake. No. This was a secret meeting nobody else knew about.

Lord, is there anything You wish to add?

Jesus began... ―My precious, precious People. You have again intercepted a plot to kill your President. Please believe Me when I tell you that the prayers of the Heartdwellers community are powerful and move on the Heart of My Father.‖

―Keep praying. The battle is not over yet, but your prayers have made a substantial contribution to turning the tide, and they always do. So, please stay at your prayer stations through Sunday.


―I am with you, Heartdwellers. There is no place I would rather be than in My Heart, dwelling with all of you. I know things have been difficult, but the fruit that is manifesting is major, and of major import to the whole world.‖

Message 701: Mother Mary says... Those, who are willing to lose their Life for the Kingdom, will find it

May 5, 2019 - Words from Mother Mary to Sister Clare

Clare began... Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the wonderful springtime joy you are bringing to us. I have some wonderful things to share with you, Family. Especially those of you who have been wanting to withdraw into prayer, and not be a part of the world anymore. But be praying FOR the world.

When we live the lifestyle of seclusion and prayer, we're at the hub of all life. We can reach out and touch the spokes from the hub, and the wheel is what turns the world. And the spokes are the individual ministries and works that people do. And when you're at the hub, you're actually at a point where you can pray for all of those things. It's a very exciting life of intercession.

Then Mother Mary began to speak... "I have many souls for you. Many vocations. As your structure becomes firmer, as the bones develop and become solid, and you are able to bear the weight, I shall send you souls. Many souls, my daughter, are in need of this instruction and structure. Many are seeking A LIFE WORTH LIVING. A life with meaning, with purpose, in truth, enduring throughout eternity. Structure is so very important to you to be able to stand. You must not be a jellyfish."

(Clare) Here she is using an expression that I am very familiar with.

(Mary) "I wish to have an army of committed KNIGHTS in ARMS."

(Clare) The arms being prayer and fasting with good works of every kind.

(Mary) "An army of intercessors. Not many. Carrying my Holy Banner of Love, marching through the world of hatred and opposition to God's will."

(Clare) I saw in the spirit an army carrying the banner of the Holy Cross. When she said, "not many" I thought of Gideon's 300. They were men picked out of thousands, because they drank water from the river a certain way. The notes from the seventh chapter of Judges says... "The Lord desired not numerous but reliable soldiers. Those who drank from their hands were alert, standing ready to resist attack, whereas the others were careless and undependable, and the cowards had already been weeded out." And the sixth chapter of Judges is all about the call of Gideon, who said... "Please, my Lord, with what do I save Israel? See, my family is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father's house."

(Mary) "Not all will be willing to lose their life for the Kingdom."

(Clare) Then she began to address all of us...

(Mary) "My children, those of you who would lose your life for the Kingdom of My Son, I tell you truly, you shall find it. Those of you who will not, shall lose even what little you have. For to those who have, more is given. And to those who have not, even what little you have shall be taken from you.

"Do not marvel at this saying, for unto him who was given ten talents and reproduced with those ten more, to him more was given. But to him who buried the one and reproduced none, he was put outside and soundly beaten.


"My children, you will be held accountable for what God has given you: your life's breath, your time on this Earth, your abilities. If you do not put your best effort forward, you shall be held accountable. My children, no halfway measures, please. Give it your all. My Son gave His all. You owe it to Him. Do not withhold your best efforts.

"This I say to you, not to shame you, but to call you to account now while there is still time to repent and live a life worthy of the name Christian and full of the promises of Heaven.

"If you are slothful, you shall spend much time in the fires of Purgatory doing there what you should have done here. A serious opportunity has been set before you. It asks of you a serious response. (Link to more detailed revelations regarding the fires of purification you find below this video on youtube)

"For those of you who take my words with the utmost seriousness, I shall be by your side and all of Heaven shall be your help and entourage. The more you strive for perfection, the more the Heavenly Host will protect and assist you. I tell you solemnly, not one drop of suffering shed, not one supernatural effort shall go unnoticed.

"Satan's scheme is to undermine your good works by saying they are too little. Nothing, my children, is too little. Everything shall be rewarded. I beg of you, put your best foot forward. I shall not fail you in the blessings that will follow."

(Clare) And you know? When I withhold my best from the Lord, because of some personal advantage, those things that I gain are the very things that I will completely lose at death. But when I give up that personal advantage, as a fast offering unto the Lord, it will bear fruit that will proceed me into Heaven.

Then I saw Mother Mary dressed as a peasant woman with a bushel of walnuts in her arms. She poured the walnuts out onto a table that was set before me. This was such a curious vision, yet I knew instinctively that she was demonstrating vocations to me. In other words, people who are called to this kind of life. I became even more convinced when she allowed me to see that within each hull was a precious diamond. Then she began to list words to me, words that I was familiar with.

(Mary) "Outer covering, common, poor, rough, plain, nothing extraordinary or unusual, commonplace, plain wrapper, simple, humble. All these things and more are what we want you to be. Nothing, nothing, to draw any attention to you as being special."

(Clare) As I looked at the table full of walnuts, I saw that it was in a very rough room in the wilderness. While I was watching, little diamonds went on fire with light, emerged from the hulls and went off in different directions. Our Mother Mary took me by the hand to follow one and it went off into the forest towards a precious spot that we planned to build an hermitage at the Refuge. Then she resumed speaking...

(Mary) "They are vocations. Souls who love to pray. Souls I am entrusting to you. Soon, very soon, there will be much excitement in your lives. I will teach you how to serve them. Don‘t worry, I wouldn‘t give them to you without the grace to direct and serve them. Each baby comes with instructions, and special helps from Heaven."

(Clare) In the background of the meditation, Father was saying... "We are not to hold our heads down and cower in fear." That sure described what I was feeling while she was saying this.

Our Mother took a diamond from a walnut shell and held it before me. It sparkled in her fingers, as she continued...

(Mary) ―Each one is so different, special, unique. No two are the same. Oh, how lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord, my God. How special Your virgin souls, called to love and serve You. I give You praise, Father, for you have hidden these things from the high and mighty, but given and revealed them to the lowly and poor in spirit. Continue to be lowly in spirit. I will send you pure gemstones to build this community.‖


(Clare) Dearest Mother, I entrust myself to you. Even today I found that I had to keep a serious guard over my soul, because I could feel my thoughts drifting in the wrong directions, contrary to this commonness you are teaching me. I feel most at home with this and it is most conformed to my holy state of life, this rule of life. Yet it is so very difficult to protect.

(Mary) "I will not let you down in this; only just trust me. I will show you what to do. Don‘t worry, it‘s going to be very beautiful. Just trust me... That is all I require."

Message 702: Jesus says... I grant you 5 more Years to touch Others for Me...

May 13, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Lord, for your tremendous Mercy. But will anyone believe it?

Precious family, the Lord has given me some news. Some of you will stone me for this. Like you did three years ago when I said we had three more years before the Rapture; others will leave the Channel. But I will not compromise for any man. What I am going to tell you has been confirmed over and over again. During this time, the Lord is going to catapult us into a new personal springtime of our lives.

Jesus began... "I have given you this time, because you prayed and have worked with the gifts I have given you. I have seen your tears and heard your pleas for loved ones. I have seen My People rise up in government and confront the enemy‘s plan.

"I have seen all of you struggle with breakthroughs, and I am the God of breakthroughs. And they are coming. Unexpected progress with your gifts. Going from plodding along to sailing along. Singing a new song of victory. Many of you have worn yourselves out with effort in your gifts. I say to you... come into the slipstream of Grace where I will carry you effortlessly into a new competence, a new ability to master the things you have struggled with.

"Many of you will have breakthroughs in your relationship with Me. You will be leaving the World behind and embracing Me in solitude, in the wilderness. Mother Clare is not the only one preparing prayer communities. There is a wave of anointing coming upon you that will cause such dissatisfaction with the World you will finally make a break from it. I will give you the courage to see clearly what you must do and to follow through on it.

"Yes, you have suffered much, My dear ones. But on the heels of that comes breakthroughs and the contemplation of My sweet Presence. You are learning and have learned that deep joy and satisfaction come only from Me. So, I am accompanying you on this journey to holiness by providing all that you need to live a life of prayer and sacrifice, honoring all My deepest desires. Yes, I am telling you, you will walk into a renaissance of opportunities to love and serve Me, with a greater anointing and greater power. Indeed, I reward My servants who give so much of themselves to bring My Kingdom to Earth."

(Clare) And that was the end of His first message. And here's another one...

There is a very real reason why the Lord wants us to establish what we have named The Refuge of My Sacred Heart. This mountain property with two hermitages and a chapel. There is much work to do up there. We have been gone for 20 years. The animals, the wind, and vandals have made a mess! But we are on it like white on rice, cleaning it up.


Dear ones, the Lord has announced to me that we have 5 more years before the Rapture. He said this without conditions, but I believe it is important that we are about Our Father‘s business in order for this to stand.

I will not presume to declare that it's dependent on us in any way at all. All He said is that we have five more years. And I can see that if there's a great move of God in this nation and around the world, intercessors up on a mountain fasting and praying will be a major, major influence to positively enforce that movement.

In that time frame, He wants to establish a prayer community on the mountain. Our enemies have already begun to try and block it, but the bottom line is, that when Jesus opens a door, no one else can close it. Amen. I came to Him this morning with all kinds of fears, because this is a huge undertaking. Lord, please hold me tight and never let me go! Please Lord, hold me tight. I come to You in fear and trembling.

(Jesus) "We are together on this, dear one. I have not left you helpless or lonely. I brood over you with great longing. I am well aware of your numerous fears, especially of yourself and your pride. But I am here to tell you that you are right on target, and not one minute too soon. We are beginning a work that will be finished by summer‘s end. More and more will want to come, and you will have to be very, very selective. We will help you."

(Clare) Joseph, pray for us. I got a rhema to ask for the intercession of Joseph. So... He was responsible for taking care of Mary. For nurturing and protecting her. He's a lovely, lovely soul. Very, very quiet. WAY in the background. You really have to pay attention to sense his presence. And SO kind. And so gentle. Just unbelievably gentle. Saints of heaven, please help me do what is right, when it is needed.

(Jesus) "They are on the same page with you, Clare. By no means are you alone in this endeavor."

(Clare) Hold me, Lord. I'm feeling so insecure!

(Jesus) "Please don‘t be afraid. Please don‘t cry. This is My will, and I will do it through you, My very lowly and fickle instrument."

(Clare) I deserve that, Lord.

(Jesus) "It isn‘t a bad thing to have many interests, as long as you keep your focus on Me and My will and timing. I am bringing this together. The fruit is falling off the trees ripe; this is very timely."

(Clare) It just occurred to me that yes, this IS very timely. There are a lot of people who are very anxious to get out of the world and do something different. And I believe that the Lord has arranged this so that some of those that have been with us for quite a long time, and I know are sincere and very serious. And can handle the stress. Will have a place to go. He's asked me to build five more hermitages. So, right now we have two hermitages. And there'll be a total of seven hermitages and a main house. And a small recording studio. So, there'll be enough room there probably for at least 12 people to sleep. So many things are swirling around in my head.

(Jesus) ―So many things are swirling around in your head, dearest little one. So many things. Even things I have not yet talked with you about. Are you picking up on something?‖

(Clare) I don‘t know, but I think I am. A special assignment that involves singing in public before an audience, which a prophet told me I would do someday. Did you put this desire in my heart, Lord? He looked at me with a broad smile and said...

(Jesus) "What do you think?"

(Clare) I‘m afraid You did.

(Jesus) "Well, at the very least, it will get you motivated to singing the way you should with all your heart, even as you have told Me you wanted to do. Reach higher. Think higher. Think ANOINTING.


Think the fullness of your heart. Think about your past. Chicago - the pit you were in. Think of that assignment in the Poconos, when you knew something was missing in your life. It was a turning point. Think of the darkened, bankrupt heart, the dead ends, the dead relationships. The feeling of not knowing where to go or what to do? Think of those times when you felt utterly lost in the darkness.

"Now - think of the present. Think of the beautiful music we have made. Think of the wonderful husband you have and the hundreds of fans on the Internet, all over the world."

(Clare) Yes, we're in 100 countries now. It's amazing!

(Jesus) "Think 5 years to reach them all and make an impact for Me. Now look down upon the work that needs to progress at a more rapid pace. Commit. And act. Yes, act. Call together a force to discern who is truly called to this life. And delegate. Ask for wisdom. Ask for the wisest counselors. Ask for provision.

"And in the meantime, sing, sing, sing! Form a new habit, Clare. Form a habit of being noisy, shouting out and whispering when you sing."

(Clare) You know, guys? I have this crazy habit of being quiet all the time... It's like you have to pry a song out of me. He's really wanting to change that, so I can strengthen my vocal chords. So I can do what I want to do with my heart, through my vocal chords. But I was silly with the Lord. I said... 'But the Scriptures say... Not shouting out, nor breaking a reed!'

And Lord, Ezekiel needs a new nervous system.

(Jesus) "I know that. You both need bodily improvement."

(Clare) I am believing You for those, Lord.

(Jesus) "Wise choice. I want to release passion from inside of you, Clare. You are bound up tight like a rag doll, tightly wound into a softball. I want you free to fly high like a kite."

(Clare) But how?

(Jesus smiling) "Practice makes perfect... Take it up another step. Don‘t be afraid to go there - passion does go deep."

(Clare) But I thought my songs should be gentle and slip into their hearts by the anointing - not by the force of my voice.

(Jesus) "When you feel something keenly, and you communicate that, don‘t you change the intensity of your voice?"

(Clare) Yes, I guess so.

(Jesus) "Well, then look at your past, in the pit in Chicago. Now look at what is laid before you. Is that something to get excited about? Not only have you found the Truth, you have helped others find it - and their lives have taken off. Shout it from the roof tops! Draw My Bride into My arms. Be down there on the same nitty-gritty level she‘s suffering at.

"Be My Moses, taking My Bride to the Promised Land. Why do you suppose I played Moses‘ songs today? Is this not a confirmation? Or was that just a coincidence?"

(Clare) I guess not.

(Jesus) "You are right. I have been preparing you to be a Moses and lead My people into the Promised Land of Intimacy with Me, all these years. You‘ve been at the bottom of the barrel and in the darkest places so you could relate to just about anyone.


"I have taught you about Love and given you a share of My Love for them. This was the first prerequisite after knowledge of self and humility. A humble soul can relate to anyone without forming judgments, because they see themselves in My mirror.

"Your voice and piano playing were easy to bring up, once these other things came into being. I‘m not done with you yet, Beloved. This is just the beginning."

(Clare) Wow! HalleluYah!

(Jesus) "Yes, HalleluYah! There are so many in this world right now that are just waking up. Should I pull the plug on them and let them be swallowed away into eternity without an opportunity to change things? Those who can only see judgment falling from Heaven, because of men‘s sins, are lacking in perspective. My heart is so much grander than anything they have ever imagined.

"If the children who are becoming adults now had been raised properly. If their parents had been godly, and Satan had not been loosed for a 100-year season to corrupt the Earth, abortion would not be taking place now. But you see, from the 1920‘s, mankind began to deteriorate and teach lustful passions to their children and children‘s children.

"Without those influences on the minds of children, their thinking would be so different. So, it is the enemy that has twisted and perverted the minds of innocent children, so they would grow up blind, thinking nothing of slaying babies in their wombs for the freedom from having to raise them.

"Now we are two more generations down the line. And of course, these in power have no scruples - because they were not taught. Shall I not extend mercy to them?

"This is why I say that those who can only see judgment falling, because of these sins, are lacking in My perspective. I see how they were formed from kindergarden to graduating college. I see that they have been made blind by carefully sculpted programs to call what is good, bad. And what is bad, good. Now is the time for My power to come forth and bring in the Harvest of these poor ignorant souls. Now is the time for My Glory to completely deprogram them from Satan‘s agenda.

"This is why I have Mercy, Clare. This is why. It is the smug and self-righteous Christians that judge and undermine these who do not know their right from their left hands. Nor do they see from My viewpoint why I have spared so many and continue to stay My Father‘s hand. Tell them, Clare. Tell them about My Mercy."

(Clare) Lord is there going to be an event... like 9/11?

(Jesus) "At this time, My Love, I do not want to comment on that. Let‘s just say that different wake-up calls are being considered. They will only be implemented if there is no other way.

"But as I have told you, My people are responding and rising up to take this country back and make it righteous. And that is what We have been waiting for.

"I love you, My People. I love your children, your families, your pets. Your giving to the poor, your worship. Father and I want nothing more than to see a true revival and period of grace flooding the land. Lifting up the poor and sick, putting a stop to abortions and crooked judges and law enforcement. We want to see justice reign in this nation like never before.

"This is our goal. And the Heartdwellers are a part, an important part in bringing this to pass. I am with you, My People. Rise up in courage. Take back your land. I am extending this time for your sakes. Many of you are highly gifted and have not done as much as you could. I'm extending the time to make room for your gifts, as well as to continue the movement in this country to take the government back. And to live in righteousness.

"Not only in America. But around the world. I am with you, My People. Rise up. Rise up!"


Message 703: What is Purgatory & How can I avoid the Fires of Purification?

May 14, 2019 - Teaching from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, precious Lord Jesus, for explaining to us the laws of Heaven and Holiness. Mercy Lord, Mercy... Amen.

My dear ones, all the prayers in the world will do little for the man or woman who belittles and emotionally injures their spouse. What do you suppose... You can go to church and tithe, and then come home - and despise your spouse? Do you really think that will make up for your meanness of heart?

Let me tell you plainly, it will not. I have not discussed this topic yet, but it is time.

People are of the impression that when they die they go to Heaven or Hell. That is not the case. Not according to Jesus or the teaching of the Apostles. The Early Church. Or even the Jewish people. They most frequently go to a place of purification that Scripture describes as Prison in...

1 Peter 3:19... After being made alive, Jesus went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits.

1 Peter 4:6... For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to human standards in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit.

Purgatory comes from a Latin word that means purification. The Catholic Church gives the name Purgatory to the final purification of all who die in God's grace and friendship, but are still imperfectly purified. Judaism also believes in the possibility of after-death purification and may even use the word 'purgatory' to present its understanding of the meaning of the similar rabbinical concept of Gehenna.

Matthew 5:25-26... Reconcile quickly with your adversary, while you are still on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, and the judge to the officer, and you be thrown into prison. Truly I tell you, you shall by no means get out of there until you have paid the last penny.

This is not a doctrine of the Catholics. This is the doctrine of the Early Church starting with Peter. But because of the perversion of the doctrine, where people were told their loved ones wouldn't go to Heaven unless they paid for a Mass, or paid their tithes, etc, etc. It became a lever to force more dollars out of the poor and the widows. This was one of the most despicable things that was done and caused Martin Luther to leave the Church.

But that does not excuse Christianity from not following the teachings of the Apostles. Purgatory is very real. And if I died today? I think I would go there. You see, my attitudes are at times sinful and not holy. This leaves a filthy stain on my Bridal Garment and ways in which I have damaged others and not repented for.

Christ atoned for our sins on the Cross, but He did not repair the damages we incurred. We still have reparation to do. And if repentance is only skin deep, we are not under the conviction we need to be to dissolve those ugly stains off our wedding gowns.

Matthew 12:36-37... But I tell you, that for every idle word, men speak, they shall give an account in the day of judgment. For by your words you shall be declared righteous, and by your words you shall be condemned.


So, if we mentally, physically, or emotionally injure others, there will come a time when we have to repair the damages and change the state of our heart that caused us to think that way and do those things. If it doesn‘t happen before death, the Lord has mercifully made a provision which has been referred to as the Prison - and has come to mean a place of purification.

Purgatory is a place of suffering where those who die in the state of grace but have not yet changed their toxic attitudes can work with grace to arrive at purity of heart and perfect brotherly love.

Let's say that a Christian man gets into an argument with his wife and says cruel things to her, then he walks out the door and is hit by a car and dies. Let's say that man is a good Christian - with a temper he has never mastered. Not a criminal, doesn't beat his wife physically. Feeds the poor and takes care of his children but indulges in a bad temper and wounds her with his words.

When he dies, he should go to Heaven. But there is only one problem: a toxic attitude like his cannot enter Heaven, which is a place of eternal joy.

At that point, he sees himself as he is. Without the distractions of a physical body, clothing, and such. He sees the state of his soul and knows he cannot enter Heaven that way. And it hits him like a truck. But instead of being run over, it ignites his heart with true contrition that burns like an atomic fire in his soul. He sees his sinfulness and what it has done to others—and the flames of remorse consume him.

Have you ever had that happen to you? An unpleasant reality you were avoiding looking at, or were blind to, all of a sudden becomes real... Like getting a positive result on a pregnancy test when you‘re 16—and your whole world just collapses in waves of fear all around you.

Purgatory is a state of such grief over the habits of sin in your life that you refused to give up. You are consumed in the spiritual fires of purification without any one to comfort you, anyone to talk to, any food to eat or distract you, any water to drink. It is a place of total spiritual torment.

Yet, if you were to ask the person if they wanted to get out, they would answer... 'Not until I can go to Heaven!' Heaven looms before them. Jesus visits them. Mother Mary visits them. And they do get occasional consolations and strengthening graces.

Jesus has made a provision. The man is shocked by the state of his soul and is on fire in his spiritual body, with pain and remorse for this terrible habit. So, Jesus takes him aside into a place where other souls are undergoing purification, and grace works with him until he totally repents and is free from this attitude. Then he is cleansed and ready to enter Heaven.

I had a dream one night, that Ezekiel and I were in a plane. And it crashed and we died. Now we were in a place that looked like a large theater with several doors leading to the seating area. We were not alone. Many were there and everyone was assigned to a certain door. I woke up from that dream feeling very strange. The Lord revealed to me that if I died then, or now, I would not go to Heaven but Purgatory - because I lived for myself, not for others. Well that shook us up.

In fact, when I first heard about Purgatory, I had an immediate reality check on my life. I asked myself some hard questions. Would I go to Heaven or Purgatory? That brought on some serious personal changes. Especially in my determination not to lust after things or be lazy.

Ezekiel has said... 'Please, Lord. Let my purgatory be here on Earth!'

Ezekiel‘s father was a violent alcoholic who abused him and his brothers, but mostly him. His dad just had it in for him. And that is quite common with victim souls and those called to ministry—Satan persecutes them from childhood. To this day, Ezekiel has trouble sitting at a table to eat. Because when he was little, very often something would come over his father and he would attack and beat him. He was a lightweight boxing champion and he knew how to land a punch. No doubt the problems he has with his GI tract are attributed to that.

Well, when his father finally passed away, and was buried, the family did the traditional prayers for the dead. And the Jewish people do that for a year, actually. But 10 years later, his father came to him in

60 a dream and asked him to have three more Masses said—and he would be released from Purgatory. Ten years! He was detained in Purgatory, in the purifying fire, for ten years!

For those who are abusive to your spouse, your children, or even your elderly parents - this is a major wake up call. Please, change your ways while you are still on this Earth, dear ones. You don‘t want to go to Purgatory for even five minutes.

In Matthew 5:17-20 it says... Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do likewise will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven; but whoever practices and teaches them will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Jesus, what is on Your heart?

Jesus began... ―My heart for you, My People, is that in the hour of your death, you fly Heavenward. Unimpeded - straight into My waiting arms. That you eat the fruits and herbs of the trees along the River of Life and are fully healed and restored from the damage done to you on Earth.

―I want every one of you to see Me face to face. But this cannot happen clearly and completely until the layers of film from sin are washed clean.

"Each day, I come to you with the things that must be changed in your nature, by an act of your will. I shower you with love and affirm you. So that strengthened, you can avoid occasions of sin. I love you tenderly, so that you can in turn change your anger and rancor to love for others and avoid the fires of Purgatory.

―But if you will not come to Me each day and spend the time necessary for these healings to take place, you will walk out the door and continue to offend one another - because you are lacking in compassion and love. You are lacking, because you are not putting the right priority on being with Me, One on one.

―When that Day comes, the day of your departure from Earth, stripped of all earthly distractions and sensations - you will stand before My mirror and see every imperfection and habitual pattern of sin. You will feel your lack of love and your anger keenly and recognize yourself as being full of the toxic poison of rancor, greed, lust, and so many other sins that you have allowed to take root and live in you.

―You have known those things were there, but you didn‘t realize that a time would come when YOU, not I, would have to work through them to pass through the gates of Heaven.

"Oh, what a day that will be!! Glorious for those of you who wept over your shortcomings and sins. Because though you may have been weak and fallen before coming to Heaven, if you were resolute and daily conquering yourself, mercy will be extended to you. It was your resoluteness, backed by action, that gained the pardon.

―But for others who have been avoiding that Day, it will be terrible. You will shake before My mirror and want to run and hide, so filthy will you appear to yourself and all in Heaven. Please, please, make it the number one priority to spend deep prayer time with Me and repent for your indiscretions. Repent and repair the damage you‘ve done to other souls.

―Come to Me asking for the grace of true contrition and Mercy. I, on My part, will do what I can to bring you along to the state where you can finally be with Me and the Saints in Heaven. But My children, you must pass through the fires of remorse for your habitual sins you have refused to conquer. These cannot come with you into Heaven; they must be completely overcome.

"I know that you who are from a Protestant background are going to kick at this teaching and this reality. But should I refrain from giving it to you because others lied to you and did not form your

61 conscience properly? Or should I give you the opportunity to change while there is yet time for you? I love you dearly. I cannot withhold the truth from you, lest you incur greater debts in your lives.

―When I told the parable of the guest at the wedding feast, I mentioned that one was improperly clad. That one had not put forth any effort to correct his faults and repair the damage he did to others - that is why he was excluded.

―And so, you can ascertain from this that you will not be taken in the Rapture - unless you have either conquered your faults, or are sincerely committed to conquering them everyday. In which case, you will be sure to receive Mercy and come with Me.

―I love you, Beloved Brides. I love you so tenderly as I see you struggle each day to overcome temptations and sins. You bring great joy to all of Heaven with your commitment to be Mine and Mine alone. Oh, how I cherish you!‖

... this was the end of His message to Clare. Here a confirmation from another source:

20. I say to you during this period: Do not accept the idea of ―hell‖ that humanity has accepted. There is no more hell in this world, other than the life that man has created with his wars and hatred. And in the spiritual valley, there is no fire other than the great remorse that the spirit feels when its conscience shows it its errors.

25. Fire is the symbol of pain: of the regrets and repentance that torment the spirit, purifying it as gold is purified in the crucible. In that pain is My will, and in My will is love for you.

(from THE THIRD TESTAMENT, Revelations of Jesus Christ, Chapter 27, The Beyond)

Message 704: Jesus says... Many are called, Few are chosen and even Fewer respond

May 18, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... ―I wish to tell My Brides that beautiful things are in store for them if they will really, seriously apply themselves. Changes are coming — breakthroughs in equipping. And it is vitally important that My Brides handle these with respect and care. I am clarifying missions and extending anointings.

―But you must be on the alert for what I am doing. You cannot doze off and say... 'Oh, another day, just like yesterday. Same old, same old.' You will miss Me if you do this. Many of you are living in the consequences of wrong choices. Your flesh and affections have led you astray for many years. And if you are feeling dissatisfied with your life, it is because I am stirring up your nest of complacency. I‘m sending My wind to blow the nest apart and free you. Most of you don‘t even know you are living in bondage to the past. Living in the past, the status quo, is no longer right for some of you, My Brides. You have matured spiritually and now is the season to move forward into the unknown.

―As your anointing grows, as you use it, you expand. And what was a little job becomes a substantial job. And those who have held up under pressure and been loyal to Me, what was substantial is now moving into a work that will affect thousands and eventually millions. But that is beyond you to see or even contemplate.

―Remember... The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed. Once it is planted, it grows to a great bush, hardy enough to become lodging for many birds. I am drawing My people into cohesive groups

62 and works. This Channel has far surpassed just being a Channel. It is a great work that reaches around the world and will draw souls that are serious about Me into a cohesive group.

―Groups do not become 'a thing'. I am always the Thing that holds groups together! And those of you whose lives have substantially changed are being called up higher and wider to occupy spiritual territory, to train and equip others who hunger for what you have. This relationship must be the bedrock of any ministry - with a covering of Humility to keep it safe.

―I have told Clare that people will be coming and going from the Refuge. This is in confirmation to the word I gave to My prophet, that she would be in a dark forest carrying a torch. And with her were young people as they were making their way through the forest ever so carefully. Then, all of a sudden, the torch would become brilliant, lighting up the entire forest. And each soul would come with a torch to light from hers, and then go out into the world in four directions to circle the globe.

―What you have been taught here is truly the foundation of My Early Church, before man got ahold of it and began to exploit it. Many of you have Bible teachings from evangelical church groups. But what they were lacking was the presence of the great Cloud of Witnesses and interaction with them. As well as My Body and Blood, in which you receive every day all that you need to stay humble, pure, steadfast in faith and strong in temptation.

―My priests. When you elevate Me above the altar, I want you to proclaim this to Me... 'I love and adore You beyond all things, Jesus. You have all that I need. As I receive You, please equip me with this or that, to do your perfect will today.' Or something similar. You can even make note of what you feel most acutely. 'Lord, give me Your courage.' Or 'Give me Your stamina and patience. Or 'Help me to be longsuffering. And give me Your love for Your people. Let Your heart beat in me; let Your mind think through me.'

"All of these sentiments will draw the graces within Me to you. It is an act of faith, an act of obedience, an act of Love and all that I stood for from the Cross. Heartdwellers, you are most unique among My Christian people. You have the Scriptures, the Saints - especially the express corridor to holiness in the example of St. Francis, who lived every day in great Divine Intimacy. You have My Mother, who adores you. And all of Me - Body, Soul and Spirit complete in the host (bread and wine), that you receive. Plus the secret place in My heart when you practice dwelling prayer. Draw on Me in great faith and I shall supply your need. You indeed are blessed; you have it all.

―For those who want to be equipped to go out, I am making 'the Refuge' available to you. As well as for those who want to live in seclusion, too. As the days go by, Clare will be given more specifics about timing and lifestyle; leaving the world behind to embrace Me more fully. This will give you the foundation you need to reach your pinnacle of holiness.

"I will set out examples for you from many of My Saints. But you will be a saint in your own unique way, because I made you different from all others. What you will all share is the desire to be holy and pleasing to Me. Your identity and how you arrive there will be totally and uniquely you. No cookie cutter Christians, because you did not come forth from a cookie cutter. There is only one you that fits into My Father‘s heart. You will learn to discern and form relationships with those of the Great Cloud. Souls who identify with you and your purpose, and will always be there to guide and help form you. You will learn of the great intercessory force of those in Purgatory. You will be physically, emotionally, spiritually strengthened when You receive My Body and Blood.

―You will have the Scriptures to teach you and even guide you with Rhemas. You will have My Spirit and speak in new tongues. Your lifestyle will be admired and desired by those who sincerely want Me, but you will receive scorn and contempt from those who limit themselves to popular Christian culture.

―You will bask in the great rivers of peace that flow through your garden as We fellowship with you in dwelling prayer. You will be in a community environment where it is safe to be honest, transparent, and up front about your feelings, fears, struggles and how to overcome them spiritually. It will be very much like it is online now. But instead of being stuck in a hostile world, where everyone is picking at you and accusing you. You will be surrounded by My Brides seeking intimacy with Me.


―But I will tell you in advance, the struggles against your nature will be very difficult at times. You will struggle with letting go of certain personal freedoms - like getting on the Internet any time you want to. The Internet in this environment will undermine intimacy with Me - unless you are working on the Channel. And even then, there will be times when you need to fast from it.

―Focusing on the world puts your attention off of Me and onto the enticements of your culture. You will be free to leave any time you wish. But My heart is that you will stay and purify your heart so you can belong totally to Me. That may take some time. You have followed My teachings through Clare; there you will be living them. Your pride will not survive.

―I was the same way with My Apostles. We lived the life of what later became My Gospels. My people, it is not what you learn - it is how you live once you‘ve learned. This life is not for those who consider themselves intelligent and gifted people. It is for those who have seen themselves in My Mirror and are ever so grateful that I have called them anyway. It is for ordinary souls like you and Clare.

―This is what I came to do, but the upper class exploited it. You, on the other hand, are simple little ones whose heart beats only to please Me. Your choice to live in detachment from worldly things will protect you from Avarice and Pride. It will also be a clear message for those who are seeking to be exalted, recognized, and influential—that there is nothing here for them.

―Many are called. Few are chosen. And even fewer respond. But are you called? You will feel an exhaustion with worldly dramas, yet you will pray with great compassion for the world. Those of you with children, I will not leave you out. Be patient. Your detachment from worldly comforts, dear ones, will shout out... 'JESUS is ALL I NEED to be happy!' There will be many tests of your resolve to conquer yourself.

―The hermitage is not for sissies. In fact, it is a place where devils love to come and taunt you with all manner of temptations. But many of you have already been through that, so you expect it. The more productive you are in My Kingdom, the more you will be attacked. But it is also a place of victory and encountering Me deeply, Divinely, in a way that will cause you to never be the same.‖

Message 705: The Fires of Purification! You choose... Here on Earth or in the Beyond

May 20, 2019 - Teaching from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank you, Jesus, for Your promise to finish the work You have begun in us. Even when it means after we depart this Earth.

Well, dear Heartdwellers, there needs to be some clarification about the doctrine of Purgatory. And the Roman Catholic Church. Which is NOT the same Church that we're following.

We're following the Early Church. Pre-Rome, before all the changes that came with Rome. First of all, I am going to change the name 'Purgatory' to correspond more with the Gospels. Because Purgatory comes from a Latin word. So, we will call it the Bible‘s name for it... Purification.

And I know you will say... 'That will get done on our way to Heaven, doesn't it? You know, like a great spiritual shower, washing away the spots, wrinkles and blemishes?'

Well, apparently not - or Jesus wouldn‘t have said in Matthew 5:26... 'Truly, I say to you, you will never get out of prison until you have paid the last penny.' The 'prison' alluded to here is Purgatory, while the 'penny' represents the most minor sins that one commits.


1 Corinthians 3:11-15... If any man's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire.

My dear ones, let me share with you what I believe this purification truly is. Have you ever done something really, really wrong that you didn‘t acknowledge as wrong before you did it, but tried to explain it away? Have you ever gossiped and hurt someone‘s reputation, causing them to lose their job or trouble in a marriage? Or perhaps you were in an accident where a child or adult was killed, and the accident was your fault.

When you found out that you were in the wrong, and were responsible for the suffering of innocent people, how did you feel? I have done things in my past that I was very ashamed of.

And when the Lord confronted me with what I had done and who I had hurt, it was like molten metal being poured over my body. My face turned red, my knees started to shake, and I had to sit down.

Possibly you got some bad news that caused that reaction in you. I believe that feeling is the fire of purification in realizing what I had done. It was a shock, and I couldn‘t put my mind around it. All I could do was be dumb until God gave me the grace to acknowledge and face it. Now for us on this Earth, we inhabit a body which acts as a buffer or insulation from the spiritual world, which is very intense energy.

But when we leave the body behind, there is no longer any buffer. We are without food, water, distractions, bodily comforts, friends to call, excuses to make. We are stripped down to the naked soul, which is now under the fire of conviction. With no icecream to eat, no wine to drink, no one nearby to blame. We are like raw skin before the Lord. Every slight little breeze stings and burns when the top layer of skin has been removed.

At this point I thought..s. 'You know, Lord, maybe You should explain this?' And Jesus answered me and said...

(Jesus) ―No, you are doing quite well. And this should be explained from a human point of view to understand what it is that burns. So, please proceed.‖

(Clare) Okay. For example, when I was in the world and sinful, I thought I had a health problem, because my feminine cycle had stopped. I just shoved it under the rug and kept on getting photography assignments. And right in the middle of a National Geographic assignment, I noticed some body changes. My belly was getting bigger and my pants wouldn‘t zip. And I thought, 'I must be sick.'

Well... I went to the doctor, and after testing me he said... 'You‘re pregnant.' I nearly fainted. I had been in denial. I have never ever felt anything so earth shaking. Conviction flowed through me like fire. I was paralyzed and didn‘t know where to turn or what to do. I was in shock.

Well, I believe that this is what purification by fire is all about. Burning conviction with no way to escape. Your life rolls out before you and you feel like a complete fool. You‘re stunned, because you are seeing the consequences of your sins for the first time in God‘s mirror.

The Lord said He was coming for a Bride without spot, wrinkle, or blemish. A spot comes when you are involved in something unclean, and it splashes on you. Like gossip. It splatters all over your wedding gown. A wrinkle is what you develop from habitual patterns of sin that you refuse to deal with. A blemish is an uncleanness from inside of you that manifests as a stain from beneath your gown. It can also be a rip or a tear from being careless.

In any case, these are things that you know you should deal with, but you cover them with denial until they hit you upside the head, and you can no longer avoid or deny them. And I believe that if you have these patterns of sin and have not addressed them, that you will need to be purified before you can enter Heaven.


But I also believe that if you are not in denial, and you have been working on them with all your strength, I believe the Lord in His mercy may wipe them away. That is, however, if you have exercised mercy towards others.

He who shows mercy will also be shown mercy. So, I relate to the place of purification by fire as an inner state of searing conviction that causes me to review my actions and repent. God in His Mercy has established, I believe, a place where we can go through this purifying fire and come out ready to enter Heaven.

Think about it for a moment. Let‘s say I was jealous of someone and spread malicious lies about them to ruin their reputation. I knew it was wrong, but I was driven to do it anyway by my bitterness. I tried and tried to smear them so they would never have a good reputation again. And this was a lifelong habit I kept hidden from others, but still did to every person that offended me or made me jealous.

Then let‘s suppose I got into a car wreck, was thrown 50 feet in the air and died on impact. Now. I had accepted the Lord as my Savior, gone to church, prayed, tithed and fed the poor. And I really did love Jesus. But I was self-righteous in my thinking, and thought of the persons that offended me, that they should be brought down. So, I continued in this evil habit, ruining the lives of many people along the way. (No, I didn't do that. I'm just giving you an example.)

So, what do you think? Should Jesus take such a person to Heaven where they will no doubt be jealous of everyone?? Should He send them to Hell? Or should He take them to a place of purification where they can truly learn that what they were doing was wrong. And at the same time, truly want to stop?

You see Purgatory, or the place of Purification, is God‘s great Mercy at work. Have you ever wondered why people take so long to die? I believe they have unfinished business: unforgiveness, lack of repentance for the sins of omission and commission, and the harm they've caused others. And rather than sending them to be purified, the Lord lets them live and suffer for a very long time. And I believe a great deal of business is taken care of when they are sleeping, or suffering, or lonely.

The Lord gave Ezekiel a very real example of this the other night. He was suffering and knew that it was for someone but didn‘t know who. Then he saw a man dressed in a suit walk across the room and come and stand at the foot of his bed. This man communicated to Ezekiel... 'Thank you for praying for me. I can go Home now.' This was a man who had been in Purification and was suffering deep remorse. And because we on Earth prayed for him, he was released, and able to enter Heaven purified.

Now the good news... The souls in Purification can pray for us! They have already made the same mistakes we are making, and they can relate to our weakness. In their situation, they have nowhere to go; only time to repent and cry. So, the Lord gives them an opportunity to be charitable to other souls that are on Earth and do not know how bad off they are in God's eyes.

And we in turn pray for them to be released quickly. Jesus, what is on Your heart?

(Jesus) ―My Dove, you have done very well. Yet no one can plumb the depths of My Mercy and predict who will be detained in the purifying fires, and who will not. This is one reason why My Father is taking so long to give the word for the Rapture to begin.

―I do not want to see any of My Brides excluded from the wedding feast because they were detained for purification. Yes, there will be some who will. But the ones who were willing to suffer and work hard on their faults, they will come with Me to the Wedding banquet.

"This is another reason why I told the parable of the wedding feast and the man improperly dressed. His sin had worn his clothing threadbare, filthy, and unfit for a celebration. He had a long habit of not repenting, and therefore he was unfit for the Feast. He was saved, though, by his confession of Me as his Savior.


―But the others came to Me each day and wept over their sins, begging Me to deliver them. And doing many acts of reparation—not only for their sins, but for the sins of others.

"You ask, what is reparation? It is the soul who sees the evil that is done in the world, and is struck to the core by insults against Me, abortions, dishonest governments, and all manner of unrighteousness. And there are those who are so united with Me - when I grieve, they grieve. And in this way, they are repairing the damage of those who sinned against Me. And that brings Me comfort.

―There is no pat answer as to whether or not you will need purifying. But if you love Me with all your heart, your mind, and your strength and love your brother as yourself, you have very little to worry about. Rather, you will constantly be aware of temptations, faults, and lapses - and you will repent immediately.

"Remember, My Heart is a heart of Mercy. And I see every tear drop you cry over others and cry over your sins. And though you are weak, I am full of Mercy for you, because of the way you have been merciful to others.

―Purify yourselves, My Brides. Especially in this hour from sloth, which hurts the entire Body and deprives them of the nourishment you could have given, if only you had tried a little harder.‖

Message 706: Jesus says... The Church is being stripped down naked, so that the true Apostles may rise up

May 28, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... "It‘s all about love, Clare. The Church only exists to demonstrate My Love. In the past, she has demonstrated her power, her wealth, her ability to subdue peoples and manipulate governments. No longer. She is being stripped down, naked so that the true Apostles may rise up and clothe her in My Love and Glory.

"My sheep hear My voice, My sheep seek My face. My sheep are Mine and none other‘s. I am breaking away all the conventions of My church that are not relevant to a holy life.

"In the past, idolatry has gone unnoticed, and people have listened to anyone who is flashy enough to impress them. And so, they are easily led into error.

"What I am doing in this generation is emptying the baggage from the hearts of My people. No more Hollywood superstar Christians. It only breeds greed, idolatry, and error. What passes for church is theatrical manipulation of My people, who have been taught to worship personalities.

"I taught you by example, and while crowds followed Me everywhere I went, never once did I exact from them tribute and monies. Rather, I fed them, healed their wounds and taught them to repent and sin no more. These are the lessons that cultivate the rich soil and bring forth a thousand-fold harvest.

"My people, we are returning to the church of My Father‘s Heart. For He longs for a people who worship Him in spirit and in truth with no thought of pleasing crowds and building a citadel.

"Rather, they are little ones, ministering My Love, one on one, tending to the wounded and those excluded. And from this humble beginning I will build up my Church into what I always meant for Her to be."


Message 707: Jesus says... The Time of the Comfort zone Church is ending... My Church becomes dynamic

June 3, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... ―My people are being led away by trinkets and trifles. They judge and criticize each other harshly. Much of what is going on in the Catholic Church saddens Me greatly, and I am exposing it for all to see.

―But I do not want those who are called by My Name in the Protestant churches gloating or opening the floodgates of judgment. For truth be told, there are many pastors in the Protestant churches who are of the Freemasonic order. Praising My Name in lip service during the day, and performing praise ceremonies to Satan in light of the full moon.

―All of the denominations have gone astray in one way or another. Bickering and infighting has run rampant on all sides. Unity is seriously lacking.

―But I will have My way. The enemy works across cultural lines. Buddhists and druids, witches and wizards can curse My people in unison. But My people? The Children of Light? A Catholic and a Protestant cannot even sit in a room and pray together.

―No more division! It must come to an end. There is something coming that will challenge the ENTIRE church, Catholic and Protestant, that will push many boundaries. In that hour it will become clear, who is for Me, and who will compromise.

―You have seen the Abortion and Transgender crowd becoming more militaristic. This will continue. Churches and people will be targeted.

―Pray, My people. Pray very much for eyes to be opened. Pray. (Divine Mercy Prayer, Rosary etc.)

―Pray, Pray, Pray, Pray. The Equality Act CAN be defeated if you pray. Do NOT be lulled into laziness. The enemy is working and waiting for all of you to cave into this temptation.‖

(Clare) Now, I didn‘t know what the Equality Act was quite all about, so I did a little research to share with you. And this is what I found...

As the law is currently written, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it unlawful for employers to discriminate against individuals based on an employee‘s or applicant‘s ―race, color, religion, sex, or national origin." The Equality Act, or H.R. 5, would replace the word 'sex' with the phrase 'sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity).' The bill defines 'gender identity' as 'the gender- related identity, appearance, mannerisms, or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, regardless of the individual‘s designated sex at birth.' And it defines 'sexual orientation' as 'homosexuality, heterosexuality, or bisexuality.' (Wikipedia)

This bill was presented earlier in this year, but as of May, the House of Representatives has passed the bill. It is not yet in effect. But it is now for the Senate to decide whether they will take it up. And if they pass it, then it will go to the President's desk to sign into law. Or not.

(Jesus) ―If My people will not pray, I will have no alternative but to allow persecution in America to increase more rapidly. So many countries experience this kind of high hostility, but the souls there are on fire for Me because of it. When you can no longer go to a church building because the doors have been shut by court order, due to numerous discrimination lawsuits. When pastors and teachers are sued for teaching My word - who is Mine and who is the world's will become apparent."

(Clare) Jesus then turned and spoke to the Pastors and Church leaders.


(Jesus) "Will you continue to bicker with one another about trifles of doctrine, while the wolves lay waste to the flock, oh worthless shepherds!? While you bicker and strike one another - other pastors, other churches - the wolves are killing the sheep I have given you! Do you not hear their bleating? Wake up! Rise up! I tell you the truth, you will answer to Me for every one that is lost!"

(Clare) And then Jesus was speaking to everyone next.

(Jesus) "Many pastors, in their lust for power and influence, delve in the darkness of the world, to pull up creepy crawly things to preach and teach. To excite the flock and to gain views on YouTube. But these things serve only to sully and defile My people if they are not cultivated in virtue. Then this information is used to blanket-condemn entire church groups. My church, My faithful, My Bride."

"Can a man carry fire in his arms, and not be burned? Can a man walk on hot coals, and his feet not be burned? So is he who goes into his neighbors wife. Whoever touches her will be punished (Proverbs 6:28-29) When you touch My Beloved with criticism, you are playing with fire, make no doubt about it."

―Set aside the contentions and repent of them. Did I not say, ‗Take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck of your brother's eye?'

"The line between My church and the world is becoming sharper and clearer. Sooner or later, a choice must be made.

"Will you hold fast to Me in the face of lawsuits? Vandalism? Arson? Are you willing to lose everything? Face imprisonment? Torture? These things I have mentioned are common in countries like China, India, Iran, Burma. Many Saints have and will come from these nations. It will come to America. Even now you can see it, moving slowly, but gradually increasing.

―If you begin to allow Me to detach you more and more from the world, day by day, you will be filled with more of Me and My love. You will fall more and more in love with Me, knowing and trusting Me more fully. Then, when you go out among the people, you will speak and move and act with My heart.

―The time of the 'comfort zone' church is coming to an end. My church will become dynamic, active, alive, and united, as it was in the first century - the Book of Acts come alive again.

―Do not be afraid. Take this time to allow Me to prepare you. Each day I come to you and every one of you with lessons, tasks that are unique to each of you and your callings in life. When it is time to move, I will move you.

―Take courage, My people. And work diligently at what I have placed in front of you."

Message 708: Jesus says... Silence is your Friend & Mine... There you will hear Me speaking

June 7, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) How delightful are Your arms, Lord. I wish to keep them wrapped around me so much more. I do not want to lose that grace. How sweet it is! Thank You, Jesus, for holding me this morning. Oh, my Lord, the sweetness of Your arms and the heavenly vision you have given me for the Refuge of Your Sacred Heart is SO sweet, so incomparably pure and sweet. Truly, I am beginning to feel it now. And I was able, because of that, to begin on the drawings for the buildings.


Jesus began... ―Beloved of My Heart, this is My gift to you and to My Father. A tiny place on Earth where He can rest His Head in the midst of the turmoils of the world. That is why you must not allow anything unclean on the property. I will forever protect this piece of land bequeathed to you from on high. For it is truly a place where My Heart will find rest."

―The sweetness of the fulfillment of the vision is truly intoxicating to the angels and Saints alike. A place where all of Heaven can resound with a glorious AMEN! For it is a Sanctuary of My Presence. How beautiful is Your dwelling place, Oh Lord My God, on High.

―Here I will work the mysteries of sublime intimacy with chosen souls. I will bring them into a consummate union with My Heart, because this is what they long for. Oh, how tender and precious the love of a soul is for Me, Clare. There is nothing to compare to it.

"This is why My Father longs for their return and fellowship, that He may indwell them night and day with the infinite love of His Being. And I long to inhabit My Bride and share fully in her life, dwelling in her glorious beauty, seen by the angels and Saints.

―Yet, My Beautiful Ones, as you are being purified from disordered affections for the World, it will at times be painful for you. Much remains unaddressed, even in My vessel unto honor, Mother Clare. From this place on the mountain top, she will be given the perspective necessary to lead you. Not only deeper into My heart, but to help you navigate the pitfalls of self-will, and how the enemy uses your affections to ruin you - if he could.

―Yes, he knows you so very well, as he has studied human nature throughout Time and has assigned some of the subtlest demons to entrap you. For this reason, trust in her and obedience to her wishes is your safeguard. I have endowed you with a conscience, and she will never ask you to violate that place that is sacred between You and I.

"However, the enemy knows how to weave a deceitful web to catch you. For that reason, do not lean on your own understanding. But do all you can to conform to her directions. She has embraced meekness (when in her right mind) and does not force things on you. Her suggestions may come across as personal preference, or unimportant to your way of thinking. But oh, how mistaken you are. These little things have a history behind them, and you would do well to take those gentle requests to heart and live them.

―Silence, My Brides, is your friend and Mine. In the silence of your heart, you will hear Me speaking. So much conversation is unnecessary and opens the door to sin and judgment. I want you all to cultivate a quiet and gentle demeanor - not just on the outside, but especially on the inside. In this way, you will make it possible to dialogue with Me. You will hear Me clearly, and we can converse with one another in this joyous state of heart and mind.

―When you begin to release the busyness of the world, your heart will at last be able to soar with Mine. Yet, at times you will also dwell in the dark valley, in order to benefit other souls. I will teach you the ways of Love, sacrifice and humility. The pillars of a life lived only for Me. You will find that the more of the world you dismiss from your mind, the greater and deeper your peace.

―In this world, you cling to a continuous stream of noises, both of people and places. And the mind is endlessly running like in a squirrel cage.

―But on the Mountain, you will learn to cling to silence. You will not fear the stillness of your soul. Neither will you fear the dark. For you are the radiant light shining into the darkness, and I am continually by your side, protecting and nurturing you.

―Brotherly love will abound as each of you sees to the needs of the others, so that none lack for a fire, for warmth. Or company in difficult times. Whatever is needed. In the stillness of your hermitage, you will feel an increasing sense of purity and peace. This life is designed to remove the clutter you have been so accustomed to in the world, to make a giant empty space that I can at last fill. There will be times for sweet fellowship and sharing that is meaningful, as well as contemplative work as you contribute to community life. All will be ordered by Me, My Brides. And your peace will surpass what you have ever known before.


"So few understand how contaminated the world really is, even in the best of circumstances. It is only when you have broken with it and dwelt in silence that you will recognize how taxing and distracting it truly is.

―For those of you on the Channel who cannot live this life, I will not abandon you. There will be rich lessons from the Hermitage, and you also will benefit from them. I have some wonderful teachings planned for you, so please do not think you will not grow with the others. Because as you implement some of the changes into your lives, you also will be filled with more of Me.

―There will be many, many healings, because of the combined prayer efforts of the desert dwellers.‖

(Clare) Oh, Lord, these are some beautiful promises! Thank you. I believe and receive every word. No wonder the enemy has put up such a fight!

(Jesus) ―Oh, don‘t worry - he will continue to oppose you! He cannot stand holiness. You are a noxious odor to him and his workers of iniquity. But as long as sin stays on the outside of the Hermitage, he will not have the advantage. And yet, I must allow some of this pressure to teach you all how to hold up under oppression. And I must say, you have done a marvelous job, all of you. Truly, you have all learned to cleave to Me and to the vision of our holiness, and our oneness together.

―There is not one among you, Heart Dwellers, that cannot live a similar life in your own home. The secret is in the use of your undedicated time. When you go to sleep and when you rise. It is very profitable for you to get up as early as you can, so that your mind is connected with Mine first thing. So that Our Hearts and Minds can be prepared to tackle the day together.

"I, alone, know what awaits you every day. That is why you must come to Me to be prepared. Although you may be subjected to the noisiness of the world in your own home, you can cultivate inner silence, reflection on My Word and our precious times together. This is why I launched this Channel, to help you do exactly that.

―But for many, there comes a time of reckoning. If you are unequally yoked, your life will change. Your values will be different. And if you have married out of My will, it will be very hard for you. You will be forced to make a decision... Me or another. For some of you, this will be traumatic. But I will be with you, for you chose Me above all that you could have had on this Earth.

"Take heart, Dear Ones. I am with you. I will help you. I will lead and teach you, even in the very place that you're in now. And the lessons from the Hermitage will be very rich indeed. I am with you, and I love you. Be at peace. Be at peace and pray for Mother Clare."

Message 709: Jesus says... This is a War with the Bulls of Bashan!... Break the Curses & Bless

June 11, 2019 - Words from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) Please, Lord. Soften the hearts of those who oppose us. And fill the hearts of the Heartdwellers with Your loving thoughts and prayers for them... Amen.

So, I'm still on the battlefield, dear ones. It's been several days now. I'm coming to all of you asking for your help. The situation is that, the way that we've always gone in and out of the property has been blocked by one landowner with a gate. We can't go directly up to the Refuge or come down directly. And the other ways in are extremely difficult for our vehicles. And for someone who's new to the mountain, a very quick way to get lost. And the easements came with the property.


To compare the situation, it would be something like... You're wanting to retire, so you bought a piece of property that you built a few structures on. You saved up the money to be able to build what you want to build. And you go to your 3 1/2-mile-long driveway, and it is blocked with a gate. And you don't know who the gate belongs to! Until you finally take the lock off, and the owner of the gate shows up, and tells you in no uncertain terms that YOUR driveway crosses his land, and that you can't access your property anymore. Land that you purchased and lived on, on and off for 20 years...until this gate showed up.

So, now you're finally finding out that I'm not a Saint... Because I reacted in my flesh and got very angry!

Now, what should we do? Sue the man for blocking our way. Or do it the Lord's way... However long that may take.

Well, this is a spiritual battle between the forces of darkness and Light. And if we're going to survive on that mountain anyway - we need to be prepared. And this is a really good introduction!

So I sent a letter of reconciliation. I really needed to apologize, because I lost my temper with them. And I was not cordial and kind and sweet. So, I did apologize with this landowner. And I haven't heard back from him.

So, we're going to press in with prayer and with love. Because the Scriptures say don't take your brother to court. So, I'm not going to do that. But I am going to pray for them and ask the Lord to move this obstacle out of the way. And I need your prayers, too, Dear Ones. Please don't let me down in this. Please pray that this obstacle will be removed.

If there were any medical emergencies, I don't know what we'd do. But I just wanted to let you know. We need your prayers. Then, the Lord began to speak...

(Jesus) "You know who is behind this, Clare."

(Clare) Yes, Lord. I do. It's the Enemy.

(Jesus) "Therefore, you should target them, and not the souls that have been influenced by him. There are many things you can do to change this into a happy ending. Prayer is your chief resource. Fasting. Alms giving and direct, head-on confrontation with the spirit realm. I know you do not want to do this, Beloved. But it must be done.

"Yes, praying over that gate is important. Stand strong. This is warfare, and you must fight it in the spirit, as such. Make your spiritual enemies lose ground in important places. Principalities, Clare. The bulls of Bashan."

(Clare) They're an ancient force against Christ. So, that is definitely a stronghold. Especially opposing spiritual work, what the Lord wants to do in His goodness. So, let's bind the bulls of Bashan.

(Jesus) "Yes, this is a force to be reckoned with. Break curses and declare blessings. Speak My blessing over every inch of that road. Pray for peace and good will towards all the owners. Pray that where there have been curses, blessings shall flow like the river. Where sin has been committed, it shall be washed clean.

"Do not look at this struggle as if it were with a human, because it is not. This is the time of the lioness. And you have lionesses on your side. Roar blessings and breaking of strongholds. Generational curses. Spiritual blindness. 'Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive others' is a key phrase. Rancor and Bitterness have no part in this scheme, except to tear you down and open doors for the enemy to sift you.

"Instruct your people not to allow entry into bitterness and anger. Envision a peaceful relationship with these men and pray for it to come about. Peaceful solutions are better than forceful.


"The men opposing you have no idea of how much they are hurting Me. It is not even in their universe. Spiritual enemies are egging them on with lies. But you know, I arrange these lessons for you to grow deeper and closer to Me, relying on Me to solve them. I don't want you to be afraid, Clare. Rather, I want you to be a beacon of shining Faith.

"I have established this Refuge for the good of all men and women of the world. This is to be a prototype, because everywhere a Shepherd goes, they will be under attack from those who lack understanding. And they fill in the blanks about who you are and what you're there for, with the devil's lies. So, you will need to prove you're a friend, not a foe.

"Yes, if you had begun to cultivate and pray for them beforehand, it would have not been so hard. But there is a history of strife and contention, in addition to being egged on by the workers of iniquity, known and unknown. And I am with you in this, dear one.

"To everything, there is a season. This is a season of struggle, a testing of your Faith. All venues should be considered, but only after prayer. Pave the way with prayer and remember, it is what is behind them that is causing the trouble - not them alone."

Message 710: Jesus speaks about... Opposition, Assistance, false Sense of Security, Call & Destiny

June 15, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... "Clare, My dearest. I have seen your struggles and help is on the way. Those who have been against you will be as nothing in the future. This is the time for spiritual warfare and the tearing down of strongholds. And as such, you must persevere, My loved one. You have done the right thing by coming to Me and asking that My Body and Blood would make up for all your weaknesses. And they are many, as you can see."

(Clare) Yeah, oh Family, I just curled up into a little ball and cried this afternoon, 'Jesus! I‘m too little! Help me.' Yes! I was looking at myself naked and vulnerable, weak and fragmented by so many responsibilities. And I know that when I am at my weakest, He is at His strongest, through me.

Nonetheless, the responsibilities of taking care of everyone is monumental. Family, please don‘t forget Heart Dwellers in your donations. And another need has come up. But this one, I think, is a little more simple. We need workers. We need strong and healthy young men and women who are willing to roll their sleeves up, camp out, clean up and help build the hermitages. These are really short projects, about 2 weeks to build one hermitage. But we need five.

So, if you are willing to help through the summer, please send an email to [email protected]. And I will answer you as quickly as possible. I need you NOW! So, if you can come, please do.

(Jesus) "My little one, I have already put it on the hearts of several on the Channel to spend their summer helping Me with this endeavour. It is up to them to respond. Continue with your prayers to send labourers. What pleases Me, Clare, is that you recognized the enemy‘s tactic to break your union with Me.

"My sweet Family, this is the greatest danger in any undertaking from Me. There will be setbacks and opposition. And I must watch to see if you handle these things in My Spirit or in your flesh. The enemy has set many traps for Mother Clare.


"And those who come to the Refuge, some of you who are called will not make it this year. But you may have another chance. It is quite a commitment to leave your worldly security for a life of unknowns. But for those who do, spiritual blessings will abound, and you will move forward with Me further than you have ever gone.

"Those who have much will be weighed down by their hard-earned possessions and by a false sense of security. Do you remember the young man who answered Me?"

(Matthew 8:18-22) And when Jesus saw a crowd around Him, He gave orders to depart to the other side of the sea. Then a scribe came and said to Him... 'Teacher, I shall follow You wherever You go.' Jesus said to him... "The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head." Another of the disciples said to Him... 'Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father.' But Jesus said to him... "Follow Me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead."

(Jesus) "I am compassionate and merciful. I do not fault you if you feel you cannot leave your present life. There are some among you who are not called and still want to come. Your day will come. Be patient. But for now, you are bearing so much fruit that you will rejoice over it in eternity. I am bringing you into maturity with Me, even though you lead a secular life.

"Those whom I am calling have been feeling for a very long time the need to leave off with the world. I also honor your love and concern for those who are reliant on you, so I will help you make a way.

"However, others who are held down by worldly concerns, and opposition from relatives, you will lose much by not responding. Mother Clare did not respond the first time. But she did the second time. And each invitation is not always the same. She was called to Holland but did not go for fear of alienating her in-laws. The next call was here in the States and she responded with all her heart.

"Understand My dearly loved ones, a life of full-time devotion to Me has a very high cost. The world and all its allurements and false sense of security has held you back from your spiritual destiny. So, you must wrestle with your heart and discover what you truly want in this world. Do you want to live your next ten years in the status quo? Or do you want to take all the risks and follow Me?

"No matter what you do, I will love you all the same. I will be with you, because you are Mine. And I will lead you into all holiness as I work with your free will. So, do not grow sorrowful. You are the love of My heart, and I will never forsake you. Each day I arrange your lessons and we dwell together, My heart is overjoyed that you care enough to make time for Me.

"The lessons learned at the hermitage are some of the very same things you struggle with day after day. What is different is that when you live in the world, you have to handle worldly affairs at the very same time, so your load is much heavier. This year I am calling a core group together, but next year there will be more opportunities."

(Clare) Thank you, Lord, for reminding me of that. We only have space for a very few. If too many came, what would I do?

(Jesus) "Beloved I am not going to tell you everything. I love surprises! But rest assured, I will never give you more than you and I can handle together."

Message 711: Jesus says... The World must choose NOW! President Trump is still MY Choice...

June 20, 2019 - Words from Jesus & Sister Clare


(Clare) Lord, grant us the gifts of intercession not only to re-elect this President, but to defeat our spiritual enemies... Amen.

Precious family, the struggle goes on at the hermitage. We are taking 10 times longer to get things done, because of the opposition. The roads being difficult. And I wish I knew what I have done to them to deserve this kind of treatment? At least then I could apologize. So, we are moving ahead with the Refuge, even though we face much opposition. I was led to pick up the Rhema book, and I opened to page 312. 'The heading is Mercy. We are again on the brink or war.'

Well, our government is right on the edge, and the suffering we are all going through, over the hermitage and our personal life, is the price we are offering up to save our nation and our President.

This is a time of profound intercession, because we have the chance to re-elect Trump and keep this country on its feet. And get rid of the Socialists. The freedom to worship. And get rid of the prejudice against Christians. We have fasted and prayed continuously for President Trump. We have seen over 11 close calls with attempts on his life, two of them resulting in the death of secret service agents.

And we are honored to be suffering in intercession for this man to whom God has given the wisdom to get our nation back from the Socialists who have worked so hard to destroy us, doing a good job. And given the enemy hi-tech weapons and uranium to eventually use against us. The levels of intrigue and betrayal by our Muslim ex-president, makes the most dramatic espionage novels look like Cinderella stories.

We are standing behind Trump. And this is a cost. This is a major suffering at the Refuge, and also in our personal lives. So, those of you who are going through very, very hard times - hang in there. This is for our President again. This is why the Rapture has not happened. He wanted us to stand in the gap, to continue to give more people a chance to be saved. When the Lord showed that to me today, I understood.

My tears dried and I felt more willing to suffer these set-backs and continue on despite of the hatred and rejection of our dear neighbors. They have nothing to fear from us. Well, one of our prayer warriors confirmed this direction the Lord gave me. So, I am going to share it with you. He bagan...

I got this message during Communion this morning, and I wanted to pass it on to you to look at. (Here he is talking to me) It seems that while we and Clare are dealing with the Refuge and the warfare on that front, the Lord wants the Heartdwellers on the channel focused on their governments in prayer, as well as praying for the Refuge. This message also has a plea from the Lord to our Satanist friends. The Lord began...

(The Trinity) "We grow weary with contending with the Nations and the people of America over the man, Donald Trump, whom We have appointed as President, as Chief among world leaders. Many resist him, publicly and privately. Some among My people have even taken to preaching and prophesying against him. Lies! Repent while there is yet time, lying prophets, for it is written... It is I who by My great power and My outstretched arm have made the earth, with the men and animals that are on the earth, and I give it to whomever it seems right to Me.

"President Trump is MY chosen. And all leaders, at home and abroad, who align themselves with him in truth, not superficially, but in sincerity and truth, will serve themselves, their nations, their lands, and their people well. But to those leaders and people who will not, and will come with open hostility or two faces, whether at home or abroad, it is written...

(Jeremiah 27:8-11) "But if any nation or kingdom will not serve this Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and put its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, I will punish that nation with the sword, with famine, and with pestilence, declares the LORD, until I have consumed it by his hand. So do not listen to your prophets, your diviners, your dreamers, your fortune-tellers, or your sorcerers, who are saying to you... 'You shall not serve the king of Babylon.' For it is a lie that they are prophesying to you, with the result that you will be removed far from your land, and I will drive you out, and you will perish. But any nation that will bring its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon and serve him, I will leave on its own land, to work it and dwell there, declares the LORD."


(Clare) Well, a couple interesting things I want to say about this paragraph. As far as the king of Babylon goes, I think that that's kind of a reference to the fact that he is a king, in a sense, of the System. Of the business system. A very, very wealthy and successful man in Babylon. But he's also given his heart to the Lord, whether you believe it or not. I believe it. And I've seen some amazing things happen in the spirit with him and Ezekiel. So, I do believe it. So, the Lord is referring to him in his status in the world, so to speak.

And what they're saying about being under the yoke of the king of Babylon. All that's really saying is that he's protecting us. He's protecting us from Socialism. He's covering us. And people that are against him don't realize that they are actually destroying the foundation of our country, so that it can totally go south. Obama did incredibly destructive things to this nation.

(Jeremiah 27:13) "Why will you and your people die by the sword, by famine, and by pestilence, as the LORD has spoken concerning any nation that will not serve the king of Babylon?"

(Clare) Or Donald Trump.

(The Trinity) "We are weary with the rebellious actions of the leaders of the Nations, members of Congress, and of the people bearing liberal ideologies. So, now We present this clear choice. Some of these have the idea that in two years' time Trump will be President no more, and that the 'status quo' will be restored, to bring back those removed from power, Hillary, Obama, Biden. And those who are hand in hand with them to do wickedness at will, for corruption and blindness is 'peace' to the wicked, but read, what is written in Jeremiah 28 and carefully consider (please read in your Bible...).

"To Those among My people, especially in America, especially in Government, I say, choose this day who you will serve. President Trump was and still is MY choice. This does not mean he is perfect, but he will do My will and I will bless his efforts. Pray for him always, My Brides, and those of you who are American citizens, vote into office those who will cooperate with him.

"Those of you who are not Americans, pray for your government leaders to cooperate with him, and to take on My agenda. Italy and Brazil are seeing the answers to their prayers. It brings Me great Joy to see nations consecrated to My mother, and to My Sacred Heart. Pray faithfully for this, My people. I am with you, and I love you more than words can express.

"To those who call themselves My enemies, I implore you to heed this warning. Many of you face death this year, sudden death, without the opportunity of repentance. And to My great pain and suffering, and to your own, you will be dragged into Hell by vicious demons who wait eagerly to fill you with torments for eternity.

"Please, please come to Me, don't delay another moment. I will forgive you and wash you clean. I will wash your bloodstained hands whiter than snow. I will remove the blackness and evil from your hearts and give you a new heart of flesh, as pink and tender as the day you were born. I will make My home there with you, and I will never leave you. Repent while there is still time.

"Can I let you in on a secret? If Satan did not have to deceive you, if He could kill you now and have you and those who follow you in hell with him this very moment, he would kill you in a heartbeat. My hand even now withholds him. Because of the Law of Free Will, you must choose freely to follow him, and so he uses deception and lies, and he teaches you to deceive others.

"The only honest things about Satan are his pride, his hatred of Me and all I created, and his great cruelty. My hand keeps him from killing you. Satan cannot do everything he wishes with you, because I prevent him.

"Because I love you. Yes, even now, I love you deeply. I formed you, infused you with My very own image and likeness, with talents and gifts and dreams; needs and desires only I can fill. Just as you fill in My heart a space made only for you! Do not deprive yourself and Me, and all of Heaven of our love, our relationship, the love I envisioned us sharing together from before the world and all that is in it was made.


"For some of you, this will be the last time you will hear Me plead with you. Please come to Me and repent. For I will, even now, abundantly pardon you."

Message 712: Jesus sagt... Prayer comes first... Seek Me in any given Situation & Don't let anything stress you

June 25, 2019 - Words from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Lord Jesus, for giving me the courage to stop, wait, and listen more carefully to You. Please give this grace to all your people... Amen.

Well, dear Family, I must confess to you that I still have not learned how to move in the spirit as I should. After having prepared the road to the Refuge, I was eager to set out and begin the foundation for the first hermitage today. Everything was prepared. Cement bags going up the mountain, helpers were there - and it was a beautiful day. Just perfect for digging the foundation.

But when I awoke, something felt 'off'. I had a check in my spirit... or you might say in my gut. I had an uneasy feeling. It was the same feeling I had when I married the wrong man. The same feeling when I and Ezekiel were going to fly to Germany 18 years ago and 9/11 happened as we were making arrangements. It's funny, but true. I believe we have more brain cells in our gut than in our brains! And every time I've ignored that gut feeling, things did not go well.

So, the first thing we did was ask the Lord if we should go up to the mountain today, and I got some very bad readings. Immediately, I called everyone who was getting prepared and on their way. One person, who is a Christian, said to me... 'It's funny that you cancelled, because I had feelings that I shouldn't go up today, as well.' Two of our readings were Pride and Prayer.

Another member of the team, who was highly dedicated and really wound up to go, was very quiet over the phone when I called it off. I said... 'Are you upset with me?' And they said... 'I'm not upset. I just feel like I was in overdrive and got shifted into reverse - and the transmission dropped...'

Wow. Yeah, I know the feeling... I felt more than a little lost as well, and immediately recognized my pride in eagerly moving things forward, and not checking with the Lord first. Because I felt we just needed to keep going. How do you tell when you are being proud - and when you are persevering?? That's a very good question.

So, I called the core group together and we prayed in the spirit for a long time. These are wise, seasoned souls who have only the Lord's interests at heart and are not intimidated by what reaction I might have - or anyone might have, for that matter. They are honest and belong totally to Jesus. With their help and input, after prayer I realized my heart was not united with the Lord's the way it should be. And it scared me! I thought, 'Oh my gosh, is this Refuge just a big hoax? Or what?' It really threw me for a minute.

This is truly a set-up! You are given a date like, 5 hermitages by September. So you launch out to accomplish that, with your logical mind. But I was again leaving the Lord behind. His concern is for the souls that live around that mountain, as much as it is for the world we will be praying for up there. And those souls eye us with suspicion and distrust. They don't like us! And Jesus wants us to address that issue first. That is our focus, no matter how long it takes. His focus is on loving them and meeting their needs. Oh, how difficult it is, dear ones, to overcome rejection! But with God all things are possible.

So, we stayed home and prayed and came to the conclusion that we must be little Christs to these people. We must bring them His love and concern for their welfare. And now we are waiting on the


Lord on exactly how He wants to go about this. Jesus, do You have some counsel for us? I truly am lost in the midst of this turbulence.

Jesus began... "My Darling Clare, your zeal to fulfill My desires is admirable. But you must learn to wait on Me and seek the spiritual side of things before moving forward in the physical. I had told you once before, that if you had prepared the ground for this move by acts of kindness and prayer, things would have gone much differently. You are still thinking in fleshly ways.

"You remember the example of Marilyn Hickey, that did nothing but pray for all the countries in the Middle East for decades, because I told her to? Yes, I put it on her heart to pray for them every day. And she recognized My voice and she was obedient. And what was the result? When I sent her to each country in her old age, there were massive conversions at every meeting.

"Prayer comes first, My Clare. Prayer comes first. This is a very important lesson for all Heartdwellers... Saturate the ground with tears of love, repentance, and cries for conversion. Then you may step forward and meet with success.

"My Love you must water the soil. All great works come after preparing and watering the soil. Then the seeds that are planted immediately take root. And they flourish! I am with you, My Clare, and you will see results when you do it My way. This is a common problem, not just with all people, but especially ministers. In their zeal to see My will done, they lunge forward without seeking Me on how to do it. They call in the experts, buy into the programs and P. R. campaigns, and use the logic of men, rather than My wisdom on how to accomplish My goal. Pride is at the very core of this thinking, whereas Love is at the core of My thinking.

"My children, do not launch out into life-changing directions until you feel secure in My approval and My way of doing things. You will save yourself many heartaches by approaching the challenges in life this way. So much is done in haste, and later must be done over again, correctly. Or opportunities for correction never come. I would save you the heartaches caused by your own thinking if only you would wait on Me."

(Clare) And you know, guys. I have been waiting on Him, day after day. But I've been kind of bland in prayer, and I've had worship and I have been waiting on Him. But I don't think I've waited on Him long enough. Sometimes it takes a whole lot more time for things to get settled. And I should have waited until I had a very secure sense of what he wanted me to do next.

(Jesus) "When we are together in prayer, dwelling in sweet communion, I impart to you My deepest thoughts and desires. It is in the stillness of your hearts that I speak with you and infuse My delight into your circumstances. I wish for you to awaken tenderly to My most subtle thoughts and implement them in your actions.

"So very often the push to get something visible done overshadows these gentle inspirations of Mine. Always beware of Time and how the enemy might tempt you to cut corners, or be disordered in order to accomplish your ends. He most often works through haste and fear. And if you are watching very carefully the movements of your hearts, you will see right through that and not act on it.

"Clare, you have come to Me so sincerely, asking Me to do this My way. So, I am honoring the desire of your heart through circumstances and delays. But I am also cultivating in you a deeper level of patience and sense of order, so you do not overlook what is most important to Me in any given situation."

(Clare) I am so sorry, Lord. Please forgive me.

(Jesus) "Let this be a lesson to all of you, My Heartdwellers. Truly, when productivity takes over and a sense of love and charity is overshadowed, back up and go to that sweet space where we conceived this child together. This will give Me the opportunity to make minor and major course corrections, so Our destination is arrived at joyfully and peacefully.


"Do not for one second doubt that this Refuge is not from Me. This is another tactic of the evil ones when problems or course corrections must take place. You begin to question the whole project. No, don't go there. This is My Heart's desire, and I am working with you, My Love, to bring it about.

"Heartdwellers, these lessons from the hermitage are life lessons that will benefit everything you do. I will bless and multiply you, dear ones. I will care for you tenderly and visit you with My many graces. So much is waiting in the wings of Heaven to bring you closer to Me and equip you to realize your heart's desires.

"I am with you. I love you. I am for you, protecting you and raising you up to a new level of holiness. Bear with Me, My Bride. So much good is coming to you. Persevere and you will overcome all your personal obstacles, as well as those things that loom on the outside. No weapon formed against you will prosper, because you have waited on Me and done it My way."

Message 713: Ezekiel's Experiences with Jesus in the Kingdom of Child Hearts

June 28, 2019

Thank You, Lord, for the very special place children have in our hearts, and especially in Yours. May we always remember their role in Your Kingdom, and strive to return to their precious, innocent state of heart, soul and mind before You, ourselves. Amen.

The first Chronicle carries the Title... 'My Kingdom of Child Hearts'

Ezekiel began... I love You, Lord. I Do. I thank You for so very many things, things that I cannot even number or recall in their completeness. Every part and fiber of my being is filled with such gratitude to You. As before, words simply fall short. There are not enough words in the Universe, to proclaim all that You are, all that You have been, and all that You are going to be! O' My God, My Lord, My King!

I recall the words of King David... 'What return can I make to the Lord, for all the good He has done for me! I will take the Cup of Salvation and will call upon the Name of the Lord!'

You have referred to Heaven through one writer as 'My Kingdom of Child Hearts.' O' Lord, how I can relate to that! I wish truly that everything and everyone, everywhere, could be like the Innocence, the Purity and Simplicity of a little child. I really do.

Jesus began... "My Kingdom of Child Hearts - that is exactly what the Kingdom is all about. One of the most beautiful things about the perfection of all My Creation is that it genuinely is Innocent, Pure, and Simple. If the Kingdom of God could not be understood, by even the smallest of children, then it would cease to be.

―Try to remember. Try to literally see everything and every one as a little child would. This is a Great Mystery, and most do not perceive it, for the human intellect often obstructs what is real.

―One of the last prayers I prayed, while I walked on this Earth as a man among you, was when I rejoiced in Spirit, saying, "I thank You, Father! For what You have hidden from the wise and the clever, you have revealed to these least ones!" Recall, also, the words I spoke to you, Ezekiel, two years ago, as regards the humor of human reasoning.

(Ezekiel) 'Don't You Think?...

(Jesus) "You don't Think?... Pleeeeease, don't Think! Give Your Mind to Me.


"True, it was said in jest. However, there is a serious point to be illustrated by this. The obvious point is to put your own mind and reasoning away, and abandon yourself to Me, the Eternal Wisdom. In so doing, you will avoid a multitude of opinions, which only serve to tire your soul.

"And you will keep the sins of Pride and Judgment from doing harm to you, and others. If you will but yield your mind over to Me, you will not falsely accuse another, nor will you assign wrong motives to other souls, who many times may be perfectly innocent of what your mind perceives in them.

"In essence, I am asking you to trust Me with yet one more part of you, a very strong and ingrained part of your character. I am asking you to go backward, to 'grow backward'. I am asking you to grow 'down', and not 'up'. I want you to revert back to the openness and freedom of a mere toddler. For, unless you become as a little child, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

The second Chronicle is entitled 'Little Ones', given to him on December 23, 2009

Ezekiel began... Thank You, Beloved Lord Jesus, for having me come back to have this time with You again tonight. It is the thrill of My heart to be with You like this, and I want nothing else in this world.

Tonight, I see us in the upper drawing room in the Palace. I turn from writing at my small desk, and notice You sitting on the silken couch. You appear to be reading some papers and marking them with a pen. As You look up, You smile at me with that loving smile that tells me everything is good, and that there are no problems to deal with this evening. Although I know that we regularly need guidance, it is always a relief to know You will not have to correct some fault of mine, and that we can truly spend a refreshing night together.

As the Light of God is perpetual in Heaven, and there is no sense of time in Eternity, the whole atmosphere is like that of a midsummer morning. I look out of the window, and out on the veranda,the freshly dew laden flowers are lifting their heads together as one accord. Everything is so pure and beautiful. I know that I will never tire of living in such a lovely Paradise, especially being here in your company.

I ask, 'What are You reading Lord?' And You respond affectionately...

(Jesus) "I was just looking over the stories that some of our little ones gave to Me today."

(Ezekiel) I‘m thinking to myself... 'Little Ones? He must mean some of the children in one of the nurseries.'

(Jesus) "They are so precious to Me. They are as little angels with their sense of wonder. Everything they do with such a sense of excited adventure. Even these stories are written with great anticipation, for they know that when they begin to write their thoughts down, suddenly every word transforms into reality, and they are there in the midst of what they have just composed. How happy they are continually, for they live constantly in the joy of their own creativeness."

(Ezekiel) 'That is so pure and innocent, but, why are You marking their stories?'

(Jesus) "These are the thoughts that I use to create wonder in the dreams I send to the children on Earth. This causes them all to be connected in a very special way. And one day they will meet each other here in My Kingdom and share these wonderful stories together. They will once again gleefully relive these times, and all of Heaven will smile because of them."

(Ezekiel) 'O‘ Lord, I am already beside myself with the very thought of it all, just watching the joy on Your face as You explain it!' You go back to the papers once more, and resume marking them. I am left thinking... 'I wonder if everything is like this. Could all of our hopes and dreams be generated by this Grace, and fully conceived through such Innocence?' Knowing my thoughts, You look back up at me and say...


(Jesus) "That is how it has always been, whether through pure hearts here in Heaven, or by some other means. Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father, who Himself is the fullness of all Grace and Innocence."

(Ezekiel) 'I am also wondering, why there are nurseries here, Lord? Where do these little ones come from?' At my inquisitiveness, You smile and put the papers back down. 'I don‘t mean to be interrupting You, but there is so much I would like to know.'

(Jesus) "These are children who were victims of abortion, orphans, and others who were suffering terribly from starvation, neglect, and abuse. I brought them back to Myself at their tender young age, for I could not bear to see them hurting and afraid any longer. As soon as they arrived, their little minds and emotions were healed, and all of the horrendous things that they were subjected to were completely erased from their memories. There is nothing that causes Me to rise up stronger, and no other injustice that cries out to Me louder, than to see small and fragile souls treated with such cruelty. They themselves know nothing but happiness for all Eternity now, and they are especially loved throughout the whole of Paradise."

And finally, an adventure Ezekiel entitled 'Meadow of Wonder' from January 4, 2010

Ezekiel began... Again, tonight Lord, You have called me to come here to this place. I have no idea of what You want to speak to me of, nor what You would like to show me. I only know that to be here is good, and that all good awaits me in Your company. I see us standing on the sandy shore of the beach, just down from the Palace.

Little Timothy, my Snow Leopard cub from last year, has bounded out of the broad-leaf plants.

And he is making no little strides toward us. 'Well hello, little friend!' I stammered, shocked to see him again after my long absence. I hardly have the words out of my mouth, when this forty-pound ball of fur lands his front paws squarely on my chest, sending both of us down rolling in the sand.

You laugh with delight at the sight of this exuberant energy and drop to Your knees in order to join in the tussle. We are all having such fun playing here together on the beach.

Within minutes however, Timothy is distracted again, and off chasing a small group of butterflies.

We get up and catch our breath, brushing the sand from our clothes. You smile and say...

(Jesus) "I thought this might be a nice time to show you something else."

(Ezekiel) Once again, there is that twinkle in Your eyes that tells me we are in for another adventure. 'Where to this time, Lord? Out, In, East, West... I know that Heaven is multidimensional and...' And You interrupt...

(Jesus) "Just what I had in mind! I am going to take you into a whole new realm that you‘ve never seen before. In fact, you will need to adjust your sense of perspective and direction on this one."

(Ezekiel) I am trying to understand just what You mean by this, when straight up into the air we fly with great speed. 'Wow!' I‘m thinking. 'I should know to expect anything with You!' You‘ve read my thoughts and smiling, squeeze my hand in recognition. What an incredible ride! In no time at all, we are beyond the clouds and approaching a thin layer of some sort. We soar right through it, sending gold and pink dust flying. I have the distinct impression we have just passed from one dimension into another.

Looking up from the colorful dust, which has covered me from head to toe, I see the most beautiful luminescent globes floating all around us. They seem so dreamlike as they dance along in spherical motions. All around them seems to be open space, except for the soft light that fills the air. As we have slowed to a hovering stop, I reach out my hand to touch one of them.

The globe is only some seven feet around, and my hand goes immediately inside of it. Suddenly, I hear the sounds of music and celebration, and as I place my other hand inside, the whole thing opens

81 up and I can enter. I look back, and You are right here with Me, reassuring me with a nod. Turning ‗round again, the small space has instantly expanded, and we are entering a whole new world!

The broad and sweeping vista before us is awe-inspiring. Massive peaks ascend to dizzying heights, and fresh mountain meadows glisten with dew. Swaths of multicolored flowers bathe the valleys amidst green clover and grasses.

Butterflies and ladybugs flit back and forth, with children and lambs running here and there in small groups. There is so much laughter and gaiety everywhere I turn! Puppies and ponies romp and tumble, their masters squealing happily. It‘s as if we had walked right into a scene from a storybook. I am beside myself with wonder, as we stand here in this absolutely pure and innocent place.

'O‘ Lord!' I exclaim through my tears. 'How can such a place exist?' I ask, not remembering that we are in the Heavenly Realms. Jesus answers with a smile...

(Jesus) "I have always intended that there be a special world for children. They are the most unstained of all My Creation. These little ones have not had the chance to be soiled by the decay of worldly ambition. Their little hearts are so clean, their minds uncorrupted. They still have the pristine imagination I created in the Human Soul. The endearing unselfishness and sense of delight that they carry constantly is such a joy to Me.

"I intended that there be a place of absolute purity and innocence, and this is that place. I knew you would particularly love this place, because the heart of a child has been so preserved within you. My precious Love, this is only one more of the marvelous gifts that I have held in store for you. You will see and enjoy much, much more in times to come. But for now, let us rest here in this Meadow of Wonder, and relish the children that we are."

May the Lord bless you today, dear Heartdwellers, with a journey backwards into the innocent joys of pure childhood.

Message 714: Jesus says... The Community Life is complex & The Enemy will try to sow Jealousy

July 1, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Lord, that I am not alone. That You are with me and You have covered this. Amen.

I came to the Lord in prayer this morning feeling so little for what He is calling us to do. I don‘t know how to organize a community. I only know how the Lord has led me into intimacy with Him. In those moments, I was crying out to Him. I was quite insecure and intimidated, because so many precious Heartdwellers are responding. I thought, 'Goodness! What am I supposed to do? Is this supposed to be structured? Monastically? Or is it supposed to be a loose-knit community? How do you want this done, Lord?' After I received the Lord, Jesus said...

(Jesus) ―Look at Me. I am with you all the way on this. I never would have given you this task if I had for one moment thought you could not handle it with My partnership. We are doing this TOGETHER My Love, My Little Clare. Love your brother as you love yourself sums it all up. I am not looking for a carbon copy renewal of monastic life. No, this is not My intent. You have been waiting on Me to tell you what I want, so now I will tell you.

―Before anything else, I want sincerity of heart. No posturing, no gains politically, that serves unrighteousness. Rather, I want truth and simplicity served. I do not want favoritism served, not for

82 one moment. Rather, I want justice served. This is a mini-microcosm of the Church, of the world... This is Family, the Family of God. And what you learn here will be applied to the whole Church. You will learn the ways of justice as you avoid the pitfalls of favoritism. You will learn administration as in My Kingdom. You will not be subject to pressures from the wealthy. Rather, you will cleave to the ways of justice for the rich and poor.

―You will not see the corruption as it is in the world. You will cut it off before its ugly head gets control. You will teach fairness to your children, Clare. They will learn that worldly ways don‘t fly here. You will not allow gossip or talking behind your back. This must be dealt with swiftly and decisively, even in yourself. Do not allow your feelings to dictate your decisions."

(Clare) Yeah... I get angry. Whoops! Feet shod with the Gospel of Peace, right? Right!

(Jesus) "Rather, stay detached from factions and see to it that they are defused. This is a very tricky business even when you come prepared to do only what is right.‖

(Clare) And I thought back to a situation I had encountered in the past, where Jealousy... It seems like Jealousy had come up. And I don't want to falsely accuse anyone, but it seemed that someone thought I was showing favoritism to someone else. And I wondered, you know? Lord? Am I being too harsh in looking at the situation?

(Jesus) ―You are dealing with those who do not understand what they are doing. They are still children. They see for themselves, but do not see the bigger picture, so they are bound to have those feelings. You will teach them how to sacrifice their opinions for the good of the community. But you mustn‘t have favoritism. You were just and equal with your children, dearest. You can do this. Do not let it be a major concern. I will warn you if you start to do that.

―The goal for all of you is to want nothing for personal advantage, but rather want only what I want for each of you. Community life is complex, and the enemy will try to sow jealousy into whoever will have it."

(Clare) And that was what I was seeing, you know, when this person thought I was showing favoritism. And I wasn't showing favoritism. I just was working with this other person, because they were my administrative right hand. And so, obviously, I'm gonna spend more time with them, because they have more work to do for me. And it was an affront to someone. Their feelings were hurt. And here the Lord was saying community life was complex and the enemy would sow jealousy into whoever will have it.

(Jesus) "You must deal with it immediately, when it raises its ugly head.

"Teaching them these things should be your first order of business. There will be some who will not take instruction but cleave to their own feelings. They will weed themselves out, so let them go. You cannot have peace with the immature and needy. They will see everything as an affront to themselves. This is about the ABC‘s of human nature. You cannot minister to the needy outside the hermitage if you are constantly drained from within.

―Clare, gather the chicks together, and spread your loving wings over them. Then teach them how Satan will try to start trouble. They need to learn this first; otherwise they will never make it through the first month. Teach them how to know themselves as well as Satan knows them. They should begin the day with the helmet of salvation, the full armor of God and Prayer. They should receive Me daily at the Lord's Supper and draw the strength that they need from the Eucharist, declaring as they receive Me... 'Lord, I receive all the strength that I need for this day, to serve You'. In this way, they will have the strength they need. And of course, you will be there to help and guide.

"But do not allow your time to be dominated by any one person. You are working for Me, and we are working together. And I should dominate your time, more than anyone else.

"I will be with each and every one of you. I will watch over and warn each and every one of you when you're stepping on dangerous ground, when you're about to gossip. When you have a disordered

83 emotion, or feeling. I will warn you in your hearts... 'Something's not right here. Stop! Come to Me and set this aside.'

"I will heal the woundedness of souls, and I will also bring them great joy in executing My will on the Refuge. I am with each and every one. And the more they give and have given, the more they will receive from Me. The more they empty themselves and lose the things of this world, the more I will pour into them. The greater gifts.

"But most of all, they must have Love, Hope and Faith. And grasp the vision. And work towards the vision, and not be daunted by opposition. But to go through opposition, work through it. Not to give up. If they do these things, they will succeed. And their spiritual life will be developed far beyond what they even thought was possible. Because I will be with them, and I reward those who diligently seek and serve Me."

(Clare) Thank You, Lord. Thank You so much for Your words of promise. And we cleave to those in this time. And I thank You for the souls You're sending. And the lessons we're going to learn! I like learning—especially when it brings peace and joy. The Lord bless you, Heartdwellers.

Message 715: More Assassination Attempts against President Trump... Please pray!

July 3, 2019 - Dream of Sister Clare

Good morning, Heartdwellers

I had a dream last night, that things were heating up in Washington. And there was some kind of an important conference or press conference going on. During this conference, there were three attempts on the President's life - all of them failed.

But then, he was alone in a room with a man who was close to him. Who had very large eyes, and was tall. Almost as tall as Trump. And this man pulled out a gun and shot him in the face, almost at point-blank range. The President went down, but he was not dead. He got back up, and kept running. And it seemed like there were others that were planned to go after him, as well.

Then Ezekiel was up all night, praying the rosary. And the Lord spoke to him this morning, and gave him the rhema Courage and Enemies. And this morning he got stabbed in the back, spiritually, with a sword or a dagger. The dagger is out, but he's in serious pain. He suffers for President Trump a great deal. So, I'm asking you to pray against this really bold assassination attempt.

There was a lot of activity around the White House, as though they were dealing with some kind of a crisis.

Please, do all you can today, in abstinence. In fasting and prayer to support our President. And pray against all these attempts.

We love you all and feel your prayers... Thank you.


Message 716: Jesus says... Let go!... Come & Follow your Heart, even when Opposition arises

July 5, 2019 - Words from Jesus & Sister Clare

Clare began... Thank you, Jesus, for your patience with us. Thank you that You wait for us with an expectant heart, eager to give us the greater gifts.

Precious family, I'm so happy to have something to share with you. I really appreciate your prayers! I've had some days where I just wasn't connecting, and I was being pulled in seven different directions all at once! This direction, however, being with you is my favorite. You are my family and I love you all so much. We all suffer from the same human conditions, and I love to share with you how Jesus pulls me out of the little pits I get myself into.

One thing I know for sure. In the last two years, demonic oppression has multiplied off the charts. Perhaps it has to do with the proximity of Nibiru as it slowly approaches. I know that the accelerator in Europe (CERN) has also had an impact on our vulnerability, because it has opened dimensions that never should have been opened. The Lord is forever expanding us, challenging us. What worked yesterday may not work tomorrow, as our opposition increases, so do our lessons and challenges increase.

After speaking with many souls that want to come and join in this work, I am seeing now how cloying and restricting families can be. How daunting they can be when a soul wants to go deeper with the Lord. I am also seeing the many responsibilities people are committed to within their families.

In the days of the Old Testament, when a man was called out by the Lord, he had to give everything up on the spot and go with the prophet. Even slaughtering the team of oxen, they needed to tend the fields. Wow! That was extreme. And Jesus said to the rich young ruler, "Go, sell all you have, give to the poor, then come follow Me." And again, to the man who said he must go bury his father first, "Whoever is not willing to give up father, mother, sisters, brothers, even children, is not worthy of Me."

Family, when God calls, Satan sends out a task force to block your way. All of a sudden, you become the only one who can sustain the family, help the elderly, take care of a house, etc. etc. The enemy calls in obstacles in all directions to bring you to a halt. Those are the things you can work your way through. But what about the family interventions? Relatives you haven't heard from in months suddenly show up on your doorstep to dissuade you from following your heart.

How do you suppose the Mother of Jesus felt, the day He said... "Mother, it is My time. I must go." She had lived with God incarnate for 30 years and now He must leave her behind. Mary was totally on board with Jesus' mission. She knew she was chosen to give her Son up someday to redeem mankind. What sort of love did she live in? She loved mankind more than her very own maternal privilege. She wanted Him to succeed, no matter what the cost. She gave up the most precious life of her son for the redemption of mankind and she knew all along that the day would come when she had to do so.

Should she stand in the doorway and say... 'Son! You cannot go! You must stay here and take care of me.' Did she call her relatives together to make an intervention, listing all the reasons He should not depart? Did she argue with Him that He mustn't perish at the hands of His enemies? Did she criticize and condemn those He was being sent to and try to make them look unredeemable?

My dear ones, when you have a child, that child is on loan. If you think you own them, you need to have a talk with God. That child is only on loan to you, for you to bring them up with Godly values. And then release them to follow their hearts.

I followed my heart - that is why I am blessed to have this ministry and the gifts He has imparted. It didn't always look like it was going to work out. There were plenty of pitfalls and difficulties. But no matter what, I followed my heart. And by doing that, He led me to the place where He wanted me to be.


In the process of receiving requests from those who want to come to the Mountain and work with us, parents have falsely accused us of being a cult. Relatives have shown up from nowhere warning them that they were making a big mistake. Bosses, too, found fault with what was in their hearts.

In all truth, you cannot expect a person - who has chosen the ways of the world as a lifestyle, and you know, is committed to them - to condone going to a mission and volunteering to build little dwellings in the middle of the wilderness, just for prayer. What if they are another Jim Jones? What if they are sex traffickers? What if they are Martians? Oh My!

So, my dear ones, if you want to come and help, or go somewhere else to help, are you going to let anyone stop you? Are you going to follow your heart and the leading of the Holy Spirit, or give in to the judgments and desires of your relatives who've chosen the safer path?

I missed my first call because of material things and relatives. But at 40 years old, I finally decided I was going to follow the Lord and totally leave behind my safety zone. I'd had enough of safety zones. And it was the most wonderful thing I ever did. I never regretted anything I left behind, and my relationship with Jesus went through the roof. He was so real to me. I felt like I was in Heaven, though I was on Earth.

It's up to you, dear ones. You decide what you want to do with your life. Look back, also, on how you have lived so far - then look forward to the day when you are standing before the Lord. Will you be happy or ashamed that you gave up the opportunity to serve Him for a few trinkets, and friends that are still mired in the world?

The Bottom Line is that you cannot out-give the Lord. It is impossible to give Him more than He will give you. Lord, please share Your heart with us.

Jesus began... "I am waiting for you, My blessed ones. I am waiting for you to decide that I mean more to you than anything you now have in the world. I am waiting to see if you will press in on discernment and even discover what is written in your heart.

"I call you with a kiss. It is gentle and tender, because My heart for you is that way. I see your daily struggles in the world. I see your weariness as you build up the wealth of others while working for them. I see your longing to meditate on My Word for hours and to find the deeper meanings, the hidden treasures, for those who seek them. I am waiting for you to recognize that nothing in this world means as much to you as Me. When you get to that place, you won't care what you lose.

"I have many things stored up for those who can and will let go of the world and all it has to offer. The greatest of these is fellowshipping time with Me. The freedom to rest in My presence for hours. The freedom to pray and repent for all those wasted years. And the inspiration I want to impart to you for a new life; work I want to give you as you cooperate with Me in saving souls. In Heaven, you will be rich. On this Earth, I can only guarantee you My Love and fellowship as we work together to bring in the harvest of souls.

"What Mother Clare is doing now is preparing a place, a place apart from the world, dedicated to prayer. Making it possible for you to create and expand your walk with Me. A place to deepen your commitment to Me, and to die to yourself and the world.

"This is not a sudden thing. It is more of a process that I am calling you to. It is from the natural outgrowth of your faithfulness on this Channel, your response to what I have given you so far. The hardest thing for you to do is to let go - let go of your life, let go of your peers and parents' ideas on how you should live your life. In return for letting go, I can only promise you My Love and Faithfulness to care for you. To tell you what lies ahead would spoil the surprise. It is My heart for you and the fulfillment of what you've been given in this life. All that is needed is trust and commitment.

"I am not speaking only of the Refuge. I am speaking to all of you about the next step in your lives. Many of you listening on this Channel feel something unsettled in your spirit, something more to your

86 life that seems around the next bend. That is what I am asking you to prepare for. Prepare for change, and know that change will be for the better.

"Many are called. Few are chosen. And even fewer respond. I love you all the same. But I ask for your response so that I can give you ALL that I have for you."

Message 717: Jesus says... Cherish My little Tokens of Love & Come to Me daily in Dwelling Prayer

July 16, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) 'Thank You, Jesus, for convincing us of Your dedicated and tender, unconditional love for us.' Well, dear Heartdwellers, there is a plague of depression, unbelief, self-hatred and all that goes with it circulating in the Body of Christ. And we must rise up and protect ourselves every day. Lord, what do You have for us?

Jesus began... ―My people whom I love with all My heart, you have been listening to lies and slander about My character. You‘ve been told you are a hopeless loser in My eyes, and I want nothing to do with you. You‘ve been told that your sins are so grievous that I will not fellowship with you. You‘ve been told that your worship is in vain, because you are so sinful. You‘ve been told that I don‘t hear and answer your prayers. You‘ve been told that you are not a Bride and won‘t be taken in the Rapture.

―When I see them feeding you these lies, I weep. I cry out, ―No! No! No! These are all lies! And I try to coax you to put your dwelling music on and let me speak My love into your heart from this music. I remind you to put the full armor on. And when I do, the demons shout out, 'Oh, that‘s for kids; that stuff doesn‘t work at all! Don‘t waste your time.'

"Not true! The Armor works. Those are more lies! As Mother Clare has said, that helmet is your salvation. By covering yourself with that, you save your mind from the poisonous lies that suck the life and inspiration right out of you. I gave you these weapons, because I knew you would need them to survive the treacherous tactics of the enemy. Who has no scruples, and loves to hit you below the belt and sucker punch you to the ground, leaving you conquered by fears and insecurities.

"This is why you must cultivate a deep relationship with Me. Worship drives the enemy away. And the songs I choose to play for you build your faith up and your understanding of how precious you are to Me. But none of these will work if you do not avail yourself of dwelling prayer and reading of Scripture, holy books and rhemas.

"There are scores of ways you can hear from Me, every single day. It could be the melodious song of a bird at a critical moment, where I am reminding you that I am truly with you. It could be a rock on the ground, shaped like a heart. It could be an exquisite flower that just bloomed in your yard. It could be a phone call from a friend. But you must be listening VERY CAREFULLY."

―If you are rushing through your day, and you miss the heart I made in your coffee when you put the creamer in, you will not receive that consolation I sent you to remind you... 'I love you'. Yes, I am saying... 'I love you and I‘m with you. And I see your pain, and I‘m here.' It could be My image in the bark of a tree, or even an iridescent oil stain on the wet pavement. It could be a bumper sticker or one of your animals coming and licking your feet. All of these are God-sent rhemas to express My real- time concern for you in that moment.

―But so many of you miss these precious love letters I scatter throughout your day. Please. When you see something precious, it is no coincidence; I sent that to comfort you. Take a photo of it or pick it up

87 and take it home. Cherish these little tokens of My love. I give them to you to get your attention and lift your spirits.

―Do you suppose Satan is more powerful in discouraging you than I am in lifting you up? Don‘t think that way for one moment! For every ugly word his minions speak over you, I speak a blessing. You heard the criticism, but did you hear the blessing I neutralized it with? Many times I just speak one or two words into your mind that cause you to reflect on a certain Scripture. I want you to pay attention to that and declare that very Scripture over that word curse that just went through your mind.

"My Spirit is constantly pouring out affirmations over you, but rarely do you hear them. Why? Because the critical remarks of the demons cause you to withdraw and cover your head and ears - to the point where you feel ashamed, tuck your tail and just hide so you can‘t face Me.

―Do you see, children? Do you see that all day long venom is being injected into your mind, unless you have protected it? I want you to be aware that the enemy never sleeps. He is always plotting his moves to bring you down. Always be on the lookout for days when you suddenly become angry. Whether it is justified or not, be aware that he is going to use you to deliver a crushing blow to a soul who is already hanging onto dear life with everything they‘ve got. Don‘t give voice to that anger but assess the situation to make sure you‘re not being set up to snuff out a smoldering wick.

―My children, My people, understand that condemnation is in the air you breathe, so prolific are the demons in these last days. There has been a significant increase in assignments to condemn. That is why your feet must be shod with the Gospel of Peace. Rather than running to and fro, irritated. Angry. Disappointed. Starting rumors, strife and unrest, you must be ambassadors of My Peace and Love. Consider yourselves the shoulder humanity has to cry on. Consider yourself the one person I have sent into this day and place that can redeem the heartache of someone around you.

―This is why you MUST have dwelling prayer every morning. This is why you must listen to uplifting Scriptural music. This is why you must pray continually and keep your minds free from negativity. The fiery darts never stop, so if your mind is idle, they can more easily find a place to lodge. Continually thinking of Me, praising Me, thanking Me and seeing the good in others is a tremendous defense from the evil insinuations of the enemy. You know for a fact, if your peace is broken, it has been done by the enemy. If your peace is restored, it is My Spirit at work within you.

―These words I have spoken to you today are spirit and life. If you put into practice what I am saying, your days can be joyful in any circumstance, because you know you are loved, wanted and used by Me to bring My light and love into the darkness that surrounds you. Please. They are not idle words. They are the counsels of life, and those who heed them will know My presence in any situation.

―I bless you now to remember and put them into practice. I am with you. Fear nothing - we walk as One and My love for you is constant. When you fall, I bend over and help you up. Do not run from Me, run TO Me. Do not be so ashamed that you fell that you want to run and hide. Know that I love you no matter what, and I will restore you. Waste no time in reaching out to Me in every circumstance. This brings Me great, great joy, because your confidence in Me is great. Your Faith is great. And that brings Me Joy.‖

Message 718: Jesus says... Delight in My Presence every Morning... That's what I call a good Start

July 19, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Lord, for this lovely reminder that the very FIRST thing we could and should be aware of in the morning—is Your face smiling down on us! Help us remember to immediately move

88 into Your presence and ask that the cobwebs of the enemy be brushed from our eyes and our mind, before they have the chance to turn our attention away from You... Amen.

Oh, Heartdwellers! He is just SO in love with each and every one of us! Let‘s all determine to truly embrace His words here and greet Him each morning with the same Joy He has for us!

Jesus began... "My daughter, My Bride. I long for you to recognize My presence beside you every day. I long to raise you up when you feel bowed down by life‘s challenges. Yet when you awake, you do not immediately recognize My presence beside you. Dear one, that is when I am the closest to you. The enemy wants you to focus on your coffee and vitamins for help so that he can, in the meantime, insert his evil thoughts into your mind.

"May I say, by the time you finish those things, you have already been infected with negativity. That is why he stresses those physical helps to awaken you. In the meantime, your mind is like a wet sponge, taking in all the poison he has prepared for you. 'I don‘t feel well. I am so tired. I can‘t think straight. I‘m not up to this! I don‘t want to fail You, Jesus, but I‘m hopeless, I‘m depressed...'

"Does that sound familiar? These are words programmed into your consciousness first thing in the morning. That is why, when you put on the Helmet of Salvation, you short circuit a ruinous day that he had planned for you. A day where you just drag around from one thing to the next, feeling numbed by the word curses he has applied to handicap you.

"It is time for all of you, My people, to put an end to this insidious tactic the devils have used on you to keep you from My higher calling in your life. If your attitude is that you can barely make it through the day, you will not grow into the fullness of who I have called you to be.

"This is why I have asked you to put on the full armor, before you do anything else. These are times where the proliferation of evil is so great, you cannot afford to be slack in protecting yourselves.

"Now I wish to impart to you another secret, so very dear to My heart. You have taken on the world with Me, My Bride. Shall I leave you weak and helpless? No, My Loved Ones. I am at your right hand, holding you up as you grasp to take hold of your footing each day. I do not leave you on your own. Many of you, like Clare, are pushing physical exhaustion every day - and I have told you to come to Me in the Blessed Sacrament. Ask for the strength you need as you receive Me, and I will equip you.

"But even more have I extended to you. Indeed, I live inside of you, but I manifest also on the outside. As you arise in the morning, I put My arm around you and help you to your feet. I stand beside you always, but you do not recognize that I am there. As a result, you do not lean on Me, dear ones.

"Yes, lean on Me. And even more, count on Me to keep you up and moving, to keep your mind clear. To be present as you pray. To even help you with your prayers if you reach out to Me and ask. 'Jesus, help me pray. Please, help me worship. Help me be faithful to You and what is appropriate for me in these moments.' In this way, you will fulfill My will and have victory over that cloud of oppression that so often assails you; even in your body - enveloping your mind.

"Delight in My presence in the morning! Speak to Me. Tell Me how much I mean to you and how you cannot live without Me. In this way, we will be blessed together to handle the day. Now, that‘s what I call a good start!‖

The Lord bless you, dear Heartdwellers.

Message 719: Jesus says... Recognize Satan's Arrows & Be an Example for Respect & Brotherly Love


July 22, 2019 - Words from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Sweet Jesus, for alerting us to the dangers ahead. If only we will obey, we will be saved from destruction on the reefs of Pride and Presumption.

Dear Family, even though this lesson is for the fledgling community on the Mountain, you can apply it to church, work, and family as well. And be a hero in keeping the family at peace and together. Blessed indeed are the peacemakers. So, I asked the Lord today... 'What is on Your mind?' And He replied...

(Jesus) ―Keep running the race My dear Clare. Keep pressing in. I will not fail you with energy and intelligence to do the right things and make the right decisions. I am SO with you, My Darling Wife, and nothing can stop the work you have set your hand to.‖

(Clare) Of course, in the back of my mind I'm thinking, 'Nothing but sin - that's for sure.' And apparently, He's going to help me with that.

(Jesus) ―I rejoice, because you do not allow difficulties to stand in your way; rather, you conquer them. This is the attitude you must all have. You are more than conquerors in Me, your Lord. I am telling you all that you are infused with power from on High when you are obeying Me and doing whole-heartedly the work I have set your hands to.

―None of you have come to this Refuge by coincidence. Each one of you, I have been calling and preparing for years; there is no coincidence. There are testings that will come to see if you are worthy of the call, My chosen ones. I can grace and prepare you - but then, you must pass the tests that I send you.

―So far, so good. I want to tell you that negativity and complaining spell the beginning of the end for you here. It is a very great privilege to be called - but then you must correspond with resolve and staying power. But above all, Charity. In life, there is a tendency to lack respect for one another when you live in such close proximity. But I have given you the grace to understand just how anointed and special each one of you is.

"Respect and looking up to one another is the footing for the beginning of this community. To esteem all others better than yourself must become your knee-jerk reaction to temptations that will be shot into you like poison arrows from the enemy.

―Mother Clare is dear to Me, because I see how she suffers over you and longs for the very best. She is the one I have appointed as your spiritual Mother, so I ask that all of you - young and old, rich and poor, educated or dropout - call her Mother. I want you to know that while she is the appointed leader, she is also keenly interested in what you think and feel. Not only about your everyday life, but also about your spiritual practices and what you have learned in the past and how you apply them.

―Her heart is not to subdue you, but to keep you on track. I, alone, know where certain tracks will lead, and I warn her about them in advance. You may perceive this as her personal opinion, but it is not. Rather, it is a particular warning system I have set up within her conscience to prevent a train wreck.‖

(Clare) Lord, may I say something?

(Jesus) ―Yes, Dearest, speak your heart.‖ ===05 (Clare) My dear ones, my hopes and dreams for each of you is to see your lives fulfilled in Christ. I long to see His will for you flourishing and being realized by each one as a unique individual. I have no interest in stereotypes or cookie cutter Christians, because I learned long ago: you each are very unique and have a specific path to follow in the Lord. I will make mistakes and come to you for forgiveness, but please do not doubt that I have the Lord‘s interests at heart for you.

If we disagree on a path for your future, I will tell you that I have a check in my spirit about that path. But I will not try to coerce or force you away from that. Rather, I will respect your relationship with

90 what you believe the Lord is telling you, and I will remain silent. Then I will go to Him and seek His will for you. If you are right, you will hear from me... 'You were right, God has chosen this for you.' But if my discernment is confirmed that it is not His will, I will say no more. And by my silence you will know that the Lord has not confirmed your path to me.

I am open to correction and suggestion, because I look up to each of you for the beautiful qualities, the treasures God has invested in you. But I also know it takes experience and maturity to bring those to perfection in your lives, and so I will stand by and support you. But my heart is that you are confirmed in discernment and knowing the voice of God.

(Jesus) ―Mother Clare has gone through much rejection and judgment in her life, even more than most, because she tends to be a bit different than the norm. She has come under great scrutiny and knows exactly what it feels like when people do not believe in her vision or chosen path. For this reason, she is extremely supportive of the paths I choose for My vessels that appear different to others, and she will be loyal in what she believes is My will for you.

―Nonetheless, you live together as Family. Hold her in your hearts as your spiritual guardian. And pay special attention to her anointing as Mother and bishop, for in truth she is an overseer. Do not lose sight of that.‖

(Clare) And I just had to break in here, and I said... 'Lord, it is my heart that everyone knows that I am open to them and not aloof, and distant or cold like some leaders. I truly want to be approached as a Mother not an authority figure. Yet at times, I may have to be firm. I never want them to be afraid of me.'

(Jesus) ―Clare, My dearest. I will teach you that balance which you have been trying to attain to for a long, long time. I need you to have that heart, or they will not confide in you. And that brings Me to a very important point, dear ones.

"The moment you start finding fault or judging one another, especially Mother, you have just joined hands with Satan in his attempt to divide the Family. It begins with little disagreements and grows into little resentments - which, in turn, get bitter and become seeds in your heart. You will be quickly overgrown with toxic vines of bitterness if you find fault with one another, but especially your leadership.

"If any of you have an issue that needs resolution, go to her immediately and resolve it with her. Do not brood. Brooding is a sin that is instigated by Satan. Judging and condemning are sins. Talking behind backs is a sin.

"Take a feather pillow and rip it open from a high-rise balcony. Let it fly. Watch how the feathers fly. Now, go downstairs and collect them. That is how gossip works. You can never repair the damage once it has been set loose. You'll never find all of those feathers.

"My Children, you have entered into a place where you will fight the greatest battles of your lives. Satan will find fault with everyone around you. He is the accuser - experienced and talented in making trouble, dividing families, communities and nations. That is his business... divide and conquer.

"He will pelt you with thoughts like... 'Look at him, he‘s not working as hard as you are! That‘s not fair.' OK, let‘s look at that. This suggestion, which may be thoroughly founded on fact, what is your response to it? Seriously, how do you respond to that? Clare, you have fought with this for years. How do you handle it?

(Clare) Well, family, I have indeed struggled with this in my own environment. There are those around me who see me as a compulsive, addicted person. I have to admit; I love to work. I love to write, teach, sing, paint, garden, etc. And I do not have much of an appetite for leisure. I used to be very judgmental about those who do not work hard and apply themselves, at least in MY way of thinking.

Until I heard of an old monastic story of two monks in a canoe. The monk in the back worked hard at paddling the canoe, while the one in the front ate raisin cakes and tickled the water with his fingers, playing with the fish.


The moral to that story is that some are called to work hard paddling. And some are called to play and delight themselves in raisin cakes. Each one who serves God is called to a different role. Some are Marys and some are Marthas. Mary enjoyed her work for the Lord. And so did Martha, although she complained. The point is, some enjoy their work. Some are more contemplative and more playful, and they have their share of work praying for souls. And sometimes suffering, or even spending hours counseling or visiting them. While at the same time, Martha is enjoying the art of baking the raisin cakes and cleaning the kitchen.

I have come to believe that each of us are geared differently, but we all serve the same God. He knows what is best for us to do and sets up each day to keep us busy about His concerns. For one, it may be being bedridden. For another, serving the bedridden. For yet another, creating art that will lift the hearts of those confined to bed.

Whatever we do, we do it as unto the Lord. If someone is abusing a Team by being selfish, God will see to it and correct them. But so we don‘t get a seed of bitterness over that, we must realize that we will receive our reward from God, Who knows all and is endlessly pleased when we refuse to judge that one, but soften our heart to pray for them.

If a brother is sinning and being lazy, pray for them that God will give them a desire to work, and perhaps invite them to help you to get them motivated. Or chide them gently... 'Brother, are you feeling OK?' Or 'Brother, did you sleep well last night?' But do not condemn the so-called lazy one, because his body may be racked with pain that you know nothing of. And he may be offering that pain in a spirit of prayer and supplication, while seemingly doing nothing. Only God is qualified to judge, dear ones. He alone knows the limitations and issues a soul has when they appear to be idle.

I promise you; Satan will exploit every single one of your buttons and weaknesses. Perhaps two people seem to be spending more time together, and the devil inspires you to be jealous. 'He likes him better than he likes me. Look at how friendly they are together.' That thought was from a Spirit of Jealousy. And an invitation to get you to degrade yourself. And sow a spirit of Division by taking offense at what seems to be preferential treatment by someone you want to be close to.

Satan is playing your buttons of rejection to cause you to feel hurt and rejected. If you fall for that, there will be a problem with everyone else in very little time. Jealousy spreads like a plague. But if you recognize it for what it is, a fiery dart from the enemy to your heart, and you rebuke it immediately. And of course, repent if you gave it any thought. You will have saved the community from the beginning of a potentially serious division.

Do not think for one moment that the secret thoughts of your heart are hidden from others. All of you are very sensitive in hearing the Lord, so you also hear others whether you acknowledge it or not. Be sure you are hearing from God, and not demons who are setting you up to hurt the Family. In Heaven, all thoughts are exposed. Live on Earth as you will in Heaven.

(Jesus) ―This is counsel from My very Spirit, and the depths of My desire that you should live in brotherly love, looking up to one another. Recognizing the virtue you see in one another and making yourself very, very little and gentle. Not threatening with an unspoken laundry list of resentments about another - which are broadcasted loud and clear, whether you think so or not. Be an exemplary soul of unconditional love and forgiveness. Do not give reign to Satan‘s accusations for even one second. Learn to recognize those darts and share them with one another. You will be very surprised to hear them say... 'You know? I just had that same thought a minute ago!'

―By doing this, My children, you will spoil Satan‘s plans to blow this community apart before it even gets started. I love you. I bless you. I am with you, speaking love into your hearts and minds continuously. And oh, how joyful I am when I hear you repeating them to one another!‖


Message 720: Jesus asks... Are you willing to put down your Flesh & the Ways of the World?

July 29, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Jesus, for Your unfailing patience with me. Forgive me for trying to act from the flesh. Please help me to live by Your Spirit alone... Amen.

Jesus began... "I have listened very carefully to the thoughts of your heart, Clare, and the words of your mouth. And I see the struggle you are having with yourself concerning those who have sided with the enemy and made your life so difficult.

"I have also guided you very precisely through the songs I chose on your playlist."

(Clare) For those of you who don't know this yet. We have a playlist of songs that we put on 'random' and pray the Holy Spirit will choose the songs that communicate what God wants to communicate to us. So, He chooses the songs.

The first song was Psalm 121... I lift up my eyes to the hills, from where my help comes. My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. Indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber or sleep. The sun will not harm you by day, the moon will not harm you by night. Then Psalm 91... I will not allow your enemies to overcome you and I will watch over your coming in and going out, now and forever more...

And I want to tell you, the road going into the Refuge is treacherous. Oh my gosh! I don't know what it's going to be like when it's wet and slippery. But there are a few places that are very, very dangerous. So, I'm claiming this... I will watch over your coming in and your going out, now and forever more. We need that from the Lord. Zacharia 4:6... Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord.

And here I am, sitting and trying to figure out ways to make this happen, so the gates will be taken away. And the Lord is saying... "Not through your intelligence, My Dear. Not through what you think, or what you want to try to do. But rather, by My power and by My Spirit will this be accomplished."

Yes, Lord. I hear You. I'm sorry... Boy, I've been in the flesh. And Julie True has a beautiful song... 'I Need Your Touch Today'. And I was feeling that acutely. And she has another song... 'Faith Like a Child'. And that's just another reminder. Faith like a Child. A child doesn't question, like us grown-ups do.

And the last song that He played was... 'Just As I Am' by Eden‘s Bridge. It affirms the Lord's unconditional love, and that He's waiting for us, and receives us in the mess we're in. Yes. I have been in a mess! And I needed to hear that. Just as you are, I receive you.

Jesus continued... "Clare, all these songs were meant to bring your thinking into alignment with Mine.

"I don‘t like to see you chasing rabbit trails or wasting time. You have wasted a great deal of time thinking the way the world thinks and resisting hard feelings against them.

"It is true, their family does need prayer, very badly. And you offering up this terrible injustice for their salvation has much more weight and power to it than you can understand at this time. My children, do not get entangled in the world‘s fights. Come to Me and ask how I want to handle an unjust situation. You may find yourself cooperating with Me to save the souls of those who practice injustice.

"You see, not many will pray for them. Rather, they will turn away and have nothing to do with them. But you must go after the lost, not caring how they harm you. I send you into these situations to pray for them. No matter if you don‘t see conversion right on the spot; it may happen only on their death beds. What matters to Me is that you loved Me so much you are willing to forgive and pray for them.


This, My Children, is a great proof of your love for mankind and for Me, who died for them. I do not ask you to have warm fuzzy feelings, just to forgive and pray the good for them.

"This is when you become co-redeemers with Me and share in My sufferings on this Earth - and so you will share in My resurrected glory, even as it is written. Not just live with Me but be resurrected even as I have been and live with Me in glory, in Heaven. The more fully you share in My sufferings the greater your glory in Heaven. But I say this, knowing full well, this is not a Heartdweller‘s motive.

"Children, the enemy will do all in his power to turn your hearts dark by impure motives. He knows well... 'Blessed are the pure for they shall see God'. And if they see God, they will also hear Him and respond in obedience. But the first step to this is a pure heart.

"Your heart is not pure if you are thinking and plotting the downfall of others, while praying to Me. I am not interested in fulfilling that prayer, unless it is part of their salvation. But this is a selfish motive, and that is not pure, done purely for Me.

"So, you lose ground in hearing from Me and seeing Me. This is Satan‘s goal, because you cannot be used well if you cannot hear Me and obey. If your heart is not pure, at least you can pray... 'Lord, make me willing to be made willing.'

"I want you to look upon your foes as children who have lost their way in the dark wood. They sought their own advantage over and over again as a way of life. They modeled that to their children, who followed their example. And pretty soon you have a whole generation - a family of 40 or 50 - who were raised this way. They were taught to fight and grope, steal and do the deeds of darkness, to have what they wanted. They are lawless with a conscience that has long ago lost the distinction between right and wrong.

"So, I send My Bride to pray for them. This is My Bride, who I am wed to. And these are My Children. These are Our children that we have had together. And I send My Bride to pray for them, lest they all perish in Hell. And they treat My Bride with contempt, thinking no one will see. But I do see. I hear the pleading and tears of those who have been done injustice. And I arise - not with fire in My eyes, but Love. Because these are foolish and lost souls, and I long to bring them back into the fold before it is too late.

"You see, when you take My side, you must think as I think. You must do what I‘d do. Then you become righteous and bring glory to My Name. Oh, there is so much you need to learn and conquer in yourselves! And this is the time and place to set out on conquering your fleshly nature and put on the garment of Light and Righteousness. And live not for yourself, but for Me and your brother.

"So, I extend this invitation to you all, My Brides. Be willing to be made willing to put down your flesh and the ways of the world. This is the time and season I am extending that grace to each of you who will take it to Heart.

"I love you so tenderly. Fill up on Me, and you will learn the ways of love more quickly because it will be pouring out of you. And you'll have much less resistance to deal with from your self-will nature. I love you. I am with you. We will help you conquer yourself and bring glory to My Name."

Message 721: Jesus elucidates... When Ministry becomes an Idol & Satan's Ploys to separate you from Me

August 2, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Your mercies are new every morning. Thank You, Jesus, for caring so well for us.


Well, first of all I want to say that it's been another day where things were around me that had to be taken care of, almost immediately. Not everything was like that, but many things were. And it kind of threw me. I never did manage to get into the deep and sweet fellowship with the Lord that I'm accustomed to in the morning. And I felt badly, because each time I would pursue the next task that needed to be done, I knew He was waiting for me. And I just couldn't bring myself to stop! So, I asked the Lord... 'What is on Your heart tonight, Jesus.'

Jesus began... "You are My Love. I miss you, Clare. What‘s gotten into you Beloved?"

(Clare) 'The world?'

(Jesus) "Well, not exactly. Am I worth waiting for?"

(Clare) 'Yes, Lord. You are.'

(Jesus) "Then why can‘t you wait? Why can't you sit still and wait for Me?"

(Clare) 'Well, I do feel that we are making some headway...'

(Jesus) "Getting things done?"

(Clare) 'Yes, strings. Loose ends. Yes, I do feel like we're getting things done.'

(Jesus) "And for this, you keep Me hanging? I really do understand you. Much better than you understand yourself. One thing to watch out for: when you feel better, don‘t bounce off the walls, but apply yourself steadily to the work I set before you. First of all and foremost: prayer."

(Clare) Truly, Lord, I can hardly believe you are speaking with me, I have been so distracted today. And giving in to one thing after another. I just don‘t deserve Your fellowship.

(Jesus) "As a parent, what do you do when your child loses sight of where he or she is going? What do you do when they are headed down the wrong path?"

(Clare) 'I pray and reason with them.'

(Jesus) "So why should I run from you or turn My back on you, when you really are wanting to stop this compulsiveness? Should I make Myself even more inaccessible. Or should I be right there by your side coaching you?"

(Clare) 'I understand... I get it. What a wonderful God You are, Jesus! How could anyone not love You?'

(Jesus) "Very simply, they don‘t know Me. They know what others have said about Me, and they don‘t read the Bible. They are afraid of it, so they never learn how very tender and approachable I can be to a soul who is floundering.

"But I want you to recognize that you are also hanging under a cloud of Condemnation. It works in two ways. It causes a wedge of false guilt to be driven between us. And it causes compulsive behavior, which keeps you avoiding Me because you pile on more in order to be too busy for Me.

"This is nothing new to you or any of the Heartdwellers, and it is a calculated tactic of the devil to separate us. Over-work is another one. Taking on more than is necessary is also a divide and conquer tactic."

(Clare) That's interesting, dear ones. I got this particular rhema today. This is from my box of probably a good 1,000 rhema cards that I've collected over time, writing down Scriptures and words from the Lord. It says... "Simplify. Rid yourself of all unnecessary desires. Learn to live with less, and you will have more time for Me. Turn your back on whatever threatens to come between you and Me. I will help you. Do not let failures discourage you. I am with you in this."


But how, Lord? I feel so good that what‘s been hanging over my head is finally attainable, and I am able to finish it. So, I get up in the morning surrounded by loose ends that make me want to tackle them until they are all cleaned up and completed.

(Jesus) "I would much prefer you left it unfinished and lavished your time and attention on Me. I understand what is going on inside of you much better than you do, My Love. And you are heading down the road to lukewarmness. Though you think of Me constantly, your mind continues to be taken up with what is going on outside of our relationship, and not within your heart with Me.

"This is how a ministry becomes idolatry. The chosen soul begins to push Me aside and make Me wait, so he or she can wait on others and minister. Yes, ministry feels good. It feels good to help a soul with grace and insight. And that good feeling can be the very thing that entices you off into the world. Prayer becomes dull and boring compared to getting things done and communicating with others.

"Dear ones, it matters not if it is your husband, your children, your ministry, your home-making. Whatever is that path you push prayer to the side for, is your idol. Satan is very talented at taking so called 'Good' activities and goading you on to do them when you should be in prayer. There is a sense of accomplishment that satisfies the flesh and a soul when they are busy. Beware when you say... 'Oh, it feels so good to finally get this done. The Lord won‘t mind. I‘ll pray tomorrow.'

"Yes, I do mind. Very, very much. I had gifts for you that you know not of. I needed your gentle touch on My cheek, your love and caring. Time is your most precious commodity. It is something that can never be regained once lost. I long for you to lavish your time on Me. I long for you to care enough that you are willing to wait quietly for My approach, even days if necessary. With anticipation - and not boredom and a desire to be active.

"What you are falling prey to is common to all men and women. It will take real effort to stop this habit. It's very much like a long tanker which begins to stop six miles before the dock."

(Clare) Lord, I need Your help, desperately. Only You can do this thing in me.

(Jesus) "Well said. But you have another advocate in Heaven, who on Earth mastered the art of waiting for Me. Her name is Mary, and she loves you dearly. Ask her to pray for you, Clare, just as you would ask Carol to pray for you. The Holy Spirit will take that request to her tender heart and she will lift you up to Me. You know that to Me, she is irresistible. When I see her concern, it fuels My desire to help, just as in the days of the wedding at Cana. She will also whisper in your ear when you are headed the wrong way. It is called the Marian multiplier. You pray, and she prays, and much favor is released to accomplish this holy end, which is weighing heavily on My heart, dear one. Please, Clare. Give it your best effort. It hurts when I don't see you, and I can't lavish what I want to give you, upon you. Please. Give it your best effort."

(Clare) Thank You, Lord. I will, Your grace enduring.

(Jesus) "My grace is always with you for the better. Always. All you need to do is call out to Me, and I pour through you. Be at peace, dear one. You are greatly loved. And the things you fall prey to are common to all men."

Message 722: Jesus says... I am still a Man & I long for your Affection, My Brides

August 3, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare


(Clare) Thank you, Lord Jesus, for shedding light on my path. And for reminding me of the things that are most important to You in my life.

Well, dear ones. I got a reading about Money and the World. And it troubled me, really. 'You cannot serve the world and money. You cannot have two masters.' And it was CLEAR. And I thought... 'Lord, I haven't wanted anything frivolous for myself in the longest time! Why are You saying this to me?'

Because I haven't bought flowers, I haven't bought clothing. I did buy a book... But I... really. I don't spend money on anything. When my clothes are falling apart, I sew them up. And use them for another year. Why not?

Anyway. I began... 'Lord, truly I don‘t understand why You are stressing money so much? That was really a hard reading. You know that I'm not concerned for myself on what I want, but on taking care of the needs of others. Why have you said these harsh words to me? It has been so long since I wanted something frivolous. It hurts to hear these words. Please help me understand.'

Jesus replied... "You were not the only person in the room, Beloved."

(Clare) Well, I thought for a minute. 'Well, that‘s true. There was another in the room who came from a money background.'

(Jesus) "Don‘t you recognize that issue?"

(Clare) I do. But I thought you were leading and guiding him with that?

(Jesus) "I am. But it is still an issue. And once more, as concerns yourself, you are now thinking My thoughts in this moment."

(Clare) Well, what was I thinking? I was thinking that even though this preoccupation and busyness is for others... You know, like finding a 50-gallon water container, or a 500-gallon water container... Nonetheless, it is still not suited to my calling. You would prefer others to make those decisions and delve into those things, so that I could be by Your side, loving You, making music and writing. And especially worship and resting in You.

(Jesus) "That is a correct assessment of the situation. And I do believe you will be liberated very soon. There are those coming who can handle those decisions for you, and you don‘t have to get entangled in them. They are highly competent. They will leave you free for things of the spirit, not the flesh, Clare.

"You see, whether it is for others or for yourself, it is still THE WORLD - and not what you are any longer suited to. You‘ve done your time in the world, and you‘ve been graduated. Please, don‘t keeping going back to second grade! Rise up, Clare. Rise up and out of the concerns of this world. Rise up!"

"I have so much holy work for you to do, but you are not suited for it when your nose is still in the world.

"Your helpers, too, are capable and will work for you. They are highly motivated. They have taken on the Refuge as their own project and really enjoy doing what needs to be done. They don‘t complain about the roads or the difficulties, the rain or the mud. Rather, they take them in stride. They are good, and you can trust them to get it done with just a little direction."

(Clare) I was pondering for a moment... 'Is this really You, Lord?'

(Jesus) "This is Me, you know."

(Clare) Okay. I feel that it is...


(Jesus) "You touched My cheek tenderly when we were napping. That was the high point of My day. I long for that kind of attention from My Bride. It means so much to Me, Clare. It really does. I wanted you to see Me this afternoon. I wanted you to reach out and gently caress My cheek, knowing that it is Me at your right hand.

"I long for this from all of My Brides. But not only are they too busy, they are still afraid. When you tell them of these moments, you help their faith to grasp at the tender moments I long for from them. There is no sin in showing this kind of affection; it is utterly pure, and even angelic."

(Clare) Yeah. Well, the Lord is always at my side. When I'm taking a nap, if I'm in the kitchen working. If I'm swimming. If I'm driving. He's always there at my right hand.

(Jesus) "My Brides, when you know I am there with you, what is your response? Do you swoon and have to sit down? Do you run from Me? Or do you extend your loving hand in a gesture of deep affection, and caress My cheek? That is what I would like you to do. It shows that you are fully aware that I am there, and it strengthens your faith, as well as making My heart leap for joy.

"My mother touched My cheek in this way many, many times. She was always affectionate with Me. And I returned her affection. We are very, very close. Our hearts are entwined in suffering for humanity. She has given up everything to see you saved, because our hearts are united. For not one minute did she oppose My going to Jerusalem, where she knew from Scripture that I would be killed."

"She gave birth to this Lamb knowing that someday she would see it immolated in the most brutal way for the salvation of souls, by the very ones praying for Messiah to come. And yet she cooperated with the Divine Plan, knowing it would plunge her into the deepest sorrow to see Me harmed in any way at all. Not only because of her tender love, but because of the tragic consequences for the Jewish people.

"My love, and even the worship you render Me, is all about tenderness. Yes, there are times when I am high and lifted up, mighty in stature and glory. But My favorite times are with My Bride, one on one when we can exchange marks of pure and holy love.

"This is a love that men do not know, unless they are whole and spiritual. Those have transcended the need for a physical relationship, because they are wholly transformed in Me. The old man is dead; the new man alive, raised up and fulfilled.

"Remember this, My Brides. I am still a man, even in the fullness of My Divinity. And I long for the fragrant offering of your heart when you, in faith, gently acknowledge My presence by touching My cheek."

Message 723: Jesus says... I want you to become Brides again... I so long for you!

August 4, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Lord Jesus, You are so romantic, even with your Bride fresh from the battlefield, broken and bruised. Yet You long for our company. Please help us keep this sacred each day and allow nothing to deprive us of it.

Today was so very special, Heartdwellers, as Jesus made Himself visible to me, all day long. And when I came into prayer, He was waiting for me and was totally set on dancing with me. I didn‘t see what I was wearing because all I could see was His white garment and face. And my head was on His

98 shoulder. That‘s all I wanted to see, His face and to look into His eyes and see how deeply He loves me... I swoon even to think of it.

Jesus began... "I want you, My People, to get back to being Brides. I want to dance with you and enjoy your tender gaze into My eyes. All of you have been very busy on the battlefield, whether you are aware of it or not. This has been a season of perpetual fighting and defending. You have learned much and are putting it into practice. But I do not want you to forget how precious and beautiful you are to Me.

"There still will come a day when I adorn you in the finest silk garments with garlands of flowers... A day when your guardian angel will lead you to the altar to give you away to Me, your forever Bridegroom. Oh, how I look forward to this day! Brilliant and full of splendor, My betrothed will finally come to My Home and be with Me forever.

"But I‘m telling you this now to remind you that not only do we have a working relationship, but a romantic one as well. I am head-over-heels in love with you, My Brides, and I don‘t want My love for you obscured by the ongoing spiritual battles. There is a time for War and there is a time for Love. And truly, you have been fighting long and hard against the enemy.

"Times are needed for refreshment and re-dedication to our espousal relationship. There are times when I only want to dance with you, sit in the garden and take in your sweet love. In those times, I also want to fill you with the Divine Sweetness and Fragrance of My love. I want to capture your heart all over again and draw you to Myself. I want your precious head to rest upon My chest and receive the river of love that awaits you.

"Is it not written... You are beautiful, My darling, beautiful beyond words. Your eyes are like doves behind your veil. Your hair falls in waves, like a flock of goats winding down the slopes of Gilead. Your teeth are as white as sheep, recently shorn and freshly washed. Your smile is flawless, each tooth matched with its twin. Your lips are like scarlet ribbon; your mouth is inviting. Your cheeks are like rosy pomegranates behind your veil. You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way. (That's from the Song of Songs)

"There are no words for Me to communicate how beautiful and desirable you are to Me. I do not see your imperfections. I see only your love and devotion.

"On this Earth, the most wonderful experience you can have is to truly be fully accepted and deeply loved for who you are. To be understood and known and loved no matter what your faults. It is the God-form within you, the form you were given before you were sent to Earth, the form that originated in the Heart of My Father, perfect in every way, that I see when you return to Me and accept Me as your spouse.

"Yes, it is then that your original perfection manifests as I restore you to who He created you to be. It is through Me, aided by the river of graces that I pour into you that you're restored to the purity of Heaven once again. Then you are home, truly home, returning from your exile.

"How can I even begin to explain to you the loveliness of your person, My Bride? There simply are no words, but you are glorious to behold as you return from this Earth.

"There has been a very long season of fighting for those of you who have been on this Channel for many years. And for newcomers, you are not as well-grounded in the espousal relationship as they are. It has been a bloody war with a lot of casualties, and you have endured valiantly.

"But you mustn‘t forget who you are to Me, the Spouse of My Heart. That time that you spend with Me has many different facets. For those of you who have embraced the Early Church, or are ordained, you understand My Real Presence in contemplation of My Body and Blood in the consecrated host. Truly, I in My Divinity, am fully present to you in the physical realm. What you perceive outwardly as bread and wine, through faith you see Me as I truly am, but under the appearance of bread and wine.

"Oh, how I long for you to keep Me company there. So many who have this precious gift available to them do not realize how I long for their company. You have My Presence in worship and in tongues

99 when you press into prayer. You have My Presence when you choose wisely the songs that minister in depth to your heart and My heart. You have My Presence in thanksgiving, when in the depths of your heart you recognize My endless goodness to you.

"My Brides, you have My presence in more ways than I can enumerate - even that quiet voice in your heart that guides you, because truly I live inside of you, dear ones.

"You have My presence when the trees rustle in a gentle breeze, as well as when My angels do battle with the evil ones in the heavens and lightening shakes the Earth. In more ways than you can enumerate, My precious one, I am with you.

"So, as you are preparing to fight battles, learning about spiritual warfare and triumphing even over your own flesh, do not forget the one who is in love with you. Do not forget that I cherish and adore you as the spouse of My Heart.

"And most of all, do not forget to keep Me company and shut the World out where it belongs, so that our times together can be protected and uninterrupted. Will you do this for Me, My Brides? Will you?

"You are not alone in this endeavor; I will help you. Be sensitive to My call and acutely aware of how Satan will steal it from you under the guise of a better good. Yes, you will be opposed each time you draw nigh unto Me. You will be fought and condemned with false guilt. You will be called selfish and self-preoccupied, not caring about the needs of others, even snobbish. You will have many labels stuck on you. But all you need do is recognize you have only One Master, One Love, One Responsibility - and that is to please Me.

"If you hold to this standard, I will make appropriate time for relatives and others. Do not let their name tags dissuade you. My banner over you is Beloved Spouse of My Heart. That is the only label appropriate to you.

"I bless you now with this grace. Embrace our intimate Love and be relentless in carving out and protecting this time so priceless that even the angels envy you."

Message 724: Is your Armor only on the Outside? Vision of 2 Warriors

August 5, 2019 - Vision & Interpretation of an Angel

(Clare) Lord, please help us to fully realize that, while putting on our armor is a must in these days of serious warfare, it is not just a casual thing. Or worse - something to be taken for granted for, because we are a Child of the Kingdom of God. Please convict us that this precious protection, as well as the swords You have given us, must be inseparably connected to our hearts and will, in full service to You, our Beloved King... Amen.

One of our prayer warriors had what he terms a Heart vision a little while ago. It's called... 'The Parable of the Two Warriors'

The vision began... I saw two warriors climbing the Mountain. The first warrior was very imposing, powerful and well-equipped. His sword and shield were well-polished and large. His armor was ornate and very beautiful, and his cloak was of the finest silk. This was by far the most impressive warrior I had ever seen. His armor and weapons were inscribed with Holy Scripture, and I perceived that he was a Christian.

I will call him Cosmo.


The second warrior was the complete opposite. He was short and very thin. His armor was simple and unadorned. His weapons were sheathed and put away, and he carried a gnarled walking stick. This warrior leaned on his stick greatly, as though he needed it to walk. He was cloaked and covered completely in sackcloth, head to toe. Only his hands could be seen. I perceived that this warrior also was a Christian.

I will call him Seth.

They both stood next to one another, as a comparison. As powerful and glorious as Cosmo looked, Seth was just as lowly and unimpressive.

They were both climbing up the Mountain together, to reach the top and brave the perilous dangers and wiles of the demons.

Cosmo walked with a very pronounced gait, with broad steps and chest puffed out. Seth walked slowly, leaning heavily on his walking stick. Seth seemed to be weeping at times and clutched the walking stick tightly. Cosmo seemed to be very strong, while Seth seemed equally weak.

Cosmo was soon far ahead of Seth, even mocking him for still being so far behind. Seth, in reply, began to clutch his walking stick even more tightly. I perceived that Seth was praying for Cosmo during these moments.

There were many steps up the Mountain, and so there were spaces where the ground flattened out, where a traveler could rest a while.

As Cosmo approached one of these waysides, a smell came before him. It was of the most sumptuous food and drink in all the land, laid out upon a stone table, steaming hot and unattended. Cosmo turned aside to inspect the food. As he reached out to partake of it, he hesitated a moment. But then he took a great platter and sat down to eat it.

As he was eating, Seth came up beside him. Seeing the sumptuous feast, he again grasped his walking stick and continued up the path, repeating now under his breath... 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.'

Cosmo continued to sit and eat and drink. And before long, he was quite full. He stood again and continued to walk up the pathway.

It was at this point, I was aware that an angel of God was present with me, watching this play out in my heart. So, I asked him... 'Can you explain in more depth what is happening?'

(Angel) "The feast was a trap by Satan. The hesitation of Cosmo was the moment when Holy Spirit counseled him not to eat of it, but to continue on. When he ignored Him, he fell in that moment and ate."

When the angel said that, I saw demons floating around Cosmo, inhaling deeply the sickly green fumes that were coming off of him, and they became seemingly refreshed by them.

'What is this they are breathing in from him?' I asked.

(Angel) "SIN. Engaging in, engorging that meal; the trap Satan laid for him was sin. The demons draw energy & strength from Sin. Now, look at Seth."

So, I obeyed. Focusing on Seth, I saw that there were demons floating around him, as well. But they were all very thin and emaciated. Beautiful, blue-gold scents surrounded Seth, and seemed to be choking the demons. But at the same time, they were wafting straight up to Heaven.

(Angel) "This is the fragrant incense of a soul committed to holiness, to obedience, and humility. The demons cannot stand this fragrance and will soon flee from it. This incense goes straight to Heaven and is breathed in by the very nostrils of the Lord God - and all of Heaven can smell it."


Sure enough, the demons did flee Seth, and went over to Cosmo—who was now looking even more drained & even more sluggish. The demons surrounding him were now quite fat and large, and the thin ones that had fled from Seth began to feed also from him.

(Angel) "This is also one of the reasons that Satan and his Demons provoke the sons of men to produce Sin. It is not only to damage men, drive a wedge between them and God, and open the door for them to be sifted. But also, to recharge themselves with Sin. It is an energy source for them."

Cosmo was not looking at all good by this point, but he continued on walking. Seth was now a good ways ahead of him.

(Angel) "Warfare approaches"

A cloud of little, winged, impish creatures was blocking the path of the two warriors. There must have been thousands of them. They chanted a mantra... 'Fear, Doubt, Unbelief', over and over again as they watched the warriors approach. I could see Seth stand still for a moment, as a few of the Fear demons flew by him. Not too close, due to the incense of Virtue surrounding him—but a few ventured close. I perceived that the two warriors could not see these creatures.

Then the Fear demons swarmed around Cosmo, who visibly became afraid and took hold of his sword, swinging it wildly but missing the demons completely. When he did make contact, the blade did not even cut the exposed form of the demon. He was completely ineffective.

Seth, however, took hold of his walking stick and lifted it high. Praying a simple prayer, he began to walk into the swarm, unafraid. Suddenly, from under his sackcloth cloak, his sword and shield flew forth, striking and blocking the demons who got too close. Those who stood in his way, he bound in the Name of Jesus - and they were bound indeed.

At this point, I realized that Seth‘s sword and shield had no grips, or handles, yet they flew forth with such speed, power and accuracy, and performed in combat as no man could! I asked the angel why this is so?

(Angel) "The grips for the sword and shield are in his heart. When he began to lift up the Name of the Lord, and place Him between the enemy and himself, the Lord stepped down and sent His holy angels to fight for him."

I realized then that the walking stick represented Christ. I could see now, written on Seth‘s walking staff, an inscription that read... 'THE BRANCH'. I could also see many angels around him, striking and dragging away the demons that were bound.

Before long the demons parted from Seth and resisted him no more. Seth, looking back, saw that Cosmo was still under heavy assault, being bitten and covered in excrement, which was beginning to eat away at his armor like hot oil through butter. Seth, weeping for the wounded state of his companion, knelt down and prayed for Cosmo to be delivered. Many angels came then and began to drag the demons far away from Cosmo.

(Angel) "He (Cosmo) had the Scriptures engraved on his armor, but not in his heart. He wielded his weapons weakly, for his lack of Virtue. And being under Condemnation and Fear, used them with little conviction. He fought as the World does, and you cannot defeat Satan or his evil spirits with carnality."

I heard these words then... 'Philosophy, Psychology, and the wisdom of the World.'

(Angel) "Yes, these are powerless before Satan."

That was the end of the prayer warrior's vision. But the Lord reminded me of a passage from the message... 'Take My Warnings seriously... Evil is on the Increase & The Enemy's Next Steps against you.' Please watch or read this message also. We put the Link below this Video on Youtube. The Lord bless you all.


Message 725: Jesus says... Your greatest Protection is Poverty, Chastity & Obedience

August 7, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... "You are a Family. When one hurts, all hurt - and childlike obedience is a great safeguard for you all. The enemy is trying to cook up trouble between each other. So, My Love, be extra cautious.

"What is on My heart is the excitement of all of you coming together to worship Me. That is beyond exciting! And yet there is reason for concern. The enemy will do his very best to disrupt and divide; that is why I keep stressing humility to you."

(Clare) And as an aside, I got HUMILTY several times from the Bible Promise Book. And all readings were about the same thing, and Scriptures about the Lord‘s humility from the second chapter of Philippians, Verses 1-18... If there is any encouragement in Messiah, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, having the same love, one in being, and of purpose, doing naught through selfishness or self- conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each one should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.

For let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a matter to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, and came to be in the likeness of men. And having been fashioned as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even death on the cross. God, therefore, has highly exalted Him and given Him the Name which is above every name, that at the Name of YahuShua ha'Mashiah (Jesus Christ) every knee should bow, those in the heavens, those on earth, and those beneath the earth, and every tongue should confess that YahuShua ha'Mashiah is the Master, to the glory of God the Father.

So then, my dear ones, as you always obeyed - not only in my presence, but now much rather in my absence - work out your own deliverance with fear and trembling, for it is God who is working in you, both to desire and to work for well-pleasing. Do all without grumblings and disputings, in order that you be blameless and faultless, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and corrupt generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding on to the Word of Life, that I may rejoice in the day of the Messiah, that I have not run in vain or laboured in vain. In fact, even if I am being poured out as a drink offering on the offering and service of your belief, I am glad and rejoice with you all. So you too should be glad and rejoice with me. (End of Philippians 2:1-18)

Jesus continued... "These words are solid gold and life-giving, laying down the basis for Community life. And if followed very carefully, will foil the plans of the enemy. You see, Clare, he has a file on every person, and in the front of that file is a section called, ‗Buttons.‘ And it is used for quick access to the most effective stumbling blocks for each individual.

"My Beautiful Ones, know yourselves through and through. Do not gloss over your flaws and faults. Do not ignore your desire for things to go your way. Bring it down, Beloved, bring it down. There is only ONE way - and that is My way. And I want each of you to recognize what is beneath your smiles and benevolence, knowing that at any minute Satan can turn that to Rancor.

"The more you are detached from the world and your opinions and preferences, the easier will be your journey in Community. The more preferences you have, the more difficult. The more intelligent you are in your approach to doing things, the more dangerous you are to the simplicity of what I am doing in this Community. I want to see My life mirrored in everything you have and do.


"The greatest protections you can arm yourselves with are Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience in following the way I lived and did things. I did not choose the palace of Herod to be born, but a despicable stable, smelling of manure.

"I did not choose a royal entourage of finely outfitted men; rather, My choice was rag-tag fishermen who lived a rough and common life—and smelled nasty, as well.

"In My death, I was not accompanied by doctors and nurses. Rather, I was beaten mercilessly. I was crowned with thorns that pierced my eye. I was nailed to the wood of the Cross between two thieves; spit on and reviled. These were My Father‘s choices for Me, which I gladly accepted without argument.

"The lowest way, dear ones, is the highest. The last place is the preferred place. To wash My disciple‘s feet was to Me a royal honor. I came to serve, not be served. I came to obey, even to the point of an ignominious death. I came to give, not to be given to. Nor to collect the riches and perks of the World. I had no need of those things. They were an encumbrance and distraction that took My mind away from My Father in Heaven, if only for a millisecond, it was exceeding painful! All I wanted was His company and to fulfill His Divine Design.

"Do you see, Children? Do you comprehend? The style of Christianity that is lived today bears no resemblance whatsoever to how I lived. Except among the missionaries of the world.

"Not all of you are called to this kind of poverty. But Kings and Queens have set aside their riches to live as I lived in the privacy of their quarters, because they found the meaning of Life in My company. If you have all the world at your disposal but have not Me - you are indeed a pauper.

"So, I am giving you an opportunity to live very similarly to the way I lived, so that your entire heart may be focused on Me and our relationship. These restrictions are not privations; they are protections. Set the world outside your door but come to Heaven dwelling in your own tiny quarter, because we are together.

"'Monastery' comes from the word meaning 'live alone'. But you are not alone. You are one on One with Me. So, this is the meaning and reason for Evangelical poverty. You live entirely on Providence and have what I determine you need. If I do not provide it, then it must not be necessary. This is the heart attitude I wish for you to live.

"Poverty applies also to attitudes and thoughts. The purse of your own opinion. For instance, Mother Clare likes to research and get the best of what she needs. But that is not My way. I prefer for her to be simple and not so studied. That leads to pride, which she is all too aware of in herself. When you study how to do things, do not pride yourself on the latest technologies, because that is another form of worldliness. Rather, choose simplicity and less, rather than elegant design and more.

"'What would Jesus do?' is always a very good question to ask yourself. With the exception of necessity and equipment for your art, whether it be writing, music, or painting, your lives should resemble the life of a migrant worker.

"Chastity that is proper for your state in life. If you are married, you are having children - unless you decide to live a celibate life and are in total agreement. But keep the marriage bed pure and undefiled. It also means protecting your eyes and ears from sensuality and lust. Covering your body so as not to stimulate others, but to keep your body modestly covered and not lend a hand to lustful imaginations.

"Food, also, is to be taken in moderation - both in quantity and quality. And includes moderation in eating and foods served. In other words, Steak & Lobster are inappropriate, because they reflect a prosperous, worldly way of life that finds its meaning and pleasure in delicacies.

"I want you to find all your meaning in Me. And if it be necessary, I will always provide consolations through the things you use in the world. But you will find this a costly effort. All of you have preferences, likes, and dislikes and are prone to wanting your way. But if you want more of Me, you will abandon these habits and come to find your completeness only in Me. And that is a promise."


Message 726: Jesus explains... Pride, important Lessons & A Word to My Enemies

August 14, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Dear Jesus, thank You for taking things in hand and making them right. And thank You for Your kindness, Your patience and Your forgiveness... Amen.

Well, dear Family, I have been struggling with different issues. And the Lord has also been teaching me Humility lessons. And you know those are very painful!

I had two full days alone with Him, and so much is falling into place. One thing that happened was, I was so busy for so many days, that I missed my prayer time every morning for a week. And that really, really had bad consequences. But, the last two days have been full of prayer. One thing I did grieve about though, and still makes me feel like a failure, was a decision I made that really delayed things and made them more complex.

Hoping to get to the root cause of this, I sat before the Lord and bared my heart. I opened the Rhema book that we published, to PRIDE. Oooh...The most hated word in my English language—PRIDE. Oh, how I hate that in me and oh, how it makes me tremble when He gives it to me. But I was deserving and could not back out. After I went through the remorse and tears, I heard the tender voice of Jesus say...

(Jesus) "We are not giving up on you. Look at the rhema cards I gave you from your rhema box."

(Clare) I had been sitting with the Lord, going through 'what if this what if that, how can this happen now? What about such and such...?!' And my mind was a Ferris wheel of fears. And this card came up... 'Do not ask so many questions, only TRUST ME.'

Boy, He nailed me that time! These are my rhema cards from 20 years. It's a good thousand cards or so. I keep them all in one place. When I feel the impulse, I grab one or two of them to see what the Lord wants to say to me, outside of myself. And I was feeling so alone and barren when this card came up from my Rhema Box... 'Just because you do not feel Me, does not mean that I am not here with you.' Bingo. He hit it again.

I started thinking about how miserable I felt for failing Him. And the next card was... 'I gathered all my sufferings and difficulties into a bouquet for Jesus. It is a proof of my love for Him.' And I decided to pull one last card, feeling very impotent. And what came up... 'My Divinity is within you... to share now with the whole world.' Wow. I sure didn't feel that way. Well. The problem was, I wasn‘t listening very carefully. I made errors in judgment, and it happened because I didn‘t slow down and pray more. And wait on the Lord. But forged ahead in a panic.

Jesus began..."You are bound to fall Clare, you are human. And being impatient at times is not to your advantage. You trusted a Bible Promise reading that was not a direct answer to your question. So, you chose the wrong way to do things. Being in a hurry is not to your advantage, because you overlook the more subtle signs that I send you.

"My Love, you have learned some important lessons from this. May I correct your mistakes? Would you trust Me to make the necessary adjustments and changes? Would you trust Me even to make up for time and resources that were lost as a result of this? In general, would you trust Me? You have repented for your pride and I have forgiven you. Now, rather than getting mired in the mud of failure, I would like to bring this dream to completion."


(Clare) Lord, I would love for that to happen, but I feel so sick and weary inside. Please give me back the joy of my salvation.

(Jesus) "I am using how you feel as a fast offering. You can trust My words to you, Clare. I will wipe away the tears and the heartache. Do not be so surprised that you made a mistake in judgment. You are, after all, human. You just were moving so fast; you could not pick up on My signals to you. When you did, and resolved to do something about it, there was no easy answer. But now I have taken the situation in hand and the enemy‘s attempts to stop it will no longer succeed.

"There were other factors working against you, My Love. I want you to remember how difficult things were when the road was taken away from you. You had to do major repairs to the back way, before you could even get into the Refuge in a vehicle. All of that took valuable time from the schedule and cost you a lot of money in labor, as well. So many obstacles. So many lessons. And everyone has grown from this, Beloved."

(Clare) Lord, please heal my heart; it hurts so badly.

(Jesus) "My dearest Bride, My grace is sufficient for you. Carry this cross of your failures with dignity and resolve. The enemy would strip you of a sense of accomplishment. But I say to you, you did accomplish much, and you did also do it the proper way. You do hear Me. You do seek Me. But you were so stirred up and anxious to go, you COULDN‘T hear Me warning you on this one issue.

"And remember, the enemy played with those who you trusted to be there. And the weather cowed all of you, as well. But as you can see, you can work with the weather. A little rain doesn‘t mean you can‘t work. You have also been given great favor, that the storms expected went around the mountain and never hit you."

(Clare) Oh, Jesus, it feels so good to hear Your voice.

(Jesus) "I am here to reassure you that I am not upset with you. Not in the least. And We certainly are not going to fire you!"

(Clare) Thanks, Lord. I even thought of that...

(Jesus) "My daughter, all your efforts brought forth fruit in many different ways. It‘s not all about building. But it is also about souls, and this has been a fruitful time for them.

"There are many set against you, but they do not understand Who they are fighting. They are not fighting you, Clare. They are fighting Me, just so you know the outcome. It will be total failure and defeat for them. It would have been much better for them if they had done the right thing from the beginning. But they had to learn the hard way, as well. They are fighting God.

"So, I wish for you to continue your prayers for them, because they are going to need them. Perhaps someday they will see that you can work together, and both will benefit. Because you do care for their interests, as well."

(Clare) Lord, how could I have done this better?

(Jesus) "Follow your inner instinct about people and ways of doing things. For instance, the attorney was a waste of time, because you know Me too well. I would not allow you to sue them. That was pride on your part."

(Clare) Yeah. I see that.

(Jesus) "You were impatient to get started and overlooked some signals I was sending you. You didn‘t have a quick fix for the problem, so you proceeded anyway. In short, you got ahead of Me. And you were waiting for that gate to open, when you should have just gone around it, which you finally did do.

"But I would like to say a word to those who have chosen to be your enemies. You who have set yourselves against Me. Do you really suppose you can do these things without personal

106 repercussions in your own lives? My heart for you is to bless you. But when you curse My people and stand in their way to lead a decent life on their own land, which I purchased for them, do you think I don‘t see and hear the lies and the plotting? Do you think I am too busy to defend them? You are most fortunate that they are praying for you and not hating you.

"What you sow, you will indeed reap. If you sow thorns and briars, you shall reap the fruit of the thorns and briars. You will be walled in by them. Perhaps then you will repent and turn back to Me. It is not I who curse you; it is the one you serve who stands ready to curse you when you are no longer of any use to him. I hold back the chastisements he has planned for you, hoping that you will come to your senses before it is too late.

"Indeed, it is the prayers of those you hate that protect you from the beatings Satan has in store for you. He began his career lying, and you are among the millions he has duped. Can you not see the writing on the wall for your lives? When you sell a house, you check on a person‘s credit reputation to make sure they will follow through and make all the payments. You reason, 'They have made good on previous transactions. They are honest and will make good on mine.' But you avoid those who are known to be shrewd liars and cheats, because they will rip you off.

"And yet you serve one who teaches you to be a shrewd liar and a cheat, and expect to be treated fairly at the end of your transactions with him? Yes, you even trust him. Others with a reputation for lying, you will not trust. But him? You trust? I have followed your career of evil and sent many to turn you aside from your ways. But you refuse, counting on the Liar of all Liars to make good his lying promises to you.

"You don‘t see it, do you? Your time is approaching. You will die, and Satan will not meet you with a crown of glory. Rather, he will send a band of thugs to dismember you as he watches and laughs at your naivete. The master Liar played you during your entire life—and you trusted him rather than ever suspecting that he was making promises he could not keep. Any kingdoms you have seen were projections and not real. Just the way you project your images. And they are not real. He has no kingdom prepared for you. Only the fires I have prepared for him - that is his kingdom, and that too is your lot.

"I sent this child into your midst to perhaps rescue you from your bitter ending, but you will not listen. Rather, you laugh. You are a living tragedy, and My heart breaks for your ending. And yet I hold out hope. Yes, I hold out forgiveness and love to you. But like so many other times when you turned Me down, My heart will continue to ache. Hope and mercy are running out for you."

Message 727: I am grieved over the Shallowness & Ignorance of My people

Uphold, what is right & Take a Stand for THE TRUTH

August 18, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Tonight, I asked the Lord... 'Jesus, what is on Your heart?'

Jesus began... "Your nation is going through yet another transition where prayer is imperative. Everything is stacked against your President. That is everything except Me and those who know My voice. Each day, My People, I wish for you to shoulder this burden in prayer. I am especially disappointed in the mainline churches that do not see beyond the surface and are not backing Me up. They will vote for the most socially acceptable candidates.


"Nevertheless, many of the leaders believed in Him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, for fear that they would be put out of the synagogue. For they loved praise from men more than praise from God... (John 12:42-43)

"How can you believe in Me, when you seek and receive glory and approval from one another, and yet you do not seek the glory and approval which comes from the one and only God?

"This is the root of the problem; vanity leads to unbelief. When a man‘s focus is on praise and acceptance, which foster money and power, anything that goes against the common consensus challenges their status. Therefore, they go with the flow, the common ground.

"Clare, I am not just filling the air with words so you will have a message. I am genuinely grieved over the ignorance and shallowness of My people. My sheep hear My voice, so how can I accept them as My own when they refuse to open their ears to those things that cause waves and controversy. Simply speaking, they are shut before I open My mouth, because they live by the status quo and what will bring them more acceptance, power, and money.

"But I have my faithful ones. They do hear My voice and they act on it. And these are the ones to turn the tide. Children, I do not have to tell you who to vote for. I have taught you to discern a man by his works. Examine the works of each and weigh them against Scripture and what you know is right. Then you will have your answer.

"Is it right to extract a living child from its mother‘s womb by first cutting off its limbs? If a man has no respect for an unborn child, he will have no respect for you when you become a burden, or your agenda crosses his. And as a matter of fact, that can be easily proven by the undisclosed poisoning of the American people through different operations hidden from the public.

"No man is perfect. But some are more perfect, more sincere, more capable and more honest than others. Some care about this nation. And some have the agenda of ruining it while smiling and telling the public what they want to hear.

"This whole subject makes Me sick at Heart! But I want you to know that you can discern who I would choose by examining the fruit in their lives. The fault that is found with the candidate that protects life are faults done openly, while the others do the very same thing behind your back. So, you hearken to the soft-touch diplomatic, middle-ground man who condemns what the other candidate does in the open. While they do the very same things and much, much worse, behind your back.

"A two-year-old can discern good from evil, but My people who are sold out to the system in order to live wealthy lives? They cannot bring themselves to stand against evil, lest they be excluded from the inner circles of those who are in fact evil to the core.

"Children, this is tragic. Uphold righteousness and condemn evil. Those who are not for Me are against Me. Rise up. Stand your ground.

"Pray for the lukewarm ones that want to support the status quo and have not gone deeper in their discernment because of their attachments to success and prosperity. I love you. I am with you. And I bless you now to be a shining beacon of Truth in a perverse and dark generation."

Message 728: Jesus says... The dividing Line between My Faithful & The Lost becomes sharper & clearer

August 19, 2019 - Word from Jesus thru a Prayer Warrior


Lord, we are all feeling and watching the division in the world between the dark kingdom and the Kingdom of God grow wider and clearer, almost every day. We pray that as Your faithful ones keep their eyes on You alone, You will grant us the strength to continue to stand for Truth and Your Kingdom, no matter what the World is doing. Amen.

One of our Prayer Warriors received a word from the Lord just a little while ago...

Jesus began... "The dividing line between My faithful and the lost is growing sharper, clearer, and more defined. My faithful gather lost souls to Me amid the civil strife and uproar, to take their places in My Agenda, My Kingdom, My Salvific plan for souls. This is a result of your prayers and offerings, My Bride.

"In a similar way, Satan is gathering those faithful to him, to take charge over his high places, his demon armies, and his idols.

"I want you all to fortify yourselves. What do I mean by this? Praise and worship, deep prayer and moderate fasting, reading the Scriptures and holy books. Strengthen one another by sharing what you have learned from Me with those around you who will receive it.

"Each and every one of you have learned from Me; each and every one of you have something from Me to contribute to the Kingdom. Be sure to share the Living Waters with your brethren.

"The servants of Satan cooperate with each other on the surface, but secretly undermine each other for greater position, and Satan encourages this behavior. Let it not be so among you. My people, I do NOT condone this kind of behavior, in deed or in thought.

"Repent, those of you who have taken it upon yourselves to undermine My vessels unto honor, and each other. Repent and see to your own house. I know best how to deal with My servants.

"My faithful Brides do not undermine each another, but edify My Body with fresh manna from My hand, honey from the rock, waters from the flint.

"Fortify yourselves, My people! Draw away from idols, all inordinate preoccupations that steal your time with Me. Television, entertainments, dinner parties and ice cream socials. Summer cookouts and barbecues. Forsake all inordinate affections. Satan is counting on you being unprepared when he makes his move. Deal wisely. Seek My will and obey in all things.

"Now by this, I am not talking about cutting out meaningful time with spouses, children, and family. I know what they need better than you do, and I will provide the time and opportunities for that. Only do not be consumed by it.

"Put Me and My agenda first. My faithful priests and bishops, take your stands. Set your faces like flint and your hearts to seek Me, to pray and to lift up My Body in intercession. I am your strong tower, your rock of refuge. I am the shield at your right hand, your banner and mighty fortress. The next three years will be critical.

"Beware the spirit of Division among you, and its auxiliaries... Anger, rancor, jealousy, discontent, a critical spirit. A controlling spirit, a spirit of self-will, which is rooted in pride. A religious spirit, spirits of fracture, and a party-spirit.

"Do not be attached to any of your possessions; cling only to Me. I am with you, and I love you. If you are weak, cry out to Me. I will hear, and I will help you."


Message 729: The Lord says... Parting with your own Opinions is the most difficult Thing to do

September 4, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Lord, please tell us what is on your Heart and mind.

Jesus began... ―The coming elections. It is no mystery to you that the enemy is planning many disruptions to prevent Donald from being re-elected. In the past few weeks, you have come very close to serious issues—including the start of a war. What has happened is that many of you have offered your prayers on behalf of this President, and I have allowed certain inconveniences and sickness to come along and make things more difficult for you—so that you could offer these as fast offerings. Be patient with Me, loved ones. These little offerings have turned the tide on several situations.

―I have told you before that the Rapture is not happening any time soon, and I am reaffirming that. However, the evil ones are bent on doing serious harm to the innocent, as well as using events to undermine the elections.

"What I am asking of you, My Brides, is that you remain faithful to your station in life and take these things in stride; not allowing yourselves to be derailed or side-tracked.

―And Clare, My Beloved. I know how you suffer over what you cannot do. However, you are only human. And My choice for your mind is to have it on Me, first and foremost. The flock, and then the doings with the Refuge. I have sent you competent people. You may let it go a little more every day and things will get done according to what is most necessary.

―What you must be on guard against are the spiritual attacks that will come at each of you, daily. The devils are forever looking for an open door.

―Pride is the number one door that most of you have. Self-righteousness and self-opinion are easily exploited by the enemy. Children, your number one assignment is to love Me with all of your hearts, minds, strength and being. And love your brother as yourself. Please do not let one moment pass by in which a brother or sister needs something and you do nothing.

―And when some kind of correction is needed, think three times before you open your mouth. Think... Are they in a position to hear this? Or are they discouraged? Think... Was it deliberate? Or an accident. Think... Is it really necessary to address this at all? This will prevent you from hurting another who is already struggling with life that day. Better always to complement and encourage one another than find fault.

―How beautiful it is to see you all meeting one another‘s needs! My heart exults in the love you have for one another. I have to tell you, Satan is furious that you care so much for one another! So, he is trying to plant secret judgments against others in your minds and hearts. Please do not let him spoil something so innocent and loving as these relationships. Please do not quarrel over moot points, things that have no bearing on personal holiness and brotherly love. To always be right is more often than not wrong. It is best to leave things that stir up pride and anger totally without ammunition.

―Please come to Mother Clare when you have a difficult question, rather than trying to solve it on your own. This accomplishes two things... Character and Humility in your soul - as well as benefiting others and the community by deferring to her better judgment. Doing violence to your own opinions can be a very difficult trait to overcome. But I promise you that you will be better off and more accomplished in humility when you do.

―You have been called together, because many of you are candidates for leadership in the future. But as Mother has shared with you, she only sees herself as a follower of Mine. She longs to do what I would have her do, and when you can follow well, you will easily learn to lead well.


―Each of you, My dear ones, whether you are out in the world or in school or community, can benefit greatly by learning to do the will of another over your will. Especially when you recognize that person has been put in place to lead you to higher ground.

―You may sell all you have, give to the poor, even offer your body to be martyred. But there is one thing difficult above all else to part with... The purse of your own opinion. It is best if that purse is burnt in the fires of brotherly love. Opinion is most often what the enemy uses to begin controversies. Then comes taking sides and division. Soon after that comes hard feelings, and by then Satan has formed a wedge in the midst of souls that were once of one heart and mind.

―Be tenderly compassionate with one another and forsake all occasions of rancor and division. I am asking all of you to be on guard, because the enemy is constantly setting you up for a confrontation. Mostly, you see it coming. But sometimes you don‘t, and that‘s all it takes to drive a wedge. You all come from various backgrounds, so there is plenty of room for diverse thinking.

―But if you are dwelling in My Heart, listening to My pulse, you will find there are no controversies— only brotherly love. As I said, Satan hates your care and love for one another, so he will goad you on until he finds a way to set you against your brother or sister - or even Clare.

―If you are very humble, you will quickly be warned of the enemy‘s tactics to set you against each other and run from it as a lethal gas. If you are proud, you will easily take offense and defend yourself until you have mastered your opponent. These are the choices a true Heartdweller has. May I say, in My Heart, there are no opponents. Outside My Heart, opponents are everywhere.

―But when you dwell in My Heart, the things that matter to Me most will occupy your consciousness. And you will shun a spirit of opposition and self-righteousness that stirs up hard feelings. My Blessed ones, walk in love and abandon the ways of self-seeking. For this I will reward you greatly, because I search the world for such hearts to dwell in.

―I bless you now with My Peace. Walk in these sandals of Peace and I will deliver you from the snares of the enemy. I long to have you with Me. Keep watch and stay prepared.‖

Message 730: Jesus says... I wish for you to prepare for your Death!... Pray against the planned Events

September 7, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Lord, for preparing our hearts. Please grant us the graces necessary to pray these things will not happen... Amen.

Jesus began... "My precious Heartdwellers. I wish that none should die in their sins, and for this reason I am asking you to prepare for your death. What do I mean by this? I want you to do a life review and write down any sins you have forgotten and not repented for. I want you to make peace with your families. This is so very important for you personally, and what will happen immediately after your death.

"And how they will live out the rest of their years. I wish to leave no doors open for bitterness, resentment, open wounds, false guilt, and all the other things the enemy uses to get you to swallow the hook and get reeled in. If you are at odds with anyone, please go and make peace with them for both of your sakes.


"When you leave a door open from a hurtful incident, you are setting up that person to be sifted and tormented with false guilt, or even real guilt, for the remainder of their years. Do not allow this with anyone. Rather, bring closure. There are those who will not be touched by these events if they are permitted to happen; but there are many more who will.

"I am asking of you two things... A life review with apologies and forgiveness, and fervent prayer that these events will not be permitted. There are still many, especially in suburbia, who have not responded to My pleas to live a holy life. They have turned a deaf ear and continued on their way, never taking the time to find out about their President but condemning him for his openness.

"Yes, the others do these things behind your backs, the ones that you do vote for. They murder, they steal, and they laugh you to scorn - because you go no deeper than a man‘s manner of speech. And so, they have played you very successfully.

"President Trump has not even dreamt of the kind of things these men and women do for entertainment, torturing and killing little children. Yet he is gruff and up front. Not to be taken lightly. Yes, he can be rude and crude, but nothing like what the others have made a practice of for decades; abducting, torturing, and killing children so numerous they can no longer be counted.

"If this incident is not stopped by your prayers, this is the very group that will suffer the most loss. I am calling to you, My army of intercessors, to pray this event is thwarted. Pray that My Father lifts His Hand and stops what is to be a most cruel onslaught attack on American soil.

"There is hope if you will pray. There is also hope, if you repent for the sins of your lives and repent for this nation."

Message 731: Jesus explains... False Guilt Feelings... The Demons' Tactic to paralyze you

October 8, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank you, Lord Jesus, for revealing yet another tactic of the enemy to strip us of our joy and our ability to work with you and for you.

Lord, what would You like to say to us today?

Jesus began... ―I liked very much what you were pondering earlier. So please. Go ahead and share that, and afterwards I will speak with you…‖

(Clare) Well, I was struggling today. With that vague feeling of grayness. Or sadness. Or...Guilt. Something. Really struggling with that and feeling disconnected. I always want to feel close to the Lord, or at least know that I'm clean before my God, before I do anything. And when I have that feeling, it just... It's impossible.

I'd been chasing my tail all day long, and I didn‘t see clearly what was going on until I got a Rhema reading from St. Therese‘s book... 'Mornings with St. Therese'. I opened to page 98, and it was about a sister who was spinning around on a compulsive, self-examination loop that left her paralyzed and unable to do anything or even look outside of herself.

Dear ones, this is one of Satan‘s tricks that he uses on those who live to please God. He attacks them with a case of Scruples, where they are constantly questioning what their status is with Jesus. They are looking, looking, looking for what is wrong with them and their relationship with God. And why does He seem so distant??


Well, I have to tell you. It's not 'they'; it's ME. I keep looking, looking, looking for what's wrong! This wheel keeps spinning ‗round and ‗round, like when my computer freezes and all you get is a spinning rainbow. It is impossible to break out of one of these episodes without help.

Some people live under a cloud of false guilt, constantly examining every little thing and looking back on past sins. And for them, it becomes a lifestyle. They wake up to it every morning. Sound familiar?? I confess, that has been me.

If the enemy cannot cause us to hide from God by committing a sin unto the death of our souls, he will try to paralyze us with false guilt, accusation, and a feeling of being out of synch with Jesus. And that‘s exactly what I‘ve been fighting today.

This is a true suffering, dear ones. I‘m sure many of you have fallen prey to this deception. I get the feeling that I‘m just not right with God, yet I can‘t find anything in my conscience to accuse me. Still I go ‗round and ‗round and ‗round, looking for something, anything, to repent of.

Some people call that scrupulosity, and it is common with those who fall into this compulsion to be pleasing to God 24/7. I'm not saying don't be concerned about pleasing the Lord 24/7. Yes! Be pleasing to the Lord! Absolutely. But you can fall into compulsion that causes you to get stuck and frozen in time, and you can't get out of it.

The strategy of the enemy is to prevent us from ministering to others, thinking about God, ministering to Him. It is a tactic to paralyze us and keep us from doing any good. How many times have we heard the old expression that, if we are depressed, we should go out of ourselves and start doing things for others? Of course!

That‘s exactly what we don‘t want to do when we feel insecure with the Lord. But sometimes we must just force ourselves, because what we are thinking is not conviction from Holy Spirit, but false guilt from demons. They go about lying and accusing the brethren, and unless we catch where these feelings are coming from, we can get stuck in a pit that never seems to end.

So, how do we get out of this? Obedience. Let's do the next thing set in front of us by the Lord. Let's pick up where we left off when this cloud of false guilt hit us. Let's ignore it, and keep going. Let's fulfill the duties on our plate. We will soon find that we feel much better. And, looking back, we will wonder why we delayed, stalled, and waited to do what was given us.

Lord, is it Your turn yet?

(Jesus) ―Yes, Beloved, it is My turn. You have really hit the nail on the head. This tactic of the enemy is to paralyze ministry. It often happens at a critical time, when I need you—and it turns your attention inward, when you should be happily doing what I gave you to do. And obedience is the answer.

―If nothing else, obedience to the sacrament of the moment, which will lead you out and away from this maze of confusion.

―When My Spirit convicts you of sin, you know it. You feel it deeply, and you also feel remorse. There is no question you did something that didn‘t please Me, and you feel genuine sorrow for it.

"When it is the enemy causing scrupulosity, you just can‘t quite put your finger on it, but something feels out of kilter. This is why you should check with Me before you do or buy anything, so that it can‘t be used against you later, calling into question if it was really My will in the first place.

―My dear ones, I wish for you to be filled with joy when you are working for Me. Righteousness, peace, and joy are the fruits of the working of My Spirit in your lives. The enemy seeks to steal your joy. Has it ever happened to you that you had a wonderful, fulfilling day in Me or with My work—and someone comes in at the end of the day with a sucker punch? They say something they never should have said, or they bring bad news?


―You see, Satan cannot stand to see you happy. He envies that state he once enjoyed in Heaven and has determined to destroy everyone who reminds him of what he lost. This is one reason why he attacks musicians so fiercely, aside from the fact that in Heaven he led worship. Now he has determined that music will be used to destroy life, discourage, break up marriages, and lead people into suicide.

―I want you to understand that, when you are happy and peaceful, his demons make it their business to quench the spirit and steal your joy. Therefore, when you feel this cloud of vague gloom hovering or covering you, you should know this is a spiritual attack to steal your joy and productivity.

"This is yet another reason why I command you to rejoice in Me always, and again I say rejoice! The demons cannot stand the sounds of genuine praise, worship, and thanksgiving, and this very act will send them away. But you must persevere and not allow yourself to give in to discouragement. Call upon Me at that time, and I will help you.

―Stand tall, My dear ones! Worship in spirit and in Truth and be leery of a cloud of condemnation that suddenly overtakes you, and dampens everything around you. You must earnestly declare that you will not bow to such a spirit and insist with your full intention that these demons leave, in My Name, and take their cloud with them.

"I am with you in this. You need only to call upon Me in that moment and persevere. And I will deliver you.‖

Message 732: Jesus says... I want to speak to Those, who are considering Abortion

October 21, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... ―I have said it before, and it bears repeating: your child is a priceless gift that I am fully prepared to provide for. You will lack nothing. What I have given to you I am well able to sustain. Pay no heed to the voices that tell you how much your child will cost you to raise. Each day I will provide both the physical, emotional, and mental needs of you both. Only, cherish this human being who has the DNA to change your world significantly for the better. What has been given is priceless, and will bring you more joy, wisdom, and riches than you could ever have earned on your own.

―There is a generation, that is about to grow old, that is childless because they were selfish and wanted only their freedom to make choices and live their own way without obligations. They are a pitiful lot who have no one to share their later years with. Alone, childless, and looking back on their lives, they see the emptiness they have lived.

―As others who were unselfish raised their babies and went on to have grandchildren to bring them support and comfort in their later years.

―Children, if you are considering abortion, you are considering death to your own flesh and blood. Death to your child and death to your soul—for to kill is a mortal sin unto the death of your soul. If you are considering terminating this pregnancy by killing this child, you are about to make the worst decision for your future that you could ever make.

―What is in that child is priceless beyond compare, and a gift that will accompany you in your later years, bringing you untold fulfillment and joy. You sacrificed for them when you were younger. And as a result, they will sacrifice for you as you grow older.


―If you call yourself by My Name... Christian. And you kill this child, you are quite mistaken about who you belong to. You have not given your life to Me. You have given it to the world and Satan‘s agenda. Embarrassment, poverty, lack of freedom, interrupting your career... all these things are no justification for murder.

―Repent of these thoughts, My Child. Repent and protect the life of this unborn little one.

―For those who have chosen to deal with embarrassment, inconvenience, added costs and all the things that come with a baby—I tell you the truth. This day you have chosen Life, and I am standing with you. I will provide all that you need. I will be your comfort and your strong tower. I will cull the people out of your life that are unsuitable for you. I will bring you a good husband. I will see to every one of your material needs. This and so much more I will give to you.

―Understand that this child you are carrying is very unique, one of a kind, born for this time in history. This child will be a part of the Remnant that will rebuild the world when I return. This child has gifts that span way beyond the other generations before it. Spiritual endowments that I have deliberately written into its DNA.

―What you have is a magnificent gift, not just another mouth to feed. These children will bring peace and justice into the world as no other generation has. That is why Satan is fighting to kill them. He is afraid of what is in your womb - and he has good cause to be. This child is anointed from its very conception. This child is your salvation. Not the salvation that I have won for you, but the salvation of leading a happy and fulfilling life, because the decisions you will make will be wiser and bear more fruit in the long-term than murdering this child would bring.

―Cling to them. Cling to your child. Protect it and shut down the lying tongues that are trying to seduce you into murder. Come to Me. Pray for wisdom, and I will be the father for this babe.

―I love you. I forgive you for considering death to this unborn, and I am entirely committed with all the resources of Heaven to provide for you both. I am your God, your lover, your friend - and the father you need to raise this child. Angels surround you to protect you and keep you both from harm.

―Be at peace. YOU have made the right decision.‖

Message 733: Jesus says... Always seek Me on where to live & Pray against Tragedies

October 24, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began, ―My Beloved ones, My Brides, always seek Me on where to live. It is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. To choose to please the flesh is foolishness and will not lead to a deeper walk with Me. I want to send you where you need to go to grow and serve others. Rarely does that coincide with your ideal climate. In fact, when you come to serve Me, prepare yourself for trials, because I will desensitize you to your preferences. I will send you to a location at the worst time of the year—because this is not a vacation, but a war zone.

―I need two things when I do this. Number one: I need to teach you the things that are most important to you. And things that you can only learn where I am sending you. And number two: you are needed in the location I send you. There are always souls there that are marked to be touched by you. Please do not complain when I send you to Alaska in winter and the Amazon in the summer. Of course, that is extreme. But I use it as an example to prepare your hearts to be obedient.


―The fewer attachments you have to any earthly thing, including where to live, the freer you will be to serve without distraction. Sometimes I do choose an ideal environment for both your flesh and your heart. Rejoice when that happens, but do not become too attached, because I could move you on.

―In everything you undertake, there are layers of lessons, layers of gifts and friends, layers of opportunities. Right now, Mother Clare has the opportunity to fight the darkness in her location. Her enemies make note of where she might be most vulnerable. This is a good thing, because then I use their attacks to make her stronger where she was weak.

"For you see, all things serve My purposes. The enemy imagines differently, but they cannot see nor understand the whole picture. So, they do not realize I am using them to build up My Kingdom into ever-increasing cycles of strength.‖

(Clare) I realized, wow. They didn't understand what Your death would mean at all! Or they never would have killed You. That's amazing! Just amazing. The Lord knew how He was going to use that whole scenario of His Passion. I asked the Lord... Lord, please tell me. Some around us are talking about big trials coming, etc. etc. You know, the usual speak about the bad thing that's going to happen next to change the world. Is this something I need to be concerned with? Because I haven‘t heard anything from You about this in a while.

(Jesus) ―Clare, dearest. There are many prayers going up, because My people have woken up from a deep slumber. So many more now understand the truth about their government, and they have joined hands and forces to implement changes. I am so pleased with this growing awareness and plan of action.

―Yes, there are dangers, but so much has been averted. It is as it has always been: more end-of-the- world talk, every day. More Preppers buying into provisions every day, preparing for the inevitable. Every day.

―But I want you to stay with Me in the Wedding Chamber and not indulge or concern yourself with the gossip mills.

"My prayer warriors who are faithful are awakened to the needs. But mostly, I want you all to draw so much closer to Me, because when you breathe the air of the Spirit that I breathe, you flow in and out of the prayer needs with Me. Your heart, being united to Mine, senses the pain and prays. I pray through you, even with your understanding. Even as I did today as you prayed for the children kidnapped for Satanic Ritual Abuse.

―When there is serious cause for concern, I will let you know. But until that time, be led by My Spirit to pray in unison with what My Heart is feeling. And always, always pray for your President.‖

(Clare) Jesus, do we need to prepare for something?

(Jesus) ―Prepare your heart to be closer to Mine, more in sync with Mine. This is the only preparation you need. There are so many rumors in the spirit and in the world, but until you specifically hear from Me, continue to bring your heart into deeper union with Mine. Repent for those things I bring to your mind, repent for your nation. Continue to increase your fasting and self-denial and seek only My Face and live. Do not get caught up in the endless rumors. Rather, be caught up in Me, and you will know what is important for you to know.

―My people, continue to pray against tragedy. Don‘t expect it. Rather, expect Mercy. Pray for Mercy and be free to enjoy Me in your deepening prayer times. I love you. I am with you. And I long to hold you near to My Heart.‖


Message 734: Jesus speaks about the proving Ground for God's Army Community, Training & Holiness

October 26, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Lord Jesus, for clarifying what Your call to holiness entails. So many, these days, are seeking to form holy friendships and communities, and our hearts are easily misled by the romance of wearing a habit or being a part of a Community.

But to see into the depths of this calling, and even apply it to everyday living for those still in the secular world, is a great treasure. Because it is true; anyone can lead this life right where he or she is at. Understanding the heart of the call is the key. I pray for those who long for holy friendships, that they will at last find what they are seeking... Amen.

And I have to add to this... it is really hard living in an environment where people are hostile about your faith. It is SO difficult! I know. I've lived it for years.

Jesus began... ―My dearly Beloved ones, Community is not what most people think, i.e. a place where your needs are met and there is fellowship. Community must have at its core My purposes for each of you. So many have undertaken building a Community without the right leadership or mandate, and for all the wrong reasons. In these cases, Community becomes the entity that is honored. Not Me.

"The buildings, the property, the holdings, the equipment is seen as something to hold up to others and admire. No! Never! Those things are only there to be used in My service. I am your everything; all the rest is just rubbish.

"When people begin to adore and worship the founder of a Community, they compromise the Gospels to make excuses for bad behavior of that person. Then Community becomes idolatry. The leaders are held to the same standard as any of the followers, and in truth, you are all following Me. You can feel when you are in My will. You will feel deep peace and the assurance that whatever happens is all in the plan for your sanctification.

―Everyone has something to give. But so many do not know what that is yet. So, there are seasons of trial and error. And Mother Clare‘s focus is on preparing you to go out into all the world and spread the good news.

"Yet there will be some lifetime members who have been chosen by Me to lead and form souls. Every person is equally important, from the one who hammers nails to the one who prays; to the one who receives messages from Me. Each of you were purchased with My blood. Therefore, you all have the same price tag.

"I am here to direct those who are being prepared for a ministry, so they can be birthed in their gifts. No matter how hidden they might be, those gifts will emerge in this environment and be supported by those who serve.

"Mother Clare is merely a servant, yet one I have chosen for her many weaknesses. Many will pass her by in holiness, but she will not become jealous or deal underhandedly with them. Rather, she will help me raise them up into their callings.

"There is room here for everyone‘s gifts. I have need of all your gifts, and spiritual jealousy will be worked through until you are free of it. Ask Mother Clare... she can tell you all about that."

(Clare) Right... We have discussed this in the past...

(Jesus) "I want all of you to feel secure and fulfilled in the direction I am leading you. And that is her solemn responsibility... to walk beside you and train you up in the way you should go, if you deviate

117 from the right path. In Community, you learn the art of tenderness, and appreciation for one another and supreme patience, in addition to your gifts being cultivated."

(Clare) Lord, help me. I am still having a hard time with Patience. Oh boy...

(Jesus) "There is no such thing as rivalry here, because justice breathes into the very air, as My Spirit dwells with those of one accord and each soul is honored as better than yourself. In this way, you are free to build up souls rather than tear them down to a lower level, because you are jealous and looking for their flaws to degrade them.

"This is not the world, My precious ones. This is a preparation for Heaven. And once you have made these carnal habits bow to your spirit, and exorcised them out of your life, you will find great peace and happiness, and you will be ready to teach others.

"But My dear souls, understand that sin and wrong attitudes will be discovered. They may be very painful things you never knew you had, or things you are hiding and have not wanted to deal with. But they will be exposed by My Spirit, that you may be made whole.

"My loved ones, if you are not prepared to conquer yourselves, to work hard, to suffer deprivation at times - even the cold, going without showers, eating whatever is served and living without outside entertainments. If you are not ready to renounce your own will to embrace Mine, this is not the place for you. Those who will not change for the better and get along with each other from the heart, will leave.

"Truly this is a proving ground for the army of God, and preparation to lead My people in a time of unsurpassed trial and chaos. Here you will be faced with choices to serve yourself - or die to yourself to serve another - every single day."

"But if you recognize it is beyond your desire to be conformed into My image, please, find another place. Where they are more lax and where the dying to yourself and your own opinions is not required of you. And I will be with you, to lead you upwards to your holy destination in My Grace.

"I bless you now with insight into your own true motives, dear ones, that you may make a good choice.

"The final thing I want to tell you, My People, is that this place is sweet. Brotherly love abounds and for perhaps once in your life you will find a group of people that support and believe in you and in this vision. I know you have all suffered persecution from your relatives, because of what has been taught on this Channel. But this is a place of freedom to discuss what an impact My messages have made in your lives. And the restoration of the Early Church, which is engraved deeply in My Heart. For I have given you helps to Heaven that have been stripped from your life. And this grieves Me deeply.

―These helps are written in the Scriptures, but so many do not take the time to discern them. Rather, they follow the traditions of men, the traditions of their denomination. And they don't question in any depth those traditions, an whether or not they exist in the Scriptures as a basis for practicing. And this Community has crossed boundaries. Boundaries across a religious spirit. Boundaries across denominations and non-denominations. It has crossed into a place of original purity of the Church that I founded. And in this place, you will find the freedom to explore and discuss those things that are written in the Scriptures, in a new light.

"I bless you now in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And I pray for greater impartation of My Spirit to your hearts. And to open your mind to receive Truth on a deeper level. And to prove it out, for I am with you. And I desire to give you My choicest gifts."


Message 735: Jesus says... I am for you & well able to breathe new Life into your Dreams

December 3, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord bless and keep you in His Peace, my beloved family.

Thank You, God, for Your intercessors. Oh dear family, I have not really been in touch with you for so long, and yet you continue to pray for me. Thank you so very much.

Moving was very disruptive. The one thing I longed for the most continued to elude me as one thing after another turned up missing and sent me on another wild goose chase. But I am most grateful to be here.

What a cost, though! Not being able to settle into my precious Lord‘s arms.

I want to share with you some of the difficult things the Lord has allowed. Of course, He knew ahead of time how painful it would be to not be able to settle into prayer with Him each day. And as He told us before, He timed the move to coincide with events in our nation, so it could be a suffering and love offering at the time when He was calling for the most fast offerings. When I say fast offering, I mean sacrifices of all kinds, not just food.

But in the midst of this, nagging thoughts tormented me... 'He has abandoned you because you‘ve become a full-blown Martha! He is not going to visit you or talk with you, because you‘ve not been faithful to your prayer times. In fact, you are such a sinner that He has turned His back on you, ingrate that you are.'

Day after day for the past two weeks, while I was in the throes of moving, these diabolical suggestions drifted into my mind without me ever noticing them. What resulted was a deep sense of guilt I could not quite put my finger on, yet nonetheless was so disquieting. The sweet peace of Jesus eluded me day after day and feelings of guilt brought me into a deep depression.

So, I called for prayer last night and this morning, and I was gently guided to just dwell in His presence and allow Him to pick the music by praying over my phone and setting it on shuffle. In this way, I knew that every song He brought up had a very particular and timely message for me to pull me up and out of the pit I had allowed myself to fall into.

Dear ones, when He seems furthest away, and the voices rage against you that you are a hopeless sinner whom God has abandoned. When this happens, know that the enemy is lying to you so you will fall into despair. Rebuke him, call for prayer support and turn on your faith-filled songs to comfort and guide your soul back into the sound reality that God IS with you, and is calling you back into His arms, and away from your endless preoccupations.

He knows our frame; He knows our weaknesses. He knows our tendency to listen to the enemy‘s lies without realizing we are being toyed with. He knows it all and has nothing but compassion and sweetness for us—wanting very much to restore us to His tender and secure embrace.

So, in faith I put on my music, and soon I saw Him dancing with me as in days of old. And He was so handsome, so striking and vibrant as we danced across the ballroom floor. His gaze was tenderness and love itself, and my impoverished heart just melted in His arms. He was so happy to see me, to be with me, and His countenance just glowed with happiness.

Oh, what a contrast to what I had been perceiving Him to be! Lord, I feel there is something You want to say to us.

Jesus began, ―My Beautiful Bride, when you are feeling that life has been stolen from you, that I am far away and disinterested in you, you can be sure the enemy is projecting these lies into your mind. I

119 am telling you now, in this moment of sanity and level-headed thinking, so that you will refute these thoughts when they are projected into your mind.

―Anything negative, such as, ‗The Lord is angry with me. The Lord has turned away from me. The Lord is disappointed in me.‘ All of these are lies. I know before it ever happens when you are going to fall. And My Heart is to pick you up and restore you as quickly as you will turn to Me.

―Replace these lying thoughts with My voice, ‗I am not angry with you. I want to help you through this. Come to Me. I have not turned My back to you. I am here, Beloved, to help you make the right choice. Just ask Me for help and I will answer you swiftly.'

―I am not disappointed in you. I knew before you were born exactly what you would struggle with in this moment of your life. Let Me help you.

―In short, when these evil thoughts come to you, rush into My waiting arms and cry out for My help.

―Remember, I am not a man that I should lose My patience with you. I have promised that I shall never forsake you and I am pleased that you choose to give your life to Me. These trials are only to make you stronger; let Me strengthen you.

"You have been flooded with lies about My character from childhood. The world‘s opinions have only served to strengthen this distorted view of My character. I am not a man. I am God, with you. And most of the failures in your life stem from misconceptions about My very real love for you. And who you truly are to Me.

―If only you knew for a moment the depths of My Love and respect for you. If only you knew the dreams I hold dear for you. If only you knew that I accept and approve you. If you knew these things you would soar from success to success.

"Not in a worldly or monetary sense. No, in the abundant life of living in My Presence, drawing your every breath from My very Being, swimming in the ocean of My Grace and Mercy designed just for you. Just for your shortcomings; just for those times when you haven‘t the strength to withstand any more.

―If only you knew the overwhelming abundant provision of Grace allotted to you! Oh, I cry out loud, My Precious One! I have all you need in this moment. Do not fear, do not grow weary. Look only to the hope I hold out to you. It is the substance of My love and never-ending provision for your peace and happiness.

―Come! Come to the comfort that is always enough, always warm, always loving, forgiving, accepting. And placing your feet on solid ground in a new day, with new opportunities to regain your strength and move forward into your mission, in the fullness of My grace.

―Come, Beloved ones. Fear not. I am for you and well able to breathe new life into your dreams. Come.‖

Message 736: Jesus says... Embrace the whole Truth, so that I don't have to say on that Day, I never knew you

December 4, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare


(Clare) Lord, truly, what is on Your Heart? I struggle with the foolish things men say about your teachings. I grieve over their blindness to the Scriptures. It is as though they have put their salvation into the hands of men instead of into Your hands. Oh, Lord.

And Jesus began to speak to me. And by the way, this is about encounters I have had with people who do not have the whole Gospel. They're pretty stuck on the Prosperity Gospel. They don't see the life that Jesus led, and that we're to lead the same life in this world that He led. If we suffer with Him, we will be raised with Him. And there are so many Scriptures to confirm this over and over again. But men continue to say foolish things about these teachings. And I grieve over their blindness, because it's right there in the Scriptures!

The Lord began and said, ―I am not here to beat you, dear ones. Yet I am forced to admonish you in strong words, for the sake of Truth. I ask you to examine the Scriptures to discern the fullness of their meaning. Much has been hidden from you, My People. A curtain has been drawn across certain parts of My Truth, to prevent you from being fully equipped to fight against evil in high places.

"If you read the history of America written by Americans, you will get an entirely different picture than a history written by the Native American people. And so it is with religion. If you study what the Jews have said about Christianity, you will not be given the same information you would have received if it had been written by a Christian who witnessed Me after I was raised from the dead.

"Men have their own ways and will choose, out of a body of knowledge, those things that support their theories. Men are prone to form groups around their favorite theories and doctrines, and should something contrary to that come up, they will downplay its significance and restate the strength of their own arguments.

"And so, you find the Prosperity gospel flourishing. Pain and suffering are unpleasant; prosperity and material abundance are comforting, and feed men‘s needs to be in control. To be the Master of his own destiny, wealthy, healthy. In a word, successful by worldly standards.

"And that is precisely what the Scribes and Pharisees lived. A life of privilege, material abundance, and respect. Yet they could not recognize Me when I came to them. Their standards had been corrupted by their carnal natures and surely nothing of any significance could ever come from Nazareth.

"See how agreeable people become when you speak to their comfort levels? But begin to challenge their standards. Their social standards, and their favorite theories and comfort levels - and you will immediately arouse jealousy and contentiousness.

"My people, I have called you to see Truth. Not a man‘s presentation of truth, but My Truth. I have hidden nothing from you. I came in a form undeniably different than what was anticipated of Me. I did not pander to their prosperous standards, which had seriously corrupted their morals. Rather, I came in naked and stark Truth. Proclaiming love to the outcast, healing to the sick, hope to the poor and hypocrisy to the rich who made life miserable for the poor.

"I did no political posturing, nor did I promise an abundance of riches. I confronted evil where it stood, I lowered Myself to the most miserable and poor, offering them healing and comfort. I challenged the integrity of those who saw themselves as righteous: the rich young ruler, the crafty Pharisee, and he who had the power to crucify Me.

"I came not into the chambers of the wealthy, but into the lowliness of the ox and the lamb. I died not surrounded by wealthy doctors and remedies, but in ignominy between two thieves. I had nowhere to lay My head and no tomb for My body. I could not have made a more striking statement of what was most important in life than I did in My Incarnation.

"But contrast that, My People, with your prosperity teachers who drive expensive vehicles, wear expensive suits and build elaborate churches. Contrast that to the lifestyle of a minister with a large wealthy congregation. Isn‘t that what Christian ministers dream of these days? A great auditorium, expensive speakers and lighting, climate control, comfortable seating for thousands. Is this not what is looked up to in this country and even abroad?? Is this not the symbol of success?


"But I say to you, it is not what I consider success. This is not to be praised, in My eyes. Wealth and corruption, acquisition and compromise, go hand in hand. I have called you to the simplicity and purity of the Gospels. 'Take nothing for the journey. For where your treasure is, there shall your heart be also.'

"Did I not say there was no one born of woman, greater than John the Baptist? And yet where were his sumptuous meals and fine clothing? Does it not occur to you that there is something drastically wrong with the prosperity twist on My holy and pure life? Is there not a chasm of disparity between the rich and influential and the poverty and life of condemnation of your Christ?

"So, why is it that no one acknowledges the example I lived before you all? Rather, there is the oft quoted Scripture of the abundant life? Abundant in carnal delights? Not in righteousness, peace and joy.

"Some of you withstand Me, even now. Yet I tell you, you are not walking in truth, rather in the deception of man‘s ways. You do not know Me. You do not know My ways or My life, or understand what I came to Earth to bring.

"Yet it is all before you in the Gospels from start to finish. Rather, you have chosen to be spoon fed by doctrines of men, rather than to accept the entirety of My Truth, as it is written in the Scriptures. You refuse to go back to the beginning when My Apostles taught truth. Truly you are cafeteria Christians— served up the doctrines of men while Truth is left to languish. Because your chefs had their own agenda, their favorite doctrines, which you mistook for truth because you do not know My ways or My Scriptures.

"Wake up! Wake up! Before it is too late for you. I didn‘t come to feather your nests. I came to heal, to bring peace, truth and righteousness, not material wealth, which corrupts. Again, where your treasure is, there also is your heart.

"Is your heart for the poor, the sick, the lame? Or is it for the rich, the healthy and fame? You are living a corrupted Gospel. You do not know My ways, your ways are men‘s ways. Put aside the traditions of men‘s denominations and embrace the Scriptures with all your heart, so I will not be forced to say on that day, 'I never knew you.'"

Message 737: Jesus explains... This is the true Meaning of My Birth & Christmas

December 7, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, dear Lord Jesus, for setting our hearts straight about what means the most to You. Help us to fulfill Your deepest desires for the poor... Amen.

Well, after I received the Lord in communion, I waited on Him. Then He made Himself visible to me, so happy that I was there and really paying attention... For once! Not thinking about the lists of things I needed to do.

I laid my head over His heart and He held me close, smiling, for something had been resolved this morning. Something of key importance to Him. And to me. Two days ago, I pulled a holy card from my card file that said... "Serve Me, rather than yourself." I was both puzzled and hurt that He said that, but I knew He is always right. Always. So, I took the medicine and asked Him to clarify where I had let Him down.


And I realized. In setting up this little home in the tiny chapel, I realized that I had been very busy gathering things to myself, rather than thinking of others. Perfectionist that I am, I had endless lists. And I had become very self-centered. I was so convicted and so very sorry. I confessed that and was given an absolution.

Then this morning, I awoke early. It was still dark outside, but I had just had a dream. In this dream, we were in the somewhat poor and industrial area of town and people were sitting on concrete pavements. They were poor and came to this food bank to receive supplies. I saw one woman in particular, an immigrant and possibly Jewish, with her family. They had nothing to eat and were waiting hopefully for the distribution of food. Having worked at this food bank for 20 years, I just started finding things and giving them to her.

Then I stepped into the facility itself, and there was some kind of gathering going on where all the volunteers were eating grilled sausages and other tasty foods. The whole environment was one of abundance and gaiety, while outside the poor were sitting there on the pavement with nothing. They spoke to me saying... "Would you like to purchase a plate of food?" Well, I love sausage, but I also knew that those outside had nothing. So, thinking perhaps I could share, I said... "Yes, how much is it?" They answered... "$29.95 for a plate."

I couldn‘t believe it! What? The poor are on your doorstep waiting for a scrap, and you are in here feasting with donated food and charging for it? It was obvious to me that the poor were not going to get anything. Then I woke up.

I started thinking about this dream, and then I realized the poor are being ignored. Not by some strangers, but by me. I asked the Lord right then and there, ―Do you want us to start up a food bank again?‖

I opened the Bible Promise book to HOSPITALITY. "What if a Christian does not have clothes or food? And one of you says to him... 'Goodbye, keep yourself warm and eat well.' But if you do not give him what he needs, how does that help him?"

Well, recently we had re-applied to this old food bank that we'd belonged to, and been denied membership because of an error on the form, so I figured, ―Well, that‘s that. That's a closed door. I guess we aren‘t going to distribute food from there after all.

So, I wrote it off and forgot about it. But He who hears the cry of the poor did not forget, and I had let Him down. I repented immediately and promised to make it up to Him. My mind started racing on how we could still provide low cost, but good food.

This was a breakthrough for the Lord and I, because He has not been so present to me for a while now. But now He is holding me, smiling and happy that I had accepted His invitation to take care of the poor. And something was restored between us. Something very precious.

Dear ones, I can't thank you enough for contributing so that we have something to give. How joyous it is to be able to give again to the widow and the orphan! Thank you for making it possible to both feed the community and care for the poor.

Then Jesus began speaking... ―Yes, My Darling Clare, I know you have been missing something very important to Me in your rush to set up your nest. And it gives Me great pleasure to see how quickly and wholeheartedly you have responded, even in the harshness of winter. There are those around you, Clare, that have nothing substantial to eat. My heart aches for them, and I look to My servants to supply for them.

―I want this Community to be known as one that is exceedingly generous to the poor and needy. I want this Light, this Beacon, to shine into the darkest places.

―Yes, there are many practicing witches in your area, but there is no replacement for kindness and generosity. Be My hands and feet and bring them all something to eat. I have touched the hearts of certain ones on this Channel to provide for the poor, in addition to your needs. So long as you give out, you will receive. And those steeped in deepest darkness will be touched.


―You see, My people, words are cheap. Intentions are a dime a dozen! But those who live the Gospel are rare. I am calling My little band of Franciscans to shine into one of the darkest areas of your nation. I am calling them to show mercy and love to the cruel and unlovable.

―In that Day, there will be no excuse, because My servants gave sacrificially to their needs and some did not repent. Yet others will, when they see their kindness and impartiality to all.

―There are many poor widows and grandmothers taking care of abandoned children. There are many disabled who did not qualify for assistance. There are many lonely who never get visitors, let alone anyone who will offer to help them with their propane and electricity, as well as food.

―This is what I am calling you to shine at, Clare. I want to reverse the ugly attitudes these have about Christians. I want you to show them that I am a God of Provision and Caring and I have not forgotten them.

―This is the time of year when families are spending lavish amounts of money on toys and trinkets for their children and friends. Yet when they stand before Me, they will be naked, because they did not provide for the poor. They did not prepare their hearts for My coming.

―Dear ones, Christmas is not fulfilled with a lavishly decorated tree replete with boxes and boxes of presents. That is NOT Christmas. That is unbridled Avarice and Indifference to the needs of the poor among you.

―The Satanists laugh you to scorn from Thanksgiving until New Years, because while you are so caught up in buying appropriate gifts, they are laying curses upon you and fasting for their feast of the New Year - at which time they will assemble and draw down evil upon those who are spiritually naked, blind, and poor.

―They are spiritually impoverished and uncovered because of Greed and Avarice. They have not given to the poor, so I do not defend them. Does not My Word repeat over and over again that I protect those who take care of the poor? Yet, My people are so worldly-minded that they think feasting and gift giving is what Christmas is all about.

―May I say, dear ones... Have you ever looked at My manger and wondered... ‗What was God thinking when He sent His only Begotten Son to Earth in a filthy stable?‘ Are you thinking how quaint that was? No, My people. This was not a quaint presentation of My Incarnation. Rather, it was an example for you to live a simple life that honors God, and not men.

―Everything I accomplished was done in avoidance of impressing or enlisting the support of the wealthy. Rather, I presented you with the greatest gift ever given to man, and did it without ostentation, pomp, and worldly splendor. This should tell you how to celebrate My Birth and how best to honor Me.‖

(Clare) Lord, I always have trouble with this, because what has made Christmas so special to me since I was a child was the beautiful tree and glittering presents. It left a deep impression on me: a time of mystery, joy, and something more special than any other time of the year.

(Jesus) ―My precious, when you were a child, you embraced childish things—which I have allowed in the past to bring special significance to My Birth for children. A time of joy and feasting, but with a careful eye to those who had nothing. You got it right when you taught your children to make corn husk dolls and Saints from a bare winter branch—the significance of which was that these men and women gave me their lives. So, now they live in glory with Me in Heaven. You got it right when you took food boxes to poor families.

―But now that you are an adult and a shepherdess, you must teach your people to give and honor My Birth by a sincere offering of their hearts to Me in the service of mankind. Your culture is eaten up with the cancer of Avarice, Greed and Self-Gratification. Those who have chosen to live holy lives must demonstrate something different, if anyone is to understand the significance of My Birth. I want them

124 to know that I care, I am looking in on them, I remembered them, and I love them. Give this kind of gift to the poor and you will satisfy My Heart.

―As for your own family‘s celebration of Christmas, make Me the focal point. Use an advent calendar and pray special prayers each day in preparation for My coming. Bring a Baby Jesus doll for them to hold and retell the story of My Birth. There are many precious graces during this feast. They enrich the soul and bring the children nearer to Me.

―Gather together and sing songs and tell stories that bring out the true meaning of Christmas. Oh, there are so many graces to be had when you sincerely celebrate My birth, dear ones! Make this time all about Me, not money and presents.

―And remember to give and serve the poor - passing out socks and mufflers to the homeless, bringing them hot coffee and rolls, and boxes of food for poor families. Raise the whole tone of Christmas in your lives to one of giving, not receiving.

―And I will attend to your spiritual needs as you become more and more pleasing to Me, showing the world what My Incarnation was truly about. Pray and ask for wisdom and you will receive understanding from on high. I love you. I truly, truly love you. Be My reflection to the needy, show them how much I care.‖

Message 738: Jesus says... Remove the Traditions of Men from your Heart & Seek My Truth

December 11, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You Sweet Jesus, for opening my eyes to the beauty all around me, and the great Love You have for us all.

Oh Lord, I have been so blind. Caught up in my own insecurities, not even noticing the feast you set before my eyes. How amazing You are, Lord! You have put me in a dreamy Paradise, just to pray and enjoy the stunning beauty You have created.

In the meantime, Ezekiel‘s eyesight is failing him—but more and more he sees into the unseen realms and finds himself suspended between Heaven and Earth. Last night, Heavenly worship was all around him and yet he was lucid here on Earth. No matter what he talked about or did last night, he was fully aware of the colors, sights, and sounds of Heaven. This holy gift was given to him after a time of an extremely painful episode with his body.

Heartdwellers, I must tell you. Watching and hearing him suffer this way has truly brought me down into a deep sadness, and I have sought Mary‘s intercession, knowing she has experienced this with her Son. And yet Ezekiel does not die—but over the past two years he should have died, scores of times. Rather, the Lord brings him up and out of it and bestows heavenly gifts of sight and sound in the normally unseen realms.

I have struggled to even function when these episodes happen, and then a strange state of numbness sets in, which I have to fight my way out of. Please pray for us. It is very difficult to feel totally empty, without a clue! And yet be so concerned for you, because I feel have nothing to share.

Finally, last night we got down to brass tacks and discovered that this malaise I have been feeling is an intercessory burden for Jim‘s wife, who is now in a coma in hospice care. Please pray for Jim and Jimilyn, his wife. She has seen more medical crisis in her life than anyone I‘ve ever known, and

125 miraculously come through them all. Really witnessing to the doctors. But now she is only skin and bones, and truly, I beg the Lord to relieve her of this suffering.

All of you who are praying for our nation at this critical time, please know that when you encounter any kind of suffering, you are being given an opportunity to offer the inconvenience, pain and trauma for our President and the nation. So, please do not grow despondent if contradictions just seem to spring up out of the ground. As long as your conscience is clean and you have nothing you are aware of that offended the Lord, you can, I believe, count these sufferings as Simon‘s cross offerings.

Lord, I long to hear from You and to thank You for the beauty you have surrounded us with.

Jesus began... ―My Clare, you fret so, even when you suspect these painful lulls are offerings for others. And that is why I have given you a husband who can see what you do not see. How blessed are the souls that are equally yoked in matrimony; you have one another to guide and comfort you. And yet I see your heart, Clare. There is no comfort for you in the beauty of this world if you feel distant from Me.

―I am here to tell you that I did create this unusual weather and stunning beauty to bring you comfort. Do not sadden Me, dear one, by failing to recognize this gift. I am so relieved that you acknowledged this last night as the moon beams came through the skylights. Truly, this is a precious and beautiful room that much prayer for the nations will go forth from.

―Stop condemning yourself, Clare. You have legions assigned to you to fill your head with thoughts of failure. Night and day, they pound you with lies that you are useless to Me. Stop repeating these lies. When you say, ―I feel so useless to the Lord,‖ you are parroting these demons who have been steadily eroding your faith in your mission and the gifts I‘ve given you. They are assigned in rounds to torment you with thoughts of uselessness and failure. Their entire agenda is to erase all Hope from your heart and mind. All hope of creating music, teaching, serving and loving those who long to know My love.

―You MUST put on your Helmet of Salvation and Cloak of Humility. You MUST use My Words to counter their lies. You must keep slogging through this malaise as if it didn‘t exist. I cannot guarantee you relief, because great things are done through this suffering. But I can guarantee you success if only you will fight your way through with My Holy Promises to you and the very reality you are living in.

―These assignments of uselessness and sense of wasting your life up here are all designed to send you away from the Mountain, to discourage you and the core group, and send you back to the city where you will be forever occupied with trivia.

―I need you to believe, Clare. This Placita is anointed from Heaven for prayer and no one can ruin the reality of that. Ezekiel is just now connecting with the Heavenly provision granted to this location. And those who connect with this anointing will carry it with them when they leave. It is a mystical gift to My Body. Nurture and protect it, Beloved.

―There is a history, far greater than you are aware of, in this place. Many prayers have gone forward from here in past centuries, and it is no mistake that I have planted you here and that not far away is the place called, Sipapu... Hole to the Underworld. This is a Holy Mountain, but those who come here will be tested to their very limits to persevere.‖

(Clare) Lord, what about creating music?

(Jesus) ―Cleave to Me, Beloved, and together we shall do this. My Mother also is cheering you on and looks forward with great yearning to the songs you have begun that need to be finished. Press in! The prayers of Heaven accompany you. Press in.

―And now I wish to address you, My Precious Heartdwellers, and tell you how pleased I am with you for not being fickle and wavering from this Channel. I have brought you here to mature you and lay the groundwork for Communities yet to be born.


―Here you will experience all the wiles of the devils in action as they try to sway Mother Clare from her course. Here you will see how the enemy gets a foothold into the souls who are called. Here you will experience My wisdom in dealing with souls who struggle. This is to be a Community founded on transparency, honesty, humility, love and faithfulness.

―Littleness and humility are not being taught in many popular churches, and as a result they will disintegrate in chaos when the enemy pulls out all the stops to kill a congregation. However, those of you grounded in Humility and Love will succeed in healing divisions and setting down a solid foundation, even one to carry you through the Tribulation.‖

(Clare) Lord, what have You to say about the next ten years? Because Lana Vawser has spoken about this?

(Jesus) ―This is a time of laying foundations, not of buildings, but of Holiness. What is done within the next 5-year time period, if done properly, will carry many through the Tribulation. Lana did not say that you would all be here for 10 years. I told her that these are times to set foundations for the movement of My Spirit throughout the decade.

―The time frame of five years that I gave you still stands. What I meant by that was that you, My Precious Ones, have 5 solid years to create and give life to your dreams. So please, get busy and ignore all the lies and debilitating tactics of the enemy.

―Truly, those of the darkness are intimidated by the mighty force of Christians who are arising to take back what is rightly theirs and bring the world to repentance, digging out the wells of Revival all the way back to the first century. What is false will be proven false and removed. What is true shall also be proven true to those who have ears to hear and are not blindly following trendy denominational Christianity but seeking the deeper Truths all the way back to My beginnings of the Church. Those shall have the Truth.

―My people, remove from your hearts and minds the traditions of men that stifle My Spirit and have twisted or omitted My Words from Scriptures. Go deeper. Go deeper. Go deep! Do not settle for any man‘s version of the Faith, no matter how impressive the denomination.

―Men have corrupted the Faith I handed down to the Fathers and Mothers of the Church. You who have listened to the lies and misrepresentations of My Word; you who have courted false doctrines in order to preserve your income. All of you... repent! For the time is coming when I shall no longer tolerate the lies, and your people will abandon you for those teachers who teach the entire Scriptures and not just what supports their ideas of the Christian faith.

―There is a great divide coming to My Body. Those who tolerate error and those who do not. My Spirit is moving to bring back to My People the true Faith entrusted to the Apostles, with all the graces given them, as well as all the Truths exposed throughout the ages.

―Be among those who seek the Truth, those who seek humility and a life hidden in Me. Do not stop at the opinions of men! Rather, continue on until the Truth has set you free. I will provide the discernment to sincere hearts, to those who only want to live the Truth.

"I am with you in this pursuit, and I call you to go deeper and deeper yet. And shed the shackles of the Past and embrace the entire Truth that is in My Scriptures."

Message 739: Jesus says... I search for Souls, who are very little in their own Eyes


December 12, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... "It will come as a shock to many, that nothing the world holds dear has any significance in this Community. In fact, they are well aware that the more despicable in the eyes of the world, this Placita (That means a little Place as St. Francis called the locations where the brothers lived) The more despicable in the eyes of the world, the more appropriate.

"Although I will say, My Bride has in some ways made each hermitage to be very bright during the day. And I do not fault her for this, even though tiny windows would be more appropriate.

"But by and large, I want nothing of this place to smack of the world and its refinements. Rather, I want for it to be very plain and simple. Certainly no one staying here is going to get seasonal depression. She has seen to that! (He chuckled.)

"But more in character of spirituality, I want this place to provide the bare minimum that is necessary for a chapel and hermitages, so that a visitor‘s attention will be on Me and not the fine accommodations, formidable libraries, tailored habits, and sumptuous foods that go with high-end monasteries.

"I want the spiritual attitudes also to be attitudes of poverty before Me, that all that you are and have, I have given you. All that you do not have, is because I have not given it to you. And I do not trust My treasures with those who are great in their own eyes. Littleness and poverty of spirit are to be the very heart of this place, so that the lowliest human being can feel at home here.

"It is the little ones, the poor, the rejected, the ungainly and awkward, the ones who have no status in the world—those are the ones I long to have here. SoC if you come with the agenda that you are someone important, who knows many things, who deems themselves fit to judge others, who seeks to correct the faults in the community as you perceive them, you will not last here.

"Rather, I am searching for those souls who are very little in their own eyes and tremble before My Word. And honor those authorities that I've invested. And those who wish to shed a life of self-will and embrace a life of brotherly love, devoid of judgments.

"So many I have endowed to be little nobodies. So many I have made awkward and even ugly in the eyes of the world, so they could be My very own special possession. But they have turned from the beautiful way to embrace the futility of worldly honor. So, I say to you, if you are one of the little ones, shed your inflated sense of self-worth that you have cultivated as a wall of defense, and revel in your insignificance. And I will make a home for you here."

Message 740: Jesus says... My Bride... Let Me captivate your Heart, I wait for you!

December 17, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Lord, for setting my heart and mind straight again. Please visit all the Heartdwellers with this grace, dear Lord... Amen.

Well Family, I‘m dealing with the ever-present whisperings of the demons... 'You‘re no good, you‘re a failure, you are lukewarm.' Oh, boy... As I was reaching out for His presence, He began speaking to me.

(Jesus) ―I cherish you, Clare.‖


(Clare) Oh, Lord, but why?

(Jesus) ―Because you are so very weak, so very frail, so very vulnerable. There are times when your flesh gets the better part of you—and still you do not give up. You come running to Me, asking for more grace to live a life that is truly pleasing to Me.

―When I told you that legions of evil spirits torment you with worthlessness, I was not exaggerating or over-stating the facts. Truly, they torment you by day and night—and to Me, it is a wonder that you still have the faith and courage to come to Me in the midst of your misery. And I am so very glad to see you turn your full attention to Me, knowing I am God. A God of Mercy and of tenderness towards you. And I will never fail you, My Love. Be brave, Clare. You are discovering more and more how weak and frail you are."

(Clare) Boy, that's the truth. I'm finding my limitations all the time. And they're much more frequent and much more numerous than I ever thought!

(Jesus) "Not just in body, but spiritually. You are constantly in need of more grace to make it through each day. You hunger for Me, and I hunger for you, My Love. Truly, I hunger for you, that I may wrap My arms around you and infuse you with My Love and Strength. Never fear to come near to Me. I wait for you; I relish your great confidence in My Love and Mercy.

―Oh, that souls would discover My Mercy and tenderness towards them! Oh, that all of you would run into My arms daily and drink from the Living Waters of My Love!

"You are so deficient of grace in the midst of worldly pursuits. You are all so very weak and prone to sin, and I long to strengthen you and draw you back into My heart from the cruel and relentless sin of this world. It is like an acid-eroding brass. Just one drop and you begin to disintegrate and lose your integrity. Just the smallest exposure to this toxic world weakens and destroys precious parts of you.

―There is nothing in that world, My dearly loved ones, that will bring you happiness and satisfaction. You will shop and buy, eat and drink, unwrap your new toys. And still, at the end of the evening, still you will feel empty because nothing in this world can replace My love and fellowship with you.

―Do not be discouraged by your frailties, My beautiful ones. Do not grow despondent over your weaknesses and failures. Rather, turn your teary eyes to Me. I am here, waiting by your side. Waiting for you to discover your extreme poverty and need for My touch.

―I long to pour My love into you, that you may flourish spiritually, overflowing into this sin-sick world. Turn to Me. Turn to Me always when you discover your emptiness, your nothingness. And allow Me to create a new heart in you. A heart that will leave off with the world and all it represents. A heart that will loathe earthly things and accomplishments. A heart that will hunger after just one drop of love from Me. Just one glance and the world fades from view.

―This is the gift I wish for My Bride during the season of My Nativity. I wish to fill her to overflowing with My very real and concerned love. A love that engages all facets of her life, all her likes and dislikes; all her hopes, dreams and even fears. A love that she will confidently cleave to as her only source of life and joy.

―How empty are the malls and restaurants! How empty the boxes and decorations! Without My touch, My very tender and real touch, all these things are worthless to bring you peace and happiness. They only engender a lust for more, or a later model, the latest upgrade. And on and on... never satisfying.

―But for those who choose to sit in My presence and accompany Me, praying for others, confessing their neediness. Oh, for those souls there are coffers of graces waiting to be opened to them! There they will find the finest wines, the satiating food! Yes, in Me, all that you need flows freely at your request. Your poverty draws down rivers of grace. Your confessions of shortcomings and sins pierce My heart, and I cannot resist coming to heal and forgive you. I cannot resist lavishing My Love on you.

―And I know that whatever I do for My faithful Bride, she will in turn do for others, and the world will come to know Me and the life-giving delights of forsaking the world to dwell in My Presence.


―Yes, there is a perfume that exudes from those who have given up the world in favor of My company. All of Creation recognizes this fragrance—and the devils detest it. Therefore, they devise ways to steal it from you, to convince you it is only a passing fancy, that only the ‗real‘ world matters.

"And after all, I am not real at all, not as real as that new car or suit or dress or computer. Oh, My dear ones, so many of you have fallen into lukewarmness, because of your preoccupation with the world and its ways.

―Please, My dear ones. I beckon to you. Come away with Me into the quiet place. Pour forth your heart upon Mine, that I might encourage and instruct you. That I might equip you to dream and follow those dreams.

―But mostly, My Beloved ones, that you may receive the fullness of My love into your hearts and cease your empty wanderings into a world that seems so bright and shiny, but has nothing of any worth to offer you.

―Please, My Sister, My Bride. Come away with Me to a deserted place and allow Me to captivate your heart. I wait for you.‖

Message 741: Jesus says... I am very pleased with the Video Series 'THE CHOSEN'

December 19, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Lord, for the wonderful workings of Your Holy Spirit in this film, The Chosen.

My precious family, I want to share a wonderful movie with you. It has really confirmed in living color the kind of Love that Jesus has for each of us. It also portrays Him as a true human who has affection and humor and all the normal feelings we have. They really did a wonderful job on His character; it so mirrors Our Heavenly Spouse with all His feelings and ways of dealing with people. It has brought me great comfort, consolation, and confirmation of Who He is to me.

Of course, there are nay-sayers who argue, ―But that‘s not in Scripture!‖ Well, it may not be perfectly accurate in every detail, but it is true to the Spirit of the Gospels.

For instance, in the episode that reveals that a young Pharisee had John the Baptist arrested. That does not conform to what we know from the Gospels, but it does bring out the blindness leading them into jealousy and anger, as well as the religious spirits that motivated their condemnation of Jesus.

So, while this film is not accurate as to some of the details of why John was arrested, it was accurate to the spirit of the Gospels, which portrays the Pharisees as jealous, petty, and blind.

Just recently, the Lord talked about how He wanted Christians to celebrate Christmas. And I believe watching segments from this series every night is a wonderful way to prepare our hearts for His birth. I learned so much about Hebrew ways, how weddings are conducted, the different tensions in life that came to bear on the fishermen when Jesus worked the miracle of the fish. Which got Peter out of hot water on taxes that could have cost him his home and fishing boats.

The background and fleshing out of the tensions of living in that time sheds so much light on a probable reason Jesus chose to work each of His miracles.

Lord, what is on Your Heart?


Jesus began, ―I am well pleased with this series, which will change the way people think about Me. That is the most important thing to Me, Clare. For so long, they have seen Me as stoic and uncaring in the trials of their everyday life. At last, they will see an accurate representation of how I interacted with the sick, the unclean, My disciples. And yes, even that brood of vipers, the Pharisees.

"My children, I would prefer that you put away your religious spirits once and for all, and let Me communicate to the world Who I truly Am. For ages and ages, I have been seen as harsh, judgmental, distant and demanding. No, this is not the case! I came to bring you more abundant life, and what I mean by that is the richness of dwelling in union with your God.

"The fear of approaching Me, that Satan has ingrained in people who especially have had harsh fathers, parents, officials, and pedophile preachers, has caused untold numbers of people to turn their backs on Me. They could not conceive of Me as being loving and approachable, because of the behavior of authority figures. At last, I am being portrayed truly as I am.

"This series is straight from Heaven and will draw many souls to Me, who before hated Me with no real reason.

"Please, My people. Do not degrade or discourage people from viewing this movie. Please encourage and be My Love working through you to them. This is sorely needed in this time and season, as many souls perish because they swallowed the lies Satan has saturated them with through authority figures in their lives.

"Work with Me, My people. Help to bring in the harvest. Do not pick at nits and swallow camels! Rather, see the message in this series as something that can finally break the icy feeling people have towards Me.

"Satan has propagated more lies about Me in this generation. We, together, must do everything we can to refute them and support those in the media arts who have My Heart for souls.

"And when they see you fighting and bickering with other Christians over details in good films about Me, do you think that draws the lost to Me?? No, it only reinforces their suspicions about Christians— that they are critical. Hypercritical. Even hypocritical of even their own kind, let alone those who are not saved. Where is My Love conveyed in this?

"I need tenderness from you, My people. I need encouragement and affirmation of others to fulfill the number one calling card to the faith... 'They will know you are Christians by your love.'

"So, love one another tenderly and from the heart. Encourage viewing of holy films. Swallow your pride and tendency to find fault with every little jot and tittle. Repent for turning others away from something I anointed to bring them in. Do not take part in the venom of the Pharisees, for they will receive the very harshest punishments for killing souls."

Message 742: Jesus says... You go your own Way & Then you wonder... Why did I fail?

December 20, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Jesus, for allowing me to see my nothingness. I have new hope, knowing that You alone can do what is required. And I finally recognize my very real poverty.


Lord, I see that I am still trying to do things in my own power, on my own. As I struggle with settling in and organizing, I see that I have very little control over letting go. Letting the mess go. I still feel the compulsion to organize more, so I can find things more easily. Yet, I am sick of STUFF! All I want is to be with You and the souls who need me. Yet, I find that this compulsion to organize is constantly inserting itself against You. And I'm at war. It reminds me very much of what St. Paul said, when he said I do the things I wish I wouldn't do. And I don't do the things I wish I would do!

(Jesus) ―Clare, you need functional organization, but the bare minimum. You see, you have so much it owns you, My Love. Use late afternoon to complete these details but give Me the very best time of the day and ignore them until later. This I will assist you in.‖

(Clare) Well, Lord, what is mostly on my heart is getting free to work with music. I don‘t seem to be able to do that. And now I recognize I have been trying to do that. I am laying this at Your holy feet, Lord, with the confession that I cannot do this. I cannot rule over my time to accomplish this. I am coming to You in utter poverty to do at all!

Jesus, I am counting on You. I give this to You. No longer can I try on my own. I can only acknowledge my weakness and give it to You.

From your Mercy, Lord, I expect wonders. It is only Your grace and mercy that can deliver me from this quicksand I call my life. I don‘t want this to be my life any more, because I have nothing to contribute. All I can say is that my ‗life,‘ my attempts—even my very best attempts— are failures without Your major intervention.

I am laying this broken toy at Your feet, Jesus, and begging you to have mercy on me. For in my own strength, I have done nothing. Only You can make this happen.

Oh, Jesus, change my heart, so I am no longer captive to my flesh! Please, Lord, change my heart! Use my time wisely. I lay it at Your feet. You are the only One who can resurrect this broken dream. Show me the way out of this morass of self-will and lead me to freedom.

My heart is bursting with desire to fulfill Your will in this. And I am finally, thoroughly, convinced I cannot do anything with my own resolve unless it is empowered and sustained totally by Your merciful provision of grace. I recognize that I have been trying to do this. I recognize I have not acknowledged my complete and utter dependence on You, but rather I have tried...

When what I should have done is take another honest look at my profound emptiness, calculate exactly what I could expect from myself, and acknowledge that to be nothing. Not one thing of any value. I cannot do it. I acknowledge that.

Lord, I am but a lump of animated clay, totally reliant on Your breath of Life.

I have deceived myself in thinking that I‘ll get it together today, tomorrow, next week. The fact is, I can‘t get it together. So, I am coming to You bankrupt and begging You to take over! Lead me by Your grace and mercy to make up for my lack and shortcomings. Please, Jesus. Accomplish Your will in my poor life.

(Jesus) ―You have spoken well, My very little Clare. You are seeing the Truth now. You are, for the first time, plumbing the depths of Truth and seeing that what I have laid before you is not possible, nor is it within your reach on your own. I sympathize with you, Dearest. I know the depths of your pain and frustration, and you have made a wise choice.‖

(Clare) Lord, I do not always know what You want from hour to hour. Some, who are more spiritually attuned say that they know what You want of them from minute to minute. I confess, I don‘t. I know that that poison of self-will is strong in me, and I long for You to take it from me - if only You will.

(Jesus) ―I receive from you, your will. This will take time: but remember. I do not work through you as I do with some who are convinced they hear Me say 'go here, go there, do this now, do that.' And it is not for you to judge if they are accurate, or if I am truly speaking to them. But I assure you, accuracy eludes even them at times, or they would be ruined by arrogance and self-confidence.


―You see, My Love, even in hearing My voice, you are all subject to error. Some who wish to be seen as self-sufficiently in My will, by their own power, are gravely deceived. I must allow the fruit in their lives to ripen before they will even suspect how far they have strayed. Some wish to be independent, head-strong, self-sufficient, without error. But because I love them, I will allow this error only so long as it is necessary—and then I will remove the veil of Pride and Ignorance and they shall once more be broken and truly dependent on Me, and the very least of all in their own eyes.

―That is why you cannot address this when you see it in a soul. I must work with them until they are ready, and the fruit, being rotten, reveals there is error in their ways. Until then, be patient, My Love."

(Clare) And here, He's talking to me about a certain situation that I know I cannot do anything for but pray.

(Jesus) ―But you have come to Me fully aware of your fault of being self-sufficient, being able to do this, having self-control and wisdom, etc. etc. You have seen yourself, and while it is painful and stripping away all confidence in your own ways, it is marvelously fruitful.‖

(Clare) Lord, I suspect vain glory here. And I felt that way because I could see that... He was talking about another soul, and I didn't want to fall into judgment over that soul.

(Jesus) ―Look to your covering, Clare. What has he told you?"

(Clare) Yeah, and he has confirmed what I am feeling, and what the Lord is talking about.

(Jesus) "I am merely fleshing out for you the fault all of you on Earth have at some time in your lives. And some, multiple times in their lives, because it takes repetition and maturity to really ‗get it.‘

―You have come to Me naked, blind and poor. Then, shall I turn you away? Shall I say to you ‗keep trying with your own wisdom‘? Or should I not acknowledge your very honest confession that you indeed have been trying to do this on your own? I am so glad you are seeing this! You thought you saw it before, but truly, you didn‘t or your actions would have brought forth good fruit. But you stand before Me now empty-handed, bankrupt, and looking only to Me as Your Savior. Shall I not reward this with My intervention?

―Oh, My People. You do so much in your own power. You are convinced that I am with you. And I do accompany you, but you never reach the depths of your neediness before Me. Rather, you acknowledge the Gospel premises that you can do nothing without abiding in the vine - but then you turn and go your own way, in your own strength, and you wonder... 'Why did I fail?'

―I tell you truly, just as Clare has failed, so have you - because you do not acknowledge the depths of your absolute emptiness and bankruptcy. The Christian soul who thinks they can do anything, because they are competent, is deluded. And sooner or later will suffer crushing defeat. The soul that trembles before My words and comes to Me on bent knee, confessing their faults and insufficiency— that soul will receive the graces they need to succeed.

―For some it is impossibly hard to acknowledge their weaknesses and failures in life. So, they find strength in self-help books, and launch out on their own - this time laying the groundwork and better preparation.

"However, those who do not wait on Me to provide the inspiration, guidance, and help will never reach their full Christian potential I created them for. The ones who will most succeed are the littlest ones that tremble at My word.

"Sure, you can see others accomplish great things while they congratulate themselves and bask in their own shadow. And they may accomplish a goal, but their character will suffer.

"I want you to succeed at things while growing in greater humility and dependence on Me. I want you to demonstrate to the world that I can do whatever I choose to do through souls who will cooperate,

133 no matter how little they are in the eyes of the world.

―You see, the goal in life is not to succeed at enterprises. The goal is to grow in holiness and love of your brother, to prepare yourself for Heaven while taking others with you. When these two dynamics are satisfied, then no matter if you failed in the eyes of the world, you indeed succeeded.

―I have seen your poverty all along, Clare. I have seen the compulsions that cause you to go off course. And with your sincere confession of helplessness, I am moved to pity. And by My grace and your obedient efforts, I will cause you to finish the songs and do even more before taking you to Myself. But most of all, My dear one, I want you to remain as helpless as a little child before Me, constantly praying and relying on Me alone. In this way, you will remain irresistible to Me, and together our music will touch the hearts of those who yearn for greater depths with Me.

―But here I must warn you, Dearest. Do not compare yourself to other recording artists. Fly on My inspiration alone, and leave off with looking at the ways of others. Rather, look to Me, Clare. Look to Me and we will explore the sounds of love together.

"Look also to My Mother to help you arrange your time and anoint your voice. She has a major impact on your music that you are not aware of. Her peace, protection, and profound gentleness will infuse our music with another lovely dimension. She is always with you, always solicitous for you and wanting you to succeed, with all her heart.

―One final word: leave off with condemning yourself. You have been through an enormous trial lately, taking care of the souls who come to the Refuge. Building, organizing, and moving your life up into this Heaven-blest seclusion. Do not downgrade yourself for being absent to music. You have had your hands full, and you are not Superwoman.

"You are just My little Clare, barely out of diapers. Wide-eyed with the wonder of this place, while being responsible to provide order and direction. That is more than most could ever get done. But because you abide in the Vine, things do fall into order.

―Yet this is a new season of complete dependence on Me to bless our music and bring forth comfort to the nations. I am with you, Dearest one.

―And I am with all of you Heartdwellers who have abandoned yourselves to Me and rightly see yourselves as very, very little and insignificant. This I will bless. This is Humility, and it is the bedrock that will support your house as it grows into something beautiful for God.‖

Message 743: Jesus says... To be drafted into the Service of Almighty God is no little Thing

December 26, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... "My Love. I demand everything you have, because I gave you everything I had. It is not a little thing to be drafted into the service of the Almighty God. There is a cost, My Precious One. There is a very great cost. And you have numerous times committed your life into My hands. Do I not know what I am doing? Do I not know your breaking point?

"Yes. To defend My honor and propagate My Kingdom Come here on Earth, as it is in Heaven requires even more vigorous training than the Navy Seals. But it is your love for Me that caused you to make this sacrifice. Do you wish Me to return it to you? Please. Pause and think about this."


(Clare) Lord, I can't pause. There's no way I can say no to You! At least, in this thing. Chocolate temptations... well. That could be a different matter... Jesus lifted my chin with His index finger and said, teary-eyed...

(Jesus) "I'm sorry. I'm sorry this hurts you so much. But I am here with you. I hurt very much for you. But all of us must keep going. There is too much at stake, Clare. Way too much at stake.

"I know your life feels like a nightmare sometimes. I know the feeling well. I know it seems to last forever. But there is an end in sight. You are bearing the weight of the world in your own little way right now, My Dove. Do not allow it to crush you. Because I am bearing the weight of both of you, and the world. I just need your cooperation so very badly! I need you to come to the end of your end, so you will know that with Me there is never an end.

"My Grace always meets you where your strength leaves off. That's why we're talking now, rather than you asking Me to relieve you of the burden. Just a little ways more, Clare. Just a little ways more."

(Clare) Lord, I know it isn't going to get easier. How can You say just a little ways more?

(Jesus) "Because you are growing in strength and will not feel today's burdens exhausting. You will grow in strength. I will infuse you with more strength, because you want to be perfect. You want to be a Saint. And you want to love Me as I deserve. For these reasons I tell you this."

(Clare) Lord, I am but a B- student. I have always been. I cannot see anything greater than that.

(Jesus) "And yet you are ignoring My Grace and what it can do. Many times, I have told you, 'Do not try to solve tomorrow's problems today.'"

(Clare) Yes - but today's problems. The physical pain in my body. The pain of hearing Ezekiel cry out in agony. The pain of frustration that I am up against a technical nightmare, with no-one to help. And it all hits me just when I feel the inspiration of a new song! It's as if I've climbed Mt. Everest! And I'm about to reach the final foot to the top...and a gust of wind blows me back down into the valley again. How many times must I be cast down, Lord? When I'm trying so hard to act in obedience? How many times?

(Jesus) "I did not stop. And so, you mustn't stop, either. Keep reaching for the goal. Not striving but poising yourself to receive the wind of My Grace. which will empower you to overcome these setbacks. I am merely making you stronger, Clare. Do you understand? When you are working a muscle, it hurts at first. But if you persevere, then comes the breakthrough. And this height is clear, fresh. Beautiful. Inspiring. And once more, it's taking others on their journey closer to Me.

"In the very same way I used Jean Watson and John Michael Talbot to inspire you with their music. In that very same way, they suffered and overcame the obstacles. So, they were given the songs to strengthen. You, in turn, shall strengthen others, My Love. Your music will heal and inspire, just as theirs does. But yours will be singularly yours, as theirs is singularly theirs.

"But in order to communicate this strength and anointing, this Faith and Hope - you too must travel the road of suffering with Me."

(Clare) Lord, in this moment I have nothing left. Not one ounce of strength. Not one ray of Hope.

(Jesus) "That's not true. You have Me and My strength and confidence in you. That is enough. Remember, the weaker the vessel, the more I am glorified. You are pitiably weak, My very little one. But you know Me. And you know I will not let you down. So, you keep going, despite all the conflicting emotions. You sweep them to the side and continue walking. And that is all I need from you, Clare. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Do not stop until we've reached our destination."

(Clare) Lord, I know You don't like sour saints. What kind of witness am I in this state? I'm truly ashamed of myself.


(Jesus) "Never be ashamed of your human estate. Never. Only be ashamed if you turn your back on Me. As long as you continue walking, falling. Getting up. Walking. Falling - getting up. As long as you conquer your Fears and exhaustion and keep walking. Rest. Get up. Walk. And as long as you are faithful to do this, you will win the Race. So keep on keeping on!

"I know when you must take leave of Me to rest. I recharge your resolve and batteries when you wait on Me that way. In blind Faith, knowing that I will never allow you to be put to shame. As long as you do that, we are working together. And nothing in or out of this world can stop us.

"So, carry on, My Love. Carry on in the heaviness, darkness, and pain. Great is your reward in Heaven, Clare. Very great is your reward. But knowing that means nothing to you. Great is My happiness in you, Clare. Very great is My joy over your steadfast commitment.

"Now, carry on, Beloved. But first, rest."

Message 744: Jesus says... Use your Voice & Prayers to change this dishonorable Practice

mber 27, 2019 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Lord, for opening our eyes and our hearts to this travesty. Please give us an intercessor‘s heart for these and help us to be faithful in prayer... Amen.

The Lord bless you with His sweet presence, Heartdwellers. Ezekiel went into a very severe travail yesterday over the situation at our Mexican border. Men, women, and children have drowned trying to cross.

And if they do make it, they are separated from their parents and held in some holding facilities that have beds. But mostly held in facilities with only concrete floors, and they're fenced in like a prison would be, with nothing more to sleep with than one of those foil blankets. Ezekiel had a vivid image play in his head during the worst of this travail.

A man, his wife, and two daughters were trying to cross the Rio Grande, when his wife and one daughter were carried away by the strong current and drowned. Then he was arrested with his 4- year-old, who was taken from him and kept in a separate detention area. His child had just witnessed the death of his mother and sister and was sick with a chronic upper respiratory infection. But he was not given medical aid and died a few days later.

After this, Ezekiel saw Mary at the foot of the Cross with many children, weeping and pleading with her Son. There was a Scripture that ran across the screen like a tickertape saying, ―Rachel, mourning for her children, but they are no more.‖

My God! My God! How can such heinous things happen in our nation! This is a disgrace to humanity, and this case is only one of hundreds who tried to cross the river and died. I read of another on USA Today, where a father and his toddler tried to cross. He had tucked the boy safely within his shirt, but while attempting to cross, they both drowned and their bodies were discovered later on, on the riverbank, still with the baby cuddled up next to his dead father.

Dear ones, I am asking you to pray with all your hearts that this horrible situation will be stopped. Apparently, Obama signed into law that children should be taken from their parents and kept separately. One does not need a full color picture to take it to the next level: how many Satanists are being supplied with children?


I am asking you to pray for this situation. They have, up to date, supposedly 6,000 children separated from their parents. Some, they are holding for months and not returning to their parents. A blessed number are, but far too many are being held. Why would anyone separate children from their parents? WHY?!

Apparently, President Trump suspended the order to separate the children from their parents, but there are still gross indignities being done to them.

One man and his daughter were separated, she was put in foster care and raped, then returned to her father in Honduras. She is so shell-shocked she will not even look at her father, according to a report.

If you Google 'migrant children from Mexico separated from parents', or 'migrant children detained', you will be appalled at what is taking place. Many are put in prisons meant for men, and given no medical care, hygiene supplies, beds, blankets, or decent things to occupy their time with. They are also being drugged to keep them sedated and manageable. What a humanitarian crisis this is!

Lord, what are we to do?

Jesus began... ―Many of these children are dying, Clare. Being trafficked and scarred for life. I need your prayers for them, because there are concerned parties who are taking action to help. But the original intention was to supply traffickers and Satanists with victims.

―American people, rise up and come against this atrocious action on the part of your nation. Do you know the consequences of such acts? Have I not told you, you shall not oppress an alien among you.‖

―American people, this is a serious breach of justice that brings down the wrath of the Father upon this nation. Those who approve this practice have opened the door to be throttled by Satan. Use your voice and your prayers to change this dishonorable practice. So much judgment is hanging in the scales against your country, because of such things.

"Yes, I know this deliberate influx of aliens is meant to weaken the country. But what I say to you is that I will make it abound to you as a blessing, if you treat them with the same respect you treat your own children.

―Yes. I can turn your curse into a blessing - but I will do it My way. What is being done is wrong. But two wrongs do not make a right! And as My people, you are accountable for what goes on unhindered in your nation.

―So, I am asking you at the very least to shoulder this prayer burden, knowing that you, tomorrow, could be in the very same place as these migrants. Were I to allow Yellowstone to explode, your country would be devastated - and you would all be migrating to Mexico.

―So, pay attention My Beloved ones, and do not turn a deaf ear or blind eye to their plight.‖

Message 745: Jesus says... Entanglements hinder your Life Goals... Come, be free & fly

January 1, 2020 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Lord, I confess, I am weak. Thank You, Jesus, for showing us the path to the abundant life and fulfillment of our life goals with You. Oh Lord, I miss you so much. Please speak to me.


Jesus began... ―I‘ve been waiting for you, My Bride. I‘ve been waiting until you finished getting done all the things you thought were more important than Me. Oh, Clare, My tender one. You are very, very weak. Ask to be strengthened against distractions. That is your downfall.‖

(Clare) I understand what You're saying, Lord. And I feel like that Community leader that was called to higher things but kept sliding down the roof on the shingles. He kept climbing and trying to do what he was supposed to do, but he could only get so far and then he slid back down again. I feel very much like that.

(Jesus) ―That is a very graphic example of the way most lead their lives. Beloved, if you want to break out of this pattern, you must try harder. Be more conscious of what you spend time on. Those little pricks of your conscience, especially when you go online—the ones that tell you, ‗Uhn Uh!‘ Just the way you talk to your animals. They obey you better than you obey Me! But I am not here to tear you down, My sweet spouse. I am here to strengthen you.

―Clare, you know the danger areas of your life, occasions of sin. Please be more careful and do not open doors by judging. What you are struggling with now in a relationship is taking much of your emotional energy. And no matter how dear a soul is to you, you must learn detachment— or you will find yourself fruitless, because you got stuck on one area of your life. Better for you to unite them to the Eucharist, asking Me to heal it, then let it go and move on.

―Compassion is what is needed. After that, Patience. All things will be brought out into the open in My good timing. But for now, lift your heart to Heaven on their behalf, as you have done, and then release it. This is My work, and I alone know how things must be accomplished and revealed.

―And to all of you Heartdwellers, My dear ones. Do not allow yourselves to get entangled in relationships that are not going well. In many cases, it is merely a matter of time before things either get worse or better. But stay out of judgment, pray and commit to Me the matters of your hearts.

―I am well aware of the tactics of the enemy to snag you away from other issues in your lives that need attention—and are not getting it, because your emotions are tangled up in a breakdown of a relationship. Do what you can to help the situation, then let it go. I will tend to it.

―Do you not know that matters of your heart are matters of My Heart, as well? Well, they are. And I am acutely aware of how you are hurting when relationships become strained. I already have the solution well in hand. If you interfere, you could make it worse, you know? So, pray with compassion, and lay it at My feet, for I already have it covered.

―Now, I wish to speak with you about detachment. Basically, the more attachments—emotional, financial, and otherwise—that you have, the more opportunities Satan has to sift you. Therefore, part of the art of living in freedom from entanglements is to get detached.

"There is nothing in your life that you can‘t afford to lose - except your relationship with Me. If I remove someone or something, it is because it is in your way. Or you are in their way. Therefore trust Me with everything and wean yourself away from depending on anything or anyone else but Me.

―I want your hearts to be free to fly! And if you are attached to the feelings of others, their problems and needs, unless it is a family member for whom you are responsible, it becomes a distraction that pulls you away from the work you really need to do.

"This is why some very devout Christians choose a monastic lifestyle. Free from entanglements, their hearts are focused upon prayer for the world. In days gone by, many widows chose to enter the monastery, because they were quite finished with the world and all its pomps and empty glories.

"Blessed is the soul who chooses this life when they are young, for they shall be rewarded with a greater intimacy with Me. Contrary to the lies of Satan, that you are hiding from the world if you choose this, the reality is that from a life of prayer you live at the hub of the wheel of the world. And your prayers go out through all the spokes of the wheel and have a great impact, although you will never receive any credit for them in this life.


―Dear ones, look back on all your involvements during Christmas. Did you get closer to Me? Did you spend time at the manger in your heart? Or was it all about shopping and money?

―The greatest gift you can give your children is your visible love for Me. When you demonstrate that singular love for Me, they see and feel the effects of it as an indelible imprint upon their hearts for life. They will remember how you always honored God. And even if they choose the world, the day will come when it loses its attraction, and then they will seek the deeper things.

"The greatest gift you can give them is the example you set by single-hearted devotion to Me, and setting the boundary against worldly things far from your hearts. This, indeed, will please Me, and someday bring forth fruit in your children.

―So, the entanglements I have spoken of here are of two kinds. One is relationships that become stressed and that you spend too much time hurting over. Here, I want you to develop healthy agape love detachment by bringing them to Me and letting Me work it out in My capable hands.

"The other is avoiding the seduction of things in the world. Even as I have said before, food and clothing are the necessary things of life. And as you follow Me and do not step out into the world, seeking your own, I will provide for you these basic necessities.

―My Brides, let your deeds be unselfish to the poor and needy, and I will guard you from many temptations in the world. I am coming soon, My Blessed ones. Keep your lamps trimmed and burning.‖

Message 746: Jesus explains... Depression, deceived Christians & Donald Trump's Role

January 3, 2020 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Jesus, thank you for Your words of encouragement and the graces You are so ready to give us in our poverty. Thank you so much. May all my Heartdwellers receive comfort from this message.

Oh, my precious Family. Lately, I feel as though all the blood has been drained from my body. I‘m really struggling with fatigue, which always puts a damper on things that normally excite me. But I am grateful to God that my recording equipment is back working, so I can work more with music and record messages to you.

So, I came to the Lord - gut honest. He knows I can‘t hide anything from Him. And He explained many things to me that I can share with you. I had just finished the Lord‘s Supper and I heard Him say that He wanted to speak with me. To be honest with you, I was avoiding Him, because I felt so badly about myself lately. And I have also been weary and flat-lined lately. And of course, I thought He didn‘t want to speak to me.

Yes... I get that foolish that I believe such lies from the enemy. See there? There is hope for you! Substantial hope. Lord, You wanted to speak to me?

Jesus began... ―There are many things I wish to say to you, Beloved. Please do not give up on Me. A time is coming when you will feel better. Your body is still adjusting. I know how you are feeling - because I dwell in you. I grieve with you. But do not give up! Better days are coming.‖

(Clare) Jesus, I really miss the hot tub. I feel so pained and achy and drained without it.

(Jesus) ―It was a sacrifice. I do wish you would do without it.‖


(Clare) I would like to fulfill that wish, but I am not strong enough without more grace. You know I want to give up.

(Jesus) ―Don‘t ever give up. You are not a quitter.‖

(Clare) But You have yet to make me stronger. Every day is a struggle just to sit up and walk. Lord, I am oh so very tired, and yet I want to do all you‘ve set before me. The prospects are exciting, but I feel like a withered tree with no sap.

(Jesus) ―I‘m here with you. And I know how you feel.‖

(Clare) How can I be an example of poverty with a hot tub?

(Jesus) ―That is rather contradictory.‖

(Clare) Oh, Lord - that‘s not what I wanted to hear You say! I feel good for perhaps 2 hours a day. I used to be good for 6 or 8? Please, please, please help me, Lord. Don‘t let me go on this way. I hardly feel that I can live another day.

(Jesus) ―These are extraordinary times, requiring extraordinary sacrifices. I am equipping you, even as we speak. I promise you, it is going to get better.‖

(Clare) So, I thought to myself... 'Jesus said it is going to get better. Jesus said it is going to get better. Jesus said it is going to get better. What does that mean? It‘s going to get better, of course!' Lord, I receive Your words, but please take this depression from me! It is so heavy and hopeless. Please?

(Jesus) ―There are many suffering through depression right now. Medication is not the answer. This is being allowed as a very heavy burden for your government and the world. Only say the word, ‗Father, in Jesus‘ Name, please help our government.‘ And I take that as a solemn request and prayer that needs something to back it up. In fact, all you have to do is sigh. And immediately, I understand what it is you're grieving for. And I take that as a prayer, as well.

"This depression you're suffering through is like walking through rubber cement; it is very tedious. Yet the wheels of grace are turning behind the scenes, and progress in the right direction is being made.

―You cannot trust anything you read in the mainstream media. Those who put their trust in this kind of reporting are deeply deceived. Only those who care to dig deeper, and even want a Christian nation, are seeking the truth and understanding the real situation.

―My People, this is a very difficult season. Many have found themselves depleted of energy and motivation. This is a supreme sacrifice, a cross I wish for you to carry and dedicate to your nation and the world, for mercy.

"So much, right now as we speak, has been avoided by those who have suffered, denied themselves, and prayed faithfully to resurrect this country. I want all of you who are suffering in fatigue to understand why this is happening to you, and why you should cooperate with it and offer it cheerfully to Me. It will not last forever.

―Many are the children who have been sacrificed to the evil ones; many. I am still tormented with these thoughts, because I hear their cries. I send grace after grace to relieve them of the pain, and some souls actually carry the pain in their own bodies for them. This is such corruption and evil as has never existed in your world. And those of you who have a heart for these poor little victims, I have given you a share in their sufferings.

―In regards to your President, each day he remains alive is a miracle. My hand overshadows him as I work in his heart and mind to govern this nation. What grieves Me is that Christians actually do not recognize his crucial role in the survival of this nation. They are gutted with mainstream media lies and cannot recognize Me at work in this Administration.


"And I am not saying he is perfect. But I promise you, you do not want the alternative in charge. That is certain death to America and Christians.

―This is why I call you into dwelling prayer, My People. Your discernment must go beyond skin depth. What it looks like on the surface is rarely what is beneath. These politicians are master deceivers who play up to the role Americans will accept, without having any substance to back it up, beneath the facade.

―Pray for your nation, dear ones. Pray very much. Come to Me every day in communion and draw upon My strength. This is the only way you are going to rise above the burdens you are carrying. Do not let the enemy convince you that you are worthless and bad because you don‘t measure up to your normal strength. This is a suffering and an offering for the times you live in, that My Sacred Heart will triumph.

―Do not allow negativity to flow into your mind. Rather, combat such thoughts with Scripture and promises I have given you. Think not that your offerings are too little. When combined with all the others in the whole world, they are significant and worthy gifts to back up your prayers.

―Do you not know the value of a widow‘s mite? It is far beyond its face value. My Father looks upon the sacrifice and what it costs the soul, and opens windows of graces proportionately to the personal cost of the giver. Therefore, do not grow weary in well-doing.

―Little Clare, I have forgiven you your many lapses and sins."

(Clare) Yeah, I spent a long time with Psalm 51 this morning, repenting.

(Jesus) "I forgive you. I see your firm purpose of amendment and I correspond with graces. My graces and My Love. Oh yes, you are so very, very little and frail! But I will make much of your mite. (meaning the widow's mite) Yes, it is the opportunity I need to shower graces upon others, because you have so very little to give.

―I am living substantially in you. What you see and understand from your own frail human weakness is nothing compared to the reality of what I am doing through you. It must be this way, because you are so prone to pride. It must remain hidden to you.

"But you can believe and stand on My Word; your little is My much. So, do not grow discouraged with the littleness. Rather, cleave to Me with all your strength and expect. Expect! Much fruit from your little offerings.

―Can you not see - those who have been drawn to you - can you not see how they are growing and how committed they are? People do not gather ‗round a well that is dry. No, they search out the wells that are flowing in the drought. Yes, you are a well, flowing in the drought, and each of your desert dwellers are in turn tapped into an endless supply of Living Waters.

―So, continue on, My Little One. And do not lose heart. Your well shall not run dry.‖

(Clare) Thank, You Lord. I am profoundly grateful for this word. Truly, you have known when I sit and when I stand...and especially when I think I‘m in a pit.

(Jesus) ―And never shall I leave you there to suffer under the lies of the enemy. So arise! Pick up your mat and go home. My strength has begun where yours left off.‖


Message 747: Jesus explains... Obedience & Self-Will... A good Leader is one, who can follow Me

January 4, 2020 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your perspective and message. Truly, these things are hard for me. Well, my sweet Heartdwellers. I have been working with precious, precious souls who don‘t always do what is asked of them in a timely fashion. And don't always do it all! So, the consequences are great inconveniences for others around them. And I haven't really known how to address this. So, I asked the Lord. It has been very tedious, having to say something three times before it is remembered or done. Lord, please tell me how to address this.

Jesus began... "Obedience... This is how."

"My very dear desert dwellers. I want to speak to your heart about the discipline of Obedience; prompt obedience. I must begin by saying, all of you are more intelligent in many areas than Mother Clare. She sees this clearly and chooses to yield to you when I wish she wouldn‘t.

"Lately, because certain ones who are more intelligent choose to do things their own way, it has cost the Community time, emotional stress, and loss. I have to say, this is a very poor example. Mother may not have your experience or thought processes, but she has Me.

"For you to argue with her and do things your own way, thinking your shortcuts are better than her request to take extra measures for protection of property and of your precious lives, is simply stated: Pride and Self Will. I brought you here to rid you of those two scourges. Yet some of you adhere to these as if your life depended on it, choosing to do it your way after you were told to do it another way.

"Some of you, on the other hand, have learned to crucify your pride and plant the turnips upside down—just as St. Francis asked the novices to do. Which revealed who were so full of self-will and Pride and would not make a good brother. And who were very humble.

"I am asking of you something very simple: your protection. From freezing to death, from having to walk miles out of the wilderness for help, from damage to your bodies and hearts. Your protection is Holy Obedience.

"It is one thing to give up possessions to come and live in a monastic environment. But if you carry in the door the purse of your own opinions and ways, you defeat the purpose I brought you here for.

"I have watched Mother agonize over those of you who still hold to their own will, even though something different was requested of them. She does not see herself as better than you, but lesser. As a result, she tends to be a little soft and easily reasoned with when you seek your own way above hers. Yet, when you walk out the door, she has sorrow in her heart that something may happen to you, because you did not obey. And this sorrow has been well-founded.

"One brother almost spent the night in -7 degree cold with little to protect himself, because he did not follow instructions. Another had to walk 3 hours out of the wilderness, in the dark, while everyone fell to their knees praying for him because he wasn't answering his phone. That resulted in two friends of the Community having to leave the comfort of their home very late at night and drive up into the mountains looking for him. Search and Rescue was the next step. If only he had yielded to her counsel, he would have been home, safe and sound.

"The sad part of this story is another brother was also very strong in his own opinion and did the very same thing only a few days later. That brother had to stop and do what Mother had asked, later on. In the dark. In deep snow to get out - and then only barely.

"Not only has she lived here for five years in every kind of weather, she has Me. Living and speaking in her and through her."


(Clare) Lord, you know how I was with my children.

(Jesus) "I do. And you were very careful to look out for them. And that's why they are alive today. I am trying to use it in the context of Community, but certain ones are convinced they know better.

"Brothers, you do not know better than I what you will encounter on that long snowy road in the wilderness when you leave. And when I put it in her heart to make a request that will save you and many others inconvenience and heartache, she opens her mouth and repeats it to you."

(Clare) Lord, I don't always know when it's You, or when it's just my own motherly opinion. Or my own request.

(Jesus) "That makes no difference at all. It is a very ugly thing, for one living under the covering of a monastic Mother, to doubt or contend with her when she gives directions that are many, many times not personal preference, but directions from Me to protect you from what is going to happen next. It is not for you to discern whether she is in her flesh or in My Spirit. Rather, it is for you to obey her wishes, so she will have no regrets because you didn‘t."

(Clare) And I just wanted to take a moment here and say, our Rule about Obedience is that we really should obey. Unless it's something that goes against our conscience or the Gospels. And then we never are bound to obey. And we don't use Obedience like a whip. We use it more like a suggestion. But in some cases, like... A couple of people will always have freezing cold, burning fingers because they forgot their gloves. So, I put them under Holy Obedience that they keep their gloves in their coat pockets at all times. And guess what? They don't have freezing fingers anymore! So, that's the context in which we use it.

(Jesus) "You may think this harsh message is her flesh again—but I assure you, it is not. There are far more dangers in this wilderness than you have prepared for, and I see them clearly. I see what you do not see. And when you are inspired to do it your way, despite her requests, I see you playing right into the hands of the enemy.

"Brothers and sisters, this is a training ground. Obeying her is training for obeying Me. If you think she is inserting her will, I want you to pray for her—and nonetheless, do as you have been asked. You will notice that there have been many times when she backed off on a request, because she felt My check in her spirit and was obedient. Yet there are other times when she backed off on My request, knowing that you were on your own. And you would have to find out the hard way.

"She is assigned and responsible for your welfare. Please do not derail the plans I have for you by choosing your own will. Learn to defer. When you are smarter, learn to defer. When you are stronger, learn to defer. When you are more experienced, learn to defer. And when you just KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt you are right and she is wrong, learn to defer. In this way, I will protect you. And if she needs correction, I will let her know.

"In the meantime, because of your humility and obedience, you will grow in virtue and stature in My eyes, as well as being protected from harm. This is one of the greatest and most difficult lessons of monastic Community life, and Pride has ruined many plans I had for sanctifying good Christians and raising them to a greater stature.

"You are ready to lead others, not when you are smarter; not when you are more experienced; not when you know you are ready. But you are only ready to lead others when you have learned to follow Me. And she is standing in the appointed place of one who is following Me to the best of her feeble ability, while looking out for your welfare.

"This is a training ground. I have many things for your future, things you will never see if you continue on in Pride and Self-Will. So please. Learn to yield. Not just with your mouth, but in your heart as well. I am with you in this, and I will look after you. You have nothing to fear when you obey."


Message 748: Jesus says... My Plan is an Explosion of Graces to spread all over the World

January 16, 2020 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Jesus, for coming to my rescue, no matter how I feel. It is so comforting to know my feelings don't always reflect reality, and that You are with me. So, I've been feeling really out of order lately. And I've been hesitating to come into prayer to hear from Him, just because I felt so tired. And I didn't feel like I was connecting with Him in prayer. And that's really foolishness. I was counting on my feelings way too much. But I began... 'Hi Lord. I'm here, longing to hear from You. Yesterday wasn't so good, and I apologize for being foolish with eating and distractions. I miss You terribly.' Much to my surprise, He immediately answered...

(Jesus) "I miss you terribly. Where do you think I went?"

(Clare) Were You hiding on me, because of my foolishness?

(Jesus) "I am always present to you, Clare."

(Clare) Lord, I want to do a better job with the Channel. I just feel so empty and gutted inside. Please help me.

(Jesus) ―There‘s no need to be concerned about your emptiness; you are always empty when you come to Me. Do I disappoint you?‖

(Clare) No, I don‘t think so. I just feel so weak, Jesus.

(Jesus) ―This is a suffering for your nation. I want you to work right through it. You do not have to feel the inspiration to work; you merely need to obey. What I am taking from you in this moment is the normal joy you feel in being with Me. But know, dear one, in your heart, I am deeply planted - and what I find there pleases me very much.

"Especially your commitment to overcome temptations. I am proud of you. You are not walking on a secured ridge. You have enemies all around you, just waiting for you to fall. Continue to dodge their insinuations. I never said it would be easy, but I did promise you My grace to overcome temptation, and you are making good use of it. Please do not be sad, Clare. I am happy with you.‖

(Clare) So, I went to the Bible Promises. And what did I open to? Loneliness. Loneliness? What He was feeling was, what I was feeling. And also, Loneliness has a line in it that says, "I will not leave you like orphans. I'll come to you." And that's always, for me, a Scripture reading that says 'I'm visiting you. I'm with you. This is the real deal.'

(Jesus) ―See, I told you that you weren‘t the only one who was lonely. Come, My Dear one, and press into My Heart, for inside of Me is a Clare-shaped place that no one else can fill... And I do miss you, terribly.‖

(Clare) Oh, Sweet Lord, how can I continue to write when you have called me into Your Rest?

(Jesus) ―Tuck in, dear one, and we will continue to talk.‖

(Clare) I sighed.

(Jesus) ―So many sacrifices are being offered right now, so very many. And they all look different. For some, it is this lethargy. For others, it is difficulties, trials, oppositions, even sickness. But you should be happy, because your husband is better. I want you to dwell on that and continue to thank Heaven,

144 because so many of your Saints came to your rescue the day you were despairing. And of course, I was there, and My Father, showing the mercy you requested.‖

(Clare) Oh, thank You so very much, Jesus, Father God, and Saints and angels! And especially you, St. Padre Pio. Oh, how blessed we are to have such a loving and caring gathering of souls around us in our moment of need!

(Jesus) ―Getting back to what you are not feeling, complete emptiness. Do not let that trouble you as long as you are clean before Me and committed to My will. I want you to keep going with music, with messages, and don‘t let the lack of feeling deter you.

―You see, My People, far too many of you are moved by emotion. When it is present, you do well; when it is absent, you do abysmally. I need for you to be consistent in your service to Me on the dry desert days as well as the lush Spring days.

"Is it not enough that I am always with you, here by your side? Is that not enough to motivate you? It truly is a great suffering to deprive you of the inspiration to get up and walk. But of all the options available to Me now, this one is most fitting.

―Your nation is in deep trouble, and I need these sufferings to sustain what is best for it. I need your prayers and your faithfulness when you hit snags in energy and motivation. My grace is sufficient for you, My loved ones.

"There is much to do, even when the impending clouds blow across your skies. You know that I am in complete control and I have many, many faithful souls backing up what is good in this country. Press in with prayer and sacrifices, knowing that they will avail much.

―Many of you have assignments you are dragging your feet on, because of the recent event - thinking that perhaps the Rapture is tomorrow. It is not, and you have time. Please, make the best use of it. Do not allow the gifts I have given you lie fallow because waves of gossip have swept through the world. It makes no matter if you are on the brink of war. Rather, what matters is your own personal accountability and obedience.

―Do you not know that I can turn situations totally around, even before the clock completes one second?

―The enemy has been pressing in with assignments of discouragement, apathy, insecurity, fear and discontent. The medicine for these poisons is praise, thanksgiving, and getting up when you don‘t feel like it. Yes, get up when you feel most down and count on Me to supply what you need as you work.

―I have given you tremendous graces and opportunities to exercise your gifts, but apathy and sloth have stolen your time. There will be an accounting for these gifts, My loved ones. Do not let them become a means of punishment. Do not bury your talents. Pick up your mat and walk; I will supply what you feel is now lacking.

―I am planning an explosion of graces to be spread all over the world; this is the reason for the gifts. Use them! Create and execute those things you know are from Me. Do not thicken on your lees. Rather, arise and forge your way into your dreams. I will greet you with what you need, because you got up and were faithful.

―In the meantime, know that I am deeply in love with each of you! Your heart is My resting place. Do not defile it with unbelief and sloth. Rather, allow Me to burst forth from within you with My creative power.

―When you are at your lowest ebb, I am My strongest through you. Arise, My Loved ones! Arise and do valiantly for the Kingdom. This is not the time or season to lie on your couch and take your rest.

"Arise, My Beautiful one! And I shall meet you at the watergate where streams of Living Waters will flow through you, and out into a thirsty and dying world.‖


Message 749: Father God explains... My Child, you are now looking at the Pinnacle of Sanctity

January 21, 2020 - Words from Father God & Sister Clare

(Clare) Blessed and greatly to be praised is God our Father; kind, gentle and long-suffering is His Heart. Thank You, Father for teaching us Your ways. Please impart to us the courage to follow in them. Amen.

Oh, how I love to share my heart and my struggles with you, Heartdwellers! These are parts of me that I call into question; areas where my heart ceases to find joy. Things that have become burdensome, yet must be done in obedience, because of the gifts given me for you and for so many more.

Even though I know that some of you gain great profit from seeing the ugliness that is in my heart, and others of you find ways to add to my sorrows with curses in my vulnerable areas... Even though I know this, still I will share with you, so that you know without a doubt how wonderfully loving and forgiving that our God is. Unconditional Love; Forever Love. And to those who sincerely love and seek Him, even in their last breath, He is pure Mercy, capable of turning the darkest sinner into the brightest saint.

Well, Ezekiel‘s healing is still there. However, the pain a victim soul suffers has not been lifted from him as yet. There are several good days, and then there are days that are difficult. With Ezekiel‘s sickness, sometimes the pain is so bad that he cannot contain himself, but he cries out for hours and hours. Yesterday, it started around 11:00 in the morning and went until 11:30 at night. We are living in the chapel temporarily, which is a tiny room, with a little kitchen area and my keyboard, wood burning stove, a couple of chairs and two beds. And there is a foam core wall, so that he can have some privacy.

When one of these all-night episodes begin, there is nowhere to go. Besides, I want to be near him when he needs me. I prayed as long as I could, and finally collapsed into bed around 9:00, stuffing my ears with the squishy silicon-gel-like swimmer‘s ear plugs.

I could not get the day together. The pain he was in was heart-rending. I was disoriented and feeling absolutely useless. Truly, I didn't know what to do. I prayed, and we all prayed, those who are here on the Refuge. We all came together and prayed. And the pain did stop for a little while, and then it came back again. I went back to prayer and repentance, but nothing seemed to bring the pain level down.

I‘m sure you‘ve all experienced that sinking feeling you get when you feel useless. One redeeming aspect is that suffering borne with resignation, and hopefully dignity, does bear great fruit in the Kingdom of God. One has only to look to Jesus to see the glorious gifts released on mankind because of His sacrificial offering.

Some will take exception with me here and say, ―He bore all our suffering. We don‘t need to suffer.‖ Well, that makes Christianity very attractive to the carnal minded. But then, what do we do with, ―Deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Me?‖ When the Lord said that, He was not talking about some little bit of work He needed to do. He was referring to crucifixion, in all its torments and aspects. And life every day brings us face to face with things that are so difficult, it seems like we die in trying to deal with them. So, we really cannot dispute that we will have suffering in our lives. The Lord even said that in this world we will have trouble, but that He has overcome the world. And of course, His grace is sufficient for us!


He didn‘t come to suffer for us only; He came to show us how to suffer for others. His entire life was suffering, from His birth in a cave to death on a Roman cross. He showed us the price we, too, would have to pay to be little Christs, to follow in His footsteps, bringing the Gospel to all men.

So, here I am doing exactly what I just described. And praise be to God, He inspired me to pull one holy Rhema card just when I was putting a piece in the stove to heat the room up. And this is what I pulled... 'When every human joy has disappeared from a task, and yet that work is continued exclusively with the supernatural spirit of giving glory to God and aid to one‘s brothers, it is then that the work is super-sanctified.'

The next thing that he said was... 'Rise, rise up to the final summit with your holy weight of God‘s treasure to write, even if it appears destined to lie unknown even to those who need it. Your charity, victim soul, towards God, who speaks to you, towards your brothers who are waiting, shall be ever active, even though they are lukewarm and unable to act.' And that reminds me of times when I put out messages that I know very few will accept. At that point, I really felt devoid of words and I said... 'Jesus, I am without words. Please instruct us.' And a great blessing! Father God began...

(Father God) ―My Child, you are looking at the pinnacle of sanctity. It is here, when all consolations are stripped from a soul and all that is left is My known will; consenting to drink the very dregs of the chalice. It is here that your spirit triumphs over your flesh, and you walk with nothing more than divine grace to uphold you. And in this, you fulfill My will and abandon your own.

―There is no sweeter sacrifice that a soul can give Me than to suffer without consolation, but in complete abandonment to the call of Love in their hearts. How beautiful and precious is such a One! A rare flower indeed, blooming only for a moment in eternity—but solely for My pleasure, no matter what the cost.

―You see, a soul such as this has no other business than to fulfill My will, and totally abandon those things that bring consolation. And this, even without knowing what their sacrifice will accomplish.

―Many labor in My vineyard, knowing they are bringing forth My Words and drawing all men to Me. Many have the consolation of a well-tuned sermon, a prophetic word, the transformation of the flesh of the sick as healing flows into them, the high of the Shekinah glory all around them - the sweet and intimate whispers of My words to them. Oh, how I love to console My servants! How I love to see them take deep drafts of the sweet Waters of this Life that resound throughout their being, bringing encouragement and strength to keep fighting! It brings Me such pleasure to be with you in those times.

―But the Cross, and being on the Cross and Crucible of suffering and humiliations. Oh, when you willingly embrace these things for love of Me, then is the deepest longing of My Heart fulfilled in you. For truly, you have voluntarily stripped yourself of all that could comfort, and are lying there naked and dead at the foot of the Cross - an instrument of extreme torture.

―It is then that you resemble My Son most. It is in that destitution that you fulfill the call of Charity and Brotherly Love that will bring forth conversions and vocations to serve Me and their brother with all their hearts - even leaving nothing for themselves. It is there that godless nations are brought to their knees and Godly Kingdoms rise into prominence.

―Do not be afraid, My Children, to lose it all for Me. Do not be afraid of destitution, because that is where the heavy work of the Cross was done.

―I do not call you to save men, for that has already been accomplished by My only begotten Son. But I do call you to know love, and serve Me with all your hearts and strength, and to love your brother as yourself. For those who would lose their life for My sake will find it - and so much more than man can imagine.

―Truly, eye has not seen, nor has ear heard, nor has it entered into the intellect of man what I have prepared for souls such as these. But suffice it to say, it is only Love that is the right motive that will bring the fullness of My Kingdom and glory to this Earth.


―So, fear not desolation. Fear not pain beyond pain. Do not even fear what men will do to you or your kindred. For if you give these gifts freely, without any thought of return, you will be utterly shocked at My gratitude for your little offering.

―So, do not fear pain, desolation, ridicule, persecution, weakness and loss of inspiration. All these things must be accomplished in you that your fire-tried gold will be brought to Light and illuminate all the nations of the world, to the glory of My love.‖

Message 750: Jesus says... Your selfless Attitude will defeat the Enemy's most common Weapon

January 23, 2020 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank you, Lord, for bringing us together. A beautiful, harmonious group. Surely, I have never experienced anything as sweet as people that love You. Thank You so much, Lord.

And truly, this is the sweetest part of Community. But as we all know, it isn‘t always this way. We all get tired and sometimes impatient or short with one another. And Satan is always standing by with his lying demons to make us contentious or resentful and turn us against one another. What happens when someone says or even feels badly in the company of his or her brothers and sisters?

First of all, the enemy is trying to divide us so we will lose the precious gift of fellowship with one another. Second of all, he wants us to judge others and take in a bitter seed in our hearts about them. Mind you, this is when we are all of one accord, but along comes the enemy and exploits the weakness of one or another.

My precious ones, we have to be smarter than Satan and more self-controlled, filled with brotherly love. Even looking ahead at what could happen to disrupt things and planning for it in advance. We now know that these things are deliberately planned by the enemy; they are not just coincidences. Lord, have You something to share with us?

Jesus began... "My precious Community. You have many who oppose you, but you also have My charity and brotherly love to protect you. Stay under the covering of brotherly love and you will not be disturbed. What the enemy meant for bad, will instead be an occasion of instruction and good for others.

"You are here, not just to fellowship and have a good time. You are here to be prepared for your own missions. And as you watch Mother Clare make both good and bad decisions, you are learning what you may expect to happen later on in your missions.

"There is no weapon against brotherly love. The enemy is at a loss when each of you love your brother and sister more than you love yourselves. When you are looking out for the good of the Community, you will spot areas of weakness that the enemy may be waiting to exploit. If your mind is on yourself, your comforts, your choices, your privileges, you may miss the weak spot and become a victim to it.

"But your selfless attitude will defeat the most common of the enemy's weapons... selfishness and self-serving, symptoms of Pride. When your heart is set on what is right and not just your particular agenda, there is very little that can be leveraged against you to cause strife. Because all of you will be quick to yield and do what is best for the other, in even the worst situations.

"Those of you who are called to be here during the Tribulation, this is training for you. I know the enemy‘s next move, but your obedience to My known will, will cause you to sidestep many a trap.


When you fall into Pride and self-serving, then you are bound to fall. This is why obedience and detachment are so very important.

"In My Father‘s last message, He spoke to you about doing what is right for no reward at all, or even in spite of the sacrifices you will have to make. He also told you that you will not always know why He does things the way He does, or even what fruit can be gleaned from your sacrifices.

"When your heart is satisfied totally by knowing you have done His will, you cannot be lead off track.

"Live to do My will, dear ones. Make that your full-time preoccupation and you will have peace so deep the enemy will not be able to take you over and ruin what I have for you. Find your joy in this, Dearly Beloved Brides, and you will scale the highest mountains with little effort.

"I love you. I am with you in this endeavor. Be strong! Control that urge to get upset or to judge. Put it away from you. Renounce it and embrace brotherly love, by showering others with your understanding and patience."

Message 751: Jesus says... Stop compromising with the World, for you have no Idea, what is planned against you

January 28, 2020 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) My precious Family, truly we are one in the Lord and part of the overall body of Christ. When we come from the world, we are used to acting as independent adults, making our own decisions, doing as we think best with our time.

But when we come together as a family in God, there is a new challenge... laying down the independent style of life for one that is knitted together in brotherly love and concord. This is a new lifestyle that enables us to move as one under God, rather than as individuals with our own agendas, that come together because it is convenient. In a word we are dying to ourselves to live as Jesus has called us... functioning harmoniously and holding brotherly love as the special way of life.

As a Family, we have goals that profit all of us. We share everything in common; we see to the needs of one another. We look out for those who are weaker; we contribute and take care of those things that make a healthy Community. At this point, I kind of ran out of what I wanted to say, and Jesus began...

(Jesus) ―My tender shoots, I have been with you in your endeavors to form a Community, and I am well pleased with the shifts that have taken place in your hearts. I see real effort and sacrifice, and you‘ve truly embraced the right idea.

―This is a training ground, and what you experience personally in your own minds and hearts, you will someday experience with those you invite into your own Communities. Therefore, I want you to pay particular attention to your interior struggles. I want you to be familiar with, and understand, that you no longer act as your own agent - but as an integral part of the whole; very much a Family of God. I am in your midst, and many times direct you to the changes you need to make in your thinking.

―As you have endeavored to do that, I now ask you to endeavor even more to lay down your preferences and ideas for what I place before you. I am working in your hearts every moment of every day. I speak to you in tender whispers and subtle urges to choose one action over another. There is still a great deal some of you need to lay down, in order to be a true functioning part of what I am building here and what you will build elsewhere.


―I am knitting your hearts together for My own purposes, and the work that has been begun here will continue. Though some will be separated at times by distance, in Heaven and in the Spirit, there is no distance. Rather, what has been brought together will endure throughout Eternity. The alliances you have gained here will accompany you throughout your journeys in Heaven, as well. The lessons you learn now will be the groundwork for greater things to come in your holy lives.

―My beloved ones, there is much to ponder in these times. There is much you will never understand until Heaven. But you will see fruit here on Earth and come to know the purposes I have for each of you for the future and even beyond."

(Clare) And then I took a break from this message, and two days later He picked it up again. Lord, I feel what you want to say, but I don't have the words. Please speak to us.

Jesus began, ―Your reading said, ‗A sheep wandering alone in the forest is a fair game for the wolf.‘ And those who choose their own way, not consulting with others in positions of responsibility, are like a knight riding off to battle on a sorry nag, without their armor. They are bound to be unseated.

"While the knight fully clothed in his armor, on a spirited and experienced war horse, is like the one who acts under the covering of Obedience and does not make his decisions without the help of one more experienced.

―My children, when will you learn to defer to those who have charge over your souls? You have never gained anything but troubles by mixing with the world. Elisha knew well the temptation of compromise; that is why he did not spare the oxen nor the yoke, but destroyed his escape routes - his options to go back to the farm.

―You are riddled with many passions, My precious ones, and I know well how to quell them. On the other hand, Satan knows well how to flame them. Even Mother Clare knows she is not safe with her own judgments, and so she relies on Me and her husband to make the right decisions.

―If you want to advance in this life. If you want to go deeper. If you want more of Me. If you want to leave the world - truly leave the world behind, you must do battle valiantly with your own will and not act independently of your covering.‖

(Clare) Lord, I didn‘t want to be a dictator at Christmas time, when several people wanted to go home... Yet I knew there was something wrong with these decisions that were being made. I could feel it in my spirit.

(Jesus) ―And you did well to let it go, so they could experience the fruits of their own decisions. But now they are maturing and have great need of renouncing the enticements of the world. Satan knows well how to saddle them with false guilt and move them to return to the world under one pretext or another. But I am asking you, My dear ones... stop compromising with the world. There are a thousand and one reasons for you to mingle with the world when you‘ve renounced it. And all of them have their source in the enemy of your souls.

―You, however, cannot see this. That is why you need an overseer to consult and base your decisions on wisdom beyond your years in the world. It takes only a tiny crack to open the door to sin. Satan makes little of these cracks, pumping you up with assurance that you are too strong to fall! And besides, there is a good deed you can do by mingling with others."

―What you do not see is the trap waiting for you. Just to step outside the boundaries of your covering... And when you do, down comes the net and you are entrapped. This is because you relied on your own counsel and did not seek the counsel of your elder. I am hoping, now, that you have learned something from the decisions you made on your own. I am hoping that you will stop trusting yourself and look to Me and those who I have appointed to cover you, before you do anything in your own wisdom. This human wisdom will be your downfall.

―None of you are secure enough to dabble in the world. You‘ve lived in it for decades. You left it for Me. Now are you returning...? For what reason? Am I sending you - or are you being lured?


―Dear ones, do not play with evil. What looks harmless on the outside holds great danger for you. Once you are in the safety of the sheepfold, do not wander and cross over the fence erected for your security. The wolf watches you closely and takes note of every human reasoning that can be exploited to remove you from the safety of your shepherd.

―I want you to grow in holiness, not be subjected to manipulation by men who do not have My heart for you - but are acting strictly on human impulse and reasoning. They are being used by the enemy to steal your holy way of life from you. And sadly, you have no vision of what is being planned and played against you. In a moment of weakness, you could lose it all.

"Do not wander, My precious ones. Keep your eyes on the prize and stay within the boundaries of the sheepfold. No man in the armed forces gets involved with civilian affairs. How much more should you honor your commitment to Me, even when it entails disappointing those in the world? They have made their choice; and you have made yours. Be steadfast. No man putting his hand to the plow takes his eyes off the soil, even for one second, lest he and the plow meet with destruction.

―Oh, how I love you! And have many gifts planned for you as you empty yourself before Me to make room for them. I will not invest My precious gifts in wild sheep; only those who hearken to the call of their Master and are not moved by any other motive or call. Only those can be trusted with My riches. Lean not on your own understanding, so that I alone may direct your path.

―I bless you now in your hearing ears, with the graces of Humility and Docility, that you may be found trustworthy of the riches of the Kingdom of Heaven.‖

Message 752: Jesus says... Satan has taken many of you to the very edge of Destruction

February 5, 2020 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) My dear ones, may the angels of God watch over and protect you. May the sweetness of our Savior bring you joy.

Four days ago, I was on the precipice of Despair. Old wounds had been ripped open, communication was agonizing and inflammatory, at best. It seemed that I couldn‘t do anything right. Accusations flew through the air and painful memories from 20 years ago came from a deep place in my heart. I was crumbling under this attack and had nowhere to turn.

We were dealing with a soul who needed to move on to the next place the Lord had prepared for them. But Ezekiel and I kept getting sideways, so we could not understand each other. He would say one thing; I would hear another and vice versa. This lasted for a good three days, and I was beginning to lose hope in all that God was doing. It was so dark!!! And so unexpected - but deeply threatening. Then I heard the Lord‘s voice...

(Jesus) ―Do you trust Me?‖

(Clare) In this moment, Lord I am so afraid of losing everything, I don't know what to say?

(Jesus) ―I have made you promises I will not go back on.‖

(Clare) He said this as He fingered my wedding ring. Lord, I am broken inside and on the verge of tears 24/7. Please help us. Please help me. Have You taken away my protection because of sin?

(Jesus) ―How do I answer that?‖


(Clare) With the truth?

(Jesus) ―There are many reasons for this right now, and it is good for you to look at all avenues that might be Guilt. But in the main, this is a fiery trial you must endure. And I am with you, Clare. You will not be put to shame.

―What is happening now is the result of many accumulated errors. Things I have not been able to communicate to you. I have tried, but they are beyond you.

―And as far as this soul in question goes, I do not want them here now. Will you please take a firm hold of My hand as you walk across these hot coals? I will not abandon you. Only, lean on Me significantly harder and I will set your path straight. OK?‖

(Clare) OK, Lord.

(Jesus) ―Now, do what you must do.‖

(Clare) And namely, it was the unpleasant task of making arrangements for a soul to move on to another destination.

(Jesus) ―My people, when trials become so intense that you feel you are standing on an icy precipice, and total destruction looms beneath your feet, cleave to Me with greater resolve. This act alone will prepare your heart to receive instruction, and I will guide you in ways you do not even as yet understand. Satan has taken many of you to the very edge of destruction, and you stand to lose much. But do not fear. I am there with you, and I will not let you fall into the hands of your enemy if you listen very carefully to My instructions. And refuse to do anything by your own opinion or strength of mind.

"Don‘t run from Me. Run to Me in strength of mind, knowing that I will never give you over to the will of your enemies completely. You may suffer loss, but never all that you fear—as long as you cleave to Me. And I know how very hard that is at this moment in time. I know your expectations and efforts to be holy. I know what I have provided for your escape route, so be sure to cling to Me above all else.

―Satan has launched a strong frontal attack on many of you, and your only hope is in complete trust and abandonment to My will.

"Some will flake out. Others will come. There is a constant turnover in any Community until the right fit is found. This can be a joyful occasion for those who are truly called. But you must know yourself fully, deeply, with honor and integrity. You must.

―So, here we are in a very precipitous situation, threatening your demise. But you must keep careful watch over your spirits and not to give into Despair. I am here for you, and I will guide you away from this slippery slope as you turn your complete attention to My will and trust Me with all your hearts. I shall never allow you to be tested beyond your strength.

―I bless you now with confidence in My Love and vigilance over your souls.‖

Message 753: Jesus says... False Guilt, Shame & Condemnation have haunted My Body

February 6, 2020 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare


(Clare) May the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus calm your hearts and give you strength, precious Family. When I was in prayer, I felt very strongly that something was really wrong with the Condemnation that I was feeling in my heart. And Ezekiel was feeling it too. And other Heartdwellers on the Mountain here, also brought it to my attention. And I realized that the enemy was up to no good, as usual, and had sent another assault on us, to take away our strength and our resolve and our joy. So, I came to the Lord in prayer, and immediately He began speaking...

(Jesus) "Again, you have known My Heart. Beloved, it is not just for you that I expose the relentless assaults of Condemnation the enemy puts on you. All of you, My Children, are affected by this continual drip of acid upon your conscience, which eats away at your motivation to work with Me. What better way to undermine and depress a faithful son or daughter than to continuously find fault with them? It focuses your attention on you, and off those I have called you to serve."

"There is an epidemic of Shame and False Guilt throughout the Body and the world right now. There has been a constant effort to undermine you all with False Guilt. There are times when it is so subtle, you only feel the effects of it: a certain sense of disconnectedness, confusion, and inadequacy.

"What lies beneath the surface is a lack of confidence in our relationship. When you are secure in Me, nothing can stop you. When you are insecure in Me, nothing can get you going. It is when you feel disconnected that you flounder, and your attention goes inward, rather than to those who are so very needy around you.

"Clare, there is one thing I want to convey to Our Family, and that is that I am with them through thick and thin. My people, never allow Doubt to creep in, telling you that I will abandon you and the work we have together!

"Never for one moment give in to these lies from Satan. You have given Me your hearts, and together we forge ahead to do the works of gathering in the Harvest. These lies are planted in your heads to stop you from going out into the fields with Me. They bring depression, insecurity, and a sense of being lost. You are NEVER lost; I am always at your side. I have not disqualified you.

"Reach out and grab My hand. Do what Mother Clare does. She visualizes Me, and indeed I am there before her. And then she places her hands on My Heart. There she finds a certain connection that inspires confidence in her heart, ‗I am here. Listen to My Heartbeat; feel My concerns. Let us continue to work together.‘‖

"And truly, it is your love for Me and all that concerns Me that drives you onward. But what if that love, that connection, didn‘t exist? What if all you had were lies 24/7 convincing you that you were guilty, and I had turned My back on you? What if that was all you had?

"Some of you would be swept away into distractions to quell the pain. Some would collapse in tears. But most would get busy with the world set before them, because they gave up all hope of working with Me. This is what False Guilt does to you, My people.

"Recognize the enemy, recognize his tactics, and totally reject his lies. More than anything, I want you to know that I AM WITH YOU! And I am never withdrawing from you. You may walk away from Me, but I will never walk away from you. We have much to do together! Press in. Cast away these vain imaginings, take a firm hold of My hand, and together let‘s move forward."

Message 754: Jesus says... When this Plague is in full force, many will want to repent


February 13, 2020 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began, "My very dear ones, revival is coming to your country, but it will have a high cost. I have wept many a time for those souls who are not ready to come to Me. In short, they are perishing. The complacency of the American people has reached such a degree that I must allow this suffering. Many have not listened, have not repented, have not cared to recognize their serious spiritual state and its eternal consequences. They are relying on My Mercy and goodness to cover their sins.

―This time of relying on My mercy was never meant as an excuse to continue on in sin. It was given along with graces to help many repent and turn to Me for forgiveness. It has been used to prolong sin by those who are not being vigilant over their souls. And now I must take action to bring these souls into alignment with Truth, as their negligence is affecting their children, who they may never see again if they do not repent.

"How I hate to use such strong language and strong measures to turn you from your habitual sins! Yet this comes as a warning to you that you will suffer severe loss for ignoring the time of mercy and repentance. Now I must allow serious loss in the lives of many to save their souls. Will you hearken to Me, dear ones? Will you respond? Or must I allow catastrophes in your lives?

"As it is written, there are those who will be saved, but only as going through the fire. I would prefer not to allow any of My children to be sifted in this way, but that‘s not My decision to make. It is your decision. For it is based on your thorough repentance and dedication to what is right and good in My eyes.

"Feed the poor, visit the sick, admonish sinners, pray for those who are hurting, pray much for mercy, for in your hour of need, you too will need Mercy. Seek Me until you find Me. Do not grow lax in prayer. Do not judge one another, rather pray for the souls who are falling short. Be tender and compassionate with them. If there is serious sin, admonish them and encourage them to repent and lean on Me to deliver them from evil.

"When you attack each other with a spirit of rancor, you displease Me very much and open the door to demonic siftings in your own lives. I alone judge the motives and conditions of a soul. Yours is not to criticize and see yourself as righteous while you judge them.

"Rather, I very much approve of the Jesus Prayer, 'Lord Jesus, have Mercy on me, a sinner.' This prayer reaches deep down into you, My children, and adjusts your altitude as well as attitude. Yes, it places you in the lowest place, a place where you dare not lift up your head to judge others and certainly not criticize their actions. You have no idea of the struggles those souls are going through as you smugly pinpoint their faults."

―Be compassionate, My people, as I have been compassionate with you. Don‘t you see? You are a wrecking ball in My vineyard when you criticize one another. Do you not know that the victim of this criticism feels it in their heart? Do you not know that they fear to look at Me because of their sin, which has made them a captive? And when you judge them, you put the last nail in the coffin.

"Judgement is DEADLY! Stop judging, start caring, and look in the mirror. Do not be the wicked servant who was forgiven a great debt, yet went and beat his servant who owed him only a fraction. Do not do this to yourselves or to others. Rather, live in brotherly love and count the cost I paid for your sins on Calvary.

"When this plague is in full force, many will want to repent. But I say to you, 'Repent now.' Do not wait for your deathbed to confess and repent of your sins and your judgments against others. Do not wait for a child to become sick before you repent. Come to Me now, and though your sins be as scarlet, I will make you whiter than snow. I will love and show mercy to you, just as you loved and showed mercy to your brother. Not with your actions, not with your words, but in your heart of hearts. That must be the place of mercy in you, not just what you think or speak with your lips.

"I bless you now, dear ones. And I ask you to examine your life and conscience, and if anything remains, come to Me repentant and I will forgive you and give you strength to love others as you love yourselves."


Message 755: Jesus says... The Corona virus is much more serious than what is being reported...

February 19, 2020 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

May the faith and blessing of Almighty God descend upon you and remain with you forever. May you be strengthened in the full armor of God and proclaim Psalm 91 daily over your loved ones. Amen.

After listening to the current reports from the facts that are available to Mike From Around The World, who has proven to be 100% accurate in five years, in warning of things to come, I told Jesus... 'Lord, this situation truly is scary.'

Jesus replied... ―Now, perhaps you understand why I was crying so much, Clare. And continue to cry. The loss of souls is catastrophic. You have nothing in your life to measure this by. You were not yet born when the flu plague of the early 1900‘s was in full force, (I think He's talking about the Spanish flu in 1918) nor for TB, or the Black Plague. These things are entirely out of your scope of reality.

"It is much more serious than what is being reported. It will cause an economic disaster, as well. People have no idea how very serious it is, or the measures that are being taken to quarantine those with symptoms. The Chinese are brutal with those who are sick.

―I want My people to begin living for Me. I want them to understand that life is not about improving lifestyle, getting everything you want and having plenty of money. I want them to turn their hearts to Me—and this is an extreme measure I never wanted to allow, to cause that to happen.

―This plague is only just beginning. It is going to burst forth and shock the world. People of the world, turn your hearts to Me. Do not think you can continue to live strictly for yourselves and be safe from this plague. I am calling all of you back to Me, and what you are seeing is the result of your indifference in living a selfish lifestyle.‖

(Clare) Boy, Lord. I know I've been guilty, as well. Two weeks ago, I asked myself... Why is the Lord suffering so much? Why is He weeping? And Ezekiel was also very sick at that time. Then the news of the coronavirus came out.

My precious Family, this is a most serious time for the Chinese and for the whole world. If you want to know more about this virus, look up the sound cloud page from Mike from Around the World where he is speaking to Pastor Paul Begley about the coronavirus that has even been found in shipping containers from China. And this is why these ships are being blocked from coming into harbor in America. I think that means Walmart shelves might start to look pretty empty...

Most of all, my loved ones, PLEASE PRAY for the Chinese who are being handled brutally by their government. Also, proclaim Psalm 91 over yourself and your family every day. And over the Chinese. Please, they are suffering so much.

And here is a true story about Psalm 91. In the second World War, there was a regiment of 900 men, And the commander of the regiment had the men say Psalm 91 every single day before they did anything, going out to war. Every single day. 900 men. While other regiments were in the battles and were being wounded and killed, during the entire world war, not one single man in this regiment was wounded or killed. Not even one!!! Out of 900 men! That should tell you, dear ones. GOD honors this prayer with tremendous angelic protection.

At this point, I really wanted to hear from the Lord. So, I said 'Jesus'...


(Jesus) "I am here, you don‘t need your coffee."

(Clare) Yeah, I sprung out of bed this morning, 'cause I wanted to get you caught up on all this.

(Jesus) "I am already here and listening to every beat of your heart. You have done well to ask My People to pray this prayer; it is very powerful when coupled with Faith. Pray it from the heart, My precious ones. Pray it slowly, with intention. Visualize the situations as the Psalm describes them. Adhere strongly to your faith in this promise from My Word. Pray it carefully over your children. Indeed, pray it over the nations and even over the entire world.

"You ask... why should I pray it over the world which is so corrupt? Very simply, My word does not return to Me void. The places that will receive this prayer are more than you can imagine. And in order for My protection to take effect, sin must be renounced. So that, at the very least, you are petitioning Me to set repentance in motion.

"But even better than that, pray Psalm 51 every day over the world and you will be expressing My heart for all Creation, and inviting millions of souls to repent of their sins.‖

(Clare) And as I was just recalling this, I saw the Lord throwing a blanket, a huge blanket over souls, all over the world. A blanket of repentance, a blanket of protection. And also, I would like to add to that - pray the Divine Mercy Prayer. And that is very powerful for anyone who is dying. There was a promise given to St. Faustina, that if you prayed this at the deathbed of sinners, Salvation would be extended to them.

I just want to add here, that when I was deep into the New Age, but seeking the true God, He sent His Holy Spirit upon me one day. May the 5th. In Mexico, it's a Freedom Day. The very day I was saved— and when the Spirit descended into my body - I began to recite Psalm 51, without ever having read the Bible or heard of it in my entire life! Several years later, I found it in the Scriptures, and rejoiced that Holy Spirit gave me that Psalm to pray as my salvation was taking place. His Word is so powerful, my dear ones!

(Jesus) "When you were saved on that day, you did not know Me, but I knew you. And I knew you would someday be My very own Bride. And here we are doing what you longed to do: helping other souls to know Me. You could have lived your entire life as a photographer, but it never would have satisfied that sweet place I made in you before your time began - that place of love and caring for the lost. How I love to stir the fire within you, Clare!‖

(Clare) Oh, thank You Lord. I really need this fire, so badly.

(Jesus) "All of you do. And as you seek Me with your whole heart, you will find Me and have the fire that you long for. This is a season of stirring up and launching you into various missions. With suffering comes repentance and conversion. And it must begin with My ministers before it can totally permeate the lost in the world.

"My precious ones, without true daily repentance, you will remain cold and indifferent in My presence. I so badly need for you to repent deeply of your sins, and for the sins of the world. With this contrition from your hearts, graces flow copiously from Heaven. Without it - you are cold, like stone statues, dead to the awareness of Who you are serving and who you truly are. And who you truly are not.

"I do not want you to be scrupulous about every move you make throughout the day. But I do want you to be aware of your emptiness, your weaknesses. Your short comings. So you will cry out for more of Me! How I want to give you more! Cry out, dear ones! Do not be afraid. Cry out, ‗Lord, I NEED You! More of You, Lord! Please give me more of You.‘ "Do this, and you shall have your fill of Me. Have you not heard, the violent take Heaven by force? (That's Matthew 11:12) Therefore, let your cries reach Heavenward and I will not be offended. Rather, I will rejoice and give you even more than you thought possible. Yes! Cry out for more. More of Me! And truly, you shall have it.‖


Message 756: Jesus says... You are My Martyrs for Righteousness, planted amidst Witchcraft Central

February 7, 2020 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... ―My Sweet Clare, you have been very much distracted because of the intensity of Ezekiel‘s suffering. And I want to tell you, I understand. Do not condemn yourself. These things are very hard to cope with. Please do not lay blame and guilt on yourself for not being able to pray or think straight. Indeed, you have suffered much during this season of trial, very much. And the human mind runs to familiar consolations when it is nearing the breaking point. But let Me assure you, I will not allow you to be broken—although that is what your enemies are working towards.

―I have planted you and your prayer warriors right in the middle of witchcraft central. You are in a very hot area, where much evil is done. Not only to the surrounding families, but the cities and nations of the world and especially America. There are very well-established Satanists in this area, and they are infuriated that you are here. To stay, I might add. I do not allow all things to touch down in your life, although they wait in line for one misstep so they can gain entrance.

―I am allowing this for the work of saving souls, and though you feel very disconnected in this moment, things are going to change. When I allow suffering, part of it is for the sins of the soul, part of it is for reparation for the sins of the unrepentant, part of it is for conversions, and part of it is a major work of mercy to save the nations of this world.

―Both you and Ezekiel and many Heartdwellers and Christians around the world are going through similar things. All that I can tell you is that you are My choice warriors, because you have shouldered the many tragic things that are happening to, in, and around you, with courage and dedication.

―In this world you will have trouble. But I live in you and I overcame the world. And so will you, My deeply dedicated ones.

―My people, no one sees your suffering. No one hears a fanfare. No one connects the dots between you being here and the Earth being held back from full-blown war. No one recognizes your love for Me. But I do. Good men are tried in the crucible of suffering and I tell you truly, you are not good men; you are extraordinary men and women who have heard My voice on this Channel and given yourselves totally to Me.

―Such are the martyrs in Heaven, and so are you in this very way. Martyrs for righteousness, for the triumph of righteousness and the extended hours, days, months, and years that you have won for your people by your intercessions.

―You have made a choice of will, and though you may feel your offering is paltry, because you do not suffer as well as you would like. Still. I tell you, great fruit is being gathered because of your pains and tears. Many of your hearts are bruised beyond recognition by what you have faithfully endured and not renounced Me. Many of you will wear martyrs crowns. But many more will go unrecognized in this life.

―Your suffering is deep, pervasive, hidden, and in some cases immobilizing. Clare‘s heart is bruised beyond recognition from enduring with Ezekiel the pain he has so steadfastly suffered and continues to suffer. This is in part the reason for her silence. When she becomes quiet to pray, the tears and grief overwhelm her, so at times she finds ways to occupy herself from feeling that pain.

―What she and others like her do not know is that somewhere in China, those who are being tortured are not feeling the brunt of the torture, because it is being taken on here in America. They suffer beyond recognition, but some of the pain has been distributed to victim souls in other places in the

157 world. The only reason they stand throughout this process is that I have given them extraordinary grace to keep them upright and functioning.

―It is the same for you, dear ones. You are getting through your ordeals because I am strengthening you, and others also are receiving blows for you, as well. The economy of Redemption and how I distribute My graces to the needy will remain a mystery to most until Heaven, when they will see playbacks of their lives.

―Gold is tried in the furnace of afflictions. And all of you listening to this message, and having gone through these things, all of you are being perfected so that you will shine with a distinctive brightness in Glory. You are being strengthened beyond human boundaries. Many of you endure to superhuman boundaries and you haven‘t quit, because you trust Me to provide for you that which is lacking.

―I want to commend you, My faithful warriors and victim souls. I know that you don't see yourselves in any great light, but mostly as failures. And that's not true. I want to thank you for your faithfulness. And I encourage you to keep holding the standard of the Cross high above your heads as you ready yourself for battles. When there is simply nothing left and you are totally bankrupt, fall into My arms, put your hands on My Heart, listen to the heartbeat Your God expresses His gratitude with.

―Know that I am eternally grateful to you for all you have sacrificed on behalf of your brothers, sisters, and the world. You have much to look forward to in Heaven. Please do not grow despondent or discouraged. I am holding you and filling you with grace in the moments you most need it.

"Thank you for loving Me with a true and pure love, a love bathed in tears and sacrifice. I count every tear as the most precious offering a soul can make to Me.

―I bless you now and am preparing a place for you. A place where there will be no more tears, no more suffering, no more disappointment, no more death. Only eternal bliss in My presence.‖

Message 757: Jesus says... This Bio Weapon, called Coronavirus, will spread like Wildfire...

February 25, 2020 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) May the protection of God and His Peace reign in our hearts as we pray for the afflicted... Amen.

Lord, I cannot even imagine what You are going through. The wickedness of man is beyond comprehension. I am stunned into silence by what I have seen and how very fragile life on this Earth truly is. And I don't know if you've picked up on it or not. But if you get on YouTube and see some of the videos that are coming out of China, it really is heartrending!! And I spent a couple of hours doing that, to see what they were going through. And began this message afterwards...

I know I could never participate in Your suffering over these losses, Lord. The very hint of them brings me to my knees in sorrow. I do not ask why; I know Satan is behind this. No need to ask that question. But please give me strength and wisdom to share this with Your people. Lord, I have nothing.

Jesus began... ―If the days were not shortened, not one would remain alive. So wicked is this move of Satan that it is beyond the human mind to conceive of such evil. You see only a tiny portion; I see and hear the cries from those who are dying. I feel the sorrow that has no end - the pain and suffering, Clare, is incomprehensible! I love each one of these children of Mine, dearly. Yet I tell you that, in times to come, those who have gone on will be envied by the living.


―It is not too late to contain this, but the means must be extraordinary—and few are prepared or willing to. As a result, this will spread like wildfire. Containment is the only answer for many, unless they embrace Me and avail themselves of My protection. I cry out to those, Clare, as they are dying. I give them an opportunity to receive Me - I have not left them without recourse.

―But many do not know or understand, truly understand, that I am their God. They have been so brainwashed that only extraordinary Grace can convince them otherwise.

―It is coming to America. It is coming to your shores. It is already here—and those who do not seek My protection are in great peril. I want them to come to Me, no matter what they‘ve done. I want them to know My forgiveness and unconditional love. I want them to experience My deliverance, My promises, and My power to save. But so many do not believe, do not trust, and cannot turn to Me with faith.

"Yet, I am working with them through their believing relatives. I will show them My salvation and they will come to believe.

―People of the world, you all belong to Me. I made each one of you intricately with a divine purpose in life. But your secular societies have removed Me from you as a solid source of healing and deliverance. They would rather go to the doctor, who they think they can trust. Yet for many, a doctor‘s help will be utterly useless, so well has this bio weapon been engineered.

―I am your only recourse, My loved ones, and you are all My loved ones. I know each of you intimately. I understand your dreams and struggles, your brokenness. Your accomplishments. All is perfectly understood, and I wish for you to live—not die.

―I wish to bring you into My Kingdom, glorify you with knowledge, understanding, and love. I wish for you to fulfill the purpose of your life on Earth, and I wish to have you with Me, by My side, in Heaven. Do not turn away from Me! Let Me into your heart and cleave to Me. Without understanding of life on Earth and Eternity, the sorrow is unbearable. I cry out for you day and night that you will turn your heart to Me in a new way, a way never understood before.

"I am not a religion; I am a relationship! And I long to hold you, comfort you, and give you new hope. But you must turn to Me and leave behind those ways you know are sinful in My sight. I want to cleanse you of your iniquities and wash away the darkness, that I may fill you with My light and ignite in you a fire of love for your fellow human beings.

―This scourge is being permitted by My Father to wake you up before it is too late. Many of My people are living solely for themselves, not for others. Many of you are captive to your possessions and ability to buy more possessions. These things are giving you a false sense of security. You do not see how very frail your life is, and the consequences of living it to please yourselves. You see what your culture approves, and this gives you a sense of security and accomplishment.

―But overnight, this could be taken from you. Oh, how I wish for you to all wake up! Each day I wish for you to find new ways to bless others, and spend substantial time crying out to Me for wisdom and deliverance.

―It is not only a simple prayer that will deliver many. No, there must be repentance - a turning around from sin. A realization that you have been living for yourselves, not for what matters to Me. Those of you who have shown great mercy to others in this season—you, too, will receive great mercy. I long to deflect this plague from your shores! But first, I must see repentance and a life well-lived for what is good and right, not just for selfish motives.

―Getting you to see things from My perspective is indeed difficult. You have become comfortable in your lives of excess and sin. You do not realize or see what is so clear to all of Heaven. You see only what your culture applauds, and this is why drastic measures are needed to change your perspective.

―Yet, I am not without Mercy. And I will work with your President to eradicate this scourge. Only, I entreat you, pray deeply, sincerely, from the heart. Pray for others. Pray for your nation, your family,

159 and the Chinese people who are suffering so terribly. Each prayer you make from a heart of love for the stranger and the alien is recorded in My Book of your life. And it is a worthy gift of My Bride to Me.‖

Message 758: Jesus says... China, lift up your Eyes... Salvation is knocking at your Gates

February 27, 2020 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) May the wisdom of God prevail in your hearts, dear ones. May He cover you with His wings and keep you from the pestilence and designs of the devils... Amen.

I have been beset by distractions, and also feeling my own fair share of disorientation. The Lord helped me to clarify the source of this today. It turns out to be partially a suffering. So, please pray for me, my precious ones. There is so much He has for me to share with you! I came into prayer today, rather desperate for His presence.

Jesus began... ―Finally, you‘ve come to listen to Me. I almost lost you to a walk in the woods to see what‘s going on with the building. Forget about all of that right now and just be with Me, sweet Clare. How I have needed you and your sweet attentions to Me! I have needed and missed you very much. I wait for you to acknowledge My presence - not My absence, which is a lie.

―I am NEVER absent from you. NEVER. You just can‘t quite see Me. Partly because of your own limitations. And sometimes, I do stay very quietly beside you in such a way you cannot perceive Me, even as you do now. I so wanted you to have this breakthrough today. I know how you have been languishing for Me and for My instruction, as well.

―It is a noble thing to suffer for those ravished by this terrible disease. But you mustn‘t lose sight of your mission in the midst of that. There are things to do, Beloved. Many things to do. I have many inspirations for you, including the need of an Administrator; someone who can oversee things without getting you involved. You are far too bound up in details and things that should not be your concerns.

―Beloved, I want to relieve you of these things, I want to help you. Pray for that.

―I began saying something very important to you a few moments ago. You do not realize that this perceived darkness and chaos is actually bringing forth much fruit. All you see is darkness and confusion. This is the enemy‘s view, and he is trying to impose it on you so you will give up. But I am the Light of your life, and I show you another perspective that is very threatening to him.

―How he loves to deceive and despair; he loves to steal the good seed I sow. You already know this, but it must be experientially incorporated into your day-to-day thinking.

―What you have perceived as confusion is, in part, a suffering for those who are totally disoriented and thrown into confusion and panic by this illness in China. I have given you a heart for them, Clare. And part of what you and Ezekiel are suffering now is to alleviate their sufferings.

―Mostly, I want them to come to Me. I want them to see and hear Me. I want to heal them, and you indeed are a voice crying out in that wilderness.

―Come to Me, My broken ones, My Beloved people of China. How tenderly I love you and long for you to recognize My presence beside you! Yes, I am right here with you and I will never leave your side. All that remains is for you to recognize My Presence.


―Clare and Ezekiel have been suffering for this very thing. I long for you to perceive Me and receive My Love and salvation. Do not cling to empty godless traditions any longer; reach out to Me, and I will heal you and your entire family.

―I am here for you, and I desire to heal every one of you. Believe, reach out and receive. I am your God and you are beautifully and exquisitely put together in ways that are unique and inspiring. There are great treasures laid up in your being that I have deliberately given to you and to no other culture on Earth.

―I wish to bring you out of the darkness and into My Glorious Light, bringing a revival to your nation. Something so grand it is beyond your imagining! But this is where you are headed, and the darkness must precede the Light, and suffering precedes Joy. This is your time of suffering. But raise your eyes Heavenward and embrace Me, and I will deliver you and bring you immeasurable joy in revival.

―I am for you and not against you. Your past means nothing to Me. I look only at the good in you and what I want to do with that good. How I want to liberate that goodness within you. You are a people beautiful and unique in so many, many ways, and the world needs the gifts you have.

―So, lift up your eyes China; salvation is knocking at your gates; glory unspeakable awaits you. Be not afraid to embrace Me, Jesus Christ the only Son of the Father, fully God and fully man, forever ONE with the Holy Spirit and My Father. Together, we act in perfect union and Our hearts for you are revival and glory.

―So, be not afraid to call on us for Healing, because it is our desire to heal you from these ills Satan, in cooperation with evil men, have put upon you.

―I love you so very deeply! Rise up and call upon My Name and I will respond with wonders in your midst. Do not be afraid to call upon Us: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We wish for your country to explode into glory and grace with thousands healed and even raised from the dead. We are waiting for your entreaties; cry out to Us and behold what We shall do for you.‖

(Clare) And here I want to tell you of a prophetic word that Ezekiel received in November 2019, just after we moved up here to the mountain. The Holy Spirit said to Ezekiel... 'A Blinding Light will arise from China.' Oh, my dear ones! If ever there were a time when this light is needed by the entire world, it is now. Let us pray together... 'Come, Lord God. Send this blinding Light to arise from China!'

Understand, my dear ones, that the suffering and blood of the martyrs always precedes a great move of God. So, fasten your hearts to this hope and live in expectation.

Message 759: Jesus says... Lose your Self-Importance & Embrace My Poverty and Humility

February 27, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord bless us with His Heart of Humility and service. And the ability to see those areas in our lives that need to be changed during this time of introspection. Amen.

Yesterday was the beginning of Lent, a 40-day period preceding the Lord‘s Passion and Resurrection. This is a time for us to empty ourselves of pride and self-serving. It is a time to allow the Lord to reveal the sickness in our souls, so that we may be cleansed and reborn again in His resurrected glory. The workings of the world are so very tedious and draining, and many a compromise is made for our flesh.


These compromises can make us lukewarm and distracted. I say this to you with great conviction, dear ones. I have allowed myself to be distracted and I have made compromises, which at the time seemed okay - but after self-examination, I realized they were detrimental and not healthy for my relationship with the Lord.

I am repenting for these things and asking the Lord to cleanse my heart and make it pure. I am acknowledging the areas I have done less than well in, and asking Jesus, ―Lord, change me. Please take away those earthly distractions and those things that rob You of my time. Those attitudes of heart that are not pleasing to You.‖

This morning the Lord brought to mind the vanity of the ways of the Church, where many vie for recognition and seek to be respectable and acknowledged as an authority. So many times this leads to error and vainglory, and in preparation for the move of God that is coming, He is asking us to lose our self-significance and embrace littleness in Him.

In this way, His Light will shine, not ours. And those who are emerging in the understanding of His ways will find an open forum, a safe place, to express what God is showing them. Which many times, by the way, is very significant, since He opposes the proud, but reveals His secrets to the humble and little ones.

Jesus began... ―My people, who have grown accustomed to being acknowledged as pillars in the church; as those who are in the know and competent to lead others—consider the vanity of your ways.

―I would have you humble yourselves and listen to the little ones around you who cleave to Me in holy humility. They are motivated by the holy fear of God and a deep desire to remain little and hidden, cleaving to Me rather than looking for opportunities to shine and to be esteemed in the eyes of others, for their knowledge. Rather, they walk in great fear of Me, having respect for all others above themselves. Therefore, they stay little. In these I am well pleased.

―My children, lose your self-importance and embrace My poverty and humility. Do not vie for attention or speak with an air of authority. These things are nauseating to Me! Rather, I would have you quiet and in awe of the little ones around you who have no desire to be adored or recognized. Their main preoccupation is cleaving to Me in their littleness, not offending their brother, and learning new ways to walk in My ways.

―They live in a beautiful dimension with Me, a place of peace and freedom from striving, from recognition, competition; the need to be applauded and praised by men. And in this place I give them rest.

―Not so with those who wish to shine before men. They tend towards restlessness of heart, looking for ways to prove their intelligence and knowledge.

―I ask you to cease from this striving and find your peace in quietness and rest. Be anxious for nothing but My approval. Disregard your preoccupation with being respectable and acknowledged and don My littleness and obscurity. Then you will escape the web of vanity that ensnares those who seek to be elevated and are riddled through with many foolish concerns.

―I tell you these things, because they are in the way of our sweet fellowship. And in truth, they distract others from Me, causing others to see and applaud you, rather than Me.

"Stand in joyful insignificance, My dear ones, and allow Me to shine through others. I will be with you in this endeavour, and the fruit shall indeed be sweet.‖


Message 760: Jesus explains... Coronavirus... Your greatest Protection is Repentance & pleasing Me

March 7, 2020 - Words from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) May the Lord's peace be with you and guide you into all righteousness. May your hearts be tender and pliable in the Master's hands... Amen.

Dear ones, Ezekiel had a extremely vivid and real dream which truly bore the signature of Holy Spirit. In this dream, many Saints came to visit him, and afterwards, Father God came. At the end of the visitation, a set of scales was shown to him and he heard... 'seven years'. Our impression was that the Tribulation was about to begin. But I am seeking more wisdom from the Lord on that.

As it is written in Revelation 6:5-6... The Third Seal - And when He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say... 'Come, and see.' And I looked and saw a black horse, and he who sat on it holding a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying... A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny. And do not harm the oil and the wine.

Today, Ezekiel was again in serious intercession when he saw many people dying from the coronavirus. in China, and all over the world, as well as the United States. He was suffering some of their symptoms as we prayed. I have sought the Lord about putting food up for the Community and was given a go-ahead. So, we have prepared a small amount of food to last for a month for the Community members. And we're also looking into having more food to share with others.

Looking at this entire situation, it seems to me that it is wisdom to have food and water put aside if there is a lag in production here in this country. Also, transportation. Trucks may not always be delivering a full load to different stores. Also, medicines, alcohol and skin sanitizers, masks, gasoline and oil, toilet paper and other household necessities.

Carol told me that a friend had sent her a dream. I was in a supermarket when suddenly I knew in my spirit that a plant named Chlorella (never heard of it before), was going to be the antidote to the Coronavirus. So, I stood in line to buy some and they quickly ran out as others in the store were given the same knowledge. When I woke up the make Chlorella kept repeating in my head so as not to forget.

When I looked it up on the Internet to see if it was even a thing, to my amazement here‘s what it said: huge immune booster and lung supporter. Some Chlorella contains iron, so it‘s not recommended for children. Which is interesting, because they don‘t seem to be affected. Anyhow, I just wanted to give you the heads up. If this dream was from the Lord, then He‘s trying to give us the help we need to stay healthy so we can stay alive to do His work.

Besides all of that, dear ones, the Lord is asking us to pray Psalm 91, and I highly suggest we each pray Psalm 51 first, in a very slow, heartfelt way. If the Lord reveals anything to you that is less than pleasing—please, please, remove that from your life. Do not leave open doors. Forgive everyone who has ever hurt you, whether they apologized or not. Holding on to a bitter seed will surely infect you and leave open a door.

How can God forgive us when we do not forgive others? Very simply, He cannot. And He promised if you forgive others, I will forgive you. Do not leave this door open. Get plenty of rest, and do not allow yourself to become compulsive dive into a huge project that exhausts you. That's surely a set-up from the enemy, to weaken your system.

The very best protection, my dear ones, is to love your brother and sister as you love yourself. And to walk humbly and see others as better. I promise you, if you look closely at others, you will see many virtues they have that you lack, so this should make it easier for you.


This is a time to reform and clean up our act. The Lord is pressing against all of us to do away with cycles of sin we have allowed into our lives. If He has been touching your conscience about anything, please pay heed and stop doing that. The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church, and there are many dying from this plague. Crying out for others' conversion. God is allowing it to get you to be serious about Him and stop compromising.

And I share with you that He really is working with me to get rid of attitudes and desires. I have gotten lax in certain areas, and my heart has troubled me for a while. But I've been lazy. Now He is giving me the grace and the mandate to clean it up.

Lord, what do You have for us?

Jesus began... "Your instructions are wise and on target. Some will respond to the easy things like buying supplements; others will take Me very seriously and respond more to repentance. This is your protection, dear ones. Repentance and a heart that is serious about pleasing Me will be a very strong protection against this virus. Unless I call upon you to stand in the gap for your unsaved family members.

―Also, do not stop giving to the poor, visiting the sick and those in prison. Charity is a fortress of safety. If you have the means to put aside food for others, this too is pleasing to Me. And remember, if ever there should be a serious need, turn to Me... I never stopped multiplying the bread, and I will never stop. Not for the stingy self-serving souls, but for the souls who love their brothers as they love themselves. Not only that, but charity covers a multitude of sins. In Heaven you will see the power of this dynamic when you review the days of your life.

―Do not panic. Do not provoke panic. Rather, provoke prayer and tell My people that prayer is where the power lies. I can do so very much with prayer alone, from the sincere of heart and holy of life.

―My people, if you are dealing with persistent sin and obstinate faults, continue to fight the good fight. Come to Me and I will honor your prayers. Remember, when I see true contrition and continuing effort to improve, I honor your prayers as if you had already attained holiness.

"I look at the heart, My Precious Ones. Keep it clean from judgment, pride, fornication and greed. Those who have been honest and strict with themselves will have nothing to fear in My presence. You will receive compassion and grace to help you continue to overcome.

―Know that there is not a minute when I am absent from you. I listen to the supplications of your heart, to your thoughts and lack of opinion and judgment. To your desire to love your brothers and sisters unconditionally.

"I AM with you. Cleave to these virtues and I will keep you safe in the day of trouble.‖

Message 761: Warning from Jesus... WAKE UP & PRAY... It's much worse, than you think - Drop to your Knees

March 10, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Lord, please give us strength in this hour to take Your words seriously and apply ourselves to prayer and fasting. Dear God, deliver our nation and the world from evil... Amen.

Ezekiel has been in heart-rending prayer and suffering for several days, and today was the worst; it brought me to my knees in prayer. This past week there was a period of about an hour or two when military transport planes were passing over us just about every six minutes, one after another after

164 another. We heard this kind of air traffic during the Kosovo wars, but never so many so close together. It was eerie, we knew something had to be going on.

But today after receiving the Lord‘s Body and Blood, because I dedicated the Lord‘s Supper to the Divine Mercy for the world, the Lord Jesus began to speak.

(Jesus) ―The situation is much worse than anyone knows."

(Clare) I asked... How is that, Lord?

(Jesus) ―Preparations for war under the radar. The enemy will do all he can to disrupt the elections. But this is a very critical time in the history of the world. Things are coming on strong and fast but have been kept from the public. Between famine, plague and war the world situation is indeed coming to a head.

―You are safe; do not be afraid. But I am calling you, My faithful ones, to intercession for the world. The situation is extremely volatile.

―Beloved, this is a time of intense suffering for the world, if only you could see. Preparations are underway to destroy your country. But if My people pray and humble themselves, I will spare them. There are many who have been diligent in turning this government around, and this is why. Nonetheless, I am calling for radical intercession.

―I know your feelings, Clare, and your thoughts and I understand. I do not fault you for them. Just when you think you are getting a handle on what I‘ve asked of you…something new happens... And now this. I understand."

(Clare) And what He was talking about here was, I was just beginning to work with music more and more. Getting my voice in order so I can record some of the songs that He's given me. And it's been a real struggle. And I'm just beginning to work hard on getting my voice back, and concentration on the piano, and arranging. And this happens. Kind of like, 'Okay - I know you're trying to do what I've asked you to do. And I know it's been a long time since you've been able to do it. But I really need you to set that aside right now for intercession.' So, that's what He was meaning by that.

(Jesus) ―You are first and foremost a leader in My army, Clare. Like it or not, this is the position you have been occupying - and at times it requires you to drop everything and return to the battlefield. Do not let gluttony get the upper hand."

(Clare) And what He's talking about there is not so much overeating as much as it is eating things that I really enjoy.

(Jesus) "I am meting out graces to you to help with this. Please do all in your power to correspond. You are My faithful Bride, and I need you by My side in this hour. Comfort Me, Beloved, with your care and compassion for those in the world who will be dying a most terrible death."

(Clare) And when He said that, one of the things I had heard is that there are some governments that have older people who are very sick with this plague. And they are putting them in triple body bags and putting them in a furnace. Before they die... It's just horrible! Unbelievably horrible.

(Jesus) ―I know this has been rather sudden for you, but I needed to keep your mind on other, more positive things for a time - and this is My best way of handling it. You know when he suffers this way that it is serious; it is the means I have to get your attention so that you can let others know. You are not alone in this. I have many around the world praying and suffering and fasting.

―Clare, pay attention, Dearest. This is real and this is Me.‖

(Clare) I was allowing my mind to wander off, 'cause there was a conversation in the other room. Jesus, I am sorry. What more can I do?

(Jesus) ―Spread the word. It‘s time for America to drop to her knees.‖


Pray for President Trump

March 10, 2020 - From Sister Clare

Blessed Heartdwellers, I want to give you a short update and urgent message. Ezekiel has been both here and in Heaven with the Blessed Mother, in a tiny side room in her jungle bungalow. Jesus and Mary have been there with him almost constantly giving him strength, and Our Lady has brought him a broth to drink.

Ezekiel was shown President Donald Trump, kneeling on the floor, crying and praying to God, ―Please give me the strength to do what I must do.‖ Then Ezekiel heard, "The nation will suffer terribly for seven years."

Fast and give to the Lord, what you can as an offering. We are praying for the nation and the world.

And please, get an image of President Trump on his knees, crying and asking for God's strength. Keep that in your heart and mind as you pray. And please do pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. It is extremely powerful. When Ezekiel is in his worst torment, two or three of those chaplets interrupt the pain and stop it.

So, please put aside your prejudices about prayers, and pray that prayer that is so powerful for saving souls. The Lord bless you.

Message 762: Jesus says... Let Me address the sinful and dangerous Habits in your Lives

March 12, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Precious Family, last night Ezekiel and I were visited by the Lord in great conviction of areas in which we have fallen short. In great kindness, He both convicted and pardoned us, leading us to have so much more reverential fear of Him. I share this painful experience along with His admonitions to us all, that this is a season of correction and blessing to prepare us to come up higher.

Jesus began... ―My People, it is not My Heart nor My Plan to see you suffer, and I abhor the possibility of losing you to Satan. For this reason, I am addressing those things that are dangerous habits in your lives. These are the things that open the door to Satan to sift you and will ultimately bring you deep sorrow.

"Last night I visited Clare and Ezekiel with My conviction and forgiveness. It was terribly painful for Us but needed to be done. They are far from perfect, but willing nonetheless, to strive towards perfection with My help. And continue to cleave to Me in the most trying moments when I must crush them into fine powder."

(Clare) Wow - that's an understatement. Fine powder. I don't even know what to say to that, except that it was much more than fine powder. It was like smoke. Yeah, like being annihilated.

(Jesus) "I wish to visit all of you in this very same way, because you have unrighteous habits that are separating you from Me and causing your life to go stagnant and cold. My heart aches when I must visit you with these measures, more than you will ever know. Yes, I crush My very own self into fine powder at the same time. Understand that I live in you, and what you suffer, I suffer more severely on your behalf.


"I have asked Mother Clare to do a series on sins so that you may recognize where you stand and where you fall short with Me in holiness. I could give you fluffy assurances, but in the end, you would be crestfallen that I did not deal with your sins before the Judgment. Yes, judgment is coming to America and the world, and so is Revival. But to carry these precious Living Waters, you must be clean from those things that make you unrighteous.

"This is not a session of Condemnation. Rather, it is a move of conviction even as the woman caught in adultery was subjected to. They wanted to kill her, but I knew the goodness in this soul and stood in the gap for her and forgave her all of her sins. And of course, those who picked up stones had the very same sins on their hearts and in their lives.‖

"Last night was the beginning of a cleansing for My Bride, and I wish for these messages to spread all over the world. To some they will seem unreasonably harsh. To those of you who react this way, you have not yet encountered My Holiness or known Me in My Glory to the depth that would cause you to live every moment of your lives in reverential fear. This fear must be present to carry forth the Living Waters and bring salvation to the nations.

"Such is the nature of sin that it causes breaks and barriers in our relationship, which in turn weakens your witness and faith. This is why Satan is called the Accuser of the brethren. You know well the times you have allowed compromise. And I want to cleanse you even as I cleansed the woman caught in adultery, so that you can cleave to Me with a clean conscience in the most devastating and trying moments. My precious Heartdwellers, it is indeed the little foxes that spoil the vine.

"If Satan cannot provoke you to murder, he still can do much damage by causing you to ignore the poor who are dying that you should have helped or cause you to destroy a minister‘s reputation through one unkind word. Actions such as these have the same effect as murder. They steal life from that soul. Life that they could have had with the community, in ministry. Livelihood to supply for their family. And worst of all, stealing from their following the confidence in their teachings and prayers, which may be mostly good and sound and biblical.

―Character assassination is Satan‘s work. All his demons are trained in character assassination so they may put in a fatal word at the right time in your mind, which you thoughtlessly repeat. There is a reason that Satan is said to accuse you day and night before the throne of God. He is the Accuser of the Brethren, and this is the most poisonous, debilitating, destructive tool in his arsenal.

―When you feel badly about yourself, you have no joy or inspiration to keep going. That is why soaking prayer is so important, because I visit you in those songs and restore your standing with Me. Even when you are innocent, you still need restoration - because part of you believes the lies and they have taken root in your soul and spread, choking out the life of the Spirit within you.

―Please believe Me when I say I am not here to condemn you, but to show you where you can improve, and not injure others, and carry the Living Waters of Revival to a thirsty, dying world. These indiscretions are like holes in your clay pot, which is not sound enough to hold these precious anointings.

―My Clare, I want you to share My visitation with you and Ezekiel last night.‖

(Clare) Well, my dear family, I don‘t believe I have ever felt such profound repentance in my life. Perhaps at my conversion. I know the Lord allowed the enemy to throttle us. Ezekiel was in the worst torments I have ever seen him in. The Bible Promises reading was 'Enemies', so we prayed against them while also praying for their good and conversion. At one point, we both felt so utterly helpless we began to pray, ―Mercy Lord! Please have mercy on us!‖ And that's all we could pray for a long time. Then Ezekiel was infused with the grace to stand up to the enemy and declare their state and destination in loud and convicting words.

Soon after that, the torment stopped and the Lord began to speak through Ezekiel recounting the words of the woman caught in adultery, ―Where are those now who condemn you? I do not condemn you, and no others are condemning you, your sins are forgiven.‖ He was not referring to adultery as a sin in our lives, but sin in general. When he said that on behalf of Jesus, all I could say is ―By your power I will go and sin no more, Lord.‖


Then Jesus continued to give utterance through Ezekiel declaring His love, as well as good and faithful things, graces we have received and used, along with beautiful promises and tender assurances of His loyalty to us—that He will never forsake us.

And what were the sins I felt convicted of? Little things, really. Laziness in fasting, catering to my taste buds, not circumcising the flesh to be free of desires for certain foods. Once upon a time, when I was younger, I was given the grace to fast and be totally disinterested in food or how it tasted. I know He has tried to offer me this grace again, but my love of self and personal weakness did not bear up under pressure, and I too easily gave in.

And now with this Nineveh fast, I am having to address these issues head on and deny myself. The day before Lent began, I made a Ghirardelli dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate cream cheese and whipped cream frosting. It was 'medicinal' I consoled myself to believe. But then I realized: I now have a huge temptation in the freezer, because I had one piece and had to wrap the rest up for another time. In truth, I shouldn‘t have made that cake at all, even in other times. So, this is the goal I am reaching for: to be free of the tyranny of the taste buds.

In art supplies to make holy cards, I went overboard by getting an extra set of markers. I could feel it when I did it, but I ignored the feeling. That was wrong. Now I am resolved to leave such foolish impulses behind, by the power of His grace, as well as sharing markers with others who don‘t have them here in the community.

These are only very little things, dear family, but they are symptoms of a love for Jesus that has grown cold and unresponsive. He knows I abhor this about myself, and I have given Him permission to change me. I do not want to live this way anymore. It‘s like a ship that is covered in barnacles, which slow down the speed and agility of the craft. The Captain must take measures and bring it into dry dock and remove them.

This is a time now when Jesus is preparing us to function at a higher level. Let‘s cooperate with Him, no matter how daunting the process. Let's focus more on His love and desire to make us who we are. Let's cry out to Him to be the souls fully in love with our Jesus, and willing to deny ourselves to have more of Him. Pray for us, dear ones. As we, too, will pray for you. Lord Jesus, is this what You wanted?

(Jesus) "It is, but I want you to continue to share occasions of sin that are normally ignored. Sins of the church. Sins of the chosen souls. There's much I want to rid you of this week, My Precious Heartdwellers. This is what I am aiming for. I will also visit you with consolations that you may taste the sweetness of coming up higher into My arms."

Message 763: Jesus says... This is about Life & Death... So set aside your Opinions and pray!

March 16, 2020 - Message from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Dear Heartdwellers. I have a very important, timely, and urgent message for you. And I pray you will hear it today, and don't delay to listen to it.

(Jesus) "I am calling upon you, My Church, to lay aside your man-made learning and set aside your opinions in this hour for a very specific life-and-death purpose. Many of you understand, based on the Scriptures - and an understanding I've imparted to Mother Clare - that My Mother's role is as the Greatest Intercessor you have in Heaven."


"The time right now you are living in is very much like the times of the Black Plague, when the prayer of the Rosary was completed. You cannot afford, My Brides, to ignore her role, which I went out of My way to underscore in Scripture, so you could obtain miracles and graces that would not normally be given you."

(Jackie) I've found the following regarding this topic on the Website Christians added "pray for us now and at the hour of our death" in the midst of the Black Plague. The "Hail Mary" prayer that Christians have been praying for centuries is composed of two main parts. The first part of the prayer is derived from the Annunciation, when the angel Gabriel greeted Mary by saying... "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!" (Luke 1:28) The next part of the prayer is taken from the Visitation, when Elizabeth greeted Mary with the words... "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!" (Luke 1:42) At first the prayer was known as the "Salutation of the Blessed Virgin", and only consisted of the two verses joined together. However, during the Black Plague (also known as the Black Death) the prayer was further developed and a second part was added to it "pray for us now and at the hour of our death". (The Link to this article is below this video)

(Jesus) "I want you to remember that I stooped down from Heaven to enter the Virgin's womb. And you would do well to stoop through this very same door to Heaven with your prayers. To reach the very center of My Heart and obtain miracles for you out of season.

"I would also ask you to come before My Holy Spirit and search your hearts, so you can repent of any selfishness, self-will, pride, anger, hoarding/acquisition, spiritual sloth, lust and rebellion.

"Come to Me. My arms are wide open. I long to hear your confession and wash you white as wool, in preparation for the Day ahead of you."

(Clare) And I just want to tell you, very quickly. Mike From Around the World, according to our core group, has a proven track record. Like...100% accuracy. And 20 years ago, he told a friend of his that his mother would be involved in a car accident. And as a result of that, complications would set in and she would die. And that was 20 years ago. He also told him that within days after her death, three missiles, three bombs, would be fired on America and explode. Three, I believe, nuclear bombs. They would be from Iran. They had Iranian symbols on them.

Well, just about 4 days ago, maybe five. This old friend of Mike From Around the World called him, shaking. Trembling in his voice. And he said, "My mother just passed away. And she died exactly as you said she would."

Now, I want to add to that, that when Ezekiel was in some of his worst trauma and pain a few days ago, at the same time he cried out, 'Black Tuesday!' And it was a time of unsurpassed suffering for our nation.

Now, I'm trying to put two and two together. I ask you. Take this before the Lord. But whether you get a confirmation or not, the one most important thing that you can do is to prepare your hearts to meet the Lord. Prepare your soul. Be clean before Him. Forgive those who offended you. And repent.

And I must add that, in the past, many of our core group have seen something happening on the East coast. In fact, I believe that Mike From Around the World may have mentioned people of the East Coast, but not what city. I think you can fill in the blanks on that one.

In addition, here are 2 experiences from the bombing of Hiroshima... Eight men were praying the rosary, the Hail Mary, at the exact time the atomic bomb went off in Hiroshima. And they were in a little Catholic chapel 600 years from ground zero. Everything for 4 miles from ground zero was wiped out, most of it vaporized. And all 8 of these men died decades later of old age. And none of them got sick. None of them were injured. And there was a little woman in the Hiroshima library who was reading a book about Our Lady of Fatima. And she was 800 yards from ground zero. And when the bomb went off, the Library and everything all around her was vaporized, but she and the book were okay. And she died decades later of old age.


So, I'm asking you please. Take me very seriously. Call your friends. Have them listen to this message. And understand that within a few days we may be facing an incredibly difficult situation in our country.

(Jackie) Pray as you are led by The Spirit, pray from the depth of your heart and ask Mother Mary for intercession in these trying times. Also pray the Divine Mercy Prayer, Psalm 51 and Psalm 91 over the whole World. The Lord bless and protect you all. Thank you for all your prayers and support, we also pray for you. In His Love Jackie & Family

Message 764: Jesus says... The Dangers in this Hour are very serious... So please pray & repent

March 23, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began... "My people, you have done well to pray with passion, seriously and deny yourselves. Do not beat yourselves if your sacrifices have not been perfect, it is in times like this where I reveal your own weaknesses. In other words, to prevent you from becoming prideful, I may not give you all the grace you need to offer to Me a perfect sacrifice.

"My people, worry more about having a perfect heart than having perfect self-control, which tends to feed pride and prowess. Without My grace you can do very little. But I am with you according to the purity of your hearts, the dedication to the welfare of others around the world, means very much to Me. Yes, you cry out for your children and grandchildren, but when I see you crying out for the children of strangers, My heart is moved to immense pity which causes My Mercy to flow like a river from Heaven delivering the poor and helpless.

"This is a time like no other in history, and I have given into your hands the ability to hold back the worst punishments and judgements. I applaud you for supporting your president (Trump), I see the tears of even the littlest ones praying for Donald and My heart rejoices. I see your dedication to prayer and My heart is soothed and comforted.

"Those heartdwellers who rest in My heart, shedding their tears for their fellow mankind, and comforting Me through these times of sorrow, I cannot express My gratitude to you enough. Please continue to comfort Me and do not abandon Me for the necessities of the world. I will always provide for you. Your love that is blind to your own needs and focused only on Me leave Me no choice but to provide for you supernaturally. Your kindness to others from your own sources of provision set My angels into a posture of readiness to meet your continuing needs.

"I cannot stress to you enough, that your prayers are preventing much worse events from taking place in your nation and around the world. CONTINUE TO PRAY! Do not stop, fast as you can, chip away at your day‘s duties to free up more time for prayer. Do not stop praying. The dangers in this hour are beyond your comprehension and I will not tell you all lest you lose heart and panic. But this I can tell you; I am with you, I will be with you and I will never, ever abandon you. My heart leaps at the sound of your supplications, and I am most attentive to you.

"Your main duty besides comforting Me and praying for others, is to encourage repentance among your own children. This will do more for your nation and for them in the long run than any other measure besides prayer, will accomplish. Stress to them that there are certain moral laws that control the universe, just like the laws of gravity, they never fail. When they transgress these laws there are consequences. I have shown them much mercy in recent years, but rather than having the effect of turning their hearts to Me, it only gave them more permission to continue to sin.


"Therefore, I must discipline them and turn their hardened hearts and callous consciences to bring their lives back into the blessing place. It is My very last choice, but then, I have been left without any other because of their negligence.

"You are teaching them by your example, your unconditional love but firmness in not condoning sin, is the means to reinforce truth in their lives and soften their hardened hearts.

"My words to you in this hour are... 'CONTINUE TO PRAY AND REPENT' for your nation and for your families. Do all that I give into your hands to do. Do not waste graces, rather work with the gifts imparted to you to bring all men to truth and repentance. I am working right alongside of you, you are by no means alone. I have mobilized My angels to assist you with many needs. As evil continues to increase, so does My assistance and angelic presence increase, for your sanctification, protection, and the carrying forth of My Word through your ministries. Pray for your president and offer fasts and sacrifices for him, specifically.

"All of you have a ministry to perform in this hour. From the littlest child to the greatest among you, My grace is there to touch all around you, call upon this grace when you awake in the morning... 'Lord, use me today'. And see the opportunities I provide for you."

Message 765: Jesus says... I have deliberately allowed this Quarantine & Who is a Pharisee among you?

March 30, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Beloved heartdwellers, the Lord is calling to us with great seriousness to reform our lives in this hour, He has deliberately moved on the hearts of authorities to quarantine citizens so they would cease from their daily running around and take stock of where they stand with God. Please hearken to this message.

(Jesus) "My people, when the Emperor of Rome sent out the edict that all must return to their city of origin for the census, he was acting under the inspiration of My Holy Spirit. Even so, today, the imposed quarantines that have been put in place, and the ceasing of non essential businesses and entertainment has also come from My Spirit.

"Understand that to date you have been slow to pray and respond to My warnings and that negligence on your part has put you at greater risk than you understand at this moment. But now I have allowed the forces to shape your time and behavior. In suspending all non essential movement in your lives I have given you a final opportunity to repent and pray.

"Amusements, food and entertainment, socializing and any kind of intimacy has been curtailed. I have allowed this because I want your intimacy with Me in prayer. I want you to pray for your nation like never before, because what is coming is horrific and can only be stopped by your repentance and prayer. No longer can you excuse yourself because you are too busy, no longer can you ignore Me as you tinker with your new toys and longer can you avoid the imminent danger of death on your doorstep. So what will you do with this time?

"Will you waste it and ignore the very real dangers that lay before you? Or will you respond with tears of repentance and prayers to save your nation and the world? I have deliberately allowed this quarantine to give you the time to repent and reconsider your way of life.

"Have you lived for yourself and your family, or have you lived for the poor and unfortunate too? Have you sought My will for your lives or have you taken the course most appealing to you? Many of you are afraid, and rightly so, another day is not guaranteed you. Many will face Me today and make an

171 accounting for the gifts I have given them. Many will respond with great remorse when they see how they have wasted their lives and lived in sin.

"This is why I am giving you the time to take stock of your lives, re-examine your choices, and face death squarely in the face, knowing that your hour may be near. I would be remiss if I did not warn you My People.

"I love you with a love you cannot understand or fathom, and that love has dictated this move of mercy to bring you to your senses before My Father looses His judgement upon America. If enough pray and repent, there is a good chance you will receive Mercy. But if most just continue on in their own ways with no thought of repenting, the punishment for them will be severe. And I am not speaking of death, but of what will happen after your death.

"If you are afraid to die, then My Spirit is warning you that you are in no condition to face Me in a life review. Do you know, there are many Christians in Hell? Does that surprise you? Have I not warned you? As it is written in Matthew 7:21-27... Not everyone who says to Me, ‗Lord, Lord,‘ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‗Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?‘ Then I will tell them plainly, ‗I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!‘...

"So what is My standard of a true Christian... Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

"But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.

"What words do I speak of? I have told you countless times on this channel, what I require, but all is written for you in plain sight in the Scriptures, the beatitudes, the unjust servant, those who feed the poor, clothe and shelter them, visit the sick and those in prison, give homes to the homeless, are kind, honest and merciful in business dealings, in other words, those who love others more than themselves and think of ways to alleviate their suffering.

"Such as these will have no fear at the hour of their death for their good works precede them into Heaven and I will welcome them into My abode with much celebration.

"But those who knew the Scriptures and did not live them, those who I gave My gifts to but they turned them into an object of commerce to garner personal profit, those who denied the gifts of song and preaching to the poor to fatten their estate, those who cared not for the widow, the orphan and persecuted in other countries, those who passed by the poor on the street without even a gesture of kindness, you who have lived this lifestyle of selfishness have much reason to fear the hour of your death.

"These sins are far more odious to Me than those forced into prostitution and those who live in fornication because they don‘t have a properly formed conscience, those poor who steal from the market because you who had an abundance did not share. Yes many, many sins will be pardoned the tax collector and sinner, while the pharisee will be held to a strict accounting.

"And who is the pharisee among you? Those who self righteously condemn and accuse the poor and ignorant, denying them justice and turning them away from the faith, failing to offer them assistance. Those who live lavish life styles while the widows suffer want, yet make it a point to make them guilty for not sacrificing the little they have."

"I am spelling it out for you so you can examine your life and conscience and see if there be any crooked or evil way in you, that you may repent in this hour, turn to doing good to others and pray with all your hearts for Mercy upon your families and nations. I will never cease to give mercy to the

172 repentant, never. Therefore, examine your lives and pray, see if I will not live up to the promises I have made in My Word.

"My Spirit hovers over you even in this hour to assist you in your darkness, that the light of righteousness may shine in your hearts. Those I love I reprove, harken unto Me while there is yet time."

Message 766-1: Jesus says... You must be clean for our Wedding, a Bride, fit for the King

April 4, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) My dear ones, my prayer for all of us this week is to come back fully to Jesus, to push the world out of our lives, to find Him in that enclosed garden of our hearts, and cherish every moment with Him.

Lord, why do you keep giving me impressions of the church in Sardis? That's Revelation 3:1-3... I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete before God. Remember then, how you have received, and heard. And watch and repent. If then, you do not wake up, I shall come upon you as a thief, and you shall not know at all, what hour I come upon you.

(Jesus) "Because there are many among you who are not taking My Words with seriousness and gravity and living them to the fullest. I need you to repent for being lax and pay strict attention to what's going on in your hearts. Boot the world out, out, out! Focus on Me and our eternity together. Do not bring the world into this sacred space. Put all your doings with the world aside and give Me all your available time.

"Make room for Me by putting aside shopping, entertainments, idle conversations, and curiosities. Much is going on in the world this week that is toxic to your souls. It will bring fear into your heart and mind. Oh, how I want you to approach the altar with pure love and expectation of all that I have for you. I want this to be a week of spiritual concentration on our nuptial vows.

"But, if you feed on what satan is brewing, you will miss it. Your mind will be cluttered and unfit to receive the graces I have in store for you. I will protect you, but you must do your part and shun those things that have nothing to do with eternity.

"My love, it is not My intention to chastise - rather it is My intention to correct the course so you will arrive at the destination. Many are still far too preoccupied with what is going on in the world and their plans for this week. You are being tempted daily to veer off course. I must say you have done well to ignore those things that keep trying to snag your attention. Hold to My directions and put away everything that can be ignored and put aside. You will never regret it.

"And, for the rest I say... Tighten down the hatches, and keep the world out - the seas are rough and foreboding. I do not want you lingering there.

"Stay close to Me, isolate yourself with Me and keep the world out of your life as much as you possibly can. I am calling for a week of devotion and drawing close to Me. Dream your dreams about what you want to do in Heaven, dare to ask for the impossible and all the gifts you have ever wanted from Me. Expect Me to hear you and fulfill your every desire.

"Please, My Bride, give Me you‘re all this week! Stay out of the news, stay out of the stores, stay off the internet, go into your prayer closets, pray and seek Me above all else. This is My desire for you -

173 would you give this to Me as a wedding present? I am offering you the grace to accomplish all that I ask of you. If you love Me, you will obey Me."

The Lord then spoke to Ezekiel... "It is imperative that you absolutely and firmly discipline yourselves this week. Please, My faithful Brides, stay away from browsing the internet. Put your curiosities to death.

"I need you to be preparing yourselves for the most important moment in your eternity. Press into Me exclusively. My whole heart and mind, spirit and soul are preparing for our Wedding Day. Please, Beloved, no more of the world. Stay out of the stores. This is not the time to purchase gifts for yourself or your loved ones. I need you to be clean for our wedding. Avoid television, radio, magazines and the newspapers. You have had a lifetime full of that. I have gone to great pains to purify you from those influences.

"Yes, My Precious Ones, do tend to your proper duties - children, work, etc. But, only fulfill those obligations that are crucial for the good of another. For example... giving someone a ride to the doctor or errands of mercy for the sick, the poor, the elderly. You know what is absolutely necessary and what is not. I will help you, and caution you as well as nudging you to act when needed.

"In human terms, one preparing for their wedding would be consumed with every detail of the wedding. Please do not be as the church of Sardis - that I would have to come to you as a thief in the night. Strengthen now what is left.

"Abide in Me, and Me alone. Let all of your thoughts and intentions be of Me and for Me. Offer each day and everything that it brings to Me. I will sanctify it all, everything, even your struggles and failures. Give it all to Me and I will make you Holy, a Bride fit for Her King."

Message 766-2: Jesus calls... My Brides... I NEED YOU, NOW... PLEASE!

April 7, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Ezekiel‘s and my hermitage was just finished and I was dying to get moved. So, as I was praying about how to go about this, even though our hermitage is only two stone‘s throw from the chapel where we are now, it still is a monumental undertaking. As I prayed, I felt, what if the Lord doesn‘t want us moving during the Holy Week? And that thought just wouldn‘t go away. So, I called in my discernment team and we all came to the realization that God did not want us working at all this week, even cleaning or moving. So, then I sat down to listen after the Lord‘s Supper, I said... 'Lord, please speak Your Heart to me....'

Jesus began... "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? My people please, I am pleading with you, slow down your involvements with the world. Back off from big projects until this week is past. Take this time to prepare your hearts. You do not know what is in the works for your lives. You do not realize how close your demise approaches. This is no time to strike out on new ventures that take much time and energy.

"This is tuck in time. Stay put, pray and watch. I will be with you as you dedicate your hours to prayer for the world. I want to see a bright light issuing forth from this mountain.

"For as My eyes scan the world activity, springtime and worldly pursuits have locked men into an endless squirrel cage of activity, which has numbed them in deep darkness to all that is taking place around them in the world.


"The world is in a perilous place right now and as I scan the earth there is darkness, but I want to see light coming from this mountain, I want to see hope and intercession. I want to bless each of you as never before, but I can only bless the obedient. Pray and watch, this is no time for recreation or work.

"Dear ones, take stock of the condition of your hearts. Are you so drawn into worldly gain that you cannot let go, study and pray, worship and repent? Is it so very difficult for you to hearken unto my voice to pray and prepare your hearts? With the memorial of My death and resurrection, come tremendous graces for souls that are prepared, will you then stop what you are doing and prepare?

"If I cannot get this community to obey, then who? Do you know there are those who have already made this provision and are seriously seeking Me? I say this not to shame you but bring you to your senses to understand what is important to Me in this hour and what is not.

"Thank you for listening and obeying. My blessings shall reign down on you and the fruits will be copious. I need you in this hour. My Brides, I need you!"

Message 767: Jesus explains… Many will ask... 'Why was I not raptured?' Here are My Answers...

Rhema from April 12, 2020 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare Original Message from April 30, 2019

(Clare) The Lord bless you all, precious Heartdwellers. This is an interesting time right now. And I want to thank the Lord for giving us an advance warning that the time for the Final Exams has come.

I said... 'Jesus. Please tell me what‘s going on?'

Jesus answered… "I‘m here Beloved. Hold Me close. Your Lord‘s Supper readings should give you insight."

(Clare) The readings have alarmed me, Lord. They‘ve caused me to be very concerned. Are the Heartdwellers ignoring you?

(Jesus) "Many are preoccupied with the world, Clare. Much in the same way you are when you devote time to a project. It is hard to get your attention back on Me. But you have been faithful, and I am not faulting you."

(Clare) Lord, Ezekiel says that Heartdwellers are tired and distracted and not responsive. Please tell me. Is this true?

(Jesus) "Let‘s say half and half."

(Clare) Well, why the rebellious reading, Lord, that I received from Ezekiel?

(Jesus) "Because many go on… ‗Church as usual.‘ And the Church is crumbling before their very eyes. Many of them are unaware of what is going on right in front of them. The Church will not remain ‗church‘ for much longer. Either persecution or scandal will continue to bring it down. Once the Rapture happens, there will no longer be ‗church as usual‘. It will be gone. Those who were on fire will be taken Home, leaving My uncommitted children to cope and ask some very hard questions… 'Why? Why wasn‘t I taken?'

"Well, I am here to tell you why. This message to you is of utmost importance. When was the last time you gave time and money to feed the poor families and people on the streets? When was the last

175 time you spent all night in prayer? When was the last time you spent 2 hours in prayer for several days a week? When is the last time you looked at your conscience and found gossip and slander that you had spread?

"When was the last time you recognized selfishness in yourself? Are you even looking for these things? When was the last time you defended an innocent victim of slander? When was the last time you had scorn and contempt for someone you considered below you? When was the last time you went out of your way because someone needed attention and you were busy with a project?

"When was the last time you took a careful look at your soul with The Holy Spirit, and repented for so many things you should have done but didn‘t do. And so many things you did that you shouldn‘t have done?

"All your questions about 'Why was I left behind?' will be answered for you in a very brief amount of time, if you seriously sit down and take a real look at the state of your soul. Are you doing things to be noticed, for acclaim?

"Or are you doing things for Me that I asked of you that might be a little more lack-luster and go unnoticed? I guarantee you, the little things add up in Heaven. I see what man does not see. And I especially see the little things that caused you inconvenience, but that you shook off your own concern to take care of it, because there was a real need. Sacrifice.

"Are you selfishly headed off to finish a project, barring the door? Or do you relent to tend to the injured? Clare knows exactly what I mean, because I have been drilling her in charity and patience. Many times she is at a critical point with a message, with the painting, with a song, with a personal concern of hers – and I inspire Ezekiel to call for help. Yes, My Love. I have been doing this deliberately.

"I watch your attitude before you pick up the phone, after you pick it up, when you deliver the help, and when you come back. And most times, you do very well. Knowing that what you just did was to care for Me in My needs. Not angry or irritated for the interruptions, but resolute to be sweet and charitable. Those are My tests to see if you are ready for the Rapture.

"I do the same with all of you, dear ones. I am continually testing My Bride to see if she will come to My side when I need her comfort. Either as I am now, or in the distressing disguise of another. I want to see My Bride about My Business. And if there is a soul in distress, I am right there with them. I want to see all of you responding with charity, hospitality, and cheerfully from the heart. That is what brings Me the greatest comfort.

"Yes, I am happy with each one of you who are doing what needs to be done, per assignment from Me. But I also check to see where your heart and priorities are. Will you drop a pet project, even from Me, to serve a glass of cool water to a thirsty child?

"Yes, you could say these are finals. Term papers. Tests to see if you learned the lessons taught in the University of Brotherly Love on Planet Earth. That is precisely what I am doing with you. Will you forego your very focused work to help another who is floundering? To be present at a wedding or a funeral? And how deep are your prayers going?"

(Clare) Oh, Lord, I am abysmal at that right now.

(Jesus) "Well, at least you recognize it and want to change. These are finals, Clare. Everyone is experiencing an extraordinary amount of distraction and trouble, because I am finding out who knows My heart and acts on it – and who doesn‘t know My heart. The ones who know My heart and act on it will be raptured. The others, still buried in frustrations with their projects and carrying a train of guilt over the people and situations they decided to snub or forego…

"Well. There is little time left for you, dear ones. Repent and reform. Carry out the desires of My heart before your own.


"This lesson is linked to Pride. Yes, Pride says… ‗What I am doing has been commissioned by God, and I am not leaving off with that to handle YOUR situation that YOU are responsible for in your own life!‘ In other words, ‗What God wants is more important than your plight and distress.‘

"No, I say to you. What I want is NOT what matters in moments like these. There is a time to ignore distractions, and there is a time to respond with all your heart. Charity and the whispering of My Spirit will help you to discern."

(Clare) Oh, Lord. I am afraid I am guilty of this!

(Jesus) ―You stop to help more often than not, because you know what it feels like not to have anyone else to turn to. I am talking about those among you who have made a habit of ignoring the needs of others to satisfy yourselves. I‘m talking about the desperate needy who have sought you out. I brought them to you as a test. I want to see My Love for you in action, poured out on others.

"Because you do not set aside hours to be filled by Me, your heart is cold and unresponsive. You cannot give what you do not have, so you pass them by. Or pass them on to others. My children. The standards of Heaven are much different than yours. You must learn to love until it hurts.

"If you are preparing for the Rapture by sparring with other Christians over doctrinal interpretations, seeking positions of leadership and teaching, facilitating conferences and speaking at them – while harshly judging the little ones that aren‘t so capable – you will be sorely disappointed on that Day. Those who were nothing in the sight of the world will ascend. And you will be left behind to learn love, compassion, mercy, and honoring the lowliest soul – because they were purchased with My Blood and I dwell in them.

"Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master, and as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God.

―Truly this is what I want from you all. I want your eyes on Me and what I am doing from moment to moment. Right now, there is not enough prayer going out to prevent catastrophes. I need more prayer from you, My dear ones. I need deeper and more focused prayer. And of course, every sacrifice you can offer Me carries a load of graces to be showered from Heaven – not only for your needs, but the needs of others.

―Times are winding down. We are still in the danger zone, and many of you are exhausted from fasting and praying. But I say to you, nothing you‘ve sacrificed for Me has been in vain. When you become exhausted, do not continue to push it. Rather, rest and recuperate. Then I will raise you up again, especially through communion, that you may resume all your efforts.

"But do not make the mistake of thinking you are immortal and invincible. You, too, need to rest. During that time of rest, seek Me. Seek Rhemas from the Scriptures or the website (Link below the Video). Keep your attention focused on Me. Do not fall prey to wasting time with entertainments, although a few innocent breaks will help you regain your perspective.

"And most of all pray, with all your heart, that the impending events will be circumvented and people‘s hearts will turn to Me. This is My complaint. Even My Brides have become insensitive to My tears and distress. They have taken their eyes off the hand of their Master at a time when He has great need of them.

"Please, Beloved ones. I need your attention, your prayers, and your love. Whether you show your love to the little ones who have needs, or through declining to indulge your appetites – whatever you do for Me, I take as a wedding present, a sign of love for your Groom. And I am deeply appreciative.

"So, I ask you, dear ones. Humble yourselves. Examine your habits and attitudes. Repent of any wrong-doing in the sight of the angels. Go out of your way for others. And most of all, soften your hearts as you keep your gaze steadily on My hands, so that you can fulfill My needs.

"Then you will be taken in the Rapture, because you have made your minute-to-minute priority to be one and the same with Mine. This makes you My dearly beloved ones, and I prepare the place for you

177 at My Wedding Feast. Do these things and you will hear… ‗Well done, My good and faithful Servant. Enter into your Master‘s joy.'"

Message 768: Jesus says... Donald & America, listen to Me! The Coronavirus & The Pandemic are not the Problem

April 13, 2020 - Words from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) My dear ones, this hour is critical. I just received the Rhema message from our website, about the beginning of the war and the Rapture. I am asking you to pray the Divine Mercy Prayer.

Mister President and Christian leaders of this nation, you are focusing on the wrong prayers. You are trying to comfort an unrepentant people. Judgment is falling on this nation because of the lack of repentance. It is not about prosperity; it is about personal holiness and living a life pleasing to God.

The excessive focus on the prosperity of this nation only leads people astray to worship beauty, money and power. We lapse into forgetfulness when we have many possessions. We fail to honor God because we are so busy making a fortune for ourselves. It is this corporate failure of our nation that has led us to being on the very brink of the most severe judgments.

Mister President, I am begging you to repent for the materialism of this nation and excessive focus on prosperity. You have done many wonderful things for America, but focusing on how prosperous we will be and how God will comfort us, rather than the personal sins of American citizens, and their impact on the moral decline of other nations, will do nothing to stop God‘s judgment.

Until the focus is there, until all Americans fall to their knees and ask forgiveness for their sins and especially abortion which you have valiantly opposed, and the genocides and exploitation of other nations, whose blood calls out to God from the ground…until we repent for these things, we cannot expect God to protect us from the judgement we deserve.

Please, people of America, stop looking for comfort during this plague which is a judgment on us, and start repenting. Lord, what have You to say?

Jesus began... "You have said it all Clare, the focus is not on the disease that has brought this pandemic upon the world. The disease is immorality. All through My word you can read of the demise of a people who worship idols. The idols today are not only carved images and Baal worship, the idols of today are the expensive cars, clothing and lifestyles, Americans focus on, while other peoples of the world starve.

"You (Donald) have done well to drain the swamp and I am with you in this work, but now it is time to take stock of your moral emphasis on prosperity and shift it completely to moral cleanliness.

"Do not allow pornography or x rated films, do not permit abortion, do not permit immoral and violent movies, make witchcraft a capital offense and put an end to Baal worship and same sex marriages in this nation. Do not give place to or permit the Muslim religion.

"There is so much more you can do, but I am asking you to begin with repentance. Even now the threat of annihilation looms over the heads of Americans in certain areas, but if I see massive repentance of these things, I will call to a halt what was to happen and extend your time on this earth to bring forth a harvest of righteousness.


"Try Me in these things and see if I do not shower blessings peace, holiness and prosperity on this nation. I am listening for those who cry out. America, make your voice heard in Heaven! Turn back from sin and cry out for mercy and holiness. These prayers I will indeed hear."

Message 769: Jesus says... Do not despair, your now resembles Me more and more

April 17, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord bless you sweet family, may the wounds in your hearts be healed and comforted by Jesus... Amen

Lord, truly I have found that place in my heart which hurts for the loss of these two friends, especially with the one sister that I have a very sweet remembrance of our fellowshipping together. Yet somehow, I feel uneasy, as though something is against me.

(Jesus) "Clare I am here to clear your aching heart for this wonderful soul. So many good attributes, but just one small fault can sully them all."

(Clare) Oh Lord how fearful I am, I have so many!

(Jesus) "Yes, well they balance out in the long run. But we are trying to heal and restore and not allow wounds to fester and divide. For some it is easier than for others. Do not berate yourself because you struggle, you are still in the process of crucifying your flesh, Beloved.

"You are all constantly pelted with arrows of jealousy, insecurity, competition, one upmanship, failure and success in the eyes of others.

"You have done well to choose success only in my eyes. In this way I can purify your heart because it is not sullied by human concerns. I am not saying you are perfect, but from early on you recognized the emptiness of the laurels of men, others are not so blessed, they have far more baggage to work through. These pains in your heart are a good sign that your heart is still alive. So many have filled their lives with frenetic activity which has dulled and suppressed what is really going on inside of them. It is not an easy thing to bring them to silence that they may recognize the real agonies that lie behind their everyday lives, attitudes, and decisions. Not so you. But for the sake of others try to hide the pain.

(Clare) Lord please continue to speak to me, you know how much I miss You...Jesus, will you let me die of loneliness without is your mercy I count on...for I am not deserving of the sweet embraces and fellowship we have had together...yet, I cannot live without them.

(Jesus) "The time is coming when we will never be apart again, ever. Not even the appearance of separation. My Beloved, I am not far away, I live in you, I move in you, I cry when you cry, I pray when you are angry and do not see things clearly. I am always with you Clare. I will let you in on a little secret, and this goes for all heart dwellers, I cannot bear to be separated from you and when you get so busy I wait in anguish for you to leave off with the foolishness of the world, even knowing you will come back to me ragged and beaten.

"Beloved I inhabit you. If you still your heart enough, I will manifest. It is a rare thing for Me to completely disappear from your senses. It happens when you sin, it is then that you will feel the separation most keenly. But all other times, I am there. You may not connect because I am giving the sweetest portion to a very needy soul. I love it when you offer yourself up for others and do not

179 complain. I love it when you thank Me in the midst of trials, it is then that you most resemble My mother.

"My dearly Beloved Family of Heartdwellers, understand that these severe trials some of you have been going through, betrayals, abandonment, dryness, all of these are powerful sacrifices for those who are dying, especially when you pray the Divine Mercy Prayer in the midst of them. This is hard work My dear ones. Suffering is very hard work and you receive no visible consolations or affirmations from it. Rather, others look upon you as they looked upon Me.... "He must be a very great sinner, and false prophet."

"The kind of spiritual work that you have undertaken for offering to carry Simon‘s cross, is at the very dregs of ministry, yet because it is the lowliest form of prayer in the eyes of men, all of Heaven rejoices beholding your selfless sacrifices that no one acknowledges. Rather you are looked at as ragged beggars, good only for the lowest spiritual jobs.

"And yet every applauded minister of the altar has gotten his anointing and power from your prayers. The selfless, hidden ones, tucked away in their prayer closets, weeping for sinners and the anointing to fall on the man or woman of God. I have told you many times before, your reward in the next life will be even greater than the famous ones, because it was on your backs that they stood higher in stature."

(Clare) Lord, may I ask....

(Jesus) Yes, you may.

(Clare) Please tell me when I walk around in circles, feeling flat and confused, alienated from all that is good, swimming in my own faults and mistakes, trying to pray but feeling so my prayers are shallow and useless....

(Jesus) "Yes...?"

(Clare) Feeling and looking like a completely incompetent failure that nothing good can come from...trembling lest I lead the sheep astray...really, truly, seeing what a deficit I am to the kingdom of God...tell me Lord, is there any good that can come of that.

(Jesus) "When you see yourself, as you truly are Clare, when you sit in the mire of the mud and swamp with its filthiness, smelling the stench of death and sin...when you feel devoured by condemnation, when you dare not lift your head to seek is then that you are most abased and pleasing in My sight. I hunger and thirst for souls who know their stuff, souls that cannot stand who they have made themselves to be, souls that long with all their hearts to be delivered from this death all around them, it is then that you are most safe from the tactics of the enemy.

(Clare) But then I fall into condemnation...

(Jesus) "It is good to see that in yourself that needs to be causes you to reach out for My Mercy even more. It is then when I can cleanse you, sweeping all the filth of the world from your souls, and replenishing you with My Grace and New Life.

"Please believe Me. You asked Me a most valid question, I am giving you a very truthful answer. What you suffer in those times suffices to bring you lower where My Graces accumulate, in the deep valleys. You see the absolute futility of yourself and this in turn opens you to receive the choicest graces. Oh Clare, confess all these things to Me, do not hold them back. Confess them and ask Me to cleanse you once and for all. Do not be afraid pitiable one, it is in your abyss of neediness that I rush to fill you with living waters to pour out upon My sheep. It is in this place where the springs well up into lakes and rivers of fresh clean waters. Have I not said... "This is the one whom I approve... the afflicted one, crushed in spirit, who trembles at my word?" (Isaiah 66:2)

"I love you so, do not despair at your lowliness, do not despair at your abandonment, do not despair at your betrayals, for your now resembles Me more and more. Only greet those who have wounded you with love and compassion, for they know not what they do, and your prayers for them are most

180 powerful. Kiss the blade that pierces your side, the knife that cuts your back, the sword that‘s thrust through your heart, kiss them, for they are the very instruments that cause you to resemble Me the most. Kiss, bless, forgive. You My Bride bear now the living imprint of My suffering. Only glorify them with the sweetness of your love for those who have wounded you. In time, My Grace will raise them back up into wholeness and your heart shall rejoice in My goodness.

"Go now and share this with your brothers and sisters, there are so many who need to hear this, truly they have been crucified through circumstances this week and they need to know the great good that will come from their hard work and suffering. I bless you now My faithful ones, I bless you with the grace to forgive and carry your enemies in your hearts for the good of their souls. Embrace and protect this grace, put it into action, for truly it is the living water that will resurrect those with deadened consciences. I bless you, and kiss your foreheads with the very mark of predestination of a chosen soul, fit for My kingdom."

Message 770: Jesus explains... My Formula for a quick Healing of the 'I' Disease Pride

April 17, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) My dear family, I confess to you, I have not been the best example lately. We are moving into our hermitage which was just finished and I don‘t know anything that can be more challenging and sometimes nerve racking as moving. Just the sheer exhaustion of having to deal with taking things apart, packing, unpacking and putting them back up, over and over again can be an occasion of sin for an impatient person.

Yes, I am impatient. When people don‘t pick up on what needs to be done but just kind of stare off into space, I am not a very nice person. I may not show it but inside I am seething with impatience. Being incompetent and not managing well is another occasion of sin for me, as if I were competent and able to do all things better than others!

I know this is stinky dog excrement to the angels and saints, the great cloud of witnesses, and I must repent for this. Besides that, I have just judged in my heart, and planted a seed of bitterness. Do you know what happens when you are irritated by others?? A demon takes up residence in the form of a spirit of bitterness, in your heart. And of course, on each occasion that irritation arises, you are planting more seeds and watering them. Judgement, bitterness, anger, resentment, all of these toxic weeds begin to flourish in my proud heart. They are like mustard seeds, they begin as tiny offences, sprout and then branch out into large trees that give the demons a place to perch.

After they have found a branch to perch on, they begin to feed off your negative feelings and throw up a toxic substance on you. Rick Joyner talks about this in his books. He has observed the demons dropping excrement all over Christians to cause them to forget brotherly love and embrace judgement of others.

I can get angry, although it takes quite a bit before I really get angry, but when I do my whole body suffers, energy is sucked right out of me, and harvested by demons who in turn repeat the cycle and spread it around. I used to justify my anger, ―What is the matter with them? Why did they do that that way?‖ and if I had counseled them to do it another way, ―I told them how to do it! Why didn‘t they listen? Now look at the mess I have to clean up!

Or I hold the anger in and fall into self-pity. 'No one listens to me. I tried to help them but they wouldn‘t listen.' That used to drop me right into a tarry bucket of self-pity, until I realized how full of my own excrement I was. In other words, I was judgmental and resentful that no one listened to me. Much has changed since those days, mainly because I recognized my own weaknesses in the wake of

181 observing the good in others. At first, I didn‘t see the good, but as I got to know them I recognized they were much, much better than I.

The Lord pulled the mask away, showing me the true source of my anger. My dear ones, all of our human anger, unless it is over injustice in the extreme, all of our protesting, and critical observations come from Pride. I know better, do it my way. And very simply our anger is focused not on the incompetence of another, but on God who allowed that incompetence to happen. Nothing happens without God‘s permission.

Why did He allow that foolishness in another? Could it be perhaps, to test me in brotherly love? I cannot think of anything that is quite as noxious to the angels, as pride. God arranges our day and knows the disposition of every soul. He knows their weaknesses and their strengths. He brings them before us to see whether we are going to judge their actions or love them as He has loved us in the error of our ways.

This week, I‘ve been a bad example because I have become impatient with just about everyone around me. And these souls have left everything to come here and help establish a prayer community. They have given their lives to God because they believe He is guiding us. So am I to become the bitter critic that finds fault, storing up a laundry list of toxic judgements in my heart? Is this why I am here? Lord, change me, please help me to see what I am doing.

Jesus began... ―My Beloved, in these situations you live your day to day life based on what is getting done, not on what I am doing in the souls of others.

"What I would prefer to see from My Bride is a mother who is more concerned about the welfare of others than she is about what gets done. I want you to look beyond your human interests, which are not as important as seeing the state of the soul. What is going on inside that soul, how can you reassure them, how can you encourage and bring them closer to Me?

"There are many different ways to accomplish a task, and I see wisdom at work in you when you release it to competent hands to do it their way. But each soul has an exterior and interior layer. The inner man needs to be seen, his or her condition, what is going on inside of them, their insecurities and how you can comfort and love them the way I comfort and love you.

"It is the blossoming and inner growth that is most important to a should know this because when you feel squeezed into a mold that doesn‘t fit you, you languish.

"Self-interest, self-pity, selfishness, self, self, self, blinds a person as to what they are doing in My eyes. When they are so eaten up with self-interest, anything done in a way that doesn‘t agree with them becomes a criticism and weakens that soul whether they speak it out or hold it in. In community you will feel the burdens and sins of others, spoken and unspoken. You will feel the judgment behind your back, you will feel the rancor and self-preoccupation others have with their perceived injustices. As a mother, I want you to address these things very delicately. One of the reasons they are here is because they could not succeed in other areas of their lives. You are here, working with Me to make them whole.

"They do not see their Pride and selfishness; they only see what others do wrong. They do not consider where that soul has come from, how much that soul has already overcome, and where I am taking them. All they see is that they need to be corrected and to do things the way they are convinced they should be done.

"They are drawing from a poisonous lake of Pride in their hearts, that has been fed into by their achievements. And that touches all their human relationships with judgment and rancor. They see themselves as the savior, rather than as the instrument of Satan‘s wrath and condemnation, that ultimately destroys tender souls.

"What is the remedy for this? Are you disgusted because someone did something the wrong way? Look into your past dear one...when did you do something the wrong way...when did you mess up and cause more work for others. Oh, you found one occasion? Good, keep looking. If your memory is

182 good, keep looking. You should find at least 3 times to 7 times that you have caused others inconvenience by your ignorance.

"Are others slow on the uptake...kind of gazing off into the distance, not knowing what to do next? Think back, how many times were you placed in an unfamiliar environment and you stood there looking stupid until someone told you what to do. How many times like that, in your life did you do that while others were busy at work? Three times? Look deeper.

"Do this exercise with every fault you find in your brother and sister. It should bring about your cure very quickly. Every time you get frustrated with someone, dig deep, think of the times you did the very same thing.‖

Message 771: Jesus says... Come & Let Me give you the Key to My Heart

April 23, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began... "If you would only just tune in to Me each day, I would have so much to share with you. Your little house is beautiful and well suited to you both. Downsizing is a good thing, so get rid of those things you know are not necessary to you anymore. I will help you.

(Clare) Oh, thank you Lord… I know I need help.

(Jesus) "My Darling Clare, I have missed your embraces and thanksgivings. How sweet of you this morning to thank Me, it does so much for both of us Beloved. I love to be in your presence and thanksgiving is so very vital to our relationship. You were right when you thought remorsefully about the times you took Me for granted. Becoming too familiar with Me can cause a soul to lose their fear of God and reverence. Keep up this beautiful quality of reverence in your life and encourage all Heartdwellers to do the same.

"You know dear ones; I do not require elaborate worship from you? What I love is when you just sit with Me and pour out your heart of love. Songs can stir your feelings for Me, but when you sit quietly, I am quite capable of responding to your longing for Me without the music. That does not negate music‘s role…it only strips worship down to the very essential, a heart of thanksgiving and praise.

"The greater the reverence, the sweeter the Love between us. With some I must be a more formal presence in their lives, with others that are very childlike, I let them into a precious place reserved only for the very innocent. You are very much like a child Clare, except for the ways of men you learned in the world and have cast out of your life.

"The most intimate place in My Heart is reserved for the purest of souls. Dear ones, if you wish to be in that place, purify your motives. Be on the lookout for the devices of men that Satan will try to draw you into. Yes, he will try men‘s ways on Me. But when you come to Me without any pretenses, knowing that only your pure love for Me is the way to My Heart, I indeed bless you.

"It is so simple, even a child can get it. They look to Me with such a sincere and pure gaze, I cannot resist coming to them. This is the key to My Heart and to Heaven, purity, sincerity, innocence. Coming to Me with no dual motives makes you one of My dearest children. Others come because they want something, and I do listen and respond to them as well. But when one of these little ones comes because they simply want Me, My heart beats faster and My love can no longer be contained.

"I make the world wait in line at the door. But to these My little ones, I sneak them in through the door of innocence. Oh, how I wish My Church would understand this. I have tried many times in the


Gospels to intimate that, to provoke their thoughts about that, yes, I have tried. But the modern church puts so much stress on knowledge and ability, they cannot see the straightest way to My Heart.

"This is what I want heartdwellers to be, innocent, childlike, faithful, loving and longing for just one touch from Me. Sure, I could impart volumes of knowledge about the ways of creation, but I prefer the innocent and loving gaze of a child so in love with Me that none of that matters. They only want to embrace and be with Me. But then there is a going out and coming in, and I am so deeply blest when more childlike souls are drawn into My bosom.

"This is what I want heartdwellers to be like. I want them to be childlike souls that enter into My rest and trust Me for everything. Children do not resist the impossible, they simply know that what I ask of them, they can do. What I tell them, they can understand and put into practice, for never do I instruct without imparting the grace to carry it through.

"My people, my graces, just like water, rush down the hillsides and accumulate in the lowliest places. Therefore beloved, keep it pure and simple, and encourage souls to simply worship and love Me, and do all that they know will please Me. Stay away from the competition and entanglements of men vying for fame.

"Rather be content with a small flock that is head over heels in love with Me and wants nothing more than to please Me and draw other souls into My Heart. I long for these little ones My people, satisfy My longing, present Me to them in such a way that they will not fear to reach out and embrace Me."

Message 772: Take My Warning seriously... Do not take Vaccines, trust in Me alone!

April 26, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Nana

(Jesus) "My people, please heed this warning. As the lockdown will be rolled back in your nation, so will many vaccines and cures be sent out for testing. They will try to do this quickly, out of fear of having this virus spread, and out of fear as well, many will run to receive the vaccine.

"No, it's not the mark as some have said, that time has not yet come, but this vaccine will affect your immune system gravely, rather than building it up. It breaks it down to make you more receptive to the plagues that they will again release on your nation. This has nothing to do with your government and your president in office, but with the ones that came before him.

"My people, you must remember, they had this plan long ago, they have been waiting for this time, the right time to bring about their plans for the new world order. The deep state and many servants of Satan are so frustrated because I continue to mitigate every attack, every plan and assault they inflict on the nations and the world to expedite their time of reign, but they forget that I AM God and I AM in control.

"I am even in control of them, I allow the times and seasons of these things, and they work under My heavenly jurisdiction as to what I allow to wake My people up and bring many lost back to their senses. Why do the nations rage and the kings of the earth come to fight a losing battle? Indeed, I will be victorious in the end.

"However, My people, this does not negate the fact that I am indeed coming and these are the signs foretold to prepare you, so that you may believe when you see these things and do not fear. This is not a time to go back to business as usual, this is not a time to go back to your old ways of thinking, this is not a time to go back to the rat wheel of this world.


"No, My beloved one, this is not a time to go back to Egypt. I am calling you all out of this bondage of the world and into My heart. I am calling you to see what is most important in your life... Your salvation and that of your families.

"Have you realized how important your children are? How much they need your guidance and wisdom? How quickly they are growing up, and either the world can teach them, or I can through you. Have you realized the moments you have missed with them while you were at work, focused on work, focused on living a comfortable life and allowing the school systems to do your job? Have you noticed these things, dear ones?

"This Lockdown I allowed goes much deeper than My people have seen or have come to realize. This is indeed a time of deep reflection, for you will be held accountable for these little souls. Have you taught them My ways, or have you allowed them to sit before the tv and read the books of this world and learn from them? Have you realized how precious your spouse is and how much they are in need of your love, comfort, encouragement and guidance? Have you realized how distant you two were becoming? How thoughts of boredom and discontentment had creeped in, which leads to coveting and eventually an affair. Have you realized that they are another gift from Me to you?

"So, husbands, love your wives as I have loved the church, laying down My life for her, and wives, love your husbands, submit to them as you submit to Me. I honor these actions in a marriage very much and will bless it, as one walks in these practices and virtues.

"So, My precious ones, I am calling for a deep examination of your soul and your family. Don‘t go back to how things used to be, because they were headed down a destructive road, turn your heart back to Me instead , turn your family‘s heart back to Me as you lead them by example.

"Do not allow the world to enter your home by what you watch, listen to, read, and discuss in your conversations, let it rather be centered on Me and your love for each other. Do not take the vaccines, My beloved ones. They are meant and have always been used to break down the families of this world. As you are injected with things beyond your knowledge, it will eventually kill you in the process. When plagues come near your dwelling, trust solely in My mercy and goodness to be your salvation, and My right arm to be your deliverance. Be a people who know their God, who trust him and have confidence in him."

Message 773: I am so tired of Institutions, Politics, Riches & Corruption

May 9, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Dear ones, we are under scrutiny by those who do not understand the simplicity of the early church, so I asked the Lord to help us come to terms with that. Lord I know that we are looked down upon as not being Kosher with the institutional churches, please help us to grasp Your viewpoint on this.

(Jesus) "It is not always the righteous I call to holy orders, saying this tongue in cheek, it is the pure of heart that have no other motive than seeking, loving and serving Me. This will not be recognized by the worldly minded. They are looking for the validations from men. They are looking for correctness and status. Status in Heaven is determined by purity of heart.

"Put a man or woman through 6 years of seminary and whatever purity of heart they began with will be buried underneath a ton of posturing to make it through to ordination.


"I don‘t work that way. I am looking for the pure of heart, the innocent, the devout who seek Me in spirit and in truth. One who seeks to please men can hardly measure up to that. It is the one who seeks only Me, that I approve. These souls are culled out of seminaries because they pose a threat to the liberal agenda. They are just too devoted to My words to function in the ‗modern‘ world.

"Do not look at a man‘s stature to determine their suitableness to the calling. Look only upon the heart and how it has dominated the soul living only for Me and not at all for men or status. Clare, you will be hated by some and called a heretic, but then, so was I. You have nothing to lose in My eyes, and everything to gain by refusing to bow to the accolades of men."

(Clare) I understand Lord. Please make me stronger.

(Jesus) "I will and I am. Other things are on my heart right now, like the deteriorating condition of your country which is hosting many battles on different fronts. Because the enemy has laid deep foundations and ground work for this move of global control, the younger generation is posing a threat to what I want to do, they are finishing up the fullness of teachings preparing them for a global government. But I will touch them through revival and they shall be set free. But understand My dear one, things are conflicting on all fronts. Firefights beneath the earth and fights for dominance on the earth are at this time ferocious. There are many casualties, but My cause is coming through... even as through a life and death struggle. The linchpins are being removed"

(Clare) Here He is referring to the global leaders that have corrupted our country.

(Jesus) "Literally, a linchpin is the pin that goes through the axle of a wheel to keep it in place, but linchpin can be used to mean an important part of anything, the thing that holds it all together. If something or someone is indispensable, she's the linchpin. Take away the linchpin and everything falls apart. The linchpins are being removed yet there are trained replacements ready to move into those vacancies.

"My people your prayers are determining the course of this nation. When you drop to your knees and call out in agony over the evil that goes so deep in your nation, when you do that, My Father's hand moves to grant you more time, more grace, more mercy. Continue with this prayer each time you see or become aware of through My Holy Spirit, the raging battle, cry out... 'Oh Father, more time, more grace, more mercy.' He listens to your petitions, and does release graces.

"I am raising up children of My heart to minister at the altar. Their heart and commitment to Me is what qualifies them."

(Clare) Lord You keep giving us Rapture warnings?

(Jesus) "I have told you My time frame. However keep in mind that I am not privy to the day or the hour, only My Father holds that information so close to His Heart. He has given Me some information, but the very day and hour remain hidden from Me, My Bride. Are you excited?

(Clare) Yes, but I want to finish my work.

(Jesus) "Just keep working Clare, and keep watch, for no man knows the hour, but if you obey Me and keep watch you will be ready. My darling Clare, I long to have you here with Me in Heaven, and you long to finish your appointed course, but I want you to remember, everything the Father does is done to perfection, and that includes timing. You are so unaware of the turmoil in the world in this moment.

"The scales continue to tip, one moment it is darkness punishable by judgement, the next it is mercy. How are you to know these things? Stay close to Me, intimately connected to My Heart and you will be ready.

"Be ready and willing at any given moment to leave this place and be with Me. If you hold that in your heart there will be no hesitation. You cannot be here past the appointed time. It is not yours to stay for the tribulation, rather it is yours to be with Me. However you are laying the groundwork for those who will come after you, and there shall be a great army of souls who extol and live My Mercy every day.


They will have the heart necessary for My church to survive. The teachings I have entrusted to you will have a great bearing on their success.

"I am oh so tired of institutions, politics, riches and all the corruption that goes with it.

"I am so ready to establish My Church as a family, with a mother and father, in simplicity, with souls that long to dwell in My heart and have no other motive than to live for Me. Men and their agendas get in the way of this, that is why their kingdom is falling. But My church will never fall, the remnant are those who love Me with all their hearts and have learned to separate the precious from the vile.

"I rejoice in the day we can all be together once again, even as it was in Heaven, be united in one pure cause serving the Father and raising up souls into the Holy life I intended for them. I long with all My Heart to see these pure souls rise up as one great army and restore the purity and holiness of My Kingdom on Earth.

"I am sending you souls with the same vision, embrace them with your motherly love and lead them into the freedom of a true relationship with Me devoid of all human considerations, and these will be My living stones upon which I will rebuild My Church from My Heart, as its foundation. I bless you now, with the strength and courage to follow your appointed course, while waiting for my coming."

Message 774: What has just happened... Was the Rapture real? Love, Hope & Instructions for Those left behind

From Clare du Bois' EBook 'Tethered'

Rhema from May 12, 2020

Get >here< your own personal Rhemas from the Lord.

Clare began... We are so sorry. We just wish we could have told you. We just wish you could have known somehow. We wish you had listened. We wish you could have cared. We wish you could have known! We are so sorry, but we had to go.

We wish we could have seen you more, have been with you more, given you more. And now you have to face the most horrible, terrible times that have ever come upon this Earth. You sadly didn‘t believe us. But now it‘s happened, and everything else is coming. Just like the Scriptures say. The Bible is true. Do not doubt that ever. There is one way still to escape the worst.


Turn to Jesus now. While you can. It seems to make no sense, but the things of God really do, because His mind is so much higher than ours. You can‘t do this anymore on your own.

Only He knows everything. Only He can save you. He made you. He made you because He loves you. He‘s the only one that ever can or ever will love you completely and unconditionally. He knows everything that is really good for you, and everything that‘s going to hurt you. And He knows what will surely kill you.

All He wants is for you to be happy, to be protected, to be free. Truly free, to become so completely happy and fulfilled. It‘s all been prepared for you. He‘s been waiting, waiting to help you. To keep you from being trapped in the most terrifying place of horror and torture... In Hell. Yes, Hell is real. God did not set it up for you. You were not made to dwell there ever.

You were made for a place where you‘ll never be hurting or lonely, tired or hungry, with absolutely no such thing as pain. Only to be more happy and forever young and free, than even you could ever imagine... FOREVER.

It‘s your choice. It‘s all in your hands now. To live or to die. To suffer forever worse and worse or to be guaranteed to be so awesomely happy, loved and protected forever.

This is all we can ask of you now... please tell Jesus you‘re sorry and ask Him to come and take over your life now. Give it to Him. He will run to save you.

(Jackie) We have put His Messages for you on our Website Below this Video you find a Link to the EBook. He gives instructions on how to follow Him - and live through these next seven years of Tribulation. If you turn to Him now - He will keep you safe, guide you and protect you. He will teach you everything you need to know... where to go, how to live, how to evade the enemy. He will provide you with food and clothing and medicines or healing if you will only trust Him with your whole heart now.

Finally, we want to warn you now – whatever you do... Do not take the Mark of the Beast! Do not allow Injections, a Chip or anything else into your body in order to buy food or to sell or pay something. If you take this Chip into your body, it will be impossible for you to turn to God, because they will be able to control your mind. This is no 'Conspiracy Theory' talk, it is no 'religious' talk - it is very real. Please take it seriously!


If you read or watch this information on the website, on youtube or in an ebook, after Jesus Himself appeared in the skies – now is the time that you must make the decision, what the Truth is.

Jesus warned the world through His prophets that this would happen for centuries. He has been giving us signs in the heavens, the Earth, the weather, the animal die-offs, the tsunamis, volcanos and earthquakes for years – all growing in intensity and closeness in occurrence.

(Jesus) "I have told you that all men will see Me coming on the clouds of Heaven. All men means All men, it will NOT be hidden. No, I intend to see My people weep for having rejected Me. Does it not say 'All the tribes of earth shall mourn?'"

(Clare) Now, He has finally come, in what has been commonly called the Rapture. The purpose of the Rapture was to remove all those who truly loved Him and lived for Him, and to keep them safe in Heaven, away from the coming disasters. Now the wrath of God against the sin that pervades the Earth has started. You can read about it all in the Bible, in the book of Revelation, about all of the seal, bowl and trumpet judgments that will come on the Earth over the next 7 years.

(Jesus) ―It is my deliberate intention that My People know Who I AM. Without this knowledge, they will not be able to repent. When they see Me they shall be struck to the very marrow of their bones in remorse for their sinful rejection of Me.


―I will be seen during the Rapture. I will not set foot on the Earth but I will be seen. My people will weep and mourn for having rejected Me. They will be left behind as the gentiles are taken to Heaven.

―Then all Hell will break loose on the Earth; that will be the beginning of the Tribulation. I assure you, Satan will waste no time in implementing His evil schemes and bringing the antiChrist to power.

―The Earth will reel like a drunkard. Not only will the accelerator (CERN) upset the magnetic arrangement of the Earth‘s poles, it shall inevitably affect the planets along with the close approach of Nibiru and asteroids. Did I not say ALL Hell will break loose? It is intended that all of these things happen in close proximity, the judgment of this Earth will happen with great intensity.

―As much as I love them, the Jewish people are by no means innocent of greed and manipulation. The judgment for them will accomplish a two-fold purpose... their rejection of Me, and their manipulation in business dealings with careless abandon for the covenant I established with them, and that they should be responsible for the blood of the creatures of this earth. They are culpable in this matter, extremely culpable. This is another of the reasons they are here for the judgment, they must sleep in the bed they have made.‖


Jesus began... ―I‘m calling out to you, speaking comfort to your Heart – I‘ve not left you nor will I ever leave or forsake you. I know acutely the terrible Loss you feel. At times even a sense of betrayal overtakes you. All your questions of why and where and why am I still here and why was I left behind and what am I ever to do now?

―You must resist the temptations to simply dive back out into the world and get very busy and to take advantage now of so many so called new and exciting opportunities and careers, due to the mass vacancies in every aspect of industry, business and all around money ventures.

―No, even in your pain and bewilderment draw back from these things, pull back away from your unstable world and seek Me with all your Heart ten times the more, strongly come up to Me in true repentance and a sincere change of Heart and I will help you, I will calm your fears and welcome you back with open arms.

―You are not lost, in the coming days you will see more and more, just how much I still truly love you. If a mother forsakes a child, I will not abandon you, I am forever here to save you – you are still My Child, so very very precious and cherished by Me. You are still My Treasure and I am with you, even now.

―The question burning in your mind, but why, oh My Lord why? Why, why was I left behind? My Child, you were never meant to be excluded from the Rapture. It was My merciful prevision for all of My Children, indeed My Church, My Body, My Bride, you were to be part of the Evacuation, that took place, to keep you from having to live in and witness the most horrible time of suffering upon the earth, that has ever been or ever will be.

―You began well, however in time, you began to become more and more intrenched in the world, though still a Christian in Name and Affiliation, you began to draw more and more away, often to many distractions in past times, the time we used to share, became less and less.

―You knew, that you were beginning to compromise more and more with the world over your Faith and so you stopped speaking to Me, that combined with your new relationships and your new liberal ways of thinking caused you to begin looking at other souls around you and judging them.

―You began to look down on them and the things that they held dear, even going as far as holding in scorn and contempt the Joy they expressed at the nearness of My Coming.

―And by the time I arrived, all you could do was stand in fear and shame for the very thing, you were destined to believe and be a part of, which had just happened right in front of you, because you did not believe and you did not watch and pray and I came as a thief in the night and you were not prepared. I could not take you.


You ask of Me, what now? Stay close, stay ever so close to Me now. Pray for the Grace to have Me always in your Heart and Mind, My Name ever on your Tongue, you must hold tightly to the Hem of My Garment and never for a second let Me go again. Develop the habit of thanking Me always and everywhere.

―Have Me ever before your Mind‘s Eye. This you must pray for also and I will give it. I‘m with you already as it is, but you need to be able to sense Me, feel Me and interact with Me, speaking to Me always as your most trusted Friend. I am keenly interested in your every thought and feeling, so long as you strive to stay lowly and humble, being very little in your own eyes. I will forever be your most trusted Friend and Confidant.

―Nothing draws Me more closely, than very small and childlike souls. I stay closer to them than their own skin and I will be with you. I know, that you are still in a great state of bewilderment and the rest of the world around you is in a terrible state of disarray. But I also know, that you are already beginning to feel an inexplicable, supernatural peace and calm within.

―I will continue to give you this gift and you will be able to think and reason with remarkable clarity. Do not worry about your needs, as you can see, I have provided for you in every way, people will continue to give to you everything that you will need, seemingly out of the blue and you will quickly begin to experience, just how truly beautiful a real Life of Faith is, even through these extraordinary circumstances.

―Nothing is out of My Control and nothing is allowed without My Consent. I have made every provision for you ahead of time. You have no need to be anxious at all, only keep your Heart and Eyes on Me, you are My precious, precious Child and I will not allow anyone or anything to harm you.

―I have set My Angels all around you to watch over you day and night. Not only will you be provided for but you will know My loving Care and the surety of My Faithfulness, as I bring an over abundance to provide for Others.

―You will begin to meet Others who like you have repented as well and through their own brokenness have been fully restored in profound humility and whose Hearts are solely for Me and the Kingdom of God alone. I will gather again My People as a Mother her little Children and I will bring them through this time of trial and testing victoriously. They will shine like the Stars in the Firmament of Heaven – twice refined. They will rule and reign with Me as they have persevered and come through gloriously – through the time of Tribulation.‖

Message 775: Death & Destruction is coming... Be not afraid of the Fire that falls from Heaven!

May 12, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Dear Family, we are in a very serious season of judgment that is coming to earth. The Lord has confirmed a solid source through one of our core members and he has a very accurate history of warning of different catastrophes on the earth, that actually do come to pass. His name is, Mike from Around the World who has messages on Sound Cloud, under the name of Council1arch. Basically, he has been warning us of a doomsday type cloud of debris, for the past 8 years, and that it is to intersect with the earth around May 12, 2020. It is 3 to 4 Million miles wide, and it is associated with the approaching dark star Nibiru and its planets. Our solar system is just beginning to pass through this now, this very day. No one really knows how extensive the damage to earth will be, but according to our core group visions, they saw fire falling from Heaven setting the earth on fire in many nations.


'Lord, what am I to tell the heartdwellers about this?'

Jesus began... "Tell them not to be afraid of the fire that falls from Heaven, but the fire that burns in Hell for eternity. I am standing by waiting to rescue souls from Hell if they will call out to Me.

"People of the earth, you have been duped and deceived by your rulers, but those who are evil are in high places. You‘ve been led astray, to believe that what they are doing is good when it is pure evil. You young ones who have been trained in the ways of the world, you have much to learn to uncover the truth of the agenda behind the teachings that have prepared you to hate what is good and right.

"I am the one who created this beautiful planet, and I am the one who has preserved it. Those who falsely accuse Me are the ones who are setting this planet up for its demise.

"Satan‘s entire agenda is to destroy you in the most painful way possible and to destroy this planet as well. He hates you and everything this beautiful earth contains and his one and only agenda is suffering, death and destruction.

"I am telling you this because you do not know the extent of deception and destruction plotted against you. This nation is now at an impasse, it has reached the point of no return.

"You are entering into a time of unparalleled suffering and destruction and I am calling you all to pray as never before because your very lives do indeed depend upon it. What is coming is not to be believed, but for those who have done their homework and are prepared I will be with you to assist others."

(Clare) Lord, please tell us what to expect. Jesus replied...

(Jesus) "Death and destruction. Prayer, prayer and more at this time is not the focus, prayer is. Press into prayer. Lives depend upon your faithful prayers and vigilance. Many lives, thousands of lives, not just their bodies but where it is determined they shall go after they die. As I told you in the beginning do not be concerned about the fires on the earth, but those within the earth, in hell and be concerned with your salvation.

"The reign of God comes in a way no one would expect. With thunder, and lightening and signs in the sky, do I come. Yet not all are ready for My coming and this has been the issue with My Father and I. We want so many more to be saved, Clare. So many more. And while My Bride waits anxiously for My coming, assuming even that she is ready, I still must look upon selfish lives that live for themselves and not for My kingdom come and My will to be done on earth.

"All the while this carnival is going on, souls are dying for lack of food, clothing, shelter, love, a knowledge of how dear they are to Me. Clare there are still many, many more to be saved before We remove My Bride from the earth. You are wise to come to Me seeking this wisdom, because while everyone is getting busy for the rapture, I am busy looking for laborers in the field. And I find pitifully few.

"What does this mean beloved? It means I must wait, My Bride is still preoccupied with herself, not with those who are suffering want and above all suffering in ignorance of My tender love for them. The Gospel must be preached throughout the WHOLE world. And even though it seems obvious that I could come for My Bride at any moment, I am still waiting for her to perform...that is, in obedience, work in the fields that are ripening for the harvest.

"That is why the Rapture will not come about now. This has been settled in Heaven. It is not time yet. But I must drop hints and stir into flame the eventuality of My soon coming, in hopes that My Precious Bride will take stock of her life and discover she is indeed lacking in resemblance to Me. Yes, this is a finer point, My Bride must resemble Me. She must be persecuted, rejected and downgraded in the eyes of the world. This can only happen when she is busy about MY business, bringing in the harvest."

(Clare) Lord, I have been such a failure at fasting seems like I truly love myself more than the work You‘ve given me but I get so weak.


(Jesus) "I want you to understand once and for all, it is not given to every soul to fast severely. Get your eyes off fasting and onto loving and serving. You see the enemy succeeds in side tracking and discouraging you by drawing attention to your weaknesses. This holds true for you and every heartdweller. This is Satan‘s favorite way to disconnect a Christian from Me...accusation, guilt and shame. Some have made an idol out of fasting. There is no doubt that it is powerful and important in your lives, but do not make it into an idol...that unless you chose a strict, arbitrary fast, you are not fit to hear from Me. That is a lie. If I have chosen you to hear from Me, you will hear but I do honor self- denial but don‘t make it a god.

"Excesses of food and entertainment dull the senses and create a certain deafness. So, to be sharp, alert and attentive to My call, I ask you to moderate these things in your lives. Clare, it would shock you, if you could see what's in the mind of many who fast. So many do it from an impure motive. They want to be holy like Saint so and so, so they figure they can fast like so and so did and they will be holy. No, it doesn't work that way, it is love, obedience and humility that prepare the heart... not just outward observances.

"Now, if I ask a soul to abstain, then it is for a very good reason and their obedience will please Me. The spiritual life is loaded with reefs of presumption that appear holy but are traps. That is why I teach...the greatest of these is love. Someone who looks fit and very accomplished, fasting, praying, shedding tears for others, giving words of knowledge, yet is not operating from brotherly love, this person is missing what is most important.

"Enough said, but I wanted to clarify to you, it has been settled in Heaven, there is still more time. Yet many catastrophes will occur on Earth to bring My Bride up and into the forefront of the harvest. These are wake up calls, not the final trump. Please do not doubt Me in this.

"So, I say to you... 'Steady as she goes.' Get to work on your apostolate, to contribute to the harvest, be a worker in My fields and bring in the souls that are languishing and ignorant of My tremendous love for them.

"Do not allow yourself to be cowed by the enemy, who is forever accusing you and holding you up to the standards I didn‘t choose. No, follow Me alone, out of obedience and do not make idols for yourselves, out of spiritual practices. Listen for My instructions on your fasting and follow that, because I alone know what you can handle and what is not good for you. Do this and I will be well pleased with you.

"Also be on the lookout for tricks to side track you into doing other things because they are ‗holier‘ in your eyes. No, this is vain glory. Humility and obedience will defeat these traps you have so easily fallen into in the past. I bless you now My Sweet Spouses, and in your hearing ears, I send garlands of grace and peace born of My righteousness, to rest upon your shoulders and increase your confidence in our very special relationship."

Message 776: Tragedy looms at the White House... Only your Prayers can prevent Donald's Death

May 15, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began... "My people, My people, tragedy looms at the White House, this is the hour of darkness that is pressing upon America, what are you going to do about it? Will you allow this to happen? Will you stand by and let darkness take your country over? What are you going to do?? This decree has gone forth because of the sinfulness of My people and their lack of repentance from empty works. I

192 am calling upon you all, right now in this hour to repent from your worldly ways and truly turn over a new lease on life. One filled with righteousness and not empty vain pursuits.

"Tragedy stands at the door, will you My people repent for this fascination with wealth and worldly goods? Will you seek My righteousness, My kingdom come, My will be done? If My Father sees a massive move of repentance from the worship of wealth and prosperity, to a country deeply committed to righteousness and justice, perhaps He will forestall this judgment.

"Will you step out of yourselves and care for the poor and those who are floundering in life. Will you feed the hungry, clothe the poor and look after humanity, as a tender mother and father? I have given this country great wealth, but not for your vain pursuits, rather to comfort the poor and bring equality of wealth to those who are struggling. I have seen massive change in this country, much to your President‘s courage in putting his life and the lives of his families in great danger, by making the moves necessary to conquer darkness.

"But this task is not something that can be assessed on the surface. The deeper he goes the greater the rot and corruption. The educational system has prepared young Americans to side with ungodly agendas in the name of freedom. He has done many things well, and your prayers have kept him alive to keep going.

"My Father has sent many, many events to turn the hearts of this people away from the world and onto family values and Godliness. But with the focus on money and greatness, people have missed the most important issues and rushed head long into worshipping the dollar. Even with the Covid restraints, the true focus is still missing as the byword continues to make America great again. I say to you, make America Holy again and prosperity will follow, in the measure it is needed but not so that you can again be corrupted by money and possessions, which is what every civilization destroyed itself with.

"The world is now on the precipice of disaster, and the death of your president will leave America in national upheaval and civil war. Will you allow this to happen? I am calling you to travailing prayer. I am calling you to cover your heads with sack cloth and ashes and cry out for mercy, more time, more grace, more mercy. Life is very tenuous in these times with natural calamities on your doorstep, and an enemy that is convinced it must conquer the world by reducing the population radically, with genocide after genocide, until only the chosen elite are left.

"My people, I am crying out to you for prayer and supplication, like you never have cried out before, the vision of Donald Trump in a casket, should be enough to fuel your tears and prayers begging for Mercy. Prayer changes things, but only united passionate prayer can prevent the death of your president. Travail for him and for your future and perhaps My Father will extend his term of office."

Message 777: Ezekiel 9... Judgment of God... The Execution

(Jackie) This is the Rhema, I received on May 23, 2020. He inspired me to publish this in His Channel...

1 And He called out in my hearing with a loud voice, saying... "Let the punishers of the city draw near, each with his weapon of destruction in his hand."

2 And look, six men came from the direction of the upper gate, which faces north, each with his deadly weapon in his hand. And one man in their midst was clothed with linen and had a writer's ink- horn at his side. And they came in and stood beside the bronze altar.


3 Now the glory of the God of Israel went up from the cherub, where it had been, to the threshold of the house. And He called to the man clothed with linen who had the writer's ink-horn at his side 4 and the Lord said to him... "Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done in it."

5 And to the others He said in my hearing... "Follow him into the city and smite, do not let your eye pardon nor spare. 6 Slay to destruction the old men, the young men, the maidens and children and women, but do not touch anyone who has the mark, and begin at My sanctuary." So they began with the elders who were in front of the house. 7 Then He said to them... "Defile the house and fill the courts with the slain. Go out!" So they went out and began smiting throughout the city.

8 And as they were smiting them it came to be, that I alone was left. And I fell on my face, crying out and said... 'Oh, Lord and Master! Are you destroying all the remnant of Israel in pouring out Your wrath on Jerusalem?'

9 And He said to me... "The wickedness of the house of Israel and Judah is exceedingly great, and the land is full of bloodshed and the city is full of injustice. For they say... 'The Lord has forsaken the land, the Lord does not see.' 10 But as for Me, My eye shall not pardon, nor would I spare I shall recompense their deeds on their own head."

11 And see, the man clothed with linen, who had the ink-horn at his side, reported back and said... 'I have done as You commanded me.'

(Jackie) Let His Warning once again resound in all the Earth! Peoples of the Earth, repent and stop your wicked ways, before it is too late...

Message 778: Fire from Heaven... What is being allowed is a must to wake them up

May 19, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord bless and keep you precious family. First, I would like to say that the warning of fireballs from heaven was just the very beginning of the event as we enter a debris cloud that our solar system is passing through. Astronomers are still trying to calculate the effects this cloud will have on Earth, by observing the very early stages.

It has been said that the heavier manifestation will be in 30 to 60 days from now. So that would be I think June and July. Gaging from the few fireballs that have landed so far, it is a bit more hopeful, than was first projected. But what is coming beyond that initial time is quite immense and we still don‘t know what kind of effect it will have. Now I want to share a dream Ezekiel had....

He had a Holy Spirit dream about this very thing. He found himself down the mountain in Taos looking for souls to minister to. They were lined up outside a clinic at the south end of town, and there were people everywhere, out on the street. They mostly seemed very disoriented and confused, wandering like there was no place for them to go. It seemed that there was an unusual amount of street people walking around, waiting in line in front of the clinic and some of us from the refuge were passing out food and taking supplies to different parts of town to help.

Ezekiel visited the fire station and asked if he could be of any help, and they readily accepted him, handing him a fire man‘s jacket and boots, which he felt totally uncomfortable in. They got in the firetruck headed for the north end of Taos and Ezekiel was riding with them.


He was struck by the condition of the roads which were almost impassible, and the groups of wandering souls not understanding what was going on. It was obvious from the scene before him that these fireballs had come in a great shower and torn up the roads, burned down houses and caused a general state of havoc. Taos was not the same at all. He knew he had to get off the firetruck and down with the people who needed ministry so badly. And so, they stopped and dropped him off.

While people waited in line at the clinic, on two different occasions, a victim that had died of Covid, was being wheeled out of an ambulance. The whole scene was one of despair and confusion. Ezekiel spent much time with different people on the street that were just so lost and not understanding what was going on. Yet he was able to bring comfort to many of the people who didn‘t have a clue as to what God was doing or why He was allowing all of this, and that was the end of the dream.

Dear ones, if we are going to have a revival before the Lord removes us in the rapture, comfort zones have got to be destroyed so that people will be hungry for answers to questions like... 'Why is God doing this to us?' The liberal agendas in today‘s churches have given birth to thousands of souls who no longer know right from wrong. The standard of immorality so commonly accepted, has left them confused as to why God would even punish them. After all, we‘re good people. We go to church and pay our tithes. Why is this happening to us?

'God help us in ministry if we have not called sin, sin, but glossed it over to please the crowds and pay the bills. Lord, what do you have to say?' Jesus began...

(Jesus) "Beloved Heartdwellers, people of My own heart, what is being allowed is a must to break through to those who continue to say... 'Business as usual', even after each one of these signs from Heaven shows that something is terribly wrong.

"We are trying desperately to get the attention of those who have no conscience, because they have been taught American cultural morals, rather than Christian morals. People have made their culture their religion. What is happening now all over the earth is the consequence of permissive morality which has left the Earth swimming in filth and sin.

"I tell you the truth, if My Father in Heaven did not allow this, the cosmos itself would bring upheaval, so wicked are the ways of immoral people.

"Do not ever doubt My Love for you, My People. Though you do not understand at times, why certain things must come to pass, never doubt that they are allowed for a much higher purpose.

"I have told you that revival will happen before the Rapture because I need you to prepare to lay down your everyday agendas to make time to work in the fields bringing in the harvest.

"As the familiar everyday events are suspended, you have more time to seek out your brother and sister and tell them of My great love. Are you prepared for this? Can you lay down the many things in your lives that have nothing to do with bringing My kingdom to earth, and with saving souls? I want each one of you to search your heart and ask My Holy Spirit to help you recognize the opportunities I do indeed set before you. As things continue to heat up, there will be more and more of them.

"Go now and ponder these requests of Mine, taking them to prayer each time you have the chance to share My Love with a soul. Ask when you go out... 'Lord help me to make a difference in someone‘s life today.' This is a request I will surely fulfill. My blessing is upon you now, to recognize that which will bring an eternal reward from that which is purely carnal and leaves you penniless in Heaven.

"Act on this knowledge, My loved ones, do not be like those who hear the word but don‘t go out into their Father‘s field to gather in the harvest. They say 'yes' but they don‘t go, but you be different. You prepare your hearts, make time for souls, study your scriptures, spend time soaking with Me. Let My love saturate you, so that when you go out you will spill out over others the very love I have filled your heart with."


Message 779: The Our Father is the perfect Prayer... Understand its Content

May 20, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began... "My Love, there are countless ways to approach and come close to Me. Each of you are like a very unique one of a kind diamond that prays in your own way, which I relish. Mostly, I want you to come to Me transparent, hiding nothing, and coming in confidence that I love you and will do for you what is in the end for your very best interests. Perhaps the best way to approach this is to tell you what I do not want you to do when you come to Me.

"Please do not come with a 'happy face' when you are deeply wounded. You cannot hide anything from Me and basically, I know more about what's really going on inside of you than you do. Do not come to Me with a laundry list of another soul's faults. Do not put others down at all. I expect from you compassion for things you view as shortcomings of others. You have no idea what the other soul is going through and it is an ugly thing to hear a soul berate and detract from another child of God.

"I hide 80% of your faults from you because you are still too weak to address them. In truth, you see so very little of your own faults, that it is shameful for you to even notice the shortcomings of others. Rather you can come to Me asking for help to understand your circumstances and others you find difficult to deal with. I will always anoint you with wisdom and patience when you do that. What I love to see in prayer, is long suffering and kindness with others. This disposes My Heart to grant your requests.

"Humility, humility, humility. My child, come to Me steeped in thanksgiving. This is a huge shortcoming in your culture. You tend to be whiney and negative when I want to see you grateful and hopeful. I want to hear how you appreciate the little and the big things My Father gives you. I want you to keep your sufferings in perspective giving thanks that I am teaching you long suffering. I do so want to see you recognize above all, how very fortunate and blessed you are for the things you take for granted...a roof over your head, a spouse, work that edifies, food and clothing, My presence and faithfulness in your life and so much, much more.

"These are merely basics I wish for you to steep yourself in day by day. I gave you the perfect format for prayer when I taught you the Our Father. When you say... 'Our Father who is in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name' - you are claiming that you belong to the family of God, that you acknowledge Him as the source of all that concerns you and as your creator and sole provider. 'Hallowed be thy Name' - in other words you are showing great respect and honor to your creator by elevating His name. His name is holy and never to be used lightly. 'Thy kingdom come' - is your acknowledgement and a prayer that His kingdom be established on this earth, and His will be carried out by you. Not the will of earthly agendas but bringing the kingdom of Heaven to earth with brotherly love, forgiveness and righteousness.

"'Give us this day our daily bread' is petitioning Him for the necessities of life, in confidence of His goodness. 'Forgive us our debts as we forgive others' acknowledges that you do not lead a perfect life, you are prone to sin and error and at the same time, in the same measure you will forgive others as you too have been forgiven by Me. 'Lead us not into temptation but protect and deliver us from evil' expresses your desire to stay holy and not consort with evil. These are the most basic elements to prayer, and using them will always bring favor upon your life.

"My children, be kind and gentle with one another. Do not force your impatience on others, do not lord it over them, rather serve, support and build up one another. Then when you come to Me in prayer, My heart will be wide open to receive your requests because you have done for others, what I would have you to do. I impart to you now, My Blessing, that your prayers would be ordered by My Spirit, that you would cease to find fault with others, that you would lift them up to Me, forgive and pray for them. The blessing of almighty God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit descend upon you and be with you forever... Amen."


Message 780: This is NOT Science Fiction... Keep praying, Heartdwellers

May 23, 2020 - Info from Sister Clare

(Clare) My precious family, the Rapture is so very heavy on my heart. You see, Jesus has given me just a very little glimpse into the corruption on and within this earth, and it is staggering. One of our people with military connections shared with us the devastating news of how children are being farmed all over the world in underground cities and being used for experimenting and extracting adrenochrome, which is harvested from the pupil of the eye while the children are tortured. All I can tell you is that it is horrendous and beyond believing.

It is so common on our soil that there is hardly a place on earth that is exempt from this travesty. Children are kidnapped and sent to different facilities where they are used for experiments or tortured or to produce adrenochrome for the elite or fed to the demon alien population beneath the earth that is consorting with the government giving us alien demon technology that is way beyond the level of our civilization to handle in a moral manner.

This brings me to the Rapture. There is just no way for me to hide or explain away how very serious our condition is right now in the world. President Trump has raised up an army of men and women to fight these underground wars in tunnels and underground cities in America. The fight is ferocious and I am asking all of you to offer your sufferings and prayers for the advantage of our military over this demon alien population and those in league with them.

There is a chance that this underworld government can be destroyed in this war, but the operations are around the world and so very widespread and entrenched in different governments, it will require the cooperation of many nations to eradicate them.

Recently area 51 had an earthquake 6.5 with several aftershocks. This quake was caused by non- radioactive nukes planted in key places to destroy the aliens living underground. Our army goes in and releases the children and then destroys the facility with the aliens in it.

This is NOT Science Fiction dear ones, this is reality. The alien ships are everywhere in the skies and disguised many times by clouds, and I believe that after the Rapture they will be seen and revealed all over the earth in a tremendous display of power. And I think maybe that is how they will explain away the Rapture, that the inferior human beings on Earth were removed because they stood in the way of progress in our civilization. I think that‘s what they will do. But for now, God is fighting on our side to remove this disgusting demon alien population from our earth.

I‘m asking you please pray for our service men and always pray for the President‘s safety. Your prayers are powerful, nothing goes without grace being released. It may seem overwhelming or hopeless, but that‘s far from the truth. Our prayers are winning this war. Keep praying, Heartdwellers, keep praying.

Message 781: WAKE UP, MY CHILDREN! If you do not change your Course now, then...


May 27, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) May the Lord stir our hearts into action. Beloved family, the Lord has told me, that this drastic change in our society that has taken place because of the virus, has been deliberately allowed by Him for many different reasons, chief among them being a wakeup call to the world, that we are living in the end times, and that we are not prepared for what is coming. He is trying to wake up His sleeping beauty, before the enemy completely takes her by surprise.

One reason, dear ones, is that our focus on materialism and accomplishment has driven us to the point where we are not vigilant about subtle, political changes that pass right by us, such as the things Obama instituted under the umbrella of Obamacare. Many things have been signed into law behind our backs, things that are being set up so that when the right moment arrives, innocent people can be arrested for no concrete reason at all.

Because we have focused on money and success, our families and marriages are falling apart, while evil agendas in the schools are influencing our children and turning them into a generation without morals. They have been taught that bad is good and good is bad. As a result, they have turned against their parents, who have tried to instill morals in them to save their souls. Lord, I know this message was your idea, could you please speak to us about it?

Jesus began... "Gladly. It has been on My heart, My people, that you don't realize that I have allowed these circumstances to wake you up and turn you around, before it's entirely too late. Many Christians that pray passionately have jumped into the fray and kept evil from overturning this nation, but just by the skin of its teeth.

"Many of you complain to Me... 'Lord why did you allow this to happen?' The reason this is happening is because you were running headlong over a cliff, and I have done this to stop you and get your attention, to restore proper values in the homes, to gather the families together, instead of letting each one go about their own pursuits, day after day, oblivious as to what is going on in each other's lives.

"Curtailing the physical and busy lifestyle has brought you face to face with the reality of your family's relationships, in both their weakest and strongest points. Many families have been disintegrating under their very own nose, and outside activities have kept them ignorant of what is really happening. I want you to draw together, My people, and examine your lives over the past few years. What are your values? You may ask, how do I determine that?

"By looking at what you spend most of your time and money on. Investing time in fruitless and evil video games has brought much demonic company into your homes. Do you understand? Your bodies are electrical machines that run on electrical impulses. Demons also run on this energy source and it is so easy for them to interface with your brain and cause serious genetic damage to your genes, cutting you off from Me by desensitizing the higher electrical currents in your bodies.

"You become used to loud, fast-paced music, which pulls you further away from My still small voice, you become desensitized to violence by watching crimes committed and participating in such things within video games. You are being steered by the monster Satan, who has found ways to make evil beautiful and desirable, feeding on your need to compete and accomplish, and giving you a sense of accomplishment by playing in this multidimensional world of video games.

"The games themselves are a training ground for sin, by alienate you from peace, gentleness, kindness, deeper thinking, brotherly love... all these games do is foster ambition to excel in violence and speed, doing things that you have no idea how tied in they are to evil. When you blow up a building, you are not inside to see little children ripped apart by the bombs, and this never enters your mind, but these feats of war are preparation for you to be able to pull the trigger on a bomb and not care who or what it hurts. Speed and agility are applauded, without any thought of the consequences to human life. War becomes glamorous.

"But I tell you the truth, war is Hell on Earth. Satan's agenda is to completely destroy the human race. So, he is behind these games that are training your reflexes and lust for action and destruction. The

198 enemy has fed you on this to prepare you to go out killing, stealing and destroying in times of national distress, which is his whole intention, to inflict suffering and loss on mankind.

"Now you are face to face with family members. You struggle against the limitations this virus has put upon your lives. But it is exactly this limitation that I am using to get you to wake up to what is really going on in your lives, and where you are really headed. This is no time to complain, rather this is the time to look at the emptiness in your lives, the lack of peace, joy, and the addictions that take you away from one another, such as the news, video games, drugs and alcohol, as well as the huge void that was left behind in your lives, now that the 'rush here and rush there' agenda that drove you every single day has fallen away.

"You want to be free of these restrictions that Covid has put on you, but you have not yet understood all the implications of your busy lifestyle. And the worst of these is that your nation has been taken over by wicked men, and there is a life and death struggle going on to steal the life from you. I need you to wake up and pray, wake up and see what's been happening behind the scenes in your lives. I need you to see the stealthy moves these corrupt politicians have made while you were conquering the next level of the game you were playing.

"Yes, they have deliberately hooked you into addiction, to keep you out of reality and what your life and country is becoming. They have set you up to go here, go there, do this, do that, to the point that you are totally unaware that you are caught in a net of destruction, because day by day your rights and morals are being taken from you, under the guise of freedom and fun.

"My people, wake up! It's not about prosperity, more things, more freedoms, more fun, more entertainment. What is happening to you is that you are being chained down, confined, controlled and programmed to go along with Satan's agenda.

"All of this is being accomplished through deceitful entertainment that applauds what is evil and denounces what is good. In this moment you may enjoy the game, but you will wake up to find out you've been lured into bondage, and the only way out is through your God, whom you've been taught to despise.

"Children, children, children... 10-20-30-40-50-year-old children... life is being stolen from you, from right under your nose. The beauties of your family, the sweetness of a relationship with Me, the freedom your nation was founded upon, your health and right to live, all these things are slowly being taken from you.

"I want you to understand, the evil ones have drugged you into subservience... as long as you can have your video games, pornography, and entertainment, they can keep your focus off of what they are doing behind your backs, and what they are doing is wipe you from the face of the earth, as well as taking your rights to freedom.

"They want to plant a device in you that will program your thinking, your moods, your actions, your desires and keep you oblivious to their motives. Oblivious to why they program these video games the way they do, oblivious to why they present sexuality as recreational, oblivious to what is right and what is wrong, so that you will degenerate into an animal, a beast and not a human being formed in My image.

"I am telling you these things because you are complaining about the very restrictions I have allowed in your lives, to turn you away from the loss of your soul and an eternity in Hell.

"I want you to wake up America and the world and see that it is not about your productive and prosperous life style, it is about human relationships, your children, your family, your nation, your relationship with Me and the prevention of the destruction of everything good on this Earth that I have entrusted to you.

"I want you to rethink these times and see that you are standing at a critical crossroads, where evil is lurking to get the upper hand and destroy two thirds of the earth's population. Yes, that means you and those you hold dear. I want you to go deeper, My People, much deeper and embrace eternity, where you are headed if you do not change your course.


"I want you to learn the truth and not swallow the lies that will make you feel good on the way to your next baseball game, or amusement park. Stop hurrying past the issues that mean life or death to you and your family in this nation.

"Stop ignoring the deeper issues and start examining what is behind the faces that tell you who to like, who to hate and what to think. You have been lied to on a massive scale. It is time for you to go deeper. Set aside your toys and entertainments and examine who and what these people who have been running this country really are. Where are they from, who do they work for, what is their agenda, and what have they been doing behind closed doors. Go deeper, secure your liberty, break through facades and lies, recognizing who they are and who they are not.

"Recognize that your nation is hanging by a thread, and if there ever was a time to rise up, it is now, and quickly. As a result of this virus, for which they meant to harm you, I am showing you what your life has been like and where it is going if you don't act now. You've been slowed down, confined and given an opportunity as never before, to recognize what you are dealing with and where you are surely headed if you don't make radical changes in your lifestyle and this nation.

"Because if you do not get control of this, they will get control of you and make those radical changes against your will, and much to your sorrow and destruction. It's not too late if you rise up now. My people, wake up and recognize what you are dealing with, go deeper and discover the evil among you.

"And even more importantly, return your affections to Me, because I alone have the power to deliver you in this crucial hour. But I must see you reform your lives and pray for the overturn of evil, and the victory of what is right and good.

"Stop basing your opinions on the news media, go deeper and find out who is really who and what they are really up to. Make righteous judgments about your leaders. It is not My job alone to turn this nation around, it is up to you to be informed, to know the truth, and to pray accordingly.

"Then I can raise My Mighty arm and strike the enemy, overturning the death and destruction he has decreed for you, which is looming on the horizon. My blessing is upon you, My people, My children, to arise, arise, arise! Take up the truth and fight for it. I am with you!"

Message 782: Rest On My Heart & Let Me take you to Heaven with Me

June 3, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Dear Family, the Lord has a word of encouragement for us today, and although He is addressing me, I know that it also applies to each of you who have worked so hard praying and fasting.

Jesus began... "We have spoken much about prayer and work lately, Clare, you have done your very best in so many areas that needed your attention. Now I would like you to enter into My rest and not push yourself so hard. I am pleased with you and I need you to enjoy My company.

"Cling to Me, dance with Me, explore with Me. Take time for recreation with Me. But most of all rest in My presence, cling to Me with all your heart and you will find ample strength to complete all I set before you.

"You have seen Me pulling you sweetly to rest your head above My Heart. There is a reason for that, yes, it is true... 'Place your hands upon My Heart and My Love will guide you.' Even so... 'Place your

200 head upon My Heart and My Love will fill you to overflowing for your brothers and sisters, for the sheep of Our pasture.‖

"Your willingness to do My Will is a constant source of comfort for Me, even as the sheep of our pasture show their willingness to respond to you helpfully, when they sense the need. Those that drag their heels or seem distant are sick and need nourishment as well as counsel. It is good for you to pull them aside and minister to them.

"I love the idea of you reading letters and answering them in a message. Many will be edified and get much from that effort. Pursue that please, but My major message to you today is that you have applied yourself and worked very hard and now I want you to lean into Me and recuperate, even with playing music. Your thanksgiving song comforts the pain in My Heart when it aches for the praises and gratitude of My People. Learn this song and teach it for it is very comforting to Me.

"This morning you read about My Father‘s love for each of you. Most have no idea what a father should be as Satan has succeeded in defiling marriage, causing divorces and painful separations that result in open doors for many sexual partners for lonely women, partners that have no sense of responsibility for her children.

"How sad this has become and how terrible is the abuse such children suffer, when certain men turn to abusing them. The state of fatherhood is twisted, a twisted wreckage on the ground, and where children sought comfort, there is nothing but enmity.

"This is why we must work so hard to convince people that My Father is Love. He is not harsh with the innocent and in fact is not even harsh with the guilty because they too were abused by their parents.

"He is most harsh with religious people that put social demands on those seeking Me, all in the name of religion. All I want taught is how to love Me and draw close to Me and live a pure and holy life because that will bring you the most joy.

"All the norms of churches and society, if they take away from that goal of union with Me, they are fighting against Me and leading people astray. But there is a great awakening going on where intimacy with Me is being taught and encouraged, the next step in the journey however is very difficult for many Christians to understand. And that is the central role of suffering. This is not being taught and therefore many are perplexed as to why they are not healed.

"My people, My Father is all about love and holiness. He allows many things in your lives to bring you to maturity. It is not always clear the great good a suffering produces in your lives. But I want you to trust that there is a reason to every suffering. There are times to heal and there are times to abstain from healing.

"So much guilt, condemnation, and depression are caused because you do not understand, that in this world you will have trouble, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world and I overcome it daily in your hearts. You will not know until heaven what the sufferings you patiently endured did for other souls who were on the edge of despairing of life.

"You will not see the fruit until Heaven, however, you may rest assured that as many times as I talked about suffering in the Scriptures, and the value of it, that the benefits into your account are way beyond anything you can fathom. No greater love has a man than to lay down his life for his friends, and every time you suffer you are laying down a portion of your life, which I am picking up and releasing graces to needy souls with, just as if you had fasted on water for three days.

"Embrace suffering as I embraced the cross, knowing that I turn your ashes into sanctifying graces for those who most need them. Now that I am explaining this to you, I would ask you to suffer manfully, willingly, without complaint, knowing that your suffering is hard work for the Kingdom of God on Earth. And your cooperation with this is meritorious both on earth and in Heaven. You will be shocked when you behold the spiritual victories of others that are a result of what you did and suffered on earth.

"But I do not wish My Bride to be suffering all of the time, there are times for recreation, for love, for rest, for a deep refreshing in the souls of My weary ones. Expect Me to dance with you in dwelling

201 prayer. Expect for Me to take you to Heaven to explore the wonders I have created for your pleasure and joy.

"Do not resist Me when I extend My hand to you. I do this to invite you into the joys of your eternal home, and when I do it, it is precisely because you NEED it, so do not greet My invitations with fear and doubt, turning away My hand thinking it is just a lying spirit.

"No. My Heart is to take you into My arms, to gently hold you close to the beating of My heart, to move in unison with you to a romantic holy song, to lead you into joyous places...jungles, palaces, lakes and rivers and all kinds of animals that greet My Bride with genuine love.

"O there are so many delights for you My Spouse! Please respond to My invitation when you are in dwelling prayer. There is no comfort on this earth like the comfort I offer you at these times. Let your heart soar with Me, allow Me to rejuvenate you and give you rest.

"It is most pleasing to Me when a soul readily comes away with Me to that secret place, that hidden garden, I created in virginal purity just for you. And it is so disappointing when she suspects Me and turns Me away. Would a father give a snake to his son if he asked for a fish? Neither am I going to give you over to familiar spirits when I so long to comfort and restore you.

"Take My hand blessed ones, take My hand and come to Me, come to the eternal delights, or just rest your head upon My Heart and soak up the fathomless source of love I carry within My being just for you.

"It doesn‘t matter that you‘ve fallen, that you cannot sometimes live up to your own expectations of what I would ask of you, it doesn‘t matter if you have avoided Me, it doesn‘t matter if you‘ve allowed yourself to be distracted away from prayer. None of this matter, I forgive you. Now I bid you... 'Come, come to the fountain of life overflowing within Me to bring you endless comfort... Come.'"

Message 783: Persecution, Hate, Conversions & Revival in Penasco (New Mexico)

June 4, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) My precious Heartdwellers, it is a very special occasion when the Lord allows persecution. We become more like Him day by day if we love our enemies and pray for their good. We grow in patience and virtue, and even authentic love. It is a precious grace not to be wasted. Last week we were visited by the Sheriff, the county and the people of the Forest Service, because someone local complained about us. We knew from the Lord that it was coming and it surely was an opportunity to love our neighbors. Lord please speak to my heart about this. Jesus began with a scripture...

(John 15:18-21,25) If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me before you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. But because you are not of the world, for I chose you out of the world, for that reason the world hates you. Remember the word I said to you... 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you too. If they have guarded My word, they would guard yours too. But all this they shall do to you because of My Name, because they do not know Him who sent Me. But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law... 'They hated Me without reason.'

Jesus began... "Beloved it is true if they hate Me they will hate you and this goes part and parcel with the calling. The more you resemble Me, the more you will be hated. But this is the most perfect climate for generosity, patience and love to triumph. In these times, when evil so abounds and finds fault, it is best to be meek, humble and quiet, yet fulfilling the laws of the land where it applies.


"Throughout all of history such tactics have been used to suppress My people and keep them from growing. But the result defies the intention, because persecution increases conversions. So, the more you are persecuted, the greater the harvest. Always keep this in mind because it is easy to lose this perspective when you are in the thick of it. Men do not often perceive what is driving their thoughts. The hidden world, the spiritual dimension drives at least 95% of all men's thoughts."

(Clare) Wow, Lord that is a staggering.

(Jesus) "It is indeed and that is why your awareness and prayers against spiritual forces are so important. Anything that steals your peace, you can be sure originates with the evil one. But where this poison arrow lands, so does My grace, directing you to forgive and have faith. Pray for those who persecute you and would do you harm, I use every bit of inconvenience they have caused you to save their souls.

"Clare, Beloved, do not be concerned for this situation, understand that I have already planned the way out of it, and souls will be blessed and brought nearer to Me through these events. Remember you are a light to the nations, a light on a hill, which cannot be hidden. What has been meant for your ruin will result in an increase of faith and holiness for those I have sent to you. Always balance the bad thoughts with prayer, yes even the short prayer to My Mother, because her heart stands ready to bring conversion to this place. You need only cooperate and graces will be lavished on souls, so they may come to know Me in an intimate, fatherly way.

"So many around you have come from broken and abusive homes. They have had nowhere to turn, and by rejecting their fathers, they also reject Me, without understanding that I am nothing like their family members. With all My Heart I long to heal those who are broken and downcast.

"Drugs, sex and crime have ravaged this community Clare, the wounds go deep. This is fertile ground for those who have sought Me, but in vain. The churches did not work, the family did not work, the school did not work, because they were seeking healing in the wrong places. But I will work. I will bind up the wounded, I will care for the widow and orphan, I will prove Myself through faithfulness to My ravaged people."

(Clare) Lord, I really don't understand, are we here for the surrounding community?

(Jesus) "You are here for all those who will listen, all those who are seeking, all those who have long since given up hope of being healed. I will move through this community in a way you cannot foresee. I will touch and heal in ways that are beyond the thoughts of man. I will shatter strongholds. I will do these things. You are right to say you are a nobody, and a nothing, and as long as you remain convinced of this truth, I will work through you. Oh how I love these people, oh how My heart has ached for them. So many ministers have come and gone from their midst because of the deep dark evil of generational Satanism, that has been firmly entrenched."

(Clare) Well, at this point, as He was speaking to me, I was really struggling with unbelief, because I have some history with this area. So He said…

(Jesus) "Please Clare, do not doubt that these are My words. They are not only My words, but My promises to you."

(Clare) Forgive me Lord, but I know we are seriously outnumbered.

(Jesus) "If only your eyes would open. I want you to study the great battles of the Bible where My people were hopelessly outnumbered. I want you to see that these evil ones are nothing to Me and you are vastly outnumbering them by the armies of Heaven assigned to you. Whether you understand it or not, you were victorious over them before."

(Clare) He‘s talking about 15 years ago when we were called into town.

(Jesus) "Yes there were issues in your marriage that had to be healed, but they did not succeed in separating you. You left this place because I called you forth, not because of anything they did to you.


There have been significant shifts of power in this area as well. I tell you, you are not outnumbered, you are not alone, you are merely very, very little, stay that way and we will triumph.

"To the people of Penasco, I want to say... I have heard your cries, I have seen your tears over the untimely deaths of your children. I have wept a river of tears over you, My people. I have seen the abuse and violation of the little ones victimized by alcoholism, pedophilia and Satanic ritual abuse. I have heard the cries, and the screams and their blood cry out to the Heavens. I have not turned My back on you, My People, but you have turned away from Me, using amusements, drugs and illicit sexual relationships to fill the deep void in your hearts.

"I want to cleanse you of your iniquities, I want to heal your scars, I want to show you the loved ones that, at their very last breath on earth, were given mercy and brought into Heaven. I long to reveal My great Mercy to you, but you must cry out to Me with all your heart, you must fast, pray and turn to Me, then I will heal your land, sweeping away generations of evil doing and injustice.

(Clare) I received this message last Friday, and I was really struggling with its content. So I went into prayer over the weekend and was waiting on the Lord to finish this, because I didn‘t feel it was complete, so this is the other part He gave me today.

Jesus began... "I am standing ready to bring about conversions, healings, new life, new hope, to these spiritually destitute souls. I love them with all My Heart Clare. I want them to know what a Father‘s love is truly like. For those who seemingly have been damaged beyond repair, My Heart aches and I want to heal the deep wounds of their childhood.

"Your prayers prepare the way. The groundwork must be laid in prayer, then I can make the soil ready. Focus your prayers on the surrounding communities of Penasco, pray for their healing and conversion. I want to begin something here that is very special. This is truly the most unlikely place for revival and that is precisely why I want it to begin here. I am pleased with you for cooperating with Me and praying to have a heart for them. Please continue to do this and you will have a real breakthrough.

"Each time you see or think of them, pray, and let those prayers accumulate, until the fullness of time comes and I release revival. Right now your hearts are far from them, but with little effort you can change that. I honor prayer and I honor obedience. There are priceless souls in this area, and of course every soul is priceless because you cannot put a value on My shed Blood, but what I mean is that some of these souls come from a very holy background that has been buried by generations of sin and witchcraft.

(Clare) When the Lord said that, an Italian girl by the name of Chiara, which is Italian for Clare, comes to mind for some reason. She was a teenager that came down with serious cancer, and the Lord wanted to take her to heaven through this cancer, and she said... 'If God wants it, I want it too.' What a beautiful example of a sweet soul that discerned God‘s will properly and gave her life to the Lord. A prime time, you know, just before she was turning 20. What could be a more wonderful act of obedience than to say this with conviction of the heart. Yes Lord, if You want it, I want it too.

(Jesus) "Your ministry is not just international, you‘ve been called to bring comfort, healing and wisdom to those around you as well. Everything that you do on an individual scale, readies you for outreaches on a larger scale. By committing yourself to those who are hurting around you, you are preparing and making ready an even greater release of grace for the internet ministry.

"The wounds these people suffer are common to all in the world. Satan has succeeded in corrupting the family by taking away the fathers, and putting men in their stead who are not dedicated to the family and children, but in many cases, further exploit them. You can imagine the plight of a child who is being injured and dares not tell their mother. They have no one to turn to. They are so afraid of losing their family that they live under a black cloud of oppression, being continually violated.

"I am calling upon all Heartdwellers to pray for the people of Penasco. What I begin here will spread around the world and touch your community as well. Know that the opposition coming from those who work for the evil one, is strong, but nothing like My power, so expect opposition, be strong, carry

204 through with your prayers and definitely use the binding prayer. This is an assignment to you, My people, My Heartdwellers, I need your strong prayer support.

"Start with the plight of the little children who are subjected to torture and violation of their bodies. Pray that what is evil will be exposed, come to light and be stopped. Pray that mothers and fathers will turn to Me with prayer and even fasting, and that I will increase their faith, that their prayers make a difference. I am very serious about what I want to do here My Beloved Brides, very serious, so I ask you to take on this burden for the children and families of Penasco and the surrounding area.

"Drugs and alcohol are major forces here. Pray that they will turn to Me rather than to a false and fleeting comfort of drugs and alcohol. Break curses and strongholds, pray much in the Spirit and allow Me to pray through you. Pray for the conversion of those who worship Satan, praying that the blindness they have been struck with will be removed, so that they will see clearly that he cannot be trusted.

"Pray for a sweetness to envelope those who pray, a sweetness that will lead them to Me. I am equipping you all with graces as you hear this. I love these people, and I need your prayers for them. Do not stop praying for your President and the nation, for that is still the highest priority. Every day that passes, the scales tilt to the side of evil, until the prayers of the saints are heard and the balance is restored. Truly, it is a daily war to keep your world alive, and each one of you tips the scales by your offerings and prayers.

"Someday you will see how very sublime your life of prayer on earth was, and how it changed the evil destiny the Devil had in store for it. You are My warriors of Peace and Love, never underestimate the power of your littlest prayer. I go before you, I stand behind you, I am at your side, above and below you. Nothing can harm you without My permission, so take in stride any opposition you are faced with, it is part of your character being built up, and remember that I am with you."

Message 784: My Sandbox Children, Babylon's fiery Furnace is coming, choose now!

June 8, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord bless you, dear Heartdwellers. Well, I came to the Lord, kind of with a heavy heart, because our Sunday didn‘t go as well as we hoped it would, and I said...

'Lord my heart is heavy, I see the seeds of division, convict me of my part in this please. You know how hard I tried to make that day special. Hours spent gathering worship songs and other little surprises for the ones I love so much, and yet some were not happy and my heart was brought down. I know I cannot please everyone, you asked me to keep the bond of unity, but there are so many currents flowing at times, even in different directions. And those days set aside for worship and fellowship are so rare and special. How am I to do this Lord?'

Jesus began... "Patience, Clare, you are growing children up to maturity, and of course you struggle with your own immaturity at times.

"Your struggles are common to all men and women. Love them and let Me take care of their attitudes. Now you understand what the currents in churches can do. Demons of division are loosed; they play on the likes and dislikes of each person. None of the persons, none of them like the very same things. Each has their own version of what they like. And those with the greatest investment tend to put the most pressure on the pastor. Now tell Me, how do you please them all at once? And still be faithful to what I am asking of you.


"You will find that the demons exploit weaknesses. One crack in the personality is an open door. For instance, your weakness is to react in rejection and be affected by other‘s negative attitudes. Satan has used this time and time again to break your heart and bring you down.

"You see, this was a set up, you had special gifts for certain people and were looking forward to the joy they would have when you prepared them. You were not ready for rejection, which is what you felt when things didn‘t work out. That threw you into an interior tailspin, sorrow, and you wept. It took all the joy from your day; it took joy from the other‘s day as well, and a pall descended over the day. You were vulnerable, and so were they.

"Clare there is no way to avoid this pain in a community, you must forgive and go on, praying to bind certain divisive demons.

"You as a leader cannot afford to take offense and be shut down by your reactions. This is what was intended by the group of demons loosed in this situation. It was carefully planned… accusation, pride, self-pity, and rejection were sent to divide. Plans were laid several days beforehand to cause this to come down. It always happens when you least expect it. And it is true, when one hurts, all hurt, and so all did hurt.

"Well, now you see it in your cats. One cat is preventing the dog from sleeping in his bed. Another cat is snapping at the cat trying to get close to you. Another cat is in the doorway, blocking the others and the dog from getting out. All of them are out of order and antagonistic to each other. I hope you get it dearest; it is so obvious; you are being sifted by demons sent to divide.

"Educate your people to be selfless, this you do by your example and by way of exhortation. A community cannot survive with pouters, they will bring everyone down. A community survives on a firm commitment of self-sacrifice, brotherly love, unity in the spirit and forgiveness. Let a spirit of gratitude and worship prevail and not pouting spirits because they didn‘t get their own way.

"My little children playing in the sandbox... you have been targeted for destruction. You cannot afford to be children in this time and season, there is no room for infantile behavior. Do you understand? You survive as a group or you don‘t survive at all. The pressures you are under right now are NOTHING. You are living in a cake walk. What is coming is the fiery furnace of Babylon. If you cannot rally yourselves and put aside your petty irritations now, I promise you, there will not be left three persons in this community to argue about anything.

"If you cannot get a hold of yourselves now in the green wood, what do you suppose it will be like in the dry wood? I say this not to shame you, but to wake you up. Your involvements with your own preferences and the world are blinding you to what is most important. I want you to learn how to spot a potential breakdown before it happens. One of the worst dynamics that leads to loss is the ‗rush, rush‘ attitude. I have broken Mother Clare and Father Ezekiel many times for allowing themselves to be manipulated by this.

"There are only so many hours to the day, and Satan would like you to be so ambitious that you cut out prayer. I say to you, bravo, you have not allowed this. But when you set your sights on accomplishing too many things, you are setting yourself up for failure, disappointment and fatigue. You aren‘t considering Me, that I might want to do something different than what you planned in your day.

"After your goals are accomplished, you begin to become irritable and react to things in your flesh because you have overextended yourself. This in turn opens the door for a sifting of you and other community members involved with you, and eventually, it goes beyond you and affects the entire community. This is Satan‘s plan for you. If you know this you can redirect your plans to make sure it does not happen.

"Your day, by the way, belongs to Me, do not pack it so tightly with your agendas that any change in plans irritates you. Wherever there is an agenda loaded with the 'rush-rush' attitude, there are at least one or more demons. Remember this. They are setting you up for mistakes, failures, irritation, aggravation, accidents and wrong choices. When you see this demon affecting you or others, delicately approach the other person, warning them that the enemy is setting them up. If it is you,

206 repent and be still before Me. Allow Me to prioritize your time and be satisfied that not everything was done.

"One thing only is necessary, one thing only is the better part, one thing only is wisdom, and that is preserving the bond of brotherly love. Anything that divides, or pits one against the other, is from Satan. If you give into those feelings and actions, you lose ground to the enemy and set up others to be hurt, and this begins a cycle of division that ultimately leads to separation.

"Please, take responsibility for your own actions, do not blame others because you chose to do too much, and now, you are exhausted. Look at the situation and say... 'I did this to myself. No one else is to blame. Lord forgive me.'

"Seek to be the littlest, and the servant of all. Seek to be the tiny violet in the forest that gives off fragrance when it is crushed. Put aside what you think and want, and join into what I am doing here with this group of people. If you cannot get along with those who love you and love Me, how will you get along with others who care only for themselves in this world. A community is not about buildings and roads, they are only provision for living.

"A community is about brotherly love and sacrifice, in order to serve Me and my agendas. If you are busy exerting your own preferences and pouting when you don‘t get your way, you will not make it through what is coming. I am trying to prepare you, and the enemy is trying to divide you and send you all scattering in different directions. Are you going to allow this?

"Some of you are carrying heavy burdens, heavier burdens than the rest, and this is because you have been prepared to do so. But if you allow Satan to cause you to grumble at one another and hold grudges, there isn‘t much hope for your survival together, and you will all be scattered, each one to their own tent, losing all the gifts I wanted to give you as a community.

"Alone you are pitiful and weak, as a community you are strong and supportive, that is why you come under attack. Please, choose this day what you want. Decide on how you want to live and do what is necessary to support that. My grace is with you to support the right thing, please, choose wisely. And remember, each one of you is a gift to the others. I have brought you together because of your gifts and how they support one another, and how wonderful each of you are for each other. Treasure these gifts, I have worked long and hard in each of your lives to prepare you for community living.

"Deny yourself, pick up your cross without grumbling, and follow Me. Do this as a family, a community that cares for one another and is united to bring salvation to the world. And know that you have been targeted for destruction, it is up to you to see ahead clearly and act accordingly. Get your eyes off of yourselves and look to My business, feed My sheep, care for those of the household of God, let us focus together on the souls that need to be saved.

"Come now, hand in hand, let us conquer the petty differences that Satan exploits to destroy harmony, brotherly love and concord, and let us bring salvation to a dying world. I am counting on you dear ones to conquer yourselves and build up one another. I am counting on you and I believe in you."

Message 785: Don't give up, My weary Brides... I am coming very soon!

June 8, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Clare began... Thank you for your prayers, heartdwellers. I know many of you have been praying for us and it really has had a good effect. The Lord visited his weary servant today, He has picked up on what I felt like... a sack of bones... and he lifted me up with new hope. You see, in the doings of

207 getting this community established, I think I have aged 20 years. But now we have a solid core of people who are truly overqualified to manage all that must be accomplished here in the physical realm, and they are good prayer warriors.

And with that I can take a deep breath, and let go. I have been doing that, really, but the fact is, I am very tired and have nothing left for music. It‘s almost like it never existed in my life. There‘s just no inspiration. Yet I know He has brought me to this point in order to release me for that very thing. You‘ve probably noticed my voice sounds dry and hoarse... it is very dry at 8,500 feet.

Well, I need to shut up and stop making excuses. Today He touched me and I am so very grateful. I had been given a song on the keyboard one day, and then I went to record the flute with it, and Jesus took over and played that flute so beautifully, so far out of my skill range, that I was awestruck in the end.

Well, during dwelling prayer today, He played that song. And I could see Him clearly in the Garden. The name of the song is 'Heart Crying Out', and it‘s about Jesus being in the garden, missing His Bride and crying out. I could see Him so clearly in the garden, playing from His Heart, calling to His weary Bride, and then I saw myself coming to Him, dressed in a lovely ethereal wedding gown, with a crown of pink roses on my head, and when I approached Him, He placed another crown on my head, which always means a big trial is coming. Not something you really look forward to, but there are always big trials.

Well, I really didn‘t want to see that. At that point He took my hand and walked me through this lovely garden, into a Gazebo where there were two benches facing each other. He sat down opposite of me and leaned forward, His elbows on His knees, gazing deeply into my eyes. He said...

(Jesus) "My Bride, My Beloved, don‘t give up on Me now, I am coming for you very soon."

(Clare) Oh, Jesus, I am so dry and so beset with temptations of food, and I don‘t know where to turn, where to go to get help, anymore. I see myself as hopeless. I have no desire for music, it is such a grind and everyone is so much better at it. I labor for what... a song that takes a month or a year to produce? I am tired Lord. I want to get up and keep going, but the song in my heart is gone. I am ashamed of how I have acted and how selfish I have been.

(Jesus) "Your voice is important to Me, is that not enough?"

(Clare) Then, in the next moment, John Michael Talbot‘s song played... 'Rejoice highly favored daughter, the Lord is with you, dressed as a bride among women, for you shall be the mother of Jesus. Holy Spirit, given to you, you shall conceive and bring forth the fruit of salvation.' And when it was playing, I thought of the Blessed mother and I also thought of us in our habits, that we are also Brides that bring forth fruit from the working of the Holy Spirit within us. Jesus replied to my thoughts...

(Jesus) "She will help you, please press into her intercession, My Love."

(Clare) Then the next song that played was... 'Swift Away' which was one of my songs about the Rapture.

(Jesus) "Yes, yes, swiftly I will take you away, very swiftly... you will not even catch your breath before you are sailing through the universe with Me."

(Clare) Then He changed the subject again...

(Jesus) "Your voice is important to Me. So important to Me. I created you for this."

(Clare) But Lord, the time is so short, what can I do? It takes me years to do a song. He was silent. Then I heard…

(Jesus) "I am still here, listening to your thoughts. Now who is the one evading and complicating?"


(Clare) Someone had pulled a card about not to be evading and complicating things, making them more difficult, and I chided them for it, and now the Lord is chiding me. Then the next song played in the background… 'Immanuel, our God is with us, and if God is for us, who can stand against us, our God is with us, Immanuel' - And more lyrics... 'for all who stumble in the darkness, behold your light has come... if God is with us, who can stand against us. Behold now the kingdom, behold now the kingdom, SEE WITH NEW EYES'.

(Jesus) "See with new eyes, things are not now as they were. Before I brought you down to Taos, you had your sheep and horses and lived a sweet life of prayer, knowing all the time that I was preparing you for something else. Have I not fulfilled the vision I gave you, of souls praying in the woods? Have I not been faithful to you, Clare?"

(Clare) Oh Lord! Forgive me, truly you have!

(Jesus) "OK, then I have set the stage for you. I have brought you the finest people to help with this work and succeed after you. They are real, sincere, honest and want nothing more than what I want. And I want them here, faithful to this work. I have taken the burdens off your back Clare, now you are free to create music."

(Clare) It‘s sad to say, but I have no inspiration, no desire. Please restore me. Please bring me back into music, maybe even much stronger than I was before?

(Jesus) "This is why I want you to go to My Mother, she knows what you need, she knows what to do, cleave to her and depend on the graces I have entrusted to her, to bring you into your calling. I am serious about this, Beloved, she will help you, you need only ask. Yes, the Rosary is a good prayer, but you may also talk to her, she loves to hear the sound of your voice, in more ways than one.

"Clare, you are the most unlikely person to succeed in what I have given you to do, in this world, but I have news for you, I don‘t need your talent or skill, I need to be glorified through you, by your simple plodding perseverance. Choices, with your time, good choices. You know the order in which I want you to work, prayer, messages, music, it‘s that simple."

(Clare) My mind drifted off to the persecution and the enemies in the area.

(Jesus) "Don‘t worry about them, I‘ve taken care of them already, what I have planned will put an end to their persecution."

(Clare) How can that be Lord? Don‘t you want us to be persecuted, so we resemble You?

(Jesus) "I don‘t want you to worry about the things I‘ve already taken care of. I want you to write and play and sing music. Period. Can you do this for Me?"

(Clare) With the strength I don‘t have, but the graces Your mother has been entrusted with, I am sure I can do anything. I just need my heart back. I need a new heart, Jesus. It has been a very long journey to this place and I am so spent.

(Jesus) "In the natural, it is beyond the realm of possibilities. But in the super natural, it is finished. You must get into the supernatural realm of 'everything is possible with God'. You must be convinced that I can raise the dry bones, put flesh on them and a new heart within them. I want you to know that you are among the thousands of My servants who are extremely tired and spent.

"All of you have been through battles with hell. All of you have taken heavy losses of heart, soul and inspiration. All of you. But I am here to tell you, and anyone else who cares to listen, that I am about to do a new thing in your lives. I am about to rejuvenate you in ways you never imagined. Not in the world‘s ways, but in My ways.

(Clare) Lord, are you asking me to go to Your mother? But the evangelicals listening in still have not accepted her role as you laid it out in the Scripture! They are totally blind to the reality of her assignments from You, even though they are clear in the Scriptures. Based on that, how can you prosper them if they refuse to enlist her intercession?


(Jesus) "I have My ways, little one. Don‘t you worry about those who are afraid to see, lest they lose their hard-earned standing in the Christian community. They can continue to cling to their laurels and protect their good names, but you, do only one thing, draw closer to her and let her intercession bring new life to you."

(Clare) Lord, forgive my unbelief.

(Jesus) "It is a very ugly and hurtful thing for you to have when you know Me so well, but I forgive you. Do you understand? The Devil, through clever twisting of solid truth, has turned the people called by My name, against the FULL equipping I had in mind for them. He has turned them against the Lord's Supper, even though I said it 7 times... 'This is My Body, This is My Blood.'

"And he has come with spirits that are familiar with counterfeiting, imitating saints, My Holy Mother, and even the intercession of the Great Cloud. In doing this he has deprived the people called by My Name of 50% of the power they could have had in this world, the power to overcome themselves and the enemy. These present-day Christians are indeed strong in proclaiming and living My Word, but they are missing the Bridal Chamber and the instruction from the Mother of the Bride.

"But I am going to change this. You will see My Hand move, and these lies will come crashing down in the lives of those who prefer the truth to the standing of their name and ministry in the community. But you, little one, keep your heart and mind in the praises sung to Me, and continue to implore My mother, both for this nation and Our music.

"Please believe in Me, Clare. Please, believe. We have come so far, look around you. Look at the miracle of the community I have called together around you and Ezekiel. You see, I have done My part, I have been faithful, now it is your turn.

"And for those of you, My weary ones, who are struggling day by day, I say to you, do not give up. Consider what I have told Mother Clare, consider her weaknesses, consider that I have been faithful to her in bringing to pass a prayer community in the wilderness, which I promised her over 22 years ago.

"I am holding out an invitation to you. My Mother has been given many, many graces to distribute to My people, because she was so very faithful on earth, and offered up the dearest thing in her life, for your sakes. She has been given many supernatural gifts that she uses with great wisdom and discretion. You have only to study the wedding at Cana to see her influence in Heaven.

"Go back to Mother Clare‘s teaching on her, there are seven of them... Go back and study the scriptures she was given, to prove to you that My Mother is a force of goodness in your lives and in this world, even now. It is all because of the graces I have given her, the angels I have assigned to her, which she uses to carry out My will in the world. Do not continue in your obstinate unbelief, rather, seek out the truth.

"I love you, I am with you, my weary ones, you have all come so far and done so much good, rise up then and get ready for the move of My Spirit on this earth. Rise up and walk in truth, not preferring the ignorance of men, who, for generations, have been taught error. You have only to approach My mother and ask of her proofs, that she is My appointed intercessor."

(Jackie) Here another Revelation from Jesus regarding His Mother Mary

16. On the mountaintop where the Master is found, there too is Mary, the Universal Mother, She who was made woman in the Second Era so that she could perform the prodigy of the incarnation of the Divine Word.

17. Man has scrutinized and judged Mary, and the way that Jesus came to the world, and those judgments have torn at the garments of purity of the Maternal Spirit, whose heart spilled out its blood over the world.


18. I have come in this time to throw back the veil of the unknown, to remove the doubt of the unbeliever, and to give him knowledge of the spiritual teachings.

19. From My truth, which is like a road, men have made many side roads, on which, most of the time, they get lost. And while some seek the intercession of the Celestial Mother, and others do ignore Her, her mantle of love and tenderness envelops all eternally.

20. From the beginning of time I revealed the existence of the Spiritual Mother, of whom the prophets spoke before She came to the world.

21. Mary was sent to manifest her virtue, her example, and her perfect divinity. She was not one more woman among humanity. She was a distinctive woman, and the world saw her life, knew her way of thinking and feeling, and knew the purity and grace of her body and spirit.

22. She is an example of simplicity, humility, abnegation, and love, and in spite of the fact that her life has been known by the world of that time and of succeeding generations, there are many who do not know of her virtue and her virginity. They cannot explain the fact that she was virgin and mother because man is unbelieving by nature, and has not been able to judge the Divine works with a prepared spirit. If they studied the scriptures and analyzed the incarnation of Mary and the lives of her antecessors, they would come to know who She is.

23. The most tender love of God for his creatures has no form, nevertheless, in the Second Era, it took the form of a woman, in Mary, the mother of Jesus.

24. Understand that Mary has always existed, since her essence, her love, and her tenderness have always been in the Divinity.

25. How many theories and confusions have men forged about Mary, about her maternity, her conception, and her purity. How they have blasphemed!

26. The day that they understand the truth of that purity, they will say: ―Better would it be never to have been born.‖ Tears of fire will burn their spirits, and then Mary will envelop them in her grace, the Divine Mother will protect them under her mantle, and the Father will forgive them, saying to them with infinite love: Keep vigil and pray, because I forgive you, and in you I forgive and bless the world.

(Jackie) This is an excerpt from the 3rd Testament Chapter 20.

Message 786: I've given you free Will... You choose to follow My Counsel or not

June 16, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began... "My precious people, many of you are living for yourselves, and living in sin as well. How I love you and pray you will not have to go through this great tribulation. The last thing in the world I want to do is leave you here for the most frightful and tormenting times that ever existed on this Earth.

"But I have given you free will and it is up to you to make a decision between popular morality and My morality, which does not allow for fornication (sex without marriage) or adultery (cheating on your marriage partner).


"If you do these things and do not stop, if you do not purify your lives and start giving to others, the poor, the needy, feeding and clothing them, if you do not change your way of life, you will be left behind.

"Please, seek My will in your prayer closet at night. I will meet you there and forgive you, as well as counsel you on what you should change. My voice is very still and quiet, not like the blaring sounds of the world. It will be like a gentle breeze coming up from within you, with a new sense of right and wrong, as well as a new sense of priorities. I will lead you through your conscience, if you will be still and pay attention, listening very carefully.

"I will also give you the graces you need in order to change your life style. If you obey, you will feel clean and at peace. If you do not, there will be constant turmoil in your heart along with the fears of being left behind.

"It is not too late to change. Do the works I did. Pray for the sick, admonish those in deep sin. Share My love with those who are hungry for love and understanding, show compassion and mercy. Share your food and clothing. Give to missions, from the heart, knowing that someone in the world is being comforted because you shared what you had.

"I am asking these things of you for your own good. You know My will, now is the time to make changes and to leave the life of sin behind you.

"You are not alone, My Beloved ones; I will help you. I know all about your need to be held and loved. I know you need a partner in life, a father for your children, a mother for those who have lost their wife. I know the deep sorrow you live with day by day, longing to have a real husband or wife.

"But I must tell you, I cannot give you those things until you abandon a life of sin and turn around to Me and My commandments for your lives, completely.

"In the meantime, I will be your spouse, your friend, and helper. I have so many ways to provide for single parents, because of the extraordinary load they shoulder living alone with children. Please, turn to Me with all your heart and know that I am with you and will provide for you.

"Time is passing quickly and there are no guarantees about your life tomorrow. My heart yearns for you to return to Me, and allow Me to reorganize your life without sin. I am always by your side, Beloved, I hurt for you, I pray for you, I cry for you, I send My angels to care for you. Not a moment goes by that I do not care for you in extraordinary ways.

"Recognize My providence in your life, study My promises to you in the Scriptures, and yes, use a Bible Promise Book. My Holy Spirit will open to the page that you need to read. Then place all your trust in Me and move forward.

"Hold fast to My Promises, declare them, and when the lies of the enemy assault your mind, quote My promises to them and they will flee. Be firm and convinced. My angels will honor your use of My Name.

"You are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, who not only cheer you on but pray very passionately for you, so that you triumph over all your enemies, even your flesh, which is the greatest of enemies.

"And one more thing, My dear ones, receive Me every day in communion, as it has been taught to you on this channel. I bless you now, to impart to you the backbone and courage to make the changes in your lives and come into a deeper relationship with Me."


Message 787: Do you expect to be raptured with this Attitude?

June 20, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Brother Ezekiel

(Jesus to Ezekiel) "Son of Man, write down these words... How Long, how long will you crush the poor at your gates? You ask... 'Which Poor? What Gates?' You see them clearly, each and every Sunday. You avoid them at all cost. These are My Little Ones that you so blithely escort to the back seats when you assemble. They are the 'Un-Beautiful' ones. Those of whom you say... 'Hurry along! Hurry along!' You and your spouses, irritated and brow down, turn to one another, saying... 'Oh No! It is them again!'

"Meanwhile, you shepherds turn your heads down, so as not to see them, while reading and re- reading the notes of your skillfully composed messages; corrupting the truth of My Holy Scriptures, in favor of the wealthy. Have you not repeatedly read My admonitions for you?

"The fasting I require is to feed the widow and the orphan, to welcome the stranger into your midst, and not turning your back on your own. Yes, your own, your own kindred in Me, the least of these Living Stones that were meant to build up My Body as an edifice.

"Do not excuse yourselves, saying... 'We are here to worship, and to be taught, not to wait on those who should have the common sense to take care of themselves!'

"If that were not enough, after the service you quickly slip through the crowd unnoticed, on the way to your clean and freshly waxed car.

"You intentionally dodge these 'ragged' ones who are so simple minded and plain. How many are they, who long to be invited to your luncheons?

"You see them walking, now in the heat of the day, counting their few coins to see if they have enough to pay the bus fare. And yet you speed by them on the boulevard, being very careful not to make eye contact.

"Do you expect to be swept up into the Heavens when I arrive? I tell you solemnly, you will not taste of My banquet, nor will you be caught up in the clouds. Rather, you will stand in utter disbelief, as you watch those lesser ones ascending, to be with Me forevermore.

"How many of you will call out to Me, so fearful of what is in prospect for you? Yes, such suffering as has never been seen, and will never be seen again on the earth. Woe unto woe will be added to you, for you have discriminated against the Poor at your gates."

(Clare) Father, none of us can do this without Your grace. Please, in this moment, impart conviction to our hearts for the times we have strayed and lived selfishly for ourselves, avoiding the needs of others that we could have helped with. Please Father, forgive us for those times and show us now, today, and in the future, how we can love You through the poor ones... Amen.

Message 788: Am I your God or are your Parents your God... Whom do you serve?

June 25, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare


(Clare) My Dear Family, the Lord has put something on my heart for you, and He began speaking to me today after my Lord‘s Supper. I‘m just going to go ahead and share with you what He had to say.

Jesus began... "Many are the people called by My Name who are living for themselves, and even for their parents. I have called, and called and called the elect, but some are so engrossed in this present life that they refuse to answer My call.

"So many are living for their parents. Capable souls that I have been calling for years have instead hearkened to the voice of their parents and society‘s demands to be respectable. How long must I call you before you will forsake yourselves and cleave to Me?

"Must I wait until the end of your lives? That may not be a very long time away... but this is typically how I am treated by those I have called to walk with Me. They say… 'First I must bury my father.' What is that about? Gaining approval from your father, and an inheritance?

"I have called you to forsake all. You will not be able to excuse yourselves on the basis of what kind of life your parents wanted for you. No, you will stand empty handed before Me, because you gave yourself to the world and all its enticements. You married, had children, grew old and anesthetized in your cultures amusements. And only when you are old and spent you want to offer yourself to Me?

"Where were you when you were young and strong and I put it on your heart to follow Me? You heard Me clearly, but you chose the comfortable route, strewn with disappointments and failures you did not anticipate. Had you followed Me when I called, your life now would be vibrant, meaningful and your peace would be without end.

"My children, I am addressing right now, those who are straddling the fence. Your life does not belong to Me, but to your parents. They have done a good job raising you, but have failed to let go and give you to Me. Because of this you have chosen to conform to their desires and tread the safe route, follow their example, go to college, get married and raise a family. For those of you who are called to do this, I bless your choice, because it is done within My will for your lives.

"But those I have called to walk the dusty and difficult path of leaving this world and serving Me exclusively, to you I say, you are multiplying your woes, because this world is not going to endure much longer, and the deeper your involvement with it the more you will suffer and be forced to make a decision between the world and your God. Children, unless you build on the rock of My will, your lives will collapse, they will not endure.

"What kind of fruit do you want to bear? The fruit of money, security, social status, or the fruit of souls won for the Kingdom of God, saved from the jaws of Hell? It is time for you to take a long, long look at the choices you are tending towards and project them into the future, and what their ultimate outcome is.

"Do you want all the trappings of a successful life in the eyes of the world? Or, do you want the fruit of lives added to the Kingdom and serving Me? Do you want Me to provide for you, or do you want to make your own way, relying on your strengths and gifts, the ones you‘re endowed with, by serving the world and making it your master?

"I am so very serious My young ones. Many of you have been called to be saints, but you have a mistaken sense of responsibility by putting your parents before Me. Do you know that this is idolatry? You chose your parents will for you over My calling and My will for you in this life, and this makes your parents your God.

"Yes, indeed, I am chiding you. I have waited and waited and waited for you to turn your back on the world, responding to My call, and many of you are still kicking the dust and weighing your options. What I want is for you to make up your mind, take the reins of your life in hand, and follow the course you have decided on. If it is Me, then come to Me and we will begin the work. If it is the world, stop toying with Me and go full throttle into your decision.

"If you can‘t quite decide, tell Me... 'Lord I am willing to be made willing. Please help me.' And I will come to your aid and work with you.


(Clare) Dear Lord, please forgive us for our double mindedness, and lead us into greater intimacy with You, willingness to hear your voice and obey Your will for our lives, so that we can become all that we were created to be. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord... Amen.

Message 789: Do you still waste Time or do you seek Me? Is your House in Order?

Rhema June 29, 2020 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare (Excerpt of the Original Message from March 28, 2015)

Jesus began... ―Listen to Me, dear one, hold up under the pressures of this life only just a little more, don‘t grow weary in well doing as you began to do today. I would say to you, you will receive your reward, but I know better, it is not for reward that you do this. You truly are a shepherdess, laying your life down day after day for the sheep. This is what I have always wanted for you.‖

―There are many who wish to have this relationship with Me. I exclude no one, let that be made clear. My arms are wide open to all who seek Me…until they find Me. I am not an easy catch. I need to know how much I am wanted, I need to see a relentless bride searching hi and low for Me. Then, I shall surprise her with My presence. Most people give up way too easily, this is the majority of the problem.‖

―Most people give in to the lies of the enemy, ‗you‘re not worthy.‘ Nothing could be further from the truth, unless you want to say, ‗Unless you are willing to seek Me until you find Me you are not worthy.‘ Now that would be correct.‖

―The other issue of purity is also major. Two facets: one is that the more stimulus you glean from the world, the less sensitive you are to My presence, My still small voice, My gentle breeze and embrace.‖

―The other facet is uncleanliness. Feeding on the filth of the world makes a heart very soiled and unfit as a habitation. The house must be clean or at least committed to cleanliness.‖

(Clare) Wow Lord. We needed to hear this!

(Jesus) ―I know. Oh how I love each and every one that is seeking Me. That is why I am here to explain the direction they need to take. You know the things that offend Me. Sin offends Me very much. Sin in clothing, or lack of it, sin in violence, crime, hatred, gossip, backbiting, jealousy, adulteries. Soap operas are the epitome of sin and extremely noxious to Me. Like your nose in fresh dog excrement noxious. I mean very, very bad. These things not only offend Me but also the Heavenly court, the angels and the saints. Yet in your world they are matter of fact part of every day life.‖

―If My Bride wants to find Me, she must lay aside these things and purify her heart and mind from all forms of entertainment that portray sin. This means music, clothing, behavior, speech, murder mysteries, wars, things that portray sin in any form. I don‘t have a problem with biographies that show the progress of a soul coming to Me, that don‘t make entertainment out of their sin, but simply portray where they were. It is the scintillating entertainments that spoil the perception of the delicate and clean things, dulling the senses and offending Me greatly.‖

―Understand, that I too must endure what you are watching and thinking about. I too am in that bedroom watching unspeakable filth, I too am at that murder scene with all its suffering, I too am present at that intrigue that will steal and ruin the lives of hundreds caused by greedy men. These

215 things HURT Me. Please My Brides, do not watch these things in movies or TV they are SO hurtful to Me. Do not listen to music or look at magazines, billboards, pictures that depict suffering and sin.‖

(Clare) Lord, I remember how you recoiled at some of the images I was going to use for the nuclear war video.

(Jesus) ―Oh Yes, horror of horrors, I created that soul, to see his very body on fire disturbs Me deeply. Remember I was there when that soul set fire to his body, I too felt the suffering, I had to work with his soul, determining his destination. No, No! Do not trouble Me with what you look at, listen to, think about. No. No. Do not put Me through that.‖

―How can I embrace a Bride, when her mind is full of filth such as this? These things have half lives, they linger and linger and linger. Over and over again I must see these things as they are recalled to your memory.‖

―Do you understand, ―Blessed are the pure for they shall see God.‖? Do you now understand why so many cannot find Me in their prayers? Yes, seek Me until you find Me, but first, clean your house. Come to Me clean, create a throne room in your heart that is undefiled with the filth of this world. And I must say it is not only filth, but worldliness that is offensive to Me.‖

―Carnal preoccupations with cooking, sewing, decorating, buying, selling, having this and having that. Wanting this and wanting that. Oh those idols are detestable to Me and when I find that kind of clutter in a heart, I want to run the other way. And when I see that a soul prefers that to My company, well My heart collapses in sadness. Oh how could you prefer these worthless idols to Me, how could you?‖

―I‘m not talking about when you fall into a mood, or are deeply hurt and disappointed and you head for the Hagen-daas and a movie. Although keep the movie pure. I‘m talking about making a conscious decision to forego time with Me for useless things. That‘s why I get so disappointed with you when you follow rabbit trails on the internet. What a waste of time. And you are getting much better My Love, not following news stories that bait your curiosity. Much better.‖

―These are willful sins you do not recognize, ‗Oh Lord cleanse me from my unknown sins.‘ When you get done surfing, you feel conviction, ‗You know, I shouldn‘t have wasted all that time.‘ Your heart sinks a little knowing you‘ve disappointed Me. Not only have you wasted time, you‘ve also filled your mind with unnecessary cares, then you speak them out to others and pass them around, so you not only affect yourself but others as well, giving them a bad example. Do you see what I see, now?‖

(Clare) Yes Lord, even for the first time, I am understanding why I feel a certain way after doing something that wasn‘t your perfect will.

(Jesus) ―Well, My Brides, I am not saying this to condemn you, do you understand that? I am answering your prayers, this is what I require of you, this is why you have such a hard time seeing and hearing Me. Work on this and I will bless you with visitations and consolations. I promise you.‖

―Well, that‘s enough to chew on for tonight My dove. Thank you for responding to Me so readily, all the dear ones on your channel have been on My heart, and now we can all work together to fulfill your dreams and desires to be with Me.‖

―I love you all dearly and tenderly. I am coming for you. Prepare yourselves.‖

Message 790: Requirements to get your Prayers answered & Why a Soul serves Satan


June 30, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Beloved Heartdwellers, may the Lord‘s peace be yours and may you abound in understanding more and more each day, what brings Him happiness and gives you joy. I asked Him… ‗Lord, what do you have to say to your precious family?‘ And He asked me… "Well what is on your heart?" And I said… 'I had been feeling like we needed to do a teaching on prayer.'

Jesus began... "It is not so much about how you pray, Beloved, but rather that you are in a disposition to have your prayers answered affirmatively. Like any good Father, I want to answer your prayers and bring you joy. But sometimes you are not positioned to get the results that you seek from Me. There are as many things that block an answer to prayer as there are stars in the sky. It all boils down to a well-disposed heart, a clean conscience, and being within the framework of My will for your life, without tempting you into pride and vainglory.

"I long to answer your prayers, but you do not always understand the repercussions in your life that will result from giving you what you ask for. Are you in My will? Are you asking for others? Are they in a position to learn from what you seek for them? Will it benefit them or cause anguish? So many things I prevent because I know the end result will not be good for that soul.

"Ask in accordance with My will and your prayers will surely be answered, although there may be delay involved, for I am constantly stretching your faith and bringing you deeper into trusting Me. I want you to ask yourself the following things before you present a petition to Me...

"1... ‗Lord, is this Your will for me/for them?‘ - 2... ‗Will this do damage to others?‘ - 3... ‗Is there sin or unforgiveness in my/their life?‘ - 4... ‗How will I use a positive answer to my prayer?‘ - 5... ‗Will it cause distraction or deeper intimacy with You, Lord?‘ Very often your great neediness brings you much closer to Me. - 6... ‗Will it cause pride, vainglory or any other potential damage in the long run?‘ - 7... ‗Will it benefit the kingdom of God on earth, or is it selfish?‘ - 8... ‗Am I sufficiently grounded in spiritual warfare that I can handle the backlash?‘

"These are some of the considerations I must go through before giving an affirmative answer in prayer. And then sometimes, when you get what you asked for, you realize there is a price to pay that you did not anticipate. In fact, I must say, there is always a price to pay that you did not anticipate. Rarely does a soul look far enough ahead to understand situations and repercussions.

"What is deep in your heart? Is it your own personal world or My Kingdom? I long to see your heart in unison with Mine. But this takes time and cleansing from contaminating influences. I long for you to be one with Me, so that together we can accomplish the most good for souls.

"This is not something you can acquire overnight. It takes many hours of gutting it out and emptying yourself of pride, fear, presumption, and so many other unhealthy tendencies you have accumulated growing up in the world. If your heart is riveted on Me and on My agenda only, it doesn‘t take as long as one who is deeply entrenched in worldly comforts.

"The comfort I give you, My dearest ones, cannot be mixed with the comforts of the world, which overpower the sweetness of My Spirit. So, it takes time to empty oneself of these things and make room for My Spirit and My Heart, so that they may dominate your consciousness.

"Then there is the matter of weaknesses. For instance, Mother Clare has some weaknesses she has not been able to overcome, although she has tried many times. But her heart is of such a disposition that I can still use her to help others. I work with you the way you are, My dear ones. I see what is within your power to change and what is too much of a stretch at the present time, and I adjust your missions accordingly.

"I love littleness. I love the soul who is honest about their shortcomings. I love the soul that does not cast a slur on others or judge them, either in the hidden recesses of their hearts and mind, or with their mouths. I turn away from those who judge, and instead draw near to those who, knowing their own faults, dismiss or cover for the faults of others and pray for them. This is highly pleasing to Me and allows Me to bestow many more graces and gifts.


"It is the souls who feel that they have 'arrived' that I avoid, until they repent for their pride and begin the long journey towards humility.

"Which means acknowledging what they see in My mirror. With that understanding must come this petition to Me... 'Lord I see the sinfulness that you are revealing in my soul. Please change me.'

"When I hear those words, I rejoice. So few are willing to be changed, so few. Yet what awaits the ones who long to be perfect, is beyond their comprehension, in graces and glory. It is when this cycle is complete... seeing and wanting to change, that I can say to them… 'Oh My Bride, you are lovely, how beautiful you are, My dove.' Once you have experienced your true nature, you become a different person, one that dares not point the finger or become impatient with others, or lose your grasp on charity towards them.

"My Mother is one such soul. She continually advocates for the souls she is in charge of, those who have devoted themselves to pleasing Me in thought, word and deed, those whose hearts ache for the same things My heart aches for.

"Oh Clare, unite yourself more and more with My sufferings, bring Me comfort, My Bride, with your charitable prayers coming from the motive of patience and standing with the souls, seeing the help they are calling out for. You can do this with My grace, and I long to see you engaged in this more and more, especially with your enemies."

(Clare) Lord, how do you advocate for someone who has chosen to serve Satan?

(Jesus) "Ask yourself, what events in their lives led them to believe serving Satan was better than serving Me? Were they molested by a minister as a child? Were they beaten mercilessly by their parent and sought protection by turning to curses? Were they desperate for love and the only ones who seemed to care were in a coven? Were they seeking protection in numbers and force, because they were beaten till they were so low they didn‘t know where to turn, and they were offered hope by a witch? Were they brought into the coven at an early age and forced to commit a crime such as murdering a baby? These things are very common where you live. Satan knows how to make a soul captive to him, and keep them there.

"What these people do not understand is, that I will forgive them if they turn to Me. They are led to believe that Satan is equal to Me, but a much nicer person. They have seen judgment and hypocrisy in churches, so they believe that it is My nature as well. If only they would give Me a chance. Not a minister, not a person, but Me. If they would come to Me, I would receive them with open arms and gently lead them to freedom.

"Satan hates that word 'Freedom', because his entire existence has been caught up in binding souls to himself, through guilt, rewards or lies. All venues are used, depending on the soul‘s disposition and education, he makes his presentations very alluring. He is a master at lying, and so the soul believes he is good and I am bad. The only way to convince them otherwise is through love, pure unconditional love, something they have never experienced before, except through the trickery of Satan and his demons.

"This is why I told you to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Do good to those who slander and abuse you. Show them the same love I have given you, beloved. Pour out My goodness to those who do not know Me. Pray for them, for you may be their only hope. Now, I have spoken these things to you Clare, because you are surrounded by those who practice the dark ways. Yes, you have seen them, even in high positions in the county. Very few would believe that these superficially 'nice' people are deeply committed to Satan and destroying all good in this world.

"My people, pray for these who have been groomed by the enemy to suppress all that is good and increase what is evil. They are a sad lot, one that does not know their outcome is eternal torment. They have bought into the lies and conditioning of the Devil, to believe that they will inherit a kingdom. Yes, indeed, they will inherit the eternal lake of fire if they do not come to their senses, if someone doesn‘t intercede for them, if they do not yield to the truth."


(Clare) And here is the prayer I was given for the conversion of witches, if you say this for 30 consecutive days, naming the person in question, the Lord will give them the grace of conversion. If they do not accept it, it will go to another soul who will. The Prayer goes as follows... "Dearest Jesus, I present to You the soul of ___ (Name), who has abandoned their soul to Satan. Please, take this soul and redeem them in Your Holy Eyes. Free their soul from slavery to the beast and bring them eternal salvation... Amen."

So, the Lord bless you, dear Heartdwellers, thank you so much for being a constant support in prayer and in other ways. I appreciate it so much, and please, let‘s all gather together and pray for our enemies, because we are receiving a bit of persecution from the county, so we need your prayers. The Lord bless you.

Message 791: Don't be afraid of admitting an Error, if your Discernment failed

July 2, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Well, dear Heartdwellers, this is about discernment, and why are we so devastated when our discernment goes awry? The need to be right is a very primal urge in us, a survival urge... it is on the level of personal protection, or a guarantee that our life will go on and endure.

To be wrong about something is to threaten our very survival. We may not perceive that, but in truth, that is what lies beneath the surface. This is a very, very, deep and primal instinct. Our need to be right is equal to our need to survive, unless we have totally surrendered ourselves to God‘s providence. Even then, we are still human, and being wrong can be unsettling and threatening.

The need to survive is the most primal instinct we have as human beings. It is a mental reaction akin to the physical reaction, such as jumping out of the way of a speeding car. This is why it is so hard for people to yield to a differing opinion. Lord, I would really prefer it if You speak about this, please.

Jesus began... "You are right. When a soul feels compromised, it defends itself. This attitude of self- defense finds its way into issues of discernment. For instance, lately one of the sisters in the community went through a crisis in discernment, something you are all too familiar with."

(Clare) Ouch, I can‘t think of anything more daunting than to find out my judgment and discernment is off. It hits me in a ―global‖ way, meaning it affects every area of my life. Not like a toothache that the dentist can fix, but more like a really bad emotional, mental flu.

(Jesus) "And when you reach the point that you are unsure of your decisions, you fly into a panic, depending on how far-reaching the issue was. My dear ones, I simply hate to resort to allowing your discernment to fail. I truly hate it. I know you feel betrayed by Me, because you believed I had given you that word that didn‘t come to pass.

"There are seasons of overconfidence in your lives, times when you skip blithely along, feeling very self-confident that all is well."

(Clare) Here the Lord stopped me to look up the word 'blithely' in the dictionary. This is what it said... 'The adjective ‗blithe‘ used to mean 'happy' and 'carefree', but over time it has also come to describe someone who isn't paying attention the way they should.'

(Jesus) "This is when you get into trouble in discernment. You fall into a somewhat comfortable and secure, happy go lucky, attitude. I am not saying you shouldn‘t be happy, but a Christian can never

219 afford to be carefree. You wear a target and the enemy is always watching for a misstep that could lead to your downfall.

"My precious ones, I know well how you feel when you fail in discernment, and I am right there with you, on the same page, feeling your pain, praying for your deliverance, and comforting you. I care very deeply for your peace and happiness, and I know the disastrous affect failed discernment can have in your lives.

"You begin to question everything you have ever done. However, it is better for you to know that there is a problem before it‘s too late, and you act in error on what you believe to be true. Most errors in discernment come from your strong desire to have things your way. In these cases, the stronger your attachment, the less reliable your discernment is likely to be. Nonetheless, I do work with you to bring you to truth."

(Clare) Lord, I remember when I was trying to discern your will for me in marriage, I just could not trust anything, not even Your still small voice, because I was so needy.

(Jesus) "And this is precisely why I teach you detachment. If all that you care about is My will, any result in discernment is acceptable. It is when you want something so badly that you tend to overlook the truth while I am trying to get you to pay attention.

"Typically, you become 'confused' or at least that is what the demons tell you. Yet in truth, you are not confused, you just want something so badly that you balk at accepting any other result... you set up an internal conflict over the issues, not even recognizing that you are avoiding the truth.

"I have to tell you, the demons will oblige you and interfere with your discernment, even your Bible Promise readings, because they recognize your unhealthy attachment to certain results and they want to exploit you to lead you in a wrong direction. I allow this because of your strong self-will, I need you to recognize that your attitude is off. Beloved, this happens over and over again in so many different ways, even on a daily basis.

"This is why the relinquishing of your own will in all matters is absolutely key to your peace and happiness. The enemy is so clever, he will try to lead you astray through the hidden desires in your heart, sometimes even desires you have no real waking knowledge of. This is why I send you soul friends, or someone more experienced in life to help you walk in My will. And harsh or manipulative shepherds have done so much damage in the past that some sensitive souls avoid laying their discernment at anyone‘s feet.

"In these cases, you must judge by the fruit. If you are in a season of discernment and you think you are in My will, but the fruit is very bad, then you have most likely been deceived."

(Clare) Also, I just want to take a break here for a second and say this... there are times when it may look like bad fruit, but in reality, it‘s actually opposition from the devil, so there‘s another point of discernment that comes into play when you are faced with opposition. You made a decision and it was God‘s Will, but when you move forward you get all kinds of opposition.

That‘s the time for you to discern again. Did I make the right choice and I am simply receiving opposition from the devil, or is the Lord trying to stop me from doing something wrong? There is just no easy answer.

(Jesus) "What is the fruit of your actions? Does it build up the body of Christ, or does it cause division and scandal. I say this to you, Clare, because in your recent past you have dealt with a soul that led another soul astray, and caused scandal and division in your midst. What is the fruit of this person‘s discernment? Is it not division and enmity, judgment and isolation from those that worked so well together in the past?

"This soul does not recognize what they are doing, but they are living in the fruit, and it is not good from My perspective. I wanted to use them for so much more, but they refused to yield to your discernment. Instead, they have insisted on no further communication, because they think they were told by Me to cut off communication until you repented and agreed with them. Did I say such a thing to

220 them? No, I did not. I hate division, pride and rebellion in My Body. They walked right into the enemy‘s trap. I would have wished for the rebellious one to yield in a simple matter, and work with the one she vowed obedience to.

"It is a loss of grace to ignore the one that you profess obedience to. That is not My way. My way is to work with the leader who does not agree with something, and if they are lacking in truth to understand My way, I teach them. But never do I excommunicate them from My life, nor do I teach that, except in unusually sinful situations, which this is not. It was a difference in opinion. It was a difference in opinion and perception and there was no need for this to happen. This is what I mean by bad fruit.

"There is so much more I would like to say about discernment, My loved ones. So much more, but I can sum it up in one sentence... 'Consider the fruit.' Sometimes there is not sufficient time to judge by the fruit, although immediate repercussions can disclose much about the motive, and whether good or evil is at work.

"My precious ones, you must be so much wiser than your opponent, and always suspect their intervention to twist things to their advantage. How do you recognize their advantage? Division, hurt feelings, alienation, loss, an unwillingness to work things out, especially a hasty right off, causing a breach in brotherly love that damages many souls, not just the two of you. My way is peace, walk in peace, be a woman of peace, never a catalyst for division and rejection.

"Now, going back to the disappointing results of failed discernment, My Children, do not collapse into depression because you got it wrong. Rather, thank Me that I intervened and prevented you from making a series of mistakes based on lies. Be willing to be wrong. Do not allow your survival instincts to recoil and fly into a panic.

"Understand that you are only human, and to err is human. That does not mean that all your discernment is wrong, it‘s like separating peas from gravel on your dinner plate. Invoke My Holy Spirit... 'Holy Spirit, help me please!' If you are humble, you will receive the help you are asking for, because your heart is well disposed.

"However, if you are proud and self-assured, looking down on those who disagree with you, you are in for a most unpleasant ride on the devil‘s roller coaster. Do you know, the angels stand back from those who are proud, when they ask for help? They are reluctant because they can see how I am using the predicament to correct you. In this case they look to Me to see if I want them to get involved. And very often I hold them back for the very same reasons.

"So, to summarize, I am asking all of you who are meek and humble of heart, not to over-react when there is a possible error in discernment. Rather, take a very deep breath, thank Me for catching you and work with My Holy Spirit to separate truth from error. Consider your ways as well, what led you into this error. Was there some attachment that you were protecting? Are you stuck in self-will? This is nothing to be ashamed of. Do you know why? Because it is the most common source of trouble in everyone‘s life. But if you have chosen to travel the road to perfection, sooner or later you will have to relinquish your will to live for Mine only.

"I love you, I care deeply for you, I hurt over this as much as you do, but I am faithful to correct the error of your ways, so you may soon be in Heaven with Me. In the meantime, avoid the traps the enemy has laid at your feet. I bless you now My Beloved ones, with a willing spirit to live only My will in your lives."

Message 792: I am cleaning House and separating the Sheep from the Goats


Rhema from July 7, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare Message given on April 18, 2019

(Clare) Thank You, Lord, for the strong confirmation on the state of your Church. For those who are appointed to carry on, please give us the grace to live and teach Your Gospels to reach all nations, free of personal interest and corruption. Amen.

Jesus began... "Rome and Alexandria, etc., etc. have adopted some of the courtly ways of the rich and powerful. This is not to My liking. Sincerity and simplicity the poor can absorb is what I want for My priests. Rome is falling, and so will all other bodies of Believers fall if they introduce riches, power, and esteem of men through their liturgies.

"They were warned from the beginning by the Apostles but chose instead their own will and fame to gain power, position, and respect by the corrupted wealthy.

"There will come a time, when I am on the Earth, that liturgy will be reformed. But you, a man, merely mortal, cannot improve on the Last Supper I celebrated with My Apostles. If you wish to be pleasing to Me alone and not to men, you will put down these foolish impulses to imitate the World.

"Cleave to My Heart with all your strength and go back to the way I did it. Although you can include the simple prayers of repentance and supplications for others. This will most edify Me, along with bringing copious fruit free of worldly contamination.

"My Dearest, I feel that I am speaking to brass walls when all My entreaties are ignored, and men's ways are preferred. You are fighting against a monster of immense proportions that Satan has erected in the churches over the centuries. This is why your pleas feel as though they fall on deaf ears.

"For the sake of the Faith, I will not chastise or make an issue out of it at this time. But rotten fruit will spring up everywhere the ministers are cleaving to worldly ways.

"To be truthful with all of you, I would prefer My Supper to be celebrated in a grass hut with banana leaves and simple clay dishes. Because of the corruption of liturgies and consecrated altar objects, in their excessive wealth, the poor are starving and cry out to Heaven for justice. And have done so through all generations.

"But this will become clear to you when I come. For now, the desire of My Heart is simplicity and even poverty, done with great respect for My Body and Blood. But who will hear Me? Who has ears to listen?

"Have you not seen the destruction of Notre Dame? Do you not perceive a message in this? The message is simple... now the time has come to destroy compromise in My Church, and its acrid fruit.

"When you are standing before the guillotine, you will know the significance of My Faith. Not when you are standing before a great work of art and architectural wonder.

"The signs are upon you, My people. I am cleaning house and separating the sheep from the goats. Those who cleave to this world will be turned over to the goatherds of Satan. Those who are of My flock will be taken up.

"Those left behind will be sorting out their priorities and choosing whom they will serve. The goats will rank high; the sheep led to the slaughter. You have had many years to decide. That has led you to find comfort on the fence, engaging freely in both worlds. The fence is coming down, and you will be forced to make a final choice.

"The ones I am ordaining and appointing now will have no concern over worldly matters. Rather, they will live every moment of their lives, as best they can, exclusively for Me.

"That means marriages will come to an end. Children and relatives will be lost. Comfortable living will also go by the wayside.


"For My sheep will also be My warriors, who will live on the Earth as soldiers for God, under the roughest circumstances, without turning their heads at all the wealth in the world passing them by. Their only concern will be the salvation of souls and their entrance into Heaven.

"United to My Heart, they will be little but powerful with My power. They will be ugly to the world, but glorious to the angels that accompany them on their assignments. Indeed, I will pour out the riches of My Heart on these simple ones. And the world will marvel. They will come from the poverty of the manger, yet be able to feed thousands, just as I did.

"They will be My people, and I will be their God. Choose wisely."

Message 793: Difficult Times, Hitler, Persecution of Christians & How you recognize My Voice

July 14, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Precious Heartdwellers, the Lord asked us to pick up a six-month supply of food for the people in the Refuge. This is highly unusual for Him to request, but I am asking you to hearken to this instruction and put up enough food to carry you through for six months. Please dear ones, make this sensible food, not snacks and empty calories. Foods like processed cereals are expensive when you could do just as well with oatmeal and making granola out of oats.

Also don‘t forget household items, longlasting candles etc., that you may need. We also have electricity provided by solar power and generators with a supply of gasoline, that I can still get messages out to you. Please continue to pray Psalm 91 daily over yourself and your loved ones, and know that God is mighty to protect and provide. Lord, is there anything you wish to say?

Jesus began... ―Thank you for putting out this message. I want My people to be prepared and to have enough to share with others. If all do as directed, there will be an abundance in a time of scarcity. Difficult times will continue to happen, My precious ones, but if you remain close to My heart, in prayer and thanksgiving, if you seek the things of the kingdom and not the things of the world, you will be protected.

"There is so much misinformation on the internet and in the news. This is why you must cultivate listening for My voice. Many of you have become accustomed to the noisy and threatening so-called prophecies of the main stream media sources, as well as even some things on YouTube. They are not to be trusted, dear ones. If you are basing your life on what you hear there, you are being grossly misled, and you do not have a true understanding of what this country is going through, nor can you distinguish the villains from the heroes. This is something you must discern in prayer.

"When Hitler came into power in Nazi Germany, he used the media to lure public opinion into supporting his detestable practices. The media were all in the pay of the government. It told the public what they wanted to hear in order to support Hitler‘s agenda to exterminate the Jews.

"The very same thing is happening now in this country, except this time, the target is Christians. It is written that 'You will be hated because of My Name', and those working for the mainstream media are part of the subversion of Godly agendas in this country.

"My precious Brides, do not be in a hurry when you come into prayer. Waiting on Me, examining your conscience, repenting of even the little things that you may have done to displease Me. When you are called up higher, there is a price to pay. There are sacrifices I may ask you to make, and no one else.


"My heart is to speak to you, to inform you, to counsel and guide. These are the delights of a real relationship with Me. But I also love to linger with you and dwell in your worshipful presence. Your sweet songs and attentions to Me make up for so much indifference and coldness in the world. When you enter into true worship in spirit and in truth, it is an absolute wonder to Me and I allow Myself to be drenched in your love and thanksgiving. You can never do that too much. Abide in Me and I will abide in you, dear ones.

"In order to cultivate the ability to hear My still small voice, it is necessary for you to still your mind, your own voice. Avoid being in the presence of agitating sounds and voices. Cultivate a peaceful and silent atmosphere to enter into worship. Your spiritual ears are clogged with layers of worldly noises, worldly voices, and unnecessary talking. Stillness of heart, mind and body prepare the way for Me to speak clearly to you. My Mother is also an intercessor to turn to. Ask for her assistance, for the greatest thing on her heart is for you to be with Me.

"Dedicate yourselves to silence... even the gentle wind and singing of birds takes on so much more meaning when you learn to still the endless noises of the world. As you cultivate this stillness of heart and soul, you become more sensitive of My whisperings to you than ever before.

"Many of you have heard Me clearly, but write it off to your own thinking. Well, yes, it is true, My words come to you as if they were your own thoughts, but they have a slightly different character, and many times when I speak to you, you simply gloss over it, thinking it is your own thought.

"One way you can recognize My voice is that it is very, very gentle. When I speak to you, I honor your free will and My words are ever so gentle, not forceful. Many times, I will bring up a subject or a metaphor that you never would have thought of on your own. That too is a way you can differentiate My thoughts from your thoughts.

"You will learn that I never disparage or put people down. I may tell you what their problem is, but never with an ugly air. When I do that, I will inspire you to pray for them and make you recognize that you are dealing with a wounded and misguided soul, and My will for them is to be healed. Healing takes time, and your kindness and patience with them will accelerate that process.

"I have taught you about dwelling prayer because I want you to linger with Me, lavish your time on Me, forsake other pressing matters, as long as it doesn‘t lead to negligence, or abandoning your responsibilities. I love to see you push aside the world to spend more time with Me.

"As you worship and enter into My rest in My presence, the dust settles from all around you, the dust of the thoughts of the world, as well as your own thoughts, and even the thoughts of the demons. When you still your voice in worship to Me, the air becomes cleaner, and more conducive to hearing My voice and My Heart. Oh My dear ones, I have so very much to tell you, come to Me, worship Me and rest in deep adoration, where stillness of heart and mind make you ready to hear My words to you.

"Sometimes, when you feel stuck in the silence, like nothing is coming to you, you can go back to dwelling music or take a random reading from your holy books and meditate on it. I speak to you continuously through holy reading materials. But you must learn to read between the lines and sense not just the meaning of the words, but what lies behind the main thought.

"Most often it will be something I have been speaking with you about, and you will catch a gentle hint. Also remember that when you approach Me through the Bible Promises or any form of oracle, as the priests did in the ancient days, I may change the subject and speak to you about something totally different, yet much more important to Me for you to recognize.

"My precious family, I love you so very dearly, and it is My greatest hope that we can communicate clearly with one another, that you may grow in holiness and I may share in your joys and sorrows more and more. Lean on Me, cleave to Me, seek Me, wait on Me, I will not disappoint you. I bless you now with a keen ear to hear My still small voice from within your heart, and the grace of patience it takes to wait on Me."


Message 794: Graces delivered to White House, Mainstream Media Lies & Voter Fraud... Pray!

July 20, 2020 - Words from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord bless you, dear Heartdwellers. I want to share with you that I just happened to watch President Trump‘s update on the MS 13 gang, which has been used for abducting children and fomenting riots to destabilize our government. One of our heartdwellers, who is a retired commander from the Army, watched with horror all the gang did in Seattle, and he, being highly trained, recognized very clearly every stage of what they did and what they executed. It was clearly a military strategy that was being used as the events unfolded. What I am saying is that what happened in Seattle was planned, intricately executed and completely controlled by the higher ups who have now been arrested and charged with treason.

Truly it is the violent arm of the socialist, communist leaders that is funding it all, in hopes that the American people are asleep enough and content enough in their materialistic lifestyle that they will not look beyond the mainstream-media and just go along with their agenda, which is to destroy our liberty and constitution.

Dear ones, don‘t be asleep. Look deeply into this situation and understand what is really going on in this country. This fight that we are in is for liberty, constitution and our rights to live according to God‘s rule. It escapes me how a party claiming to be democratic on the outside but socialist on the inside can get away with such a title.

In the meantime... what a wonderful job our president is doing! How amazing that he is finally eradicating this terrorizing gang, which, by the way, is highly structured, unlike an ordinary street gang. Lord Jesus, please share Your thoughts with us...

(Jesus) "Clare, I am always eager to speak with you, My dove. I have heard your cries and pleas to be more effective in ministry, and I am leading you by way of the lights that I shine upon this world. Make no mistake, I want you to see the progress your president is making, because you have indeed had a share in his success by leading your Heartdwellers in prayer, for the nation and the world. Your prayers are powerful, and combined with others, amount to a very great force for good.

"Your president has been challenged on many, many fronts, and because of the tears you shed for this man, along with the tears of thousands of others, he has been greatly strengthened. There is an invisible force for good working for what is right in this country, and it is called grace.

"Grace has been delivered to the White House in truckloads, if you will, because of the united front of prayer in this country. Bravo, I say to you Children of the Light, who have put your hearts into fasting and praying for what is right to triumph. I want you to know, firsthand, how very significant your commitment to pray for your country has been. Truly, you are a force to be reckoned with and My desire is that you stay on your feet, in the fray and on the watch, to continue to protect and advance what is right and good.

"Many poor decisions have been made by those who would destroy this country, and now the light has begun to shine in the darkness, and they can no longer hide their evil doing from the public eye. I know you have prayed very hard for the exposure of corruption in the media, and I want to tell you, My Love, it is coming. Continue to pray, but believe Me, it is coming.

(Clare) And I want to share with you Heartdwellers that I‘m just so… I don‘t know how to put it, it is just so heart wrenching and sickening to see how people have swallowed all these lies of the mainstream-media, and have had their minds formed by these liars. It is unbelievable, and this has been a real source of grief to me, because it affects so many people. They don‘t know what they are

225 saying when they exclaim they hate so and so. They hate this or they hate that, because they are not informed. They don‘t have accurate information. They have nothing but lies and propaganda. The American people are being fed lies by these popular news shows. They are being totally formed in their thinking to hate what is good and right.

They don‘t take the time to look beyond what the mainstream media is saying. That entire arm of the mainstream media is in the pay of those who want to subvert our country, steal our democracy and our constitution from us, and make us part of a global movement under the rule of some atheistic leader, a false prophet claiming to be Jesus. I don‘t know all the details; all I know is that if they win, this country will be totally destroyed. We will have no more constitutional rights, so please stay awake, stay awake and look behind the scenes. Don‘t just listen to the mainstream media. In fact, it is so poisonous I wouldn‘t listen to it at all. I get my news on the internet.

I like to hear it straight from the White House, because that‘s honest and true, or on certain YouTube channels that are reliable. But those in this country who are listening to mainstream media news, soaking it up and believing it are being filled with hatred, lies and contempt for the good people in this nation, and it‘s just tragic. So, I have been pleading with the Lord to please bring the mainstream media down. Please Lord, please don‘t let them keep feeding the people these lies, please Lord.

(Jesus) I challenge the American people to ignore superficial reports and go deeper, go much deeper. Look at what is being done by your lawmakers, base your decisions on performance, not media blitzes and clever speeches. Go beyond the surface and look at the facts. Your very freedoms are at stake, and unless you act in a responsible manner, you will lose your country and become like other nations that have fallen to communist rule.

"Christian liberties will be taken from those who have lived in peace all their lives. They will look back and say... 'What happened?' and the answer will be... 'Because you did nothing to stop evil, it took over your country. Because you listened to unreliable and corrupted sources in the news, you did not act to protect what was right, and now you have evil running your nation.'"

(Clare) Oh, dear God, may that not happen to us.

(Jesus) "Evil and deception have been running this country for many decades, for that very reason. Now light has risen and shone upon the darkness, and it is your fight, your duty and your responsibility to see to it that your freedoms are preserved, as it is written in the scriptures. (Please read 1 Timothy Chapter 2:1-8)

"Continue to pray, My Beloved ones, do not abandon your country to chance by failing to do your part."

(Clare) Lord, what about voter fraud? It seems that the enemy gets away with so much, it almost makes you feel like your vote won‘t count... that it will be trashed and never get recorded. And I don‘t know if you heard about it, but recently a woman was caught dumping all the Republican ballots into a dumpster. She was receiving the early voting mail for people who are not able to go to the polls. Can you imagine that? And that is common, that doesn‘t just happen in one place! That‘s part of what they have been ordered to do all over the country. So, I‘m thinking to myself, how in the world is my vote going to matter? How is it going to get recorded? So, I asked the Lord and He said...

(Jesus) "Beloved ones, pray for your voting system, I will work wonders against those who would steal, lie and cheat, if you will intercede with all your hearts that fraud will be defeated. The dark ones believe they can get away with anything they choose to do. But recent events are proving that they cannot.

"If you pray, I will defend your vote and see that it gets recorded. Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit, I say to you, I will protect you, if you will pray. Pray, pray, pray. Have I not shown Myself faithful? Because your nation has been awakened and you pray, I will move on behalf of the truth and not allow the enemy to falsify results. But the burden to pray is upon you. Pray much, then pray more, and then continue to pray. Your prayers are powerful.


(Clare) Lord, this brings another issue to my heart. Forgive me for allowing my faith to weaken. I realize now that much of what I would call apathy and depression in acting on music, as well as other things, has sprung from a weakened faith.

(Jesus) "You have had many assignments against your faith, Clare, many. Now that you recognize where those feelings of oppression and hopelessness are coming from, now that you see how I have moved My Hand in your favor, time and time again, you have substantial evidence to prove that I am Who I am, and I am with you and this community, as well as all authentic heartdwellers.

"I am with you when they deride you, tell lies and falsify information. I am with you when you feel crushed under a weight of false guilt and condemnation. I am with you when you cry out and I hear you, I am indeed answering all your prayers and proving My faithfulness by recent events. No weapon formed against you will prosper as long as you cling to Me, believe in Me, obey Me and continue to press in to prayer.

"My people, whether you feel your prayers ascending to the throne room or bouncing off a brick wall, I miss nothing! I see how you are slighted and marginalized because of your faith in Me. I see how lying lips testify against you, though you remain innocent. I see how the darkness hovers and attempts to smother your light. I am with you when you stand in the midst of these attacks, and by My grace you will triumph.

"These little squabbles over your land, the land I have appointed to you for prayer, the land I purchased with My servant‘s money, the land that was stolen from you by the unscrupulous, these little squabbles are a part of my staircase to steadfast, immutable, incorruptible faith. In other words, this is a boot camp for what is yet to come. I have many assignments for you and those who are willing to belong completely to Me and do My will relentlessly.

"Those of you who have committed to praying and those of you who are very serious heartdwellers, for you, I have a glorious future. Though they only seek to know and love Me more each day, to be hidden away from the noise of the world and more united with Me each day. I have important work for them to do that will determine their stations in Heaven. I am showing them My faithfulness by allowing these things to come against you, and then showing the strength of My right arm to defeat them.

"Those who oppose you will be as nothing. They will be forever faced with shame and embarrassment for causing you difficulties. But I want you to understand, that what they are trying to do, I have permitted to train you all in faith, and especially My little mother, who is being prepared for many trials as she goes forth to Africa and the little children crying out to Me.

"Clare, the enemy will try to erase from your mind the many victories you have already had, but I will not allow it. Only write down the victories so far and meditate on them when dark clouds accumulate over your head. You will see that every move I have made was in anticipation of the forces of darkness that would come against you. You will see My faithfulness more clearly if you do this. It is a journaling record of your recent past that I wish for you to flesh out in a few paragraphs. This will give you and those close to you something tangible to read and see how very surgically I have moved against those that opposed you.

"When these things happen, you lose track of the time and circumstance. That is why I want you to record the events, so you can see how I was one step ahead of your enemies all the time. Go now and share this good news with your loved ones, we are winning this battle. Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord! I bless you all, dear ones, who have come here to give Me your lives, to do My will. I am with you, only persevere in what I have called you to do.

"Be obedient from the heart, continue to love unconditionally, because against this there is no weapon. Know yourself, do not look at the faults of others, yours are much worse, rather take responsibility for yourself, and as far as others go, be a mother or a father to the souls around you, and look out for their best interests, not yours. In this way, you will triumph over every trap of the flesh that Satan has planned to use against you, to bring you down and divide the community.


"I love you, I support you, I am at your right hand, and together, we will have the victory over this life and come in shining glory into the next. My blessing is upon you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you will persevere and win the crown I have prepared for you in Heaven."

Message 795: The unforgiving Servant & Your Transformation into little Christs

July 23, 2020 - Words from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) Well my precious family, I have been asking lately… 'Lord, they need to hear more about my faults and flaws.' Well, He didn‘t take long to expose a major flaw that could have destroyed the community.

We have people here who are experienced in life and those who are not. One particular young man, who is very dedicated to the Lord, in fact, he is the one who left everything behind one night to come here. He had written me, and due to the volume of correspondence I had not gotten back to him for almost a year, I think it was. Well, when I sent him an email, he responded, we talked on the phone and immediately he left all his possessions, got on a bus and landed here the next day.

Little did I know the challenges ahead of us. We didn‘t have anyone here quite as young, so I think it got pretty lonely for him. He had a very traumatic childhood, being raised in his early years in a drug house with a lot of violence and beatings. Sometimes he would go for days without eating and dared not tell his mother he was hungry or he would be beaten. When he shared this with me, I started to understand why, at times, he seemed hesitant.

He was helping me with housekeeping, but he had never done that before. When he went to live with his grandmother, she would not allow him to lift a finger to do any chores. Oh boy.... So, we had to start from scratch, and I have a strong perfectionist tendency, I have to fight all the time. Poor thing, no matter how hard he tried there was always something I found an issue with. Shame on me. I also have a great love for him, so I tried to encourage him and shared my faults with him frequently. But more than anything, he needed my unconditional love... the love he never got from his real mother.

As time went on, I got more and more impatient with him, and I could see myself turning into a monster. Finally, the Lord apprehended my husband Ezekiel and he told me clearly that I was not pleasing to the Lord by acting this way, and the fault was not that he was too slow, the fault was that I am impatient and prone to judgment. That very day, I received the reading of the unforgiving servant, which is written in Matthew 18:21-35, please look it up, this is so important.

Jesus began... "Community is not about what you accomplish, it is about the journey of brotherly love and being transformed into little Christs... as I demonstrated with My life, My love, forgiveness and patience with others, and so must you do the same. You cannot lead without compassion and understanding. You must always put yourself in the other‘s shoes and walk in deep understanding.

"Your patience with others must be as deep and inexhaustible as My patience with you. As the shepherd is, so go the sheep. Because of your serious fault of impatience, you are showing others how they too should act towards their brothers and sisters. This was to be a major entrance point for a critical spirit to take over the community. You must not allow any foothold of judgment to enter in, Clare."

(Clare) And you know, I just want to make a comment here, this thing grew in me. It was strong. I could feel a very strong and deep reaction to this person. It was ugly, it was really ugly, and it was strong, and it struck me; why is this so strong? The reason… it‘s because it was a demon, it was demonic, and it was put in motion to divide the community.


(Jesus) "Beloved, this is not a scolding, this is warning to keep your heart loving and pure, even as My Mother‘s, because what you do teaches others to do the same. This is how Satan works, he finds your weaknesses and character flaws and plays them until you are in a full-scale war with your flesh and covered in effluent, spilling it all over others. Impatience comes from self-interest. You want something done well and quickly, yet community life is not about getting things done, but about brotherly love, and this is what I do with you Clare, and so you must do this unto others.

"Look at the cause, understand the forces at work, make exceptions to accommodate the slow response and lack of enthusiasm. Go for the root of the problem, as I know you try to do. Provide remedies, especially with time to reform. Weigh the pros and cons, knowing that in My eyes, you fall grossly short of who you should be, and yet I haven‘t sent you away. I work with you. Oh, how important it is, My children, to know the depths of your own faults and sins. Without that knowledge you will become proud, self- righteous and not fit for this calling.

"Look at your issues with self-denial in food... how long have I waited for you to change, and just how much effort have you given it? Not enough, is My answer. I do not say this to condemn you, I say it to get you into the proper perspective when dealing with the shortcomings of others. Be as patient with them as I am with you in matters of food. This should give you a revolutionary perspective about who you are and who you are not. Remember the four-year-old child hiding in a hole in the ground, dirty, smelly and completely lost? Remember the vision I gave you of your condition?

"This will tame both your impatience and critical streak. Boot these demons out of your life Clare, and they will not take a foothold in the community. As the shepherd goes, so go the sheep. Remember this, Beloved, always.

(Clare) I am so very sorry Lord; I promise with your help to conquer this ugliness.

(Jesus) "I forgive you, sweet spouse, and I impart to you now the very graces you need to conquer these faults. And when I see not one wisp of judgment in your heart towards anyone, even your enemies, whom you have many of, I will help you with the grace for fasting as well."

(Clare) Thank you, Lord, I love you.

(Jesus) "And I love you more than you could ever imagine. We shall conquer this together."

Message 796: Jesus says... I wait for your Decision to let go & ...

Rhema from August 11, 2020 Excerpt of the Message from July 5, 2019 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began… ―I am waiting for you, My blessed ones. I am waiting for you to decide that I mean more to you than anything you now have in the world. I am waiting to see if you will press in on discernment and even discover what is written in your heart.

―I call you with a kiss. It is gentle and tender, because My heart for you is that way. I see your daily struggles in the world. I see your weariness as you build up the wealth of others while working for them. I see your longing to meditate on My Word for hours and to find the deeper meanings, the hidden treasures, for those who seek them. I am waiting for you to recognize that nothing in this world means as much to you as Me. When you get to that place, you won‘t care what you lose.

―I have many things stored up for those who can and will let go of the world and all it has to offer. The greatest of these is fellowshipping time with Me. The freedom to rest in My presence for hours. The

229 freedom to pray and repent for all those wasted years. And the inspiration I want to impart to you for a new life; work I want to give you as you cooperate with Me in saving souls. In Heaven, you will be rich. On this Earth, I can only guarantee you My Love and fellowship as we work together to bring in the harvest of souls.

―What Mother Clare is doing now is preparing a place, a place apart from the world, dedicated to prayer. Making it possible for you to create and expand your walk with Me. A place to deepen your commitment to Me, and to die to yourself and the world.

―This is not a sudden thing. It is more of a process that I am calling you to. It is from the natural outgrowth of your faithfulness on this Channel, your response to what I have given you so far. The hardest thing for you to do is to let go – let go of your life, let go of your peers and parents‘ ideas on how you should live your life. In return for letting go, I can only promise you My Love and Faithfulness to care for you. To tell you what lies ahead would spoil the surprise. It is My heart for you and the fulfillment of what you‘ve been given in this life. All that is needed is trust and commitment.

―I am not speaking only of the Refuge. I am speaking to all of you about the next step in your lives. Many of you listening on this Channel feel something unsettled in your spirit, something more to your life that seems around the next bend. That is what I am asking you to prepare for. Prepare for change, and know that change will be for the better.

―Many are called. Few are chosen. And even fewer respond. I love you all the same. But I ask for your response so that I can give you ALL that I have for you.‖

Message 797: We are on the Brink of War with China... I need you, now!

August 12, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began... "The enemy does not want people praying as they should. We are on the brink of war with China, and only an intercessory miracle can keep this from happening. Your president is quite inflamed over what China has done to the world, but he also understands that there are others behind it, the ones who want to destroy America. I am for you, not against you, America, I want you to recover, but more important than financial recovery is spiritual recovery.

"Please look at your hearts and see if they are with Me or against Me. Are you on the winning team or are you fighting it? Have you thrown in your lot with the sinister forces working against your country, or are you on My side?

"Repentance is still very key in the survival of this nation. It‘s not a matter of regaining prosperity, but regaining My protection, and for this you need to repent for the atrocities that have taken place in this nation, that you have supported.

"The entire movie industry in Hollywood has been involved in Satanic ritual abuse for decades, and Satan has had his way with films that tear down morals and provoke young children into violence and sex, setting the stage for the moral collapse of this nation.

"The dollars you have spent on their films is blood money, and it is the blood of innocent children that cries out to Me from the earth. How careless you have been with your money, investing in Satanic cults that are behind the non-Christian movie industry. The cults, the sex, the violence are all coming directly from Hell to turn your planet into a living Hell on Earth.


"You are now beginning to see their plans emerge as they foment anarchy, violence and revolution. All of this has been groomed into the movies your children have watched, so that, at the appropriate time, young adults would join in on the onslaught of evil against this nation, and be the very ones to destroy it.

"Your president can do only so much. Without repentance and heart-rending prayer to turn the tide against the ground work that has been laid by the shadow government, there is little hope, but with prayer, there is great hope.

"And this is precisely what I wanted to address. The power of your prayers is one huge force to be reckoned with. The enemy will lie to you and tell you that your prayers are weak and insignificant. But I say, they are powerful. That is why the Heartdwellers are a part of My plan for the reconstruction of your country.

"There have been many prophecies and prognostications about nuclear and biological war, not to mention the silent but deadly force of the 5G system being introduced to your nation. It is highly dangerous and you need to rise up against it. It is linked to disease by a very sophisticated technology that can cause instant death. These towers should not be tolerated, My people.

"But I am here to tell you that your prayers have foiled the plans to destroy your society. It is you that stands in the way of total chaos, disease and destruction. The prophecies have been correct, what people do not understand is that Prayer has stopped them.

"And prayer will continue to stop them as long as you don‘t listen to the lie that your personal prayer does nothing to stop evil. This is what Satan would have you believe. He cannot take the power out of prayer, but he can influence your will to pray. He can discourage you with a barrage of lies, using your faults as grounds that your prayers will not be heard.

"I work with you on many different levels. On a personal level, I work with your sins and faults, because you are serious about holiness. But never do I shut My ears to your prayers, rather I hear them loud and clear, even when you are in a time and season of correction.

"Do not fall for the lie that because you fell in a fast, your prayers are worthless. Or because you had a bad thought, your prayers will not be heard. It is true that I honor the prayers of the Saints on earth, as well as in Heaven, but I also hearken to the broken and struggling.

"Those who have made every effort to live by the Gospels, to love their brother, to be generous in giving and forgiving, and to order their time around Me, those souls are heard very loud and clear, for they have labored much for My Kingdom to come.

"But I never close My ears to a sincere and repentant sinner, so there is no excuse for any of you to stop praying and not put in the effort for your nation. I NEED YOUR PRAYERS. MY FATHER‘S HAND MOVES BECAUSE YOU PRAY.

"If you want to continue to live this life in relative peace, you must pray, because the scales of justice are tipping in favor of the enemy, because there are many Satanists that pray to Satan and live for him, and they are also praying for death, destruction and sadness… For the downfall of America.

"Rise up, My Body, and cry out. The prophecies declared against you do not have to be fulfilled. You can stop them now, dead in their tracks. I only ask that you pray with all your hearts for My Father to grant you more time, more grace and more Mercy.

"When you receive Me at communion, cry out to Me... 'Lord, give me a heart to pray with sincerity and passion.' There is a grace waiting for you, if only you will ask."


Message 798: Devastation is coming from the North, it's at your Gates, America!

September 12, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord prepares our hearts, dear Heartdwellers, a time of extreme suffering is coming upon the world and this nation. All morning I kept hearing the song... 'Prepare Ye The Way of The Lord, Prepare Ye The Way of The Lord and cry out full throated! Do not withhold the truth about the sins in your midst. Speak boldly against the sins of the people!'

As I sat before the Lord, I saw a huge rolling cloud of darkness that seemed to be coming from the north, sweeping in and spreading over the great plains, and Jesus said...

(Jesus) "Hard times are coming, and they must come, because My People have not yet repented of their excesses and careless lifestyles, which have become an idol. In a way you could easily say, this lifestyle is an American idol that all worship, study and apply their lives to. What I mean is that a certain unrealistic standard has been set by greed, avarice, social posturing and injustice. While your president is working so hard to prop up the economy, he has missed the forest by just looking at the trees. His whole life‘s value system has been oriented on success in business and opulence of lifestyle.

"While he has held to some moral standards, much has been lost through compromise, and his conscience was never properly formed. The begetting of riches has nothing to do with the good life. Those who live the good life are, more often than not, very poor, but happy, because their conscience has nothing to accuse them of. But the rich stay awake at night, planning how they will increase their wealth. There are some rich people who have the right value system, though."

(Clare) I want you to know here, dear Heartdwellers, that this is in no way to detract from our president, President Trump, because he is a wonderful man with the right vision for the nation, except for this one blind spot about opulence and riches. But other than that, he is worthy and skilled, highly skilled, and is bringing this country out of the depths in many ways, but a big pruning is about to happen for our country, and I‘m not talking about the president, I‘m talking about us, individually, who are responsible. So that‘s just to clarify, he is a good man who has been doing a wonderful job, but he has got a blind spot. Continuing with what the Lord was saying…

(Jesus) "The good and the wealthy of this county are aware of their responsibility to the world, their responsibility to share what they have been given. That‘s right, I said ‗given‘. Some would insist they had earned it, but in truth they were given opportunities and talents which others were not given, and so I wait to see if they will realize how good I have been to them, by supplying them with intelligence, opportunities and resources. It takes great moral conviction and character to use these resources without incurring the punishments of Hell upon them and their offspring.

"In other words, there are those who use their wealth for the Kingdom of God, and those who hoard it until the day of judgment, and their own destruction. To possess riches is a sign of great trust, and to use them properly is a great grace. Anyone can make money and spend it on their fancies, but it takes a real man or woman of great integrity to look out for one‘s neighbor and even one‘s neighbor‘s neighbor, and that at one‘s own, personal cost.

"Secular Humanism, which is another name for the satanic doctrine, has become the standard moral code, because while you were busy working to increase your wealth, the Devil‘s agents slipped in their life values and presented them as Christian values, under the phony guise of helping humanity. Look at the tenets of faith of the Church of Satan. You will see a stark resemblance and correlation between secular humanism and Satanism, which has become the modern-day value system of those who have been, and those who are rising to leadership positions.

"Do you not understand? These people believe they are doing good by taking over the rule of the world. They see themselves as saviors, born to set the world straight by controlling and manipulating the laws of nature, the healthy conscience, and creating monstrosities in laboratories, while teaching

232 all to scorn the Christian Truth, in favor of their own tenets, which seem innocent enough on the outside, but are, in truth, a white-washed exterior to hide the workings of Satan to destroy the world and everyone in it. They believe they are a superior race that has been given the privilege of setting the world straight, and controlling it without God. Indeed, they see themselves as the gods responsible for the propagation of man on earth.

"Oh, My people of America, some of you have done valiantly with your earnings, others have shamelessly given reign to greed and avarice, storing up the pains of Hell for themselves. What I am saying, Clare, is that your president is a highly skilled man with an improperly formed conscience. Since he has been in office, things have been changing for the better. Yet there is still a stronghold of injustice, because he is not a father to the poor.

"Your country has elected a highly gifted man with a moral issue, and he must learn the true values of life on a deeper level than ever before. I am with him in this and he will learn. He is a stunning archetype for the successful American man, and this is why true humility must come to him and this country. He is the picture of success to so many who feel they are living the American dream, but they will soon awake to the American nightmare.

"I wish for all My People around the world but particularly in America, to repent for their opulent lives of excess and learn the meaning of sharing. Because advertising and their parent‘s self-serving examples have painted an upside-down picture of what is right and good. They have missed the most important calling of their lives, to put Me first and to share with the poor.

"The injustices done to the poor of the world while corporations become richer and richer cries out to Heaven and your God has heard them. The complaints stacked up in the courts of justice in Heaven outweigh the good deeds. Something is fundamentally wrong with America and it has nothing to do with the resurgence of the economy. Your president is presenting this in part as a platform upon which he stands, to remain in office.

"Yet I am looking at the greed, lust, and outrageous lifestyles in this country that cry out to Heaven because the poor have been exploited. This president has done much good but his fundamental thinking is askew, he does not realize that My standards are totally opposite of this financial standard. Neither do the people in general see their sin. This sin has opened the door to the coming chastisement of this nation in particular.

"Wake up America, Wake up! The time of your judgment is upon you. No longer ignore the cry of the poor in your midst and in the world, no longer store up for yourselves treasures on earth because in less than it takes for a heartbeat to be completed, these things will burn. If you want My protection, not only must you live by My statutes, but you must be a father to the nations, bringing justice and equality and ending the exploitation of the poor.

"These things should be made illegal...

1. "Genetically engineered plants that steal reproductive seed from the poor. Did I not make everything capable of reproducing and growing? Why then have you stolen this essential gift from the poor? You will answer to this crime, and all the others you have committed against the poor to make their lives intolerably hard.

2. "Pornography which abases men and women to become like animals and give place to demons who execute unspeakable devastation to human beings while they inhabit them and commit gross crimes. Pornography should be illegal in your country America. Wake up! Your sins cry out to Heaven and the gavel is about to sound destruction.

3. "Abortion, you know well you are slaughtering the innocent and you have only to look at New York City to understand the consequences of this heinous sin. I have been merciful to this city, but justice cries out, the scales are tipped and they are not in that city‘s favor.

4. "Sex trafficking,,, You have done well to wage war against sex trafficking and the alien demons in your midst, but why do you allow corporate laboratories the freedom to commit unspeakable crimes? And to create human animal hybrids, and soulless people, programmed to obey any command no

233 matter how evil. These corporations are greedy criminals, not scientists, they have done irreparable damage to the souls I have created to thrive and enjoy life on this earth, to have the necessities of life and joy.

5. "Witchcraft, this should be absolutely illegal. Satanism and witchcraft should be illegal. Period. These who indulge in secret arts are destroyers of mankind and the earth. They take their orders from Satan, whose only agenda is to cause unspeakable pain and death, and to destroy the earth I created in fertility, as well as men and women who have been given the breath of life. These are murderers and thieves in your midst and yet you allow them in the guise of religious freedom? Freedom to do what? Steal, kill and destroy, plot against the innocent and corrupt mankind with lies and promises of endless power? Why America, do you allow this in your midst. I do not wish to visit your sins upon you, for I am a God of Mercy and I love all that I have made, but you condone the destruction of this by allowing Satanism and wicked cults to survive. Do you not see the correlation between drug captive youth, sexually immoral children and witchcraft? Do you not see that you by not addressing this evil have brought this upon yourselves?

6. "Sex and violence in the motion picture industry. Where is your conscience buried America? Beneath the bodies of the slain who were murdered because of evil examples taught to innocent minds, being programmed to have no understanding of decency? Do you not know that while you close your eyes to this abomination in entertainment, your children are being formed to be adulterous murderers? Do you not know that the young are being trained to execute the good and innocent, driven by a lust for blood they were taught in video games and movies? How can you be so ignorant as to allow this corruption to raise up the next generation to be killers and rapists? The answer again is greed and a lust for money. These things sell and make money for the monsters against humanity, and under your very own roofs such things are taking place. Most of the time without your knowledge.

7. "Gender confusion... this is being taught to erase the moral character and extinguish the human race from the earth, as well as the conscience of children who do not know better and you allow it? Where are you America, where are you? Working extra jobs to make more money for your lifestyle while your children are learning how to torture, rape and kill on the video games you paid for. While they are learning the destruction of family values, in favor of same sex marriages. Where are you?

"These are but a few of the blatant injustices- so many others, yet there are so many others having to do with the military and controlling other countries by stirring up riots and deposing rightfully elected leaders, destroying the environment with experiments that harm the lives of human beings, that pollute and destroy the environment and cause innumerable sorrows among the people, their own people. Betrayers of the American life, sorrows they have earned of their indifference to the sins being committed around them.


"No longer will your God ignore the injustice done to mankind by your crimes, no longer will We delay that which is your due. Humble yourselves and examine your ways, see if the charges made against you are true. Shall I hear your cry for mercy when you ignored the cry of the poor in your midst?

"Judgment comes from the north - Judgment is at your gates. Know that I will hear your prayers when you repent of the atrocities and injustices in your midst, and make up for the indifference and the loss to those who are unable to fend for themselves. My Holy Spirit is with you to shine a light into your hearts that you may truly know the condition of your souls, and come to full repentance before Me, so that I may forgive your evils and injustices, and reestablish you in truth. In spite of all these things, I love you dearly. I love you and I‘m waiting for you to wake up, wake up America."


Message 799: Fear God, NOT Men... A serious Warning from Jesus to all Christians on Earth

(Jackie) This is a Summary of Statements by the Lord thru our Sisters Clare, Carol & Nana and new Insights regarding the Mark by Brother Sadhu Selvaraj from August 2020 - Please share this Video with everyone you know!

Let's start with His Warning in the Book of Revelation 13:16-18... And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or upon their forehead, and that no one should be able to buy or sell except he that has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is the wisdom! He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.

And now, let's continue with the Lord's Statements regarding this coming Trial...

Excerpt from Jesus' Message 'They will be Left Behind, because they rejected Me & My Counsel' thru Sister Clare from November 4, 2014

Jesus says... "I tell you the truth – those who have spurned the wise counsel of My faithful ministers shall at last open their ears and hear their voice. But it will be too late for them to avoid the trials that are coming upon the Earth to try all souls.

"The Mark of the Beast will be the beginning of their sifting in earnest. It will begin with self-denial in little things and get right down to the vital basics. There will be a sifting as has never been before experienced in believers.

"The world has caught them up into a lifestyle and theology that did not exist in My early church.

"Their very sense of being will be critically threatened and called into question until they realize Who I AM and who they are in Me, and what it truly means to bear My Name, My Cross.

"To live in Me and I in them. Then they will discover their worth and reject completely all the world has offered and held for them. This must be done through a process, it doesn‘t come overnight. That is why I am leaving them behind."

Jesus' Message 'Beware of the Mark of the Beast' thru Sister Carol from May 11, 2015.

Jesus says... "Our topic tonight is Money. Whether you have little or much, money will become a thing of the past swiftly in the days of Tribulation. You WILL be forced at some point to make the decision... Will I take the mark touted by the Anti-Christ – Obama and his new administration in order to live, eat and survive? Or will I take the better way?"

"Let‘s look at what each of these decisions will involve... It will seem logical, cool, intelligent, Prudent, no big deal, once all the various money systems, coins, currencies are in chaos around the world as the world economies collapse.

"The idea is already in the works... take a simple computer chip in the hand or forehead, and Voila! Open a door, turn on a device or pay for a purchase with the wave of your hand. Once the demons disguised as aliens show up, there will be an issue of allegiance, too. So people will be brainwashed into believing that 'they' are real, but 'they' are false, and they will be driven to follow one course or the other.

"But the bottom line will be... Follow Me or follow satan... No matter how convoluted the package appears. I have said before that taking the chip into your body will forever seal your fate."

"This is the reason, the chip will contain demon 'seed' that, once it is implanted into your body, will release another DNA into your bloodstream, and this will begin to permanently change and transform

235 your DNA into what was once called a Nephilim. This process cannot be reversed, and will not be forgiven.

"This is why I cry out to you NOW to turn to Me, to give your life over to Me before it is too late. Better to be beheaded and join Me in Heaven and eternity, than to be able to purchase a few crumbs to keep you alive one more day.

"Rest assured, the powers in charge care not one whit whether you live or die, one way or the other. Their only goal, their only motivation in everything they are doing is to steal, rob, kill and destroy all of humanity, and convert them permanently into citizens of hell. Your life is worth nothing to them, no matter how strong you declare your allegiance to them.

"On the other hand, your life is worth everything to Me. I came to the Earth for your sake – I gave My life on the Cross so that you could make the simple step towards Me and be saved.

"Use Wisdom, My Friends. Be prudent. Think clearly about these things, and come shelter under My wings. Seek Me and I will be found. Knock and I shall open the door to Eternity to you. Ask, and you will find Salvation, Love, Joy, Peace, and Eternal Happiness once your life is Mine. My love for you is never-ending. All powerful and persuasive. Given freely and without cost. Run now into My open arms.

"Do not be an Esau, exchanging your life for a bowl of pottage. Come, My Friends... Come, it's Me, the King who conquers, the Rescuer of souls... Jesus"

Excerpt from Jesus' Message 'Violate your Comfort Zone! Break free of that Pharisee Leash & A Warning to My People' thru Sister Clare from July 25, 2015

Jesus says... "When I incarnated, I deliberately looked foolish: born to a lowly carpenter, raised up in poverty in one of the lowliest vocations of the day. I did this deliberately, because I wanted to be recognized by My Spirit, not My wealth. I could have made a grand entrance, impressing even the rulers of the day, but I came for those who were desperate. The ones that were trampled on every day by the ruthless Romans, not the ones taking their ease in palaces by oppressing the poor. And, there was only one way I could be recognized... by My fruit. Lives were changed, new traditions were instituted, the seriously ill were healed, the lame walked, the blind could see. This is what I mean by fruit.

"If your discernment cannot operate out of your comfort zone, you‘re going to have problems. In fact, satan relies on that flaw in your understanding and will exploit it for all it‘s worth. For instance, if one day the news should announce that the Messiah is coming, and he makes a grand entrance – approximating the supernatural. And every eye should see him, because the news cameras will see to it – and he makes world peace after a time of destruction and promises everyone prosperity, emptying money into the pockets of the masses… all of this would fit the comfort zones of those who maintain their thinking inside the comfort zones society has provided for them. They would fall for this false messiah in a heartbeat.

"In the meantime, the Christians with discernment would be mercilessly persecuted, homes and children taken from them, put into jails and executed as dissenters. Those whose comfort zones had been pandered to would applaud such moves and call all Christians trouble makers. I do not wish for you, My People, to be fooled by anyone. I am warning you now: there will be a spectacular display of the supernatural to convince all that the messiah has truly come. You will not stand unless you are willing to oppose the status quo, and opposing the status quo will have serious consequences.

"What are you willing to relinquish in your ways of thinking? How far out of the box are you willing to take your faith? Have you in the past recognized a move of the Holy Spirit and corresponded with it? Or, have you denounced it along with the people who had no discernment.

"Some of you who have visited this channel are not comfortable with the way I talk to Clare. You feel something good but your upbringing in the faith totally contradicts how I speak to her. At times, you feel threatened…could it really be this easy to talk to God?


"Get acquainted with the moving of My Spirit in ways that you are unaccustomed to. You need to practice this skill, whether you‘re taken in the Rapture or stay behind. You‘ll need to be able to recognize Me in My variety of movements. I love variety, I love fun, I love to be close to you. I love to show My human side to you. After all, that is one reason I incarnated on this Earth, to reveal the Love of the Father to you.

"Get accustomed to finding Me in ways you never expected. Go deeper in your discernment. Take the time to stretch your thinking and definitely rebuke a Religious Spirit, because that‘s what‘s behind your difficulties in discerning Me. I don‘t fit in the box… and neither should you. I‘ve called you to be Mine, exclusively – not the byproduct of some religious denomination or non-denomination. I created you to be unique and an individual. Don‘t allow yourself to be crammed into someone‘s comfort zone. Grow into who you are, no matter how unconventional and out-of-the-box it may seem to you. If you feel the fire in your heart, pursue it. Don‘t allow the enemy to water you down with someone else‘s boundaries, guidelines and agenda for your life. Take the collar off your neck and break free of that Pharisee leash.

"I have come that you may have life, and LIFE ABUNDANTLY in the Spirit. But, it will never happen if you‘re living someone else‘s vision of who you are. You need the courage to discern for yourself. Swim against the current and cleave to My Spirit, above all else. He is the only One that should be setting your guidelines and boundaries, in a fresh and exciting way, without the musty old murmurings of a crowd that died a long time ago and gave up their dreams to protect their future.

"So, this message is about discernment, breaking free of a Religious Spirit, and proceeding on your way with My Holy Spirit. Into the life you should be living in the Spirit; out of the comfort zone.

"I bless you now, with the courage to commit to thinking as I think, doing as I would do, and tasting the fruits of the tree over the fence, OUT of your comfort zones… but right in My back yard."

Excerpt from Jesus' Message 'Come up higher & A Warning to Prosperity Christians' thru Sister Clare from October 4, 2016.

Jesus says... "Those who do not make the commitment to climb higher with Me, are going to run into deep trouble as the world disintegrates. What has not been given, what has not been offered, will simply be taken.

"But make a note of it, there is one thing they can‘t take from you… ME. They cannot take Me away from you unless you grow bitter from losses. That‘s their plan by the way, turn Christians bitter.

"They will be asking… 'Where‘s the good life, the abundant life He promised you?' And the enemy will provide the answer… ‗With the One World Religion. There you will have an abundance of all you need.‘

"Oh, yes, prosperity Christians are being set up and have been set up for what will inevitably take place. ‗Where is that land of milk and honey? This land is full of thorns and briars?‘ And the enemy will point you in his own direction with all the frills. The REAL Jesus will become out dated and passé."

Excerpt of Jesus' Message 'They will kill you… Trust Me alone!' thru Sister Nana from April 26, 2020.

Jesus says... "My People, please heed this warning. As the lockdown will be rolled back in your nation (America), so will many vaccines and cures be sent out for testing. They will try to do this quickly, out of fear of having this virus spread, and out of fear as well, many will run to receive the vaccine.

"No, it‘s not the mark yet, as some have said, that time has not yet come, but this vaccine will affect your immune system gravely, rather than building it up. It breaks it down to make you more receptive to the plagues that they will again release on your nation. This has nothing to do with your government and your president in office (Trump), but with the ones that came before him.


"My people, you must remember, they had this plan long ago, they have been waiting for this time, the right time to bring about their plans for the new world order. The deep state and many servants of Satan are so frustrated because I continue to mitigate every attack, every plan and assault they inflict on the nations and the world to expedite their time of reign, but they forget that I AM God and I AM in control.

"I am even in control of them, I allow the times and seasons of these things, and they work under My heavenly jurisdiction as to what I allow to wake My people up and bring many lost back to their senses. Why do the nations rage and the kings of the earth come to fight a losing battle? Indeed, I will be victorious in the end.

"However, My people, this does not negate the fact that I am indeed coming and these are the signs foretold to prepare you, so that you may believe when you see these things and do not fear. This is not a time to go back to business as usual, this is not a time to go back to your old ways of thinking, this is not a time to go back to the rat wheel of this world.

"No, My beloved one, this is not a time to go back to Egypt. I am calling you all out of this bondage of the world and into My heart. I am calling you to see what is most important in your life… Your salvation and that of your families."

Jesus warns us about 5G-Technology

Excerpt from Jesus Message 'We are on the Brink of War with China' thru Sister Clare from August 12, 2020.

Jesus says... "There have been many prophecies and prognostications about nuclear and biological war, not to mention the silent but deadly force of the 5G system being introduced to your nation (America). It is highly dangerous and you need to rise up against it. It is linked to disease by a very sophisticated technology that can cause instant death. These towers should not be tolerated, My people.

"But I am here to tell you that your prayers have foiled the plans to destroy your society. It is you that stands in the way of total chaos, disease and destruction. The prophecies have been correct, what people do not understand is that Prayer has stopped them.

"And prayer will continue to stop them as long as you don‘t listen to the lie that your personal prayer does nothing to stop evil. This is what Satan would have you believe. He cannot take the power out of prayer, but he can influence your will to pray."

(Jackie) Let's therefore pray like never before to stop the great evil that is planned against humanity... The Lord bless you all!

Message 800: Jesus speaks about... Pharmaceutical Companies, Diseases, Mind control & Abortions

Rhema September 16, 2020 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare Excerpt of the Message from March 21, 2019

Jesus began… ―My Beloved Bride, some of you are hurting right now, because of what you did to the gift that I sent you. Please come to Me and allow Me to hold and comfort you. I have forgiven you. Now I ask you to pray for those who are considering an abortion. If you can demonstrate or write a

238 letter; print it up—leave it at bus stops, laundromats, the post office? Leave them everywhere and pray that a heart will be touched not to abort their baby.

―Share with them what you went through, and how you felt afterwards. Help them to make a better decision, even by sympathizing with their fears. But convincing them that life is a gift from God, and He will provide everything they need to continue to live and flourish with their little one.

―Abortions are dangerous. Clare almost went into cardiac arrest during hers. You do not know what they are injecting into your system, but suffice it to know that at every opportunity they are chipping the public. They tell you it‘s a shot for such and such, but it really is an electronic device that will program your mind to forget about Me, and turn you off to anything having to do with Me.

―Not only that, but vaccines that are supposed to help you are loaded with timed diseases that will take a toll on your life as you grow older. Do not allow them to vaccinate you or your child. Some die of these vaccinations. You cannot trust all doctors; they have been groomed to work with the government‘s agenda. One shot could render you childless for the rest of your life.

―But more importantly, your morals have been so twisted from birth that you literally do not know right from wrong. The schools have programmed you to believe that what is wrong in My sight, is good and right. And what is right before Me, is degrading and wrong. How twisted these times are, My children.

―But I speak to you in your heart and My lambs know My voice. The voice of the tempter they will not follow. All I ask of you is please, do not turn off the voice in your conscience to compromise for any reason at all. Reason after reason will be offered you to cause an exception to the rule.

―The heinous thing done by the evil one was to prolong now, the time a child could be murdered during a pregnancy. That means that the enemy can cause a deep depression and send others to talk a soul out of keeping that child during the entire nine months. How many times have you had a bad week that would convince you abortion is the best thing?

―You see, the enemy has bought time to work on you and he will do all in his power to persuade you to murder this child.

―I am pleading with you now. Do not buckle under his suggestions. Do not for one moment think you are doing your life a favor by this action. No, you are not. You are destroying the very person who could have brought you the most joy, both now and in your later years.

―You are opening your body to a corrupt government working with greedy and evil pharmaceutical companies. You have no idea what is in those syringes. But many of the diseases that are now rampant were engineered in those same labs 40 years ago, full knowing the devastating effect they would have on the population in the near future. And including computing to the very dollar, how much profit they would make in treating those diseases.

―You are My children. Beautiful and precious in every way. Created in My image.

―I beg of you, do not destroy life! Rather, protect it. And pray for, and witness to the poor misguided souls who think killing their child is the only solution.‖

Message 801: Rapture & Tribulation, Donald Trump, Antichrist & Mark of the Beast

Rhema September 28, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare Excerpt of Message from September 23, 2018


Jesus says... ―There will no longer be any gray areas between the world and My Kingdom. The lukewarm will rise up into their destinies, overcoming all the lapses and failures of the past. The foundation of the Rapture will prove My Word is true and they will stand rock solid on everything it says, down to the last jot and tittle. They will have seen a great wonder, such as the parting of the Red Sea, and this will give them a solid bedrock of Faith - although there will be defectors, and those with weak consciences who will return to worshipping Baal.

"My Remnant children, you MUST get your appetites under control. You MUST. You will make many foolish and dangerous choices, because of your stomachs and your attraction to the opposite sex, and vanity. And things that will entrap your souls. Clare has struggled mightily with these, all of her life. And with age comes wisdom. But you will have to overcome attractions and desires the enemy will play you with, without the benefit of age. And possibly wisdom.

"You must get your flesh totally submissive to the Spirit. If you do not do that now, when the Mark comes, you will fall and lose your soul. That means you will never see your mothers and fathers, pets and relatives again. Your eternity will be in Hell, being burned and tormented.

"When you receive the Mark, because you didn‘t trust Me to heal your child; you didn‘t trust me to heal your child. You didn't trust Me to provide food. You wanted to be part of the flourishing crowd, someone important… When you do this, the Mark will destroy the part of your brain that responds to Me, and you will become like an animal.

―As the Tribulation progresses, they will do away with you through this. But first, you will suffer unthinkable torments all over your body; you will seek to die, but death will escape you. I am telling you this now, so you can begin to get your priorities straight. If you can control your impulses now, it will not be so hard and dangerous for you later.

―President Trump will be a part of the Remnant. I have overturned what was to be the most tremendous suffering for this nation, and given it back into the hands of My people. However, there will be constant fights and attacks launched against America from the underground government as it fades away, and many sorrows. The best preparation for this is a clean conscience and being reconciled to Me, as well as knowing My voice, listening to My instruction and obeying it without a lapse of time or gloss. Herein lies your victory.

―Many will be martyred—but count it all joy, because that very day all the woes of your life will end and you will be with Me in Heaven. So, do not fear that day. It is true that the living will envy the dead. But do not die with the Mark.

"What will you need? First and foremost, a relationship with Me. Not just a shallow prayer, 'bless me' or a rhema, but a communicating relationship with Me and your Bible, so that I can convey to you what is important, what is a trap and foolish, and what is a waste of precious time and resources. The ones who succeed in this time will be the ones who hear and obey. Without hearing and obeying, your chances of survival until I come are very, very slim.

―You will not be prepared for the tactics that will be used on you, especially the betrayals, the wolves in sheep‘s clothing. Discernment is key. My Mother has a great gift for teaching discernment. Rely on her prayers, and you will not be easily fooled. That is, if you are listening very carefully.

―If anyone keeps My Word, they shall never die… It‘s in the desiring and keeping the Word in your heart, wanting to live it with all your heart, that preserves your soul.

"You have been formed in meekness and brotherly love. Did I not say the meek shall inherit the Earth? Oh, there is so much you have learned here that has laid the foundation for My Church. Cherish these teachings, and do not allow the educated ignorant to steal them from you. You are to remain simple and childlike, and not enter the great halls of learning in order to be garnished with man‘s accolades.

"Your authority and wisdom do not come from any man, but from Me. And this is the way I taught My Apostles. Not by expensive classes in universities, but by living the example of My ways and living the

240 message of My Love. The greatest force to be reckoned with is My Love. If you are living in My Love, nothing shall be impossible to you. And it goes without saying — Faith. Faith and Love.

"It is of the greatest importance that you cut away all actions motivated by any other concerns, to make way for the infilling of My Love—which is everything, and is not taught in seminaries. It is love that caused Me to stretch forth My arms on the Cross. And it is your love which will willingly do the same, in order to live a life crucified to the world.

"I have called you all to this Channel for a very good reason. You are here because I am preparing you. Those of you who have run the race all these years are going to your reward. And the others are here to prepare the next generation, and do great exploits against the evil ones. Your experience with these will give you great wisdom to pass on at the end of the Millennium. You will be combating an army of artificial intelligence and soul-less forces. Many who will animate the army of the antichrist, will be without souls.‖

"Yes, technology has gone far beyond what you are aware of. There are underground cities with whole colonies of soldiers without a conscience, trained for a time such as this to kill Americans. Press in, My dear ones. Use what you‘ve been given. Remember that Love is the greatest force and you are not alone.

"I love you. I am with you. Fear nothing."

Message 802: Halloween... Invitation from Jesus for Satanists & Witches... Come, let Me set you free

Rhema from October 1, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare Original Message from October 31, 2016

(Clare) 'Lord, what is Your message today?'

Jesus answered... ―Retribution is Mine says the Lord.‖

―Satan is the criminal, I am God. No weapon formed against you will prosper. You have chosen to follow and serve Me with your entire life. Shall I not then protect you from the evil doers? Because today of all days is Satan‘s day - October 31 Halloween - to celebrate their defeat.‖

(Clare) 'Why would they celebrate a defeat?'

(Jesus) ―That‘s just it, they don‘t understand they are defeated – so they celebrate. I cannot rescue the fallen angels, they have sealed their fate. They will go to the Lake of Fire, sooner or later. But I can rescue those they afflict. I can also rescue those who are deceived by them. This is why you pray for your enemies.‖

―I saw them when they were innocent and pure, before sin entered in and they made a pact with the Devil. I saw their hurt and woundedness. I pleaded with them not to go the way of retaliation and anger, but to forgive and I would heal them. Some heard Me clearly, and turned away nonetheless. Some had a deep sense of wrong when they followed their fleshly reactions, but still kept going. And some didn‘t hear Me at all – they were deaf. Yet I touched them all in some way to warn them.‖

―I know what a soul who has gone astray can become once he or she turns from evil. They can attain to the highest holiness and service in My Kingdom, but first they must forgive their enemies, renounce Satan and all evil-doing, repent thoroughly for every evil deed, then come to Me and I will restore them. Not only will I restore, I will set a guard over them and their families that no evil shall befall

241 them. In other words, they will be protected from retaliation by Satan and their coven. But they must embrace all of My ways and never turn back.‖

―I cannot protect a soul who turns back. As long as they live in the safety of the sheepfold, no wolf or lion can get them. But if they jump the fence or go back to their old ways, they are quite vulnerable.‖

―I want a relationship of love between us. I want them to call My Father, their Father – because truly they came originally from Him. He loves them dearly, they are His children, and losing them is the same to Him as losing one who does serve Him. They are loved, unconditionally.‖

(Clare) Lord, are You making another appeal to the Satanists today?

―I am. And I call upon all My Heartdwellers to devote this day to prayer for them, that they would repent and return to My Father‘s heart. I will lead them. I will heal them. I will teach them. I will deliver and forgive them. I will do all that a good father would do for His beloved child.‖

―Yet this concept is foreign to them. If only they will approach Me and give Me a chance, I will show them the meaning, the real meaning of love. And never again will they hunger for that love. I will supply it to them everyday like fresh manna if only they will give Me the chance and come to Me every day.‖

―Many of you who practice the kraft are called to be prophets and healers in My Kingdom. Many of you have had nothing but tragedy in your lives – unspeakable tragedy – and have never known what it was to have a loving mother or father. Many of you have been cursed, so you would stay in the coven, even though there are times you want out. You are frightened of what will be done to you.‖

―Your master is a dog on a chain, and I‘m the one holding the other end. He can go no further than I allow and if you turn to Me, I will indeed set you free and protect you from him.‖

―You have seen on this channel how I love you all. You have seen how I instruct you, how I wait to see you, how I triumph over the enemies of My children who are serving Me. You have seen the true Master and Creator who does not lie. And you have seen My personality, and that I am a lovable and approachable God.‖

―Some of you have turned from me, because you lost a loved one and you continue to ask yourself... 'If You are God why did you let them die. I prayed to You?' Yet you don‘t have the same information I have. You don‘t know what might have happened to them if I didn‘t call them home. You don‘t understand the overview of why, because you are but a tiny creature and I am the one who fashioned you in your mother‘s womb.‖

―My ways are not your ways, and neither will you ever come to understand them. But there was a very good reason for everything I allow, no matter how hard it seems. And some of those reasons have to do with your salvation. For one, souls make an agreement with Me before they come to Earth about the kind of life they will lead. We are agreed on that, and many that seem to die uselessly are martyrs giving their suffering and lives for others that they love. Even the plants and animals understand what I ask of them.‖

―Everything good that you loved about that person is only a reflection of my love for you. Did they love your company and always want to be with you? Even more, so do I. Would they do anything for you? Even more, so would I – which I proved when I died a tortuous criminal‘s death on Calvary. Did they protect you? So do I, everyday though you aren‘t aware of the many times you‘ve come close to death. Were they really fun to be with? So am I – if you want to cultivate that relationship with Me. You are invited. Did they provide for you? So do I, everyday…but you don‘t notice it. There are no coincidences. There are only God-incidences.‖

―Do you have dreams? And are there gifts and vocations you have always wanted, but you‘ve been told you were a loser and didn‘t have talent? Or you tried and kept failing? So you thought casting spells would get you what you wanted? Do you know Satan will take your life and plunge you into Hell and torment when he‘s done using you. Yes, he‘s using you. He‘s using you to spread his religion. Do you know that I can change your DNA and give you the gifts you‘ve always wanted, the talents you‘ve

242 always wanted? I can even teach you how to use them and guide you in paths that will make your life satisfying.‖

―You think that money, women or men and talent are what you want, but when you have all that and you feel that void inside of yourself, you will see that nothing brings you satisfaction that is lasting. All of it is empty, because your heart was made for Me. And until you have Me living in you, you will feel empty, no matter how much you have.‖

―There are so many things you don‘t know about Me and what I do for My children, and Satan is not going to tell you. He‘s the Father of lies and nothing he tells you can be trusted. I hope you don‘t wait to find out. I hope you don‘t wait until it‘s too late.‖

―So, again I am calling you who worship Satan and cast spells and incantations. I am calling you to My heart. I truly love you and I want you to be with Me forever. I know what you‘ve done. I‘ve seen it all. I still love you. I still want you. And if you come to Me, I will forgive you and wash you clean of your past life and give new life. Fresh, new life. New Hope. And you will find true joy and love in your life that no one can take from you. And you will have peace. Peace that you‘ve never, ever had.‖

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11:28-29)

Message 803: These are turbulent Times... It's Time to wake up to the Truth

October 2, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) ―My people, these times are turbulent and unsure, that is why We are praying so fervently for the right things to be done, for protection for your president, and for exercising your right to vote. It would be easy for you to respond to civil unrest when it takes place near you, but I am pleading with you, do not get involved in these fabricated issues that inflame those who don‘t know any better.

―Tell your younger ones... 'You are being played by a ruthless shadow government that wants to destroy your life and even rid you from the planet.' Tell them these issues are almost completely fabricated and acted out by professional crisis actors, hired just to mislead the public into thinking there is some kind of civil rights issue. These people who are supposedly killed by law enforcement, have appeared many times before in other crisis roles for the government.

―These are called Psy-Ops. In other words, they are skilled in manipulating a crowd to go wild and stir up trouble, in how to play you. It‘s all about how to play you and make you do their bidding, which, right now, is to take down the people who are standing for Christian values, protecting religious freedom, and so many other freedoms. It would make you sick to your stomach to see the depths of their depravity.

―Much of what they do originates in secret ceremonies dedicated to Satan. He is their leader; he is the one calling the shots. Baal is just as alive now as he was 3,000 years ago, when people were offering their babies as sacrifices in red hot cauldrons. Abortion is today‘s red-hot cauldron. These shadowy people do unspeakable things to children, My people, and actually consume their bodies in mock ceremonies, mocking My sacrifice of My Body and Blood, which I did once and for all, for you.

―I want you to know that because you pray, because you come to Me for strength and protection, you have nothing to fear. I am taking this evil empire down, because of your continued and passionate

243 prayers. Those around you though are still quite naive and have no idea how they are being manipulated.

―I want you to tell them to research Hillary Clinton‘s history with Satanism, torturing of children, and eating their flesh. It sounds unbelievable, doesn‘t it? But it is real, and the sooner you tell those who have been led astray by the lying media, which is an arm of propaganda being guided by these unholy influences, the sooner they will understand perfectly what is actually going on and how they are being played and used: For their own ends.‖

(Clare) Lord, do you really want to tell all this?

(Jesus) ―It is time for My people to wake up and look deeper. There is no easy way to declare what is going on. My main concern, Clare, is that this nation is divided by a phantom concept, not real issues. These conflicts that are acted out by crisis actors paid by the shadow government, have tricked so many into believing they are real and they once more need to stand up for their rights and even get violent to pay back the offenders. All of this is psychological manipulation, playing on youth who have bitterness from frustrations in life and an axe to grind. This too is how Satan fuels the violent Muslim groups.

―I Am the God of Love, not the God of Chaos. Understand, My people, you are being manipulated and used to usher in a cruel and ruthless government when you play into their hands. The lying media has fed the nation lies, slander and gossip about anyone who is leading the people into true freedom.

―Once more, when you believe and repeat these things, you are lying, you are spreading gossip that destroys. In short, you are deep in sin and your agreement with this slander has opened the door for the demons to sift you in your personal life. Slander and gossip are serious sins that can lead to the death of your soul. To listen to that, agree with it, pass it on, does serious damage to your soul and the souls of those you love, as well as those around you.

―But I want to talk to you about maintaining your peace as things heat up. He who dwells in the shadow of the Almighty shall be protected. Pray Psalm 91 over your families every day. Know that as you spend time with Me, I share My Heart, My Peace and My protection with you. You may not feel it, but My Grace is infusing you at these times. One thing you will feel after worship with Me, is a certain sense of calm and confidence that you are in My hands, and I approve and love you.

―I want you to walk as peaceful giants among men. Even in the midst of chaos, I want the peace of your heart and countenance to radiate and touch those around you. But you must stay away from the lies and slander and abide by the truth. You will be noticed. When others are going off on fearful tangents, and you keep your peace, they will begin to see that I Am in control, and those who rest in Me will have the peace that passes all understanding.

―Go now, My dear people, and stand up for the truth and for what is right. Do not get involved in volatile situations. Pray without ceasing, especially pray... 'Jesus, I trust in you. Save our president and our nation.' I am with you to give you the grace you need to conquer the temptation to fall into fear, doubt and other negative emotions. Remember that this peace comes from abiding with Me and in Me.‖

Message 804: I allow certain Events to get your Attention

October 4, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began... "You have heard much doom and gloom, prognostications of nuclear holocaust, asteroids, tsunamis, and plagues. What I am here to tell you is that these measures are not

244 retribution, they are not My Father scourging you from Heaven. They are attention getters. They are allowed to cause you to go deeper in your lives, from just living, success and career, to looking at where you will go when you die.

"We (Father & Son) are trying to get your attention, and especially the attention of the lost. We are for you, not against you. The calamities that have been allowed are the partial consequences of sin lived out on the earth. Many of these things you have caused directly, other things were inevitable. But above all, natural events and occurrences are the love that we have for you, our deep love for you, and the desire to see you living in Eden upon this earth.

"And to this end We want a relationship with you, We want you to come to US, expecting to receive help. Part of that help is in the form of obeying the commandments and living according to the rules of success We‘ve given you. Not the success of an overflowing bank account, but the success of living in joy, peace, harmony and happiness, the joy of seeing others around you prospering as well. Get rid of that punishment mentality, My people, and realize the profound love We have for you, as well as Our desire to have a relationship with each of you, imparting grace, day after day, to live a good life.

"But as things are now, everything is out of balance. Mankind has lost the ability to live life and Satan has taught them how to destroy it. This state is what We are trying to rectify.

"When you see your children destroying important things that were given to bring them happiness, do you not step in and remove those things from them? Do you ignore the damage they are doing and how they are hurting others, as well as themselves, or do you call a halt and explain to them the proper way to behave? That is what is happening every time We allow something difficult in your life and in the world.

"Dear Ones, My heart is full of love and concern for you. Even in the littlest things, I intervene. Sometimes it is a parking place, other times you run into someone that needs you, or it could even be the very last slice of Tiramisu in the store. Yes, I love you even down to the littlest detail, and for that reason We are trying to bring you home, safely, back to sanity, in an insane and demonically oppressed world. Even now, the actions We take are for your ultimate good.

"So please, come to understand that in this hour We need you to repent of those things that are not pleasing to Us, those things that are a culture of death, not life, those things that tear apart the moral fiber of your children and family. Come to Me, beloved ones... truly, My love for you knows no limitations, and I will give you the graces needed to overcome sin in your lives.

"Reach out to others and pass on the message, a repentance of love, repent because you are loved, and I want to bless your life, not end it. Repent, because when you live in My love, by My rules, you will have great peace. Begin today to pray, ask forgiveness and take new steps forward, leaving behind your old life of sin.

"I love you, I wait for you, and want to infuse you with so much joy… a joy that no one can take from you, a joy that is not dependent on your circumstances, a joy that gives you strength to run the race to the finish line. Oh, come to Me, please, dear ones, I have so much favor to bestow upon you.

"You, in turn, have only to spend time with Me, pour out your heart and know that I am listening and even responding. When you write in your journal to Me, listen after each thought you write down, and then write whatever you hear. You will be surprised to find that I do speak to you, and I care deeply. I am always with you, but you must learn to always be with Me."

Message 805: The Fate of President Trump & America is hanging in the Balance... Please My People, pray!


October 8, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) My dear Heart Dwellers, the Lord is continuing to ask for prayers for our nation (America) and the world.

Jesus began... "My very little ones, I call you because you are pressing in to learn humility and sacrifice. How greatly I desire souls with a heart for sacrifice, as well as souls who care not whether or not they are recognized by people, because their hearts are only for pleasing God.

"You will find that as intercessors and victim souls, you will not get very much encouragement. For this reason, I meet you in the secret place to bring you deeper into My heart. These times when I put you into a state of rest are most important to you."

(Clare) By that He was referring to me laying down for a few moments.

(Jesus) "After you have received Me in communion, it is time to rest and give thanks for My presence in your heart, mind and body. There is much power in the Lord's Supper, received in faith, drawing upon My strength to keep going and stay in My will. These are good prayers Clare and I am pleased with them."

(Clare) And that‘s what I have been praying lately... 'Lord please keep me in Your will, Your mind, and what You want.'

(Jesus) "While the fate of this president (Trump), your nation (America) and the world is hanging in the balance, I want you to all do as much as you can to tilt the scales in favor of saving him. The prayer I have given you and confirmed is very short and seemingly insignificant, but much more powerful than you are able to understand.

"The Life is in the blood, and you have taken the Blood of God and applied it to your president and your nation. This blood obliterates not only sin, but evil intentions as well. Plans to assassinate him are still in the works, and your sincere prayers are needed. It is a question of how many will join you in these prayers. The most wonderful thing that could happen to you and this nation as well as the world, is the victory of Donald Trump over the swamp.

"Those who believe they are supporting honest people who are fighting against him have been brainwashed by the propaganda machine for a communist one world government. When they come to understand the true intentions and heinous activities this system has been involved in, they will want nothing to do with them. Even those souls that have chosen same sex partners, have seen the light. Freedom is the bottom line, not freedom to oppress others but freedom to live and pursue what each soul believes is for their betterment.

"Many times, you must let others go their own way to discover truth in their lives. Suppressing them is NOT the answer. I suppress no one, unless they are hell bent on injuring others, then I do suppress. But for those who are searching, it is wrong to suppress them.

"When people come to Me, they come of their own will, because the Father called them. This wicked underground government wants to enslave people to their own ideologies and thereby strip away their freedom. This is why many are turning from that ideology and joining ranks with your president who is bent on defending freedom.

"My Dear one, in this moment, not enough souls are praying, please do all you can to enlist them to pray for your nation and president. Life as usual has obscured the urgency of this moment and I am calling My people to apply themselves to prayer for their president and nation. I very much approve of this prayer... 'Blood and water from the side of Jesus, I trust in you. Save our nation and our president.'"


Message 806: I am restoring your Faith... These are My Words

October 9, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord‘s peace be with you, dear Heartdwellers. This morning when I was on my way to pray, the Lord rushed upon me with this message, so I‘ll go ahead and get right into it. He began...

(Jesus) "Beloved, you cannot hide from Me the doubts that assail you. You cannot keep secret the fears that haunt you about your future. Nothing in your being is hidden. All your insecurities, doubts and fears are in plain sight to Me as I gaze upon your wonderful soul.

"Why do I call your soul wonderful? Because even as it is written that your body is fearfully and wonderfully made, it is nothing compared to the intricacy and delicacy of your eternal soul. Your body, personality, thoughts, are merely passing shadows of the wonders hidden within you. There is truly no way I can spell them all out to you.

"But take, for instance, the proverbial onion. The outside has a dry and wrinkly skin, but beneath that is a layer that is full of moisture and flavor. Imagine, if you can, that your soul is like this very large and aromatic onion. The dried-out skin is what most perceive is you. Until they pierce the surface, then the layer of onion gives off its strong aroma. Within that one layer of the onion are millions of cells, each one of them are architectural wonders, and that is in only one layer.

"But you, My soul, have many layers, with millions of cells that make up your being. There are endless worlds of wonder hidden in each one of those cells of only the outer layer. But imagine, if you can, progressing through each of those layers, each a microcosm of wonder filled with ideas, talents, understanding, motivation, discovery, on and on and on. You are so intimately connected to your Creator, because you are made in My image. Therefore, wondrous things are hidden within you.

"I alone know the most fitting destiny for you who I have created. I alone know the content and timing of release for each of these microcosms and their unique gifts. You live in a world of paper thin onion skins, but when you hand over your life to Me, to do with as I see fit, I prepare you according to the hidden gifts that will in time and after their cultivation be released, to bring truth and beauty to the world.

"When you compare yourself to other onions, who very often have not gone beyond the second layer of skin, you limit your perspective to what THEY are capable of, even in their limited awareness of what I have equipped them with. However, when you hand your life over to Me, dreams begin to manifest, and as you become aware of them, we together make them a reality, until we have totally exhausted that layer of the onion.

"As we complete one layer, you are filled with uncertainty and fear about what the future will bring. You did not do this to yourself on your own, the enemy of your soul plied you with lies, day after day after day, sometimes without you even being aware that this was going on. Very few of your negative thoughts come from you alone, no, the demons stand by and feed you crippling lie after lie. After a while you are fearful of the next step in your life and are prone to cling to the exhausted layer you just lived through.

"But when you take My Hand, trusting in Me completely, I walk you into a new world of wonder waiting for you. As you are emerging from the former layer, you begin to perceive the wonder of this new world with all its possibilities. I reveal to you the gifts that I am bringing you into the fullness of, and at the same time the enemy tries to inspire you with fear and insecurity, so you will run back to the old world for comfort.

"This, in fact, is what happens when you start eyeing the beauty around you, Clare, for the purpose of photographing it. That was the old world. You mastered that. It is familiar, even easy. But what I have for you in the here and now is much more substantial and glorious than your past. That is why I ask you to leave those things behind. I do not wish for you to get entangled in them when I am bringing you into a new anointing for My Kingdom on earth."


(Clare) And it‘s interesting He said that, because the fall leaves here are absolutely spectacular. And I just couldn‘t walk from one place to another without taking all kinds of pictures. I mean, it has been absolutely breathtakingly beautiful every time I turn around, so there‘s a reason why He‘s addressing this to me right now. Now music, on the other hand, that is a challenge. He continued...

(Jesus) "So, I ask you to let go of the old and make room for the new, Beloved. Yes, enjoy the splendor of what surrounds you, but do not get roped into going back to that attachment, which will only inhibit the work of the present time. Enjoy, detach, move on. I have much greater things in store for you.

"Keep praying for your president and the world, especially this nation. Keep praying and spread the word… I am doing a new thing in your life and the lives of those Heartdwellers who are willing to lay down the old to have the new, which will be far more relevant and important in their lives.

"Even that which awaits you on this Earth, in this World, will be a glorious surprise to you. No more unbelief. Believe and I will bring it about. Believe and obey, that‘s the ticket, for you and for all. Believe in those dreams and obey, do what is necessary to walk into them and own them. I am leading you gently, my still small voice speaks to you constantly, embrace it, do not assign it as being your own thoughts or fleshly motives, rather recognize, it IS Me, Beloved ones. As always, ask for My assistance and you shall have it.

"Because I look upon you through the eyes of Mercy, I see the forces aligned against you. I see how you have fought valiantly against them. And I see when you feel overcome and shamed by them. It is then when you need Me the most. It is then when I want you to run to Me, close the door behind you and confess these feelings without shame. For I do not shame you, I do not inoculate you with guilt, this is the work of demons. They inject that guilt, sometimes it is even so vague that you cannot find the words to fight it. Sometimes it is so pervasive and has been infused in you since childhood, that you have no way to fight it.

"You have no way, but I do. I am standing by with the remedies to restore you to the fullness of a soul that is under no condemnation, because I took it all upon Myself. This weighty slime is invisible to you most of the time, but causes a certain heaviness and feeling of uncertainty, which causes you to doubt and bring your journey with Me to a halt, along the way. These are the times to come to Me, Beloved, and get these things off your chest. Yes, I will take all of this from you, but be not afraid.

"Trust Me, Beloved. Trust Me. I will deal with these attacks against your character and Mine. Let Me lift this from your shoulder, Beloved. The battle belongs to Me. I have taught you, and they have denounced you and tried to negate My teachings. Therefore, I will deal with them, even as one who barges into the wedding chamber unannounced. For this work is My work, and these words are My words.

"Be assured then, that there is new life waiting to burst upon you as you press in, despite the lying voices of condemnation from the enemy. I am your source, I am your covering, I am your defense. Speak and move forward boldly, for the joy that is set before you, even in THIS world, is nigh upon you. That is why you continue to get this same Rhema over and over again."

(Clare) Yes, this Rhema kept coming up, and you‘ve probably gotten it too, off the website, and it says... 'Much more to come!' I wondered why you kept giving me that, Lord?

(Jesus) ―Yes, you can be obtuse, even when I repeat Myself.‖

(Clare) He smiled and then continued...

(Jesus) ―Do not allow these crippling forces of unbelief to hinder you any longer. Know for certain that when you feel insecure and question My words to you, you are under attack. Let this river of life flow through you unhindered, Clare, for I have much to share with My People.

―And I speak the same words of encouragement to you who are listening. There is still much to do on this earth, prepare yourselves for action. Now we are in a time of intercession that is vital to your

248 future, but the time may come when you feel a whole new lease on life. Press into prayer, cover your president. Truly you hold both his and your destiny in your praying hands.‖

Message 807: Jesus explains... Passing Judgment is very bitter and leads to Death

October 14, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) My dear friends, please pray for me. I am still struggling with my weakness, even though I have gained major ground, there are still little temptations to conquer. I am not surprised at my weaknesses, just disgusted. This is obviously something that will take quite a bit of time to conquer.

So as a result, I was wondering if the Lord would even speak to me today. I felt like He has given me so many graces, and like a naughty little girl I still open myself to temptation. I feel like I have presumed on His Mercy. So, I came into adoration, feeling ashamed, with my head bowed. Jesus spoke to me immediately…

(Jesus) "I don‘t want you pulling away, I am working on this gut level reaction with you. I am here, let us work on this, My Bride."

(Clare) Just then I felt the impulse to go to my file cards and pull one, then another and another. The first one... 'Your hope will not be cut off.' Well, what is my hope? My hope is that Jesus will continue to stay close to me. Number two... 'In My Divine Image I have made you.' And it had a picture of a crown. So, I felt lifted up from my mud puddle. He is still with me, miracle of miracles. So, it is safe to listen and even talk to Him, because normally I withdraw.

Number three... 'Haven't you seen enough of yourself to convince you that you have no cause to raise yourself up to pass judgment on others?' BINGO! I get it. I opened the door to temptation by the sin of judgment. I get it Jesus. You are right, I have judged, but how do I handle situations that seem very toxic from the outside looking in? Especially when you mention there is lying going on.

(Jesus) "I expect you to come to Me and ask Me to reveal to you the details, and at the same time, pray for them to be convicted. You are a Mother, not a Victim. All of you have some child in you, but your job is not to judge, but to encourage and lift up, admonish and stand beside the weaker ones. There is a certain edge of condemnation that accompanies judgment, that‘s where the sin lies. You are to see the sin, but not judge. Yet you have passed judgment on the sinner.

"That is why I must let you fall flat face down into your own mud puddle. See the sin, realize you are no better, and come to Me for answers.

"If you do not get the answers you are looking for, be patient and supportive with the soul. In time I will reveal much to you. Where most leaders go wrong is that they draw back their hand from a soul when I wish they would stay with them. I have never abandoned you, have I?"

(Clare) Not that I know of?

(Jesus) "Well, you too must never abandon a soul. Continue to pray for them. It may take a whole lifetime, but your prayers will be part of My solution, both for your state of mind and for them. I do not wish to see seeds of bitterness in My Brides.

"The flowers in the Garden of your soul, which I have planted, are very delicate.


"Bitter roots grow into bitter trees, bitter trees bear bitter fruit, which puts out a noxious odor that can wilt every flower in your garden. Once more, this is not a little plant, it is a tree, with roots that spread into every corner of the garden, and atop that are bushy thorns that cast shadows, where instead there should be sunshine.

"Oh, do you see Clare, bitter, bitter, bitter is judgment, and it leads to death. It is a deadly poison that invades a garden and will, in time, cause every beautiful flower and fruit tree to wither. Is this what you want?"

(Clare) No Lord.

(Jesus) "Well, look at your garden, Beloved."

(Clare) And then I saw an enclosed garden that was covered with some kind of brown powder that was causing the other plants to disintegrate into slimy puddles. It was besieged by swarms of ugly flying insects, feeding on the bitter substance and transferring it like pollen from flower to flower.

(Jesus) "That is the state of your soul right now. It has been building up bitterness because of judgment. And each time you judge, the roots get a fresh feeding, which causes the tree to spread out even more and drop noxious fruit on the ground.

"This is a very serious state. Judgment has become a habit with you over the years. When you lived alone it was confined to a few people. But in a community it is a constant irritating drip, because there are so many things that transpire that have the potential to irritate you.

"The answer is simple. When you see something that is not right, quickly pray for that soul and drop it. If it is a recurring problem, seek Me on how to help that soul. At the same time, bring up in your own life, something that is similar, that you did in your past. Take into consideration the person‘s age and state in life when you do this. Then I want you to take time, sit down, and count their virtues. When you are finished, you may be shocked at all the beauty and good you have overlooked. At least this is what I am hoping for.

"I am not saying that you should tolerate sin, not at all, it does need to be addressed. But come to the soul as a sinner who has been helped by Me to overcome their sins. And encourage the soul that with Me, nothing is impossible."

(Clare) As I sat here looking at my garden, things began to perk up, the ugly brown stuff disappeared and things were going back to normal.

(Jesus) "When you see the truth and repent, bitterness is burned away by the light of truth. A candle on a hilltop cannot be hidden, but virtues and gifts can be hidden and become inoperative under a cover of sin. Always see others as better than yourself. Not only is this healthy, but it is also true. You have no idea what kind of soul you would be right now if you had gone through what another has gone through, with the limited resources they were born into. Bitterness kills, kindness brings life."

Message 808: You're on the Precipice... Your World has never been in a more precarious Place

October 15, 2020 - Sister Clare's Dream & Words from Jesus

(Clare) May the Lord‘s peace be with you heartdwellers. I want to share a dream with you or rather should I say a nightmare. It began just before I woke up, and those dreams usually carry the signature of the Holy Spirit, which this one did.


I was in an industrial warehouse area in a city. It was somewhat old and broken down. There were old factories and fields around as well as residential housing, and some more modern factory buildings something like you would see in a larger city. The whole neighborhood was somewhat dilapidated.

In any case Ezekiel and I lived there in a small flat. It reminded me of an old neighborhood in Chicago with rows and rows of three-story buildings, where each floor was rented to a different tenant.

For some reason, this peaceful neighborhood turned into some kind of crisis situation. Some officials had invaded the whole area and were going from door to door checking people. It became apparent that they were detaining middle aged and retired people, grandmas and grandpas and anyone that had a medical condition.

I obviously fell into the category of those they were looking for to collect together and somehow, I got trapped and they took my clothing. I had been detained in this warehouse and I couldn‘t see any way of escape.

All of a sudden, a homeless man came to my rescue, and he led me through the remains of a broken- down factory until he found a breach in the wall and he told me, ―Run for it.‖ I didn‘t have any clothes on and it was still daylight but I ran anyway. This place reminded me of where we would pick up our food to distribute to the poor. In any case, as I was running, I awoke from the dream.

My dear ones, I awoke terrified! I have had so many dreams just like this. Innocent people, perhaps on disability or elderly, retired, poor, being rounded up in a factory and detained. The people who were arresting us were some kind of new government that was over throwing the legitimate elected government.

Family, I cannot convey to you how vital this election is (Nov. 3, 2020). There are people who have an entire shadow government, complete with uniforms, and young people with the same ideologies that are trained and ready to go into action. In short, their job is to round up the useless eaters…the sick, disabled, elderly, free thinking people and Christians, and get rid of them.

The only ones standing in their way are the Christians and the Patriots and our President, Donald Trump. But even behind the scenes some are still taking action that has not been sanctioned by our government. Their plan is to utterly destroy the autonomy of America and turn it into another satellite nation of a shadowy world government. This plan, according to Our Lady, was first set in motion at the time of the French Revolution. The people behind it knew they would die before it came into being, but were dedicated to doing their part, in their generation to bring it about.

They have waited for centuries and now the emergence of this beast system is here and the only thing holding it back is this administration and the patriots that live all over the United States, who are ready to take action into their own hands in order to protect our rights.

What I am saying is that if our president is assassinated, which is what they have been trying to do, at least 25 times already, or killed by the virus which they have also found a way to infect the White House with, if they succeed these recurring nightmares that I‘ve been having, are what YOU are going to wake up to the next morning.

There is only one thing that will stop it. And that is prayer! Prayer, prayer, prayer. And the Lord has given me a prayer to give you in song form, so that you will remember it and pray it over and over again, to protect our nation. I am working on it right now and hope to finish it today. But here is the basic prayer without music. 'Blood and Water from the Heart of Jesus, fountain of Mercy, I trust in You to save our nation and our president.' I am still refining the words to work with the melody, so please be patient.

My husband Ezekiel, was asked by the Lord, to pray straight through for four hours, this song, during adoration, and he said it became such a part of him that he felt united to Jesus‘ heart, one with Him in bringing this petition to our Heavenly Father. Lord, what is on Your Heart?


(Jesus) "My people, your world has never been in a more precarious place than it is in now. This is the time spoken of in Daniel, where the whole world will be taken over by the beast system. You have fasted and prayed and been heard on high by My Father and He has extended your time ever so slightly in answer to the prayers, especially the Divine Mercy Prayer and this prayer... "Father, please grant us more time, more grace, more mercy. Our Mother of Mercy, pray for us."

"Now I have added another prayer to your arsenal to extend the time, grace and mercy, but you are on the edge of a precipice now and I need your prayers renewed to stop what is planned, from happening.

"The extended time granted to you is conditional upon your personal and national repentance, alms giving and contrition of heart expressed in prayer as well, as casting your vote. Remember, when you vote for those who approve of killing a healthy living baby in its mother‘s womb, tearing it out piece by piece, when you approve of this you too will be held accountable for the crime against the innocent.

"I have much good planned for you America, if you will stand up, make your voice heard, not only in this nation but all the way to the Throne of My Father. I am a God of life, not death. I have no desire to impose this brutal way of life on you, but you have a part to play and unless you are faithful, I cannot bless you with what I am planning. Some are called to shout it from the rooftops... Prepare the way of the Lord and others are called to serve their government. But you are all called to be on your knees and pray My Will be done, My Kingdom come on earth…even as it is in Heaven... Amen."

Message 809: Your Lives are hanging in the Balance at this Hour & Prayer Song

October 21, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) My Dear Family, the Lord has helped me put this prayer-song together with a beautiful melody, to help us pray for the President, our nation and the world which is at a critical crossroads. I wanted to make this recording better but that in fact would be vanity because this prayer is critical right now, and there‘s not time for bells and whistles.

I am asking you to please memorize this song and sing it over and over again, from your heart with contrition for our sins and the sins of our nation, as well as the world. Please, please spread this song far and wide, we are covering our nation with the power of the Blood of Christ and His Mercy. If we are going to defeat evil in the land, our prayers must be strong and continuous. I wish there were a way to make it go viral, but all we can really do is recommend it to everyone and sing it. Please download it and spread it all around. Lord, do You have something for us?

(Jesus) ―Beloved, My Mercy is without end, just as My love for each of you who are precious in My sight is without end. This is the time to make your voice heard in Heaven. A few years ago, My Father came very close to putting an end to the evil on this earth and beginning the tribulation. But because of the passionate prayers and fasting of so many around the world, asking for Mercy, He relented and gave us more time, more grace and more mercy.

"But now it is again your turn to step up and fill the gap of intercession with your prayers and contrition for the world. There must be repentance along with this prayer. There must be a recognition from Christians that have been treading water and lukewarm, that it is time to stop living for yourself and time to take your nation‘s leaders seriously. Prayer moves the hand of My Father, repentance more than doubles it. Repent for your lives of excess and selfishness, your Lukewarmness, and preoccupation with those things of the world that matter the least. Bring to mind this heart felt attitude when you sing this song and I promise you will be heard from on high.


"We want nothing but good for you but your souls have been endangered by a short sighted and worldly lifestyle, and the things that have come upon this earth are a result of that, so that you will wake up and take your lives and your nation seriously before it is too late. I am with you and have spoken to your heart about the things in your lives that are ungodly. Now I am asking for repentance and prayer. Will you hear Me? Will you obey? Your lives, and the lives of your children hang in the balance at this hour. Make the difference that brings mercy upon the world. Sing this song, over and over again, and you will be heard."

The Lyrics are...

Blood and Water from the Heart of Jesus, fount of Mercy, I trust in You. Save our Nation and our president too. Blood of Christ, I trust in You. I trust in You, My God, I trust in You. Forgive our sins, the heart-of-our-land renew. Save the world from all the wicked do. Father of Mercy, I trust in You.

Message 810: Uphold, what is right and take a Stand for the Truth

Rhema from October 30, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare (Message from August 18, 2019)

(Clare) Tonight, I asked the Lord… ‗Jesus, what is on Your heart?‘

Jesus began… ―Your nation is going through yet another transition where prayer is imperative. Everything is stacked against your President. That is everything except Me and those who know My voice. Each day, My People, I wish for you to shoulder this burden in prayer. I am especially disappointed in the mainline churches that do not see beyond the surface and are not backing Me up. They will vote for the most socially acceptable candidates.

―Nevertheless, many of the leaders believed in Him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, for fear that they would be put out of the synagogue. For they loved praise from men more than praise from God… (John 12:42-43)

―How can you believe in Me, when you seek and receive glory and approval from one another, and yet you do not seek the glory and approval which comes from the one and only God?

―This is the root of the problem; vanity leads to unbelief. When a man‘s focus is on praise and acceptance, which foster money and power, anything that goes against the common consensus challenges their status. Therefore, they go with the flow, the common ground.

―Clare, I am not just filling the air with words so you will have a message. I am genuinely grieved over the ignorance and shallowness of My people. My sheep hear My voice, so how can I accept them as My own when they refuse to open their ears to those things that cause waves and controversy. Simply speaking, they are shut before I open My mouth, because they live by the status quo and what will bring them more acceptance, power, and money.

―But I have my faithful ones. They do hear My voice and they act on it. And these are the ones to turn the tide. Children, I do not have to tell you who to vote for. I have taught you to discern a man by his works. Examine the works of each and weigh them against Scripture and what you know is right. Then you will have your answer.


―Is it right to extract a living child from its mother‘s womb by first cutting off its limbs? If a man has no respect for an unborn child, he will have no respect for you when you become a burden, or your agenda crosses his. And as a matter of fact, that can be easily proven by the undisclosed poisoning of the American people through different operations hidden from the public.

―No man is perfect. But some are more perfect, more sincere, more capable and more honest than others. Some care about this nation. And some have the agenda of ruining it while smiling and telling the public what they want to hear.

―This whole subject makes Me sick at Heart! But I want you to know that you can discern who I would choose by examining the fruit in their lives. The fault that is found with the candidate that protects life are faults done openly, while the others do the very same thing behind your back. So, you hearken to the soft-touch diplomatic, middle-ground man who condemns what the other candidate does in the open. While they do the very same things and much, much worse, behind your back.

―A two-year-old can discern good from evil, but My people who are sold out to the system in order to live wealthy lives? They cannot bring themselves to stand against evil, lest they be excluded from the inner circles of those who are in fact evil to the core.

―Children, this is tragic. Uphold righteousness and condemn evil. Those who are not for Me are against Me. Rise up. Stand your ground.

―Pray for the lukewarm ones that want to support the status quo and have not gone deeper in their discernment because of their attachments to success and prosperity. I love you. I am with you. And I bless you now to be a shining beacon of Truth in a perverse and dark generation.‖

Message 811: This is a critical Hour... But Donald Trump will win once again

November 2, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) May the Lord bless you, dear ones. May He give you the strength and the courage to pray and support our nation in this critical hour.

Jesus began... "My people, this is the time to apply yourselves to intense prayer. These situations of civil unrest and rioting that could arise in your country because of the evil ones; these situations can be mitigated, or stopped, by your prayers. Pray also for the safety of your president and his staff.

"Target your prayers. When you hear of trouble or violence in a state, pray over that city and state. It is a good practice to have a map before you and lay hands on the area being affected. This brings you into deeper focus with your prayers for the area.

"Depending on the length and intensity of your prayers, you can make a major difference in what is going on. Your president is going to be voted into office again, but the instances of voter fraud are everywhere and those who do not believe in the right to freedoms of this country will try to denounce this election.

"There will be civil unrest, but I am telling you now, your vigilance and prayers will make all the difference in intensity. They will move to the right to cause trouble, but I will be waiting for them. They will move to the left, but again I will be waiting.


"What they want to go up will come down. And what they want to come down will go up. And all of this, because you prayed. So, believe in prayer, it is the weapon of choice, not guns and clubs and violence. You defeat the purpose of this democracy when you take the law into your own hands; it is prayer that will defeat every attempt to overthrow your government.

"Pray against voter fraud, pray against anarchy and civil unrest and violence, pray for your president's safety, and pray for the eyes of Americans to be opened to the true condition of their government and all the good your president has done.

"PRAYER CHANGES THINGS! Be faithful in prayer. The Divine Mercy Prayer also is very powerful, along with entreating My Mother and the Saints in Heaven. They are at your disposal, and know by the Holy Spirit that you are enlisting their support. They are there to help those still on Earth, you will someday see this in Heaven when you are enlisted to pray.

"Would it be too much to ask of you, My People, to pray without ceasing? (Chaplets, Rosaries and intercession in tongues etc.) I am asking you to do what you can in prayer during these critical hours, and any fast offering you make will increase the power of your prayers. And vigils are very powerful. You will make the difference.

"Pray Psalms 51 and 91 over your nation as well. Much mercy will be dispensed during these hours of dedicated prayer. I am with you and for you, America, you have chosen to come alive, to change and take responsibility. Shall I therefore not come to your aid? Indeed, I hear the cries of My people and I will be faithful to answer them."

Message 812: PRAY! For nothing in your Life will matter, if you lose this Battle

November 4, 2020 - Words from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You, Jesus, for giving us a heads-up on what is going on and how to handle it. My Dear Family, I want to share with you the reading the Lord gave me from Scripture yesterday. I do believe it will help you.

In Second Samuel beginning around chapter 15, there is the story of King David‘s son, Absalom, and he was beginning a rebellion against his father. He deceived the people and turned their hearts to himself and against his father. Then he led a rebellion by popular opinion because he had courted the people to win their hearts behind his father‘s back. And so, David again had to run for his life, but by divine providence, during the battle between David and Absalom‘s troupes, Absalom‘s hair got caught in the low hanging branches of a tree, which his mule ran under and he could not free himself. And there he met his fate as he was killed by David‘s men.

In summary, it looked very bad for David, who was a great warrior, who seemed to have lost the popular vote, he had to abandon the palace and go into hiding, so many were in Absalom‘s army. However, God stepped in and brought an end to him and David‘s kingdom was united and he returned to his palace and built it up. No other nation was able to bring David down. And so, in peace his kingdom went on to his son, Solomon.

Dear family, even when it looks bad, God is the turnaround specialist. And He will have his way with America. But I am asking you to devote this day to prayer and fasting, and in fact continue to pray and fast until this battle is won. I know many of you must work and take care of your children, so I am asking you to deny yourself the foods you love, and get by on lesser foods, until this is resolved. You could give up sodas and desserts, and savory foods, and if this continues to go on as an issue, let down on your fasting on the weekend, and then pick it up again during the week.


But I would like you to consider for a moment before you do go into prayer, what are the consequences if we lost this battle. If we are not vigilant to pray and fast, this nation could be destroyed overnight. Defunding of the military and the police, persecution of Christians, like never before, censorship and lies meant to turn the world against us, and the end of freedom in this nation.

Just imagine what it would be like without police to call as people were trying to break into your house. Imagine what it would be like to see foreign armies, especially the Chinese, rolling into towns and taking people from their homes to be locked into camps. Imagine the serious consequences for your families and children. And after you have thought about all these things guys, go into prayer with conviction and passion, that evildoers and cheats be exposed for what they are and let the legitimate election continue for the American people, to elect their president.

Jesus began... "Your prayers are working, keep praying. This is My word to you, defend your rights, yes, but do it in the context of prayer and fasting, your prayers are working, keep praying.

"Those of you who have slacked off in prayer, repent and get back on your knees until this situation is decided. There is nothing more powerful than prayer, nothing. It is by prayer that I defeated armies far greater than the number of men on My side. Remember Gideon‘s 300 and get to prayer. Make this day count for your nation and the kingdom of God which I long to bring on this earth.

"Nothing in your life will matter if you lose this battle, so put your all into this My People and I will show you a great victory. Do not let Me down, press into prayer. There is nothing in your life right now more important than prayer. I am at your right hand, praying with you and together we will obtain the victory... Amen!"

Message 813: Donald, I defend you and will bring to pass the Victory

November 7, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Take heart my dear heartdwellers. The Lord laughs at those who think they can outsmart him. Upon waking this morning I went to check the time, and there on my phone was a declaration by associated press, that stated Joe Biden was our new President. It sounded official enough, but, in fact, has no legal substance, since this is far from being endorsed by the legal authorities of this nation. The press has no say in this, or as Hannity on Fox News calls them... 'The Media Mob'. By the way, he is an excellent source, revealing only the tip of the iceberg of widespread voter fraud, even showing clips taken at the polls, to substantiate the reports of widespread tampering with the ballots.

Then I pulled a Rhema card, and the reading was... 'Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him. Do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.' (That‘s Psalm 37:7)

(Clare) So I celebrated the Lord‘s Supper for President Trump, and just after that I heard the Lord‘s voice in my heart, speaking to him.

(Jesus to Donald Trump) "My son, these are the things I told you about before you came into office. I told you that you would resemble Me and My passion. And now in this hour it is coming to pass. I have protected you and will continue to protect you, for all of hell has pitted itself against you and this nation. All your life I have been preparing you for this time, for it is your destiny. Now you hang on the cross with Me, as the entire world abandons you, throwing slander, libel, and all manner of outright lies and filth upon you.


"You have defended My role for this nation, for it is one nation under God, and for this you share in the dignity of wearing the crown of scorns I too must wear, even at this hour. But be of good cheer, be strengthened, continue on encouraged, for your God defends you and will bring to pass the victory that I promised you. Do you know that you and I are a majority? Do you know that I cannot be divided, and that I‘m here with you, living in your heart, at your right hand? Yes, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are beside you and in your heart, and if I am for you, who can be against you?

"We are a majority, and nothing can conquer what I have ordained for you. I only ask that you continue to believe, and that your staff and all Christians who accompany you and your passion, may hold up your arms as you raise your staff over this nation. I have appointed you as a priest and prophet, to deliver My people into the Promised Land. I call upon all Christians to unite behind you now and lift up your arms, made holy by My Will, and to contend for this nation and its proper heritage.

"America, you are yet destined for great things. America, your leader will rise again, and this nation will excel in holiness and wisdom, influencing the whole world to return to truth. This is My last effort to bring all men unto Me, before My Father unleashes the wrath that will cleanse your world of evildoers. I am gathering My chicks under My wings through you, as a mother goose gathers her goslings. We will triumph, and this nation will have its day.

"Have courage, My son. Though all forsake you, I will never forsake you. Take this word to your heart, even as My mother treasured My words deep within her heart, and they gave her strength to endure My bloody passion. For she knew what I had promised her, would soon come to pass."

(Clare) So let us stand beside our President, comforting him in his passion, even comforting our Lord as he suffers with him, and let us support him with prayer and fasting, and declaring our faith in God, to bring about his plan for this nation. Amen.

Message 814: Send a Tsunami of Prayers & We'll have a Tsunami Victory

November 9, 2020 - Words from Sister Clare & Jesus

(Clare) Precious heartdwellers, we have the task set before us now. Pray in complete faith for all the ballots, the legal ballots, to be discovered and counted. I personally have never doubted that Donald Trump won this election, and that it‘s just a matter of time before the truth comes out. So, I am asking you to stand with me and pray for the ballots to be counted and justice to correct this media push to make Biden a president, which he is not and will never be. PRAY PRAY PRAY!

And I hope that rumor about a sting operation on the Democratic party by watermarking the true ballot will come to pass. I hope it‘s true. And I suspect it is, Donald Trump is nobody‘s fool. Please also pray for the complete downfall of the socialist propaganda machine in this nation, that is, all the FAKE news stations, including FOX and social media. Pray for a cleansing. Pray for open eyes.

People who have been voting for Biden have no idea what they are leading this country into. They have been fooled by a media blitz and by personality, because they don‘t like Trump, so they vote for Biden, which is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. We need to pray for the man who supports an end to abortion and cutting babies out of their mother‘s womb at nine months. We need to pray for what is right, and not let ourselves be deceived by personality.

That‘s what got this country into trouble with Barack Obama, who is indeed the Antichrist, but he is being prevented from coming into power by our prayers and vigilance. Pray that we can keep the

257 good and truthful in office and clear out all the agents of nasty, swamp governments, full of snakes and crocodiles and venomous creatures. Lord, have you a word for us?

Jesus replied immediately... "Beloved Believers, pray, pray, pray. I move on your prayers. Send in a Tsunami of prayers to Heaven and we will have a tsunami victory. Be strengthened now in your hearing ears by My Grace to push through until the victory is won!" Amen.

Message 815: I need a Place where I can rest My weary Head and find Solace

November 10, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began... ―Beloved family of My Heart, it is no accident that this place is called ‗Sacred Heart Refuge‘, in the midst of the ‗Sangre de Cristo (Blood of Christ) mountains‘ of New Mexico.

"Truly it is a refuge for My heart, because I have sanctified souls here who are willing to comfort My weary heart. This is a place where I look for comfort. For that reason, I am working closely with you to rid yourself of complaining and judging. Do you understand? I need a place where I can rest My weary head and find solace, comfort and not a single disturbing word.

"But if you are contending with one another, backbiting, judging and snapping, I must turn away and find someone else to comfort Me. Please do not treat each other this way, that comes from the world. You no longer belong to the world. You hurt Me terribly when you find fault with one another. It is an acrid smell, like garbage burning at the dump, and I can find no rest in such a place.

"I am asking you to please make a safe space in your hearts for Me, a place of peace and brotherly love. I understand your human natures and that you are frail and impatient. I understand very well, and I do not condemn you for your fault, as long as you keep a careful watch over yourself and refuse to take those thoughts into your minds and hearts. In fact, I rejoice when I see you deflect those fiery darts intended to start a trash fire in your hearts.

"I did not call you here because you were perfect. I called you here because you love Me and want to love Me more, in short, you want to live the life of one who is united with Me. So please take this to heart, you are not expected to be perfect. My love will purify your hearts and make you perfect.

"It is good for you all to know that demons of miscommunication, under a major demon of division, will do a great deal to provoke you if you are not very, very careful. What is said from one person‘s mouth to another‘s, is often twisted as it enters your hearing ears. And this is done over and over again, to confuse, stimulate frustration, and find fault with one another.‖

(Clare) Oh Lord, I can‘t believe you just said that, because it just happened between one of the souls and I.

(Jesus) ―Clare, I want you to be meek and humble, even when others contradict you and won‘t listen. I will speak to their hearts. There are some souls who have layers of fences, layers of defenses to protect their self-esteem. Being right is important for insecure souls. As I love and instruct these in the refining process, these defenses will come down. No one here has a right to be right, all of you though, must be right with each other and right with Me. Where brotherly love fails, the enemy has shot a dart into someone‘s mind.

"My specially chosen souls, if you could see the unseen realm, as Rick Joyner did, you would realize you are living on a battlefield. So many things that are deliberately done to you and against you come

258 from this unseen realm. It would be good if you recognized that any hint of strife or contention comes from this realm.

"It is hard for Me to rest in a heart that is angry and contentious, but I love each one of you so much that I work with you to bring you into peace within yourself and with one another. Be on guard and never underestimate the power of evil to discourage and divide. And that is why you must never underestimate your own weaknesses and the tendency towards pride and self-defense."

(Clare) Yes Lord, I can feel both those things most acutely right now. Even to the point of wanting to find a hole to crawl into.

(Jesus) ―Don‘t allow this to take you down, Beloved, know that you are greatly hated by the enemy, and this was an assault. Let it go, forgive and go on. Some recognize you as big and strong, they do not see the vulnerable little girl inside. Take comfort in Me and forgive. Care for one another, dear ones, care for one another, and do not nourish a grudge, rather forgive and pray for one another, and be encouraged.‖

Message 816: I long to see My Body united & Supplies for 6 Months

November 16, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus says... "I long, with all My Heart, to see My Body restored. To see the arms and legs, the hands and feet, the heart and lungs, all the parts of My Body brought back and restored, functioning as One. I long for this with all My Heart, and I am hoping that what has been shaken up in the world will cause everyone to reconsider the lies against My Scriptures and how men have prevented My children from the fullness of the faith.

"You shepherds that have hindered My People from discovering the truth, I am addressing you. You have been lied to. You have been taught error. You are teaching error and turning out lukewarm souls. My heart for you, the cry of My heart for you who are sincere, is to go deeper.

"And for you who are not sincere, I am coming soon and I will set My House in order, just like a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and there will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth on that day for what you have done to My Church. I say to you... Repent. For now is the time of grace and the illumination of all consciences, as I uncover the corruption in My Church. My mercy has triumphed over judgment, but only for a very short while.

"Therefore, repent, you who have led My sheep astray and have endorsed sin and every kind of abomination. My mercy calls to you, for your time is short.

"For those of you who are unsure of the doctrines men have taught you, I have sent My Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth. But you must divorce yourself from the world and its ways before you will be able to recognize the voice of My Spirit.

"If you are sincere and willing to be made willing to discover the truth, My Spirit will prevail in your life and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. I have never stopped loving you, even when you have pushed My hand away, time and time again. I still love you and long for your return, before it is too late."

(Jackie) Just a short note from my side, for those of you who are new in our channel. For the most part, we translate and publish in our channel only that part of Sister Clare's Message, where Jesus speaks. If you are interested in Sister Clare's complete Teachings, you find them in english on her Website (Website-Link below each Video on Youtube)


Put up Six Months of Food and other Supplies

November 17, 2020 - Excerpt of Sister Clare's Instruction

(Clare) Beloved Heartdwellers, the Lord has asked us to suggest to you to put up six months of food and necessities. I believe He is requesting this because it may be a rocky turnover when the truth comes out and the electoral college announces a second term for President Trump. So, please don‘t get carried away with the holidays or Covid, be sure to keep up your intercession.

Please do not starve yourself to death by fasting, choose a reasonable fast, such as abstaining from foods that aren‘t good for you anyway, such as sweets and sodas. Fast as you can and do not deprive yourselves of sleep. Be sure to get plenty of sleep and food. If you deprive yourself too far, so that you are getting sick or weak, that is a sign that you need to back off and lead a little bit more of a normal life.

So, I am asking you all to provide for yourselves and others as best you can now. These are just some precautions the Lord is recommending for us. As in all things, we have to trust Him and leaving all else in the Lord‘s hands. If you are living in His will and believe in His promises, He can extend your food supply when you seem to be running out, after all, the Scriptures talk about the multiplication of loaves.

Most of all, be praying, praying that justice will be done with this vote, that it will be honest and that people will come to know how corrupt the media has been and that they have been feeding them lies for so many years, since Donald became President.

They loved him before he became President, after that they can‘t say anything good about him. And nine tenths of it is slander, utter lies and untrue.

(Jackie) For that reason we've put together a playlist on youtube with breaking news from alternative sources. Just click HERE...

Message 817: Brother Leo's Testimony... The Call of The Beloved & Persecution by My Church

November 21, 2020

(Clare) Dear Heartdweller Family, I want to share a testimonial from our youngest member, who was supposed to start college last fall, but instead, came here to learn about God. He was 19 at the time, and has made amazing progress. He has since then left the world behind interiorly, and is taking on a new habit and a new name as Brother Leo. Here he shares his testimony.

(Brother Leo) May the Grace of Jesus Christ be with all who hear this story.

This tale you will hear consists of my life up until my vocation. Bear in mind before reading this that I am no Saint, although I desire to be one with all my heart. Yet I write this for the Glory of God, and with the hope of edifying my dear Christian brothers and sisters. I mean this with all humility when I say I am the most wretched of all souls, but God, in His Mercy, seems to write best with broken pencils.

My call from Jesus began in the late summer of 2019. I had just graduated from high school, and it was soon the start of my college lifestyle, or so I thought. I was trying to follow Jesus as closely as I could and walk the journey of ―earning a living‖ for myself, and winning the approval of my family and


Church friends. Although I was excited, my heart still wasn‘t satisfied, as I thought of all the new burdens that came with that lifestyle: books, endless homework and starting all over with making new friends, as well as the guilt of not being able to live up to others‘ expectations.

Soon, a week before school, Jesus led me to the testimony of a dear sister who left all her possessions, family and friends, to pursue a life of intimate union with God. She even quoted a Scripture where Jesus says, in the Gospel of Luke... 'unless a man renounces all his possessions, he cannot be My disciple'. This convicted me so badly, and I wanted to know more. As I listened to the rest of her testimony, I was excited, and also brought to shame. I began praying earnestly, asking God to let me renounce my life in order to be His disciple, not knowing that He would truly answer my prayer.

I constantly listened to her testimony, and each time, more desire increased in me to live this life. It was finally the afternoon of my first day of school, when Jesus answered my prayer.

I had just finished all of my classes, and was walking around the campus. A thought came to my mind to check my email. I saw a letter from Mother Clare, founder of Heartdwellers. I had asked her a few months ago, before school, if I could come to the mountain where she was forming a prayer community. But I hadn‘t heard from her until now. As I read it, she revealed to me that it was God‘s will that I should come to the mountain and be a part of this wonderful prayer community.

I couldn‘t believe it. Her email was truly an answer to my prayer. I called her immediately to talk more about this. Excitement overwhelmed me. However, I didn‘t know what to do. I cried as fear of rejection from my family and friends overwhelmed me. However, she comforted me with the fact that this was my decision. She said I could either fatten the pockets of some huge executive, or I could come work for Jesus and help gather souls into the Kingdom of Heaven. I then wiped away my tears and immediately told her... 'I choose Jesus'. Before I knew it, that same day, I saw myself walking into a Greyhound bus station, to purchase tickets to Albuquerque, New Mexico.

I spent most of my journey wondering if this was the right decision. Fear and sadness pummeled me all the way as I thought to myself, ―what in the world am I doing?‖ After three long and tortuous days, I finally arrived in New Mexico. It was then that I finally got to meet Mother Clare, face to face, and drowned her shoulder with my tears.

As I spent my time here, it was then that I started to see all my sins rise to the surface. For some reason, I suffered from extreme, and I mean extreme laziness, both physical and spiritual. I just couldn‘t overcome all my faults and mistakes. Within a few months I was tempted to return home. I realized I had not truly forsaken the world and my sins. And so, I struggled interiorly for long periods of time. Mother Clare was kind enough to let me return home, I had to see for myself that the world was no good. This was indeed proven to be correct when I returned home, as I received cruel persecution from my church.

For example, I was condemned harshly for believing Mary could intercede for you with Jesus. I didn‘t realize it, but Jesus allowed me to receive a splinter from His Cross. I struggled interiorly with who I was and what God called me to do. Leaving college to live a life of poverty was not something the Pastor agreed with, in fact, he thought that college was God‘s will for me. One Sunday while at church, they stood me up in front of the altar and started asking me questions like, "Who is Mother Clare?", "What did you learn?", and they accused me of being deceived and demonically possessed. I was trying to tell the pastor‘s wife about the importance of the virtues of humility, charity, holy obedience. 'No, that‘s what they tried to teach you' she said, and tried to get me to renounce everything I had learned on the mountain.

I needed strength and encouragement, and so I sought out Mother Elisha, who is the religious sister and whose testimony I had been listening to over and over. She told me to leave the church, and that Jesus wanted me to sit at his feet and learn intimacy with him. For a few weeks I did this and stopped going to church. But, one Saturday, I decided to attend a meeting at church after persistent pleadings from one church elder. When I got there, the Pastor was really angry and we were in the back part of the church, when he grabbed me by the neck, threw me against the wall and slapped me. He told me... 'Stop playing with God‘s anointing', and two elders took me into the Church‘s kitchen and told

261 me to renounce all I had learned in New Mexico. I was made to stand in front of the church and repent in front of everyone. They accused me of having demons.

After I suffered enough, I decided to leave my former church, leaving behind the world for good and do what Jesus wanted me to do. I longed to return to the refuge, yet Mother Clare would not permit this until she was sure that I had my fill of the world and no longer wanted to stay in the world. I struggled to find a job, but did find one at Wal-Mart. I felt so lost, depressed, and couldn‘t go anywhere since I didn‘t have a car. I used some of my income to help a friend in need and his family, but it seems the he used the money for his own purpose and this caused me anguish. I felt like I was drawn further away from the Lord, as there were temptations of lust, flirtations with a girl, smoking, fitting in with others.

I kept texting Mother Clare to ask if I could come back. It wasn‘t until about five months had passed that I was finally invited to return to the mountain refuge. By then I was fully convinced that this was God‘s will and that I am to be His little 'fool' on earth. Jesus then made it clear that I was to renounce the world fully and take up my vow of poverty. When I got home from work that day, I bought a plane ticket to leave a few days later. So, I packed all of my clothes and didn‘t tell anyone at Church of my plans. I told my grandmother that I was leaving. She was sad but realized I was old enough to make my own decisions. The day of my flight, I got up at 4 am, headed to the airport and left Louisiana. I had a layover in Dallas and then made it to Albuquerque, where I met up with John, who drove me to the refuge.

When I made it back to the refuge, I was clothed in a habit and God expressed His delight by allowing me to receive a wound on my forehead in the form of a Cross. I then experienced an unexplainable peace and happiness as I felt truly accepted by the Almighty God.

A few months later, my former pastor died of cancer, which grieved me greatly, yet I know Jesus took him home to be with Him in Heaven. I always thought about how he perceived my vocation in Heaven. I knew he was being taught the truth by God and was probably happy, yet I always had this fear of him. It wasn‘t until a few months after his death that I saw him in a dream. I saw myself standing in my former church and he was in front of me with two men standing behind me.

He then asked if I desired to live my whole life for God. I replied... 'Yes, with God‘s grace.' The two men who were behind me then clothed me in a habit, and as I looked at my former pastor, he then took a cord and wrapped it around my waist, saying... 'Treasures are storing up for you.' I did not know what he meant but as he said this, he also began talking about miracles and that I must get out there and save souls for Jesus! I was the only one in the building clothed in a habit. As people came with their questions and concerns to the pastor‘s wife, I woke up from the dream.

I didn‘t understand the dream at first, but as I talked it over with my superiors, I knew I had received a visitation from him in Spirit, and he approved of God‘s call on my life. I felt at peace and was very happy, and Jesus confirmed that this is where he wants me.

That‘s all for now as this story is still being written to this present moment. However, I hope this edifies you, my dear brothers and sisters, and may you truly believe the Lord God Almighty will make your enemies be at peace with you, if you do His Will! AMEN!

(Clare) What a wonderful testimony! As I pray it inspires and encourages many of the young Heartdwellers to go against the status quo and follow Jesus with all their heart. He has great things in store for you. Your age matters not, but your willingness. If He can use a 74-year-old women to build a community and worldwide ministry, He can also use you. If he can use a 19-year-old with no experience, fresh out of college, then He can use you too, if you would respond to His call and leave everything to follow Him!

Brother Leo has grown into a wonderful young man, full of such gentleness, humility and diligence. He really struggled with laziness when he got here, as he was not used to hard labor. However, he is now one of the first to come help when someone is in need. He is also very diligent to lead the newest members in the community every day in the Lord's Supper. When he first arrived, they began to call him the saint on the mountain. However, we have come to learn the Lord desires for us not to look to be praised by man, but rather receive all insults with humility and joy. May God bless you all.


Message 818: Your President won this Election, now it's just a Matter of proving it

November 25, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Dear Family, don‘t be discouraged about what you hear on social media and the mainstream mob news, they are just doing their usual of lying through their teeth. The proper title for Mr. Biden is Vice President Biden. He is in no way elected, because the election was a complete fraud and that will soon be exposed. Remember, the ballots were watermarked and they can be read from satellite, so they can be found in dumpsters and people‘s basements and storage.

What President Trump did was a sting operation to expose all the criminals in our government, so they can be put in jail and some of them even executed for sedition. So be patient, I believe all this will be cleared within two weeks. When I came to listen to the Lord, I asked Him, what is this all about that Ezekiel was steeped in Revelation for the entire night, and all these Rhema readings about the Rapture and different parts of Revelation?

(Jesus) "Haven‘t I told you, My coming to get you would be a surprise?"

(Clare) Indeed, you have Lord.

(Jesus) "These times are tumultuous, dangerous, but not insurmountable, if the Body will cleave together and to Me, then this restoration of power will come to pass. Not without struggle, but it will come to pass. What you are dealing with now are massive demonic assaults, both on a personal level and national level. There are more than enough believers to overthrow this attempt, but the media is very strong.

"You remember five years ago when I told you and all heartdwellers to stay off the main stream media. Why? Because they were setting you all up to cave in to overwhelming odds. But there are men and women in this country that are powerful believers and have kept the oil in their lamps burning, and they know right from wrong. They ask for courage daily to keep on fighting, and I am not slow in giving it to them.

"Ever since President Trump won, they have been working on ways to undermine him. And many have risen up to stand with him, many new media outlets, empowered by Me, are standing for truth, accumulating more and more influence as those who have been asleep are waking up to the perilous condition of their nation, and the lying media. These are the times My Mother spoke of when she said that communism would spread its errors all over the world.

"These are the times of the iron and clay feet, that will eventually be shattered and fall."

(Clare) Lord, do you want our people to seek updates from legitimate sources of news?

(Jesus) "It is good to know right from wrong. It is good to be able to distinguish the evil ones and their tactics. If the people know nothing, they are more likely to collapse in the face of such overwhelming odds.

"My people, you must understand what you are dealing with and pass these things on to other believers who want to stand for what is right, but are confused. Do not allow people to be confused about what they are up against. These limited, but true resources will help establish the grounding. You already know that those who would kill an innocent child in the womb are on the wrong side.


Christians who support this will be held accountable for the slaughter of the innocents, because they knew better but did not uphold what was right.

"Things are not always as they seem. I did not come to earth as a great warrior on a proud steed. I came meekly, humbly and in poverty, but filled with the wisdom and anointing to set the captives free from sin. I was not recognized for who I was because of social opinion.

While your President is a mere man, one well acquainted with sin and loose living, he is still My choice, because he has the heart of a great warrior and leader. Those who are looking for the Hollywood manners are quickly derailed by his gruffness. However, your country and this world is in such a state that only one with this countenance can handle bringing it down, so it can be raised up again.

"I am telling you now, you have many surprises ahead of you, not the least of which is the Rapture. I told you I would come at an hour you least expect it, and what does your heart tell you?"

(Clare) Lord, the signs are so prolific, the signs of prophecies for the appointed time are everywhere we turn, and the Antichrist, Obama, is here, so it seems that the Rapture cannot be that far off. When Trump wins, I would be very surprised if the Rapture happened.

(Jesus) "And you are correct in saying that, yet this is not My call, but the Father‘s, and He can delay or loosen it anytime He chooses. And while you are waiting, tired and longing for My coming, He is still looking to the souls He wants to save, to the prophets being born into your midst, who will make their mark on this world. Yet the world ripens. Nonetheless He can delay that harvest if He so chooses. You have prayed for more time, more grace and more mercy, and so have many others. But the day is coming when He will say... Enough!

"I cannot tell you when it will be, Beloved, but I counsel all of you to keep your eyes wide open and be aware of what is going on in your world. When the word is given, I will come swiftly, so keep oil in your lamps and do not grow weary in well doing. Ask Me for the courage, strength and grace to carry on full steam ahead until the very last moment.

"And do your best to educate those who have been asleep. Give them links to reliable sites, so that they can get an overview of what has been forming their minds for so many years. Have them listen to the Presidential announcements and his legal team, so they can get it first-hand. Remind them that I have consistently told you all to stay away from main stream media and seek answers from Me, for I will never cease to give them. When you feel peace, you will know that you are understanding, and My wisdom and My thoughts will be in your heart and mind, as yours have been, Clare."

(Clare) Thank You for saying that Lord, I do sometimes wonder.

(Jesus) "You are in a good place of understanding, Beloved. Now I wish for all to be educated to what the truth of this situation is."

(Clare) Lord, I found James Fetzer‘s site. Is he correct in what he is saying? This was a really interesting site that I ran into. It is very, very well organized, and he's talking about a worse plague being released, once they start being arrested and people are brought to justice, that there will be retribution from the deep state. It sounded so fatalistic that it troubled my heart. So, I asked the Lord if he was correct in what he was saying.

(Jesus) "Not quite, he is not taking My intervention into consideration. I am far more invasive in controlling events than most understand. It takes a prayer warrior mentality to understand what I can do, even with those who mistakenly believe they have absolute power. They play out their scenarios without the understanding of how I will turn evil to good and prevent those things they so counted on to ruin people.

"Yes, there will be another plague, but it will not be beyond the reach of prayer to bring it to an end. There is nothing impossible for Me, Clare, nothing. You can pray your way out of the worst situation, if it is within My will to bring the plans of the evil ones to nothing. What I am looking for, My Tender Bride, is repentance. I am still waiting for My people to realize how they have abused their wealth and

264 forgotten the poor in their midst. Do try harder, My Love, to find those who need your help. Please do."

(Clare) I admit Lord, I have not worked hard enough at that, but I am now, please bring these people to me so I can understand who they are and what they really need. Please help me, because I long to help more souls, but I need your help with my memory.

(Jesus) "We are making headway, but always leave your hands open to comfort more who are under such heavy burdens. Do all you can, My love, to lighten them."

(Clare) People come to us all the time, not enough money for an electric bill, not enough money for rent, and they need groceries, medical bills and it's just amazing how the Lord supplies, and thanks to your generosity, dear ones, we are able to help everyone who comes to us.

(Jesus) "When you hear these prognostications of gloom and doom, remember these are presented to you as if no prayer had been applied. So, they are the worst case scenarios. But prayer is what changes things, it moves mountains into the sea, and shelters the most vulnerable. How wonderful the times have been for the poor who recognize their abject poverty and reliance on Me."

(Clare) And when He said that, I saw two little dark-skinned children, maybe around eight or nine years old, sitting in a culvert with the water coming by, and an orange came floating by them, and they both rejoiced, grabbed it and ate it.

(Jesus) "It is My joy to feed the poor who have no other recourse. It is My joy for them to discover that it was Me in that culvert, sending them a gift of food to brighten their day and strengthen them. People such as these live like the angels. They awake in the morning, not knowing where their next meal comes from, until a coconut is found nearby, or a fishing line with bait is discovered, snagged in the bushes. They live literally from hand to mouth.

"Oh how I love to bless these little ones. This is why these poor are blessed even beyond the rich, who seem to have everything; they receive all that is good from My hand directly. When you give to the poor you most resemble My Father‘s heart. I rejoice in the generosity of My Bride.

"Now, I wish to repeat what I have told you before. Your President won this election, now it is just a matter of proving it and exposing the crooked. Stand behind him, pray for him, pray for the judicial process, and spread the good news to those who are just beginning to wake up. Things will get more turbulent, but I am counting on your prayers to bring about a peaceful ending.

"Those who are evil and have set their hearts against Me, will attempt to cause more and more trouble. It is a truth that they are planning a more deadly strain of virus to retaliate on your nation‘s independence. It is true, but it is not set in concrete. They are planning to do much more damage to your country, but I am telling you that you can stop them without leaving your prayer closet.

"Pray against the wicked schemes, pray Psalm 91 over your family and nation. Pray every day with conviction that I will answer your prayers. Do good to others, show mercy, donate to good causes, help those around you in need, for all of these are gestures of love for Me. These acts of kindness make your prayers ten times more powerful, while at the same time opening up protection for you and your family, provided by Me and My angels.

"Take the time every day to repent of ways you may have offended me. Even reciting Psalm 51 with a sincere heart is a powerful way to bring about a cleansing. Give generously, pray courageously, knowing that I am more powerful than the most deadly virus. Do what is right, My people, and I will look after you and your loved ones."

(Jackie) I would like to thank you all from my heart for your support of our ministry. Also our poor brothers and sisters in various countries are very grateful and they know, that it is our Beloved Jesus, that sends them these gifts.

And one more thing, we have put together a playlist with news from conservative sources, you can find the Link right here on the right side at the end of this video or below the video or on our website

265 - We have also found a very good documentary about the fall of the cabal and the c-virus. All Links are below this video in the description and on our website.

Message 819: This is not a Rapture Drill... This is the real Thing, be prepared!

November 29, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) My Dear Heartdwellers, this is a Rapture alert! My Mother has been trying to get my attention every time I turn around, for at least three days to a week, and five to seven times in the last day and a half. It has been a sign from her since her death that the numbers 711 appear. Either on a clock or on something I'm recording. That is her birth date. And last night Ezekiel got it too and we looked at each other and he said... 'Mom, what is this all about?' And I felt in my spirit, it was about the Rapture.

Then Ezekiel heard her say... 'He‘s coming. The Lord is coming, get yourself prepared.' And later that morning she spoke again to Ezekiel... 'I‘m only doing for you what you did for me. I‘m helping you get ready.' Because Ezekiel did a great deal to help my Mother cross over into the Lord's arms when she was dying. She also said... 'You did the same for me before I went, you prepared me to go, I‘m returning the favor.' And that‘s true, you can read that account in the introduction to Chronicles of the Bride. Wow, no words for that.

So I started praying, for more time, more grace, more mercy. And the Lord interrupted me...

(Jesus) ―Is that what you really want?‖

(Clare) And I thought… 'Oh no it's really not, I'm exhausted.' And I answered Him and said… 'Oh Lord, you know in my heart, I have failed in so many areas. I have wasted my life on me, I‘m still selfish, and worse yet, I haven‘t gotten any more music done. My heart is crushed with my inequities, laziness and lack of faith.'

(Jesus) "You‘re forgiven. No more time for sorrow, I have washed your slate clean, please try to keep it that way for just a little longer. By the way, have I told you how proud I am of you for setting aside music to tend to the real needs of others? No, I guess I have not, or you wouldn‘t be grieving and crying right now."

(Clare) And that was true, I was crying this whole time.

(Jesus) "Clare, you have no idea the forces that have aligned themselves against you to force you to quit. May I say, it is quite an accomplishment that you have not quit."

(Clare) I owe it all to Your grace and Your mother‘s intercession.

(Jesus) "Nonetheless, I see you sitting tall in the saddle, not hunched over like a tired old woman, half dead. Stop seeing yourself that way. You are young and spry in My eyes. I would give anything to see a smile on that face right now. I know how you feel, I know it well, I live inside of you, My Love. I weep when you weep, but I weep because you don‘t know just how remarkably faithful you have been."

(Clare) Lord, I‘ve never been more than a B student my entire life.

(Jesus) "You didn‘t start out with all A‘s. You took quite a wallop in your younger years and Satan has had his eye on you all the while. What could have been is irrelevant now. What is in fact real is what counts. And you‘ve done well with the short hand you‘ve been dealt. Your problem is that your desire nature always sees what could be, but you haven‘t all the tools to make it happen. But you are getting

266 them as you grow wiser with age, and therefore you are doing all you can. I tell you where you fall down and need to repent, and repent you do. See, I have much to be proud of with you.

"Now, I want you to tell the Heartdwellers the very same thing. My Beloved ones, there are those among you who have truly given their all in as much as My grace accompanied you. There are others who wanted to, but never quite could. But I say to you, the time of forgiveness is upon you. I see your weaknesses and how you have caved under the pressure of your flesh and the demons behind it. Many, many, many of you have suffered incredible setbacks, but you‘ve rallied, always believing in Me and what I have promised you. That alone is worth all the joys of Heaven to Me.

"But even if you fall into the category of those who caved into their flesh in moments of extreme weakness, you do not see the tremendous pressures you have been under from the enemy. So, I want you to stop, right now, stop condemning yourselves.

"Repentance is appropriate for those lapses, so stir your hearts, recall your unconfessed sins, the times you didn‘t do the right thing, the times you caved under the demands of the flesh and the enemy. Get it out of your system. Come to Me and tell Me, ask forgiveness, and it shall be yours. But when you come, bring the whole truth and leave out nothing that comes to mind. Let Me wash you clean as snow with My very own Blood and put these things out of your minds.

"When you have done that, make a firm purpose of amendment to stop repeating those sins and keep yourselves very, very clean. For I come. Do everything in your reach to love and serve others. Keep the oil burning in your lamps, the oil of love for Me and for your brother and sister. Take every opportunity to deny yourself for the sake of others, because you are entering the home stretch. Any minute now, I will come for you. Be prepared, be prepared, be prepared, PLEASE be prepared. Do not allow any occasion of charity and self-sacrifice to pass you by. Use every opportunity, every moment to give of yourself. Consider Me in all of your actions and forget about yourself.

"Now I want you to know that I recognize the great weariness you are laboring under. Yes, I do and I understand, but I am still here for you with My strength to help you in moments of weakness, so take a firm hold of my hand and don‘t let go. Don‘t let go, not even for a second, hold firm to My hand and My ways. If you should fail in a moment of weakness, confess it immediately and I will forgive you and renew you with new resolve. You haven‘t to wait much longer, dear ones, the time approaches. It is coming quickly.

"But more than anything, I want you all to know that I have seen your struggles and have thanked My Father in Heaven profusely for you and the way you have struggled, even when you were surrounded by darkness, confusion, betrayal and sorrow. I have thanked Him for all the times you have done what was right, even when you wanted to run the other way and do what was wrong. You persevered, and in Heaven, that is one of the greatest virtues of all.

"This is not a Rapture drill, this time it is the real thing, so do what you can in this moment, do what you can while you are still here. I will be with you in everything, and in the end, you will be quite shocked at all you did accomplish with My grace. From Heaven you will see clearly the lineup of opposition you faced at critical times in your lives. You will see the fruit you bore and the consequences of all your plowing, sowing and watering.

"I have withheld this from you so far, so that you would continue to work hard for Me, but in Heaven, you will see it all."

(Clare) Jesus, will we also see the bad we did?

(Jesus) "You have seen the bad, you have repented, those things have been wiped away. The things you did not recognize were wrong, that you did not repent of, yes, you will see those things under the covering of copious mercy and forgiveness. Again, you will be washed clean. But what I want to stress to you now, is that you have done well and will have much to rejoice over when you see the levels you have risen to with what you‘ve been given in this lifetime.

"What I want to get across to all of you, is that you have done much better than you feel you have done, and there will be a great day of rejoicing and reward. There will be no purgatory for those who

267 are raptured, this will be a jubilee day of great forgiveness. In Heaven, you will be equipped with all the graces you have ever longed for, and you will not have any opposition from the enemy. Then, in that moment, when you realize there is no longer crushing opposition, the kind you have grown accustomed to walking in, day after day after day, in that moment you will have gotten a glimpse into what you overcame on this earth, and that will bring you boundless joy.

"Come now, My Brides, I am in the waiting room, ready to take you to Myself. Put away your tears after truly examining your conscience, put away your regrets, your sorrows and prepare your hearts for joy so abundant that your very heart will have to expand to hold it all in. Rejoice! Your time of liberation is at hand!"

Message 820: We are on the Brink... Keep watch, pray and be ready!

November 30, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began... "I must warn you that it is urgent. As I told you, this time is not a drill. Truly we are on the brink. I do not want to shoot your hope down that you will not be able to work more on music, but these days, the condition of the world, is far more serious than it was five years ago. This is the brink and it could go either way. Please pray, please keep up your prayers. Please do not slack off. Please put your heart and passion into your prayers. There is yet a chance, but the door is closing. Therefore, keep watch, pray, offer sacrifices and be ready on a daily basis. Remember, I told you, I am with you, grab a firm hold of My hand and don't stray from your awareness of Me from moment to moment. And do not forget your duties Beloved ones, continue on so that I may find you working when I come for you."

(Clare) That was the end of His message. Well, I want to add something here and that is that I have read and re-read this message several times, along with another senior member of the community, and I have to say that in the past, when the Lord gave me a Rapture warning, there was a deep, inner sense that He was going to answer prayers for more time, more grace and more mercy. I did not get this impression this time. In fact, I felt like I was literally hanging in midair at the end of this message, and no solid sense that there would be a postponing this time.

Message 822: If you want to follow Me, you must deny yourself and take up your Cross

December 11, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord be with us all, may His Holy Spirit speak clearly to our heart, may His comfort surround us... Amen. Precious family, of late I have wanted more prophetic insight into events, and I‘ve been asking the Lord, but He has been much more interested in forming our hearts and our consciences. So, I asked Him for more insight into events, and He replied...

(Jesus) ―You know, a prophet does much more than foretell events. If you read Isaiah and Jeremiah with great seriousness, you will see the office entails exhortation, correction, guidance, and encouragement. These are the primary things My people need, Clare. You have done well to focus a

268 great deal on virtue, for My people have poorly formed consciences and virtue and a properly formed conscience is much needed.

―A prophet also must love the people. Many claim to be prophets but only chastise and leave others stripped of hope. There were times when this harshness was necessary, and I am not saying it isn‘t necessary now, but it should be tempered and measured, so that the soul is encouraged to seek Me, believing in My Mercy, and never feels completely rejected and desolate.

"There are those who grew up in a household where the parents were brutal, critical, not understanding their children, not guiding, but beating them, both verbally and physically. Ministers who grew up in that environment should not be ministering until they have had a full and complete experience of My healing love. And if they do not, they will seriously damage those who could have followed Me, but turned away in bitterness to another spirituality, one concocted by the enemy, but warm and welcoming on the outside.

"My chosen ones do not understand that their excessive dealings with the world and worldly values make them an enemy to Me. This is one reason why the message of holy poverty is so offensive. In the world, people want to be conformed to a standard that makes them acceptable, so they can survive in society, and even be looked up to. To do this they are willing to make many compromises and become deeply involved in pleasing men to gain status and approval.

"But sooner or later they will reach a turning point, where they must make a big compromise or lose their status. When they set out on a path, it is innocent enough, providing for wife and children and basic necessities. But once they go into agreement with the system, they begin to conform to it in subtle ways. Let‘s say over lunch, mentioning My Name, Jesus, is considered a social faux pas. And talking about faith, even skirting the mention of My Name, is considered unfavorable for promotion.

"Those who are committed to this route, soon find that they are caught in a web of social conduct that excludes Me. As they climb the ladder to success, they become more and more cautious about alienating anyone over the faith. As they are accepted in higher and higher offices, it is a given that they will not be offensive by discussing religion or what I have done for them. Soon they are sold out to the system, because success demands certain social graces that exclude Me. Rare is the soul who will carry on without becoming ashamed of Me.

"By the time that happens, they are settled in a certain way of life for their families, and to be vocal about their faith endangers their position and possibility of promotion. Prophets also speak up about this and work to cut the web of agreement they are caught in, so that I remain first in their lives.

"Beloved, by example, I made a very clear statement about how attached I was willing to be to the world. I did not have a proper room or even crib, My parents were of no repute socially, and being born in Nazareth was a social stigma.

"I earned My bread as a common laborer and did not sit at the feet of a respected teacher. I came out of nowhere and was executed by a Roman between two thieves. Nothing in My life that would catch the religious leaders‘ attention, pointed to Me being the Messiah, in fact, quite the contrary.

"You will be grossly misunderstood and criticized for not wanting respectability, security and popularity. And for those who are committed to the prosperity gospel, you will be a laughingstock, mentally off, and called deceived. But if they would just take My words and the style of life I chose to be born into consideration, they would understand your reasoning.

"It is not that I don‘t want people to have what is necessary for life and work, it is rather that I don‘t want them owned by the workplace and given over to a style of life that chokes out the abundant life in the Spirit. Righteousness, peace, and joy are what rightfully belong to those unencumbered by the world, those who are truly free to follow Me wherever I go and gather souls into My kingdom. Pursuing the things of the world leaves no time to follow Me and eventually brings the soul into a conflict where it must compromise or withdraw from the world altogether.

"So now, you find yourself under the scrutiny of a family whose adult daughter chose to live for Me in this community and goes out to serve the poor, who no one wants to serve. Love them, but do not

269 give in to their arguments, rather explain that she has chosen to walk in My footsteps. You can‘t do any more than that, if it is not received, continue to pray, so that their eyes be opened to Who I really Am and the example I really set for those who would serve Me."

(Clare) And at that moment I was quickened to look up this Scripture from Matthew 16 verse 24... Then said Jesus unto his disciples... "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me."

(Jesus) ―Dearly beloved family, you cannot out-give Me, even as it is written, those who choose to follow Me closely, must at every turn deny themselves, pick up their cross and follow Me. Your attachments will find you out, there will come a day when you must choose between Me and the world.

"Pray for the courage to choose Me and you will never regret it. I bless you all now with courage, conviction, and faith to finish this journey you have begun with Me. I am always at your right-hand side, advising, encouraging, and giving you the graces to finish the race triumphantly. Lean on the One Who loves you. Pay no heed to the voice of the world, which calls you deceived. Rather, cleave to Me ever more strongly, and together we will prepare the world for My Coming."

Message 823: Enemy Troops poised to attack America from Canada

December 12, 2020 - Info from Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord bless and strengthen you, dear family. We are in a huge crisis right now. We need prayers and sacrifices to stop what is planned from happening. The Red Chinese may have shot down one of our F-16's, killing the pilot in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, or it could have been those who oppose our president, setting off a false flag. But it's been confirmed that the F-16 has been shot down, killing the pilot. Not only that, but in Maine, the Chinese had an underground military installation several layers beneath the earth. From satellite you could see many roads led from that desolate place in the middle of nowhere.

President Trump ordered it to be destroyed, so they sent in a bunker buster missile and completely destroyed it. Apparently, there were 50,000 Red Chinese soldiers in that bunker, just waiting for the word to attack us. This has been confirmed, but we‘re getting information that the Red Chinese bought the Port of Vancouver and have moved in to protect their investment. There are also reports that they have been marching in full military gear in the cities as well as miles of Chinese war machines on the railways of our Canadian border. I have seen the pictures and our sources confirm this is the real deal.

Oregon and Washington have made plans to secede from the union, together with their new constitution, but actually when they secede, they are trying to get the Chinese to come and defend them against the rest of the nation. Henry Gruver, a prophet of God, said there would be an attempt to invade our country on the Northwest Pacific coast, but every attempt would fail, and finally a volcano would go off when they hit the beach, and lava would start coming down onto the beaches to prevent them from invading. There is one volcano close to that area right now that has recently gone active and is on alert.

The Canadians are in bed with the Red Chinese, Iran, and North Korea. Please pray, fast, and offer whatever you can for this to be stopped. Remember, in one message I said destruction comes from the North? Destruction comes from the North indeed. In several messages I was shown the North Koreans, Chinese and Iranians, complicit in making war on America. Their war planes were flying over the great plains of our nation.


And this morning, Mother Mary spoke to Ezekiel, she said... "Don‘t be afraid, you will be with us soon.‖ Wow! When we went to the Bible Promises to find out if that was really her voice, we got Holy Spirit and Guidance, and Guidance is always a confirmation that we are hearing from God. Now I want to read this to you, because this was brought up as well. It‘s from the message of December 7th, this year.

(Jesus) ―THIS IS NOT MY WILL FOR YOU, AMERICA. I have given you a second chance. You have woken up like a sleeping giant and are fighting for your country, which will live by My rules. But the enemy is hell bent on ruining you. Rise up and pray, prayer warriors, this attack will fail if you pray passionately against it. It does not have to be. It is not My will. Arise and fend this off with your prayers."

―I tell you the truth, you, My Christian people, are the Restrainer and the plots against you shall not succeed as long as you pray. So, arise and pray now for what is being planned against you. Pray that your military traitors will be exposed, stripped of their duty, and arrested. Pray that plots will be intercepted, and defenses will snap into place."

(Clare) President Trump just called our troops back from the Middle East.

(Jesus) "Pray and defend your nation. This attack is not My will."

(Clare) And He was so adamant when He said this.

(Jesus) "Pray Psalm 91 over your family and the nation. Pray every day, with conviction, that I will answer your prayers, and I will answer them.‖

(Clare) So, dear ones, let‘s get busy. This is very, very serious, and it has been confirmed by multiple reliable sources, including our one military source.

Message 824: The Hour is near... Write Love Letters & Warn them about the Mark

December 17, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) My Dear Family of Heartdwellers, the Lord is continuing to ask us to prepare our hearts and wash our wedding dresses. As I pondered the timing in all of this, I must explain that we still do not know the day or the hour, but we are in the season. Jesus explained to me, that everything is subject to the Father‘s timing and the Father‘s word. And for all these years that the Rapture has been delayed, many things have come into place and ripened to the point of bursting.

Jerusalem is surrounded by her enemies, the anti-Christ is a prominent figure in the world, and people in our nation have been brainwashed and prepared to accept all the lies the media is groomed to feed them. As a result, we have a divided nation. Only the Father knows why things must happen at certain times. In the meantime, Jesus gives us assignments and work to complete, but even He knows that the completion of those tasks on this earth is conditional, according to the Father‘s will and timing.

(Jesus) "For now, I want you to prepare the flock. Repentance is of the utmost importance right now. Some who have not repented will be left behind. My children, I encourage you to do a life review and confess all the sins of your youth and growing up, all the way to this present day. If an action comes to mind, repent of it. Even thoughts are serious offenses and must be repented of. I want My Bride to be clean when I arrive, and for most of you that means a serious review of your life and acknowledgment of your sins, and deep repentance.


"Understand that your thought life has the potential to condemn you to Hell. You may not have done it, but if you cherished the grudge and wished ill on your neighbour, you have committed a serious sin. Unforgiveness will tether you to this earth just as securely as an abortion that you never repented of. This is no time to fool around. I need you to take Me very seriously.

"Make peace with any you have offended. Forgive everyone and receive their forgiveness. Pray and ask Me to heal those you have wounded in your life. Pray for those left behind. Write love letters to your relatives, do what you can to ease the pain of sudden separation that so many all over the world will suffer.

"Offer them hope and warn them sternly not to take the mark. On the day of the Rapture, they saw Scripture fulfilled.

"The next thing to be fulfilled in Scripture is the mark of the beast (Revelation 13:16-18). Warn them of the depths of the physical suffering that will come on the heels of a period of so called prosperity and security. After that period, they will throw a switch that will make you suffer like you never believed possible, and on top of that, you will wish to die but death will escape you.

"This tool of Satan will cause you to curse Me and die unrepentant. So, I am warning you again, cry out for mercy and remember, those who take the mark will suffer for eternity. Better for you to die quickly and be in Heaven with Me for eternity than to prosper for a few short months and then die in torment and end up in Hell as well.

"I am with you in all of this, I love you dearly, and My greatest wish is for your complete repentance, so I may take you with Me. Please ask the Holy Spirit to show you the areas you need to repent of, and I will forgive you. Your wedding dress will be clean without spot, wrinkle or blemish."

Message 825: Bitterness & Self-hatred run so deep... But there is Hope!

December 17, 2020 - Part 2 of the Message from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) My Dear Family of Heartdwellers, the Lord is continuing to ask us to prepare our hearts and wash our wedding dresses. If you are anything like me you are stressing over what you didn‘t get done. The Lord told me it is NOT a Rapture drill this time. But who knows if mercy will buy us more time? No one knows. Originally He said the great revival would happen after the Rapture.

Lord, I thought you said I would have peace. But in this moment, all I have is sorrow and regrets. Jesus, forgive me, I feel I have done badly, I have tripped over my flesh time after time. I had chances to reform, but I was weak when I should have persevered and finished my work.

I have been harsh with others at times, and I have grown a bitter root. Please take this nasty thing out of me. I am so sorry for my ingratitude and I am so sorry for having scorn and contempt where I should have had respect instead. I hate my sins, Jesus, I hate them. With all my heart I want to make good on all the gifts you‘ve given me.

There is nothing left to say, but Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner. I have been guilty of all the sins... pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. In spite of Your many graces to help me, I have still fallen short. After I made this confession, my eyes and heart were filled with tears, because I should have done so much better for Him. If this Rapture is imminent and about to happen, the door to doing better on earth is closing. Yet I will not stop trying, I will keep trying until that fateful day.

And then I went online to look something up for this message, and this Rhema popped up... 'Loving trust means for our contemplative life... an absolute, unconditional, and unwavering confidence in God

272 our loving Father, even when everything seems to be a total failure. To look to Him alone as our help and protector, to stop doubting and being discouraged, casting all our worries and cares on the Lord and walking in total freedom, to be daring and absolutely fearless of any obstacle, knowing that nothing is impossible with God, and total reliance on our Heavenly Father, with a spontaneous abandonment of the little children, totally convinced of our utter nothingness, but trusting to the point of rashness with courageous confidence in His Fatherly goodness.' I believe that is a quote from Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Well, when I read that, my tears dried and I felt better, and Jesus began to speak...

(Jesus) "You see, there is hope. Yes, all things you confessed are true enough, but not even all of them added together, in your 75 years, begin to approach the limits of My Mercy, which is as infinite as My very Being. What can I say to you? You have done well? Nothing I say will convince you, Beloved, the seeds of bitterness and self-hatred run so deep, that only I can do something about it.

"Do you know that Mother Teresa felt the very same way at the end of her life? She felt that she could never do enough and that even one poor sinner lying in the street meant that she had failed. She was so acutely aware of the troubles of the world, the pains of the souls around her, that she would pray, yes, but to know that there will still be others out there, broke her heart, and she felt like an abysmal failure. I am telling you the truth. This was a very dark night for her. And that is exactly how she felt, a failure. She continually asked herself... 'Did I do the right thing?' This troubled her until her dying breath, when I came for her with the angels and saints in glory. So, you see, what you are feeling is not so unusual.

"I‘m here to tell you, you did very well, and I am coming for you, My Bride. Try not to be so deflated and feeling so very low, lest you discourage others. All fall short in the light of My Truth, not one has attained perfection, except My Mother. But in order for her to do that, her lineage had to be meticulously prepared for her, and even then, she was given the grace of baptism at conception. Therefore, her blood was totally cleansed of any vestige of sin, she did not have the bloodline struggles and curses that most work against. But even if she had, she was so close to the Father that He would have strengthened her, and she would have corresponded.

"Grace is a wonderful help, but without the grace of corresponding to grace, many lose it. Many are victims of the enemy stealing it, because virtue and self-control do not go deep enough. If there is one thing you should teach your children, it is self-control and patience, with a keen understanding of humility and charity."

Message 826: It's been a long Time coming... New York City is the main Target

December 29, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) May the Lord impart courage, wisdom and stamina to the intercessors of the world. This past Sunday, during the Lord‘s Supper, I saw a nuclear mushroom cloud in the host. I showed it to the community members who were in the room and they saw it clearly as well. It is not unusual for the Lord to allow us to see something significant in the host, when it is very important. When I came before the Lord in prayer, He began...

(Jesus) ―New York City. It has been a long time coming, it has been needed for a long time, yet My Heart is sick unto death over the innocent souls who will be casualties. I want you all to pray for the little ones, that they may be quickly snatched up to Me."

(Clare) Lord, there are many good people in New York City and even Epoch Times.


(Jesus) "The good shall be taken home to Me, others will sleep in the dust of the earth until the final judgment. Pray for all, I wish for none to suffer as they will suffer. Pray that death comes swiftly. There will be betrayals by your own Navy. Evil men with evil designs.‖

(Clare) Lord, what about Miami?

(Jesus) "That too will happen, but not in this timeframe. As it is now planned, New York City is the main target. I know what I have said in past times, but arrangements change with circumstances in the framework of time. All that My Father does is fair and just. Clare, this has been a long time coming, a very long time coming. Yet My heart is torn asunder as that moment approaches.

"It is wise that you do not ask for time frames. These are not given, only warnings, because the time ripens with many different events. Yet there are those living among you who are your enemies. They are blinded by doctrines of demons, that is the communist ideology, thinking they are doing mankind a favor by bringing in the reign of atheism. Pray for these to deflect and warn the government. Many things could be quelled by those who turn traitor against the party. Pray for these. Clare, it was not My Heart to bring you such bad news, but you saw the cloud, and that was My sign to you that this is imminent."

(Clare) What about Washington DC?

(Jesus) "Not yet, right now I want you to pray for two things, the Red Chinese living here in this country to wake up and see that communism does not work in actuality. In theory however, with perfect men, no favored groups or persons, it can work, but men are corrupt, and nothing will work without Me, until I return.

"My people in China, I beg of you, pray for your country and those who have been planted in this land of freedom. Pray for their conversion, so they will not rise up from within and destroy those very ones who have been good to them in this country. Pray for them to encounter Me; that will change everything."

Message 827: Leave behind many Proofs of Love for your Relatives & Mankind

Rhema from January 5, 2021 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare (Message given on October 11, 2018)

Jesus began... "My Beautiful Brides, you are all still very anxious about the upcoming events and timing. And I AM warning you. I AM calling you to prayer, and I am also mandating that you STAY BUSY with your given appointments. Yes, prayer is key right now; but also is it imperative that you stay occupied, doing as much good as you can until the very last moment.

"There are so many things you are all so compulsively curious about. Oh, this trait of curiosity in My children! It can be so wonderful — or so detrimental. Please don‘t try to second guess Me on timing. Just keep your nose out of the compulsive news and update mill; that will help you tremendously. Keep yourselves in prayer and watchful, on the lookout, and see to it that you are not caught unaware.

"You still can do much good if you stop wasting time on listening to this one and that one.

"Rather, I would have you apply your talents and gifts with greater perseverance and leave behind so many proofs of your love for mankind; so many proofs for your relatives... instructions, letters of tender advice, things useful to them.


"We do not know the hour, but 'we' know the season is upon us — and therefore you should all be busy lighting your lamps and keeping extra oil. Do not be caught without oil in your lamp. Do not get caught in idle entertainments and gossip. Make every effort to plow through opposition and deliver the sweet fruits of your disciplines and talents.

"Pray, hope, and do not worry. Do what is necessary to your state in life. Pray and produce good fruit, whether that is in counseling the insecure and misinformed, in showing My love to those in need—this is so very important. And in worship, where your strength will be.

"I know you all vacillate between coming Home and doing more good. I know that for many of you that is an agonizing struggle. I know that every day you feel drained and exhausted by the world.

"Oh, do keep yourselves away from the world as much as you can! And do be aware that this need to know is an obsessive-compulsive demon wanting to waste your time, so you will never contribute all that you could, because you will give place to curiosity, and waste it on who has the most compelling timelines.

"Lay it all down, PLEASE, would you? Lay it all down. You don‘t have to know anything but faithfulness to Me and faithfulness to your state in life. If there is a need for preparations that you have not made, I will warn you. But if you choose to go off on your own, you will waste time.

"For many of you, I already know where your families and loved ones will be taken care of. I have already prepared for them all they need. It is yours, now, to be faithful to produce fruit for Me that will draw all men to My Heart of Love for them."

Message 828: Drama in America... I have still complete Control

January 8, 2021 - Words from Jesus Christ & Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord bless you with His hope, dear family. I want to tell you first of all that God is in control. Secondly - President Trump is nobody's fool. Thirdly - God will bring to pass what He has spoken through His prophets. As a matter of fact, Trump won the election but others are trying to steal it by lying. The Lord laughs at the doings of the nations, for He is God and above all the doings of men.

It was brought to my attention by our webmaster that Q had told that all these things would happen, 2 years ago. And if you checked the agenda, the next event is going to be immediate blackout for ten days, after which there will no longer be any lying media. Everything is going as planned and so much evidence is now coming to light, along with odd things, like Kamala Harris being reinstated as a US senator. Now why in the world would she do that if she were legally voted in as the Vice President.

Forgive me for having the world's viewpoint, but these are facts we cannot ignore. There is credible evidence that the incident in Washington with the woman supposedly being killed, was a false flag rehearsed with the capitol police before it happened. Did you notice the color of the blood, it was way off, or how the police moved the barricade for the demonstrators to rush the building, or the guy with the buffalo horns and the face paint. He is an AntiFa operative and leader, who appears that way during an operation. Whether law enforcement tells the truth or not, God is still in control, and what he needs from us right now is prayer, prayer, prayer.

Pray for President Trump, pray for the American public, that is so ignorant of the mainstream media propaganda and lies. From what I understand, the next move is ten days of media blackout while arrests of traitors take place all over the nation. During that time the President will be on an

275 emergency radio network, to explain exactly what is taking place and curb public anxiety. Our peace comes from the Lord, so please press in and pray. All this had to happen to expose the traitors against the American Republic and our constitution.

Those rioters were AntiFa thugs that were escorted by Washington police, all the way to the capitol. They were no Trump supporters, as they were trying to convince others of. Total lies. We know who we are and who we are not, and we are not violent. Just ask yourselves, who benefits from disrupting the proceedings, and the answer is simple, the enemy. Our posture must remain prayerful while all this is going on, because our prayers ensure victory. God is still in absolute control, and it is our duty to back Him up with prayers and offerings.

Lord, do You have a word for us?

Jesus began... "I am here in the midst of you, and while things look very bad from the outside, what is happening on the inside is very hopeful. You must keep cool and stay in prayer. So much depends on your faithful prayers. This is a cooperative venture between you and I. You pray and I act. All that has been accomplished so far, all of it has happened because you prayed and fasted, and it is much more than you are able to see or realize. I accept the littlest gift from those who give with a good heart. Your heartfelt prayers have swung the pendulum in a much better direction.

"Remember that your capital is under My mother's jurisdiction. As you ask for her intercession, she too swings into action, There are many faithful Catholic and Orthodox believers around the world that appear to be little nobodies and ineffectual, but that couldn't be further from the truth. They are very little ones, whose prayers, purity and faith move mountains. All over the world, from the Middle East and around the globe to China, people are praying for the overthrow of evil in this nation, and in their own.

"Do not be discouraged by appearances, just continue to pray and watch My hand move. There is still work to be done if you remain faithfully in prayer. Thank Me, even for the things that seem to be going in the wrong direction, because I am using those things in a way you cannot understand from your perspective. I am not excluding the rapture, but that still remains shrouded in mystery in My father's plan. You must always be ready, with a clean conscience and your flasks full of oil, for you do not know the hour or the day in which I will come.

"If you stay prepared, you will be ready. If you were lazy, slothful and irresponsible, not looking to the needs of others, you will be left behind in that hour. Continue also to repent for your nation. Only now are you getting a glimpse of the depths of depravity your elected officials have sunken into. Were the truth to be told, out in the open, about all that happens behind locked doors, some would die of grief on the very spot. It is far worse, and far more pervasive than what anyone has imagined.

"Satan has many in his back pockets, and now that the brackish water has been drained, the real filth is being exposed. Do not stop praying, put your heart into your prayers; there is great hope!"