COUDENBERG PALACE BRUSSELS From Medieval Castle to Archaeological Site SCIENTIFIC DIRECTION: Vincent Heymans COORDINATION: Laetitia Cnockaert and Frédérique Honoré AUTHORS: P. Anagnostopoulos, A. Buyle, P. Charruadas, L. Cnockaert, M. de Waha, S. Demeter, Y. Devos, C. Dickstein-Bernard, A. Dierkens, M. Fourny, C. Gaier, M. Galand, D. Guilardian, S. Guri, V. Heymans, J. Houssiau, J.-P. Huys, C. Loir, P. Lombaerde, M. Meganck, S. Modrie, C. Paredes, P. Sosnowska, S. van Sprang, B. Vannieuwenhuyze, A. Vanrie This publication has been produced by the Palais de Charles Quint ASBL, a non profit-making organisation, on the initiative of the Brussels Capital Region and the City of Brussels Scientific direction: Vincent Heymans Coordination: Laetitia Cnockaert and Frédérique Honoré Authors: Pierre Anagnostopoulos, Anne Buyle, Paulo Charruadas, Laetitia Cnockaert, Michel de Waha, Stéphane Demeter, Yannick Devos, Claire Dickstein-Bernard, Alain Dierkens, Michel Fourny, Claude Gaier, Michèle Galand, David Guilardian, Shipé Guri, Vincent Heymans, Jean Houssiau, Jean-Philippe Huys, Christophe Loir, Piet Lombaerde, Marc Meganck, Sylvianne Modrie, Cecilia Paredes, Philippe Sosnowska, Sabine van Sprang, Bram Vannieuwenhuyze, André Vanrie Their titles and institutions are given at the end of the book Scientific committee: Vincent Heymans (President), Pierre-Paul Bonenfant †, Marcel Celis, Stéphane Demeter, Alain Dierkens, Michel Fourny, Sylvianne Modrie, Anne Vandenbulcke, André Vanrie The scientific committee very much regrets that one of its members passed
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