A 012299 17.11.2015 From: TUSKON EU Representation <
[email protected]> Sent: 16 November 2015 18:35 To: SCHULZ Martin, President Cc: CHIKHI Djamila; MASUR Walter Subject: Shutting down critical TV and radio stations in Turkey Attachments: Shutting down critical TV and radio stations.pdf Dear President Schulz, I have been sending you updates on the situation of the media in Turkey concerning the last two years, not only referring to the pressure on journalists and media institutions but also within the framework of infringement of different laws and even the Turkish Constitution to silence the critics against the government. During the past weekend, simultaneously with the G-20 Summit in Antalya, the Erdogan regime has successfully concluded its final chapter in her media strategy by silencing another 14 TV and radio stations, with the tragic consequence of 500 media workers and journalists losing their jobs. After this recent move, it is not possible to watch any TV channel that is considered critical to the government for general public in Turkey. However, this is only what is seen on the surface. Today the quality of life of anyone, working for civil society or from the business community opposing the regimes policies, is drastically worsening every single day. Many business people are seeking refuge in other markets, moving their businesses and their families from their home country. I fear that this pressure on opponents of the regime in Turkey, will result in the next flow of people seeking refuge and a peaceful life in Europe. I have attached a short summary of the recent developments regarding the shut-down of the TV and radio stations.