The Dun Valley Churches are members of The Clarendon Team

THE CLARENDON TEAM MINISTRY OF CHURCHES TEAM RECTOR Revd Nils Bersweden, The Rectory, The Plantation, Winterslow, SP5 1RE Tel 01980 862231. Mobile 07960 321355 [email protected] (with responsibility for Farley, Pitton and Winterslow) TEAM PRIESTS Revd Beth Hutton Tel: 01722 238504, [email protected] (with responsibility for Alderbury, West Dean, East and ) Revd Jane Dunlop Tel: 01794 884793, [email protected] (with responsibility for Whiteparish) Revd Cynthia Buttimer Tel: 01980 862017, [email protected] OTHER CLERGY V Revd Alec Knight, Revd Canon Jeremy Davies, Revd Canon Roger Sharpe, Revd Anthea Cochrane CLARENDON TEAM OFFICE Team Administrator 01980 863635 [email protected] TEAM LAY LICENSED MINISTERS Mrs Gill Morgan, Mr Bill Thompson, Mrs Debbie McIsaac, Mr Michael Barratt CLARENDON TEAM WEBSITE – www.clarendonteam.org an informative website which gives details of how to book baptisms and weddings, as well as Team Worship Services, news and activities around the Clarendon Team For the Team Worship Rota go to www.clarendonteam.org/rotacurrent.htm, or to download in Excel www.clarendonteam.org/rotacurrent.xls

WEST DEAN WITH CHURCHWARDENS Mr Bob Trott, Oakley, East Grimstead (Holy Trinity) 01722 712685 Mr Mike Marx, The Old Vicarage, West Dean (St. Mary’s) 01794 340271

FARLEY WITH PITTON CHURCHWARDENS Mrs Sara Bossom, Stockbottom House, Pitton 01980 611133 Mrs Jane Bawden-Jeanes, The Barn, Farley 01722 712854


LAY PASTORAL ASSISTANTS LAY PASTORAL ASSISTANTS Mrs Jenny Cotter, East Grimstead, 01722 712316 Mrs Sara Bossom, Pitton 01980 611133

TREASURER TREASURER Ms Jane Higgins, 01794 340536 Ms Mandy Kerley, 07971 679466

SECRETARY ORGANISTS Gill Sowerby, 01722 712665 Ms Janice Brown

MAGAZINE EDITOR Ged Mirski-Fitton, Bells Cottage, Church Road,Farley, SP5 1AD Tel 01722 712520 E-Mail: [email protected] ADVERTS EDITOR Tim Hawkes, Lodge Farm House, Elm Close, Pitton, SP5 1EU Tel 01722 712577 E-Mail: [email protected] 2

PathFinders@Pitton Sunday 5th February at 11am Sunday 5th March at 11am Mothering Sunday is 26th March Come and give thanks for your mothers! All ages are welcome. For more details contact Sara Bossom on 01980 611133

Pitton Methodist Society The Pitton Methodists worship together with the Anglicans at St. Peter's Church and have a Methodist led service there once a month (currently the 3rd Sunday). Minister - Rev. Bryan Coates [email protected] 02380 252960 Superintendent - David Hookins 01722 320858 Steward - Mrs. Sarah Sankey 01722 712581

East Grimstead – Holy Trinity

Happy New Year!

Thank you to everyone for your contributions and support to make the Carol Service a success. Once again, we were a full house. It was great to see so many people in our little church. The young did brilliantly with their readings. Thank you to you all.

Ladies, as always, you did magnificent work with the flowers; they were beautiful. Much admired. Indeed, throughout the year, the church always looks great with the flowers that you provide.


Team Letter February 2017

Dear Friends,

For Christmas, my son gave me a large postcard that said, ‘A Home Without a Dog is Just a House.’ I’m sure lots of you would disagree but for me that is true. A couple of years ago, I wrote about my little, blind dog, Ludo, who had been lost in Bentley Wood and found again. Sadly, he died last Summer at a very good 14 years of age. And so, as I was having time off, we decided to get another puppy. Rollo arrived full of the joys of life, thrilled with his new garden and extremely active! As time has gone on he has decided the garden is best and is very hard to get in, barking at the birds and digging up the lawn and flower beds! But he has changed the life of our older dog who was very lonely and frightened of other dogs. Rollo loves all dogs and now Lupin is getting braver. They have wonderful games together and are great friends. But the thing that is so rewarding about dogs is the unconditional love they give to us.

Dogs are mentioned in the Bible several times but the only one that is a companion is the dog in the Book of Tobit in the Apocrypha (The extra books that are in some Bibles). He accompanies his master, Tobias, and another man, who turns out to be the Angel Raphael, on their journey. To have a love of animals and to watch and learn from them is to understand a little of God’s wonders and gifts to us in this world. To hear of so many dumped over Christmas and New Year is really saddening, innocents in a stressed world.

To have the love and affection of a dog, or any animal, is a God send, literally, and I give thanks for the many that have accompanied me through bad times and good. I now look forward to a New Year trying to train and cope with the little streak of mischief that has come into my life!

A happy New Year to you all,



From the registers


Luca Jack BOSHIER and Jacob Michael BOSHIER at All Saints Whiteparish on 15th January 2017

Baptism and Confirmation

Sue MARTIN at Salisbury Cathedral on 14th January 2017


Michael Frank BARRATT and Elizabeth Sarah STRAIN at Whiteparish on 29th December 2016


Charlotte MILLER at Whiteparish on 12th January 2017

Robert John MOSSMAN at Pitton on 29th December 2016

John David ATWELL at Whiteparish on 22nd December 2016


Do You See Kingfishers in the Dun Valley Area?

The Common Kingfisher is often a flash of electric blue with a piercing, piping call! It’s a brilliant fish catcher, eating small fish like sticklebacks and minnows, and aquatic insects and larvae. It lives by streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and sometimes even seashores. The male and female are very similar but he has an all-black bill while she has an orange-red lower mandible with a black tip. The female wears lipstick is a way to remember this!

Photograph by David Kjaer www.davidkjaer.com

Our kingfisher is the most numerous and widespread in the world! It has a huge geographical range, breeding from the British Isles across to Japan and the Solomon Islands, with a few breeding in northwest Africa.

Wiltshire has several good kingfisher rivers including, of course, the Salisbury Avon and its 4 wonderful chalk stream tributaries. The River Dun in West Dean and its tributary, flowing through East Grimstead, could be good but I don’t know myself. I see kingfishers at the ponds in Bentley Wood and Blackmoor Copse, mainly in 6 winter. A kingfisher was seen at East Grimstead Pond in 2016, but do they use Waldens Farm Fishery in West Grimstead or our local garden ponds? It would be really great to know if you see kingfishers in the Dun Valley area. Please DO email me!

About 100 to 150 pairs of kingfisher breed in , with a good concentration in the south. Some 200 to 400 birds winter in the county but some of our Wiltshire birds move to the south coast for the winter (and we then see them at places like Keyhaven, Pennington and Brownsea Island) and some birds from counties north and northeast of Wiltshire join us for the winter!

Dr Sue Walker [email protected]

The photograph opposite is one of many superb images captured by Wiltshire based wildlife photographer David Kjaer. It is worth visiting his website (www.davidkjaer.com) to see the stunning work.

Off to the vet

In his younger days our golden retriever Catcher often ran away when he had the chance. The vet’s surgery was about a mile down the road, and Catcher would usually go there. The nursing staff knew him and would call me to come pick him up. One day I called the vet to make an appointment for Catcher's yearly vaccine. "Will you bring him," asked the receptionist, "or will he come on his own?"

Late with your tax return?

Hopefully your tax return was in by the end of last month. If not, what excuse will you give? Paperwork destroyed in a yacht fire, and a wasp attack in a car were among the top ten excuses that HMRC received last year to explain late tax returns. Another was: ‘ I could not complete my tax return because my husband left me and took our accountant with him.’ Late returns incur an initial £100 fine, which escalates over time.


Pitton Primary School

It was wonderful to see so many people at our Christmas Fair at the beginning of December – it seems a long time ago now! Everyone enjoyed browsing the stalls, tasting the non-alcoholic mulled wine and trying out the activities. Congratulations to all who won raffle prizes.

This term the older Juniors are finding out all about the Victorians, whilst the younger Juniors are learning about the ‘Riotous Royals’, meanwhile the Infants are finding out all about the history of toys. Special events included our annual visit from the Life Education Van, where the pupils looked at issues surrounding feelings and decision making, our Juniors took part in a singing workshop in preparation for a visit to the City Hall in April and our lower Juniors had a backstage tour of Salisbury Playhouse.

Our netball team played the first 3 league matches of the season this month and we were very proud of the results and the teamwork and commitment shown. We also had two new after-school clubs start, Drama and Nanotechnology, with both clubs proving extremely popular.

Too few young home owners

How many 25-year-olds do you know who own their own home? Probably very few. The number of young adults owning their own home has more than halved in just the last 20 years, as property prices soar.

The comparison is sobering: 46 per cent of all 25-year-olds owned their own home 20 years ago. Now, according to research done for the Local Government Association, only 20 per cent of young adults own their own home.

The sad corollary of this is that renters pay nearly twice as much of their salaries to landlords (34 per cent on average) as homeowners do on their mortgage (18 per cent). But the average house price is now 7.9 times average earnings.


Netiquette - What is it and why is it important?

When we were young we were all taught something along the lines of “do unto others as you’d have others do unto you”. Stand up for yourself, but try not to hurt other’s feelings.

In cyberspace it’s all too easy to forget this. When we communicate with email, text, tweets and so on, all we see is a screen. Check yourself by remembering the human looking at the output screen. We don’t have the opportunity to use gestures, tone or facial expressions. Our words are often clumsy or misinterpreted.

Computers and networks bring people together. People who would otherwise never meet. Something about the impersonality though, often encourages us to behave badly, similar to the way that driving a car can bring out the worst in people. The netiquette test is “would you say that to the person’s face?” If the answer is no, then don’t type it either.

Of course there is always the possibility that the answer is yes, you would say it to their face. In that case you may need a more general guide to manners and correct behaviour.

Increasingly, people are becoming aware of another reason for netiquette. When we communicate in cyberspace, there is generally a copy somewhere. That record can come back into view with unintended consequences long after the event.

When email came into my life nearly thirty years ago, my boss once said to me don’t put anything in an email that you wouldn’t stand on your desk and shout. I have followed his advice and so far, touch wood, not suffered from unintended consequences.


Brownies and Guides

We had a wonderful finish to term in December for both units. The Brownies put on their Christmas show and it was fantastic to see so many of you there. Hopefully everyone enjoyed the range of singing, dancing, acting and musical talents that the Brownies demonstrated.

For the final week of term, they enjoyed a pool party at Five Rivers swimming pool, with Josephine, Emily and Charlotte all making their promise in the fun pool! Meanwhile the Guides handed over a knitted blanket to Alabare for their house in Salisbury – thank you so much to everyone who has contributed a square or 2. We have had such a good response to this that we nearly have enough squares to complete a second blanket! Thank you to Ann for sewing them all together.

To finish the term the Guides visited Snowtrax in Bournemouth where Vicky and Imogen both made their promise – Imogen whilst flying down the slopes on a ringo!

This term the Brownies have already enjoyed an evening of snow activities (without the real thing!), continued work on their nature- based resource and found out where in the world Little Owl will be visiting on her trip. The Guides meanwhile have enjoyed celebrating a number of special days – International Hot & Spicy Day, Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day and Frozen Yoghurt Day!

Both units will be taking part in a Thinking Day event at the end of February when they will be learning all about Guides and Brownies around the world.

Growing up

Your child has started growing up when he stops asking you where he came from and starts refusing to tell you where he's going.


Fish fingers

Fish fingers are making a comeback. Once a favourite for family teatime back in the 1970s, the humble fish finger is now one of the foods rising fastest in popularity across the UK. Birds Eye, which makes fish fingers, even claims they are the UK’s second most popular sandwich filling. Fish fingers are seen as a healthy source of protein, after the warnings against processed meat such as bacon. The survey was carried out by the Grocer magazine.

Lend If you lend someone £20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.


Letter to a Churchwarden

And it came to pass that the servant Alan read the tablets of the St Peter’s church rota and went forth to make preparations for the celebrations. His diligence is without question, but sadly his ancient and palsied hands let slip the bowl for cleansing and it was smashed into a thousand pieces. His confession to the all-seeing and all- knowing Warden was accepted, but he was mortified. The next day he went forth to the great city and searched the many traders and came upon a veritable treasure trove of glassware which he thought to be suitable for the cleansing of hands. He bought two bowls at a knock down price and arranged for these to be placed in the vestry and hopes they will be acceptable in the eyes of the all-seeing and all -knowing Warden.

Your humble and obedient servant


Sudoku answer on page 28


Grim Soup

Head to East Grimstead Reading Room on the second Tuesday of every month (first Tuesday in July), for a natter, homemade soup, a roll and butter. £1 per person. Everyone welcome.

14th February, 12:15 to 13:30. Contact Rosie Wilkinson (01722-712-259) for more details.


Equine Acupuncture and Chiropractic

Is your horse stiff or sore? For a consultation phone Sue Devereux MRCVS 01722 712802 or 07866 431888 www.equineacupuncture.co.uk

GEORGE JUDD East Farm, Winterbourne Gunner Salisbury SP4 6EE 01980 610576 / 611828

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Jane Austen – coins and bank-notes

The much-loved novelist Jane Austen is about to make history. 200 years after her death, she will appear simultaneously on a British coin and a British bank note. That means that only the Queen, who as head of state must be depicted on British currency, will be more prevalent.

The Royal Mint has chosen Jane Austen as the new image for its commemorative £2 coin. About five million will be released into mass circulation sometime this Spring. At about the same time, the Bank of England will release its new, plastic, unrippable £10 note, with Jane Austen replacing Charles Darwin.

Historians cannot recall the last time a figure other than the reigning monarch appeared on both coins and notes at the same time. The release of both coins and notes will be in step with the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen’s death, in the summer of 1817, at the age of just 41.


Scriptural Reasoning

There was an afternoon of Scriptural Reasoning on the topic of ‘Encountering God’. Scriptural Reasoning is a tool for interfaith dialogue whereby people of different faiths come together to read and reflect on their scriptures. Unlike many forms of interfaith engagement, it is not about seeking agreement but rather exploring the texts and their possible interpretations across faith boundaries, and learning to ‘disagree better’.

Taking part in the afternoon’s proceedings were Rabbi Natan Levy, Interfaith and Social Action Consultant at the Fayre Share Foundation, and formerly Interfaith Officer at the Board of Deputies of British Jews, Dr Usama Hasan, Head of Islamic Studies and Senior Researcher at the Quilliam Foundation, the world’s first counter-extremism think tank and Canon Guy Wilkinson, Interfaith Adviser to the Bishop of Salisbury and formerly Interfaith Adviser to Archbishop Rowan Williams.

The meeting was at St Thomas’s Church, Salisbury. The aim was a deeper understanding of others' and one’s own scriptures, as well as the development of strong bonds across faith communities. This event was organised by the Education Team at St Thomas’s Church.

UK is a ‘digital desert’

Ever wonder why you can’t get a signal when out and about? It is because Britain has worse mobile internet coverage than Romania, Albania and Peru. In fact, the UK suffers from vast ‘digital deserts’ which leave some 20 per cent of urban homes and 80 per cent of rural premises currently ‘not-spots’ for 4G coverage.

A recent investigation by the Government’s National Infrastructure Commission has found that the UK is in 54th position in global rankings for 4G, with typical users able to access the service only 53 per cent of the time. It warns that Britain is ‘languishing in the digital slow lane’, and that even major city centres are lacking full coverage.


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Broadband Problems

Has anybody else had problems with broadband or telephone in recent weeks? We have constant interruptions to service when it rains. By the time we manage to report the problem and the engineer visits, the weather has improved and the problem “evaporated”.

If you have a similar experience, or have been lucky enough to pinpoint the problem and solve it, do drop a note to [email protected]. We might be able to share the information and help the engineers clear the problems once and for all.


Social media is making our children unhappy

Social media can have a devastating effect on our children, leaving them “deeply unhappy’, a major charity has warned, as new figures show a rise in self-harm.

The NSPCC found that 18,778 children aged 11-18 were admitted to hospital for self-harm in 2015-16. This was 14 per cent up on the data for 2013-14. Teenagers aged 13 to 17 are the most likely to self- harm.

Meanwhile, Childline, the charity’s support network, delivered 18,471 counselling sessions dealing with self-harm.

The charity finds that the children’s unhappiness “is partly due to the constant pressure they feel, particularly from social media, to have the perfect life, or attain a certain image which is often unrealistic. They tell us that the need to keep up with friends, and the 24/7 nature of technology means they feel they can never escape or switch off.”



If you are reading this article, then I have been able to follow Rod Coppock’s excellent handover notes and, with the help of quite a few people, produce the February edition of the Dun Valley News. Everyone I have spoken with is highly appreciative of Rod’s work, so I am confident that all readers will join me in thanking him for ten years of much valued effort. I do feel a little pressure as the follow up act. I thought I might use this opportunity to say a little bit about why I volunteered, and ask for your support in the coming months. My wife, Christine, and I moved into Farley in April last year. In the first few days we needed a plumber and there was the DVN with the essential information. I am sure that’s not the first time the magazine has come to the rescue, and I certainly didn’t want it to be one of the last times. As I understand the philosophy of DVN, a main purpose is to support the Clarendon Team in reaching out to the community and provide notice of Church related events. Another purpose is to help build community through content, local advertising and notices about fetes, social clubs, coffee mornings and other similar charitable and community events. If anybody is interested in producing an article I would love to hear from you. If you have an idea for an article, or a subject you’d be interested in reading about, please let me know. If you want to test the opinion of the community on a matter and see if there are ideas for solving a problem, then I think we can do that. Please let me know what matters to you, and what you want to see in these pages. I would like to see the DVN continue to be a part of our community.

Ged Mirski-Fitton [email protected]



Sudoku answer from page 12

Farley Coffee Shop

The Coffee Shop is open on the first Wednesday of every month from 10:30 to 12:00. This month the first of the month is a Wednesday. Join us at Farley Village Hall.

All proceeds go to local charities and good causes. To volunteer as a cake- or coffee-maker contact José Turvey on 01722 712762.


For the latest information on what’s happening in Pitton or Farley, see:


Photos, news and details of upcoming events welcome: [email protected]

Friends of Bentley Wood Forthcoming Events

Wed 8 Mar Annual General Meeting. At East Grimstead Reading Room. The hall will be open at 7 pm for payment of subscriptions and the AGM will start at 7.30 pm. Refreshments will be served and there will be time to circulate, chat, enjoy meeting other Friends over a glass of wine, and pick up your 2016 Nature Notes. There will also be some entertainment! Non-members wishing to join on the night are welcome.



Following our recent inspection by the Diocese, we are really pleased to announce that as a Church school, we have been graded as 'Outstanding' in all areas.

We are obviously very proud of this result but more importantly, proud of the children, parents, staff and Governors who make our school a special place to be.

Mike Warren, Head Teacher


West Tytherley CE Primary School are advertising for two additional Lunchtime Supervisory Assistants to work 5 days a week, between 12.15-1.15pm. If you would like to apply or discuss this role further, please contact the school office on 01794 340338.

Exploring Prayer

Bishop Michael Perham and Brother Sam will lead us in an exploration of how we pray, both individually and together. Bishop Michael, formerly the bishop of Gloucester, is now an assistant bishop in the Diocese of Salisbury with responsibility for ‘Pray’ as the first of our Diocesan priorities. He is a leading liturgist who has written widely on different aspects of prayer and spirituality. Brother Sam is the Guardian of Hilfield Friary and is well known to many of us as a wise soul friend and spiritual guide.

The event is on Saturday 18th February, 10:00 to 16:00 in Amesbury. If you would like to attend, please book by visiting the website address - www.salisbury.anglican.org/learning/courses/exploring-prayer-5915



The Editor and Dun Valley News Committee accept NO responsibility for the accuracy of articles, reports or advertisements printed in the magazine, and their inclusion does not necessarily imply agreement with their content.

The Editor reserves the right to edit or refuse material submitted for publication in the Dun Valley News.



FEBRUARY 1st 10:30 Farley Coffee Shop Village Hall 5th 16:00 Pitton Youth Group Stockbottom House 14th 12:15 East Grim Soup Reading Room Grimstead 15th Deadline for copy submission for March DVN 15th 12:00 Pitton Ladies Lunch Silver Plough 15th 19:30 Pitton Whist Drive Village Hall 16th 18:30 Salisbury Our Community Matters City Hall Southern Area Conference MARCH 5th 11:00 Pitton Pathfinders St Peter’s Church 8th 19:30 East FoBW Reading Room Grimstead AGM 14th 12:15 East Grim Soup Reading Room Grimstead 15th Deadline for copy submission for April DVN 15th 19:00 Pitton Parish Council Meeting Pitton Village Hall 26th 11:00 Pitton Pathfinders St Peter’s Church

APRIL 11th 12:15 East Grim Soup Reading Room Grimstead 15th Deadline for copy submission for May DVN 19th 12:00 Pitton Ladies Lunch Silver Plough

MAY 10th 19:30 Farley Parish Council Meeting Village Hall 15th Deadline for copy submission for June DVN 17th 12:00 Pitton Ladies Lunch Silver Plough

JUNE 14th 19:30 Pitton Parish Council Meeting Village Hall 15th Deadline for copy submission for July/August DVN

The Dun Valley News is printed by Cedar Group at Romsey www.cedargroup.uk.com And Available online at http://www.pittonandfarley.co.uk/churches-2/the-dun-valley-news/