NRA Southern 38


Is Authority NRA ' t i n t r e National Rivers Authority Southern Region

Guardians of R c u r L the Woter Environment and grist milling and the divisions, these being the flows do not have the support generation of electricity, though Upper, Middle and Lower Chalk. of resilient springs. THE none of the traditional mills The first outcrops over much For these reasons, chalk have survived in working of the catchment but there are streams characteristically have RIVER condition. some exposures of Lower few tributaries compared with There are still extensive Chalk, particularly in the North rivers draining impermeable TEST remains of the water meadow West above . areas. The drainage densities ol system, which was used to flood From southwards the Test and Itchen (km of fields with the relatively warm there are younger rocks of stream/sq. km of land area) are river water in the early months Tertiary origin. These are a around 0.12 compared with of the year to promote an early mixture of silts, clays and sands values of up to 0.47 for the COURSE AND growdi of grass. The tempera­ which are much more im­ clay-vale rivers of Sussex and ture of chalk streams is always permeable than the Chalk. Kent. HISTORY higher than soil temperatures There is an important inlier of The actual line of the River The River Test is probably the in the winter months due to Tertiary rocks into the Chalk Test and its tributaries falls most famous in the large groundwater to the West of over approximately on a right angle southern , draining a component. “Carriers” along which the flows. grid pattern, reflecting the way surface catchment of some the sides of valleys were used The landscape of the area the chalk was flexed by geo­ 1,260 sq. km. It rises in the to flood the meadows and the was shaped in the last Ice Age. logical movement. Upper Chalk near the village of water was returned to the river The precise origin of the dry The NRA measures flows at a Ashe, East of Overton and soon via low level “drains”. Many of valleys in the rolling Chalk number of points using specially collects a handful of small these larger channels still exist Downs is still uncertain, but designed weirs. There are spring-fed tributaries on its but the system became derelict they were probably formed by gauging stations on the River passage southwards; the Bourne with changes in agricultural stream erosion when the Anton at Fullerton, on the Rivulet, the Dever, the Anton, practice and because it was ground was frozen, causing Wallop Brook at Broughton the Wallop Brook and the labour intensive. rainfall to run over the surface and on the River Blackwater at Sombourne Stream. From the Between Timsbury and rather than soaking into the Ower. upper reaches the river widens a stretch of the chalk. The main long term flow considerably and meanders Andover - Romsey - Redbridge Apart from evaporation, records (since 1957) is from through a wide floodplain, Canal still exists. This canal almost all of the 824 mm of Broadlands where average flanked by water meadows. was authorised under a private annual rainfall that falls on the flow is 11.8 m3/sec (224 mgd). Within its broad valley it fre- Act of 1789 and was 22 miles Chalk catchment soaks into its More recently an electro­ quenUy splits to form a network long with a fall of 176 feet. In deeper layers which are fully magnetic gauging station has of braided channels. From Mot- the early part of the 19th saturated with water. The been installed at Testwood. tisfont southwards, the Test Century an attempt was made water moves through the flows over less permeable soils to build a canal from Chalk under the influence of and rocks and is joined by the to join the Andover (.anal at gravity until it issues from River Dun, Tadburn Lake, Mottisfont but it was never springs in the valley bottoms, Greenhill I^ear and the Black- successful. feeding the river system with WATER water. The wide floodplain Peat has been dug for fuel in high quality water. continues to the tidal marshes a number of places and there The National Rivers Authority RESOURCES between Testwood and Red­ are “peat holes” on the North collects information about the The development of South bridge where the river outfalls side of the Houghton-Horse- groundwater and its fluctu­ , based historically to . bridge Road and the large ations using a network of over on rail and sea links, but more The Hampshire Rivers were pond near Marsh Court has the 440 wells and boreholes in the recently on the improved road once tributaries of the ancient same origin. Test catchment. network, has generated a con­ Solent River which flowed east­ Generally rain takes several tinuing demand for water for wards from the River Frome to months to find its way through domestic and industrial use. join the sea somewhere near the Chalk to the springs, so the The Water Act 1989 gave Littlehampton in times when winter rainfall which swells the NRA the duty to ensure the Isle of Wight was part of GEOLOGY AND the underground reserves gives that water resources are the mainland. This trunk river peak river flows in late spring conserved and managed system was dismembered HYDROLOGY and through the summer. With properly. Consequently the during the Pleistocene Period The underlying rocks of the slight variation in flow between Authority will play an im­ when the sea made inroads Test catchment form part of seasons, the river has created portant role in balancing the into the catchment to the East the northern flank of the very little freeboard to the top needs of the environment with and West of the Isle of Wight. Hampshire Basin, a geological of its banks. those of the water user in the More recently, the activities feature in which the rocks Although the range of flows face of future development. of man have shaped the River slope gently or dip from the is slightly higher than the The prolific chalk streams Test. The braided channel North to the South. The oldest neighbouring River Itchen, provide much of the water system is a legacy of the historic rock is the Cretaceous Chalk maximum flow in any year is used in Hampshire, particularly uses of the river for milling, for which outcrops over the whole typically only 4-5 times the from their lower reaches. land irrigation of “water of the valley to the North of minimum. This contrasts Some water is also pumped meadows” and for navigation. Mottisfont. This is a porous sharply with the Wealden from boreholes penetrating The river once provided fine grained limestone which rivers where surface run-off in the chalk aquifer. pow'er for wool processing is generally very’ permeable. winter can boost flows several The NRA is now the licens­ paper making, tanning, flour There are three main sub­ hundred times, and summer ing Authority for all abstrac- tions and considers the environmental aspects of a ,loro FINfctfg^tfOW proposed abstraction and its )\ iece p k effect on other lawful water *ndovei% DO/Wli B3400 users. In order to protect over­ irstlft flows, restrictions are attached to licences to ensure that OV£RPriors water is only taken from speci­ fied locations and at times when it can be spared. forewc An important consideration Forest :heoj is the extent to which the ILLA< water is returned to the river Iry'ffuins) X e rw e lt and the point of its return. Water taken out of the catch­ ment or “consumptive use” is a loss to the river system. Some uses such as spray irrigation Over C a terer! are entirely consumptive lA/olln f i s h r 1 because of evaporation or Chapmansford Farm, H A T C H E f export out of the catchment. ‘EBURY ^angstock Conversely almost all water­ cress growing, gravel washing, and fish farming abstractors at return all the water to the fockbrid; same location, so overall effects Coaching To J j m m m m Old on flow are small. On average, re s fo rd ■ HOUGh^Oi; 80% of water abstracted for ighton l o d g e che^i FULk domestic supply is returned to tokq] m ii Wintejr^slov W A T t the river after proper treat­ ment. On the River Test con­ Pitton ^ Comrior sumptive use represents only W ast K in g 's 2% of total average flow. T ythor lev JSom borne J r e s f o r d f k The major abstraction for IB 3046 public water supply at Test­ wood is located close to the Brook tidal limit so that water is taken just before it is lost to the estuary. The licence ensures ^ Star '< MIZ M A *E that sufficient flows are pre­ "tvltthelna^rsh ][ ^ y / , r ' ] served for the needs of migra­ f ^^Braishfi|ld' tory fish. Ha ®L ford; Abstraction licensing was introduced by the Water n r ( < - r A \ X W HILLIE Resources Act 1963 which was angri AR 8 0 RE ftt( the first statute to control the C l amounts of water taken from gan s rivers. At that time established He NEV abstractors were given “Licen­ .OLD ces of Right” to continue taking W INCHESTER HIL WOW/ \ A2? X O N r — IA L ^ water at the existing rate and L O R f N C E at the same location. The NRA IE# * has found that local abstraction L P A v l M/ /Z r J P r TJ i °>§Mou i lC,LA » ^ T “ on the Wallop Brook and the V 11 \ ■* *** r. • J a S ' Bourne Rivulet causes low 3e flows. Remedial action is being m < fk * ' '4y / investigated by the NRA for both tributaries. Jr Fish farms and watercress 7 farms were exempt from ab­ straction licensing until the 0 r Water Act 1989. Licences of jrd rid t National Rivers Authority Entitlement for established _ ^ abstractors enabled them to •dfiel< K<3 Cartography prepared and published by ESTATE PUBLICATIONS Southern Region continue taking water in the with the editorial assistance of the ars same amounts and at the same SOUTHERN TOURIST BOARD Based upon the ORDNANCE SURVEY maps with the locations. sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Picnjp-S >grt © Estate Publications j Crown copyright reserved L(j HYDR SERVICE COvtf£s

Cibdei i\c F Fu n tleey Carich<\^r7>

To achieve these standards, the estuary from the major Fish pass construction the NRA sets limits known as Southampton sewage works at consent conditions on all per­ Millbrook and Slowhill amounts mitted discharges, restricting to 49,400 mVd. their strength and quantity. Water abstracted for various uses and returned to the river FISHERIES amounts to a quarter of average It is the high quality game total flow and consent condi­ fisheries that have made the tions are stringent to ensure River Test justifiably famous. that re-used water approaches Its chalk water and abundance the natural river water quality. of weed are ideal for salmon There is little manufacturing and trout. Salmon have been industry on the River Test, the caught as far upstream as Long- only significant discharge in this parish but the main salmon and category being from a paper sea trout fisheries are down­ mill at Overton. It is testimony stream of Romsey. The middle to the high quality of the river and upper reaches are greatly that its waters are used for esteemed for their trout and as washing and processing the the Mecca of dry fly fishing. paper used for British bank Chalk streams support an salmon whilst they are at sea. studying the occurrence, notes! The river has an objec­ abundance of insects and other Some have been found off movement and source of sedi­ tive of Class IB (high quality invertebrates upon which the Western Ireland (which is on mentation in the chalk streams. water suitable for game and fish feed. The water contains their route to and from feeding high class fisheries) for the calcium with which shrimps, grounds near Greenland) and 4 km below this discharge. snails and other creatures can as far afield as the Faroe Islands. FLOOD The largest volume of build external skeletons. Some Most recently, small scale DEFENCE returned water is from the ten eight species of stonefly radio transmitters have been fish farms in the catchment and nymphs, twenty-two species of attached to salmon to show The porous chalk enables rain watercress farms on the Bourne mayfly nymphs, thirty-eight which reaches of the river the to soak into the ground rather Rivulet and . The species of caddis and seventy fish frequent and also where than running overland into the high quality, the temperature other species of invertebrates they spawn. river. Flooding is therefore profile of the river water, and have been recorded from the A problem faced by salmon unusual in the headwaters or proximity to markets make the river. and the native brown trout is on the main river, though valley ideal for these activities The NRA has committed that the gravel areas in which exceptional rainfall of 584 mm which bring economic benefit substantial resources to re­ they spawn have tended to silt. in four months in I960 led to to the area. The effluents must searching the status of salmon Chalk streams have a natural extensive flooding in the Test meet the quality and volume stocks and to their protection. silt load and river keepers Valley and particularly in conditions of NRA discharge Anti-poaching patrols are traditionally raked gravels to Stockbridge. The NRA and riparian owners REFERENCES 'Survey of Agriculture of Hampshire’, by ft. Mudie. regularly cut weed to control Hampshire' (Vancout’er). Canals of Southern England’, The 'Hampshire’ collection, The Dorset volume of'Land by Hadfield river levels, especially when City Reference Utilisation Surrey of Britain’ rapid growth of water plants in Library. and Agriculture’ by LordAmle. Proceedings of the Hampshire spring and early summer Field Cluh - particularly coincides with peak flows. TW. Shore, circa 1900. During agreed weed cutting » ° o . periods the NRA operates a o O U o (S) Sewage Treatment Works weed trapping Ixxjm at Tims- ° O A o o o « bury to minimise blockages of (G) Flow Gauging Station * ° ^ * ° o ° V culverts, sluices and grilles downstream. Watercress Farm ° ° °o ?* °o ° °A « Riparian landowners are [5 Fish Farming areas ° a _ _ n o ’ responsible for operating and maintaining the many sluices <^> Public Water Supply - River which control the flows ^ Public Water Supply — Ground through the many carriers and feeder channels which run parallel to the main river channel. The more flashy tributaries like the River Dun and the Blackwater, which drain clay and sandy areas, show more significant flow variations. Floods on the River Dun were caused by snow melt in 1914 and by heavy rainfall in 1974. There is some tidal flooding of the riverside fields down­ stream of Testwood Mill during high spring tides where there are no tidal embankments.

Barton, Bracklesham ENVIRONMENT AGENCY and Bogshot Beds

Cloygate Beds and □ London Clay 099914 Southampton Wat^r

Sections showing the general relations of the rocks along the lines Y—Y' drawn on the map

Portsea Ports Down Chichester Ventnor Ryde Spitheod Island Anticline Syncline Petersfield o.o I 1 1 / —T

Conjectural base of recent deposits

NRA National Rivers Authority Southern Region

Headquarters Guildboume House Chatsworth Road

Worthing West Sussex BN11 1LD Purbeck and Portland Cloygate Beds and Upper Greensond Beds. Kimmeridge 0 10 20km London Cloy ondGooh (0903)820692 March 1991 □ and Oxford Cloy