The Four Marks Sample Issue.Pdf
One Holy Catholic Apostolic The Four Marks June 2012 Vol. 7 No. 6 The marks by which men will know His Church are four: $4.75 Month of the Sacred Heart one, holy, catholic, and apostolic AD APOSTOLORUM Ages-old traditions carved in stone PRINCIPIS Encyclical of Pope Pius XII Pope's Butler GRESHAM, Ore., May Voice of the Papacy 30—Vatican leaks are the tip of the iceberg, investigators allege; the real story involves On Communism and the mud-slinging cardinals who Church in China are positioning to be Bene- June 29, 1958 dict's successor. Vatican in- siders are abuzz this week To Our Venerable Brethren following news that Bene- and Beloved Children, the dict's butler, Paolo Gabriele Archbishops, Bishops, other was arrested by magistrates as Local Ordinaries, and Clergy the source behind leaked and People of China in Peace documents, the so-called Va- and Communion with the Apos- tileaks scandal that has tolic See. plagued Rome since 2011. The media seem to be glee- Venerable Brethren and Be- fully speculating about a loved Children, Greetings and deeper more sinister plot. Apostolic Benediction. They may be hoping that they have found the ultimate At the tomb of the Prince of the weapon to destroy the Catho- Apostles, in the majestic Vati- lic Church-- which they think can Basilica, Our immediate they are attacking. Investiga- Predecessor of deathless mem- tors point to one man in par- ory, Pius XI, duly consecrated ticular, the Vatican secretary and raised to the fullness of the of state, Cardinal Tarcisio priesthood, as you well know, Bertone.
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