Planning, Design and Access Statement

Application site: 224 Road, , NR8 6QW

Proposal: Demolition of existing 1.5 storey dwelling and erection of three dwellings (outline with all matters reserved)


Planning, Design and Access Statement: 224 Fakenham Road, Taverham – 3 dwellings

Site and context

The site

The site comprises an 0.14Ha broadly rectangular shaped parcel of land to the north of Fakenham Road in Taverham.

A one and a half storey property is currently located on the site.

In respect of topography the site and the surrounding area is flat.

The site lies within the settlement boundary of Taverham which is identified in the JCS as an urban fringe parish.

The property on the site is a one and a half storey dwelling with two storey properties to both the east and west and to the rear (located on the Thorpe Marriott Development.)

There are no mature trees nor trees subject to a TPO on the site itself, however there are mature trees in the front gardens of both 222a Fakenham Road and 226a Fakenham Road.

The existing property, nor those adjacent dwellings are highly prominent in the wider views, being set some significant distance back from the highway and screened by other development and mature trees.

Existing access to the site is served from Fakenham Road which is subject of a 30mph speed limit and the site accesses and egresses on a straight section of the road with good visibility.

The site is not within a conservation area nor affects the setting of any listed buildings.

There is no known contamination on or near the site.

The site is in Flood Zone 1 and there is no known surface water flooding.

Planning history

There is no relevant planning history on the site

Policy context



The site lies within the settlement limits of Taverham which is defined in the Joint Core Strategy by Policy 12 as an urban fringe parish and lies within the Norwich Policy Area.

Development Management DPD:

Policy GC1 – Presumption in favour of Sustainable development (presumption in favour of sustainable development; planning applications that accord with the policies in the DPD will be approved without delay, unless material considerations indicate otherwise).

Policy GC2 – Location of new development (New development will be accommodated with the settlement limits defined on the policies map).


Planning, Design and Access Statement: 224 Fakenham Road, Taverham – 3 dwellings

The principle of residential development is considered acceptable given the above policy basis subject to compliance with other policies of the Development Plan (which in this case are the Joint Core Strategy and Development Management policies Document) and any other material considerations.

Other policy considerations


Policy 2 of the JCS states that all development will be designed to the highest possible standards, creating a strong sense of place. Development will not be permitted which would result in any significant unacceptable impact upon the character of the area.

Development Management DPD:

Policy GC4 – Design (Development will be expected to achieve a high standard of design and avoid any significant detrimental impact. Schemes that are of an innovative nature or which reduce reliance on centralised, non-renewable energy sources will be particularly encouraged. Proposals should pay adequate regard to: i) the environment, character and appearance of an area; ii) reinforcing local distinctiveness through careful consideration of the treatment of space throughout the development, the appearance of new development, the scale of new development and landscaping; iii) meeting the reasonable amenity needs of all potential future occupiers; iv) considering the impact upon the amenity of existing properties; v) making efficient use of land and resources; vi) being accessible to all via sustainable means including public transport; vii) creating safe environments addressing crime prevention and community safety; viii) incorporating appropriate infrastructure linking to the surrounding area; ix) the creation of sustainable, inclusive and mixed communities; x) minimising resource and energy consumption and how it is located and designed to withstand the longer term impacts of climate change

Para 4.7 of the DPD indicates that within settlement limits the principle of subdivision is acceptable, subject to the detail being agreeable in accordance with policy GC2 of this DPD. Applications for subdivision proposals within settlement limits should have regard to the criteria set out in Policy GC4 of this DPD.

Policy TS3 – Highway safety (Development will not be permitted where it would result in any significant adverse impact upon the satisfactory functioning or safety of the highway network).

Policy TS4 – Parking guidelines (Within new developments appropriate parking and manoeuvring space should be provided to reflect the use and location as well as its accessibility by non-car modes)

Policy CSU5 – Surface water drainage

Consideration of the proposed scheme compliance with the above policies are set out in the scheme development section of this document below.

Neighbourhood plan:

There is no made Neighbourhood Plan for Taverham. It is understood that Taverham Parish Council has appointed a steering group to produce a Neighbourhood Plan and a Neighbourhood area has been adopted which covers the whole parish. Therefore, given the very preliminary stages of the plan there are no planning material considerations in this respect for the determination of this application proposal.


Planning, Design and Access Statement: 224 Fakenham Road, Taverham – 3 dwellings

Site context

A site analysis has been undertaken in respect of the context of the site and adjacent properties together with an analysis of consented developments in the area which have established a mixed grain of development in the area. Together these have informed the scheme proposal.

The planning application is in outline form with all matters reserved, however in order to inform the proposal and the number of units to come forward on the site, detailed consideration has been had to the proposed layout and scale of properties that could be satisfactorily accommodated on the site.

Key issues for consideration have been the form, character and grain of the settlement and site context; neighbouring amenity; access considerations; and arboricultural implications.

Form character and grain of the settlement and site context

The map below taken from the District Council Site Allocations SPD (2016) shows the extent of the settlement boundaries for the Parish of Taverham and the form of the settlement.

Map taken from Broadland District Council Site Allocations SPD (2016)

It is evident that the settlement form has, over the last 35 years, been much influenced by the large estate development of Thorpe Marriott to the northern side of the parish. This contributes to the settlement being recognised as a continuation of the built up area of the city in this north west corridor (JCS designated this as a Fringe Parish which is an “area next to the city of Norwich, but lying in another administrative district which is predominantly developed…. For Broadland this includes the continuously built up areas of Hellesdon, Drayton, Taverham….”)


Planning, Design and Access Statement: 224 Fakenham Road, Taverham – 3 dwellings

There is a mixed form of development that follows the A1067, with varied building heights, scales and materials although generally traditional in building form. Plots along the A1067 vary in depth and width and built form with a large number of cul de sacs and tandem development.

Extract taken from the Taverham Neighbourhood map on the Neighbourhood Plan section of the Broadland District Council website 2019.

There have been a large number of infill residential developments along the A1067 Fakenham Road which are not reflected in the above mentioned map and which reinforce this inconsistent and irregular form and pattern of development. A review of the planning context demonstrates this changed form and character to the linear pattern of development following the A1067 and therefore that the development proposed of three plots on the site would be entirely consistent with this form and character.

Examples of sites granted consented in close proximity to the application site which establish an inconsistent form and pattern of development are set out below:

• 2013/0192 as varied by 2014/1841 and 2016/1033 at land adjacent The Oaks, 105 Fakenham Road (to the south of the A1067) which granted development to the rear of the existing linear development along Fakenham Road

• 2016/1323 Sub-Division of Plot & Erection of Detached Dwelling & Associated Works (Revised Proposal) at 204 Fakenham Road, Taverham which demonstrates the form of development already established to the east of the application site.

• 2014/0981 - 180 Fakenham Road, Taverham - Erection of 4 No. Dwellings which granted development to the rear of the existing linear development along Fakenham Road


Planning, Design and Access Statement: 224 Fakenham Road, Taverham – 3 dwellings

• 2017/1107 - 248 Fakenham Road, Taverham - Sub-Division of Plot to provide Two Bedroom Bungalow which approved linear development of three plots deep to the west of the application site

• 2008/0894 and 2012/0865 - 147 Fakenham Road, Taverham – Demolition of No. 147 Fakenham Road. Close off Existing Vehicular Access to No. 149 Fakenham Road. Construction of New Private Drive to Serve 5 No. Dwellings. Construction of New Dwelling with Access Via Existing Drive to Fakenham Road, again which established linear cul de sac development on the A1067 Fakenham Road.

It is evident therefore that there is a mixed form and character to both the settlement as a whole and those properties accessing directly from the A1067 Fakenham Road and it is considered there is the capacity to absorb further subdivision of plots in the form identified without detriment to its character.

The proposal

The application is for outline planning permission only, with all matters reserved and it is intended that the layout drawing is illustrative and seeks to demonstrate that three dwellings can be accommodated on the site respecting the form and character of the area, the arboricultural constraints of trees on adjacent sites and residential amenity.

The existing dwelling would be demolished, and three dwellings erected. The illustrative plan demonstrates one possible solution however a range of scales and layouts could be satisfactorily accommodated on site without detriment to the above considerations.

Neighbouring amenity

Whilst the scale of the proposal is not for consideration, it is considered that there are a number of ways to deliver three dwellings on the site without detriment to the amenities of existing dwellings and future residents of the scheme itself.

Illustrative site layout

Plot 1 to the front of the site can accommodate a two storey property without any additional overlooking above that already present between the existing property and those surrounding.

Plot 1 would be located slightly further south in the plot, which can be designed so as to prevent any undue loss of light and privacy and to respect the form and character of the streetscene.

Plots 2 and 3, if two storey would introduce a level of overlooking towards the rear of 222a and 226a. Accepting that these are already overlooked to some extent by existing properties from Thorpe Marriot to the north and the existing row fronting Fakenham Road, it is considered that this could be mitigated through either the placement of non-habitable rooms at first floor on the southern elevation of the proposed properties (bathroom/landing) or through the use of rooflights in a 1,5 storey arrangement.


Planning, Design and Access Statement: 224 Fakenham Road, Taverham – 3 dwellings

Windows to the east and west can also be carefully considered at first floor to either be blank, high level or again serve non-habitable rooms.

To the rear elevation of plots 2 and 3, there is a significant distance between the proposed plot and the properties to the north such that there would be no adverse loss of privacy in respect of direct window-window privacy from any proposed first floor windows in the north elevation of the proposed dwellings, furthermore the plots would be set back from the rear boundary of a sufficient distance such that there would be no adverse overlooking of rear gardens, again accepting that these are already overlooked by existing dwellings. Should a two storey arrangement on the northern elevation not be possible at detailed design stage to respect neighbouring amenity, then this too could be 1.5 storey.

Illustrative site layout (also attached as a separate plan to scale):


As set out in the form and character section above it is considered that given the scale of the plot and the mixed character of the area, that the site could accommodate a range of design approaches in terms of height and scale, materials and design approach, likely of a traditional form, that would sit comfortably within its context.

It is recognised that the adjacent plots are linear with large individual linear gardens, however the proposal would make better and more efficient use of the land inline with requirements of the NPPF


Planning, Design and Access Statement: 224 Fakenham Road, Taverham – 3 dwellings

and still respect the context of the site through its appropriate layout and scale whilst delivering a density of approx. 21 dwellings per hectare.

Access proposals

Access is currently located on to the A1067 Fakenham Road.

The scheme proposal option submitted as part of this application indicate an alternative access arrangement with the access re-located further west along the highway. However, this is indicative and the location of the access/egress could remain in situ or re-located as required by the Highway Authority.

The A1067 in this location is the subject of a 30mph speed limit and the carriageway is straight with good visibility in both directions.

It is considered that the access would be compliant with NCC Highway standards and Policy TS3 of the Local Plan.

Parking (Policy TS4)

The indicative layouts demonstrate that there is sufficient space within the proposed plots to accommodate parking in accordance with the County Council Parking Standards as required by Policy TS4 of the Local Plan.

Arboricultural impact

There are no mature trees nor trees subject to a TPO on the site itself, however there are mature trees in the front gardens of both 222a Fakenham Road and 226a Fakenham Road.

The proposed and indicative layouts are outside of the Root Protection Area (RPA) of the trees on the adjacent properties and any access would be constructed with a no-dig construction given the limited number of dwellings to which it would serve. Accordingly, it is considered that the site can accommodate three dwellings on the site and an alternative access arrangement without detriment to the existing trees.


Planning, Design and Access Statement: 224 Fakenham Road, Taverham – 3 dwellings

Appendix A – Photos

Photo 1: site from existing site access on the A1067. To note the existing scale of surrounding development and the tree located in the adjacent property (226a Fakenham Road).


Planning, Design and Access Statement: 224 Fakenham Road, Taverham – 3 dwellings

Photo 2: Existing front garden (viewed in a southerly direction towards carriageway) and access arrangements on to the A1067


Planning, Design and Access Statement: 224 Fakenham Road, Taverham – 3 dwellings

Photo 3: tree in adjacent property (222a Fakenham Road)


Planning, Design and Access Statement: 224 Fakenham Road, Taverham – 3 dwellings

Photo 4: Existing rear garden to property


Planning, Design and Access Statement: 224 Fakenham Road, Taverham – 3 dwellings

Photo 5: rear site boundary with properties to the rear being located on the Thorpe Marriott Estate development


Planning, Design and Access Statement: 224 Fakenham Road, Taverham – 3 dwellings

Photo 6: Relationship with dwelling to east taken from rear garden


Planning, Design and Access Statement: 224 Fakenham Road, Taverham – 3 dwellings

Photo 7: Relationship with property to west taken from rear garden