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Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

Marriott’s Way Improvement & — Delivery Plan


Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan



1. Photos from the survey

2. Results from the online survey

3. Results from the drop-in consultations

4. Results from the SUSTRANS survey

5. Action Plan

The Marriott’s Way is ’s longest disused railway trail at 26 miles. Parts of the trail have been used for walking, cycling and horse riding since the 1970s. The route is entirely in public ownership; with the majority of the route owned and managed by Norfolk County Council and other sections owned and managed by City Council and District Council. Around 110,000 people walk, cycle or ride on the Marriott’s Way annually. About 385 cyclists per day on average use the Marriott’s Way to cycle into the City. It is part of Sustrans National Cycle Route No. 1. The trail follows the route of the River Wensum (which has been designated as a Special Conservation Area) upstream as far as Lenwade. The whole length of the Marriott’s Way has been designated as a County Wildlife Site. Marriott’s Way ends in , from where the Bure Valley Path (managed by Broadland District Council) continues through to Wroxham and Hoveton.

The four local authorities (Norwich City Council, Norfolk County Council, Broadland District Council and South Norfolk Council) are all working closely together to improve the Marriott’s Way as a route for walkers, cyclists, horse riders, and as an important wildlife corridor. Marriott’s Way is an important component in the Green Infrastructure Strategy for the Greater Norwich Growth Area. Recently the Greater Norwich Growth Board (GNGB) has allocated funding for making improvements to the Marriott’s Way as a commuting route through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Marriott’s Way can act as a sustainable artery between the City and the Countryside for walkers, cyclists and horse riders. In the financial year of 2014-15, £60,000 was allocated from the CIL programme for improving commuting by bike. A further CIL grant of £259,000 has been awarded in the 2015-16 financial year to improve the route.

This document contains the appendices to the Improvement and Delivery Plan itself.

Photos from the survey 1

A survey was carried out along the whole length of Marriott’s Way in Winter 2014/15. The locations of features such as bridges, information boards and artworks were recorded using a GPS (Geographical Positioning System) device, and a photograph was taken of the feature. The same thing was done with any problem areas on the route, such as muddy sections or places where the existing path surface has been badly eroded.

The following maps and photos, as referred to in Section 3 of the report, show the results of the survey. Each GPS point referred to in each map and described in the table has correlating photographs to illustrate each observation.

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations







Point Number







Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations







Point Number







Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations






Point Number







Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations





Point Number






Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations






Point Number






Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations






Point Number







Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations







Point Number







Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations







Point Number







Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations






Point Number






Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations






Point Number






Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations





Point Number





Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations






Point Number







Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations







Point Number







Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations







Point Number






Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations





Point Number





Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations






Point Number






164 Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

1 Photos from the survey

Point Number Please refer to maps for point locations


Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

2 Results from online survey

An online survey sought opinion on potential improvements to the Marriott’s Way. Here is a copy of the survey we developed and used:

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

2 Results from online survey

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

2 Results from online survey

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

2 Results from online survey

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

2 Results from online survey

Q1. How often do you use Marriott’s Way?

Every day

A couple of times a week

Once a week

A couple of times a month

Once a month

Once every few months

Once a year

Once every few years

I have never used Marriott’s Way

Q2. Which sections do you use? 100% 90% 181 80% 264 264 70% 60% 50% 40% 384 30% 301 301 20% 10% 0% Q2.1. The Norwich City Q2.2. The section Q2.3. The section Section between the city between Costessey and between Thorpe Marriott boundary with Costessey Thorpe Marriott and Aylsham and the City Centre Yes No

Q3. What activities have you undertaken on the Trail? 450 412 400 349 350 300 250 200 155 125

150 Numberstated 100 33 22 50 32 0


Q4. What sort of surface would you like in the section from the edge of Norwich and Thorpe Marriott? 350 327 300 250 184 200 150 100 Number stated Number 50 12 5 3 12 0

Surface Type

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

2 Results from online survey

Q5. What sort of surface would you like to see used in the section between Thorpe Marriott and Aylsham?

450 382 400 350 300 250 200 150 110

Number stated Number 100 50 4 1 17 17 0

Surface Type

Q6. Would you be in favour of or against lighting on the route between the start of the trail in Norwich and the edge of the city?

5% 9% 22%

Strongly in favour In favour Don’t mind either way 33% Against

31% Strongly against

Q7. If you support the idea of lighting this section of the Trail, which sort of lighting would you favour?

Lighting that comes on only when someone is 48% moving on the path 52% Lighting that is only on for part of the night.

Q8. and Q9. 100% 90% 81 80% 178 70% 60% 50% 40% 473 30% 371 20% 10% 0% Q8. Would you be in favour or Q9. Would you be in favour or against trees being removed and against trees beside the path being replanted? pruned and thinned? In favour Against

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

2 Results from online survey

Q11. Which of the following do you think would improve the Marriott’s Way for users? 400 350 300 340 250 303 200 150 179 184 100

Total Number Total 129 50 0 New More signs More digital More digital Other information showing people information in information suggestions boards on the the surrounding the form of an from the Trail areas app Norfolk Trails website Information Improvements

Q12. How likely or unlikely would you be to use Wi-Fi hotspots along the trail to download information and apps?


31% Very likely

15% Likely Neither likely nor unlikely Unlikely Very unlikely 17%


Q13. Which of the following do you think would improve the Marriott’s Way for users? 350 300 312 305 250 200 150 196 150 151 163

100 Number stated Number 50 0 More seats More art More More Circular A feature to Other features walk links mark the suggestions related to beginning and railway end history Access Improvements

Q14. Where do you usually get onto Marriott’s Way when you use it? 120 111 100 93

80 66 60 40 29 32 19 22 22 23 24 23 23

Numberstated 18 20 10 13 13 10 0

Access points

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

2 Results from online survey

Q17. Age of online survey respondents 160 140 120 100 80

60 Total Number Total 40 20 0 Under 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+ 18 Age Groups

11.3 More digital information in the form of an app by age group 120 102 100 81 80 80

60 51 45 Yes 41 42 37 TotalNumber 40 No 29 22 20 8 9 3 3 4 2 0 Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+ Age groups

Gender 2%

37% Female Male Prefer not to say 61%

Q19. Do you consider yourself to be disabled? 2% 6%

Yes No Prefer not to say


Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

2 Results from online survey

Q.20 What is your impairment? 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 TotalNumber 2 0

Impairment stated

Q21. If you would be willing to be contacted again, please provide your e-mail address. 400 350 352 300 250 200 213

150 Total Total Number 100 50 0 Email provided Email not provided

Results from the drop-in consultations 3

To complement the on-line survey, five ‘drop-in’ public consultation sessions were organised in towns and villages along the route of the Marriott’s Way during the latter half of February 2015. The purpose of the drop-in sessions was to have a chance to talk in more depth to people with an interest in Marriott’s Way, so as to get a better insight into their views about the Trail. A series of exhibition boards outlined the key issues affecting the Marriott’s Way.

Visitors to the consultation events were encouraged to record their thoughts about the issues and their ideas for improvements on post-it notes. These were then transcribed and categorised into a number of overarching themes (see section 6 of report) and sub-themes for analysis, as shown in the following charts.

Below are some photos from the consultation events. The total number of comments collected, including emails post-event, was 335 comments

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

3 Results from the drop-in consultations

Signs, Information and Access was the biggest mentioned theme

Topic Themes 2% 0%

Surfacing 16% 26% Lighting

Vegetation Management and Biodiversity Signs, information and access 7% points Other Features 39% 10% General

Highest percentage of specific topic comments refer to 'Surfacing Type' (13%), but overall spread across categories.

Specific Topics Access routes

Biodiversity enhancement and conservation 4% 3% 9% Code of conduct 3% 13% Lighting Type 7% Route Improvements

5% Safety Improvements

Seating 10% 3% Signs 4% Other 5% Surfacing Improvements

5% Surfacing Type

29% Tree Management

Waste bins

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

3 Results from the drop-in consultations

Proportion of consultations comments were relatively even. Least comments gained at Costessey.

Source of Comments

2% 3% 0% 6% Aylsham Consultation 20% Costessey Consultation

Drayton Consultation

22% Mile Cross Consultation

Reepham Consultation 13% The Forum

Norfolk Trails Blog

Email 18% 16% Social Media

Overarching themes.

Surface Type 25

20 21 21 22 15

10 9

No. No. commentsof 5 3 3 1 0

Lighting 16 14 14 12 10 10 8 6

No. No. commentsof 4

2 3 0 Yes No Specified Locations

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

3 Results from the drop-in consultations

Overarching themes.

Vegetation and Biodiversity 8 7 6 7 5 4 5 3 2 3 3 No. No. commentsof 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

Access, Information and signs 35 30 25 30 20 23 15 18 10 13 No. No. commentsof 5 4 3 3 10 9 6 2 3 6 0

Other Features 18 16 14 16 12 10 8 6 8 No. No. comentsof 4 4 4 4 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 0

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

3 Results from the drop-in consultations

Sub themes.

Access 10







No. commentsof 3




Access 10







No. commentsof 3




Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

3 Results from the drop-in consultations

Sub themes.

Information 14 12 10 8 6

4 No. No. commentsof 2 0

Signs 3


1 No. No. commentsof


Sub themes.

Art, seating, railway history and waste 14 12 10 8 6 4

No. No. commentsof 2 0

Parking, storage and businesses 3


1 No. No. commentsof 0

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

4 Results from the SUSTRANS survey

This survey took place over four days in February 2015 – two weekdays and two weekend days. Surveyors from the environmental transport charity Sustrans stopped people using the Marriott’s Way near its end point at Barn Road in Norwich and asked them a series of questions about themselves, how often they use the Trail, whether they use it to commute to work or as a leisure activity and how long their journey on the Trail was that day in distance and in time. They were also asked to suggest the sections they considered to be most in need of improvement.

The results of the Sustrans User Survey can be seen below.

Please note: The following frequencies relate to a weighted score for analysis purposes and should not be considered as the frequency of responses. Instead, please use the percentages when reading the tables. However, the total number of responses was 2553.


value frequency percent male 218688 70.9 female 89701 29.1 Total 308389 100

Age value frequency percent 16-19 7425 2.4 20-29 64095 20.8 30-44 97286 31.5 45-59 134533 43.6 60-74 4524 1.5 75-84 526 0.2 85+ 0 0 Prefer not to say 0 0 Total 308389 100

Ethnicity value frequency percent White 301626 97.8 Mixed 3137 1 Indian 0 0 Pakistani 0 0 Bangladeshi 0 0 Other asian 0 0 Caribbean 0 0 African 2694 0.9 Other black 0 0 Chinese 931 0.3 Other ethnic group 0 0 Prefer not to say 0 0 Total 308389 100

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

4 Results from the SUSTRANS survey

Working status

value frequency percent Employed full-time (30+ hours) 224761 73.1 Employed part time 14024 4.6 Not working due to disability or illness 3208 1 Looking after home/family 1181 0.4 Unemployed 12425 4 Jobseeker 0 0 Retired 4236 1.4 Studying 10846 3.5 Self employed 11919 3.9 Voluntary worker 22539 7.3 Other 2318 0.8 Total 307457 100

Do you have any long-term illness, health problem or disability which limits your daily activities or the work you can do?

value frequency percent Yes 13120 4.3 No 292131 94.7 Prefer not to say 3137 1 Total 308389 100

Overall, how would you rate your general health over the last two weeks? value frequency percent Very good 177817 58.3 Good 100524 32.9 Neither good nor poor 19485 6.4 Poor 7425 2.4 Very poor 0 0 Total 305252 100

Activity undertaken value frequency percent Walking (including dog walking) 111806 36.3 Cycling 185207 60.1 Running/Jogging 11376 3.7 Wheelchair use 0 0 Other 0 0 Total 308389 100

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

4 Results from the SUSTRANS survey

What is the purpose of your current journey? 60 48.2 50 40 35.4 30 20 7.3 Percentage (%) 10 6.3 2 0.7 0 Commute Education Shopping Personal business Leisure Other

80 How often do you make this journey? 70 67.1





Percentage (%) 20 8.8 8.2 10 5.1 5.7 3.1 2 0 Daily 2-5 times a Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Less First time week frequently

Did you or will you use any other mode of transport for part of this journey today? value frequency percent Car/Van/Taxi 3470 1.1 Public transport 6664 2.2 None JUST the bike or walking 298255 96.7 Other 0 0 Total 308389 100

If you have NOT used a car, could you have used a car for this trip instead of cycling/walking?

50 43.5 40 29.2 27.3 30 20

Percentage (%) 10 0 Yes, could have used a car but No, car was not an available No, recreation is the main chose not to purpose of this trip

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

4 Results from the SUSTRANS survey

If you selected 'could have used a car but chose not to', which of the following factors influenced your decision?

35 31.5 30

25 21.7 20 17.6

15 12.2 11.5 Percentage (%) 10

5 3.5 1.3 0.7 0 Some one else was using Health benefits Environmental concerns Leisure/enjoyment Convenience/proximity of Parking availability Cost of fuel and/or running Other the car destination a car

If you had been unable to access this route would you still have needed to make this journey to your given destination?

value frequency percent Yes 288316 93.5 No 19142 6.2 Don't know 931 0.3 Total 308389 100

If you selected 'could have used a car but chose not to', which of the following factors influenced your decision?

35 31.5 30

25 21.7 20 17.6

15 12.2 11.5 Percentage (%) 10

5 3.5 1.3 0.7 0 Some one else was using Health benefits Environmental concerns Leisure/enjoyment Convenience/proximity of Parking availability Cost of fuel and/or running Other the car destination a car

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

4 Results from the SUSTRANS survey

To what extent have the following factors influenced your decision to walk, cycle or use a wheelchair today?

100% Strongly 90% 23.9% 31.4% disagree 80% 36.8% 45.4% 49.9% 53.0% 54.6% 70% 61.5% Disagree 68.9% 22.8% 60%

50% 28.5% 13.3% 9.7% Neutral 46.8% 40% 11.2% 33.9% 19.5% 30% 10.9% 34.4% 33.3% Agree 24.4% 6.2% 14.3% 20% 6.3% 9.5% 23.9% 24.1% 10% 17.5% 7.1% 12.0% 9.1% 12.4% 11.6% 6.9% Strongly 5.6% 4.4% 2.9% 3.8% 3.2% agree 0% 2.1% 2.1% I can go I can easily It's the best Most Save money Like the Safe Exercise straight to access route transport convenient surroundings Environmental dest from home option route Concerns

To what extent have the following factors influenced your decision to walk, cycle or use a wheelchair today?

100% Strongly 90% 23.9% 31.4% disagree 80% 36.8% 45.4% 49.9% 53.0% 54.6% 70% 61.5% Disagree 68.9% 22.8% 60%

50% 28.5% 13.3% 9.7% Neutral 46.8% 40% 11.2% 33.9% 19.5% 30% 10.9% 34.4% 33.3% Agree 24.4% 6.2% 14.3% 20% 6.3% 9.5% 23.9% 24.1% 10% 17.5% 7.1% 12.0% 9.1% 12.4% 11.6% 6.9% Strongly 5.6% 4.4% 2.9% 3.8% 3.2% agree 0% 2.1% 2.1% I can go I can easily It's the best Most Save money Like the Safe Exercise straight to access route transport convenient surroundings Environmental dest from home option route Concerns

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

4 Results from the SUSTRANS survey

To what extent are the following factors barriers that prevent you using this route? 100% 6.6% 9.2% 4.8% 10.8% 90% 13.0% 15.3% 80% 25.2% 70% N/A 60% 91.0% 50% Major barrier 90.3% 86.5% 88.7% 40% 78.1% 70.0% 30% Slight barrier 20% 10% 7.4% 0% No barrier I don't feel safe I can't access the The weather Not enough time Not enough safe Other route easily connecting routes

To what extent are the following factors barriers that prevent you using this route? 100% 6.6% 9.2% 4.8% 10.8% 90% 13.0% 15.3% 80% 25.2% 70% N/A 60% 91.0% 50% Major barrier 90.3% 86.5% 88.7% 40% 78.1% 70.0% 30% Slight barrier 20% 10% 7.4% No barrier 0% To what extent are the following factors barriers that prevent you using this route? 100% I don't feel safe I can't access the The weather Not enough time Not enough safe Other 6.6% route easily9.2% 4.8% connecting routes10.8% 90% 13.0% 15.3% 80% 25.2% 70% N/A 60% 91.0% 50% Major barrier 90.3% 86.5% 88.7% 40% 78.1% 70.0% 30% Slight barrier 20% 10% 7.4% 0% No barrier I don't feel safe I can't access the The weather Not enough time Not enough safe Other route easily connecting routes

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

4 Results from the SUSTRANS survey

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

100% 10.1% 8.6% 90% 17.2% 16.6% Strongly disagree 80% 19.9% 20.7%

70% 30.8% Disagree 11.1% 32.7% 11.3% 60% 50% 6.4% 8.3% Neutral 40% 37.7% 37.5% 30% 28.9% 30.4% Agree 20% 10% 21.1% 22.0% 14.7% 13.9% Strongly agree 0% I intend to walk more I intend to cycle more It is likely I will walk It is likely I will cycle more more

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

100% 10.1% 8.6% 90% 17.2% 16.6% Strongly disagree 80% 19.9% 20.7%

70% 30.8% Disagree 11.1% 32.7% 11.3% 60% 50% 6.4% 8.3% Neutral 40% 37.7% 37.5% 30% 28.9% 30.4% Agree 20% 10% 21.1% 22.0% 14.7% 13.9% Strongly agree 0% I intend to walk more I intend to cycle more It is likely I will walk It is likely I will cycle more more

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

4 Results from the SUSTRANS survey

What improvements would you like to see for pedestrians and cyclists on this route?

80 75.6

70 64 60

50 41 Percentage (%) 40 30.4 30 27.3 27.5 27.7 26

20 16.5

10 3.3 0 Surfacing Vegetation Physical Access to the Art work Lighting Parking Digital Seats Other management Information route availability information / and signage Wi-fi sports

What improvements would you like to see for pedestrians and cyclists on this route?

80 75.6

70 64 60

50 41 Percentage (%) 40 30.4 30 27.3 27.5 27.7 26

20 16.5

10 3.3 0 Surfacing Vegetation Physical Access to the Art work Lighting Parking Digital Seats Other management Information route availability information / and signage Wi-fi sports

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

5 Action Plan

Methodology for project prioritisation

A tailored cost-benefit analysis Excel Template listing the top 30 projects was made to aid the prioritisation of the delivery of projects. The methodology included:

1. Assessment of benefits: 8 assessment criteria (e.g. benefits to users commuting to and from their homes) were identified to examine the benefits of projects, each scored between 1 and 5. These scores were weighted towards funding criteria which included the priorities for CIL funding for 2015/16. For example, a score could be doubled to represent its higher importance. Since the public consultation and commuting were of high significance to the plan, all scores relating to them were doubled e.g. a score of 3/5 became a score of 6/10. As a result, each row was given a score out of 50. These were then doubled to 100 to simplify analysis

Project Assessment Criteria [Scoring: 1 = low, 5 = high] (Weighting towards funding objectives included)

Benefits for Benefits Benefits to users Total Assessment users Landscape, Public Support for people Benefits to from areas of high Score of benefits 'commuting' Access vegetation Heritage (/10) (Evidence using for businesses deprivation levels, (/50) score (/100) to and from (/5) and wildlife (/5) from consulta- leisure (/5) poor health and their homes benefits (/5) tions) (/5) obesity (/5) (/10)

2. Assessment of Costs: Project costs were assigned a Cost score based on the significance of the amount (as shown in the table below). The Cost scores were adjusted through testing and development by testing the scores against trial Assessment of benefits scores.

Cost (£) Cost scores 0-1000 57 1001-5000 58.5 5001-15000 60 15,001-40,000 61.5 40,001-100,000 63 100,001-250,000 64.5 250,000+ 66

3. Cost to Benefit Scores : The benefits were then divided by the costs to provide a cost-benefit score. The average cost-benefit classifies scores above 1 as good, equal to 1 as acceptable and scores below 1 as poor. However, due to the unlikelihood of scoring a 1 exactly which represents medium value for money, scoring bands were created. This provided a better spread of low, medium and high value for money projects, increasing the ease of analysis (as shown below).

Cost-benefit score Value for money

<= 0.9 Low Between 0.9 - 1.1 Medium >= 1.1 High

Project Assessment Criteria [Scoring: 1 = low, 5 = high] (Weighting towards funding objectives included)

Benefits for Benefits Benefits to users Total Assessment users Landscape, Public Support for people Benefits to from areas of high Score of benefits 'commuting' Access vegetation Heritage (/10) (Evidence using for businesses deprivation levels, (/50) score (/100) to and from (/5) and wildlife (/5) from consulta- leisure (/5) poor health and their homes benefits (/5) tions) (/5) obesity (/5) (/10)

4. Assessments Scores: The local authorities and organisations represented on the Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Project Team were invited to score the benefits of the 30 projects which resulted in a number of cost-benefit scores for each project. The cost- benefit scores were then accumulated and a list of averaged scores, finding the mean for each project was established. These were sorted from highest to lowest to produce a prioritised list of projects.

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

5 Action Plan

Project prioritisation list for Marriott’s Way improvements:

Location Themes Proposed Project Overall Average Vegetation management, Establishing a more pronounced Gateway to the Marriott's Way from Norwich which is in keeping with Norwich Gateway 1.19 signage, artwork the landscape identity. Norwich, Costessey, Drayton Signage, promotion and Signage to direct people to the Marriott's Way would increase its profile and attract more users. 1.18 and Thorpe Marriott revenue Surface and drainage Improvement are required on the route. A feasible option that accounts for the Thorpe Marriott - Marl Pitt Surface, drainage, ac- management and access issues of this section would be a sealed surface. There is a viable oppor- 1.16 Lane cess, route management tunity for the maintenance of this section of the route to be adopted as highway. Improving the gateways and surface of the South Norfolk stretch of Marriott’s Way to facilitate use by all sectors of the local community, but in particular anyone with mobility problems, pushchairs, cyclists Costessey Access, Surface 1.14 etc. The aim is to widen the scope for using Marriott’s Way for leisure purposes and journeys to ser- vices. General Signs Have signs at road crossings to warn road traffic and route users 1.12 General Signage Wayfinding and signage strategy 1.12 Improving public access to Marriott’s Way from surrounding residential areas through additional foot- Access, signage, circular Costessey paths, new signage and promotion of circular walks linking with Marriott’s Way, with the aim of in- 1.11 walks creasing the number of local residents using the footpath. Train Wood Vegetation Management Continue work of Norwich Fringe Project along Norwich City section. 1.09 Widen path to min. 3.5m Surface, vegetation man- Remove trees close to path. Andersons Meadow 1.09 agement, lighting lighting Replanting of trees Establishing a code of conduct for the route to minimise conflicts between different types of users and General Code of conduct enhance user experience. This could be promoted in a leaflet for cyclists that would also promote the 1.05 Trail. Vegetation management, The improvement of the Biodiversity and Aboriculture within the Trail corridior will enhance the wood- General 1.05 biodiversity enhancement land structure and habitat connectivity, and complement other management aims. Burnet Road Access, signage, busi- Improve existing access point: access controls, signage 1.05 (Sweetbriar Industrial estate) nesses Clear rubbish Sloughbottom Park – Ander- Vegetation management Landscaping/planting 1.03 sons Meadow Treat Japanese knotweed Barn Road to Hellesdon Road Lighting Introduce lighting to the City section of the Trail 1.03 Cost-benefit Score Value for money <= 0.9 Low 0.9 - 1.1 Medium >= 1.1 High

Location Themes Proposed Project Overall Average Vegetation management, Establishing a more pronounced Gateway to the Marriott's Way from Norwich which is in keeping with Norwich Gateway 1.19 signage, artwork the landscape identity. Norwich, Costessey, Drayton Signage, promotion and Signage to direct people to the Marriott's Way would increase its profile and attract more users. 1.18 and Thorpe Marriott revenue Surface and drainage Improvement are required on the route. A feasible option that accounts for the Thorpe Marriott - Marl Pitt Surface, drainage, ac- management and access issues of this section would be a sealed surface. There is a viable oppor- 1.16 Lane cess, route management tunity for the maintenance of this section of the route to be adopted as highway. Improving the gateways and surface of the South Norfolk stretch of Marriott’s Way to facilitate use by all sectors of the local community, but in particular anyone with mobility problems, pushchairs, cyclists Costessey Access, Surface 1.14 etc. The aim is to widen the scope for using Marriott’s Way for leisure purposes and journeys to ser- vices. General Signs Have signs at road crossings to warn road traffic and route users 1.12 General Signage Wayfinding and signage strategy 1.12 Improving public access to Marriott’s Way from surrounding residential areas through additional foot- Access, signage, circular Costessey paths, new signage and promotion of circular walks linking with Marriott’s Way, with the aim of in- 1.11 walks creasing the number of local residents using the footpath. Train Wood Vegetation Management Continue work of Norwich Fringe Project along Norwich City section. 1.09 Widen path to min. 3.5m Surface, vegetation man- Remove trees close to path. Andersons Meadow 1.09 agement, lighting lighting Replanting of trees Establishing a code of conduct for the route to minimise conflicts between different types of users and General Code of conduct enhance user experience. This could be promoted in a leaflet for cyclists that would also promote the 1.05 Trail. Vegetation management, The improvement of the Biodiversity and Aboriculture within the Trail corridior will enhance the wood- General 1.05 biodiversity enhancement land structure and habitat connectivity, and complement other management aims. Burnet Road Access, signage, busi- Improve existing access point: access controls, signage 1.05 (Sweetbriar Industrial estate) nesses Clear rubbish Sloughbottom Park – Ander- Vegetation management Landscaping/planting 1.03 sons Meadow Treat Japanese knotweed Barn Road to Hellesdon Road Lighting Introduce lighting to the City section of the Trail 1.03

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

5 Action Plan

Project prioritisation list for Marriott’s Way improvements

Location Themes Proposed Project Overall Average The ramp down from the road to the Tesco access point requires work. Ramp work to the Fakenham Road - Drayton Access route next to the Tescos supermarket would improve entry for wheelchair and buggy users as well as 1.02 Tesco better connections to the route for the local community. Hellesdon Road (Junction with Route improvement Toucan crossing 1.02 Marriott’s Way) Widen path to min. 3.5m by removing earth mounding. Surface, drainage, vege- Sloughbottom Park – Ander- Remove trees close to path. tation management, light- 1.01 sons Meadow Improve adjacent drainage ditch (convert to swale?) ing Lighting Access, route improve- Road - A1068 Toucan crossing required with priority for MW cyclists and walkers. 1.00 ment Carry out a feasibility study into the possibility of making the improvements necessary to return the Station Road Drayton Station Road Drayton 0.99 route of Marriott's Way to Station Road in Drayton Outer ring road (Sweetbriar Access Access ramps 0.98 Road) Outer ring road (Sweetbriar Access Replace existing barriers with posts 0.98 Road) bridge Mile Cross Road bridge Access Replace existing barriers with posts 0.98 Access, route improve- Improve existing access point Mile Cross Road 0.98 ment Right turn facility for cyclists in centre of road? Havers Road access point Signage, Access Re-align, flush kerbs and signage 0.97 Hellesdon Road – Sloughbot- Surface Surfacing repairs 0.96 tom Park Improve layout and signage Barker Street access Access, signage 0.94 Replace post Dragon crossing Route maintenance Complete repairs 0.94 Biodiversity enhance- Improving ecological connectivity and increasing habitat by planting hawthorn hedges along the south Costessey ment, vegetation man- -western edge of the Marriott’s Way footpath to fill gaps and screen adjacent farmland, with the aim of 0.92 agement enhancing the natural environment along the route. Seek advice from a protected species specialist to identify opportunities for habitat enhancement and General Biodiversity Management issues that might impede management. This would need to include surveys on specific species during 0.86 the surveying period. Burnet Road Access, signage, busi- Marketing & Promotion to businesses on the estate 0.82 (Sweetbriar Industrial estate) nesses Thorpe Marriott - Marl Pitt Surface, drainage, ac- Encourage the use of more powerful bicycle lights and add reflectors to gates or infrastructure. 0.77 Lane cess, route management Cost-benefit Score Value for money <= 0.9 Low 0.9 - 1.1 Medium >= 1.1 High

Location Themes Proposed Project Overall Average The ramp down from the Fakenham road to the Tesco access point requires work. Ramp work to the Fakenham Road - Drayton Access route next to the Tescos supermarket would improve entry for wheelchair and buggy users as well as 1.02 Tesco better connections to the route for the local community. Hellesdon Road (Junction with Route improvement Toucan crossing 1.02 Marriott’s Way) Widen path to min. 3.5m by removing earth mounding. Surface, drainage, vege- Sloughbottom Park – Ander- Remove trees close to path. tation management, light- 1.01 sons Meadow Improve adjacent drainage ditch (convert to swale?) ing Lighting Access, route improve- Taverham Road - A1068 Toucan crossing required with priority for MW cyclists and walkers. 1.00 ment Carry out a feasibility study into the possibility of making the improvements necessary to return the Station Road Drayton Station Road Drayton 0.99 route of Marriott's Way to Station Road in Drayton Outer ring road (Sweetbriar Access Access ramps 0.98 Road) Outer ring road (Sweetbriar Access Replace existing barriers with posts 0.98 Road) bridge Mile Cross Road bridge Access Replace existing barriers with posts 0.98 Access, route improve- Improve existing access point Mile Cross Road 0.98 ment Right turn facility for cyclists in centre of road? Havers Road access point Signage, Access Re-align, flush kerbs and signage 0.97 Hellesdon Road – Sloughbot- Surface Surfacing repairs 0.96 tom Park Improve layout and signage Barker Street access Access, signage 0.94 Replace post Dragon crossing Route maintenance Complete repairs 0.94 Biodiversity enhance- Improving ecological connectivity and increasing habitat by planting hawthorn hedges along the south Costessey ment, vegetation man- -western edge of the Marriott’s Way footpath to fill gaps and screen adjacent farmland, with the aim of 0.92 agement enhancing the natural environment along the route. Seek advice from a protected species specialist to identify opportunities for habitat enhancement and General Biodiversity Management issues that might impede management. This would need to include surveys on specific species during 0.86 the surveying period. Burnet Road Access, signage, busi- Marketing & Promotion to businesses on the estate 0.82 (Sweetbriar Industrial estate) nesses Thorpe Marriott - Marl Pitt Surface, drainage, ac- Encourage the use of more powerful bicycle lights and add reflectors to gates or infrastructure. 0.77 Lane cess, route management

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

5 Action Plan

Costing estimates for Marriott’s Way improvement projects:

Location Proposed Project Estimated Cost (£) Fakenham Road - The ramp down from the Fakenham road to the Tesco access point requires work. Ramp work to the route next to the Tescos supermar- 50000 Drayton Tesco ket would improve entry for wheelchair and buggy users as well as better connections to the route for the local community. Taverham Road - Toucan crossing required with priority for MW cyclists and walkers. 100000 A1068 Carry out a feasibility study into the possibility of making the improvements necessary to return the route of Marriott's Way to Station Station Road Drayton 1000 Road in Drayton Improving public access to Marriott’s Way from surrounding residential areas through additional footpaths, new signage and promotion of Costessey 40000 circular walks linking with Marriott’s Way, with the aim of increasing the number of local residents using the footpath. Improving ecological connectivity and increasing habitat by planting hawthorn hedges along the south-western edge of the Marriott’s Way Costessey 30000 footpath to fill gaps and screen adjacent farmland, with the aim of enhancing the natural environment along the route. Surface and drainage Improvement are required on the route. A feasible option that accounts for the management and access issues of Thorpe Marriott - Marl this section would be a sealed surface. There is a viable opportunity for the maintenance of this section of the route to be adopted as 150000 Pitt Lane highway. Thorpe Marriott - Marl Encourage the use of more powerful bicycle lights and add reflectors to gates or infrastructure. 2000 Pitt Lane Hellesdon Road (Junction with Mar- Toucan crossing 100000 riott’s Way) Outer ring road Access ramps 40000 (Sweetbriar Road) Outer ring road (Sweetbriar Road) Replace existing barriers with posts 7500 bridge Burnet Road (Sweetbriar Industrial Improve existing access point: access controls, signage 7500 estate) Burnet Road (Sweetbriar Industrial Marketing & Promotion to businesses on the estate 2500 estate) Hellesdon Road – Surfacing repairs 25000 Sloughbottom Park

Location Proposed Project Estimated Cost (£) Fakenham Road - The ramp down from the Fakenham road to the Tesco access point requires work. Ramp work to the route next to the Tescos supermar- 50000 Drayton Tesco ket would improve entry for wheelchair and buggy users as well as better connections to the route for the local community. Taverham Road - Toucan crossing required with priority for MW cyclists and walkers. 100000 A1068 Carry out a feasibility study into the possibility of making the improvements necessary to return the route of Marriott's Way to Station Station Road Drayton 1000 Road in Drayton Improving public access to Marriott’s Way from surrounding residential areas through additional footpaths, new signage and promotion of Costessey 40000 circular walks linking with Marriott’s Way, with the aim of increasing the number of local residents using the footpath. Improving ecological connectivity and increasing habitat by planting hawthorn hedges along the south-western edge of the Marriott’s Way Costessey 30000 footpath to fill gaps and screen adjacent farmland, with the aim of enhancing the natural environment along the route. Surface and drainage Improvement are required on the route. A feasible option that accounts for the management and access issues of Thorpe Marriott - Marl this section would be a sealed surface. There is a viable opportunity for the maintenance of this section of the route to be adopted as 150000 Pitt Lane highway. Thorpe Marriott - Marl Encourage the use of more powerful bicycle lights and add reflectors to gates or infrastructure. 2000 Pitt Lane Hellesdon Road (Junction with Mar- Toucan crossing 100000 riott’s Way) Outer ring road Access ramps 40000 (Sweetbriar Road) Outer ring road (Sweetbriar Road) Replace existing barriers with posts 7500 bridge Burnet Road (Sweetbriar Industrial Improve existing access point: access controls, signage 7500 estate) Burnet Road (Sweetbriar Industrial Marketing & Promotion to businesses on the estate 2500 estate) Hellesdon Road – Surfacing repairs 25000 Sloughbottom Park

Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

5 Action Plan

Costing estimates for Marriott’s Way improvement projects (continued):

Location Proposed Project Estimated Cost (£) Widen path to min. 3.5m by removing earth mounding. Sloughbottom Park – Remove trees close to path. 220000 Andersons Meadow Improve adjacent drainage ditch (convert to swale?) Lighting Clear rubbish Sloughbottom Park – Landscaping/planting 30000 Andersons Meadow Treat Japanese knotweed Improve existing access point Mile Cross Road 30000 Right turn facility for cyclists in centre of road? Mile Cross Road Replace existing barriers with posts 7500 bridge Widen path to min. 3.5m Remove trees close to path. Andersons Meadow 30000 lighting Replanting of trees Havers Road access Re-align, flush kerbs and signage 3000 point Improve layout and signage Barker Street access 3000 Replace post Dragon crossing Complete repairs 60000 Norwich Gateway Establishing a more pronounced Gateway to the Marriott's Way from Norwich which is in keeping with the landscape identity. 50000 Norwich Signage through Norwich to direct people to the Marriott's Way would increase its profile and attract more users. 10000 Barn Road to Introduce lighting to the City section of the Trail 125000 Hellesdon Road Train Wood Continue work of Norwich Fringe Project along Norwich City section. 1500 Seek advice from a protected species specialist to identify opportunities for habitat enhancement and issues that might impede manage- General 1000 ment. This would need to include surveys on specific species during the surveying period. The development of a Biodiversity and Aboriculture management plan will enhance the woodland structure and habitat connectivity, and General 10000 complement other management aims. General Wayfinding and signage strategy 10000 Establishing a code of conduct for the route to minimise conflicts between different types of users and enhance user experience. This General 10000 could be promoted in a leaflet for cyclists that would also promote the Trail. General Have signs at road crossings to warn road traffic and route users 5000

Location Proposed Project Estimated Cost (£) Widen path to min. 3.5m by removing earth mounding. Sloughbottom Park – Remove trees close to path. 220000 Andersons Meadow Improve adjacent drainage ditch (convert to swale?) Lighting Clear rubbish Sloughbottom Park – Landscaping/planting 30000 Andersons Meadow Treat Japanese knotweed Improve existing access point Mile Cross Road 30000 Right turn facility for cyclists in centre of road? Mile Cross Road Replace existing barriers with posts 7500 bridge Widen path to min. 3.5m Remove trees close to path. Andersons Meadow 30000 lighting Replanting of trees Havers Road access Re-align, flush kerbs and signage 3000 point Improve layout and signage Barker Street access 3000 Replace post Dragon crossing Complete repairs 60000 Norwich Gateway Establishing a more pronounced Gateway to the Marriott's Way from Norwich which is in keeping with the landscape identity. 50000 Norwich Signage through Norwich to direct people to the Marriott's Way would increase its profile and attract more users. 10000 Barn Road to Introduce lighting to the City section of the Trail 125000 Hellesdon Road Train Wood Continue work of Norwich Fringe Project along Norwich City section. 1500 Seek advice from a protected species specialist to identify opportunities for habitat enhancement and issues that might impede manage- General 1000 ment. This would need to include surveys on specific species during the surveying period. The development of a Biodiversity and Aboriculture management plan will enhance the woodland structure and habitat connectivity, and General 10000 complement other management aims. General Wayfinding and signage strategy 10000 Establishing a code of conduct for the route to minimise conflicts between different types of users and enhance user experience. This General 10000 could be promoted in a leaflet for cyclists that would also promote the Trail. General Have signs at road crossings to warn road traffic and route users 5000 Marriott’s Way Improvement and Delivery Plan

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For further information please contact Norfolk Trails: [email protected] | 0344 800 8020