Propaganda and the Press in the Indian Nationalist Struggle, 1920–1947 Milton Israel Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-42037-2 - Communications and Power: Propaganda and the Press in the Indian Nationalist Struggle, 1920–1947 Milton Israel Index More information Index Abhyankar, M. V. 162 Atlantic Monthly 296 Adam Regulations 3-4, 16 Australian Cable Service 141 Advance 174 Azad, Abul Kalam 167 Advocate of India 132-3, 235 African Comrade 171 Bajaj, Jamnalal 223 Agra Citizen 186 Bajpai, R. S. 47, 59, 102, 261, 287 Aiyar, G. H. Vasudeva 47 Bajpai, Ramlal 300, 302-3 Akali 183 Baldwin, Roger 279, 300-1 Akali Movement 179, 180-2, 200, 201 Baltimore Sun 308 Alexander, Horace 264 Bande Mataram 132 Aligarh Mail 66 Bande Matatam (Geneva) 247, 256 Ali, Mohammed 8 Banerjee, S. N. 171, 189, 194, 197, 220 Allahabad Law Journal Press 166 Banker, Shankerlal 231 Allen, C. T. 211 Bardoli Programme 159, 229 All-India Trade Union Congress 261 Barns, Mary 154 All-Parties Conference 72, 171, 173, 263 Basumati 44, 90, 169, 174, 214 All-Parties Fund 171 Belgaumwalla, N. H. 203—4, 231, 234, 237-8 Aman Sabha 41-3, 74 Bengal Gazette 2 Ambedkar, B. R. 175 Bengalee 5, 23, 132, 171-2, 197 Amery, L. S. 313-14 Bengal National Chamber of Commerce American Commission to Promote 148 Self-Government in India 285 Besant, Annie 195, 214, 246, 248-9, 271, Amrita Bazar Patrika 5, 8, 17, 23, 44-5, 60, 277 62-3, 89-90, 94-5, 113, 152, 169, 172, Bhopal, Nawab of 201, 203, 276 174, 176, 195, 197,209,217 Birla, G. D. 36, 94, 130-1, 135, 138-40, Amritsar Massacre 10-11, 18, 54, 127, 169, 144, 148-9, 165, 175, 199-200, 224 222, 228, 249 Blackett, Sir Basil 39 Andhra Patrika 134 Boehm, Sir Edgar 26-7 Andrews, C.
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