CHAPTER www.ssbcrackexams.com History ANCIENT INDIA Pre History Palaeolithic Age or Mesolithic Age or Neolithic Age or Old stone age Late Stone age New Stone age (500,000-10,000 BC) (10,000-4,000 BC) (6,000-1,000 BC) Pre Historic Phases Stone Age Primary Culture Major Site Importance Lower Palaeolithic Flakes,Chopper Kashmir, Punjab, Whole India except - Head axe and pebble tools, Fossil of Chopping Culture Sind and Kerala. Main :- Sohan(Punjab), Homo Erectus from Hathnaura Singrauli basin (U.P.), Chhotanagpur (Narmada basin) (Jharkhand), Assam, Narmada, Andhra - Represented by Sohan Culture (now Pradesh, Karnataka. in Pakistan.) Middle Scraper/Booer Culture Navasa (Maharashtra), Didwana - Varieties of Blades, Points, Borer and Palaeolithic (Rajasthan), Bhimbetka (MP), Bankura Scraper made of Flakes. and Purulia (West Bengal), Narmada - 200 rock shelters and caves are Valley etc. located on Bhimbetka hills having thousands of paintings. Upper Palaeolithic Blade and Burin A.P. (Kurnool, Chittor) Karnataka, - The age of Neanderthal Man Culture Central MP, Jharkhan Plateau, U.P., - Earlier "Homo Sapiens" Rajasthan, Gujrat - Harpoon, blade tools from Renugunta (A.P.) - Bone tools from Kurnool. Meslithic Age Microliths Culture or Karnataka, Rajasthan (Bagor, Tilwara), - Microlith (a great technological Fluting & Gometrical Gujrat (Langhanj), M.P., Tamil development, introduction of tools Nadu,West Benal (Birbhanpur), U.P. compound tools) (Sarai Nahar Rai) - Man still a savage but pottery maing (Tilwara) and permanent habitation found, still a hunder, fisher. - Earlies Farming community - Kinship became the basis of social organisation - Pit dwelling houses Kashmir (Burzahom, Gufkral), Assam - Food begain to be cooked by fire (Daojili Hading), Garohill Meghalaya, Neolithic Age Polished tool culture -Evidence of dogs, circular huts made Bihar (Chirand), Peninsular India, Amri, of bamboo, bone-tools, hand made Kotdiji, Mehargarh etc pottery etc - Also called "Neolithic Revolution" -Boat making, spinning cotton and wool.
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