This Issue ….. 2019 Pilgrimage Information Evening

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This Issue ….. 2019 Pilgrimage Information Evening Number MMXIX 1st QUARTER Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Lieutenancy of Victoria This Issue ….. Information Evening 2019 Pilgrimage Information Evening 2019 ……………….…….....….. 1 An Information Nightfor People inter- Pilgrimage to the Holy Lands 2019 …………....….. 1 ested in finding out about the Membership Numbers ……...............….........…... 2 E.O.H.S.J. will beheld on Monday 25th Archbishop Pizzaballa—Recent Interview ……… 3 of March, 7pm at St Peter’s Church Lenten Message by Pope Francis …..……...…….… 4 Toorak Road, Toorak. You are cordially requested to accom- Our Project Work in the Holy Land ……………….. 4 pany a recruited person/s, who may Letter and 2019 Program from the Lieutenant ..5 be interested in our Order and who Christian pilgrims to Holy Land increasing ……... 6 has been invited to attend by the Lieu- Holy Lands Pilgrimage by HQ (Rome) Staff…...… 7 tenant, to a comprehensive infor- The 2019 pilgrimage by the Victorian Palm Sunday WEEKEND in CANBERRA …………… 8 mation night followed by refresh- Lieutenancy will commence from Am- Second National EOHSJ Retreat ……..………….….. 9 ments. man, Jordan on Thursday 2 May and Investiture Eastern Spain Lieutenancy ………..…. 9 conclude on Wednesday 15 May with What qualifications are required to departure from either Amman or Tel THE HIERARCHY OF THE ORDER ……………..……..10 become a Member? Aviv. For those interested it is Dr Paul Bartley Vice Gov general ……………….. 11 possible to arrange a visit to Petra ahead of the pilgrimage. Featured Websites ……………………..……….….…… 12 A candidate must: Deceased Members ………………………...………….. 12 Be a practicing Catholic of good stand- The itinerary includes: Lieutenant’s Request …………………………………… 12 ing in his or her parish, Day 1: Arrival and overnight in Amman Some Internet Links ………………………...….………. 13 Day 2: Mukawer and Baptismal site on have a spiritual and charitable disposi- Victorian Council Members ……..….....…....….... 13 the Jordan. Overnight Amman tion and the means to honour the Day 3: Madaba, Mt Nebo and on to Magazines and Newsletters ....….....…………..... 13 pledge, Galilee. Overnight in Tiberius EOHSJ Vic Database ……………………………….……. 13 be active in the parish and diocesan Day 4: Primacy of Peter, boat on Sea of Lieutenancies of Australia ….…..............……..… 14 community, Galilee, Caesarea Philippi. Overnight Tiberius be at least 25 years of age, and Day 5: Cana, Mt Tabor, Basilica of the be prepared to pay the Annual Contri- Annunciation and St Joseph’s School. bution. Editor: Nick de Weger Overnight Nazareth How does a person become a Member Day 6: Mount Beatitudes, Capernaum, KCHS of the Order? ‘Tomb of the Just Man’. Overnight Naz- Mob 0413 239 717 A person who meets the above criteria areth Day 7: Crusaders’ Fortress at Akko, Mt Email: [email protected] is nominated by a member for consid- Carmel, Caesarea Maritima . Overnight 4 Bradley Place, Warragul Vic 3820 eration for candidacy. The Lieutenant Jerusalem invites the nominated person to Day 8: Holy Sepulchre, Dome of the attend an Information Session on the Rock, Jewish Library, Dead Sea scrolls. Order. Membership of the Order is Overnight Jerusalem Day 9: Co-Cathedral of the Latin patri- therefore “by invitation only”. arch, Way of the Cross. Overnight Jeru- See also page 13, Lieutenant’s Re- salem quest. Day 10: Chapel of the Ascension, Geth- semane Gardens, Dormition Abbey. 1 2019 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land (cont. from page 1) Overnight Bethlehem Day 11: Jericho Church and School, Mount of Temptations. Overnight Bethlehem Day 12: Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem University, Ein Karem. Overnight Bethlehem Day 13: Nativity Church, St Martha’s House, Shepherd’s Field. Overnight Bethlehem Day 14: Transport to Amman or Tel Aviv The pilgrimage is to draw on the spirituality of the life of Jesus by travelling to places where he lived and preached. The pilgrimage will bring to life the gospels as we daily celebrate Mass in the Holy Places. During the pilgrimage we will also meet with our Christian sisters and brothers, and their children. These encounters will bring home the reality and difficulties of Christians living as minorities but giving witness to their Faith. Knights and Dames are encouraged to bring family and friends along with us on this spiritual journey. It is a wonderful introduction to the Order and our mission of support to the Latin Patriarch and the people of the Ho- ly Land. For more information please contact H.E. Will Kininmonth on Mob: 0418 376 236 or Email: [email protected] Cost: The land component of the pilgrimage is $US 2,425 pp (approx. $AUD 3,500) for twin share. Single supplement is $US 726 (approx. $AUD 1,040) and a child under 12 y.o. in a room with two adults, will be charged $US 1,628 (approx. $AUD 2,326). The actual AUD cost will be determined at the time payment is due in mid-February 2019. Included in the cost are: • Airport transfers, • Accommodation in double occupancy based on dinner, bed and breakfast, • Modern air-conditioned transport, English speaking guide, • lunches every day, • Jordan border tax, • Entrance fees. Pilgrims need to arrange their own flights to and from Amman. Departure can be arranged through Tel Aviv. It is important to arrange travel insurance for the duration. For more information contact Will Kininmonth on 0418 376 236 or Email: [email protected] Membership Numbers for 2019 Ecclesiastical Knights KGCHS 1 Ecclesiastical Knights KC*HS 1 Ecclesiastical Knights KCHS 6 Ecclesiastical Knights KHS 2 Dame Commander with Star DC*HS 1 Dame Commander DCHS 1 Dame DHS 21 Knight Commander with Star KC*HS 5 Knight Commander KCHS 19 Knight Commander George Cross KGCHS 1 Knight KHS 44 TOTAL 102 plus 10 potential Knights and Dames and 2 Transferees. 2 Recent Interview with Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa GERMANY – On February 11, Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa sat down for an interview with DOMRADIO.DE in Germany, to talk about the anticipated Child Protection Summit, which will take place in Rome from February 21-24, 2019, as well as the situation of Christians in the Holy Land and his reflections on the recent visit of Pope Francis to Abu Dhabi in UAE. 1) In the coming week the heads of the Bishops’ Conferences worldwide will meet in the Vatican for consul- tations on the clerical sexual abuse scandal. You will travel to Rome as the Vice President of the Conference of Latin Bishops of the Arab Regions. What do you think of this meeting? I think the expectations are too high. Such a meeting cannot end with a concrete and specific results. In addition, the problems and dynamics in Western countries differ from those in the Middle East, Africa or Asia. In the Middle East, for example, we do not really have this specific issue of child abuse in our churches. In such cases, the penal law allows for the death penalty, whereas the tribal law can be even harsher. So, you always have to consider the differ- ent local dynamics. 2) What result do you expect for the meeting? I expect clear ideas on how to proceed to deal with the issue. Then, the Bishops’ Conferences in their region have to adopt their own laws according to the specific situation. 3) To what extent is child abuse actually present in the Middle East? When I was the Custos, I was responsible for the Holy Land for twelve years, now for two and a half years as a Bish- op. I have never encountered a case of child abuse during this time. We may not have this specific problem, but there are lots of schools and institutions, where we have to take action to prevent such cases in the future. The fact that we have not heard anything, does not mean that they do not exist in our country. I am sure that they exist, and we have to be prepared for that and react appropriately. 4) Let us look at the general situation of Christians in the Holy Land. In which situation are they in principle? From the point of view of numbers, we are a minority. It may be true but in the Middle East, minority is associated with having fewer rights. We want to be citizens with equal rights. In reality, we are about 1% of the population in Is- rael and the Palestinian territories. Depending on the region, our problems are very different: In Israel, the main question is about our rights as a Christian community. In the Palestinian territories, there are more economic, social and political problems. We have no problem with the authorities, but things are different in everyday life. As we are not part of the bigger Jewish and Muslim communities, it is harder for us to get the same opportunities. 5) Are Christians in the Holy Land free to live their faith? We are free to express ourselves. There is freedom of worship, which is not freedom of religion. Our situation in the Holy Land is different than, for example, the Christians in Egypt or that in Syria or Iraq. The numbers of Christians are decreasing, slowly but steadily. 6) What is the biggest problem for Christians in the Holy Land? As Christians, we are not a third population. The Arab Christians, for example, are Palestinians. Those living in Israel have a problem of being seen as equal citizens, as are all other Palestinians. In the Palestinian territories, they are facing political problems due to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, lack of opportunities and unemployment. 7) What role do Catholics play in the Holy Land? An important one. Of course, the history of Christians in the Holy Land and even in Europe was one of conflict among the different denominations. But in the end, these are conflicts about power, not about faith.
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