the warm win- of m such fortnbly clod children; of building* wM| well get it over at once and leave you at valid. She has been denied the greatest rblrand flow of harmony, enjoy lug ^ Grant's of 2lnioit aitb ter fires; of the new salt that should re- of window, onrf Felicity Language. $oimtaI 'flrtrti. vour breakfast in peace." blowing God can bestow, of which you substantial pleasures. forto*^ ^ the black of the of »ir alniort u rrauaasD rat rmir ikimin »t or life with her. place shabby lather's; always He exhibits at times a rare of Some dim idea of sewing-work flashed and I seem to have store. Isn't it a pity "It's yoar monoy your blowlnRwer ^ ^ fellehy tea and for tho mother— We walked a ootne J". E. BUTLER, the old either, the jxutridges perhaps quar-> of a Inlleto language. lib words generally A Uirtl't »•<. through his mind, while he involuntarily that she should be deprived of so mush She wouldn't disfigure place Kdltor Hud and then the bid them and her a little of but are to the and whan Proprietor. ran over tlie items of his wardrobe. besides ?" the wouldn't. Blood will tell; sho's got good night, villa^ leper*, ne*Uh^ at slowly, they point* ■t rtMim rncT. of the Jerrolds, illumined the before her k> ft)ot of one of those superb cliffs often "I don't see—" he ,4Oh, but there must be a screw loose the and ways gladness path analyzed, hisspeeoh proves eloquent. One oh began. high might}' Tii«i or Publication t eopjr, /Mr, lands of the Indian that she seemed to walk in noonday. leled for sublime beauty. There live ^ Ills dispatches abound in terse, If la a*raa««. #2.0U jr«*r Owf "Oh, don't refuse till I tell somewhere ; either wasteful or and their really sig- ky Mil, (3 901 p*l*a« t»l cmting out till a as for certain- surrender can to the doril, so to speak. expectantly, sharp ring brought "helpers" company. They ""^ilonal and immediate On nraafa tf—I ud tM, men a* missionaries to the Feejee—" waste; they don't know the meaning of the with them i)o HtUiirfoni il««•»•<«i i nril%. Aral am ami orrt, was over her to her with her nerves all seem contented, some of them j to more immedi- vilMnf word. Mrs. Hasent lias worn that I danger feet, quiver- ly actually propo^ -XwtHmL, »>«<. WMt, O <»H !* "Oh, the missionaries be ho Why, Heigh-ho! thought hanged!" in the as if tho of innum- cheerful. The are those who ately Upon your works." "I to chocolate calioo for three when a follow reached the fifties, but I do ing flesh, points "helpers" propoee DBS. DAVIS & PATTEN. TVir nrrki in Mat for years running." it out on rhwr^l (liialnK, interrupted, scenting danger perhaps erable were her and to remain at the settlement, will- fight tKU line, if it takea all sum- TTk ml* llkr 11* know invalids wear believe liko the measles and whoop- pins stabbing through promise *yr* Mr gaoaa I others beside* the missionaries. "I "Well, you don't that, is Ami all da; km* they art baay, beg was to livo there their afflicted friends mer," historical, -ix* us bar* DENTISTS, is a* harder with the adult." It tho from the with psam." Nllrwu Oi We iuUmiik ttrawa ami itmi. out clot In fn«t as active bodies like me it goes through. money ing Uti tdaialitentl. pardon, Miss Poore; but—the devil—it ing-cough, uttered the ******* his in tho Aill three and care for them. build and repair by head of the army. <»fl»cr Heart (Vmi T A. M. t« • P.M. ami Miss l'oore. Now it's And thus the Squire pursued way, Squire, crisp bank-notes, They A i*l half >»|i IIIm la a*l, seems to me that at home." you. my opin- fc watchword of a *•. 131 Man charity begins dollars—but what else? What attend to the and are the party. 31., Kt4d»/w4. 1/14 Ytlrrnr faiiiu* |»»ar*4«. between us that Mrs. sometimes a strain of thnt old hundred houses, gardens, gen- "I've no to that, don't ion, two, Ilasent humming to 0 objections only trem- their own His famous letter Andrew Johnson on LANE A YOUNG 8 tunc, was it that niado Miss Poore's hand erally useful, making living make her too much of a home a might sit up and do her housework as well I acaiiar cramba na tW (fcnmrp, body; an that sent the tears and the Iteside. In this tho removal of Sheridan, is alive with as her if she chose. think "Lord/ ZjUm, Mm white I ptajr,— ble like aspen, drop- serving lepers o AM Ma( Aaa MM ftnaar thmtrta ; little is good. neighbors, Law, ami his remarks to K o m s, noighborllneas I m»jr not one her are a relief to the enrnestnoM; Prasldi*nt Dining TVry Imtiimlj ratlarr my knial;, of the about and OrlcmarU abroad, Ma/,— ping slowly by one, and made way they government, Am! Ian IWr brail*. •*Kh? bo «iU*n alive, those |mrson jiothering cooking Km. DM * *T Mala NUmI, ap pre^il They'll Ba( tfcjr bright ryn if lb. Ulf»nl ahoaM since are watrhftil of thaw who Lincoln, upon reoeiving oommand of tho Ai»l rkitlff mml |« llnj IM, would otherwise require hired watchers. armies, model of cliasto and manly THKh mr •»•» aad m«, to send tlu-ui out merely as food for the bread I would tsit of his making!" "Mr Dxar Mum Catherine.—'Tho TT "oi MaaU tarred al all Hoar* the or watt. ••art. 0 F* tho summer Miss husband* of of day All through een of such ac- sion with for the honor con- mrr ill ilrmul In m«ri tuinn; in tho dowy morning guilty divorced, but If are may gralitudo high DEAN 1 They (I, said crest-fallen Miss household." early nim and heal they willing lUNT, la •( Wwi. "Very well," fering generosity, pray encourage ferred. With the aid of the noble armies w»fr«^wlll her drudgery began, nnd ognin after life in the settlement, with iU restric- TVjr newt ma\m imr UnffMlafc, to "I all this means (lay's him of his oept Poore, lenvjo. suppose talk that you infirmity. on so our Counsellors at N«» murmur M »t"fm or rising it was finished. If she Look a to avail thenwelvus of that have many fields for Attorneys Law, hrtl, holiday Jons SlTKOLK." tions. Many gladly fought JVe IS .Vmk Dm xj, (Mmthe *ea(h«r, "No, it's not are out for them ? Law sakes ! Strut, « HUi'frd. very well—begjjing your begging was common it will be earnert en- "8w>i ft, »wret, ivmI, O itert J" horself, it in order to swell tho tiio country, my ■anar a. »ui. only opportunity. CO viuvi r. lmy. n^ain. Sit down, sit down. Now it's as much as a widow can do to make And no Mr. Hascnt's heart and homo not to |Ktnlon Tho tho win deavor disappoint your expecta- mkI subscriptions. nuighliors caught The order almost perfect during Alwaj* mrrry Nj»j, it stands to reason that if the call was a 1 K>th ends meet. What witli ten tons of wore with the six dol- G. blri»! gladdened hundred tions. I fool fall of the GOODWIN, l>r»r littl* Ww«tv»imtnl infection, and tho children picked berries nnd I (lie entire credit to the tho weight roapon- Teach IM lk> mm it if a a my stay, give worthy on©—that is, I lielievud in it, hay and kirn swept o(T by Are, and lar.*, and this rebounded upon Uio nihilities now on and I anil Counsellor at Itfctlra la I Sua* »A wit. and went in tho season to gladness Christian of Mr. nnd devolving me; Attorney Law, In* as as nutting pilo persuasive discipline » h« h alaaja ta thin* '* llu4 tm, fact is, I should cailf drowned in the (Vushet, I'm and Catherine Poore; and there are be to U Maim Iloor«*'» why—the ready likely Miss Pooro's Women who Squire am moreover satisfied that know if met, it will due those Or., Baica Block, fc V>*lnf1y you rrpe it market wagon. Mrs. Walsh. I they the next one. There's rather see. is the was a Ow aial nfw t»l your minister now, out, you Law, tlds for North Grafton, and above to the Uxor of that ■I44«fw4, Hf. •«*», had else to took their great wwiding, no of under the same armies, all, 0 Mfect !"• nothing bestow, community whiles, "4«wti< IVart, *•««(, the Rev. Mr. llasent—never was a poor world, and tho other's the country." Mrs. I lament's Ixwt and Providence which luads both nations and knitting with them when they went out to jwrlor, everybody circumstances, would behave themselves 8. K. 4 B. K. HAMILTON." devil better named—he hasn't a cent to "Tliat's true ; and we sha'n't any of us had a new gown for the occasion, not ex- men." tea or pleasuring, and gave din results. M> well ns tlieae jioor unlive*. Tho worst wears in that if we are not Ideas himself; his wife calico reach country open- cepting the hostess herself, whose new Take the short a bo mode Counsellors at Hi aw Kuth Brown made of tatting, like a features of the disease are an njr.iin pooch lie Aid the barrow- hearted toward one another. But yards unhealthy Union lilook. Blddaford. Ma. December; buys by Captain piwai were like anils' visits—few and far when ho received the nomination for the traco of hoar-frost, while she gossiped n demornllration, ^HisrcUantfliis. ful—so tells he wears In' warned me that I shouldn't tppetitoond complete Will (imM attention to me; Jackson, "I shall have no of gi»* p»rtl«* tlaalrlnx my gardener about tho the last between.—Harper's Magazine. almost Presidency: policy my U» ataII th»»of Um providoM of th« neighbor's crops, singing [he (Missions liecoming ungoverna- patches into the pulpit; they live on beans get the widow's mite here. IIo was so own to enforce llm will of the peo- Uankrapt Law. school and tho young man with tho golden ble. them is some service against Suffolk's some one certain tliat he offered to double Every Sunday I. L BABILTOH. ». Squire Subscription. and oatmeal! Why doesnt morally Evening lfhnth*chilils. In the s)N«cioiu humanity*. would be so I'd like to twist a nounced, he "The generous. of leiif and bud, in satin Ah ;m ! the day la don*! I there we were all proclaimed: responsi- Hut Miss was graceful owning Sunday ovrning spent All iVn«« him wnmntnl not. lu (Ml l'oore valiant, and not to be Aral nor ona bilities of the I feel, bat tr cotnrknc by meantime let iim tlint the was few uop|iers out of the old skinflint. t»y at a n |Mwitlon aoropt lu>|>c Sqnire rusty stitch and lace-work embroideries, under- The *h'«i» of flit xm the mtlflod for four hours stretch by n I worsted in the encounter. atarllght aky t theiu without while in his not so nnmiw as believed, since «io- It'll make him lose flesh. Now 1 think of taken in the nnd if did not sell In dmwa, the Are-airea nn the tu|«!t lie, of native fair;" inaugur- they cause; they Tlmt i>f play. choir boys sinking readily by W * You sho "it docs I've a ten-dollar bill that I was al are to Iwoorne maxims N. T. BOOTHBY, (lonent «:iith tluit the fAther of lies Ls not speak feelingly," said; it, got go- tho better for this it was no fanlt of The ehltdrm a«y, note out of one of tlie opinions worthy p windy llecauaa the U don*. oopy Plymouth I am out her tab- to send but I tho JIa.v day of and international law. The JtKUC'll.VNT TAILORS. so hi Ark as he Ls |>ainte«l; nrv 1 the Squire you credit, sun-," taking ing away; supjxwo Kate's; she liad put her best Into them. collection. Let us turn hack and look public a Ijo cnts as well have and We know the day m done ! truth that few men wlw> rail them- made his as a contractor, let*. "What it is to able to may it, then, too, And it was Stone who surrendered a* is, ud ilMtlcrt la having money luxury Maggie Our fret hare run into the hos]>ital it is. over a selves orators, luive made licticr or more carried his business habits give whore your heart dictates and your Ca|>tuin Jackson will have to fork tho of n which s!»o I'nrratlng In tha path thai Duty Bade, o t h iwhap* only premium gold eagle, ereoptibIe, jiervndes apart- ncnt and forcibio,—Atlantic ~ sneee.w." with motive, _L g." sive; that he went to b«»d at twilight he- great fered her far-ring*, and found that they Kara herdleaaf though entrancing mnaio Hoar, Monthly. Awl brow uent. We hear luinl, hoarse breathing, was a turn of a the and therefore her business marMe HILL, can*' wiu that he wore Thi* flairs acceptable; wen? km*w high; Squire pinchbeck. t'nw rink led now \ and from those ^IHARLES had carried her Iwwk to Jackson's. Indent Um to to done t whispers deep sighs 77 Mai* Cataract his shal>bv clothes of an old hardly anticipated. Captain It »ueiiiod as if one and all witro Iwnt day >lay What is rr., (rkar Briixie) Saco. style—old. ,vho can never again speak with tlielr old Enameling? "You won't a cent, mark a little blank Bat u the dona f Still «n*tiDM< to rapply all with frttk ■<•(• of oven for North (!rnftuuu ta one; and ftntkermore, pawn- very good subscription closed, except Ileareu'a to ait one mass of day J began! isually by this time corrup- Broadway devotes a good deal of time and ed hb« silver to the of the w- peml* ujMin that." was ust going to send it away. It's a ten- H ar d Coal escape grasp j Squire. Jon. What faces are turnod to us as we attention to this Una of trade, while a man think so. dear la- sessor. "I should Why, my dollar hill. Captain!" Aooordingly one afternoon Mias Poor* Ol a!I aim. mlrlt there, twenty enameling one down. Ixit I'll do this for was a autumn a fon or A'o.i ItlmmJ IVkmrf. 2H nnd had made up morn than my you; her a How did she weather place. It bleak day, It matlrra llllk If dart (air, sewing, Rive cramp? »xo, and each gash healing had left a hor- is first examined with a I'll to double all eolloet. Now ninner of sleet storm* go microscope, of fine linen for the S re, and who agree you must tie on her l>eam ends! Dear, and and Ibtulthl hanrla irr tliat do phw jut it? She pinching the/ rid wain. Kara swollen to twice Uioir or HEWE8, Tbr wrt <4 0»« awl and any rough hairs ftnut which exists of relaxa- isn't tluit handsome?-—I guess I'yo heanl weather, and Miss l'oore, n>Mt, »oml, true. her vacations and hours dear, and I to double It ? Well, wintry wrapping fur I hem the rpRACY during agnnMl Umjr lonf dajr thruujli. natural sizo, raw looking and bloody, upon the checks or fnists Is at once re- No. M Main Baxk Saw, or the last of that the shawl was n., (Yorr Bctut'a) tion, for the |>uri*h any nwslv story," thought merry I've doubled the and a g«>od man}' | her Uireadlmn* about her, glad purveyed cajMts DntnllM M M Uh; that r* while Uie enormous lube*, near- moved with liniment, or medica- of hanging plaster, NutltMlanr who came in her human Squire. other hut bless me if this at last to find herself before the blazing t*«lflljr In llyhlrn ar»-itheT*» »o», body way—one dangerous j>oliiLs, to the shoulder, ooxe with a ted or scissors or tweezers even.— said Miss Poore. "Then Thnmjfh wmiwr't heat or winter'a aim*. ly sickening soap, creature as as another "Thank you," double trouble. There's a liottbloon, fin; in Suffolk's It l»eing quiU' worthy isn't Squire dntwiog-nioni. There are those with nostrils thus chm>ki or Imst* HurnesseN, or pus. slowly lleing the you'll tih1 apiin. (jood morning, Mr. know. seemed to her at first as if he rimer would Renutihil rhil<1r»n, If rleh poor. prepared, of her aid and at all events, and is up, you rmtri of all daaorlpUooa. and dealer la sympathy. gold Wini walk th« |Mthat lu-1 to Km mauatxia and Mire, One summer Miss l'oore tied I'm the last man to abandon a allow her |mint. ((rung TRUNKS. TRAVELING BA08, Ac. morning promise.'1 all, an ulcerous cavity remains, too of arsenic, or white lead, or Ami Mir was the blossom- or meant only composed on her straw lioiuict—the identical hounct iiwiiy through were had forgotten all ulmut the'affair, A faoeral aaaorUucBlof IllaokeU. Mfhlpa, Robaa, trophic* to begin with aboniinablo to lie thought of for a mo- other made into n <»o hand. without a for Very good ingredients scnii-j«a*te, ud Tlur»o Clothing of all klada, alwaj* she It.wI with tlie ing lanes agnin thought to wear out her |iaticnco; but Unit wan )»Hight money Squire the ten-dollar hill and the doubloon. Tho Tlio of tho Pacific. ment. Fingers grown sharp at the ends, and scented. An coat- but Mr. Haunt's comfort And inexhaustible. In the Lopors pleasantly ordinary Suffolk had her liv« ago, and Anything were raised a simply meantime, |iaid years story of how tliey obtained sloughing the skill, shedding the joints of enamel will endure for a or R. J. L. the offer. he entertained her with a detailed account ing day ALLEN. which bonnet she had sewed over with her Squire's a farm-kitchen, and a A TerriMt' of in the Saint- laugh in many Story leprosy one one. This man can hold of Ixit to render the of D TJ. S. of his as if lie went the wich f Chamber by lay two; operation any 8UROEON own four in "How it w*a of tha esUite, stewanl illtmli—i'hc Horror* bless* ing refusing ward on the north cosut of Molokai. It is sitting in a malo, a narrow of cloth ned fin e more is sometimes inclu- better Uuin he knew himself. She won- strip striking, intuition of Suffolk, on charita- fount hewn At church for weeks; a jacket of admission. Besides, ^yALLACET»aa#r« »a4 4'urrtrr«, ing Sqnirv to pay the price th« homo of the A swift and for- aliout the loins, in covered from head to ded in the while the intent. who is out nt the dered at this which was leper*. enameling process; M*. ble thoughts for Tom, irremediably none could resist Miss l'oore and who stningo familiarity 3»mrrrrflt. ; smooth Rail tuxlcr the shadow of foot with large, lutrd swellings. There is In also trimmed or shaven, was no mi» and at tunately eyebrow just »>a fhr Hark Now Mis* 1'ooro blooming elbow*." Ik? outdone Mrs. Adams and gn»wing upon her; when length Tha klfkmt market prkee will i«aiJ would by dill's, that make lieiuitifnl aud not vacancy enough betwoen his thousand- at the moustache of n num. with with What comfort, wluit limit's inw was laid she out her it w:is stupendous aa4 MMaa. Ijr»» of twenty, dimples c«N|Uctiti£ Jackson? No one cared to com- pulled suhscri|>tinn list, U» Captain terrible this of tlie island, brought und-oiic fleshy hillocks lay the tip of It easts n jfmU deal of ntoosjr to Im well on t and in that Idauk list! if with a reluctance of manner not at blush*** her hwk.% eyca running up *ul»<'ription Oh, with those worthies; and then wasn't quaint ho is OHADIAII l»cte one to the iihore; there, wntching your finger. Vet uiic«nuieionaofany ciiiimeliil. 'Ilm priiw of enameling vary, DUMGIN, and the were ciich a and all all like Miss Catherine Poore's usual Mifely over with mirth. jn-noh- the days year long, Suffolk to ilouhlo the whole amount, a lovely Squire its clianee, the uatioe in upon the pain whatever. lie turn* gha«tly grin but the average pri<-r-lbt of the various a laid she plttngrd Shorlll blootu of thrown like glamour the farmers' g»*«'Se golden eggs! What was done? promptitude. Was afraid ho would Dep'y youth after all said and over breaker* that rentier bind- to lie a smile— upon us, as he in aliout as follows: For ■ I teach the —supposed stages enameling w to so over all. She wan a woman a it was that so many clonodianded fail fulfill his and simply plain pitv was a one was obligation, disap- unsafe and exhibit* a new mound fjieo to last once or from f 10 to YUKK * Cl'MBKKLAND COUNTIES, That pill which every ing1 in this neighborhood very just making hlsap- the twice, or thrnnbont, with a face in no lived in North Grafton ! There her Was it liecauso, of forty |>eople to administer to nnd did disappoint hopes? on one side of him, which is for face atwl lmst Tin. H0 Mala Klft«L tt RACO, MK. anxious him, they often ini|K»v«.ible. pearance $1'>; enameling tempo- for its was Adams and a sort for remarkable, except expression Mrs. ('apt. Jackson; they having acquired of friendliness ones. way their prettiest in the way of conqiouuding 'Hit* peniinula, perhap* throe mile* likely lo crowd out a few of the older rarily, from #l£ to $20; for enameling to and were lx>th but to what wretch- him, the fharod lest lie should the of kindlinevi and g>od-humor; the.v, well-Uwlo, prove into looks more like a horned AMiiNni Ctirrf*. it. The more nauseotut tho better ; swal- broad, a couple of miles 'Hie |*>or wretch endure one or two weeks, from #16 to ; imtrnermi l*e*t outlive spreading !»»• it MftkU an' the face* that ed extremes they imrriod economy! well, niggnnl? a a man low it he must, if it make him black in the the lea, is so completely isolated that yon toad jioUthed down Utile, than for enameling the face ami bust, to liut that catch at Lw*t the reflections hut now that she was she "Three hundred said lie. "You HOUSE t and |Kissing might dollars," it ALBION youth, face, and strangled him into the Itargain. could hardly Imagine a more appropriate man ami brother, al>out the same period, from $26 to $.Vi; licautiful in the illu- it* well in. have done POKTLASn, MR. of the spirit, and grow p» finely!" for victims of It U of their imliflerenee is for six Into house in tho went Miss and secure retreat the I«j>- proof enough for permanently (this months) d»fds "Good Jackson. Tin every place It wasn't a affair SI.CO J»ER DAY. mination of p*td and morning. Captain plainly very stunning sea the future as well a* th«*ir contentment a well con- TEKMS, pun'thoughts. lier Where msy. A rough brink* continually of keeping the face in enameled a Poore and sulwcrqrtion |>a|ter. or J. O. I'KRHY, myrtotw. » Mi.v* I'oore the one to for for poor dear Mr. to him, ho met an with con- on*-*' just beg mining Md>scri|ition emergency ii coast. At the with the to find that upon,a from to anil fur was scarce she upon wild, forbidding present, dition, $200 $2i0; keeping ami desire for herself; ll.LM nt. nml I wunt name." money accepted produce, summate coolness. STUNK i HALEY, others nothing just your nn almost wall towers time the** remnant* of humani- the faoe and Imst both in the state, and h team drove into town, Imck pependicular iltvaying pleasing woman a thousand for "You wunt niv nunn?" IxHTuwlng •'Yos. I have It tlx* to make plans money, you here in ready money. feet. There is but n 1*11 at the from to fti that from it* & Counselors at Law, and drove her sis as to tho height of ty rielilienitclp g»ve jjraml very Attorneys the welfare of others, and feel their frus- yours, and that of a iKirgalns shrewdly Yon shall count it. If will." "Certainly; good you % land—a nar- There wiu a cost should become fash- KKNNERl'NK. MK. himself, more one avenue of approach by hospital. general cleaning alone cuamuling tration as as if had been for other How Reynard only honestly. "Throe hundred dollars! 011m ut«r C. I- Dtftm'a •lor*. acutely they many good jieople. pleasant Why, child, 11 cut in the face of this out of di*abled ami n Itnuhin^ fowls, anil that the row zigzag trail pntitMiU ionable. i.iitur. owu it is to have to Ilarn-yard game neigh- haven't so much on feared ju. i. iroH. her |>er*»ual happiness. something give away!" hand." She had into the be- of while the hull iUclf wm the A belle of Fifth Arenne hotel, l>ors' had ilown for the iM-ms- wall, dropping painfully plain up finery, married She uas shown iuto the at "I should think but I hain't lioys brought It would come to it diuiii^-rooin very lik«*; that. "I never k««ep the breast of the un- of conversation. Two or Indies of the wili.iam j rorr.LASn, flt of the ami tin- discomfiture of low, no doulrf, tilling great top'c two married Metro|nditan Suffolk's when' she found him a cent ahead never was so |Kii>on about me, "I S|uire got myself; you know," ho hither three fellows who had n ftiw finger* a well-known actress, and three or butter and lambs-wool pursued. happy lejnsr, who is conducted by young hoUd, and Counsellor ut a the off in lift'." the eggs; a Attorney Law, liandling over late breakfast, which my Squin;; don't like to on murder, to a or two on na- ladies of Madison poorly put premium an with sickness and horror, as he led to up tune four young urbat falls, n. m. and ; of and fruit officer, In-gaii pick prominent servant had in on a silver "Denr me, what a P* MUs sh«>ei>-Nkinti Ui'gs grain, make it worth th«» while to a the m<*t In th« Slate just brought pity sighed servant's put now he is banished out tive flutej made of luiuboo. Though avenue, are, at the (Lite, Will tllfiHl to h»il»»* M as cnmo Ui feels that indeed present profrtdoul we wore and that H. Court* la U*im an«l Na» Poow. "Now all thought you vegetables—nil grist dirk me time after dirk." wrn> cer- of hut twl U. Uaa^hlra. tray. through any of the world and forgotten of men. Yet rather melancholy In tone they enameled of tie* darlings society; •-* "You make me ashamed of forehanded. How the her mill. She left hor seat to en- myself," surprised neighbors tlion and is to hitn a for- tu>t to Uie ovcvbiu. the fashion is ox tending. In doe time into town, she met prepared this very lianishiiient good tainly inappropriate his coffee will he! Did lose in that fire?" One morning going home. She was n and at mid he. reflectively sugaring by you go quite miserable at that that could Iwfiil The ami took will be cheapened; last, H. n. smart mount- tho lx*t ohi, young, middle-aged ameling BURBANK, an an- hain't lost What the himself in his gig, tune—perhaps the aid of wn»ught silver tongs of "Lose ! I anything. Squire moment. To l>o bulked thus! Six hun- a tlark corner, th«l-r will lie enamelisU not at him. At his home, if he have any wor- few quick InrM iu getting doulitJem, only and Counsellor Law, lx>e bonnet ? I luiin't ed iM'hind a tall, chestnut-t-olored horse, Attornoy cient pat that in your got dred dollars would have so far with ami m> on I (ma< I but on the ">• Alhloa lloa**) design. gone of the name, he is more or less their stiffened limber again, way, Bowery. (OAw for the one extravagance was thy regard- joint* •Tm I to make a cent, to to par- Squire's the so form* with LINKKK MAINE, sorry. hope you pleas- though, give any jimting Ilasent*—they needed It sorely! or reserve. their s;iiil the lie ed with suspicion, treated with familiarizing ungraceful WILL TRORl&'tTIS CLAIMS AUAINST STATK with before visit is over," son—not I." horsQ-fl«vsh, gtwsi|M aguln. she 'IV following U food because it b | ed yourself my Only yestenlay had seen Tad's stock- lire afraid of the hollow of the wultz. Nijrhl trtory > UNITKh 8TATKM 3H when he of the natives quite mockery well. Then I must and mined in, however, rorogidzed Many in the (nw. W'r ImmI H from Dvn of a she replied. "Very go try ings peeping through Ids slioes; and th«m is CMOS at loftt, the flamed lips (food if she had taken to contagion; I lielicve the disease gener- Iaiu|w Miss l'oore, and Mrs. Adam*. The world ha* used her her, and asked farming, had 'Hie woman, who wmr told H the "Then tak«* this s«»at, the doctor ordered luxuries for the Here he is death ehamlier of the lazar btto*. by principal For Sale. said lie wanted to let his farm on the ally considered as contagious. drink a of this it's mv own well; she Is grateful enough to but it was one the m tor brrnelfi "Vrn I fir*t caii)e to Fila- — Mocha; perhui«* mother; to order and m> nttwical, CAURIAGK i*w. cup and thing lietter cared for than he could Iw elsewhere; wheerlng voice*, lonprr ncarljr halves, would she undertake it ? ww *• tM Then* l«n't another such her mite." another to obtain. over the to wrve, I very uncivil," aaid Appi; importation. give Hore would have been and shelter are certain- ti«»n«, ehP* she it wont stave a hole and engaged leviate. on another of the ao- rm I been in hot tree BViLDVXG nnmquitrd gives; through fyinncr can more natural *eised night, Ffledelfy THE JTMSW9* I'll and kindness. What be blind lei*er lato rtaraa- Min Pouce but nh*' was think- I will be of me at a Here u u wero, We MU to and we Dot om A.lam'i Strut will ka 4I«M «l> laughs!, my bulwarks, liound !" weight premium. "I will send to town snatching Uer, week*. In gallery *1 to-morrow," said than, at least, contentment f cursed beings, lltll. HUM m4 Romh. Amjr r»r*»•» he would a m «M ing family morning, then: perhain you'll drop them you in nil her loathosomc ■ee and Shon mid get »h«f «tii 4t w«ii to %ppiy m f»«y the Squire, "nnd you sluill have the mon- was the of a most amiable from h««r grare. clay, gout, aall aaaa I stmt it as an I guest drr lun My HMd ro.HS ImV w ! til. If U«J who drank cold waU-r evm morning at see me to them if like, and say into the whirl better Mot. 80 ho hU leg roand llABBT. agiiin." you ey before Will that do?" Mrs. who have h« ilr*w*l Iwr Intoxicating puta 19 Ak>|>ly to C«A«. cash down." night. couple, Mr. and Walsh, and brrokfait, only indulging tle'iusflres in Ami MJas Poors irw off to Mrs. Album' installment; they'll |»v you excitable, heated and fthlidej down ndt der pit, "Do!*1 The t«i\rs SHI now In the settle- of the dam*. Naturally poit, the rtonl in her tho of the lepers " I BEST th»" of tea on iu order to She found that a "But—ilo know what money* eyes, charge the rails nut: Katrine! Katrine FAMILY GR0CEE1E8. luxury Sundays, lady ju*t turning loaf of you in a lit- with exertion, intoxicated with very look* up and reaction of feeling was ao intense. Yon ment. I found mine host living and countenance tlx* father who need* cake out of hejltnted Mlas Pootv. She couldn't a heref" Imp in j»luiu the oven. for?" hos- oilors of death that pervaded the hall of room down! thih good place STONE Oc BRAOXBTT cannot understand what It was to this tle cottage, surrounded by the various 1000m rd it to awut him through the wear and "Done to a chanu,isn't It?" said the sat- make up her mind to thin unfair advan- and and aaid I: **I?ow can who loved and smaller the revellers, the mad rrowil swayed I lean orer, ■ Ava Jen i>r>mn 4T woman, her a* herself, wants, dormitories "ShaMi of the ami who disdained isliud a «nren in tin* cause of the Church. neighbor pital he -aid: (oar day, any ho(UM*ki«<>|Mn. totigh 1 any colUga. She cleared beat the eggs Squire, Is indeed jMroic and dance, till passion itself fainted with toast ami tea, and merciful, their life red time I dnk mil to glr* a* a call. tle for action. —catch her." road and enjoying the breezy morning, lighted a Military lamp. now I plushee every ourvoosly, all Mr. Walsh showed haustiou. J » the of Miss Foorr looked about of praise. BUdWonl. air 2.I ML "Mr. Suflblk." said she, MI have come This didn't look the odor of wild bluuoms, guthc* her and thought worthy * K.M promising, uirely. the four fkir«*i2ed Waj it not a dan<*e of death ? on a "She is that on the air in an, of all the to of the com- us through hospital*, Qf llud bill* ftuM at Uu «*M; matter of ba«ines». ami I mar as not well, you know; she's an in- bird »ong palpitated change* come; fc" & rOLlTiCAL. AcotaMUfttfaeorOM* VktprfdiJBri An anftolsbed tenement Lea*. owned bj (ftf f Chamberlaixft tii J* '*«• ftMrrrr The Great Gov. Acceptanoe. for MontreatyVas cM aft m M#7 Robert lluhsp, in South Boston, damaged value has tavcd the dftv. Played-^out-^HJi Opin- The Ohio DcrooMtic I«pn an hard up for (Wenty them their f|4lv- bj Art to die amount •( f 40U0. a I Q.r-«^-) V ion-of Grant.' j On tlio 28th of last month. lion. Ix* M. hi St OcbmI when KumUjr night nil the whw thattw MverSoiiM [Fr-P. V support Ruwcrans, at iout ; Ilenry While, 40 years old. while looking and but so S President ftaovrn- bare t« tie by that $ni0ii in thy iioagin- to 1 !<• nud % Morrill. fttugor ■*y bsgin onsprigQ "jring Um (be ww gournal pin ofauy thC*«P«**>l«c«n pliant «f A. J. Ii:w Imtii wed, an % marble sUtue of W ftr fire, fell from a thin! window and direction injury as Iw seen "his in the war waa General upon Majesty story this T>cinHjr (on both sifa of tbe Fiscal*!**)! tion, notified the Governor, will only enemy Grant, killed. ary foe! v froui the ri'sult tin* Is to lmrn noim'thing Parliament House at Ottawa. ML.. JULY 16, 18^. abuse the candid editorial on our fourth page, rountry letter: who, at an stage of tbe war, saw In bin a BIDDETORD. bncome a nutUer of the following early It is popular BiiHffunl Jockjial—"To the Victors belong Ut*l more of tli«* of thU of by A jwing man nainel with opinion* wliulp mo to rival destined to The mammoth gun from the fort P1U fcandry Joseph Wagner. firing ,om TOH" CO word the case m Dear Sir:—It h:w devolved upon eclipoeliiui." MHO IN •AMUIUPTCV to associate the M|»olitJcian" Spoils." IJro. Butler forcibly puta His on tul>- CaraHaa forte, In Charieatown, W«| U» ortiCUl American politic*. opinions any that tho Ntate Con- are to on it* to one of the hoth Virginia, proftnsod lten«Uull Uu cucr- it as il that short of talk | you lb-publican Tbe Maryland Dernocrata waking ap waj a Lao omciu. nru w»wi n had man who if, —1 nothing plain are xtjiftriiM* hare the of **» that if nn* hut nuverthe- at on I*a., hit week, in coo- power charming raakee. Laatwcek, can be understood thone who control appoint- jwt valueless, tlioy vention. which assembled Bangor the effect of tba of tbe Fifteenth Au»cnd- waa laid up it Columbia, tin- and »wimllnthc by adopt** a _ —. riwtM Uw t« defraud jieople at tbe his *«♦- of the ear is having capture! bo wm _ |„ ments and the of workmen mid raving tin* l?*th inrf.; with gr«t»t unanimity waa of the down tnlllwaks. gif ing aaa in git-s men employment hw intrrujtin;*, tln-n^hfy ment. Tote l*«t (kll siity-two ar<|iirn«« breaking 8ubaorlb«r« Mar. M i'bw <'f JVjrmour'n some friend* an and it Is this Yuri ami elsewhere. or lew for ro-eloctJon as Governor (t manures exhibition of thin After f«* pivpmiiicnt, Navy abniit l*re*ldent Grant more jK-r-' noininated you and Qeneral Grant's thousand. which it wai being tnu»i|»rted. power. tM tMM «• So do wo. om the Democrats to thousand, thirty dlOMM lku ti-Ihr akrnl,, HjMhaa «• denounce. It haa been an ax that of Maine, and solicit acceptance, the make for a time la hla br thkt tin* Advertiser long to read, and wo your the Are and one-half ftet serosa the breech, Is twen- fondling anas, care of their friemla"—a sons would like print to Democratic estimates, negro word in no such "know how to take in the tluit this designation According threw it on the and hi1 have (Mil the hope rojieated of inches In groiwl switcbwl it anlil it Itut of wUlom that haa been but half* II«* w«u a.«k«*d by the Interviewer mark of confidence and high ▼ote of the State would be over forty thousand tj-fite feet Ionic, baa a bore twentj can him- political them. and signal writhed with lie sense. No roan qualify their the reM- and While rngp. thta't^ok iho rvpliW op narrow rned by opponenta. During Herald about r of fellow-citizens, may on universal Tbe Dern- •fiametrr, weighs 115,100 Cce the of the New York hia.opjn- mrnieing adopted. pounds. arm# advise in af- lion a waa bv in Ills agahi. and oaying, "Are joo mad ! self to politk-al conciliatory policy adopted * all rolnetnnce to continue further and in view in Columbia, the amuMtl themselreB bj intelligently men at the Yard, tvh«n he replM— to at- On th« 7th of thb month, Gov. Chum-' the hare done the name It will be In U-iii^ who never could Kupixirt » nuwtioii. would very likaly votes would be cast almost to a unit with thing. pwtol CO. REPUBLICAN COHVEHTIOII politician r*opU ataest an hour afterward. YORK we crnisjder In the time of iwl, while from in. m in of hU advice. As well might coln administration tribute an unfavorable opinion lierlaiu conquered all reluctance to contin- them the State. one of the forts in Charleston harbor. Um who never Republicans, thereby giving to Dm aavarml tuwni In >r fkithful Ilcnublicans, hard workers The fabrication of mummies is c*r- Tha Rapahlkaani the worth cashicr, treasurer ur dirvct «yn- prompted «»y improper ue further in the duties of Chief Magis- one *4ls Immense, An immense hotel la to be built in Han Fran* Egyptian to »alact 2 cliangv Hj10* Con- ia to set a muiu- 8»aat..r« Cuaaljr devolt n in flilr weather, but wlien the dark days of IbjarSir:—I acocnt tho distinguished of tho recent A Michigan grntleman up una) alaallm. via Tfcraa duty I had ample Tbe platform Republican or«r here to IQI >>clies in the Cabinet. oait u> in- when U. thoroughly. OJ^rliwityI toJitody a* candidate for up eilr u*. and the entire press, brought disaster and doubt, George when I wan President. and honor of re-nomination embraces free in (hat State where be will make lfcma*- Tra— rar ami CniI) (Waw»M( u|N>n public him vention of Mississippi speech, fsctorj wf led the 1'otoinac on tbe Penin- lias ever been thrust tue tho The fanners Bear Muwatine have for »oma ta Uj» (ollualng nuwbar b\ hotind- McClellan army la the faroe tliat »ra^'n«;| Governor, tendered through you by that cut ami town la ealill«l vite rather tluvn to «li.v<»ur»^e he greatest and free t>allot-box, befbre cu* blade* Hud |>ucket-knlvee will glass. sula almost to destruction, tbe time-servers who the little fellow-cxcusc of a free sohoola equality vpoo a Why. Kepuhlicnns Maine. It is compliment time Itren that their oovs wem lialacmtaa 1 A lead- people. of Article XV. of tbe a house complaining down with cries of "politician," hail been for the sake of their votes, I »«t,'eP no the law, the ratification A who country injr employed me for using the which I less than the resolu- gentleman purchased iniDuml who had no to milk with and the true Union cxprwdon—-but appreciate and by perwns figfit to familiarise themselves deserted to the copperheads, the little fellow hMnoth.nRin of the Convention declare a Federal Constitution, universal amnesty at N. three agp, for ing mind* pitying him, tions public Long Ilranch, J., jwi thcni, Thoae who themsrlvr* II \ W( + \ Ijmms men, who the aduiiniatrntioa from idea. He has no poli- thought !tnpr»*l and the l» «t means of mak- supported Li. lie hasn't a single identical with tho lino of my life universal The Convention is said lo has heen offered for it and re- | will agn-e with us, and remained flriu. |>onitioii and is lost In State. of the delegate* aud IUr. our neighbor great question, completely trying of those and Many Miss Giles, daughter of Henry rsivle on the Mh one «f the loam. doult,—110 one ever feared that they would He la mendacious, the triumph liberal vigorous Instant, by no shadow of sej>- to understand his situation. officers were colored. a there remains thcTuft>re on will make our j the well known lecturer and Sbon after • traitors to acted to me fla- Giles. essayist, home for his of buaw K< Irk,. prove party fealty—for they and treacherous. He lied principles i>ooplo prosper- leaving place W, it was not for them to cunning, ous and our State New York Journal of Commerce thinks of 18 * aratioa. principle, though policy God, and I convicted him by my great. The beautiful and highly educated young lady news almut (our o'clock—hia altctiUea was at- Hrlk, of them af- grantly, by been Democratic kuu-ry, We can see no excuse for the falling do bo. Some of obtained employment but that even would hare the of for the wm at York, whole Cabinet; it Light absurdity jenrs, dnjwncd Bocksport, Monday, by tracted by a fat hag is racking a ani others were forwd t» leate for but it wns large engagwl »• ■— error terwards, were it the instance, rrafotancc to wm CouaioiUc* will I* la nwira the editor of the Advertiser into the tolerable only At n minion of the soldiers of tho I)e- to make an/ further negro tlie of a bott in which ahe niling cew iu feeuied Tix County better abroad. 1 tell party upsetting which lying down. The bovine "I lk« opportunities not. He lied on many other occasious. Cuunl/ wii tbo Mvrniux the workers of a Johnson of the li«t]il at It : "Men of sense understand her and another and a of coni|M)iinding jwrty A change came at last, and Anu to office. It was not to lie lament- him F. Blair, patruuags OKOKUK OKTl'IIKt.U to sympathizers ton. think of it; when you compare vision of and no sense tt ho laltor for results art* entitled who rewards! Only oh the Democratic came to tin* the limited jjrsashoppcrs, that rtliih tlie so and mani- IIOMM, thtwe al that Mine of the leading men, or where is he? dent ticket, The chief of police of Washington iepu«ta operation quite much, MaTIIAMKI. with Washington Jclftrson, nearest are w. iianh'in. *ceu from enemies their were the scent of the flesh-pots, and mov- joMtrtt , the fVnits of that result, may lie their and neglected friends, he is so small must your finger «liim<*r till»lt? in tho condition of Andrew beyond aince the 1st of last he haa broken up fested iU bj getting op Ml M MASON. IV CM. Why, you put April disapprobation JEHKMI J without merry. In those it a the creatures who commit the ridiculous blun- statement of the Advertiser: guiliotineil days «m lilm. He, a little upstart, cowanl, physic- when ho was houses in that city. Biaee the off. The thro returned to cow .To. I A. U. IPUItloM. the following a Johnson inaugurated, mid, fifteen gambling ing hog U men to Andrew Johnson, and to be with IIKMIV UKAN. paid support and intellectually, compared ders of the California Democratio platform." are a of evident is not for their services to the uirty were who were ally to a said in future? of twice that number a» nomination that they e\|Mericnce is one result of the election him him severe* Ui<s- ly. of Ohio as their cnwllilate a *iiiflMn In th« floM, Republican State thus now atatkunl tlie democrats Who iwver *t to hate any for lie publican the of a The of that Ilia victim lies in a critical condition. the imn-clad Channel S|nadnw, <>i • twill* pected to single great large majority. people not N"f Uir UlvUlon friendship at the comprehend philosophy rebel leaders. Jitst f;»r Governor. The nomination vm l««>kWh would have remained Yard, in bis 'I know tho pitality by applauding the of aloof from the at an well aa Uh'ivtr*Ulr»cticv tained. It la the same old policy which could like or Jefferson? for I*resi« Saturday with good bogus money. nn— from "61 to but cannot be self-sus- I tation which is an immense advance any .1- in each precinct and it to offer an is so States hanl In month of constant clerkship propiwod inferior ho is a nonentity. Why, sir, his soul fincc the famine in the cotton manufacturing requesting The revelution in the tlHwry of our Government out ami commoner anew. A l»lM>r for the NOOM of our to the soldier ! It was ill the Cutnui He near the jiose to rub lovingly prin- position only pro)unfit, small that could put it within the periphe- from the here against enlisting army. of the old upon live aide of the uiouuUin, carriago was a you districtit of England, resulting mini-city has taken awajr tlie main pillar of save oowever, for the given to float about in this State with* anxious to without any «lesim reward appointment ry of a haile nutshell, and it might in his ainco the enforce- and ha* to ha bnutol nix milea. TWsnm. few ]>crform ciples whose former had given of the raw innteml the war in this coun- nays that, judgment, read, copperhead, position a without during Democracy." their worn ont oh! that of thaw who very for thousand year* knocking against the laws tho United mil U a owl ami constantfireeare the hari-kari upon cop- securing principle*, him the best opportunities fbr Re- has been more or less ment of neutrality by place related proscribing the walls of the shell. That's the sise of bis try, emigration generally The bat ru around in Iter. Mr. GdU hut thev were choked off. True, do not expeafc to lw» proflcrilicd publican workmen. States, the insurrection is out. pMsel to rooms oonfortahle. projierly soul. advocated the of Lancashire dying was taken keep jierheads, Another case is that of a master workman, a by factory operatives church laM week, and #70,000 hear the rebel blast in for their labor witliout which success can Just look at the mm sitting at a Cabinet Cowan of turns yer'i The New York Court haa decided we no longer bugle ousted Andrew to as the for the evils of short time Ex-Senator Pennsylvania up Supreme | Republican, by Johnson make no grand panaoea nor do too the ccuncil. He has no idea, no stand- up. n eannot l»nt an- not be Miuml, room for one of The policy, no definite n* a late for the Democratic nomination that if a mi railway train their restitutions, they remarkably they felicity his supporters. Republican the and low wages ; but until recently eandi in hfa |*wmenger ard, no creed, no faith. How can he guide The Lord Chancellor ot England, while to the of dandled hefore election and kick- has been lately but an order of Court. ftnd a acat and while itanding, lu lame and comin£ being re-appointed, by How cau he any int- vu nor any effort mvle for Judge the Supremo i*. get* injured spiritless, pooplo? impress great system proposed, general at tho U* to tlM from Washington is obliged to retain the man H|n«r particular object political owners ami manufacturers to mince wage* ••white" from the suffrage clause imputed put only ty persecu- end. He aits there with hia CahiufiL One London. It waa tlien oomUlerod a failure, and tion the Jnhnsomtes, and finally to 88 business to fiixl « mt C>r tba their fence. It was them the |xuly relied by oop|ierheftd memlter has him a houso in envoked it. the scheme was Constitution a voto of 110 year nays. kilter*a [awni^r, to hoM oqpuiization. upon was from the Yanl their in- liought , again Gradually by (ogfthtr discharger! through has him another has Sir Humphrey Davy deliberately pronounced one. million dol- another given $(i.1,ft00, surtoe once more—first in Pres- the r&- not tlie businrae to look for (•en. Rnsecrnns* nronl down to counteract the thirty-live Ho was rewarded by hrongtit to ths The Richmond Despatch, in discussing pnswngcr'B military strumentality. promises given hi in a carriage, ami so oa. It ia degrad- the task of lighting the city of London with gaa to In* of one and another, never fulfilled and to- then in Blackburn, and now it isnarsed by New York broker* hate Iwro in- to the hatth' «»f was lar* of the Whisky King place to tho ofliee of President of tho United ten, suits of the Virginia election, says:—"There Twenty-live Chiekantanga satisfitc-1 capital desurto the ing p is I>o the victors a man talk in Lancashire.— impossible. was never nntl to delmnch the sentiment, aud day unemployed. States to have such there. They nearly every factory operative are two classes of who arc endeavoring dictcd tor uaury. and his loyalty suspected. public : |iersons that ex-Minister tory, sjshis aliout his Well, he was a mere in- The Time* states that aa as 1()0 The Now York paper* nay no of it onme generalship. London many force into the Democratic were luet the kite flood* in Hut that fatal whit-h ended many the machinations Andrew Johnson; We cito tLw cusee which among others were to Virginia part/, live* by «Liy cident of the war. Men and anns sup* wives John has Into oflcred 810,000 auuu- Tblrtjr a* have no skilled and winders, witL their the o( Higelow we relied to the ban* to our notice, We special were so spinners whether she will or no. One is part/ Men awam their horeoi ou the human live*. ended his career and was u|ion them carry example*. in abundance, and his forces to become ! Kanau. high military interest in the welfare of the plicNl have leA for the and u largo intern* in thoTiinea hamlet of Republican party, massive that crushed out tho rebel- and families, Preaton, chiefly ami scalawag* in this State, who ally he waft relieved of his command. ner of our into every sentiment they simply carpct-ltoggrra prairies. Although principles except m it hot rvprvncnts the loyal have been done had Grant never between tho em- its manager. Ho holds the otfcr under advise- lion. It would United States, since the dispute are that do us with thereto recruits. And interested lire the of they may ilnmage nana* of tiie in lHM he had written * letter in reference the bind and draw of the country. Those most wss n mere incident. opinion The New caali Trmsury Depart- hero born. There ho and and more our vlo- ment. that ami to them w* dedicate these ployers o|*>ratlvw l>egan, eight the President ami Congrrns by calling to the democratic in which ho IumI when any portion of them demand lender", especially Uut the little fellow has come to think he is ment will lie occupied by tin official* of tho party. few that more wisdom will families have since left Prtwton for Liverpool, tA Democratic Tlio other ia the During the recent freshet in Connecticut, a lie that remark.*, hoping pre- I can't help him torious party etfiev thia week. Thie nm|f- characterize! them us traitors tlx' shall acknowledged mmetmly really. pitying steamer Treasurer's early deserving principle vail in their.council#. know and what for the same destination in the arc to Water editor another at the when I think Imiw well I him, depart Northern Democrata, who very anxious bury telegraphed ia mm. the who sowed in entitled to men hit not tob« nsed and then nificeut of t/»o Trcaoury building lli«* of all honorable he reap, Working Idly au creature he is. He has Manhattan. Mr. a nic of Uie ajnjtiivrnt contempt only infinitessiiual really Tlenry Davis, gentleman muater ua into their ranka. acene of aotiou, ".Send full particulari until the next convenient y Um* of the am thrown away opjnir- no crewl at all. I would rather have a to Iw tin (hirst of ita cftanKter in way of hit* descent to this utn« democra- that the supporters government political now in London, as (lie agent of certain firms in flood." The answer came, "You will And thcui reported for them u«efnl. neg- it tn»n without t to victor* tunity invking lli>|M- completely on displaced upside down, in a Miort time. moval of IliwiTiuu never set well his at the murmur* of discontent ere arises ! purjwse Tho whole nt the foot ofHnow- Mine. Qoldachmidt and Iter husband will visit Tiir. Pokti.ani* Plans.—The effort* mutiny what should Iw at the bottom is thrown high construction He of the o|»- wrecked. vulley discontent has resulted from tho truck- In Blackburn still moro energetic measures policy. s|>okc freely hut Mine. Fur n while no That That is Grant's case. That is wan nnd tho were af- England in It i* rumored I stomach. Iiidj; oiimiu;; on the of this i*i|»«T ever up. just just he had to encowntcr in the ivocnt can- don shaken, lake* visibly August. journalism part ling thu* far is well known, but are on foot for tlio miiia position him the of |N>licy adoptf11 arcliihvture of Coketown where the authority. repeatedly idet of Grnnt He used to and and their are to send wautal to act at re|»orts Washington jail so rers, executive* preparing reeonl. to condemn the action which was thrown on a of 1/>0 fret and «li*- for tlie sake of hi* milftrry the infirni- urged publicly liiuah at one time, and express*! the profound- l>e the ex-rebel element. Alluding wheel lodge rock prtw* tlie nrnot MttaMmcnt ln|i have been the infirmary, oil as of them ns they can, nnj tin.'ill. now offer. A to do known in a* a war democrat, lie then task. The French cable in priMoei* |»meity III a weak that neglect as llutler You remember month. The Association in that town Chicago magnificent per- uecils flail}* serving lip jmt j»mrri op|N>rtunitics ward, just United. Spinners' to re so a deiuonst ration order now shore to aa General Qurawla is we seelien. Uosecr&ii* in hb famous will l>e certainly followed by was to was atood on the sauie with (ien. Ilosecraui, fect working from shore, eaptured. urged IIpihv of still weaker la- duller iuvited Grant's house, and 't has voted five hundred from the platform ingredient*, evidently at the which will astonish the natives ! pounds Dtcrling mission to WliiU* polls nhout llutler himself. Butler un- he to know, had now hcuouie the from llrest to Ht. INenv, and the splicing of the taliatc. self-constituted Sulphur uihIit the unfortunate brought by union funds for the same ami the ordi- who, regretted boring impression derstands Grant I have no hesita- pur|>ose, with the Confederate thoroughly, gubernatorial candidate of the VulUndighaui shore section with the oocan part is but a trivial IVUr <'«rfu, n nrgTO in Moarue county, M« Springs negotiating to some kind* of that its tion in Grant a nary weekly levy per member has been double I peculiar )tcoplc, Niauaiu Falls so Moo*—Pomidlt !—-Fear- declaring mean, avaricious, a «U»» What hedid ihentninountcd to in Ohio. matter coinparod with what has been already waa driving hvuic in a buggy, few ag>i, p'tieraU. abilities I'm in thnt tlinvtton in cuuuing, spiteful man—a complete bundle of for the solo purpose of aguwcuUng l',c iinign- party precisely fttl of the effort now being made to divert from The has been consum- mum a number of Ulita au*I a to l«e hut it the |ietty and lies. He has no performed. great project wlten lie u|*>n nothing, stire,; (ilneed whk'li it has nonr. The fruit of thin dan- jealousies, spites tion fund. Arrange nents have already been their a of the trade of the I made him before witJi com case ami with no di^ man Miiinnl M • nar- :ws desirous city portion grain courage. fairly quail my mated iterative Samuel*, rtanMiag Cenenil in the democratic line iv wliiiii.^littl m.vlc to send otf between CO and 70 mcmlteni of SKirn itic.vs. young conceit i* shallow the nre tlic con- (ilitiice nt th« Cabinet when I iifVnl tiiin nKsnnAf. yn»n» West, Cliici»K*M»u* contemplating nicrtlnjf nrler whatever, I lie mammoth shi|> passing onljr row in tlio rtMul. (,'oifu hit lu>iv< of rel.Ulons with IbiM* aUmt that famous the more will follow them as the funds |«>int renewing Iie was to be •n l lukrl the liulira if «uulortant proclamation. recotcred to kt |n*r. Tliojr lie h;id hut a short tilue before termed dc- quailed. it would be fur lietter to send people to a country an article which it without ilouitt hon- Like at or'near to some took his hat in his a has latin carried on triol in Michigan, Chicago, hand, and in mean, sne-ik- that the revolution by guer- Mr. a visit to wu on. Then Hcimuela, the la volume questions T" and slunk out of the room. abundantly paid labor. bo tried the article in hut week's Jorn- thin canal will he to Mrn the immense robliery, arson or murder shall by him iImuI. lending I convicted him t.f lying and cowardice then; the there that the in his plaoe. There was wailing among the of water which m;w flown from the general among operative* while in other cases the civil tri- x At.. to he tlio lake*, through rememltor all about cotfrt martial, as (he IlttUi Rul» Supplemental. Aspiring le;tdiii£ ]m|ier atidyou It, sir, for you pub- trade is alto- parsou's creditors at the corners, especially Tlie larjj* hrfel mill of imptnn the St. Lawrence river, Into it* channel ami the lished it at tlra time. manufacturing leaving England Initials shall continue to exercise their functions. in Maine its Imlei-eneies ami its his lionditueu were willed to make l*r Thrciwl Co- waa l>y wo we differ on scurrility, and it is a ftict that this wasono of the u|M>n good Ma?."., totally dativjtd When lind that i|iK»- The latter river will then never be gether; Lcsca has taken command of the een- anil shiftless at Mimiasippi. General tho Ionm the late thefls. It la Arc last ; low e»tioiatnf at 61-"'.- lions of with llw ablo llalihy attempts journalism, CuHiiMMHlrfl((«N on Temperanrr. reason* given ami accepted why the operatives by postmaster'* Mowlajr night juiblio \hi11cv jour- to low water, ami it is mM that the tral irt'.nent and has eoinmencoil activo ope- nf. it in the (Vont rank of thinl rate subject dep no «afe for him to remain at bis old 000. Tmninl (!>r §7!,t pi:tee only should not strike against the late reduction of longer quar- lVwthml Ailvcrtl.Tr, greutest can nail from Chicago to the (iulf rations the insurgents. ships Mr. Ki>ito* J—»1 regard the union of the llo- against ters. and he is in He says: "1 would flora : Worce*tcr Manufacturer*' Mutual, Wor- into doubt our own h-t newsjuipor*. wages there. In Harwen there sre 18,CCA looms, despair. impulse |M«itioti. iu four days, propelled by the extraordinarily or any other ns of in the 1W Office our statement of last week. publicin l«rly, party, very Im- The reduction expense* fasten to A. Johnson, but unfortunately cester, $10,000; Rtate Mrttual, ProTMrm*, us re- It denieis and it has licen agreed to raiso an niy«elf examine that taken last week. In which are to lw used the to success ; but I abo w the need of * emigration the discontinuance of powerful tuglmat* by portant up to dato by there aint enufT in him to tic to. 1 would ei IUackataue Mutual. lV»«Hti*r, f |0,. Since It we have learned, while based on a of Id. loom to raise Department $0,000 ; th« AHmrtimr w* : writing owner?* canal. tliia is iKirty being wliicli shall re- fund by levy per per week, ply of the If scheme carried principles, routes is while the a* the of worthlcv* $701,000, general soon think uv to a car wheel in a 000 ; lIo»t«n Minnficturera' Mutual, Ilontmi, • • • Mose« McDonald, to wlmm we returns! sult in good society. It woold hate been £50 his. which will be it is esti- tjrin myself The in favor of the out will eost about million dol- suflicicnt, is argument (it eighty-tour if the comlitian of the Henrico much improved. storm (it ec.i." |*rovi«lrnce, l»est office in Maine, gratifying Republican p.»rtv which iw to send five week to $'23,000 ; t'uriuau'a Mutual, $13,- *\ *triii, aa stated with forve holding the ((icneral it will have some cffoct*. It will mated, persons per America, fjmils gr»-at ars), starUiug smihlod ut had nominated a as lluugor, nmn, An insane man in White Mich., re- 000 ; Uhole I»lauthus: higher bnrne-l 1 UK) In and buried a hia —we not that this is the techni- stand on tin- cently greenbacks ion to lie in friendly aflrr An auctioneer. while engngwl in vomtion, ple ought spirit to become nm.«t ha* ever Ho had received the money for merita nf a : "Qentle- Political principles, effective, held it to n recent Governor yet taken, mi l one also that the ashes. jnst this Monster I'race Festival. Such a demon- thus eialtol the caq«t cal name.) ha* up very cago the greatest commercial on the conti- be a combination of men, called a city the would have The Ala Kid ml cleared from New York, scrvioo on a farm, which ho hail **(1 fltr llrua- supported by nmv. he Temj>crniicc portion conscien- brig four stration in fiiTor of Pence, such a taen awl laerhaps, tionsly ■upportrd election. on the the of June last for Ja- Septcml*r evening of 23d taken a to loare. He explained of to have a soften- hut I ean moat a*iir* ynu that fotmly, luiut b* organised a*U •lirrcu*! Tlis hel»l it at all is enough for Olir illustration. noUnly. But it will interfere with the Hut while 1 lament the I mi.l.lrnly condemnation strife, ought aclla, positively greatly deeisiun, rrjoico that in balllast. The ballast consisted of the un- btuinoa of and direction the men maica, that ho usol the money in Uiii singular and on strenuous naserter of the article wa» tnvle Mr. UruMcla practical organisation Hut if that won't ilo, sup|NtM> wo cite n of artists, tourists, and the lovers of Timpcrnnce have tnkeu the ing effect the most this elegant by a amount of labor ami a liberal pleasure atep they seven large have, in as gun, two "tu liitn On- requires al tout. natural over aMnibling together «li/*>* men thia work ami contribute thh mon- nominee, nition. At Weehawken 120 men, under the wbe receive the nntt&l was killed with the Hall Columbia of the tnusie to llt» a marrieil I What sentiment must h« Mip|«>rt of the k Boston llailroad, instantly yatterw whiit style «>f T" "TIh» to same an other »ix dollar* fn»ni the pirernment for newly pair* Temperance legislation gnattwl ey. art subject the passu** day of this tJtate, and command of Ackerman and Harrison, abandoned at this )«»rty all others who wish to Capts. in cuutoct with a ami the Yankee lXolleism of "M l*u tit* cMi»IUoHoti> ha draw- many evils. bridge, jfrtMfrtt anything I Cuba. The Ala Eldred reached Ilram, a small they to come f Now let us as a a brake on the of the freight cars. claims" didn't have, at the time at least, "a wu flic Commoner'! prvmpt his rash ration*. This Tem|>erancc stick to- tending top •'.Number oar," ing p-ntleman in party town about three hundred miles east of Havana, Well, this U TVrv is an air A Pacific IUukoaii IUnawat. At Echo, gether, adwroity and and not l»c Panthers interfere with tho bl ickberrying lo softening r fleet" at nil. What «e want, as The 'K .ft .1 plansihlc. for the life of him see what hnsines* prosperity, seven and «!•'/ common sense about with-h it satis- can't iu well and we after a run of five days and hours, of it, the otber Uirec trains *'weary doiug," dial I vol itecome off the Tiiurr »ho«ld know, is the money wlikJi belong* was frun-i in tfi* evening, freight itood upon a Missouri; they pick picker*. An unknown banUr Ul*lj and comfortable. Hut in a ha* U» ask strong aud ourjniuilicrs ahall was towed mulra up a river almut faubory lookiug working Republican employ- the main when word came party, increase, by twenty-two to us. Cash or itn will have a track, flashing over until the the town, is mid to I* i•jiiivalent only furcvt in Ho»o«niaua ouunty, Mich., hotwoaa tb«- line* oue notice* an luent of kind from th« Temperance can.«c of this, our Tini1 tulles where she her eargo and ('offline, great brandy as&um|>- any government; the front the Tree shall discharged pa»- cfleet." tion is *ati«f.u torv telegraph superintendent, "A loco- Htate, become n in to its xiio "•ofkuing mutiUtnl •»? natwral a§4 UU i*rnp- of which not quite after lie thinks it «l« ninition and powerful organir»- The cholera had then broken out •mo of Uie wealthiest, propgrtion ikvuj in f;M°t, vulvar motive and with steam tion. leading all other sengtr*. just all. It Ls ouietlv assumed that th» -«- tender, up and with no pirtiea in tlie laud. Lot In 1HM it al«ovu A small darkey of Mvnigooiffry, Ala.,aa«»loot wiM !>nmtp; 'IraJ in a brted trap and is sure that Mr. men to our in Uie coaip of patriots, ami consequence "workers" and monev control unpatri«>tic. equally on have broken from a train tppniKc wield lierrica the other button*! himself U akklt this" really U«ly board, freight in this as to sceptre of which went to to day, It*] m liUtaliim tU State, secure more the 120 of tlu party refused to 000gallons bruudy,aliuo*tnllof pick eUpped, oopling the rranlt. Thtv arc "workers'* and lVsMftdi'ii shoul.l he reelectixl. and started down the Ah ! then and pure'society, expedition in the remnant of a Yankee overcoat. grade." letter citixens, and leu Tho value of this wan a little up doscly it «m atUcbcl, aul liim Lrlarrn tb« ro is <*» both murdera, thefts, drunk* enlist in the i'uUm ranks even after they luul biglaud. li>r (Jornwr next is alaout -1,000. replie«l loyal boy, "de Yankee* doe* It,"— They |Wl attiicked false accusation and -1wse In. delay.— Fall, iu» will, if eleotol, the mado a doseeut Imputation of Cognac I'UW ami ooiiYwntioas witli u by rxecute the rival, however, Sjianianls ob!|rcti«B of ».1>I Fitter articlr* wonderful 11ii«*ii< Then the workmen the of the that "You're a little fool," Mid tuam. a imijmificcul piled sleeper* high upmi principle* party elect* on the with churehos, fruit or- thf indignant skill, in thia an him. Hcmandci ami themselves An abandonod city, (imrf, Ou»- exercising way luUrvut in- even not A u|N>n jxwtcd "do de Yankee* aa much intent}* t u lor l'rcafclrnt 1* It, lln». IVckmlffli? Snrr tmr* track. Lot that should atop "Iter;" ScmctiMOu and other evidencre of former my; you 8%po*e got pmcot# tluence tipun the grand result, but when your Li max, July 12,18u'J. but tho Americana, under chacds, groven HewanJ. a»l Mi* ami she should do murder further down the adjveent heights, sense as we 'Mericans haaf* cral Hlii n—, ei-Swrrtvry the lino* are drawn ami the contest l»e- until nfttt, your «Xtf«*Ko road, has been discovered in tho ficinity !»y *tu|>i«litv Lieut. Gancvjr, drove them from their position prosperity, w«* «nt to thla tore the rails In-low. Ju»t aa thin was cx-Preaiilcnt Lincoln. Tliey t ween principles Ls opened un«l vr.unhh* fur ofllw for thejr up A Chine* tfUl liv> of the flila river, on the northern Imnler of the A. T. Stewart haa offered # Ilil.VX) for the opposing fairly yoinwlvew, jw Utn in program at 8il«T without the loss of a man. After this victory in Wri/ #f » Mrirat their influence for the ni<«t lis limited ahe caoic in She *h»t couotrj IVm llrsfco jsirt ••imihiijuvm our in York Httd ('UIU- aocuutpliahod blaho, »n»u# IkUikI, mjk "in I'U tfOt- ing in h*jrv and then* wanl buanl, iIk-iu iu all and ^weiring Saturday, known, aixl nU U»al tnuufwrt of thin It* tending Hying dirvctum*, Tidal Wfc*e thus the existence in former if tlic town hi* Jo town. And for these services, whU-h after iTnaikinjt with JoCWAL, dm-ribea the men, named Walsh and Miller, of Petersburg, Indicating willing, accqit* offer, «f he «m darkened the air with ceremony ti prrmisr*, ripe&l at the abolition elatwj pmmpt. all U* *|4iutcn*. Uut at the ••A mnrtcrV of a establishment. lljrht «»x*>rt no Intaraeo niton «h\.«irv shall ^r.ititlf.1, mxl that, too, In hwl U hacknl off with * who died of cholera on the years large smelting Uaie*, aeteral million* of - l*-e. burned, in ud'I rawed a let- rvt plungal nugril.v thrMiioke, which i«ropp«wed Tlio .S«rrUry of 8UW> UMlnjr in temperate elimatea were f«nn-l in abundance; fit Tariotu attractive piinrifoi ih«» nhall lout lw iuMnM-tmv to the of ertrtlng polnta twilling* rrrrift* a rilTrr art of ptlblir, most into a hil»ide. She had run spirit thr burned Mown Grant thirij-«ix Wo ftod no fault with the Advertiser's «*tli. np ter in to Hie Kruuch nnl akin*. Rave The Cincinnati Commercial Urentjr the Iwrst tiuie made swore licre in t« lit* new Atlantic cable plww, argument, that it tho (CoajeniUne) yet t'«l*f «t*oh killed lite chick- btcra regard fW>m who had nerer ttrn he roTnvl a For ti-SuKUij tWimrl Umia la an bkatatxl m in he of per, the they are aa wm or affects *> U»do, the lUmcran* 1£63. which speak* the killing ehkkena Fwh takes MitmUiitially (lie wun« ground at tbo of tlw cilitroa." very In^m of our thrown away by the timr cincr. ami approach train and tuuat i».jr«!iiioualy owtmad, I*. u fc>tlow* : The Senate will fiitnamen awl considered .General Hoar in hta letter of §mktUkr intent 1a of Dt«McraUc partj Virginia of uuUt fur umf; but taken bj Attorney threw hi* In afltonidi- ®f a of spooking tiie absolute no- coinpoood hating had their throats out, from IV* ton, up hand* The Journal nnnouum the organlMti*1" a»» n MIK. Alt *t IW art.- ••party" thrm Intn tiifir ranks th* Smtbern none the U U tor? carl (hre penpV, four cvktrrf The 1H-Ie- them won* for sworn tlte cable of cvam he land*!, it cannot lie where stiocets in an Republican*. Home of having becen by, may tfur« 1" ^ »bj«4 of of !'*• n»«#t l«wi|tiful object politicians imm «atl tbrjr *uol l g.vtea will hate niuetj->o»-n white and thtce h»«iog bars guilty uf th»Mo- into by the cotwnt of Con- direct. None eau Were able aouhl invade ami tu put operation except which to to Uw wilkin U» Re. Frraidtat Graat'a gainsay thin. But our Umqt tiny dratroj nlep'vf MaUting detour a that wm Htrawberrim have l*cn tery plcntj about Ma- fight the Ltquur fmiah aod' worfci»uwlii|i. a* cvlored Con«erratlTes', ami whit© portion In view of th«e two letter*, without merev. Absolutely ai«uml of these thirty-three rmllv fit, tender and mod to ^itm. persona were delirernl coUnnporary niahe* his whither * our HWincllM chU», wrlUnjc Cm- 12 eenU par «|oart publican party. ami General Pheroian'a portlona artillery thinga, I am arntwl that aitr nne cotiM think «f an«l cletm eolornl The Rich here arc aa to the count th* 6al>W he hears the RqtubllesttL rpecdlstlng of the komo Hca ha former! tJ (Mr firing, his and on car on of the ag*nta date of ani.«pitch differtut ei"t»matt, •• eotnpiny will purme. Whether porwrtment the on i'n«i it to lw n sine So who ut- 'hat he hn* niccft'lwl in (p. ▼aloe fn>m the f ct that dot/ «bty; he with- ,4,|jr ; t J. road at Mochanie FalU on and Minnesota rep"rt» nijht fMtown JVkate—Conservative#, Ti ; llvlira's .Van Hoffmua lias confined lo <* wonM interfere to Ihrtn (Wmi n>lnp the Trunk Morvhy Hherma'a drawn all bis ten it, at thin time, in morriner a traitor to his pomonin* prerent to eomo to that Htato Grant'* lot waa an l on General focrra ami he w*« run errw. w»« thrown 73.lM thi> 974*. niay at the 1 12. Hoima c>f in to take the riak of Th« oar fVrun the .Incing «h« . ««-uifl in bro»i. AU will reouvtr. lH* consent of C.tnfcrr*", i< »«t known. If nrw .Yew .IdrcitiBtMenU. BUtMrfoni AftwfiwifHf The Catalogue of the Watcnrllle CtaVical Id* fVHLickrtnrrtt. DR. WARREN'S BILIOUS If. arc a BITTERS, At North Lebanon utilutr, institution under the care no The Free llaptbt church flourishing JI»: tura J), for Jul/ IT, bma For the WILLIAM C. WKNTWORTJt.Uto of Uhwxw, rOE Pinion and Purlfrloi* Blood,curln* Llvvr Complaint, of artato 8JLLE OR EXOHAHOE. journal muatlr aiponji U»a of Mr. Jauirn II. It* fli-i }Mg9 m ia» iarite Mtnil of MTIUImp Cull*) Jaunrilee, Blliotaneea, Neadaehe. Dtufneat, Lou darnuwL PeOtloa fcr allowance personal a Hanson and several rajojing prrciotu revival, amistantx, tie- bU Widow. itnuUiwiMuttviitf" iH-vrtui o«l»»r woil of Appetite, and oil soring (Jow|iUl«Ut for Cleaae- prvwntad by Almim WanlworUt, IlMM to hM, HMn At fl (M4k.Ui »bow« that '.Mo Hu lent* have been connected utM I float ration*. Halfo U» Train* aa MI*Wf «n*t»g axiUm« blfftutor in*, Mreoxthinlnc, Invigorating and Regulating Duxtoa. dwaaaad. Jloua* on tam *«M, HU4»*>ni. (car* Travtlrr't iT an totciraline itarv "Tti« Komomw of * IIbmo I'OTKR U RANLorP.latanT it entitM, thu System, hu bo muI la Un world, of ctUie Ni»IiOMA<«M>BiHdAIM BtffWa. with the term, 120 in the ClaraU !•» U pruaented by Vcima Mr" u lUtunitnir,kwve|otMatUu The .>Uum Deui«cra4 kjaw-tLal Mr. 115 in Um Department. 8ii- "TilO VuMUf imitt Ueneeal Ainu, AlM,Mne«i(im. i.m.IIk.,^aM Koglfeh W fur Ml* M# r. a. fraoi MmU M IM# *. > Jb Trttsool btret, Button. CARRIK A.NIIOHKV, Mlww and eblbl of TU •tow. (wvertjr «n liberal Uraii, XM •""*Ijo ^rv W featoa ajal Mm Cornet toi-ii men In addition !«• Mr. I'artea'a tktrw4«rUII« Mootnl KLIZA; ,i>|lror a hnMnw Train* Vta#~tll a n»«nl*r of the C\>rn*»h jroung have been for or tmU like f* lf»rilr Murhlna «>f CurAM, prri*»n»i Collrge of iln Ur. I(u«ull'< nKTII J. NllnRKV, laU> of RoeheaUr, ftoaflbrd torirhaar* cu. wl'l»4 a.ltJ^iitwIUlr. • Katfartiuiv, Iratr Wfhlngtuii I'.M'), pwAil CIUKIJM II AMD IW.tofcfU fr I'.rtWiil, U H.lli. ». 4.3. 114 of the the of I rvcuot Jut.ilr.. |>.u »i,.| iln New dwnml. PtUtV* fer ft tack. Y, n .m H awt «m lillcl on Tfcur»laj jrear, greater whom akt-lt-b lU<-t.n'» nntirn patkxt nubmino bottlk. County, •JOr. M. « u-.i-i r ».* a., awaMtaaop ■ IUiiJ by flfbtalag during put part r«lalo in Leba»«n, to Not. IW. Olltoe » UnoJu Nmt. IVturulnfato.TSatttf dOi.l.lMtHiM *HI-known wrilerr, tlio An. UtraM' to mII mh| cvn»f| ml lllUff'TJ, 19, • (« T> uiw !*<»» fcf r*cUa4 ai.J Um K««t-U.I5, tXJawl will enter article«l<) Th« Ptrfttt and rmmlMursin;: Battle P.M. ]aM week. t in a awl Uh» of York. at rale, |>wnrtH by T it A. n awl*.'JU p. a. tiuraut Mlkli tal LM Colby University. IT ft* Auti. U •»re|»ti"««iallv nek Iuok In the » "'/J. We the trade with all County private Oa Mm.Ujr., ami frVUf* l*a • 00 r. a. tail snppljr paiU lt«r Guardian. awl Ui awl &w r. a. delightful I'.v Umth Kliol, aad a brier the Buttle btrpbM y. tihofay, tnia to Md trm m, I fiilhrtf A barn Won to the rotate of the late |«*m of separately when required, Including IhMUavM ra»rtaW> lUfciH. ping j irn«|>liM» -ktuii of liw duUUm feaUirut of Mr. frvli- •*>! 9*Hk W. u> rrflt the U. 8. 8. Hurr'i SUttrti PTirt lintik, whlcb ll ol iititimaKt OKORlilANNA LOWK, of Halo®,County oTKwi. LOT BfcMrtnrt. KmaH-uflJi. Orlers h»*« brrn rrewTol John in wu struck tor'» acting. ttarlr* Dtckeaj. to the as A LARGE Wkk * MmlX O. II. Shaw, Standish, by !•) value Infant, It keep* the Tube perfselly a minor. Petitioner lleenae to »ell teio» l*m t—r. MawarlitMctU, —or— On Tu*»ta; «, N^UrriMt. JO She arri»al lUtlj. sweet and free Inxa aeid. e»peelaliy lo warm wm and real mUIi In iu the Coaatv TbmUjt m1 «-lw-|,rr win raa Tte M tlL* Cu«w ftr fl» M>*< al I.M 4. Ml 1 11 r. ■ I*fcwiMR- nilfcn ibtjf. July in the ahower of evening, i oonr«y hbaplel;cfc, f lightning Thursday Eimoit aid l'uiuauiM Coinxnoir.—The thrr I'rtce of Brush, 10 eU BVRR M I'KRRV, «f York, at Mir, by Cbarlw If. »v tkr (.ui u II 1ft a. ■_ a»i til r a * * •*»>** arri»«| 8th. private presented K«aaal>aak, Iwtk IknU j TW U. & S. P*» J«ljr and two cattle to Albion I*. nc««i«<»« to II. H. Burr * Co., Wholesale l»rug- Low*, her Owanllan. —~^S «a»w,»«nlimrw. IuU>, ||t> rmk *4 1a., ftfrntlrU, awl young belonging sixth annual convention of the editors and ttrliill »i«l i4*vr**fwv( X.«»Uy. two pub- glsts. Trcmout Street, Bostod, Maae. Sold by NEW aCODS! Kr»Ujr iLIM p. iiuaa '®U»'<'•/»I Thf v!f. R Wrruilnjf acfonijnnleil by wi-r* the MKRWAII of an lanaae A Ml hwti MMM kf In„i1hli H.', l^uln,<*i.lnrt TWr*W*Thur*W* Shaw killed by bolt. lisher* of this ptate will be bolden at IVrtland all dnggM* 3®,J# r.FWIH. Klttrry, perfon. ^ which arHtwi t«—«i »* frmn Petition Ibr llcen*» to eell and eoovcv rral c*Utr at IVrUaoJ ■trim lu;n, lUmton.ia and Adelaide Udlu' Whit* Ribi«4 lii/M. ID of rMV.T.,L4"lrfor HfIJ« r*il atVc!^® i 30 r. a M «H4 lnufi(Vi«i M« (jf'al*»jn »,* HJff a. flail Hamilton Mim on Um fourtii day of August, at 10 private mIo, prrmited by Joriah W. Lewlf, her Wednesday, MOUT OF lot *U1 uWrrt lHat the »l# ir«i itn«, ami V OU r.St Uirft to U- Phniijwj ROUT#.'* Uuardiaa. (iplemjld Jewelry, eelllnff ftwcPKif* KiprcM train hr Utte rrpural. are the Hun. James 0. Dlalr* at Ao- o'clock A. M. The like convention of tbo* In Nice a**ortlaentnrir >»r/» Illack Com be. *»«< «! H run nvrr Ih» KutPrn lUilmarf an kk M 11 JO 4. a.l r*r»HuflrH. K. furtnerl* viaiting ] MoatBrt, The I'. & Uraieia, tlM Alffnon, Take DR. 8. 0. RICHARDSON'S RI1ERRY MARY C. THORNTON, of Kennebonkport, an Ladle*' White Wc'» miJ Irkli/s **rr I*- IMmhIIWm m.k! Vrt4n. Two ixtltiorw fbr ItccBw to «ell and Ladle** Wtilr Hemmed llandkf*. only III ct# IUilr.M.1 ua TiKwUjrt, TlmraUji atal IWupUfcrmTkw mUjt at *.5® ». m. C. T- Cowta, P. *. nrrital fr«»n» Ituntuu to-lay, wherr *1* hu been WINK BITTKlUt,—the mo«t medicinal In the taar- mouth. Uic members an>l invited guest* oonroy real ««ute In Maeo^t private aab\ prwented licit French Cm*«U. only 7J ct* |S « • Mail* »■. New only tion fcr license to sell and convey real estate at Nice til y.w lb* al II J»4. a. ar- pri- i/ »•ii|C»nt Album*. life)p. ■ Mult "***' "<*• ernment but the have been made to pay dehu, presented by *ftek,at Cauntry planters MARRIED. hi r Administrator. Illack Lara and Milk Valllan. rOR THE AID FBBEf. awl a» IM ». »■ Tbe officers with others fW>m rested tin- other in Lawrence fur knolton, (Hovee. POOF •lay, TW»Ujr Kalaul*/ of the The was the more day putting I«dle*' White and Colored Llfle Thread a» I J. 14 awl T K) f. a. yard, suffer. "Appraisers' ring M taaii a fr

    •« to fwd»e wool for cm Joi'RXAL and Maluo Democrat, t»uh GR 1ST ln(*)iuul flnt 15 fbr the L'n l nioe." stock of the Ilochestcr and Concord Railroad, N. Ilainpahire 1 I'J-i ,... paper* 1st nine, Valleys vancc of or cam? demvmlnl. .... 5 llihed In hlddeford. In that cuitoiu. against f- $8 per Vermont lid 5wh raid county, ihey It In One order, loHcltlng your lkaspkr o. Bvrrit. an within four weeks the of the road al a to he held at i«tr I grading M;ii.-.»irtt».. 101 ... may appear Probate Court, of died in Tlie I'mw understand* that Hon. E. P. Wes- ...i 41 ltlddelord. In aald on Mio Ural Dudley, Kenncbunkport, be New V^rkt.*(UI. .... county, Tueeday BOARD PLANING. Benjamin will l>e under contract. It will part at tha forw- placed alii of ten ot In — mm In his ac- WtMturu ii •••• >•< I Ai'KUft next, the clock uuci, that town uii the 10th inst., 75 year*. ton of the "Little Ulne," Pirmln^ton. mcv —'*Lao, MimqBt'ftm aged to the ...... n»c heard and if CASH Wwrrrelrr, Mim. an I |»vrccl of the through route West, C^ua'U ...... -4-t thereon, object, they CAPITAL,"$1,000,000. mrliwr lift e was well known as an the invitation to take the lYp^iilettey of cause. (JIBOULAR Then* are niM onterprisiug cepted l>esi les a link to connect with the road JOINTING, MATOHING, irANTKHf InoMMtly lieing 3CJj 12471 SARAH — — !•. QlWu bctwtcn the at Goodwin's th<> Li lies' in Lake CliL Tut«l...... 3li 7TTT MOODY, late of Parnorvfleld, deceased. AMD II In m twelve la'liet. trader ami laudlord Mills, Lyman, Seutimry Forest, ■ by the Eastern road, from Aii'l 570 ''aire* Will fhr pro»«te Johnathan Moody tho •Cm of nnrrn en«Iin. great Whig Is to have Fireman'* Muster in Au- to via (ircat Fall* and Wake- 3<m, fivt, MOULDING A«Mrr«», tho H urmia Co** »nil Calve* froia *3J. »50, $65, |75 to MACHINES, 4«.'i WuacurM. Mao* iM-buiik during campaign. I'd, and have miles. The Milch ODADIAll L. Ute of Konnelnnk. do- I'rraldent. gusta, SeptrmWr subscriptions field, will be only eighty-seven .«. WEBBER, I'LAIIKNCK II. CI.AItK. Philadelphia. $ ceased. \\ 111 for hv all of the iu*»t i] kind, and In the h«et of in am« to to preevntvd prolwto Thatcher T., I'lilUdelidila, Chairman finance and lutjirovt N'«si( Xr. alrntdy bem uk> tititin< between S'JllO over two year* old, fJii ft-'; JAV I/'IMIK H, we iImi a well nImM »««e*r travel the railroads of New Hamp- VeAtlln:*. tfirr.N; and William W. WobUr, the Executor* therein 1 working older, keep NEW MILL plcanare t*> ♦ *£ Kieeuttre Committee. ul Hereafter we itnmnli- an- three old, nauieil. of tuiMt all kind* '• iksl space and If «itlKieul tunds Mtbncribvd. jreur* 60. no WaahlnRti.n. Vlea I'realdent. » I. : «'1 appropriate shire amount to .$800,000 a year, and ia in- Price* > t hlieep and !.ainb*—In lot*, £! $3 IIKNHV I). CUOKK, liu •'! and under the eatru. to O or from 4 STEPHEN KMF.RSON W. I'KKT, rhllal, and four Increased facilities will $4 >0 it 11 uu lavli; $1 $9 oo, STOVER, lata of York, derwed. North IvonuebunJcport. creasing every year. • Will presented for prot«te Charlotte Stover, the A' ",,M head of Lost and Found," ckf*. hy M P.. Medl- u«w knvww m l»a>'» Mill U now I* standing "Wants, for hand engine* ami one for »tc.nuvra increase the travel. It will Laaili*. f 4 M» to f* 00. Executrix therein named. FRANCIS a. SMITH, Philadelphia, ll««ar<1*t Naiik, hhio^tM, I<*tkl, Clap, rrliu will, op; prisoi prolwbly open up Marine Timber. wher* If »»l* cu'lantty .,n h*M. and intl for short Yen I fitl v ««. H o » f I .V oal Director. KUt*. Ac. Jk« Htilw keep 1. Mtton, especially paragraphs requir- will be oflkwd. trains will he run at <'Astern State to board*, Hence CL APBO Special the whole section of the Con- II..toe. it' Talloa, 7 to 71c W ft. KASIlKl/rr.Nl>EXTKR,lateofComl»h,de<«M«l. aaeortment of f,.r »aJ»,—M!ll>ULfc», LAT1I. >'?.• Y • lars* l AAOg, tmtnediate attention, and no advertiaciucuU to come. W fiOttea. I| i>he«rv>l bkln», 17 to Will presented ftir iin>l«ate 8awu«l PeivlcxU r^r. tin I'IPKH Ac, ilAKLKS l»AV. ing half fuvto ao^muioUta all w!io wish and also the State o( and Uinb >km*. In by in the Brat TK.N MONTHS *» cord, great Maine, to £K ». tho Exccutor therein named, TbU Company ImuH, MaT. Ml'MM that lt Skin*.« r el lu eilrteriee, «inTKK8, k CONDUCTORS, legini ttely lelong there, Success to the Wc amlrrstaml that the summer travel will make the rood Poalt 40 'ilo prime, I9| HOULDIIfOS. enterprise. this with I'rtee- of ry—Kxlr*. -"4 AARON RICHER, late of deceased. in that The advertiser ami render to I«1 poor Lrtaim, mi hao'1, from Tho m-rt*l place. will Dot for the not 0 Jloi jikkI, IMrtMto; IlltOlufll, 174 Will trwuiUM A»r MMiiUatljr Tim Kvo. tlie Auguete The will exceed 50 feet |>er *' prolate hy Ktaphew Y. Kicker, Eyo.* pay. grade tt> medium, I7e it #>• Executor therein w ill thus I* into immediate contact. the named, A. -r. MTKAUNH' MILL. F. And bu brvught east of N U— Beef— Kitr* and flrvt qeallty Include* KHIOIIT, Pbjrtickn OcatiM, prise*. mile in any place l'ittsficld, and not dleeovervd a new ireaiuimi for tbm l ut Um I'Wt,fkt. MaJIfwt Oien M««nr. lterry's )4ock, Sara, ( «lMeest three year ola Steer*; (lc*irp' n. Adam*, tlie Executor therein uaiuod. INSVRINO HARDY'8 a.lwt<«iM totfe VWhtn«n CJ m Pittsfield. The estimated ix*t for track is of •truiuenU «r fcyee blind fur jnaro. ixw all cenw or.Batea.fbL 910,- onlltiarv e<.#*UU of Hall* ■!>er wrsentrd — beva baew In « few cvinniiucwd appli- ara out. rim acmnnt fbr allowance ujto Bor- — owtiuUy, eofOd wWnbl. and the carpenters have | 01 uu liH. r .r «4u»litjr thrmra Iqr .*»■ plctcd, cant* pu«s the crimination tlie Freshman Class rows hU Administratrix. I CANCKUB I mai*>n the su- ! sBlfi,l-A2,SOO. CKHCKU.B i'he work is under n ,, ff ,» I J wooi>ma*'m roitTaiii.i: operation*. ! will number 31. EVELINE L., ALVENA. MARTHA Nine oar l>r. Knight bat dl«o»ered a naw treatment far and A huani Tvaqckt.—One of the LfCINDA. We pc lei I yn«r eii#tom. TromplMM" of Mr. Augustus Seam man, the moat ml J. and ANN E. SIMPSON, iutaf fa near* that MrpM«M all otter* Mow In uaa. Jl jH*rvision Xpr< .Yftiecx. Butt*, we Hup* to tflre *alUUflJa», K. lUtn, of Om'm, will U' in shucking trillion «*er occurred ill y WILLIAM KJMI'SON, late of ilancvcd. Pirrt olTen to Holders euro without kuile. plubir e* P»l«. wl beaM work I* done Mr. Ihivhl n. Uoiij. rM«nl«l, —-4M—*—— Ellnt, Thl« Company IW> Pollej. iiaruT. Aram carpenter being by London vii the "JNli of iMx unnl fbr allowance hy Ueurint C. Bart- ciiaiilkh without • f«. rletala, White dwelling*, Kryetp- in a few a June. A police officer pnvented Htr to LcwiMon Java, *hvn decision will bn their tiaenllaa. Haley and flta oarwl In ball the Iliiwii4 of &ua». With those >u|cr- tli it rvceiu-d a CAlfD. lett, »»0i ..J J elaa, Hill, gentlemen morning note Walter J a*. IlnmrrMRD, 12. isW. or ; rc.iclml the «n*tum of tU* it*a Jol.r ball tbe tlPHM aajr other treatment the lk*tor can concming Ujrm- him to I U intend the erection of this block, Dug^an. asking call at No. 11, llusicr The c(Sv'vi»Mxl iu«iiiU»> nf'Trluiniili Knciaryo. KLIZAnKTH JBUntrr, lata or ttxilh IkmU*. Kami for Salt;. Contain |>tlon eaelly cured wbea taken Is mom. nk-iuin fcp'i»l nfopnt ft* «llowmiK* the l><*u>- and chapel, and of ^nvlin^ Mm. The officer at went to (he an M«. I. wo*l>!«'tlil«»»j»|K»rlanlljrof rvtarnlntrUkrlr i>r<»< nfcl SECURITY two mile* fawn Hie klml of humor* eradicated ffom tyetein r»vk.« en Its cotii|>lcti«»n hwt^e I I.T tin-1 Ji>hn n. hrr PERFECT WILL HKLL **11 iny Farm, Krery rurty cwnjilctiou.—.V.iiae an «!nr« rr tlttnk- l«> the clti(of by NmUTi MiMtar. ;, Alfred r» tin iii < n (hi'lr r«*M ofono Million w#U UUWad Into put«ran. lUlaxa tf'tn work «til U- Wl thin WL .Mr. lUtc*' vf Du££.mi, »i.\ cliiMrvn, of apw ■I l*«wi.t..ii, Jul> i.ihj for Uif/hnunliAil »u|i|il/<>( by u|i('«uiUl Mr**.. to a oibwr ti oaf war. Fiftaan dayr win I ^ift aim! Flrel M»l final «|. 1'rooi thirteen to a« IncMlieUw Iiiimt man, K«iuU«t by •imiIum. i varying joatu iiuu^r u%«»ntli». thing* nbnrwllh llanaah M. ItU «f water, 4« cwla «oaa. kliHtiioM-K «iiWn tboni: lanrMlM A>lmini«trair1«. well/ Dunn* Ik* than-ly Snrti Ktrrnit n—llonrer Kn<1in»^n. Conqueror WILLIAM HAM. lair <•( Urwa»«l.- aiwt n<> W. i'onJ. Tli« *+y* .M.irUn guMivnt, ft lajr a>ic*jK 11 LmIiI>T <"n. Nt>. I, IMclmnl VIlMM Mm. IIUMU, •Uwiluig liutM.T Mr. li. gi*ett ikI FlnM lutxjunl |rtmW r>.riU..i.MMpTy A. W. !*»«. Low Hales or Premium, *UU «>l cultivation. it aunulna lot/rult c»x\>utr'» H. K. Co. No. a, of llw» ltM> I. mm llic iih|U«4 it that tin* Na. I, 1'h.n htni|M>H Hnjf. hi* Kiacvtar. AW. |.rir«u atMaaltrf aaM Kn- wtileh are In eniHlltliin f» in was nfruek ami IT»*r!w who Uv« hero at llnvllvr's a|>|*arud l»- < trre«. j>ari «f »»e*rlnr Farm formal©. P»»rt*r, by lightning, juun^ flopping .loutluk were caused Ami Delue* Ka<. Cn. I of NMI.W llio cutor ft>r allowance. l>jr |>ni«aic acid which wan flinl, 5j«>. |ir*awitdl ■ear U mltwl In uaa uD rkarrlt. Tt>* w*4Uud omr mi l Aivvr* •»»»* n Ui<-ni «m Um mnulini Button. W. I**, a *••*"« hiw» in tU U Mr. llotrl lor the fortnight. nnd who in the father |pn««t \tv Lmrut 04 vidends 4h Adrtmcei ia«y HITUATED In napfejr jitrt rcaidr^ adminktcrel bjr with the consent nnd am fcr will fca told teparaU. Il drilled, f2T"Teriii» r« »l aHMirol, not to b« HCRAN J_ 8.VBAJI AJTt M.. PIJUIA A., an»l i* lu tha ••bujn,'' »uih(Uror» I If "tim WTl\ uOfthJf. *'»• wu kill*!. Mr. MAtitnw!. g»t iruin with a of the niuthor of the D. inline* ■ * IrJinli N*l Bslmon Ml* Towlo, losUiity D*j Lvi Jost •utgfthig' approval children. After P>lliA | JAMKH ni'ftlN ai*l rhlMrrn uf JAMBS h Ji ah ,*}•• '. .•ji'mJ) urnl |« a l«> nrr aim ilmttnT. H. I!u>>Nutl, 11ITIin. 1»W af North mammI. ernL niiMeforl, April 27,1AM. PwlUad ymtenlmv afternoon, to rfale a i4t*H giving aacli, hia the Our Uiaaka K«q., IUr*«rntc«l «ai•>««. Pmrpsn \«n> furtikt aMiJrw inluu.j pun »u>»- h*>» his foot l TIM L.t»» nf k ■ .1 «l* *U Wm Mm. pntfrft the h(a to off, but and in in 1 NAMCV iti.TT, «|... IVU ninjj immHbuljr oifr attempted get »lipptrer nUtl M<»<« llalvh. 41 Uirw o»Wr la "*«■ lie waa over tlie ii. W. IV MmJiiihj t'Y, inUl Lv l»iiu lu Muvrwllfkg opcralioM t»r Um iU>, IkM. »».|»H.ul»rfW«"« aud th.U > now uf *bvui wctc blaown ill ueallii of hUrltikinu. Jlo u« a 1 kit* mom at the Uum, iiijurol. at IomIIj thai vbru tb« ph/aW-iaa*. Ura. iu»t«r. Ui iu»l>U«UUi 4NMOuuai la xltiuic »»l(nm«i JOIIJi Ul'MWY. TIUNMl * VA *-*■»«• left a letter to his Uroiln-r, written the ta»- Mxl rarrljr If #>rrr Uk iiv la*«*>nHki Ml PLAN, IHU«*«h1 iH'ttittNlM Mjuntlnl. IVtlt—n l>>r nliuint«l ration with RETURN • night Will IU1IX"»- •<»» r—1 k«IM|an Ordwaj fore hia dcwlit, ill which be "leclvul his inten- Ult'lif ICU'»t ohllpiltoiw, «m>uM hf John II. Ifa«*)*, hi* Am. Tftiim, won •imIi kliAiM i« ix>( lorxollrn, l-nt will mr nmln 4". Una « k«jr C*ar«fc«*lr «HM j «d lie pnMUjr tion, au the cvneumd. A sur^wn tnitifl^l ««< «' uM i»l«» rrinrin»>«r 0. n. Ch» bourne and It PUU-nit* tlWirw* uf Mlal* CENERAL rtuncr* .«rmf In HJr lia«r' TU r* »*• t*rm$. AM? .If m injurrj inU-ruaJ^v, ii^v funnel, |«KMKial flNMiM 'i^rt •*>' l*(o tbc irnut love Ct Irta* llaa* *u. hi* W it# i*rtn*r« k Aa4r*« «T rata* ImU. M> *"' at JiIim'» llail '• >- in *<«- jtbat parent* iwJmmiat—id Uie bf P Vtl4am. J on U» « to I'hiliipp tinjtk operation atari ao Hla frtitxla • wLo .«fa» «• IVOtt y MILLIKHN. to the chiklnrn at l«ul three hour* M, .** V»« bvplO on l to tot ■ «r the hr noRAnovr>rN Otf PANIKL I'FNNITtr. bo RUim. iii^ht. W\ lutcuti to U? Ihirv hw;« tn-ut. aw toM. hate &1 it them»eUe». lheir ?•»'- tdrj^iphrJ eontaking though t$ dar- tionlfcrall6wiu>*& ftfPvneMl Mar* rrHBirfiT IT*) 23 JO. full tXNIM. | dipjoaition of the r«niln«. ing that hme can onljr be ontgin<«|. :■ '■-•mvym*. 4~r~* Karnfc IT Tnnn. UL*,1TMow. Advertisement* .V<«een«NCMM. JTmv Jidvtt tftmtnu. r«i ifmnd Buaintf CmrtU, to a eat white or 1BUtdefor* ia not In try nuikc kitten beans, I hot the of the (ioapel Too Beaux. FOE TBS tjon; power Manj a to water. AflKBTB WAlfTBO J. W. ft H. H. ratio. It compel chicken drink salt KoDUFFM, b« estimated by arithiuctictl JtbWn -»■' Kitail Ota I If la u Never war the instincts of the » iloea not lie In th«' number of church rolls. If by tho term "prospects," applied against onetooi am not pW rather than A bad or to a mean the child. Lead, drive; pursuade Fiu Vitcta. It U not the number of the young lady, you probabili- Ditinli, Jewelry, fcr longer lift ul krger growth. presbyteries she rather than sSacriti BUrer ud plated War*. Outlay. ream a hushand, then rather than convince, «arked number of sv n«*ls u to test the pow- ties of her getting pnnish; Sights **. the dutiee going TJU faaajr Oooda, CloUt, U, Let m go ahraje hyui be called has lose arm, rather than AND COMPORT. Biasing of OF THE NATIONAL CAPITOL Cor* of seal and love whose admirers may Legion, convict; your right •• nlnbM Mlddl* »nd Union Sta.t within the F«itted. er of Christ. U nquenchable Paaracr MVBVT. Thara It ootblac out, and keep flmmmm one whoao take of its aaa oalr ba a*. ML of to the church— than advantage unresisting helpless- EASEPartaet Might, and parlaat rtrtt PORTLAND, with the mm degree are going to give power infinitely poorer prospcct* Um 'ssrsriiiisrsM'S j. w. McDorvRK. An ounce of tajrth, bo oountod ness rather remember- UlMd by a«lnr PRKKECT SPKOTAOLfe, U ». rUBLWIIINU 00, 411 a. n. ucovm*. frirntU of ihe sex may ; liear, than lieat, know*. MB88K8. Mil- «rM than a pound of not these external thing*. oppoaite «kl«h It wall YORK. <«® Partlmlar aUaaUaa Dm to In Watok ravelr- will am Ooil thrther dlfflaalty A llarVDfd, BROOMB ST, NBW (not a hand. that "of such is the of heav- RL'B A MORRIS, OaaIl»ta OpUalans lag. Chaa. Urohaarth aad J. W. MeDaffca. Watok on tlio fingers of single ing, kingdom the When the bishops of the Episcopal Cmi., ■•nlMtarari of Makar*. 4!-U en." WANTED FOB to who Now, it is true that ererybody patron- AOKim ia ooe objection people Church in England send greetings to their CELEBRATED PERFECT SPECTACLES, There mly and fashion that and that ia, never ftu>l time izes tlie mode everybody hare. after year* of aiparianoa, aiparltnanl. wall," and tiny brethren the bishops of the Episcopal baaaMMM to JftiBfttlMHfU*. "rt»" for it is the easiest and most JYoticet. tha araallon of eoatly machinery, AUGUSTA HOUSE. their moaning. Church in and invite them to else snpjiorts, Sptciat that grand netldaralura I'erfKtBpactaclaa to carrj out America, go product to Um in the world to "follow the which hare old with ■■limited MtUfactlon BTATE BT., AUGUSTA, ME. "WONDERS trae which the over nnd confer with that natural thing Ulanl. Cm- Faith ia tba bleeeed produoea them, they may 8chenck'a Pulmonic Jftaran, ii MaaaachaaatU. Rboda But this is not to that a Sjrap, and New darlnr mtolu 110 Room*, OF THE of wimioui, virtue nod a crowd." say young naatlcat, Varnunt Ilamptblra. This M*d*ra Hotel WORLD," flraiu be Church, let them go. Mandrake PlIU will can Con- Parlbetad mobk and pooaiaea Pan-Anglican Seaweed Toalc ud the pajt nlna ye»r«. Tbaaa C«l*l>raUd with Fmkrt K'Whw R—mm. lUtk Saleratus wants for a wife the who counts U- TeflUm Ltrf* HUrUlac InaldaaU, laUraatlag The is are man girl Ll»*r CompUInt and Dyapepala, If Ur« tha ayaa, and laat many yaan K00M8 oa true voyage pleasant, tl»« meetings aumptlon. BpMlMlo.Mrir In Haom. and Tttwfrwmk Offlct i aloo, 8AMPLB in »ll C««- Pyle's Iklidtj. lea to rtlroetlona. cImdm the can ba obtained COMrBlSINU «n4*A| EraaU. her bcaus the score and her UMnllnf Ttiey without chaoga. Tbay I he HmImw fOwt, U lb* MeunoxiUIInn of CmmkrW trlt*, all A|M.aiMl all come home to some coiue out of by conquests rrlii the liver Mil It to Work then of oar K. B. mnj raopla. tkeBMtbUie, worda your and •toaiMli, put Illddaftird or Haoo appointed Agant. wllbovt rxtrm ll»Ttii|r ur*l«Tft*w palm- isieluwwWgei When aaarching pleasant, good may food and |M Mali Trurrtm, rhen*. Br 0. C. BU6BBBEBQ. the dozen. the become* rood | the dlgeeta IIuopkb, (occawor to 0. J. Claaraa, ro now oAn lo- in to tarn them aaide. Let the it. must by appetite lag, plonibtnf, and ftaraUhinc. Mprrtur np packagca, hcarta, do not eeek But you not expect too much. mak** cood blood t tli« patient begin* to grow In Dlddaford. Wa no nalth- Orrr On* Thmtmd lUjutrmltmu Um dlfr Always pat poaod Jn a brood H tract, employ paddlara, 4nmM to the innllai pvUte. bjr ant It Is true that chicken iMh the dlaeaaed matter In the long*, and oar to tham. la »M work effectually. You cannot do a ileal these ex- every i ripen* ar do wa aall apaataalaa Ijrlt It l( Um Intention of Um proprietor to korp tho itnn UanUbad Artiria Barapa lattw. FULL WEIGHT. truth great by lb* the dl»«ii aad |*U well. Th« bad will leave a dinner, and all go In patleol oatgrowa (Ioom In oach a manner UM tlwn «Im It win largwt, IllattrmUrl, ■«( •i«(la(. wbo marry old maida, ternalities. If these come back to good TbU u the only way to ear* oonaumption. Tbo table wlil bo hnnohod unailoi, ln»tnictl?a, enUrUlalac. ha- JerroJd «ji that bcji bishops tura m mm to Maplaln lUrtllag. same if see one throe medicine* Dr. II.Bbenck.of lb* and will And morooj, aad aUrtctlra tabaerlpUoa book am Qrooera of life the ftuita and of the object, they To Uimo J. PHnftiif. with all Um MMhIm of tram, palrim pab- Sold by Eveiywhere. In tba gulden America humbler than went, pursuit own unrivalled ntMH In tha Imn. lUhad. "gather 8pring they a Philadelphia, hli " It a (itoaaaat and apwMi not at of their number away with Tha War IMiU 8aad far Clrtaltn wllh Una*, at aaaa. A4- BY A rtry nioe Mntimeot.but with a more sense of the value running treatment of pulmonary oonaumption. pul- " " Tbo oa CoumlartiMri f Municipal O KAA WILL BX FOEFEITKD of Autumn." profound matter in lb* AJeaapt bo fownd at tbb drru UNITED BTATK8 PUbUSlllNU CO,. If to mm la tm or after an monic Bjmp ripen* the morbid bar* enmna n«i, and will b«r«aftflr pa. L DIX. htot crumb, imaginary on JOURN.A.£. 411 Braaaa Bifaat, N«w York. (JpOUU Md all l.krljr lo take. of soult, and a clearer of the large-siz^l long*, neture thr w* II off by May *xp**tor* lloooo Frre arriaffeo to and froai can and boat*. 4wil9 UmUmh; attor i^Mu, mm* rflrrtaalir fm- conception m km worni. But it is not true that the rlpa a alight looro tble lloaao W an of tbo olntry. ■ «Mk km ttturnm Ihm mpmlbm tip well ia bettor 0»%n % that of their young tloo,r«rwho«U>*phl*fmorm»tUrl War** parte ■■■■Uy, A mouth Ail digested brotherhood of men, j»rt eough will throw It off, and th* patient bai reet, OUT TUIINKK, rretprlrtetr. DAVIS* Paln-KlUor. to ell wak ■» Bed ptwMl wdid*. the M GT TERRY VegotebU ewtor. swallowed. Ditto with boaki the ex- man will forsake modest, gentle girl, and th* l*ng» begti to heal. whole diah mereljr Pan-Anglicism will do good. But Steam Office, —We clip the following from the FtotMimi (lea- 8KLV-AB11E AMD BOUTALT HABITS, he can without rival- To do thla, th* 8eaw*ed Ton'* and Mandrake Printing are con- whose society enjoy Cathartic Pills, "At thla imon of the ;mt, when TfcHc effarta Md a i—n«i»rw | on th« bruin. ternal features of it of but little 1*11 la uiuit he fr*ely uaed to clean** the atomach Ayer's aral Adrrrtiaer to with a score of others for that the Pulmonic syrup and the 176 MAIN BT., BIDDEFORD. cholera aaorkaa. aad other kla- 8PKCIAL AILMKNT* AMD BITt AT10MB, There ww a tiwroujcbntw about practical ry, oorapete and liver,ao For an tha porpow of a Laxative cholera, dyalntery, wqoenoe. food will make blood, laefckat ladta* a whose smiles food dred oompUInU im nr« to prarall, everybody to Marrted Md Btogti | la the middle Whan Ailrim the oom]MUiy of young lady Nchenck'e Mandrake Pill* eat upon th* llr*r, re- Medicine. ages. Pop* When the mild an«l summary old Pope no om medi- with Um PAIN KILL* AND DISOBDBBJ joking ell ohetreetlone, relax the duete o( the araar paacaimow or Perhaps ■honld l>e liberally anpplled BICBCr DBUCATM who hated awl nre free to all. moving cine is M re- the Roman dispissd his to ami the bile atarta and the IIver U universally whether ltk« Ibr I MnwW ABrnVaw | FniMtnM an4 a> Ptom af Un died, people, •ends missive gall bladder, freely, aa IR. I' ImtIi( bono, Presbyterians everybody «• to tWr at the a class of men who eoon relieved i th* • too la will a how what the PlIU quired by »houl>l bo la Pkta | Utorr* «# (to Nwo, Ttoaat Md Bndj hafto him determined testify pleasure wan- Then* is, indeed, AND CARD a nor waa ever aicaralon or a trip to Karopo, j ami rays: "Brethren, can do haa ever been Invented except BOOK, JOB PRINTING, cathartic, day*a lha faw «f (to Jatato | Mmian— | Ciaall Episcopalians. | nothing §o | BvvlHat — — before unirertal- on at a moment'a therefore adorned the dour of hie assiduous court to the latter. She gen- calomel which la very area ii an/ ooodltioa to their band* It lallxal a ml rtkf Wnimn to ;mU aad (to mum ad- treat. The/ in behold! we have pay (a deadly poleon dangeroua Into ate, la plaoa t!«*rin*j irregular paths, to u»e unlera with eat care.) that will unlock the Ijr adopted dlaeaaee Incident to Um aamner at aB afM, af bouse with this attract ion*—thin g country and among warning Man/ raaead, phjaician's (vludi, aidlag an council: whip all, ••rally p**v«es»oa ninny pet bladder and atari the aeoretloaa of th* liver every called (ecumenical gall PAMPHLETS. all uum, as thia mild montha which will prove fetal If aot laamedlately MOTU tKXn, BINOUI Oft MABB1ED. "To the deliverer of Ilia she like Schenok'i Mandrake PllU country.*" of sings. Invaria- but efficient purgative one or two inscription: that a universal Christendom may be rep- society. Possibly Llv*r la on* ol th* moat TOWN REPORTS, cheeked, can bo promptly eared by 1 Complaint prominent J'Ul. The obviout rea- DR. X*. DIX'S to live u comforta- she dances. She is surrounded oauaca of Pala-Klller. Oa more thaa one ooca- A merchant being unable in this council:" I to the bly always Conaunptlon. aon that It la a more re- doaet of the mkdical resented say Nchenck'e a*aweed Tonle la a gentle atlmu- POSTERS, it, rnivATS ornot, time his conso- liable and tkr more effec- alon bare wo been relieved of loteaae an Iforlng as be desired, aad at the mow pay thu of the gay ; and in and and the alkali In the Seaweed bjr Mm*. bJjr "God bless dear old man; and by gayest lant altaiatlr*, I1AND.HILI.S, than any SI Kadlratt HmUb, 1 Pope' you, which tbla la mad* aaalat* th* tual remedy the aae of tha above named pre pa rail oo. aad made preparation of, — timely imr arc ar Uw reek atbrr. failed several times in business, of all these whether ■— other. Thote who hart to an arrant"! Ibal paOt.u debta, make them a quence advantages, Houiach to throw out th* to dlaaolve I ae God bless and gaatilc Juice BILL-IIKADS, wlto hare Bold all and medio deal* nwm la hto afkc to IV*. VI, kar- he died. your bishops, tried know that It enrol them; Uioae by droggiata, groeora Ricntat llw aaIf of his Finally she l>e or her the food with thi Pulmonic Hyrup.and It la sad* it, kto m ton assignments property. hundred times holier titan an*; and pretty plain, drawing-room CIRCULARS, know that It eurea their neighbora and ftlendt, Inf na eonnrohw with wMmn, ow^wwll/ they into good blood without fermentation or touring not, a mcmM can an bra those who hail cause to remember him which to ami all know that what it doea one* it doea at way lly IntempOon, MltalMiu y |«raaa Among an* is a in la th* atomacb. God bit** all the churches that under very agreeable place BLANKS, — rxult or negtertof I tat* at kto aCaa. The r*aaon do not cure that It nerer fella through nnjr apftfjrlaf was Mr. B who, one of his neigh- or great why phyalelane We have thoutaada upon tlu»u* meeting an Conaumptlon to do too ranch they SCHOOL-HE PORTS, Ita romiKxitkw. DR. mx according to the arrange- spend evening; asyounggentlemen la. they try of their remarkable curea of the was informed that Uncle C was dead your authority medicine to th* to to aanda or certlllcatee It in—t hr rwHradlrtH. nerv* hj bor* are wont to glv* atop rough, atop chllla, but anch curea are knowu In DODD'S Mdtf wwrli, (and ments of men. If it were convenient for say,— he*llc fcver. and by to delng REC1STERS, following complaint*, W da **« prrjurr ihrm —had the debt of nature. »*Is that so?" »top night aweata, and we need not publiah them. ■{•aria. who will my a/ijthJaf, paid is to submit derange the whole dlgeatlve loaking every neighborhood, in ha that be throw "It extremely pleasant they powera, PROGRAMMES, to all and condltiona In all cllinntea; aalrra, para upon palkaU,) an me to go to Rome, nnd I could any and th* Adapted ages NERVINE B ; "whjr didn't he make assign- self to lio upth* **or*tloo>, eventually patient calomel or any deleteriout drug, It 111 GrWaafc I'kytefm •'wlw- replied one's occasionally handsomely alnka and dlea. containing neither an/jv Htfftltr on the of the individual, I SHOW CARDS, with Theti IMf in fla*lea ment T' light liberty but I would not doea not l<> they may be taken aafcty by anybody. entertained ; upon any Dr. hchenck,In hla traatment. try them ever firth and make* DID IT. sit in council. Hut it matters am a cough, aweaU chllla or fever. Ila- CHECKS, augar coating preaerrea •IXTXCf TEAM would your account have it supposed that I looking atop night them to take, while being purely vegetable Nrw Lonnoo, ComN April*, I8M. move the route .and they will all atop of their own pleaaant a tort an writ a no means." no harm can ariae from their ute In any quantity. RBMBMaaaaD Paiaan.—I thoathtlt well to wait enga***! la Intlmnit af PpKtol Dtoaaara, little to me whether I or in that direction for wife; by aocord. No one can be cured of DRAFTS, very p> stay. Conaumptlon Uiotr Influence on the another week before writing. to eee If I eoatlaaed Iwutn to many I'tliame, HuHllahera, Mmkaau, SMiMfaif limiting. Liver Catarrh. Canker, They operate by powerful and is not with vim. You do Thns these are wont to Complaint, I>vapep>lai vlacern to the blood and atlmulatn It to a« 1 hare been doing for aome time, an- IWrleVw*, Ac that ba U mach urn—ia1*d, |«r For the church gallants speak. Ulcerated uuleae th* liver ana atomacb TAGS, Internal purify Improve, Throat, Into action—remove the obatructlona of the der the treatment of the new medicine, aao I am Itomrtjr l» an* not men. are made healthy own Christ, and do not own the world. And as a rule, marrying healthy. ISABELS, ami other organa of the to tell *00 that I am getting baiter aVM arnANouu and traykllku. II* LrmJrlh Mr* you they cours* ttomach, bowela, liver, happy If a peraon haa conaumptlon. of the lunga action to health, and were nera. I eommenood natire one of them would tako to him- BOOKS. body, restoring their Irregular hatar than when yon Tn inU ami eaeapa lai|»wlled to the to a auchoa*eawhattnaatb*doB*r It Itnotoalrth* theae aad retort I* Prok—ci ami fNprcuMa fkr»k4a«a- Net alwayt «wr feruit phwt awl dawy nrela ; be unto in all endeavors. How- lind WEDDING CARDS, the box, for the following complaints, which troabla hai eitreme pain la tbo bead pffMdtjr at kto you. your south—anywhere girl unspoiled that are but it la the whola 4 wh-aa cooaalt hlai la eriUcal raaaa, brraua* MMP waatlng, body. PUIt curev— baa laatod over three jeera. All the medicine I maay ami one who has not in his The atomach and liver have loat their to CARDS, rnjiidly ackaMtodnd (kill and rrtwtattoa, »U*inad ikraafh to ever your priests blshoi« by society—the power BUBINE8S For or iMllpttlM, lUtlrtt* bare heretofore taken haa foiled to giro aay relief Imperfectly make blood out of fbod. Pymiala |*aeOee ami ahaarvallaa Ur. the to a score BMt, Laanor ami latt of Ap|ietit«, they I am now able to g» ap aad dnwa atatra. aad dally Nag caparWw, however much may presence played agreeable Now th* «feanc* la to take Dr. AUCTION BILI-S, the atom- the beet Tn, IbMfb mj May U, may preach; they only hchtth'f ahould be taken moderately to atlmulato Improving. 1 aonalder the NPltVINK AFFLICTED AND I'NFORTL'NATR, »e. thre* medicine*, which will brine up a ton* tolhi tone and action. erer and ahall lu aao, 1 Mar eat, Awll* have down from a mediaeval age of others, and whom he strongly suspects NOTICES, ach ami reatora It* healthy medicine I found, eonjlnne ba not rnkfcad, and add la yowr *uff> ring* la betuf dnetrrl brought atomach) Ui* will begin to want food, It ami IU variona «ymp- entire 1 bare ta- patient For tJwmr Ctmplalai for I am ennflder.ti.f recovery. tka lylnf boattt, MtorrpirarataUaM, totoa pruaaura aL*l on their I one of them could have hail for the will dlgeal and make good blood) then th* LEGAL Mak HnMlackt, and would not bo wltboat bjr of luggage Imck*. nevertheless, any easily BLANKS, torn a, Bllleat 1Im4mIm, ken only three huUlea, ut • to fleah, and aa eoon aa the or (Inmi »l«kaiit, Wileu |w llitto of iba ttalurr and rha/artrr *f Ppretol thing gijrl—unless to cur* And In fact anything and everything which cauae It. preached." the only way conaumptlon. action or remove the obatructiona aaaaa, and /*** a* In Ibrlr nin. taa ctkilat foryvd W an When ther* U no dlaaaa* and Llv*r aan ba or but one mild x>-t—l in I would not out the Catholic Church wants to live and die old maid—is to lung only prlntad. For DfMatery DlarrheMt, I■' xnaa of Ir tutiiti"'* .* CoOrfrt, wbkk nrrrr put and Bchenck'a HeawoodTon- of iba Complaint IHapepala, does lagenerally required. COLGATE ACO'S any |«rt nT tka anil | alhrra rihlMl I>l|4n*na* were to mo the too beaux. Sho bo ic and Mandrak* Pllla ar* without th* Oravel, Falnl. if I could. If God give hare many may pretty, aufllcl*nt, COLO AND SILVER, For HktaMatliai, Coal, AROMATIC lva.1, how wMaionl unknown 1 r*< noljr aaaeelii* ami ad. Pulmonic Syrup. Take th* Maadrak* PlIU freely UMIaa af ike Heart, Pain la the Side, Iba hal ex- mtlalnf In nanra of Iboaa inarrl«l In di|*«uaa. to all the churches that graceful—anything In all aa ar* and every ol ahould be He la*Ink me! power destroy stylish, accomplished, pllllou* oompialnU, they parfeotl/ atyle Back ami Laiat, they contlnnoutly la further lat{>n*lll<«i aa»ua»e namee M *Owr »*■ narmiera. aa to change the dlaeaaed action of VEGETABLE Not errt I* Ola sabila« flinfrf |mfeMin( ist, "You have to to it matters little. The very Uken, required, SOAP, hraiol tun* iiuoa drad. Vittbrr ba dcatlml ■ aitying. only speak you please, Dr. Hchenok, who hat *nloy*d uninterrupted With auch thoao phyaktoiM CVmrty aluutf sty near and y. tho ayatera. change complaint* It recom- been the of at- health fur many year a and Bow WA PRINTING! Combined With Glycerine, toy arr twUaa illm, Ja|»l< Ibatr Mirb aanotntinc, sweep them from the face of the earth," I fiwt that she has recipient put, weighs COLORED ditappear. NO0TKUM-MAEKRS, My ryaa lai waated away to a mer* skeleton, In QUACK Ami eaaaat Wan Truth'a ctaar an I ailrar ray. pounda, with neatnesa and For and Drwpnleal Hwelllaft they mended I. r the uae of LADIRfl and la know of one that I would annihilate. tention from more men than she would ilia very laat iU|« ol Pulmonary Executed dispatch. prmpmy to ihrnafli tola* mlllbaln awl ukmma, and nnrawmli- Tat. though Mae Mrp >k«M 1 aw, don't Oonaumptlon, ahould be taken In largo and frequent doaca pro* hi* hit eaa« the NiritNKRY. liana at I heir nnllcim ky III it mi, wbo ruM ii^m Mrv—fcr Ue IwlMk ua course of a phyalclana having pronounced hope- ducc Ute effect of a draatic purge. 1)33 1 I further than that. I am so need to know in the life-time, lea* abandoned to hli fete ila wae or *c lo tortb. r tbrlr i>. |- say, firmly and htm cured Card For a larjre r We are to Carda in any quantity, producca by sympathy. hrrlw and ami economy places many thousands aiinllarly MM ha** us*d prepared print Dinner or two fills to I If nuallllr* and rOrett of dlttorrnl |>lanU, 1 H al«ay< (Ml Ilia pir«<«4 Kant elaai mj, Aa a FlU, take ono pro- may in the —desirablo to those who cannot Hchenck'a with Uie fame remarkable of variety ami atyle, and at I he l:w*iI ralet. aarrllar all Iba »mi» to lhair Mil*, KitrarU »|*rikca, Aa., 1 Mt alwaya War Ilia inaae e«a, sions, of various organizations, only get preparations every mote dlgettlon and relieve the ttomach. wy auccea*. Full •ml of II not raitaln Mrrcanr, braawa ail Iba toaab hrevae rwpn; directions accompany each, making buslne** man thould circulate lila Card* ex An oocaalonal dote atimulatea the ttomach and Fire! Fire! Fire! wh'rh, all, H« la aiy fcrMi Iral) Every • rr»« n»w known church, that if were into my better. It not naecaeary to peraonally a*e Dr. ma to ret the am Vol MWI nl I la rahfnr jlhlnf ,M hot Ilia Craa, mj (klnU>i| »pm«"» amlj ckaaa. power put absolutely and should be with bowela Into healthy action, appetite, PRLAY MAKK8 TUB Achenck, unless patient* wlah tnelr lungs examin- tanrlvely, every lady provided Ilence It la olten ad- In "kill aura than la cwrwi," and ihar not klllad, ouaauta- Aad yet, Ibaaab I wmj UitMaaa he, were If would but take tho advice of and Invlgoratea the syatcm. Plraa hara hamls. and I told the .>n lor this la at hia DANORIl. Ut lito hefcl ta Am Ue tawletb mm. by Almighty, girls ed, purpo** h* profesaionally Visiting Card*. vaataifcout where no aerioua deramrement eiltta. liunall; Injaml MM t mat "If but the all churches their own sex as as take Principal Office, Philadelphia, every Saturday, One who ffeela tolerably well, often dmlt that a dote hitherto bMO l>jr IDKOIIANCK Or QUACK DOCTUM AND lfO0T«UM. you «peak word, graciously they adrlee rouat be Ila from lie laattath ami where all lettera fur addra**ed. ef theae PilU makea him feel decidedly letter, meant I oo di/alTf, IM some at MAKEAA im be and there shall not ho a the attentions of the least, 1s also at No. Xi, llond street, New ITIntter. clean and effect on the afcM* by n^hl Sary Hilar. shall identith'd, other, professionally Scatter the Printed their tin* renovating diges- — Ma by day, Hanover Mt, and Im eymhrtui no a4 b>Mta abuaa York, every other Tueaday, and at No. 33, tive Thrtuch Iba Icmwanra of Ibr Qaark Dotcr, knnvlnc Na iMMMl eubart lb* a few of their who d**lre to apparatua. sect on the I would not would cut looso worthless atieet, Notion, every other II* glv** Blddeford and Haeo Merchant* The tlwa loat In other a|«a MaarraT.anl irlna N In all but ht am | brieve ta Ilia r< kr—ttaif h single globe,** Wednesday, DM. J. O. ATX It Jt PfHUnt Chemists, (ending MM4jr,MnlW kyv—rt advice but for a examination with ahouM CO., la Ac Iha Nainw in the free, thorough draw the traae of the aurroundlng country, for an ami hto (MUkraU rtlto, l'ri«, ,aa M»| it. I would I>*t the churches and, Aiture, guard la I). Office houra at engln* getting at speak say, acquaintances, hla ll*eplrom*ler the prie* LOWXLL. MASS., V. 8. A. niaalljr l/>-'«a> t, add* lo hto an-aaltnl Kilnrti, HparlfU-, TTmd cUrlno rail call. He It (paak* love. lint advertise In the Union and Johrpsl, and It Into onWr baa addresses of too each from 9 A. M to 3 P. M. working Ant..I ir, ke both rrljtn* a|«a lu rVrrit In curiae a tow Awl thus I eeae kauw Utat He— stand as are, so far as mere organiza- themselves against the elty In In they Price of the Pulmonle Syrup and Heawacd Tonic then scatter Hand-Rills every community too ol ten a fatal d» In a handrrd, It to lniai|«4nl In rarVau «a)i Ihnaictxwl <»ukle, my Bartue—IssttoOt Me. Faim for Solo! proved My beaux. or a half doien. Man the from land alia! la aakl of Ibr Iwlauor, mm tion is concerned. They came together by many each 11 M per bottle, the County. Tliua they will reach public In Dayton, on tha rlver-r-rd to Ha I men Kali#, wltliln elective and each has hidden in 3-4 llanover atreet. Boston, wholeaale amenta. Por good Kit, a r«If acting portable »<>IT«-r far aoama of ytmn, amil nlkrad ar rurrd, If |«a- in »arb rrrat lu «»rrj jay or anrru r, aflbiity; few rod* uf the new County road to Llmerlok, and | aalo all ly3 apent will bring In to them a hundred fold return In la oar* or (k>i* My lifr May Ua*. its bosom some element tlint by dnnuU la about six mllea from Kaeo and Hlddaford. Pin Engine, Ineipen •Mr, by aaa|»lnit phyilrtona. great pcrha|w The of Aaron Burr. can a* In one It We furnish the ad vert I*. wall divided tne Mr NOT Tbruaf h wrwrj ilwk awl Marry bt, |b«la| a*aro«, Daughter year. Tf) Maid farm eoutalna aboutM aarea. ilnitml ao In III construction (Ml I11T ALL QUACKS AKK IONORANT. vast is wood Tha simple Or at*** Ilia Spirit caUrth none of the others have. So the 1)11. HAM'S AltON A TIC IWVIOOH ATOIl the and we can the Hand- into grata, tillage, paatnraica and land. torto ar* kunwa I* mm* Ing In paper, aupply of a eook It Into full action. Wtr• Nrtwlihatandlnf tka ^ffnlny lla Ikr Ant u> ha were, I removes from the the III effect* oaused by wood lot eontalna a of timber. turning put* Dm IMjrta. rtaifanJ n«>t to man or Thcodosia Burr's habits of life tystem and on the moat reasonable thrlfl> growth pine qaark itirlnn »n I »«lnm aiakna, >• l. rrfardhaa of «tiara truth, that it is ua* ol alcoholic ami effectu- Bllla In any quantity, on and In re- rantrd itn*/a« at ibaih tal Mrror, one to tell one another to matter la removed from the ayatem. thereby Oitisoni of the Towns May II, 1869, sillf In " hr olaainrd fcr rar- jmrt side; jmrt Neighboring Dayton, Paktu an thai llw "uaual mmj lurtk ft« Ikfe ll> Ml Mum; It to IU normal healthful eondltlon. A* a tir in, HTurrkont't, Kmtlwy Deft*, • mar !«• aldalned MI|M iky, walker and skater, antl her storing are Invited to visit this Estab- Mann/of Inf, ar "Km 4>*Ur, ar MfracOoa of U," tte tell another another to tell an- accompanied it and the moat In want of Printing, la IndU lu mk*f Ikmfk Lba wiM kaw «f ud error, side; jKirt medicine, It quick effectual, earing ItuiUlmft. IMth, and Prirali RttUtntti, II tor lb* aoatruai. II I* ihua Lhal amny arc dacHvnl, «a caaea and will do In as F*or Salv)! In taJKy la my i- atrftel Konv M«h, father on and excursions. aggravated of dyap*p»la. kidney complaint*, lishment. We ean, Printing good aa a rl< aatoaau tor other and still another to tell shooting fishing d Pair*14a lot no Crcaemt ftrart, nait a«l- and for Steam and It It (Ian. ami *al/ »|«t*l Itryr ci|«Haaal* Th«aa rank* 1 ara | side; part and all oth*r of the atomach and aa can be obtained at ri II AT hulldinf pensable, Uiriataiilm only was derangement* and at as hir rates It allh As » hors««-woniiui she ; a manner. style 1 iwliklM Of Auyualloe llaln—, w»|. IWilInt a k—I or a •|Oacktrjr. lb « My AMI | lb MMk M. another slito. Ami then tlie whole U not unsur|NivM>d bowels, In speedy Thla elegant prepa- Jiilnlut vitally neceeeary aa Hfi DR. I. PIXH ration haa stood the t*at of A win* any other office In the 8tate. haa a frooUf* of DM hundred M hjr on# hundrrd and on her visit to her New year*. glaas It but little ipaw, contain* a chemical lb Mdk ina! unfolded. to come mnst correct and, England full before eatlnt will a and (frt dern | haa eighty froit Ireet. ntotUv lo l«uln*, oecuplaa ckaryaa arc rrry aaVnu. r.awwuntratMXia ■mill; eat Ages ]«ast give good appetite All ardtri Mail, Erprtsi er in Parse a •fty I* af> W I1U kal;lr« akuaa U«M rilMtlal. gWamlin all from Ladle* of tw of and plum treea t renewable). and equally and all liiajr M7 «ai han with lb* Mrtclrat aai». Up friends, sometimes astonishtnl their prevent suffering indigeatlon ttUl k# aJltmdtd (e, and lain fat tian will *« eonalttlng apple, |nr, rhnry, al»\ liquid (perpetually AdrniUI, la ttaagiM atay M pxrir^y | ages, and add to this anthem that which quiet weak and dellcata co atltutlona ahould take th* promptly ami grapa flora ol time. Ho that a and aoakdanaa, wKal rrrr may ba iba dlaaaa*, amllllnii gbry. aarUily ia all caiti. currant, pottmrgr llcacioas at any lapse aluiple ty Whaaa fbaay auaa. Mai **1 ami BtrUr abllrly fkaaiof. over the tak- three A wlne glaas full fuaranlttd Thla l>< la wltbln l«i mlnutra' walk of tha City DulVl- ir illualUa af anjr ana, wnW ar clagto. discloses all manner of divine love ami ncighl>ors by riding i*ountry Invitorator tlmisaday. boy can charge or manage It. linafa but biatl* lurth that ail*' >by. before retiring will Inaur* aweet end reOe/hlnj I of, aixl la o®-t«l aak at • low hargalu Knqalt* of Mwllclnta *a*M by Mail anil Kipra* la all |«rta of Iba aaa wails and in J. E. BUTLER, Morton. 1 know 1 ahall lb rlataa All I would do. If God me ing ditches Hying leaps. al**p. All tk* proprietor aaka la a trial, ami to In- TAt g. K. «LLU. No. W ('hailocrj Bt, WANTED. I'alMl Ma Ira. aaa. grace. gave 9"AQ£NT8 In LHChaabd. abaralla ta»*rO> duce thla he haa up the Invlrorator In plot PKOPRIETOR. All Irttm rrfjolrlin advlrc aiaat nmtainoor d>4Urlo she was in the best sense of tho word, put a the would be to hold hand out Yet, Oil .flu. D* IN MOST COX- Of Bond for Circular. .£] •arc an anawrr. power, my bottlea at cent*,—quarta, ft Principal 70 Main M., Illdrieford. DICKKM WORM TI1BIR lb laatrth na! and a pot. 43 Central Whirl, Uoaton. Sold by all drug- AiMrraa Da. L D11, Na 21 Krailoott Mrrat, Baalon, Ma*. ar la Ola rWua over the scattered sects in Christendom, feminine, essentially lady. PIETK PORM. Address Na kaifar thaa by UiU afcaia. gists. Boalofi, Jan. 1 IMJ 4 Awl — nn««i <4 Um hklino <4 III* bra t of this woman were that make the one church, and Imvc The last days grand The of Matltr Iliimphrey'a AMKHICAN CONSOLIDATED Rraalr loin* fcauiauM, la Ilia court* Cyaun, say, Snco •Iftrertt*ement*. publication THK LAUIB5. The rrlrlirmleil Dll. u bright Clock, by Kurd and Houghton, makra rpo Tba Um»i> U*U(trary r«aruad cb.U aI grmcm sad, and her fate is even IntUra afl IaIIm who i>mfulfill law.—Plym- FIRE EXTINGUISHER COMPANY. call bit 31 Mr-it wipml aaay, is known H. Uar market. icml »r turytrtU aitvlarr. lo at K<«m, to llta tbraaa lb xaMk Ma. outh in awful ohscuritv. It that, NO. 4 I1ULFI2VCI1 HT., W. DENNETT, l> Puljnt. only 9.1 M'ntrr a tree t, Ronton. rtrwt, Ibatnn, Mm* wliirh Ihrj wilt Oi»l imn|nl br when broken in health and almost in Opposito llnrere llouao,)....IIOH'rON. MASTER HUMPHREY'8 0L00K •21 Ikrtr »|*pUI HttMiolill'4 & UK. I»IX liaUri* dr»«4.*l Wf I amity )>tn In Utla em- I connected • In heart, by the loss of her only son, she Th* Trustee* of thla Institution take pleaaure In Surveyor Engineer, ennaiata nf he chapter* originally branrh of the lr>-alm< M f all dlaraara prrallar IHaalra, Church Union. There is a tale in which a of announcing that have secured th* strvlcea of 3VTE. with the "Old Curiosity and "llarua- WANTS ! It la nnm awwalnl bjr all, (lath la Ukka n«Mrj w<< Rinfrj variety barked from Charleston, to her un- they 8ACO, Shop," join the eminent and well known Dr. A. A. IIAVKM, by Rudge," and ia now reprinted for the Aral tbat Im rierU all otfcrr kitovn rnrtllli«n la Um (ah, are bestowed on a at his birth. late U. 8. Vic* President or Columbia All attended to aa as Inalnrnl of all katV gifts prince father in New York, on a small Kurg. Army, orders promptly poeeible. time in Amerioa, nor nan it be obtained In any 1 l|«n|/ ai»t rff'fliul MaphW). BY UCNUr WARD liK Kill I Kit. happy College of Phyalolana and Surgeons. A*. QG_9 aw4Maai art with tka ri)««a paryaaa of of all it is to him his uncle, »ed Plana drafted on any u» all.I.• an Held notes, or survey. Old plane copied upon en- chaptera, ml mUrpiiraU *f lla »•«>••. eminent and well enchanter, That v••**♦»! wm N«ll-rrorr>allon," wiltten by Dr. Ilay**. It the and a »a|i|ir>aa*mia, Did ever think that wlwn Christ dis{>oAod and servant. Mr Welter, hia mm, immortal JUm, a whlrh fr»*w a tlal* >4 lb* I'M Tba you physician treat* th* i'rrera mf Unit, /)*. Do icant Stfrcr Watch. rlaiffii he shall upon yrtmmturt reduced, or the original acaie. mm of an you good an liwat In bla l». that for the term of his natural life b«>nr«t of morw, i*nd It lias larged, third Writer, Htm, epllome of his pirtof la now IValtjr |*»|«ar.«l |«rallar M) his church on earth he in liko a novor always s/ias e/.Veakeerf, S'mima/ Jfaaiaass, all l)n alt rail at husbandman who drives home his supjnwd gale thouaand aold the laat ft la Indeed a Enquire ADDITIONAL Unejr hUWen and latent life which coplea yaar. CIUtlNTMAM HTOIIIKM, Do want a till beauty some book lor men In you ijood Chain. .to. til KndlcoU Mr*#!, Ranaa, of wheat? How much of llUstruw! off Ilatteras. But every man,—young partleular. not in the of load Cape twenty-five No. HO Main St., 13 include-l previous collection this <1.4lar to other men's nre not fine to Price only II. Haeo, a All Irttrra ariikca airwt oatiala out l»ran! eyes enough or a seaman in a Seven Poor The Do want set Silver rM|«iir1o( much, whi-n he it. is years ago Thla Inatltutlon haa Just the moat p*r> Series; comprising Travellers, you good of Spoons. aa ana war. llow (grinds thirty dying pabliahai II. WW luaarr see. lie shall know the fretful feet treatla* o| the kind er*r offered the 1101*1 would hereby give notioe that Tree Mrs. 4 from the spirits at confessed to hav- puhlle, Holly Inn, Somebody's Luggage, Do want a set Silver Forks. Ifcalnn. Jaa. 1,1MB. For a ton that hi* drives home hospital New Orleans "Maxaal of you good of which live under the leaves niul in entitled, rtiyalology Wuiun, jyj Lirri|*r's Lodging's. Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy, he will show two hundred holly h»«en a and among other terri- Hint her l>l**a»e*," profttselv llluatrated with Dr. Marigold's Mugby Junction. Do want a set Aiufrirtii and rerrlga F»UhI*. field, you ing pirate, the beat Thla book la alao from th* Prescription, you good of Jewelry. the curls of the ferns; and lieneath engraving*. Also, a Ami when young of his run of Dr. the vanoua weight of wheat, jar hit]*. ble thing?«, he told ship having pen Ilay**. AiuonK chapter* Do you want a good pair Sleeve Buttons. the scarlet ami on Oxfonlshire may be mentioned. The of Life.—Ileautl- General Index of diameters ami tlielr Ap« r. h.Tddy, straw. agaric*; a hound for New York Myatery God takes tills church. lie takes it, down schooner ful Offspring,—Beauty. Ua Valu* to Woman,—Mar- pmrsnrri, Do leant a Gold I wick walls, all crimson and and you good Ring. and And we must all rise so green; from Charleston, and of scuttled riage,—Ueneral llvgelna of Womanrubertr,— made for lfur